Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, September 30, 1843, Image 2
aasT?JLt j t jt !i 'i td iHr&arVT? t1- t - run Tat iTXTiit. j Mft. Cditor: In rurmjii.g il.N.'.igh mm- 1 her of paper in n rM draaet, I t.mnJ ihe foTuw , 'ng piece of poeiry, which I have determined rl.all not be lost to ilie world, if you wdl admit It into ' jour valuable columns. In rreirg It, you wil firiil thai foi beauty of diction, depth of thought end sublimity of idea, il has sMi H if itei been cteel. hd. 1). Ded,tatcdlo T I Dear W ill, to write you a U i:rt TH'ii ;ry. If f don't succeed we can't fell why. Our time is hort, anJ oaf tftonfiYa are tew. Ve'vc- mi ed ihera all, in ta'.k!!g to Juu You oy you Lave never teen iri lovo, V on never have felt the passu n, from nb:e , We can't beliovc it, ami wa'te goin to fry j 1 j Irir.g r.p facts yon cannot ucny. j There's a fair gitl in Virgin'i, ct r.eti j We sre rure she in nothing b-.t . ani I ?i:e ; We itiit k she has charms that Lave I-Vpi jotru. i Th.t have caused in your k'en :'. heat in; g, When you go to are her, f cy t)k? u a!.cg, I Vv e'il give her a kies an2 avis; t"t a jig ; , To Niagara we'll go ir.i the r,?ft fa!' I Lawful hearts, bless us eml vT:t;t we lonk :'). j We are glad you have coma tp to tb'.s lit It tctvu, i ,nu sorry ae arc joa bto aj wn going down. And we hope you are pleased with til you Lae ism., WnL the fair, the Poet O&fe, and tari.Vi sjthre:i. fcjlly Braaa is a genius, ycj can't but adroit, Ami Molly anil Betsey, ta ma e Lm, am St. tiii 1 three girl like these sure never we te a en ; Ihe way they "can come it'' i rea'y a sin, Kor the losrea you're met we all fee! es mi3 : A Afur ami a coat, a lct'.er r.J rcg ; Hut we hope these trijlei won't tnake ynu camjiUin, Nor prevent ua from feeing you? Jear face eguin. AnJ we hope, tho' abeent, ou will ne. r forjet The fair, anJ the pretty g'rla that you there tnrt, S;i bow dear Will, we bid you "good (ye'' We oay it with many a trcr, an 3 a sigh. A. V. A. Death op a Circts Piarop.MCn. Mr. Ay rucr, a well known Americoo Circus pcrlonn rr, rrccntly broke Kin neck at Batty'a Circnp, in the Iele of Jersey. A London pnprr ives the following account of tho calamitous c ypist; This unfortunate man, whoso recent perfor mance at the English Opera, under the man agement of Van Amburg ami Titu, excited so much admiration in his peculi&r department, met hisdeath on Thursday night at the Circus of Mr. Batty, proprietor of the Royal Amphi theatre, who has several eslablieh'jicnts in va rious parts ofthe kingdom, and one in the Island of Jersey, where tho ktc performer was fulfil ling an engagement. Tiic particular perform- nnce for which Mr. Aymer was announced con cluded with a double Somerset, a feat consi dered impossible, and in throwing it the ill-fi-tcd artist, instca J of alighting on his feet, fell in his neck and death, was the immediate re sult. Mr. Butty on hearing the futul intelli gence yesterday morning, immediately quitted London for Jersey, to render every assittance that his liberality can t fleet on the melancholy occasion. Smith a greet trampoline and vanl ter, met his death in a manner precisely simi lar diirinj the management if Mci-.Brr. Ducrow r.nd West, at Ashley's, some teisons Lack. Micnosronc Investigations. A curioi s pepcr has been lately hr fore the Academy of Natural Science, by M. Muncil, entitled "Micro rcopic InvestigatioiiH as to the nature cf the tartar ar-d mucous coverings of the tongue and teeth." If we arc to believe M. Mandl's micr -fioope, the human month is a perfect cemetery, where millions of inftircris; find their cata combs. Leiivenhpuck hud already told u? that the human month was peopled with infusory animals, and that tne mucous secretion cn its nrfice served as their ocean; but it remained for M. Ma nl I to discover that the tartar which covers the teeth is formed of the mountains of the dead of these inhabitants of this ocean. M. Mandl knows not to what cuko to attribute the origin of these microecopic animals, but he has ascertained, he says, that they are most