4 WJJ '." I '' i' ?" It A X It SOTi: MS Ti The f .Hewing list shows' the rtirri-ttf value of nil Vim) -Kama Bank N.'trg. Te most implicit re-l-mce may 1 placed upon it, a it i' c icry wtrk jorcfully compaicd with ai d corrects) fiom lli.k full's Iw-poripr. t!anli in IMSI;ullrltln. . . 1ic. l NAM. LOCATION. ,. I niiiri . pur pnr . pnr . par . p..r p.H . pnr par pi N O T E 8 A T 1 A R. Caulc of Notlll America . Bank of the Northern Liberties . "iimmrrrinl Bank of Penn'a. . Punnets' anil Mechanics' Bank tCettsinRlon Bank . Philadelphia Bank . . S.-hinlkill Bank s.iithwork Hank . Western Bank . . Mechanics' Bat k . . Mnr.ufnt'turcrs' A: Tcll n ulfs Bank Country l'nrjit. I rink of ( hestcr (runty Hank tf Delaware County Bar.k of Ocrmanteiw n fiaik nf Montgomery Co. f). -vlcstown Hank Fss-on Paul Farmers' Punk of Buck co. Office of Hunk ofiWa. I" Office elo do Office do do Oflice do do NOTES AT Wi ste-he-slcr Chester (.'etm.nitow tl Nniris'nw ti )(.)lcdlmvn Et.S'OII Bthtol ll.urishuig""j The e Ltntrt.stir nflVi-s Ponding ( do net Ear.lnn J issue n. DISCO I7N T. ' l'hilaelt Iphia 'ir par par par par ji'ir 30 pnr Hit p'ir Bank of (lie Uni'od Slates' P.nnk of Pcnn Township (..erd Bank . . 1' Movamcnsing P ink . . Punk of Pennsylvania Miners' Bank of Poltsville: Bank of Lewistown Lank i f Middlctown Bank of Nnrthumbeiland Columbia Bunk St Uridge co. Carlisle Bank Exohango Batik Do do brunch of Farmers' Bunk of I.ancnstei Lancaster County Batik Furmeta' Bunk of Heading Hsrrishurg Bank Lincn!cr Bank I.ehnnon Bank Mcn-hanis' 5c Manuf. l!ank Pntik of Pittsburg Wist Branch B nk Wyoming Bank N. rthan ptoii B jr.k link County Bank Oll'iee of Bank of IT. S. Do do do Do do do Keiuinn'oii Sav. Ins. A Petin Township Sav. In?. Punk of Chan.hersburg Batik of (teltysburg Bank of Susquehanna Co. I'tie Bank Farmers' eV Drovera' Bank Piaiikliii Bank Hntierdalei Bunk Mounngahrla Bank of B. York Bank N. U. The tiotea of those I'anka on which c omit quotations, and evihstittile a dash ( ) tire not ptinhaerd hy the Piiil.id.lpl.ia brokers, with t!;e sxccj tion nf those xvhirh linve a letter ol ri fertnee. DROKE.N B A X K Pliiladelphta Pav. Ins. Philaili Iphia Philadelphia Loan ("o. do Schuy lkill !av. Ins. do Manual I.uhorBunk (T. W Pyott, j rop.) pr : Pot'sMllo 2 ( I.pwii'town ' ! Middletown ?J j Xortliuinln rland 'ar f'ulomliia i Cnrlisle U PilM.nip if Hi!l;ellVnliU;g j I.ancistel j Lancaster I J Biadinc jt Harrislmrif a Lnneaiter i I.el 'itii n 2 Pitching J Pi'tMniiij i ViIliainpp.,rt lCalS i Vike-I.ano 2 j Allriitown ! ihi1ih: 75 ; Pittshurj failed ! Hrie do ! Kcw Puirhton do do' do ChaTni'pnburj; 1 1 fiettyf-burg 2 Montrose 40n50 Erio 3 Woynenhiirg :! Vas!lir;;tin H ironr-.l.ile U Brnvii!,i!l I A Yotk S : failed failed f.ih.l failed 6S Powaiida Biu k Alleghany Bank of Pa. Bank of Benver Bar k of Swalara Pni k of WnKhington CeiiHe Pai.k V-Hy Batik I'ariiiers' Sr Medi'ea' Bank Farmers' & Mech'es' Bai k Fanners' & MeehVa's-Uank llartminy Iii.tituto llui.tiiigilur. Bank Jul, lata Bank i.uml-crmeii'f Bunk Northern Bank of Pa. New Hope D.I. Briilpc Co, Xorthunih M I.'ninn Col. BU. J.tth Westi rn 15a.k of P. t'liae ol S.lmvlkill Bank Pa. Agr.&i Manuf. Bunk Ptlvet Luk Baok I'nion Bank of Penti'a. WetniOfr!ui.(i I'ai.k Wilkenhnrrp Biidue Co. CTj' All notej putOitinR to he on any l'ei-n.-yl-iania Bank not given in the above list, may Le r-et down as frauiU. BniikofXew ljtuiinwiik 'J'owanda Bedford Beaver II.irii.-lairg Vul inplon lit Hi futile Pitl.-luig Pitll.urg Fnyette eo. f'teeneatle 1 lain, iniy Iluiitint'.lnii no sale I.eivif town no sale Wanon Dnn.l.tr New Hope Milton Meodi!ln Poil Cail on Carlisle Miititn se I 'iiioiitpYvn f Ireeimbur cli m d eliifed failed rli-sed no fale failed filled failed no fab- failed no tsle r hired no fale llorid fi.it. J elox.l failed closed Wilki sbarip no tale lifUiili-ie Bank II u i lit i p ton Co. Bank I. 'on. in. trial Bank Cuml't rl.iul Bank Faiini th Bunk F.xrnurt;' and Mrehanies' I!k Faimtr' ami MeeliHiiieH' l!k t am I 'm' anil .Men liiini' L'k Frnnk'in Bank n! .. J. Hol i ki'ii Iikf; fi CJrazirig Co ,!itsy City Bank Mi l l unit k' II .i,k Manufaeturi rn' Bi.tik Morri County Batik Mutiinutitb Bk ot N. J. M.cbatiies' Bunk Meehatiies' and Mutiiif. BU Morrik Canal and Bkg Cu Pott Notes Newark Bkn V Ins Co New Hope Del Bridcr Co X. J. Munulue. ai d Bkc Co e:.i:y. Btuntwi.k Pelvidere M.dford Perth Anihoy Bridet.m Mount Holly l'aliwny N. Biiiinuviik Middlitonn I't Jet-, v City Jli.il.oken Ji Key City PlltUlBUi BelliAi!ic MorriMonn F.eihi.ld New.uk Trenton Jcis.y Ci'.y failed I rar 4 pu pai i failed i Vailed lail.d failed fa.l.d failed i fall, d i pit Newaik l.aiii(iiihile lionok.'i) X J Proleelon i J,otjil aid I k J. rBey i ity lit) f.alr i i failed tailed Orange Bank l''eii"ti liuiik Teopleti' Bank Ptlneeton Bank Kil. tii Bankini; Co State B ml. Slate Bank tS i.le Bal k 1 ate Bank of Motrin fc'lute Bank Suleiu and l'hilud Manuf ('o Niikri I J'ul.k 'J'tftiton Banking Cu Cue ti Bank WKhmgton Banking Co. Bkof ilm& Brand) wint iiinington Iiank of Ueluare Bank of Sir.yma Po I rtiii. h rrmera' Bk of .s'iie i f I t i Do I'tali. I," Do bliitl.it Do It. bub Union BbiiI (TT I'nJei b'n (J On all I n ki rraikid tbua () il t ro ate i i tbar foi:t'f. it or alt. rd r:uti U tli6 va.cua Jt coanir fc;.j, ta circula'.ton. Oram I'atersort do l'rineelon Salem N ink I iial. '.blow n i '.'