PWii ii ill IMAK NOTE 1,1 8 T. ITAXSVLVASU. The f Uowinr; show the current yslue of all Pennsylvania Rniik Notrs. The mo't implicit re-ianr-p may I placed upon it. lit i( i trrry wrek Mr("nilv compared with oi d Corrected from Ri.k jelf Reporter. iranks In niillniielrliln. Na Location. l'lf.C l Philav. pnr . nr par . par . ; r par par )ur I'" I" NOTES AT PA R. Bank of North America . . finnk of the Northern Liberties , Commercial Hunk of PcntiV . , Farmera' and Mechanics' Bank . Kensington Dunk . . Philadelphia Bank rhu Ikill Hunk i'cr.ihweik Bank Western Bnk . , Me.hatiica' Bank Manufacturer' , Mechanics' Bonk Country Rtink. Rank of Chester County Wertcheter Rank (.f Delaware County Chester Bank cf Oprmantown" Germantown flct.k of Montpcrriery Co. No'ri'nwn Dnylfrown Bank Dovtestown ai:cn Rank Eastoti par par par par pur par pt.r Thpfp ofTicrs 'W Rnnk of Buck CO Drfto1 Off.ct i f Bank (j( Pcnn'. do do nrV Jo Jo Office do tU NOTES AT fh-.nk nhl.o TV'- Car.k of Penn Township Gi'ar.I Bunk Moyamensing B'Hik Bank of Pennsylvania Minera' Bank of Follavillc' t'unk of I.ewiatown tlank of Middlttown Brink of Nrrthnmhprlnnd Hmrishn'g' 1. Lanonarrr Reading Eastern lo not I ,(1U, DISCOUNT ! cT.Uicrirnia pr If! par tr r 5 'i 'V i i i i i i 1 1 JC 3 1 ot'ivill. Lpwiffrt" n Middlatown Nnrthurrhi':! t.'nlumhia Baiik Sc nriJgt co. Colon. hia farhulp Rack Collide Exil.auire liai.k Pil(! ore Do d'. lri),ch of Doll davtli J 1 n;n,rr!' B:,nk of I atn-nst-r" Lniicsari oiKMi-tcr t'ruiily B ink Lnnenalfr Pa'rripra' Bunk ol ReuJit g R adiiig Hanikbuiff Bank Ilarrifhurg I.-.ncaf er B'ir,k l.anraa'tr l.el'anon Batilc Lebanon M n-han's' & Mnnuf Bank" Piiiahura; Rank nt Piitaliurg Pillhbuij Vt at Bianrh B .nk Willian.npfirt Womip(t Bank Wiikeiharra N'orthan'ptoti Bsnk Allentown Beka Conntv l'ai k trading Off.i e of Bank of IT. 8. Pitteburg Do do do Erie Do do do New Brighton Kentinatnii Pav, Tna. A do Tenn Townahip Sav Ine. do Par k of Chitmberr-hurg Chambe raburg Fark of Gettysburg" Grttyaburg Bitrik of iuquehanna Co. Montroi Erie Bark Erie r'rr,rr'cV Drovera' Bank Vl'aynerbrjrg Pjanklit' Burik Vahine!on Hulirrdale Bji k Hoi endala Mot on?nhpa Bank of B. Brownaville Vork Bai.k Yotk 75 ilrd d.i do 45 4 1 M N. B. The notea r.f those bat ka on which wo omit quotationa, and anhatitute a dnfb ( ) are not punhaifd by the Philadelphia brokcra, with the rtctj tioi) of thofC which have a letter of I. fcrincc. BROKEN BANK S. Philadelphia Sav. In Philadelphia Loan Co. f chuylk ill 6&v. Inf. 'Manual Labor Bank (T I'owai.dn. Bank Allegl any B.u:k of Ta. Bai.k of Beaver Diink of watura at:k ot Wnsliiuton l.'eiitie Uni,k City Bmi k I'hilailt lj.hia do do Dyott, prop ) Towanda Bedfotd 'ever Hntril ui(f Wanhii.Rton Bfll.fol.!0 Pitti-butg I'lltaburg Fay cite co, (ifreticoft e I ' 'in. oi, y J. t nation ' -- on V Till Di.r.l-.-rT failrd fnilrd f.iled fjiled te no sule clofrtl rlot'cd faihd cl od no tale failed ftllr.l failed no alp no sale no (all) fa ilco1 no aule chrl no tale cloaerl w Farmer' A. Me h'ce Farmt'ln' A: MeehVa' Fn: n lb' A Mi i Ii'i ;;j tr.otii ii.- Bunk Bunk H..i k wnil i run i rK Northern liat !t i f Ntw Hope Del. BriJtre Co. Northumb'd Union t.'ol. UU lSortli Weatern Paok of Pa. OfEce of 8rhu Ikill Bank Pa. Asr. i: Manuf. llunk Silver Lake Bank Union Bsnk of Penn'a. Waslmorelend Bank Wilkrtbarie Btidge Co. Ntw Hop Milton Mpadsilla Port Carbon Carl:.! Monti oae Uniotitown fuilrd cloied failed clored Greenaburg Wilkeibarre noaale (JTj" All note pinjoitiiig to be on any Pennt-yl-vania Bank not given in the above lut, oiay he act down as fraud. jr.rtS'r.T. Sank of New Biurswick Brmiawiik fa ill d Belvidei Bank Burlington Co. Bar.k Commercial Bank CuuilrUod BJi.k Fatmeu' Buit" Farmer' arid Metbank-a' Bk Ptttmera' and Mechanic' Bk Farmers' ar.d Mrrchenta' Bk Franklin Bark of N.J. Belvider Wedford jar Pinh Amboy Brideton pr Mount Holly par Kabway N. Biunswick failed Midd!tt:wn Pi. i JrtKi City failed Hobtken Bkg& G:iui Co Hnhokrn failed futle.l failed falle.l U failed 4 pai JtxHy City Bank Mtchanu' 13..ik Jri4-y City ratteisiiii Bellexill Morratown F if huh Nfi:k Trenton Jtisty City Maiiufncturet' Bank Merri County Bank" Monmouth Bk ot N. J. irehaniea' Bai.k" Mechenic' and Msrof. Bk Morrif Canl nd Lkg Cu Poi t N uts No'jik Bko. A Ir. Co ;. Hope W; Brul-e Co N J. Nluuul.o. Hid likt Co N .1 1 ioie( &. l.oi'il ulil I k ((...line R.ii.k l'u Hi n Uai k 1. pli-' liaiik Pin e iiO lixi k i. m Ii 'i kuiK o Si t. U ioa t;i o Bin1. 