numer ous in persons who live on spare diet, end that they are instantly kille l by ardent spirits. !trlur-Tin.5 f rat Toss or The following record of even's in tho life ofthe Empt ror is to be iufcriteJ on the aocle of hi tomb at the Iuv&lidta: Horn on tho 15ih of Ajgyat 160 ; i ca lain (f a iquidron of a'tilh ry at the siege ot Toulon in 1703, at lbs ajerf i ; a commandrr of trlillery, io Iuly, in 1734, at 2S ; general in chief of the ar my in I'uly, in 1 796, at 27 ; ent-ral in chi f i f the eipodition of Egyp, in 1799, at 38 ; fiit consul, in 1799, at 31 ; con.ul for l.fe afler lh battle f Marengo, in 100, at 32 emperor of the French, in 1804, at 37 ; a1 J cilid the throne afier the bat tle of Waterloo, June I ft , 1815, at 48 ; died in el ite at Pi. Helana, May 6, 1631. at 52." Clown N. The Danville Furiuce waa blown in again last iiiyht by Mraare. 1'iaaT &. OiHHaT ton , after a n rr.nion of abiut two y cara. This is the stcuiid Aulbracita fuirtjce in bUst at thi place. LunvilU Dcn.oraf. Oen. Csss slate lhat the pay of the French sol diers, "after making the dVduetions thai go to tha Government for indi-pensible suppljrs, amounts to one cent a day, or twenty five dollars snd a half for seven year' service !" What monifte' nee ! Yet the service is popular, aod the P000 men yearly de manded by lbs conscription are readily supplied. "Eat whet experience IcicSee yon sgrut best with your stomach," eon!. iris mora a.Ni.a than a ny rulea or accoi'ita of fc I list of substance, aid to be wti bii' easy diaaliin, ran fu'nish -S' -aathi v.ry as t .to. -vsn.'- WW" THE AMERICAN. Saturday, Sept. 30, 1843, twm mm wuj.TMTy.i ..... .., . , . Jmcctntlc Ticket for IVortliuni rcrluiul Ccunty. Ton Cxi it CnMMuo!ttne. TAMES CLARK, J733SE DULLER. 7tM. B. rOSTEP.jr. Pon C!ronr.a, JOIIX SXTiDER. Ton AsaiMBtT, EBTARD Y. BRIGHT. To CoMMtMIOSTR, JAMES BUOY. Ton Tnmcnts, JOHN TARXSAVORTH. Ton A phi to a, ABRAHAM SHIPMAX. (tj" Fo SaLK. A frefh supply of printins pa frt, :7.t 100 reims similar in size ami quilitv tn the shert on which this ia printed. Alo B0 reams of super royal, 51 by 23 inehra, all of which will he anlJ ct the mil! prire. f7 V. D. ritMFn, Ei. at his T?es Estate ami Goal office, Tie. 69 Pine Street, Philadelphia, ia an tborieJ to act a Agent, and to receive and receipt for all moniei due this office, for subscription or ad vertising, dj We h,ivc received the firt num' er nf the "Lit r-tsncmi Cnaoxictf," anew d.mocrat:c pa. per, atvtcd at Lewiiburg, Penn'a , by Messrs. Sunmtn & Bin:t5B!ir. It is neatly ptiiited and makes a handsome appearance. (Cj" Deh DiCTrnt AMEnicaxKn. The second number nf thin paper was iesurd on Wednesday la-t. We trust, our German fellow cUitene, will internet themselves in extending its rirculjti.w. Some evil deigned persons have endeavored to injure the character of the piper, by circulating a report, that it wnulJ only bo published until after the rl. ciion. We had long since, contemplated publishing a Octman paper, and we think, wilh a liflo portion, one could be handoomoly support ed in this countv. CTj" Pi aches We yesteidny received, from the gatden of Mr. FninsnicK Lazarus, a few of the finest pea. hes we ever saw out fcidQbf Phibidelphia, If any of our friends should doubt, and think they have any better, let them produce them without de lav. (0 Eclectic aso Mi-scum of Forcios Li TcnATcnr, for September, 1843, by E. Little, 272 Cheenut st , Pliiladeli hia. This num' er cou'sina, aa usual, an interesting and valuable collection nf articles, culled from the bcM European Periodicals : Among them, "The Pices and the Age," Wotd worth's Gnere," "Lord," "Domestic Life of Njpi h on,""Habi's snd Superstitions pf the Bri. tors,"' Early Hi collections of Soulliey and Words wcith," arc ail I. pl-ly interrM ng and fiilirnin irg articles. The artii le in relation lo Dr. Fran cifi.lung li t ilictan r tf Parspuay, in South Ameri Ct , in full of ii.Cicsting ni.ccdote. The engtaving, 'lie Itilbitou ihe Wall," is a bi.r.Ju me rri.U-1. l'uhtr.ent. Qj- Pi ACKwonn's 1"mbi no MsrisziKr, New Woild editiim, publihhfd