.null u Mor.it'louii 'Pu I. ton Salem New ton Tiei.ton Dntvr Hacketiiinck Wilii.iiigiou Smyrna M.ltoid Do VI I W ilii.iist.n Oi i.rj;. tow n Ni ( i. lie W i!iiiii!gt..n failed 1 par par i i ,,, failed i pur faibd par .r par par ,ar -r p .r jar par 1 'L'Lc Irct int 'In J Jhr lie Ahtitilion nf Dittos. is f.i rh ,;,) f ariJ purify the Ihul'J. TEt;r.TARIiE I'll.l.S tr Ttir; V.irfi x?mrr!,-tit foltrpe of IlivVh, Are :n.v i.ektii-.f;.'1 to h tl c bet Medicine in ti e W orld for thp eii'e of V.VTR Y VAUIF.TY OF DISEASE. "T;nc.M:t-''.i: thry eomp'elely rli n i i tiiH' and bowels from th. se billiolis and cor n'pt humor vl.ic.h ere the cause not only of H.ada.he, fiiMinrss, Palpitation of thn Heat!, Fa n in the P.. lies. Klii em iOrn and OoiH, hot eveiv iii. li.'v iieid.it to mm. SAID INDIAN YFl'n: i: PIl.I.s nrenrertatn cure f .r in- ti'ttifei i, ieii.itt.-d. rervoi:?, inlVinir.to'V and pu'rid Peters, b.'e hi e thev e'ean?.' the pody fiem tho-p tno.!.:d hi n'iir, whieb, when e. nt'r.ed tothe riteu-l-'tion. are the rnnse of all k'rds of F KYI" US. Co, n'.'-.o. whin tie F-iine iir.pmily is deposited nn the r: enibiai p and nmrle, e .us'tic p-dti. tnfi.ims linns mid mietlini-s called PHEfMATIM, (;01 T. ve. WiichlMiidi.iiiYegelnMpPillstiviy 1 1 r.'linl .ji a always .ertain to aiee r. lief, and il pcrt.rv.-ted w itb, eccotdlnc to ditcctiol.s will nio-t ii'sii'id'v, Mid wilholil fail, niahe a peifect (H P ol he si . v.- p iii.fi 1 n i.I.idies. Fiom il.r. e to six of f.-.ld IntKnii VerrettibV Pilln t .ken eviry l.iuht po. ii R to V.d, will I i a i-hnit time so completely rid the bn.'v from rvety tl;;H2 that ii opjv re 1 1 i besbh, that P! eomnti ni, (tout, and p lin . f ev. rv dewrip tion, iv i l ,,. lit, tally DPIVF.N FliO.M TI1U BO DY. For the a me reason, when, from Ftid.len ehat pes of atti o ph. re, or nr.y other cntcp. thp f ei fpi'Otion i el rek' d, and the humors wlreh rhould t'l-s.M'bv tin' skin ate thrown ii:wird!y, ratis-iis MKADACIID. f.'IDDINDSH, n .tisea and ri. k- J t;t is, ain in the boii s, waieiy and inflamed eyes, I soro thtout, boarsene'S, cocrI s, eonsumplion-i. ihrnm .t e pa:n in various jiirtH of the bodvi and riiinyoth.r rvmptoin of (JA I't'IIINt! COl.D, BrVr'.V Indian Ytiiclublc Vi'ts will invariably yive in on i'.i .te ri lief. From thiee to fix of ai.l PiIIh taki n ery niyl.t on Ruinq to lad, will in a hntt time, not only remove nil the above unpb as-mt symptoms, I lit ihe body w II, in a eliott time, be rei-tored to even sounder heal h than li fore. ASTHMA. on DIFFICFLTY OF BliCATIt IX(!. Wright's InJian YtgrtMc ''swill loos en ulid enny olf, 1-y the sloiiiUth and bowi is, those tont;h phi-pmy humors, which slop up all the sir ( cells ol the tunc1', and are the cause, not only of the above disiTess'nit complaint, but when necierled, j often li rndenlfs in that mo edieadlul nialndv called (OXIsrMPTIO.V It i-hnii'd be aUoien p'ndieird tia!'"Vrir.7'.x 1-itHnn Yetti'l" Villi ate n cettain cute for PAIN IN Till." SIDC, Oppteaon, nan se, and rickness, lo-s of nppeti'e, eostivcnrsi, yellow tinpe of the i-kiti and eves, end i very other symptom . 1 a I. rpid or disraMd slate of the liver; l eeaiis. thiy purje from the body those impurities whirl) if d posited upon this important orq in, nre the cn-e of every vaiiety of LH IIli COM PLAINT. Whrn a tistioii is convulsed l y tint , euthr. aks an .1 n l ellii.n, the only means of pn vent, ins 'lie dresih'.l fonsi quenee of a CIVIL YV'A!!, is to eTpel all traitors, and evil disposed ones f.om the country. In like manner, when pain or niek nrss of any kind, in.liiate that the body if strui? c'iiiR with internal foes, the true remedy ia to EX. PEL ALL MOKBID Hir.MOh'S, (Ttaitots to l eal h and life.) lhullh will be the ciriain rtsn't. That the piii:riple i f curinp disease, by tlraning and piirify it g the Kuly, is ttt icily in arcordanre w'r.h ti e laws which povirn the an'mal fcottomy; and '.f prpprrlv ennied out by the ie of thp at ove rnrncd YVPK.HT'S INDIAN YFGF.TAB LE 1'IM.S, will cetlainly result In the complete Abo lition of Di-ease ; wp otTer the follow int; testimoni al,!, ft- ni persons of the highest rrspcctnMlity in New York, who huve tecentiy be. n euted of the roost ob.-linate complaints, solely by the use of Wiiiuiit's Isihax Vnittmn Titta, of the Xctth American Ctlt'igr nf Htwth : JiMAJCA, L. I., June 9th, 1SU. Do.lor Wil'iatu Wright Deir fMr It is with RTc.t ali-fiielioii I itif.