J! .".Li J. J 'J JM LS Jtt AS K SOTE LIST. f-rr for par r put par p9t par ppf par risrxsi'LTAxtA. The following list show, the eurr.r.t vik-e nf "it ! Ct nnaylvania Bank Notts. The mo-t Implicit lanpe may he placed upon it, a ii lctrrv ?ifc wrpfnlly compared with ar d corrected from Bi.k 3U't Reporter. Ranltt In Fhllndclphln. DC. 1 1MF, l.tCiTlO.-s. NOTES AT PAR. Pt.nk of North America . . Br,k of the Northern Lihe rtie Commercial Bank of Penn'a. . , i-'srrrers' anJ Mechanic' Bunk , jiensinirton Bank . , "hila.felnhi Bank Jthuyikill Bank Sruthwark Bcnk . . Western Bank . . Mechanics' Bank . tar.ufscturer' & Mechanics Bank Country ttntrltfj. Hsnk of Chester County Westchester .nk of Delaware Courtly Chestrr Hank of Germantown Germantown Punk of Montgomery Co. Norristown Poylestnw n Bnnk Dnyltstown F.an'on Bank Er.ton r turners Bank of Buck co Brbtnl Oirice of Bnnk of Pcnn'a. HarTisbtj;!''! ittr.cn do do Office Jo Jo OihVa do J,i NOTES AT Bar.k of the Uni'ed States, Bank of Pent! Township Oirard Bank Moyamensing Bank Bank of Pennsylvania Miners' Bank of Pottaville Bank of l.ewistnwn Bank of Middlet.wn B-mk of Nnrthnmlerlanl The r,i method for ihe oftton if Distort is io cUeire and pvfify th B?d. ISBIJLS VKOETABJLE Ill.TL.li Of Tit R ! .yrih Jtmertcei,, ColUft of T'rtil'h, j Are now acknowledged to be the leal Medicine in ' the orlrt fVr the cure ot EVERY" VARIETY OF DISEASE, 'tt K EC A USE ihey complete' cleanse ihe sto- Piiiiap. i li ). ma. h and howt-1 from th. ee billiu nrd cor- ! T.ii t humom width are the enure not only of IIea.lai.he, Giddiness, Palpilnlion of the He.tt, Po'n In the linnet, Khrumat'am and Oi-u. Vut rvrty rrs iln.'v incident to mn. SAID INDIAN j VFOETABI E PILL9 ere t err tin cure for in- j tp-rvrerit, remitted, nrrveva,inflamtory and pu'rid i Fevers because they e'eanae the p.tdy frrm those ' moihid hi mora, which, when confined to the circu hition.arelhpeooeeofa.ll kinds of FEVE R3. So, a'so. when the same Impurity ia deposited on the j n en.hnr e and muscle, c-ius'ng pins. inflama-i t:.ma Mid Hiinea called lUlEUMATISM. ; ("01 T. t'.-c. Wrifht'a Indian VrgctaMe Pills may ' 1 relii d .n a alvraya . ettuin to iive trlirf, and if; pprpevrted with, accotdli e to direction will n.ost j currd:v, end without fall, make a pcrfoct ru e of I the ahove painful n aUdie. From three to aix f j anld Jndirn Vrpetr.b'e Pilla t.,krn every nteht go- irg to hed, will .t a ahort time o complet.dy rid I the body fp.-m f ve ry thing thai ia oppoaed to health, i tl at Rt.i.:matim, Gout, ami p' ln of every Jecrip' Th par par par par par par pr Pendii.f I do Ij.'I Elision j i. .'lien. DISCOUNT. ' ri.nadelphia Pot:avillo Li witti.wn Middle-town Ni.rthumhu'.ar.d Columbia Batik A TridgPeo. Columbia Carlisle Hank Eii han).? Bank Do do branch of Fi.i-niers' Bai.k of I.ancastei' l.nnraatt'r County Batik Farmcre' Bank of Headiti); l!orriiburg Bank Jicnrea'rr Bank Lthanon Bank Merchants' & Manuf. Bank Bank of PiltHburg Wrat.Eranch B..nk Wyoming Bank Northampton Bitik Beilta County Bank Office of Bank of U. S. Do Jo do Do do do KenfinRtcn Sov. In. A Ppmi Township Sav. Int. Bai:k of Chambprsbnrg I! .mU of Gettysburg B..hk of Surqufhanna Co. Ei if Bark Farmers' A Drovera' Bank Fiankliii Bunk 'lonrfd.de Bank oiumgnlipla Batik of B. per 13.14 par prr 2 1 par If 1 Vuik Bai.k N. B. The note of thnae bunks on hich we niit quotbtiutiB, and substitute a dnli ( ) arc not . urchased by the Philadelphia brokera, wi'h the exception of those which have a letter ol n ftrtnee, BROKEN BANKS. Philadelphia Sav. Ins. Philadelphia Philadelphia Loan Co. do fYhuvlkill Sav. Ine. do Manual Labor Bank (T. V Dyott, prop.) I'owaiida Bnnk Allrchany Bank ofTa. J!..i,k ol Kt avcr Bonk i( Swatara Bai.k i.l Wtisliiiigton Centre Bank City lint k Farmera' A Mech'ca' Bunk Farmers' & Mcrh'ca' Bank Faimrra' A Mfih'ca'lUai.k Harmony Institute Huntingdon Bank Juniata Bank itumbermpi)' Bunk Northern Bank nf Pa. New Hope Del. Bridne Co. NorthnmbM Union Col. Bk North Western Bik of Pa. OiF.co of Sehmlkill Bank Pa. Agr. A Mauuf. Bank Silver Lake Bank Union Bank of I'rnn'a. Westmoreland Bank Lsncsst. r ' I otrcfs1 'i'.wi l be lit. roily DRIVEN FROM THE BO- j Vt. Tor the t. me teaion, when, from suJJen j chitrpes of attno- phere, or any other coitfe, the per I api'Dtton iaibecl.td, andthehumota which ehoulJ I p,ie , ff !v th" skin pr thrown inwardly, causing i HEADACHE. GIDDINESS, nnuwa and sick- r.pis, fain In the bones, wa'ety and ii. flamed eyes, tore throat, hoantenca, rough, consumptions, rheumatic pains in various arts of the bi.dy, and mnnyothir symp'oms of CATCHING COLD, Wright $ Indian Yepetohle Pills will