Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, November 18, 1843, Image 3

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OJiceoflhe Daltihoik Aime.i,Nov. 13.
FLOUR. The stock of Howard street Flour for
tale in market continues tight, nJ there ii but
little doing. Holder are generally asking ft 37 J
fur good mixed brands from store at which price we
note a aale lo-diy of 100 barrels. The receipts
are light and are principally going into store on
owners account. We are unable to quote a defi
nite price from wagon or cars.
We hear of no transaction in City Mills Flour.
We believe it can be bought fur ft 25, but some
liolJers ask more.
There ia no Susquehanna Flour in market. It
would readily sell fir J4 37 J, and probably more.
Sates of Rye Flour at (2 87 J n f3.
GRAIN. Wheals are without change in prices.
Sales of good to piime Md. and Virginia reds are
making at 90 a 65 cents, and other sorts lower as
in quality. A sale of good Penna. red, having smut
in it, was made to-lay at 93 cents. We quote
prime at 25 cents.
We quote old Md. white Corn at 40 a 42 cents,
and old yellow at 45 a 46 cents. New white suffi
ciently dry for shipment, 37 a 39 cents, and new
yellow at 39 a 40 cents. A sale of 1400 bushels
Pcnna. yellow to-day at 47 cents.
We quote Md. Rye at 55 cents, and Oats at 21
a 22 cents,
WHISKEY-. Sales of hhd. at 23j cents ; we
quote bbh. at 22 cents, dull.
Skstf.scsii run Straliso Sisvr.s. A mu
latto man was convicted on Monday last, in Frede
rick county (Md ) Court, of aiding and abetting
the escape of ten slaves to Pennsylvania, lie was
sentenced to impiisonment in tho Penitentiary fur
five years and six month.
A Cr.nTiis RcMKnr We with groat pleasure
recommend to our readers Drandreth's Vcgctn-
ble Uuirersal nils, as being a certain remo j
dy for colds, and sudden attacks of disorders. An !
early use of these pills often produces the happic-t
effects and in case of indigestion, headache, dizr.i
n' ss, pains in the stomach and bowels, found ofiu-
calculable value in removing these diseases from i int. rested in the questions for trial in this cause,
the body, without producing any pain whatever. ' '" be distribution of the proceeds of sale of Hit;
, , , ,, . . . . i estate of John H. Cowden, that the said cause will
Families remote from skilful i .hy.ici.iiie. ,,c fiw on ,he FO(.l) Mnil ,y f .he. Novcm
ought always to be provided with iheso Pills, as ! i,r 'Pc,,,. nf.xi ;,, w Berlin, in said couniv of
their seasonable application oftentimes prevents the
most serious and formidable maladies.
Saturday Courier.
fjj" Purchase of II. B. Masser, Sunbury, or
of Agents published in another part of this pa
per. 11 - - 1 '.' ii. i i i i
.w .i n it i ; o ,
On Thursday the 9th in?t.,bv the Rev. A. Brit
tain, Mr. Jr.ssit Weaver, to MissEriz Basskt, !
both of Augusta township,
i i i: ,
Near Sirauhstnwn, Union coun'v, on the lOih
insl., WILLIAM RKKSKR, jr.. of Marion county,
Olii.i, ton or Mr. Win. Keener of Augusta township,
in this county, aged atxHil 45 year.
On the ltiih in-t. JOHN PRICK, son of Mr.
John Raudjlti, of ibis place, aged about 4 years,
p .iiiii.
ruicr. cumiknt.
Corrected weekly by Henry Yoxtuimer.
WnKAT, .... Wi
Era, fill
Cnav, ...... 40
Oats, 25
I'll H K , ...... 5
Flaxsikii, ... . lnO
BcTTKTt, 10
Bkf.swax, .... 25
Tali.ow, .... 10
Dhikii Appi.ks, - - i5
Do. Paaciiks, . - 200
Flax. ... . fl
Hkcklkii Flax, 10
Funs, ...... 6
Almiii-strai4i'i Aolicc.
TTOTICE is hereby givi n thai Ictti rs of ad-
ministration have lieen granted by the Re
nist'-r of Noithumber'and county, to the uhsrrile rs,
in the estate of John B. Price, late of the lurouuh
of Sunboiy, Notlhuiiiberland county, dee'd. All
persons having demands against the estate will
present them du'y authen'ieated for settlement, and
those indebted are requested to call and make set
tlement immediately.
Sunbury, Nov. Ifoji, 1813. fit.
Ar. 1?8 Chcsnut Strict, bctwcvn "till ami $lh
HAS received a larce assortment ! Hilkn, Shawls,
Silk Velvets, Cashmere D'Ecosse, Moost-lin
de Lsines, t ri neh Merinot'a, Hosiery. I.iuvii l .m- ;
liek bilks., filuves. Laces, Printed Velvets, Flan-
liels. Linens, French, Ameiiean Ca ieo.s ; i
biid is d .ily adding to his stock the must I rtiinable j
and newest l)rv (ioods as ihey "iv. All of which I
will be s.ild wholesulu and r, tail ut I lie lowest j
prices. I
fjj- Strangers ill find it to their interest to rail, j
ss ihe g' ods are nil warranted, mid the LOW E-ST j
CAs-II prices named fust slid no abatement.
