Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, October 14, 1843, Image 2

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nenlus sn4 Misfortune.
What trfpedies cm b road, in the history
r.T literature, deeper than f a t-th, mors move
'Pi thsn Tipsr ! Miitcn, old, por tnd Mini,
selling Paradiso Lost f-:r fif pounds j Dryden
beaten by ruffisns at th promoting of a worth
low peer, who, in Plato's commonweVtrt,
would have ben chanring the paet's pln.e
Tat?o, a crealurs a delicately moulded as if,
like Peri?, he had fed upon nothing grower than
the brenth of flowers, wearing out the bo.-t j
years of hifi life in the gloom of a dungpon ; Ra
cine hurried to his grave by the rebuke of a
eflrilcfs k i 'iff ; Chatterton, at rnk'n'ght, liorno
less and hungry, bathing the unpitying "tonea
' tondon with the hot toara of anguish and des
pair; Johnson at the aye of thirty-six dining
behind n screen nt the house of Cave, became
fie was tew shabbily dressed to appear at the
table; Burns tools from the plough which he
kid "followed in glory and in joy upon the
mountain 6idc,"to gunge !e firkins and watch
t contraband tobacco.
The falae position in which men of peniiio
so o'tcn find themselves plticcs', in relation to
their are, nnd the painful and protracted effort
they must make in order to fain a true one, have
tjiven to modern literature some of its promi
nent characteristic?. Hence that half-unconscious
sympathy which poots feci with charac
ter like Rob'n Hood, Rob Roy end Charles de
Moor, who embody a proteat against their
timet ; who mean like Jack Cade, "to dress the
commonwealth and turn it and er t a new nap
upon it ;" who presume to borrow a daring ex
pression of Schiller's to grind down tho gaps
in the sword of Almighty juliee. Hence
much ofthat dreary melancholy, which orrsha
rfowrd the mind oftho stout-hearted and pious
Johnson, whise sombre hue darkens the pages
i'f his Rambler, and Rntsehi, and is concentra
ted in that celebrated coup! t, ;n which the
words seem to fall like drcpa uf blood from s
lacerated hea;t :
But ah ! whit UN tbe 'cbolai's life assail,
Toil, envy, want, the patron and the j il.
To this source we may trace, in part, that
personal element which glows so intensely in
the lyric poftry of Schiller, and even sickness
o'er hisothcrw ise admirable dramas. This, too,
gave something of their depth and sternness to
the powerful pictures of Crabbe. Hence that
numerous tribe of poets and roe'.e-'tera, who,
of late years, have so filled the groves of Par
nassus with their melancholy notes, as sad if
not as sweet, as those of the nightingale, whose
young affections are evr runn:ng to waste, up
on whose whithercd hearts the dew of hope can
never fall, and who are ever longing to be a
breeze, a cloud, a wave, or a sound ; something
that shall not have nerves to fool and a heart to
CocTS or IIoaoR. The King of Prussia has
directed courts of honor to be established in all the
garrison, which shall have jurisdiction over ofTencs
and dispute coming wi hin the rules of honor and
Ukually settled hy duels. These conn are author
ised tolnfliei punishments actordxg to ihe nature
of the olTn.cs. In cao parties will not submit to
"the decision ofihe court of bom r, ihcv ec authori
sed to fight in presence of the c-u-l, aod be reject
tn punishment in proporiijn to tho injury inCicitd
upon Sdi h other.
St. PiTH.cs: a 6cot. The Inih it appears, rs
to be robbt d of their pstron suint, fur Lord Camp
lei! in a rrceut dbte in ha Oiitish Huuse of
T.,J . asktrit'd ll st St. Patrick was a 6rct.
A Qi'crn Cradlf. Ttio editor of tho
Chmlobloa Mercury stutt'i thut a gentleinaii of
that city hail recently p:U hirn, from a friend
in Misoir-ippi a cradle the boJy of which was
ni'ule fo;n a f.'n'ii .)!' a H iappin turtle that
weighed l'.i'j p' ikh s. The railsnj is tnadcof
buck horns utc the rockem of wtinut tree.
Nkar ncLTiKuir. Sir Girr;e Mar ken
l:e nnco mated un old wotnun claimed re
Utionthip with him (n thu ground that her trnv
ther'saunt hud suckled a biticr of the baronet's
Firbt KiaaT or a Steamboat. A wooos
man from the interior of Arkansas, who had
never been cn board of a steamboat, had occa
sion to go to St. Louis a short time since.
From the bank of the river he hailed thu "Har
ry of ths West" with
' Captain, what's tiie fair to St. IjOuis!"
