Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, November 04, 1843, Image 2

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    Ths Pork Hnilnni In IhtUtiti
The Mdion (Ind.) Pinner ny 'Concerning
the picc of pork, in which our coun'ry subrcriberi
Me so deeply interested, we are un idle, yet. to
peak definitively. We have bcird of one fontr .ct
tnf nb ill! 700 hogs, In lie delivered in tho city t
the Mlowinj rites
Tor Hoc , f.0fT, 150 in 175 lb., ?1 01'
' do do 17fi to 200 S S .
" do do 200 and tipwird. 2 f.O
Aud from ill the information we have hen a
Me to ofitnin, we think the market will not csrn-ti-dly
viry from the above. The Cincinnati Gn
7'itc say: 'The prepmtion for both packing
end sl.ushtcring are more f xtenivn t!ii yenr limn
vp hive ever before noticed. Thin, with the low
I rices for nit and cooperage, (being for lrirnls 7 Sr.,
l:t- no a 3.1, fine salt 50 a 2.1, Turk Island -IS a
M'c..l offer great inducements t. thou aboard
v,ih!ng to make investment in Pork. In nil can
Kir, however, we muil admit thnt we have no Pork
llnu'e. thnt can cut from 8000 lo S'.'OO hogs U ore
lay. hss beer t lied In an Alton p.prT on the
( apauty of one of their Pork House, whirh. by
the wnv, we mut consider all fiction. Wf have
here ight or ten slaughtering establishments, thn
a-kii." n-.xsmmm. 1
Suliirdny, .Vor. 4, 1S43.
For A fresh supply of printing pa
pel, via t 100 rotmi aimilar in aize and quality to
tho shcit on which this i printed. Also 60 ream
of super roynl, 5 1 by 59 inehes, all of which will
te il l at the mill price.
$y V. 11. Pat.msii, Hud. at his Real F.state and
Ton! office, No, 69 Pino Street, Philadelphia, ia au
thorised to art n Agent, and to receive and receipt
for all moriic due (hi office, for aubicriptiou or advertising.
Ulrlanrhnly Humiriik.
On Mom) .y night lat, John Vandling, a aoti
nf Peter Vandling of Shnm.khi I I .ml, was so cru.
i ly beaten and bruised, as to deprive tiitn of life in
a few hoiira thereafter. The circumstances arc
briefly, as follows: Mr. Vandling left home in
T It li M O N P. V M AltKKT.
The money market the pt week has undergone
no apparent change, anJ business in all it relations
is much the same ns it wis this time last week. In
stock operal'nn there ha been an increased amount
of business over the previous week, and almost all
brnary next will be paid perhips a h tlf of the a-j LivrsoI)a IlinviiittTH'i Pu t,
mount due, or one and a quirtcr per rent, of the He fame from afur. to the land of the brave,
whole amount of interest. Fhit. t.ttl-jer.
' Tii 1 1 rtt iliflM mmm ariil anailrri f n rv ikja n m
t I. otic, long hnJ Columbia hrr suffering on mHni
i. v. if .. , . ,! Hut no sho rej lices, for healih has returned.
i,w ,,on,D .suotngme ,,,.( a sKai Wi,,,, ,h.ill we ge, or wht hotvr bestow ?
lrlt.IIVH5l"IIUS. iTII IPItUIIIIK llll ll'IIPIf III I III IMIIIIIIPS ll'II IIIV I'll I llllin IM l.n , . , ) f " -1
. . ... ... . . . , , ., , . . , rr,. ! "ervice by a series of Mo and lucid artiilei in ad- ; With what wre.nh ahi we deck the philanthro
the evening, n company with two of hia brothers ; local hank ahares have considerably advanced. The i f , . . r I )'. I...1
1 ' ' .. vocacyofa thorough Reform m our Vo4 Office plt s brow T
and several other young men, fit the purpose of i stock of the State has not shown a corresponding
hunting raccoon. They proceeded very quietly ! ri. It has nit. however, receded. Taking in tiew
on their way, until they came to ttee firm of Wm.
and Robert Hunter, in Augusta township, about
three miles from this place, where they were rude,
ly attacked by Wm. Hunter, Robert Hunter and
John Dcvsny.aideJ by three or four women. The
gun which the young men had with them, w.ia
system. The fscts they embody cover the whole I TI,V nam. Urandreih. 'a inscribed on our souls,
the ton of public, sentiment on the subject of the
payment of the interest on the debt, in connection
with the chinge in the condition oflho country, its
actual improvement and its prospects, rendering
comparatively eay burdens, which, amid the de.
