11 A IV K KOTI3 LIST, rtX.SYI.V.il4. The f. Olow-inij litt shows tin curre-nt Value of nit OfitiKylwia flunk Nntr. The most implicit re 'i nc sr. ny be placed upon it, on It itrrerij u eek iiy compared wilh at d corrected from link er, 'j norter. : I'milts In riilladcltliin Dic i- .ir. J.PCATIO. NOTES AT PAH Hank of North America Bunk of the. Northern Liberties . Commereinl Bank of Penn'o. . Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank . irpn"iii(ftoii Bank i'uinv. par pnr par pnr pnr pnr pnr p-,r pnr p:.l par pnr pnr pnr par pnr pnr p..r ''Iiilsili lpliis flunk . . Schuylkill Hunk Snuthtvark ltiink , . Wec'crn Hunk , . . Mrcl'iijii-a Bnnk Manufacturer' A MccltanVs' flank Coimtry BtRnt. Park f Chester C'i i 'y V "evhrtcf Hank of Delaware County Chrs'-T Hank of f icrmantnn r l-Vrrpsr town tvaiik of Montcomery C, . No'riseor.n Onylestown Bank Doyl-stowo Fasten Bank I"n'oin former' Bnnk of Bucks CO Pistol Oflire of Bank of Pi'teti'a. TInrrUliU'g Thee ofTices OllVe do do Lancrstir Office do do Heading Olfice do do Eastejn do not J issucn. NOTES AT DISCO U N T. Bank of I ho United Slates Phils Jelphia Mntik of Pern Townchip . . pnr (Jitnrd n;inl. . . 13 ill Movnmrnninfr U'ln . . par I'cnk i f ."enn Ivm in . . pnr Miners' Ibu.k of PntlMvillv Pot'avillo 2 ''(ink of 1 v.itown Li wiftown 2 i'a-ili , f M .hll.j..wn Middletown 1J ril- f N..t;l.i-mbr!lftnJ Northumhc rlnnd par '. : :.n l.ii Efiii; .V j:;ch;c eo. Colnmhia '''T.-tW. hiiik' Carlislp 1 1 : X- !.'it.,-t 1 i a 1 . k PittHblirp i .! io ? rm,ch of Hollidayshurg 1 Fanrifrs' l't nl; of I.nncasttpi Lnneastrl j l.nnraster (.'our.ty Hunk Lancaster 2 Farmers' Bank n't Reading Reading j Hnrrislmrg Bank Harriluirg 1 1 .niicnfitei 'flunk Lancaster j I.elifinoti flank Lebanon lj MerrhHiits' ct Mnnuf. Batik Pittsburg 1 Bnnk of PittKburfc Pittsbutg 1 Went Binnch flunk 'Willianmport P.r) Wyoming flunk Wilkesliarro 3 Ni rthiiniptoii Bank Allentown l.riku I'oiiuty flunk Reading 70 Ulk-p of Bonk of IT. S. Pittuburg failed Do do do Erie do Do do do New Brighton do Kensington Sav. In. A do Perm Township Sav. Ins. Kaiik of Chamberisburg Bnnk of Gettysburg Hunk of Supcjuehanna Co. Erie Bunk Fuimers' & Drovern' Bank Franklin Bunk Houesdalu Bank Munongnhela Bonk of B. Vork Bank do Chambervhurg 3Jn3 Gettysburg Montroac Erio VVoyncsburg Washington Honesibile Brownsville Yoik fin.'.i 1 1 li IS. B, The notes of those bunks on which we omit quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) aro not purchased by the Philadelphia broker, with the exception of those which have a letter of reference. BROKEN HANKS. Philadelphia $nv. In. Philadelphia Philadelphia. Lonn Co. do Hehuvlkill Sav. Ins. do Manual Labor flank (T. V Dyott, prop.) failed fniled failed failed 80a85 no sale cloBid closed failed closed no sale failed filled failed no fnle I'r.w.iiidu flank Towonda Alleehany flank of Pa. Bnirk ol Heaver l'ank of Swatara Ibiok of WiiBliircton ('.litre Rank City Bank Tam ers' & M?)iW Bnnk FariiierH t'. VerhV' flunk FmnierF '. Pierh'cRlfliii.k I! a jiirry Is'itute ' ' "I ' i c'or. Bunk l.o iv:. Cn k jUinl ermenV rjr:k N( r'bern Ban!; of Pn. New Hope Del. Bridge Co. iNorthumb'd t'nioli Col. Bk. North Wentirn Bank of Pa. (Illiee ol hehuvlkill Bank Ph. Aer. cV Mnnuf. Bank Silver Lnko Bank I'lvon Lai f of l'enn'a. W ''sliiiort-iui il Bank Wilkesl-ure tr'dgc Co. Bedford Beaver Harrislmrg V'a!iiiigton Belhfiinle Plttal'Ulg Piithburg 1'uyetle co. Civencast'e Harmony Huntingilon no sale Letviy'.own tiosale Warren failed DuiiilalV 110 sale New Hope dosed Milton 1.0 i-aK Meadfillc closed Port Cm boll ("arli.'lo faibd Montiose closed Ifniontown failed Creel si urg cIom-J Wiikcsbarre no sale to be on any JVnnt-yl- oj ti uoits piupoi'ing iiia Bank 11 t iven in (he above lift, may be set uuwn as trauiU. .MLI JI.UM'Y. Bank of New Brunswick Brunswick Bel'ideie Hank Bt'viJi.10 Burlington Co. Bair.k Mt JtorJ Comnicrcial L'ink Prrsli Ar.toy Cuwhurland bank Lrtdgtion Farmer' Brik Mount HUy Fninii'ih" ai d Mtchanict" Bk Rahvsy I'arnTs' n:u SUc!.'ii.ii Bk N. lountft'uk 1'nrn ers' r,'.I 3Vi i-r'-:: r.(" i.k Mi! '''tov.n Pt, Frariklin Bank of ."-i. J. Jir.e;, U.ty HcbuLen Bl u if. Gracing ("0 liol iktn tail. J 1 pur u fit par i fulled H fail, d fuil.d failed failed failed U failed k pa'r Jcreey City li n k Mechanics' flat.!: Mr.M'faciur rs' 1! ,' k Vi.-i.s l oin H !.'..i I- Jersey City Patterson Bel!evi!!o Morristonn Kreelo.M N. w,iik Trenton ,li r.-ti'y City M. r.n. I N, J. V'Bl I If. fl : !''..' (', M.. M." .ani''t .biiie ;i'i p. lio -ale N.waik Lull bciiswilo Hobokell Jersey City Orange Pate rsun tic, .IBi Lkf (.'.. . III! ..': J I k faded tailed I failed li par par I j i ti i' i : v. I il.ii.fcU i'.'l n 1 ..'.:.-.. it.i; k i'.i,:is' Bank Vn: .-rti'i; Bank .I. n. t'ai.k.l,;.