by E. Winchester, No, 30 Anns!.. New Yoik, conlnina the uiial interea tir.g and va'table lileiary articles always found in this pi pub.r mfgzine. fXjr At a late rnecing in Union county, Alex ander J j dan E-q , of tbia pl .ee, wis i.nminati d a fend d lie fir Congress. It ia hardly necessary to aay, tht Mr. J, plan woijl.l i.rv r Consent to become a candidate in cp;n-itii'n to tl.e Don. John Snyder, the rrgubnly nun.innnd cardidu'e. rjj" The Wlii-s have nominate. I Geo. II. Wn lits, of Columbia catnty, fur Conrtss in tliat d strict. gj" A ws killi J cn Suinl .y last, a'mut two niilce above Selinsgrme, l-y Mr. llitiiuaov. lie lad tuken lodgings on t-hciry tree toi Mr. Iliiriicnii's f rm. C'aj t. Hummel, it is tai l. "was out," ready cocked at. d plimed, but net in lime to sjlutt) Biuin. (Zj- Honett John, ofthe Milton LeJger, has got lo writing poetry in favor of Wm. Foisyihe. John wiil reit iiuly be the death of Biily, and the mutea, loth, il ho is not soon eacd. (j Our tld friend, C. A. Bradford, Esq . former. Iy cf this place, now tditot uf the Southern 7V tunt, put lishtd at Pontotoc Mir , is up to bis eyes at wuik in the political ttruggh a going ou in lhat slate. He has Isii ly tried an edilorial datnly whotiaj rnudu an a; luck upon him, and whom he lambasted moat ui. mercifully wi b h a ow n cologne, ruacatwer oil and lavender. ffj Tus Riadiso Kail Koad Co., contemplate lawng second t'S k to accommodate ihs inc reared business. Thia roust, in lime, become one of the oaoet profitable roads in the country. We think, before long, (he company will see the propriety of connecting tbeir road with the Hu quehsnna, whie'i can no be dor., by Cnlshhg a abort con. nrc'ing lii.k la the u.'J toad this ar.J Puttavilla. y OycosDeroHT's Powexa Mills, in Dl wia, v: bln en ur a fw days nr:e. fi,c k.s.i r k."-) e a? Minn eves the c"k j - v tr; T'ae ITiw Conatf. It erarr.e that the people of (ho Forks are prea?. inj the ileclion of Wm, Forsythe, lo the Assembly, for the purpose of having s ne eminiy formed out of paita of Union, I.yroming and Noflhurnberhnd. We knnw that this project h Id hern talkeil of for some ti're. An elTirt ia now to be made to accom plish it, and Porythe, ws are assured, is pledged to go lot I', if he ran be elected. Th's i not mere riimi', but many Democrats in the Forks are sup porting For-ytlie upon thia ground. We saw a genil mm from ihe upper end ofthe county on Monday last, wh.i pub idy as-eried, that "he w.ia in favor cf a new county, of which Milton or Mi Ewen ville i to be the county se nt that For. sythe was jiki.'gtd, if rlrcti d, to go in for it, and that thia wan the ground upon which they supported For ay the." Now, we ash, what tiorewiiy ia there for a new county ! None at all, end therffict of it will be to duulk t'.t tuxu on us who remain in the old county, aa well as tho-e in the new county. Are we not sufficiently tated alreaJy 1 Will the pco. pie submit to further taxation for ihj purpose of enriching a few speculators, by the formation of a new county 1 Theae are questions which ihe peo ple mu-t decide at the Polls, nett Tueadny week. Il is only a couple of years since, that An al enipt was rnido tn annet part of Point ownh p, .i Co lumbia county. We then had a member from OUrtidt of the river, and the tlempt wsa deTeitcd. If ihe Forks had bad tl.e mem1 cr it would havo been otlierie. And now an att.-mpt ia to be made, to lake from us o7 flit fownfhipt on the o ihrr aide of ihe rivet. Will die people elect a man pledged to .support such a pr.