Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, October 21, 1843, Image 2

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    Oosslp abont Printers, j
The Trench correspondent of the London 1
Curl Journal depicts tlit Princess do. Joit.Vii'e !
in fomewhat different colors from thp pir'r'.;- j
turn given by the English and re- j
, sea some morula of giss.p titn.ut the ttilii'icinj i
. t the bride, which we nre inclined fu believe
i'tote than real. The f.P.ow'rrg ie a '
to tl
nidi we f.n
tnrt i. the sketch
She ii a little, wild, uf;'-!'!.fff J crnt'irc,
irracel'ul to utmost dcjr'ct, -.)::. w'.th health
r.iid Fpiiit, unJ but ii::'.c jr.urtu to fach rti
, ;tte as that which reijns av.he TuiMivir!".
I am told that shortly n.V:r herr.-ri-.a'. al.e v.cb
.mited to josn the parly u: a certain round :a- i
t.'.e, where the Queen tr I her Indies fa. c J
.('cn dil eit night tftf r Light su.hlnfr n;ici, j
tut uttering litue. She t,-;e it pc'.ier.t.y hr
'.me time, only expressing her wcarinr-re ly
-vindry nnd oft-repeating ; but at
ength quite unable to stand It any longer, eho
j imped up from her chair, clapping her hands,
and skipping- round tho, ended her evo
lutions by seating herseif on the floor and sink
ing Brazilim song. The Queen was horrifi
ed nt such ft breach of d:;:rMm, nnd t lie King
h. tighed heartily at the cV.'.doih freak of the
little Princess. She t? a ires, lovely young
(future, nnd a true, UTtfciIrtlcnteil child cf
i. Everything hero Is new nnd trr,nge
. her, rnd whenever she is unusually struck
,f v.hnt she beholds, she exe'sirus aloud, "Ah,
il my bi other and sister couid Ik; see thi, too !"
nnd bunt into tears at '.he rccc'.lrcti -n id lier
rnrly home, nnd distant She will
doubtless soon get accustomed to the separa
tions, surrounded and cherished in tthe is by
her new and distinguished rc'ativep, and united
to a gallant Prinrr, wl.oft rmlities of mind
are by no means itiRrlor to his persona.! advan
tages. Tho marriage of their Royal Highnesses took
place in rather an unusual manner. Etiquette
requires that an ambassador should gj and
make the proposal, settle a'.i i'.s preliminaries
f the atTair, and'.ly, marry the Frincesa by
proxy. The Prir.ce de Joinville kicked dread
fully against sat'i a mode of proceeding, and
not only did he object to marrying a woman he
had never seen, but he refused point blunk to
i!low any other man to marry liis wife for him
and there tho matter stocd, until the King
compromised matters by allowing tho Prince de
Joinville to act as ambassador.
His orders were very positive, he was to risk
A-r the Princess' hand, if bhe suited his t?:e,
hnd if accepted, was to have put and her la
dies on board one trigate, ar;d escort her and
himself in his own vessel, Belle Futile, back to
Trance, where the marriage was to be celebra
ted in due form. No Fooner had he seen her, than
flip pleased him so well, that he became deeply
smitten with her charms resolved even despite
the King's orders to marry her forthwith, and
most conjugally lake her on board his own ves
sel Once out to sea he reflected o;i the lec
ture which awaited him at home; and by way
cf avoiding its outbreak, instead of
immediately to France, he indulged iji::;se!f by
lengthened cruinr, and turned a detf ear, or
r.vthcr a blind eye, to the tckgraph'c signals
to hasten his return, till at h -th :h King was
o bliged to send out a corvette to 'all back
gftin. The eight of his ct cmlrg dc.chter-in-law,
and tho penitence of the JC'J'g sr.ilrr, soon
appeased his majesty's arg-. cr.J all's
tl! that ends well.
s-it . ; -Ta r rv tr
Sutuntd'j, Oit. 21 '.813.
Foa Saif. A fresh supply of printing pn
per. viz: ItiU roimi similnr in sim and quality to
tho sheet oi which this is printed. Also f!0 roams
nf n:ppr r.-ynl, CI by 29 inches, all of which will
e s"i I st the rr.iil j riff1.
Zj" V. H. rT.Mr.n, Csi. st bis nTil Ftnie and
Foul off,cf, No. 69 Fine S:r.'ct, Philaddphis, is iu
thorise.l to ar.t a Agent, nnd to receive and receipt
for all mimics due this office, for subscription or ad
vertising. fXj- In nrio'hcr column ii an iiiieretiiig aiticlo by
"Anthrax," from the Philadclhia Ledger, giving
tin account of seme with a panther on thu 11 road
(Ej The ?ici;d t'mirt enmtnenred its session on
Monday last. Judge Lewis presiding. Anumlur
of impoitant cases were derided. We underaisnd
that or.nther Court will ba behl nt this
phes in Marrh nrxt. The Judge seems to be per
fectly at heme in his old sent on the llenrh, in
which ht has been eminently popular.
