Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, December 02, 1843, Image 3

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Y virtue of m miry writs of venditioni expo
nas, issued oul of the Courl of Common Pleas
of Northumberland county, to mt directed, will !
exposed lo public, mile, at the Court House, in ihe
borough of Sunhury. on Monday the 1st day of
J muiiry next, it I o'clock, P. M., the following
ilescrilsfd property, vij !
All the defend nil's interest, Is-ing the undivided
ixlh port of n certain tract of land situate in Point
township, Northumberland county, bounded by
land late of John If. Cowdcn, now Oulich, lands
of John Kchrincr, Henry Walts and other, and ihe
M'est llr.inch of the River Susquehanna, contain
ins 313 acres and allowance, mote or lev, about
ISO acres of which are cleared; whereon are erec
ted a two slmy lg dwelling house and kitchen, a
epiit.g house, and a Urge log barn, a lime kiln, an
orchard, See.
Also: All the defend mt'a interest, being the un
divided sixth part of four cnntiguoin lots of ground,
situate in the borough of Northumhi rl nd Nor
thumberland countv, anil m.rrked in the general
tdan of said town Nos. 29. 30. 31 and 32. fronting
on North way on the north west, and bounded on I
the south east by ihe North Uranch Canal, on the j
south west by an alley, and on Ihe north east by I
Hanover street; whereon are erected a large and '
commodious two story frame dwelling house and i
kitchen, a large frame stable and a frame carriage I
house, lieing tlio mansion properly of the Hon. j
Scth Chapm in, ilcc'd.
Also: All the defendant's interest in two other
contiguous lots of ground, situate in the borough of j
Northumberland uforesaid, and milked in the plan
aforesaid, Nos. 27 and 28, bounded on the north
east by an a'ley, on the soulh west by lot No. 2fi,
on the south east by ihe North Branch Canal, and
fronting on Nnrlhway on the north west.
Also: All the defendant's interest, being the un
divided sixth p..rt of fmr continuous Int. of ground,
in the town nf orcsiiid and maiked in the plan afore
said, Nos. 203, 204,20) and 200 fronting on North
way, and bounded by the North Branch Canal on
the south rnst, and by an alley on ihe south west;
whereon is creeled a frame barriek.
Also: All the defendum's intereit, being the un
divided sixth pirt of n certain lot or piece of ground,
situate in the town of Nnrthunihe'land af rcsaid, lie-
tween the IJiver and the North Br.mch Canal, nn
Jiosite the Mansion House properly aforesaid, am1
adjoining a lot of the Hon. Ellis Lewis and Hano-
ver street, coniaining ab. ul two acnt; whereon is 1
a good orchard.
Also: All the d. fend int' interest, li. ing the un- '
dixidid sixth part of a certain other lot or piece of'
trround, siiuaied between the River and the Canal
afores ill, ndjoining lots of William A. Lloyd, Tho- j
mas Brindle, Ac, containing about two acres;,
whereon is aNo a good orchard. j
Seized, taken in execution, and to be ioIJ as the 1
.property of Josiuh Chapman.
Also: A certain tract or piece of land situate in,
formerly Turbut, now Lewis township, Northum
berland county, adjoining lands of Jacob Garrett,
Peter Ssrou-e, Michael Brob-t and others, contain
ing tliiity acres more or less, about 20 seres of which
are cleared ; whereon are erected a I story frame
house and two log stables.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be aolJ as the
property of Isaac Jerret.
Also : A certain lot of ground situate in the bo
rough of Milton, Northumberland county, and mar
ked in the gener 1 plan of said town. No. 35. houn
ded on the noitli by Broadway, on the south by an
alley, on the east by Church Lane, and on the
west by lot No. 34 ; whereon are erected a Iwo sto
ry frame house, painted white, wi'h a kitchen at
tached, and a I irge frame blacksmith shop, plasteied
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as
the projierty of James Kelley.
A certain piece or I it of ground situate in i
the borOUirb nf Sunlmrv. Yi,rthiinilwrl.ifiil rmintv
bounded by Fawn street on Ihe west, on the south !
by a house and lot uf Jacob Beck, and on the nmlh I
by a lot of Christian Bower, containing! in bicadlh
on Fawn street 272 feet, and depth 25(1 feet more j
or less, containing one acre and a half more or less,
which sai l lot has been divided into parcels by de- j
fendant as follows : One pireel or lot adjoining Ja- j
cob Beck, containing 5(J feet in front on Fawn j
street, by 250 in depth; one other lot iilj'riiiing the
above, containing 57 J feet in front on Fawn street, :
nod 250 feel in depth; one other lot adjoining the '
last above mentioned containing 57 J feet front on j
Fawn street, by 230 lect in depth ; one other lot
adjoining the above, containing forry-two feet in
front on Fawn street, and 230 fret in depth ; and !
one other lot adjoining the above, and on the north i
a lot nf Christian Bower, coniaining in front 57 J ,
f el in front on Fawn street, and 250 feet in depth. I
Also; A certain other lot of ground situate in
ihe borough of Sunhury nforesrid, and marked in
the general plan of said town No. I2f, bounded on
the east and west by tot- No. 1 25 and 127, and on
Ihe north by an alley, containing j of an acre more
or Irss.
