Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, December 09, 1843, Image 3

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KY virtue of sundry writ of venditioni expo.
nn, issued oirt of ilia Court of Common Picas
til iN urtliuciihrrl.intl county, to nil directed1, will he
exposed to put. lie aide, at the Court House, in the
borough of Sunbury, on Monday tho 1st day of
January next, at I o'tlock, V. M., the following
descrilrcd property, vii :
All the defendant's intercut, supposed lo the un
divided nixlh pnrt of a tract of land sitnsc in Point
township, Northumberland county, bounded hy
land late of John II. Cowdon, now Gulich, lands
nf John Kchrincr, Henry Walls and others, and the
AVest 15 ranch of the River Susquehanna, contain
ins 315 acre and allowance, rnoie or less, bIkhiI
180 acres of which are cleared; whereon arc erec
ted a two stm y ng dwelling house and kitchen, a
-vprlr.g house, and a large lug batn, lime kiln, an
orctmrd, Ac,
Also : All the defend mi's interest, suppnaed to be
the undivided sixth part of four continuous hits of
ground, situate in the borough of North 'd Nor
thumberland -rocnty, and marked in the general
Iim of an Kl town No. 29, HO, 31 and 32, fronting
on Northway on the north west, and hounded on
the southeast by the Nirth Ilrnnch Canal, on the
south writ by an alley, and on the north east by
JInnover street ; whereon arc erected a lain" and
commodious two story frame dwelling house and
kitchen, a large 'fiame stable and a fciine csrri
house, being tho mansion property of tho Hon.
fcSelh Chapman, dee'd.
Also: All the defendant's interest in two ether !
contiguous lots of er.ii: nd, situate in the borough of
Northumberland nforeimid, and m nked in the plan
aforesaid, .No. 27 and SH, hounded on the north
cast by an alley, on the south west by lot No. 20,
on the south east hy the North U ranch, and
fronting on Northway on the north west.
Also ; All the defendant's interest, supposed lo be
the und.vidcd sixth p .rt of four contiguous! lot of
round, in the town aforesaid and marked in the plan
aforesaid, No. 2lKt, 20 1. 205, 2d6 fronting on North
way, and bounded hy tho North Uranch Canal on
the south east, and hy an alley on tho south west;
whereon i erected a frame harrick.
AIo.: AHhe defendant's interes', supposed to be
the undivided sixth pnrt of a lot or piece of ground,
eituate-in the town of Northumberland af iresaid, be
tween tho River and the North Uranch Canal, op
posite the Mansion House property aforesaid, mid
adjoining a lot of the Hon. Ellis Lewis and Hano
ver strert, containing about Inn acres ; whereon is
a gocd orchard.
Also: All tho Ni'femlanfVintcrrxit, supposed to li?
the undivided sixth part of another lot or piece of
ground, siiuaicd between the Hier and the Canal
uforcs id, adjoining lots of "William A. Lloyd, Tho
mas llrindle, rfcc, oontaining about two acies;
wheicon is also a good orchard.
Prized, taken in xccution, and to be teld as the
property ol Josiah Chapman.
Also: A certain tract or piece of land situate in.
formerly Turhut, now Lewis township, Northum
sVrlund county, adjoining lands of Jacob 'Gurrott,
Peter Stmue, Michael llrob-t and other, contain
ing Ihiity acres more or b-ss. about 20 acres of which
are cleared ; whereon are erected a 1 J story frame
house and two log stables.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the
property of Isaac Jerret.
Also: A certain lot of ground situate m tho bo
rough of Milton, Norlhumliertand county, and mar
ked in the genent plan of said town. No 35, boun
ded on the noitli by Broadway, on the Booth hy an
alley, on the east by Church Lane, and on the
went by lot No. 34 ; whereon are erected a two sto
ry frame house, painted while, with a kitchen at
(ached, and a large frame blacksmith shop, plastered
Seised, taken in execution, and to bp sold a
the proiierty nf James Killey.
Also : A certain piece or lot of ground situate in
thebosmigh of Sunbury, Northumberland county,
bounded by Fawn street on the west, on tho south
4y a house and lot of Jacob Deck, and on the north
by a lot ef Christian Uow-er, contMning in breadth
on Fawn street 275 feet, and depth 250 feet more
or less, containing one acre and a half more or less,
Which i.I lot has been divided into parcels by de.
fendant us follows : One parcel or lot adjoining ,1a
fol Deck, Containing Silfdt in front en Fawn
Mrcrt, by 250 in depth; one other lot adjoining the
above, containing .17 J feet in front on Fawn street,
and 250 fret in depth; one other lot adjoining the
last above mentioned containing 5? J feet front on
Fawn strei'V by "JO leet in depth ; orp other lot
adjoining the alrove, containing forty. two feet in
front on Fawn street, and 230 f. et in depth ; and
one other lot adjoining the above, and on the n-wth
a lot of Chiis:ian llower, containing in front 67!
feet in trout on Fawn stieet, and 2f0 feet in depth.
Also; A certain other lot of ground situate in
the borough of Sunbury a fore -u id, and marked in
the general plan of said town No 1 20, bounded on
the east and wei-t by lot- No. 125 and 127, and on
the north by an alley, containing of an acre more
Pf Ins.
Also : The one equal undivided fourth part of a
certain tinet of laud situate in Co al lownrhip, Nor
thumberland county, surveyed on a warrant in the
name of Merrick Stair, ami containing in the whole
206 acres more or less. This land is well limlier
ed, and upon which is an excellent saw m.ll seat.
Seize I, taken in execution, nud to be sold as the
jnoprrty of l'eter L 'Zarus.
