iat.""," l" 1 ?" 1,1 - t A X K KOTi: LIST. raxsvi.TAxn, The f Uowing list stews the rmr.nt v-sImp of nil 'Vnrrv Irani Bank N.q . Tl e mo-i implicit rc-i-trce msy Ic placid own it, ii i- t vrrti weth MrrfuMy mmpntej tilth ni d coirec'od f oin Hi k :ifll' Hi porter. irr.nlta In rMtUIiIn. ix ivr. I'lllLlll. pur NOTES A T PA R. Ri.k if Nortli America . fiiirik t,f the N'nithrrn Liheitie . Ooti nicroial Bank of Pcnn'ii. . . Farmers' nnil M-h9lii. Bulik . K,rn"ini?ton Bank . rhi'.-.drlphi Until. : t ii i !k i II Bank S..inhiaik Bank Wrntem Rank . , Mechanic Bank . Manli'setuicr' & Mechanics' Batik Country ltoi. Junk of Chester ('utility Wistcbcr-tnr .,nr r.'nr J'.Ut pnr pur p,r l" pnr par I" pnr par Hiir.k of Delaware County Rank of d rinnritowti Bunk of Moiitfiomcry Co. Oiyletnwn Bank F'on Bank Fin mors" Unuk of Rucks co Oi7".ce of li'itik of Fi nn'a. Office do yxv.co ilo do Office do do Chester par ('ertnnntown pur Noir'ntow n pnr Dotlostown pur E.t,in par Bri-tol pir HanicUiTO Thee Lancapti r nficr l!cnt!iiiBt ( ilo not Hurton J itmie n. D I f O O i: N T. ' Philudilpbia 21 r in pir NOTES AT funk of the United State' lintik of Pcnn Township GirnrdBank Moyamcnsmg Dunk . Bank of JVihihj Ivauiu . Miner' Bank of Pottsvillt Pottsvillo I" Rank of I .revision n Lewi-town Bunk of .Middlel.-wn Middlctc.wn 13i.nU of NnrthnmbciLind N'ottht.uibeilniid Columbia Bank ft Bridge co. Columbia Carliale Itank Carlisle k'xebaiigc Bank Pittslu'f Io do hianeh of lfnlliday ahurg Farmers' Rank of I aneustei Lancis'ri 1 anratrr County Bank Lancaster FnHnpia" Punk of Reading Rinding Hsuis'inta- Bank II urnr'nog Lncna'cr Rink Lnneister Lebanon Rank l,rl nn n Merchants' Ac Mnnuf. Bunk Pith-burg R n.k of ri;tl'i:rg Pi-hlum Went TJianch P ink Wiliiamsport Wyoming Punk Yi kivhano Vnrthnmpton Bunk Alloido'.vn Pi rk Countr Bilk Reading 2 ? per i U i l J i t I 1 10 5J 75 failed do Ohi. e of Bank of f. !?. Pitt.-hiarg Do do l'o Erie Do do do New Brighton Kensington Sav. In. A do Ferm Township Snv. Ins. do nu k of Chatnbori-t'iirg Chnmliertlmrg Punk of fiottyshurg (irttyslurg Bank of SuMjuehanna Co. Monlrote Frie Bunk Kria Fhiitut' & Drorcra' Bunk 'BTir..!ittrg do I mr.klm Uitiik" 1! mrfd.ile Bnk Mai r npnlifli Linnk of B. Voik I'aolv N. P. Tht notra of ii o Washinc'i'ii Honendi.fo Br.-.w iibville Yo-k y i i nt on niiiih tte omit qucitn'inna, and nihrtitnte a d.ish ( ) pre not purrhatil by tl.e Pi.i! idi Ipl i a lirokcrp, w i;h the mcoj tion ol thof vxliii l, Ir.ie a letter uf r. fort-lice. B K ( K L . ) A N K S. PMIn.h'phia ?av. Ii p. Flnladi lj liia rhiliulriphia Lnnn Co. do S'ti.uylkill !av. I us. Jo Minunl I.ahor Bank (T. W Dyott, prop.) failed failed f.ilcJ f.iiled BS no pale clou d clored l.u I.J (I. 'd no nlc failed failed failed no hale IVwami Bank Vowandu Alleghany Ba;ik tf Pa. I'm U of Pener U.iiik of .'watura ?ni.k of Wiifeliinton t'eniie 1 'ft i k City K ink F:,rn;n & Me, hV' P.mk Fanners' Meeh'ea Pui-k Fat me:' Ac Mech'i a'iPiiiik florniotiy Inaiituto llnnlingdor, Pai,k Juniata II ink i.ui'ibi ri.ieii'a Ptr k Northern Bank f.f Ps. ev Hope Di l. Bridge Co. Koithtitnli'd Union (.'ol. Pk. 'orlh Wentirn Pa- k of Pa. Dllico of Schuylkill Punk I'u. Anr.fi Mnnuf. Bunk Silver Luke Bank I'nion Bank of lVnn'a. Wenmoif land Bank Bedford l!e;iter 1 1 .iriibu'p Wrirhiilgtnil Prili fiiMe P tl;,blilg Pit'hl urg r-iyr-tte ci. ;rf ei.caste llurinOliV Hiiolindon no tale I -r. isiow n no cile Warn n filled lun.hff ro le New Hope c'ofcd M ilton no talc Mcadtillo iloaid Port Carbon ('arliblo failed Montiose clnid I'l.iniitoWll failed (Ireriiilurg cloi-ed Wilkufbarie nofnlu V.'ilkcisbntre Biidge Co, 23 All note purporting to be on any Peiin-yl-vania L'ank not given in the above li.-t, may be ei-t down at frauds. Park of New Btunmiik ltl Ul.rM il k Felvidere Mi 'Ihrd Penh Amboy PriJeton fuihd i ,ar i I" par Htlviileie Bank lit lington Co. Bank Commercial Pink Cuniberldi d B ink Faiuu-r.' Bt.L Mount Holly Furtni ra and Mcchnr.icii' Pk Kuliwav 4 Karmet' and Mechuniea' Pk N. Piunwik failed J'trn ern niol Mer bnnt lik Middlelnwn Pi. J 1'ror.k in list k of N. J. Jersey City Hobokn liko& (j'ru7ilig Co Huhoken hiihil failid faded f.t.i d failed U fa. hd J par no tale Jersey Cilv Bank J'.im y City PulteiKini Pelletille M.n risl.nv n Fiiil.old New ark Trcntcn Jeisry (',ty New aik Michanii ' li .nk Miiiiitfactur. rs' P.mk Morrin County Bui k M .ri men th lik ol N.J. Mi chunKr)' Bank M.xhar.iiV ant! .Mai uf. Dk Morria Canal end Bkg Co Post Note Newark UVji . Ir Co New Hope l'e Bli.'.ec Co" i i faded laded if failed I.ainlii itsiillo . Manuf c I n clon d Pkg C II, token l.oiiil.atd I k Jersey 'ny 'reiijif . I ' k is' i;.o k .- I. i'..-.k . f r l i . Co u P H.k Piilfrsi.il do i pur par 4 par J fr.ilei tailed Pr'metton d. ni Newark Lhial i 'blown 'iiiml, "Moriistown Tn nton Suli-in Newton 'I'ici ton Dmr Hackeiiturk ft ftunu F.