11 A ' It MSTi ri:SYI.VAIA. The following li-t show the cumnt lua of till Pennsylvania Dank Not. a. The Tnoit Implicit rr lunce may he platpil upon it, a il l- try vifk aarrfutiy compared with m i corrected fiom Li.k eU't, Reporter. Hank in 1'lilln Jelpbln. UMP. 1 NOTE AT PA R HatA rt Nortli Ameiira Pank of the. Northern Lihertie . Commercial Pank of Pemi'a. . F.ner' and MrchaiikV Eolik . Kencirgton Pank PI iU.t.!.rii Dank S.hmlkill Ear,U r :ii!l.r aik linn' V'e'n Pink . . Vrrl'.iniiV Rank Mar.u'ncturrra' Mechanics' P;T,k C'oimHry ITntrks. nr.k of I heater County Bank of Delaware County Pink of Oorruaritown Punk of Montgomery Co. Doylrstown Bank Esa'oti Bunk Farmers' Funk of Duck co. Office if Pank of Prtin'a. )n.c io Jo Office do do OflV do do NOTES AT Rank oftha United State Pank of Penn Township Oirard Pat.k Voysrnensing Pink ".ink of Pennsylvania" Mireta Punk of Fot'svilie f;irk r.f I f i tstown i'nrk of Middle town UiTifc of Nnnhuml eii..nd Pnii.iv. fl.t tirml nillnt '., lit Ahntltirtf nf lY'.crnl I it to rffrtuje n purify the Body. I Si D I A V EG I: T A 11 1. TG T 1 f. 1. 1H ,'ort h .Imrrtfau VolUgf of ITcaVh, Ara now nrhnowlr.'ged to be ihe best Medicine in the World fir the cure of EVERY VARIETY -OP DISEAFT "HTSECAf.'SE thrr fomp'ctcly rlranse the to- Z 1 1 ' f . . L tt! ..... .1 . far t'nr pr . par Pt pnr I r I L..I JJ.H Westchester pnr Chewier Tvn Gcimantown pur Noirie'own par Duyh Cumi pur Er.aton par Pri-tnl pr Hairijl.uiin Tin-e Lancaiter I rffitfn Reading ''Co not Eustori J psur n. DISI'iU' N T. Philadelphia 85 pHr Pr I" 2 Pot'aville l.ewistuwn Middletoivn NorlhumbeilanJ par Colombia I'nr:k & Pri.lj; co. (.'iih:nilia I'nrlitV Park' haiiRe "sink do briuch rf farmeV Pan't of I uitti$?ei 1 nnCBstrr Cour.ty O irik rirr.rt!i' Pnnk of Rsndiiig" ll'jrri?nil!j Eank Lotirns'cr Pn k Lehnsicn Pfii.k !rrfrf.ilHl, V -muf. Bul k. Unnk of Piltil i.r(5 Weat Branrh P nk Wyoiuing Purik Nirthnirptoii Pink l-tpika C'nuntv liarik Office of Pai.'k of V. S. V.i Jo da lo do do Cpr'inBlnii 8?.v. Ina. A IVnn Tovnahip Sn Ina. !nt.k of ( 'linnlier.mrg rl. rk ot it;tylburg V,!:.-! utf 1 1 ! I j J a v i! urj Kradii.fj J Hamtri'i'ij 1 Lnnrnsicr i I.rlasvri ! Piittbuig 1 Pitti.I.unf 1 WilliaiTirpoti S5 V.'iikc luna 3 Alkntfiin Rradin 7u PiitsbuiS MU J Erie do lw Br'nUton do do do Charr.benV.irg 3in"i hi k o" u-que!ianna Co. trip P;o.k Fa'rr.i'T." & Drovera' Dank FmiikltM Usi.ti IT..n(dttlr' B.r;k .'tornnibf-i Pnrk of P. Ci-Hyaburg Montrcae Erii V,;aynpl)iirg WAehiiijjton ITor-nKltiie Dr. n inv,;l Yo:k fhfi 14 li York Hsrk A. 15. i l a r.otrg r.i t!iiF l'sr.ks on wt.itu we i-n.ii quntntiiin, and aubtitute a d:ish ( ) are not (.uri l atd by the PI il idi lpl.ia hrokera, w'nh tlir xoej. lioii of tlime wlin h baie a It'ltor of ri feri-nce. It Pi ( i K E N II A X K 8. f l,ilsdf l tiia Snv. Ii.i. PtiilHdelhia Philudelphia I.onri Co. do eVI.iiylkill Pav. ln. do Maininl I,li.r Pan (T. V Dyott, prop.) I i-waaitti Mat.k AMrg'.any Eai.k i f Pa. H.U k of Uraver Uiiik of Swioiira tt ri i , K of Wiol.ii gluii L'n.rrp Pui k City Uuiik ruin.fr' & Merli'ca' Dank Parmera'iV Rterh'ca' P:mk Futinrrt' &. Mpi li't BtlJai.k llaanony Inaiilutc Huntingdon Dank lui,ifla Dank innd'errnen'a Pink Noril'prn Pai.k of Pa. Niw Hope P. 1. Pridge Co. Nortlmml.'d Union I'.il. Uk. N.iMh Wntirn Ptt':k of Pa. OfTirp of s. binlkill Pjnk I'n. Acr- iV Monuf. Punk t-ilve r Lake Cai k l"n on Pnt.k of IVnn'a. V f ilii oitlui.il l'n i ,k fnilrd f..ild f..iled f..ild 8 Oaf 5 no tale cloii d rloril filid rLi d no rule fnilrd f.nle.l failed iio tale 1'owii da Pcilford Pei.vpr Hariisburg 'anlitnc ion Pell, fi.r.ie Pitul Ulg Pitlkburg F&yilt.' co. ( actn. at a llainiony Huntingdon no mle l.eitoivn no e.ile W'arien fadnl Dun.lulT no tule New Hope clotrd Milton r.o Fair Mindtille climtd Port Calbon CurliIe fuilid MoIiIi.ifc rli.M'd Ini.'ijl.'nn f.ilr.l (Ir.li rbure ilc;i-! W ilkesbarre Pii.lce Co. W iWi sbiirrp no sale fXj All n tt-8 purporting to I c on any Pi imi-yl-vtinia Bank not giMii in the above lit, n.ny be set iluwn aa frauda. Par k of New Drunaniik Pelvidciu Punk lMulinicton Co. pHi.k Cnmii.eicial Dank Cumlrland li.ink Vfiimi rs' Dnk f arnura' and MirrLaiiirn' l'k FurmCTs' or.d Vii l.unirb' Lk Farnicra and Merr linliif,' Dk 1'raiiklin Eat k of Ts. J. PrunaM it k Prlvidir Mi.'f.rd Prrib Andcy Pridiet..n Mount Holly y X. Piui.m-.uli Mi-ldli tuMn J't, Jerhty (.'iy Holken Blfi; Uitzih; Co Hcb.il.en Jt-refv City D;k Micbaniia' Umk Manufactur. r.' L'..nk Morri Ccui ij 3ji.!. ?1.r.n;ou;l !. N. J. '.( ln hi. i" Em l Mi. I.i . ' ii '.r c i ; . A v.:., l lif. Pk iM.y Cily Pali. rii-:ii Pt li- vLia J.Ji.rriftuwn Fit'thoU Tn ntoii Jerery City fuilid 1 (ar 1 pu par 4 fdll.d U I'aili.l l i l.d fuilfl fr.l.d failed U fjib.l i par :ii-t J., i'.r:.. Co n j. '.';.v i i:.;. . :. N .1 Fici.i-r o I 1:.: I tJim.gp P. i v fa-tr :. P n i .,' k PrM.r. . i ' k f al. ni I... k'n.K ' 'lal. Pjhk Hial. lUi.l Irfl&U- P k Slntc Dank oi M.iii,t Hlatc Punk Kidi m mi.! Vbi'i .l .'