Also: The one equal "undivided fourth part of a
rcttffr tract of land situate in Coal township, Nor
thuirierlanil county, surveyed on a wariant in the ,
name of Merrick Stsrr, and coniaining in ihe whole
206 acres more or less. Tins land is wed timlicr
ed, and upon which is un excellent saw mdl sent.
seize.!, taken in execution, snd to b sold as the
niAnufhi nf ll.u. t I
Also : A certain tract or piece nf land situ ito in I
Coal township, Northumberland county, adjoining
taint of WiKiam U.iss, James (Bass, William Fa-
gely and others, owitainiug thirty acres more or
less, about 7 acres of which are -cleared ; whereon
are erected a two story frame house and log k I heu
ami oil mill anJ a saw mill.
Seixed, liAen in execution, and to lie sold as the
rflrty tffSanrael ICitenbart and Jacab H iss.
Also : Thene undivided moiety of all that cer
tain tract of laud situate in Augusta township,
Northumberland county, ndjnining lands nf the
heirs of Thomas Snyder, dee'd., Isnd of Doclot
iimnilon, Francis II ui her and others, coniaining
three hundred and tin. ty acres more or less, allow.
nee measure, with tli apintitenance, being ihe
same which n the I7ih day of September 1773
was patterned In Jacob Bock. On the said tract of
land are erected a large franra dwelling horjse and
kitchen, several small houses, a targe log barn, an
ichard, Arc, about 500 scrcaof which are cleared,
Seized, liken in execution, and to ! sold as lbs
(irnperty of John B. Shjpman.
Also: A certain tract of land situate in Upper
Mshonoy township, Northumberland county, ad
joining lands of John Sa'lade, (iodfrey Rahach,
Michael Kibach and others, containing 114 acres
more or less, about 60 acres of of which are cleared;
whereon are erected a two story log housa and a
Jog barn, good orchard.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the
projierty of Wiltiam Kercher.
Also: Two contiguous lots of ground situate in
the borough of Northumberland, in Nonhumber
lnd county, bounded southward by King street,
northward by an alley, westward by lot lately of
John H. Cowdcn, dee'd., rastwaid by lot of John
U. Boyd and E. Campbell ; whereon are erected
large two atory brick store and dwelling house, a
two story brick kitchen, a store bouse, smoke house,
pump of water, and a targe frame stable.
Also: Another lot of ground situate in borough
tf Northumberland and county afuresaid, bounded
northward by Queen street, aouthward by Duke at.,
tttstward by tut of Hugh Ui'Hat, Etq , ud eait-
ward by a lot of Oen-ge Miller; whereon are erected
a large two story dwelling house, weatheihoitrded
and painted white, a l.irge kiicben, a stable and a
well of water.
Also l A certain tot or piece of ground ailuate In
the borough of Northumberland aforesaid, bounded
eastward by F'fih street, westward by Strawbridge
Koad, northward by a lot of John Wheatloy, j'
containing one acre more or less.
Alto t The life estate of the defendant, t'i wit I
The undivided fourth part of a certain lot of ground
situate in Northumberland aforesaid, bounded south
ward by King street, westward by an alley, north
ward by an alley, and eastward by a lot of K. P.
Shannon, whereon are erected two story dwelling
house and a well of water.
Abo: The life estate of the defendant, lo wit s
The undivided fourth part of two certain lots of
ground situnle in Ihe borough of Northumberland
nforeenid, bounded southward by Orange street,
westward by Second street, northward by an alley,
ami eatwnrd by a lot of Joseph Wallis.
Also: The life estate of the defendiint, to wit:
The undivided fourth part of two certain lots of
ground, siliiite io the borough of Northumberland
aforesaid, bounded southward by Orange strict,
wcslwind by Second struct, northward by an alley,
and eastward by a lot of Joseph Wallis.
Seized, taken in execution, and to b sold as the
property of John Leisenring,
Sheriff's Office,
Sunhury, Dec. 2, 1143. $
nlllllftll lllC Company."
T'HR members of the Washington Firo Com-
piny" srn requested to meet at the Stale
itouse, on m n.l.iv r.vemng, lice. 4 in, at fi o -
clock, precisely. Punctual attendance is required.
Nov. 25. J COU YOUNGMAN. See.
Kslale of Win. Illioy ass ilcc"T.
NOTICE is hereby given, that tellers of ad
ministration upon said estate, has this day
been granted to the subscriber. Persons knowing
themselves to be i.idcbted lo said estate, are request
ed to make immediate payment, and those having
accounts or demands against the estate are request
ed to present them for elimination and settlement.
Augusta. Decemlier 2d, 1943. fit.
Jmew Store.
! T" ESI'EOTFL'LLY announce to the inhabitants
! J-k of Aomista townsbin. and the tinblie cenemllv.
that they have taken the well known store on trie
Tulpihoccen Road, about five miles from Sunbu
ry, and lately occupied by Henry Uyeily, where
they are prepared lo wait on all iho-e who may fa
vor ihi m wilh their calls. They have just received
an extens-ive assortment of Drt (ioiuis, (litwi
lin.s, Qci:r.iswBK and Hahiiwirk of the very
best quality, which they are willing to dispose of
at the very lowest prices, for cash or country pro
duce, rjj Lil'cral deductions will lie made for cash.