-irdi ':',te liat.k Hl'.re P it k of ?.! ui i Blrte Paid S..;,-m 1-11. 1 Fl-i'ad Vm.iif Co S-us-'x l a. k Trent, li P ii king Cu I n i, n P..1 A a-.l.ii i,l. '. C- i. king Co, pur illl.l'.VAUl'. Bk . f din A Brand) unit Wi'wir.gton Psi k ul Dt lawaii- ihi.ii njti.ii Bunk of Smyrna Smyrna Do biunch Milfoid I aruo rii' Pk of Slate i f Did Dover Do brain L V.'ilndr Jtoa Do llU'.iil ( 'tiff, tow J Do I r. i.i li Ni ucc'le Union lUi k ilmmon (r j- I'm'i i fds nT On : I: i l.ie l:t.l ll ua I ') tl ere par pai par ptr I' par Ir par jar Ul ' are I- ther rountfib il or nlnnd n.jt of vir.eua de CbOaica.ftns, i.i tiick.la.iuu. J. 5.5 Waters, 1 rPI'tM Fl'l I.Y inform tlieriti?pn of (lip - i oMiieh of IS'or'luimlivrlaiid, und it vicinity, that l.p li rotnmrnred tlin Jl'r.ilovins;; IJisincs, in h'I ii vniion I rnm liP. in tlie aliop formprly nr, ti ir.l I y Unity H. Thotna', ilirrrtlv oppositp Pn!th" p'ntr. A lie tf n ivm the Npw Yoik fnd FhiWi l ! in Faal'iona qit'ittrt'y, hp i rnaMpd to do al! io'ii tntum'pd to him, aftrt tlip nrutct-t and liitrt.t ttvlc, pnd upon tlie plioilPrl iiotiro. K.-r'liomlfil.n.l. Apiil S2.1. 1343. ly Ld&AcxtsraiTHiNd. r.rnritf Zl in m c r in a i & s o it. f ITIIR rti' prri! n l-prehy it. f. 'tin iIip public, lliat JL tbov I nvr rtitrrcd into pnrtnpthin. in llie exj'a circxvu-i'iiiKa KTJSiursc, whirli i!l hrtchftPt lo rnrr pd on at the old stand in I'libory, nndrr tlip fi'tn of ' Oiori;p Ziinnu ininn A Run," ithcrc tlipy will rotidurt the I u-inv in all it? rarinus I tnn liri, including Tt.rn inn. MtiJ,i)!ir M.il Irvns. Inming Carr.'aices, Sfn. ing Hums, tV- ()rdcr v i! he ptotnjilly and punr lii:il!y tittnv'id to, aiid woik dune cheap, for cu-h i r nmntrv piudi't-r. (Jj' liOiing done nt ni p d,.l!ar tp ott. (;K'k;i: zimmf.rman, j. ii. .im.mckm an. Piinhiny, Vsieh 1 1th. 1S1:). 1) Fsr'ECTlTl.T.Y it.Ortn- lb c;tr7.-n of Hun. :.. I my n:i 1 it ii initv, th A he ha t ikett iIip j ifTce f.'itirrlv i-.cru ie.l by l'r. John Peal, wIipip I he "ill be hi'ppy to receive cull in the line of his j pr,.fi'sf.i.iti. April 2?d. 1MH. m. Jim k. i X X. I mU .t O te. J, rPHE sul sciibei, baiiutr entered into a pnrttn r vhip in the practice of the law, will ho happy to attend to nil busitici-i entrusti d to th. ir care. (d!e.:tion? will he promptly attended to. Tiny may alwaya be found at ll.eir office, in M-iikit Hrret, Sunbury, fornierly occupied bj in, LVnart, dee'd.. n a ptore-roum. WILLIAM L. DKWART, ( 11 A PLCS J. bri;nkr. Ponhutv. Fi b. 4ih, 1S4:1. lv. house, .Yo. CJ7, Xi rlh TltirJ.nl'nr C.llou h.ll .V., I'lHI.ALEU 11IA. TfOHN LCNCAN. hue from the rcnnvlva nia F-jimrr, and Saimiel Pike, jr., la'e of A tin rican Hotel, ('ohimbu. t liio, take pleanurc in ac ipiainling iheir fin ml and the public eni tally tin, t they have taken the lar(ie and commodious Hon I. recently built bv the M.psi. ll.-it, on the same tile once occupied by the old eiuhliihrd Hotel ki own as the Pu'l'a Head, in Third htiect uhovo Calluw hill t. TIiik Hotel ia finiihed in the very 1 est prpsihle nianner, at:d of the best materia'. It loral'on i cry th p'uahle, particularly foreiniritiy m rrhant ; the arrnnrjemeii'H for hcatir.g and vemilating rai-h room i such a o accure any temperature. Ti e hfihonniarc nil lial.t pud airy, all luiuishcd ilia lie-it Pty'e, po ns to in-iite toroloit. The tf cc iiing parlora are Uo fun ihc.l in a ku pcib ttyle, the u itidoWi aic on the Trench i'yln. foiniii.g nn entiance to a huki.ny in fmnt. vibuh make a pleasant rere. Pmtici.lat atti ntion ha been given to the bid and bidding, which, with (he furniture, arc einirt lv new. From ycari, ri eriei.ee in hotel huinr, we trUfl, by ftricl aa;duity to businesn, to nmke thi houpe a depirablc eloppimi place. Our tubln niil alway ber-upplied wuh tl.e very lust our inaikel can alVord, and our bar wi'h the heht hi;uura and wines of the moM approvcil In mi. In. P. S. There are f:rt tile Ptuldinc M.d carrii?.- hnupep attached to the holi I, rlituded by ca rial and sul er I'.o-l'cn and rui ehareea w ll be Ijw, in j accordance with the pre-ent ha:d tiii.es. Philadelphia. Oct. ih, IK42. UNION HOTEL, (llcnrrul Stage OJiCr,) aTSII "C2LT "IT ." 