We are pleased tostste that Mr. Fntnr.stCR
Hias has tpftiu put his Flouring Mill into npers
lion. The Mill, it will be recollected, wis destroy
ed by fire I ist spiing, and has since been re-built.
(jj" C a x a r CoMMtssioxrris. The democralir
Canal Comrni?.s:onf rs ore elected by a nn.jority of
about 10,0(10. The whole number of voles polled
is ebaut CCO.noO.or one third less than in 1910.
fXj" Tnc sr.T LEnisr.ATvns. The rc'.urns are
net nil in, but it is supposed that the Ifou will
stand SS democrats to 42 nhigs. In the Senate,
22 demorra's to 11 wh-gs.
Ourfiiend L'ojI, of Lycoming, has bail a tight
race wi;h Col. John Moorebead of Clinton, both
good men, and is elected by 1 1 votes.
Cj' Mem n i.ns or Cosonrss. The result of the
tic, t;on fir Congress is 1 1 democrats, 12 mhigr,
nnd 1 democratic volunteer candidate iu Vork county
Cj Wo have just leccived iho Union Times,
snd are surprised to find Alnamler Jordan, Cq.,
ourselves and other democrats aMseked, snd accused
of voting for Gen. Frick. And, thisto,i, u;on the
mrre assertions ndh Milion Le()er, a pnper which
never si one word in favor of Mr. Snyder's elec
tion. The editor of the Times proves himself rs.
ihrr green, in suffering hircselfto be stilled ft.m
f ueh a notorious foul source. The vote on tliis i-ida
proves who vters the friends of Snyder, where he
received 32V majority, whilst M'. Forsytlm's friends
in the Forks give 332 against hiin, instead of llut
rrjTnber in liin fiv ir, which they could have done.
We have no roam to sav more lliU week.
Tn Massacre ok Kr.fti'onu.s Chssstiaxsi.
-The extent of this horrible b r.chery is not
yet fully known ; but es a conspiracy for the
ertire iuhjiigation, tf t to fav extermination, of
the rare, was fcijied bttwecn the Pacha of
Mceul and several Kurdish Chsefu, the worst is
to be feared. We are happy to learn, ho wever,
that the family df the Mar Shimon, the Patri
arch, has luflcrcd less tl.r.n was at fir hi an
nounced. Letters received tt the Missionary
House in Boston, under it probable, says the
N. E. puritan, that enly ti .i rr.nther and one
brother of tho Patriarch htve been slain ; that
three other brothers have been ttken prisoners,
end that two lave 2td tc Pers a. It gives us
pleasure to add that the American Missionary,
Dr. Grant, whose lifu was cji.sidired i." danger,
JiBi arrived eufs at Mosul.
Magna CiiARTA.-Sir Robt. Cotton having one
day disc J'-'Pl'oJ lima nu-.nheld in his hand, rea
dy to cut lor i.;i arV.'CS, the original Magna Char
ts, with nil its nppMi'!-.
d of seals and signs-
Tho rt;r...Citic srty has suiTered very se
verely throughout the State, in con-rrjuence of di
v;s;ons among thcmrclve. It is high time that a
rs-orgsnizstion of the party should take place, and
men whoiire not willing to confornj to lb nnrieut
rules and mnei of the party, should bo rend out st
once. That s men, professing to be a democrat,
should, as o 0J gate, ad in ths form ition of a ticket
preside as chairman of the convention, snd pledge
himself to support the ticket th t he had thus as
sisted in frminf, nnd after tall this, r ine nut as a
volunteer candidate in opposition to the t rket, is,
indeej surprisir g. Mr. Forsythe has twice been
before the people in oppi scion to the ticke' twice
has he pn vd recre.nt to the party. The fust lime,
it was his fault. 'I lie tecond time be houlJ not
l ave hei n trusted, snd if ho deceives tliem sg iin, it
will l,e their own fault.
tures, heb) this sing-j:." c'.!'icity for a
trifle, and recovered in l) manner, what had
long been given over for l ist.
AsctNDiso avi Drsf vmuwi. ". cf
the principal thoroughfares across the C.:reen
Mountains in Vermont, in ascending the moun
tain you pass three public houses the first of
which is kept by Mr. Chaeum, the second by
Mr. Ketchum and the third and last of course,
by Mr. Killum. In descending the other 6ide
you pass three other taverns kept by a Lord, an
Angel and a Pevol, respectively.
"Oh, dear, Mr. Fobtt r ! you jest when you
say that my babe is the handsomest one you
have ever seen you must be soft soaping it I"
"Well, madam, I thought it needed soap of
some kittd."