Also : A certain tract or piece of land siluile in
Coal town-hip, Notthuml-eiland county, adjoining
land of Willi un G..s, James Gars, William Pa
grly and others, containing thirty acre more or
less about 7 acre of which are e'eared ; whereon
are erected a two story fra:ne house and log k t. hen
and oil mill and a saw mill.
Seized, tkeu in execut ion, and to be sold as the
property of Snmui I I'bclikait and Jaritb Has.
Also : The one undivided moiety nf all that cer
tain tract of Ian I situate in Augusta township.
Northumberland county, adjoining lands of 'iie i
heirs of Thomas Snyder, dee'd., land of doctor
Siwontorv, Francis ltucher and othcr containing
tliree hundred and tlmty acre ra'aa or less allow,
once ne isM with the oi',rtcnance, being the
eame which ui the ,iay f seplemher 1773
was pKlnrted to J.;N,, II,- (,n the said tract of
4anI twr rrw-. J a frorno dwelling house and
ttllciie. sr-,'rf( "illla liourifi, large I g barn, an
orchard, Ac., about 200 acres of which are cleared.
Seized, taken in execution, and to lie sold as the
properly of John II. Niipmiin.
Also i A certain tract of land situate in I'pper
Mahonoy township, Northumlierl and county, ad
joining lands nf John Kallade, (iodfrey Rahach,
Michael Rabach and others, containing 110 acres
more or less, about CO acres of of which are cleared;
whereon are erected a two atory log bouse and a
log barn', gnod orchard.
Hewed, taken in execution, and to be sold at tho
property of William Kercher.
AUo: Two contiguous loti of ground iituate in
ike borough of Northumberland, in Northumber
land county, bounded southward by King street,
northward by an alley, westward by lot lately of
John H. Cowden, dee'd., ea.twaid by lot of John
11. Hoy J and E. Campbell ; whereon are erected a
large two atory brick store and dwelling house, a
two story biick kitchen, a store house, smoke houe,
pump of water, and a large frame stable.
Also: Another lolof ground situate in borough
of Northumberland and county aforesaid, bounded
northward by Queen street, souihwaid by Duke at.,
westward by lot if Hugh llcllaa, E'j , unJ east
ward by a M ofdeo'gn Miller; whereon are erected
a large two story dwelling house, weatheihoiirded
and painted white, a larc kitchen, a stable an I a
well of wtter.
Also : A certain lot nr piece of ground situate in
the borough of Northumberland aforesaid, hounded
etArd by F'fih street, westward by Sirawb.iilge
llond, ndrthwnrd by a lot of John Whcalley, jr.,
containing one sere ninre or less.
Also i The life est tie nf the defend int. to wit :
The undivided fourth part of a certain lot of ground
situate in Nortlutmheil md aforesaid, hounded south
ward by King street, westward by an alley, north
ward by on alley, and eilward by lot of E. I.
Shannon, whereon nro erected a two atory dwelling
houso and a well of water.
Abo: The life estate of the defendant, to wit :
The undivided fourth part of two certain lots of
ground sitiinto in the borough of Northumberland
nforenitl, bounded southward by Orange street,
westward by Second street, northward by an alley,
and eastward hy a tot nf Joseph Wallis.
Seized, taken in execution, and to 15 a dd as the
properly of John Iaiseniing.
Also: The equal undivided moiety or nail" of two
certain Islands, siniale in the river Suciuehnnn,
in Augii-ts township, Northumberland county, op
posite the dwelling house of Wm. K. Jones, one
thereof called Moody's Island, containing 37 acres
more or k'ss, about 2r acres of which are cleared
and in a high state of nil ivaiion; the other thereof,
railed "Hound l-lainl," containing about three a
cres, nearly all of which are cleared and in a high
state nf cultivation.
Seized, taken in execution, and lo be sold as (Im
properly of William I!. Jones.
Also; Four contiguous lots of ground situate in
the borough of Northumberland, in Northumber
land county, maiked in the general plan of sai l
town.Nos. fil. 02, 03 mid f. l, bi'linded south by
Hanover street nud on the west by a 20 feet alley.
Also : Four other contingunus lots in the town
of Northumberland aforesaid, and marked in the
general plan thereof. No. 193, 191, 195 and I9fi,
bounded rat-l by Noithwav, south by Hanover St.,
west by Water itrot t, and north by n 20 feel al'ey.
Also : A certain kit of ground situate i-i the bo
rough of Noitlninibcrl-nnl aforesaid, described as
follows: Beginning at a post on the imrth-t-iist
branch of the liiver Susquehanna, thence along
Hanover street, north 52 degree west, 2-1 perches
to a corner of lot No. 210, thei ce along tots N -s.
210, 209, 205 and 2T.7, north 3ft d. grces c ist, 15
perches and two-tenth to a post in centre of a 20
f, ct alley, thence south 52 degrees east, 27 perche
to a post on the bank of the liver aforesaid, thence
down the same to the place of beginning, contain
ing Inn ac e and seventy perches.
Also: Lots No--, 207, 2(18,209 n-id 21 A adjoin
ing the last above mentioned properly, and bound
ed thereby on the south, on the west hy Hanover
street, en the north by Northway, and on tho eat
hy a 20 fret alley, containing each 00 feet on North
way, and 1H0 feet in depth.
Al-o: Lots Nob. 123, 121, 125 and I2fi, con
tabling together on Northway 010 feet, and in depth
180 feet, hounded north by Northway, eastwardlv
by lands formerly of Jonah Haines, southwardly hy
lands of Jehu Vaughni!, and west by a 20 feet al
ley. Also : A certain lot or iiieeo cT ground situate
between the last above ib serilM d lots, and the north
east blanch afmc-aid, beginning at a post, (corner
of lots No. 12ft,) thence south 52 degrees east, 30
perches to a post by a sumach bush on the bank of
the river, thence down the same, south 40 degrees
west, sixteen perches to a po-t on tho bank, thence
by land of William Foster, north 52 degrees west,
35 perches to a post in ihe middle iT, and al foot
of a 30 fort alley, thence by half of Ihe said alley,
and the foot of said lot, i 121, 125 and 120.
north 3S degrees e ist, 15 perches to the place nf
beginning, containing three acres and forty perches.
