Sheriff's Sales. KY virtue of mindry writ of venditioni expo nas, iniii (I onl ofihe Court or Common Pleas of Northumberland county, lo nit directed, will he exposed lo puMic de, ot the house of Michael Krcim r, innkeeper, in the Hnrough f Milton, on Sainiilav the 7ih day of October next, at I o'clock, P. M., the following described proerty, iz: A certain tract or piece of land, illu:ita in Chilifquaque township, INor- thumlierlarid county, a.ljnining land of James Cameron-, Philip Foust, Philip Fullmer it nil Philip I-org, cdiitnining fifiy acre more or ls, neatly nil ct which i cleared, whoieon are erected a Iwo atory frame house, a fiame. hank ham, a waggon house, an orchard, a well of water, Ac. Seized, taken in execution, and to he fold a the property ol Daniel Hoatz. AUo: A certain tract or niece of liml situate in Chilisnuaque township, Northumberland county, adjoining land of Daniel Seider, Daniel Eckert, Jsmea I. Sanderson and others, coutainii.-g one hundred and ix ly acrea more or los, atout Ml) ncrea of which are cleared, where on are erected a one arid a half atnry frame dwelling house, and frame barn, a small orchard, A-c etc. Seized, taken in execution, and to he sold at the property of John P. G'ulick. Also: On Monday tlic Oihil.iv -of October next at 1 o'clock. P. M. at the homie of Jacob Kr;im, in the town of Shimokin, Coal township, Nonhumb' rland county, 3 con llgioua Iota of ground ailu te in the town of Sha tnokin aforesaid, mi part of said town hid out by John C. Hoyd, and marked in the general plan ttiirei.f No. 45, 40. and 47, containing each 28J feet front, and 190 feet back, fronting on Shamokin at reel on the west, and hounded on the east by Franklin street, on the youth liy Inde-iendence street, and en the north hy lot No. 44, whereon are erected large two atory frame il welling house and kitchen, a store room and counting house, a smoke hcu e, wa.-h house, and a frame atahle. fifSi Also: Three other contiguous -Mota of ground situate in the town ol Shamo. Vin aforesaid, and marked in the plan aforenaid No. Itl. 122 and 12:1, containing each 2SJ feet f-ont, and lU'Jj feet hark, hounded on the aiuth by Shakrspeai 'rect, on the nonh hy Independence etreet, east hy lot No. 121, and west hy Franklin atreet, whereon are erected a large foundry, ware room and pattern shop. Seized, taken in execution, and to he sold aa the property of Jitcoh Batr. toft Also: At tlie Court House in '-the borough of Suuhary, on Monday the Ifilh 3sy of October next, at 1 o'clock, P. M. a certain tract or piece of hind situate in Augu-ta town-hip, Northumberland countv, adjoining lands of Aaron Robins, a lot of Daniel Kel'er, land of John My. er. Mm, CI -tke and Peter Ovcrdorf, Jun'r., con twining thry acres tno e or less, about twenty acres of which are cleared, whireon are erected two log dwelling houses. There are also two welta of wa ter and some fruit treea on said preuii--. j- Seiifd, luken in execution, and to he solJ aa the property of Duncan Mvcr. FELIX M AUREtt, Sheriff. Sheriff Office, ? Sudbury, Sept. 1C. 1S43. $ OAKLEY'S Di:iM IMTlVi: SYItl'P. vTF-IIlE valuable properties of Oakley's Deptira. L live Syrup of Sarsapahlla, a a purifier of the tdood, i so well Vnown t. the public generally, that it is unnecessary to occupy much spare in set ting forth the advantages to be derived from its use ; wherever the medicine has once been intro- lu-ed, it takes precedence over all others : every i onelhat has taken it, have derived an signal bene- j results from it, th-vl it is recommrnded hy them with the u-mnst confidence. Physicians of j file Inchest standing hi the prof-.ion, prescril-e it to patients under tl.rir care ; containing tiothinu ilcl.terions, hut being composed nl the most mild, j yet ctTic K-ious