"What part of the-tat do you witdi to go on!"
atked the Captain "cabin or deck V
"I Hie in a cabin ut home," said the hoosicT
"give me the host you've :ot I"
'ThrieBottlm l.trr Well, Mrs. Moody,
how are you this evening 1"
Uh ! Mrs. II . , I im very unwell ; Ism
quite out of fpirits."
"Bless you, ma'am don't take on so, there's
three bottles kft yet."
"Go down stairs directly, Dttty."
The following specimen of pnetry and or-
tholoy is mentioned on a tombstone in a church
yard st Bedford, in thin State :
-Her lane uisbii g held is at l(et ;
1 1 thinking snd e king i Oi,
II r uoi. I aoiova' le b est,
ish.kvcilby fl cimn no nin ."
A fool snd knave, with d tTerent views,
For Jo spp'y ;
The knave la mend bin fortune sues,
The fool to please his eys.
Atk you h" Jo'ii m I behave !
Itarend ' f'f a rule.
If he's a fool bell wed the kuve.
If tbe's kns, the fcoL Vitro.
V7ffTrfojff Ott. 14 1943.
Zj' Fo Sai.. A fresh supply of printing pa
per, vi : 100 rums similar in sits snd quality to
the sheet on which this ii p:lntcj. Also CO reams
nf super royal, SI by 88 inches, all of which will
he sold st the mill price,
(JT" V. B. pAtMtn, Psa.. st his Real Esta'e snd
Cost office, Xo. S9 Pine Street, Philadelphia, is au
thorised to s;t si Agent, snd to receive and receipt
for all monies diieih;s office, fr subscription cT ad
vertiser. fX In another column our f aders wiil fl-id thr
official rctrrns of this county. Wilh the exception
of Cong-e s, th democratic ticket has been elected
throughout. By the plil in the rank of ihe demo
cratic r, Piick, tho whig candidate, has suc
ceeded in gotling o smoll majority.
C"Dtn PrcTscsis A.v tniCAitn." 9evrrid
of our exchange papers, in their notice ofour Uer
man pnpi r, sprak of it ss being published by our
neighbors of the Gair'.te. This ii mistuke. The
"Aoirricaner" is primed in the cflitcof the Sunbu
ry An.ericsn, and we arc pirated to stB'e, fr..m the
liuniber of subscribers arrsdj nxcived, that te have
every prr.sprct uf inciensir g ni.r lift to sevon or tih(
hundred nan es. VV received teve nl hundred new
subscribers on TusJay hft Our Gi'renn fiiendi
ferl a g'Ot imeiest in having a paper cs'sblislied,
snd will vi ry generally give it their support. It wss
this imprrsaion that induced ui to go into the mts
sure without any previous preparatian, and In fa: e
s had obtnined s single sub-ciiber.
tjj Tn EcLtCTic ASD MrirM.;r Oct 1S43.
r. LitlcU. 272 Chutnut tt., Pt'foihljKia.T
valuable perioilicjl is agnin ih, with its 111
el 'sely printed pages, containing a choh-e c-d!ec
tion of srticlrs frcm the l est European petiodiciN.
Not having had tinie to ex-mine it, ne give our
resders the following list of article" conta'ned in ihe
preent number, from nhich they may form some
idea of the value of the Musiuv, viz: Plazk's His
tout or-THf. Doo ; Dutouct or Plato; Ma
ore ttin MtsMtBi ; Ladt HuTin SrAXHjrs ;
Cot. ToBBkNS o! Fats Thadi;: Stiih ajid
Va'vissa; Johv Kox and liizzm ; I.di in
WiiiTtsss or Aootsos; Nuiusii'r Rkmisi
scsMCts; A Fisiir ix tri Daiir; Talcs of
thl CuioMis ; Sasowicu Islamos ; AncuwoLo-
oical KistAiiciiKs is Gmkics end Discuvkmi r.a
ox tbf North Coast or Amkrica, nun pmtij,
Miscilliny, noticss of Science and Art, and Obitu.
ary notice of dixtirguiahod individuals. The es
cape of Carhara, which cn-.lx Ihshes this number,
ia a litBO iful enpraving. Wo cannot too highly
commend thi work, which we shulJ likv to n'e
in the hands ofrenlors, insteaJ of tho truLy. Ilip
p;uit lahs and romances, which m.ike up tho msza
lims of the present diy.
(Zj-The s, lit in tho party has given the whigs
a Cnc oppnitunity, this fa 1, to e'ert their, in
many p!s;-cs, in the fiea of large democratic neijo-i-tics.
In this ecunty, Uen. F.ick has succeeded by
e small majority. Such A result wan not i ipecte l
by the trim of either of the cindid.ites. .Mr.