8 atr B..i.k lHti' U ii k of Mini State Bunk hulem nd Philad Co Sura.x l ank Tienton Bin kii g IV I'ni n Ui.nk V abinglon Banking Co. CO tslf i Kewaik 1 air.leittMiie lli.lokni Jei-iy C ny I Iraopp Pa'ermn i f;olLl fhiled i failed do Princeton li m Newark I. hi iLtilitewn 'Hiu.lrn Morrulown Tri moil tali ui Nt avion Tienton Dvr Haekcnaaik pui .r i i par i failed i DELAWARE. B. cfWi VN i mington par U ilmu.gion par Smyrna )' Milto-d r llovti par W'. ton par I i, ,. p, town par Nisi it! par V i o ii 1011 par Bai V ol Delaware Km k I Sn ma Do I laneh Fan... e .1 . I. . h i Li ! ' ,.1'hi.k n kei! thu there ere cf if? lewr io... ui rr..i 4 W160S Tbe best method f,ir lit Ahal! lion nf fhstaar in to thawe nnd purify the Body. I'.IJIAX TEGCTADLG ril-laS op TUB .Vwfft .fWr'rvm Coltepr ef TTeeilth, Art; no.v t.cknnw ii!ff to he i,e liprt Medicine in the World for the cure of EVERY VARIETY OF DISEASE. inn('At.'?R they completely cleanse the to ft H ma.b and bowels from th. e billious and cor rupt humors wl !ch are the causa not only of Headnihe. Giddiness. Pa'pitntion of the Heart, Pirn in the Bore. Rheumatism end Gout, hut every mnlin'T iteidert to mon. SAID INDIAN VEGETABLE PILL are a certain cure for in teimitiont, tcmiittJ, nervous, inflnmstory and pulrid Fever, because they c!eano the p.idy frcm those moibid hrmnrf, which, when confinedjothe circu lation, are ihe cause of all kinds of FEVERS. So, n'tttt, wupn the iimt impurity ii deposited on the membitue and muacle, causing pin, inflama lions and swelling called RHEUMATISM, GOI T, Ac. Wright' Indian Vegetable Pill may I e relit J en as alwar 'Prtuin lo give rilief. and if persevered w ith, arcordlne1 to dirrrtion will mot aaamrdly, end wiThout frit, rroke perfect ro e of ihe ahove pninfi 1 n nladie. From throe to fit of eaiil IniUnn VrRplnlile Pill tnken evrry n'Kht o iof tohnl, nill h a hmt time o e-mplctily rid tlip hiii'y from rvery thipp thai i opp"nl t heahh, that Rl pnnii.ti ni, Corf, and p:.'m of evert iVacrip tinn.wi'l K lii. rally DRIVEN FROM THE BO DY. For the a rre tearon, when, (mm amllen cliai jea nt a'rro rti'te, or anv o.npr ewe, mr pr- hiiiiii If uikmu, miu III iiw';,M1B ,,...-... pva off bv th- iVin are tlm wn inwardly. causiUK rea, psmtn ihe n. nrs, wa'eiy aim irn imrn re--, cor throat, hoarfpnp a, cone! a, runaiimplioiis rheumatic pain in v.iiious arta of li e body, end innnv oth.r avmptom f CATCHING COLD, Wright's Indian Vegetable Pi'ls will ineriblv dive iirnifdi ile ti lief. From thtee to sir of said Pills taken every t'icht on p"intr. lo bed, will in a aViort time, not only remove all the above unplea int e;mtom, tut the body will, in a short time, ho reatorrd to even aontnter henbhlhan bofme. ASTHMA, on DIFFICULTY OF B!;FT!T. INti. Wright's Indian Vrttaflr ri'.will loos en and enr y oil", by the stomach ar.d howeia, thorp toojjli phb rmy humor, which atop up oil the air rella ot the lunpa, nnd ore the cause, not only of the atT e di Ti n i; c-n'pla'nt. but w hen nee'ecteil, often iirn ii a'es in that mo ediradful tna'edy cs'le.l CONSUMPTION. D .hoti d bea'arneo,t i tl.a' Wrlgh'f I.idu.n Vegetable VilU ere a certain cute for PAIX IN THE SIDE, Oppression, n..u ea, and aickness, lo-s of spin t'oe. costiten. ts. s yrllow tinge of ;he ikin ai d eyes, and iTery other symptom f a ti'tpid or d si aed a'ate of the liver ; lecauae they purse from the body thoae impurities which if dipoaitsd upon this important org-in, are ih- eau- of e-ery variety of LIVER COM PLAINT. hn a natii n is eornulaeit ly iiot , oU'br. iiks and retfllion the only means ofpr.vpm. ing the dreadful consequenrra of a CIVIL W AR. i to expel all traitor, and evil diaposid one from the country. In like manner, when piin or sick ness of any kind, indicate that the body i strug gling with intin bI foea, the true reined v i to EX PEL ALL MORRID HUMOR.", (traitors to heahh and bfe,) Health will be the certain rrtut. That the principle of curing di-eae. by r!eunipg nnd purifying the hodv, i mictly in accord inre with the laws which forrn Ihe aniinul ccor.oniy; nnd if properly canted out bv Ihe use of the a'mve named WRIGHT'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PILL, w ill (eilaiuly reaull in the cotnpli te Alo I'tion of Diieaae ; we offer the following tcMimotii als, from peron of Ihe h'ghekl re-pectiibiliiy in New York, who have iccpiitiy been cuied of thp most obatinate complaints, solely ly the use ol Wbiobt's Ihthan VrntrinLK Pills, uf the Ni-rih American College of lliu t,h: JaMitri, L. I., Juno fib. T S M . Doctor William Wright Dear Sir It i with preat sati-faction I inform you of my haing been mtirp'y cured of Dyspepr-ie. of five year staiidu g, ly the ufe of your Ixn a.i VrctrAinr. Pin.s. Previous to meeting wi:h your celehratnl nodi