TC1UIS OF T1I1J AllI-ItltAX." H. B. MAS8KK, i Pu an annas is JOSEPH KISKI.Y. J riorRiiToi.. . n.iSSKIif Editor. Office in Centre Atttj,"in tliercarvf 11. B. Mat ter's More. THE" AMERICA V is published every Kattir liny Rt TWO DOLLAKS por anntim to lie paid half yearly in advance. IS'o paper discontin ued till all arrearages are paid. IS'o subscriptions received for a less period tint) si x momtiim. All communications or li tter on business relating tothit ollice, to insure attention, must l.e POST PAID. .- ' . v ' -V v "..y1 ! TUP. WMKPIXn maiii-:x. I iw a fiir rea'd werpinc, I iwii hv von old onk tree, Ore day when I ivs rcepins The cancc I (lew to sec. Flie turned a I approached lirr. Then, Mus'iin.T, dropped hrr head; While I, in tones of kindness, I'nto t'li1 ni'iidi'ii rtnid : " W lint e 'evi lb ihrc, fair nial.h n ? All. maiden, tell me hue, Can sorrow rest within the breast Of one so fiir as you '"' " c ! Vcs !" she cried, " k'ltd stranger, I've drunk of funny's r tip Jit-l now my tni. wi'h nithlc.s hand, Cut my lie iv ittsn.K up!" A". ('. 7c. Suit of Oli! I! n c li r I o r I drcmn'd a drcim, in the midst i f my slumbers. And, fast as I dicaint, it w.i coined into mmi'ieis My thouekls rut along in fitch leintiful ou'trc, I'm sore f ne'er mw any poetry sweeter, It seemed that a law had heen icernlly made. 'J'llat a tatiinrdd bachelors' pate sheii'il belaid; And, in order to n-.nkc them all wdlit,i;ly inarrv, The t lx was as l:i'ie as a man could wed cany. The h.icheloiK gutinbli d, and paid 'twere no ti e, 'Tvvns horrid ipjn t ee and horrid a!ne ; And declared tint to save tlicir luail'a blond from spilling, fit such a vile tx torv win. 1.1 rn'er pav a shilling. Ijnt tl.eruhrs iletiTinini-d i!i. ir i.WW to pursue, f-o tin y get all l!.e h ie helots tin i ven-'ue ; A crier was s-,ii t'irou,;!i the town to am' fro, To rattle l,u hi il, and hip 'ruin; i t to bh.w ; A'ld to call oil! to :! ho neRht m et in his way, "Ho! fury old .(! l,e!or. so'd line to-day." Aid I'f.f, i!v the 11M ninids of the town, F. :eli one in h. r vriy best bonnet and gown. Prom thirty to ,:ty, fair. p!a:n, red, atnl pale, Of every description, all Hocked to the. sale. 'I'he uneiionrer then, in his Inl'or began, At.d e.ll'J 001 nl,iul,a li.; held u, a innii, ' How milch (or a b.icheloi 1 who wai t to buy .'" In a twitdi r ety niatilen nvpon.lJ ' I I." 1 n Ml. rt. lit a !.:! ly rxtniVB'.Mnt rice, 'i'hu ! el i .c:e k.'I.I oil' in a trice ; And fell old maid .ie younje-, h.i oldet, K .ih Ice. .1 an i Id !ia, hi lor home . n her plirndder. '';'.'! iik V. 1 1: a e .;;.:;,. A few days V". a pur oftiiril-s, seemingly uhm'ohsj to no, ted to to: s in. :i b inds of wedlock. l:iio:e n.e:r tv in-ar.'i'iee beien? one the i ler- i: men nf ( i'a u ho, tin ling the reipii-i'e eel I ti. ca'o'.s a!i ie;!;', proeei de.l w o, u, ,.,.r,,. tnony, n::t,l in- i iiue t,, a pi:t,,;'it wlu-ret'ie eonstieii is jt'tr to the hri.'.-"o..::i, if i:e "is u :iling Iota!;" this wieiian to he Ins wife ." To t':,is- neres.ary lotery, the inr.n, after lonsidera Lls hesitation, ni'..-v, . red, "Xo !" "No!'' said the niitti-l- r. wit'i a V. -.sdi of s.irpi a-e, "i'or wdiat i'.,i-'.n:" "J'l-t," sail the poor emharra-'sed Seop'eton, looting f .) !,ed.,or, ''because I've taken a ('ist at her.'' ( in this, ti.e reren.ony, to the ev ideut mortification i I the fair on'', w as brnkeii oil', and the parties rt 'tlmd. A few i!.iy at'ler. huvvever, they again presi u ti d tht ves b, f ,re !i;s ro erence, r.iul tl'C fii-tidious l,r,d i'Tootn, having declared that he h n! got ie r his efjerii'iu, i In- eercirionv was a-;. no t (iioioi'i't'ed, and pmc-v-der! iu ternijUiou, tdi a (;t:e.-tion, miii'.ir to the above, w.-ts put to lb.' lo nil' , when she, t:i return, re el. ed in tht. t;eg ,! ive. "Wb-.'.t is the ne-v.ning of nil this !" said the e''. evi lent'v diso'ensed at t'i tooli.