Also: Lots Nob. 219, 220, 221, and 123, con
taining tog.lher in front on Northway 210 leet, in
depth ISO feet, hounded southwest try .. street,
norihwest by noithway, northeast by a 20 foot alley
and soulheai-t hy land granted to William Foster.
Also : A certain lot or peiee of ground adjoin
ing lots aforesaid, anil descrila?d a follows : llegiri-
ning at a post in the middle and foot of at.,
thence by bull of iid street, and by f ml of said
last lots, north 3S degrees east, 16 and iiine-tenth
pi-rein to said "0 feet alley, thence bv land old to
John V-aughan, 55.2 d gin a rast, 30 perches to
north-east coiner of a slreet. thence down n rt h 40
degrees West, 17 and two-tenth perches to a pot on
bank, thence bv hndsol lto Joseph 1'iiesly. in'.,
north 5 degree west, 35 perches to the place of
beginning, emit lining 3 acres and 31 perches.
Also : L,.ls Nos :i 151.155, 150. 1 57 and
l.'.S.saM lots Nos. 153. 151, 155 ai.d l.'O.b un.U :
d north by (.men str.el, south by lluke street,!
Wi st b J.i- h h sin i t, : nd ea-t 1 y en alley, and the !
ie-iihie of .id I ts bounded north by Ijnreii street, j
south by Hoke street, east by an alley, and neat i
bv Till street, colli lOL'ether nf i. tit two tier, I
Seiz-d, taken in execution, and lo be sold as the
property of William A. 1. loved.
Also; Two certain tracts or pieces of I md situ
ate in the borough of Northumberland, .Norlloiiii
berlnud coiinly, one iheirof adjoining I n.U of J. It. j
llovd on the north oast, the West liranch i n the
south east, ami land of Wm. McCoy on the s -nth
west; the oiler tin roof being between the Nmth
liranch C m il nnd ihe North Uranch, adjoining
the he.r of Setli Ch ipnian on ihe north ea t. ami
Hanover strert on the south west, the siid two
pieces of laud tout :iiui n j; thiiteen aciej niord or
Also ; The follow ing out lot or pieces nf ground
containing five i.rr. each, ami maiked in tho gene,
ial plan of sai I out lots Nos. fi, IC, 22. 12 a,,d yo.
AIo: The following in-lots or piic',, nf ground
in the town of Noribunibeil ui'1. i, fore-aid. and
maiked in the g. lie al id lU thereof. No. 20,
whereon i, in tied a I inr, lwo gtniy f,aine del
In g house, la ing or, tli soulh vie.,1 corner of
Noithway and h,, Il!,.Vi aj l,olinded on the south
west by lo ;it
A Is's Lot Nos. fil, HI, r.,1 ami HI, bounlel
' l ihe south ea-t by Noithway, on the north west
by Watir ftn-ct, on the north east by Hanover si. i
and on the sou'h west hy an alley, containing a-
bout i of an acre e-aih. I
Also : Lots Nos. l'.ld, 101, 105, lOrt, 197, 10S,
l't'J, 200, ami 201, louiided on ihenoith west by
Wulei street, on the sou h east by Nor hway.and
on the south west by llanever ttr, el, conlHiuiug
each about of an acre.
Also; Lois No. 207, 20S, 200, and 210, boon I-
ed on ihe north west by Northw ay, and on the west J
by Hauovir street. Uu said lot, No. 210, is r-
reetrd a Wrge log harn. !
Also: Lot No. 72, ntuatc on the south wc-t
corner of IJureu and Water street, whereon are e
riK ted a large two story frame building, formerly
occupied as a store.
Also: A smut frame Shoemukcr's shop, and a
smalt frame building occupied as a Fancy store,
SeiteJ, taken in execution, and to be sold as the
properly of William A. Lloyd.
FELIX MAURER, Sfi criff.
Sheriff Office, 5
Sunbury, Dee. 2, 1S13. S
rilHE nibacriber has received a fresh supple ,,f
L Fall (iouds, which he will sell cheap .,,.
or country produce.
II. u.
Sunbury, Dee. 2d, IS 13.
In the nam, and by Ihr authority of the Com
Tttnnwrafih df Ptimxijlvania.
David it. iM)itn:i,
Uovernor nflhr SaOl tiimnimiwraUh,
VIUH I4lllT10.
rAO WHEKKAS, it is becoming tint we,
C T as dependent creatures, should ac
L. S. C knowledge with Thanksgiving, the fa
( j vors conferred upon us by our bene.
licient Creator, and thai with due hu
mility we should sopplicato Ihe continuance of hi
I TiiKarxroRF., no less from a rnnviciion of It
propriety, than in accordance with tho expressed
wishes nf a large number nf my fellow citizens, d
issue this Proclamation, recommending that
TiirjrisnT tup. 21st nr I)r.cniin.n imstait,
beset nptrl bv the people of this Commonweal h
for I'll A VEIL I'U ME and I'll AK(. V I N J to
Almighty (Sod : Thai ihry abstain, on that dav
from heir Worldly occupations, and unite in devout
expressions of gratitude to the tiiver of all good for
the blessing of peace, the general prevalence of
health, fruitful seas ns, the tuj lyim -tit of civil and
religion liheny, and above all, lor the blessing nf
salvation so ib hly vouchsafed lo us : And that
tliey humbly beseech him that he continue ihese
mercies toward u ; that run laud may yield us her
fiiiil of inctea-if, that a snrrej regard for our res
pntnilnliliiM, individual and pll'dii. may beeheiish
ed, and by his blessing, all our obligations luilhful.
ly discharged ; lit it vice ami icked e-s may be
restrained, run! every s r ial and moral iilue pro
moted ; and that he inspire us with n due sen e of
grii'ilude lo h'tn-rU, as the soun-c from win lice all
these blef -lligs ure deiiverl.