prea-ion and gloom of the last (hreo or f ur years. I
And thy fimc shall ei:enJ fiom the line to the
po ea t
ground they exhiust the suhjnet, and cannot ho
gainyed. Our General Post Office must accoms of all Druggists, who strive to deceive
moJ.ita the public h. iter and cheaper, or il will b 1 heir miserable i nitations can never rolieve ;
wiest. d from the hands of Mr. Vandling, who was wonl I have been deemed almost intoler iMp, the f.u t
knocked down, it is supposed, with the butt of the j that there is not a continued rise in State stock, i
gun. His head was terribly cut and mangled. considered by many as surprising. No one now is
With the aid of his companion ho reached his fa- j heard to breatho -repudiation." while on every
ther'a houre, probably thrae milea distant, nbout 12 j hand is hesrd the cry of "hsme" at the dereliction
o'clock at night, weak an I faint from the los of , " meet the payment of interest. Of the ability of and the blows ho had received. Physicians l'"5 Oomnmrwenlth to meet all clnima there can be
wer immedintelv summoned, who diea ed liis ! (inlion tlii aJiTtiitr.!, and taken in connec-
woundii, hut without any hopes of his recovery. He
livid but a few hours after he reached home. The
deeened was a young man aln ut 50 years of age,
fj'' Y-have furnished the American" upwards
of three ye-ira lo our subset ihers, and now. fir the
first time, call niton litem to remember the Print.
ate competent to slaughter and dress from 8 to 10,. We have a Urge sum due us for mhscripiion. ' nf client cbatarter, or a peaceable ami remirxa-
tuio hogs daily, and some 33 Poik Houses that , advirii.irig and Job work, which, at tho present W.V q" disposition We sincerely pympathirc
can di-nose of at least 2.1.000 hoits per d it ' time, would bo hinhlv aocentahle. To our natrons t with tho bereaved f..mily, who havo been thus sorely
' i -.....i' . i.....i. r.. .1..:. sffli.t.d in the I nf a son hv vi.dent hinds. We liable aource by a eotemporatv
miib iHViiSPili LIllslltlis W v lAIIIIU 1111 IIUilll'll' llllllnf s's III' n t - . , , , , . . .
r I,... .... a . ' f.., makintr anv further rema.ks. ns the case ' ,1"n,e """ " V"" !"'
j im t'ti, ill'- ihi:i;iiii n mr ivut i 1 1 1 a j - r s
The following article, which reaches ns j rfPlu.j our utmo-t epectations , and notithstnnd- ! will shortly I before the proper tri
tion with the many demonstrations of the trill to
pay, we are inclined lo believe ih it the price of
State stock will not long l.ig behind the upward
tendency of other stocks. An etaminition of the
resources of the Slate in some meaure ju-slifie this
confidence, and some statistics, prep ircd from a re.
desertej ty the public, and left to perish by bank
ruptcy and inanition.
There never was i clearer cae. The Mails are
nearly dca-crtcd on tho great Routes, because the
public w ill not consent or cannot ntf ird lo submit to 1
theirenotnious charges. A barrel of Flour i brought 1
here fiom Troy for 12 cents; letter by Mail'
costs Isj. The consequence is, that not one letter
in ten parsing between these two cities goes by
M iil, nor will it until (he Postage is e.wn'iilly re
duced. Probably of the immense miss of letters ,
daily passing between this city and Albany and
Troy, not mir.'thirtl would le written ut all if they I
could only be sent on the payment of Postage. The
simo state of facts exist every where.
Can my considerate mm tloubl as to the Irue
eour e, with the example of Great liri'ain before
him 1 There the reduction of Polai;.i by three-
enable the Commonwealth to meet her future in.
tiiroiili t!io St. J-ouie papers, furnishes what 1 ; jng ,, difficulties of the times, our progress has j I una!. M'm. and Robert Hnn'er ami Devany j P,omp ?
. . . . . . -. . , 1 . ... ..1 .flH. .n n.m nn 1 IT IUIUI IlltlUIIUI 1t lUi'ipi. IM IQIij
liren onwar.l. e also issue liom our ollice uer were nrrcMeu m n mi" s, iuu, sm-i hi i-iiih .
. . .... . . 1 ,.r... r- w.i., r. M,iP;ii..l i nnmn 1 " esli mated bv the St a'e 1 reaa uier a t J 1 ,H o9,000
Deutsthe Americantr, a German paper but re- Hon before t.eo. txuft, l.sq., coinrcilted to prison , .
... , i r i I i, ..; ,1,.,:. Finn which should be diduct-
cently started, which, we think, we cm safely ss- to await tlieir trial.
ill lur niifi:i ii iiiir i a-
I I i r. 1 . 1 rt 1 1 . m n I . .. m Inl.mtinl.l1l fttlitlV ill . I A til 11
. ... ., - , . . . .. f ,. , , .