-.h trilling oftlie pirttes. "(1 na'-tltiog nva,' mid the bin diing ihitii.-el, to-i- iog her head, with mi itirof reroniiii'viT, 'v,, !y I've j'-.-t tnV: a seuti. tier at him !" 'I'he t .vo ngiiti irlired to their lonely pillows, and lonely it would seetn they bad found them, lor the reverend gentleman, on coining out ot hit, house the following morning, met the foo'i di ro iple once more r.n ti.eir way to solicit his services. ''It's a.' mode up r.oo," eaid the uniting fiir one. '( ) yes," said her intended, "it's a' settled no , r.nd we want you to rry its as nun as p.i-sib'e.'' I will do no fticli thing,'' was the grave and rtnrtltn" renlv to the imptitierit rer;uest. "What for V Esketl they, speaking togithcr, in a tone of mingled surprise and disappointment. "O nuethingava," eaid his reverence, passing on his way, "but I've just fa 'en a scunner at yc baith." Kilmarnock Journal. The It ace or Mankind would periuh did they cease to aid each other. From the time the mother binds the child's head till the cno n;e:it that mime kind assitta wipes the death damp from the brow of ihe dying, wo cannot exist without niutuul help. All, therefore that need aid have a right to ask it of their follow inortuls ; no one who holds the power of grant ing can refuse without guilt. Sir IV. Scott. N Absolute acquiescence in the decisions of the From tht A. Y. Trihunt. tKTTKItH 1'UOII lTAl,Y.NO. X.XIII. THE roi'K DOM MtOl'IX MKIZATOST?. I'omf, April, 1 . ! To-day I received tin invitation to ho pro j fenled trihis liolineiJs tlitf Pope1, hnt as I found i that 'fhort.v' and foiiip tith'-r inconvrnii-nt et ceteras vutc! in'costiry I Jottlitioi). I regretted ; it uftorward.s, ns I linind I could lmve bot-n pn; : Kcntrd in my ordinary drrsp. Wlirnovrr billion arc? prr pouted, court drrfs ia not reipiirod. A ; lady unexpectedly heenmo one of the. number i i wl...wnrofonee,.mna,.v nor r,mtl i l,;. i... ! lincs.S and I could have seen hitn without the incoiivetiieiiee I anticipated, j ' It was a matter of very little rone.'ipictice, however, as I had on several occnvion-i been within a few feet o! him an hour at a time, and hen n! l.iui speak, and out, as I ruppo.-i d a verv pond idea ol'the M;n. lie is nearly K() years nf ne, but robii'-t and healthy; he sloop.s con siderably and w alks slowly ; yet when he mounts hip throne his step is lioht and elastic as that of a voting man. He has marked arpii ; line lean! tires, a mild eye, and a very benignant 1 counten nice. 1 le was a prelate of no disliue ; tion, and mounted to the chair of St. Peter as : many other. have done before him, by party strife. As soon as the Pope dies there com- mencesa 'urines strtigple between the rival , families for tlio throne. Tho Cnrdinn's are ; shut up i'l Ihe Popp's Palace on the (iniiimil, and are allow ed to come out of their seperato apaitinrtits only to ca-t the-ir votes till a Pope is eloeted. Two-thirda aro necessary to -(institute a choice, subject ont o to the veto nl'lhc Lord Ilij;h ('haniherluin. The on!v way often to reconcile the fuciions, and escape frem their imprisonment, is to full o-t some eld mi.! in. lit lerent Cardinal and eliet hi:u. The ;iroet:t Pope (ircitery was elected under liie.e cri.iim- t stance, man, a lie is not r ganletl iisi a very clever eii"h lie bears an excellent mora! character. To-day at Fame exercises in the S.i-tine Chapel, I saw Hon Miguel. He is n very inmd broking man. He now lives at Albino, fifteen miles from Home, whither he has been banish i ed by the Pope, While fie was in power in Portugal, he btvi.-hr.d his wealth on the Pope, who now, in return, supports him on a salary, it is said, of -S'-'O.OilO. The cruise of Ins banish ment was tin insult ofl'ercd to the Wife of Prince Rirghese, one of the lirst families in the Papal dominions. Site was tho daughter of the fii- nioiis Cat h, i ie I " j r! of Shrewsbury, and, w ;i true Kng'ish sptrit, resented deeply the insult f-fTered Iter. Horghe.