invariably five immediate relief. From thiee to six r.f said Pills taken every night on going t bid, will in a short time, not only remove all the above unpleaaant symptoms, but the boJy will, in a short time, be restored to even sounder heal h than before. ASTHMA, on DIFFICULTY OF BREATH ING. Wright's Indian Vegttuble nils will loos en und cariy off, by the stomach and bowria, thoe toi'gh phl.giny humor', which stop up all the air cells of the luurs, and are the cause, not only of the al.oie distressing complaint, but when neglected, often terminates in that moiedieadful malady ca'lrd CONSUMPTION. It hou'd be a 'so ten embeud that Wright's Indian Vrsrrtnble Villi are a certain cure fir PAIN IN THE SIDE, Oppres-ion, nau sea, and sickness, los c.f appetite, costiventsa. a yellow tinee of (be rkin and eyes, and very other symptom if a torpid or diseased state of the liver; because they purge from the body those impurities which if dipo.iitpJ upon this important, organ, are the can e of eery variety of LIVER COM PLAINT. VVhrn a nation is convulsed by riot-', outbreak and rebellion, the only means of prevent, ing the dreadful consequences of a CIVIL WAR. is to expel all traitors, and evil disposed ones from the country. In like manner, when pain or sick ness of any kind, indicate that the body ia strug gling with inti ri.nl foes, the true remedy is to EX PEL ALL MORBID HUMOUS, (Traitors to health and life.) Health will be the certain remit. That the pi ineiplc of curing disease, by cleansing and puiifying the body, is rtiictly in accordance with the laws which govern the animal economy; and if properly carried out by the use of the ahove named V RIGHT'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS, will ccitaiuty result In the complete Abo lition of Di-case ; we offer the following testimoni als, from persons of the highest respectability in New Yoik, who have recrntiy been cuied of the most obstinato complaints, olply by the use of Wiuoiit's Ixma VroETiBLr Pills, of the North American Coltrg; of Hea'th Carlisle Pitttd tltf Hull. days! urg Lanc.istci Lancaster K.ading Harrisburg Lancaster Lebanon Pittsburg Pitlsbuig Williamsport Wi'ke-harie Allentow n Heading Pittsburg Erie New Brighton do Jo ChamlK-rshurg aJaSJ ?5 3 70 failed do do Gettvaburg Montrose Eria W'oynesbnrg Wathinxtuii Hoi. i td. de Brownsville Yoik S.i6 5 nr.. lul i H failed fulled f.iled failed 80.i85 no sale cloud rln .c.l failed rk tid no fale failed fuled failed no sale Towanda Bedford Beaver 11 uriishurj Wasbingtuii Bell, fonto Pitthbuig Pittsburg Fayette co. Greencantie Harmony Huntiiigdoti no sale J.esistown no salt Warren failed DundafT no tule New Hope closed Milton no sale Meadsille closed Port Cur lion Carli.-le failid Montruao closed Uniuntown failed (rornahurg clufed Wilktabarre no sale Wi!keharre Uiidtje Co. (0- All notes pinioning to be on any Pennsyl vania Bank not given in the above lit, may be eel down on frauds. AEW JEKSKY. ;-.ii.kofew LiuiibWiik ociviJeiu Bank tuilington Co. U:.r k 'oinmtrc:ul l!a:.k jaiUllur.d l:ui.k vttrmir' Enr. v arua-ra' aj.d Mechanic' Bk ""armtra' urui Mrchaniit' F:k i'arir.era' and MirLhunts' I'k Franklin Bank of N.J. Hoboken BLg & Glazing Co Jersey City Bank Mechanica' U .r.k Manufactunr' Bank Morris County Bank Monmouth lilt of N.J. Mechanics' Bank Mcchauicb' and Muruf. Bk MorrU ('anal und Lg Cj Pott Note Newark Bkg A In Co New II. pe Del lln lue (. K. J M rol-e. a. ,' likq C.t ri .! ! : :. . 1 . .... . ; Brunsw irk litlvulere Mt-diurd Penh An.boy Bride'.on Mount Holly Kuhwsy N. Pionwirk MidJluoAn Pt, Jerey Cjty Hctkin Jersy Ci'y Patterkon Etilievjlln Iorr.ttown 1'ieehold Newaik Treuton Jcracy City fuilid 1 par U par par X fj.IeJ li failid fail, d fjiled failed failed i fuilid 4 jar Newark LimberSvilln 1! .1 .ken .'ir-ty City 1 :Vr-.oli li J i'.'Kieeli.n : i. m Newark F.li7jbt tl.town Carndni Monibtuwn 'l'n i. Ion fc'iliro Niwtou Trenton Daver lUikeusiu.k ' IV. I I k M.ili H.iiik" t.u'.e Bunk ti i.tt Bat k i;;jic Bank ct Mwrna St.ite Bank .ulcril and 1'luUd Manuf Co fcuisex Bank Trenton Banking Co Union Bank Wakhintun Banking Co. Bk of Wilm A L'raiulywinv W mington Bunk of Delaware Wilmington Bank of Smyrna Smyira Do blanch MillorJ Farmers' Bk of retain i f Del Dovtl Do branch Wilmington Do branch (ieoiyitijwn Do IrJIl.h Newesf-tle Union Bank Wiioinctuti (XT' tnJer U a PO kdll' k i failed billed u fadid par pur par failed fu.ltd 14 par fuil.d par par par par nar par pr par par 1U ry On ill bi. kf n. a V.ed thus () there aia ti thar counterfeit or ul u'l.i n-:ua tf iu aiiuuk c- Jamiii. L. I., June 9ih. 1841. Doctor William Wright De.ir Sir It is with