-j 1 The frien Is of Mr, Forythe, fe-ring iLsj' ho nest John ofthe l.ei'tfcr might hurt before the tier tion, have resolved upon incning his body in a M le of role leather. We think an ox's hide might answer full sj well, and woulj be more charje'eris tic of ihe animal it emcloped. fjj As Jacob Ceaihut, E-q. knows some hing tibout who are now acting with h trying to I re k up the Democratic party, we sh.ill a-k a f w plain qiieliona. D.d you not a y, that it would never d to elect a mrmber from the oiher side of the river, because an a;tcmpt would be m nle lo form a new coun-y oul of a pa'l oflhi', and paits of I'nioii, Lycoming a .d Columbia, and make the county town at Mil to- )ti you not say, that they would have tried it last winter, if the nrw county nut of Columbia and Luzerne had been made, and that they would tiy it thia winter again ? Are you not now acting wi;h these men, who, iftheysuceed in cutting off a part of our county, will greatly increase the laie-ufthe part that is left ? If Mr. Gearhart doea not recollect theee things, we wi I -e'er him tn a number of persona who hcaid hioi aiy so at the luvcrn of Chailes Weaver, iu Suubury. Amon s the pir.ons pn sent wis Esquire Wcisvr. Let it be Remembered, That William Foravt'e, the etn.lidjte ofthe d:tirtrnn!:crf, ran au!nst iha DEMOCRATIC TICKET f.r Shcr.fl" in ts:4. and got bai 355 v.itcs ! That he ran against thethket f,r ihe Senate last fall, end was be ilen 1O0O Vots ! ! That hu is, for the 'I HIIvD lime, attempting to bieak lip the ! morratic pat ty of Northumbeil.ti.d county. Democrat, give him aueh a J feat na will make him hide his for very shame. Ld evr rj Tax-rayrr Rfrnnnbrr, That Foley the U ftm'grd to go for a new county Roior a ne.v roun.v. Ibis side of the liver. which Wiildoul le the taxes on The Dtmorrulic Tkktt. Our c .ndid.ttes are all good men and tiue, and despite the tA'oils of the di-org itiiii r, will l e lecled Iy an everw lu hning niajmity. 'Ihe D mo cracv of i'ld Ni itliumbcrljiid cannot be wheedled and Ru'Ud, by s. Ifih and inten ateJ elijue in the r.'ik". Mr. BniOHT, our candidate for Assembly, wa Pro honctnry of the c unity, and made an o bllg ng and attentive ofliccr. Hu ia man of in It licence and acie business ha! its, and will at tend to ihe businrsi of bin constituents more prompt ly, and represent the county better, and more fair lv,th nhs i potienl can. cr will do. No mm in 1 1 e coiiiny has ilui.e moie to support the Demo rra'ic party than Mr Uriglit. He has teen a L)i fi cm hia ycu h, un lhis father waa a Deinociat. 1 1 fore biili. His ppiorunt, Forsythe, was an ul.l Fe b ralit, and is one Mill, at heart, al though lor tl.e few la t year be has called bin. Self a Democrat, far the take of ollice. E. Y. Briglit. The tlisorgnnittrs, knowing lhat they cannot gainsay ihe intelligence, and capacity cfihi gen tleman to ri prust nl ua in the As.einb y, and wiih al hia finu aulo to Dcu.ocrs'ie principles, have attacked hia moral character. '1 hi is the la.t re ion of desperate political eluurcsniiers. The a In eleis efainai Mr. Bright aie s fal.e an the Lean that e oi.ieives, and ihe tongue that ut er them, and bis in ighlwrs will show in what estimation they hold bini, by a m ajoiiiy cf 400 ! in hia own district. Mark ihe resell. There i no qualification or fit nes for the st .tion, in which Mr. Bright is not e. quul,ifi:ot superior to his Feeh ral opponent, For sythe, and in point of m rul cluract r, be will not suffer by comparison with him, or any of his diaor. gsniung crew, XT' iKsrsARC A short lime since, a genuine autograph ofthe grest poet, being his signature at txhrd lo a deed, was sold at in suction in Londan, for 145 goioiss. In lil3acopy of "BoCi-scius Decameron," waa knnekoJ down to the Marquis uf B!anf.rd fur J,CC0. or upwards nf 11,000. 1'btj Earl of 8pencur h .d b.d il up to 2,260. It was u, p tel ta be tl; ur-'y c py in ex's:eiice, and j uV'tih. J t Vss lcs ;., U7I, It' 'J " 4 1 !1 Gi l Northumberland. This county ws once ore of th lirgest in the State, but she hs been cut do vn by the formation of new rotin'les, until aha is now almost the small. et. An attempt is about t bn mide, to 'whi'tlo her down lo the little end of nothing." The Forks townships are to be Isken from her to form another new county, for the benefit of a fc.v speculators Shame? shame!! upon surh an ou'rnpe! The whole county should re echo our rry. 13ul de perate political partitnns and uiiprinriph d rprrulnlors have no ahatne. They would destroy the county, t yes, a doien C'tintica, to anwer their own selfiVh purposes. We have, however, I'ifCotrrrd their