-e told his Holiness either Hon .V igin 1 in nt t b.-ave IJetne, or he. Toe Pi pe, placed iu tins dilemma, exiled Don Mt etiel fir'ti i ii mill s oil, to tho b'.itit;ful lull of A lira no, Irotn whence he drives into no town ol'tr iii-r tiiau I e wi- !.es. There is n cost, vu here ilitting llo !.V Week. Pi!gni! IVe.m -V( ry ejiiurter jour ney on foot during Ivtsti-r to Rome, for which they are enter! lined at Ihe Church of the 'Tri ti'ta" their b-et vvasl.e.i by distinguished indi viduals, who also serve them r.l tahie, and !y put them nicely to be.l. Tin y are the set (" tagatfiuliiris von ever beheld, n;:d it is rea'ly r-witing to I . . I; nt their nasty (ict. Two n gh's since, 1) M;guil attenrle.! in nni of the i oovents ntfnohe.l to the Churi h, washed titi.I served reverat of t!nc h tisy bg cat. ireat uierit is attaclfd to this net, and l'nii Miguel expects, douhtlesa, to v. .;li o.i', in this way, some of his pncep.dilloes, of vv hieh tliere is city li'iatttity. I.s! tiight, sotue friends and ii.vm dfj'tmp' il in!o n carriage at Si. Pe ter's, rital ivde devvn to see the per'l.: oi.tin'e. Tie; pi'grims all sa! in p rmv, en an e:eat.d he'ich, w i' It ck. h a vv.i- den i';.-'i tin ler ins i'e( . 'I iiere is no hu rili'tg u'unt this w-i.-hin", as there is in the Pope's washing the d'seip!. ' i'eet. The flirt on these Leggnrs is, us Cat !!e would say, well aoth'nl'caled dirt, m.d il is no joke to remove it. Two (''irdin i's : ere a oinog the ii-..c: last nigh! ; and, to my surprise, one of them I observed to he Cardinal .Mc'.t thiiti, the gret.t linguist m the world. lb ijpe.tks filly-two different lii:ig;i".gos. His ac quirements it lone have btaiiie I fiir bitu n ' tr niuai's bat and Post Muster; of Rome. Tin; Pope attributes his knowledge ot bin gtinges to a miraculous gilt. Conversing to day a priest ou the nibject n friend of .Mezzufimti he told me .MezjVifonti him- j self attributes bis power in acquiring languages l" 'he divine influence. I Ie says that w hen an obscure priest, in the North ( f Italy, he was j called one day to confess two foreigners con-' demned lor piracy, who were to be executed j next day. On entering their cell he found i them umible to understand a word be uttered, i i Overwhelmed with the thought that the crimi nals should leave this world without the bene fits of religion, be returned to his room resolved to acquire their language before morning. I lo accomplished bis task, and next day confessed them in their own tongue. From that time on, he says, he has hud no difficulty in mastering the most difficult lanjfimge. The purity of his BUKY A AND SHAMOK1N JOUUNAL; majority, the vital principle of Republic, from which tSunlMiry, IVoiCiiiinbcrluuil Co. motive in tlio first placo, he thinlip, infl'ir.nrod the Deity to assist him niirticnrnisly. A Khort time finer a Sttivhr, who could Fpotik a patois peculiar to a certain province of Sweden, called on Iiini, and nilurrFseil him in that diuleet. Merznliititi had never heard it before, and seemed very much interested. Ho invited him to call cm him often, w hich he did, w hile the cnnver.:ilion inviinnb'y turned on this dialect. AtleujTth tho Swede called one day, heard himself, to his nmnzemenf, addressed in thin " "l p"",s' 10 mqnireu ol Ilie Car.ttnal who had been his mnater, fur ho tllOU'rht, he i said, there was no man in IJome who would speak that language but himself. "I have had i no one," he replied, "but yourself I Nr.i:u fiirp-rl a ictml 1 hrnr onee." It this be true, be Ins a mirwtttoits innnnry at all events. This the priet 'old mo he had from Mey.;' lfm ti himself- At home this would be headed ' '-Strange if true." I forgot to say, while Fp"ik!ng of the cere iimny of w ishing the pilgrims' feet, that there is a st partite apartment in the same budding for tho females, and that princes are mnio times seen engaged in this