,, : nuruig in tiine-ienrn lias ucen lonoweo ny an in
'Ul.l , . . . . -
eoiisiileralile reducttoii nt tlie lieeeipts, wtueii he
wo ilttoni to be nulhentic intrllifrrnco of the
Wminntinn ot tho career ot tho tinted "Dill
Johnson," who fijiireil eo prominently ns the
hero of the Thousand Isles, during the late re
hi llicn in Canada:
III t.i. Johnson Shot. The nb'ivc named in
tluiilual is recollected hy our citizens, and
more vividly hy some of Linn county, as he had
Hwinillod quite a number of the; Utter out of
considerable money and goods, before his de
pirture from Marion. We had supposed that
liill Johnson and his daughter Kntn had left
f.iT Ort'pon. That opinion was entertained hy
nine tenths ol the citizen of Lion county, lie,
however, instead of foinjf quite to far, fettled
himself in the New Purchase, in the county of
Mnkafka, directly West of Washington, where
he had been residing till the time of his death.
The circumstances which led to this fearful
retribution nre, as near as we can learn, the
lollowing : While living there, a man by the ;
name of Peck, fell in love with his daughter, '
(who is represented to possess a great deal of
female cenuty, but we have never seen herottr
seif,) and an elopement and then a marriage fol
lowed. Peck and his better half fettled them
Ft'lf in Jefferson county in all the enjoyment
of a new married pair.
Ji'hvson, uomctimc afterward, found out the
residence of his son-in-law, and with the enmi
ty and malignity of a fiend, went to his rcsi
drnei! to wrest from him his belter half. When
Johnson wont to the house of Peck he found
t'nnn sitting together in the enjoyment of do
mestic happiness, presented a pistol, demanded
':;s daughter, and threatened to nhont Peek if
lie resisted. Peck being unprepared for such
;ui emergency, had to surrender the object of his
c.Teclions without a struggle, at the mouth of
the pistol. Juhnifon
house, and afterwards followed by Peck, who,
when arriving at the house, levelled a rifle
lert, in les thin three months will have the large. I
subscription list in the county.
Gj" The Stnte itock of the rail road, as mn. tinn
ed in our last, was not sold. We copied the arti
cle front the New York Tribnne correspondent,
which proves to havi 1 een an error.
(Qr- Tut Shoiokix Astuiucite FfTIMCT.
We weie In error last week, in saying that this
Furnace was put into blast. Active preparations
are, however, making to put her in blast ai loon
as possible V have been informed also, that a
l.irfe b.idv of iron ore has been discovered in the
There is a ctent tride now carried on in the
transportation of Gu mo minure lo Lulind, where
it sells ot f 70 pei ton.
rfj- The Yellow Fever has made mo t drrallul ;
ravages in Mobile, Alabama.
fj" The following extract nf letter from o
gentleman travelling in Italy, conveys n useful
lesson, which, we trut, will have due weight with
our ladies, who look upon the fashionable butter
fly figures in our periodical a models of perfec
tion :
"In fi rm the Itttlinns excel ns. Larger, j
ler, tin y naturnl!y r.cqniro a finer gait and hear- j
It is Httonir-hing that our lanies slionlil l
nal, railiiud. moti.v pow.
er, Ac, including salaries tii
engineers, canal commis
sioners, Ac. Ac. fiOO.UOO
Tiividends on bank, turnpike
and other stocks authorized
lobe sild for the psymrnt
of the domesiic credit irs, fcO.OOO
Over estimate of lax i.ftwo
mills, placed at I.UHl.OOO,
but not ruppnsej lo yield
over 800,000,
lieinbbml.nn 1 .if lb n i"n . nqee cnnn.lceil to tip (if sn ' ltlfT
excellent quality. If this, upon trial, should prove , P"" ,i!nl ni.tiim thnt n small
, , ,". . ' . .. , , 1 waint ts, and, T'T ncccssitti must be beautiful.
nnrril SL.tnLin will nnjipci il nrli-al 1.1 51 Ivan. .... , ,
years will entirely re'npse. Theie not one-fourth
of t;ie People habitually read or write ; heie three
fourths do so. Nil not clear that a red u "tion of
our Rate of Postage two-thirds would increase the
Post Ollice Revenue ? How can the Port M ster
General hesitate I
nulloii tn the (It-Is.
! Rtsi Ai lTt voo tiii Smiths. The 11 utTil
, ( i7.ette gives the pirticulars of but loo common
j esse of deception and rascality practized towards
i an unsuspecting and credulous femde. The actor
was a pretended Haplist minis'er, calling him-clf
' Sm ih, wt.o during the annual meeting of the Asso
ciation, in town neighboring Uuffd , put np ut
the house of a membi I of the church, where he
made soil to the daughter, and after less than a
, week's acquaintance, the marriage vow was sai l,
and the nup ial knot was tiej.