ecetah'e mverials, it is off-red with confidence, as the cheapest ami most efficient pu- I tificr of the blood now known. The use of a few ' h.ittles, ejecially in the spring months, will be at I tended with a most decided improvement in the ge. I ncral strens-h of the system, era. lie 11H1.5 unv feeil- ! of disease thut may have been geueratrd, htiileii j gAing health and vigor to the body. For the cure ' of eti-rofuhi or Kings Evil, Khcumntism. Tetter, i I'inip'ies or eitiptiin of the Skin, While Swi lling, 1 F stula, (.'hionic Coiitfh Aslhnii, fir. The r,n- j in rous ci riifua'es in the possession of the siil si ri- i I er ai d his agents, from physicians and others, ure ) M.flVin t to tor. v nee the ofiissu-! j-eriorhy over all prepnratttina of Sarsipnnlla. I olll uliole-ale and retHil, hy the propnclor, CKOIJtiR V. OAKLF.V, North 5th ureet. Itea ding, Unka Comity, and to be had of thj following persons : In Korthumhrrlund Cnunh.W. B. Masser, Sunbury; I eland &. M-xel, McEeiuille ; 1). Krausee, Millon. 7n Union Ctmnti. J, Gt-arh irt, Scliusgrove ; A. Gut- lins. Miftliniiurg. Li Columbia Vvunty R. W. McUay, 'bh i igton. Reading. March 14, IS 13. Ma. Oaklki: I believe it the duty of every one to do whatever in their power lies, fur the bene fit of their fellow man, and having had po-ilive proof in mv own family, of the wouderful properliea of your Depurativo Syrup of Saisapnrilla, I m-at recommend it to the afflicted. We had the misfortune, to lose two of our children, hy the breaking out of ulcerous tores that covered the face, head and neck, although we had some of the most scientific physicians lo attend tin m and had tried all the known lemadiea, including Swaims' Panacea, without avail. Another of my chilJren was attacked in the same manner, her face and neck was completely covered; the discharge t0 offensive, and the. disease at such a li.',g'n, that we despaired of her life. Seeing t,v wonderful eir.-cla of your Depurative Syny,, Gf B.asaparilU, wa were induced to make ;r',a f j,, M the Ul icanrt ; it acted hke a cr.arm ; the ulcers iinmeuced healing jnime'Jliieyt a f, w fconi, entirely relored her to he.itth, which ahe hss enjoyed unintetiuptedly er kince. As a purifier of the hlod, I veiily be. )i v it hua not ila equal, JOHN MOYER. Tailor, v ainui stret-t, near t ourtu, Heading. Deuglarsvilie, April 19th, 1843. Ma. Oikikt: My son Edmund Leaf, had the scrofula in tho moat dreadful and distressing man ner for three years, dunng which time he waa de prived of the ue of his limbs, his ha nl and neck wcr covered with ulcer. We tri-d all the diiTer ent remediia, but to no i ffi-ct, until recommended hv Dr. Johnson of Nonistown, and also Dr. I.iac U letter, of Heading, to uae your Depuialiva Syiup cf K.irsaparilU, of which I obtained seveial bottlt-a, the uae of which d-ove the ditea-e entin ly out of ilia system, the sore heiled up, and the child waa restored to perfect health, which ho has enjoyed uninterruptedly ever tinee, to t'10 at mishmtnt of many peiaona who seen him duiing hit affliction, I have thought it my duty, and send you thit certi ficate that oil era who have a like affliction in the family may know where to obia n s valuable niediiine. Your, trulc. AMELIA D. LEAP. fepl. 16, 1SJ3 !y IS hereby given to all persona interested in the questiora Tor trial, and the distribution of the proceed of the sales of John If. Cowden's ea:ate, in the Couit of Common Plena of fnion county, to arpear, if they think proper, on the sec nd Tuesday of November term next nflVio said eouit, when thev may be heard in llio premises, Hv the court. WM. ROSHOXO. New n. rlin, Sept. 10. 