Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, October 14, 1843, Image 3

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    Sheriff's Sales.
"ITfcY virtue' of sundry writ of venditioni eipo
M9 l, issued out of the Court nf Common Plena
01 Northumberland county, to fin directed, will he
exposed to pu'ilic rile, at tlie house of Michael
Knrnicr, innkeeper, in the Borough of Milton, on
Saturday the 7lh day of October nelt, at 1 o'clock,
l M., the following dcscrilied property, vit:
Also: A certain tract or piece
of I mil situate in Chilisouaque (ownahip,
Northumberland county, adjoining land of Daniel
Seider, Daniel Kckert, Jamea P. Sanderson and
other, containing one hundred and aixty acrca more
or loss, about 141) acrea of which are cleared, where
on ate erected a one nnd a half atnry frame
dwelling house, and frame bnrn, a email orchard,
Af., Ac.
Seized, taken in execution, and to he (old aa the
property of John P. (iulirk.
Also: On Monday the 0th day
-of Octolr next at 1 o'clock. P. M. at the
house of Jacob Knm, in tlio town of Shamokin,
Coal township, Northumberland county, 3 con
tlgiou lots of ground situate in the town of 8 hi.
mokin af iresnid, in that part of said town laid out
by John C. Boyd, and mnrked in the general plan
thereof IVo. 45, 40. and 47, containing each 29$
fret front, and I"') fret back, fronting on Shaniokin
street on the west, and bounded on the east by
Vranklin street, on the couth by Independence
street, and on the north bv lot No. 41, whereon aio
erected a large two story frame dwelling house and !
kitchen, a ature room and counting house, a smoke 1
tlnu e, Wash house, nnd a frame slshle. I
Aiso : Three other contiguous
Idla of ground situate in the town til Nhamo-
kin aforesaid, and maikcd in the plan aforesaid
No, 15 1, ICC and K3, -ccntirimng each 2&1 feet
font, and 1 90 J feet hack, bounded on tho aiuth
by Shakexpeat s'reet. on the north by Independence
street, east by lot IV o. 124. und west by Franklin
et reel, whereon are erected a large foundry, ware
room anH pattern shop.
Seized, taken in execution, tali to be e.ilfl as the
property of Jacob Bail.
AUn: At tho ,om't iloti?c in
'the borough of Sonburv, on Monday the 1 6th
day of October next, at l o'clock, P. M. a certain
'tract or piece of land situate in Augusta township,
-."Northumberland county, adjoining land of Aaron
"Robins, a lot of Daniel Kel er, land of John My.
e i, Mm. ("I irke and Peter Overdorf, Jun'r., con
taining thiry acrra more or lea?, about twenty acre
of w hich lire clenie I, wherenn are erected two log
dwelling houea. There are also two wells of wa.
trr and some fruit tree on said picmi-e.
Seized, taken in execution, and In be sold aa the
property nf Duncan Mtria.
Also: All that certain lot of
-ground situite in tl e bomngh i f Sunbury,
adjoining Ilmry Yoxdv on iho east, the pub
I;c otrice on the wi at, Sliamnkin or Market street
n the north, and an al'ey on tlie aotith, and num.
her d eight in the plan of aaid borough, contain ng
in width aixty feet, and in depth one hundred
and eighty feel, on which i erected a large two
mory brick tavern hilise, now occupied by Charles
I). Wharton, with the apiurten ance'.
fjri Also: Ano'iicr cerlam lot in
-L.lfl.syd borciiih, number in.c ii tlie town plan,
hounded by Sh im..kin or Maiket on the north, an
alley on the "tiih, bv "bv i.f Mr. Hall on the
We-t and by Mn. Shaffer on tho east, containing
in breadth aixty feel, hi d ill depth two bundled and
thirty feet, on which ore erected a two story brick j
house and o'her buildings. I
MAIso: One oilier lot in sr.irf
borough, number eighty, houtiihdhv Drr.a.b
way on 'the wcwl, an alh-y on 4 he east, ami the rail
roidon the a iiith. entraining In bieid h fifiy-sevcn
feet and a half, and in depth twi hundred and fifty
f.-.ei, on w Inch are erected r. weaiher ho tried two
Ho.-y lop bou-e nd other buildings, now id pos-
a-inu ol G. M. Yo.ks.
f?'h Also: The no tiiulivideil moic-
iy or half part of all tiiat fart inland and
plantation, adjoinine the borough i.f Sunliity,
1 Old of Cicorgi-. C. Weliier nnd othe a, containing
three humlred ai d twenty acres in ire i i less, with
'the apnertennncea f. rni rly uwind by Mr. Maclay,
on which are erected a hrge three story brick Urisl
Mill, a U'ge Saw Mill, a'Clnvi-r Milt, several dwell,
ing house and otl.ei buildings.