menial ollice. J-very (ine so washed receies a cerlilieate of it, mid ! if lie wishes, a mi ihil enl itling him la bra. I wandered through the apartment with feelings half sad half comical. In one room, previous i to the ceremony of washimr the feet, they were all assembled before a bhich .i'f,fi;r;ir, atnl fitteh miserable looking objects ! never witnessed. Kneli with his pilgrim Htafl'in hand sM leaning forward in -.iient worship his tattered gar rnentM, mid shrunken limbs, and hii-'yard face, and wo-worn hudi, making my heart bleed with l;l ine, At the cerenmnv of washing I ob-eiveii j several pilgrims that were mjie boys vv ho seem ed frightened enough at the Hidden notoriety they bad acquired. One little fellow in particu lar attraL-led my notice. He was ii-jit frighten cd and half roguei.-h ; uud between the curious, gaze of the spectators-, the odd position lie was in, nnd Ihe Cardinal in his awful robes at his feet ; his countenance had a hall' sacred, I. all comic look, nnd his eya rolled from the Cardi nal to the spectators, rind back again in such (tieer bewilderment that il quite upset inv gra vity and I indulged in one of Leather StoekintjV long silent laughs. 7Voi thr I'nitrtl Service J.'iiruul. A t-'iriu Ii Amnioit. Towards the end ot 'I-iHi, on a fine acttun n.'.l morning, X.ipe'o-on was ri viewing his troops decorated with Ihe laurels of Kgy p ( ler mar y an 1 Italy ; and had already passed the fronts of several regioients, whose i ers and lliiigees in tin-field of ha':!? he had so often witnessed tin. I shared, when he arrived at the I'll hussars, mi leuiarkable f r its spViidid a p. pe ir.mce. II. s ejg'o eve pii-reeing a ol- tin' r who vv is caracoling nut of his ranks, he exclaimed 'Why is this hu ar not in his place, fr ) nd- ib'd he to the Cnione I iov is u that, in a regiment which I I'reijuei.tly ipiote as n model. Mich a w ant i ! disctjiiuii is pel nolle, I in toy presence ' Let the soldier be put in arrest fur eight days.' I 'Sire,' rep!. ed the Colour, 'permit me to ap- j peal again-t this severe senteiici', and los.d.Cii ' pr.rdi ti tor my vo'ivilecr. Yen would net re- j fuse me, if voii would hut interrogate him' Very we!',' said tin: Kmperor. 'lie it so. j 1 .et hini n ppr i "-li.' i The L'l-sur cure' forward nl a gallon ; an I . the follow ing dia 'glte Cli-'ic 'Your name V 'My Cmpernr, my name is I 'neon, in I i)l! the regiment cu',1 ice lirctou l"ou'o I'or reason did y,i jtrfiftie to tin ranks '.' "I never entered ir.t.i them -merely lollow ing the r 'gitnee.t ns a volu ileiT, at, I not vv e 't ing to form nut nntil v eir Maj-rtv Considered me worthy ol lb it honor ' 'I low hu', e you htvu atlachcd to the ie giloeut !' K.'gbt years.' 'U'liat has iiidiie.-.! oil j n the r 'Love of my country and of my, lioui v.hor.i I was tie; irons never to bo separated.' 'Wti it ! you a wouvtn. ' j'es, se.e ; -.iiid you have La l in your regiment an arm r.ioro devote J ti,i)n mire.' 'What is the name cf your htisbiiiid !' 'Poncet.' 'From what country do you come!' 'Aiigouleme.' ' our age !' 'Thirty -three years.' 'Have you any children v 'Yes, siie one son.' 'How ie ho employed !, 'As trumpeter lo the 1 lib dragoons.' Very well ; do you understand the cvolu- lions of the regimvnt !' Yes, sire, and the sword exercise,' 'I am very anxious to witness this,' said the Emperor, wholudcrud to Ilrcton Double with m err there U nn appeal hut to force, the principle and Katurdity, Xov. If, IS 13. increased interest. 'Colonel, let a troop advance, and let this brave Poeton join the I ranks : The Colonel directed the movements, which were executed by Iit eton louble with so much ardor and precision, that the Kmpcrnr was de lighted and .-urprire I at w itne.-sing n woman nia.iagc her horse wilii the vigor mid courage of an old campaigner. 