9 LVCOSIIIIG COUNTY, I' unsy li ;nla. rilHE Si hrcriber respectfully iufotnis his fr'ft.d. X ni .i ll.e public in eeneral, that he has taken the nbovo la iter: AM) coMuomors I N T II E B O R O L (J 11 O F M U N C Y, and lhat he is now well pnparej to nccomnioihile al1 who may liivor h in vtuli Ihe.r custom. Hi Silt ci mi Ai'Aiiin..M i.re well aiie.l, and Comfortable. IliiTitur An Pah vil! aVari'lf s.ipph.d with the bent thrina.kO can nfloul. Hi S r .i n ri so, ithich is pra d, will Ve undei tl.e charge of good and ca t ful In pliers. He ft el conl'.dei.l, by sliiit atti ntion t I u.dnr and an earnest drpbe to n i di r c mforiable th.isp who may pa'r.inv.e him, lhat he will not hi! to:.vk. general tatisfa. lion. H. B. Wl'AYER. Mur-ev, Oc. I Ft. 1 12. tf. l ur riJILAIl 11 1HA. lT'.HNG A!iD rflTTM'ILLC PwAXL ROAD. MA Mm. E si.vmkr ARi:A(.i:.vr;.T. i ( hence of Hum i. Cn ip An tn Sa-i cbpat, Aran. 1, 1 K -J 1, The patellar tiaiiihtv.il It ate al the follow n.p bonis : r,u'i.dt Iphia and h ttn l'.'t. From Fhi'udelpl.ia, at 0 A.M. 3 , , Fioin Pol'.ville, at A. M. S Y Ili.nrt t.f i li fit f! lUtdm. For P. t'bu le, ' at 'Ji A. M. T. . For Philadelphia, at 't A. M y' Both ttains puss at Pnttstown. The dow n tin n In nkfarl al Pe.iihnu, an 1 llie up train at Nnnis own, for which I5 miiiirca aie alluwtd at em h Mtatioii. '. it : .v. POwptii rotisvillf ,V Fiidada. n,.r)0 A fJ.Ml Pi tit cell Reading it do. V.'IH At Belween do A- Pot'itille, 1,4" & 1,'fi 1,(10 Eici anoN TirniT oiiod roii mn umioi sur hit. Bf tweui Pollf ville At Philadelphia, f5 CO Bl tlVCl II R, Ht'lllg fi t'o. I' ' " Betweto do. A- Pot'm'l.', 2 00 Ail the trains w ii ,top f.ir wsy parscufn. a! tl.e usual point. QTj- All p irsi-njjers sre iftpiea'tJ to pi or lire tilt ir ticket bt-foie the train Hait. May !". 14... if. Frth auiipv of POtSl' )',', T vV'N'F. iec.it a ai il I 'i is i' ly H. ' MAi-SLP Nc-i. l V tti, lt. The 1rst mrlhoil fvr thr. AMilinn of Ditrarc in to (7(trrnr mil jivrif'tf the Body. WIS KBIT'S i m i a x r i: c; r. r a is r. v i l, i, s or TIIK V7rt .Tniprrrtii 1'itilfff of IfrnVh, Are now aiknrmh1npd to ho tlip IifpI Medicine in the World frr the rnre of f.vkry VAinr.TY or diseasf.. F.CAl'SK thry rotnp'clply rlrnnae the atn- math and bowel from tin pe billions and cor- ! nipt humor which am the can not only of i eontinned until the Full of 13:16, v.irviiir; in vio HeadndiP, (Jiddinrss, Palpiti.tinn of tbe lie it. rnre, hut without ever diMiincririiie. During nn-t a-n in me Honrs, Mietinintivin anil ttoiii, inn everv mnl-idv inciilei l to man. SAID INDIAN YLtiF.TABl E PILLS ore a certain cure f.r in- ! tciniiltcnt, lemiitid, nervoup, inflairthtmy and pu'tid ' Fevers, ln-rnwe they e'eanpn the pody from thore ' nioihid hi'iiinis, wlirh.when eonfned to the eitcu- j I ition. are the cause of all kind of I'F.Vl'S.S. ro, nVo, when the paine inipin ity i deposili d on tbc t n emhntip and mucde, enni intr fiain". infl.itna. j lion and ewe'ilmya e died liHTKM ATIM, j Clll T. Ac. Wripl.tMndiiii Yipr!:iMe Pill may ; l-c relied r.n a--- alit at i erl.iin lo cive r'licf, and if prrpeveied with, Bi-conlloi.' to dilictiof I' II tin) it hKenif d!v . and without f-iil, make a petfect cu e of ' the above piiitifol n Hlmliee. Fioui three to s:)t oT ! p.dd Ind'mti Vicetah'r Pills t ,ki n cvitv nit hi :n. irg lo bed, im'.I V, a ibotl uu po r.ompic.ely tnl li e t'O-y irt'io i v,rv u.r.ff inai i oj-p -jicii i m-nnii, tl at luiet nniti--ni. O'.iot, m il n-.i- of rvetv dovr;p. tiot,,wi! be htnally DPI YEN FPOM THE Pit DY. Fur the a nie tennti, when, from pnd-.len chances of atn o phi re, or any other c iof. llie e Kpi'Btinli if check' d. and the huinntn wh rh shoijl I p"(tV hv th - fV'tii aret'irewn inwnrdlv. emisiiii HEADACHE. OIDDINESS. m-iiwa 'and si. k in s, ain in the hetii a, wa'eiy and ii flamed eye, pore t'iront, lioaiciu"P, cook' p, eonuinptinn, rheumatic pain in v.-iriou art of ti e lnnly, ntul many otlnr pvmptom r,f CATCHINI"! COLD, HiVf' Imlii'n Ytnttul.it: will iiivnriubty cive iininedi te ti lief, l'n ni thiee to 'iK of nid PdU takin evciv i.iht on goina lo Kd, will in a ! ahoit time, tu t o;ily ri move all ibe h-ive uii n as mt lymtnri,, I in the body w II, in a tdmr! tune, he rotored to even pounder l eal htl an I ef 'p. I ASTHMA. on DIFFICULTY F Phl'ATll I IMS. rV'V.' ;i.7n Uri.'f,'o; I "Hi's v. i : 1 In,.. icn -in ! c-r y i ff. by the stou a.h i.n.l bo v,jH, tlm-e tnerh phi. pu y hinin.r , wl ich Kt 'p up a! the air cell ol the 'nrpn, und are the can ie, not only of the j a' ove dis r. F-nr; c-'ii pbont. but w hen m jlei ti-.l, ofti ii lerii.ii a'e in that n o iheadl'nl mulai'v cn'h il ! ( O.NPUVP'l !"N. It -hou d he a 'amen in, b.-if.l ! tl at -Arr'.'.t r-i;.v;t tVi,,-..,.V V,!h area certain cure for PAIN l ten, nnd r ckiii s ., Vl llolV III L'l- of il.c syniptoin . 1 a Ii rp: I t-cansi th V pnrfe THE SI HE, (tj, res-in-, nau I i s i f a.pi life, cos'iteiifKS. a il in fn d yen, und i very other .1 or d. a r.l h'ate of the hti r : from the ho.U ihiise it;, uri;:c which if ch piip'ted upon th' in'iortnt orc.m, are the caii-e of eery tuitety if I.l'!l COM. PLAIN'!'. hi n a n iti. n ii coiii uho'd by liot--, outhr. .X and r. bc'lioli. ti e only mean of prevent, i ntl 'he drea.tfi.l cot.'i ijitei.ci of a CIVIL WAR. is to CT e! all trai'i.-j, no-l ( lit d Vpo. .1 .11. fiwn j t:.e ci nn ry. In b!i" manner, whi n p.iin oriiik- j t.esM of er.y kit d, indica'e that the body i firm p'ins with inttn il for, i'.p true remedy i lo FX I PEL ALL MORBID IIUMOIJS, (Tiaitora t,, j lenl'h and I fe.) IlttillK irill he t.'