Also: The i:nliviilc nvictvof
"the follow ing out lota eilnatf in iliesttid bo. i
rough of Niiri'mry a. rrcsaid, to wit ; Viftten acna ;
til the roiot, bounded bv the Su'iiiehanua on 1ih i
vest, and the Miamokiu cirek on tlx; eaai, formerly j
owned by Heury Mass' r, whereon are creeled a j
dwel'ing 'lmue, a -large -hink brn, now orccpied !
by Petir Pursi-I, bi ing nunibirs 01, Pi and part of j
-5:1 in the pi. in i f said lnoU);h. ;
Also: Xi.-. t'lfl, fti, f.r), fif, and
tJ8, and the p 'O et Pit not included in the pur. j
chafe from Henry M .acr, cch out lot coiit tilling
fiie acrcr m -re or less. j
A1s: One oi-.t l.t iontaininfive I
2-aere, a lji ioiiig lota of Christian Miller anl of
"William Ciay, form.-rly the pr ierty of Hinry
Dili her.
Also : Out lot No. 49, hounded
I by ihe pr.ive I, a lot nf Ge..rge Weiser ainl
a lane on the west, c. ti'.aiiiing acies mote or
Also: t)ix five acre lot, lunintl-
ed by E'deibery and Deer ttriet. and bv lots
ot 11. Delias atel the la e Daniel Bogar.
Also : An Island at tlie Point, and
. the Junction of tie Shamokin and Susoui hana.
in Aogu-ia towro-hi', formeily Martina lAland,
containing eijjhl acrea nine ur less.
Also: One moiety of the follow-
ing in lots and buildings in mid borough, to
wit: Lot No. 83 adjoining Mr. Ilusted on the
south, Jane Black on the north and Broadway oil
tte west, !)7$ feet front, by 210 fiel in depth, on
which is erected t large and splendid three story
I lick house and ether building'.
Also: Nos, uO'J, 310, 311. 3I,
313, 314 and 316. bound, d bv Eldetlw rv
ktieet on ihe south, and Bilberry '.!cy on t, n0,,h
Hi U .?nt'1"w tU,a ";"J nu't.brrs 5!'i
3 and 399.
. Alsiy, l,yts No.3'J3 and 321, bound-
eJ by Whonlebeiry atirt-t on the noith, Bilberry
iVlry cn the south and Ueei street on the wet,nd
Tia. 323 on the eat.
Hened. taken in execution, and to be solJ aa tba
proutrty of Wm. Mc'Csnv.
SherifTa Oflice. 7
Sunbury, Sept. 16, 1843. S
in tin Court of Common I' lean mf .Wjrlhuntm
brrlanit County, ,V, 10, yvembtr Term.
Maiy Smith, by her next?
friend, Henry Giba in, 5 Plurins Subpana
ft. fur Divorce.
- Robert Smith. )
riHE said defendant is heieby leqn'ued, lobe and
I appear before the Judge of tha Court of Com.
roon Pleas of Northumberland county , at Court of
Common Pleas to be held al sunbury. on tha first
Monday in November next, to answer the corudaint
yd Ifca 4 jj Msry,
Bhcilff'a Office, ?
Sjubury.Oct. Vth, If 41. 4t- 5
13 hereby given, thai I have purrhaaed, at a aalc
held by Thus. A. Ililling'.on, conatable of Sun
bury, on the 30th of September last, the following
articles, aold aa the property nf Henry llaunah.ich,
which property I havo loaned to aaid Honnahach
until I aee fit lo remove them, viz :
One half dozen chairs, t corner cupboard, t hu
leau, 1 Inhle, I wood stove, I wheelbarrow, 2 sho
vels, 1 n-ade, 1 cart, S aell-i of wagon harness, 1
settofbuggy harness, 1 sitt of plough gears. 1 lot
of old chairs, 1 tutting box. I gray marc, ! bny
horse, 5 bushels of oils, I small lot of hay and sliaw.
SunhuryOet. 7, 1843. nt.
.laroh Mallc-li, dccM.
.Vnrlhumbertanil Connly, tx.
T.N the Orphans' Court of aaid county, at August
A term 1813. On motion of Charles V. Hegiin,
Cfq., the Court gram a rule on the heirs and b-gul
reprtsrntntivos of JacnhMlich, late of Augusta
township. Norlhumliert md countv, decl., to appear
at our next Orphan' Cimrt to be held at Sunbury.
for snid county, to wit : on the first Monday of No.
vember next, and accept or Tcfuae lbs roal estate of
said deceased, at tho valuation, or shew cause why
the a line should not be sol. I. Kxttnctod from the
record, and certified September 8Rlh, A. 1). 1843,
Sept 30lh, 1S31. 31 Clrrk. O. C.
Iinl lSsr:il,Bgain. aiid"fTi7the lis!
time, calls upon all who aie indebted to
him, on book account or otherwise, to come f.-iward
and make si litem' nt. Those who neglect this no
tice will have their accounts placed in the hands of
a Jus'.ice, for collection.
Sunbury. Sept. 30th 1813.
I lll.l 11U.1, 1
Union TnJependcnt Batta
lion of Volunteers,
YOU are eo nmanded to meet
for drill, in Sphns (tro-ve. on
Saturday the 28th day nf October
nexl. al 10 o'clock. A. M., each
member provided wKh 12 rounds
of blank rartri.lg.-s, and in fidl uni
form, equipped for drill. By oid. r
of the Colonel.
P. S. All neighoring volunteer
companies are respectfully invited
to j iin in the pirndo.
Sept. 30. 1813.
Uii Mai at a !p cifal Iv.'U't to he held al Sun-
buiy.on the 1(5 h day of October, '.913.