ftrent satisfaction I inform juu of r.iy having been entirely cuied of Dyspepsia, of five yiars stauding. by the ue of your Is rt in V:oTAiit.r. Pill. Previous to meeting with your celebrated tmdi cine, I had In en under the hands of several Physi cibtis, and had tried various medicines; but nil to no effect. After in-ing one 25 cent box nf our Pilla, however, I experienced so much but efit, that I revolved to prrseveie in the u.e of them accoiding to directions, w hich I am happy to state, h is result ed in a perfect cure. Ingratitude to you for the great benefit I have received, and nlso in thr hope that others similarly afflicted may be induced to make 1 1 i it I of your exlraonliniiy medicine, I send you this statement with full liberty to publith the samp, if you think proper. Yours. &c. New Yoik, June 19, 1841. G.C. BLACK. Mr. Richard Dermis, agent for Wright's Indian Vegetable PilU. Dear tir 1 have In en afllicted for several years wi'h inward weakness arid general dibility, accom panied at times with pain in the side and other distrpssii g complaints. AfM having tried various medicines wi'hoi.tifficl, I was persuxded by a fiietnl to muke trial f Dr. Wiighl' Indian Vegetable IMIi, widt h I am bsppy to stale, have relievpj nie in a moat w. n.brftil rnniiner. I have uw.l the me dicine, as yet but t short t ine, and havp no doubt, by a p rseverante in ihe use f the mtd ti ip at cor ding to directions, ih. I 1 shall in a short lime be perfictly re toied. I moat willingly rccommt nd said I"' ill to all per sons similarly afllicted. and in the lull belli f that tl.esarrit) bent fieial results will follow th. u u'c. I re mtin yours sincerely. HEN K V" A. FOOI D. Waiwatking, Ulster co. N. Y. Niw Yopk, Sept. SO, 1841. Th' is in rcrt:fy thr-.t I have used Wbiout' Isinii! VtBtTiBi Pills with the greatest bene fit; haMi g en irelv cured myself of ti e frequent at tacks of ssii k 1 1 ail n bp, to hich I hail preyiously bcui subject. ANN MARIA THOMPSON. li'JS Greinwirh siret, N. Y. To Mr. Riebaid Denuiif, Agent for Wright's In dian VigcU lc Pill. C.l I' Tl O.V. As there are rt this time many wicked person bufdv rncnjtd in selti ) e. nnlerftii medicine un der the ni.iue uf the Irulian Vegetjl le Pills and an these i!tr t r,tle n are so utterly reckless of con sequences, that many valuable l.ves may be lost in ronacquence of using their dreadful compounds, the publ e ere cautioned againet purchasing anv ) ill, sunlit on the tides of the boxis the folluwing wor.linjj is found : WEIGHTS INDIAN VEGETABLE TILLS. Indian Purgative.) 01 TBF KOIITSJ iMirilClN COILrr,K .f Hlil.Td. And alse to le csi-ciiily cartful againkt pure). a kirg .iid medicine of any person except th regu lar ai'verl'sed noen's. AGENTS FOR NORTHUMBERLAND CO, J'enmtliania. H. B. Masser, Suubtiry Win. Forsyth, Nor thumhcrland Jacob Haas, Shamokin Samui I Herb, Muhnnoy Bverly A D. Har.a, Aususta I'hon.aa Fullmer. Milton liemnd A Meixil!, Mili-iim:!,- I, I' i er, I urliuit vil e James Rttd, Pil'.pr.ne JJ, 1 lase, Si.d, rstovt n II. II. Kiu'.tl, P. M.. Llialurg 1'. U.-W111, Lei'fr.rinc, H M. l.'niun Corner. Off.ce ai d tVitr, Di pot f..r tbe sslo of Wrht't -it'i..-. Vr47.e Pills, Wholesale hi .1 PeiHi), No. 109 KaCL PriiECT.HILALEl -IJ:.'. Mav 21, li?.ss-!y TOTK TElTEn. HrJWORMO, MMPltCsj THE TACE, A.NO OTtint crtA?trtftt rRi r-riosa. (C Ti.e foih.'A-ing certifita't duKrilu -jft itte t:oj7 extraordinary curti tier etftetcd iy aiy application. PrntAT-rrrHJA, February 10, 19"8. TnOR twtnty yef t was dpverely afflicted with TtTTtit on tho Face and Head: the d;pa-e commencd when I wai feventeen years, old, and continued until the Fall of 1336, y.irviny; in tin Icrte.but without aver disappearing. During nmst of the time, great part of my free was covered with the eruption, frequently attended with vio'ent itch ing; my head swcl'ed at times until it felt if it would burst the swelling was so g-ett, that I could scarcely get my hat on. During the long period that I. was afflicted wbh the disease, I used a great many aj plications, (among them several celebrated preparation') as w. 11 as taking inward remedies, including a number of bottles of Strain's Panneea, Extract of SarsapnriHa, &c, In fact, it would be impofib!e to cnumo'a'e all the medicine I used. I w as also under the care of two of the most dis tinguished physician of this city, but without re ceiving moch benefit, and I despaired of ever being cored. In the full of 193(1, the disease at the time beirg very yiolenf, I commenced usine the Roe Ointment, (prepsred by Vaughnn A Davis.) In a fiw application tho violent itching ceased, the swelling abated, the