Vain of Wewapapers. It if laid that the father of an interring family near Detroit, Mich., not long since stop ped the only newspaper which he allowed himself or family, and solely on the ground that he could not atlord the espouse. This man chews $14 00 worth of tobacco a year. Exchange paper. No wonder then he is etHpid enough to die continue his newspaper. His torpid tobacco ridden brain, must loathe intellectual ailment as much as a sea sick man does pork. Such a man cannot understand that the real value of n newspaper is greater than the pitiful two or three dollars a yes r which tnay be its pr'ce. As a contemporary remarks, a nr.-wtpnper is a grhool in a family, worth ten dollars a year. Even the most barren paper brings something new. Children read or hear the content!, gain intelligence of the atVairs of the world, and ac quire uteful knowledge, ot more importance to tlit'tn in life than a present of fifteen acres of land. 1'arcnts arc not aware of the vast im portance ofa newspaper in a family of children. We have made the remark before, and we re peat it, that take two families of children o (jually smart, and both going to the same school, let one of them have the tree use of a news paper, and it would excite astonishment to mark the difference between them. Pull one half, as it respects the business of the world, and the ability to rise and make one's self re spectable in it, is derived from newspapers. What parent would not wish his children re spectable 1 Who would be willing to have his neighbor's children more intelligent than his own ? Vet how trifling is the sum a paper costs 1 It is even in these hard times abso lutely contemptible in amount, and no man c ver felt it, excep in its beneficial consequen ces, w ho ever paid his subscription regularly. Harrislurg Teleg raph. Look Atoir. Some years ago, Dr. Good man of Philadelphia, (now deceased,) related thntina voyage to sea in early life, he had seen a lad who had just began to be a sailor, going out to some projecting part of the rig ging. His arms were supported by a spar, and he was looking below him for a rope which ran across, on which his feet, should be. The rope llew from side to side, and it was evident that the poor fellow was becoming dizzy, and in danger of falling, when the mate nhoutrd to him with all his force, "I-ook aloft ! you snea king lubber !" Ey thus turning away his eyes from danger, the dizziness was prevented, and he found his footing. And this incident the Doctor said, often occurred to his mind in after life when his troubles grew heavy upon him, and he could hardly find ground whereupon to trend. At such time he heard the mate's shout in his cars, and turned his eyes "aloft" to the prize on which he had placed his hopes. We cannot part with this beautiful illustration, without asking each of our readers to apply it to a still nobler purpose; tosteady themselves in all the tempests ot adversity j by looking towards that life in which there is rest and peace evermore and when our flesh and heart shall fail us, and we find no support under our feet to seek it by "looking aloft" to Ilim who is the strength of our heart, and our portion forever. Printers' Outstanding ArtoiNTs. A thou sand such accounts, at ten dollars each, amount to ten thousand dollars a handsome sum these times, were it all collected. The same num ber at five dollars each, amount to five thousand dollars. Ought not, then, every sub scriber to a paper to do as he would be done by, and thus fulfil the golden rule cancel at once his printers' account, more or less that he may not be one of the thousand, or the one hundred, or even the fifty, who may think that because the debt is small, it is of little conse quence to the printer. This is no dun but the statement of a question inequity, for the solution of none else but Uigec whom it may concern. 