-rm you of My Iiaxitrp I.e. n e iitite'y cured of D) rpeps-ia, (if fitp yi urn ftaudii jr. by the life of your Isnn Yi.nti ir.r.K Pii.li. Previous, to meeting wi'h vonr ri l. biatid muli cine, I h id li.cn under tl.ehai dn of tt wral PhyM eii.i s, and had trie d vaiious niediein. s; but all to no rfiect. After ib-ing one 25 cent box of )our Pills, however, I experienced go much bei ei't, that I resolved to persevete in the use of them aeeotdiiii; to directions, which I ntn happy to slate, has tcuiil (d in a peifect cure. Inpratitudp to you fot the preat beiii f.t I hive teeeied, tend ftUo in the lnpe that others similarly nflheli d may be imlueed to in. .he dial i f your utraoielin ity ine.lieine, 1 send you this ttatemnit with full l.beity to publish ihe same, if von thitik proper. Yours, A c. New Yoik, June 19, 18JI. Ci. C. BLACK. Mr. Iliehaid Dennis, agent for Wright's Indian I Yccetabie Pills. Dear Sir I have been a!T!tcled for fperal years ; with inward weakness and R.'ia ral debility, nccoin- ai ie-d at limes w ith pains in the side, and other disdessit p rompla-nta. Aftii hating ttted various inr diciites wiM.oi.l e 11. cl. I as persuaded bv a fiie n 1 to make trial cf Dr. Wight's Indian V'e tretal.le Pills, which I an. happy to slate, have telieved me in a most w nudi tful mainu r. I have um iI the me di. il e, a yet but te thoil tune, and have no doubt, by a perseverance in 'he u-e .1 the me dte i'.e aeeor diup in directions, th.-l I Khali in a bhort time l e pi rd cily ie-tote.1. I irosl willinply recemmnd said Pil's to nil per- ) sons similaily Mllieted, ned in the full belief that , the Hume beneficial te suits w ill follow the ir u-e, I re- j liiiiu youia fciuceiely, HENIiY A. l'OO'l'l:. i Waivvauiiig, I'Uler co. N. Y. Nl W YeillK, Si-pt. 29, IK II. ' This is to re itify that I have ui.ed Wright's,. ........ i'. ....... i. .1... ... . j , ii.ri.rii i i ... 1 e;., nit-si li.'lie- . j fit; hatinu eMin ly cured myse lf e.f the freoueiil at- I..... . .rw..ltl. l... ...i.t t. , . S liuss oi iie a iieaos. lie-, ki Minen I nii.i pteviouslv : been kulject. ANN M A l!I A 'I'll DM I'M ).N, ; 392 Gte't nw ich Htrea. X. Y. To Mr. Pie!, ate! P. tints, Agent for Wright's In- : dian 'i ge table Puis. j c.i in o .v. ! Aa there are. at this time many wicked persons I buaily engaged in s. I'int a e. urn. rfi il medicine un- del the in.iiie of the Indian V. getsllu pills and us t t! f -e ih spimte in. Il sr.- so uPeily reckless of con- ! k. iiiCi.c. s, that many valuable! ,v.-s may be lost in c,iiisee;iHi..Cd of Using their elre i'dful compounds, the pul fe sret rautioiied KB ainsl puteha-ii.p any I I I, mi I, is on the liJcbof Uic U x.s the lolh.wii g wot.llni! in f uiul : P-IUIll'S INDIAN VEfJF.TAELE TILLS. (JnJiun Purtitite.) 01 TITS 50BTII iMIlllCiN COLltOI Of HK1ITH. And alb to te eept.iaily care fukagainat pureha ail g said medicine of any person except the regu. lar advertised apeuls. AGEKTS FOR A OA Til VMB Eli LA AT) CO, J'tnnsylvania. II. B. Mssser, Sun! nry Wm. Forsyth, Nor thiiinl e il-.pd Jaeidi Hins. Sl.amekin Sumti. Ilirh, Mi.bonoy P,erly A D. Haas, Aurusta 'I'l.ioras Folliver. a'llirn Iie'pnd A. Meixell, Metweoe.vide F. S. P er, Turbutt,viie James fieri!, Pe.ttt(irne II. Klase, Sr de rsto n fl. II. Kt.rr.l el, p. M.. Lliaburj P. 0. V m. Lei enrini;, P M. I'tiii.ti C'nu.rr. Olhie aid fJrner.,! D. pot fr the rale of WVjAi't Jmdiun ' enable 1'tls, Wholesale and Ki..il, No. 103 BACE STKEET, PHILAI'EL JiHA. May 31, lei3. Iy r.OSS OINTMENT, rm 1'iri'Trn. niNovvotmia, rtMri.t s t)N Tttr. r n, and otiiiik t i: I'AM:iPsi rnt lTtiiMsi. (T.J' fl?t'ing errtijicn'e tlcse ihr one nflhe nw?t tftravrdiimt y cures ever effected ly uny application. Pntt.AiittrniA, February 10, 18:13. IOn twenty years t wai severely afTtict. il with 'I'lTrru on the Face and Head: the d seasr commennd when I w is seventeen years old, and continued until the Full of I8fi, vntvioR in vio lence, but without ever disaippenrinsr. During mot of the time, pTeat psTl rf my fice was covered with the eruption, frequently attended with vio'ent itch int?; tnv bend siv. l'cd at timi s until it f. It an if it won!. I l itr-t the sw-ellin I ' so e c ,t. th .t I cou'd catt i ly p. t mv hat on. During ihe lonst "'tiod th .1 1 was tifllieie.l wi ll the disease, I iisp.I a creat many n p'ienli .n , (;im. ni them s. vend ceh'hrat. d prep nation-) t's w II n l..k;n:r it w ml rowdies, iiuluduirn on t.h r of li.itt'i t of i"t'i'.t Vnmftn. V.xlm'l ; .', .Ve, In f-et it w. n!d be iinpor- i1 . le to pi titne-a'e ail the tn'-.l-e 'tn I usee!. 1 vsaJ yb'o iiiu'ei ttie e .re of two of ihe most dis til, gobbed ' v-ie-i .nsipf tl i-. cbv, I u with- lit te " i t - it ni- eh hem fit. ind 1 d.sp end of i-v.'l betne entid. In the f .11 of I.JtHl, the b .eae :.t the tin.c b."'i'i v.-iy violent, I commenced nsins the limr Oinlmri', ( pr, p ,vd by Ysliahaii - l)ivi.) Ill a f. v applications the violent itrhine e.