John K h et al
William Moriti
Mary Weeks
John C Hoyd
fieorge Hill
Daniel Roadarmel
Jacob Snder et nl
Thomas Wood, Ac
fieorgs C Wclker
Daniel Hroius
Joseph 1 1 ill-
vs James Hllsted
va O P Duncan
vs Hverly cV H.ias
vs A W Johnson el al
vs George Hill's Ex'ra
s Daniel Zerbe et al
vs Se:ishobz et Hergstreser
vs Andrew Forsythe
va J icob Gass
vs John A Shissler
vs Martin Weaver
Chailes Douty Wharton Aann Crosby Fisher
Trothnnot irv's Office, i PrtA'y.
Sunbury. Sept." C 3 IS13. S
DniTKlTIVC simp.
rilUE valuabl pioperties of Oakley's Depura
Jl live Sjnip of Satsspftrills, as a purifier of the
blood, is o well known to the jroblic (ent rally,
that it is uni-ecefsaiy to nccupy mochparetn set
tine forth the advantages lo be derived from its
use; wherever te rr.cdii ino haa once been Intro
dueed, it lakes precedence o'er all others; rvuy
me that baa taken it, have derived so Mnal bene.
lieial remits from it, that it is ircominended 1 y
them with i bo u most Confidence. Phyidciins of
tho highest st!iii4ing in tire pTufes.-ion, prescii'-c it
inpatients under lhir care ; c.-nl.iiiiing holding
deb terinus. but being composed ot the most mild,
yet efficacious vegetable is oil-red with
Confidence, aa the cheajiet and inn-t ( llictent pu
rifier of the blood now known. The u.'-o of few
but l lea, especially in the spring months, will he at
tended with a most decide. I improvement in the ge
neral strength nfthe system, eradicating any reeds
f disea-c that may have been generated, bes'tdis
giving health sin! vj...r lo ihe Imdy. For the cure
of Scrofula or Kings Eil, Rheumatism, Tetter,
Pimples or cioptiniw of the !'kin. White Swelling,
F.stula, Chronic Cough, cVe Thu nu
merous ciTtilicatv's in tire iotestijn uf the sulseli
ber and tin agents, from physicians and others, are
sunicieiil to roi v nee the most skeptical nfi'n su
periority ovei all prep rations of Sais ipanlla.
Sold uhc.lctalo aviil retail, by tho proprietor,
GEORGE W. OXKi r.V, .North stre-t. Rea
ding, I).:ks Cuutry, and to be had nfthe following
peisens :
i Jrn-!'iur.ihc'ai:d'y H- H. Mas.-rr,
Sunbury ; belaud & M let, .M'.Lnentv'lle ; 1),
Krau-i r. Milton.
In Union Vtmnty. J. Gcarhitt, Seliusgrove ;
A. Gut- hiis. Mifflinhur-R.
Ia Cul'.tmbia County. R. V, McCay, Wash
ington. Reading. March H, 14 ).
Mb. OALtr'. 1 believe it the duty nfi-viry
one lo dj whhteverin their power lies, for the b-ne.
fit uf their fellow nil", and having had po-itie
proof in my own fsmily.of the woinleiful proprrtie
of your D'pnrativo Syrup of Sa sap .rills, I m st
conscientiously recommend it lo 'die SoLeled. We
bad the inUfortune to lose two of eur children, by
the breaking out of ulrsrous sores lha' coveted the
face, head and link, nllbough we had aomo nf the
most scientific physicians to attend then and had
tried all the known leu.e. Jiea, including twaim'
Panacea, without avail. Another of my children
was attacked in the same minner, bet faco ai.J
lieik ws completely covered; '.ho draehaigrf was so
i.lVeusive, and ihe disease at such a height, iliat we
devpa re-1 of be. life." Seeing ihe wonderful elVects
ofyoi:; ireju.n'ive fJyiup r.l S irsapsril! t, we wne
'"'uriJ lo make of il, a Ihe lal res rt; it
ae'ed like a cbarin ; tho u'cers c-minenced healing
immediately, a f w bottle ontiiely restored her tu
hir health, which she h .scitj-iyed uninterruptedly
ever since. As a purifier of the blu d, I verily be
lieve il lias nut its Cjoal.
Waluul street, near Fuuilh, Readuij;.
Douglassville, April l'Jth, 1843.
Ma. My son Edmund Leaf, had ihe
scrofula in the most dreadful and distressing man
ner fur three years, dming which time he wia de.
prived of the use of his limbs, tin head and nrrk
were covered with ulcere. we uteij all ins ome',
ent remediea, but to no tfiVct, Until recomip'n(eiJ
I y Dr. Johnson uf Nonistown, and alse jjr- BM
Iliester, of Heading, lo use your Du,i0 8 up
ofSarsap.rilla.ofw.ichl oblair.ei, Veu
ihe u of which d'ove tb di,., emln-lv out of
b.s system, the aore esle ", upi tllJ ,he ciu w
restored to prfecl h"-uh, which he has aajoyed
uninterru;.iedly rjt(!j iillMi ia lh, aJoiiishrnvnl 6f
rasn; perso, wl0 tren him during hia afttiction.
t hate Vnouiiht il my duty, and send ym this csiti.
fi'ale thsl otba'a who have a lika affliction in the
family may know whera to obtain so valuable
medicine. Yours truly.
