Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, October 28, 1843, Image 3

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    Public Sale.
WII.I. be offered ht public, sale, l lha Houre
of Jacob Le souring, (Bear (Jnp Tavern,)
in Shamokin township, Northumberland county,
on Saturday thu 23th J of November next, ot 1
o'clock, P. M.
.f VAI.r.MLK TttJCT OP fI.V,
Siluate in Shamokin tortriiahip, No.thumbrrlsnd
eounly, on the Main Road leading; from Iri.-h Val.
ley to' Roaring Creek Valley, adjoining lands of
Benjamin Tiliihman and land Inle or Ann. Pern
1'erton, and running within about 10 rods aT Ihe
Danville Turnpike, an 1 wilhin about 60 rods of
the Centra Turnpike, containing 102 acres and 40
perches strict menaure, about 30 acrca of which are
cleared ; whereon is rrecled a large and eommndi
ous two story dwelling hou?e, with a never failing
apring of water near the door, About 13 acrei of
fluid land are excellent meadow ground, and the
Tcsidue of a red shale, anil of a very superior quality,
and i welltimhrrrd and watered.
The terms of sale will be, of the purchase mo
ney cash, and (he balance in equal payment, with
interest, at one and two years, secured by Bond
and Mortgage. A Deed w iih general covennnt of
warranty will be eiven.
N. B. Persons wishing any further information
concerning raid land, wilt please call on mn at
Philad' Iphia, David Rockefeller at Sunbury, or Mr.
Adam (iilger in Shamokin township, who resides
near it, and who will skew the tatsd to persona de
airoua of purchasing. W, M. T.
Oct. 28, I? 13. 5'.
T S hereby given Xhat I hnve purchased the follow.
- ing articles, sold nt Sheriff's silicon the2ltult.,
as the property of Daniel Uinsius. which articles
I have loaned to said Daniel until I sie proper to
remove them, vit:
1 Gay Hnrsc, flU.OO
1 do. do.
1 Brown Mare,
I Two harsc wagon,
1 Sled,
i Plough
1 do,
2 Setts of harness,
I Cow,
1 H.itTer,
1 Bud,
4 Pigg,
1 Lot of hay in the ham
Of 21 acres more or less of wheat in trie
groniid, nt f I fiO per aite,
J Of 7 acres of rye in the ground, at SO cis,
per acre,
J Of 8 acres of com in shock, ol SO cts. per
i Of 2 acres of buckwheat, at 80 cts. per
1 T.ot of oats in the barn,
1 Lot of rye,
1 Lot of wheat in the sheaf,
1 Lot of potatoes,
1 Mantle cloik,
1 Bureau,
f I39.S9
Augusta township. Oil. 28, 1311. 3t
Y 1st o v u i;tai i. i: it s ,
OF Foreign nnd Dom. stio. Merchandise, of the
County of Noithumbe rland, who hive, and
w ho have nut pit 1 their Licenses,
KY virtue of sundry writs of Venditioni Expon
as and Levari Facias, issued out of tho
Court of Common Pleat of Northumberland county,
to tne directed, will be exposed to public sale at the
Court House In the Borough of Sunbury, on Mon
day tho 6th day of November next, at 1 oclock, P.
M., the following described properly, to wit :
Two certain contiguous lots of
ground situate in the town of McEwcnsville, for
merly in Turbut, now Delaware township, Nor
thumberland county, continuing each GO reel in
front, and 1 60 feet in depth, bounded by a lot of Ja
cob Mostrlrer on the north, by an alley on the
south, an alley on the west and by main street
on the eat, wherron are erected a brick Foundiy,
to which is attached a blacksmith' shop, the ninin
building being 55 f. et ill front, and a part of said
building extending back 105 feet. There H idsn ot
(ached to the same, a frame building 20 feet by 45,
where the horse power is kept for the use of said
Foundry; iheicisalso an office in front part of said
brick building, and also a frame stable on said lot.
Seizod, laken in execution, and to be sold as tho
property of William Stiizel and IsBac House,
Also: All the defendant's interest in
ihree certain contiguous lots of ground, situate in
the borough of Noithumlictland, Northumberland
county, being double lots, and extending from (he
D.inville road to water street, and maiked in the
general plan of said town Nos. 21, 20 and 19, con
(aiding in the whole two acres more or less.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as (he
properly of Josiah Chapman.
Also: All the defendant's interest
(supposed to be the undivided third part) of a o r
igin tract of land situate in Augusta township.
Northumberland county, adjoining lands late, of
William Shipman, iWd., I mils of Nicholas Ship
man, dee'd., Conrad li.ak.r, Leonard Ketd and o.
(hers, containing (wo bundled acres more or toss,
about 30 iicres of which aie cleared, whereon arc
erected a small log house and a frame bain.
Seized, taken in execu'ion, anil to bo aold as the
property of (siistavns Koa,
Mso: A certain lot of ground situate
Mosteller A ihwenek
Wm. II. Fiymire & Co
Ireland A. M.ixell
William H.ivs
Brautigini & W-.ppIee
Jo'-'nthan Wall A Co
Re'h Caduslladcr
(ieorpe Coney
Kan.el Ileib
A A O. Ross
John Chamberlain
Daniel HiiNhoe
John ('. Henri
Gideon Shadlo
Petei B i--.fl
Amos Viititinc
George Brosiii
Tohn B
Peter Burn I
Henry Byerly
James Heed
b.a D ci pp
William Deppen
Kaufman A Carl
Daniel Swaitz
William Kaies
11 .00
3 00
1 ,10
,(i5 i in the borough of Northumberland aforesaid, con
7.29 taming rive acres more or less, bounded north by
3.00 Weal way, south by the west branch of tho river
Susquehanna, went by a lot of James Kay and on
the east hy a roid leading (o (he river, whereon am
erected a laTge two story biiek mill and dwelling
house, known by (he name of the ' College."