(liven under my Iriud nml the deal Seal of the
Slate, at Hairisburg, Ibis second dav of De
cember, in ihe year of our Loul one thnifsand
i ighl hundred and for'y-lhre", nnd of the Com
monwealth the sixt) -eighth.
Hy the (luvernor.
Secretary nf the Comaiimimillti.
15 GBrH: a 2T2 BO
I fi hereby given, that I have purchased the follow
' in artii'lea, fold at Sheriff's sale on the 5ih ins ,
I as the propeitv of Samuel Drurkcmill -r, which ar
ticles I have loaned to the s-ud Samuel until 1 see
proper to icmove them, vz:
IS Hats, at f21 31
1 Mantle loc. 19 00
2R yd, of Carpeting, at 31 i ts. pryd. S 32
15 ids. do 10 ct. 1 Ml
1 Dining Table, 4 25
J d zen Chairs, TI 27J
1 llureau, 5 (HI
?05 nl
Sunbury, Dee. 9ih, IK 13 3
iiuiss i:i.n r iiv clocks.
rnlll' siibsr riher has jut received, for sale, a few
I of the above celebrated Eight Day Clocks,
which will be sol, I at very reduced prices, fir ca-h.
Also, superior 30 hour 'locks, of ti e !est make
and quality, which will lie sold for cadi, at jf i 50.
Also, superior Hrass 30 hour 1)0.
Dec. 2, 1H43. II. H. MASSEIi.
Eslstlr or Vih. lliK'i ii.iss, lo d.
OTICE is hereby girrn, thai letter of ad-I
ministration upon said eststa, has this dav j
hern gran'cd lo the subscriber. Persons knowing I
themselves to lie indebted lo said estate, are request- i
cd to makt immediate payment, and those having :
accounts xvr demands against tho esta'e are request
ed to Jirrsrnt Ihrm for examination and seillenient. 1
Augusta. IVeember 2d, H 13. fit. j
'Vrr Store.
II F.SPEC ri-'I LLV amionnee to the inhabitants
of Augusta township, and the public generally,
that they have taken the well known t.,re on the ;
Tulpehoecen Uoad, bout five miles from Sun! u !
rv, and lately occupied I y lleii'V llveilv, where ;
they aie prepared lo wait on all iho-e who mav fa. '
vor tin in with Ihe'rcills. Th-y have just rceiv,,, '
an exlen-iie a-sortment of Da x oion. ( ancK- ;
Kivs, ljri-.rvswRR and HahiimjbkoI the very
best quality, which lliey are willing to ill -pose of ,
lit the very lowest prices, for cash or country pro
duce, iy Lit eral di dnctions will be made lor cash.
Augii-t-i, Nov. 2 rh. is 13. 3t
Atltuiiii.!:. tor's iYotirt.
"Tro l'M'E is lu'icby given that lett.rsdf nd
ministration have la-en granted by ihe lie
gisler of Noithumberlatid countv, to 'he snl-scribers.
in the estate of John II. Price, hue of the lorough
'f Sutibuiy, NoiUiumV rlanj county, dee'd. All
person having dcp-. ,,1H ngnin-l the estate will
present them dial authrn'icated for settlement, and
those indebted are requested to cull anJ make set
tlement iiti'.iieJialtly.
Sunbury. Nov. Hi!,. H 1:1. lit.
Atlininilr.'(r'i .o.ii o.
"1fT(TI('E i hereby givm, that burrs i.f ad ion of ihe estate of Andrew K. Rus
sell, l ite of the boroiiuli of Sui.biirv, N orlhi in'ier-
I laud countv, dee'd., have been gianted by Ihe Re
i gis er of Nonhuuibi rlaud Countv to the subscriber.
All persists, llierefoie, u:d bled to the said rsl ife,
are rrqn,str,l to m ike payuieiit, and all tho e ha
ving vlaiins w ill pre-rut them lor setilemeiit, on
Friday and Saturuny the I5lh end llbh days of
Dec inbi-r next, al the house of Ch rlc Wi au-r,
in the borough of Sunbury.
Nov. llih, 3,-fil Aiui'r.
jtJ2 LAV",
FFICE. in the building occupied by J. Ill ion!,
on Market itreel.
Oct. 21st, isid.
';, Stone Jugs, from I qnait to 3 gallons,
60 Stone Jais, from 2 to tl gallons. For sale,
cheap, by Oct. U H. II. M ASSER.
ash it v x uotwr,
HAT ,t CAP MANUFAirnMlli',S,
South r.ast rornt r of Market and 4,
lMilla.loli.liir t
1 RESPECTFULLY infor0 ' Mjc ,M,hey
U constantly ki,, h,nJ , Ult,H USM..
merit of Hats, Cap ,,,,1 yutt , uit tl w lt,11H(
of the best qn-Jmy, jjy si, itiintion to bu.i
ncss, and by ,,.nig their s1i-k at the lowest prices,
bey hitler theuisclv.. in bring able lo givr entire
s.dimfaclioil. Augui.1 5, M.l ly
TlllE subscriber will sell oil bis stok of Reaver,
1 Russia and It rush Hats, of lh best quality, al
icry reduced piire.