IP, !K48.Jy
Valuable Farm
tb J'ILL ho sold, on Monday, November 0,
1843, at tho Court House in Sunbury, that
valuable tract of land belonging lo the estate or
Christian Shipman, dec'd., containing ICO acres
mors or loss, situated in Augusta township, Nor
thumlierland county, adjoining lands of George
Keefer, George Hall, George. Raker, and Daniel
Conrad. Conditions will be made known on the
day of silo. LEWIS DEWAKP,
1'fccutor nf Chrintirtn Shipman, rrcV.
Siinbury, Sept. IGih, 1843. 7t.
TS hereby given to all persons interested in Ihe
questions for trial, and the distribution of Iho
proceeds of the sales of John II. Oowden's estate,
in the Court of Common Ploas of Union county, lo
appear, if they think proper, on the second Tuesday
nf Novemlter term next of the said couit, when
ther itiay be heard in tho premt,os, Tly the c uil.
VM. KOtfllONG.
New Berlin. Sept. 1C. 181:). fit. I'rulh'.y.
TN pursuance of the Orphans' Couit of .orlJum.
berlaiid county, will be exposed lo public sale on
Wednesday the 25th day nf next, on the
premises, to wit; A certain tract nf land aituata in
Mi amok in township, in aaid county, adjoining lands
of David McWilliams, Eli-ha llarton and Obadiah
Campbell, containing twenty-five acres, and one
hundred and thirty-nine perches morn or less, on
which to eroded a l.vge two stoiy frame house,
barn, and other out houcs, la!e the estate of Jamea
I Camplwtl, dec'd. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock,
I A. M. of said day, when tho conditions of sale wid
I tie made knoan by
1)11 A III All sJAMrUEI.T,.
Sunlunry, Sept. 16, 1813. St. Admr't.
r aiiir, aunscritier me on hamf. (ten Willi Inm for
c.i - I. -. . a . , . r I '
"-iy liiiiuiniiinr; nssonmrni or eiegatii I
iirati tlocK,
w arranted good, which he is authorised to sell at
eight and nine dollars. The same kind of clocks
have been lately felling by I'e liars, from 20 to 25
dollars. Those who want bargains annul I call
Sunbury, August Cf, 1843.
Clcnrrnl f'omiiilKNion Klcrcliaiits,
So. 'Jl ilmnmerce St., hi low Fifth,
T"EEP constantly on hand Imported Segara,
- Brandies I .ie,uors, Ac., at the low-rat prices,
far cash.
C.J. WolHKUT, jr. Wj, A. JiSNKY.
August 5th, IS 13. Cm
South East rnrnrr of Mnrkrt and 4th its..
TrsPFXTFri.LY inform the public that they
will constantly keep on twul a laig noit
mrnt of Hats, Csps and Fur, lo auit the fall trade,
nf the best iaiiy. By strii t strention to bind
ness. and by selling their rUyzh at the lowest prices,
they flatter theniselvea in being able to cive entire
satisfaction. Aucust 5, 1R13 ly
AnCssTsM in rs
MVhoIcsitlc dork VM ablHlunent,
No. 8-i North Third Sheet.
"7ilERV' is to be found the largest Sfsortment
of Clucks in the United States, among which
aie FoireslviRe, Hill's Goodiich & Co, Alkins,
Portet 6c Co., Ives', Biewsters, ami oilier Eight
Day Brass Gock; C. Jerome's Bristol Manuftr
luring Company, Atkins, Purler c"c Co., Hill's,
Goodrich (Sc Co., Forrestville. H. Welton's, and
other Thirty Hour l!r ss Clock" ; Boardmin A
Wc'ilu's, Hopkins & Alfred's, H. C, Smith's, and
other Wood Clock-.
Solo Ag nt for Crane's celebrated Year anl
Month Clocks, as well as several i.f ihe above mtli
tiolied. Abo: Church an-l Hall Clock".
IXj" Watchmakers, Mcrehanta anJ others, will
find it to their inlerest to call.
Looking Glasses msliufacturcil.
PliilaJ.lphia. August ft. MIS. 3m
TIllE tubsciiiier will sell ull' his slink of Beaver,
1. Russia and Biu-oh Hats, of the best ijualiiy, al
ery reduced pliers.
Sunbury, Aug. 5. I LI. tl. B. M ASsElt.
Vtntit &trrrt, nr; the Tows Hall,
ro-iTs villi:, r..
J . v . t. Kssin.
l . IJ I.SPEIJ i I I. LLY announces lo
a R) lPE(JTCirLLY announces
fTTri' al w- ,nl' 'rve!iina e.iinm'.initv that be
'st!j,i baa taken the large and spii-ndiil estali
ZMljtfA lishmenr, tl.e Kxriuvni; llo r i r. si ua.
led at the cornrr nf Centre and Calloivhdl streets,
nearly opposite the Town 1111. in the borough of
Pottsttlle, which has been ihorouuhly repaireil and
maieriilly itnpioved for the accoinriia.lation of vi.t- j
oib. Thu Hotel i f .rty ft. front on Centre St., su I t
oi;e hundred and tlrriv eight ft. on Cal'owliill, llneo
fctorits high ; it is admiraMv provij.d w ih Parlors,
Sitting K ims. Reading Room, and Ijreo airv
Chambers the nn)t spacious, pleas ml and coin s, j
nirnl D'ning Room in the country n new and su-
pcrinr Bathing Eslnbbshinenl ; and eveiy c.mie.
nienee and rmiifoit lo render it in ail reeprcts a
most de-irable Hotel.