eruption began to disjppear, and befure I had used ajar the di-ease was entirely cuied. It has now been nearly a ytar and a half since, and there is not a vestige of the diseve re maining, except the sc.irs from the deep pits formed by the disease. It is impnasible for me to describe in a certificate the severity of tho disease and my stiff. ring, but I will be pleased to give a fuller ac connt to any person wanting further satisfaction, who will cull on me. At the time I commenced uting the Rose Oin'tnent I would have given hun dreds of do'lats to be rid of the dispase. Since u sing it, I have recommended it to several persons, (among them my mother, who had the diseaso bad ly 011 her aim.) who w. re a I cured bv it. JAMES DL'RNELL, No. 1C, Race St. IJj The Rose Ointment is ptepareJ by E. B. Vatican, Sown Eist corner of Third and Race streets, Philadelphia, and sold on aacney in Siinlut ry. by H. B. MA33ER, May 1 4th, 1943. Agent. ICosc Ointment, for Tetter. A riiOOF OF ITS EFFICACY. PntTATti.LPHtA, May 27th, 1S39. 'THIS is to certify ttal I was severely afflicted -- with Tetter in the hands and feet for upwards of forty years ; the disease was attended g-nerally with vio'ent itching and swelling. I applied to number of phypicinns, arid used 0 great many appli cations without effecting; a cure. Alout a year since, I opplied the Rose Ointment, which entirely stoppeJ the itching, and a few application immedi ately cured the disease, which there has been no return of, although I had never !een rid of it at any limr for forty years. RICHARD SAVAGE, Eleventh, IhIow Spruce Street. (Zj" The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. B. Vaughan, South East corner of Third and Race Street, Philadelphia, and sold on agency in Sunbu ry. by II. B. MASSEIt, May 14th. 1S43. Aget. MEDICAIi APmOBATIOIT Of the ROSE OLTME.T,for Tctltr. ALTHOUGH the superiority of the prepatation over all otln rs is fully established, the proprie tors take pleasure in laying before ihe public the following certificate from a respectable physician, a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Bnugh, having found in this remedy that relief fur a tedious and disagreeable affection which the means within the ranee of bis profession failed to afford, has not hesitated to give it hi approbation, although the prejudice and interests of that profession ate opposed to secret Remedies. 1'Rinnr.i.riii a, S, pt. 19, ISof.. I was recently troubled with a tedious herpetic eruption, which c.nered nearly one si 'e of my f.ce, and t x tended over the ear. Mr. Vuiighiiu. propric tui of the Rose Ointment, obseiviiig my face, insis ted on my tiying his preparation, of which he han ded me a jar. Although in common with ihe mem beii of my profession, I discountenance and disap prove of the numerous nostrums palmed upon the public by ignorant pri tender!., 1 feel in jus ice bound to t xei pt the Rose Ointment fiom that clafs of me ibciiits, and to give it mv approbation, os it entire ly lured the eruption, although it hid resisted the uaul an beations. DANL. DA UGH, M. D. (Jj1 Th Rose Ointmoi t ia preirired by E. B. Vautthan, South East coiner ol Third anil Rice Streets, Philadelphia, and sold on agi ncv in Sun bu rv, by II. B. MASSEK. May 14th, 1843. Ar.nt. J.MAyLAND, jaT&cd. Snull" nntl Tobacco Manufacturers, .Yo. Di) North Wist corner of Race and Third Streets. PHILADELPHIA. HE undersigned have formed a Cn-partnerMiip under the f.rm nf.t. MAYLAN I). Ja. A Co.. as sueces-sors ti ihe late firm of Jiicub Jtayland f Co.. mid w ill c .ntinue the business at ihe old esta blishment, on tlie r own account. In addition to their own close attention and experience for many years, in the manuf u lure of their cefebratod snuff-, Ac, the lonu experience of the senior paitt.cr of the Lite firm, w ill aUo be devoted to tho interest of the new concern ar.d as no exertion and care will ha spared to insure their goods, at all tiim s of the vs. ry bet quality, they solicit a continuance of the confidence of the fiicnda an I customers of the late firm. THOMAS ADAMS, J. MAYLAND, Jb. Philadelphia. May 14th, 1843. ly TZTX COD :T37 :R5I3 BL, a, Corner of Phrd nn l Vine Streets, wxr.iiXAMsronT. pa. FlHE aut'scriber respectfully anncunce to the Ji public, that he In opened a Hotel in the com modious brit k building situate on tho corner ul i bud and Pine streets, where he wili be bappy to wait .p. n those who may favor him wilti their company. The Eagle Hotel ia la'ge and conveni ent, and furr.ihhed in the lest iii-ilein sth. Ii i provided with a large number nf well aired and comfortable sleeping apartment', rooms, private farlors, Ac. Perron visiting Williamsport on lu sines 01 (Vea-ure, may ret ss-urul that esery ex ertion wilt le used to render their sojourn at the "Eagle Holt I" pleasant and agreeable. His Table will be supplied with the very bos: the market af ford, and his bar with the cl oicest wines and other lirjucr charge rcscnal le. 