Sunbury, Aug. 5, lit 13. H U. MASsER.
itii ivi: sviti r.
fl'lllE vuluab'o properties of Oakley's Depiirn
I. livo Sylup of SarsaprUilla, as a purifier of the
blood, is so well known to the public generally.
Ihnl it j utiiTcessuy to occupy much space in set
ting forth the advantages lo be derived from its
use; wherever the medicine has once been intro
duced, it takes pr.redruce over nil olhris: rvny
one that has taken it, have derived so signal bene
ficial results from it, that it is recommended by
Ibvni with the trinost ceiil'idi nee. Physiciins of
the highest standing in the piofe.sion, p'csrrilro it
to patient under tin ir rare ; containing nothing
deleterious, hut In big composed ol the in st mild,
yel efficacious vegetable m iicr-al , it i oil' red with
coiifnh-iice, as the rheapest and mo t i Hieicnt pu
rifier of ihe blood n ov known, The use of a lew
hollies, e.ieci.ibv in Ihe spring months, will be al
tended with n decide I impioveiiielit ill ihe ge.
neral strength of the system, en heating any seed
of disea e that mav have bei'u generated, besides
giving health nml igor lo the body. For Ihe core
ol Scrollila or Kings Evil Klieiun ilisui. Titter,
Pimples nr eiiiptioti nf the Skin, While Swelling,
F.-luhi, Chronic Cough A-ib ni, ove. The nil- j
nirrou certilic lies in the pose.sion of ihe "tibsiri- !
brr and hi agenls, riom physicians mid others, are
sufficient to i iinv nee the in;.sl skeptical id iis m- '
perioiily over all piep iralioli of S us ip inlla.
S.,d whole-nln nn I retail, bv ihe proprietor,.
CEMKI.E W. I(KI.F.V, oiili 5th stre.l, lira- j
ding, links County, and to be had ot Ihr following ,
prisons :
In Snrlhuniherttiml f'minli II. II,
Siinbury i lielitid eV M xi I, Mellwensville ; D. '
Kraii-r r, Milton. j
tn f'iior t'mtnti. .. (ic ilh'rl, StliMgrove j '
A. (iiiti bus. Millluibuig. j
Columbia Cuiinli. K. W. McCay, Wnsh
ington. !
Eeading, March I i . 1 H 1 rt. j
Mm. O'm.vt: I believe it the dutv nf evi ry '
one to do win, lever in ilo ir power lie, for the b in--fit
of their l How mi", and having had pn-'t'ive !
proof in mv own family, of the wonderful properties ;
I of your li. purattve Synip Svsap inlla, I "i st '
I coiiseientiou-lv recoiiinieiid it to ihe alllieled. N'e :
I had the misfoitune to lose two of our children, bv i
the brraking out of uhvrous sores that covered llu-
face, head nml t eek, ullhough we had some of Ihe
! itiiist scientific physicians to attend th-m nud ba t
j tried all the known remedies, including Swaims'
j Panacea, without avail. Another of my children
I was attacked in the same manner, her face and
neck was roinp'etely covered; ihe discharge was so
j offensive, ami ihe iliseise at such a height, that we
; despaired ol her life. Seeing the wonderful effects
I of your Depnr.nive Synip r.l S nsaparilla, we were
' induced lo make trial of it. ns the Inst res -rl ; il
j acted like a charm ; ihe u'cers commenced healing
immediately, a f w bottles entirely restored her to
j her health, which she b is eo jovi d uninterruptedly
ever since. As a puiiticr ol the, I verity be
lieve it has not its equal.
.It III N" MOVER, Tailor,
Walnut si reel, near fourth, Reading.
Doiiglassville, April 19th, 1I3.
Mr. Oiklkt : Mv son Edmund Leaf, bad the
scrofula in the most dreadful and ditrcs-,iiig man
ner for throe years, dining wh'ch time he wis de
piivcd of the ue of his liml, hi head nnd neck
were covered with ulcers. We tried all ihe dillor
rut remedies, but to no i tf- rl, unld recommended
by Dr. Johnson of Noniowii. and kI.-o Dr. Isaac
HieMer. of Reading, lo Use your Depurative Syiup
of Sarsapnrilla, of which I ohlained several bottles,
the lis of which d'ove the disease enlin ly out of
his rystrm, the sore beiled up, and the child was
restorcil l fiferl health, which be ha enjovrd
iniintiTiMpledly ever since, to the astonishment of
many persons who seen him during his nlHiction.
I have thought it my duty, ami send voii this rciti
t'icale that others who haves like sllliclion in the
family may know where to obtain so valuable a
tiirdi' iue. Yours Irulv .
Sept. 10, 1 S 13. ly
Ci iK-i al Coimiii-.'sioii lf'i -Iiuiii,
An. 21 C)nmi rrr St., hi Imr I'ijlh,
l.'F. EP constant
liriliidies, Liqi
illy on hand Imported S'gars
quors, cVe., at the lowest prices
fol cash.
C. .1. Woinm r. jr. Wm. A. Jinkt.
August full, ll'!. Om
"T TT t 1 T "TT1 TT t1 T
u,i.w.u;lTcr .r-w -sli-L.-.
Vcixl-.v Sin 1 1, oiyiii.Mc the liuv.s Hit. I,,
iMnsrii.Li:, im.
.1 . C. 1, V. S S I (i .