Men dost on Ibis worlJ, s if it were never to
have so snd, and nr'ccl ilsi.i it s if it were
never to have a bediming.
From the Ph',1. LtJcr.
.Vc? TEX
Of Summer Recursion Into llic Country,
at ANTnniv.
Catchim a II TTf.rssAcr. Snikcs nre on
usually numerous in the mountain districts thi sen
son. I have seen woo Imsn eatrdi them in a ru
rious way. lie cut s green branch of hickory, split
tho end, and inserted s short and slender rhip, to
keep tho split ends thiee inches npnit. Presenting
this to the reptile, it struck the chip with force arid
displaced it j instantly the split ends closed, with
the sn ike's head firmly grasped between them, and
the operator ptsyed w ith tho writhing thing as if it
had been a whip-lash.
Hogs love n est snnke?. When s pin espies nnct
lie wslks up to it and begins tn chew it up very
composedly, nt any an it that first trecnla itsi lf.
head, tail, or middle. The snake doe. not appear j ',niln'l, in,,,thft nm" ,wo hundred feel
. t ttvi ... i before lift. Tt mtpmeA trv Inrtr ntvine fi i' ln.T
11 1 im m t n r Tin im - .'It .-t l . a I
irunM-ii ; navmit rved i( ciufmualv, h $Mpc tt in ' J ' '
1 mouth an.1 nkrt it forcibly ami nnirkl tilt i. i th tthrnP,, "' Th" Jriw P- T
Qj The Forsjlhe psrty having brought about
the defeat of the Hon. John Snyder, by their dis
sensions and intrigues, arc now endeavoring lobhdl
the rcrponibili y upon other. Cut f.icts ari l fi
gures are stronger than mere words. On this s de
of the river, Snyder's majority was 317, and if the
democrats in the Folks had given their usual ma
jority, ?ndoi's majority in this county would have
In en upwards of COO, instead of a smalt majority
against hiin. And, if the turn out in Augusta,
Shsmokin, Upper Mahonoy and Jackon, had been
ns good as usual, the majority on this side would
have been increased, st least 300 more. When
ever the ditorganizers of the Forks p'ste about iheii ;
superior democracy, let it be rmcmlered, lhat they
gava the whig candidate for Congress a majority of
332, and tiius l y their influence and votes, elected
whig Congressman over the regular democratic
(TV Owing to ths disorganizing and selfiVn prin
ciples of some professed democulS the Forks, this
county, for the Grtt time, has cast her vols tor the
wbigs in the ehetion of Gen. Fiiek to Congress.
So oi. s doubts but that the split in ths democr 'tis
p.iity was tlis cau.eof Mr. Boydsi's defeat in this
couaty. If Mr. Forsythe had nJl been in the field,
Mr, Snyder's majority in this county would hava
been at least 600, which would have elscted him.
Tltnt flat.
A correspondent of the Milton Lcdjer, who
strsngels enough nigns himsi If "Truth," charges
us with having Voted nnd sunported Oen. Frick,
nnd offers tn give ns s New, if we will swear
thst ws did not vote for Trick. Now, wo have no
confidence, whatever, in anything that may be said
or promised by the Ledger, or by nny of its con
tributors or coadjutors, but we ore willing to necept
the challenge, provided "Truth" or his friends
will agree to deposit a good new nud fashionable
hat, worth, say, f 1,23, size 7 inches full, with Jas.
Pollock, Esq. or Michsul Kremrr, for our nso, to
be dclivried to us on condition we make tha rifli
davit referred to ; these gentlemen I i notify us
when lhy have rreeivej the h, snl jeet lo the a
bove conditions. If "Trnth" hss any reuard for the
l-utli, he will not fail to accept our proposal ; if he
dees not. he mu-t necessarily be branded ns a b'sg.
gart nnd n fa'sifier,
strange, lhat the Ledger should Cnd f.mlt with any
ore for not supporting Snyder, after the course
th it paper and its fiiends took in relation to Ids e
I.Anonr.iis ox the W'onKS. Go
vernor Porter has lately signed the Appr.'piiition
Hill. This is important to the luhorers to nhoin
the taie isindebtnl for work. The following sec
tion wns ndded to the bill the la t n tdit ol the ses
sion, by II. C. Ever, Ilsip, the Senator from I'nion,
snd n'thocgh il v as tw ice stiuik out of the bill by
the committee of conference, lie. ns often h.ul it re
stored, nnd by his rjcitions finally succeeded in
having it passed. Th s, it is U posed, ill be suf
ficient lo pay at least 20 per cent, of each claim :
"Section 4. That the amount of six'y thou
sand three hundred thirteen dollars onci twenty-seven
cents, rcceivrd from irenernl ("Jovern
meiit rctmi ini nr in the Treasury, is hereby ap
propriated to the payment of the nmmitit dun
upon tho check rolls on the different lines of
finished Canals nnd Railronds in the C'ommnn
wenlth, lor hilxir performed and materials fur
nished, and the same shall he npportionr-il to the
different lines pro rata according to the several
amounts due upon ench."