- Co r-liiiuk Stuttf i;m. k State Bunk State Bank of Morris Slate Bank Salem and Philad Manuf Co Sussex Bank Tienton Banking Co Union Bank Washington Banking Co. do Princeton Sale III Newark I'.liz.ila ihtown fr-'umelen Morristoun Trillion Salem New Ion 'J'renlou Dover lluikei.iaik A par failed failed J par fdllrd DIXAMAItE, BkofWilmA Brandy wiut Wilmington Bank of Delaware Wilmington Bank of Smyrna Smyrna Do blanch Milford Farmers' Bk of Slate of Del Deivcr Do branch Wilmington Do branch (ii'mgetrnvn Do branch Newosile Union Bank Wilmington (TT Under 6 ' par par par par par par p.i par par UIJ fjy On all I anks ma keil thus () there are ei tbejr coiiuti r!e.it cr i-t'eied u'.teie. e,f tlit variei.' i't- The turf method for the Aholition of Disease is to iteinip and purify the Botly. i.vuiax ri:cjr,TAHL.u pills or Tin: A1tti American College of Health, Are now acknowledged to tip the best Medicine in ibn World for the cure of F.VF.RY VARIETY OF DISEASE. BECAUSE thry rotnp'ptply cleanse the sto JP ma. h mid bowels from th. se billious find cor rupt humor 'which are tho cause not only of Headache, Giddiness, Palpitation of thp Hpirt, IVn in the fleiprs. Rhonmnt'sm nnd Omit, hut rvcrv rimlflitv ii ridctit to mnn. SAID INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS areaccrnin cure for in termittent, tcmiilcd. nervous, iiitlnmhlory and pu'rid Fevers, because the-y clennso lliP p.idy from those rnorl.irl humors, vl.ii h.whrn confined In the" rirrti I tii.n. tirp ll,pcflii-Pof nil kinds nf FKVK Fir'. So, 1 n'so. when the rnnip impttritv i depoaiti-d on tlip memliinne nnd mnclp, rnnsinf? pin. iiiflamn tiona nnd svpllinc c.illed liHEUMATISM, OOl T.Ac. WriKht'sIndinn Vertnlle PilNmny I relied r.n a alwavs 1 pttnin to p.ive rrlief, nnd it prrcevpied v ith, nceotdli (j to direrlinn will uio! ossniirdly, nnd without f iil, wnV.e a peifert cu e of the nhi-ivn pniiifd n nlndien. From threp to fix nf rni.l lndinn Veritable Pills tnken every nicht o. :p t.) hrd, will in n flioit timP ao completely lid the l.o.ly from every thinff thnt opposed to health, Hint nhcumntifin, Gout, and pnin of everv derrip tion.will he literally DRIVEN FROM THE AO. DY. For the a nno reason, when, Irom RitdJen dinners of atmo' i.hrre, or any other ennse. the per- "piralinn if checked, and the humor whic h should j.a 1 IV hv the nkiii are thrown inwardly, ranging i HEADACHE. GIDDINESS, n.usea and si.k ncFR, pnin ill the bnca, wa'eiy and inflamed eyes, core throat, honrsene-s, coughs, consumptions, rheumatic pains in vaiious parts of the body, mid mnnyothir symptoms of CATCHING COLD, Wright's Iixtinn Yiqdnhlc l'i'tn will invariably give iipmedi.ite relief. Fmm thtee to six of-said Pill taken every night on going to bed, wi'l in a short lime, not only remove all the nhnvr unpleasant symptoms, I ul the body will, in n horl time, be rcMorcd to even sounder hrnbhthan before ASTHMA, on DIFFICULTY OF BliEATH IN(S. Wright's Indian Vegetable Villx will loos en nnd cany off, by the stomach and boweis, thore tough phb gmy humors, which slop up all the air cells of the lungs, nnd are the cause, not only of the above distressing complaint, hut when neglpelp.l, often terminates in that mniedieadful malady called CONSUM PTION. It t-hou'd be also temeinbeir d that Wripht's Indian Vegetahle nils are a certain cute for PAIN IN THE SIDE, Oppression, nau sea, nnd sickness, vk of appetite, costivenrsa. a ' yellow tinge of the fkin and eyes, nnd every other symptom of a torpid or diseased state of the liver; because they purge from the body those impurities which if deposited upon this important organ, are the caive of every variety of LIVER COM PLAINT. When a nation is convulsed by riots, outbreaks and rebellion, the only means of prevent, ing the dreadful consequences of a CIVIL WAR, is to expel all traitors, and evil disposed ones from the country. In like manner, when pain or sick ness of any kind, indicate thnt the body is strus gling with inter' id foes, the true remnlv is to EX PEL ALL MORBID HUMORS, (Traitors to health and life,) Health will he the eert'tii) result. That the principle of curing disease, hy cleansing and puiifyii:g th body, is strictly in accordance with the laws which govern the animal economy ; and if properly carried out by the Use of the almve named WliltiHT S I 1 1 1 AIM l.'it; l AHl.K PILLS, will ccitainly result in the complete Abo lition of DUense ; we olfer the following testimoni als, from persotif of the highest rei-pcetahility in New York, who have iccentiy been ruicd of the n.ost obstinate complaints, solely by the uso of Wiikiiit'b IsniA Vfoetahlk Pills, of the Nurth American College of Health Jamaica, L. I., June Oth, 1P41. Doctor William Wright Dear Sir It is with great satii-faction I inform you of .ny having bet 11 