Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, October 07, 1843, Image 3
SHERIFF'S BY virtue of aundry writ of venditioni expo naa, issued out ofthe Court of Common Plea of .Northumberland county, to ma directed, will he exposed to public aula, lit the house of Michael Kremcr, innkeeper, in the Borough of Milton, on Saturday the 7ih day of October next, at I o'clock, P. M., the following described property, vix: MA certain tract or piece of laud, aituate in Chilisquaque township, Nor thumberland county, ailjuininir land of Jamea Cameron, Philip Fount, Philip Follmrr and Philip Long, containing fifty arrre more or lc-a, neatly all of which ia cleared, whereon are erected two tory frame houe, a finme hank barn, a waggon house, nn orchard, a well of water, Ac. Soiled, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Daniel Hontz. Also: A certain tract or piece of land situate in Chilisqiianue townahip. Nnrthumbcrlnitd county, adjoining lands of Daniel Seider, Daniel Eckcrt, J a men P. 8.mdcraon and others, containing one hundred and sixty acrea more or less, about Ml) acres of which are cleared, where on are erected a one and a half atory frame dwelling house, and frame burn, a small orchard, Ac ., Ac. Seized, taken in execution, and to be solJ as the property of John P. Gulick. MAlso : On Monday the Vih day of Octol er next at 1 o'clock. I. M. at the house of Jacob Knro. in the town of Sh.mokin, Coal township, Norihumbrrlnnd county, 3 con tlgiou lots of unu'id aituate in the town of Sha mokin aforesaid, in that part of aaid town laid out by John C. Boyd, and marked in the general plan thereof No. 45. 46. and 47, containing each 28J feet front, and 190 feet hark, fronting nn Shamokin tract on the west, and InHinded nn the eriet by Frank Im street, fW the eouth 1-y Independence atreet, and on the north by lot No. 4 1, whereon ae erected a large two alary frame dwelling house and kitchen, a more room and counting house, a smoke hou-e, wash house, and frame elahre. Also : Three other contiguous -lots of ground aituate in the town of Shamo kin aforesaid, and marked in the plan aforesaid No. 121. 152 and 113, containing each 28$ feet f ont, and 199$ feet back, boundi-d on the smth. by Shakeapear eireet, on the north by Independence street, east by lot No. J 24, and wist by Franklin etreet, w hereon are erected a large foundry, ware room and pattirn nhop. Seized, taken in execution, and to be suld as the property of Jacob Dail. Also: At tlto Court House in Mhc boMuch of Siinbiirv, on Monday the Ifith day of October next, a1 1 o'clock, P.M. a certain tract or piece of land situate in Au?ula township, Northumberland countv, adj. lining lands of Aaron liohins, t lot of LI .tii it I Kel er, land of John My. -t-rs, Mr. ("I uke and Peler Overdorf, Jun'r., con taining tlnry acres moic or less, ubnut twenty acres if which are cleared, vv hereon are erected two log dwelling house. There are also two wells of wa ter and aome fruit trers on said p'embes. Seized, I okon in execution, and to be sold as the property ofDuncill Mversv. MAIvi: Ail that certain lot ofj ground aitM'ite in il borough if Son' ii'y, j adjoining Hmry on the cast, the pub- I lie offices on the wcet, ShnmnVin or Market street I on ihe north, and an alley on the south, and num. beri d eight in the plan of said borough, contain ng in widih sixty frit, and in depth one hundred and eichty fret, on which is creeled a Ure two s'ory brick tavern In use, now occupied by Churle I. Wharton, wiih the appurtenances. 7 Also: Another certain lot in -J-fl s.i'd t'rtrmijh. iioniber ore in the town plan, hounded lv Mi irui.kiti or Maiket on the north, an elley nn lie south, bv lois of Mrs. Jfu! rn the ve.-t and by Mrs. Shaffer on ihe east, containing in breadih sixty feel, and in depth two bundled ard thirty feet, on whih me erccej a two tlo'y biick house and o her buildings. Also: One other lot in said -borough, number eighty, hounded by Broad way on the west, an alley on the east, mcl the rail roadnn the a luth.coii'siidiia in bread h fify-seven feet and a half, olid in defih two hundred and fifty : feet, on which hie rr.