fjj Lord lln i iiham. Walter Savage Landor,
in a recent article in the London Examiner, makes
n most savage attack upon Lord Brougham. The
f-llow ing are the concluding paragraphs :
"Wavering as ho is by habit, malicious as he
is by nature, it is evident that Lird Brougham
says and does the greater part of Ins sayings
and doings lor no other purpose than to display
his ability in defending thoni. Ho dazzles us
by no lights of ehnuence, he attracts us by nut
even n factitious flue warmth ; but he perplex
es and makes us stare nnd stumble-by his angu
lar intricacies and sudden glares. Mot a sen
tence of his speeches or writings will he depo
sited in the memory as rich or rare ; nnd even
what is strange will be cast out of it for what
is stranoer, until this goes too. Is there n
housewife who kei'ps a cuphunrdful of cups
without handle or bottom; a selection of broka
ges and flaw s 1
Away with the noi-y chanticleer, eternally
crowing on the high litter of the farm-yard,
slinking his cropt crest to and fro, and spurring
up chalfand ordure.
I nm, Kir. X:c ,
Fridny, Augiut IT. W. S. Landor. "
Qcmss. The Sihnka may l.e perfectly cured
without pain by tli French rpreifie. Mrrcurt.
We woi ih r if the specific is hard Smke, if not,
we will try it 4thwith fusum .
If it cure, it will lie a Idrr, indeed.- Tronn't,
10di ily, g. ntlcmcn, 'tis a sore suljcc'. 1'Ullu.
.C'.'i,'' r-
Cj An Sful innlady, which 1 0 not to title
Killtorlnl, oiulnieil nail Srlrelnl.
The Hol'andi rs are constructing a Ilailrond be
tween Amsterdam and I'trecht.
'I'he French lino of steimhip4 will commence
their trips next spring.
Pt. G orge's Ho'el, Dioid.vay, N. Y., was s.dd
fist we. k fu ;i2,n00.
The grand jury of Se tt county. Ky., have in
dieted sliout fiPy men for voting illcgdly.
A silendid river, already tiaced 130 miles, and
said lo extend 400 m re, lus been discoveird en
the coast of Africa.
Some ne hits beautifully said, that it is better to
sr.w a pood heart wilh kindness than a field wild
corn, fur the heart's harvest is per etna!.
A man in CSeorgia has been granted a div.ure, n
vinculo m iliimoiiii. upon the ground that his w ife
lefusi d to patch his breeches.
Totncco imported f urn the Foiled SU'rs the prist
year, as civen in lenirns to the II uc of Common,
amountid lo 39,618 012 pounds.
The hogs are about to "suffer some" at Alton.
I linois, this seas, n. One bouse has ni!( ptepara
tiors to kill and cut GGO per day.
'attswissa, some twenty miles off. t ssw his skin, !
wlech they brought into Pottsvillo. The nriimal '
was n mnln, of great bulk and strength, and mea- I
stired, Trom noss lo tail's end, twelve f."t.
One of (I icse dangerous beasts, prob ibly the same
animal, undertook, after that, to stop s sleigh in
which I was. In eompnny with Mr. McKinney, I
Sheriff of Northumberland County, a gentleman of
Hits nt y. whose nam I ii.i not remonitier, snd Mr
Daniel Weaver, of PotUvill1, the owner of the
nleigh. had been nttemptina 1 1 break n road through
a heavy snow lhat had just f illcn. We got fut a
mong the deep drifts in ths mountain, snd finding
the psg impracticable were oblijed to return.
The twilight was just fadinz into darkne s. as we
were descending the south sida nf lh Ilroad Moun
tain, shout four miles from Pottsvillo, when some
Josr.rrt Hi si., a famous Free Trade Radical
Member nf the Drill h Par!! lmcnt, has written a letter to lufl 'Green, urging the overthrow of
our P. elective Pol cy, but scouting the idea of any
Commercial Trrs'jr or Arrangement. He say
Treaties have proved s great evil to his Country, nnd
ours w ill do well to keep out of them, snd r-gnlale
our Taiilfto suit ourselves. Peifecty right I seph !
t,u..-n i ii ii-1.......... .'i.i . i . m
.TT .1 tt It I K It ,
On the 1 7ih inst,, by James F. Mu'ray , Esq , Mr.
T) A VID (JIUSO.V. of Co'umtiia county, lo Miss
HnsTKR GAKIJI'IL nf Union countv.
tin the Stli itiM.. bv tie ev. J. P. Rt.indel, Mr.
VIDGK, !oih of Angu-la town-hip.
tin ihe 12th ins-.. I.y the same, Mr. HENRY Mrs. SUSAN UAW SON, both of Au
gusta township.