.!.:iii.f Co t.u'P X I'.'ll Mille Tr.-i li l in g C ittt x m k t i M.r.. . I rui, i li' l i un t t r i.i b Do Do I'ui.'ii Punk (j;", Fiu'ri 6'a Qj Cl. f I ..I I- It ltt i.iaat m :l iftwiUfiWrw, in ainvkMi u. K. v. nrk I-..I. L. i. i i'i y Or:-: i: i'i.:. i-. n ! 1 1 r j t n..n r ..ii in T r vi a rk Fluid r.htown t 'iir.nb n Mofiiitown 'l'n r.t jii ! in Niwton Tunion )lier i r.. I-. iibiuk ' mil ttioii ' mini.gluii i. vina VI illord TViv. r Vi1ir.ir.';tna il l.. g tl.Vl ,i canle iluiiiifc'ton I'O (ale I i f:i. i'. '3 ( .... .1 ms. L and bowel from th ae billii u and cor- nipt hun orn n'l.irh are the eaue not only o. Jteodaehe, Gi.l.linraa. Palpitation of the ITe rt, Pa'na In tbn U.-rea. Ehrumot'am and O. ut. but evi r mc1a.l inridi i t to man. SAID INDIAN VF.t'.ETAPI E riT.I.s are a eeriain cure for in tPinvtlent, 'emi:trd, nervnua.lnlliimntniy and pu'rid Fever, bernure tbi y i;leir.o the p.idy firm those moilrd jrti'or, avbirb, when cotifme l totbp ciiou- l-ltcn. are ihernuoeof all k:nds cf FF. VEK. P, j h'eo, wlirn ti e fsmp inpurUy ia depos'trJ on t! e rrrrribinie on.l rrntacV, eoK'tip p.iina. itiJl.itni- lion and nvrllirea rolled PtlEt'V ATl'd. tilil T, Ar. Wri(.ii'aTndi..n Viftiti! !r Piila nny ; 1 1 relied i x 84 alwaya . crtaiti to (ie r. lief, ami it' , prraevtrrd ftilb, arroidlrK to d'.rrctiond w',il mn4 8s.ii(r;!y, nnd wilhout fail, n'.'ikc a prrfert rn e of : the above pn'iif. I tit.lii.lira. Fiom tbr. e to t'i i f i e.ld Indian V. (tetnb'e Pill Ukrn every r.iRbt p.' ir to bed, will i.i n Klioit time ao cotnpletrly rid ; tbe l...'y fiom m ry ll'.inj thai if oT'Ped to lirallb, ! Hint lfl'pr.rnM'i-ni, fiont. and .in of evetv dearrip iioo.iv',1 be lii.mlly DRIVEN FROM THE DO- . DY. For tbe t tne rpisoi), when, from auildotl .' cl.iu era ol anno, j lu re, or any other cui'.ko. the pet- 1 epi alien ifi-Utk.d, andll.ehumms wh'ili ahonld pi.r. iff bv ilo' nkiii are thrown inwardly, cau'in IIEADACIIE. niDDINES. n.uxea and ei. k-1 nep, pain ill tbe b. nrs, wa riy and ii fiaine.l eyri, j sore throat, hoarrrne a, ciM'ph, eonanmption, j rhenmat'c f.nir.K in rnrion irtn of li e b..dy, nn.l : mnnvothir vmp'omi of CATCIIINf! COLD, V.4'Af L.tflaii Vee!.:l!e PiUn will invariably j (live immrdi to r. tit f. Fr. in llnce to fiv of "A Pill tnkm cveiy nit:l.t on k .i;i to V.. d, wi'l i,i a j abort lime, not ordv rcmovr nil li e ft' vr miph-a nit i ajmtom, bill die body w ll, in n aln-ri tune, be rrtored to even noun.', r hrnlili than before. j ASTHMA, nu DIFFICULTY OF PKEATII INO. V; ight'it Indian Yrertcule Pi!!s will torn- rn Mtid p:.rfy off, by the stomach onJ bnweia, thoe ! toiKh phi. gmy liumor, wbieli atop up all the air j ee!l- oi the luima, and ore the rauae, not only of tho above dit'.rera'rg roniplaint, but v hpn neglcrtsd, j often trrininate in that nio.euipadl'ul r.iv.la 'y railed j CONSUMPTION. It thou'd be a'poienieinb. red that Wriflit's fculitm Yittnllr I'M arc e. rtoin cure fur PAIN IN THE SIDE, Oppn s-ioii, tnai- ara, and aLk;ier, ioa of appi tilt, r.vyiivr:ir.a, a I yel' jw '.itie of the 'kin urn! eye, nv.d evfry .:l.rr I iVrnptoin .1 a ti rpid or tiijenred n'atr of llie liv. r ; j l erjiioe ll.ty pume from the body those iinpuiitie i wliieli if d. povi'.ed upon tl.ia iinpnit uit i.ri'.:ni, nr.- the mu e nf ewry vaiiety if I. IYER COM- j PLAINT. When a ntvien i ronmlev.l by riot , ' mubrtiikf and r. belli, in. the oily memo: of prevent- i inj ti e dreadful coi.arquenna of a t.I II, M Alt, ia to eipcl all trai'ora, and evil d:npois, d one s from the country. In like manner, w h. n pain or tick nesis of any kind, indicate that the Imdy is mui clinis: w ith int. n al foes, the true remedy is to EX PEL ALL MORPII) HUMORS', (Tmiiora to beabh and life.) Htallh will be the certain reiu't. Vtii't tbe piini i; le i f r.irinp dii rae. by ilfiiiiinz nnd purit inj tiie body, is atiietly in arc.ird .nre wiih the law which pov.rn tbe uninu.l .roi on.y; mi.' iTp'opnlv rnrried iiit I v tbe n e. f ibp above inured WPK.IIT'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS, will reitainly reuli In ilief.m.pli t Alo I i;n rf Tli-rr.ae : p offer the Wlowini! testimoni als ff'.m pera n of the l.iphift repeiinluiiiy id Nrw Yoik, xho have ircentiy been iim d of the n.ont obstinate roinp'nint, eolely by the use of TmeHr'a Im.ian VKf!r.iai.r. Pi ilk, of the Forth An.ei ircn Ci .'.(,' llcuUh . Ji v a in, L. I., June 0 1." 1 1 . Porter Vil ia i. W riht De .r Sir It in with Fre..t rnii-faetiiii I inform j on of ,.iy bavins be. n Uitiiely cured of Hyi epi.:a. of f.ve yiar. nai.du g, bv the life of yair Im i in V.mr.i.ii Pill.' Pn-viou to mrpiing w'rli oi-r rdebiatu! m.di eine, 1 rid b.en under the hand of reveral Phyi eiui a, and had iri.d various incdieini; but all to no effect. After uii.g one 15 rent box nf jour Pill, however, I expirienred so morh bei.elil, tint I trnlved to per-reip in the ue of them aer. inline lo direction, which I amha py to slate, hn re.