Snyder's deftst in this county, maybe uttrilnited
to ibiee different cau es, v,i; A eo nhim'ion be
tween tho whigs and democrats, orcmionud l y the
split in the paity the impression tliu'. he was op.
poaed to the tnrifl", and, lastly, the very arnIl vote
po led by the di m cri'ie townships on ihe eai i-ide
oftho riv,T, which uloiie injile a of 300
or 400.
Old Anjusta Forever.
1 hi truly Ktuiling god sieudfet democratic town
ship, has asin, as she always does, done her duty.
Her innio tue nuj .riiis never fill to throw the
Jiorgaitiz ra into ttrror and d.smriy. Hnd thu turn
out been as g od as niJ, the m ij r.ty in Sunbury
oi.d Augo.u, instead uf 311, woulJ have n ached
400. One thing is certiiu they cri'l bo gulhd
wilh fah ilir'uJ. Tho embankment itory wolIJ
not jo down, cspecijlly when tndor.d by hunat
John Porter's sseitions thut it wojld c: J J00,
000. Munchausen himself, would have chouked
at that. Coal township nUo, nobly came to the
roxcur. As for Uppr Mahonoy, that cjti't w t
be beat.
Elrctiou SfWg.
In Union county. Flick's majority is 4C3. I y
coming we are inloimid will give nnyjer
Clinton ws hear will give a mull m ijority fir
Prick, According to this, Flick's majority ia the
district will be between 100 snd 200.
Ujiioh Couott. This county his given Den-
fer, ibe volunteer candidal for Shonff, a m ijirily
of 1000 votes over Klvckner, tl'.e regularly nnmi
ns'ed h g rstidid'ite. Gross is elect-d Tisasurer
by a majori-y of 150 over Dogr, the svhig candi-
dste. Clemens is ilecrd Coinniisioner by 150
majority. Charles S ebold ia t lixtrd Coroner by
majority nf 1000. R.U r and Wibon, the Time'
tt.ti ks, srs defeated by the is big candidates. Hell
snd Adorn.
In Pbiledtlphis the wbigs have tarried McMi
chat I, their bteriff, and two member of Congrt.
J. K. Ingeraoll and E. Joy Morii. In the ccunty,
h dinioctatic tkktt is ilect d. In the city, the i
tthigS, kS USUsI, hal SUl't'.Ci'dcd. Ill Dmphin,)
Benjimin J rdsn, whig, and Solomnn Shtndel,
deinoeiat, have been elected. In Cumberland, the
democratic ticket baa succeeded. The Canal Coin-
misior.era, aa fer as b d from, r'.e'v11" revive
the r y v,o.
Township" rrM
Pn h,
U per Mahonoy,
Lower d.-.
I it Is do.
1C23 15:M 151C
(j Whig csr.iii jali s in i'ulics.
rjT Lea er tuk L". S. P tkamfr, Pino at c Mis.
sovat. The hist arrivals from Eurnpe, bring us
the dtresing Intelligence of the h i of the Steam
fhip Mis;iuri. The Mi'sonri was on her outward
hound p.isssge, eonvi ying the Hon. Club Cushing,
the Mininter of the U. S. tn China.
This splend'd vessel tutaMy consumed by fire
on (he night of (he 2Gth of A ugnst. while taking in
coal, nt Oibra'ter. Notwithstanding the crew were
fm dly driven overboard by tho fury of the fl imrs,
yet no lovs of life was rustained.
The Missiut'i ha 1 arrived in Odir.dfer the day
bi f )'e, and wns nuking all depstch for the c in
t'nuince ef her voyage up tho Mediti-rranem, when
the fire broke out. Tho ship continued to burn
throughout ibe night, preenttng one ot the grsndeit
sr ecta'les, r.dicvcj by explosion of
h"avf shells, nnd the sc ittrring of fragments. A
bc.u' 2 o'clock, forne of the tank in the f irwurd
niagnioe blew up, with a tcrriUe conclusion,
hreskirg in mint win lows in the town, and ere
atinz other damages around.
V happy to learn, borever, that Mr. Citsh
ir.g ssved oil bis vslaiHi efT.-cts in the eirly pari
of the fire. His departure was only ileliyed for
the English sti-a;ner of the 7th, in which vessel he
left for Alex ind'14. The olTlcers and crew lot
every thing except the e'othes they hid cn,
A subfeipjent Invesligition proved the fire
originated in the engine room from spirin of tnr-
! pontine, which had run down from one of the store
rooms above.