'J h Eaala Hotel possess greater adtsntsgei in point of location than any other kimilar establishment in iha borough, being situate in th business part of tha town, and within a convenient distance of tha Court House and Williamsport and Elmira Rail Road Depot. Sufficient Stabling provided, and good and trusty Obtlera always in attendance. Attentive, ccoir.mnJaling and honest Servants hnvp been emtio; ed. and nothing left ondon that will add to the cti.foit and accbmmsdation of his (Uerts. Tbire will be a carriage alwty in altendarca at the Boat Lauding to convey paaMr.gtrs to and front tne House, nta 01 charce. CHARLES EPKROWP. Mjy H'h, I 12 tX ATTORNEY AT LAW. flVXTE Ur V, FA. Bualne iltendcd to in the Counties of Nor thurrlerlarid, Uniori. Lrc..rr,?ng and Colurubia. IteiVr to Tnajeas IUrt A Co., Lowxn & Bjinaos, H art, CcMMTsns & Hant, PAiiad. RirPirs. cFArtt A.' & Co Srrnut, Ooon A Co., To Country 'THE Subscriber, Aeent of Lyon A Harris, Hat A Manuficiurcr. for N- w York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and other large cities, nine.! lints are highly com'ncnJod fir ynd edit and durnbiity, has on hand a first rate nsjortrnnt of HA I'd ar d CAPS, suitable for Spring sites, wh'ch will t e uld very low, fot enh or aj.ptnvcd credit, al the nitfd cheap sore, N'l. 40, North Third a!ie-l, cjp jsi'e the City Hotel, Philadelphia. ROBERT I). ILKIXSON. April. X. D. Order (or lints in therongl. promptly attended to. Th highest rice in taxh -it trade given for Fur nkins. Philadelphia, June 11, lS43.--ly ILTCTB r3Z7 JXGC2":Bra iaT- ALL persona indebted t.) the firm of Lyon A Harris, under the srnry nf O. S. Thacher, Hut and Cap Manufacturers, No. 40 North Third, street, Philadelphia, are requested to make immedi ate settlement of th. ir n. counts with ihe subscriber, their Ipgnlly authorized agent, who is fully rmpow rtrd to settle and collect the accounts of said firm. ROBERT D. WILKINSON, June 4th, 1942. if Aacnt. GOLDEN SWAN Ao. O'J Aori Third, above Arch. Strut, PHILADELPHIA. AfTOMMOP ATKINS Tllll StVf.NTY rrPBOSH. pHARLES WEISS, late or the "White Swan." and "Mount Vernon House," respectfully in forms his friends and customers, that be has become the proprietor of the abora, well know n Hotel. Coun'ry Mcichants will f nd the above Hotel a central location, and the best of fare. Persons tra velling with private conveyance will find a large yard and good stabling fm horses, and the beet of ostlci. Boarding fl perdav. May 14ih, IBi;. tf. V1C, HEIL1C.1T & CO.", mjr ff- r. "S .Ti 1 -T" 5 ft CZ J C , r .. m ; j"XFFE3 FOR SALE, at the South East Cor- Sip net of Fifth and Murhet Slrerts, Phiadd- fihia Mens'Culf-nkin Boots, stitched wnrrantej. do do Jo pemjed do do do do water proof, Joul.le soles and double uppers, do Calf-skin do dt do nailed and uppers, do Heavy Water Leather Boots, do do Niati do do. do High quarter Shoes. Calf-skin, do do do Crocker do do Fine Monroe? warranted do Kip do do Caif do do Cnnr do do do Shoc3 do Fine do do Kip do do do do do do Commission & Fonvardinc Merchants, l'ovt of Willow Street Rail Road, on mr. t'tt iWAiti:, TTAVING associated wih ihi m Joseph Bamet, l Alateof Easton. P.i., r si eitfully inform their friends and the public generally, that they have ta. ken tliil large and we'l known store and whi.-f at foot of Willow Street Railroad, h.telv occupioj by Jicob Martin, where they pu-pose doing a General Commission and Forwarding Businpss, and fiom the local advaniaces of tho place being connected with all the public improvements that have their outlet in the city, they flatter themselves they will bp able to do business to as great, if not g ea'er ad vantage, and upon as reasonable terms as any other house, and they ussure their friends that any con signments made to them shall have th. ir strict at tention, and no excttions spared to give entire satis faction. They are also prepared to receive ar.d forward goods to any point on the Delaware and Lehich rivers, between Mauch Chunk, Easton and Phila delphia, via Delaware Division and Lchiith Can. .Is; also, to any point on the Juniata river, or North and Wst Blanches ol ihe Susqot haniia via Schuyl kill and Union, or tho Chesapeake and Tide Watei Canals. For the accommodation of Boats coming or go ing via Schuylkill and Union Canal', a StPimboat will be kept ex press! v for towing boat from ihe Schuylkill around to the Del.1w.1re and back, which wilt cn.iMi' merchant. to have their pioducc deli vered on the Delaware, and their goods st ippid at a saving nf 50 to 75 per cent. n". tha j rices fir hauling acioss. with thtse advantage they re siteclfully solicit a share of a'r. nae. W.HEIL.MAN A CO. William H.llman, ) Wdliam W. Ki-yser.C Joseph Bi.rnet. 3 Philad .May 14, 1841. ly BOLTON &. CO. (riifral Commission .Here liatils, For the fnile uf I'luur, Orain, Stcd, .V"-, iU". . . 