Correcttd urtk!y Henry Yoxt.htimer.
flies into pieces.
A gentleman nosr Pine Grove caged a nest of
nttle-tnakes last spting ; lie caught a large black
snake a fsw weeks ago, nnd put it into tho same
rage, to see the result. The ratt'e-sniikes attacked
the intruder nt once; he returned llicir blows wiih
interest, nr.d s.inn cowed them. ITe has ever since
played the bully nmong them.
Wild pigtons and wild ducks have begun their
j autumnal fhediis.
Units are numerous on l!ic mountains above
Pottsvillo this n'ltuiiin, nnd the uuiil s'an in lie ,te
plenty of deer Tho frosts of June destroyed the
acorns snd other fores) fruit ovrr a large rxtciit of
e-.untry. Her and iheie a belt of th forest was
unharmed. In such places these an mils collect fir
food. To those who love the gun, I cm promise
rare snd exciting sport, if they will go up now into
the mount lins.
A deer is a soft eyed, delic.itn lo iking nninial.
nnd should you cerne suddenly upon one in the
woods, you would have ni hesitation in throwing
your arms about its nei k to enpture il alive, You
would etch a tartar ! Mr. I.indenmnth, of Potts
ville, found a voting deer, some years arjo, mnk in
the deep snow on the Proa I Mountain ; being a
little "green," be approached and put his arm gentlv
around it, and called it his pretty prisoner. The
animal attacked him with its fore feet, which, I hough
slender, nre very sine a y and very strong; and,
plying them with creat rapidity; i I soon divested
him nf his clothing, and took a clever share out of
his hide.
Hunting in the mountains is occasionally diver
sified by a tragic adventure meeting a panther, for
instance, is not always so amudng as a novel wri
ter would make it. Some tew years ago my friend,
Mr. Ritfert, now living in Resiling, resided on the
Locust Mountain, on the Simliurv turnpike; he
was n good ahol, nnd loved to hunt deer. There
was a field of buck wheat stubble, in an isolated spot
in the woods, a uiilu from his hoiie, to which the
deer resorted ; here he was always sure of a hot.
One frosty evening in O. tuber he slipped down t)
this place with his title. He witched till night-fit!!,
nnd wns surprised that not a deer appeared.
Just in the pray of the evening, a bo w n return
ing home, he was Mir'h d bv a l-iw It .v 1 which was
near to his ear. Terr .r crept over him and chilled
hi-blood. He felt con cions t!i it siim dingerou
monster w as near. Presently hs iv i w fierv eyes
fixed upon him, and in iiiH-tinel ! dy, wf la-ge
si7e, appealed creeping towards him. Willi,. ut
having ilia least idea what it actually wa, fear
pronip'ed him to spring upon the fence, and thence
lo climb a tree within Ids reich. He had just
placed his rillo in the forks of the tree, as hih as
was extremely cold, and we were ijuitc benumbed
from a wholn day's expisure. Hanger was very
I nenr, snd we had but a m iment to deliberate. To
j stop was death, of course, s i we determined to Like
; olfour chinks, wave them wiih great shouting, and
! push the horses down the hill under the whip, We
j hit confident the pinthcr would not rand his
ground. Our hor.-es' feet were wi'hin two or linen
yor Is of him, however, before he sprung asi.ln. The t
animals were horror-s'nii k. would have shrunk b ick
if they could, but their heading w as lo great. '.
Reircely bal the bes-t alighted, before hunger
caused hiin to regtet bis relreit, he rpiiek'y spr ing
into the road sgiin, nnd made an effort t.t fdlow us. '
but we were beyond dm reach of pursuit. !
Whtat, .... S5
Kts, - - - . . . f.n
('oris, ...... 40
"its, .S3
Poiik, 5
Futtstro, ... . i(io
I5i;rri;n, )o
I!i:t:sWAT, .... 25
Tamow, .... 10
I'm .tt A rei.v.s, - . . 75
Do. I'm lies, - . 2nt)
Fr.tx, ... .4
llo-Klirj Fl.tx, ' 10
I'fcot, ......
This, I 10, is t'e proper lime of the year to
visit Ibe cod mines, when the tempi rntnre of the
mines and of the open air aie not at comparative
Iscinr.STS it Tits Hcnxisn of ths Misoe.
ni. We have hea'd of two nnimnl occurrences
on board this stea ner that strike us as singular,
and, at the same time, characteristic.