entirely cured of Dyspepsia, of five years standing, by the use of your Inpian v krktaiu.k I n.t.s. Previous to meeting wih your celebrated midi cine, I hnd been under the hands of several Physt ci;.ns, and had tried aiious medicines; but all to no effect. After uing one 25 cent box of jour Pil's, however, I experienced so much benefit, that I tesolved to prrseveip in the use of them arronling indirections, which ( 0111 happy to state, has result ed in a perfect cure. Ingratitude) to you for the great benefit I have teeeived, nnd also in the hope that otheis similarly nflhcled may be induced to mute trial of your cxtraorehnvy mi'dieine, I tend you this statement with full bbeny to publish the name, if yon think proper. Yours, Ac. New Yoik, June 19.1811. G. C. BL ACK. Mr. Richard Dennis, agent for Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills. Dear Sir I have hi en afflicted for several years with inward weakness and gerrral debility, accom panied at times with pains in the side and other distressing complaints. Aft. 1 timing tried various Uirdictlit s without effect , I was per.su nh'd by a friend to make trial cf Dr. Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills, which 1 am happy to stale, have relieved nie in a most wolidiiful inanin r. I have used ihc me diune, as ytl but a .tnut tune, and have no doubt. by a perseverance in the u c of the medicine accor ding lo direction, th. l I r-I.nl! in uhutl UuiC be j trliC'.ly ici-torcd. I niObl willingly icconinn ltd i.ai.1 T -U to i ll per sons kiniilaily utiiiiti'd. and 111 the toll belitl that the same U'liefieiul resu'tdw ill follow their us. , I re main your ninceiely, HENRY A. F'llOTE, Waiwarsing, Ulster co, N. Y. Niw Venn:, Sept. 20. 111. This is to certify that I hae used Wiiii.iir's Im'Iin YiniTAHi k Puts wilh the greatest bene fit; having i mirelv cured myself of tie freepii nt at tliihs ol !ck llcaelai lie, to w lndi I tiatt previeiusly nee li sul-teejt. ANN MARIA THOMPSON, 3U2 Greenwich street. N. Y. Mr. flie'linid Diiinis, Agent for Wright's In- T. i!i..li Yi'getiible ''ills'. c.i r r i o .v. As there are nt this time many wicked perseins busily engaged in selling u counterfeit medicine un der the nhine of the Indian Vegetable Pills nnd as these des irate men are so utterly reckless of con fccqui'iiees, tliBt many valuable lues niay be lost in lonscque uce of using their dreadful compounds, ihn public are cautioned against pincharing any Pill, Miiili ss on the tides of the boxes the follow ing wording is found : W RIGHT'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS. Indian Purgative.) ov Tim sonTM amfuica coilii.: eer iiultii. And alse to be especially careful against purcha sing said medicine of any person except the regu lar advertised agents. ACEM'S FOR KORTHUMB ER LA SD CO, Pennsylvania. II. B. Massrr, Sunluxry Wm. Forsyth, Nor thumberland Jjcoh Uaas, Shaniokin Samuel Herb, Mahonoy Byrrly A D. Haas, Augusta I homns r nllmcr, Hilton Ireland A .Men. II, McEweui-villn E- S, P'lier, Turhutsville James Heed, Potti-pr.nc II. Klase, Snvdi Talow n II. II. Kfie4.be!, P. M Elysburg P. O Win. Lfi-i'iiriiig, P At. Union Coiner. Ollirc and (irneral Depot for the sate of Wright' Indian Vegetable Pills, W holesule and R.!..il, Nc. fV i'A' l) 1 TPEKT. PHILA BEL l'f:iA. Miv 21, Is 13. li, XIOSF. OINTMENT rou tkttkr. RINGWORMS, MMrt.rs ON TI1F. TACB, AND OTtlEIl rrTANr.oin ruririoN. fXj- The full iu;ing rertificn'e descvihes nne. nflht tnnul extraordinary cures ever effected by any application. Pitit.AirirrrTA, February 10, 18:13. IJ'OR IwcntyycnrsI itit sevrrely nflltct 1 with Tkttkii rn the Face and Heads the disease commrncrd when I wns ncvpntorn yrnrs old, and continued until the Full of 1836, vjr intl in vio lenrc, hut without ever disnpprar'me. Ditrinjt most of the tirnp, preal part of my fir wna roverrd with the rruption, freqiirntly alien Jt-J with vio'rtit itch in?; my head mvihed nt timrit until it felt n if it Would litircl the ewellin rna so (jiPit, thnt I could vcnmlyppt my lint on. DuriiiR the loni peri'td thnt 1 wan flfnictp.) wild the dtwnxp, I iipI Rrpnt ninny n( plirntion--, (mining them m-vernl celelirated t re p.irntiun-') 11 w. II n tnkina inward remediea, inehidinB ft number of bottle of Siraim's PVwrtYff, F.jlract of Suraujuiritiii, A.C, In fnct it would bp inioaible to emnnein'c nil the inedieines I lined. I wns iiIko under the c;ire of two of the most din tinpuished phyviciiiriii of ib.i" city. I ut with -ul re reiving nr rh benefit, nnd I deapairc I of evpr heing cured. In the f ill of 18:10, iho di?en--e i.t the time being "ery violent, I commenced using the Rose Uintmei', (prepared by Vauslnm ct D.ivis.) In a few npplirntions the violent itching cined, the Fwelling abated, the iriiption begin