cine, I had been under the hards of several Phvjt- cii i a. at:d had tried va'iou n-ediiinia; but all t j no e::ect. At'er uMi.g one o cei.t io el your Pd's, howrver. I expiricrced so much beoel'.t, th jt J I reMlvid to ptr-eteie in the us uf them aecoiding ; lodirecliot , which I em h py to e'a'e, to result- . ed in a ptrf.ct cure. Ingratitude to you fr the grpat benefii I have received, and also in ihe hope ihat othrra similarly affiictid may be induced to muke tiisl of your cxiraotdir.iry niedicir.e, I send you tlna atatenunt with full liho.ty to publish the iamp, if vou think proper. Your, ckc. New Voik, June 19,1841. G.C. BLACK. Mr. Eiihaid, agfiit for Wright' Indian Vegetable Pills. Dear Sir 1 have been afflicted for eeveral yeara with inward weaknera and general debility, acorn panied at times with paina in th side and other iliatresfii g complain'. AfM having tried various medicine wi'hontefli ct. I w as pprau nled ly a fm n ' 10 make trial cf Dr. Wight's Imlian Vi gptl,p Pills which I am happy lo state, have relieve! o e in a mosi w, ndi iful iiianui r. I have ued ib me dieii.e, as yet but a hoit tm e. ami have no ('out. t, ly a perseverance in ihe ue of the accor ding lo direction, th.l I shall in a abort time i e perd city le-toie I. I niol willii glv recomniet d said TiTe til all per son eimtlurly etUtc'ed. ard in the full belief that the iiitnr l ein Peial resu t ill f l! nv ibeir ue. I re msin jou.'i sitectely. HENRY A. FOOTK. Wiwarinp, Uls'cr cj. N. Y. Niw Yojik, Sept. 141. Thia ia .n cnt fy that I have used SVnich r's iM.iiN ViaiTll Pms with the greaieiil bet e ft; hawi'ir m'iri Iv cuied myM-lf uf tie frequent at tacks of Sick Headai he, to uhicli I ha4 p'pviiu.'y I c.n sidject. ANN MARIA THOMPM).. 295 Greenwich 'r.t. N. Y. To Mr. Rithu 1 Pmnis, Agent lot Wright's lu dijn fgetabli; Villi. VJt V TI OJS". As there are st this time many wicked perFON b.isi'y V e. i . . I in selliin: a eounterfeii medicine no- di r li e iii.u.e of ibe liniiun i pel il le rill. and as these ilevtr:iie ruin are so uuerly reeklim of tin (, ttist many valuable I ven may Ih- lost in ctie uuence ol Uktnc their dreadful cntmmuiidt., be I'url e are cautioned againat puicnaking any bill, mi Iks on the (iilesof rtie hnita ihe foiluwii g wording t found : WRIGHTS INDIAN VEGETABLE FILI S. (liidwn Purfiutixt ) or tri snuTi AMKHiri rtiiLtna e hsiith. And ilse to le e.peeii-'ly cartful against purcha sing said of any per.on enepi the regu lar s.lveriisei! agen' AGLXTS FOR AO A THUMB FRLA fD CO, Pennsylvania. H. B. Mssser. Sunl'iiry V m. Forth. Nor thumberland Jeoi llsas. 8 aiimkm - Hmui I Herb, M il.onoy Hverly A D. lis -. Annua Thomas Former, k'.lilon liei. i d et Mi-i. l, Mi Ewei.sxi'le E S. I per. Turhuisvd e James l.'ied. Poller. r II. Klan-, Snub rstown II. H. KicrUI. P. M Eliebtrg P. O. Win. Lei enrinp, P M. I l.ion ('inner. Oince and Grneiul 1), rH f.r the sule of ei-I Wright's lJ:u Xruetutdc Pi.'tt, c't- IM . N;. ifj f.ACE S 1 I. I li 1 1 Al' I j PHF.a.. M.y 21, 184J. ly ROSE OINTMENT, FOH TCTTm. ntNowoRMA, MMn.ra on thi rxr:, and othkii rt'TANrousj rtirrrtoNa. The folnwitiq certtfen'e desrribe on? iftht most tatrairrdinary curet ever effrcted by any njflication. Piitr.AnrteniA, Fohrtiary 10, 18113. IOR twenty year I was severely afflicted with Tamil on the Face and Head: the disease commenced whpn I was seventeen years old, and continued until th Fall of IfilG, Varying in vio lence, but without ever disappearing. During most of the time, great part of my f ce was covered with the eruption, frequently attended with vio'ent itch ing; my heid swelled at times until it flt a if it WotiM buret the swelling was so gieit, thr.l I con'd scarcely get my hat on. During Ihe long period that I was afflicted with th disease, I used a great many j plications, (among them several celebrated preparations) a wi It a taking inward remedies, including a number of bnttlca of .Tit-rum' Fanacea, Extract of Faraprillt, Sre, In fact, it would be impo'eible to enumerate all the medicines I used. I was a I so under the cre of two of the most dis tinguished phyaicisns of this city, but without re ceiving much benefit, and I despaired of ever being cured. In the fill of I83fl, the diseae nt the time heing very violent, I commenced uaine the Rttte Ointment, (p-epnred bv Vauaban & Divis.) Ill a fi w application the vio'ent itching cicd, 'he swelling nbaied, Ihe rui rion beg m t.i disii pear, and liefore I hud used a the di-ese was psjtirpir cured. It has now leen nearly a y ar and a half since, and there is not a vptige of ttip dien,e re, c ,r' "r"rn ih1' ,'r'P pi' formed by th di.