Sewed, taken iii execution, ai-.d to be sold as the
projieriy of Josiah Chapman.
Also: All that certain house situate
in Bush township, NoTthum!erland county, on the
road leading from the 'Liberty Pole," in aiid town
ship to rivir at Boyd's Mills i the size of the front
building is 28 foet by 16, and a kitchen annexed
to it, the sice of which is 16 led square, both of
which are two stories high.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as tho
properly of David Faux.
Also: All that certain two story
brick building si(uate on (he cat side of main
street in the borough of Milton, Northumberland
county, said building bring about 30 feet in trout,
and about 40 or 50 feet in depth, adjoining the
three story brick tavern in the occupancy of Mi
ch.el Krcmcr on '.he norih, and a two atoiy brick
building the property of (Jen. Kobcrt II. Hammond
J on the south.
I Suized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the
t properly of Henry Frick.
I Also: A certain tract or piece of
I land situate in Coal township, Northumberland
'county, adjoining lands of (irorge Long, Henry
Kloekand others, containing 37 acres more ot less,
I about 25 acres of which are clcured, whereon are
i reeled a log house and a log barn, an oicbard, iVc.
Seized, laken in execution, and to be sold as the
property of Samuel Weikle.
Also: A certain lot or tnece ol land
situate in Rush township, Northumberland county.
ailj uning- lands of Jacob Niere, (todfrey Kocke
Seized, taken in execution, end to ho (old as the
pfoperiy of Daniel Hoatz.
Also: A certain two story stone
dwelling hoiue and the lot of piece of ground and
eurtilngc appurtenant to said building, numbered in
(he plan of the town of Shamokin, as laid out by
John C. Boyd, No. 99, situated on the Catt side of
Shamokin street.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be aold as the
properly of Henry Ynxiheimer.
Also , On Thursday the 2nd day or
November next, at the house of Charles D. liar,
ton, in Sunbury, at 10 o'clock A. M., a certain
tr.ict of unimproved land situate on he waters of
Shamnkin creek, in Coal towns-hip, Northumberland
county, bounded by Unda late of Dvid F. Gordon
on the west, Thomas Cadwalladci on the east, and
William Boyd, Bnrd Patterson Ac. Co. on the
north, containing 1768 acies more or less.
Also : A certain tract of unimproved
Hnd situate in Coal town-hip aforesaid, bounded
by lands of Thomas Cadwallad.r on (he West,
David T. Gordon on the east, and on die norih by
land surveyed in (ho names of William Tombnon
and George Coldroti and u'hers, containing 1703
acres more or less.
Also : A certain tract of unimproved
land situate in Coal township aforesaid, bounded
by land of Thomas Cadwulladcr on the east, land
surveyed to John Brady on (he north, and Thomft
Cadwallader on the west, eotKalng 400 acres more
oi les.
Also t A certain tract of unimproved
land situate in Coal township aforesaid, bounded
on the we by land surveyed in the name of Esther
Cramer, land or David F. Gordon on the east mid
land surveyed in the name of William Green on
the north, containing 400 acres more or less
Seized, laken in execution, and to bo Sold as
the property of William Silvis.
Also: II y virtue of a writ of Fieri
Facias (o me directed Will be fold at tho II ouso of
O. D. Wharton on Saturday tho 4ih day of No
vember next nt 2 o'clock, P. M , a certa n tract of
land situate in Shamokin township, Northumber
land county, adjoining: lands of John Evert", jr.,
Valentine Klace and William Martz, containing
30 acres mote or less, about 12 acres of which are
Seized, (nken in execution, and to be sold as the
property of William U. Jones.
FELIX MAtJIiEl?, Slunff.
Sheriff's Ortice. 5
Snnlmrv. Oct. 11, 1813. S
Mil l ja m .T. m a ir Fin
FFICE, in thebuilding occupied by J. Bloom,
on Market street.
Oct. 21. -1, 1813.
"I S hereby given (hat I have purcliarvd the follow--
ing articles, sold at SeritT's sale on tin 4ih inst.,
na (ho properly ef Jonathan find Andrew Hoover,
which arttcfrs I have loaned to sa'.d Jonathan nnd
Andrew until I see proer lo remove them, viz :
Two black marcs, 1 hay do, I mully cow, 1
white calf, T ho its, 2 se'.t of harness, 1 two horse
wagon, two thirds of 8 acres of corn in the ground,
two thirds of 3 acres buckwheat, half of 4 acres
wheat, half of 4 acres of rye, 1 bureau, 15 yards
carpet, 1 mantle clock, 1 plough.
Jacob iioovek.