t' dimppenr, and brf.ire I hud ui'd a jnr the dienpp wn rntiiely cured. It has no-.v been nearly a yi ar and a half Bjnre, nnd there in not a vptigp of lite disease re- mniniiiff. except the scirs from the deep pits formed liy ,p di-rne. It is impnssilile for me to dencribe 1 in n cerlilirate the severity ol Ilic iliseafe aim my snfli ring, but I will be pie iscd to give ft toiler ac- connt to any person wanting further satisl.irtion, who will call on me. At the limp 1 conmence.l lining the Rose Ointment I would have given bun drrds of do'lms to ho rid of the disease. Since ll sing it, I have recommended it lo several persons, (among them my mother, who had the disease bad ly on her arm.") who were a I cured hv it. J AMES DURNELL, No. 1.00, Race St. fjj The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. II. Vniuhnn, Sou'h East corner of Third and Race stre.t, Philadelphia, and sold on nirencv in Sunbu ry. hv H. B. MASSE R, May 1-llh, 1813. ISosc Oiiifiiieut, t'ov Teller. : A PROOF Ol' ITS l'FFK'ACY. Pilii.Atil.l.rniA, May 27th, 130. i 'PUIS is to certify ti nt 1 was severely afflicted ! with Tetter in the hands nnd feet for upwards of forty years ; the disease was attended generally with violent itching nnd swelling. I npphed to a number of physicians, nnd used a grnit many appli cations without effecting a cure. About a year since, I applied the Rose Ointment, which entirely j stopped ihe itching, and a fi w applications immedi ately eurid Ihe disease, which there has been no return of, although I had never lieen rid iif it at any time for forty years. RICHARD SAVAGE, Eh venlh, below Sirucc Street. CjT The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. B. Vauuhnn. Sjuth East corner of Third and Race Slre-ets, Philadelphia, and sold on nse nry in Sindiil ry. by II. B. MASSER, May Mlh. 1813. Ageht. MEDICAL ArrROBATION Of the IIOSF. OI.XTM:.T,for Tetter. ALTHOUfill the superiority of the prepnialioii over nil others is fully es'ablihed, the proprie tors take pleasure in laying be fore ihe public the following certificate from a respectable physician, a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. flatigh, having found in this icnirdy that relief for a le-dious and disagre eable alfeclion which the means within the range of his profi'ssinn failed to alTotd. has not hesitated lo give it his approbation, although the pre judices nnd interests of that profession me epposcJ to secre t Remedies. PniiAiii.iruiA, Sept. 10, lS3f;. I was recently troubled with a tedious herpetic eruption, wL'uh covere d nearly one ".' of my face, and extendi d over the car. Mr. Yuughnn, propric loi of the Rose Ointment, obseiviiig my face, insis ted on my t.ying his preparation, of which he han ded me a jar. Alihoiich incomiiion with the mem bers of my profession, I discountenance and disap prove of the mime mug nostrums palmed upon the public by iunoi ant pr. tendi is, I feel in justice bound to exce pt the Rose Ointment fiom that c!a-s of me dicines, nnd to uive it inv approbation, as it entire ly lured the eruption, although it had resisted the j usual applications. DANE. BAUGH, M. D. j fXj" The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. I. ; Vaiighan, Soiilh Ea-t corner ol Third and Race j Sireets, Fniluih'lphiu, and ohl on ng. nev in Sun- buiv.by H. B. M.SER, May 11th, 1 S 1:1. Aent. J. rilAiri.AI'JD. jr. & co. Smill' and Tel.un:eo Maiiuractuiers, .Vei. H!) .o ( We st corner of Race and Third Streets. PHILADELPHIA. rPHE under-igned have firmed a Co-partnership A under the linn or. I. MAYI. AN I). .1 . A Co., as successors to the late fum of Jueuh Atiiilond y Co., mid will c mtiiuie the businci s at ihe old esta blishment, on their own account. In addition tei ll.cir own close attention ami eipcrieiice fol many ve ais, in the iiianul'.icluie of their cefe braled fiiiill-, eV c, the long i ipcrirucp eif the senior pailner of the I firm, will 11 1 mi be devoted to iho lull-rest of the new concern and a no exertion and care vill le Hprtre.l to insure their goods, at all time-s of the ve ry t'csl quality, the y solicit a Continuance of the eot.l. .i.ee ol the li.ei.iJ.l an.l ru-ti.nurs ol lie l.,te linn. '1 HOM AS ADAMS, ! J. MAYLAND, J. Philadelphia, Mav Mth, lS13.