-a--cd, ihe tv, . Pb Hba'ed. the i lili-li 'll hea en to disippesr, mid b.-fi-r.- I had Used a j ir the diearp w enliiely eoied. It lias no-.v l-eeMi niai'y a v.ar and a half since, and tin te ii tiol a veli" of ll.e d -rn e re midl ine, except the tee its from the deep pits formed by tl-c di-cnp. Il is imp hmI-Ic for me to .b-s.-Tilf in a 1 1 rtifieale th.' severity of the elisen-p ind my soil', r i 1 1 jr. but I will be pleisid to itive a folh r ae connt to anv per-oti wat tiotr further s-.tisfa. ti m. who will c -!l on nn At tbe liine I co nmet.t cd j usinu the It, ni; Oiti'm.-M I would have pion bun ibrds e.f do'lais to he rid of the disease. Since m sins it. I have recommend, d it to sever el persons', i (ainoiii; them my mother, who had the ili.-eai! bad- j ly on her n.m.) who w re a I cured bv it. J JAMES Dl'ltNELL. No. lofi, Pace St. rjj The Itose Oiiiltitenl is ptepiir. d bv E. 1. Vau,:han, S,,ii h East comer of Third and Pace i stiei is, Pliiladi Iphia. mi J sold on aurncv in Snnbu- j ry. bv JI. B. MAEK, S May 1 Mi. ISld. lye;. Clove Cmti.H'iit, t'uv Tt'lfci. ,i moor or rrs f.ffkwcy. Pit i i.AT .i. eu 1 1 . May 27l!i, 1 :t9. : ' i: to crut'v ll at I was severely allhete.1 - with Tetter in the hands, nnd f. et for upwards ol forty veais j the i1ieasi was attende d ceiierally with Mo'cut it.bintr nnd swcTiing. Iseppl e d to tiinnh. r of ph;. sii-i.-iis, and usi .1 a pre nt many appli ra'ions witln tit iirei'iinR a ct re. About ay.nr sir.ee, I nppl.ed t1 e I!o:e Ointment, whi. ii entirely slopped do- itch in;, nnd a few epplirati. lis iniineele a'ely cured th' I't-e'ase, w hieh thete has been no f'tl.in e.f, hlib.ouah I had never been rid of it at any time f,r folly year. PIC1I At.D SAYAOJv. Eh vi nth, below Sjnuee Street. CTj" The Pose Ointment is repared by E. B. Yau.han. S ii-.tli V.hft. corner of Tl.inl si d Pace ftre. ts, PhilaJe'i l.ia.iilid bold on aiiencv in Siinbti- tv.by H. B. MASr-ER, ' May U'h. ln. Agfht. Of the IlOSi: Ol.TMi:.T,fr T.lhr. LTHOT'fi II the seperiority of the prepaiali. n oeer all oth. rs is fi,l!y s-nbli-hed, the r r'e tors t:ke ph a me in lav mj before ihe public the follow ii-.( cct'ifirnte from a re-pectahle physician, a prndinite of tlie I'nteersity of Penr.sv lvania. Dr. B,.ii!h, bavinp found in this irinrdy that t. lief f .r a irdtous and disupr. able idT'etion which the means within the rai'pe of I is prof, sioii fj.le 1 to athinl, has not b.itati d to tsive it bis appiohuti m, nhh - uli l he pre iudi. es at.d i::'e-resl i f thai prod tsioii me . ppoM'd to seer, t It. nif t'ii s. Vnii.it I Tt rtt e, S. pt. 19, i-it;. I was reeri t'.v t'oi.b). il wita a -dio-: he-rpetie e iitpii' ti. ve I i. h e-or e, p. :u! mie 'e ,.f m f .ee, end i .'' i d' d hit tl e ear. Mr. V ..tili'.ii. j ropr.i I t eif the' Itori' t 'ii tn.ei.t, obse-i v in;.' my f i.'s, iti-t-.-teel ol. my t') .i-fi hi- j t. j . nation, of W h ( le he ban d."l u.e a '; ir. A tin n,.h in common wph ilo- no tn I e:s ed mv pri f. --ion, 1 iliseonii!. r.-enee mid elir-ap-pte ve nl the- iinioe r. us i itrt'tns p .lmed upon the pot lie I y i :t e.ianl r. t n h r , I f, .1 n jus-ire b anal to r Xi- pi tb.e It...- e Oil. tin. nt tioiu that c'a s of lor d.cn.e s. and (., oie t in v appr. batio", ms it e ntire lyiuri.l ihe tii.ptioii, iil'h. iti.'!i it h ,.! t. -i-ted the u'-u. I applications. DAN L. PA I (ill, M. D. (Xj I be It.-i Ointin.'i.t is prepared by E 15. N'liuthan, .v'oui!i laa-t t on er ol Third nt d It are "tire's, Ptiiliidi-'phi.!, and ttld on a-j. nev in Stm butv. bv II. 1J. M A-SEIt. May I lib, lS:t. .-t;'M'.'. jr. HALAND, SH. & CO. .'inili' iitnl Ti.bie.vo M :ti:u!;u ltii'crs, .An. '. I) Aof-.'t !!'. ccrnrr of Rmt ci:d Third Slr'tts. PHII.Al EI.PiHA. r II E nt.de T-iai.ed h ue form, d a Co ptrtn. r-d.ip - iit.d.r the firm of .1. MAYLNND Ji...v Co.. n sue.-e.-se.rs t 'he hite' fi.ni of Jua;!i .i7,;v,,;i. Co., and will c mtitrue 'he I i;ii . -ii nl he oi l est i I h -l,m, nt, mi tbe t ew n aceoi n'. In i d.'i l. ti to their own rli. si- aiteuti ..n nnd exprtiinee f ,t nu.ny vea s. ill ti e inut'iif . lure i f tbeii e rf. brat.-! riiidl", eV.'., the h i a e upe.ii nee e.f li e senior pa'ti er ol II e 1.1. to in, will al-o I e de voted to the! interest e f the' new con.