-clrd a weather loardcj two ' story log hmi-e and olhtr buildings, now in po- j s'Sion of t!. M. York. i Also : Tlie one undividod tunic- i -lv nr half part of all tlia' tract of land and lautd'ion, sdjoiiiii c the Ixirousli of funbuiy, i I md of (ji oige. Wclkirniid othe'S, coti'ainioR ; three hundrid m J Iweniy arris un.rc ir less, with j the appeiteitanei s f.rinrlv ownid by Mr. Msrlay, on which ant en tied a large, three story brick Grist Mill, a la-ge Saw Mill, a Clover Mill, several dwill. ing houses and other budding. Also: The undivided moiety of the following out lots aituate in the said ho. rouph of funbury ah. ret. id, to nit ; Fifteen aens at the Point, bounded bv the Susquehanna on the west, and the Hiain'kiu ceck on the east, formirly owned by Henry M.isser, v hereon are erected a dwel inc house, a lare bank barn, now occupied by Petit Purs. I, being r.uinbera Gl, 62 and part of C3 in the plan of said borough. Also; Xos.r.O, G4, 05, (SO, and . 68. and the part of 63 not included in the nur. ehate from Henry M seer, each out lot containing fia acrea more or less. Also; One out lot containing five SC acres, adjoining tola of Chriat;n Miller ard of William day, form rly the property of Henry Bucher. Also : Out lot No. 49, funded by the crave yird, a tot of G.,. v.;... .,l lant on (be west, canUiov,,g fire acies moto or Or.e five acre lot, bound- 'a by Ehlcrhcry and Deer streets, and by lota of H. Bellas and the la'e Daniel Bogar. Also: An Island at the Point, and uTlhe Junction of the Shamokin and 8usqui hana, in Augusta ionfchip, formerly Martina Island, containing eight acres more or less. Also: One moiety of the follow- ing in lots and buildinea in said borough, to wit: Lot Nn. P3 adjoining Mr. Hutted rn the south, Jane Black on the north and Broadway on the west. 11 fert front, by 210 feet in depth, on which is erect, d a la-jie ami splendid thiee atory brick house and other buildings. 3 Also : os, 309, 310,311,312, 314 and 316. bounded by Elderberry atrrri on the south, and bilberry alley on the noith, and also on aame street and allies nun.bers 297, 298 and 299. Also i Iots No. 323 and 32 1, bound ed by Whoitleherry street on the north, B.lherry alley on the anuth and Deer atreet on the we. t, and No. 322 on the east. Heited. taken in eiermiun, and to ba sold aa lha properly of NVtn. Mr'Carty. FELIX MAURER, ShcriJ. Bheriff'a OfTice, ? rnbury, Sept. 18, 1843. J HIBlt CHKHHJt'f) 1t sale by July IS, ISO. H.B. MASKER. ATTENTION. Union Independent Iialtn lion of V oluntecrs, YOU are ro nmanded to meet for drill, in Seline Grove, on Saturday the 28lh day of October next, at I0 o'clock. A. M each member provided with IS rounds of blank cartridges, and in full uni form, equipped for drill. By order of the Colonel. ELIAS HUMMEL. Adj't. P. f. All neigboring volunteer companies are respectfully invited to j dn in trie parade. Sept. 30, 1H43. LIST OF CAUSES. 7OU tiial at a Special Couit to be held at Sun buty.on the Id h rlav of October, 1 S 13. John II eleh et al va Jamea Husted William Morili v$ O P Duncan Mary Weeks v Ujerly &. Haas John C Boyd va A W Johnson el al George Hill va tJco-ge Hill's Ex'ra Daniel Roadannel vs Daniel Zerbe et al Jacob Snder rt al vs Se.isholiz At Be'sttesscr Thomas Wood, Ac Andre Foray the George (' Welker vs J ic.ih Gass Daniel Brosius vs John A thias!er Joseph Hill vs Martin Wcver Chailes Douty Wharton Aarmi Crosby Fisher SMLEL D. JORDAN, rrothonot.iryV OlTiee, 5 VrotWy. Riinhury,Sepi.'2S 1S43. OAKLEYS Dr.lM ItATIVi: SYRL'I. rilHE valuabla proper lica of Oakley's Depura 1. live Syrup of Sarsaparilia, aa a purifier of the blond, ia an well known to the public generally, that it is unnecessary to occupy much space in set ting forth the advantages to he derived from its use; nherpver the medicine haa once been intro duced, it takes precedence over all others : eveiy oiie that haa taken it, hte derived so signal bene ficial resulta from it, that it ia recommended by them with the u most confidence. Physiciina of the highest Etaniing in tire profession, prescrilie it to patients under their care; containing nothing deh terious, but being composed nl the most mild, yet efficacious vegetable materials, it is offered with confidence, as the cheapest and most efficient pu rifier of the blood now known. The use of a few botllea, especially in the spring months, wilt be at tended with a most decided improvement in the ge neral strength ofthe system, eradicating any ecpds of disease that may have been generated, besides giving health and vigor to the body. For the cure of Scrofula or Kings Evil, Rheumatism. Ti tter, Pimples or eiuption of the Skin, White S wi-llinp, F