7'ic Fraternity. Stranok if Trie. A party of gentlemen from the Southern settlements, a short time since, on their way to this place, were short of provisions, and fortunately discovered two bears with their cubs. A fire was commenced upon the younger branches, and they were both wounded but the old ones assisted them ofl, running by their sides, and stopping occasion ally at pine trees, fiom whence they were seen to tear otf some bark. The pursuit was con tinued by the gentlemen, firing upon the young er animals until they were killed, and when ex amined it was found that the bark was instat ed in their wounds by their careful mamas. This is a circumstance well worthy of note. St. Augustine Florida) Sties. THE AMERICAN. Saturday, .Yew. 18, 1843. f1 J- '...J ' !1 ... t'SU i Foa Sale. A fresh supply of printing pa per, viz; 100 roimt similar in sire and quality to the sheet on which this is printed. AIo GO ream nf super royal, 21 by S3 inch, all uf which will be old at the mill price. rry V. B. Palm nit, Fso.. at his Real Folate and Coal office, No, 59 Pine Street, Philadelphia, au thorised to act a Agent, and to receive and receipt for all monies due this office, for subscription or ad vertising. Cj" There will be preaching in the Methodist Church, in this place, on Sunday evening the I9ih inst., by the Kev. Mr. lUt.nwtx, agent of the Bi ble Society. rjj' GaoanArur or Pknsstlvaki a, by Charen B. Trego, Esq., &r. We have perused this most excellent woik with pleasure, as well as profit. It ia a vast storehouse of useful information, admira bly irranged ; and ought to be in the hands of eve ry citizen, and made text book in our common schools. We hope the school directors of our bo. rough will examine the work, and introduce it into our schools at once. Mr. Trego, aa Assistant State Geologist, had a fine opportunity fur gathering the information necessary for such a work, and has made good use of it. He gives not only the geography, history, soil, climate, genlngy, botany , zoology, popu Ixtion, education, production, trade and internal im provements of the atstr, but has added a separate description of each county, its geographical features, soil, miner I pri dui Is. geology, trade, manufactories, town I, streams, conoid, tail roads, education, Mu tinies, and in short every thing worthy of note. This work contains just the kind of information that ought tu be possessed by oil classes uf the cnmmu- j nity, and we take pleasure in tiansfering to our co- lumns the following senaiblo and well limed re I maiks upon that subject, from the Philadelphia ! Daily Sun : "Perhaps, of all subject, our citizens neglect none so much, as an intimate acquaintance with the statistics of their own Mate. How tew a . , ., ' mong us know the extent of our manufacturing OCJ'NKwCor.vri-nrK.TS.-A number of 10 j i,Iutry or the value of our quarries, our counterfeit notes on the Mechanics Hank of Bul l- 1 iines, and other mineral resources, that stamp more, have been put into circulation in this county ! Pennsylvania with the character of wealth, for ages to come T liut it our own citizens are so rERrrri'AL Motion. There is a clock maker in Charleston, Mr. Stein, who has almost dis covered perpetual motion. He some time since constructed a clock that ran for one year, with out winding up ; this clock was its own pendu lum and gave on its face, the time at London, Paris and Charleston ; it was raffled out at sixty chances at five dollars each, and is now in England. The Mercury udds Mr. Stein is working at present at a clock, which is moved by a spring and ran also be propelled by weight ; it has only four wheels and its mechanism is very simple, it makes on ly 4J evolutions during the term of ten years, and it need not be wound up in that time. Mr. Stein avers, that if he puts an additional wheel into this clock w ith one hundred teeth, it will go one hundred years without being wound up, and nevertheless the whole clock wants only five pounds weight to be kept going. Mr. Stein will have a clock of the above description rea dy in four mouths time, and will then give all friends of curious mechanism an opportunity to judge for themselves. The Pkophet in a New Character. Joe Smith the Mormon leader, has opened a Hotel at Nauvoo. The following odd resolutions, a inong otheis, were passed at the opening, on the 3.1 ult.: Resolved, Ci n. Jtseph Smith, whether we view him as a Prophet at the head of the Church, as General at the head of the Legion, Mayor at the head of