-ly EAGLK si cid -is? ;hi3 na Vomer of Tit rd ami Mnr Struts, WiLLIAMSrOHT, PA. T II IK sethscrilier resi'ctful!v announces to the public, that he has opeue-il a Hotel in the com modious brick building situate on the corner of Thinl and Pine streets, where he w ill be happy lo wait i p ni those who may favor him will, llieir company. The Eagle Hotel is large and conveni ent, and fuii.Uli. il in the le t m alciu stle. It i provided witli a huge ii.itnbcr of well aiie.l mid comfort able sloping spartmcnts, rooms, private pallors, Ac. Peisons visiting iibatnsport on bu siness oi pica ore, may re. I as ur el that every ex ertion will l e used to render llieir sojouin at the' "Eagle Hotel " pleasant, and agre-rable. Hi Table will be supplie d with the very b. si the market af fords, and hi bar with the choicest wines and oilier liquors charges re.soiiable. The Eagle Holrl possesses greater advantages in point of location than any other similar estuhlnduneiil in the borough, being situate in the business part of the town, and within a convenient distance of the Court House and Williamsporl and Elmira Rail Road Depot. Sufficient Stabling provided, and good and trusty ostlers always in attendance. Attentive', sccoii.iooilsting and hone.-t Servants have been employed, andliotliiiigl. fi undone that will add lo tho coiufoit and accommodation of his guests. There will be a carriage always in attendance at the Boat Landing lo convey passengers to and from ! the House, f'te of charge. CHARLES BORROWS. ' Mav lit., !M2.if ATTORNEY AT LAW, (SUITBURV. TA. Business kltended to in the Counties ef Nor tliuirl rrland, Union, Lvroming otid ('ulumhin. Ilefer t 1 Itn m t 11 AtiT et l.'o , Lowm Baihiox. Haiit, CuMMlnoa tfV Haiit, VA(i. Rrtnomir, Me Fa ti l 4 51 n & Oo. Ser.m.nn, Goon St Co., To Count iv MERCHANTS, 'T'HE Subscriber, Agent eif I yon A Harris, Hat Mnnuficturers, for New York, Phil idelphia, Bnllimoro nnd other lnfgn cities, wl osv lints are highly commended f r c,ood coin and diirnhilif i, has on band a first rate; assottmnt of HA TS and OA PR, suitable for Sprint ades, wh'rh will Ve sold very low, fol cash or nppiovrd credit, nl the ruled cheap store, Sn. AO, North Third s'ro-t, oppjsi'e the City Hotel, Philadelphia. ROBERT 1). WILKINSON. Ar.ent. N. B. Orders lor Hals in therotp,, promptly attended lo. The highest t rie:n in tash or trad given far Fur skin. Philadelphia, June 11, t813.--ly aflBrHrDiiic'ira I.L persons imh bled t.i the linn of Lyon eV Harris, under the agency of O.N. Timelier, Hilt and Cup Manufacturers, No, '10 North Third, street, Philadelphia, are rerpiested to make immedi ate settlement of thi ir ni counts with the subscriber, their legally authorized agent, v. ho is fully empow en d to settle and collect the account of said firm. ROBERT D. WILKINSON, June 4th, 112. tf Agent. CTOL D E N " S W A N :ej :b cx r ra 7 ra a ia" a Xn. ti'.l iVnr'r Third, aliavr Arch ISlieet, PHILADELPHIA. AcreiMMnnA tions rem fvp.ntv rrns-nNS. pHARLES WEISS, hue of tl.p " Whi'p snn," nnd "Mount Vernon House," respectfully in forms his friends and customers, that I e has become the proprietor ef Ihe abov well known Hotel. Cniin'ry Meichnnts will Pud the nbove Hotel a central locution, and the best of fare. Persons tra velling willi private conveyance will find a lame yard and cood (.tabling fol horses, mid the best of ostleis. Hoarding ft perdav. May 11th. IP 12. tf. ' HEILIO-IT fe, CO., Arr,rm .M (.'ominissiein cV. rorwnrditiii Merchants, Foot of Willow St reel Rail Road, eix Tin: IiflawaIif., nAVIN'fi associated w i h them Joseph Baruel, j late of Enston, Pa., re si ce tfnllv infoi m tin ir friends mid the public generally, that they hnvi ta ken th .t large nnd we! known store and wharf at foot of Willow Sire rt Railroad, lately occupie I by Jacob Martin, where they pit'pose lining a General ( 'oinmission and Forwanling Business, and fiom the local advantages of the place being connected wilh all the public improvements that have their outlet in the city, they (latter themselves they will j be able to do business to as great, if not giealer ad l vantage, and upon as reasonable terms as any other j house, and the y assuie their friends thnt any con I signments made to them shall have their strict at : tentton, and no cxcilimis spaied to give enliic satis ! faction. j They me nlso prepared lo receive nnd forward i goods to any point on the De lawnre and I.eluch ' rivers, between Mauch Chunk, Eastern and Phila ! di l bin, via Delaware Division and Lehigh Can .Is; j also, to anv point on the Juniata liver, or North ! and West Branches of the Susquehanna via Sehiijl- kill and Luion, ur tho (hesapeakc and I i.le .iter Canals. For ihe accommodation of floats e .mlng or go- 1 iog via Siluivlkill and Union Canals, a Smonboat 1 will ha ki pi expressly for towing ho its from the I Si luii, iktti unitiiid to tlie Delaware an.l lack, which i will enable meichants to have iheir produie de'i l etr.l on the De'nwarp, and their goods i.l.ipp. d at 1 a savins of fit) to 7.ri per cent, o" the j rices fir h mlii p aeniss, with thise a.lvi.nt.ige they re ! sp. ctfully solicit a kheie of piitronaue. j W. IIE1L.MAN cV CO. I William Hi ilmnn, ) j William W. K. jte-, V loscph ll..rnel. 3 riu'a.l , .May 11, 1S1:J iy EOIiTON 8c CO. Cruc Till CoiuiHiss.ioii Mt i hani, For the Sae of Flour, (iruiu, Slid, e., c. i -iv.i-v,'.v JfTM7Vy;t Ur.V .