Philadelphia, Nov. 18di, IH43. 3l. j
A(liuiuiKirntoi'N Aolirc. j
"WOTICE i hereby given, that letters of ad
( miiiis'r.ition uf ihe et.taie of Andrew K. Rut
adl, late of the borough of Sunbury, Northumber
land county, dee'd., have been giantcd by the Re
gis'er of Northumberland county to the subscriber.
All persons, therefore, nidi bled to the said est.ite,
re requested to make payment, and all tlio-e ha
ving claims will present them for settlement, on
Friday and Saturusy Ihe 15th end 16ih days of
December next, at the house of Charles Weaver,
in the borough of Sunbury.
Nov. 11 lb, 1643. 6t Adm'r.
Executor's JVolice.
A LL persons indebted to the estate of Catharine
Rots, late of the borough of Northumberland,
ilec'd., are hereby notified to settle their respective
accounts immediately, and all persons having claims
against atid estate are requested to present them
duly authenticated for aettlament, to James Tag
tart, the acting executor.
North'd., Nov. 11, 1S43.-DI. Luculon.
Public Sale.
"TII.t. be offered at public, sale, at the Houte
of Jacob Leisenring, (Bear Gap Tavern,)
in Shamokin township, Northumberland county,
onSatuiday the 25th day of Nuvemlicr next, at 1
o'clock. P. M.
.f ii,iittt,K Ttt.tCT op r..tx-o,
Situate in Shamokin township, Northumberland
county, on the Main Ho id leading from Irish Val
ley to Roaring Creek Valley, adjoining lauds of
Benjamin Tilghman and lands late of Ann Pern
berton, anil running within about 10 rods of the
Danville. Turnpike, and within about 60 rods of
the Centre Turnpike, containing 102 acre-t and 40
perches strict measure, about 30 acres of which are
cleared ; whereon is erected a largo and commodi
ous two story dwelling bouse, with a never failing
spring of water near tho door. About 12 acres of
said land are excellent meadow ground, and the
residue of s red shale soil of a very superior quality,
and is well timbered and watered.
The terms of sain will be, J of tho purchase mo
ney essh, and the bslanco in equal payments, with
interest, at one and two years, secured by Bond
and Mortgage. A Deed with general covenant of
warranty will be aiven.
N. B. Persona wishing any further information
concerning said land, will please call on mo at
Philadelphia, David Rockefeller at Sunbury.or Mr.
Adam Gilger in Shamokin township, who resides
near it, and who will shew the land to persons de
sirous of purchasing. W. M. T.
Oct. 28, 1843. .V.
Wm. Donaldson & wife",
In the Common Pleis
The We-t Branch Bank
at Williamsport, for tho
use of Kllis Lewis, Esq.
and the President, Di
rectors nil J Company of
of Union county of Au
gust term, 191.1, No.
Amicable action in
asumpsit anil issue lorm
rd and directed by the
court. For trial on the
the Bank of I ennsylva.
J second Monday of No
vember Term next, for the puipnso of determining
whether the Legacies bequeathed by the IiihI will
and testament of John Cowden, l ite ofNoithuin
beiland, ilec'd.. are payable, and if so, whciliel thev
have betn paid or otherwise satisfied or barred, and
I..-..W iini.-li .--li T oil iii. in pntiiled to receive out
()f ,,., 0lis f ,,. of the real estate of John
II. Cow dm bv the Sheriff of said county, so far ns
ihe said leal estate was derived by the said John II.
Cowden by devise from his lale father, John Cow
den. deceased.
Therefore, notice is hereby given, ' all persons
Union, wbei: and whete all vers ma interested in
the above questions or otherwise, may attend if taey
think proper und be heard.
By the Cour
O.'t CS, 1S43 4t. Vij.'m. 1
Mary Bradford T Inthe Common Pleas of
r,. C Union countv, of August
Same defendants. 3 ',Vrm-1 8 ,3' No- 'M
Issiirt directed by the court on the questions, os
in No. 202, and for trial the second week of No
vember Term next.
Notice is hereby given to all persons interested
in the questions for trial in the above cause, and
in the distribution of the proceeds of sale of the es
tate of John II. Cowd. n. that the said cause will be
for trial on the second Monday of November Term
next, at the Court House, in New Berlin, in said
county of Union, when and where all persons in.
te rested in the questions fur trial or otherwise, may
attend if ihey think proper nnd I heard,
By the Court.
o.-t. 2, isn. 4t. WAV.
Elir.ibetli Wallis In the Common Pleas of
is. C Union countv, of Augu-l
Same b fn.l int. 3 Term. lSf.t. No. 20t.