Augusta. Oct. 14. 1843. 3t.
nr.ri it vrivi: svitn.
riHF, vatiiab'a properties of Oakby'a Depura
1. live Syrup of Sarsaparills, as a purifier of the
blood, ia so well known to the public generally,
that it is unncccKSiiy to occupy much space in set
ting forth the advantages lo be derived from its
use ; wherever (he medicine has once been intro
duced, it takes precedence over all nthoia : evety
one that has taken it, have derived an signal bene
ficial results from it, (hal it ia recommended by
them with the U'most confidence. Physicians of
the highest stan-ling in the profession, prescribe it
lo patients under their care t containing nothing
deleterious, but being composed Tit the most mild,
yet efficacious vegetable materials it is olb red with
confidence, as the cheapest and most efficient pu
rifier of the blood now known. The use of a few
bottles, especially in the spring mouths, will be at- t
tended with a most decided improvement in the go- J
neral strength of the, system, eradicating any seeds
of disease thai may have been generated, besides i
giving health nnd vigi r to the body. For the cure j
of Scrofula or Kings Evil, llhcmn itis-in. Ti Iter, I
Pimples or etuplion of the Skin, White Stailling-, I
F.stula, Chrome. Cough Asthma, 5te, I he nu
merous certificates in the possession of the subscri
ber and his agents, from physicians and others, arc
sufficient to convince the most skeptical of its su
periority over all preparations of Sars.iparilla.
S,.d wholesale and retail, bv the proprietor,
GEORGE W. OAKLKV, North 5th street, Rea
ding, UNks County, utiJ to be bud uf the following
peisous : I
In SorthumtirrhinJ iVirij.'v- H, B. Masser, j
Sunbury; Lcbind iSc. .NLxel, MtEtvcnsillc ; D. !
Krau-i r. Milton. I
7i Vniim Cnunty. J. Gearhart, Selinsgrove t
A. Guti lios. Mifthnhiug.
In Columbia Cvunly. R. W. McCay, Wash
ington. Reading, March 11, 1813.
Mn. 0ri.v.t: I believe il the duty of every
one In do whatever in their power lios, for tho b-nc-litoflheir
fellow man, and having had po-i'ive
proof in my own family, of the wonderful properties
of your Dcpurativo Syrup of Sarsaparilla, I m st
conscientiously recommend it to the alllrcted. We
had (he misfortune to lose wo of our children, by
the breaking out of ulcerous sores that coxered the
face, head and nock, although we had some of (In
most scientific physicians lo attend tin m nnd had
tiied all the known lemrdies, including Swairns'
Panacea, v.ithoti avail. Another of niy children
was attacked in Ibe same manner, her face and
CVniir Slrrri, nnnnu.e ihr Town H,(,t,
I V. S S 1 O .
ESPECTCCLLY announce to
Ibe travelling camtnuriitv that be
has laken the largo and splendid cslalt
lishmetd, the Exetirna llntcr., situa.
(oil at the corner of Centre and Callowhill streets,
nearly opposite (he Town Hall, in (ho borough of
Pollsville, which has been thoroughly repaired and
materi illy improved for the accommodation (T visit
ors. The Hotel is forty ft. front on Centre st ami
one hundred and thirty eihl ft. on Onllowhill, (hieo
stoi'nshlgh ; it is admirably provided with Parlors,
Silling Roomj. Reading Room, nnd largo airy
Chiml.eis (he most spacious picas uit and conve
nient Dining Room in the cnuntiy a new and su
pciior Bathing Establishment ; nnd every conve
nience nnd comfort to render il in all respects a
most desirable Hotel.
No irui is or expen-n will he spare .1 to furnish
the Table and Bar with the best that Ibis ami the I
Philadelphia Markets alford ; and with a iletcrmi j
nation lo devote his entire personal attonti m to the
eomfoit and accoinmoda'ion of those who may fa- '
vorhiin with ft call ! aided by active, careful nnd j
obliging servants, he hopes lo give general satis
faction. PRIVATE FAMILIES, wishing to visit this
highly interesting and healthy Coal Region, will be j
provided with Parlors and Chamber., which ho
i'eels confident will please (he most fastidious. !
The rMahling all ached, is large and well
constructed, nnd superintended by experienced and J
attentive Osier. Horses and C-uiriagea may be had j
at any time lo convey persons to any par( of (he ,
country. I
(";" A1"1 Omnibus runs fiom this Hotel daily to
Ao. ?i South M strrrt, oppnxitf thr Hxrhwcf,
Formerly of So. 70 South Srcnnit ttrrrt,)
Mxnuf.icturer of Improved and Patent Fire add
Thirf.prool Chesls and Doors, Water end Pr -vi-fon
'oob r, and Fillerers. Rifrigora
tor, Hoistii g Machines, Ac., Ac.,
1 STll.r. cotilmnes to mike
his celebrated WATER Co'-
fer, and I lllerers, Ri friger r.
tors, both el the round an 1
--iiiarD shape, with improve-
men(4. uf ibn liet maleri:its
""and Woikmnnshin.
Oif" TIig Chests ore; tiiniiufacturotl without
plank of any de(-riptio-i, of the lies muter a I wtVrh.
is calculated to reist burgbus nnd heat ns I n e as
any manuraetiired in the t niird Ntates a Inu. of
ivbich ho is willing to muke with any other, i,ro
vided III" trial bo made of clients already sold (O
customers, and not manufactured for the express
purpose of a trial. Purchasers arc invited to call
before purchasing elsewhere.
CAUTION. .'VI persons Bre cautioned giinst
nuikinu, using, selling or causing lo bo sold, any
Keyhole coxere fr Fire Proof Chests or doors of
any kind, similar in construction to my patent of
July KV.h, 13 11, ns they will bo dealt with accord
ing lo the Patent Law.