"A few diys aOcrward they took llieir dejiar-
Nel rr venue f..r 1813, 1,'J9,000
Tl. .. . .r.k.. ... : ... 1 1 :.. .
1 in- riti niiti i in i hit iu t 1 1 inn in in UHI3MIU' nit- . , , rn. , .
he renorleil. J bere Kiev reinaine.l but a week or
Whv an Ita'.Hti ladv would crv tor vexation fl' tbe ttiat exists in the various counties , , . . , ... .,
tnge in the manufacture of iron. The coal and ' ifs(ie po-sescd such a vaift as some of our la-1 as to tho valuation upon which the tax is levied., Milwauhie wm virv iikly an I t!i it it w ml I
iho iron ore being there brought together ut a lri dies acquire, only by the longest, painfullet ' T10 aw provides for a tax of two. mills , but allows i. ,' , ,
i ii i. .i.. ..e.i.:- .i:e ; 1 tie tetter llinni lit le'.oro nrnl vrien.1 ilie ivintcr
process. I have souetit the reason of this dif-
e I ,!.-. il.. !.. ,1,., I
, .... .tt.t . .i itTi'iictr. uiiu inn e i: nil utiiiri iiitiu itttii mi.
facturrd nrttc e cheaper, probablv, than at any other ' ,. ,' ,. ! , ..,,.,....,. ,,
1 ' J tnttnita liBvo llmir rrlnriniis f:tatuarv coiitinna v
! before them, and hence endeivor to assimilate
' .1 1 . . . . n I. .. . . ii'lmrr... .t. C. t-l . i . ,n i Kl tm
llll'lllrLlltn IU I'll "I , tlllt HUH t"H llirill llllixit n
fling cet, will enable them to produce ihe manu
factored article cher
point in ihe l.'nion.
rr The Choir of the Presbyterian Church, will huve tin models except those Prench stuffed
hold a concert at the Church on Mondnv evening figures in the w indows of milliner's chops. !
next. From the well known character of the Why if an artist should presume to mako a sta
,,, . . i i tue with the thnpe that seems lo he regarded
Choir, we have reason to anl.opate itch mu.ical wUh (.p lho pprf,!c1ion 0, harmonioui proportion,
treat. We hops all who can, will attend, as ihe ),e w.f,iJ i,0 laushed out of ihe city. Il is a
proceeds wi'l be devoted to charitable purposes. ! standing objection against the taste ofnur Indies
The nmaie, we will guaiantee to bo well worth ' Iic world over, that they will practically as-
ihe small fee cf a.lmitance. , n ,,'"t P'''1''", l',"", u",lriIfc,!,n' 9 ,,n.
I they should he miule hetler than nature heraflt.
A lecture will be delivered at the same time and , BU)..r Pt?rr sinl Fprak of the wirrnncrs
place, by tho Rev'd. Win. R. Smith, . ,,( Jt.ilian Indies, whirh is Ihe rcttl caun of
I the preference given them bv all travellers."
The Rev'd. W. 8. Hall, nf the HipliFt i
chutch, and the Rev'd. Mr. Dow man, of the Me.; .ViISl'EU. iN Y.
thodisl church, both of Hctwick, intend having I
public dircusi-ion, on the subject nf Uuplisin, at that
l'.illloi Int. C'omlviiaeil liil SiUt
Coal. o5fl 3fi! Ion of coal have been hipped
each cjnn'y to fix its own valos'ion, sntl hent-e,
while the city nf Philadelphia and s ime other place
pay iheir full pr.ip.irti -n . -nme of the interior ccnin
ties pay much less. The in'ention was to double
the mill tax of the previous, the assessment
under which amounted to Jf.",tit)0, nbout f f.00,
000 nf which have been collected. Hut this in
tention has been partially defeated in the manner
described, and tbe remedy can only be applied by
legisliitive enactment, providing for an uniform
mode of assessment, either by a hoard of State as
surors, or by apponion'iig to each county the a
mount it shall tai-e.
, The actual payments fur all purpn ei
in 1S12, which, with the exception
lulled, may be atmmcd as those ne
cessary fi.i the current year, amount
ed to
carried her to his own l,mi'r' 0,1 "i0 ,l,sl- 1 "e '"'0' continue f0In ,,1P Slhuvlki:i region thi. year,
three days.
Cjr' The members of the Philadelphia Uar, in
I Fourteen Jaily newspaper are now published
in Cincinnati, Ohio.
though the chinking of his cabin, and uh.rt him I letter to Wm. A. Port, r, L,t late Sheriff, on his The street, of London are now all swept by ma-
through the heart. Johnson Inning recei
ved the contents of the rifle, sprung from his
seat and exclaimed, "I am a dead man, I wish
I had let Peck alone," and then rvpired with
out a groan.