'I am satisfied with your real and ability,' j said the lhnpcinr, 'and appoint yen a regimen- j tal Cj'iartennastor ; lake this towards youi j dress,' at the some time placing n napoleon in i her hand, and ordered r.d litiutial to be given her. (jo and rejoin your sijuadron ; we i-hall meet you a yain.' Pre'on T'oni'le epivsed her prattTul thanks to the Koiperor, and lust no tune in takin.T t'iie posit 'on to w hit h, bv her new rank, she become elitilled, niiiidet the cnpgrjlu'ations nnd cheers of the nuinermis witness' s of the scene. The Olh hussars shortly a'erw ards j .ined the corps of the army in Piussia, and the battle of P.vlau afforded Hrefon Pouble an opp irtunity of dis tmiiisliino herself. The action had continu ed more than two hours when Rrefon Hottble who had be-Mi i-cot to the right win;' with an order, rejoined her cures, and, perceiving that, the troop was surrounded by a large bixly of IStissinns, eotirageoiislv dashed through the en- enty, sword in hand, killed the commander, re- j lieved her countrymen, and returned to the i camp proudly i i ' qui died officer. The ri'iip toi having h"cn informed of this gallant fi at, directed a gou'eii to be pre j petite,1 o lo r, vv't c't was received by our he roine with gratettil ami religious respect, .mi.i- I setpieutlv, in Pru-'ia. at t'ie conitnencetnetit ol Ml action, she had the lies oidiue- to be wound ed by a mil-'. i t. ball in the right hip ; instead, how ever, of return : eg to the camp, she contin ued to assault the enemy with increased vigor, out of rwi nge Ihr tho pain she was enduring from the wound ; but she w an aga in struck by a bullet under the rig ht arm. i.tvviih-tatid-ing tins, she refused to ijuit the field ; bound up the wound with her handkerchief t st"p the bleeding, hung her arm in n sling, pissed the rein of her bridle over her neck, nnd chan ting her sabre from her r gl.t to her left hand, rushed like n lupous hyein into the enemy's ranks. After killing and disabling several men, she finally cap' tired six Prussians, whom she immcdia'ely carried in triumph to the Piii peror. Nnpoleoii, ioc.'lu y.'iig Hretori Double, vv as nflec'ted nts-ncli devotion nnd bravery; he look from hit owe ! ro,,st tin rs, direct: iter vv one cross t I nor. m placing l! I s! ' foiliiw 1 1 : i und i s examined, mm every attention paid lo le-r by the surgeons. Pro n that peii.i 1 u-il:l 1 -1 1 . Breton 1 '.".'.!,. ,! not t;u;t her legniiout ; performing etoin -ii! set v ice to the c iurei'gii as a cour ageous soldier, nnd tt ether times entering in'o j he enemy's hues in I'eioalc attire, eith-r as a huckster er a peasant, in which hitter capacity t-heefti'ii c.'.iiMiied in'hrmation thit war, highly impel taut und lolvan'ti omus to the I'lemli ire,, ns. At V..ier!oo-he paid hrr Inst tr Lute to the e'mv n lYitne, iu the military sotvice of which tdio bad p.ssetl seventeen y :ir-; I'tt rrr' that eng.i'. en.c.t !eT left leg was broken by a! ; n:id Pnuc.-t, then n c: 'va::;, die! :.', hi r bide, MT lllls.iiitii', nt iillsia .--1 .C ,1- ly Ivlo'Vltlg !'ie i 'tgie w;s itlil Victorious. II Victor.ons. ,t w as am 'itate.l n I'l scene ofsln'o'hlcr, Pe e. re .-pe.-'.".! and admiie I by wa, Co:, It, did to lt(l:i:i, el to mi lot go a secoti I run- I"1:- la!" eiieiu,, vv here rhe vv a - ol itioi above her km .. A tier p-iss-ng s;x V "a Is in it ry , ev erv vv here h-Ttoied nin b it.i'.-lv t o'.ae d II 1 r an.' i the death i.f I i: ; III, t.irnn bed M'h !-'-r I I :tri'; t-a :n ti.e i'o.i h (' ii-u' in I'uhl.n, an. ;'ir :n f."i,-?en. lVmu h r laig I sen, -e. it w as coiie'iKli ,i that she h id been kti "d nt y i': i loo : ui;.!, in i-' iisof.. u name tin- ii of 'l' Cti-ir! i : t:i i.T vv oiu an, s i vv o 1 i y of t ie order oi turned in Im. let g ion ot In i'or, m i iiil'i rs. N et ev i s . .a i . , ni e I..;. from 'i o i : ; n il ti e to- Yo. on of J id v , r i ll'-lle". 'Ml r'he's, did but , mid to Ihe lliis.iiriuues of Ihetoti l.i w h . . I was ueprived id ine mi .ins o! suosi.