rtula, Chronic Cough Asthma, &e. The nu merous eeriilicn'es in the pnseetion of the subscri ber and ht agents, from phvsiciana and others, ure sufficient to convince the most skeptical of its su periority over all prep irati.ins of S.irsip.nilla. Sold wholesale and retail, by the proprietor, GEORGE W. OAKLEY, North 5th Mre.t. Ilea ding, Br'ka County, and to he haj ofthe following persons : In Korthumherlund Cuunty. Xl. B. Massor, Sunhury; Irrluid tV M.vel, McEwcnsville ; D. Kraucr, Milton. In Union I'ounfy. J. Geaihart, Sclinsgrove ; A. (lUt' lius. Miflhnhurg. In Columbia County. R. W. McCay, Wash ington. Heading. March 14, 1SI3. Mm. Oakizv: -1 lielieve it the duty of every one to do whatever in their power lies, for Ihe bne. fit of their fellow man, and having had positive proof in my own family, of the wonderful properties of your Di'purative Syrup of Sarsaparilla, I m -at conscientiously recommend it to the atllieted. We had the mit-foitune to lose two of our children, by the breaking out of uleeroua sores that covered the face, bead and t.eek, although we had some of the most scientific physicians to attend thi m and had tried all the known lemedies, including Swaims' Panacea, without avail. Another of my children was attnekod in the same manner, her face sr.d nerk was completely covered; the disi h trgu ki, go offensive, and the disease at such a height, that we despaired of her & Seeing tho wonderful effect of your IVpnr.ittve Symp c, 8 rsa nr.ll i, we wcie induced to nriKc trial of it, as the lat-t res rt ; it acted like a charm; the ulcers commenced healing immediately, a f w bottle entirely ret-torcd her to her health, which she has enjoyed unintetiuptedly ever since. As a purifier of the bio al, I veiily be In ve it hjs not its equ tl, JOHN MOVER, Tailor, Walnut atreet, near Fourth, Reading. Uoiiglassiille, April 13th. 1S13. Mm. Pit; let : My son Edmund Leaf, had ihe sctofnla in the most dreadful and distressing tmiri ner for three years, dining which lime he was de prived of the utc of lis limbs, hi l.e ul and neck were cmered w ith ulcere. We tri' d ull the dilli r eut reniedi. s, I ut to no effect, until recommended by Dr. Johnson of Noriirtuwn, and olo Dr. Isaac HieKti r, of Iteadir g. to use your Depurativtr Syrup of Sarsapanlla, of which I oMaincd n veia! butties, ihe us of which d'ovc the divca e cntinly out of h s Kystein, the sire beiled up, and the child wa restored to turfed In'iUh, which he has enjrd uninterruptedly ever ainec, to the attonithineut of many persona who teen him during his afil ction. I have thought it my du'y, and sen I you this certi ficate that othera who have like affliction in the family may know where to obtain ao valuable a medicine. Your truly, AMELIA D. LEAF. Sept. 16, lg43. ly Valuable Farm 'V'VT'ILL be sold, on Monday, November 6, Wf le 43, at the Court House in Sunbury. that valuable tract of land belonging lo the estate of , Christian Shrpman, dee'd. , containing 160 acre more or lc, situated in August township, Nor thumberland county, adjoining land of George Keefer, George Hall, Gemge Hiker, and Daniel Conrad. Conditiona will be made known nn the day fail. LEWIS DEWART, Executor of Christian SUipmun, tlcc'J. PuntKiry, epl. lotri, IM-T1. 71. dor H7:tti2THis IS hereby given lo all perkoiis imereli d in the qucstiot a for trial, and the distribution of ihe proceeds ofthe sales of John II. Cowdeu's ra:a'el in the Couit of Common Pleas of Union cour,iy, to appear, if they think proper, on the accrp Tuetoay of November term nrit ofthe sii couit, when they may be heid in t'.ie prepvoa, Uy the e ojil. WM. ROHONt;. New Berlin, Sept. 1c. 1813 5t. froth' y. ATTEVrloX 1 1 rA'"' Shamokin and Ruh Independent oil Balallion of volunteers are com- Ft manded to mtel for di ill, on baturday &fl 7,n dy f October nel. al Rushville, mi im.ii iownsn p, at lUoiMital ui.l day, fully anmd and equipped, provided with six round of blank earllilgea. Punctual atieudiinc ia requested. By Older of the Ma ir, WILLIAM H. KAE. KkjI. 16, 1813. 1 OIU'IUvVS' coi:rt sale. T N pursuance of the Orphans' Court of Norlhnm berlnnd county, will he exposed lo public sale on Wednesday the 25th day nf October next, on the premises, to wit t A certain ttact of land aituate in Shamokin township, in eaid county, adjoining lands of David Mc Williams, Elisha Barton and Ohadiah Campbell, containing twenty-five acres, and one hundred and thirty-nine perches morn nr lea, on which ate erected a large two atory frame house, barn, and other out house, late the estate of James Campbell, dec'J. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M. of said day, when the conditions of sale will be made known by WM.PERS1XG. OBADIAII CAMPBELL. Sunbury, Sept. 16, 1843. 5u Admr's. CHEAP CLOCKS. GREAT BARGAINS FOR CASH. TlHE subscriber has on hand, (left with him for JL sale,) a handsome assortment of elegant lira ClorliS, warranted good, which he is authorised to tetl at eight and nine dollars. The same kind of clocks have been lately felling by Pedlars, from 20 to U! dollars, Thot-e who want bargains should cull "n. H. B. MASSE R. Sunbury, August 2ft, 1843. Cicnoral C'oiiiiiiInsIoii Mcrrliuiil, -Ym. 21 Commerce St., brlow Fifth, nilLAOELPinA, T"EEP constantly on hand Imported Segars, - Brsndies, Liquors, Ac, at the lowest prices, for cash. C.J. WntBMT.jr. W.M. A. JlHffKT. August 5ih, 1813. 6m ASIIIIY & UOCAP, HAT vk CAP MANUFACTURERS, South East corner of Market and ith its.. Phlladelplila, T3E8PECTFULLY inform ihe publie that they - will constantly keep on hand a largs assort ment of Hat. Capa and Purs, to suit the fall trade, of the be-t quality. By strict attention to busi ness, and by selling their stock at the lowest price, they flatter fhemselve in being able to give entire satisfaction. August 5, 1843 ly JAMES S. SMITH'S Wholesale Clock ratahllshmcnt. No. 82 North Third Street, riIII.ADEl.PHIA, V 711 ERE ia to be found the largest assortment of Clocks in the United Slates, among which are Foirestville, Hill" Goodrich 5c Co , Atkins, Porter cV Co., Ives', Brewslers, and other Eight Day Brass Clocks; C. Jerome's Bristol Manufac turing Company, Atkins, Porter cV Co., Hill's, Goodrich At Co'., Forrestvill,-, H. Wilton's, and other Thirty Hour Brass Cl,ick ; Boardmnn & Weill's, Hopkins & Alfred's, II. C, Smith's, and other Wood ("lock". Sole Ag'til for Crane's celebrated Year and Month Clocks, as well as several of the above men tioned. Al-o : Church and Hall Clocks. fXj" Watchmaker, Merchanl and others, will find it to their interest to call. Looking Glasses manufactured. Philadelphia, August .r, 131:1. Sm rilllD subscriber will sell off his stock of Beaver, X Russia and Biuih Hats, of the best quality, at very reduced prices, Sunbury, Aug. 5, 1K43. H. B. MASSE R. TO THE VOTERS OF NORTHUMBER LAND COUNTY. T7ELLOW CITIZENS: At the earnest aohci--L tationa of many of ray friends, I am induced to offer myself as a candidate for the office nf COUNTY TREASURER. Should I be elected, 1 will endeavor to discharge ihe duties of the office to the best of my ability. CHRISTIAN BOWER. Sunbury, July 22d, I SI 3. EZCHA1TGE EOTELr Ccnlte StT(d, opjwiitc the Town Mali., rOTTSTII.M:, IA. .T. C. Tj E S S 1 (i DB l.M bi-lt l.l.l,t announce to M 71 il. .r. .-..0;.. - .. l. - T(, i. J JC RW on. ,-.M,Ti,tti v jiiiinuilli T iiiin ur. ! V J-l, has taken the luree and n. If olid entail. i:-L . .. .. iiiiimi'ni, rpe r.xruive.E lloTrt. sniia. te.l nt the corner ot Centre and (.'allow lull sheets, l e.niy opposite tho Town Hall, ill the boroujh of Potthvil'e, which has been thoroughly repaired und maicnslly impiovcd for ihe accoiiimndation of visit oi. Th" Hotel is forty ft. fiont on Centre st and one hundred and thirty eight ft, on Callow-hill, three stories hinh ; it is admirably provided with Parlors, Sitting Rooms. Reading Room, and Urge airv f hamhets the moi-t spacious plea ml and conve nient Doling Roo.n in the Country a new nd su perior Ba:htng Eaiahlirhnirnt ; and every conve nience and comfort to render it in all respect a mo-l dc-iralde Hotel. No pan or expense will ho spared lo furnUh the Table and Bar with tho best that thi and Ihe Philadelphia Maiketa afford ; and with a determi n.vion todevo'c his entire personal attention to Ihe oomf irt and accouiinodaiiou of those who may fa vor him with a call t aided by active, careful and obliging servants, he hopes to give general satis faction. PRIVATE FAMILIES, wishing to this highly interesting and healthy Co.d Region, will be provided with Parlors and Chambers, which he feels confident will please tha most fastidious. The Stabling attached, is Isrgn and well constructed, and superintended by experienced and attentive Osiers. Horses and Carriages may be ba I t any lime to convey persona lo any part of the country. fj An Omnibua run from thi Hotel daily lo and from tha Depot, to meet the Car, for the ac commodation of persons travelling on the R,,, Road. No charge for omnibus fare to this 1 atel. I'ottsiille, Jjly , 1843. 