M i- 27rh, 181.J. Cm.
C ill i n c it-31 ali i n
i'v Ils(alliliinrii1.)
Esi'EOTFCLl.V informs the citizens of
Suiibiirv and vieinilv, (hat he Ln J rvceutlv
and from the Depot, to meet the (Jars, for thv ac- i cunnieiieed the
eominod.ition of persons travelling on (he Rail
Road. No charge for omnibus fare (o this Hold.
Pottsville, J.ily 8, 1813. fim
rPhe public will nlrase obrve (bat no Brandrcth
1 Pills sm eenoine. iiides;
I'ills ato genuine, unless tho box has three li
bels upon it, (tho top, tho side and tho bottom) i
each containing n f.ic-Minilc signature of my h and- !
writing, thus 11. BRAnnF.Tii, M. D. These la. i
beb aie engraved on steel, beautifully designed, j
and done at an expense of over f 2,000. Therefore '
it will be seen that ibe only Ihmg tircessary to pro
cure ibe medietoe in iis ntiritv. is to observe these
neck was eonmletelv covered: the discharge was so i i ,t .a..
offensive, and the disease nt Mich a height, tbut we t liernember the top, the aide, and the bottom. C l'- ?,,.A( Ki: Al
The following respectivo persons are duly auhori- ' , V";s. u'. al1' "Uo". "
1 hold
Seeing the Wonderful ellecls
yiup rl e irsaparni a, we wcte
IS hereby given that we have puichased the fol
lowing articles, sold by Thos. A. B.lliug'on
at constable sale on the 1 lib. inst., as tho property
of John B. Shipman, which we have loaned to the
said J- hn B. Shipman until we drink proper lo re
move them, viz :
One sorrel horse, 1 bay mare, 1 black cow, I
brindle cow, 0 bee-caps and bees, 1 bureau, 1 clock.
C sells wagon harness, 2 setts plough do., l'coal
stove, 2 ploi ghs, I hanoiv, 1 wind miM.
Augusta, Oct. M, 1S43. 3t.
tTONE WARE f.r sale.
despaired of her bfi
of your Dennrative
induced to make trial of it, as Ibe Ukl res .rt ; It
acieil like a charm; Ibe ulcers commenced healing
immediately, a f w bottles entirely restored her to
her health," which she h:.s enjoyed uninlemiptedly
ever since. As a unifier of the blood, I verily be
lieve it lues not its equal.
J Dl IN MOVER, Tailor,
Walnut street, near Fourth, Reading.
DonqtassviHe, April 10th, 18t:t.
Sin. Oaki.f.t : My son Edmund Leaf, ha I (he
scrofula in the most dreadful and distres-ing man
ner for three years, dining wh'ch time he was de
prived of the use of his limbs, bis he id nnd neck
were covered w ith ulcers. We tri- d all the differ
ent remedies, but to no fleet, until recommended
ly Dr. Johnson of Nonistown, and ulso Dr. Isaac
Hiester, of Rending, to Use our Depuralive Syrup
of Sarsapnrilla, of which 1 obtained bottles,
tho usb uf which d'ove the disea-e enliri ly out of
his lystem, the sue he tied up, and Use child wa
Ar,ii;r-MAKi(i iu,
in all its branches, in Maiket stieet, Sunbury, im
muliutoly In low the post ollice, where he will bo
ready lo receive and , xectlte nil orders in the lino
of hia business, with promptneis and despatch, and
in the hi si style and manner. His prices will bo
low, in aecoidunce with the limes.
Lumber and Country Pioduee laken in Ex
change. May Still I81t. fim
i rrv i'l iiM T In k " Al 0t i i) n ,
Nos. J'. anJ North Thiid Strect
Near the C i t v Hotel,
Auctioneer, re-peclfulK iV.'-
I persons desirous of pur
chasing Furniture, to his extensive Sales Ronms,
(both u'd';c and Private,) for every dc.'cripficn of
llousihoid Furniture, where can be obtained at all
times, a targe assortment i f fashioiii.blo ir.d well
manufactured Cabiint Furniture, Bed, Ma'trassc8(
Ac. at very reduced prices, for cash.
Sa'.oa bv Auction, twice a week.
May 2T(h, 11:1. I V
restored lo l-erlert health, which
uninterruptedly ever since, (o (h-
zed, an
For the sale of liramlreth's Veifcalile Univertal
I'M. '
Northumberland county : Miilon Maekey A
('hambeilin. Sunbury H. B. Masser. M'Ewens
vilie Inland A Meixell. Noithumbeiland Win.
Forsylh. (ieorgctown .1. Si J. Walls.
I'nion County: New Berlin Bogar A Win
ter. Selinsgrove deorgc fiundium. Middle
burg Isaac Smith. Beavertown David Hubler.
Ad amsburg Wm. J. May. Mililinsburg Mcnsch
A. Ray. Hailleion Daniel Long. Freeburg
li. A F. C. Mover. Lcwisburg Walls A lircen.
t'olunibia county : Danville E. B. Reynolds
A Co, Berwick Shuinan St liittcnhouse. Cnt-
tawissA C. O. lirobts. Illooir.sburg John U.I in- Ijree bill i 1
Mover. Jersey Town Levi Bisel. Washington t sj-p is feeoaimended as a general cathartic for
Robt. M. Cay. Limestone BMIiel A McNinch. ! g family u-e in dvspepln and nil I ili hi. di-ea-Obseive
that each Agent has an Engraved C.r- t H-s, it is inv du-dd.- lor 'it ; c ,i side-ed n
tificateof Agency, conlaining a repres-nlalion of; s,.vi-a-, no case h iving yet wcurnJ which it lias)
Pr lil'..A.MMtl', l ll is .tiaiiurictory ni r-,ng .-inc,
(.trill Uolfin Indian I;ma ra.