-eae. It ia imp. ssible for me to rVsr-fe ( in a efrtificaie the severity of the disea-e and my scfT. ri."p-hul I wiil be p'eiard lo give a fjller ae count to anv person wnnttrfj further eatisfacli m. who will cull on nie. At the time I commenced ii. ing the R se Ointment I would have pi'en hun diedc of ilo'hus to bo rid of the disease. SSince u sinj; it. I have recommended it l sever l persons, ainong them my mother, who had the di.eaie bad ly on her a-m.) w ho w. re n'l cured bv it. J AMES DDRNKLL, No. 15fi, Race St. iTj- TI e Rose Ointment is prepared bv E. B. Vnu-ihan, S ,u h Esl corner of 'I'hirJ and Race lie. t, Philadilpbin, and o!d on spencv in Sonbti rv, bv II. B. MASSER, " May 14th. TP 13. Agent. litosc CHntmciits for Teller. A PROOF OF ITS EFFICACY. PHttiniT.rHti.Mny 2tl, lSo!. rPH!S is to certify it at I was srvere'y fH ced w ith '1'cttcr in the hands and f. et for upwards of fortv year ; the disease was attended generally with violent itching and swelling. I applied to a riumhtrof phyaici .ns, and used a great many appli ca'ione without effecting a cure. About since, I appl.ed the Rose Ointment, which entirely stopped ihe jich nij.and a few applications immedi at, ly cured the divease, which there has been no rtturn of, although I had never been rid of it at any time for forty vear. RICH AND SAV AGE, Eleventh, below Spruce Street. ry- The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. B. Veuchan, S iuth East corner of Tbinl and Race Street, Philadelphia, and sold on SKencv in Sunbu iv by H. B. MASSER, ' May 14th. 1S4. tB'"!' MEDICAL APPROBATION Of the ROSF OINTMENT, for TttUr. LTHODGH ihe superiority of ihe prepaia'ioii over nil others t fully i s abli.hed, ihe pr .pr e- tors take pb nure in hiving before ihe public the following certificate from a re-peetable physician, j a graduate of the University of Peunsilvrnia. Dr. Bunch, having found in this teinedy that relief f r a lediolisaud dingrreibo affection which the mean within the range of his profession failed to afford, has not hci-i'oUd to give it his appmbntion, although 'he piejiidiees and interests cf tbat prole;sion ate i pposed to secret Remedies. Pllllll IMUl , Sep'. 19, lSHfi. I was recently lioubbd with a tedious herpetic eruption, whiih coveicJ renrlv one si te, of my f u c, nnd extendi d over the ear. Mr. Yuuyhan, proprie toi of the Roue Ointment, oletving my face, msi-- te.l on my tiying his pre p.trntion. of whiilt he han ded me a jar. Although in common with the mem bers of inv profe.-sioii, 1 ilis.,iuiittnanre and dii-op-prove ol the inifr.e.oua npstruma palmed upon the public by ir.or int pri tenderi., 1 feel in jua ice b. und toeii-ept the Kore Ointment from iha' c'a a of nie dicines, ami to pive it my approbation, as it entire ly Hired the eruption, although it hid resisted the uvss applications. DANL. BAUGH, M. D. rj" The Ro-e Oinlment is prepared by E. B. Vainihan, South Ent of Third and Race Sheets, Pliiiade'phia, and sold on sgenev in Sun II. B. MASSER, May 14:h. 1i4n. Ag'nt. J. IVIAV LANE, JR. & CO. Snufl' end Tobacco Manufacturers, No. D9 North West cemtr cf Race und Third Streets PIHI AI ELPIIIA. 'T'HE niider-igiie.l have formed s Co-partnership - under ihe firm of J, M YLND Jh. At Co.. as niivf.t.itt l.i ihe t0t fi,,p 0f Jnenb .tttylbnd 4 Co., t.rt.1 w ill c iiiiinue ihe l unne-s st ihe nil esta-bli-hmeiit, cn their own account. In ntbli'ion to their own close a'teniinii hi d for nihiiy the manufacture i f their eelehruti d snnll', Ac, ti n I. rs 1 1 pi I'fncc nf ii e kenior pa lt er of the l.i'e firm, will l,o be devntid to 'be u.tere-t i f 'he new concern and as no exertion aid c ire will le spared lo insure their Roods, a' aM litm of ihe ve ry ret ijui.iny, tiny ..ic;t a contii uance ol tti. rnnfidti.v'e ol ihe fi ends and cio-ioiner of ihe late firm. THOMAS ADAMS, J. MAYLAND, Ja. Philadelphia, Miv 1 lib, 143. ly EAGLE ZfiSEET t3H 'YSZ 33- (Jorntr i t Th rd und Vine Slrrels, WIt.r.IAIVISrORT, PA. THE ul'scriher respeelfnllv annoMiics 1 1 the public, that he b opened a Hotel in the com modulus brick building s toate on ti e corner of I hud and Pine atreets, where he wol be bappv l.i w ait i p-'ii those who may favor hiin wilo iheii eompai y. The E iple Hotel is laige end conveni ent, sr.d furr.ished in tbe be-t nv detp ah le. i i-pr-ivuli d witti a latge nun her of wrll aired ami foinf. rl.ible sleeping apartment, rooms, private parlors, A e. Persona visiting Williamsport on bu tiiirssor plta.ure, n av ret.1 as-ur. d that every ei irtion W'll I used to rn der their sojou'ii at the "Eagle lltt I" ph asant and agrieable. His Table will be ni pliid with the very best ihe market ef fort!, and bi t ar with the choicest wines and other liquors ihaiges re sonalde. The Facie Hottl possesses greater advantages in point of location than any othei similar islahlisbmenl in the borough, being aituate in the business purl of the town, and within a Convenient distance of the Court House and Wi'hamspnrl and Elmira Rail Road D. pot. Sufficienl Stabling provided, and good nJ trusty ntl'ir always in sli.