6m "c(uxrYTitTjii?i TO Till RhECTORS. op KhRTIIl'M- ilLRI.A S COUNTY FELLOW CITINs, have been induced 10 oner mv',. f ft railjijNle f,,r ,n- tl1-ice uf i'our.iy Trraitiiror, at tha coining fleet ion. Should you think me w"'".ny of your support, and I should he sue- Cfni-fu.1 to no elected, I will endeavor to gie geu etal aati.-faction to all who may lie concerned. JOHN FAR.NSWOIUH. Sunbury, June 24th, 1843. CITY FURNITURE AUCTllix", AND KllVATn SALE3 ROOMS, Nos. til) and ai North Third Streel, Near the City Hotel, PHILADELPHIA. O. MACKEV, Auctioneer, refpectful'y in J vile the attention of persona desirous rf pur rhaoing Furniture, to his eiteiuivo Sales Rooms, (both public and Piivale,) for every desciiption of llous, hold Furniture, where can be ol.liiined at ull time, a large assortment of fasbioiibble and wi II manufactured Cahimi Furniture, Beds, Matlrusscs, Ac., at very reduced prices, fur cish. OT Sali-a by Auction, twice week. May ?7ih, 143. ly 4Dountvrrol(nrR' DEATH BLOW. rptie pu'dic. will please observa that no Brandrelh Pilla ara genuine, unlea tha box hat three la bel upon it, (tha top, tha aide and tha bottom) each containing a fc-lmileelgnatiire of my hand writing, thus B. Dimnauit, M. D.These la. belsate engraved an ateel, beautifully deaigned, and dona at an expense of over $1.000. Therefore it will be seen that lha only thing necessary to pro cure lha medii ino in it purity, i to observe these labels. Remember the Ion, the aide, and the bottom. The following respective poison aro duty auhori ted, and hold CERTIOATES Or AGBNCT, For the salo of Ilrundreih's Vrutla'rfe Universal nils. Northumberland countv : Milton Mickey A Chiuiheilin. Stinluny II. B. Masaer. M'Eweua ville Ireland & Meixelt. Nortliuiu'Tiland Win. Forsyth. Georgetown J. ft. J. Walls. Union C iunty: New Merlin Bogar rV. Win. ter, Sedinscrove George GuiidiUin. Mid burg Iaaac Srnilh. Beiver'own David llubler. Ad imsburg Wm. J. May. Mitllinsburi! Men h it Ray, Hnrllelon Daniel Long. 1'reebiirg G. oV F, . Mover. Lewisburg Wall cV. Green. Columbia county : Danville E. B. Roynolds & (Jo. Berwick shumni V R'ttonhoiise. (;. tawiasa C, G. Brobts. Bloornsbiire John R. Moycr, Jeisey Town Levi Uistd. Washington Robt. McCay. Limestone Balltel A: McNittrh. Observe that each Agent ha an Engraved Cer tificate of Agencv. containing a repres"iitalinri nf Dr BRANDRETH'S Manufactory at Sing Sing, and upon which will also be seen exact copies of ihe new lubeit ntti used the Brandrtth 'ill Boxes. Philidelphia, office No. ft. North fith atrret. B. BRANDRETH.M.D. June 24th. 1H43. A Thresh I lip Machine for Sale. THE subscriber offers f r sale a THRESHING MACHINE, new and in good order. Tha Machine ha been tried, anil proves to be an excel lent one It wilt be sold al a reduced price, and warranted. Apply to H. B. MASSER. July li. 1843. Hart, Andrews JI'Kever, Forwarding and General Produce COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Second Wharf ahnve Ilarr St . on the Delaware, FHILADSLFK1A. RF.FERENCES: Henry Farnum &. Co. l.larvis, Trabue fc Curd, Bray, (Jo. j Lintisvil'e. Williamson, Burroughs Geo. Lurkey, eV Co. & Clmk, Cincinnati. Eckel. Sp.uigtpr iVRagui I Si. John Smith, Esq , Reed, Dro. V Thomas, I Portland. R.'Kers, Brother it ("o. j.foseph Souther, Esij., W. R.Thompson & Co. ! Bo.-len. Robert Srecn it (Jo. Hon. Win, Biiiler, J. it J. Renkert, Clearfield, Ta. Mulford it Alter, I) Hendricks, J. R. Wel-h. E q. i Sunlury, Va. I'hilaitnplna ,!(. IIuriT s, Kr-q. David R. Porter, Esq Rolsirl Crane. Esq., P. Martin, llarritburg Wm. K. HolVuacle, Esq Lewis Hurford, Esq. Luncuscr Jones, Murphy it Co. E. A. Brown ft Brother J. K. Moorchead, Esq. Viltslmrg. Morgan tt Anderson, Geo. Pie.buiy, Esq. .S7. IjOws June 3d, 1843. ly Jt rsry Shore, Pa. Wm. M'Kelvy cfc (Jo.. Blnomsburg, 'a. Wall A: Green. Iwishurg, Pa. T. W. Kin'xing et Son, Lock Haven, Pa. Stirett. Potter, Lemistown, Pa. Joseph Paxton, Esq., Columbia Co , Pa. DAVID EVANS, Ao- 76 South 3r street, oppositethe Exchange, PHILADELPHIA, (Formerly tif Ho. 76 South Second street,) Manufacturer of Improved and Patent File and Thief-proof Chctta and Dooia, Wter and Pro vuion Coolers, and Filterer. Refrigera tors, Hoi-ting Machiurs, Ac-, Af tiii continues to make VXI.i rrl..,ral...l VV A TI.