Augu.ti, Nov. 2.)lh, l 13. 3t
AIiiiinilra(or'M IVoticc.
NOTICE is hereby given that lettirsof ad
ministration have lieen granted by the Re
gisler of Noithnmberland county, lo the subscriliers,
in the eslute of John B. Price, late of the borough
ofSunbniy, Northumberland county, dee'd. All
persons having demands against the estate will
present them duly authenticated for settlement, and
those indebted are requested to call and make set
tlement immediately.
Sunbury, Nov. 1 8th, 1813. 6t.
XKW "FALL N 1 1 )1TKR"
A. II. M iltMl
A'o. I1"! Chcsnut Stm t, bettrt cn 7i ami &th
nAS received a large assortment of Silks, Shaw's,
Silk Velvets, Cashmere U'Ecosse, Mouselin
de Laines, Fri neh Merinoes, Hosiery. Linen Con.
brick bilks., (Sloven, Laces, Printed Velvets, Flan
nels, Linens, French Chintzes, American Ca'icoes ;
and is daily adding to his stock the most f ishinable
and newest Dry (Sooils as they arrive. All of which
will be sold wholesale and retail at the lowisi
Strangers will dud it to their interest to call,
as the g ods are all warranted, and the LOWEST
('ASH prices named first and no abatement.
Philadelphia. Nov. ISih, 1H13. 3l.
Administrator's A'otico.
NOTICE is hereby given, that tellers of ad
ministration of i lie estate of Andrew K. Rus
sell, I ate of the borough nf Sunhury, Northumber
land couniv, ilcc'd., have been granted by the Re
gis'er nf Northumberland county to the subscriber.
.Ml persons, therefore, indebled to I he said estate,
are requested to make payment, and nil tho e ha
ving claims will present them lor settlement, on
Fiiday and faturuuy the 1 5 ill end lCth days of !
December next, at the housu of Charles Weaver,
in the butough of Sunhury.
Nov. 11 ih. 143. fit Ailm'r.
IJct'iitor,st lYotice.
A I.L persons indebted to theesia'.e of Catharine
xvL Rom, late of tiic borough of Northumberland.
dec d., are hereby notified to settle their respective
accounts immediately, and all persorn, having claims
against said estate are requested to preenl ihem
duly authenticated foi settlement, to James Tag
gait, the acting executor.
Norlh'd., N iv. U. 1 W :l. St. y.rreiitnrt.
Public Sale.
--wr v If V L . rr I . ii- , ..,.
a a J ii. i. oe onereu ai puouc saie. ni me uouse i
lf Jacob Leisenring. (Bear Gip Tavern,)
in ehankiu township, Northumberland countv,
on Satuiday thfl 25th day uf Novcmlitr next, at I
o'clock, P. M.
TR.1VT op i..i.xn,
township, No'tluimlnrl and
Situate in Shamoktn
i foun,y; ,n ,ie le-litg from Irish Val-
ley lo Uosring Creek alley, adjoining lands of
Benjamin 'IVghman and lands late of Ann Pern
lietlon, and running within about 10 rods of the
Danville Turnpike, anJ within about 50 rods of
the Centre Turnpike, containing 102 acres and 40
perches atrict measure, about 30 acres of which are
cleared ; wheieon is erected a large and commodi.
ous two story dwelling house, with a never failing
spring of water near the door. About 12 acrea of
aaid land ate excellent meadow ground, and Ihe
residue of a red shale soil of a very superior quality,
and la well timbered and wateied.
The terms of sale wilt be, J of the purchase mo.
ney cash, and the balance in equal payments, with
interest, at one and two years, secured b Bond
and Mortgage. A Deed with general covenant of
warranty will be given.
N. D. Persona wi.'.ing any further information
concerning aaid land, will please call on me at
Philadelphia, David Rockefeller at Sunhury , or M r.
Adam (iilgar in Bhamokin township, who resides
near it, and who will aliew the land to persons de
sirous of purchasing. W. M. T.
Oct. 20, 1843.-51.
OFFICK. in the building occupied by J. II loom,
on Market street.
Oct. 8lt, 1 841.
imtrnATiVE syiix'i.