. , "JJ b ESl'I'.C I'CUI.I.Y announces
-fe,.r jl ihe tiavcrliiig eammunitv that
has l,.ken the large no, I spb n.liil est 1I1- ,
SV-i li.hineni, ihe l'inir.K llorii.. suua- 1
led at ihe corner of Centre nnd Callow lull s'reel.--, 1
lie. uly opposite the Town II ill, in the bororrgh ol ,
Potlsville, which has been ihiHoughly repaired and
materially impiovrd lor the accoiuiuo lution of visit
or. The Hotel i fotlv ft. fumt on Centre si., and
one hundred and ihiity eight ft. 00 Callow hill, lluee
slorii s huh ; it I admirably proii led with PjiIois.
Sitting Room. Reading Room, mid luge atrv
Chainbeis the m 1st spaeiou, pleas nil and
nl Ibning R.mi;ii in th e.uiniiy a ne and -n-peiior
ilat'o r.g IvOaldishineul ; and every conve
nience and eoinfoit lo render il lit ail icspects a
lllOsI ile-inibb' Hotel.
No j si is or expense will be spared to fiimi-li !
the 'Fable and liar with ihe ho-t that ln and the
Philadelphia Markets afi'.rd ; and with n di'leimi
lialion io devote his eiitiie pe-.soual attiuilion lo ihe 1
coinfot nnd aecoiimvda'i'in of tlu Je ho 111 IV fa
vor him with a eail . aided bv active, careful and
iibherinti srrv.lnts, he lull In rive gener ! s itis-
l iili . 1 I. I .AMI'. 11.. winning 10 visii. -jus
hiL-htv inteiestii t and heabhy Coal Regior, v ill be
provided vvi'h Pailnrs and Chamber, which he
lirls roiifiditit will pleu.-r the most iastidiou.
The Slaliiing altarlie.l, bnne and Well
c.ilislr.icii d, nnd superintend!-., l,y rxprrirucd M'rid
allentive llslcr-i. Horses l "ttiiiagis may be had
at any lime lo convey iri-out lo any art of the t
n V An On'',,tiiti iuiis fiom lid Hotel da'.'.y t,,
and from t'je Depot, to meet the lur., b' ( t. KC.
coinniotlo,, t irrsoun Travelling u t,
RVail. No charge for omnibus fare ,u Hotel.
Potlsville, J ily ft, im:i. 6-a
1 Th hlilns Hiti liliiv fur sale.
flllE subscriber c,iU,s for tale a THRESHING
1. MACHINE, new and in good 01.V1. The
Machine has t'reu tried, an I proves to be tin exctl
lent one. It will be sold at a reduced pi ice, and
warranted. Apply to M. U. MASSER.
July 1st, IS IS.
( ' 1 1 A 1. 1 .KS . II I'U 1 i S,
AH taken the ollice Inrinrily occupied by the
Hon. I 'bath's i r. 1 1 inn. I, opposite the I'ourt
lb use. He will a teud to business 111 ihe CoiiiU
of Norihuiiibrilaiid, Union anJ Columbia counties.
May 20h, It 11.
Coiliitoi llriV
r Phe pn1 lie will please observe that tin llr.indielh
Pills nro rcnuine, tiuless ihe box has three l i
bels tipmi it. (the top, the side nml the bottom)
nu b containing a f ac-siinile signature of my hand
writing, thus II. ltitAiiinr.rn, M. I). These la.
bcLftie engraved on steel, beautifully ih-signed,
and done nt an expense of over f 2,0(10. VhcriTorc
it will lie seen that (he only thing nrcc.-saiy to pro.
rure the medicine in its purity, is to observe llirsc
Remember the top, the side, and Ihe hmiom.
'Ilie following respective persons are duly nuln ri
zed, mid hold
?o tlio salo of Rntiuhrth'n I ( (' 1'nivcr.ial
Noithumbeilnnd countv : Milton Maekey eV
Cbainbeilin. Sunbury If. II. M.issit. M'Ewens
ville Iirl ind A Meixell. Norlhumbribiiid Win.
Forsyth, tieorgetown J. V J. Walls,
l'nion C unity : New llerlin l'ogar A Wiii
ti r. Sidinscrove (ieorge tiundiiim. Middle
burg Isaac Smith, lteavirtawn Dav'nl llublrr.
Ailainsburir Win. J. Mav. Mitllilisbuig Menseh
iV Ray. llaitbtou Dmiel Long. Freeborg
ti.A F. C. Moyer. Lewi-burg Walls t firi'rll.
Colombia cotinty : Danville E. H. Rrynobls
V Co. Ilerwick Slmman At. Ritteiiliou'e. Cat
la wissa t'. (J. llrnbts. llloornrdiurg .lobn R.
Mover. Jeisey Town Levi P.iscl. Wiisbiugtoii
Robl. MtCay. Limestone llalliet iV McNiiich.
IMiHervr that each Ageul has an Engraved Cer
tiorate of Agency, containing a repirsoutalion of
lr ItRA.NDRETII'S Maiitifarlory nt Sing Sing,
ami upon which will also be seen exact copies of
the new lululs tmw used upva the Itraailnth I'M
Vo ..
Philiilelphia, office No. S. North Hth street.
15. I1KAN DRETII, M. 1).
June 2llh, 1H13.
Mantifactiivor of Wrilinii and Intleili
blo Ink, No. ltMi North Thud Street, uix
(limr below Uacc, (east
Iy Esl'EC'I'FFLLY informs country men haul
nnd others, that he constantly keeps on hand
a large slock of his superier Clack, Itluc nnd Red
Ink. and nlso a supeiior quality of Indellible Ink.
Mrs ink is put up in bullies vniying in sire, from
1 to 32 ounces, nnd will be sold on reasonable
term. The excellent qunlities of this ink hasso
thoroughly established its charavter, that it is now
extensively used throughout lh country.
For sale ol the store of H. H. Master, Sun
bury. Pa. May 27th, 1 H 13.