1843. fiu Prrtfi'y. 7"AS STOLEIT. S the niiilit of the 30lh ult., a pnunisaory note of thirty. five dollars, dated Juno 7th. payable to the subscriber ninety days after date, and sisned by Joseph Wallace, All persona are hereby cautioned against purchasing sa:d note. MOSES DINE. Northumberland, Sept. 4. 1813 3t. To the t't(l7.riiM of Sunbury A T the last stated meeting of the "Washington Fire Company, it was Hrtolral, Thnt the citizen of Sunbury be noti fied to call nt the Stute House, on Monday evening the 2d of Octo' er next, and aay whether the money contributed by them for the purpose of purchn-ing a bell, shall be refunded, or judiciously expended by the company. A non-attendance of the citizens will be considered a willingness on their part, that the money bo appropriatnl to the uo of the conu pany. As a boll is considered :i useless article, and the amount of money collected insufficient to an swer the purpose, we have come to tho conclusion not to purchase 01. e. Hy order of the company. JACOU YOrNGMAX. Sept. 9th, 1S43. 3t. Secretary. TY A K E NOTICE that the subscriber, on the 5 h I. day ol Septemb.-r inst., pure haacd ofSo.m n Eckert the following personal property, viz i One bay mare, saddlo an 1 bridle; and that he has left the raid properly in the possession of the said Solo. , 1'.Lir( nn li.un unfit fits li v.m.i.'a ' " r-' " " the same. It is he'd hy him, and in no other way, of which the public may lake nnlic.- Scrt. 9'h. 1S43 3t. CEO. ECKERT. NOTICE TO TIIJ3 PUBLIC. NOTICE is hereby civen, that the Ho..ks of the NORTH HRANCII CAN A I. COM PAN V" will be opened on Wednesday the 20lh day of September inst., at 2 o'clock, P. M at the Pine, nix Hotel in Wilkesharre, Pa., when the under signed. Commissioner under the law for that pur. pose enacted, will attend to leccive auhscriptioiia for Stock of said Company. UEO.'M.HOI.EF.NIHCK, CHESTER HUTI.ER. WII.UAM HANCOCK. JOHN N. CONYNtHIAM, SAMCEI. HOI.T.XND. CEOKGE V. STEELE, ARKK'K MALI.EKY. September 3th, 1813. 4t SOME timo l ist week, by the sabsi-riber, on the Centre Turnpike, let ween his residenco and the Tulpehocken R a-l, in Augusta township, Nor h umlieibnl county, A fAHi C'll il.V, about 9 or 10 feel long. The finder of the same will confer a favor by returning it to the owner, AI515AIIAM RUCH, Aitinisia. Sept. Cd, is 13. 3t "I S hereby civen, to all persons interested in tho estate of (Jenrge II ill. dee'd., that the undfri-igned wa late'y appointed by the Orphan' Court of Nurthunibfrl.ind county, an and tor to distiibute the balance of the account in the ban Is of the cir. cutor of g iid dee'd , to and among the peisonsrr. titled to receive it. Said auditor will attend at his office in Sunbuiy.on Tuesday t!ie2Glh day of Sep tember, for said purpose. CHARLES PLEASANTS, Sunburv. Sept. 2, 1P43. 4l Auditor. IS hereby civen to all persons interested in the estate of (Seorce Shiley, decM., tint the under sidled wis lately appointed by the Orphans' Court of Northumberland county, an auditor to audit the account of the admini-trttor of said estate. Said auditor will attend at Ilia office, in Sunlnrv, on Thursday the S81I1 day nt September, for said pur pose. ' CHARLES PLEASANTS, Sunbury, Sept. 2, 1KI3. 4t Auditor. VM:tv ol" Gi -so IOiir, sin-,, Iot:l. OTICE is htieby civen lo the heiia and leg il repri senlat ives of (ieorge Long, sen., of .'