the City Councilor as b Landlord at the head of his table, he has few equals and no superior. Hisolnd, Nauvoo, the great Emporium of the West, the centre of all centres; a city of three yearn' growth, a population of 19,000 fouls, (!) congregated from the lour quarters of the Globe, (!!) embracing all the intelligence of all nations, (!!!) with industry, frugali ty, economy, virtue, and brotherly love, unsur passed in any age ofthe world, a suitable home for the saints (!!!!) The Condition of Pawn. A French r.nti Miuisterial Journal thus describes the condi tion of Paris : "The following i the aspect of the capital ofthe civilized world at the approach ofa winter which may become disastrous. Freud is increasing in price every fifteen days. A multitude of operatives are destitute of em ployment. Tho depobits withdrawn from the savings' banks exceed the receipts by 100,000 francs a week. Tho sales by authority of jus tice, protests, executions, bankruptcies, depo sits with pawnbrokers, closing of shops, chil dren abandoned to the care ofthe foundling hospitals, and the admission of sick to the hos pitals, are increasing every day. The govern ment, however, are expending fi()01('00,(K)0 francs to surround Paris with bastilles." Stroso Ixni fTMi vr An individual whose trade is office-begging, writes to a friend ofthe eame profession the following letter: "You had better come cut to Surpamon county, 111., for iUnighiy incfa men gtat offices hue." Reversing Tnr: Seasons. A company with a capital of 2.",000,000 francs, is about being established in Paris for the purpose of forming a very large and extensive covered garden. The plants, shrubs and flowers of the temper ate and torrid zones will be introduced, and the air ofthe garden heated in such a maimer as to allow them to bloom and blossom the whole year. The invention is said to he a new one. It will be a grand affair. There are to he with in the walks, baths, libraries, bull rooms, res taurants, and various other places of luxury and amusement. Reformer. recently. The notes are tolerably well executed. (Jj TlIK Ec.LF.CTlC AXP MfSEUM OF FnnilHS Litehatcse. The November number of this ex cellent periodical contains a rich variety of selec tions from the Foreign periodicals. Ilia one ofthe best, if not the vety best, and cheapest publications of the kind that issues firm ibe Press, The read ing matter ofthe present number alone is worth the years subscription. 0 Mh. Wehsteh made another of bis great speeches at Andover, Ma s , hut week. He de clare himself in favor ofa National Dank, and Protection. The. speech is rather a turn atf.iir remarkably deficient in a proper knowledge of our resources!, how much more so are our neigh bors, who undertake to censure, satirise, and ridicule us for our poverty and our avarice ! We challenge any man to consult this volume of Mr. Trego, and then say, that Pennsylvania has not a superabundance of wealth and indus try, by winch to pay all In r debt", ami alter wards construct new improvements ! Let this volume be read let it be diffused fur and wide; for the further it spreads the more will Penn syivania be honored for her industry, respoeted tiir her wealth, and applauded for her enterprise. It will be seen in the pages of this volume, that though we have no jry of business men, we have a population of business men, diffused throughout the en'.ire limits of the State ; whoe energies secure her abundant wealth, mu.L uti t- dmdI nT trflflM from his former . , , r.i. I. i and wliOfC honor will provide her with the speeches, anil smoothes down some of the unpal.ita- . , ', ,, ,. , , , ... , ' ' I means of payiu" every dollar ot debt that she hie things in bis Fanruil Hall speech. Mr. Well- pvcr rontrnrt,., fr tie benefit of her thankless st r may now be conideed f ,iily in the whig tanks ! nnd ungrateful neiohlKirs. On this score alone, Mr. Treifo has entitled himself to public grati tude: beside furnishing a work admirably adap ted to inspire in the hearts ofthe rising gene ration a true feolinf of State pride ; and teach every I'ennttlvanion how to appreciate the Commonwealth, of which he can bonst with pridj, of being a citizen." MISCELLm. 