1. . . I. i. Ii l&JT ESPECTFULLY inform their frien.U and ho Merchants generallv, that they have ta ken those large and commodious Wharvrs, w ith two Docks, noith of Chesntit street, on the D. I n ware, together with tho store No. 19 South Wharves, where they would ha ph ased to receive consign ments of Grain, Flour, Seed, Whiskey, Iron, &c. Ac. Being also well prepared to forward all kinds of Merchandise by the Schuylkill and Union, 01 by the Chesapeake and Tide Water Canuls, ss tow boats arc kept expressly fot the purpose of towing boHls by ei ber route. Merchants will plp;io be particular to send their good destined by either canal-, to No. 1U South Whsrves, between Market and Chesnut streets, 011 the Delaware, w ith direction accompanying them whith route they wish them to be shipped. OTj- Plaster and Salt for sale, at tho lowest mar ket price. BOLTON A CO. March 1 3. 1 M 43. No. 19 South Wharves. 1t011r.1t r t AKi i:it & xo.v, PAVEIl UAHUFACTUItCnS, Lombard Strut, llaltlmore, HAVE constantly for sale,-Printing Paper of ah size and ousliti. s, Can Writing Paper, rub d and plr.io, Letter Paper, wbita and tdue, ruled and plain. Hanging Paper, rino and co.nmun, Lnvtlope Puper, do. do. medium, douli'e ciown, crown and extia tiled Wrapping Papers, f'oloird M odium and Royal Paper, Ltoiint t, Binders' and Sttaw Box LI. .aids. Tissue Paper, and all oil cits in their line, which thry will sell on accommodating term. II ghea puce, given f. r old rags. KOBEU I' CARTER A SON. farch lOJHjJ Elkton. Md VN article uneiuallttd for cleaning and giving a highly durable and most brilliant pibs.ll to sil ver, Ciirman Silver, Brass, Copper, Brittauia ware, Tin, Steel, Cutlery, and for restoring the lustre on varnished carriages, Ac. 'I'Rx' IT. Prepared and eold al wholrsa'a and retail, ly the Susquehanna Chrysolite Poluh Company, Owego, Tioga county, N. Y. WM. FORSYTH. Agent for Northum'd, II. B. MASSEK, Agent for Sunbury. November 30th, 1842. d. Calf snd Seal Skin Pump, do List Socks with and without solps. do Carpet ihi d.i do do Patent Warranted Water-proof Moccasins. Ladies' do do do do Ladies' tanned India Rubber shoes. Gintlemrns' do Over shoes, With every other desciiption of hoots and shoes. Fur Caps of evrry description. Travelling Trunks of evrry description. Venetian Travelling Bags. Patent Gum Elastic Shoe Blacking. Bonnets of all kinds. Palm Leaf Hat. Philadelphia. November l:. f.'i. ly. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOKSEL LERS AND STATIONERS, Xo. l'J'J Chesnut Street, Iclow ltli, Philadelphia. !TEFP constantly on hand a generul assort- rnrnt of 13 00k and Stationary : comurisine 1 neoiogtc.il, Law, Mutual, t.lasaical. MisceHane ous and School Books, Day Books, all si7.es. Led iters, do.. Fumily Bibles, Pocket B.bles, V1itin5 Papers, Wrapping Papers. Ac. Ac, which they of fer at the lcwcst piices to Country Merchant's Pro fessional G-ntlemcn, Teachers, and all other thai riuiv favor them with their custom. PhiladelpI.ia, Noi?mber la. 1 SIS. ly. .Tlitltacl Weaver V Son, rtorn makers ft snir chandlers. I Ao. 1 3 North Water Streit. Philadelphia. : L, const urn ly on liaml, a general ::ssort- 1 ment of Conhige, Seine Twines. iVc viz: I ar'd liopes, Fishine Ropes, White Kmc. Manil- : hi Ropes, 'low Lines for Canal Boats. Also, u complete assortment of Si ine Twines, cVc. such as Hemp Shad and Herring Twine, Best Patent Gill j Net Twine, Cotton Shad and Heniiitt 'i'wii.e,, Shoe : Threads, Ac. Ac. Also, Bed Cords. Plough Lines, j Hellers, Truce, Cotton and Linen Carpet Chains. fee. ull of which they w ill dispone nf on riasonable j tcinis. Philade'phia. November IH, 1S42. ly. i Jacob rritiimilli A. Suit. IJ ESPECTFULLY informs th.ir friends ni.d j acqua'uitences generally that they sti'l con-1 linuc to keep al the old stand, No. H North od ' sirctt. Philadelphia, all Vinds nf , TOBAVVU SMTP AP SWAPS. ! Which they will cell n the in : uccuiiinuidalinj j and rcisona .le lerms. j N. B. All goods sold will be gum intced and all : orders promptly attended to. J Philadelphia, November 13, 142. ly, 1 Wholesale and Retail Shoe, Iionnet, and Palm Leaf Hat Warehouse. No. 6G North 2i street, a few doors above .Irrh, Philudeldtiu. A LSO Trunks, Carpet Bugs and Valiees. of ev. ! JrlL cr desciiption, all of which he ullem for j ale on the most reasonable terms. Phihiilelphia. November 13, 1341. Iv. J. W . S W A IN 7 ! rmhrella and Parasol Mantifacturor. 