THE valuable properties of Oakley's Depura
tive Syrup of Sarsaparilla, as a purifier of the
blood, is so well known to the public generally,
that it is unnecessary to occupy much space in set
ting forth tho advantages lo be derived from its
use ; wherever tho medicine has once been intro
duced, it takes precedence over all others t eveiy
one that has taken it, have derived so signal bene
ficial results from it, that it is recommended by
Ibem with the u'mnst confidence. Physicians of
the highest standing in the profession, prescril it
lo patients under their care t containing nothing
deleterious, but being composed ol the most mild,
yet efficacious vegetable, materials, it is o IT. red with
confidence, as the cheapest and most efficient pu
rifier of the blood now known. The use of a few
bottles, especially in the spring months, will be at
tended with a most decided improvement in the ge
neral strength of the system, eradicating any seeds
of disease that may have been generated, ttcsnlcs
giving health and vigor to the body. For ihe cure
of Scrofula or Kings Evil, Rheumatism, Teller, j
Pimples or eiuptions of the Skin, White Swelling,
Fistula, Chronic Cough Asthma, Ac. Ihe nu
merous certificates in the possession of the subscri
ber and his agents, from physicians and others, are ;
sufficient to convince the moat skeptical of its su- ;
periority over all preparations of Sarsaparilla. I
Sold wholesale and retail, by Ihe proprietor, ,
(SEORfSE W. OAKLEY, North 5lh street. Rea- I
ding, Briks County, and lo be had of Ihe following
persons : j
ill isortnwnuirrinna k. mini if. u, u. .Tiasser,
Sunhury; Ireknd oV, Mixel, McEweusvillc ; D.
Krauser, Milton.
In Uninn Cimntif. J. Gearhart, Selin-'grove ;
A. (Suteliiis, Miflliuburg.
In Columbia County. U. W. McCay, Wash
ington. Rending. March 14. 1S43.
Mn. 0Kt.r.Tt I In-lieve it the duty of every
one to do whiitevcr in their power lies, for the b-ne.
fit of their fellow man, and having had pivilive
proof in my own family, of the wonderful properties
of your Di pur.ilivo Syrup of Sarsaparilla, I m st
conscientiously recommend it lo the aDlictcil. We
had the misfortune lo lose two of our children, by
the breaking out of ulcerous sores that covered the
face, head and neck, although we had some of the
most scientific, physicians to attend th- m and had
tried all the known remedies, including !waiins'
Panacea, without avail. Another of my children
was atiniked in tho same manner, her face and
neck was completely covered; the discharge was so
offensive, and the disease at such a height, lhat we
despaired of her life. Seeing the wonderful clfccts
of your Depurjlive Syrup of S.irsaparill i, we wete
induced to make trial of it, as the last resort ; it
acted like a charm ; the ulcers commenced healing
immediately, a few bottles entirely restored her to
her health, which she has enjoyed uninteriuptedly
ever since. As a purifier of the blood, I veiily be
lieve it has not its equal,
Walnut street, near Fourth, Reading.
Dougtassville, April I9lh, 1843.
Ma. Oim.Kj : My son Edmund Leaf, had Ihe
scrofula in the most dreadful and distressing man
ner for three years, during which time he was de
prived of the use of his limbs, hi head and neck
were covered with ulcers. We tried all ihe differ
ent remedies, but to no effect, until recommended
by Dr. Johnson nf Noriistown, and also Dr. Isaac
Hiesler, of Reading, to use your Depuralivo Syrup
of Sarsaparilla, of which I obtained several bottles,
ihe use nf which drove the disease enlinlv out of
his system, the sore healed up, and the child was
restored to perfect health, which lie ha enjoyed
uninterruptedly ever since, to the astonishment of
many persons who seen tiim dining his affliction.
I have thought it my duty, and send vou this certi
ficate that others who have a like affliction in the
family may know where to obtain so valuable a
medicine. Yours truly.
Sept. fi. IS 11 . ly
OTONE WARE for sale.
J 225 Stone Jugs, from I quait to 3 gallons,
50 Stone Jars, from 2 to fi gallons. For sale,
cheap, by Oct. 14 II. B. MASSER
rilIE subscriber has on hand, (left with him for
I sale,) a handsome assortment uf elegant
l!ras Clocks,
warrant! d good, which he is authorised to mdl at
eight and nine dollars. Th same kind .f clocks
have been lately selling py )'e liars, from 20 to U'5
dollars. Those who, want bargains should call
soon. H. B. MASSE It.
Sunhury, August Cl. 1813.
1 II., again, and
time, calls upon all who aie
for the last
upon all wtio aie unleliteil to
hiin.nn book account or otherwise, lo come forward
and make si Itlement. Those who neglect tins no
tice will have their account placed in the hands id
Justice, for collection.
Sunbuiy, Sept. 30th IP lit.
A Nil It V V 1MKMI",
Snnth V.nt corner of Murki t and Ith its..
l tF.SPE(n'FULLY inform the public that they
will constantly keep on hand a largs ssmhI
mi nt of Hats, Caps and Furs, lo suit the fall trade,
of the best quality. By strict attention to busi
ness, and by selling their stock at Ihe lowest pi ices,
I they flatter themselves in la ing able In give entire
Augusl 5. IHt:l y
WlioU'KUle Clock. lU)Ilisliiti'iit.
No. rS-J North Tliinl Street,
: W11''11'' to ne found the largest assortment
i of Clocks in the I'liiled Stales, among which
are r oirestvtlle. Hill a uoodiich iV Co, Atkins,
Portvt fi Co., Ives', Brewsters, and other Fight
Day Brass Clocks; C.Jerome's Bristol Manufac
turing Company, Atkins, Porter A Co., Hill's, I
Goodrich A Co., Furrestville, H. Welton's, and
other Thirty Hour Brass ChrcVs; Boardman cV
Welle', Hopkins fi. Alfred's, H. C, Smith's, and
other Wood Clocks.