There was on boar 1 a pet rVir, which, asthe
flames were ra 'in, became rn ire a -d more ex
cited, until, ns they burst firth on the deck", the
infuriated aiduial leapt iu'o their midst and perish
ed. There was a!s on bol d a Xps foundlan l bitch,
wi'h her pup. While the men rrm.i'nel at quar
ters fhe too remained, going in and out among them
as usual, and ca'mly as u-u d ; but when the list
m m had left the fated ship, she went lo her kenni I.
t ok the pup in her mouth, and running out on the
bowspiit, sprang in'o the water and swm ashore
without dropping her precious burden. A'. Y. A
mrrlctm. A Washington correspondent of the X. Y. Jour of Commerce writes
It is a remitkiblij fact that the loss of the steam
! frigate Mi.-sou:i surprises no one here. The Secre
tary of ihe Navy, il is -jid, partic'p itcd in the ge.i
I ihe vessel would meet with
j soma fatal d sasler, I had heard many declare, le
I fore the hip depar't d, ,-he would never reach
the place of her destination (Alexaidii.i.)
"Nl'THT. in thetei.ld nz nccopie I by J. CI mm,
fJ m M i k. i -I e t.
O. l. 2t-t, H Id.
1. 1 s t o r it 1: t a 1 is 1: '
OF For ikin r od l)om stie Merehnndisc, nf the
f'. iintv 'd Noitlniridieiland, who hive, and
who have not paid iheir Lie nses.
ehweni k
Wrn. II. Fn mire & Co
Irel .nd eV M ie!
William Hus
I'rau'ig im A W nples
dosot'iai, Wall- .S. Co
Se-h I linKvall ider
(ieorge tl. rrey
Si-eel Herli
A. cv. C. Ro-s
l-ihn ('l.aodierlaiii
I) mil I 11 d-l oe
John G. Ib no
Gideon Pha lli!
Petel IV isel
A nios V.mtina
(Je.irg- llros us
lohn It f. ru in
P ter Burrel
H-'tiry Ityerly
J.imes Reeil
11. D CI pp
Will, mi Peppen
Kanf inn it t'rtrl
ll.mii I ."Sw otr.
W Kan s
It is s ii.l that ihe father of an interestii g fiiui
!v, near Detroit, m l long since stopped the only
newspaper which be allowed hiiu-elf or family,
and solely oil the giound ill it hi could not afford This mm chews 1 1 ,". wolll. ut
tobacco a year. Frcd.iiiii Vtnsor.
The residence of Mr. Gardner, of G irdincr, Me.,
is -aid to lie even moie magnificent t'.an that of
; Is.vic Itrow n
j fseth I. Co 1 ly
H unp-cv cv ll.ivis
j R. II. II 111e1i.Mil
I J. P. H icll-nlicrg
: E. L. Piper
' Willi mi Forsvtlic
! !:it!iews A t'o
i t!. II. Men ck
j T. K. Pomp
j John tivcncy
M . ( ''iambi 1 1 iin, a j-ignco
ol 1). I.. Punk
' John Miller
' J ic .!i Hnuht
Miller Mar 7.
John V. iing
; Cliamokih Coal A pen C
. Notice is hen by pi ven, that the TieiiTer is
1 compelled, I y law. I c.vnmenre si) Is ng lin.t nil
j those i ,,i do not r .rue f ,rwar ! r.nd p iv their been-
ses on or lelo e the 1 'tii d tv of N -veoibei nm.
Piitibury, Oct. 21 . IS Id. TV e.vsnrrr.
list or CAUSES."
!,'( R 1 r :.i I ill the I ,,iinl of Comiooii I' of Nor-
: I
Won ! A Rliswn
Ira I'. ( 'lenient
Jotin Hogar
.loh'i Frvlm
H. II. jasser
!eo P, Hoy. rs
Jonathan Kmiili
Jacob 1 1 i.iis
H H- Kna' h'
tti-irn Persing oV Co
Adam Ilingamin
William !-'co;t
Kaufman cv: Reedy
Samuel John
If A Will. Fagelv
J. C. llov I v S. l!i,d
tbuini erland '111111' v. at Nove i her 'iV ni
I 1S13. coinuit'iicing thetir-t M ukIbv.
I Jacnli S!n!2 vs Stout A Fi
S.llne vs J din Stunt
A. D.
Sieiihen Will. 11 vs F A Kr.el-.t
The miiu.ion which j ij.own f. C Ur awn is Henry I'nck
Satnui I K tV.-r
be eoold te.eb be . ,,n. e,..l.. Mr. V . USIling, OI VV uteilOO.
.... 1 , , , .... 1 has been for a number of years building, is still un
10 nun. ill! never nan nern verv never at eiimti- . 11 ... . I -. l.f'l.,. rU
fini-hej. It is in the (iotliic sty to, nnd hss slreaily . .. ' . "v,,r
, , . . , John Huinni. I
cost :iuu,uiiii. u ttluil irunscnpi.
ing ; but 011 this occasion the most nrtive gymnas
tic might h iv taken a lesson from him. He mount
ed for his life, the paws of the panther being with,
in a span of him. Knowing that a panther climbs
a tnc like a ctl, he did not stop till he reached tho
topmost branches, taking his rule with hint.