No pails or expense will be spared to furnLh
tho Table and Bar with Ihe best that this and the
Philadelphia .Markets afford ; and wild a determi
nation to devote hia entire p rronal aUsiitiou to the
comf 'it arid aecoinm da'i m of thnsa who may fa
vor linn with a Call ; aided by active, careful and
obliging servants, he hojastj give gem ral satis
faction. PRIVATE FAMILIES, wUhing in vi,it this
highly interesting uiul healthy Coal Region, will be
provided with Parlors and Chambers, which he
tecls confident will please the most fastidious.
Ihe Stabling attached, is lirgn and ill
cou-tructf d, and superintended by rxpericr nnJ
aiitittive Osiers. Horses and Cairiaiie lllav ,v ,.
at any time to Convey persona to any part r inc
rj An Omnibus ''Ins from '.Vis Hotel daily lo
and from the Dcp- ,0 mrcl tll0 fl,t ,i. nc.
commodat.oo 0, ..g,,,,, lr.ii,, pn the Rail
Road. ,0 ci.arg,' for omnibus far to this Hotel,
olis.iile. Jaly . 18l3.8m
Nos. 29 and 31 North Third Street,
Near the City Hotel,
C C. MACKEV, Auctioneer, repectful'v in
1 vitra the attention of persons desirous of pur
chasing Furniture, to bis eilensiv.- Sales Ib.Mns
(both public and Piivnle,) for every description nl
Hans, hold Furniture, whi re tan be ubtiinfd it all
tunes, a large assortment ef fasUonuUe and w. II
manufactured Ctbinel Furniture, Beds, Msttiusses,
ic at very reduct j prices, for eaah.
(ty Salca by Aucticn, vlto a -vcrk.
May attb, ie3.-ly
rPhe pt.ic will please observe that nu Brandrelh
Pills ara genuine, unless the box has three la
bel upon it, (the top, the aide and the bottom)
evh containing a fjc-simile signature of my hand
writing, thus 11. ItRitviitiKTit, M. D. These la.
belaie engraved on steel, beautifully designed,
and done at an expense of over 1 2,000. Therefore
it will be seen that the only thing necessary to pro
cure tho medicine in its purity, ia to observe these
Remember tho lop, the side, and the bottom.
The following respective persons are duly auhnri
xcd, and hold
For tho sale of Brandrnh's Vrerfuhc Universal
Northumberland rntintv : Milton M aekey &
Chanibnlin. Sunbury H. IJ. Masser. M'Ewens
ville lu'l ind or. Meixell. Noithum' eiland Win.
Forsyth. Georgetown .1. V J. Walls.
Union County: New Berlin Bogar cv Win
ter. Selinsgrovc (ieorgc Gundium. Middle,
burg Isnc Smith. Ileavertjwn l)aid lliihler.
Ad imsburg Win. J. May. -Milllinsbure Mensrh
fc Ray. Hartleton Daniel I.oiii?. I'reehnrg
G. A F, C. Mover. I.ewisburg Walls ft Green.
Columbia counlv : Danville E, 11. Reynolds
Jc Co. U erwiek Shuman A R.ttenhoupe. Cn'
Inwissa (.'. G. HrobU. IJIjomsbiirg John U.
Meyer. Jeisey Town Levi ltisel. Washington
Rubt. MiCny. Lime-tone llalliel ct McNinch.
Observe that enrh Ace'nl has an Engraved Cer
tificate of Agencv, font-iining a repres-ntalion nf
Dr miANDRETII'S Mtnufielory al Sing Sing,
and upon which w ill n'sn be seen exart enpiea of
the titw labels new rued upon the Brtlndrcth 'ill
Phil idelphla, office No. 8. North fl'h streol.
Jim 21th, 1813.
A i lircIilnif Machine fr Sale.
fll 1 1 E subscriber otTers f .r sale a THRESHING
Machine has been tried, and proves to be an ex-sel
..... . .
? one II w
will be sold at
a reduceil price, and
warranted. Apply li
Jul 1st. 1813.
Hart, AikIi'vum A; 1 'It ever,
rorwartJinii and (icncrnl Procfnre
ScCmid ll'liiirf nlinvf llnre SI . on the Delaware,
Henry Tarnum V Co. Jaivis, Trabue ti Curd,
Rrav. H ircrofl, iV (.'o. Ijiui.-vtlle.
Wilbiinison, Burrnugbs Geo. Luekey, eV (Jo.
A Jl.nk, Cincinnati.
Eekel. Mp.ingtei Kiiguel Si. John Smith, En ,
hoed, liro. iv I botna-,
Rogers, Urotliers - (Jo,
W. R.Thompson cV Co,
Uolert S een A: Co.
Joseph Souther, Esq..
Hon. Wm. Tliuler,
Clearit Id, P.
H Hendricks.
Sunlurv, Pa.
J- J-1K,,,k'lt'
, j, , u r
J. . el h. I. q
rttt.airijiittti At. Hum'", E-q.
David R.