(.'oini'OimilL-J entirely of Vegetable
Si'b-'.anccs :
Frre frmn nml all uthrr finrals.
For ibe history of this medicine, nnd its uniivalie.t
and truly surprising success and p.npular-
leller and others, containing III acres more or less, I 220 Stone Jugs. fr.,m I quail to 3 gallons,
Isaac Brown
Si-lh I. Coodv
Hamp-ey A. Duvii
R. H. Il.imiiioud
.1. P. Hachi iiterg
E. L. Piper
William Forsvlhc
Mai hens A Co
O. B. Men ck
T. R. Pomp
John Sweney
M. Chamberlain, aignee
of D. L.
John Miller
Jacob Bright
Miller A. Mar x
Wood A Rhawn
Ira T. Clemi lit
John Bogar
John Frvling
H. B. Masser
(ieo P. Buy- rs
Jonathan Smith
Jacob Haas
Hart mm II. Kna1 le
William Persing A. Co
Adam Bingaman
William Scott
Kaufman A. Itccdy
Samuel John
R A Win. F.rgelv
J. C. BoyJ ft S. Bi.d
about 20 acres of which arc cleared, Whereon ate
erected a small log house, a tog barn and a small
Seized, laken in cxrution, and to be sold is the
property of (icorga A. Dixon,
Also: A certain lot of ppound situ
ate in (he borough of Milton, Northumberland
county, in that pari of said town called t'pper Mii
lon, nnd milked in the general plan of taid town
No. 77. fronting mi the ma n or front street, also
bounded on the north by a street, on the east by
,( Stone Jars, f oin 2 lo fi gallons. For sale,
cheap, by Oct. 14 1L1LM.SSER.
In the Court of Common I'tinn ot .VoWiion
brrimul County, .Vm 10, .Vt-rmfrrr Trrm,
Mary Smith, by her next ?
fiiend, Heny (iibs.-n, 5 P'utiKs Subpieua
rs. fjr Divorce,
Robert Smith, S
1IIE said defend ant isheieby rpepjired, to be and
npnear before the Judges of the Court nf Com
mon Pleas of Northumberland county, at a Court of
John Young
Shnmokih Coal A Iron Co.
. Notice is hereby given, that the Treasurer is
compelled, by law, to commence su ls ngainst all
those who do not come forward anil pay their licen
se on ot U-fore the lUh day of November next.
Funbury, Ocl. 51. IS13. Titafurrt.
'JT'OR trial in the (,'ourt of Common Pleas of Nor---
thuml cilaud ('ounly, at November Term A. D.
1813, commencing the first Monday,
Jacob Shitz vs Stout A Fiick
Same vs J. dm Stout
Stephen Wilson vs F A Kracl.t
J Brown fir C Brown vs Henry Frick
Samuel Ki Ifer vs James Braid
Dougul A MeCIecry vs Christopher II Baker
John Hummel n E P Mrannoii
8 T Burrowa
vs John A II M Davison
vs 1 -hn Kriorr
va Win L Ilousel
vs Peter Brrli.'U
vs Rebecca Vrlls
v (.k.l-iel A J. R ?,ie6.
ly Ac
a &. Robert McKce
vs II Fiick et al
vs John Cowdcnex't
va Hugh Delist
vs Same
vs John B Miller
vs D M Sechler
vs Packer & Cummings
John GrifTen
Jacob Leiser er
Enoch Howcr's ex'rs
J II Flanigan Ac
William 11 Brown
John A Lloyd
Tha Bank ifNor h'd
Mieiin s Office,
Sunbury. Oct. 7th, 143 . 4t. J
Jacoli .tlalicli, tlec'il.
A'oi 7i umhrrlaiul ( 'vunt yi .
AS the Orphans' Court of said county, at August
term 1843. On motion of ('barbs W. IL-giiisi
Esq., the Court gr,ni a rule on the heir and legnl
representatives of Jacob Mheh, la'.o of Augusta
township, Northumberland county, dee'd., lo appear
at our neil Orphans' Court to beheld at Sunbury,
for said county, to wit: on the first Monday ofNo.
vembcr next, and accept or refuse Ike tea! estate of
said deceased, nt the vnlua'ion, or shew cause why
the same should not be sold. Extiactcd from the
recotd, nnd certified Peptember 2."ith, A. Vi. IS Id.
Sept.3nih. 1S13. 3t Cl,,k. . C. j
HII.."l ASM'.lt, agaw, and " tor "tha" j
time, calls upon a'.'i who are indebted t
him, on book account or otherwii-e, lo come f. rward I
and make rettlern, ul. Those who neglect this no- j
lice will hnve their accounts placed in the hands of i
a Justice, for collection.