-I) I VC .tit f 'rs, and Filterers, Refrigera- ote, both of the round and qusn- '-.ape, with improve- Ffc' HiB'rriais A?r7J5and workmanhip. . - i . i i . . The Chi-bls ure tnnnttficturril without pi auk of any desciiption, of the. In A mater a I which is calculated to resist bucla's and heat as long :,. any manufactured in the I'nitid btale a trial ol which he is willing lo make w ith any nlber, ro vided the trial be made of chest already bol I to customers, and not inanuf aciured for the express purpose of a trial. Purchasers aro invilcd to ell before porch ising elsewhere. CAUTION. AH person are cautioned aciiin.t making,, selling or ruiiin-- to ! sold, n n Kevho'e coveia f Fire Proof Chest or doors of any kind, simi'nr in ous'iuction to my patent of July 10th, 1811, us they will be dealt with accord ing to the Patent I, in. M .y 5V h. lSl:i.-6m. liovcrs Ink. Manufacturer of Writitic and Intle'Vi ble Ink, No. lfHi North Third Street., ,;x ilrrs below Race, (er.!-t silt. ) T HI It ADIt.iPaiA, T EfsPEC'l Ft LLY inforn. country merchants J 'ol other, eon-t.ntly keep on h.rrd a Urge stock , i.i, u,.,ier Black, Blue and Red Ink, and ao a supeiior quality of Indellil la Ink. ''".ik i put up in Iwiile varying in aize, from . lo 32 ounce, nd will ba sold on reasonable terms. The ex. el'ert qualitiea of this ink haa so thoroughly establi.bcd it character, that il I now extensively used throughout the country. For sale at the store of II. B. Msssrr, Sun bury. Pa. May 87ih. 1843. ly IT. S. LAWPaEifSET"" A gait for the sale of Soulhworth Manufur tttrinf Company's SUI'EIMOU AVIU'l IN(1 PAPERS , Warcliotjse No. !4 Minor Street, PHILADELPHIA. THE following kinds constantly on hand, snd for sale lo ihe Tradu at the lowest market prees Fine thick Flat Caps, 12, 11, and Ifi lis, blue and white; Ex'ra surer, and sopeil'lir Folio I'o U, blue and while ; Eitra super I'scket and t'oiniiiere nl pots, I luo and white ; Extra uer Linen No t -rif, Ion a ; do, broad; superline and fine Ci untiiig l.custi Cap', blue, and white; Evtin super Conaiisa Caps and I.eiti ri, plain and iu'e.1, bb e and white ; Supeifiue Krinch I'ostk, plain nd ruled ; rSuj eifine Seinion t'aj and Pos'; Superfine and fine t.'.i a and Poms, nih il and plain, blue and w bite, v .llous Cjii ibliis an I pin e. .:o II. i n. I 1) ar.U, Tiriue, Fnvfloe, Wrap ping, hii.l Hard vure p .pi rs, &.(., Ac. 8V. Irt 13. n. ' BLANKS"'- TDK SAl.K AT THIS Ol'Fief. Cabinct-3Iakiiig (IVew IMtablimhmriil.) WILLIAM HOOVEE. RESPECTFULLY informs the cltiten of Sunbury and vicinity, that he has recently commenced tha CAHINET-MAKING RUSINESS, in all its branchos, in Market street, Funbiiry, im ni'dinlidy below lha post office, where ha will ha ready to receive and en rent all order in lha line of his businea, wiih promplners and despatch, and in the btat style and manner. His price will be low, in accordance with the times, (j'j I.uui' cr and Country Produce laken in Ex c'lange. May 57ih 1843. fun "s'rettl Wt sli'i n Iiitllan Itii;it oa, Comot)iido(l entirely of Vrgetnlilo Suljstanrcs ; I'rre from Culoincl and till olhrr ilinrrnh. For the history of '.his medicine, and its unrivalled and truly surprising success and popular ity, sen targe bills f'V U recommended as a general cathartic for family use in dyspepsia and all bilious di ea ses, it is invaluable for Asthma it is considered a specific, no ease having yet occurrfd which il has faihd to cure for common eolds, imflammatnry diseases, rheumatism, affections of iho liver, &c, and for females, it ia a safe and excellent remedy. CERTIFICATE, Frrnn Dr. Silus West, of liintfhampton. A. V. Mr. Lnnrjey -Dear fir i I Lave u-ed your Great Westi rn Indian Panacea in my family, and have repeatedly prescribed it for patients under my care, and am satisfied that it is always a safe, and in very many cases an invaluable medicine. It operates as a laxative without nausea, or paint and while it ef fectually obviate costivenesa acts upon the stomach and liver aa an alterative, correcting acidity, and re storing the healthy condition of those orrans. Vary respectfully youra, 8. WEST. Toraataby JOHN W. FRILINO. Sunbury, JACOB BRIGHT, Northumberland. May 50th. 1843 ly CHARLES W. IIEGINS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BUNBTjay, PA. HAS taken the office formerly occupied by the