-li aice eran- ted to in j- by ihe Seue cs i.ui ab hers could not, however, la justice, be passed over unrc v arded ; atnl iu I -oil or 1 ,"!, the widow Poncet was intlirm .'d ilnj Minister of iir was in evpt". t.ilioii uflit in j enabled to t-atisfv all the deiiianilt she had on her cuutilry Inr b'i long mill faithful sen ices, by readmitting hrr to the order of ihe cross of lion, rr, and by be- stowing on her tie-pens.oii ol a vvoum..'tl ipiar- term.ibler, and ui.-o the wido'V of a cspl.iin. TN- f 1 f. how in;' seiitiin'-ot, wbit !i she nf:en littered illah r the s id tr:; character ef this ex'r ior , wid iran:; eiry woiuan 'A!- though my fortune is l iui.b'e, my heart is cle- Tiie son of Rreton D .ible ehtaoi-d hi-h rank in the dr.i 'nnns, unJ accoiiipin'.ed the Lin perof I-' Uiba. immediate parent of despotism. Ji Vol. 4--.o. Whole Xo, 163. Reader, should ymt meet nt Orenoble a f'e tnnlo painfully moving on crutches, rt body htim- bled by grief and wounds, this is Breton Don- blc sii'uteher; respect should ever bo paid to the unfortunate and deserving. Kxlrartt fioni hum Sllelv. Halifax The Horse Trade forp atthk Tit i:k-iom Hot nr.. The next morning was warmer than several that had preceded it. It was one of .hos.o uncommonly fine days that j di.-tinguish an American autumn, t gueas, . said Mr. Slick, tho heat to-d.iy is like a glass of mint julip, with a lump of ice in it, it tastes coo! ami feels warm iu reul good I tell you; I love sueli a day as this dearly. It's general ly allowed the finest weather in the world is in America there aint the beat of it to be found any where. He then lighted a cigar, nnd throwing himself back on his, put both feet out of the window, and sat with his arms folded, a perfect picture of happiness. You appear, said 1, to have travelled over tlw whole of this Province, and to have observ ed the country and the people with much at tention, pray what is your opinion of the pre sent state antl future prospect of Halifax 1 If I yon will It'll, said he, when the folks there will wake up, then I can answer you, but they aro fast asleep; as to the Province, it's a splendid province, nnd calculated to go ahead ; it will j grow as fast b a Varginy gal, and they grow so aninzin fast, it you put your arm round ono of j their necks to kiss them, by the time you're done, they're grown up into women. It's a pret ty Province I tell you, good above and better be'ow ; surface covered with pastures, meadows, wixils, and a nation sight of water privileges, nnd under ground full of mines it puts me in mind o! the soup at the TVcr-tnont house. i One day I was walking in the Mall, and who should I meet hut Major Bradford, a gen tleman from Connecticut, that traded in calves and pumpkins for the I?ostc.:i market. Says he, S ick, where do yr u get your grub to-day ! At ("ieneral Peep's tavern, savi I Only fit for nigger-, Fays he : why don't you cotr.c to the 7'ifc niout bouse, that's the niOit splendid thing generally allowed in ail the v.-orld. Why, says 1, that's a notch above my mark, I guess it's too plapy dear for me, I can't afford it no hovv. Well, says he, it's dear in one sense, but its dog cheap in ano'.her its a grand place for a speculation there's so many rich southern ers and strangers there that have more money than wit, that you might do a pretty good busi i.rss there without goin out of the street door. I made tw o hundred dollars this mornin in little less than half no time. There's a Curo- ! lioa lawyer there, ns rich as a bank, and savs he to me nrter breakfast. Major, says tie, 1 wi:di knew where to get a real slappin trotter of a horse, one that could trot with a flash of light J great animation, clinching his fist, and exteu uing fhr a mile, ami beat it by a whole neck or j ding his arm darn it all, it fairly imkes m -o. Says I, my Ird, (for you must know, he j dander ris", te see the nas.'y, idle, lounging, ys he's the ne.ireyt male heir to a Scotch peerage.) my Lord, snys I, I have one, a proper sneezer, a chap that can go ahead ofa rail-read steamer, a real natural traveller, one that can trot, with the ball out of the small eend of a ri de, and never break into a gallop. Says he, Major, I wish you wouIJ'nt give me that are fit I: name, I don't like it, (though he looked ns tirkled all the time nj possible,) I never knew, ; ., j l. . t,,r,l il,n .i-ornt n l.