-i.lt-ed In a pel feet cure. Ingratitude to you fu the preat ben. fit I have received, and oho in tie h pe that ot'.irra eimilaily afilicled mny be induced lo ln..ke tiiul of your eiim ijiinry iiie.li. ine, I rend you lb i f-tateniint with full l.beity to publish ihr name, if von think pr. jer. Yours. Are. Kuk Yoik, June lJ. IS II. O.C. PLACK. Mr. F.ii l .nd T'ei ni, agent for Vi'iibt's Indian ' A'.i;el.,;.e Fi!!- I Th ar Sir ! have hi en af.'n'trd f.r so: err.l yenr ; wi.h inwr.rd w.i.l.no'9 and n. rl debility, ur-om- , pai 'n d at time w iih pains in the tide und oihir I ditriii g ri'it'.phiiri'a. Aft. I having Ir ed varimi j nirdieii'ea w i'h.M t . 1T ri. I ivas rru uh d by a fii. ri I J to m;.ke trial tf Dr. YVushla Indian ticetjblv Pi'.l. which T am happy to mate, have relieved n.t in a nn el n. iidi rful niaimi r. I have u.-. d the me dieii c, a yet but a llOll t ine, and l ave no doubt, I y a p. ir-everince in ibe ur rf the rue.''. :..e sreor ilu.g to din i tioue. lu.t I tbf.'l in a tlutt time It I I it. W ie toie.l. I Hi-jut wii'onp'v KCrrr.rnrrd aid P l' to nllper tons ritnilai ly i-f.'.ii icd. nnd in ibe full biliel thai tbr r.lti.r . J a... 1 !..! "Ll;".lI.J.'- 1 -" " U ROSS3 OINTMENT, ron THTTrn. fti.-vcwon.vtn, tiMPi.va Tnr: txrr., a-no otueh CVTANVOUH FRt ITIONS. . (Tj" 77.e fnlh toinifetrtica'e acril on nfihe mont rxtruordbK'.ry turn tter tifsxinl hy any oppiiaitiot. TiittiDttpiitA, February 10, IJ'OR twanty year I wn aeverrly elTlirtnl with TtTTH on the Fare ami Head: the diuease commenced when I wa seventeen jeara old, and continued until tins Pall of I8:t0, v.irwnrt vil" irnfe, but without ever disappearing. Diiriin most of the time, greet part of iny f.re waa rover, d with the eiuplion, friquently attrndid with vio'ent itch ing; my head aw. l'cd at timea until il feltaa h" it would burst tha twellin was so g e.it, that t could scarcely get mv hat r,n. Durin; the lung period that I wa nlfli, te-1 wi h the diipne, I use.l a greHt muny n plirnti -n. (innmg them s. 7cral celebrated prrp nation-) i" w II a. IhIuiiu inw nd rein, dies, in. biding a nimbi r of b .tlli a nf Sicriim'a I'd'inreu, Ext met of f-trr,.p, a i!ia, fi c. In fmt. i' w-.nld be iinp.)-aiblt to virutr..vao nil tbe tnrd;. in. s I use d I ww a'.a.i under tiie r .re r.f two of ibe niot din-linui.i-.bc.l pbyficinna of ihU eiiy, but wilh .ut re ceiving iiV'. h be. . fi', and I despaired i f ever bring cure.. In ti e f.ll of 1S:K, (he d sen-e i.t the time bp-ng very violent, I commenced uini! liin .'o?c Ointmtn', (prepi.p'd by Vnujlmn A D.vis.) In a I v B plli-alions the vnrelit ltelilt'3 c asc.t, Hit swel'ii g nl uU'd, the iriiplioii began to diiri; pear, a:n! It f. re I had u.d .1 j .r the di-easrf wa entirely ruied. It hi now been n. ary n s at and a Irnf Mlirp. and thi te i not a vr-tiiie of ll.e ibnei-o re- mail inc. except the scnrifrotn the deep, pits formed by tbe di-es'e. Il ii impossible for iiu to ibncribe ' in it efTtif.eale the eerity of thrf die.n-e mnl my anil' tin)! but I wiil bo pie .si d lo give a fuller ac cot nt to or.v ner-on ivonlinir further satii f-ie?:.iti. r.ho will ci.Ii on r.ie. At li e time I co'iiinci.ce.l ! living the R- so Ointment I would have pv-n bun- j cbeds t.f do'lnia to he rid of the diseiisp. Since u- ing it. I have rrcnmniended it to -even! prsnn, j (rmorg them my mother, who had iho dii-ca& bad ! Iv on her a-m.) vAm w-. re a I cured by it. I" JAMES DURNELL. No. lCr,V.are?t. ! (j 'I 'be I! se Ointiiieiil is .ti pirrd bv E. II. j Vairiiai, Sou'li East corner of Third end Race site. t, Philiid. lj.hie, and sr.ld on aL-enev in Sunliii ry. bv il. . MASSEII, I ' May Mih, ISP. Arnf. j ISoso OiiifBt'nta for Teller. j A PROOF OF 1T!S .'VVC.U Y. Pn.nr.11.t111, T.T.iy S7th, Ls.TJ. w to e. rniv ti nt I w is s -vere:v a::i c'e.i Tet'er in tb.e bunds and f. et fur upwards ul fortv yeats ; the dii.'a-.e attended -etie rally wi'li v;-.!eiu nihil.!; I. no mehing. i nppl id to .1 i.ur.ibi r of physici 1 ., and uiJ 11 gr.-wt 111.11 y appli cation without elbeiiiirr a cure. About a y. nr ainre, I upplv ! ti e Ib.-e Ointment, uhicli i'..lr. ly :?,Yt J l'ne iteh ng. oid a fi v n;M.ir::io:i irr.ineui nti'.ycur.d the ih-ense, w hitb lucre has been 110 return of, slil-.oorli I hed never bren ri i u" it ol any lime for forty year. KIC1IARD SAYAOE, Eleventh, below Spiuee Street. rj- The "n.iec Oil. tiiicni i ; '.-p i-.'.l by T.. E. Vauhiin. S ri'll Eu.-t c.rnrr ot Thial and Race Stieets, Philadelphia, and a. Id on aj. nev in unbu rv. by IL P. M'.U'SFT;, ' May l lth. A-'''- IV.'EDZCAI. k'J.TncrATIOiJif of the nasi: oi.tmj:.t, fr r ttr. LTHOUnil ibe sun.ri.iritv ot h mux, I iiu A HitiT, V-l Fim on ck Co 11 ok. On., J ATTORNEY AT LAW, CUZTETjnV, rA. Dusinpfj attended 1i in the Countiea of Nor thuml irland, Union. Iciitidng an J Columbia. Refer Int Tit!a H.111T cVc Co., Lnwi.11 A P in an v, I IIaht, Cvtunin ft HitiT, yr.'iiluit. Riitsoma. Mel Spr.