-i'ru and as i o ixi-ition and eaip will le pered to insure th. ir poods, at ail ton s ol the ve--r I e-a ep..dily, ihe y solicit ;. conlinuan. e e.f ll.e e i i.l'.d. i.e e ol the b eiulc- an I cu toiners of the late lorn. TIIOM s ADAMS, J. MAVLAND, Jit. Pl.ilat.lpl in, 'aV 1 tlh. IS II. ly C: i iirr tt' Tli'iit nij r.'c Streets, rgtllt siilxr.ber r. spr. tfuily atuoune. s tithe I. public, that p h 'S opened a Hotel in the coin ! niolinus I ri. k building Kitnatn on the coiner of I bud and Fine streets, where he w Ii bp bappv to wait t p u those who may f.vor bi'n wit'i their rompse v. The Fault' Hotel is la'i-e and Coll'." I i enl, and I'm I is h. I in Ihe I e t in i'e in st' le. It i provlde.l with a litpp inimber of well aired and eon.f. rt.ddu sir. ping wpattttu nts, rooms, private I ail.ns, ec. Prisons votin g idnitiisport on bu illessol plea-ure, may ret as-ut d that eeerv ex ertion will le used to nidrr their sojourn nt the "L'sfile Hot. I" h atant and agreeable. HisTal ln will he ftipplird with the very but the maikrt af forils, and his I ar wiih the choicest wines and other liquors (.bulges, re .amiable. The Eagle Hotel pofiessea greater advantages in point of location than any other similar e stablishment in the borough, being situate in the business part of the town, and within a convenie nt distance of the Court House anil Williamsporl and Elmira Kail Itoad Depot. SufTie ienl Stabling provided, and good and trusty ra tleis alwi,-, in atte ndance. Attentive, scroti. nindMing and honel 8erant hae ln imloyed, and limbing left undone that will add lo ll.e ci.ii.foil and arccmmoda'.ion of his guests. There will be a carringe always in attendance at the Host Landing to convey pasbengers to and from the House, fits of charge, C1IAQ1.ES BOKROWS. May Uth, IP12.-tf ATTORNfiY AT LAW, CUITETJUY. PA. Btislnpss.ittetiilcd to in the Coitntiea of Nor thutt'l erland, Union. Lvcmning and C'olumhia. I f f. A , Tim HAS HItT et (Jn,, I.owr.n fit Beannx, IIawt, CrMMtnos St IIabt, yPliilud, ItRTfrntti. McpAtiiAJin et Co. Spr.ntxo, 'toon ft Co., To C'otmf rr TJZ Ti RCHANTS, PHE Subscriber, Accnt of I yon St Harris, Hat ManiiCieliirer.ri. for X.nv York, Phil edelphia, B'lltimoio slid other larce cities, wl oso Huts me highly cotiiiniti.b'd f .it vorf cul-.i and durnlilitti, h,i o i I nnd fir-t r ite nneilmiit of HA'I'iS nnd ("APS, mill' le f..r Sprint-, wh eh will be fold very low, fot cas'i or si p'ove 1 credit, nt tbe nrlrd cheap tre, iN'ii, 40, Notili '1 h:rd a're-., opp si'e the City Hotel. Ph ill lelpbin. ItOID'UT D. WILKINSON. ,,fn. X. H. Ordeis lor llaliiiu the out; Ii . promptly att.'ii.le.l lo. The highest prie:e in ravA jr trade Ijivpn far Fur ilins. Phil.tih lphi-i. June 11, ISIS,--! A Ll. peisons ind. bled to the linn of Lvon Si - Hatr;s, under t'.e iiynry of O. N. 'I'l arhe f. I tut and Cap Miinufurturert, No. 40 North Thiiil, stree t, Phil id. Iphia. are tnpiesled to make immedi ate st'ttii'm. nl e.f th-ir n. count wiih die subscriber. th' ir legally aii ho.ire.l hiteot.who is fully en.poev i led losi tile and colli et tbe accounts of said firm. koi;ei.t d. Wilkinson. June 4th, 1812. tf Aait. GO 1,1) K N SWAN a a a x rn? n 3 n iVo. W Mot lit Third, iiIkip Arch Utrcct, Filll.ADl'.I.I'lIIA. Afl'OVVnr M IONS tun M VI.MV rl'ltSONS. f MI AIil.F.S WEISS. I.t'o ..( li e "W hite Sw,,,,." and 'Mount Vernon House," rrsp. eifnlly in forms his fi ii tid- nnd customer", that be l a- become the proprietor e.f the abov well known Hotel. Coiin'ry Mi'ichants w ill fml the above Hole! a centra! location, and the bet of fere. Pe rson Ira vollinp with private conveyance will find a latpe yard and cod slahlinn ft b.oises, and the best of ost'eis. Ilonrdini! !f 1 per day. May I I ih, 1 812. if. 771:. HILjLlf & ( 'oiniiiissioii vc I'ofwnrditiK .Mcrclinnts, loot nf Willow Si rut Rail linad, th! t ri.A waiik, TAYlNf! associated wih them Joseph Burnet, l .te of Eastoii. P.i., respectfully inform their fnends and the public penerallv, that they have ta. k.nth t l.irpe and we I known store and wharf nt foot of Willow Street padroad, lately oeciepie J by Jseedi Martin, where they pmpose deiiti(i a (ien. tal Commission and Forwatilinp Business, ami fiom the lociel advantaL'Cs of ihe place beinp conni clej with all ll.e pul be improvements that have tin ir outlet in the citv, they (latter themse-Nts the'V will be able to d.i business lo as preat, if not g f a'er ad vanttipe, anil upon as teasonnble tetms as any other house, nnd th. v am their fnends that any con slk'i ments muiV to them shsil have their strct at ti ntion, an J no exi itions sj an d to give entiie satis f.iction. Th. y are alto prepnie.l to receive and forw ard poods to any point on the Delaware und Le hiph livers, between M.mch ('hunk, Eaton and Phila del, lib, vin Delaware Divisi. n and Lehigh Cm also, to tine point on the Juniata live r, or Ne'rh ar:d Wtsl lbaoeil' s .it the 'u-qtiehiitina via !-'el,iivl. sill tn. 1 l.'nion, ot tiio Che .'aprake and l id.! W.itui Ciiti-.iV. For the ac.'on.rno.liitioii of Boa's Comit c or po i. it lio !'. buy II; ill an. I I 'i:i.,n C'en d-. a Sie .ttil-o-.t will b I., pt n pies' v for t.iv-inp bouts fmm the S. bn 'kl: .ouiii d to the Dela-.vf.ie at,, I bae-k. which will en l ie no ii bants to haee' theit produee eleli ve'.ed on the De'i,ware, ami the ir puds shippeel at a saviuc ot fi!) tii 7'i per cent, o" the pi lees f.r il .nil. p ae -o !, w aii thise ndu.nl. ns they rc-:-j i , ;!i."v solicit a sh,i'r e.f j air riu-e. W. I1E1L.MAN & CO. William Hi ilrn-.n, "J WMI mo W. K.),e ,'. lo.