Peck was arrested without mating any re
sistance, and lodged in the V nshiajton county
jail, where he is to await his trial.
iciiiing from oflice, speak in tho highci.1 term of ; iliinery.
JacoVus de Voraginc, in twelve arguments, !
the able and gentlemanly manner in which he dis
charged the duties of hi office.
(j Mom.t Miri EHS. Relief notes, last week,
were in demand at 1 per cl. discount. They are
now quoted al 2 to SJ. Money is still abundant in
the cities, and on certain securiltei, can be hiJ at
1 to 1 per ct.
LadiiV idiawls, of a beautiful description, ire ,
now manufactured at Wheeling, Va.
The capstone was placed upon ihe Wyoming
Monument on Fiiday last.
'I'he house and lot where Miry, ihe mother of,
Washington, lived and died, in Fredericksburg, j
CXj' The "Clay Ilugle," is the, title of a new
Ittbitv niuiin-itici ' , , i i . . , ,
" i In rA nil lili jh.l I... Vlaura nml
p-jt'ietic, fu'cinct, and elegant, has declared the J ' ' . , . , - ,
1 iKnal b, al Harrisburg, to promote the election of
benefits of iiiHrriage. They are tliese : t .. ... . ..
b , Henry Clay to the Presidency.
1. I last thou means ! 1 hou hast one to keep I
and increase them. ! ry The Union Time is informed thl the con-
2. Iluet thou none ? Thou hast one to help I duct of Alexander Jordan, Esq. require no "vin
theu to gel some. 1 dication" in a political, or any other point of view,
3. Art thou in prosperity 1 Sho doubles it. j where he is known. Our remarks were not made
4. Art thou in adversity ! ISlie will comfort, . for the purpose of vindicating any one, but to
assist, and bear thee up. show the absurdity and fi.lly of the charges alluded
5. Art thou at home ! JShe will drive way ! to. We have yet to h am, that Mr. Jordan was
melancholy. j "er charged with having artej inconi-teat.y wiih
C. Art tiiou abroad 1 She pr.iys for thee, j bis professions, fiom ; ny honmiUe and n iqum.-ihle
wishes thee at home, welcomes thee with joy. I ource. The charges of the Milton Ledger are
7. N'othinfT is deliL'htsamo but home. No I'ke tue scretcUmgs ut i J arrot, ouJ can burt no
society is equal to marriage.
8. The bond of conjugal love is adamantine.
j" The Lewithurg Chronicle think the abuse
9. Kindred increase, pirents double, brothers, I which Honest John, of Ihe Milton Ledger, heapa
S.isters, families, nephewe. i upon the dcinncra! who upporled Ihe regular
1(1. Thou art a father hy a legal and happy 1
11. Darren mataitnony is cursed by Mocs.
How much more a single lilc 1
12. If nature escape not punishment, they
hall not avoid it, as he sung it, that without
marriage, '-Carth, air, tee, land, full soon shall
come to nnught. The world itself woald
bo to ruin brought."
Mb. expounder of prophecy, lias
had his eyesight so much improved by his re
cent illness as to be able to use spectacles which
he laid aside many years aga liecausethey were
too young! Perhaps this improvement to hie
nomination in this county, is in ungentlemanly '
huiiues. John, however, ia not is much lo blame
a acme suppose. Poor frllow ! h know no litt
ler and ttw refore slioold not be hclJ accountable
for the sin of othras. John, like some others, is
troubled withal disease, designated by the leariud
tiqrottfitt teriheiidi, and no man feiL more
elJnsrt the ublimc emanation of hi own genius,
v(tu which he weekly (we hid almost laid u eakly)
gracei the column ol hi paper, thin John dots
himself. And why, we a.-k, should genius ot hi
gigantic dinienaiont be circumscribed within liir
row limit, or trammeled with the party uge
common to ordiniry democrats. John'i breiit ha
been fired with (inbition ; he !. reaolsed upon
Ya. ws told on Saturday lat. I
Mi'rmonf. About 150 Mormon irrived at St. I
Louis, Mo., on the 20ih ult., from Nauvoo, and j
left the ni xl day for New Orleans, probacy on their i
return lo England, from whence Ihe moit of ihem
came, having become disgusted with Joe mith and
his wicked ikluiion.
' A salmon trout arrived at Albany, N. Y.. en
Saturday last, in four day from Mackinac, weigh
ing over ihiitv-six pound.
1 A fnhe liuftr in Srio Yuri,-, named Greg?, has,
within i fi w days, shipped a laro quantcy of his
pileul ifiiigtrhrctid lo the fotlo'.ving places, viz:
j China, Buenos Ayres and ih." Coat of Africa. The
grngerbre id improve with age, and is actuiily liet
ler when t year old than when feah.
i Tlu Quantity of FLur arrived at tide w ah-r, by
: the Erie ('anal, from the lotumeiicement of navi
' gat'on tl i kfison, up lo the "2d instant, ws 1,
51,25:3 lurreii, and of Wheal C 'A,', 10 bushels.