-.u xo, '10011 To'CoiiJilry lvZERCHAITfJ. nHE Subarriber, Agent of I yon iV Harris, Hat Manufacturer, for Tirw York, Phil idelphiu, Uallimnre and oth'r iiiri;e cities, wl oa'j Huts tire highly rommen.led for pner? r-.lii cn l tlurnlilitw. has on band a lir-t rati! nanoitmnt rf H A I"3 and CAPS, tuit'ii le f,.r F.prmji wh eh will I e ..JJ very low, foi rash nr a pioved rredit, nt the m ltd chrup sturr. No. 40, Noith 'l'li-rd atr'i.l, o; p i.-ii'e the Cily Hotel. Phihi.lelphm. ROIU'.PT D. WM.EINSOW. A,.enl. N. P. O.dersf.l Huts ill iho ro,r; . piornplly alteiidt'd lo. The hi6hc.it j rioe in trr.'i )! trade given far l'i,r it; in it. Philadelphia, June 11, ISI3.--W LL pprsri!3 imi. bled to the linn of Lyon At Hntr's, imd. r li e ng. ncy of O. N, Thnehrr, H it and Cup Niimtftictvrm, ,o, A' North Third, t trp.'t. Ph.l uh l h'a, are ri ri'ies!-.' 1 to uia.:p iiiiinedi- 1 ate settlement of 'b. if a rent. is v. iiii the sui-criber. their legal'y aut.ori7ed eu'-t.t, who ia fully i npi.w end to fettle and coll. et tie neemints of s-ii.l firm. RORERT l), WILKINSON. June lib, IS 12. ;f Amt. GOLDEN SWAN A. G'J Xorth Tl.hd. ah.r.-e A:-lt IHrttt, riHLADHLl'IIIA. W. & L. E. TA7LC?t. yfXFFF.R Foil SALE, at the .South EnM Cor 2 j? ncr of njlh and Murhtt &t,tel, I'hiluJtl- Mena' Calf-skin Roots, stilchej warrantej. do do do peiiged do do do wilcr proof, double aolea and double uppers. do Calf-flin do do and uppers, do Ha.vy VVuter Leather Pools, do do Neat do do. do High quarter Shoes, Calf-skin, do do do Crocker do do Fine Monroes warrantej do nailcJ Jo Kip do do do Culf do do do Coarse do do do do Shoe do do Fine do do do Kip el! do do Culfard Seal Pkin Fumpr;. do Li.;; Saick willi and w ithout soles, do Cari et do do ib do Patent Warrant:.! Water-proof Morrism. Ladies' do do il l tij Ladies' tanned India Rubber 'hoes, t ieiitlem. us' do Over f!::ies. V.'i'h every other de.-r iptioti of boots ar.d ahoes. Fur Cap of every description. Travelling Trunk of every di scrptbti. Veneti ill Travelling Pns. Pulent (Sum Eias.ii: Shoe Ijiaekiinr. P. r.iiet t.f all kinds, Palm lo af Hats. Phil idelphia. November 13. ls-12. I v. pHAU ,-tid -F. I. Arf'OMMOIlAT IONS lllll MF.VUM'V I'KllWO.Nf. A ULES WI'.ISS, hneol li e W hile Swan," ntol "r.!;v.int .".rin.n J 'o.i'-e, resin etluliy 111 forms his friends and ensli mets, that be I n b. come Ibe proprietor of the obov" well known Hut. I. Cmri'ry Meichants w ill f ml the above Hotel a eetiti.il I. rnti.m, and tbe best f lure. Person tra velling with private conveyance will find a large yard toul good stabling lot horse.--, und the bet of j WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Pool;: LERS AND STATION ICR-., Xo. VZ'i Cln.'si.ut Street, U!(.iv -Uli, 1 inlt'.UL'lPlnrt. EEP constantly on hand a general assort merit of !3.io.s and Slstmrnry : efiiinrisina Theolopic.il, Law, Medical, Classical, Misetilanr; ous ami Sehnol P. inks, Day P..uks, all sizes. Led gers, do.. Family Pil'ev, Poikel P. hies, Wiilinr Pi.peia, Wni ping Papers, c. Ac, which they of l. ral the b .vest ptires to Counlry Merchant' Pro fessional (11 ntlemrn, Teacher, and all uthor thai May favor il.ein with ill. ir ci.-l.v.ii. I'hilnilelpliia. Noi.mb. r 1:1. l.sl?. 1 v. oslleis. lioardinij f 1 penlav. May 1 1 1I1, I SIS. if. .Tticl.:j(l Va'c.-ivtr A: Son, 'TUT-? is 1 Will. 'I r v. . tl sup, r.riv prt'l'lliai , ibe 1 r .1 r ! - " I - v"; I (.'utntiiissioii A: 1'i.rwnrilirTi Merchants, j loot if M i.'.'i.i' Slrnt Ji.iil Jlmid, ' n Til l 1 1 1. . w 1 11 r., HAVlNf! ns-ic niid vih it,, in Joseph TJiirm-t, late ;.f East. .n. I .., r Fi-e. tf.illy inf.nr.i their friends nil. I the public geneiallv. that tin y have t a ' k. n th it larfe an I w e I know li 'jur and whi.'fat j f... t of Willow- Sir.rl Railroad, I it-ly oirrpi.! l y 1 ,!i.'-b Maiiin, .heie il.ev pu pee .loin; a O'en. ral Cuinnii'sio-i nnd ror.vanliig Pu.ines-, r.n.l fr. '11 lhelo. il :.d au'n -es i f ti e place 1 t ir.z conn-eti il ' with ell ll.e pob! r inrpri.v. n,c:.H '-.r.t b.r.ve lb. ir ! outlet ill ibe cilv, loci tb.tt. r the. ;.-.',,'?. ib.ey will be able t do nc.-:a:rr t as r" it. ii' not g eat. r a.l l vaioahe, nnd upon s r.-.isori'.ble tt rrrs as nnv other ! hi'lise, mid tin. nssme 1 1 0 1 r fia u.ls ti.r.t ai.v ron p.i iih nt- 111 u'e to I .1 111 1 1, .il i.iv t lb. ir s r.et ..!- I ,V,. l:t A'..r.'i Wnttrli.-(tt. I'liihid, p'ii,i. ! "Jf TH" A V TI roiititniitly oil bund, a general i.ssort i fi id mint of Cord, m.-, beiuc Tv. ines. Ac. viz : I Tai'.l Ri pep. Visbing Hopes, Vh:,.e Ropes, ,Ma..il- la Ropes, Tn Lines for C1t.1l IS als. Also, a j complete assortment offline 'J'vvinrs, A-.