-w-.l llrilVs a '"let , ...... ...... .....V . w..., . , ,, I iliot'j tlip rpnson T don't en a bend nnd rltim , I'.pilt'p. V,.H I. mv Lord. I don't know 1 .,o s,,.-,-.eliove I can't beln a thinkin. if wi have i a Vtt(,, claim, you'd be mere like a fo-j! not to go ; ahead with it. Well, says he, I-or.l or no Lord, I ht's at vonrhotse. So awn v I went to Joe R..v,i's livery stable, at tolher cend oftlw citj-, an I picked nut the best trotter he had, and no eu I great stick to brag on either ; says I, Joe Brown ' whit do you ax fur that are horse! Two bun j die. I dollars, says he. Well, say I, I will take I In. n nut and try him, and if I like him I will keep him. So 1 shows our Carcdnn Lord the ! ierse, and when ho et !s on hi in, savs I, Hnn't j ,-t hou trot as fast as ho can, resarvo that for ! a ,.lt . ift'ksfiail out how rverlaetin fast he j ,t.v,i rtt t-art'J to stump yon lor a start j . v jieii he returned, he said he liked the Worst a :n t itigiy, ami axed the pi ice, four hundred : iu'lars, nays I, j oa can get nothin special with- , ' ! ,.t u gnod price, pewter i'Hes never holj goo.1 i watches; 1 kim.v it.savs he, tho horse is luiue. ' Thinks I to myself, that's more than ever 1 o.ihl say i f h-iti tiien any hovv. Wi II, I w as "om lo it'll you about the soup ivs the .Ma ior, ii? near about dinner time, j t nunc and see bow you like the location. There ' WMS n ; ,,t ,.f ,,;' ti,Cie gentlemen and ladies ! ;.. ,id:e rrmn. M never seed so nvanv afnn ,.xr,.y.t i.t ivui'neti. ement day,) all ready hr u i s;.,ni r,,. when the gong sounded, off we sol 1 I k-a fl k ni' sin. en. Well, if there warn t a ( mi yo to ,y i I ne,,r ..' s en y.(-i soul" g ve rr a poll, and luels up o;er head, so 1 ' re o hed t lit b .t'l hands, and caught hnlj of the fir t thing I colli. I, nnd what should it be but I.tdv's eres we!!, as I'm alive, rip went tho fn.i k, and tear e'.cs; the petticoat, and wht-n I ii"httd mvtvlf 'Vent mv btani teiuis, awav thev . - fincns or 4iy irtisi.o. I aquara I insertion, . fO SO 1 do 3 do . . . 0 T I dn 3 do . . . 1 00 Every ubequent insertirn, . 0 SS Yearly Advertinement : one column, f2S ; half column, f 1 , three squares, f 1? ; two pepiares. f ! one square, f .r. Hslf-yearly : ons ooluinn, f IS ; half column, f 12 ; tbroa squares, f 8 ; two squares, fO; one square, f3 BO. Advertisements left without directions as to lb tcnirth of time they re to bo published, will bo continued until ordered out, and charged accotj. ingly. CPitecn lines mk square, all came home to me, and t'uers tshe was, the ptetty critter, with all her upper riggin stand- ing as last as her waist, and notliin left below but a tdiort linen undergarment. If shedid'nt scream, it's a pity, and tho more she screamed, the mere folks larfed, for no soul could help Tall in, till one of the waiters folded hor up in a ta ble cloth. Well, I gets near the Major at table, and n. lore me stood a ch'na utensil with two handii :, ,, 0p solip about the size of a foot tub, wHii a iHreo BC00p jn it near about 8S aa a ladle ct a maple sugar kettle. I was just a bout bailing out some soup into my dish, wbr l the Major said, flsh it up from the bottom. Slick, well, sure enough, I fgives it adra.j from the bottom, and up como the fat piecr of turtle, nnd the thick rich soup, nnd n sig' t of little forced meat balis. No poul could tell how geod it was it was near about as hand sum as father's old genuine particular cider, and that you could feel tingle clean awny down to the tip rends of your toes. Now, pays the Major, I'll giv.3 yon, Slick, a nevr wrinkle on your horn. Folks nint thought nothing of, unless they live at Treemont : it's all the go. Do you dine at Teep's tavern every day, and then riff hot foot to Trcemon!, and pick pour teeth on the street steps '.here und folks will think you dine there. 