The animal uiadc savage elforts to follow him,
but leing uncommonly heavy and probably old, il
could not succeed. It raved however, al the foot of
ihe tree, lore up the roots, and seemed to swear that
' be he nlUe, 01 be be dead, he'd grind hu bones to
make bint bread."
It was quite dark before my friend's ideas w ere in
I a state lo be collected for reasoning upon hii awk
ward position. It was very odd, by Fahrenheit's
theimoineter, but it was still cohbitty the frigid
admeasurement of his fi elings. His teeth chatter,
ed, Ids body trembled, sod f.huddere.1. The
roiufoiis of a warm foe, and the condolements nf a
syn'.p ithiing wife, would be partii ulirly grateful,
could he manage to reach his home.
Guided by lha low howls of the disappointed
A A wet silk handkerchief, tied wiih- :
out folding over 'he face, i, it is said, a complete
security asjsins! ion f. om smoke ; it permits
free breathing, and at the same time excludes the
smoke from (he lungs.
Cot rKF.. A Prior to the Monastery in Arabia,
where coffee grows, ha' ing rem irked lhai the goats
who eat of it were bii. k anJ alert, determined lhat
his monks, who were lethargic, should use ii. The
experiment provnl successful. Hence the g.
use of coffee.
.1 tin G.ilbn
Jacob I.e.f-er r
Enoch Hower's r xi
.1 It'gsn Ac
Wiliia 11 II Unwn
J din A Lloyd
Tl.o Dank i f Norh'd
Eli Rrob-t
R tier! Miner
l'alll. I llriutigim
David F Got Jon
t'hli.-tian Philips
Francis H.tb's adin'r
J Houjhendoblei cVc
J mis l.eipi.ns' a.'m'is vs J Tie Kipr
Dr I' ederi. k I'lemi ss W lib 1 11 I 1 uv
Thoin is Ne bit
S 11110
v James Heard
s Christopher II D .ker
E P thii.non
vs S T Burrows
s cv II M Davison
vs I -1: 11 K"orr
vs Wm I . Iloysrl
vs Pe er Iterii. u
vs Re'wc-I Wells
vs Geddes V J. K Priest
ly Ac
vs S oV Ro'.ieit McKee j
vs II Fii. k t al
vs J. hn Cow den ex'r
vs Hugh Hellas
vs Stoifl
vs J .1 n fl Miller
vs D I Seehier
v Packer &
ranlher. he rioiuted his rifle and shot in tho dark.
Col. Win. Xieol Hums, the second son of tho ( ffif r) ,l()Uri wilhmrt frt:.r!. Heshou-ed lo srorse
poet, has lately returned to Dumfriss, after sn b- I the tlt.i,.hli,s. They heard him, but il being the
sence in India of ihirty-four yurs.
period of husking fiolie, and whiskey bring then in
1 Die., I Wat-on
': l'ii lip User
I S ,-.r..
: Robert Finlips
Hetry R,.pp
Vs Jo 11 T Mat hi is
VS Siiuc
vs S..I1U
s Pa'ri.-li v( -lit 'gUS
vs J .--ei n W alii, jr
v. S.iuie
vs McCa.lee A Purdy
vs George Peter SllilcT
The salutes fired at Plvmoutli, in honor ofber j fashion , ihey auspectcd nothing unusual.
Maj-s'y's vicit, were heard st a distance of 46 inilos ' You should have heard lha story from his own
An hour's industry wi I d n.ere to beget cheer.
U'Aias, icpprs ? evd rumors, and rtriere your af
faiif ihan a mentis ' r-" "'
0 j" New Jrssi r This slate, c y unripsc'.ed
ly W iho whigs, hag gone fi t iho Jciu cist.-. We
have car icd all but one con;
fj.j The thmocrat have a msjoiity f. r
Congress. The Senate is supposed to l.e a lie.
The whigs have a majority in the. Hou'C of R' pre-ecntsiivt-s.
front Plymouth.
Lake Irout, hrtught in ice, from 100 miles west
of Plait.bnrg, were selling in New York, on WeJ 18 cents per pound.
Tho American population of the Sindwich
Mauds is 400, rxclu-ive of 119 hslf lired childien.
Fifty seven Americans havemirricJ native wives,
Tlie AVw YvrJt Fashion. The new fall lion,
nets range from (15 to (30, and head-dresses from
(15 to $15. Materials for bonnets silk and satin
liimmeJ with bice, and a very light and airy style
of feathers. The head-dresses are ornamented wiih
t ss'.s of gold and silver, ssys tha Aurora. Silly
The ship ih was chsrteie J st Gibe'alter, for
eight thousand dollars, in taks Ihe crew and part
of the otfieers of tha ill-fated Missouri from that
port to Uos'.on.