The reduction of pntagrs, and a general ref.irm
in the system uf tl department, i i l matter of the j
highest importance, e.-picilly now that the
currency ol the coun'ry lias r lueJ in a spe.
cie level, and business is about tn revive on the
syttern of ra-h busine and small profits. Postages
are an important item in exchange opeiations, and
-hould be brought down to the lowest point, to as
nit biMine-s as well at to confer upon that large
proportion of the community who cannot bear much
rxpuise, the j tMiege of cor.s'ur.t corri spotolence
with thkir sbs. nt friends. The H.iilfrd piper
suggra's, in copying our remarks recently in.ide
upon this su' ji ct, ihat the ra'es should be five cent
for a sioj;!e l ler to any patt of ihe Priion, h-iw.
ever distant ; that no extra charge should be made
for increased dis once of transportation. There is
much truth in this. Whe i tn.nil routes sre es a' lih
e l it is no mora evpe ise to ca-ry the letter one
ihouond than Ce hundred miles, and a brother or
orher r- lition at New Orleins should be able to
eommnnieste with his fstnily ai cheiiply as if he
were only nt Washington. It has been f.iund to
bs true in Engbnd, that under t!.e rheap sy-ti-rn
individii ils p.iy actually more money to the govern
ment under the old, t ut th-n they send many
mnie letti rs. It is an every d..y expre.-aion, "be
sure ji.u write to u-, the postsge i hot a penny,
you know. ' in teaj oi neing oiinge.i i.i pny oin
money every time a letter is sent, a bc i of stamps is
purrhised, like a b x nf wafers, nnd merely stTix
ing one or more to the letter discharges the pottage.
This greatly promotes writing, and of course friend
line ;s, ami gradually draws out and ktrengihens
tho o iccial fi Ting without whi h pcoji'.e are but
lit lie be U'l than br'n.riji,s How many friend
hi s h-ve been diopped, how many family ties
broken, how many Under fcofings nipped in the
bud, bt'ciuse ne.-eii'y si-pirstc pirtii s who can
not b. sr the expense of a corr spondence. If s
government cannot remedy these things, of wht
line is a g ive rriiin nt 'Why do wo have ataicninen
but they re soppoteJ to enhance tho happiness of
the people ? Ins huiies and goci d point of view,
ihete is none hi h is susceptible of si great a re
lotm as our "piobibi ivc" pot oflico yt-.-m. If all
Utters were charged five cents only, a treat rcduc-
ti n in the burden uf the mail would take place.
snd sn i'.treo in the revenue. every man
t'.i'iik haw many naies he ha sept s letter envelop
id in a ne w-epspcr, through the o!h., to save
ti e postage ; theti let bim caloulatu how many do
the a:ne. He can then e-iculv.e on thete d ita.
An ordinary newspipir. dry, weighs 2os , snd with
bis litter weighed 2J fur csrryiug wh eh the
post ofTwe rrceived 1) cents. If the rats of
post ge bad been 5 cents, the mail would have
earrieJ l. for & cents, ii stea l uf 2 J .for I J eents
Yet the diprtmenl complains thn i cannot reduce
rates, bee use ihe mails are heavy end tba receipts
I'ght. The remedy is cheap ra'es.
Hew York JleralJ.
Cue. J .roes H. Looksn, one nf the oldest
printers of the West, died at Cincinnati, on
ll.A AiV, ii.. If,. .!. I Ka ft.ftt,tn thul
j ...V V... . . ' . . I . . . ...,.. V. W . U m J - . ... .HH.
Yours S-undus sn l Mr. sod Mis. Ragge, ba;
j all Itch fu!:y comoaltltd for trial for the forget-
vtii -h! h -h-y stnJ cbrg,d.-i3.V.
Election Returns of Northumberland County.
2 -
s B
a. ij
73 3.
1:123 1023
1 361
Vo'untrcr candidutcs
rrom Ihe 'hiiiJiljh!u I.vdqtr.
Tlie r.lecllon.
Thi Vr.aTr.tiiiAT. We have delayed
our paper beyond the usual time of going to press,
in order to give some account of ihe result of yes
terday's eheiion.
P.elty grnerul defection existed in the Firel Con
gres-ional District among the Democrats, The re
gulnr ticket, (McCully) was opposed by a portion
of the Democrats, who took Croiisillnt a their can
didate. Towards the middle of the day the Cron
sillut men dropped their candidate, nnd vob d for
Morris, the Whig candidate, and in consequence
the Firit District, the stsunthi si Democratic ditrirt
in the State, hat elected a Whig as their rejTeten
I itivc in Congress. We gie tho following majori
ties, as reported at the windows last even'ng :
SoC Til W A tt K.
Mcf'utlv. Morrs,
Firt Ward.
Second Wind,
Third Ward,
8 m ijority.
2 ..
10 2 "
'.! reported majority.
City Cedar nnd New Market Wards, re
ported majority, "?"
In ftmthnarli, the Peform CoramisMHiers' tick
et, supported by tho Cr nissil!t men, i aNo elected
by several hundred majority. In the Fifth, 125.