Issue ilinclcd by the Court on th" que-non. as
in No. 202, and for trial the second wet k of No
vember Term in xt.
Notice is hereby given to all persons inb rested
in the question' for trial in the above cau-e, ai d
in Ihe ditrihnti n of the proceeds of sale of the es- !
late of Jolm H. Cowden, lint llio said cause will!
be for trial on the. second Mondiyof November
Term mxt. at the Const House in New Berlin in j
said countv of Union, when and where all persons
interested in the qnestiens for trial or otherwise,
may attend it" th. y think proper and be heard,
By the Court.
Oct. 2S. 1813 4t. IWMy.
xo i' k r. .
Cowden S. Wallis ) In the Common Plca of (
r. v Union couniy of August
Same defendants. yiYim, 1S13, No. 205.
Issue diirctfd by the Court on the questions nt
in No. 202, sod for trial the second week ol No
vember Term next.
Notice is hciehy given to ail persona interested
in the quesiiona for trial in the above eau.e, nnd
in the di'iiliution of ihe pioceeds of sale of the rs
st.tte id John H. Cowden, that the said cmse will
be for trial on the second Monday nt November
Term next, at the Couit lLue in New Beilin, in
said county of Union, when and where all persons
interested in the questions lor tiial, or ulhemi.-e,
may att.nJ if they think proper, and be heard,
By the Court.
Oc. 28, 1813. 4t. I'juHl'1'
n oti ( r..
David G. Bailiiiz ) In Ibe Common Pleas of
r. v Union couniv of August
Same defendants. V'"'"' If 43, N o. Sufi.
Issue ilnerted by ihe Com I on the qne-lioii', as
in No. 2(12, and for tii.d the second week of No
vember Term next.
Notice is hereby given to nil erons inieiested
in the questions f u trial in the above cause, and in
the tl slribulion of the proceed of sale ol ihe t state
..f John If. Cowden, that the said tauewil be lor
trial op the second Monday of November Term
next, at the Couit House in New Berlin, in sanl
county of Union, when and where all pir-onsin
terrrted in the questions for trial, or otheimiee, may
attend if they think proper, and be beard,
By the Court.
Oct. 28, 1R43. 41. 'itA'.v.
N O T 1 C K .
Sarah Jane Bradford") In the Common IMeas of
rs. V Union county of August
Same defendsnls. Tetm, 143, No. 207.
Issue duected by the Court on the questions,
in No. 202, and for trial the second week of No
vember Term next.
Notice is hereby given to all persona interested
in the question for trial in the above cause, and in
the distribution of the proceeds of sale of the estate
of John H. Cowden, that the said caue will be for
trial on the second Monday of November Teira
next, at the Couit House in New Berlin, in said
county of Union, when and where all persons in
terested in the questions for trial, or otherwise, may
atttind if they think proper, and be heaid,
By lbs Court.
Oct. 25, 1943. 4t. rrvth'y.
"VFFICH, in the building occupieJ by J. Bloom,
on Market street.
Oct. 2l.t. IS 13.
rilHE valuable propertiea of Oakley's Doptira.
I. tive Syrup of Sarsaparilla, aa n purifier of the
blood, is ao well known to the public generally,
that it is unnecessaiy to occupy much space in set
ting forth the advantages to be derived from its
use ; wherever the medicine has once been intro
duced, it takes precedence over all others : eveiy
one that has taken it, have derived so signal bene
ficial results from it, that it is recommended by
them with ihe u'moat confidence. Physicians of
the highest standing in the profession, prescribe it
lo patients tinder their caro ; containing nothing
deb trrious, but being composed ol the most mild,
yet efficacious vegetable materials, it is off. red with
confidence, as the cheapest and most efficient pu
rifier of tho blood now known. The uso of a few
bottles, especially in the spring months, will be at
tended with a most decided improvement in the go.
neral strength of the system, eradicating any seeds
of disease that may have been generated, besides
giving health and vigor to the body. For the cure
of Scrofula or Kings Evil, Rheumatism, Tetter,
Pimples or eiuptions of the Skin, White Swelling,
Fistula, Chronic Cough Asthma, Ac, The nu
merous certificates in the possession of the subscri
ber and his agents, from physicians und others, are
sufficient to convince the most skeptical of its su
periority over all preparations of S.irsapnrilla.
S,,ld wholesale and retail, bv the proprietor,
GEORGE W. OAKLEY, North .rtli street. Rea
ding, Beiks Comity, and lo be had of the following
prisons :
In Xorthiimherland County. II. B. Masser,
Sunbury; Leland ok Mixel, MiEwensville ; D.
Kraut r, Milton.
In Union County. J. Gearh irt, Sclinsgrove ; i
A. Got' bus. Mifiliubiirg.
Columbia County. R. W. MeCay, Wash
ington. Reading. March 1 1, I si ID.