1 do il often, and it saves two dollars a day. Then he put his finger on his nose, and says lie, "Mum is the u ord." Now th is Province is jint like that are roup, good enough at fop, but dip down and you have the riches, the coal, the iron ore, thj gypsum, and what not. The only thing thiit will either nmke or save Halifax is a rail road nctoss the country to Bay efFtindy. It will do to tall; of, says one ; Vou'il scj it some cay, says another ; Yes, says a third, it will come but we aro too young yet. Our old minister had a darter, a real clever looking gal as you'd see in a day's ride, anil sue had two or three offers of marriage from sponsib'c men most particular good Fpec? but minister always said, "Phoebe, you are too young tho day will come but you are to,j young yet, dear." Well, Phccl.e did'nt think I H, Bt all ; ehe said, she guessed she knew bet- ter nor that ; so the next oiler ehc had, she said she had no notion to lose another chance o:V the sot to Rhode Island and got married ; says she, Father's too old, he don't know. That's jist Ihe case at Halifax. Tho old folks say t fir country is too young the lime will come, tin 1 so on ; and in the mean time thu young folk won't wait, ai'l run cfi' to the State, win, ', the maxim iV "i;n:ilh is th-' time for improi -mciif ; a new country is nricr foo yetrig r exirlioii push on herp moiin gouluail." Ham it all, said the clockmiker, rising wii'i ! good for nothing, do-little critters they aint ft to tend a bear trap, I vow. They ought to be qtiil'ed round and round a room, li!;j a liuly's lap dog the mutter of two hours a day, to keep them from dyin of apoplexy. Iliuh, I, Mr. forget. Wei!, sail he, resuming his usual composure well, it' enough to make one vexed though, I declare isn't it ! An Fari.v DoMrsiu-Incidvnt is l.or.n Ei. LiMsoitoi'fiii' Cahti:!!, related ly a Calcutta .-riter. "At the first levee which he lieh!,ei ly the civil, military, and Kuropeaii gentlemen werti ptesented, many native gentleman wh went, being requested to retire, as they were not to be pretenled then, but at a Dunbar to be held o'l a future day. Accordingly, they then went in great state ; and, as is the cus tom at a native Dunbar, they presented ric.'i silver salvers, with large smus ol' money, on which he (Jovernor ought on'y to place his hand, as noticing them, the whole being return ed untouched to the owner. Instead of this, his lordship had a per in in aitend uico with a large bag, and when the money was presented, instead of his lordship patting his hand upon it as usual, he desired the attendant to big it hll, and senJ it all to tho Treasury. You may ' imagine the ro'istcritation of the native gcotle- ' .,.. ... ; .it.,,, " i ' " ttk .. . Dkiimsvj a Pokitivis. An editor out U (at ! has just rome out with a new paper. His m- augural is the most radical thing we have Into j ly read. He i-ays : "We havn't got any political principles, rx- j cept we believe in 'roast beet' and 'hard cider,' j nnd go the whole hotg, including the tail. Wei I love all the girls harder than a mule cn kick the pretty on ' in particular and one wit knows, douh'e r.-fi'ied iri ieu'ar. We are out for total absmnatton of h irk cuxhioni nn makes the w "i o's -onts stand out behind, (we're a n-c . . . ' '' a'! like to say 'bus tles') We're oi tor rie nhr i gnl ll'otl of all sonp locks, fh".'k Le-k", li;i locks. We a- j Dominate s'rttps, boenete tie y i.npejo loeomo- j tion. We got I'm whole temptation cicty, to th livitJin of the barrel." I