-, siieh a I Hemp Shod and H.rring Twine, Pest Patent Cill i Nei '!' ine, ( 'otloii Mia. I an I H-riing T" ii e. Shoe : Tb-ea.ls. Ac. .e,., .., Ct.rJs.T'l.iuli Lilies, : Il:.'.ter, Tr.it. s. Cotton and Linen C o pel (.'hams. WINSLCW'fl UAtSAM OP HonsnouND, A N nnparrllelej remedy for common Colds, 'oughs, A-thma.Influeria, Yhnbping Cough, Pron. bilis, and all dtseaea of ihe Preasl and Lungs, lending to consumption; composed of the concen trated virtue of Hon bound, Donart, DlooJ Root, Liverwort and veteral other vegetable aubatance. Prepared only by J. M. Wustow, Rochester, New York. The innocenre and universullv admitted pectoral vhtursof the Herb from which the Halt-am of Uutth'iiind ia made, arc too (jenerally known to re quire recommen.laiioii ; it i therefore only necessa ry to oh-etve that ihia Medicine contain the whola of their Midirinal propertie, highly concentrated, and i happily combined wilh aevcral oilier vege table si.batances, a to render il the moat apee.ly, mibl and certain r. medy, now in use, f. r the com plaints above mentioned. The lials.uii rrmovia all imfiammation anJ fore ni ?s of the Lung, loosena tuuh visid phli gm. en. id ling ihe palietit to expectorate with eae and free ib .10, ns-un(.'ea cough, relieves alhmatic and dilTi cult re-pi, aticn, heals (lie injured part, ejiens the pure-, nnd coiiipusis ihe distuil cd nerves, nn.l give sir. 114th to the lender lungs, and thus produces a speedy and lasting cure. Im.h 1 n 1 in: istiik n isKsr rniME i.x Mim. We are not a:noi g that ibis of Editor who for a f. w dollaia will, (at ll.e expense of truth and lio tiesty) "crack up' an article and bring it into rapid ale ; ne'uher a:e we willing to lemain silent, oflir having tested the utility of an i'n rovement or dih envery in aci. nee or uit. Our rci.hr w ill recollect we told them we were unwrll with a vore thioat and violent c.'i.l some few Vvrek ago. "Wi-ll, we pur-.lo,.-.,l mobotibs ,.f WINDOW'S DAI.SAM OF lKKlEllor.ND, and to sudden was the rure, that Keforiot we ever had a olj Those who are atliicted, may tiy it upon our reeiimineiniaiiun. .(. .li.-. o'i i i-Irirriij-.h. t or sale by It E N 11 Y Y ( IXTHE'.MV It, tnhury, JACOU PRIU.'IT, X.rthumtun'uiid. Also, by 7VugiI generally throughout the coutilrv, (jj- Piicc, ,r)U tint per bollle. Auii'u.-t l ilt,, I -S 1 2. 1 y . FCS? -i3.ii.lLEi. fTlti. sa'e a small Farm, contiining about enc " liundie.l and ten acriv, im.re or le-s, situate i in Point township, Norihuml erland c.iintv, about I two mil. above Noitbumbeil mil, on the nunn j road leH.'in.; from it; jt pbne to Da:iille, adj. lining binds o! John Leuhoii, Jese (.'. Hni'mi and others, . now in the oe.upinry nfSamml Payne. About t.oty arm u' said ti.nt areiband, and in good slat-- ol cu'tiiaiion, 011 which there U .1 s-iiiuil biir.i i.nitil. '1 he p.. p. rty will be wild oil r. aoi able trims. Foi furiii. r particulars, puconsari reei'.itt j cJ to app! to '.ho e-j! -.-eii'o r. II. U. MANSER, Aa,t, :. tf N ov. 2 , Hi, tic. all of whiili they will dup.if. 0 teims. ri,ib.,'..t 0:1 t-a-.-oaable pom, i'vovemipi i.i, is:". ,v. .f :.i ih 5' is?;ij ji F.iiiij. EH'EOTFULLY informs tin ir fmi d .niiiil'"; t'nme ti Le-.',) Ll r'. s'rr. !. ':.;:-u!.b I.i 7 ' !;.'.( Co wi.ii ii tii, v v. .;; ai 1 s ge ii-rally ibat u old st .n.i, I n.'r ,.,' v A ."' AM- till n Cie rr 1 h.-v sil l I I Old on- 1 yj i h:;aj-:s. 10 reluonKlalin ( s abh-bed, tor tiie ; . a-vre in l.iy-na hi fore trie public tin1 follo-.vi; c ceil f.-a e fiom a r-pi el ible b.vsic'in. a padii.tte of the I'nners.tv ol r. iiiisv Iv ani a. In. Paii.b, having found in thi 'tnn-dy that n-l'e! I I a ti dt. us and di-agr, 1 .1' !.- atl'e. linn w hi. h 1 In- me it. wi'hin the rant.' of 1 is pr. fe-ioii fole l n alb.i.l. has ret hoiiatt d to five il his npproba'i n. i.lih.ugh the pr. ;udie. ai d irj'creits of lhal pr. !cH m &i . ..; pettd to actrl Ui;;;.lii. Pi.njiiLLPt!i , s. p-. in, is-.r.. I waa rerei tly jroi.b'iid w itli a tedious ,er elie eruption, wl.i.h coe id i ailv one i e . fun f re. i.nd f iter ib d i.er the ear. Mr. Yaunb1.11. j 10; r'--lot of li.e Pose Oii tri.c: t, obfii-i v ing my (Ue, 1 1 1 ted on my P'na bis prep.nalioii, t.f wbiili be han ded me a jar. Ailii oi.h in commoii wilh ll.e n.em I era of my profion, I discountenance and disap prove ol li e nuroi roils nostrums p .lined upon the public by Lnniant pr- tend, i?, I I. el in ju ire bound to exc. 1 t the Rose I tintin. nt fiom 1 1 , -j 1 e'a-s of me d cilies. iird j;ie it my probation, n il entire ly iimd ihe eiuplion, alihoiif li ii h id re-isted the u-u.l..l...ii..is. DAM. DAI (..I. M. D. (Jj' The l!o.e Ointmei t is p.e.,,n .l by I! P. Van. Ion., South F.a-t c oi rr ol Thud and K .ee Sweets, l'bliadi 'pl.ia, and buhl nil eg. I CV ill Sl.li t'Ury, I V li. D. V.A-fc'ER, M-.y I -III,. 