.e rtrtniit rrztilt. J Tint the p'ioc iple , f i uring di-ea.-'e. by i lo in-niis! ; ai d puiify il.g th l odv.i Ptiielly ill aceord -i i e i with lie laws which (.'otirn the animal icoi.omy; an.! if pro erlv c.ir.ied out bv the u e of the n! ote , natr.fd WKPiHT'S INDIAN YECETABLK I PILL!, w ill ceilai.ily fi mil In tiicromihle Al o- I lion of Di er.se ; we oiler ibe lid'. .it ins; leslimoni a!, fn-m pi ron of the hielit re-pectahility in New York, who hate tereutiy been ctitid ol the ii.op! ol.'tinate eon. plaints, sidcly by the r.1 Wmcirr'a Ivnii-v 'io i: r m.r. Piiin, of l!.v .Ye;i Aiiitrittm Ci.llfgf of Uru.'ti . Jam net. L. I., Juet fl:h. 1 I I . Doctor Wibia-.i Wicht De.t Sir It is u.th (rent sail faction I inform you of ;.iv Itatjnu been I i iiln !v cnii i! of D -.C r ia. of iiie y ar- r'andn g. I v the Ure of your Ivmin 1 1. 1 r t i-.i.f I'ili--. V n t n us lo mi e inc tt i ll y.n.r ci .-Li d III' d . ! cine, ! hid been under I he hiil.d of ft veral Physt cii'l s, anil ha. I tin.! ta.'ino- 111 n . s ; lot ail ti no ciVeet. Alter ll-'u g ol.e '-"i eel t bf'X i f jour Pills, however, I i xpi lii t red so much bet i l'l, that I rfsolvi d to pi r-i i eie in the use of tin ni iieciihti.' lo din etior s, tt i,-h I am h y lo state, Ii- s ri suh i it in a pi rlei t i u i e. Lttratitiide to you fn the pn-at belli f:l I l ave irceited, and cl-o in l!:e h. pe ill.it other fimihiity Hillicnd nn.v beindu'id to make I'ial i f your i x'ra. idim'V inedi. inc. I send toll this siaieimnl with loll Ll.e ly to publish die fame, if you think pr. j er. Your. . c. New t-ik, Jviia in, ISM. (i.e. PLCK. Mr. Kiih.ird 1'ein's, agent for Wrigh'.'s Indian Yi k. ia! Ie Pills. D.-ai Sir ll.nveh.en afl'ic'e.l fur sceral yeaia nib ir nan I we:.hnifs ai d pent rat dihditv, ac -om- ai ii d al time w nil pains in the side and oil.t r j s. Ail I bating Ir'e.l va'i, us . ci. I w as persu 'di I l-y a fi icn ! 'i 'light' Indian '. fi -table ; tlistn s-n g complain1 mr-ei.-inn. tt i'b... I tl' to m-.ike trial i f I 'r. Fills, wl ii h I run happy to stale, hate iciietcd i,-.e ' in a in. 'ft v.r,d. rfn! m.iiiiii r. 1 '.ate u-i I he me- : ilicii e, ns yet hot a sl.o.t I i; e, and hate rn d.n.ht, . i , v s I I ' er nee in ibe p e . f tin lie tl t i ie r.cc n- 1 ding to diiiitiin , th t I shall ni a nkorl tin e he ' i j e:h c'y ii'-to e '. ' j I inert w i!l:i crtf rci i nm i t,,l s .'id F.l's to rll per- j son- siin. I nly i.fi'..i te.1, Bi d in d.e full bt licft'iat the s line beiii -tie al roil Is w ill f. II. iv tin ii u-i . I re. j ii.iin v oui Kii ii ii Iv. I'ENi'Y A. FOO l'l-;, 1 ; Wa wai-n.i!, UIk'ci to. N, Y. : ! " t i Niw YouK, Sept. Hll. Th:s is to c"t fy Ihi.l I bate u-i, 1 V.'smii r' : Imiii Yi i. r a n ir. Fills with the fjiea'o-i I ine : 1:1 ; bat i L' ni ir. !t con d tit n If t f I1 e fn out nt at . lacks ot S ick Hi td.n he, 1 1 tt hit h I hid prc ioii-ly i Ic. n ti.bjtcl. ANN M Mil A Tllo.MP.-ON, ' f'J'i (ir.a on h i. :nc'. N. Y. To Mr. Pi -haul lM.i.i-, A-.i.t s'oi Wiiohi". J,:. ' dun Wit tiddc t'ids. r.i i r i o .: A 'here aic at this iunt n.ai y w I i i I y i f. ni d. in m Fi 1 1 j a c un't rtei1 der tl e name ot ll e Indian Yi sola! !c these tlttralc ll.ll are So Ul'cily r. . Ked I rr.-oup , nie.hcine tin- ! Fills and as , kit s t f ft. n. j incii is, n ui in.ii v va i ai ie i t a s may la- I-si In ..hie I coi.n ii.t i:c- of i.r.i ... l cir tlr. ; illi.l coiup. und-, ibe pol l c are t amiei ed pgaiio-t puicluoing any Fid, sunliss on the lidcboi liiu Lose the following wo.d.ir? is found : WRHiill INDIAN YECETABIE FILLS. (hulicn I'urtitire.) or tiik non in a m i. a i c n niLi ii.c or hsaltu. And uhe to Ic t.-pctblly can ful agaiiikt purclui- "'g a-'1'! medicine of any person cAiepi the reuu l.ir adverlist-d aptu'a. AGLXIS FOK A OH TllVMli IK LA AZ CO., Putusylvanin. IL n. Mai.s r. Sunt ury Wni. Iirth, Nor ibumbi ibint? .l.u oh II Ja. SI. airiokili Samuel ?lt (l., M..I onoy--Ptirly A D. H i.., Aucusta j I bona, Foilnnr. M iltnn In I i.d A Meixcll, i MiEweiisvi.lt- E S, I ppr, 'I'tnonlri iiie Jaui.ai Fin!. Fotirp.r.,te II. hla-e, Sudi rilown II. 11. Ki oll, F. M., EI.,.buiB P. O. Win. i. pi mini:, P AI. Union I'un.rr. Oll'.ce kin) ('rmial Dt pot for the pale of :iicn ttivi'lt I'l'l, Wholesale Hiitl 1 Pii.til.No. 16). RACE SI liEET, PI1ILADEL j I'HIA. May SI, 1613.- ly IIIOJ3EI OIXJTXVXISNT, ron TETTi:n. ' niiowoi!in, riMVt.Es om tiik vck, and otmi-.h j fi:TAsrrn Km vi u. I fjj" The fiiltiwiug crr!itfica'nlen il'r nnr nflflf tiuift txtrmirdinary curct free rjfsctrd iy any I applicutiun. Pitit.Anrt.PRM, February 10, IMS I TJ'f'R twenty yearn I was aoverely ofllirt- ii with - Tt.TTFli on the Fuee and Head: the disra-e commuirid when I w i ppventren vra'a old, anl of ibe lime, crpat nnrt of mv f.ce wa coven d with the etuplion, freouentlv attended with vio'eiit itch ing; my head -.vc'ed at time s until it fell a if it Would htirt the swellin.; wa so ced. thiil I cou'd scarcity pet my hut on. During the long p. tiod that I wa nlnictfil wi'h the dweiise, I une.l a r.re il many a plication', (aui.