puipose in time, to sound the al irm. The people know it, and will eve. whelm Ihe nefarious scheme with defeat. Cnplnin Lrc. A communication appeared in thia paper a few weeka since, algred "An Old Democrat, cha-cing Mr. Forsythe with having bpen a federalis. The writer referred to Captain, to prove the charge. In the last Miltonian, the Captain apprars in an arti cle, in which he thinks ''common decency" ought to have rcs'rainrd us "from publishing what one nciphl'or may inadttrtrritiT isy of another." Now. tliC Caplsin ouw'jf to have known that an editor is not supposed to be the writer r.f the rommuni rations in his columns, ar.d therefore h is no con trot over them, mile's to admit or reject thnm en tirely. The truth is, wc kne.v nothing about the matter, until we siw it in the article alluded to. The wiitcr, however, ia a responsible man, but if he were not it is all the same, as the Captain has, in effect, admitted ti e truth of the charge, by nor j I sayinR. "hat what he then svcd was done ,W- j irerV;,7y, t',a' i. wi'houl thinking of the conse.', quenec to his friend Forsythe. The truth, thuis. j often leaks out inadvertenti. The C.iptain does rot prctrnd to d. ny, in bis whole arti le, th;it he did not sny tl al Forsythe had not hern a frderuli t, sirrph bccntpr, us an bene I nian, be cinnot do no. An l, furiln rmorc, in a discussion in relation lo ih s ve y muHf r, hi fore Wharton's Hole', Inst week, the Cnptriin. when questioned a to i's truth, went cn to state the name of a number of feilerabs's. who h id deserted into the democratic rank', and sre now sei k;ng office, and at fal named Fnrfytlf n one ofthe number. As this wa not raid privately, or inmivrrtrrit.'t. but publicly, and in the resence of five or six persons. In fore a pub. lie House, we pieume the Captain will not find fnull with us for puMi hing wh it he then said, when it is done for the purpose of corroborating the chnrjre made by our correspondent, who signs him;clf"an old democrat." TOtl ins AMERICA. "The Time was, tvhrn Hip Brnins wore Out, the Man wonld Die," But that time has passed, and John Purler, the editor ofthe Milton Lei'rer, ia a living proof that a mi l may rion; live when 'he briins are ou. For no one, possessing a modicum of sen e, would ever have published such a tissue of noncenso, s a p. pcarcd in the last Mil'on Ledger. The editor, in endeavoring ti t-ive a coloring to hi inconsistent course in relation lo the Democratic candidate foi As-cmbly, has only exposed his own we kreas, and the eaknes ofthe fiction he is liori ig 'o sustain, with the puny cfT rts of his hi ed pn ti. lie has assrrted, in ivrry sper he has published ince the f. riniti. n ofthe lirkd, that one of hi. reasons f r opposing Mil. BuinitT i, be.-aust? he nb 'lined hia nnriiina'i m by bargain and )a!e ; if hit is true, why not shuv to hi readtir how tha' laiainand sale was iffcc.l; sl.o v them wh) msde the bargain, a: d who were s.. I. No, he is well convinced that were he to undi r ake that, it w uJ w a( frjie fMr, for he well knows (and fo fyfty ().h(,r mnn nm k,w ,ny bout the proceedings ofthe Convention lhat nom;. nated Mr. I'righl) that the nomination wis fair'y, honorably, rind openly made, in the preaenee of numerous upect dors, who h id sn opportunity of seeing the whole proeeedings ; and had there been the least shadow of fraud or deception practised by any of the delegates, Mr, Porter would, ere this, have had certificate to that effect glaring the columns of the Ledger ; but he well knovs il ia more easy lo assert than to prove, and has content ed himself with aascr'ions, which no one but the hiieling of s pailry newspaper would hive uttered. Mr. Porter niul not supp se that he can have Mr. Fots the elected I y circulating through the Columns of the Lri'ger, slanderous reports a;a nal the charac ter i'f M'. Bright. The people of Northumberland e. uiity h ive too much good sense lo be led astray bv eiirh means, and are ton well acquainted with both the cat d d ilea to believe thai Mr. Bngbl a charncter is so degraded as poitrayed by