Sunbury. Sepi. 3ttlh IS 13. I
Eli Brobsl
Uobort M:fr
x . ,
i drautrgirn
David F Gordon
Christian Philips
Francia Bull's adm'r
J Houghendobler Ac
J dines Lemons ad in ra vs, jme Kipp
Dr Frederick 'i'lean William Grow
Tbumaa Ne.bil vs John T Maihiaa
Hame vs Same
Same vs Samo
David Watson vs Patrick Montague
PhdipWeUer t Joteph Wallisjr
Same vs Sime
Robert Philipa vs McCartee St Purdy
Henry Rupp v George A. Peter Shiley
Jonas Kelchner't (x'rs va John Peal et al
Abraham Htraub vs Jonathan Adams
Krs.U for Long va NichoUs Long's adm'i
. Protl.oriotary's Office, i I'rotK'y.
fSjnbury, Oct. SI, 1S43. $
! an alley, whereon are erected a large two story i Common Plena to be held at Sunbury, on the flrsl
t brick dwelling house, to which is attached a laijre j Monday in November next, to answer the complaint
j liame kitchen, a frame Blable, wagon heii, Yc. 0f (he easd Mary,
i Also: 1 wo certain contiguous lots
of ground s tuate in t'pper Mil'on aforesaid, and
inurkcd In the general plan thereof, ,o-, fiO ami nl,
bounded on lire r a-t hv the canal, on the south by
an alley, on tire north by a street and on (he west
by a street, w hereon are erected a large stone and
brb k steam mill, engine house, store house, Ac.
also ; a two story frame dwelling house, and a
1 frame stable.
Also: A certain lot of ground situate
j in l tie borough of Milton aforesaid, in that pari of
! raid town ralhd Lower Millon, fronting on Ma.
I honing street and bounded on the west by a lot of
John F. Wolfinger.Esq., on the cast by an Alley
and on the south by an alley, containing in width
I 3(5 feet end in length SCO feet, whereon arc erected
a two story frame dwelling house and a frame sta
1 hie.
t Also : A certain tract or piece of
j land situate formerly in Turbut, now Delaware
j township, Northumberland county, adjoining lands
' i f Robert McKee, Abraham Slaruer, Jacob Hoffman
' and others, containing 50 acres nji re or less, about
4S seres of which are cleared, whireon are erect
ed a two story log hou,e, and a log barn,
a large orchard, a good spring of water, Ac. ;
Sc led. taken i . ripi-nil,in. nnd Id be sold ns the
p'operty of William II. Miller.
j AUo: A certain tract or piece of
! I.;nd ntuatc in Augusta township, Northumbt rland
county, adjoining Unda of Aaron Robins, a lot of
Daniel Keller, land of John Myers, Mrs, ('la' k and
Peler Overdorf, jr., containing 30 acres more or
less, ubout 50 acres of which ura cleared, whereon
arc rrecled two log dwelling houses ; there are ul-C
two wells of water and same fiuil trees on said
BeitrJ, tsken in execution, and to le sold as (he
property of Duncan Myers.
Also: A certain tract or piece of
Lnd situate in Little Mahonoy township. ."Nor
ihmoheiland eountv. adjoining land of Daniel
Herb, Daniel Dornsief and others, conlaining 41
acre more or lets, about 23 arres of which are
cleared, wheron are erected a small log house anJ a
log barn, Ac.
Sailed , taken in execution, and lobcsjlJ as the
property of Henry Swinehnrt.
Also: A certain tractor piece of lnp-u,
situate in Chilisquaqua township, Nc;ihunu
berland county, adjoining land of Jarr,rl Cameron,
Philip Fount, Philip Folliner and Philip Long, con
taining fif'-y acres more or ia-a, neaily ill ol which
is cleared, whereon ar erected two story frame
housa, a fiame bank barn, a wsggou buuss, an or
cbud, a wdi (jf !C, dec.
t'nion Iinlcpcixlent liatttt-
hon ol oliiiilecrs, '
JtTOIIare rn nmnnded to mrrt !
f fir drill, in tclii. Gr. ve, cu !
Saturday the Slll day of October j
next. a( 10 o'clock, A. M., each I
member provided with 12 rounds ,
of blank carlri1lges, and ill full uni- '
form, eipilpM'd for drill, uyoijir
uf the Culunel.
All neigboring volunteer
c''mpaniea are respectfully Invited
to join in (lie parade,
Sept. 30. IK4.1.
many persons wl.o seen him du'tng his nflbetiou
I have thought it my duty, arid send you this reili
Itcale that utl Cis who have a like aflliction in the
family may know where to obtain ao valuable a
nuilicine. Yours truly.
Sept. lf, IS43 ly
Valuable Farm
W"WILL be sold, on Monday, November 0,
if 1813, nt the Court Houe in Sutibury , that
valuable tract of land belonging to the estate of
Christian Shipman, dic'd., containing ICO ai-n-s
more or less, f it'.ia'ed in AuguM-i township, .or
thtimherlnnd county, adjoining lands ol (learge
ICeefrr, Geoige Ha l, George Raker, and Daniel
Conrad. Conditions will be made known on the
day of sale. 1 . E W IS D E W A R T.
F.jrmttnr of ('hrmliiiil Shipnitn, i'cV.
Sunbury, Sepl. ICth, 181:1. 71.
General ConiitiNsiuit 31orcliaiits,
.Vo. '21 Cnwiirrre St., bilow 1'tfth,
Brandies, Li'pjors, AC, at the lowest prices,
for rash.