CJ al) i n e t-3 1 ak i n g
j Bp ESPEC'I FI LLV informs the citizens of
i gi. Sunbury and vicinity, that he has recently
commenced the
in all its brairrhes, in Market streM, Sunlmry, im
! lindiately b.-1ow the post oll'rrc, where he will be
ready lo receive and execute all orders in the line
t of his husincs--, with promptness and ih'spatch. nnd
i in the best style and manner. His prices will be
1 low, in aeeoiibiiice with Ihe times.
ay Lumber and Country Prisbice taken in Ex-
j change. May 27lh 1813. f.m
j city Vri:rn i:k aittiov,
, Nos. ". and III North Thinl Street,
j N cur t li c (' i t v Hotel,
MACKEY, Auctioneer, respectfully in
' -- vltes the attention of persons desirous of pur
' cha-ing Fuiniluie, to his extensive Sales l.Mm,
i (both pM' lie. and Piivnle,) for every description of
j Household Furniture, where tan le obtained at nil
i times, a large assortment of fashionable and wrll
' manufactured Cibinel Furniture, Ueds, Mat trusses,
Ae.. n Very rnhiced prices, lor car-h.
(i y'- Siilot! by Aurlion, twice a weedx.
May 2" th, lr13. 1 v
f;io'.it -st'i(i liiiliaii Piioat ca,
(Vuiiii'iiiinlcil eniiifly of N'egetabl'i
Siil)Stam:es ;
free fnan Cnlr m, I anil all other Mini rut.
1 I For the history of :his medicine, nnd its ttniivallcd
and truly surprising suc-ess nnd popular
! ily, see If.rye bills.
i KT is Tccomnrendcd as a callrttHc for
U family u-e in ilyspepsla and nil bilious di-ea-
1 is invaluable for Asthma it is cons-.ilere.i a
1 reci lie. 110 case having Vt occurred which it has
, faihd to cure for common Colds, iiirrlainmatory
Hisea-vs, riirutiialism, aflrctions er ilio liver, ovc,
and foi females, it is a safe and ex.ldlriil rcu.edy.
iVom fV. Silas W'ert.rf Hitighini'l'tiiii, .V. V.
Mr. Lougley -Dear Sir : I have used yo'.,r Great
We-i.Ti: Indian Panacea in my family, und h ive
n-j-ealedty piesrribcd il for patients under mv care,
and am satisfied that il is always a ',nfe, and in very
neinv rises an invaluable It opeia'es a.-i
a laxative wilhout nausea, or 'tiniu ; and while it ef
li 1 tually obviutes coslivenef., gets upon the stomach
and liver as an ubeiaiive. ro.rrcling acidity, and re
silting the In allhy cnn Vitiou of those organ.
Very resiieel'.olly yours. WEST.
For sale by JOHN W. FRILING, Sunbury,
JNClin IIRIGII r.N.irtbuiiib' rlaud.
M y 20tb., 1 S i:. 1 y
Spaniel Yj
B I r
a iv l
s- I "N V'-fi,s '''' !" '"'"u' (tn: ci-.izuis of Sun' any
K Jf and ii vicinity, ll,rt he has coniiin need Ine
I.I.M K.S.MI 1 1 1 N f i 5l SIMS.
in Varkit streil, Suiibuiy, ast of John II gar's
-ore tind dir.-rily opposite Ibe post olV'ce, where be
intend to ,-arry 011 the business, in nil its various
brunehe, including. Turning, Muhing Mill hunt
anil mijitic Sjirings, leaning Carriages, with I'r
te' jrnii or Stumling A'), Shm ing ll.rxen, Xe,
Ibder will be profriptly nud punctually upended
I to, nud woik done vhvaji, for cash or country pro
fl j Hoise Shoeing done at f I ppr sett.
Siinbur, , April 15lh, lrld. ly.
15 oot & 8 li o c
11 a v I i 11 I r w ui
KsPEC I'Fl LI.V iiilorms his iiieiuls and
ol.l . iisiomers. thai be has renioycd his
to the fraimi building ad .ining hi dwelling house,
belwe, 11 that mid Dr. D. T. Tiile' oflice, a few doors
wc-t of hi old islallisbmeiil. III Maikct slirel,
where he intend to cairy cm the above business
extensively, in uli il vnrimis biunchc.
ltciiig thankful for past fivors, be hoi', by fcliirl
nllriitiou lo business and librial i-hare. to give
grneral ssii-larlion ; and ihtit he will conliuue to re
ceive a I1brr.1l share ct public patronage.
April Mil,, IriU.
J. D. Waters,
1 Esl'EC TFI'I.LY iiifiir m the citizen of the
I ooroiigh of Noriliuiobi rland, nid Ms vicinity ,
that he has conimcnecd tl.o
vl'iiloriii!i KiiiiiK ssi,
in nl its vai miis Itiniclie, in Ihe shop loimeilv
ncciipied by Henry S. Thoinn, directly oppomio
Forsvth's rslore. As herenirs the New Yoik
and Philadelphia Fashions qu-utetly, he is ennhb il
to do nil jobs entrusted lo him, alter the neatest ,n,f
latest s'yle, nnd upon the rdioilcst lioliee.
Nnrihunibrrland, Apiil 22d. HI. I. ly
C 1 r r k c '. in in v r m a n &. s n.
fllllE aubse libera hereby inform the public, thut
.1 they have entered into partnership, in tho
wlrch will lierealler bo carried on nl Ihe old
sluinl in Sunbury, under tho firm of '(IcorT.o
'.iinnieininn Si Sim," where Ihey will conduct the
hu-iiu"s in nil its various branches, including 'I'tir-i-in:;.