1 No. 37 Nioth Thitil ttrrtl, two doors btluW tht Cit 1, Hotel, PhiLuhlxhiu. lit . 1 ll PI'.TEK DEWEJIS. LAST rrlAKER, No. 74 Callow Kilt Street, Philadelphia flhrt doors ulote Second. J SHOE Finding always kept on band, which ht offers for kale on tha lo-t teriua. Country Merchants are psruculttly to c ill andjudj for themaalvt. Pbilaie'ph:, Nenjr 13, 1813.- ly. Merchnnls and others are solicited to examine his assoiti.u-nt before purchasing elsewhcro Philadelphia, November 11. '.842. ly. r'.'IsT a"V 11 o v u 1: i) t ! China, Glass mid Liverpool Warehouse, iu iui .Minn intra strrti, intra ii'nr otatio tine strett, Phihidi Iphia. VTH ERE they constantly keep on hand a lurge assortment of China, Glass and Liverpool Ware, which they will di-poso of on the most rc sonable terms. Philadelphia, November 13. 1S42. ly. THKOPJ LUS'CUI A Manufacturer and Importer of Sad dlery, Hardware, etc. i No. 5 South Third street, four doors bc'.ow Market j Philadelphia, ' EEP constantly on hand a huge and general j assortment Coach Lamps, Carriage Bands, 1 Axle Arms. Elintic Snrinus. Patent Leather. Ac. I Country Merchants and saddlers w ill be supplied at j all times on the most reasonablo terms. They will find it to their advantage to cull and examine his j assortment befoie purchasing; elsewhere. 1 Philadelphia, November 13, 1842. ly. j Wholesale Dealers in Foreign Pritish and American Dry Goods. No. 105 Market strett. Phi'.udt Iphia. COUNTRY Merchant, and others can be sup plied at all time with an extendi assort ment of tha oest and meat fashionable Goods upon tha most reasonable terms. Philadelphia, November t3. I?42. ly. LOWER & PAKUON, Importers and Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Hardware, No. 174 Noam Tin an Sth 1; kT, PHrinir.irRiA. "I niERE tluir frit uds and cuktomers will always ' find a large and general a-sortment of Foreign and Donifstic Hstdwaie, which they ileilat the lowest prices, Philadelphia, Novemtier 13, 18 12. ly. ESHE It ICK , I IA iN SE LL & GO'S. WHOLESALE DRY GOODS STORE. ro. 160 l-y Market Street, Fhila. (Btltw Fifth South sidt ) 1AVAVS keep on band a full and general as fa scrtmentof Hosiery, Lace, and Fancy Goods, Country Mcrchanla ar respectfully requastad to give them a call and examine for themselves. Philadelphia, November 13, 1642. ly. SPRRING, GOOD & CO. No. 139 Maikftt Street, Philadelphia. 5NVITE tha attention of Countiy Merchants to their exienaiv assortment of Biitiih French and American Dry Goods, which lhy olftr for ! on tha most reasouabla term. rbiUdtdphia, .Nevember 13, 1813-1. t-f.yj-i--rg?5tr.!.'IIMI "iiysis j ast 1 Vr-K4"S2.077'3 SAL.SAM OP HOUEHOUND, A iinpnrellelrd remedy for common Oi.l.l., Coughs, A-thma, Infliienra, Whooping CourIi, Brimehitis, und all disease of the Breast snd Lungs, leading to consumption; composed of the coiicpii. irated virtues of Hon hound, Bon.n t. Blond Root, Liverwort and surral other vegetable substances. Prepared only I y J. M. Wissm w, Rochester, New Yoik. The innocence and universal! u.lniitted pectoral viitues of the Herbs from which the Balsam 0 florehovnd is made, arc too generally known to re quire recommendation ; it is thetefore only nccrsav ry to observe that thi Medicine contain the whole of their Mrdic:nal proprrtlps, highly concentratid, and so happily con, Lined with several olhrr vege. table suhstanrrs, as to render it the most speedy, mild and certain rrmrdy, now in use, f. r ihe com plaints above mentioned. The Balsam removes all imflammatinn and sore ness of Ihc Lungs, loo.'ens tjugh visbl phlegm, en ai ling the patient to expectorate with pase and frpp dom, asstngca rougli, relieves atlunatic and difll cull respiration, heals the iiijureil parts, opens the porps, and composes the disturbed nerves, and sivp s sirenBtli to Ihe tender lungs, and thus produtps a speedy and lasting cine. Iiun a riTt nr. is mrT rnturts Mx.