-.-2Ti inform their frie nds and It, EsPECTFI'LLY he Merchants ge nerallv, that they have ta ken i hose I irge nnd cemimoiliou.s Wharvf r, w il li two j Doiks, no ith of ('hesnul str.it, on tl e D.liwire, i locether with the store No. I'J South halves, where thev would be pleased to re-ceive consign iiients of (iiain, Fle ur, Seed, Whiskey, Iron, Ac. Ac. Being also well prepared to forward all kiuels j of Merchandise by the- Schuy lkill and Union, or by the Cl.r.-apcukc nnJ Tide Wle r Canals, as low boats are ke pt expressly fol the purpose; of tjwing bonts by e i 'her route. Mere bants will pb-ise be paiticubir lo send llie ir eood.i destined by e ithe r canal-, to No. I'J South Wharves, between Market and Chcsnut streets, em the Delaware, with diiectiotis accompanying them which route they wish them to be hip e.l, fTj' Plaste r aiid Salt fur sale, al lb.' lowest mar ket price. BOLTON A C'). Match n,lH;3. No. 19 South Wharves. UOItl.EM' : tltTI.lt & SO., rArna m anut acturces, Lombard Strut, Jittlttmorc, II AVE constantly for sale, Printing Paper nf al, sizes and eiunlitics, Cap Writing Paper, ruled and plain, Letter Paper, white ami Hue, ruled and plain, Hanging Paper, fine and common, Enve lope Paper, do. do. medium, doub'e ciown, crown mid extra sized Wrapping efaj-ers, Coi.ued Medium and Royal Papeis, llo.ini I, liin.lcrs and Miaw Llox Boards, '1'issue Paier, and all aiticlcs in iheir line, whiih ihey will sell em dice.mmodaling tcruis. ILghcst price given f-.r old rags. ROUEKT CARTER A sON, March 10, 1in43. E!kton. Md CHrTSCLITE FCLICiH. VN arlic'e unequalled for cleuiiing ud giving a highly durable and most brilliant polish lo sil ver, (ierman Silver, Brass, Copper, lliilt.inia ware, Tin, St.el, Cuth ry, and for restoring the lubtre on varnished carriuges, Ac. TRV IT. Prepaied an.l sold at wholesale and retail, by the Susquehanna Chrysolite Pulith Company, Owcgn, Tioga county, N. Y. WM. FORSYTH, Agent for Northum'J, II. B. MASSER, Agent for Suubury. November 20th, 16 42. - 1'I.TLl f ihTnyt: i LAST MAKER, No. 71 Callowliill .Street, l'hilaeleljihia ("Three doers ubove Second. J SHOE Findings always kept on hand, which he offers for salt) on the loAe-t terns. Country Merchaiits arc particul uly to ( li. andjudga fui (lie niftlvcs. Pliiludelphia, Novenncr 13, 1812. ly. tMj;ji!;i;L..iJI.. Jl -1 ' .. G. W. & L. 2. 7A7L0?.. kFFER FOR SALE, nt the South East Cor 1 9 net of Fifth tmd Market Sireets, Fhiladel ;;ri Mens' Calf-skin Boots, stitched warranted, tlo do do pegged do Je elo do. Water proof, double soles nnd double uppers. do (all-skin do do nnd upper, do Heavy Wntrr Leather Boot, do do Neat do do. do High quarter Shoes, Calf-skin, do elo do Crockers do do nailed do Fine Monroes warranted do Kin do do elo do do do elo do Calf elo do Coarse do do do Sluirs do Fine do do Kip do do Calf and Seal Skin Pumps, do List Sock with and without aoles. elo Carpet do do do do Patent Warranted Water-proof Moccasins. Ladies' do do do do Ladies' tanned India Rubber shnrs. Gentlcmrns' do Over shoes. Willi every other description of hoots and shoes. Fur Caps of every description. Travelling Trunks of every description. Venetian Travelling Bags. Patent Gum Elastic Shoe Blacking. Bonnets eif nil kinds, Palm Leaf Hats. Philadelphia. N(W ember 13. 1S42. I v. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOKSEL LERS AND STATU i.M'.lis, No. lvi'i C'licsnut Street, below -Itlt, j riiila.ktlj.ltki. I f7"EEP constantly on hand a general assort- j rnent of Books anil Stationary ; comprising 'I'heolopical, Law, Medical, Olassienl. Miscellnne j ous and School flunks, Day Books, all sizes. Led- j tiers, do.. Family flihlcv, Pocket llibles, Writing j Papers, Wiapping Papers, Ac. Ac., which ihey of ; Icr at tho lowest prices to Country Merchant's Pre lesMionul Gk inlcmen, Teachers-, uud all others thai i may favor them with their custom. i'hiladclphia, Noiember 13, 1812. ly. .Tiitlincl Weaver V Son, RC1?E MAKERS & SUIT CHANDLERS. ! A'. 1 3 Ari Witter Street, l'liihiehlphia. It A V I, constantlv on hand, a general assort ment of Cordage, Seine Twine's, Ac, viz: i far 'el Ropes, Fishing Ropes, White Ropes, Mauil- i hi Ropes, Tow Lines for Canal Bonis. Also, n complete assoilmei.t eif Seino Twines, Ac, such as ' Hemp Slmil and Herring Twine, Best Patent Gill Net Twine, ('niton Slmd and Herrius Twice, Shoe Thread, Ac. Ac. Also, fled Cords, I'loiiah Lines, Halters, '1 laces. Cotton and Linen Carpet ('hams, Ac. all of which they will dispose of on irasonublc ti'ims. Philadelphia, November 13, 1812. ly. Jut ott I'l Isitiiith & Son. 1 EsPECTFI'LLY inform their friends and -I acipinintauccs generally that they still con tinue to keep at ihe old stand, No. 21 G North 3d slree t. Philadelphia, all V mils of Toll AC CO SMT1' AM' SFCAh'S, Which they will aril n the nue '. iKcoinuioilaiini. and reasons le terms, N. B. All eooils sold will be gu.n intce.1 ami nl! orders promptly attended to. Philadelphia, NevemtiC! 