-nir llwin vend celehniled prcjialatioii") t w. II n t-ikinti inward remrdie. ilietudinir a nuinher of Imtll. of Stniiiii't l'unif a. Extract vf Sars,njiiriiln. ve. In fact, it weitld be imporpible to enumeia p nil li e nie.l eiiie I un,l. I wa elm under the e .re of livo of the most di tiuguirlieil phy-ici in of ihi city, but ivitli nit ri -t f iviog m -i ll benelit. and I despaired of ever being cored. In the f.,11 ol Hdii, the i)ie.iit ;.t the time oc'nii Vetv violent, I connnoneeii uaiini i.i'- I 0:,;,f;i, (pripural hv Vai'.'h:ili .V Davis.) In a few application the violent iti hinr cia-ed, r Lo m-i -fit g al a'e.l, the i rm -lion begin to disi) penr, Riul hi I. re I h'.d iisid a j .r the di e.ipn wa entirely ctued. It ha now lu n r.inr'y a y. ur and a half rineo, nt-'l thete is pot a v, --Wv of tint d riwe re irainimj, except the rr us li nm the der p pit f. .rioe.l by the di-fase. I( i tinp ssil.le for nie to d. o.rit e in a crrtificaie the pr-e. rity of ibe dieea-c in A my si lf rinp. but I w ill be p'e .red to civil a fn'lcr ac count to any pi mhi w anting further hatislieli who will c .11 on me. At li e time I cii'i.min.cc usiri T the K se Oiutini o! I would have eiien htm .brds of do'lais to W rid ef the iliteare. Since u !;!t it. I have recoromt ri,. .1 it to -ever it pcrion, (ainone ll.cni my mother, w ho had the direa-o bail ly on tier a ni.) who w. re a I cured hv it. JAMES DI'IiNELL, No. lo'i, IhieeSl. T'r ' '-c Ihiin Oii.tment i ptecared hv E. IS. Vaimhan, Seirh Eal r.tui r of Third and Pace i-tre, t. Phi! ah Iphia. and ku!d on agency in Souhii rv. bv H. P. MASsElt. " M iv 11th. l!t:t. Aarttl. t!oM -iHittiiieut, U,v 'IVili-r. a riu.or or its i:fi i y. I'll i I a hi I i-in i. Mav STlh. I xt:0. pills 1- u hi, is to certify It at I s.-tire'y atli.c'e.l mill I t tit r in ll.o liim.l : r.n.l ! l J.ir tii.w ,r.!s j of for l y eat ; lie- ill: i: e w i ad n.h .1 t in rally I Itilll tj.i'ci.t it- Ii : II tied sv.ellil. 1 opjl r.l tl .1 1 I, i. n. hi r of by i-iei ns, and i.s, ,1 a e.reat in.ii y :.pp!i ca'ino with, ut lit .-tit ir a cure. A' .mt uy.ar r-ince, I i.p bed tl e ll."i Ointment, which eotin lv J slopped ibe iich'ioj. and a few applic .ti. n imnu-.lt. 1 nti ly I'li'id the diease, which then has In en tin ! rilurn ol", allhouuh I had never l i'n rid cf it a' I any lime l.i f i.v ye.i:. Rll'ilAPD SAVAt.E, Ul. tenth, bcb'iv :-' p-:ee Stiei t. ! f- The Pofe I'lilmeiil is r. p red by E. P. uu. han. S jinh l'-t cort ,-r of 'llinl aid P.ue i Stieets, Philadelphia, and M on a.'otiev hi !-' iid.ii j iv. hv H. P. MA.OPR, t ' May Mill. I in. Arst. j p-.-csrcAL ArrnoTfATicrr i (fthf nasi: oi.tmi:.t, Tun: LTHtM'OH tl.e opi tioritt- of the prcpata'i ti J over all otto is is folly e al li hed, ihr- r pr e- lors ti.ke p. ssllre in Iny in; 1 ef. re the ublic the following rrrttficn'p from a re-pet-ialde ; !.V .-t-ian. a graduate of (he Univers'ty of Penn Ivnuiu. Dr. !:itigl", hnvinc found in this lemfdy that lehef f r a tedious n il ili-nr, ca'. I. ntl'.'ctioii which do me m i i lii it the r nice of ! is roli ssimi I o!e ! to iddoid. has i:ot hesitat. d to pive it his sppro'nati ti. ehll, mil the p'-cju.'ici and ir.'i n .- t . of that pr.-h- si m aie posed to in n I Rem. dies. Fn 1 1. 1 n i l l-u i , S. pi. 1 '.1. 1 ,:)(". I was recently ImuMid w itli a ti ili.ujs Iiitj etic eiupti. n. i". I i, Ii e m- , ,1 i.. jilt one si 'e of mv f -co. und ex 1 1 i .led over the ear. M r. ..uchaii. propr.. -t. i of the Pore I iii Unci I. ol -i 1 1 mi; my f ter , :n-1--ted on 1 1 1 v t - 1 1 t; I' is p'. p.oa'n'ii. ol tt'n cli he !. m-tli-1 ine a jar. Allh. uj'h in c.o intioii v. i' h the n.ein I . is ol Inv pr. fe-.-ion, I d's enim nal.ro ..lid dlsf.ji. pi.-ve ol the Iiurmr. Us nestium- pi'tind i-piii the pul lie l-y icnoi ml r, tend, r-, 1 1. . I in jus'ice b. und In exci pi tiie P. se Oinlm. lit from ih:it c'a-s of nu ll, tines, and In cite i: my spj r. 1 ;.ti,in, us it t ntiie !y Hind ibe eruption, ahh. och it hid iCsi.-ti-d the U-U..1 i.pi I cations. D NL. ISAU.H, M. I). Cj ' 'J he P..-0 Oil Unci I is p i p.,r. .1 by E P. Vau.har', .-in. th Ei.-t con cr of 'l'hird and Foe Stietts, Fhiiadc'i hij, and ..Id on eg. net- i II. P. MA-: I ."Sl.ll- !R. A -'tn!. ! 1 mv, I v I M iv" 1 Ith, IS I.S. T V.7 A ""T A T tt! X1, fS lit AuLiii Oil, C WV. Sl!lil .".Ilil Tl'lKH'fO .MiltllilitflltlCrs. .Yo. Id) A'T7: 1 li .t r or ni r t f Unit no. Third i Strirts. Plill.AI'ELPlUA. i rPHE nnih r-ifiiied ln.tr fornn d n Cn-purtitf rs'.io 1 under ihc lii'in of . I, MXYLAND Jh.A: Cni. : a riiia ersors In th, :le linn of JoCiJi .1,, ii, it i! o. 1 Co.. hii.l tt ill c u. .ii ue he I ii- i c s at he old ota ,' bh-'iin. i l, on l! e r oit u i.t i " ol. In a. Mi .on Iti : iheir on ii t-h.so apt i'fi"ii nod crp.ri.