-.ph I!.. met. J Phihid .May 1 1, lvbl. '.) I30LTO?J 6i GO. rit rill iiii:iissitii Jit'i't I::ni(s, or the Suit i'J I- l.iur, Urttin, bad, V'., mC G. Vt. & L. B. TAYLOR. fV.FFER Toil SALE, at the South East Cor- V ner of Fifth und Market Streets, Fhiludel. jjiia Mens' Calf-skin Boots, stitchcJ wnrrantej. do do do pepged do do do do water proof, double soles and double uppers, do Calf-skin do do do nailed and uppers, do Heivy Water Leither Boots, do do Xeata do do. do Hi eh quarter Shoes, Calf-skin, do do do Crockers do do Fine Monroes warranted do Kip do do Calf do do Course do do do Shoes do Fine do do Kip do do do do do (1.1 do -s-T-i-n , ,i.. .. i i . i . fA - oei-eini, i y un i.j.tiu a i;.)riai ussoii- !J A ment ot Books lltul iStlitlon'lrv rori.nri,,iiie- flJi F.PEf TFI'I.LY inform their lii.uds nl In' .Me rebiii.ls pi nerullv, that tb.ey haee ta-I-in ihei-e b'tpe nnd eommndious Wharv s, e iih tvvo Doeks, iioiih of Chest.ul stt.et, on the Delaware, t cither w ith the st. ie No. 19 South Wlurie--, wl eie ihev would be plra-ed lo tec. ive eonsinn n ents e.f (tram, Flout. Seed, Whiskey, Iron, Ssc. vie. Pn'ii p also we'll pie pareel to forward all kinds of M. iclaii'ise by lie S.boyll.ill mul I"nioii,or by the Cbesapi tike Mel Tioe Wate r Canals, ,is ln--bosts are bent ixpr.s ly foi the purpose of towing bouts by ( i I or unite. Men hut ts will ple se he piTt'o ular to send the:r !' Is .le . ii e. I by eiiler e.innt-, t. No. 19 Soiilh Vi Ir ive s, bi twee n M.nkel an. I Cliesiiul sir.-e's, oil li e De l.,e. -ere, w itb iliiee lions neeomp any ing them which route ihey wish ll em to he shipped. (j J- Plurlir and t-'jll for sa'e, at th l.iwe.-t n ar ki t ( ri.-e. PULTON A C'. Match 11. IIH. N... 19 South Whines. iio!,5 i: r ( ut i i it s, J?APKIt I.IATs-Ur.-TLCTtJIir:RS, t.owtiitril tttrttt, tl-itl iowrr, I T AVE coii.-t.iutlv for salr, Priinini Paper of ah ' - sizes and ejualiln s, Csu WiiliiiK Paper, nihil at-d pi. .in, l.ettrr Pi.pi r, white and blue, rule d anil i plain. Harping Paper, fine and common, Envelope ! Paper, dee. dei. n e .huni, douh e nenvii, crown iinel ritid sizt-el nipping Paj er, Coloieal M. 'ilium and i I'oyal Pa eis, Boiiiii-t, Binelcrs' and S:i-.v Box Hoards, 'Pissue Paper, aii.l ;,!( tilt eles in their hue, 'wbi.h they wi.l sell on i-tcoinoioilii iiig terins. I ll.ghe.-t puce giver, f. r obi rans. Kol.'EKT CAUI F.K St SON, j M .tch 19. IHPI. Elkion. Md CHRYSOLITE POLIDH. A N attic'o uneepualled for eleaninp and p viiip a hiphly durahlo and most brilliant polish to sil ver, ticrnii.il eSilver, Brass, Coppet, Britlani ware, Tin, Steel, Cutlery, and for restotii.g the lustre on varnished Carlisle-, Ac. TKkf IT. Prepared an I Bold si whede'sale and retail, by ths Susquehanna Chrysolite J'olish Company, Owcga, Tioga county, N. Y. VVM. FOKSYTIf, Agent lor Nnnhum'd, 11. B. MASSE It, Agent for Sunbury. November 20lh. 1842. ri.TEU DEW EJUS, ST MA2CEU. No. 74 Cullowhill Street, Pliiladelpliia f Three docrt above Second. J SHOIE Findings always kept on hand, which he offers for sale on th loafe-t terms. Country Metrherils are psilieulvrly to (ill and judge foi ihfmtelvea. rbiladelphis, Xovew jer 13, 1S12 It. LAST do Calf and Seal Skin Pumps, do List Socks with and without soles, do Carpet do do do do Patent Warranted Water-proof Moecasins. Ladies' do do elo do Lnelte s' tanned Imli.i Rubber shoes. Oetitlcmens' do Over shoes. Wiih eve-ry other di'sr-iptiou of hoots and shoes. Fur Caps of every description, Travell.np Trunks of eviry description. Venetian 'Pravellinp Briis. Patent Hum Elastic Shoe Bine-kins. Bonnets ..full kinds. Palm Lrsf Hats. Philiih l Ida, Niuemher 1:1. 1S.J2. ly. " '""EAT" & ."C T HE " " WHOI.F.SALi: AND ItF.T.ML BOOKsEf. LF.lts AND STATIONEItS o. lii'-i Clicsiitit St t oot, I'cluw ltli, l'liiliiik-liihia. 3 Tlieolopie-al, Law, Meelieal, Cl.essiral. Misrellalie ous and Setieiol Books, Day Books, nil si7.es. Led i!.rs, elo.. Family Bibles, Peickrl B.bles, Wiiting P.ets, Wra pill) Papers. Sic. &.C., w hich they of h-r at the h. nest prices to Country Me rchant's Pre tesnieiiial (Je nil. nien, Teachers, and all olhern thai may favor them with their custom. Philadelphia, No! Mnber Et. 1842. ly. .Tlit hnel Wt'avci V !on, norn makers & snip ciiAi7Di.Ens. Ati. Kl Kurth Water Street, l'iitiidcijdit'a. SE A VE constanlly on hand, a penet 1! assort y nu nt of Cordape-, iSe-ine 'Pwiiies, .S.C., vi : l ard I.'opes, Fishim Popes, White Popes, .M.itiil hi Jtojies, 'J'otv Lines br ("anal Boats. Also, a complete assottinei.t of Seine Twines, eVc. such as Hemp Sliad and II. rrinp Tw ine, Best Patent Ce'ill Nut Twine, Ceitton Shad and Herring Twit e. Shoe Threa.ls, &c. &e. Also, Beel ("ords, I'lotiph Lines, Halters, Trace s, Cotton and Linen Carpet Chains, tVr. all of which they will dispose of on reasonable let nis. Phil.idc'phia, November 1 3, 1 SIC. ly. .)a ol Fi i.snmUi .Sw Son- 1 ) EM'ECTFI LLY informs their friends and eeiiaintances pe lerully that they still con tinue to keep at the old stand. No. 2IG North 3d stree t. Philadelphia, all '. ends of TOUACCO SSI .'