Hon. Charles O. Donni l, opposite the Court House. He will attend lo business in the Courts of Northumberland, Union and Columbia counties. May 201 h, 1843. J. D. Waters, TEaC tv ff tTas aa a, 1 ) EPECTFULLV inform the citizens of the 1 - oorough of Northunibeilond, and its vicinity, that he haa commenced the Tailoring lliisiiios, in a'l i'a various branches, in the shop formerly occupied by Henry S. Thomas, directly opposite Forsvth's store. As he receive ihe New York and Philadelphia Fashions quarterly, he is enabled to do all jobs entrusted to him, after the neatest and latest style, and upon the shot test notice. Northumberland, April 22d. 1 S 13. ly 1 RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Sun l bury and its vicinity, that he has taken the office formerly occupied by Dr. John Peal, where ha will be happy to receive calls in the line nf hi profession. April 22d. 1843. Daniel Yarick, BLAC231CITE, BEGS leave to inform ihe citizen of Sunbury and ila vicinity, that be ha commenced the BLACKSMITIIING BUSINESS, in Maiket street, Sunbury, cast of John Bogir'a store, and directly opposite the post office, where he intends to carry on the business in all its various branches, including, Turning, Making Mill Irons and Kliptie Springs, Ironing Carriages, with Fx .'(i;.'i,oi or Standing tops. Shoeing llttrscs, 4c. Order will he promptly and punctually attended to, and wotk done cheap, for cash or country pro duce. Hoiso Shoeing dope at f I per sett. fSuubuiy. April 15th, IS4.1. fiin 15 o ot & S Ii o e .12 .1 v t i ii I v w i ii , TTJ ESPECTFULLY inform hi fii.njs and 51. old cu-tomeis. that he has removed us oo r .s;o; F.sTMir.isiiuiisT to the frame building adjoining hie dwelling house, between that and Dr. D. T.Tiitefc' l'u e, a lew doors west of hi old flat I ahrr.ent, in Maiket ttieet, where he intends to c.riy mi ihe above huinet,s extensively, rn ell "U various branches. Being thankf''i for jiast fivnrs, ho hopes by strict attention to ousincss and liberal charges, to give general aa'.isfacon ; and that ho will coulinue to re ceive a liberal sl,re of public patronae?. P"i etih, lM.t. A CA15D. Dr. X. i. rrlCC, Th.nkful for past f. vora, resfectfully informs ie inhabitanla of bunbury and country around, that L'c baa, taken hia residence and otficc in market street, in ihe esst and of lha building occupied by John Bogir' store, whera ha will ta happy to wait upon all who fa vor him with their call. So nbury , April Iat. 1841. 6m BLACKSIVIITHING. neome Zlmniermtui & Son. riHE ul'cri!ra hereby inform ihe public, that X they have entered iutj partnership, in the DlaACKSMXTIIINQ- BUSINESS, whxh wi: hrre.ifier ba carried on at the old stand in Sunbury, under the firm of George Zimmerman Son," where thev will conduct the bu-iliesa in all its various branches, including 7'uri i.i, Making M.ll Irons, Ironing Carnages. Shoe in? ilorsrs. rjr. Orders will be promptly and pune tualli a'tendid to, and wo.k done cheap, fur cash or country produc. fTj Shoving done nt ore dollar per sell. Cl'OUGE IMMEKM AN, J. II.ZIMMEIt.M AN. Suubii'V. March 1 lib, 18 13. Pjf.raTlTE?3HX?. rPIIE mtsi'iilers, havina entered into a pirlner--I ship in tic priclice uf the law, will Im happy to attend to all I us'iicfs cntrmtcd lo their care. lie-linn will be promptly attended In. Tin y may alwv Iki louoii at iheir ofTice, in M.iktt stuel, Vunbuiy, birraeily occupied by Win. Dewsil, dee'd.. a tore-rouii. WILLI M L. DEWART, I'll A ULEet J. B U UN E It. funbuiy, Fib. 4th, 181:1. ly. Fresli suppy of liUfE ( IN I'M I EN V, lereivid and f t sale by H. U. MASEEH. Niiv. lyrji, lei'.'. sawi iitrciti:7iiLi,r:it, HATTER, W7"EIvY RESPECTFULLY be,-, le.y. to in, 'm " eustmnara, and lha public generally, that he dill continue the If ATTING BUSINESS, in alt It various branches, in the shop nearly oppo site the Buck Tavern, formerly occupied liv Hen. tv Una and himsi If, under the firm of Haas Oi Druekemiller, rvlili Ii firm haa been mutually rilaanU ved. He hopes, by his long experience in the above hiimes, ai.d strict attention thereto, to render gi n eral sati-farMon, and receive a liberul share of pub lic patronage. fuiduirv, (let. loth, IP 12. ly. ME Bl'CII ANTlS IIOUSTv iXo. 537, Xorlfi Third, noor. .'