Sole Agmt for Crane's celebrated Year and
Mouth Clocks, as well as several of the above men
tioned. Also : Church and Hall Clocks.
Cj Watchmakers, Merchants and others, will
And it lo their interest to call.
Looking Glasses manufactured.
Philadelphia, August 5, I34U. tm
.4 Tlucfchlng Itlathluo fur Sale.
THE subscriber offer for sale THRESHING
MACHINE, new and in good order. The
Machine has been tried, and proves to ha an excel
lent one. Il will lie sold at a reduced price, and
warranted. Apply lo il. U. MASSE K,
July 1st, lets.
Vcnli n Sltrrt, eippnsite. the Town IIai.I.,
.1 . C. L K 8 8 1
RF.SPHCTCIJLLY announce to
the travelling community that he
has taken the large and splcnilid estab
lishment, ihe Excifinn. lloTft., situs.
ted at
the corner of Centra and Callnwhilt streets,
nearly opK)silc the Town Hall, in the borough of
Poltsville, which has been thoroughly repaired and
materially improved for Ihe accommodation of visit
ors. The Hotel is forty ft. front on Centre st., and
one hundred and thirty right ft. on Callow-hill, thiee
stories high ; it is admirably provi led with Parlors,
Sitting Booms. Reading Room, and Urge airy
Chambers -the most spacious pleas int and conve
nient Uining lloom in the country a new and su.
perior Batlvng Establishment ; and every conve
nience and comfort to render it in all respects a
most desirable Hotel.
No pai is or expense will be spared lo fumi-h
tho Table and Bar with llm best that this and the j
Philadelphia Markets allord ; ami wilh a determi-
nation to devote his entire personal attention to Ihe
comfort and accommodation of thoe who may fi- I
vor him with a cull : aided by active, careful and j
obliging servants, he hoies to give satis
faction. PR1VTE FAMILIES, wishing in visit ibis
highly interesting and he.iliby liegion, will be
provided wilh Parlors and Chandlers, which he
Teels contiilelit will please tlie most lasintious.
Tho Stabling attached, is largo and well
constructed, and superintended by experienced and
attentive Osiers. Horses and Carriage may be bail
at any lime to convey persons to any part of the
fXjr An Omnibus runs fiom this Hotel daily to
and from the Depot, to meet the Cars, for the ac- I
eommodation of persons travelling on Ihe Rail
Road. No charge for omnibus fare to this Hotel, j
Potlsville, J jly H, 1813. fun t
CsCiirrsil Commission Mcrtimiit, 1
.Yo. '21 C'ninnirrre St., htlnw Fifth, j
T7"EEP constantly on hand Imported Segars, '
' Brandies, Liquors, eVe., at the lowest prices, i
for cash.
C. J. Woi.nv.HT. jr. Wm. A. Jsjukt.
August 5th, IR t J.tiin
a"! . yfj.y?' fcf ..Jt- j j
''IHE subscriber will sell off his slock of Beaver,
Russia and Brush Hats, of the licst quality, at ;
vecy reduced prices. i
Sunhury, Aug. 5, IK 13. H. B. M ASSER. !
Coiintt'i THIri'
ni .i r .. ii i t .,- tinl lU in
i Pills are genuine, unless the box has three I.- ,
II : lru.'fllL. Vtlll U rnii; uirat i M' iiu ii" wiiiiimkiii
bcls upon it. (the top, the side and the bottom)
e&ch containing a fic-siinile signature of my hand
writing, thus B. Driihktii, M. D. 1 hese la. '
les ate engraved on steel, beautifully designed, j
and done at an expense of over r2,000. Therefore i
it will lie seen that ihe only thing necessary to pro- ,
cure the medicine in its purity, is to observe these
labels. j
Remember the top, the side, and the bottom. '
The following respective persons aro duly auhnri
zed, and hold
For the sale of llrandrrth'i Ytgitablt Universal
Vills. i
Northumbertarid countv : Milton Mackey & ;
Chamlieilin. Sunhury H. B. M.tsser. M'Ewens- !
ville Ireland A Meixell. Northumlerland Wm. ',
Forsyth. Georgetown J. & J. Walls. j
Union Courtly: New Berlin Bogar A Win. I
ler. Selinsgrove (ieorge (lundium. Middle- !
burg Isaac Smith. Beaveriown David Hubler. I
Ad nnsburg Win. J. May. Mitllinsbuig Mcnsch j
Ac Rav. Hartlelou Daniel Long. Freeburg j
(J. cV F. C Moyer. Lewisburg Walls A: (Sreen. i
('olunibia county : Danville E. B. Reynolds
.V i'o. Berwick Shuman ,c Rittenhouse,
Cat -
Inwissa C. (. Brobts. Bloomsburg John R.
Mover. Jeisey Town Levi ttisel. Wnshington
Robt. MiCav. Lime-loni Ballict McNinch.
Obseive that each Agent has an Engraved Cer
tificate of Agency, containing a representation of
Dr BRANDRETII'S Manu'.actory al Sing Sing
and upon which will also, lie seen exact copies ul
Ihe new labcit nuw iisel uyxri the Itruntlrtlh I'ill
Philidclphia, oflice No. 8. North 8ih street.