The Congreuiinnal th ket in th'e tivo ward was
not counted at 1 o'clock, last night.
Ginnr.iA EtiCTioar. Th" Augusta Chronicle,
nrSntiintuv bikt. eont di s returns which show :ret-
ty ronclti-ively that the Whig, have elected the j y " b
(icvernor r.nd members nf ( . ingres by ' rS nnjo- j
ritirs. and there will be from 40 to GO log mij i- j
. . - . f
ritv on Joint ha bit. This i the first tl. ction un-
dcr the ain iidi-d Constitution, and the terms of
ihe members of iho Legislature will not expire till
October, 1815. The returns are not in from fifiy
tive counties. The Whig gain on tho Governor's', since IS It, in three counties, is nearly 4,500.
The Van llureii snd Cil'ioun d.lT reiice hurl the
di mocr-iiic ticket in thi Sta'e.
Mn. PoBrii r Wh Ktirra.- The Lexington
(K O'iserver of the 14th insl.savs that Mr. Ho
liert Wickl He, of that city, has Injen tendered by
President T lor the appointment of Chargo d'Af
f itrs to Siirdiiii .
The Potatoe ('tioe n Cur.STi:n (o. The
Villigo Pecord says, "The Potiloe crop is not
full ; and we are informed, in mmy f.cld, the crop
is so rotted, and the smell is s. fip-nl that the far-
U lost."
ElTr.fsiTS Itoeni bt. An extensive r iI.Im ry
was cimrmttel at .Jmatawney township. Perk
cnun y Ps. Mrs. Maria Sas iiiimt, an sgd widow
lady, whoe petsonal properly chiefly consisted in
gold and silver, had ii locked up in a chest, and a
few days ago having occasion to look some
thing in ihe clnst, f und lhat all was stolen with
the exci pl'on nf one or two gold pieces. It is sup
posed the rubbery was committed on a Sunday,
while the family was attend ng divine service. The
amount taken was from eleven to twelve hunJred
Assrvrov This singular substance, which has
yet defied all the efforts of rhemista tn anslyse it,
inasmuch as it will nei her melt with fire nor dis
solve in water, snd is entirely free from taste or
smell, is found in considerable abundance in I'enn
slvauia, at no gnat distance from the borough uf
Coin u CovsvMrnov avu Dirnct'tTT or
Uhsatiiixo Cvkin. Mrs. Levy a very highly re
Fperlablc lady of Philadelphia, residing in Locust si.,
l-ttwri n Point and Pif h, had been Isbwing for up
watds of sis months under a very bad cough, at
tended with ihAiculty of breathing, pains in her
brcusl snd side, snd asiiknets at the stomach, ha
ving lost all appetite ; she became so very much rc.
duced in strength as lo be unable to work ; ahe was
considered in a cor eumpt've state, and given op by
ihe physicists thai attended her. In this situation
he h d resource to Dramtrt'h Vtge!ab!t Uaiei"
lal J'ills, and to her astonishment before she haJ
tuken oos box, (25 pdU) found hsrself very much
relieved ', she expectorated a great quantity of
phlegm, which has sa-ed bar of one of ibe most vi
oli it coughs that aver was experienced by mortal
tnsn. She has taken ths Pi'Is regularly " r sines,
and now finds herself co:o'tty reco- ;re jt ,nj
will certainly fur iV bcneCt':eee;Tj(j, reon,mend
ihi m fur SS she vi:.-:n- .v-m ia be a moat
. effed- ' maAicil,m in lho .t,. ,amUlaini.
. y. purchlM f j,, B. Masser, Sunbury, ei of
tfent, Vrtnl ia snotber pail of this paprr.
mers have t een obliged lo desist from gvhrring t on tract ot land situate in Augusta r uvtisnip. (. j, wh nS l,urdi,y the 4ih day of No-
from sicknes . The exres-ive moi.tur,- of the sev :"'.,om'UBj rou,1,jv1' ,;n":.v":,,'; 'i'.V f vc-nber next t S oVIk. P. M , a tract of
. , . , , .1 UilhsmShtprn.n, dee'd.. lands ol Nicholas Ship- j (j kj,1Jltu j S!,,i township, Nortliumbor-
son is assigned as the cause. In some fields we mJ1 J(1 M tVnr(l,, Rf!lk f ,i(,0IlarJ ,. 0(1 an , . ;
have heard, otic hilf or three fajrthi of the erojn I ther. eor.t :ning two hundred acres more or h , ( y (np jt- j J0t. t, Wdham M irtr., c ntsiuing
Comm'h. Tas.kscNKn. AfMTon.
i r i
a o 4 S
S t,
117 139 77 1IC
SI3 23 1 TIC,
Ml I'll 20 140
117 811 VI 101
73 LI CI 7.1
2IC 231 2I CO'i
1S 127 SH llf.