C. J. Wol.llFBT, jr. W.M. A. JiSXET.
August .rth, 1 "54 1. fiir, I
AMI II V cV liorAB', j
South. F.iiit corner vf Morkrl and ith
1 FSPECTFIT.LY inform the public, that they
will coiistiintly keep on hand a l.irgs u'smi
meiit of H its, Capr and Furs, lo suit the fall trade,
of the best quality. By strict attention to busi
ness, and by selling their Mork tt ihe lowest prices,
they flisicr iheniselves in being able to gie entire
s inslartiot. August F, ls1:'j"Jy
jAMks's smTtits
Wholesale t'lucli lNtaltllsltniriit,
No. Norih Tliinl Street,
7!M.i;r. is to le l.nrnd the largest
lie lias enjnye.t nt)( np,,n which will also be seen exact copies of
astonishment of j ,nP .,,.., ,, ,luw u.e, rc., tfl( rr,in,lrlh Fill
Phil idelehia, ofTice No. 8, North Pth street.
June Slth, 1813,
lini'l, AiMtrcwv A. iriiovcr,
Forwardinir ami (ei:eral Produce
.-.,:, Wharf nhurf Rn.f St . ot !.', Ihh.wvr,
Henry Farmtm A Co. .laivis, Tra'ouo V Cur l,
Bray, Barcruft, A Co. ! I.iuiiirile.
Williamson, Blirrougbs (!eo. i.uckey, A Co.
A, CinrhinnH.
Ecktl. fpatia'er ARaguel St. John Smith, Es.i ,
Reed, Bro. A Thorn i, Portland.
lingers, Brothers A Co. Joseph Souther, Esq.,
W. R. Thompson A. Co. i litxi.
Robert Mieen A Co. MIon. Wm. Biiiler,
.1. A J. It. ukert, CUnrfteld, Tf.
Mulford A. Al(er, Hendricks.
J. R. Wibh. V.'t. j Sunlury, Pa.
Thiluih Ipltici l. Humes, E-q.
David R. Potter, Esq. Robert Crane, Esq.,
Messrs. J. A P. Martin, Jtmry Short, Fa.
Ilarriihurg Vm, M h'elvy A Co.,
rn. I. Ilollnaie, esq
Lewis Hurford, Esq.
mikd to cine (or ri.
ibsea-es, rh-utr.
nnd fui feuolies, ( s a
C. I Is, Hull I'Ctlin' j:y
u cl the liver. Ac,.
i'o an I exeelleiit leir.Cily.
.. ii;.,.,
Voii Dr. Siliix Writ of n.nqluiinpltv.l, -V. Y.
Mr. Longley Dear Sir : I have Used your Oreat
West, ru Indian Panacea in my family , and have
repeatedly prescribed il lor patients unler my care,
and am ?atisticd that it is aUvays a safe, and in very
many cisc3 ;;n invaluable r.icdi.-tno. It npera'e p-t
a laxative without nauaea, or pain; and while it ef
fectually obviates costiverVfs acts upon the stomac'i
a ,d liver .u nn nltetjlive, correcting acidity, and re:
stormg the In a'.ihy condition ol those organs
. erv re-pectfnl'v vouis, S. WEST.
For sale by .Ilili.N W". Fnil.INti. Sunbnrv, .
M iy 2.i'h. Hid lv
i ll A 1M .1 :s 7lt I Hl I S
Jones, Murphy A Co.
E. A. Brown A Brother.
J. K. Moorehca l, Esq.
Morgan A Anderson,
(ieo. Pli'sl UiV, Efl.
.V. Iau '
Jutm 3d, It? III. ly
Walls A (ireen,
Lcu itburg, Fa.
T. W. Kin'z'ng it Son,
Lock- Jlax tit, I'a.
SieircttA, Potto-,
.ni', Fa.
'jiu Co , I'a.
Joseph P.txton,
i Cuhftifjia
for ni
eilv o
AS laken the . I'i -c
Hon. ( bailor (i. D-'iin-1. o;. ..-m
11 uiso. He wiil n'lcnd to burki.v in
' v l
h- C uri--
of Not ihiimbeiUnd,
May 2i)tb, HI:!.
t'uitin and Columbia C'on'ies-
J. D. Waters,
1 E-sPF.C TFI'LLY informs the citrons of t!i)
k- dorouch of N.
ar.u Us. vicinity.
of Clocks in tl.e I 'nited Slal. ,. aio.u !i which
arc Fotr-s'.il!r, Hill's (io..dii-.'n A ('o . At! ins,
Poit.l rV. ('.., Ive', Bn-v.sleri", and otiier Euh(
Kay Bias Clocks; C, Jerome's Piir'.d .Ma lec
turing Com-.anv, Atkin. Poil-'r Co.. Hill's,
Weltou a, and
; Boaidiii'ii A
f IlilF. subscriber bag on hand, (left wiih him for
JL tale,) a handsome assoriinrnt of elegant
llrui C'lodii,
warranted Rood, which ht is authorised to a. II at
eight and nine dollars. 'Tho same kind t-f clocks
hate been lately felling by Pedlars, from SO to
dollars. Tliote who want barga ns should cull
soon. H. B. MASSFR.
tJanbury, Aujut C. It-
(.oniric. A V,o., Forreatvi!e
other T'.nrty Hour lira's Clocks
NVe". Hopkins A Alfred':, 11 . (', t inilh's, and
'..ilier Wood Chvk-j. .