13, 1812. ly. Wholesale anil lU-tail Shoe, Ijonnet, and l'alm Leaf Hat Warehouse. So. CC Xorlh "d street, a fie doors ubove .trch, rhiluiltlihiit. A LSO Trunks, Carpet Bags and V alires, of ev JL. fry dceiiption, all of which he offers for sale on the most reasonable terms. Philaih l hia, November 13, 1S42. ly. J . W . S W A I N , rmhrellu ami l araseii iManiiliifiuicr. .Y. 3V Sooth '1'hinl ttrt-it, tiro door l,i low the Citit Hotel, Phiadilibia. COUNTRY Meichants and others lire solicited : to r x amine his assoitiaeiit he fore purchasing j elsewhere j Phila-'rlphia, November 11, !12. ly. j 1' . eSc A . 11 () V u r I) T ' s " I China, Cilass and Liverool Warehoiis-e, i So 101 Sorth Third tlrri f, third tt'ior btli w Vint ; ! VtniERK thry cniistmitly keep on blind a large '. assortment of China, Class nnd Liverpool' ' Wure. which thev will dispose of on the most rei- . s, manic terms. Philadelphia, November 13, T S IS. ly. i " TlllHilMLfS ClJLl'. j Mainifartnrer and liuportcr of Sail-; dlery, Uarehvare, S:c. j So. 6 South Third slriet. four donra btiotf Market Philudlliihia. I T" EEP constantly on hand a large anJ general ' assoriuie-iit Coach Lamps, Carriage Bands, I Axle Arms, Elipttc Sprinu. Pat.-nt I.e-allier. Ac Country Merchants and saddlers w ill be supplied at I nil times on the mest reasonable teims. They will find it to the ir advantage to call and examine his assortment before purchasing elsewhere. : Philadelphia, November 1.1. 1 S-12. I y. ULYXCIcFA I Wholesale Dealers in Foreivrn Hritish j and American Dry Hoods. j So. 10.1 Market treit, Philudtlphia. j OUNTRY Merchants, mid eithers can be sup- , idicd at all limes with an extensive assort- , mem of the nest anil most fashionable Gvod upon , the most reasonable terms. j Philadelphia, Novi-mttr 13, 1812. ly. 1 LW'uirBAUUOX, ! . . . . . , Olijioricrs anu leaiersin 1 oict-ll aim Domestic Hardware, No. 171 Notii Tninn Stiit, PHriii4i.riiiA. AX niERE their friends and ( ustomcrs will ulways find a large and general assortment of Foreign and Domestic Haidware, which they will sell at the lowest prices, I'hiledclphia, November 13, 1812. ly. I'.SIUWUCK, llANSLLL & COS. WHOLESALE DRY GOODS STORE. Ao. 10(1 l-y Market Street, 1'hila. (fietuw Fifth South side ) ALWAYS keep on hand a full and general as sortinent of Hosiery, Lace, and Fancy Goods, Country Merchants are respectfully request 3d to give them a call nnd examine for themselves. Philadelphia, November lVHijia ly. sriifufNc, coodIsTYo. No. las Market Street, Philadelphia. INVITE the attention of Country Merchants to their extensive assortment of Britith Frtfi.ch and American Dry Goods, which they oiler foi i,s!e on the nio'l reisousble terns. J't .owievlphia, Nuvtnibrt U, 1612. ly. WIMSLOW'S BAtSAM Or II ORK HOUND. A N uriparelleleil remedy for common Colds, Coughs, Asthma.Infiupnzn, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, mid all dispasesof the BrpaM and Lung, leading to consumption; composed of Ihe concen Irali'd virtues of Hore hound, flonsel, Blood Root, Liverwort lend several oilier vegetable substances. Prepared only by J. M. Wjnslow, Rochester, New Ve.lk. The innocence nnd universally admitted pectoral vittnes of the Herbs from which the Doham oj Itnrehotind is made, are loo grnerally known to re quire reconimenilation ; it is ihptefore only nccrssv ry to observe that this Medicine contains the whole of their Me'dicinnl properties, highly concentrated, and so happily combined with several other vege. table substances, as to render il the most speedy, mild and certain remedy, now in use, f.r the com plaints above mentioneel. The Balsam removes all imflammntion anil sore ncss of the Lungs, loosens tough visi.l phh-gm, en aiding the palirnt lo expectorate with case and free elom, nsVunges cough, relieve athmatic and diffi cult respiration, heals Ihe injured parts, opens the pores, and composes the disturbed nerves, nnd give strength lo the tender lungs, and thus produces a speedy nnd lasting cure. Isr.nATiTt nK is the rasf.st cuntr. is Ma. W'e aro not among that class of Editors who for a few dollar will, (at the expense of truth and fin nesty) "crack up" an article and bring it into rapid sale; neither me we willing to remain silent, after having tested the utility of an improvement or dis covery in science or int. Our readers will re'collcct wp told them we were unwedl wilh a sore tlnoat anJ violent Cold some few weeks ngo. Well, we pur chased two bottle's of WIN'sLOW'S BALSAM OF HOREHOUND, mid so sudden was