Mil. OtKi.FT: I believe it the duty of every
one to do whatever in their power lie, for the b"ne
lit of their fellow man, and having had po-iiive
proof in mv own family, of the wonderful properties
of your Depnr.iliso Syrup of Sarsapirilla, I m 'st
conscientiously recommend it to the alllieted. We
had the mi-fortune to lose two of our children, by
the breaking out of ulcerous sores that covered the
face, bead and neck, although we had some of ihe
most scientific to attend them nnd had
tried all the known remedies, including Swniins'
Panacea, without avail. Another of mv c hildren
was attaike.l in ihe same in inner, her face and
neck was completely covered; the discharge was so
offensive, and the disease at such a heicht, that we
despaired of her life. Seeing the wonderful elferts
of your LVpnr.uive Syrup of S arsapariil i, we wele
induced to make trial of it, ns the last resort ; it
acted like a charm; the ulcers commenced healing
immediately, a few bottle entirely restored her to
her health, which she h.s en joyed uninteriuptedly
ever since. As a purifier of the blood, I verily be
lieve it has not its equal.
Walnut street, near Fourth, Reading.
D.mglassvill,., April 10th, 18U1.
Mh. Oaklkt : My son Edmund Leaf, had the
scrofula ill the most dreadful and diMies-iug man
ner for three years, timing which time ho was de
prived of the ne of bis limbs, his head and nei k
were covered with ulcers. Wc lri-d all the dill r
ent remedies, but to no t fleet, unnl recommended
by Dr. Johnson of Aoni-town, ami also Ur. Isaac
Hiester, ol Read ng. to use your Depumlivo Syrup
of Sarsaparilla, of which I obtained seveial bimlcs.
ihe use of which d'ove the doea-e enlir, v out of
his system, the sore he tied up, and tie child wis
restored to ( rilcct healih, which be ha' rnjocd
uiiiutKUUptcdly ever since, to the asti-ni-hnii nt of
many pcisnns who seen him duiirg his ullliction.
I have thought it my duly, and send viu this certi
ficate that utile's who haves like nlllicliou in ihe
family may kno.v where to nbt nu sj valuable a
int'dkiuf. Your Irulv.
Sept. Hi, isll ly
OTONE WARE f .r sale.
225 St. iiie Jugs, from I quart to 3 gallons,
50 Stone Jais, from 2 to (5 gallons. For sale,
cheap, by Oct. 11 H. B. MASSER.
1 I It. tl ISM'.il. again, and for the I
31 ISM'.il, again, nnd for the last
11. ii,
time, calls upon all who aie nnli lted to
him, on book account or otherwise, to come f nw-ard
and make settlement. Those who neglect this no
tice will have their accounts placed in the hands of
a Justice, for collection.
Sunbury, Sept. 3(Hh 18 13.
flHE subscriber h i on hand, (left with him for
I sale,) a handsome assortment of elegant
ltrass '! K,
warranted good, which he is authorised to sdl at
eight and nine dollars. Th same kind rf elotk
have been lately selling by IV. liars, from 20 to 2j
dollars. Those who want bargains shout t ctll
soon. II. B. MASSE It.
Sunbury. August 2f. 1813.
a.sii iii v v iio v i7
lIATvV CAP MAN.u-wrnnti'.us,
South i.'if corner nJMitrhrt und .'fx..
1 F.SPEC I TUILY infirm the public that tbev
- will constiiutly keep on h md . I ns usoit
mem of Hats, Caps and Furs, lo suit the fall trade,
.if ll.e be-t quality. By strict at'culioii to busi
ness, and by selling their stock at the lowe-l piiee,
thov flatter themselvea in being able to give i nine
satisfaction. August .1. Is 13 ly
".iam'iVs s. smu ii s I
vSVIiolt salf C lot U r.stalilisilimriit,
No. s-J Norili Tliinl Sued, !
"INHERE is to be found the largest assortnieni !
' of Clocks in tbe United Stabs, among which !
are FoirtslMite, Hill's Goodiich tV Co, Atkins,
Porter At Co., Ives', Ilicwsti rs, nnd other Eight
Day Brass Clocks', C. Jerome' Btistol Manufic
luring Company, Alkins, Porter tt Co., Hill's,
Goodrich & Co., Forrtstvilln, H. Welton's, and
other Thirty Hour Bras ('locks ; Dob rib nun eV
Wclle's, Hopkins A Alfred's, 11. C, Smith's, and
other Wood Clocks.
friolo Agtnt for Crane's celebrated Year and
Month Clocks, as well aa several of the above men
tioned. AUo : Church and Hall Clocks.
Qfj Watchmakers, Merchants and others, will
find it to their interest to call.
Looking Glasses nisiiufaclured.
Philadelphia, August ., 1313. Sin
A Tlirchhliiff Mutliliie lor Kale.
rpHE subscriber ofTeia f ir sale THRESHING
L MACHINE, r.ew and in good oulu. Tie
Machine has lecn tried, and proves 10 be an excel
lent on. It Kill be sold at a reduced price, and
warranted. Apply to H. B. MASSER.