1 ,11. Azint. y. A'srjjANi, ji;.. u co. 1 .m i 1 tu n - t. i,tvr I. .con, Th. y i.re a.s-v prepar. .1 po...1 1.1 any point on ibe i J to give . 1, tire t t.'.-eive and forward Y-. I r.v..r- nn.l L. h'eb liver-, in Kvei 11 Mar.ch Chunk, r.a-nn ni l I'lulx d. l.bia, vii D. i..v are Divisi, n and I ehijli C .n L; al.o. to ni v point . ri 'be Juni itn liv. r, or Nor li an-! Wi l II fin. b.es.v tb- Su-.;i Intnini tin Set u. I.'ll and Union, ot iho Ciii b ipe. .!.- and I i.lc W .tri f'at..i!. r r H e ace. mmo.'i.i. oil of !.'...'s rom.og or go- .1 els ti.. - tct 01s. .N. li. Alt 0 In- p:o.:ij l'v .r. n i'lit'.ii! ii ..'. v. :.; m!i b ' : tii. ;i. r ' : C '-'. v itcrJ uubiitv'. Pa, OF i: K!,Y DiX KirTln.V NFAY KXCLAMl Oil. COMJMNV. N. X-itiii W-T-jr Street, rhi!a. I Ri'.IIS mi l dealers in Oils nf i"l. b.oh fir bun. r- ar.d t:iJ!t---i.-uriig p;i.-ei.-" !.!. '.' ll. la' mM IllneM lowir l! an to. ) ran br prorure.l e'.-rv here. Bi d w .rani..! in euaa'v to i.p'.d anv ia t'irnti , A ov 1 by the eon. puny not pn.viuj .'. ..', 1. nt. .1, pi ti:.e 1.1 the pur- jpANrrAciT IV fs evetv "I. s. n t :tli .t ' I S . NY I ii g v ia Sih-.iikiil and Uni. n Can il-, a nil! b. k. pt exi'ies! ti.r towiiiii boat in' oat i ;u the Sni.n r.rnl In!' .Y.,'. till .VrrA H'.'.' I'l'u Mrtvitifiu't'.-.rerr, orjir r of lliii t a.id Tiiii il uvlk'l f-tr.li d t-i the l:-!,wr.:e a.i.l 'ojrk, which will en lb- nuiibnnts to have their produce d. 'i vcied 0:1 ihe Le'isware, end l! eir goods shii-p-d ul a anxing of 5t to "JS per cent. , the pne.s f.r h uiit'C c o.-s, wilh th.se udiai.tag.-a they re sp.clfii'.'v Solicit a bhaie rf 1 air nai;.'. W. EF.iL.MAN A. ("O. William II. ilman, William W. K.yse ,C JoT.-ph I5..riiet. 3 Phil:. I .May 14, 1M3 ly 3C0LTCN & CO. Crnt't'Kl intuItsfo!i Uitiili. for t':c fruit iJ'ELur, Hi-kin, Sad. --. .'it. ESpF.CTFULLY i f.rmih. r I.i. ml- n: li C he Mer.'lrr:'. ;i-uerlly, iiat tl.ey have t, ..'!esa!e ai.d Ketai! Mw.e. Bonnet, i an. I I'filtn I.ciif I hi Warehouse. I No. CO y.j.-tl, 'id c fee .' .. clove .irch. i lad, !; ',i,i. I.SO T.l'l.'.s, Carpet P,n: i i d alieen, of et '4. . ry ili.-eiiption, all of which he oliera fur -ale r 11 the OHM i.is liable terms. I I, 1.1 '. ',) iiia, November 13. 1". J . Y . ,S Y A N , rn.brella and Parasol Mania;'. li-ay l.e r. ' orin .1 rh ..vr, in.o ll.e 1 Their to. I, 1: iv i" : '1 oil-, t u. : itJ,l'i ! J ill .i.s Wii.t t r:;v f wi.l be Oie co.-. reli.ii.i I.i 1. 'o fo'iov.in n -ni fOidO Ifi.ttOO I'I. ('CO Sl'.i'Mj l.'-,l I0 I'O l'n do do do Fail. W ll .ter 1 do Pre Sumtner d Clo.b- Oil, riioi S cri.i D.I, Eb 1 1 in r. Oil. do (I 1 :- I, tv.rer. .'..u.' the .Yo. 37 .Y..01 7'A;i t'r.-if. tv I,..l. I !...! . 11 v ,..'., i ....... . . , (OUN TR MenhaiMs and oibeis arc suliciled to nau.:i!i' his aiii..r..i;it b.loie purthaaing 1 1 Isee. here j I'hila !el, I.i... Novmiber 11. 1 fi I :V- j P . & A. O V I T rN i ('liii.a.dlass am! Liverpool YV , Xj Wl .Yi.-.'A Tl,;rd strrd. li.Ud d:c, 1 itrirt, I'hilni.'.ipi.;,-. ! lil.l.l. tin v eo'.is'antly knp on t r .1 1 t.ii "tisr, U!:.u- Vi.:i c. 1 .1 . fetal 11 su'lt w iil fdlow lb. ir u-. , I re- 1:1 j'.r. 1 1 u! s.i.c'M .v. HENRY A. I'tiOIT. WaiV.or-inj. I Isei r.. N. Y. lar '"I 1 r, failed faibd 1 par 1 ftdtU pr pat par r pur l"r ,.,r par par ked thu (J 'here are n I i.t-i of the vsiioua tie- Ntn Y(-m:, Sept. V?. ' 1 1 . 7!.': U to ft-it'.fy th; ! I.sit m.c. W ni'-iir'a NtUk Yinmi:: Pi 1 La n I.'., the pre a!c.l bene f.l : I.hv h g . t :iti run d rny 1 If ol tbi trequmt at tavks ol -ri'k IIi:.d... be, t'i which I had previously le.n fcubjut. ANN MARIA THOMPS-ON, Greenwich s'r.e'. N. Y. To Vr. Kirk-til r.'iitsi, Ajti.t for Wright'a In .!',: n '.r'jble ''it's. A ihere are nt tin time many wi lied peis-on biiuly flipagil in felling Cointefvit meihiine au di r ihe tianie of the Indian Vegetable Pill and a ll ese desf crate men are o uitMly re. kt.'a of cor,-fe-ltenres, that many valuable lives may be lost in consequence of usirg ll eir dreadful corppiHirvbi, iho publ e are rautioned against pi;rri:a'ing any Pill, lunl.ss on the lidt'to. t'.ic Uiia the fellowii g w oi.'iiif is f ui .l : . RIOJIJ'S INDIAN Y EG FT A PIE I'll IS. (Iniiiun F-.irctiKt ) PT T-.T hOU-.S iHllillltl tOllff.E 0 PIllT" Ar.J n'ft to le e-pni-ilK cartful afaitisl purrba fii e said medicine of any Jeri.oti txcepi iht regu lar B.K. riired reu'. AGEMS FUR SOU TH I 'MB F-Ji LA SD CO, I't r.nsijliania. IL D. Master, Sunl ury Win. Forsyth, Nor ihiiii.b. -ilnid J..cot. Hit. SI amokin Siiinm I Heiti, M;.b..in.i Pv. rly A D. Hi , Antuala 1 I . rt: ik F. hn.er, Milton Iiel.il. J A eijt.P, k'cl'.wea-vi'lr E S. I j fi, Tuibutsviiii ,'atni P. td. Potl.-ei.oe l. Klusr, Snv.l. fstcw 11 II. H. Ki ., P. M El.vkbi.rg P. O. Win. Liirer.rinf, P M. l inen Corner. Od'ue and (;nef,l D.iH-t fir the tula of .V.'n Ix. PHILA I r.l.l'JllA. rJ'MIE uti'a rici.il have firm. .1 a Co-p-.:tr: r-'iip A l nder the f.rm of .1, M Y I. N D .1 11. A Cn! 11s successors to ibe late l'n 111 of Ji?,.! .1.V-- ,'0 tid . Co., mid will c 11 :i ,i:e ihe I ustnor si the oi l esta 1 li-hnii nt, on il.nr -.1 .