1 RilMorlnl, Condensed a, nil Selected. A shock of an ea-thquako was felt in Maysville, Ky., on Sunday night week, about 10 o'clock. The exports of to to Great Britain in the year ending June 30, amounted to black, 40,0011,000 lbs., green, 7.C00.000O lbs ; total 47,000,000 lbs. The Supremo Court of New York has declared its opinion in favor of the constitutionality of the bankrupt law. Dr. I.ardner has arrived at Boston and is lec turing on moonshine. Understands the subject. Jarksontown, in Huntingdon county. Pa., was to tally destroyed by fire on Monday of last week. Strangers irt !'cw Orleani. Eery ship and steamboat which arrives, brings numbers of paa scngers. The ships Sea Lion and Caspian, from New York, had nearly 500 pasengers. Wm. Wheeler artived at Albany, on his way to Ohio, on Friday, where he found he had been robbed of f 323, (he accumulation of three years of j hard labor on a farm. A paper was recently read before the French A cademy, to prove the existence of copier in the hu man body, in its nominal state. It was known be fore that there is no lack of brass in many faces. The colored people of Michigan wets to holJ a State Convention on the Sfl.h ult. A new sugar refinery in ?t. Louis, turns out 1500 pounds of refined sugar per day. An American artist is about to visit Sweden, for the purpose of taking a portrait of Miss Bremer. Rtvolution in Nova Scotia. Lord Falkland has ilissohcd ibe Legislative Council. The Wiits for calling a New General Assembly b -ar teste 30th u 'tit no, returnable on Thursday, the 1 1th day of January next. Tho Louisville Journal of Sjturdiy la-t says, 122 (100 of cancelled six years, were burnt by ibe Secretary of State of Kentucky, in presence of the Governor, judges and reporter ofthe court of appeals, attorney general, auditor and treasurer. No man ever prospered who defrauded the print er or scolded bis wifo. The Iron Trade ef Pennsylvania. Mn. FniTon : As Pennsylvania possesses, in the greatest sbund inre, all the elements for becom. ing the chief seat of the iron trad of America, it is greatly to be regretted that a want of due enterprise is but too perceptible among the manufactures of that great staple. In Englind it is daily becoming the chief material foi building canal boats, steamers, ships and houses. Our esteemed f. How citizen, Gerird K.dston, Esq., in a late letter, saya that a re p"Ctallo London builder ofTers to Contract for building iron churches by contract, at 10s. per sit ting, while those erected by Government had cost from 0 to 9 per seat. He adds that many ships hnve been luilt of the same material, and that in a few years iron steamets and canal boats will entire ly supersede those of wood. It seems that our i on masters arc entirely supine to this new and impor tant means fur extending their business, for the too long neglected introduction of iron boaU on the Schuylkill Navigation being at length decided upon, the contractors have been unable to complete a single one, for want of proper materials among the sur. rounding iron works! ! Meanwhile, Pittsburg has become so expert in making angle-iron, plates, fir., that she ia reaping a golden harvest from building steamer-', revenue cutters and frigates for the government all nj iron ! New York is con centrating amon her own wotkshops all a;mitar Ini-ii.eiis for the Atlantic coast receiving her angle inn from tho Tredgear Works at Richmond. Are tin se important m inufaclures to be entirely lost to Philadelphia and Eaatern Pennsylvania, or will our citizens arouse themselves to their great value, in time to preent their transfer to our more enter- prisirg neighbors! Viatoii. Dicknell's Reporter. Slilpvrrerli. FonrrNATr. Fcpr of One Hrnnr.n isn TwtiTr rivF. Pehsons. The Packet Ship Shef field, C iplain Popb im, from Liverpool, on the 5th ult., for New Yoik, while enteiing the harbor on Saturday, during the gale, ran ashore on Homer Sho.ils, bilged, and soon tilled. The vessel was in charge nf a pilot at the time she struck. It wa ' blowing a gale from the E i-t and very fojy. The Oreoos Indians. The Oregon Indians be lieve in the doctrine of metempsychosis. The ptcsont race of beatts, birds reptiles and