-iidan.-e. Attentive, seeon riiotlsling nd hore t Servants have bt en t mi-loi ed. ai d notl log h fi urid ine that will add to tbe eomfint and aco tnmoiU'.ion of his euci-is. I tore will bv a earriaer slwavs in sMsi'dance at the It.iat Landing lo convey pssaci ger to and from the House, trie ol cnaie, t'HARS.ES BORROWS M.y 1 1th, 1 tf I- H. B. lAGSSPa, ATTORNEY AT LAW, suiTBtjnv. rA. Duafnets attended to in the ('ounties of Nor thumberland, Union. Lycoming and Columbia, HeiTe-r Int Tun iw as HiriT Ac Co.. I.nwr.n clc Bianof. Hart, CtrwMtsioa & Habt, r&itad. littxoina, Mc r ah t. ti ti A Co. Spkbiko, 'iooit cV Co., To C'oiinlry MERCHANTS. rPHE Subscriber, Agent of Lyon V Harris, Hat Manufucturcra, for New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and other large cities, whoay at are highly commended fir joorf tolot atid diu-nbility, ha on hand a first rule assortment of HA TS and CAPS, suitable for Spring silos, which will be ohl very low, fm cash or appioved credit, at the ntted cheap store, No. 0, North Third strol, oppjsi'e Ihe City Hotel, Philadelphia. ROBERT D. WILKINSON. Aent. N. D. Order f.if Hat in the rut;., promptly attended to. Th highest price in tush or trad given Fur ikiru. Phil.idelphia. June 11, 1841-ly Tw(rB nrr jr. jsZ" I.I. perna inthhted to tb.e linn of Lvon A Harr-, under It e ag'ticy oft. ,N. Tbacber. H it nnd Cap Mnnuf xhircri. No. 40 North Third, street. Phil nh Iph a, are n-qneated to make immedi ate ettlement of ih ir , counts with the Mi'.scriber, their legally au'horired ngeut, who is fully i mpow. n settle and colli ct tbe acioui.t of said firm. ROBERT U. WILKINSON, June 4th, 191?. tf Airfnf. GOTTnEN SWAN No. 00 North Third, nlmv Arch ISIrttt, PHILADELPHIA. AcrovMopvitoMsi rnrt nrvFTV rrt.osi. p!!A RLES WEISS. .i-e the "Wl.i e Swan." - and "Mount Vernon Mouse." respectfully in forms his friend- and cns'i mors, that I e I a become the proprietor of the abov well known Hotel. Coun'ry Meichnnts will f ml ihe above llo'el a central location, and the bcM of fare Pi-rson tra velling with private conveyance will find a latpe yard and good stabling for Iiore, and Ihe beat of osl'eia. Boardinc f 1 perdav. Mav llih. 11?. if. , 14 (-ommissinn ft ForworJitir; Merchants, Foot of Willow Sirtrt Rail Road, or the i.inwiir, I TTAV1NG aoc:atid rih them Joseph Barret, I ---liteof Eastoii. Pa., t snectfully inform their ! fnerds and Ihe public gei era'lv. that they hnvt ta. ki-n th t large and we I known store and wharf st foot of Willow Street Railroad, lately oecupie I by Jacob Martin, where they purpose doing a (Jem ral (.'ommi-sion and Forw aiding BuineMs, and fiom ihe local advantaePs of thp place being cot in CieJ with nil the public improvements that have their out'el in the citv, they flutter thrmeles they will be able to do I usiuess to as great, if lint g'Ca'cr ad vantage, and upon as reasonable leiins as any other house, and they assure their frienda that any con signment mjde to them shall have tin ir strict at tention, and uo excitiuti ipati.l to give entire satis fiction. They ar also prepared to receive ar.d forward t poods to any point on the lleliw-ure and l.ebigh rivers, between Mauch Chunk, EaMmi ami Philn dt 1 liia, via Deluware Divisii n and Lehiph Can .N; also, to nnv point mi ihe Juniata river, er North and Wi st lb a in he. ol the Su-tiiehanna via Sehuy h kill and Union, or tho Chesapeake nnd Tide W.itei Cana's. For the accommodation of Boa's pom'tr g or po. ine via cbuvlkill and Union Cunals. a Sieiinl oat will bo ki pt expressly f ir towing tiouta from the Schuylkill around to the Delaware and hack, which j w ill en d ie merchant to have their produce deli- ve ed on the Delaw ,ne, nnd their goods shipid at a saving ol CO to 75 per cent. o tho puces f.r h iuIii p acios, with these advantages they ie stiii rttully solicit a share of patriate. W. 1IE1LMAN & CO. William IDllman. ) V Ihani V. Kt ) sc, s Jo. phBarnet. 