I'or'er, f.srj. linliert l.rane, Jjsq,
Messis. J.& P. Martin,
Wm. K. Hofti.aale. Esq
Lewis Hurford. E-q.
Jones, Murphy ct I Jo.
E. A. Brown ct Brothci.
J. K. Moon head, Eq.
Jfrreij frire, I'd.
Wm. M'Kelvy cc Co.,
Btiirtmsburg, I'll.
Walls A: (iiein.
Lewisburg, Va.
T. W. Kin i nc fc Son,
Loci- di en, Pi.
."'te retlA: P..tter,
Lewittown, Va.
.lo-eph Pajclon, Esq.,
Morgan . Anderson,
(eo. Piesbuiy, I"-q
.S7 Im:us i
t o.U'HDia (,(.
June 3.1, I p H. Iy
.Yo. 70 South fl kit rrt, opjtositrlhc Exchange,
(Formerly of So. "i0 Xi!ii Second s!ret!,)
Manufacturer of Iinpiovcd and Patent Fits and
Thief-ytronf Chesta and Doois, Water and Pro.
vi ion Coobr, and Fdterers, R.fiigrra
tor, Hoi.-ting Machines, A.C., 4c
Srilt continues In make
lii-cel.hrated WATER Cool-
j;, Y' rs, and Filtrtera, Refrigera
m .-it T
both of ihe roil'.d and
.'i '.p-quare simp"', with improve -
. - - i iiii-iits- in nit, i.t'H, ,n.t:ii ,is
lHsaw asWJi.-aii.l wmkniaiisbiii.
0-!7 The Chrift.i nre tnant'.fac.ttircd without
plank of any description, nf the best mater al which
is calculated to resist burgla-a and heat as long us
any inanuf.icturt ) in ihe 1'nin-il Suits atrial ol
which be is wnl,:;g to make with any iirher, pro
vided the Iri.d be nu.le of elie-ls already soi l in
I custoineis, and not matiufictuied far the evpros
j purpose ol" a liial. Puri 'ha-ers are invited tJ Call
j bef oie purrba-iiig ebewbere.
' CAUTION. A I persons are rauiioned -g i;ni
makins, U:ing, silling or causing to be s. Il, ar,
Kehi)le covers fit Fire l'iO"f t'lirs's or doom of
any kind,'ir in c .tis'rni 'ion to my patent of
July 1 0th, It 11, as tiny will be dealt with accord
ing to the Patent Law.
M 'V 57'h, IrVirt. Urn.
ManttlacUii't r of Writincr nil Imlet'.i
blc Ink, No. Ilk! North Third StroK, tix
(bi'ir below Rico, (east side.)
r.I'Li: IM LLY informs country mrrrh,-t-k
and otheis, that be ron tautly keeps on hand
a large stoik . fl.ii supirler Black, UUm nnd l',P,
Ink. and nlso a mpeiii r qiiality of !ndell!' lulj.
II a ink is put up in b, tiles v-, v,lia i ,jri frnln"
1 to 34 nunres, and w,l V0 sold ,so'I1Hl,le
nuns. nieriete I qualities ()f,h's.i,W I,
las so
wnrnucn y esianilsr,,, , r-,,,. ,ha(
il is now
l:'"-u' iiriLl lb a- country
May 27'b. lSL'l. Iv
-1 rO XJ m V aJ L ( w u
'S",t Ji)r "f Su!liworth Muiinfitc-
luring X'omjunm'i
i Warehouse No. Ji Minor Street,
rBIHE following kind-i cns'sntly on hand, and
i for sale lo tln 'Pi ado at the lowitt market
! pr ces -.Fine thick Flat Caps. 13. I I, and 16 II I .
blue and white; IJt'ra super, ai d superl'u e Folio
1'o-ls. blue and white ; Eitra super Packet and
Cnmiiicicial posts, blue and white ( El'a su,-er
Linen Note paptns, long -, do. broad; superfine un.l
One Counting house Caps, blue and wbiet P.iua
super Cnngrisa Capa and Lett, rs, pi .in and mVI.
blue atid while ; Superfine French ' osts, plain nd
ruled 5u ei fine Senu.'ii l'a s a d P.-s's ; Supeifine
and Cue Caps nnd Posts, ruled and plain, blur and
w liile, various i)U dities an I pin es.
A!-.. t..i;nei Bourds. Tissue, Envelope, Wrap,
ping, ulol ll.nd.vaie papers, Vc, Ac.
May 527. HI 3. fioi.
ron rM! r. at this ofiice.
C abi n ct-31ak i ng
(A en i:sfn1lihmciit.)
RESPECTFULLY informs the cititena of
Sunbury and vicinity, that he has recently
commenced the
in all its branches, in Market street, Sunbury, Im
mediately below the post office, where, he will be
ready to receive and execute atl orders in the line
of his bit sines', with promptness and despatch, and
in the heal atylo and manner. Ilia prices will be
low. in accordance with the times,
(xj Lumber and Country Produce taken in Ex
change. May H7ih 1813. 8m
(rent Wi'Kicrn Indian Panacea,
Compounded entirely of Vegetable
Substances ;
Free from Calomel and utt nthrr Minerals.