102 7 10.r. 81
9!i lot C S2
00 4 M
117 107 0 112
23 94 1 17
37 :tl It 41
109 fi 35 109
1001 1093 S-
If 5
OJJirtof Ihe Paltimors AMrttti ax, Oct. 0.
ORAI.V The suf plies of Wheat on Silnrday
and to-d iv were light. The few parcels reel ivrd
r i t i il. of r . r 1. 1
of Md. and a. reds sold atSfi a 90 c s. for good to i
" ,
rime arid at 75 a 86 ets. for ordinary to good. A
lot of 1900 bushels l'rnnylv.inia, quality very good,
ndd at 90 ets. Sites of vthito Corn at 4(1 rts. and
yellow at 46 a 48 its. Several parctlsof Md.
live were told at 50. Sales of Oats t 22 a 23 ets.
WHISKEY I dull. Limited sa'ei of htuR
at 21 a 24 j els.
1 I V. I, I
On Thursday last, ANDREW I... son of
Mr. Ssmu I Harrison, of this pl.iee, aged 7 months i
and 2 week. I
In Tur'.nt lownshin on the frh int . Mr. N. ;
DUE W K. KUSSEE, formerly of this place, nged j
about 30 years.
In this rilsce. on the 5lh iriKt.. Mr. PETER I
HOWEfl. ngrd about 17 yeara. j
Y v.rlue of sumhy writs of Venditioni Enpon- '
as and Levari F ieia, iued out of the
Coin nfCommnn of Xorlburnherland countv. '
lo ine directed, will be exposed to public sale at the
t'ourt House in the Horough of Sunbury, on Mon-
day the 6ih day of November next, at I o'clock, P.
M., the follow ing de cribed propor'y, to wil :
Two Certain contiguous ItS o!
ground it in .he town of McKwen'Ville. for-
p 0 , ; Turbut, now D. I .are township. Nor.
hu u rlat! j f!,u,v, fof,,i(;in, each CO in
f , nn,t jco f p, jn ,vopth. bonn led bv a lot of Ja-
. r . . . .
c b Modeller on the north, by an alley on the
south, an alley on the west and by main str- et
on the east, whereon are erected a brick Foundry,
to w hich K alt ii h (I a blacksmith's shop, the main
hu lding being A.S f et in fr.vit. and part of said
building extending back 103 feet. Tin re i also at
Inched to the same, a frame building 20 feet by 15,
where the hor i-o power U kept for the use uf said
pound y; theic is also an nllitv in front put of raid
bri. k building, and alsa a frame stable on said lot.
S, iz..,, taken in execution, and lo be sold as the
prop. r!y of William Kmel aod Isaac. Hoik. I.
Also: All the defendant's interest in
three certain cont guous lots of ground, situate in
tho borough of Norlhumheiland. Norlhiiniberl .rid
county, bein double lot-, nnd extending from the
Danville roid to water street, end uuiked m the
general plan of siid town Nos. 2 1 . 20 and I'J, con
tail ing nt the whole two acre more or less
H,-ii.-d. taken in execution, and to I sold us ihe
property or Jo-iali i.napinan.
Also: All the
1 1-1. n, I i nt v- interput
(nippn-ed to be the undivided third pail) of ecir-
about 30 ten a of which arc cleared, wbereuu un-
ireete.d a sin ill I g house and a frame luni.
Sened, taken in execu io'l, and lo be sold ss the
prop- rty of CJeatavos K S'.
Also: Two ccitni.-i As A ,;
situ ite in il.a bc.roueh of Noiihumhi rUod stid
county of Norlhutn!i.-r! md, bounded north bj
Queen atreet, siutii by Dock slr. t-t, w st y fifth
a'rect and east by a lot 1 1
Seized, taken i:i t-xiciition. and to be sold as '.he
property of Frederick Uuikeubine.
Also: A certain lot of ground rittiatc
in the borough of Northumberland aforesaid, con- :
tsining five acres more or less, bounded north by i
Weslway, south by the sei.l brach of the river i
Suijuehsnna, wet by a lot of James Ksy and on j
the east by a roid leading to the river, whereon ere t
erected a Urge two story brick mill and dwelling i
house, known by the name of the ' College." j
Seized, 'alien in execution, and to be sold as the
pro-'iy of Josiah Chapman. 1
Also: All that certain house situate'
in Kush township, Norihunaher'and county, on ihe I
road leading from the 'Liberty Pole," in add town- '
hip to riv.r t lioyd's Mills; the sua of the font
building is 23 feet by IA, and a kitchen annexed
ti it, the slta of which is 16 foct square, both of
h ch ore two ktoriee hih.