Mulling Mill lent), Ironing Carriage. .V'.. i -hig
ilirsis, te. "Orders will le promptly ami pnoc
tually nttitnli il to, and woik done cheap, for ca li
or eoniitry inoduce.
Qj- Shoeing donn nt one dollar per sell.
.1.11. 7.1 Vi ME R.MAN.
Pr.iilniry, Match lllh, 1S43.
J)r J. n. M. 3$Si:tt.
1 ESPEl-TVTLLY informs th.-citizen-of ! -
bury nn.l its viiinity, that he leis t.d.rn t.
oOicr Vormrrlv occupied by Dr. John Pent, wl
he will he hivppy lo receive calls in the line i t bn
profV-rstou. April 2Cd, 1 S4 .
rj ' II I. subf.-nbei'., oie eiiirre.l into ii par'rri r
slnp in the pricier t!.- la.v, will be hai y
lo Mlciu! to all biisirn s.. entru-tid to their care.
Collections will be promptly 'ittcn, led to.
They may always be found nt their office, lit
Market street, Sunbury, formerly ocsupicd lj"
Wm. Drw iirt, dee'd., as a sloie-room.
Sunbury, Feb. 4 th, ISIS. lv.
Mo. 2.17, Xarth Th;r,l. i!,ne ( 'uttouh it! "','.,
SOIIN DUNCAN, late from tho PrmjrMv.i.
nia Farmer, nTld Samm I Pike, jr., ln'Cot A
nirrfcati Hotel, Cohrmbus, (lliio, take pleasorc in ac
quainting tlif ir friends nnd the public generally that
ihey have taken Ihe large nud commodious Hotel,
recrmly built by the Messrs. Hart, nn the sniiin situ
once occupied by the old vstablished Horrl known
as the Hull's Head, hi Third sticct above Callow
hill St.
This Hotel is finished ill llie very best possibln
manner, and of the best materials. Its location id
very desirable, particularly for country merchants ;
ihe arrangements for heatiiij nnd ventilating each
roirni is s".ich ns to srriire nliy temperature. Tho
bedrooms are nil lif,ht nnd airy, nil furnished in a
neat style, so as to insure comfort.
Tire riTriving parlors arc also futiasheJ in") .
iierb style, the windows aie on the French sl'j'.e,
forming an nil mice to a balcony in front, v i idi
makes a pteanaiit recess. Pellicula! Bttenlio,l nifl
been given lo the If ds and bedding, whivh., with
the furniture, are entirely new.
From yrars' rxericiicc in hotel btl'-iness, w
trust, by strict assiduity t; businrsjt, to u'.uke llji
house a desirable stopping place, f lur table vu!
always l"e supplied with the very f sl our m Aikrt
can f.ll'ord, and our bar w ith lh" best hqrji r.l
wines of the most appioved brar.ds.
P. !S. There are first late stabling hnd nrrii;.
houses attaclied lo tho hotel, f.tti ndeil l yfS ffil
and roW-rhosilers, and o-:i chnrges w:l't Vc lo, i.
accordance wilh the f;t hrid tii-.iea.
Philadelphia, it. "ah, H-i2.
fiVrir-rnl Stage 01 ' se,)
ISao: -ULT
f P"1HF. Subscriber resi-ectliil'y infoims his friei
t nud tho public it. general, that he has taken
Ihe ',bove
, E'C 1 a L,
I N T V V. II t) I' 1 ) t i II ) F M U N C V.
and that li;- is no well ptcparr J to accoinmoda'. i
all whr mny fur or i,jm ntlt tu.;r rU3to;n.
His S-' i" na Ai-wrMK ra we'd aited, no I
ccrtnforlablc ,
His T 4Hi.r. and Ilia will always be sample 1
with the best the inaikrl ran nlibrd.
H's Stahliku, which is gixd, will le uiub r
the rliargn of good anJ careful ho.sllcrs.
He f.-rl confident, by fliiet attrntion to 1 u In.
I and an earnest desirV to remh r c n.l"rt:,! le '
wiio may patronite hiiu.ihal he will e e I'.i
General sali.-faetion. H. 1). v V i ' .
Muncy, Oil. 1st, 1 12. if.
ril!f..I!KLrill. KEADlNi: AND rOTTMHIE
:.m ri Lin
i ''. .at -
.' ii-Ti .
( 'hangc of J lours.
C awn 111 kb Sn - it 11 a v , Aran 1, Hid,
The trains will leave al the fellow ing
hours :
fhU'i'i hihia ami '.. e-.
From Philadelphia, ut fi A. M.
From Po'.tsutlit, al U A.M. 5
?.ius of 1 11 .sing U'l.iihn"
Tor rotlsville, ut iA A. M.
I'm Philadrlohia. at "i ( A. M
lloth tiains pass at Pottsinwn. The down trurt
rraklasts al Reading, al J the up train ut N orris
own, for which 1 5 iniuuVa ate allowed at taill
fl il V '7.
Itrtwrrli P, llswllc iV I'll fd.r'0 & ?2.
Il.twn 11 Reading do. 2,C'i vV 1,75
Urtwecn do & P. ltFvio.', 1,10 A l.tUI
ExitiiKio:. TitiiTn-ciiuiirox ttaituhimi
a A X T HAY.
Iletweeii Potlsville ec Philadelphia, fj 0(1
Pi -l weclt Reading it tin. 3 "
(let ween d. A. Pollville, 2 !'
All ihe trains w ill .ton for way passenger. 1.1
the Usual points.
0 ' All passengers ore requested to piociin
their liiki t brlore the trains filuit.
May 21,
Fresh soppy ul ROSE OINT Vlf ?NT. rereivej
A and for sale by II. J MASSER.
NuV. 1'Jth, IS 12.