the Le 'ger, or lhat Mr. Forsythe is perfect pattern of morali ty. Both lb' se pi nth men I eve resided for .ng lime in the county, and their course of conduct, whether as private citiiens or in s political lichl, is well known to many, and I do not think Mr. Bright wi'.l suffei in comparison wilh Mr. For. sythe in either light. The parly, however, sup porting Mr. Forsythe, c-rea not a straw about ibe private or political character of either nf ihe dutea. Their olject iu getting Mr. Forsythe elected is, lu have member who will use hia influence to procure i division of the county ; thia baa been the seciet wish uf their soul for some years back, but they h ive never been so open in their plan a they re it present, inJ ire now pietty determined to accomplish it, or perish in ihe attempt end it be. hovea every one -who i interested in the prosperity of the county, to come out boldly, snd oppose the base attempt of a few disappointed office hunters, who are willing lo sacrifice the county for the purpose of advancing iheit own interest. They sre well sware, that uuleaa ihey can succeed in dividing the county, their chance for obtaining sn office ia aliin, slid they will resorl lo any means to effect their pur pote. That this is tha object of ihe party support, ing Mr. Forsythe, I have not doubt, and, should be be elected, w ma? have no little trouble in pre venting them fioaa car ying oul their designs. To j f isvtot that trgutle, .--. ta r sin cm tcuaty ts JLM . i m.. I ML! I . "J"" is at present, we have only to eome to the polls on the second Tuesday of Ociub-f net, and thcie essl our votes in favor of Edw -t Y. Bright, who, if a lectfd, will endeavor to carry out such measures as will be most conducive lo the interests ofthe coun ty, and the p .'unt-y in generi'. To those wh,i are fiien lly todemocra'le piineiplcs, and are op;fsed to a d'.vi I m of the county, I would a-y, be tip and doing let no small matter j rvent you from corning 10 the pola; and when there, strive, by,everv f.iir ar.d honorable means in your power, to procure the ,,,'ction of Mr- Bri!l1 f"r r01" enemies are ae tive, and will leave no a'ono unturned to obtain his ikfcat. NO DIVISION. MISCELLANY. Rdltorlnt, Condensed sinrt Selected. Tl ere were 844 pri oners on Dlackwcll's Island, New Yotk, on Monday la-t. The ciiiiens of Trenton will erect a monument, commrmora'.ive ofthe Dattle of Trenton. A man in Macon, Ala, claims to have in his pns session the largest diamond in the world. Notes below f5 are forbidden lo be circulated in Missouri, under a pena'ty of one thiuand doll.irs. The New England Si k Growers Convention will meet at Northampton, r.n the 4;h of October. 34,000 ahcep were consumed in Paris during the month of July. A Fplmdid display nf ten thousand dahlia may be seen at Piince'a nurseiie, at Flushing, L.I. On the first of Janunry, 1-M2, tbere were in France 4105 steam boi'cr, and S307 ateam engines beside 100 tocoino'ivc-i. t.i-. Conrul's new tr.rredir. written for r.,r...t. Cjije j ..acforinrition." Forest of cou-a.) to pi iy Crornves-lt. Mitltriuw. X yonnj lady, 15 yeara old hi mj fteri' usy disappeared in Cim inna i. Foul play is feared. Dr. r It nigh. This celebrat- d Southern ag icul. tunili t is lieu Baton Rou-e, cultivating whiskers and squashes. Tber. is a iree in the Pa k. New Yo'k, pat'inj f.rh an entire new foliage :hc sc m I crop this' eir. An application his been made to Ihe "Commu nity," at Northampton, to admit the widow of John t. Colt as a member. J ick Fr si has been making a of potatoes in some pari nf Maine. lie also "acknowledges the corn" and vegetables gem-tally. It appears from an article in the London and Weslmii'sler Puicw, that at the last census, the lum ber cf male servants, of all c'a-se-i, in London, cxceei'ed 21 1,000! A Southern paper, speaking nf a woman in l,m isimR, who l as had 33 n, say s, ' her firt child waa bom st the iign of 23." Rather an old ba!y. PUk Headache. There or four drops of nitric, acid, dissolved iu fold wa'et, and drank, is sure remedy for sick headache, when il aiiscs