- AM' SLGAKS. Which they will aell n the in j '. accommodating and reasotia le tetms. N. B. All coods told will be guai intced and all orders promptl) att. ndt J to. Philadelphia, Ne.vemhet 13, 1S12. ly. r rETEr?7'CTTOTE?s7 " W'liolosalc and Hot ail Sljoo, llonnct, fiii.l l'aliu Leaf Hat Waroltotise. ,Yo (io Xji-th id strut, u f,w doors above . lit!:, liiiludttj.biti. A Lf0 Tiet.hs, Carpet Baps and V aliees, of ev J A r ele-ciiplion, ull of which he oll'e is for ale on i!ip limi t teas aiiiible terms. Phil 1. 1. Iphia, November El, 1I2. ly. J . W . S NV AIM, I "u iliieila ami Tarast-I Mauufacturi'i". A'. "IV South Tlntd ilrnt, tun doors btluw I 'if Cily liutrl, I'liHtidi litlila, A "iOI'NTIt Merc hauls and e.ihers are solicited to rxainiiitf his assoiti.ieiil befote jiutcluting elsewhere Phila 'eli hia, November 1'. t 1U. ly. 1 1. vV A. ht) VOl'DT'S j 'liiua,fi!,'is and Liverpool Warcliemsr". ' Au 101 A" Third i'rn t . third e.tT btluw Yiite flrot, l'ii!ii,hl.hi,i, ! ATT'lIF-KE thry constaietly keep on hand a large " assortmitit of China, (ilass arid Liverjiool Ware, w hich they will dispose! of on the niosl ici- , s an d ie lei ins. ' Pbili.b lpbiii, November Id, 1S!2. ly. tih:otjia's CuLr. j Maiuifuctmer and Importer of .Sad-j dlery, Hardware, &c. i .Y,i. 5 Smith Third direct , four duors below Market Philadelphia. I TJ T" I'EP constantly 011 h md a lartre and petieral ) H assortment Coach Lamps, Carriase Panels, Atle Arms, I'.lipttc Sptinps, Patent Leather, efce. I Country Metchnnts an.) saddleig will be supplied a I ' ll limes on the most reasonable tetms. They will . find it to their ndvantape to Call and examine his nsseu tme'iil before purchasinp elsewhere. j I'l, dad, Iphia, Neiveinler Et, 1S.42. ly. j PJ.YNOLiNS, iMclRL.NT) v r() j Whclcsalu iU'alers in lircin l!riti!i j and American Pry Uoeiels. j .V.i. 105 Muket ftnet, Philadelphia. ' COl'NTFiY Merchants, and others ran be sup- ; plied at all times w ith nn ext-usive assoit- -iiii-nl e.f the oeot and most f i-.l.iuu.illt- Goods upon . tb.e mn-t teasonahle terms. PLiladelphia, November 13. 1842. ly. j Lori:iT"v n iio. j Importers and Pealcrs in Foreign and Domestic Hardware, i Xo. 171 Xohtu Tiiihji Sthi..t, Piiti inst rHi. "I T T II El! I. their fiicnds and customers will always ' find u larpe and general assortment of Foreign and Domestic Hatdwaie, which Ihey will sell at the lowest pi ices, Phil. delphia, November 13. 1812. ly. IEKICK. IIANSELL &. CO'S. WHOLESALE DRV GOODS STORE. No. 106 1-y Market Street, l'hila. (Bilow Fifth South iide ) A LWAYS keep on hand a full and general as f evrtmentof Hosiery, Lace, and Fancy Goods, Country Merchant! are respectfully request jd lo give them call and eiamine for themselves. Philadelphia, November 13. 1S43 ly. SPERLNG, GOOD & CO. No. 138 Market Street, Philadelphia. INVITE the attention of Country Merchants lei their extensive assortment of Btiiif h French and American Dry Good, which they offer foraale on the most reasonable terms. Philadelphia, November 13, t4. ly. WINSLOW'S A1YIT,SA OP HOUR HOUND. A N nnparelleled remedy for common Colds, Coughs, Asthma, Influcnia, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis., and all dhieases of the Breast and Lungs, Ipadins 10 consnmptimt composed of the concen trated virtues of Hore hound, Bonset, Blood Rootr Liverwort and several other vegetable substances. Prepareeonly by J. M. Wisstow, Rochester, New Voik. The innocence nnd nnivprsallv ailmitted pectoral viitnesof the Heths ftom which the Balsam 0 llonhound ia made, arc too generally known to rc quire recommendation ; it is therefore only necessa ry to obsetve that this Meelicine contain tho whole of their Medicinal propetties, highly concentrated, nnd so happily combined with sevetal other vege table substances, as to render il tho most speedy, ndld and certain remedy, now in use, f.;f ihe com plaints above mentioned. The Itnlsam Temoves all imflammation and sore ncss of the Lungs, loosens tough visid phlegm, en, aiding the patient to expectorate wi'h ease and free dom, asstinres coitph, relieve athmatic and dilTi cult respiration, heals the injured parts, opens tha pores, and composes the disturbed nerves, and Rie strength to the tender lungs, and thus producea a speedy and lasting cure. IllIHA TITI-IIK ISTIIK BASrStT CWTME ITT Ma. We are not among that cl iss of Editors who for a few dollais will, (at the expense of truth and ho nesty) "crae-k up" an article and bring it into rapid sale ; neither ate we willing to temain silent, after having lested the utility of an im rovement or dis covery in science or atl. Our readers will recollect