July lt, 18i3.
Ccntie Street, onno.vrVe the Town IIai.l,
roTTst'ii'i.t:, v.
3. C. 1.K8SH1.
KESPECTCLLLY announces to
, Ihe travelling community that he
has taken the large and splendid estab
lishment, tho Exchaok IIoth, situa
ted at the corner of Centra and Callowhill alreets,
nearly opposite tho Town Hall, in the borough of
Poltsville, which has been thoroughly repaired and
materially improved for the accommodation of visit
ors. The Hotel is forty ft. fiont on Centre st and
one hundred und thirty eight ft. on Callowhill, three
stories high ; it is admirably provided with Parlors,
Sitting Rooms. Reading Room, nnd hrge airy
ChaniliOrs the most spurious pleas int and convo
nienl D'niing Room in tho country a new and su
perior ll.ith'iis Establishment ; nnd every conve
nience and comfort to render it in all respects a
most de-inibb- Hotel.
No pai is or expense will be spared to furnish
tho Table and Bar with tho best that this and the
Philadelphia Markets afford ? and with a determi
nation to devote his entire personal attention to the
comfort and accommodation of lho-o who may ft
vor him with a call : aided by active, careful and
obliging servants, bo hopes to give general satis
faction. PRIVATE FAMILIES, wishing lo visit this
highly interesting nnd healthy Coal Region, will be
provided with Parlors and Chambers, which he
feels confident will please the most fastidious.
(J"7" The Stabling attached, ia largo nnd well
constructed, und superintended bv experienced and
attentive Osiers. Horses and Cuiriages may be had j
at any lime lo convey persons to any part of the j
Country. I
(if 7" An Omnibus runs fiom this Hotel daily to j
and from the Depot, to meet the Oars, for the ae I
comiiiod.ilioii of persons travelling on the Rail
Road. No cliaig- for omnibus fare to this Hotel. j
Pottsville. J.ily 8, 1813. fun j
vc'LSESiT" lt j.ititet", j
;t-n r;l Commission 11cm Hauls, J
An. 21 ('iiiitmtrrr St., bthw I'iflli,
l.M'EP emistai.tly on band Imputed Si crs
- llrandic
-, Liquors, r., at the lowest puces
fur ca-di.
C. J. W'oi.iirii r. ir
Wm, A. Jir.v.
August rih, HH. ton
FltllE subciiher w ill sell nil' his stock of Heaver,
I Russia and BiUi-h Hats, of the bc.-t quality, at
very reduced piices.
Sunbury, Aug. 5, 11:1. II. B. LSS;JJ-
fOllllf (''ItVitt-l'N'
rPhe nu' lic will plr.ise observe that no lir.andicth
Pills are genuine, unless tho box has three li
bels upon it, (the top, the side and the bottom)
carh containing a fir-simile signature of mv hand
writing, thus II. BnMiitKru, M. D. These la.
brl-oie engraved on steel, beautifully designed,
and done at an expense of over C.OIM). Therefore
it will be seen thai ihe only thing luciusary to pro
cure the medicine in its purilv, is to ob-nuve these
Remember the lop, tho side, and the bottom.
Tbe following respective persons are duly aulu ri
7.ed, and hid. I
For tho sale of lirandrnk's Vrm-lallt Viiiver.ul
Northmnbeilai d countv : Milton Maekey cV
Chimbeilin. Sinibiiry H. V. Mauser. M'Enens
villf Iiel md A Meixell. Norihii'ii'filand Win.
Forslh. ieoigi town J. &. .1. W'lls.
I'nion C lunty : New Berlin Bogat A" Win
ter. Selinsgrovp George Guinliuin. Middle
biir Isaac S:nirh. Heaverrow n David Hubler.
Adamfbnrg Win J. May. Mit'linshuie Menseh
i: Rav. ILiitletoil Dtniel L'.ng. Fiei borg
G. A F. C. Mover. Lewi-burg Walls cV Green.
Columbia couniy : D.unilli E. B. Remolds
vV Co. Berwick Shiiman A- R ttenhouse. Cai
tawinsu I". G. Mrobts. ltlooiosburg John I!.
Mover. Jeim-y Town Levi llisil. Washiiigton
Rol l McCuv.' Lime-tone lialliet A McNmch.
Observe that each Agent has an Eiigruvnl Cer- !
tilieate uf Agency, containing a representation nf
tr BRAMtKElHS M.iniil iciory at Mug smg.
and upon whieh will a'so be seen exact copies nt
the iifio labels nt if usril upon the Urtindrith I'ill
Philidt lphi i, office No. 8, Noitb 8th street.
June 21th, 18 13.