Seited, taken in execution, and to be solj as the
property gf David Faux.
Also: All that certain two story
tir irk Imildinrr nilnate in tho east aide of m i l
st.eet in the borough of Milton, N.nthtltnlierland
county, sai. I building being ah .ul 30 foet in trout,
and about 40 or 60 feet in depth, adjoining the
three story brick tavern in the occupancy of Mi
ch .el K renter on '.he north, snd a two atoiy brick
building the property officii. Hubert II. Hammond
on tho south.
tSoii-'.1, taken in execution, and lobe sold as the
oronerlv of Henry Trick.
Also: A certain tract or piece of
lajid situate in ( oal township, Northumberland
eouniy, adjoining lands of tJeorga Long, Henry
Klerk and others, containing 37 acr.s uao- 0, ,MI
about S5 scree of which are e':,rC()i where w
.reeled a logWe tn , ,og bsm oiehtrJ &e
fteiiea. iBn , rxeco'ilin luj tJl,0 o!j M t!)e
't-perty of tia- ue w.klr.
siso: A certain lot or piece of land
kituatt in Rush tawnhip, Northumliarland county,
adj lining landa of . Jacob Niece, Godfrey Kocke.
feller and others, contslning 31 sens more or has,
about 20 seres of which sis cleared, whereon are
erecied a small log house, a log bant and s small
Beued, taken io execution, and to bs soIJ ss tie
property of O'corgs A. UiUn.
Also ! A certain lot of crounJ situ-
ste in the borough of Milton, Northumberland
eouniy, in that ran of raid town eillrd Upper fAU
ton, snd rmrkrd in the general p'sn of saiJ tiwft '
No. 77.fronting un the main or front street, also
bounded on the nonh by a street, on the east by
an alley, whereon are erei-ted a large two stnry
Irtif-k dwrlling linme, o which is attnehed a large
fistne kitchen, a freme s'sMe, wagon shed, Ate.
Also: Two rorlain contiguous lots
ofgnund s'tuaie in 1'pper Milton aforesaid, and
markeil in the general plan thereof, No . CO and CI,
lioumled on the rait by the canal, on the south by
sn alley, on the nonh by a street and on the west
by a street, whe reon are erecied a Urge stone and
bri k steam mill, engine bouse, sloro house, A c.
also i a two story frame 0 welling house, snd
i irame amble.
Also; A rorlain lot of ground situate
j in the borough of Milton aforesaid, in that part of
raid town calbd I.owet Milton, fronting on Mi
j honing street and bounded on ihe west by a lot of
John P. Wnlfinger.Esq , on the east by an Alley
! ami on ihe eou'h by an alley, containing in width.
! 33 feet and in length 200 fret, whereon are erected
j a twe story fume dwelling hmisn nnd a frame stj
1 bio.
1 Also A certain tract or piece of
land situate fo incrly in Turbut, now Delaware
j township, Nnrihiiin1 irlnnd coimly, sdjoining Isriils
I i.f rt.diert McKef, Abr.ilum st .ruer, Jscoti H rTiflin
nnd others, containing 50 acres m ire or lea,a)out
45acrenof which are clcired, whereon arn e ett-
ed a two story log dwell ng house, and a log barn,
a larte orchard, a good spring of wa'er, cVc
I Se-.ed. taken in execution, and to be Bold as Ihe
property of William H. Miller.
ll I o III Mill I ui iltLt
, . . ., 1 , , ,
find situate in Auiu-ta tonhti, Northumbi r and
county, adj iiniog lands of Aaron Robins. lot of
Hanoi Keller, land of John Myers, Mrs. Clak and
I'eteT Over 'oif, jr., containing 30 eerea more of
less, nbout CO ncre of which are cleared, whereon
are erected two log dwelling hnus. s; there are al-o
two wells of water and s :me fiuit treos on said
S ir d, take i in execution, and to be sold ai the
property ,if Donran Myers.
Also: A cettain tract or piece oi
Imd situ . te in I.ittlo Mahonoy township, Nor
ihiitnbe.lan 1 cortnlv. adjoining lands of Djn el
He'1'. Daniel Dorimii f and othorJ, containintt 41
acres m . re or less, about 2 SC ee of which .iro
eleired. wherou arc erected a small log hou-e and a
K barn, A.e.
Se:f I, raken lm xecu'i.-n,
and to be s.iUI as the
properly of Hemy Smetmrt.