For Iho history of this medicine, and its Unrivalled
and truly surprising success and popular,
tly, see large bills 1
T is recommended aa a ceneral cathartic for
family use in dyspepsia and all bilious disea
ses, it is invaluable for Asthma it is ronsideied a
peiifie, no case having yet occurred which il has
fa ib J to cure for common elds, imflammalnry
diseases, rheumatism, affections of the liver, &c.,
and for females, it is a saro and excellent remedy.
Frnm Dr. Silan West of Rinhamplon. If. Y.
Mr. Lnntley --Dear Sir: I have u-ed your Great
We-nrn Indian Panncea in my family, and have
repeatedly pre-rrtbed it for pntients under my Care,
and am satisfied that it is alwavs a saTe, and in very
many cases nn invaluable medicine. It operates na
a I .native without nausea, or pain; and while it ef
fectually obviutes rnstivenors acta upon Ihe stomach
and liver aa an al'eiative, correcting acidify, and re
storing theh'allhy condition of those organs.
Very respectfully vonrs. S. WEST.
For sale by Ji'HN V. FR1LINO. Sunbury.
JAroB BRIGHT, Northumberland.
May 20th. 1843. ly
AS taken the office formerly occupied by the
Hon. ( 'bailee O. Donnel, opposite Ihe Court
II use. lie will attend to business in ihe Courts
of Northumberland, Union end Columbia counties.
May 20th. 1813.
JTD. Waters,
T1ESPECTFUI.LY Informs the citizen, of the
-1 k tinrough of Northumberland, and its vicinity,
that he ha commenced Ihe
Tailoring Riiiinc,
in a'l i'a various branches, in tha shop formerly
occupied by Henry S. Thomas, directly opposite
Forsvth's store. As he receives the New York
and Philadelphia Fashions quarterly, he is enabled
to do all jobs entrusted to him, after the neatest and
latest style, and upon the shmtest notice.
Northumberland. 22d. 1313. ly
I RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Sun
' bury sn.l its vicinity, that he has taken Ihe
rtice formerly occupied bv Dr. John Pent. !
ne mil He happy to receive calls in the line of hia
profession. April SSd. 1813.
Daniel Yarick,
EGS leave to inform the citizens of Sunbury
and ila virinilv. that he has commenced the
in Market street, Sunbury, east of John Dogar'e
store, tnd directly opposite the post office, where be
intends to Carry on Ihe business in all its various
hrm ches, including, Turrtinf, Marring Milt Irons
and Eli jit it Springs, Ironing Carriages, with x
ten.iir.rt or Standing tops. Shoeing Horses, c
Orders will be promptly and punctually attended
to, and work dune cheap, for cash or country pro
duce. CCy- Horse Shoeing done st $1 per aett.
Sunbury, April 15th, ISLL Cm
o ot & Shoe
.11 a v t i it I l' w i ii
SESPECTFL'LLY informs his fibnda and
old customers. lml be has removed hia
to ibe frame bui'dtng adjoining his dwelling house,
hruvei n that and Dr. D. T.Tiites1 oflVe, a few dooia
west of his old estal lishmeni, in Matket street.
wt-rre he itdei i' lo carry on (be above, business
extensively, in all iVr toriiiw branches.
Being thankful for past fivnrs, he. hopes, by strict
attention to business and tihets', charges, to give
ceneral satisfaction ; and that he, will continue to re
ceive liberal .bare uf pi'',,ic patronage.
vprd 6th, 1SU.
I. . I., I ICC, Thankful for past fa
vo's, resnec tully informs tho inhabitant of
'aiibur , in,) enun ry ar uud, that tie has, taken
b's re.nlence and oiliee in rr.arket atreet, in the east
'wiul of ih'u budding occu ed by John Uouar's store,
vvti, le he .wnl te btppy In wait upon ail who fa
vor him with their c II.
unbury. Apiil 1st, IS IT 6m
S . rW 1 ... ... . m. - ' . m JC. i g n.
jisrusHv a s-
IVsviii.. u i,...i,u i, i...m ihn iiiililie. ihsl
, m miu il w. i , rim nr.. f ,
M. Ihey have entered into parlnerabip. in Ih
wh eh wi I be curried on at Ihe old
sland in Sunbury, under the firm of 'George
Zimmerman & Son," where 'hev will conduct the
I'U-incts in all its various branches, including Turn
i'n. Making M.V Irons, Ironing Carrats, Shoe
mr ilursrs. Ae. Orders wi l be promptly i'd punc
lUullv ail. in I'd to, and woik done cheap, (or cash
or iiiuntrv produce.
rry Sho. ing done at one dollar pe sell.
I fiinini'y. aiticti i nn, isu.
rPHt; sul.. lilie s, bsving entered into a partner-J-
ship in the priciice of the law, w, II tm happy
in aiiei.d lo all t u.'nesa euliuited to ih'-ir care.
(' lle-.tions wdl Ih- promptly attended lo.
They mav always lie found al ihcir office, in
Msikel stnel, Sunbury, formerly occupied by
Wm. Dt-warl, dec'd.. as a
Sunbury. Feb 4ih, ly.
" Fivsb snpnv of KOSBbTN i'M'ENT, ieerivd
1 V ,d fi r ssW by JL V MAS-ER.
No. nth, IM?.
form his customers, and the publi' giiicikl',
that he alill continues tho
in all Its various branches, in the shop nearly pppo
ait ibe Buck Tavern, formerly occupied by Hen
ry Has and himself, under Iho firm of Haas 6r.