frutn a want cf acid in the slornich. A Cargo- eon-listing of 25,000 bunhcl of the new crop rice, was received at (,'harle.too, S. C, on ihe 6'h inst., from the H -n. Wm. Aike-'i's plan tation, Jehassce Island, A bird of the FliminR') species, of a heauiifol ink color, atand:ng a x feet in hetg'it, was 'i t by a fi-brrm 'P, on Sand Iland, near the wreck ofthe Columbia, rn he h u't. Priest RidJi'i Thi AlVuhany Banner ny ' We saw i lieauliful young lady wa'kin? .ni(; Fe deral alroet, wilh a Bithop on her baik and a Car dinal on her shoulder. Something .Yew fur the I.nlier. Ladies' ha's are manufac ured of peacock feathers, at t'tic.i. They are described as heing very elegant. The hues, of course, vary with the liht, and the hats may be described as being of all colors. Suickinf Affair. The Brooklyn N-w says lhat a Mr. Woodman married Misa Tree, and, notwith standing the adeice of the poet, "Woodman apire thai Tree," bru'ally whipped her the thirJ day af ter marriage ! A Tough "Id !!,w. William Batchnlder, of Satnlbi rton, N. IL, seventy-nine years old, has worked every day through the hay season iu the Geld with h s hands, carrying along his full ' areof i! e work. The s'eeple of Trinity Church, New York city, now bui'ding. is lo be two hundred and eighty feet b'gh, be'ng fifty fe-el higher than any oiher s'eeple in the L'nited States. The venerable pear tree on t're corner of 31 A venue and Thirtienth strcit. New York, planted about 20J years ago, by Gov. Sluy veaant, an I of which the trunk md brancbea are yet in good prc seivation, has, as we tram from the American Ag riculturist, "borne a considerable quantity of fruil this year, of good quality." ftemtly . police ofiieer in New York the o ther night, picked up in the street woman in the most filthy state of intoxication, and bavinq at the aame lime sucking infant which she had let fall upon the pavement, bruising its forehead in such a manner as will probably endanger ita life. At the Philadelphia Merchant' Exchange is to be seen the swoid of s saw fish which pene rated through the copper, plank and ceiling cf the biig W m. Thatcher, on her Isle passage from that pott to Montevideo. The Frjce Tomato riant, from the Fejee laland-. The fiuit of this plant has, we und rstsnd, the flavor of the orange, end is esten in i's natural slate. IT II. IvLiSSCR, sgain, snd for the Ut lime, calls upon all who a s indebted to bim.ou bock account or nthsrwrse, lo eome forward and make setttenv nt. Those who neglect this no. tics will havo their accotnu plsccd in the ba.nJa of a Jualic. for colleeuon. it j Sjniury, Kept. 3?th IS41. mr.TiMoriK matikkt. OJJicroftht DiLTiiosit Amiiiica, Hepl. 85. (Jlt.MN. The supplies of Wheat at m.irket ert Paturd iy and to-d.iy huve been f.iir, but by far the largest portion ofthe receipt continues to arrive in very bad order. Tho prices l.vd.iy h w a down ward ten lency. We quote ordiniry lo good red at 70 a 80 cen's, and gooj to prime at 86 a90cs. Family flour white is worth 100 to 10S cents. The demand for Corn is very limited. We hear nf nt a des of white it is helJ at 45 cent. Small sales of yellow at JG a 48 ct. Oa s have improved. Sales to-d.iy at S3 a 25 cents, the hitter fur prime parcels. We quote Md. Rye at 50 cents. WHISKEY. Sales to-day ofuhdi. at 23 ct. and of bbls. at 24 cla. Stisn-SABta Aaviet, "Take time by the forelock." save the adarje. Take medicine at the proper time, say we. It is a matter of less difficul ty to aa -etiam the proper time to seek relief from medicine, than it is t j diciver the proper medi cine, which is t administer comfort to the nfll eled pitient. Itranditth'i Vegetable Uni venal I'M which have obtained a celebrity in the " Annals of Physic," uneqmlled in ancient or m idern limes, have performed such astonishing cures, thit tlior :ind of p ople. in jos ice to Dr. Diandreth, have publicly recorded their opinion of their wonderful and extraordinary henl'h re-toring q-ialities. fXj Pnrchisc of If. B. Masscr, Munbury.or of ngenta punished in another part of this paper, BrscainT, -riMei,-fcrj."jii.iaia -Ju siish siiisa'si n nil), On the 221 inst., Mr. J COO MARTIN, of this pi ire, ai;e.l SO y. ars. On Son lay hat, ABBEY, daughter of.Mr.Jihn Bloom of this, aged about 5 yeirs, n. I ...JJ inner, current. Currcclctl iwkly htj Henry Ytixthnmcr. Wheat, 85 Kvk. ,r,0 ClHIS, . . . . . . 