A CWritrtnirri. 19,500,00(1 of llio capital
j nf the Dit.niut)J i inve.ted in railrouJ bdiek,
which yields i higher rate of luterc.t than my like
j investmi nl in the United Stale.
In this expenditure, however, are inclu
ded sums fir objects not no-.v ch irge.
ablp, to the amount of
Amount tequired f.r the ordinary ex
penses of government, appropriation
pensions, military, education, Ac,
The net estimate of receipt already
Su'plus revenue, without reference to
payment of interest or charges upon
And reducing the estimate of the two
mill lax to tbe amount actually re
ceived under the one mill tax of last
year, uy f 000,000
There will stilt remain ivailablo to the
payment of interest,
If the Legi-lature continue
ihe same lax, providing,
is already suggested, fir
its unifoim operatim
throughout the Stste, it
would then be a ife lo rely
upon the eitiinstc ef f 1 ,1 00,000
In place of CtlO.OOO
Revenue which might be nia:e avsilahks
to payment of iutere.i,
The interest on the funJed debt in round
I among her fib-nds in this c unity. The young wife.
I all confidence and credulity .is w nn m generally
i ate in such cases consented to the a rang, men',
' and they began lo make prepira ions for returning.
! The furniture provided by her lather was rej ai ked
: and shipped on board of a stein.b at. and they alio
i went on hoard. The wife was seite l in the cabin,
: while ihe hu-band procee le I, as he sai 1. to settle
t matters and arrange Iheir furniture, when he, na a
mailer nf course, was lo join her. The baat shovid
; olf and w is soon under wav. The urnu-pecting
1 w ife waited a reasonaMc time tor her N irth to j
: her, but no Smith cime. Gnwin-j i npa'ient, she
aet out in search nf her husband, but hr search
was in vain. Mie luutiil linn n hut rcceivcil a
ticket for her pasage in li. -r mii'nti'i mime to lluf
falo, from the Stewart, who knew nothing further of
the matter, She next called upon the captain, bo'
: he knew nothing more thin that a gentleman hid
paid Ihe passige nf a terrtnt if rl, (the name on
the licke',) whom he wihed to senj to her friends
in llufi'alo.
Suspicion then for the first time, ll ihed urem .
her mind. She, the wife of but a few weeks, had
been deserted. Her feelings may be imagined, but
i not described. Slie ha arrived at the home of her
1 000,000 : chiklhood ; but of her husband, n who but a lit-
j tie while before had swoin to love, protect and cher
ish her, a long as life remeined, she has neither
seen noi heard from. His conduct i inexplicable,
:ve on the suspicion that he is an unmitigated vil.
But the talo is not all told. The wife, too, was
to blame. She had plighted tier vow to a young
man of the neighborhood, and but ten days w i re
to elup'e hi fore ihey wire to have been married.
Hut drawn away from duty by the da.iliog repte-
j fctilitions of wealth which were held out lo her
j all else was forgotten and the surely reap bit
ter reward."
j Avni sox. A kl'.er has been received fioH
j the great iia'urahtt, by L)i. Gideon II. Smith, of
DihliH.-re, dated at Fc'rl I.e.ivsinvorlh, Mi-noun,
j Ociohei 10, which t'.ates that he expected to arrive
a: St. I.ou'n about the 22 I instant, on hi return
home. AH the party were in gnod health and 'pi
, rit. Tlrey have made a fine collection of biids
The Agents adveitised, sell ihe genuine Pills,
Which remove from ihe body the cause of it ills.
rrj Piirchise of H. B. Masser, Sunbury, or of
agent published in another part of this paper.
.1t .1 It U i E It ,
On Thursday the 2",th ult., by the Rev. A.
Drittain, Mr.SrusS, Wuoi.vr.RTo.i.nfShamnkiii
township, to Miss lUanain Sivinnr, of Augusta.
On Wednesday last, in thie place, Dr. JOHN
II. PRICK, aged about 45 yens.
On Friday tbe 27'h ult., in ihis pli-e, Mrs.
UARBAKY RKl'PEUT, aged ..bout 75
''Wasliiiif on I'lio Coinpany."
rl',HC members of the "Washington Fire Com---
panv" nre requestid lo meet at the State
House, on Monday F.vening, Nov. h'.h, at 7 o'
clork, precisely. Punctual atlilidance is required.
Oct. 28. J CO0 YClUNGMAN, See.