fish were men who once inhabited this earth. These they suppose still to retain their pecu liar language which they can impart to those people into whom they may pass. Such peo ple arc esteemed conjurors or medicine men. They seem also to entertain notions of witch crnlt, similar to thoc of the Pilgrim Fathers. !r. Whiteman states that one of them f hnt himself through the abdomen, laot July, having lone the fame thing two years before. After shouting himself, lie prepared to depart, mount ing his horse and was off. He returned again in a shorttime, pretending to be a new man. His body was preserved Irom the Eliot by a ve ry thick leather shirt. This is equal to some of Joe Smith's Mormon miracles. i g iin. Whether he wi I throw up his cap for Hairy of ibe West is another cpicstiim. Miciuei. Walsh, ibe Subterranean leader, has lieen sentencul, in the rity of New Voik, on four indictments for bin I, on one of which he is sent to the Penitentiary foi two months. to s:r. it. The publication of Ha zard's L'wrrEu States Commercial aid Sta tistical RtnisTEB, will be resumed on the first of January next. It is a very valuable and useful woik, and should not, we think, I e permitted to languish for the want uf support. The Next Coshsess, The law requires that members nfih House of l!eiresentatives shall le elected by tingle districts, yet New Hampshire. Miraouri, Georgia, and Mississippi have elected their aeeral delegation by general ticket. A question will no doubt arise as lo the right f ihexe menileri to a seat in the House. Some of the newspapers are already hi ginning to discuss it. Cj' 1'fatii Wamiiant. Gov. Thomas has signed the death wariatit of William S. ( 'hrise, con victed of mutder in AlUgh' ny county court. Mil. He is to be eirrutc.l on Friday the Still inst., at 5 lock. Gov. Uarry.of Michigan, has set apart Thursday, j steamboat Wave wis sent down to the wreck, and the 3(Hh inst, to be obscived as a d ay of Thanks- j took the passengers to the city. The vessel js a giving and prayer throughout the Commonwealth, j total wreck, carg.i may be saved in a lUmag-'d -t ite. The annual consumption of tobacco is 108,000,- I Many ofthe passengers lost their baggage. Tho 0110 pounds equal to seven pounds for eveiy man, j Sheffield was rather an old ship. Her load chiefly (Cj Death or Cletesoen, Tint Scvlptos. This promising young Attistdied on his homeward paksugc, at sea, the 28th of September, on board the ship Due d'Otleana, while coming from Leghorn to New York. Ho was an American by biith, and bad b ft this country for the purpose of studying the old masters and perfecting himself in his profession. Wooden Ciocks. With all the many cute tricks of the Yankee pedlar of small notions, w hoever was cheated in the purchase of a real Connecticut wooden clock 1 In what country or climate, from the Rocky Mountains to the tlinmiaylah, not forgetting the celestial empire, do not their whiz and chime proclaim the great ness of these United States J This day of bronze and tinzel may haveshrouded their once familiar faces in the dust of the kitchen, but it has left unsullied their vivacity ; aril the fame 1 they have thus gained is wide-spread. Tiie bhip Splendid of New York, lately cleared with an invoice of forty tons measurement. These clocks will be scattered overall Europe; and the merry tick we have so often heard in the cottages of New England, sporting with the calm hours of midnight, will soon be re-echoed in the hamlets of England, the mountain huts of Scotland, and the cabins of Erin's isle. We OTj' Fathi.b Matthew. This celebrated Advo. cannot tell wbut dibtant part of the earth this j cat of Teinpeinnce, l itely stated in London, ihul ( (3 men and 25 women and children) also sailed in simple, perhaps rude invention of our northern j he had reciiwd btteis from the Magistracy of , thu expedition. The remainder mime 10 or 15, Liverpool and Maucbe-ter, where I 10,000 persons , were tiee colored persons, wno.convmced mat mnr bad taken the I ledge, Haling that already an im- limited freedom here would be greatly increased by cry- Rock i Mui's riM Pass. Lieutenant Tre mnnl, of the I.'