Druckemiller, which firm h been mutually disaoU
ved. He hopes, by his long experience in Ihe sbov
business, and strict attention thereto, to render gen
eral aatisfaciion, and rocciv liberal share of pub
lic patronage,
Sunbury, Oct. I Slti. l 842. ly.
No. 237, North Third, obovrCutlowhill St.,
JOHN DUNCAN, late from tha Pennsylv..
nis Farmer, and Samuel Pike, jr., late of A
mcrican Hotel, Columbus, Ohio, lake pleasure in ac
qnainting their fiends and tho public centrally thnt
they have taken the large and commodious Hole",
recently built by the Messrs. Hail, on the aaniu siu
once oerupied by the old established Hotel known
as the Bull' Head, in Third aticet above Callorr
hill at.
Thia Hotel is finished in the very best prwaild
manner, and of the best materials. Its location ia
very desirable, particularly for country merchants ;
the airangementa for hralir.g and ventilating csi
room is such aa to secure any temperature. TM
bedrooms are all light and airy, all furnished in it
licit style, so aa to insuie comfort.
The receiving parlors aro also furl iihed In a su
perb style, the windows are on the French atylv,
forming an entrance to a balcony in front. whiJi
makes a pleasant recess. Piirttcutai attention has
been given to Ihe beda and bedding, which, wit'i
tha furniture, are entirely now.
From year.' experience in hntel business, w
trust, by strict aasiduity tc buaineat, lo make tins
house a desirable stepping place. Our table wilt
always l-e supplied with the very beat our market
can a fiord, and our bar with Ihe best liquor and
winea of ihe moat appiovcd brands.
P. S. There are firtt rate stabling tr.d carriage
houses attached to the hotel, attended by cartful
and soler hostler, and our charges will be low, in
accordance with the present haid time.
Philadelphia. Oct. Tlh, 1848.
III wil
(General Stage Ufacr,)
:ia: t-ct zas- aa "Sir e
THE Subscriber respectfully informs his frienia
and the public in general, that he has taken
the s'oove
and that he is now well preparol to eccommodabl
all who may favor him with ihcir custom.
Hia SLKtrino AriRTMtsTs tro well aite.l, in. I
HisTait ivra Dm will aW.-ayi le s,-phcti
with tlie best the maiket ran aflord.
His SriBiiwG, which is goid, will la under
Ihevharge of good and caieful hostlers.
He fi els confident, by st ict attention t3 buainrri.
and an earnest desire to render c infortitile th ssi
Who may patronize him.ihal he will not fail logiv
general satisfaction. H. 0. WEAVER.
Muncy, Oct. 1st, 1812. tf.
DV. D. T. TrltCS, Respectfully inf ir.nst!
citizens of Sunbury and vicinity, that he hasp
moved his office to Ihe budding lately occupied I
George Bright, in market etreel, 8unbury, shr a
he may b found at all hours, unless profession!:'
DR. TR1TES returns his sincere thanks far
encouragement he has ieciive.1, in the line of ? s
profession, in this place, and tiu-ts, by prompt ttj
lent ion lo the duties of tm irofesaion. and roa. i
able charges, that he will continue to receive a.
liberal share of the public pationagc.
8onbury,Oct. l.l, 181. tf.
"Tr. J. W. Peal begs leave lo lender Ma gia'.
ful aeVnw'edgmcnt lo the people of SunLu y
and aurvounding country, foi than paa enc iunj."
ment in the line of bis profeasiou ; and weuUi t
je same time announce lo them, that he still I -tend
to continue the practice of medicine iu all I i
variousdi partmcnts. He would, therefore, salii t
a of their confidence and patrona. .'.
II may he found at nil times al his office, at 3
north cast corner of Blaikberry and Der stiee ,
Utiles professionally engied.
Sunhurv, Oct. 1st. Is4i. tf.
DTvTn7"8UilNEK ,
y ESPECTFl'LLY informa the public that '
s-- has nisdo Norlhnnibcrland hi pennant nt
acple of lesi.lcnce. and is ready to attend to any
Calls in the line of his profession.
July I, 1S4Q.-Iy.
Change of Hour.
On At srTan Sati-bvat, ArniL 1, ISO,
Th passenger trains will have al ihe followii.g
hours :
Philadelphia and PolMlle.
From Philadelphia, at A-M-?Duity
From Poltsville, at SJA.M. $
Hours of passing Beading.
For P.msviMe, at Uj A. M. ? .
Foi Philadelphia, at 7j A. M 5
Bnlh liains pa's at Pottstown. The down tr:n
breakfast al Reading, and tlnup train ut Nonis
own, for which li minu'es aie allowed at cavh
f'.I It K
Between Potuville A. Pbilada. 3.50 ic 8.r,0
Between Riding Ac do. S.25 tc 1.75
Between do & Poltsville, 1,40 & 1.00
Eiccmsio TirTa coon tor. mtToaai
Between Pottsvil! 6i Philadelphia, fa 00
Between Riading & do. 3 00
Bstwesn do. A Poltsville, t 00
All ihe train will stop for way passengers at
the usual points.
tjy All pansengera si ieo,ulfJ to pier
thsii ticket before the train slsrt.
Ms 31, IM.ll