3 R1'''1"1 May 1 4. M-l)y BOLTON & CO. Conri al 'omnilsslon !tlc re Hants, For the Sale of Flour, Cruin, Seed, Ac, 5 f . RESPECTFULLY inform their Iriends and ihe Merchants generally, that they have ta ken ihose large end commodious Whsrv, w iih two Dork, ninth of Chenut street, on the D. lawtre, together with ti e store No. 19 South Wharves, wteielhey would he pleased to receive consign ment of (.ra n, Fl. ui. Seed. Wbi-key, Iron. Ac. Ac. Peii g aim well prepared t forward oil kind rf Mi rchuiiiltse by Ihe Scliuvll.lll and Union, or by the Cbe-apt eke and Ti.te Water Cann's, as tow boat are kept ixpiessly foi the purpose of towing bents by ei I ei mu'e. Mercbai la will pie i be parlit ular to send the good destined by ei'l er eai sb, t . No. 19 South halves, bilwitn M ui h tl and (MickiiiiI str.e's, on the Dt laware. tv ith dm cti"ii accomp .nying ihein which route they wish it. em to lie shipi e l. fj" Flai r and all for sa'e, al iln lowest n ar ket pi i. e. BOLTON Si C". March 19. lsit.t. No. 19 South U hiives. !Mfiti:itT au i i:at & miv, FArGIt IIAIfUrACTtJnEIlE, Lombard fstirtt, iuttlinn e, HAVE Coiu-lantlv for ale. Hriinili'4 Paper of st sixes und qtiahtn s. ('an Writing Paper, luhd j and pi . in, belter l'p r, w I ,e mid I lue, ruled and plain. Hanging Paper, fine and common, Envelope r h er, do. do. ineilium, dcub h eiown, crown and extusued Wrapping Pa ers. Cob -led Medium and Royal i r t. Po.'.int. lin.i'era and fcimw lloi Hoard., T...i,e Pap. r, i.nd u!i ail dm in ' her 1 lie. whieli itiey wnl .til on t.cci anu)Ja:i:.2 tuu.s. H ghe,t price given f u old tags. Ii ) BERT CARPER A- SON, March 19. IH43. Eikton, Md AN sine e unequalled for cleaning and giving a highly durable and most brilliant p,dsh to .li ver, German silver, Braes Cop i, Biittani ware, Tin, fit el, Cullety, and for redonng the lustre on varnirhed carriage ', &c. THlf II'. Prepared an t sold al wholesale and retail, ly lb Susquehanna Chrysolite Pulub Comi ny, Oweg, Tioga county, f. Y. WM. FDRNVTH. Agent tor Northum'd, H. B. MASSER, Agent for Suubury. November 20th, IMS. II. TK UI)KWi:j5i LAST 1MAXCBR, No. 71 Callow hit) Street, 1'hiLJeljjhia C Three ultn Second. J S.y Findings always kepi on hand, which b( oilers for sale on lh luw4 term. Country Meichanl re paillcllUrly to C ill ud judg fol' iheuutlves. PhlUcklih:, Novcnifer 13, tP4S.w-lv. G. V. & L. B. iflkFFER FOR SALE, at the South East Cor 1 Jf ner of Fifth and Market Streets, Philadel phia Mena' Calf-akin Bootn, stitched w arranted. do do do pegged do 'u do do water proof, double o!c and double uppers. do Oulf-skin do Jo and uppers, do Heavy Water Leather Boots, do do Neat. do do. do High quarter Shoes, Calf-skin, do do do Crocker do do nailed do Fine Monroes warranted do Kip do do do Calf do do Coarse do do do Shoe do Fine do do Kip do do do do do 00 do ('alf and Seal Skin Pumps, do List Socka with and without sole, do Carpet do do do do Patent Warranted Water-proof Moccasin. Ladies' do do do do Ladies' tanned India Rubber shoes. Gentlemen' do Over shoes. With every other desciiptiou of hoots and shoes. Fur Caps of every description. Traveling Trunks of every description. Venetian Travelling Bans. Patent Gum Elastic Shoe BUekinir. Bonnets of nil kinds, Palm Leaf H its. Philadelphia. November 13. 1st?. ly. &, B?1cTHEBT,"' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL liOOKhEL I.ERS AND STATIONERS, No. I'J'-i Clieptuit .Street, below llh, 1 liiladelpliia. TIT'EEP oistantly on hand a per.enil assort g2l mi nt of Books nnd Stationary ; comprising I In ological, Law. Medical, Classical. Miscellnne ous and Schnnl Hooks, Day Bonks, all s 7es. Led. i!irs, do.. Family Hit-let. Pocket B h!c-, Writini Papers. ra; ping Pnper. cVe. Ac, which they c.f ter at the Ic iiost piices to Cumtry Merchant's Pre- j fessi.inal G ntletnen, Teacher., and all others that may favor them w ith their custom. ! Philadelphia, Nov ruber 1:1. 1st?. ly. .1 it had Wvavfr &. Son, norc makehs & ship chandlees. No. 13 NiWi Wafer Street. Philade'rhia. a con an'.ly on haru!. a'il assort ment of Cordage, Seine Tw it., viz : 1 ur'd Ropes, Fishing Rope, While Rapes, Manil la Hope, low Lines for t anal Hosts. Also, a complete assortment of S. inc Twines, Ac, such ss Hemp Shad nnd Herring Twine, Best Patent Gill Net Twine, Cotton Shad and Hen ing Twine, Shoe Threads, &c. Sec. Alo, Bed Coids, Plough Line's, Hslters, Trace, Cotton and Linen Carpet Chains, Ac. all of which they will diaposu of on natonahle tctms, Philadelphia, November 13, lm?. ly. Jacob I'i Itiiuif H & Sun. T? ESPECTFULLY informs tluir friend and acquaintance ge.icrnlly that they still con tinue lo keep al the old itind. No. ?s) North M streit. Philadelphia, all unls of TOBACCO SSI rp ASP veoai:-?. Which they will aril m the rr..M '. acconuuodaiint and leasoini le lei mi. N. B. All eooda o!d