4() Om, ...... 25 PoiiK, . . . . . 5 Fnxstiti, ... . ino lir-rr:n, - . HI llKl.S-.VAt, .... 25 Tallow, .... lu Din i n Aeri.r.s, . 75 Do. l'lecnm, . . "no Put, ... .8 IIkcklkii Flax, - 10 Eons, ...... 6 ';om! Infi'tit I'iic Company.' STATED MEETING ofthe Company will be held on Thursday evening next, at 7 o'clock, ot tin- School House. Punctual attendance is re quired. CHAfJ. J. BRUNEI!, Sept. MO, 13 H .Srrrttary. Wash iiif on I'lrr Company. THE menilrers nf the "Washington Fire Cam pans" nro requested to meet at the Statu House., cn Monday Evenine, Oetolser 2d, at 7 ii' rloe k, preciselv. Punctual attendance is required. J COH VmiNGMAN. .Vr. i: a z r. jar ia ez: h c ,laoli ?!alili, tltI. .Vol tl vmlerhind County, s. IX the Ori bans' Court uf s lid coun'v. al Anjrr-t term 15:?. On in.ition if Charl.a W. H.'fins, E-q.. Ihe I.'u.iit pr-.nt a ru'e cn tho h irs and leoul representatives cf Jaer.b M ,bch, la'e of Angus' tuwnsbip Nortbunabnl ir.d c, dee'd., to appear at our ui xt Orphan.-' Court io be hM at Suohery, for said c 'Uii'y . to it : h i ihe first l..ndey of No vember ni l', Mi l a-ee, t or n fos" '!. re d e tale r.f sa'd ,b e ne l, at ibe v .lua i m, or shew ciusr-whv the siiui' h uld n 't be sol I. llatracte l f'om t'in record, Mid c rti.iid Sept- m'.er C i'ti. A. D. 1 13. EDWARD OYSI EIt. n.lih. H3l.-3t Cirri; O. C. ATTi:.Tl.. L'lii'in liirlfpendont Rattn limi of Viiiun'eers, OU a e eo . n,f di"l t ) meet fir drill io Stlins Gr e. on Si'ur.liy th 2S h day nf Octoh -r next, al 10 o'rlh-k. A. M, raelt ineinber provided with 12 ronnd-e of blank cartri Iges, and in full uni form, equipped for drill. By ord. r of ihe Colonel. EI.IAS HUMMEL. A ''ft. P. S. All neinborins v lu 'teer companies Bre re-cctfully invited to j in in the parade. Sept. MO. 1843. To the IHrrtors of orlliiiiiibei -lanil County. IELLOW t'in.ENS At the solicitation of mv f'ien.l. I i tTer mv elf as a candidate for ASS K M U L Y at the eiKuiog election. Should you elect mc, I pleJge in self lo act wi h h n r ami fidelity. KIM BE It CLEAVER. Shamnkin. S.-pt. 23. 1813 St. " "xiisT drcAUSEsT H'Hl lual at a S(.eeial Ce'urt lo tie held at Sun-, si. buiy.on llie Ifi h day of Oct her, ISIJ. J .lin II Witch ,i al vs J.ames Hosted Wi ham Morita Mary Weeks John C Boyd Georce Hill Daniel Roidar-nrl Jacob Snider el al Thomas Won I, c Ge.irs C Welker I) mil I Bro-iuf vs O P Duncan vs Bveilv ck. Has vs A W Jo'inson et al va Geo ge Hill'.Ex'rs vs D iniel Zrhe el al v. SchsUoI i iSr. Bergstiesscr s Anbev Forsythe vs J icob Gass va John A shiss'er vs Martin Weaver Joseph Hill Charlea Douty Wharton va Aaron Croshy Fisher SA.MLLL V. JOKIM.-V. Prothoiioterv's Ofiice. 2 Froth u. Sunhnrv.Sepl.23 IS 13. $ Valuable 1'arni for .sale. 7ILL be sold, on Monday, Novemlwr P, 1843, at (he I 'ourt House in Suubury, that valuable Iracl of land belonging to tho estate of Christian Mhipman, dee'd., containing IGO acres more or less, situated in'Augusti township. Nor tlium'.veiland county, adjoining lands oftieorge Keefer, (ieoige Hall, George Raker, anJ Daniel Conrad. Conditions will be made known on tho day of sale. LEWIS DEW ART. Executor of Chritiiwl Shipnxan, ilec'J. Suubury, Sept. 1 6th. IS43. 7t, NOTICE IS here' y given, that ihe subcriber baught of Henry BarUher. at Slierilli sale, on Monday, ilia lllh inst., the following personal property, to wit ; one bay hor.e. one gray mare, 4 setts ef wagon harness. 1 grind stone, 2 dining tables, I msnile cl ck. 1 d". ehsirs, I corner cupbosr.l, 3 tisvlslesd. bed n d bedding, 1 writing de.k, 1 Uig chesl. Jbuisaus. 5 l-vo horse wagons, 1 e oil sUe, which be has loan d to ihe said Henry Barl.hsr nd Samuel BaiUh.r, until he thinks proper 10 res move Ihem, of which the public will Lake nruics. THOMAS A. B'l LINGrOJv", Sacburv, S,ri HJ, 1815 3 I Hi til