- We are not among that diss of Editors w'.o for a few dollars will, (at the expense of truth and ho nesiy) "crack up" an article and bring it into rapid -ale ; neither aie we willing to lemnin tileit, afti r having leafed the utility of an im rovpinnt or dis covery in science or ail. Our rentiers will recollect we told them we v.i re unwell with a sore Hi rout nnl violent Culd some few weeks airo. Well, wp pur chased two bottles of WINSLOW'S 1( I,SM OF HOREHl )UN 1), and so Midden was the cure, that we fortot we ever hod a cold. Thoye who arp otllirted, niny tiy it upon our recommendation. .l YinsrVi ''"i icruph. For sale by HENRY YO.YTHEIMER, Sun'hurv, JACOB BRIGHT, Northumberland. Also, by Drti2cits cener,.lly throuphout the ciiuntrv. gj- Pi ice, SO cents per boltle. Augiiht l ltti, IS 12. ly. FC?fc GALE. fTJOR Paln a small Farm, containing about one hundred and tn acres, more or less, situate in Point township. Norlmml erland count-., about two milts above Noithuinlicrl.md, on the. niuin rond leading from that piacp to Danville, adjoining land of John l.cuhoti, Jesse C. Horton and others, now in the occupancy 1 f Samuel Payne. About fmly acres of said tract are c lean d, and in good slat, of cu'tiiation, on wliuh there is a small harn erect, d. The property will he sold on r asonahte lei ms. For further particulars, pirtona are request ed to apply to the u! scribi r. H. B. MASS7.R, Agent, Nov. 27fh. li;.tf. Sunbury. Pa. OF EERY DKst.'KIPTfON". NEW ENGLAND OIL COMPANY. No. 'Jil North Water Street, Phila. MANUF.(;TURERS and dealers in Oils of every description both for buming and inaniificiurins purpc.ses, which will be sold much lower than they can be procured elsewhere, and warranted in quality to equal any in the city. Any oil sold by Ihe company not proving as teprt sented, may be returned without any expense to the pur chaser, and the money will lie refunded. Their stock now in store consists of the follow ing oils, viz: 30.U00 ci.l!ons Winter Bleached Sr,cim ill, do Cobuless Oil, Fall snd Spring Sperm Oil, inter t-ea hlcph.mt, do Pre.sed Whnle Oil, Summer do ibi do Common Whale Oil, Barrels- si: pi ii..t Stra 's Oil, dt. C.d Bank Oil, ibi Ne.Ts l't.ol Oil. 7 ) Caslif Olive Oil, Timner's hU C'j ' his- ("i.mpn.v has a number of Vessels' en gae.e.1 in the ( "o.l 1'ishi ry, and Tanners may rely upon petting al all t.mes Oil ss pure as imported, Philadelphia, Nov. 1 .1, I S 42. I v. r.000 15,000 10.000 20.(100 r.ooft 1.0,(1(10 200 so do l!.l do do d.) do ! ru U stLK HT Li McCALIiA &. HERSE, No .'!, Norm Svoiil Mi-rc'i, (i nns i h or coom b's ALLET.) Whuc they constantly keep on hand a general assortment of C LOTUS, CASSIiMEIlES, VESTING S .dW a grti.t variety of articles of a superior quality, which tliey offer to di.-pose of upon the most ieaonablo ft rms. C10UNTKY MERCHANTS and others niH yfirid it to thtii advantage 10 call and cxauiiuo tin ir strck before purchasing elsewhere. Philadelphia. Nov. 6, 1842. ly LIST OF BOOKS, flUtil,-aV ' OS. 23. 3Dd .lllO. t lasstcal Dictionary; I.empritrs v do.; Ainsworth s do ; Cobb s U04 Lnghsh and (.'timaii do; Aiihii's Cirsar; Anlhou' (irsunner; Aiitheu's Cicem; Mail's Latin Reader; (igilly'sdo ; Andiew's Latin Less. us; Donnegan's Lexicon; Firk's Grc k Exercises; Davies's Lependei; Gracca M.ijorn; Adams's Roman Antiquities; Pinuock (ft lilstiiitla Enqlniitl; do. Greece; Lyell's F.lt nieir.s of Gcolotty; Mis. Lincoln's Botany; Eleinen's of Botany; Bridge's Algebra; Porter's Rhetorical K. a ders; Emerson's (ietirapliy and History; Obey 'a do.; Par'ty's do.; Smith. Grarnmei: Kirkham' do.: Kay's Readers; Ci.hl 's do.; Cobb' Arithmetick; Pike's do.; Etui rami's do.; Cobb' Spelling Books; Town's tlo.; Cbb's Table Books; Evangelical Fa mily Library; Cottage Bible'; Family do ; Ct ll.ittr al do.; mall Bibles and Testament-; Parkei's Ex ercises 1,11 Composition; Fruit oflheSpirir; Bai'cr's S .inl's Rest; American Revolution; Marryatt' No vets; Mr. Phelps mi Chemistry; Iliad; Catechism of American Laws; I.ettrrson Natural Magic; Che mistry for Beginners; English Exercist adapted to Murray's Grimmer; Sequel to Comlty'a Sjiellir.g Book; Ann rican Class B( ok; Dslmll's Schoolmas ter' AsMttant; A great variety of Blank Book, Ar. August S3, IW4S. "attention. j. siusey jon i:s, I 1 LyI ES'I'S the attention of hi country frimds who are in want, to hi very large Mock of Carpeting, Oil Cloths, Mattings, Rugs, Bindings, Stair Rods, Ac, Ac, that he has just opentd, at hia warehousea, No. 18 North 'ii atreet, ami No. 3 Church Alley, next door to Chiist Church, Phila dtdphia. July 31, 1843 ly. SPANISH HIDES. TANNERS' OIL AND LEATHER. D. KIRKPATIIICK & SO N, No. SI, North Third strttt, (aiTwcts MiaaxT arp chissct tiatiis,) PHILADELPHIA. TIT AVE for ailo a larga nd excellent assortment -a A of Spanish Hides, Paints Kips, Tanners' Oil, 4c, at the lowest niaikvt prices, eithrr for cash, in exchange for Leather, or upon credit. Consignmenla of Leather received for ui 01 purchased at tht highest raaiket price. rry Leather alotad frea ef tbarg. April IT, 18t3.