we told them we were unwe ll with a sore throat and violent eld some few weeks ago. Well, we pur chased two bottle's of WIXSLOW'S BALSAM OF HOIJF.HOI'M), and so sudden was the cute, that we forgot we ever had a cold. Those who ate alllicled, may tiy it upon our recommendation. ticiVo'i T li-graph. For sale by HEN ItY VOXTIIFIMEIt, Sunlmry, JACOB HKIti'HT, Sorlhumhrrtund. Also, by llrupcists generally threiuuhout the country. Q j" Price, SO cents per ho'tle. i Auu'iist 11th, 1S12. ly. C2. SALE. "(TTOn sr.le a small l's'ui, containing about one HL htinilred and ten acres, more or h-s, situate 111 I'e.iiit township, Neerihund erlaud cnuntv, about two miles iibove Xoill.umheil and, on the main ropd leading from that place to Ilanville, adjoining lands of .li.hii l.cuheui, desse ('. I!oT'cn and others, no-.v in the occupancy 1 f Samui I Pay hp. About forty acres of s oil tiact are clean d, and in good rtit:' of ctrti'ati.ui, tin which there is a small barn erect, d. Tho ptopi'tly w ill bp sold nn r asnnahlo teims. For fur (her particulars, peisons are request ed to apply tu the t ul scribe r. II. B, MASSEIt, Afiet, Nov. 2"th, 1812. tf. Suiibury. Pa ! OF KVF.PV HKSCKIPTIOX. NEW ENGLAND OIL COMPANY. j No. 2D North Water Street, Phila. ; "IB ft ANl'FACTCnP.IJS and dealers in Oils of XV.M every description both for burning and ; manufacturing purposes, which will lie sold much ; lower than Ihey can I'e procured elsewherp, and wurrenti'd in qeiality to equal any in the citv. Any I oil bold by the company not proving as icprcseiiled, ; may be returned without any expense to the pur ; chaser, and the money will I refunded. J'heir stock now in store consists of ihe follow ing COUO ITi.fKtO in, nut) Slt.CtfMI ciino l.,,iiiiO do del do do do k pet m do 2 oils, nr. : tK),m;0 Liiiloiis Winter Blcarhcd Oil, do ("ohnh'FS Oil, Fall ami Spring Sperm Oil, Winter Sea Elephant, do Pressed Whale Oil. Summer do do Common Whale Oil, 2ti0 IJ.irr.-l- snpeti.'t Stra.'s Oil, Ji'fl do Co l Pi.nk Oil, r.O do N. a's Foot O.I, ?') Ci.-!s Olive Oil, Till. Hit's I his. C j This Compn y ha-- a number of Vessels" en gaped in the Cod I'isliirv, ami 'I'jnners may rely upon ce lling at all Linos 0:1 ns puie as imported. Plul.idelphi.1, Nov. Id, ls l2. ly. rrZcCAIxX.A & HEBSB" Ao A 01 111 Sen -mit! Klm l, t (ceuiM'i nr Cl"'! r's Al-Uf-T.) WI.eit t'iey celi.'i.iiitly keep on hand a genenl a-sr.rtmrnt of CleOTKS, CASSII-TIIXIES, VESTIKGS And a get i.t laritti nf articles of a superior quality, whiehlhi'V ciTcr to dispose of I'pon the most rca-onehle terms. CtOlM UV MKKCH ANTS and e thers will J lind it to lh.ii hi! v itiitnce to call and examine tin ir stock l-eloit purchasing elsewhere. Philadelphia. Nov. 0, 1SI2. Iy LIST OF BOOKS, nue sal 1. hi 3. 53323130112. rier' h and li'erman eh..; Antbem's Ctrsar; Ambon's (.rammer; Aulheii's I jee.o, Mail's Latin Keadet; ( 'gill y's do.; Atiebew's I .a ' in Lessens; D line gall's Levicoti; l"'itk' lire, k Die te ses; Davies's Legendei; (iiaec Majors; Adams' 1,'oinaii Antiquities", Piunock'a (i.ilelsiuitlt'a lnglaiid; do. Oreece; I, yell's Klenients of (ieology; Mis. Lincoln's Botany; Elements of Botany; Bridge's Algebra; Porter's liheloiical Pea .hr; Pmersoii's (ieography and Histoij; Oh ey's do.; Purle y's do.; Smith's (iraminei; Kukhani's do.; Kay's Head, r-; Coil's do.; Cobb's Arithmetic!; Pike's do.; Emerson's do.; Ced b's Spilling liouks; Town's do.; Cobb's 'Fable Be'oks; Kvaupelical Fa mily Libiary; Coilace Bible; Family do; Collater al do.; Small Bibles and Testaments; Paike.'s Ll ete i.-es on Composition; Ftuit of the "Si'ii it; Umi'c i's S ini's lies'; American leevolution; Martyatl'a No vels; Mrs. Pbclpa on Cl.imistiy; Iliad; t,ilechtsm of Amrricsn Laws; l e'te rson Natural Maitii ; Che-mii-tiy lor Beiuiieis; L"iii;hsli Kieicis, s adapted 10 Munav's Crammer; Seque l to C0111I. y's Spelhug Boos; Ann riean Class Hi.ok; Daboll's Schoolintu tei's Afsirtant; A steal variety of Blank Books, eVc. Augu-t 2S, jHl . ATTENTiON'r"'" .1 . te I I) V I! V a 11 V I u Etl LS I S the attention of hi country fiienelu - who are in want, to hi ver luma ti.wst t Carpet inga, Oil Cloths, Matting, Ruga, Binihugs, Stan Reids, &c, e.V c, that ho haa jueu opened, at his warehouse, No. 18 North 2d meet, and No. 5i Church Alley, iicxt door to Chtist Church, Phila-de'l'h'-- July 31, 184'i ly. XTIIOX'S Classical Hieiionary; I.empr do.; Ainswoith's do ; Cobb's do.; English 1 SPANISH HIDES. TANNERS' OIL AND LEATHER D. K1RKPAT1UCK & SON, Jto. 81, A'orA Third street, (aiTWCK MARKIT A0 CRIISCT TIItO null , nn. ,. . ' AVE for isle a large and excellent assortment of SnaniiA Hides, Pctna Kins. Tanners' Oil. iff., at the lowest market price, either for eah, in exchange for Leather, or upon ciedit. Consignments of Leather received for i!e, 01 purchwad at th highest mkst price. (J3 Leather stated free of charge, April 17, lSS.Iy ir