Twinty pieces uf field uililhry, of large site, with
c urisg s, Ac, all icady for action, were shipped
from Liverpool to the Mexican goveinmtn'.
lips, s d d a day or two after his adventure, 10
conceive an ides ol ihe horrors of that long night lo
the alfiighteJ and hnlf-fn veil prisoner.
! had inconsiderately expended all his amuni-
t in 11 in random shots through the night. At early
morning, having, as he thought, heard the snimsl's
footsteps retiring, and looking nround without see
ing him, he prepared to descend from the tree, but
scsrci'ly had be placed his fool on ihe top rail of 1 lis
fence, when he spied his pertinacious visiter lick
ing its lips preparatory 10 a fat breakfast, which
seemed almost on the table. Ha quickly re. ascend
ed, pursued again I y the panther, who, after ths
moat ferocious efforts lo catch hint, retired at last
to s short distance from the tree, and kept its eyes
stesdily fixed upon him lilllcn o'clock, when the
neighbors, who had started out in search of tho
missing msn, alarmed it, and it withdrew into the
depths of the foie-t.
A parly of hunters started out in pursuit of ths
panther next day, but it was not till the month of
Tsbrusry that they foauJhim, in a deep snow, near
Office nft.'ic Barmiont Amf-imca, Oct. In.
WHEAT. We have to note vcty .eant sc.pp'ic
throughout the week, althoegh the pri.-es are tela
tivcly iiiatur than ih e offiiur. Trestles of
..1 r.rl .va Vf.l -l., 1 Vi.r-ii.t Va ive Tanked
" ft ;l ... " i. .. ... . . I.. I,,. i.t l
fr-m A3 to 00 rents, and of inferior to g.v.d al 70 j Ar i,iau, s,t ,ub v j ,nMnsn s, Urr.,,
a 85 cen's, and we (juote those lates to-day, with Kieitl for Long vs Nicholas L vig's adm't
...... r-iv...lilk.X
sales. Ws cuite white wheats, cool to prime, at 1 r-.vii Li. u. jvni'
l. im-rents. A oar. el .if eoihl red Pi nn. wheat , Prothor.e'. ir ' Oiliee
was so!J to-day from sto eat 00 can's ; and on Sa
turday lt a pircel of the ta nc description, ulloat
was sold at 90 cent.
i Siitibury, tM.Sl. I S4
OasTiraTto on Cosrivtstss. Cosliveuess i
so unnatural state of the. bowels, c tusej by what
ever is injurious to tho digestive organs. Its im
mediate consequences are nausea, headache, loss
of appetite, A-c but its ultimate consequences are
nreenant wiih "evcy ill thai flesh is heir to." The
decomposed parts of the body, which are thrown
I y the blood into the bowels, are there detained, in
stead of bting evacuated daily. In order, therefore,
to prevent any evil consequences resulting from
this accumulation of impurities use Rranrfrtih't Ye
getcHt L'nivtrial I'ili'i.a rmdicin which for mild
ness and rtVicscy is unsurpassed. These Pills have
been utrrd in evey vanity of derange men's ol the
humsn body, snJ ytt, when propoily used, never
failed lo rest or o to health, except in those cases
where nst nre wss ethau.U'd U'f"'t the pills wr
commenced with.
03" Purchase of ii. D. Mstser, Sunbury.or of
agents BUy'n'caj in another psrt of this pspcr.
Sa,T0.r:?.K.CL Hi2
IS hereby given lhat I have purchsssd the follow
ing ar i. les.sold al rilPs tale 011 the 4 h inst ,
as the property i f Jonaihaii anJ Andrew Hoover,
which snides I hive loaned to mid Jonathan and
Andrew until I saw proper to lem vs them, vis:
Two Id ick marcs, 1 bay do, niully cow, I
white calf 7 ho.,u, 2 sett of hsmess, 1 two hor.n
wagon, two thirds of 8 acres of corn in lbs grounJ,
two thirds of 3 acres b. it, half of 4 acies
w heal, half of 4 acreiof i ve, I bureau, 15 yard
csrpet, 1 mantle clock, t plough.
Aucus'a. Oct. 14, ISt.t. 3t. .
iTtx rn tL
IS hereby given lhal wa have purcbasej the fol
lowing articles, olJ by Thos. A. H lhncion
al constable sale on the 1 lib inst., as the property
cf John D Shipmsn, wh'ch VTe have loan1 , .ha
said J hn B. Ship,.,:, until w. op ',0
Uioe then, viz :
One sorrel 1 i,4y mi,e( , ufk enw j
,,r,p.-'i cow, 6 bee-caps and beis, 1 bureau, I clock.
1 sells wagon harness, S setts plough do., I coal
stove, 2 ploughs, I harrow, 1 wind mill.
Augusts, Oct. I i, 1343 31.