.rnl for the of Soulhworlh MuhhJuc
turiiitr ( 'out join if
st T'Kitioit iiin; papki.s
Warclmusc No. 'A Minor JSlicel,
"IIE following kinds cons'antly on hand, nnd
for sale to the Trade n the lowest maiket
pnees : rule thick toil Laps, II, ami in us,
I'ltie and white ; Elra super, and superl'u.e Folio
l'o-ts, blue und white ; Extra super Packet and
Commercial posts, blue and white ; Evlia super
Linen Note papers, long ; do, brand; snpeifine im.l
fine Counting house Caps Hue and while; Extra
j super Congress Cup--, and 1 .etti rs plain and i tiled,
i blue and white ; Su pet fine French Posts, plain .oi I
j ruled ; ii ct fine Senium Caps aod Posts ; Superfine
i and fine Caps and Posts, ruled and plain, blue and
i while, Various qualities anil prtccrs
Also ftoi:nel lloauls, Tissue. Envelope, Wrap,
j ping, und Hard a are p 'per-, A' C, c c.
! Mav 27. !!:. tl i.
! llarl, AiKli t'M A: UKni r,
I'orw -ai'iliu-i atb! t iv'iKM'itl l'linlii.'t.;
' S.f old U fiti.-f tv Hot-t- St. on the '.'d ,i-::re,
; V II I LADEnilA.
I lleroy Faritum A Co. .1 ,u u, Trabuo A Curd,
, Mruv, Barcmft, A Co. om '-. il.'i '.
1 tlbains' li, Uurmughs Geo. Lucncy, V Co.
I C ok, ''' nun!!.
l'.ekl I. !p llllllc! A 1! .gtlel Si
Heed, Uro. A Thorn is
Kogers, llioll.trs vV 1.
W, I!. Thompson Co. 1
Us.) .
I h Poiitlicr, F.s.j.,
15. ileit 81 fen A Co. ;IIon
Will, lligler.
J. A' J. Riakert,
CharJ'itld, I'll.
Mullord A Alter, n Hendricks,
J. H. Welsh. E q. I Sunbury, l'u.
Vhiludttphia. R. Hum s, E-q.
David R. Porter, Esq. .Robert Crane, Esq.,
Messis.J.A P. Martin,
Jemry Sirre, I 0.
M'Kelw A Co..
Wm. K. Hofl'nagle, Esq
Lewis llurford, E-q.
Jones, Murphy A t.'o.
j H.'aoimhurg, IV.
j Walls & Giem.
j, Pa.
IT. W. Kin rnii A: Son,
E. A. Brown tk Brother,
Lock- Uuten, Pa.
SiftrettA Potter,
I.ei.rit.wn, l'u.
J. K. Moon head, Esq.
Morgan A Andeison,
Geo. Piel ury, Esq.
Joseph Paxton, Esip,
Si. Lou s
June 3 1, is;.). ly
Columbia ('u , l'u.
No- 7(1 South 'Mt'iept, nppnsitethe ll.tchnvae,
(T ormrrly of Au. 7G South Second itreef,)
Manufacturer of Improved and Patent Fire and
'i'hief.proof Chests and Doors, Water and Pro
vision Coolers, and Filterer. Refiigera
tors, Hoisting Machines, &c., Arc, j
Srilt Cotitinues lo make
Kff-jthis celebrated WATER Ooo.
h'l '-evPprit- and Fillrrpra. t?rriAra
r yp?rjicr'Kf lor"' 'M,,h of ,1,p roi,,"i nd
K.t V if L .q'tare ahape, with improvn
ments. of the best materials
- ' ! f-i-JaflSa n d wmkmanshin.
07" Tho Chests are ntantifacturrd without
plank of any description, of Ihe best mat'r al which
ia calculated to resist burglais and heat ns long as
any manufactured in the United States a trial of
which he is willing to make with sny other, pro
vided the trial be made nf chests already sold to
customers, and not manufactured for the express
purpose of a trial. Purchaser aro invited to call
before purchasing elsewhere.
CAUTION. All persons are cautioned sgtinst
making, using, selling or causing to be sold, any
Keyhole covera for Fire Proof Chests or doors of
any kind, similar in construction to my patent of
July 1 0th. 181 1, ns they will be doall with accord
ing to the Patent Law.
May 27ih, 1843. 6m.
IIovcvs Ink.
Manufacturer of Writing m-ii Indclli-
blo Ink, No. 100 North Third Street, six
doors below Knee, (cant side,)
11 ESPEC TFL'LLY informs country merchants
t and others, that he constantly keeps on hand
a large stock of bis superier Black, Blue and Red
Ink, and also a superior quality of Indellible Ink.
His ink is put np in buttles varying in size, from
I lo 32 ounces, and will be sold on reasonable
lirrns. The excellent qualities of this ink hss so
thoroughly established its character, that it ia now
extensively used throughout the country.