Also: A certain tractor piece oi lami,
r-itiinle in ChilMpiaipia tovvnehip, Northuriu
berland County, s 'joining land of J unes Cameron,
Philip Fo ist, Philip FoMmer and Ph I iL-ng. con
taining fif y ar-rei mor.' or le-s. nearly nil M which
is clean d. whe eon are erected a two story fruriie
house, a feme bunk birn.a w.igon house, ai or-
chard, a well of wuter. 4c
S.-iied.l iken in x. cut on,
and to be sold as tho
propeMy ol HiliUl Ho.lls.
Also: Oil Tuesday t!lC Clld day of
Novunher nea-!, a the house i.f Ctiarles D. Whir,
ton. in Sunbury, st 10 o'clock A. .Nt.. a cert.iin
i tricl of i-pr.r e l l.m.l si-nnle e-n the. wa'er of
! Slvimokiii creek, in ( oal town hip. Northn.ii'erl.iod
cut ty, h .un I ,, by l ,U l .v ,1 D.ud I . (.or .
on the wiM, I homne CiLval.-idn t, e ea.t. a
j Willi .m B )!, Hord Patfrso.. Ac. Co. on t
norh, containing ITts a,-ies more or leu.
a i a . . . r . .
(f ir ton
Also: A certain tract of unimproved
laud situate in ('oal towuhip afur'sni I, bounded
by lands i f t'h mis Ca Kv.ill id r on ihir weil,
liavid F. (ioid i on the en-t, and on the nnr'h by
land utveyed in tho names of Will am Toinlinson
and ticotge Culdron ond nthers, c mtaioiiig
acres more or les.
Also: A certain tract of unimproveil
I in I situ ite in Cat t w i-hin afire-aid, bounded
liu lin.t t 'Ctirtm Vi.l vv .It 4.Tr nr lli. r vt . I M,1
t ( j ,., j fj a,Iy ol, ,i,. ,nd ih,,,,,,!
j (jUvu,,, ut, Ul0 weli colllaii,b' 4J0 acre mora
t 0) hv.
j Also : A certain tract of i;:ii:itprove !
j Um five -m c ,nwhl, bflir 1K( b ,nnd. J
t OM ttI ,,y lMi, kUrv,y, j j,, lne llame t Mu,.T
j (;rjmpr Ul), , li lvjll (2 -r on the east and
I ,am, Mlrt.v(., ir) ,lie llf Wil'iim (iretm on
I .,!,, r0i, 400 acres more or less
I s. ir..'.!, taken in execution, n.d to he sold i.s
' the pr-pertv of V iiliuni Sihi.
i ii is.. . . t .
VUo: it v virtue of a writ uf l'leia
Pa in to mo dir. . ted w II be sold at the House of
30 acres more or bs, about. II acres of which are
cli aied.
Scuel, liken io execution, spd to hr sold as l!,e
pr.-pc tv ot Wi;!ia;n K. Jones.
S.mhury, t )-.:!. I 1, 14:.
Currtcitil wtchly by Hinry 'txtkcinur.
O a v , .
Pork, -Pluses,
Uir.swAX, -Taliow,
Daitn ArrLr.s, -Do,
HirxiiD Flax,
4 0
I on
IS hereby rjiven that I have purchased the f dlow
ing ar icles, s d.l at S.-rilPs sale on II e 4 h inst ,
as the r.'P'"'ty ef J uis'han and Andrew Hoover,
which ariic'ee I have loaned to 'aid Jona han and
Andiew uu'il I aee priief to remove them. i :
'Pwo black in tree, 1 bay do, I mully cow, 1
white caif 7 ho'ls, 'i n il of ha mss, 1 two h -rso
wngon, two thirds iil'S acres of corn in the ground,
two thirds uf 3 acres buck v. heat, half of 4 aces
wheat, half of 4 acres of fye, 1 bureau, 15 yards
carie', 1 mantle cluik, 1 plough.
Augus'a. Oct. I t , 1843 3t.
IS hereby givin 'V.'. we have (,orch.-.i ths faN
lo0'- tuicl,,, an'' Bv Tkes. A. D.llrngton
ci nsiable .'. pn j j:h inst , as ihe property
, i; jj Sh.pman, wh eh we have loaned lo lha
j hn v HMpMM onllJ we think proper lo re.
woit lhetni vjj .
One sorrel horse, I bay mare, 1 black cow, 1
hrindle eow, 6 bee-caps and beee, 1 bureau, 1 clock,
3 setts wsgon harness, 2 setts plough do., 1 coal
store, 2 ploughs, 1 harrow, 1 wind mill.
Auguata. Ott. 14, 1843. 3t.
TONE W ARB for sale.
215 Stone Jugs, from I qua-l to 3 gallons, .
i0 Stuns Jars, from 3 to 6 gallons. Pot sals,
cheap, by Oct. 14 H. UIAER.