the cure, that we forgot we evrr had a cold. Those who are afflicted, may try it upon our recommendation. Leieititim Ti le'nijdi. Feir sale by llh.MfV VOX I IIEIMER, Snnhur,', JACOB BRIGHT, Smhumberhmd. Also, by Drugiiists generally throughout the country, Q" Price, .M) cents peT bottle. August 1 llh', H 12. ly. ?c?. SALE. fTOR sale a small Farm, containing about one ' hundred nnd ten acres, more or ler-s, situate in Point township, Norihuml erland countv, about two miles nbove Noithuinbeil and, on the main road leading freim that place to Danville, adjoining lands of John l.eghou, Jesse (J. Hoilon mid others, now in the occupancy of Samuel Payne. About forty acres of sni.l tract are clean-el, and in gooel slat.- of cu'tivntion, on which there is a small burn erected. The property w ill be sold unreasonable tonus. For furllii r paiticulars, pe-isons are request ed lo applv to the fuI sciilv r. II. B. MASS F.R, Agent, Nov. 2Vth, IS 12. if Suiilmrv. Pa. V of U..F9 c3 OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. m:w kxc:l.M)OI. comiuxy. No. 'J!) Xeiitlt Water Street, I'liilit. TJT ANUFACTURERS nnd dealers in Oils of jjj every dcscripliein beiih for burning an.l miinufacturing purposes, which will be sold much lower than they can be procured elsewhere', nnd warranted in quality to equal any in the city. Any oil sold by the company not proving n icj re-senleil, may be ri tiinn-d without nny opense lo the pur chaser, ami the nieiin y w ill be re fuueh-d. The ir slock now r- store consists of the follow ing oils, viz : ao.UlSO gallons Winter Blenched Spcitn Uil, cooo do do Onloelcss Oil, 15,000 10,01)0 20,00(1 0000 1. 1,0(1(1 200 :ttt(i .10 e!o do elo do do Fail mid Spring Sperm Oil, inter Sea Elephant, elo Pressed Whale Oil, do Summer do elo ( 'e.inuion Whale til, 1 V... rn Is snpe'iioi .''ira 's Oil, elei I '. .I liiiuk Oil, do Ni ats Foot O.I, ii.-.hs t tiive Oil, r Tai n.-rV ' lil.e Q ',' This ( 'ntoo'iiiy a-' n im'iii! cr of Ve..s, , e tl- !-'ge.l in the C.nI Fislo rv, and J'.ii.iie r- may n'ly nl ail l.rui's l)il as pure as imported. upon eel Philadelphia I.I, 1 - 1 2 . I v . 3TcCA7-.X,A H HURSB, o .'. 1. i til Sc t;ii(l sf l td, ( CO II N Ml OK I I'OM H S A l.l.l.r.) Whi le they constantly ke e p on haiul a general nssortnie nt i f CLOTHS, CASDIXII-riT S, VISTINOS Anil a go i.t riiiitt i.J ,7V-'a " a sajn rior quality, which Ihey i, he r to dispose of upon tl.e most reasonat.le ti rms. 1 10UNTRY MERCHANTS and others will J lind it to the it advantage to c all and e xamine the ir stock before pure-basing i-sewhere. Philadelphia. Nov. fi, 1812. ly LIST OF BOOKS, t-1 a t a. u v ' lllll SAI.K ur A NTHON'S Classical Dictionary; Le rnprie r'a do.; Ainvvoith's do ; Cobb's do.; English and Ci-rnimi del ; Authou's Ca sar; Aulhon's Gran.mer; Anthen's Ciceio; Mail's Latin Reade r; Ogilby's do.; Anelievv's Latin Lessons; Donne gan's Lexicon; Fisk's (ire. k Exercises; Davie-s's Le gende i; (iraee.i Majura; Adams's Roman Antiquities; Piunock's (iol.Umith's I'ugliind; do. Greece; I.ycil's Elements of Geology; Mrs. Lincoln's Botany; Elements of Botany; Bridge's Alge bra; Porter's Rhetorical Rea ders; Emerson's (.ei'gruphy and History; Ohey's elo.; Parley' do.; Smith's ( iratnmer; Kirkhnm's ilo.; Kay's Readers; Cold's do.; Cedib's Arilhmetick; Pike's do.; Emerson's do.; Cobb's Spelling Books; Town's do.; Cobb's Table Books; Evangelical Fa mily Libiary; Cottage Bible-; Family do ; Collater al do.; Snjiill I'.o-lcs and Testamcv.is; Parker's Ex-etci-'t s on Composition; Fruit of the Spirit; Baxter's S .iui'ii Rest; Aini'rican Revolution; Mariyatt's No vel; Mrs. Phelps ein Chemistry; Iliad; Catechism eif American Laws; l.ette rson Natural Magic; Che mistry for Beginners; Lnghsh l. xerciscs adapted to Murray s drammcr; Sequel to lOinlcy s a tiiellin . ueieiK; .-Mile rican v lass in ok; uaoou s ciioolmas- , tcr's Asistanl; A great variety of Blank Books, Ac August 2H, JPt-13. ATTENTION, j . s i i i: v j i: s, 1 Ecjl.'I'.S TS the htleution of his country frii nd who a i e in want, to his verv huge utixk ..f Carpeting, Oil Oloihs, Mailings, Rugs, Bindings, Stair Rods, Ac, A r., that he has just opened, ul his warehouse's, No. 18 North 2d street, and No. 3 Church Alley, ne xt door to Christ Church, Phila elclphia " July 31, 1812. ly. SPAN1SII HIDES7 TANNERS' OIL AND LEATHER. D. K 1 H K P A T 11 1 0 K .fe S U N, No. 81, A'oiA Third ttntt, (BIT Wit MISHIT ASH Climsi'T 111(111,) PHILADELPHIA. T FAYE for aalea large and excellent assortment A A ol S;;ou'A Hides, Putna Kips, Tanners' Oil, 4c, at the lowest market prices, cither for evssh, in exchange for Leather, or upon credit. Consignments of Lealhar received for iele, 01 purchased at the highest maiket prices. (J"J Leather stoicd free of iha'ge, Apt.) 17, taVJ. ly