will be gua; intecd n.d mII orders prompll) attindej lo. Philadelphia, N.ivemtei 13, lSl?.l v. ?STE?. CC1TCTE?., ; Whole-sale and Retail Shoe, I'onnet. ; and l'ahn Leaf Hat Warehouse. S'u. CC S'urth Cj ttreet, ufiu ituurj abuvt .irch, ; Fhiltidt '.ui. A I.SO Trunks, Carpet Bags and V olices, nf cv- I tSeV. try de.ciiption, all of which be offer fur tule on the most naj iialle Icinis. l'lul.idelphia, November 13. jT w T's w a"i"n , I'liihrclla and l'arasol Manufacturer. No. 37 A'ucA Thitil ttrtit, tie. d;trs beluic the t"i'v Hottl, Phi'tidtliihia, OUNTIf Merchants and oil, era are solicited to examine his unsoiti ienl hi foie j .urchairg i lUewhero ' riiiladelrhia. Novemt er 13, '.l?. ly. r . & a .To v oT'T) f Ts" China, Glass and Liverf-ool Warehouse, j No 16-1 Nurth Third street, third door belou Vir.e street, Philadelphia. WHERF they constantly keep on hand Urge j assortment of China, Glass and Liverpool . Ware, which they will dispose nf on the most iei- j sonal le terms. Philadelphia, November 13, H?4?. ly. ' T11EOIMLUS CULlr.'" j Maintfacturcr and Importer of Sad-j dlerv, Hardware, t.c. So. 5 Sutith Third street, tnurdm-rs be'oo Murkrt Fiitltidcphitt. KEEP constantly on I. .lid large and genera! aasortnient Conch Lamps, Carriage Bands, Axle Arms, I'bptic Sprites, Patent Leather. Ac. Country Merchants and use? diets will I e sunplied al all times on ihe most iea-onal le n rms. They wi'l find it to their advantage to call and examine his assor limit before purcbH.mi! tbewbere. Philadelphia. Novemler 13, 1M?. ly. 1ii:ynoi7is, aTco Wholestle iValcrs in roiei'jn British 1 and American l)rv (lo.'uls. ! i -Vo. 105 Market ilreet. I'hiudtlj.hia. jfMOUNTKY Mcrcb, nnd others can bp sup- j ty plied at nil times with an ext.i iv a-tort-mem of the ocsl nnd meal fi.-tiiun ible Good upon the most reasonable leim. Ptil.ulelphia. Novrmler 13. 112 lv. LOWUll & BABUON, Importers and Dealers in Foreign ar.J Domestic Hardware, No. 171 Nobtu Third S-rariT, I HiLAUfLrarA, WHERE their fiiends and l uttomers will alwsys find a large and general assortment of Foreign and Domestic Haidwar, which they will sell at th lows'st prices, f hiledelphia, November 13. 1842. Iv. ESI1EKICK, IIANSELL ii COiS. WHOLESAXB DRY GOODS STORE. No. 100 1-a Market Street, l'h'irj. iBclvw Fifth South sidt J A LWAYH keep on hand a f0i ,nd general a ft sertmenlof Hosiery, .Uet, and Fancy Goods, Country Merchants, ar respectfully requv.lod to give them a r.ii and examine for them-elvi. Phihi.;phia, November 13. 184'j I y. SIMiUING, GOOD' fit ed No. las Mmkftt Strret, Thiladclphia. SNVITE the attention ,f Country Meuhant to their exlen.ive (iiimeiil of Bntith French and Aansricsn Dry Good, which they iffcr for sale cu th nniit ressoukbl terms. rtilsdthj-hia, Novcgiber IS, lfH.-ly. WINSLOW'g BALSAM Or HORE HOUND. A N unparclleled remedy for common Cold?, (-'onghe, Asthma, Influen7a, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, and all diseases of ihe Breast and Lungs, leading lo consumption ; composed of the concen trated virtue of Horehound, Bonset, Blond Root, Liverwort and several other vegetable substances. Prepared only by J. M. Wisuow, Rochester, New Votk. The innocence and universally admitted pectoral viilues of the Herb from which the Bttham of Hnrchound is made, arc too generally known to re quire recommendation ; it is therefore only necessa ry to observe that this Medicine contains the wholo of their Medicinal properties, highly concentrated, and so happily combined w ith several other vege table substances, as to render it the moat apeedy, mild and certain remedy, now in use, for the com plaints above mentioned. The Balsam remove all imllammation and aore ness of the Lungs, loosens tough viaid phlegm. cn aiding the patient lo expectorate with ease and free dom, assuages cough, relieves alhmatic and diffi cult respiration, heal the injured parts, opens the poies, and composes the disturbed nervea, and give trengih to the tender lungs, and thus produces a apeedy and lasting cure. I-tRRATiTrnii is tii a ikut enrvrs is Ma, We are not amor g that class of Editors who for a few dollars will, (at the expense of truth and ho nes'y) "rrack up" an article nnd bring it into rapid nle ; neitl er nie we wilbeg to lemain silent, after hating tested the utility of an im roveinent or di covety in science or int. Our readers will recollect we told them we were unwell with a sore throat and tiol.