For sale at the store of H. B. Masser, Sun
bury. Pa. May 27lh. 181:1. ly
C al i n e t-3I a k i n g
Cew Ilalli.hineiil.)
j "RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of
: E, Sunbury and vicinity, that he has recently
' commenced Ihe
' A 1 1 1 N KT-M A K I N ( 1 Ul.SINF.SS,
; in all iis branches, in Maiket street, Sunbury, im
; mnlintely bel.iw lh post olTice, where he will be
; ready lo receive and execute all orders in the line
1 of Ins business, w ith promptness and despatch, ami
' in i h w best stylo and manner. His prices will be
low, in accordance with the times,
i (j- Lumber and Country Prodnco taken in Ex
I change. May 27lh 1843. fun
; i ' ity "f Th SiTT iii: auction,
: Nos. 'J'J and 31 North Tliinl Street,
Near the City Hotel,
C. MACKEY, Auctioneer, respectfully iu
vitrs tho attention of persons desirous of pur-cha-ing
Furniture, to his extensive Sales Room",
(both pu'dic and Private,) for every description of
Household Furniture, wh-ro can I obtained at all
times, a large assortment i f fashionable and well
manufactured Cabinet Furniture, Beds, Mattrasses,
Ac, at very reduced prices, for cash.
(ry Sale bv Auction, twice a week.
May 2Tih. 1S43. ly
f.rrnt IVi'Morn Iinlltm Piinarrii,
('tuiiliouiitled entirely of YegetaWo
Stilistances ;
Frrt from Calomel and all other Minimis.
I r tlf llll' IllhlUI y til ;ilin iiii uiiuir, aim lis u""'-"'"
and tiuly surprising success and popular
ity, see large bills.
T is recommended as a general cathartic for
family Use in dyspepsia and all bilious disea
ses, it is inv.duable foi Asthma it is considered a
specific, tin case having yet occurred which it has
fa did to cure for common colds, iinflammalnry
diM B-es. rheumatism, affections of the liver, Sic,
ami for females, it is a snfo and excellent remedy.
From Dr. Silim ItVs.o" Rinahamiitan, 2. Y.
Mr. Longley -Dear Sir : I have Used your Gieat
U e-nrr. Indian Panacea in my family, und have
repeatedly prescribed it for patients under my rare,
and am satisfied lhal it is always a sale, and in very
many cases an invaluable medicine. It opeiaies as
a l .x ativo without nausea, or pain and while it ef
li ttually obviates costiveness acts upon the stomach
ard liver as an alterative, correcting Bcidity, and re
storing the healthy condition of those organs.
Very respectfully vours, S. EST.
For sale by JOHN W. FIMLING, Sunbury,
JACOB BRIGHT, Northumberland.
May 20th, 1843. ly
AS taken the otlice formerly occupied by the
Hon. Chailes G. Donrn I, opposite the Court
House. He will attend tu business in the Courts
of Northumberland, Union sn.l Columbia counties.
May SOtli. ISlll.
aniel Yarick
fJF.tiS leave lo infoiiii the ci iiens ol Sunbury
y and its vicinity, that he has commenced the
l.laACKSMl T IUN(i 111 SIM. SS,
in Maiket treit. .Stutlurv. east of J bn Bogar's
s'o.e mi 1 dliettly ,-pposiie Ihe pol nilice, where be
inteu Is to rairy on ibe business in nil its various j
bra., including. Turnint:, Making Mill Irons I
aid KUpUe Springs, Ironing ( amuses, until l.X
t: nsion or Standing tops, Sh.uing limes, A c.
Orders will be promptly and puru tu tlly attended
to, and woik done cheap, fur cash or country pro-il-jcc.
CCj" Horse Shoeing done st f I per sett.
Sunbury, April, IS 13. fun
oof & S Ii o
.TI a r t i I r i 11
Jl Esptt: I I I LLY iulorms his lu.nds ar:J
k. old cii-t. rners. thai be has removed bis
.(joTtt snoi: nsTAUUsnur.ST
to Ihe frame bunding adjoining bis dwelling house,
between that and Dr. D. T. 'Pules' oll'ne, a few doors
west of bis old establishment, in Maiket street,
where he intends to corry on the above businrss
emen-ivt ly, in all its turious Irunchit.
Being thankful for part f ivors. he hopo, ly stnet
utleiili .11 In business slid liberal charges, lo givu
mineral sttist'sctinu i auJ lhat he will continue to !
reie a liberal share of public patronage.
A, id eth, 1843.
J. D. Wafers,
1 1 ESP LCTFUl LY informs ihe citizens of t' a
- fiorough of Nonbumlierlarid, and its vicinity ,
that ho has commenced tbe
Tailor, ii lliisinrs,
in a'l its various branches, in the shop formerly
occupied by Henry S. Thomas, directly oppnsiisj
Forsvlh's stoie. As he receives tho New York
and Philadelphia. Fashions quarterly, he is enabled
lo do all jobs entrusted to him, alter the neatest and
latest style, and upon the shortest notice.