'Pllfl Subscriber he e'ny respectfully informs the
1 public, that he has stopped selling goods on
ctedil, as has heretofore In en done, believing that
ihis conrse will re 'ovnd 1 1 tbe ndvan'ni'e of his
customers and hiinsilf. He aNo earnestly requests
th 'se who are indebted to liim, to call and makeseti
i tliimiit.
Coun'ry Prmliite, of every kitiJ, will be t .ken
; in cubango for Store Goods.
i Sunbury, Nov. 4, 1 S 13. 2t.
Public Sale.
TJ".'J'I,I, be oir. red lit public sale, si tbe IIoue
V of Jacob Lesenriiig. (Hear GipTiem,)
in Shariiokin township, Northuuiberlanil coun'V,
on Satu day the 2")th dav of N.ivcnj.'ir neit, at I
o'clock, P.M.
. .1 Wll.r.iltLK TI1.1C T OP .I.VW,
Simi'e in Siniii ikin township, No'lhu'iiherl and
. county, on tbe Main Ron! Icidicg from Iri-h Val
ley tu Roaring Creek Valley, a.lj lininz lands of
. lletijiinin ari l lands lato nf Ann Pem-
. berion, nn I running within about 10 rods ot Ihe
Itjnville Turnpike, an I within about SO rods of
t lie Centie Tump'ke, co .t.iininu 10'i acre-i and tt
perches tricl uieasine, about :JO acres nf whic'i are
clcu'fd ; wheieon is eiecied a larjie and commodi
ous tvvo -1 i r y'l i,g h 'o-e, with a nevi r;
sirina t wa'er near Hie dour. AIi.mii 12 acres of
said laud are i I -elleiit nn adow ground, and llie
residue of a red shale soil ef a very superior ipu'iiy,
ali i is well timber, d and w ati ied.
The term--of sale w ill be, of the purchase mi
ni y cash, and llie b il .nee in e.pi il payments, with
interest, at one and iwnyiars, sreurid by H ind
and Morigage. A lieid with general covenant of
warranty will lie eiven.
N. II. I'er-ona wi-bini; nnv further information
eonceii.iiiu ssnl Ian I, will please call on me at
Philadelphia, David Rockefeller at Sunbury, or Mr.
Ad on (illger in Sbsniokiil township, who reside
near it, ami who vi!l a'.iew the laud to persons de
ir .us of purch .s iif. . M. I'.
Oct. 2S, li:i. .V.
l,4tifi,fio0 ipaaJrupe Js ind precious seeds.
Thin is i very meagre sum fur great State like
Pi iiiisy Ivniiia, and we have nut reader, certainly
.nr-The account furnished by Captain ' ro' ' ,",",',fr 'be legislature, who hai nut suf-
Fiench, of the Mo.lem. nf an atta.k by .warm of ,lc,rn' ,n,,"'Kr"co ' l" " .
native upon the ship Argo, of Boston, while piss.
inn down the llnonlv. is ninnoiinrnl bv ili Tlovinn i
Daily to be . hon. The iw.rm ef n.tive. wa. a ! ,u,' wcluiion. but to give lo the public and the
Bwarm of tee,, which were repelled by ih. cook. j cre,i,m, of ,,ia ,n f ,he sr0UnJ 0,1
wnicn iney sisno. i ue rcnun may snow a more
fsvouble conclusion than is above given. It will,
i IIit.iiLY Favoki:u in riiu xvooi.r.N mm?. A
1,800,000 i distinguished tailor of litis city has uvide a
handsome coat which he intends to g've Mr.
Henry Clay. A lady of Kentuc ky lately gave i
Mr. C'.a pair of blankets uiude by herself. i
Who shall say that Hurry of the Wuet is not
tcool gathering. .Ji rrury. ,
333,31 fi
put matinally inconveniencing the people. We do
nut ihiow thi statement before our reader also
.imutemtntt. The New York Pot iyi it li
estimated that then must hive been twenty thou
sand penoii it 111 various place of musement,
concert, theitres, ind fairs, on Thursday night.
Attronomienl Dienvcry,. young U,'y of
sight will enable him to discover where the notoriety and distinction ufiome ort ; hchs.Lain. J 'ncnnaii, II isscntf, a Tw .ince, disco-
I i vereil fifth m i .1 . : .i.-
error lies in his calculation of the end tf the
vered tfif'tl rf,on tgjopiter, whiUt viewing the
Youth who f.,ed the EphesianUome, outlives L'""':y n-'oei tluough telescope, it the Me.
lemoty, the pious fool who raised il." ! chlnics' Iiuluu'e.