-i t c. Id some few vveiks ncn. Well, we pnr rl.nsed two bottles of INSLOW 'S BALSAM OK HOI.'EHOUND, and so sudden was the cure, that we fornot we ever had a cold. Those who arp afllicied, mny try it upon our recommendation. Le-.iblo T-lrgraph. For Mile by HENRY VOXTHEIMEI!, Sunburn, JACOB BRIGHT, Northumberland. Also, by Druppis's generally throughout th country. (jj- Piice, ,r;0 cents per bottle. Auguit 14lli, IS-l?. Iv. IKsT ySk. JSm. ISIl FC?k GALS. F OR sale tn I Fntm, conlaininc about i ne bundie l and ten acr. a, more or le-a. situ ita in P, int t. wnship. N. r'hunilerland, ah .ut t vnrnibs nbnve Noitl.uiiibeil .lid, on the rro-in road loa.'irs! faun ihat j lare lo Danville, adjoin ng lond-i of Join; l ection, Je.-se C. II. 'in n and others, now in the occupancy i f Siaiui I P.iyne. About forty acres of sniil tract are clean d, end in good state of cu'tivation. on which there ia o small barn erectid. The property will he sold on n nonaldo tcniia. For further arliculars, peieon are request ed lo apply to the rulft iibi r. H. B. MANSER, Airtr.t, Nov. ?7th, lq-;;. tf Sutibt'i'v. Pa. a & jarEi OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. NEW KM.IiAaNhOII. COMPANY. No. 29 Norili Witter Street, 1'liila. AN l FAC ri.'RERS and dealers in Oils of every de-eiiplion both for burning and i inai, (.:".. i lurir.i! eurpoM-s, which will be Sold much i lower than tlev can be procured e!n where, ar.d j v. iirran'i'.l in -liaiitv to e.;i'sl a'ty in the city. Anv i ii .. id ly 1 1 1',;,nv lo-l proving at- iepn seiite.l, Juay be retr.n.ed Without itny xpeue lo the pur ; ch ner, and the money will be refunded. I T.'.tir ftot k now i't s'.urc consists of the following oils, vi.: 10,000 g Oil, COCO li.tlOO lu.imo 20,000 cooo 1;'.,IK0 i'.or.a Winter B'.esched peioi do do Cob.r!e Oil, do Fail and Spring Sperm Oil do Winter St a Eli phant, do do IVised Whale Oil. do Summer do do do do Common Wha'e Oil, , COO Barrels superior Stra ' (Jit, i yuO do t!o.l Hank Oil, j 50 do Nea's Foot Oil, 11 Co.!. (line Oil. Tanner's 1 bit:. J y ' Qj This Company ha- a number of Veroc I en gaged in the CjJ Eihiry, and 'l'jimer:! tiny rely Ui peril R nl al! times Oil ht. pure as in. polled. P iladelphla, N..v. I.I. 1V-12. ly. JMcCALLA & HSRSH. No ,')J, .Aortli Stxontl slret t, (i oiin m nr com l's ii lev.) WLcie tliey cJitanily kicpnn hand a genen! tmei.t i f CLOTHE, CASSIMERE3, yrSTIUC3 A'td a grcut vcriety ifarlicUt tf a supiriur quality, whiih they otier to dispose of upon the lUott reu-om'.le ter. "us. COUNTRY MERCHANTS and nthets will find it to ilnii advantage to call and eistniu iheir klork I'efore purchasing elsewhere. Philadelphia. Nov. G, IS IV ly LIST OF BOOKS, roH tin ax 113. i.Lrr-2S-3mj22, NTilON'S ClisMC.I Dictionary; letnprer's ' do.; Aiiisw-ori.h'ii do ; Cnl l.'s do.; Kt el'sh an 1 ('eiinsn ilo ; bullion's Ca-sar: Aiitboir tirainn.e. , An ion's Cice o; Mail's l.a'in h'ccVt; t, il'y'sdo.; Anibtw'a Latin Ltvs. ris; 1) . .-int gau's Lex icon;'s Gre k Exere ses, Datie.'r Lecnule ; (ira'-ia Mnjoi i; Adam.' R'oilian Antiquities; Pin oil's Goidsiiiitb's England; do. Greece; Lt ell's Elimei.'.s i.t Geology; Mik. Lincoln's Botany; Eh inents rf Botany; lindgr'a Algtbru; Porter's lihctoncal Ilia-dir-; Eun' Geography and Hi-'oiy; Ch ry's d.i.j Par . ' do ; Smith's Gramme'; Kukhani'a i'o.; KV Real, rs; Cold's do.; C. bl's Aril! mend; IMi's d ; Em. r. n'. do.; t 1 1 !' Sp, hing Bunk.; Town's dm; Cobb't. 'I able Burks; Eang heal Fs mi'y Lib an; College Bible-; r ainl'y do ; C, Ih.ter al do.; Sin ill L'd'lv "I'd Test .inenl-; Paike.'s Ex en i-e. i n Coinpomtom; Fiuit nl ihe Spirit; Hal'u's s ioi't Ei.i; American lit volution; Msiryatt's No v. :.; Mrs Phelps i n Cl ennst.-v ; Iliad; Catechism of American L ie; I etti rann Natural Magic; t he rnittiy f.-t Beinnei-; Enithbh Lxeicists adapted lo V i:r. at ' Gra'n.v..r; Sequel b Coinley's Spelling B .v.; Amrriraii L:..i Uok; Daholl'. Schuohnas tc;' AMislarit; A ;reat vmely of Blank Boi.ks, &.C. At-gcM 2r, 11I. . ATTENTION, j . m u u: v J i a ii 6 , 1? EQI ESTB the aitenti bla C1.untl f,ui2 fv who are in !"; ,0 vt.rv Jlge ,ioek tf Carpeting, Oi" 'C0,hit Mailings, Rugs, Bindings, Stan Kod ic t ,h be has just opined, at " rebeutes. No. IS North Sd Hett, and No. 'i Vourcli Alley, licit door to Christ Church, Pbilk- delphn. July al, 1843 ly. SPANISH HIDES. TANNERS' OIL AND LEATHER. D. K J H K I A T K 1 C K & S 0 N No. 21. North Third Street, (si I w ti a Mass it iiriim'r siatlTl,) PHILADELPHIA. HAVE for aale a large and excellent assorlmerl uf Spanish Hides, Patna Kips, Tannin' (H!, jr., at Ihe lowest market prices, iiihrr for cash, in exchange for Leather, or upon credit. Contignmenta of Leather received fet li.'e, ci purchased at the bighent rnaiket price. XJ Leather tod f'f cf t barge. April J7, If if. ly