-.ec.u.n'. In ...bir n n 10 their oiv 11 rinse nltetilioii and cxp. tii in-e l i ma- v yea' e, in tbe mat hi l'n t::re if their re!', bra I, d Mm lb , A ihe long expeiieure of il r ... i.i.ir parti rr of ti e late i 1 in, w ill ulo l-e ilevuN-l (1 t'i interest nf ihe new 101 re n and as no . xi-ilioo nnd cue will i e span. I to it. sure th. ir poods, at all lim s of ihe ve ry I .-.t quality, th. y solicit aroiitiiui.ii.re if the confidt lite of ihe fi end and rii-t .ioers ..f ihe lair f.rm. THi.VS ADAMS. J. M A YLAN IJ, .In. Philadelphia, May Hih, I -ID. Iv l!-n r .,' Tlrrd nnd Vnc Htmi.-., fFIIE siils.iler r. si i-rtfii'ily lionounci s tithe .1? pvibr. lhi l.e b ,,e:.,,l a Hotel in lln com- i:i '.li ;i biok I uiidn g r .tu.ite 10, li e. eumer of J hud ct.,1 Fine s'rnts, where i.r f. .! i be h ppv to. W..;i 1 p 1 :..e r.hn may favor l.ir.l vxiji, their eon-pi' y. 'J'he E. ale Hoi. I is l,. c- t:i ! t" r.v. ni rrit, end fin ished in ibe le t ni Vein etile. L i- j pmidi'd witli a 1 i;e 'I'to '.-rr cf v. 'l ti ed r.i.d 1 cc-f,.v..u R ..- ;'.,; tp...l....i : , '.j-r.:-, yrivA'..' pr.il.irs, A r. P. i.-un visitii Wi.hamsp.rt on hu- . liiiissor ji'ea-iire, msy 10-I s-c.r.ii thu! nrry ex t'.ion Will le iisid to ti I iter their sojourn at the "E.irb' IL'tii" jleavant and egrcrable. Hi Table will be f;; pin d with tbe very U '. lae market af- f-'t.k, nri-1 his lar wi.h iho rl oi.e.-t win. and other li.,m'!s- ihargrf jc tonsMe, 'J'he Ea-le Hol.l pi'tnt.-,rs prca'er advantages in point of location than any oihei timilarestiblithtiient in the hutough, being tttuate in the busincs part of ihe town, and within a convenient distance of the Coiitl House and Williainsporl and Elrnira Rail Road D. pot. Siill'.iient Stabling provided, and good unJ tiuty o.'tlt'ra alway in alii ii.lanre. i Aliii.tive, ai. 011 ino.hitii'g and I one-t Si rvants I have I n n tuiploi.!. and t oll it.fj i.fi nndone thai w.'.l a.'.J to the Cii!.!'o:t end sr-'amr.ioda'.iuii of hi 1 en. as. I 'J'h.rc will le a earring, i.lwaj in alien lanco . ll.e loiit 1, uniting 10 cm, n l ssti i ,r sen ll. Do-l-s. to-.(i iv here tl ev w on in Ol!.' ,. . ..I , ,th ol Ch illi the t. b ta modioli What s, i iih. tuo .-i.itt s!ri et, on the D- la v ire, ie No. ID S.nilli Y.'li.rves, 1. 11-. .I to rei-. ive Cilis:,:n- 1 d, Wbi-kev, Iron, Ac. ln.-l uni lo forward all kinds ,rtni. i.t f Cioir., Ware, w hirii itiey will di-p'ise s ,11 il Ir If li-.s. l'bll.,h l)..ia, Novc., I. em! a l;.:j. .1 Liver:....! I on ll.e i .it ie i- ss li en's of . r a i I', Fi. Ac. Frii g also iv el nl M r.-hal disc bv th ibe CI era 1 . ake 11. d hr-'s nv.i k". pi . rpi.r 1. r.is I , i ! rr n u'e. Y.k i, I ai ls v il, id, g.dsd. sired by ii'ler eat. a!-. t- No. l'J S h Tvcs-, b.tr-e. i !t-.il.et and I 'hermit str.e's 1 l:i; It-ill and Union, nr by Ti.'e Wa'ir Canals, as low foi the p'!r;-,e of towing I p ir'.irular to send t'r e:r fh on tbe Delaware, with dir. . li, tit aecomp my ing them with li route th.y wish them to be s!-.tp:e j (j"r- Platter and Sail for u'e, at lln- biwe-t mar kit pi ice. POI.TON A C. Mr.ich 111, lr',... No. It South V. hirves. IKrSiJ lt I' AIl'I lii; Si;, r a r B n ioc r.. rr u r a c t tr r. d n s, I.i.iiuir.iit M.ul, Itullrr.iwc, AYE i- in-'aullv f .r sale, Pi ii'Y.vi I'apir of ub yes und iiuali'.ii-r , Chii Y.'titi'o; I'ji'er. ild.d and J lain, t.flti r Pi.p. r, v. Lite ik'.I l-tue, ruled and I plain. Hal ting Paper, li.iP and tonuUoil. Einelope P;t, do. do. m. -ilo. in, douti e euivvn, iTuvvn ami I xtu si.ot V.'n ; ping Papprs, Colored Medium and K. vnl P. i-r-i, C m.-t, Pimbri, rod Siiavv Pox P, a'lbi, Tissue Paper, and !l nrt . hs in their I lie, wl.nh they wilt sill i n 11:1. r.1111 iJa di g tilil.. II fcht.-l pii-e given f.,i old idn- ROPURT LAM ER A SON, M .ri-h .?, If-'.t. F.lkton. Md I.'.. r. y. TIIKuItLIS CL'l.P. 1 MairufAicliiier nn.l Importer cf Sad- (lli'lT, Ili.iuW i.l'O, vVc. ! .Y.i. .'. .?oi..'A T'tird i-lr,.!., r.iuriLnrsU !,'i Murhtt l'L!i.,!,.;.l.t: ! n T" EEP coi.s.at.liy on ii n:,l a l.'.r;' ar..i at ::eral j K'v)x aasoriment Co.uh Lamps, Can! i-re lhi:. 's. Axle Arms, Flipcc Spun,;. P.ileu' Levi':--. .Vc Celintt v Mer.'l.r.u'.a a:ii sa. idler v, ii. 1 e siipj.li. .! i' I r II limes r it the most leasm able teims. '1 I.i v wi.l f.n.l it to their iidvant.ii.-c to ell and o .. -1:1:1 .t bin a "rlim-nl lu forr pi.rb.itiiii ei- eivhciC. Pl..h.,hlj hia, N.iMmi.r I.), liJ. ly. UHYNOLlhS, M.vjiA UI.AM) Ai'l'u i'.er.:':iu Dea'ti nnJ Aiis'crk .Vo. I ... Mm hi t s r.i IVveicn P.f'!'b!i dnti Fhiii Uil.JI N article umquallvd lor cleaniug and giving a highly durable and inol liiiihant p. hsh tod vr, (Senium Mlver, Eras, Cupper, PnU uiia ware, t Tin, 'ol. el, CliI. ry, und for restoring the luilro on I vaini. lit J iutiia(;e, Ac. '1 It k IF. Ft. I ar.d ami aold ai wl.,,1. sa'e und retail, by ihe Suaquthanna 'brysolitc Pcli.h Cciii any, Owcgo, Tioga county, N. Y. WM. FoRSYTH, Agent for Nmihim. l, H. D. MASSED. A gmt foi Sunburr November 20lh, 1612. tVV''.'A' lmhun Yfgrlaldc Fills, Wbnl.