Niitihumbfilitnil. April 22d. 1843. ly
f J r o r p r Zimmerman & Son.
flIIE subscribers hereby inform the public, that
i they have entered into partnership, in the
which will hereafter be carried on at Ihe old
stand in Sunbury, under the firm of "George
Zimmerman Ac Son," whero they will conduct tho
bu-ines in all its various branches, including Turn'
int?, Malting MJl Irons, Ironing Carriages, Shoe'
ing Horses, ie. Orders will be promptly and punc.
tuoHv aitetnlid to, and work done cheap, for ca: lx
or country produce.
fXj Shoeing done nt one dollar per sett.
?uirbury, March 1 1 th, 1843.
I ) ESPECTl'ULt.Y informs the citi.ens of Sun-
' bury and iis vicinity, that he has taken tin?
ontce tormerly occupied by JJr. John real, whe n
he will be happy to receive calls in the line of hi
profession. April 22d, 1SU.
rI,llI" subseiibcis, having entered into a partner
A ship in the practice of the law, will be happy
to slleud to all business entrusted to their care.
Culler lions will be promptly attended lo.
They may always l found at their office, in
Maiket street, Sunbury, formerly occupied by
Wm. Dewart, dee'd., as a store-room.
Sunbtiiv, Feb. 4th, 18-13. ly.
Ao. orth Third, above Callowhill St.,
JOHN DUNCAN, late fiom the Pennsylvi
tiia Farmer, nnd Samuel Pike, jr., late of A
meriean Hotel, ('nlutnbus, Ohio, take pleasure in at
quainiing their friends ond the public generally lint
they have taken the large and commodious Hotel,
recently built by Ihe Messrs. Hart, on the same sita
once occupied by the old established Hotel known
as the Uuli a Head, in 1 hml stieet above Lalluw-
btll st.
This Hotel is finished in the very ls?st possiblei
maimer, and of the IkM materials. Its location 1
veiy desirable, pariiculai ly forcounlry
the ariaogemeiils for heatttig and ventilating rac'l
room is such as to secnie any temperalure. Th
bedrooms are all light and airy, all furnished ins
neat style, ro as to insure (omlbrt.
The receiving parlors are aUo fuu i-hed in a su
perb style, the w indows arc on the French sivle,
forming an entrance to a balcony in front, whitli
makes a pteasant recess. Piirttculai atti nliou h n
been given to tho bed and bedding, which, with
the furniture, nre cntirtly new.
t'roin yea's.' experience in hotel business, wi
trust, by strict assiduity tc business, to make lln
house a desirable stopping place. Our table will
always be supplied wilh Ihe very best our inaikit
can alTord, and our bar with the best liquors und
wines of ihe most approved brands.
P. !S. There are firt rate stabling hr.d cuniaso
houses attached to the hotel, ttlf ruled by ca t bit
and soler hostlers, and our charges will bu low, iii
accordion e wilh the prescr.t hard limes.
Philadelphia, Oct. 7thr 18 13.
(General Stage,)
ssc ttj iaj Z2 'r 9
lr tniNjIsniilu.
rilHE Subscriber respectfully informs his friend
I. and the public in general, thai he has taken
the above
I N T II E B O K t) U (i H O F M U N C Y,
and that he is now well prepare J to accommodate
all who may favor him with their rustom.
His ri.i.u"iJi AriBTMtsTS well aired, anl
His TiBir. .Tt Bah will slvvaya be
wth i!ie best the maiket can afford.
His JJtiilixo, which is goitl. wiil l under
the charge of good and cait ful hoslleis.
He f. els confident, by stiict attention to bu -iucss,
nnd an earnest desire to render comlortnble those
w ho may patroni.e him, that he will not fail logiva satisfaction. H. B. WEAVER.
Muncy. Get. 1st, 1S1C. if.
ruiLAUULrni-i. reawxc and tottsmlli;
Change of Hours.
On AST) AITI.B SlTl HlliT, AML 1, 1S43,
e passenger traina will have at the following
Hours :
rhiludelphta und I'ottniHe.
From Philadelpbta, at ) A . .l . )
From Pnttsvilie, at fj A.M. $
Honrs of putting Kiudtng.
For Polisville, at "J A. M. I
l.,t Pbi!deli,hia. st '1 i A. M S
Both trains aa at Poltstown. The down tmttl
breakfasts at Heading, and the up train ut Nnriis
lown, for width 1 & minutes aro allowed at eacll
f-'.I It K .
Between rt.ltsville A Phdada. $3,S0 cV f fa
Bit ween Reading A' do. A-o j
llef.teen do A Fottswlle,
1,10 w
ElllltblOS Tic hts coop IOK
it r nv.
Between PoltsVille tit Philadelphia,
It. tit ecu Id ad tug A; do.
Between do. A Pnttsvilie,
All the trains w ill stop for way
the usual points.
f5 t-n
3 P(
3 Oft
passengers at
Qjr All passengers rcqucitod to jrcfu
their tickets U-fore tbe trains start.
May 1H43. 'f
V Fresh soppy ot lillSE lUN T ?N P. re. nv, J
lid foi ss e y 11. Ii MASTER.
Nwv. 13th, ltiia.