Sole Ag.c.t lor (rams Celebrated e..r
Month ( to'iks, as :vell as rcv'eral of (he nbove nitli
lioned. Al-o : Cl.uu-h and Hall Clocks.
(T y Waichmukers, Merchants and others, will
find it to (heir intctc.t (o rail,
Looking (ilatscs nunuf atic-rel.
Philadelphia, AugiM ,r, CJl;). rtoi
f jHE subseiiber will sell ell hi- t. k .1 He.vrr,
1 Russ a and Hals, of (lie 1 S( quility, at
veiy red uced iice.
tsunbury, Aug. ft. H. B. MAssER.
1 I In ( Vlilntf "llin hiiM' f ur Kale.
fpllE ulwrilr ofTei f r sale a 'I'll RESlll.NO
1 MAt'HINE, ne and iii good oid.r. 'The
M j bine hai t e. ii tried, an 1 proves to be an ec. I
lenl one tl w dl be sold at a reduced pn-e, and
wa-rantrd. App'y lo II. U. MAiFli.
July Ul, l4-l.
.Manufacturer of Writing nml Imlclli
ble Ink, Nn. lthi North Third Street, fix
tlfiors below Rave, east tsiile,)
' t EsPEC'TFl'LLY informs country rr.errhann
1 k. ,il others, that he co:i-tantly ke-pj on hand
a laic st. ck of hi supeiier Black, l' nnd Red
Ink, nnd ulso a superior quality rf IndeHiblo Ink.
II. o i.ik '.s pul up in bottles varying in size, fr. on
1 lo W'i ounces, and Vi'.I be sold on reasonable
ten. is. '11. c i xcell-. ol qualities of thia ii.k ha? f-o
thoroughly cstr.bllshcd its character, that it is now
rten-iely ured throughout ihe couiitry.
For aU at iho store of H. B. Missrr, Pun
bury, p.. May 2?th, lt:f. tv
for the ;' tJ SuulliV orlh .'oi.r'If
tm tii'T Corn jH): nfs
WhcjIl-ius': No. Minor Street,
HF. following kinds coiifiaclly on hand, and
fur sale lo iho I'r.ido ai the IovvcpI market
I pr c. i : I me tine!; Flat Cap?. I'.', 11, aid Hills.,
1 lil le nnd while ; Evir.i fucrr, ai d sopernne Folio
Po-i, N,.e mi l nlrte; Exira super Packet and
C'-soitiei.-i,,! i,.s', ! due and white; Extra s;ier
Linen Note pae.s, long ; do. bread; so-iniie an.)
fine Counting liousoCups. Id no and while Extia
super Congn ss Cirp.i and Letters, plain and iu!ed,
blue und while ; Sup. rone French i hosts, t.itu nd
ruled ; Su erfine Senrion Ca and Posts ; Si pel fine
sod fine Caps and Ports, ruled ari l plain, blue and
white, v,.ri .us cjuahtics and pricei.
Also Bonnet BouicU, 'Tissue, Euvel.ipe, Wrap-
!... und Hardware P"pir, Ac, Ac.
Mv 3), IH43 fiu
ougli ot .xortliumbctb'.nd,
lhat he has cotnmrneed Ibe
i'atloritiu: !(",
in a'l its various brnnche, i;i the shop i-irnirily
occupied by Henry S. Tli.-mas, c!irccllv oppo-ilu
Forsvtli's store. As b.e rec. ives tho New York
and Philadelphia Fashions ipniterly, be is ena'. led
to do all jobs en'rustvd to him, atler tho r.eatestnnJ
latest style, and upon the sh utesl notice.
Northuin! rr'.aiid. Apiil I. 1 1-1. 1 y
a ni el Yariek.
EliS h ave to inform ihe citizens of Si-ti1 ins"
and its vicinity, thai he bis commenced ihe1
11 LA C K S?.l Iii I ! N ( S l r SIN I : SS,
in Ma kt sire.:, Sunhitiy, east of J.-hn It -g h'-'
tl'.o po-t nlfice, where In'
s'.ore. and I'irccily i ppo
intends lo c rry on (ho'!, including, Tu
tt.rl .
lo.-mess in
all il- vail.'
, r &:?!, ii.i:; t
r- w dl be pro
to, ar.J v.-oik doi.e i
il 7 Hot "1' SIi K-ing d
Sur.bitrv, A ri
b. 1 '
. I I-
: - NN,'.
- , dc.
o..i: u! . :
r I'.iin.t.y
r fell.
, ' t
11 n p 1 i ii I r w i 11 ,
I'.sl'I.C TFI'LLY informs l-.ii lii.u!- a.-.,t
old eu-toim "is. that he ha Iviliove,' ' is
Hutuw sum: '.vM.7..sny:.v
to the liaoie bni'-lmg adoining his: dr.-lling house
benvecn llol atnl 1 r. 1 '. T. Tn'.es' clliee, a few ilo ns
I west of bis eld cstal L.diiiieiil, in Maikrt strict
l where he ii .tends (i carry en Ibe above bnsrres
ir iinisiTi Iv. i i all i.'v i.r.-oi.s tircmhts.
liiing thankful fur pas fivois, he hopei, by strict
attention lu I ii.-oies.-, und liberal ch-irge:!, to pin'
j general rati-l.-.. t.oii ; and that be v iN continue to n '
I evive 3 lilt-rot .bare i.t ju'-l.c ;.air-r.u
j April Htb, 1 si !.