-aal and ; the l!iHie, fire of cbainr. rve.uil. No. 1J HACt ITKLEF. PHILAHFL- j FHIA. Mav tl, l?iJ.-!v . anu fror; May Mifc. I4? tf 'w " " a hi ff iUii.,-9 nliiiv .S'i-i-.i). ) I .,it)E Finding ble. ay kept on hand, w hich he kf otUr forsfile en the lo.4 Urmc. Couniry Mrrch4(.u me puiii-ulnly tJ till end judge (.v. thinibelve. I'LLVii'L.. Ncuoii. 10, ISiC.-r-l.v. C COUNTRY Merchant' and c'he-s rati be sp J plied tt id'. liroi wuh an extensive assort I no ut ol the ... t and most la.-l.i 111 il ie (iiiiJi ujnin I the nio-t reasonable (.- ; Fl-i! .1. Iphia, Nov.mler 13. Jv. LOW vfc l.AKHON, Importer? ar.; Dealers in Foreii'ii rr.J iRiinoiic Hatiiw.-ic, No. 11 Noam Tinati Srai.ir, I'liiLitnni:. "1 7 11 ERE thtir fiii rd and luttoniei w ill alweva ' find a laree and ernrra! a -a irlmeiit of Foreiirn I and D. luetic Haidiv air, w hieh they willctilsl uo' owt price. ! Fhil.ilelpb:. yovemtfr U. KiSllEIllck, HANNV,', 'T";,,,o- VnCLESATJ5 - -1J -kjr5. No l'J; " "g GO25 STOnC. " " MarLc-t Street, I'hila. , ( lie l.w Fifth Srul'tiiilc ) i-W. keep on hand a full and general a a iiiiiiiuiui no.-i.cry, j.uce, anu t ancy l.ji,:., t.'ounlry Merchiiita are respeclfully reque.loj to give tin ni a call and lamina for llieni-t I vc. l'hiladilphia. Novembir 13. IS4' ty. No. lL'S Market Street, Philadelphia. SNY1TC t'aa atUiition of Country Men-haul to ll.eir exteii.i e .- Jiln.e j.i of D.iii.h Fer.i h and American Diy ('Soot!., w Lich they oUVr .'on! un lha ui 1st r. isoi.aH mm.. J'hiliiviphia, NoMltr 13, 111?. It. do do o Comn.'-ii Wh.de Oih B.;r.. l-ili i.i ",.i .-ir t;: C't.O do Co I Pank Oil, f.O do Nea Fool O.I, 75 Ca l.sO.iicOil, Tin ner's 1 d. (j Tlii Con,.ie.y ".-is (, -.oimbrr cf Ye...-eU" ,n g iced in tl;e Cu.i F:bi rv. and Tanners n.-iy i, ly upon pttiii c at all l.in.sO.I as pure as imiurlril, P..ld.'lpl.i.i, Nov. 1.1, Iv. Ao ft I. North Nt'coitd Muil (loll.M Il Of CeoMIl' AL1.KV.) Whit, t "V coiistandy ktepoti hand a geuer.l c "er'-rert of ci.CTirs, Cjf-ssi'iMrars, "vnzmims .".ti J a rr i.t luiiifif- ifurticus if a tujicrtn quality, v hi.!: th.y oer to d.ofe t-f l pon ihe most ira.nn d.le t. nr.s. OUNTI.Y MERCHANTS and ethers will kj f.n.l 11 to th.ii advantage to n il and exiiii.a 1... 1- -'tn-k Iff , re p"..riha-iog el.-ew herC. F; 1, hi... Nov. r., is 12. ly 1 V NTJif - x do.; A insw i.fdi'j do ; Cobb a do,; Ll.phsh ulu. (.'.-r.naii do.; Ai.ibon'a Cesar; A!.!!:.." (i'-.n.tn-r, A 1 th. n's Ci. no: Mail's Latin I leader; ( tjtiil y ' do.; An w' Lit!!'-, l.v.t. S. ib r-.ti.-ra'-'r !.V i i ',.- -. k ." :.- st i DuMes's I.egt i.der; (i.i c !.j r .; A ! or..-' !..: Ai.tVtpii-ie-? Hnr.-ek'S li l.l-ti. it!. 'i Ei 1,;! i d; d... G.'icci; I.; .'.!".- El. a:ct ti . f Grob v; Mis. Lincoln' Po'i't.v; El. runts of p-.ian;.; P.n.geV .'.!t bra; Poll, i's b I.i fivnl II. V .Il.s; Fm.rron'11 (itography and iii.-loiv; Obey' .1.. ; Pari. do.; S.-.ntU's (iramuiei; Kiil.ham' do.; K.i;.'s Pi'ad. r.-- C.-.bl' d.v. O h!.' Anthmeutk; Fi!.i- d a.; Euii is u's dr., Ci I b's Sjilhi g Fo.ks; Tow u' do.; Cobb's Tub It Pol ks; Evangelical Fa il iv Lib nry; Cottage P.d b-; Family do; t.'olb.t.r a! d l - t i.iail Pibl.s and 'IVslanient-; Parkei'a Ex- I Oil SILk. 11 x N I KON'S Clast i-,.1 Dii tionr.tv ; 1 ci. nr.er'a 1 crci-es on Compoailioii; Fruit of the Spirit. Paxtei'a ' S iut' Dest; American Revolution; Marrvatl'a No- v. !s- Mrs. Phelp . n Ci.eniisti v; Iliad; Cateehisni I i f Ameiicau Laws; LcUcrson Na'ural Magi-; Che , n.islry lor Degii. litis; Englit-!', Exen!!. udapl.d Itt j M,:.i's (irainliier; Se.;titl to Coml.y'a Sijh",, : Dook; Ann rieai: Cle.-i lie ok; Dabolli. S c'll0t,lllg. j ' Afc-;.s:t.--t. A sreal wri.ty jjj . i Ai:;; tist 2S, 2. .., sir, Et.'l A"r,TJn'"' :r- -now. : : x j n 1: . I V -.-'IS ihr liilei.'.i :i ul h:a rrui.tiy biei.J wt.o arc in want, lo hi very Lir,o atork ol j Carprtiogs, Oil Clod., Mailings, Rugs, Piudings, I fci-a.li Und, Ac, Ac, lhal he l as I . si oprn.d, al I his warthuti-i, No. lis No::h 2d wc.t, nd No. ' j Church Ailrv, in xt Jaur to Chiist Chur.-h, Phda- . ldi a. July 3!, '.SIC ly. j. SPANISH HIDES. TANXrnSa' OK. AND LEATXXEn. I. K 1 1? K P A T 11 1CK & bO N, Ao. 21. Sorih Third tlral, (m wio amx t an taiaaix sthll i a,) PHILADELPHIA. HA YE for sale a large and exit Hunt acnortrrirnt y( Spani.h JliJtt, Futna Kip, Tunmri' Oil, 4c, ut the luwi a niatket price, ruber fur ruth, in ncbange for Leather, or Uson cred.l. CuiisiRmrnU of Laathar tereivej for tile, ci purchawd at the higkast n.aikel price. X"t Leather lrjsd fret cf tLii, April IV, Hi. ly