-i'cr f-t many . Mai, in lie manpf .cluie. if then lehbr.ittd sriiitl'-, j A c., the h t i' i xpciit nea of the sei i.ir pa'tnei :( ll e ' l.iti linn, it ill be tt. ton ,1 lo the iute.t'sl of ihe In it coi t . in h: i.t n i o i e- ti.ni iiiu! can' w ill I e ' sp an d to insure iht ir poo.ls, at u!l tim s ol the ve ; i v I e-t ijiialny, ilia y soiic.t a con! i n u am e i f the ' col I'di nie ol the Lands in:! cu-t, iiiers of the Lite 1 hrm. THOMAS AD WIS, J. MAYLAND, Jh. 1 Fl.iladtlphi.i, May I Fb, ! 1:1. ly 1 H IJ CII rL3.,' F33 - o i'urin r ul Tiirt' nnd Yinr Sr. i .'. Wir,ciyiri,;rf,"aT, pa. nl scriber r nctliiili ai iiouiu'. a t the r'iiiiE 3 pijhhe. t! at be Ir s ot ened a 11. '. I in th. enru- ii 'I 'lon l ii. k building s mate on the i-uiner of 'I liiid ti i.il Fine ftreits, where be will be hnppv ! wait i p ti those who in iv f.vor him with their compiiy. 'Ihe Eagle I let. I ir laipe nnd Conveni ent, and fi ri i-ht ,1 in t! c ' t in dein stb'. I' i pi. t ah tl w .'ti a laiae in in. her of well oired and coin!. It dde kYi-ping up irtinenl-, room, private I arlors, A c. Prison visiting ilhainsj orl on I u- ims oi p.'ca-ure, may res Bs-.ir. d thai every ex ertion will he used to ti-i tier their sojourn at the "Eau'e Hob 1" pleasant and a;rt cat de. HisTalle will be ti' plied Willi the vary hist ihe mi. kit ul fords, and hi I ar with ihe choicest wines and other liquor thaiiie re isutinl Ie, 'Ihe F-aule Hotel possese greatiT advaiitugr in point of location lliAti any oiliei imil.tr et talilishmrnt in ihe l oione.li, bring ait iate in the husimss p.rt cf the town, und within a convenient distance of the (Vint House and Wilhamsporl and Elmir.i Ri Pout Depot. huflicienl Stabling provided, und good auJ liubty ostltr alway in alteiidauce. Attentive, sccoinuioili.tiup, ar.J bnne-l Seriati' liave t'ecn iinsloicd. und nothing lift undone that will add lo the conil'oil and accommodation of hi guest. Thire will lie a carriage alway in attendance at the Boat Landing to convey psMi gi i to and from the House, lite of chaise. CIIAUI.ES BORROWS. Mar Mlh, lfc.-tf E. B. lASOESl) ATTOIINF.Y AT .AW, surfBtrmr, va. Pulnp iittended to in the Counties of Nor lliuml rrlaud, Union. Lteoming and Columbia. It r tfe-r f n f Tunwt HrtT iV Co., I.owrn iV I'ltutm, Hart, (St-MMiKtis & Haiit. yVhifoil. Pr.TXOi.n. McFaim ami JL Co. SpEitun, 'Jiion A Co., To Country rCEXlCH AXTTS. rPHE Subscriber, Aijeiit of Lyon it Harris, Hat Matiuf ieturer, for New York. Phil ulelphin, Baltimore and Either large elites, ! oo Hut aie highly cnminrnded fir pjmd viljt and durnlility, I h.i on I and hr-l rate asertm"nt of HA I a find ; I CAPS. Fuilable f,,r Spr r-p s des, wh'ih will Vo s dd j j vi'iy low, foi cash or anpinved credit, al the m-tV. I I 'crrn tore, No. 4(1, North 'l'hird ii'iovt, 0 p .He the Cilv Hotel. Pliilalelphia. j ROPE I5T D. WILKINSON. Annxt. j j N. It. Order (.ii Hats in iho ro'f h . pro.npllv j attended lo. The l.ii;he.l rice in ;;.( or trale ( pivtii fir 'r;f s'.n.. Philadelphia, June II, IS11 --W l.l. peraon imh bled lo the linn of I. ton A Hair's, tinder the an, rtev of O. ,. 'I'lia hi r. ' : ll.it and dtp Manvfitctur, '. No. -ill North Third, ; I Mreit, I'D i .li-1 1 ill in, arc r..ijne.-!cd lo make imtt'idi- ate si'ttleiucnt of 'h ir a coi.nt hh the tu'i-cribi r, tin i r legally auMiorircl aaent.who is foi l inipoit. I i led to e(ie and collect !;e ceouiit of paid linn. , ROBERT D. WILKINVoN, dime 1th, 15l;. -tf A-n.l. ;:i;GOLDE I SWAN An. (ill .Yo''''' Third, nf.t.i fArtli S!rt, FlIILADKI.rillA. AccoMWir iiiiivs run m i im v iti!mim. ( OtAIJl I'.S WEISS, I.,',. ,, the " hi'e Swan." ' and "Mount evnon lions,. " resin clfullv in- forma his fri, uds and r-r',iueis. that I e l a- heeome the proptiet. r of the nhot" will ki own Hotel. Cotin'ty !i u bants w ill fnd the ahot 1 1 n'el a ci'titi.il I eati. m, and the hei-l ..f f ire. P, ro:i Ira veiling with private convey mice will find a hirpe yard und iroo.l i.lahni.; ',n horses, and ll.e lust of ost!ci!3. II., udiinj t? 1 per. lav. May 1 Mi, is FJ. if. "tTT 7 IT v. -si t i .i ( 'utiiiiiissi' iti tV t i r v :i ril i oir MiTi'luiiits, 'no',,' U '.-..' Slrttt Ittiil 11,'nd, on rut. i I la w i n K, WI.M! assiviatid V i h th. Ill J i-i u P.lloet, ate of F.arl.in, P.,.. r. sie. thdlv inrt-rin t!-i ii Ii, friends and the public cei-cra'dy, ill it tiny Inivi ti. k. n th t hn-Rc an 1 we'l l.m.itn store and w ha. fat f... I of Willow Strict P .di. -a.', I .'