..,.. ;, U St , I'HILADF.I.PiilA. fOHN DUNCAN, bile from th Pei.nsvlva nia Firmer, nn I Samuel PiU jr., la'o ot A mi riean 1 loli I, ( "(dnmbiH ''hio take pleasure in ae qiiaintiiig their f.iendsai-d 'h y enernllv that they hnve luketi the hrgit and . a.odioua Hotel, recently I nill bv the M w. II n the arne tita onre occupied by the ol. r ' 'fotil known the Bull Head, in Tii'; '. : t ''ove Callow hill at. Thia Hotel is finished in th ' v. ry '.-ft pnssibla manner, and of the best materials. I s lo. nl on is very desirable, particularly for country r . "hania , the arrangements for heating and veniilst'r g each room ia such as to secure any temperature. Tha bedrooms are all light and airy, all furnished in a neat atyle, so as to insure comfort. The receiving parlors ere also fun ahed !n a su perb style, the windows are on the French style, forming an entrance to a balcony in front, which makes a pleasant recess. Pnrticulai attention has been given to tho beda and bedding, which, with tha furniture, are entirely now. From ye'' experience in hotel huaVi.'S, w trust, by strict assiduity to hueinese, to make th" house a desirable stopping place. Our table will always Isj supplied with the very beat our market can afford, and out bar with the best liquors and wines of the moat approved brands. P. 8. There are first rate atahling bnd carriage houses attached to the hotel, attended by easeful and solr hostlers, and ourchargea will he low, in accordance with Ihe present hard lime. Philadelphia. Oct. 7th, 1842. UMON HOTEL, (Ucnrral Stae Ofce,) J.BT OCT ITfcT GC3 W 9 LYCOMING COUNTY, l'riitiHjlvanla. rilllE Subscriber respectfully inform his friend L and the public in general, that ho ha taken the above LARCF. AD COMMODIOUS HOTEL, IN THE BO K O U G H O F M V N C Y, and that he is now well prepared to nccommodatil all who may favor him with their custom. His Si.i.kfimj Af&htm kmts arc well aite I, ami comfortable. His Tahix ami Bin will always bo aipplicil with the ties! the maiket can afford. Hi Stism !n, which i good, will I under the charge or good and careful hostler. He f. ls confident, by strict attention to huuiirs, and an earnest desire to render comfort&hle iho.-e who may patronize him, that he will not fail tociv general satisfaction. II. B. WEAYEK. Muncy, Oct. 1st, 1812 If. CARD 1 DV. D. T. TrlletJ, Respectfully infor.nstha citizens of Sunbury and vicinity , that ha has re moved his office to the butlJing Intely oecui led I . George Briiiht, in market attret, Su hurv, whe-j lie may be found at al! huUis, unless profe4:oua!: eneazed. DK. TP.ITES icturs li s i: c. re tliank for ''. enconrjcemeni he has tec. ie l. in i'is li ie of I. s profess;.. n, in tb.ts pi i.-.-, in.l iiiii-t-, by prompi a', lent. on to the du'i.-. .f to-- n . aes-ion. and rea-o'' able chaiges, hv b." . him b receive a liberal sh i.j . : tb. .' . . -o. S.!,.i. .. .: . l ' . Dr. J. l'rnl be. Ic vn n. ten L-r bis cuts, ful uc kr.ovVdjtr.i n'r. to 'l.e pcoj le of S.jLu au-1 aii-r'rttnding cmntrv.f o tVcu pi t eiCf igr liont in the line ol 1 l- . n ; nod umii'.I it the ion' t in., an . rli .the t'nl i.,- to e.'.uitit.f '' io in th i ! various .! i .rio -1 ' -T . rel'ore, koli. -t a continu nee . .: . r .. id pornai'i, He may be toi ik"; al .11 u: .' oil' -o, al I' j north cast comer . f Bia k lJ-er street, Unlers professionally en.g I Sonhurv, Oct. Ul, lt42. '. mi: jrNr suKr SURGEON DENTIST, RESPECTFULLY inform the public tha. ! ha made Noitluui.'... i..r. I Lis permaro nt acplo of residence, atid i tj attend to ..., calls in the line of hi- profession. July 2, tap;. ly. THE rillLAUCLPIH A. READING AMI rilTTStMLE RAIL ROAD. SUM M Uil AKRAG E M L"N T. Chanae of How t. Osr itrr. i-n-niiar, ArniL t, 1S43. The panscngcr trains vvdl haw ai tlie follown t hours : Philadelphia und Polhvile. From Philadelphia, at fi A.M. ? tVli. From Pottsville, at S.f .M. S y Hours ij i!s.ii-:g lUodiug. For PoltkVille, al "JJ A. f. I'l.ili.deli.liia. at 1) A. .11' I D"'1 Ilolh liains pas nl .li.towii. The down tra:n breakfasts ut Kuadinc. and tho UH Iriin atNarri. town, for which 1 ininu'c ara allowed at ruch station. II E S. Between Polt.wllf cV I'hiiada. f.t.SO A: f5.6l Ib tweeii Heading V. do. 2,55 1 ,7 .9 Iletween do A Puttsviile, 1,40 A 1,04 ExcrasioH Tm kxts nonu roa aarcaatiiia wxxr mr. Between Pottsville V Philadelphia, ff OH lb Iweeo Heading A- do. 3 CO Between do. A PolUvillo, t'O All the trains will top for way pieiigi t the usual points. jj- All passenger ai icipjectej to procai their ticket lefor lb tisiii alait. May 71, 1I4. if IS SS! fci.