June tilth. 181.1.
Affi-nl for thr fnlr of Soiilhwnrlh Muniifur
Inrinif 'om fin n i'ii
sriM.iiioii wiutims r viM'.ws
Warelionse No. 'A Minnr Street,
a IIE following kinds Cons'aullv on hand, and
for sale In the Trade al the lowest inaikel
puces : Fine thick Flat Caps. li. 1 1, mid Hi lbs ,
blue and while; Extra super, and UM'i line Folio
l'o-ls, blue mid while ; Extra super Picket and
Commercial posts, biue and white ; Extra super
Linen Note papers, long ; do. broad; stiierfitie and
line Counting bonel'iip-, blue and white ; Extra
sillier Congress Cups and Letters, plain and inle.l.
j bloo and while ; SiiM rline French Posts, plain mid
: ruled ; Sii erliue Sei mou I 'aps and Posts ; SuH'iliue
t and fine ('aps and Posts, ruled and plain, blue and
while, various iualittes and prices. i
Also Bonnet Boards, Tissue, Envelope, Wrap. :
j ping, iin.l Hardware papi ts, A c, Si c.
Slay 'it, l M l.i. n n.
Il.'irf, Amlri'M .triti'irr,
Forwariliii'i ami I iencral I'tixliK'e 1
commissmpN Mr.itcii ants.
StvaiiJ It 'hmf utmre ltnec SI., tin Ihe Ihluwart '
Henry Faruuiu oV Co. J aivis, Trabue ("urd,
Itray, B.ircrofi.A Co. IsiuitviHr,
Wilbainviin, Burroughs I Jen. Luckey, V Co.
fi Clark, i 'inrinnuti.
Eckel, xn.iiicb'i Ruguel Sr. John fiiuitli. Ks.i ,
Reed, Dm. A: Thoina,
Joseph Souther, E.
; hogers, IH
j '
Rogers, Brothers - Co.
mipson iV i.o.
Rolert fSieen iV Co. Hon
Wm. BigK-r,
J. & J. Reakeit,
CharfulJ, Pu.
Mulfoid fi Alter, B
J. JS. Wel.-h. E-n.
Smibury, i'n.
Fhitatlrljihtii..K. Humes, L1.
David It. Porter, Esi- jKolieil ('rane, EJ.,
Mc.sis.J.cV P. Martin, Jerrey Shore, Pa.
Uarritburx Win. M'Kelvy A Co..
Wm. K. Hoffoagle, Es
Hlrxmishur, Pa,
Lewis Huiford, r.u.
Walls & Cn-in.
lrviburiz. Pa.
P. W. Kin x:ns Ac Son,
Ick Jltii'tn, i'ti
Joires, Murphy A: 1
E. A. Blown rV BrotheiJ
J. K., l.s..
Morgan iV Anderson,
Geo. Pie.bury, Em.
Sieirett eV Poller,
Iswiitown, Pa
Joseph Palton, Esip,
, Columbia Cu , Pa
SI. Ijiuit
June 3d, 1813. ly
l ull SALE AT TillSOFf ICC
Aii. 7(1 Smith Hrfsrrr, npnoxitethe Exrhtiner,
( Formerly nf 1V. 70 Smith Srenntl tlrrrl,)
Manufacturer nf Improved and Patent File and
Thicf.proof Cheats and lbmrs, Water and Pro
vision Coolers, and Fillerers. Refrigera
tors, Hoisting Macl inea, Ac, Vc,
Sfit.t. continues to make
his celebrated WATER Cool
ers, and Filterers, Refrigera
lore, both of the round and
qnsre shape, with improve
men's, of the best material
anJ workmanship.
(fc'7" The Chests arc rnnnufacttirml without
plank nf any description, of the best muterial which
is calculated to resist burglars and heat as long ns
any manufactured in (he I'nilcd Stales a trial ol
which be is willing to make with any oilier, pro
vided the trial be made of chests already Sold to
customers, and not manufictured for the express
purpose of a trial. Purchasers are invited to call
l" "' puicnnsing, elsewhere,
CAU TION. AH persons are cautioned ngimsl
making, using, selling or causing lo be sold, anv
Keyhole covers fit Fire Proof Chests or doo'S of
any kind, similar in corfstrueiion to my patent of
July lOth.lStl, as they will bo dealt with accord
ing In the Patent Law.
M.y 27th, 1843. fim.
Manufacturer of Writing and Intlelli-
bio Ink, Nil 1IH1 North Third Slvcrt, nix
doors below Race, (cast side,)
I ESl'ECTFL'LLY informs country merchants
- and others, that he constantly keeps on hand
a large stork of bis superier Bluck, Blue snd tied
Ink, and also a superior quality of IndelliMe Ink.
His ink is put up in bottles varying in size, from
1 to 32 ounces, and will be solo on reasonnlilu
terms. The excellent qualities of this ink hus so
l thoroughly established its character, that it is now
' extensively used throughout the country,
. For sale at the store of H. B. Mussct, Sun
bury, Pa. May 27lh. jj:Lj-Jy
(Xon KslnlilMiiHciit.)
RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of
. Sunhury and vicinity, that he has recently
' commenced the
1,1 ,HI IS nrBiiciirw, ill ..lurm-. suvpi, cuuuurv mi'
ii i i g ti... i
a -its
"'"'"'' '".'w "'V'0" " ""V, Z
reRity lo receive ana execute all orders in tne line
j of his business, w ilh promptness and despatch, and
; in the best style and manner. His prices will be
: low, in accordance with the limes.
(x'j Lumber and Country Produce taken in Lx
change. May 27lh 1843. fun
Nos. Mt) and 31 North Tliitd Street,
Near the City Hotel,
CC. MACKEY, Auctioneer, respectfully in-
vites the attention of persona desirous of pur
chasing Furniture, to his extensive Sales Rooms,
(both public and Private,) for every description of
Household Furniture, where ran be obtained at all
times, a large assortment of fashionable and well
manufactured Cabinet Furniture, Beds, Maltrosscs,
Ac., at very reduced prices, for cash.
07" Sales bv Auction, twice a week.
May 27th, 1813. ly
;rctt y'riterii Iii1lau Panaira.
1 ('oinpounded entirely of A'egetablc
) Substances:
Free from Ctihimel and all otfu-r Mineral.
Vol the history of '.his medicine, and us unrivalled
and truly surprising success and popular
j ily, sec large bills.
IT is recommended as a general cathartic for
family use in dyspepsia and all bilious disea
i si's, il is invaluable for Asthma it is considered a
j sM-cific, no case having yet occurred which it has
l fmhd to cure for common Colds, imflammatory
!, rheumatism, affection of ihe tiv'cr, Ac,
I and for females, it is a safe and excellent remedy.
Fmm Dr. fsilus W'tttl, of liirizhainiiton. A'. V.
Mr. Longlcy -Dear Sir: I have used your ('real
eti rn Indian Panacea lit my family, and have
repeatedly prescribed it for patients under my care,
and am sulisficd that it is always a safe, and in very
many cases an invaluable medicine. It 0erates as
a laxative without nausea, or pain ; and while it cf
feituully obviules costiveuess acts upon Ihe stomach
and liver as an alterative, correcting acidity, and re
slot in g the healthy condition of those organs.
Veiy iepcctfiilly vonrs, S. WEST.
For sale by JOHN W. FRIUNU. Sunhury.
JACOB BRIGHT, Northumberland.
May 20lh, 1843. ly
('II A 15 1 S ." 1 IKCTT X S,
AS laken the office formerly occupied by the
Hon. Charles (i. Doum l, opposite the Court
11 oust. He will attend to business in the Courts
of NorthtimhciUiid, Union and Columbia counties.
May SOlli, 1S4.1.
Daniel Yaiek,
B EOS leave to inform the ci1i7.nn nf Sunbuiy
D 9 and its vicinity, thai he has core.menced the I
iu.AC'KSMrriii.ti, I
in Ma krt street, Sunhury, cast of John B 'gar' )
siore. and direef'y rpponiie the posl oif.i e, where li.
in lends to cany on the business in all its various I
branches, hnluding, Turnim, Mtthim Mill lroii '
mot F.liplic SpriilH, lrnniii'Ciirriai:i, with F.X- j
. t ninli or St'tniling tup, Slim-lng Itinex, fe.
j Older will be prolliplly and punctually attended 1
' 10, and work done cheap, for coh or country pre
QTT TIoisb Shoeing done at f I per sett, I
Sunhury, April 'iMh, 1843. ly.
Boot & 8I100
H a r t i n 1 v w
Esl'hC I Ft l.l.V intorms his Irinids anJ
Ik, old customers, thsl he has reinnve.1 bis
ihhitiS- suui: F.sTAnusiiun.w
to the frame building adoining hia dwelling bouse,
between that and Dr. D. T. Tiilee ollice, a It w dome
west of his old eslal lishineut, in Maikct stieet,
where he intends to carry on the above busiuese
extensively, in all iti vurioui heanehel,
Being thankful for past favois, be hope, by strict
attention lo business snd liberal charges, lo give
general satisfaction and that he will continue to I
crive a literal .bare of ushc pstronsts.
April 8th, lelJ.
B rt ps""i fT..r
vm mm
J. D. W liter,
1 ENPECTFCLLY Informs the citizens of ibo
J V- enroll gli of Northumberland, and its vicinity ,
that he has commenced the
Tnilorinsr Itiiims,
in a'l its various branches, in the shop tornurlv
occupied by Henry 3. Thomas, dircetlv oppn-ii
Forsvth's nre. As he receives the New York
and l'liiladi Ipbia Fashions quarterly, he is enabli.l
to do all jobs i ri'nisicil to him, after the neatest ai.d
latest style, and upon the shoitesl notice.
Northumberland, Apiil 22d, 1913. ly
(if itrsc Z I in in c r in u li &. n.
f 1111 E snl scriWrs hereby inform (tie public, ibst
I they have entered into partnership, in ihe
which will hcrei.fter be earr ed n n: !be M
stand in furibnTy, nnibr ibe firm i ti.i t. ''
7.tmm(ITnaii ( Son." where T.rev will conilnet the
n tr" i-i '! -.I b-n 1 r iivl.i s, ilri-! ml 1 1 , ,t 7nrn-
in:'. .... "it .1.'; ;.oi, T-itiitifr Citrri'iprr, &.-., -
in.: 1 1
Sr. (!