.Iv oecnpie I y J scoli h.rl:ii, whe-e I hi v il j - ,l..i.i a l.'in. i:d ( 'omn.isiii.n at d Forv. -irdinr Pn-i;if nod f , : the local mlvHiaeci of the place I i ii'. ; cm n fed iviill i.ll Ibe id l e in rn.'i mi ills that have their outlet in the ettv, lley flitter i!n tn-ihi't tia'v will he ne'e to do I usitn'ss to as it, il not c rater ad t a n I ape, and upon as le is nal'e Ii r n.s a- a;.t other 1... ll .e, and Iht v r.s'aiie (heir ti i. nds that a..v cor.- s'ii.nn tits un.de to thei t'-nl on, and no cxcitiuli shall have th, ir s'r:i I at spaied !o give I n'.tie satis- f.ici'on, ! ') In y ore alsy prcpate.l to receive anil forward " Cods lo any poiul on the I), hrt are and Lt lnph i iters, hi tit et u Manch Chunk, E.i- tnn and I'll. la- j ih-lhitt, t in Deljit are Divisi, n and Lehigh C an Is; ahn. In any point on 'he Juniata liver, or Nni'h I n". Yd, I!. an. In s of the Su-.pii haniia ii I S.-hnt I. ' kill and Union, or tlio Cl.c-.pe .Uc an 1 i idn W itm . C.itia'.-. j For tlie accon.mo.'a'i ni of Boa's c ri i--g or tpi- ii '.T iia SiLnj Ikt'l and Union Cr ii-il. will L, k pt i xprpsslv f.,r l.v in ii t" le in -ual ts I,- 10 S.din'. '.kd- inoui d to the DcL.ti.tn' an I ! aek, v will en d ie lie .chants 1. 1 bate their I" ie cd tin the Dt-'aitHte, and lli.ii od a satinp ol fit) to In itr cut. , the till e I in:- i- .1 inc., fn haiilu it ac-ti-s, t tih th- adihi t.tv thoy re 'r n-e.e. 1 Ell. MAN A; CO. spi clluh t sot., il a - of i a W. 1 Vi'ilham H. ihr.in, W.ll am V. Kiyse-, loscph B. itiel. F id iv 1 1, lit 1 lv EOIiTOX-T &. CO. " iiri :.l 1'oniiiiUtton "iTi i ! fcr the Suit tj'l'l ur, (iruia, (.. e. . . i ' "P" E'l'ECTFI LLY ii form ilu-'.r tin ml- and fjj'p, . Meiel ants ctner.l'v. 'bat they bate t:i- i ki n Tl,. .p ,it.,. Miid comi'.od..n.s bart-s, uiih t.to Doilis tit ir tit of Chisr.iit st I t, in; the llclaw-.r.', Iojm tl , r w t Ti the st,.ie No e I eie thev w old. I be ph a nam's i f (irnin, Fe'ilr. Sri A c. Pi inp, a'sn well p" pa ol Mi rch.mdise bv ihe Sel l the Che ap, uke and l i 'e boa's are I C ! t xpres-!v f.n l'.l Sou ill Win. VI-, ed t l IPoeive Ciltlslll- d, Whi-Lev. It fi.; i d t font ard ail kiod vlkill and I t. i, in, i i by W a'er '.tn.ils, as tint -the purpose t.f tow ins I cats Ly ei I ci nui'e. Mcrtdiatits will pie se It' pait'n nUr to send t'.eir 15 '. d de-'ii.eil ly enher canal-. t No. la f-m th h 1 1 vi s, 1m t .tirii M'tiket an I t hr.-iiul strt e's. i n the D. law ire. w i'h dm el', ns aeconip 111 in them wl.i. ll ntt.' 'Lev w ish t'.rui tn be sh'pi e I. o " Fl.isiir and Slt i'.,r sa'e, a th- lone ' n.;.i kft pi ice. pt'I.Tl'N' ('. March 10, l-'Fi. N .. I'd S ",i'h V. h .ne-. lUJuJk'.U'g' A iiui :.!: .v. -c.. TAPES lTANUrACTUr. E R 3. .r.n .'oi . Sir til, !!'.!! iu. i rf HA V E f. ili.-tall si.'.es and cu ntlv l. r s.d.r. J'rniiiiut Rapt r of at in. lit i. s, I '.iti i it in k I'jj-t r, rub tl 1 and plain, Fetter Fi.pt r, it Lite and I hie, iule.1 and i plat 1 1, l!i g,i Paper, f. ne and i on. in m E'.t 1 1 . j e ! Paper, do. th. n.ril.uro, thud, c cmw n, er it ll and , it. a .n d Wtappmj; F ijer-, ( 'nhned M' tiiurri and R-.yt.l P.iPi, Poiiint, Fi .d.ti.' and Siiaw Bui t 11 nird, 'Fissne Pa pi r, and till iiitclesiri iheir l;ii", , ttbi.'li thev will nil i.n t.cc. niiuodu:ing t rus. ' Highest pri.-c jjiten f t oi l ihs. rope:;f car per a son, March 10, I. JUI. Eikt. n.M.I . PW wJ-iJ. i. JLU JT vliia).. I N artie'e unequalled lot rleauiiiq and g ving a highly durable and n..e I tuidiant p. hsh to il- j ver, (iirman Silver, Brass, Copia-r, Bitttania Ware, ; 'Fin, St, el, Cutltry, and l. r restoring the lustre on varnished cariiai;es, tVc. 'FRY IF. j Prepared ami sold at whoh saU mid retail, by the Susquehanna Chrysolite Polish Company, Onega, ' Ttogu county, N. Y. I M. FOI'SYTH, Acent lor Northutn'd, H. B. M ASSE li, Agent lor Sunbury. Novemlier 20th, 1815. 1'l.TKU DKWKLsT r LAST IVXAEX1. No. 71 fallow hill Street, rhilaJcljdaia CThrit Joi.rt ((ty Stnrid. ) IHV- Finding, always kept on bund, whit li he il oltrik for (ule on llie loe.-t term. Country Meichanl are psilit ulmly to (ill and judge lo.' themseltea. PhiUJrlphu, Noicrr,5r 13, 1342. ly. G. m7f. & L. S. TA7LO?-.. FFF.R FOR SALE, at the South East Cor ner of Fifth und Market Stitetf, I'hiludel- pit it! Mens' Calf-skin Bonis, stitched warranted, do do do pegged do do do do water prouf, double aolea and double copers. do Culf-skin do do and upper, do lloivy Water Leather Bonis, do do Neat do do. do Hicli quarter Shoes, Calf-skin, do ilo do ('rockers do do Fine Monroes warranted do nailed Jo Kip do do Calf do do t'onrs do do do lhnej do Fine do do Kip ilo do do do do do do do Calf and Sea! SI. in Pumpc. do List Sock with and without sole. do Carpet do do d ih P it'-nl Vdarr-inteJ 'iVuli r-pr.of Moccasins. Ladina' dn do do do I ndieV t un i .1 India Ro'.l er shoes. ( o-ht'i mens do (Her shoes. Wi'h every other divciption of Loots end shoes. For t 'aps ol eft rv description, 'l'r ncij lia Trunks of every description. eiien, in 'J'ruvidllug B us. Patent Cum Elas'tc Shoe P!ael;in.T. P. i nets of all kinds, Palm Leaf II..U I'l'.ibi.lelphiii. NoM'tid'pr Hi. 1k12. ly. V . "y p M T " w m w to m mm WHOLESALE AND PET ML BOOKMCL LEKS AND sTA'I'loNERo', No. ('lies-nut Street, l.clow -Jilt, lMilnilolpliin. "?T7"KEP cnn-tnntly on liand a ceneral assnrt l V. ment ol Ii, i.,ks and Stationary ; comprising Tl.ioloiti.'