ed thst
, "The Y
'In me
A lover recently entered a house w hich he i He has no exilte.l idea of null uier., women or Ster.m. Tho Ilononians dischre cargoes of
had been forbidden lu virit, magnet ti'.'d the old children, ai d a nature ho de.tintd him, for t.o- coal by (team. The tubs ato hoisted up fat as
folks and liisu v.iih the liauhtt-r at lei- ' thing but a, 1 ha, mjvtj at Ka.t, to ts i j f.lh a ingle whip, and th cirgo it UnJeJ
griut ei.f.
with iitjijuhing rapiJity, borne in mind tint the law authorizing
the tn of two mill expire with the present yeir,
nd that of one mill in 1946, ind consequently if
ny hope is indulged that Pennsylvania will do,
what wa think is demonstrated that she can do, it
devolve upon the nexi Legislature to adept a per.
manent system of taxation, ae well is a retrench
ment of expenditure, placing the credit of the Stite
beyond the teach of party feeling or political intri
gue. We may, however, stale, in connection with
the above subject, thst rumor ii in circulilion
here that a paition of the icmi-annuil due in J .
ll.tLTIMOUH M .4 UK 1ST,
OJJxeei.ftht DiLTiMORE Avrsatciir, Oct. 30.
A tale of 00 bbls. Susquehanna Flour at fi,-
N pursuance of a ceriain writ issued nut of he
Court oft'ommon Pb'is of tb.e county of Nor-
lliumberl ind, and t i me din eted, llieie will be sold
nl public ale, al t!ie t'onrl Hou-e. in Sunbury. on
Mornlsv ihe f.ih of November nevt. tbe life e-t ;t
of John C. Rod. in the two following described
tracts of bind, situate in Rush towns'ii((, in the sai. I
county nf Northumberland one of which is b und
ed on tbe north by the noeih east branch of the
River Susijiielnnna, on the south by land of Jacob
Reed, and on Ihe east and west by other I in. I of
(lid John I'. Iloyd, conraiuinit lw hundred and
fifiy acres more or less, of which about two hun
dred aud tvven V -five acre are cleared, and whereon
are erected a luge dwelling house, veral .mall
ten ml and out houses, two barns, and I time grist
mill ; and the otlver trad (being hill land) is bound
ed on the north by tlx U.uiville ft Hear G .p Turn
pike Road, on the smith by land nf Nathan Pegg,
on the east bv other land of Mr. Uuyd, and on the
west by land of Mr. Hall and others, containiiu
one hundred slid forty acres more or less, of w hich
about vighry acres are cleared and whereon are e
rected a small tenant house and barn.
To be sold as the pro pen v of said John C.
a ,vd, hy Pl' I LR L AZ AIM'S,
Siin'onry. Oct. 1H J. 3r. 'fifqueatattur.
IS IrenMw given thst I have pur.-haaod the follow,
ing arlu les, old at Sheriff' ssle on the "1st ult.,
is the property nf Daniel Hio-ius. which aiticles
I have burned lo sai l L'aii-el until I e jirojr la
remove tlrm, viz:
I G.av Horse, $o 1.00
1 do'. do, 31.00
t lliown Msre, ft 7.S
1 Two horse w agon, 1 1 00
I Slel. 3 00
; I Plough, I.
1 do. 505
1 H irrow,
'1 Setts of harness, LO.""
t Cow, 7.53
I HeitTer, 3.00
1 Hud, 30
I Pigts, SO
I Lot of hay in the barn 3,00
J Of SI acrei more or less of wheal in the
eround. t fl.fiO per ict, 16 80
J Ol 7 icres of rye in ihe ground, it 0 ets.
per icre, S 80
Of tl icie of corn in shock, al 60 els. per
icie, 3"0
J OfSictesof 80 cti. per
GRAIN. The leceipls of When are extreme j 1 Lot of oat in the brn,
I, light, ind price, hive idv.nced. We quote of m lhe iW,
good to piime Md. red at 90 a 9 1 cts. ind j j j 0, 0f p0its,
otdiniry lo good at SO a 90 cti. A load nf Md. . 1 Mantle clink,
red Wheat wi sold to-day to I miller at 91 cl. and 1 Bureau,
l limilar load to a ihipper it 95 els. We e,uoto j
Md. white When it 95 a 10.1 ct. Sales of old
Corn to.djy at 4G 47 ct. for white, and ."3 S '
ct. for yellow. We quote nrr whit' tt H ( 4.1
els. ind yellow it 4'JJ e 4 1 cte, v quote On at ,
31a 22 cti.
WHISKF.YThe, i. . ...b, 4m.ov.l de- SUNSIT8 Y, PA
. ' . . . . . i
rnana, out price remilu I list quoteJ. eutt io- , on tur,,),,, ,,e,
diy at i'4 ceuls foi hbda. and lb cu. for bl'U. 1 Oct. tin, IMS.
August township, Oct. 3, 1313. 3t
"VFTICB, in the building occupiej by J. Bloom,