. S . Army, in his recent explora tions under the eiders of the Government, has disco veted a pass in the Koiky Mountains, aim 'St in a direct line from lh North Western angle of Miss souri to the vnlli y ot the Columbia Itiver. It can be approached from the mouth of the Sweet Water. A sandy plain, one hundred and twenty miles I in length, by a grsdual and regular ao nt conducts lo the summit of the pats, nnd the traveller, wi'houl ex( oriencing any fatigue by toilsome ascents, sud denly finds himself about seven thousand feet above ibe level of the sea. The breadth of the. pass has not et been ascertained, and is ssi.J in nowise to n si tulle the winding a:ont of the passes of the Allegheny. The Newnik Advertiser says "It is confident ly said that letters have been received at Washing ton from our charge (Gen. Murphy.) representing that be has in his hands copies ofthe alleged cor- ris-pondence between President Housl in and r r tnin representatives. He ibis as it liny, it seems more than probable that the Texas ques tion will be introduced by iho Message. B-it it is not at all po?sihlo that Congress will seriously entertain a proposition to annex Texaa lo the L'. States. The northern Slates certainly will never consent lo it " The New Orleans papers of the 21 inst. a'so have a rumour nf an angry interview between the Uii-ti-h Minister and the American Consul at Galves ton, in relation to Dritish projects. A meeting of ! the American residents bad been called." i I A singu'ar case has been trying late'y in the Ntw i oik Court ot Chancery. A gay young hi ircss, just passed the joyous nge of sweet sixteen, fills in love with a young limb of the law, a stu dent whom she met at a ball, and ia perruaded by htm lo pay a visit to a neighboring pa'son. The marriage ceremony i performed, and so far they are man and wife. Her parent, of whom she i- the only daughter, aic about, a few weilc aftei wards, to det art with hi r on Southern tour, when the K mt'-husl ai d deflates I is marriage, and claims h's bridp. To this all parties, cicept the anxious lover, olject, it seems, and tho Law is inv,.k d to settle the Love affair. The grsve decision is await, d with anxiety by ail patiis. The young practisirin the Court of Cupid wants his wife and her fortune. The parents want In keep their daughter, and she wants to keep her liberty. Fmiohasts to Liberia. Alluding t i the cm larkntionnf 80 colorej emigrant ti I.i'.-erij, th Baltimore Clipper says that of the numler, "30 were manumitted by the Rev'd. Henry Goodwin, a Protestant Episcopal clergyman, residing in Charles county. This gentleman was present on the occasion, and manifested the greatest intfte-t in their behalf. They weie all will clothed, and preserved a clean and healthy appear.ineo. We believe there, wore only about eight men, the rest being women and children. Miss I'eggv Hodges, of Caliert county, at the time of her ilesth, about three years ago, manumitted 30 slaves, 2S of whom woman and child in the country ! The coijwaint ra of New York bad a procession in lhat city on Wednesday, in honor of their patron saint it buing St. Crispin's day. The keeper of the New Jersey Sinte prison, re ports 1S5 prisoners an increase of IS during the year. The year's earnings of the prison have ex coeded the expenses f2,G0 HO. consisted of dry goods, coal, iron, and salt; ve-sel ami cargo fully insured in Wall street. She brought twelve cabin, and ninety-three steerage passengers. It may be regarded as a special providence that tho wind abated during the afternoon, an I changed a round to the westward, thus enabling the sutPr, rs to remain on the wieck, and aff irding an opportu nity for the Wave to receive them. To this cir cumstance alone ure the one hundred and twenty Mariicd in Springfield, III , Mr. lames Prnlfit, j five souls indebted for their safety. The cabin meii-h.iut, to Miss Emily N. Laudon. The happy I passengers were as fdlows : Mr. E. F. Sanderson, bridegroom ought to do a cash business, since he ' .,jv slj iPrvant; Dr. Coulter and lody ; Mr. ran eiect only "small Profits" at first. Capper Mine. The mineral wealth of ihe great j West, is vast and of increasing Importance. The ' oie will jicld 33 per cent, of pure