-.l, Law. Me,lie.,, Cl.'ssi'ci-.l. Misccllare and Si-hoot P ."l.s. Day P.i-'ks, nil si.e, ).,..', .rs, tin.. Family Pihhv, Pocket Bibles, Wiiting Papers. ' .'rapping Papers, eve. &e.. which they of ler at t!;e h -.M . ! p. ice to (,'oun'ry Merchaiil' Trc lessiou.il (i nth -men. Teachers, nnd all others that inn favor ; I.. ,n with '.heir custom. Philadelphia. Not'iiiber Ft, lSFi. ly. .TSsj Ji-'.rJ IVciHC!- Ai Sols, norr. makths smr cirArcrr.sns. A'. I :t .V,. , W at.r Sinn. Vhihuh iphia. 77 1? A E cms ant'v on hand, a gi-i.-er il i.ssort f i-J in. nt ef Curdape, St ine 'Fit ine. etc., v . : 1 ar'tl ICpes, Fis'iim.; Pnp.v. White Ropes, Manil la I'.'i es, 'i'o.v Lii-.es lor I ' in d Pouts. Also, a e niiph-ic a-'ortmei t ofSiine Twines, et c. such a Hemp .-had nnd H. i iiiu 'I'w ine, Pia-t Patt i.t CHI e' Twine. Co-ton Shad and 1 1 en inn 'I'w il e. Shun 'I'hi.a !, .Ve. Ac. Also, P, d Colds, l'l. u-jh Lines, llaltei--, Trac-', l'..-.t..ii and Linen Carpet Oh uns' Ar. all ofuhi.li they will tlit-ji.-jtr- of on n asoinddc tt in,. I'hil.'de'phia, Noveml ci I 1 "-1C. Iv. J:jo? r'Mmtti Nn. t ) E--FECTFi 'LLY inforrns th-ir In. nds ami f Cljlll.ll liCI ti if -ri.llv th.it llirv s;i Cnll 1, oil tin-.u- to he. p -:rr,t. t'hita.' 7 '(!'.. I ( Which thev at the "Id !.,;..!. .. !1 N.. h iiii aiUmdsof CO ."t-VI ."' .1 V' ;.'r,.'.V. w.ll n ii l. the II:ji ' a. I'.iliilunilalil.L t.d reis ,ii.i do let ins, N. P. All eoods sold will he gin, inlccd ,itul idl tilers promptly ill. ndi .1 to. I,. ... , - ..otoeo-t!'.!. :i: -rrri'-rr i T:'Tr T"1V5 p-p"t "y- Wl.olisiilo ;ti,il lli:t;iil SIioo. IJonncf, nnd Piilni Leal' I!;U V;t irlioiw. Ai I.G A, t!i Ci s'l-n. t: ft tf t.'ti-irs u'ti.rc . Irch , I'sr.l...', I'.:',:!. $ I.St 'Fi ,-nks, Cai et I'.ias and alii i s, of ev J Ji ,r' d' -e: ij ii.il', all of ithich he on'cm for s .teou the most teas a: ddc terms. I!hdi I. -Iphia, ..ive.n''er l;t. l,--t?. I v. J . W . S W A ! N , I li,!-:"l':i r.l .l r;.!Ms.. M ittll. i ! orof. ' An. '. UN li: to i y.i.i. 1.1.1 .' 7 '.'.' MtV.-hl I.U a: A ;.'. .a tie i. li:i If! i, Is and otii ;i ti n nt b. s are s 'If pun I :te ..Mil u J . Is, f, l'l e.-a- ! a id) 1 i i. N.ivr-i.l , r l'l. :si pr.! v. V tc A. KOVUI'HT S .hill.! It.! A ilitss r.ri( I.iMM-,.,0,1 Y ;i rt'l,ii'sf. 1 .'. , .. ' r! I u, 1 . 1 or lutuir Vine .-!:!. I hii:::-.':.',;,,, HERE tin t c..:... ai,!lv k.'. p on ban.) h.rpe ' ' ..,.llll. i, of ( I "I 1 I ma. Oh.ss aod Liverpool Ware, which thev w dl li . nose of on (iic iv l te i- s n.d - teinir. l'l 'I. del:. l ii, Noven.'i'er i.'l. 1 S SC. ly s cri.i. 1 1 1 r - 'I'L'-T Tili:n-MI.l itiiiii (1!,TV .V.llr.'l 7".'. I .xiif- lliiiiiv, ;uo, A:r. ' s'ref . fr;ir tifi.rs I r 'i,- .1.'. I'in.'l.h.). EF. F ce-n-' 1 1 ' ! y on h .pd a tar-re ami rp ti'ral us-.utintt.t Ct'at h La;ni's, I5,,iri'r.e Bands, A '. Col id! I'Arn.s, fliptic Sj rinc. F.ti-rit It .n'.t r. Ac. : try Mcreb.iui ..nd sjiidh-.a w ill br siioplii .! at in.cs . n the i.ost ii .isonahle t. rms, 'Fhey w ii find it to tb. ir li! Ml: till. -I t hi t.' Fi dad. libit ,dt a"l.'"C to e.n e p'ir-. h.t-iiii! ri N .i en' . r 11, a. ul cva.iune t it hi re. sit':. lv. his l!i:VM)l,ltS, IWUI.AM) A: ( t V!;. ;- r, '..-, V.vW.S.i ;it:l Atiicri :i:i i try ( 'nx ils. An. U.. .V. .-.'. t'-tit. l'hi.t'r!;.hi.l. aff . I I, i M, 'rrh ints, .in, others can he si.p. J phed nt all tlinei l nil mi ett. iiMie -soit-sl i' ml t'u-sl t'.i;.i.iii.il Ic (I'ood.s upon nahh- teiinw. ini'iit of tin- . ; he ni '-l tea F II dt 'phi i, Notrmt cr Ul, 1 J - -J . lv. ia) i:k tV liAiiiiDX,"" i-ru r-i tn-;! ! b':i!t'rs in T'oroi-m Sl.il 1 hiilirllc t Nan i .i Tn in lloiiluaro, Sthi.it, Fhilaui i run. No. n "rilERE th.ir fri, p, Is and. i tomers w i'l hIii bv tiuil a bire.e ami g. iieml a-a uirut nt of Foreign and Domestic Hanlivaic, whi.hlhey wilUtllal the Imv st prices, Phihd.lpbij, November 13, Ir- l.siir.uifK, ii..si:r.L lvo wnox-rsALE rnr coods sTonc. Mo. U'.U J-5J Market Street, 1'liila. (li'ftc l'i ft h Smith tide ) A lAVAVh keep on hand a lull and general as J kt rtmentot Hosiery, Lce, and Fancy (t'ooiU, Country .Menhaiit are re.-jiectfu!ly request )d to give tln tn a cN and examine for themselves. Philadelphia. Novemler13, 1H12 ly. SPKIUNU. GOOD ','C0, No. IMS Mailt Strfot, rhilacleljiiia. BNYFFE the atlrntion of Counlty Merchant lo their extensile aor;mcnt of Bnti.h French and Arneiican Dry Rood, which they oiler foi (! on ihe Diorl reaaonahU term. Philiilelj hi. November l'l, I f 12. U,