1 ! '
lualh a '.- i !
l. nil '
rr Counrrv pro,l
ion1 ir or e loilar per si lt.
(SEORfSE zimmerma:
Sunhury, March lllh, IStS.
Dr. J. B. JL lSS f JIi .
1 ESPECTFI'LLY informs Ihe citiiens of t. .
bury and its vicinity, that he has t ilieu it o
tiffice fonncrly occupied by Dr. John Peal, win- i
he will be happy to receive calls in the line of I a
profession. April 22d. 1843
,P. TITS P. 5 EX P.
rPHE subsciibcis, having entered into a iartin-r-ship
in the practice of the law, will lie happy
lo allend to all business entrusted to their care.
Collections will be promptly attended to.
Tiny may always le found at their office, in
MarVist street, Sunbury, formerly occupied y
Wm. Dewart, dee'd., as a store-room.
Sunbury.Feb. 4lh, 1813. ly.
Ai. 2:)7, .Yrr Tliiril.iihmr t'utluuhill St.,
JOHN DUNCAN, late from the Fcnnsyha
nia Farmer, and Samuel Pike, jr., I.ite of A-
I "' "n Hotel, Columbus. Ohio, lake p!c0Sure
luointing tlteir fiicnds and the juiblie generally that
tlicy have taken the large and commodious Hotel,
recently built by the Messrs. Hail, on the same silo
once occupied Isythe old cslahlifhej Hotel known
as the Hull s Head, in I bud stieet above Callow
hill t.
This Hotel is finished in (he very best Jiossihlfl
manner, and of the best materials, "is location U
very desirable, particularly for ccunitry merchants ;
the arrangements for healing and ventilating rncli
room is such as lo secure any temperature. The
bedrooms are all light and airy, all furnished in a
neat style, so as to insure comfort.
The receiving parlors arc also fan allied in a su
perb style, the windows are on the French style,
forming uu entrance to a barcorry in front, which
makes pleasant recess. Pnrliculai attenlion has
been given to the beds and -bedding, which, w itK
the furniture, ate entirely new.
From yeara' experience in hotel liusiness, v e
Irest, by strict assiduity tc business, to mukc tins
house 's desirable stuping 'dace. (Jut table wil
always be supplied with ihe very best our market
can afford, and our bar with thel'cst liquors aid
wines of fhe most approved bund.
P. S. There arc first rate stabling t.ni1 carri ire
houses ollaohed to ".ho hotel, atlended by cart'-1
and sober hostlers, and our charges will be low, ist
accordance wilh tho present hard times.
Philadelphia, Oct. ilh, l43.
(itntTiil Stage
qlj :r" cLz ,
I'rmiN) Itania.
ftlHC Subscriber respectfully -informs 'hie Trier i's
L and the rtublic in general, that he 'has taken
tho biye
LAlici: An i.-oMvoniois
I N THE U O Kfurt! H O F M V N C V.
and that he is now well prepare J to accommnd no
all who may favor him whh ihe custom.
His Sh ims Ac1u'tmet ire well aire.1, an.t
Hi-Tnat.r aTi 'Bin will a'vays sspph A
whh the best fhe'maiket can afford.
11 in 'Stam.ino, which is gord, wRI Is undi'r
the charge of good and careful hostlers.
He feels confident, by strict attention to buom -.
and an earnest dene to render comlorthhle tli . .'
who may patronize him.fiiit lie will not f.,il tor ,i
general salisfai lion. II. li. W LAYER
Muiiry, Oct. 1st, 1845 If.
I 'linnet of I ' ,
On 4Jin irTSK STt BPxt, AraiL I, 1843,
'11:0 passenger trains wilt leave ul the following
hours :
I'lititli't ami Pott.-rille.
From Philadelphia, at fi A.M. )
From Potsvi!l. ut fj..M. 5
Henri of justing Frmlini;.
I'or Pnllsvin.', at UJ A. M.
'Foi Philadclnhia, at ",'A.M S
lioth fiaius pass at Polislown. The down tiain
breoktasts al Reading, snd the up train ut Norn
Ivtwn, for which 15 luinntcs are allowed ut caili
f'.l II K V.
Between Pollstllle A Plliladj. oM A i..'ol
ll.lween Rraditijj V do. a.CS A l.i'i
15ctetn do A Potlsville, 1,40 .V. 1,1(1
Km asio.N Tirat-rs noon roa huii
Ibte.ii Potlsville .V Philadelphia, f; ,1"
Between ReaJing A do. 3 1 '
Between do. eV Potlsville, S I )
All the trains will stop lor way passenger, t
the usual points.
Q-y All passengers are rcipjestcd to pocma
then licl.ets tx'fore the train atait.
May 31, 184'i. if.
A Fresh suppy of ROSE OINT Vf ?NT. rece.v. J
snd for sale by H. H MASSER.
Ncv. 19th, 1842.