copxr. J 1'tior Vimth Has been provoking the ire of the j 13 jllimoreans, by appearing liefore them on the stage while '-iiidi-posed," I. e. drunk. He was j greeted, says the Sun, throughout the play, by cries of "turn him out," accompanied by hisses. j More. Siamese Twin Minister. Two children h ive been born in Lexington, Indiana, it is so l, with the breast bone united the whole length. Murdered. John McKilten. of Allegheny town ship, Green county, was murdered at Frecporl, lat week, it is supposed, by a man natnsd Mullin. Paris is lighted every afternoon by 13,221 lamps. of which 5,6'J 1 are supplied with gas, and 7,321 w ith oil. It is stated in the Mining Journal, that 1100 lives were annually sacrificed l y what arc termeJ "mine accidents." Spre- kelson, lady, child, and servant; Mrs. Max well, P,ev. Dr. Kerfoot. Mr. E. Hr.i .ks, Mr. It liley ; and ninety-throe passengers. 'i, 7. Ledger, countrymen shall not be found by the American traveller, but wherever i's sound may strike the ear, he will proudly recognize it as a time hono red friend and monument of our national indus try. Reformer. 0tf.rsi' and OhTRicMES. It is true ; most veritable. A friend tells us that in passing through the archade a lew evenings, he overheard the following conversation bet veen two individuals, one of whom was evidently a stronger from the woods. 'Were those things oysters we eat down in that cellar 1' said the stranger. To be sure they were,' was Ihe reply, 'what else should they be 1' Well, I'll be hanged, if I did not always think that oysters were long-legged things with feathers on 'em.' Curranhad a saying, which seems to ns the mense diminution of ciime had luken place. He !o said lhat there wen) 4,000 000 acrea in Inland into which spade had never len put since the flood, and that he desired to sie the Iii.h as happy in their own country as weie the English, by the cultivation of additional thousand of acres. j Etsrisoa Nicholas. As the Emperor was passing through Poscn, on the 19th of Septem bei last, a thot waa fired through lbs cariiage con taining the aids-de-cauip, without doing any injury. It was supposed to have been an attempt upon the Finland's life, but it was not ascertained whether ll e shot wus by accident or design. The darkness i f the niybt puvnitrd the airi-sl ofthe tiffundcr. It is said thai twenty shots have been fired at lbs carriage of li e F.n piror and suite, at different times, wiihovit i licet. On the 27 ih of September an attempt was mads key of much of our political speaking : 'When hy a physician, to shoot the Pop, at his palace, in you cannot talk cense, talk metaphor.' J Rome. Cause want of money. their emigration lo Cape Puhn is, have voluntaii'y gone out, as we trust, to experience a full real na tion of all their hopes and anticipations." Siiameu'L. The mill. is law of Khodo Island doi s not except females from performing militia duly, and seveiul have been arrested and confined for dis obeying said law. In this respect Hhode Island is soma centuries behind the enlightened spirit of the age. I He law suouiu ue cuaiigea immcuiaieiy, that this disgrace to the State may no longer exist. The ladies have held a meeting en the subject, and resolved, lhat, as they are compelled to perform militia duty, they are entitliJ tu muskets a com mittee of two has therefore been appointed to re quest a supJy of arms from the quarter-master general. And they have also appointed a committee of four women to obtain a suitable women le in struct them in military tactics. Should thsy aue ceeJ in forming an Amazonian phalanx, those who passed the obnoxious law may be made lo feel that "a woman's vengeance towers sbo her . Confession of Cellen It was announced a day or two ago, lhat Geisler, who was convicted for the mutder of Mr. and Mrs. Smith, at Huntingdon, L. L, made full confession of his guilt. ThcTuieSun gives the substance of his confession. Geiider artived in thia country about eighteen month aince. He admits having killed a man in Germany, and that he was for the crime adjudged to four years' imprisonment. He contemplated murdering the Smiths three days be fore be carried his intent into execution. It was his inlen'ion to have stabbed them, but wa prevent ed from fear of the dog. Ho then conceived the i de of killing the dog, but thought lhat if he at tempted it he wnuld be su-pected by the old people, Hti l his s 'heme frustrated. He coaxed the dog on', relumed with an axe and hammer, cut diwn his victims with the axe, an 1 threw them i it the fire. He then lookej in the chest fir the money, and whilst doing that the light went out; he returned into the kitchen for a ligjd, and waa startled by the fire, which bad risen in roiisrqucnee ofthe burn ing bodies. Gn this he dashed the sxe through the window and made hi escape. He has since told where he hid the axe ; and says he is willing to die, anJ the sooner the bettor. Thus far the confes sion is satisfactory, although it shows that the les timony on which he was convicted was not basej on the facts. Phil, ledger. Some time last June, a Nonpareil, a bird never seen in its wild 6tate, further North than tho Carolinas, escaped from the aviary of Dr. A McWim.iam, near the Navy Yard. It re mained a few hours in tho garden, and then disappeared. Since which time, having nei ther seen nor heard ot it, Dr. McW. gave it up for lost. A short time since, the weather having become cool and frosty, he discovered to his surprise and gratification that the ' ,ae wanderer had returned, and w, er.ieavoring to get into its former Imitation, and aa soon he opened the dojr xK flew int0 tne viary, i n(1 rejoined ita ;0ropanion8. Xat. Intel. lion-Mile Milliter stml Suicide! The Cincinnati Message says : We learn by a teller from Little Foik, ArKansrts, that a saddler living near that place named Doyle, nvirdered his wife on the Cuth ult., in the following manner : He was boiling h pot of rosin and creese over the fire, and some high wor Is taking place between him and his wife, in a hreny of rge, be turned the pot w ith its contents, over her hea l ! The poor ; woman's screams were heard by a neighbor the ', onlv one living within the di-tnce of half a mile wbi reached the house just in lime to see her I breathe her last, llei head and f ire were entirely i coated and seared with the pitch, which had run in- lo her bosom and down the back of her neck. The hustnnd escaped; but the alam being given, seve ral persons started in pursuit, and found him the next day about five miles from the house, lying dead on hi face in a little rivulet, with his throat cut from carlo ear, and a bloody jack knife clnspej lightly in his hsnJ. Doyle was a prior man, havi ing spent, by dissipation, a small property which he got liy hi wife. Viesldcnt Bayer In France. Fx -President H yer was still in Pans at the last accounts. Ilia wile, it is stated, died on (he pis sage to Frar.rn. Marked and flittering attentions have 1-een paid him by the French minister, and a letter sys : "All of them have called on him in person, and oee of the objects of the mission now filling out lo Hayti, is to endeavor to pr.n-u.-e him a H'iis:..n. As he is almost j--t black, tins steals rather strange to an American, but cl -i makes nj itifff retire here. The first Frcii.-b dratna'ist, Alex audei D.imas. is a lu'.l blooded mulatto, yet he is received at Court, and wests some lulf il.-ien deco-ra'ioiis--and at thu law and medical lectures the shades are as laiied at a meeiiug at the Marlbo rough Chapel, much to the dissatisfaction of the students lioiu out Southern S alts." I Am. He doth not say, cm their light their guide, their strength, or tower, but only I am. lie sets as it were his hand to a blank, that his people may write under it what they phase that is good for them. As if he would say, Are they weak 1 an strength. Arc they poor T am riches ! Arc they trou ble 1 lam comfort. Ate they ,:ck 1 otti health. Are ? am lite. Have they nothing 1 lorn dU things. Jam wisdom and power. justice awl mercy. Iam grac and goodness. am glory, beauty, ho liness, eminency, nuper-cminency, perfection all-sufficiency, eternity! Jehovah, 1 am. hat soever ia mihle in itself, or desirable unto them, that am. Whatsoever is pure, and ho ly ; whatsoever ia great or pleasant ; whatso ever is good t.r needful to make men happy, that I AH.Biihep Bcveridgt.