.u- gus'a township, Nnrlhumb rland county, deceased, that by virtue of a writ of partition and valuation, issued out of the Orphan' Cnuil of said county, to mo directed, an inquest will l u held at the late residence of a lid dec ca rd, in Augusta township on Friday the 6th day of October next, at 10 o' clock, A.M., for the purpose of making partition of, or to value and appraise the Real KKlate of said dr. ceased. FELIX M ACKER, 6(fW. SherifT Office, Sunbury. August 2G, 1813. J fit BN pursuanre of a certain wri i.auej out of the Court of Common Plea of the county of Nor thumlieiUnd.and to mo directed, there w ill he Kohl at public a de, on the premises, at II o'clock, A. M Tuesday the 19ih of September next, t'e I fe c. tate of John C. Hoyd, in the two following iirserib. ed tract ol land, situate in Rush, townnhip, in the said county of Xorthurrdieiljr0ua ofwhicli is bounded on the north by fa fa(t ,rjnrh of the River SusqueV.nnna. on t,e south by land ol Jacob Reed, &nil on tho ea.l and west by other lan' ,, jjjj J0uti C, lioyd, containine two hundred and fifty acre more or has, of which about two hundred and twenty five acre are cleared, and whereon are eiected a I rge dwelling h.uso, several emull tenant and nut-houses, two barns, and a stone gri-t mill ; and the oilier tract (being hill land) is bounded on the ninth, by the Danville Jt Dear Cap Turnpike Road, on the south by land of Nathan Pegtj, on the eai-l by other land of Mr. Iioyd, and on the west by land of Mr. Hall and others, containing one hundred and forty acres more or less, of w hich about eighty acres aie clear, ed and whereon ate erected a small tenant house and barn. To le sold us the property of said John C, Hoyd. by PETER LA7.ARCS. Sunbury, Aug. 26, 1813 41 Sequestrator. riHE subrrrdier otfera for tale, all thut lot or Jl piece of cround, situate on the West liranrh of the Susquehanna, in the borough of Noithum. Iierland, containing above five acres, whireon is erected, spacious brick buiMina, known by the I name of "The College," and lately lilted up for a j Crist Miil, with tWo pair of burr. The West 11 ranch Canal passe thionsh the same close to ! building. TheUurrs, Elevator. Uolting Cloth, pmui aiactiine, or any part of the lixture or ma. chinery.will tie ,ilj separate, or together with the building or lot. It would be a dc.irable situation for, and possesses many ndvantagea la a person desirous of establishing a foundry. 'or fuithcr paiticulara enquire of I. liRACTIt; AM, Truvtee f . Insuh Ch CHEAP CLOCXO. I. It HAT HAUr.AlXS FOIl CASH. rIIE atibscriber ha on hand, (left with him for JL sale,) a haudsonio assortment of elegant Itrutsj C'lOfitH, warranted Rood, which he is authorised to sell nl eight and nine dollars. The aame kind of clocks have been lately felling by Pedlars, from 20 to 'i?t dollar. Tlliv-o who want barca-nt should cdl soon. H. R. MASSE K. Simbiiry. Aimut 2fi, 1S13. I'omify TiTnnrcr. 7'o thn rdrrton nf yorlhumhrrhnd ('nun It: TELLOW CITIZENS: ThrouRli the solieila - lion of my friends, I have been induced to of fer myself aa a candidate for the ollicc of THKAsriiKK. Should 1 he go for'unate aa to be rtrclcd. I pted-je myself to discharge the duties of the oilier to the best of my ability. JOHN SJIIPE. Siinbuiy. Auutisit 12th, IS 13. (.onri nl CoiiiniliNoii .llert-liaiilN, A'o. 21 Commerce St., bi-tom 1'ith, PIIILADELPHIA, T'EEP constantly on hand Imported Segnrs, Urandic-i, Liquors, Ac, at the lowest prices, for cash, C.J. Wniir.iT. jr. U'jt, A. Jaxxf.t. August fih, 1813. Cm hat & c.w MAMTrA(rn:ni:i;s, South Knst corner of Market and lh tt.,. rhllatlclplilu, rF.SPECTFl'LLY inform the public that tbev will constantly keen on hand a larga assort ment of HaN, Caps and Furs, to suit tho fall trade, of the best quality, liy strict attention to busi ness, and by aellinn their stock at the lowest prices, they flattrr themselves in being able to cive entire satisfaction. August 5, 1st:) ly Tuiks s. s: 1 i tips Wholesale Cluck IXnhtisliment, No. H'J North Thir.l Street, rillLADELrillA, "IT 7 HERE is to be found the largest assortment ' ' of Clocks in the Cnited States, amoi.g w hich are Forrestville. Hill's (loo.liirll & Co, Atkins, Porter ct Co., Ives', liiewsters, and other Eight Day lliass ('links; C. Jerome' Uriatol Manufac turinff Company, Atkins, Porter A- Co., Hill's, (Joodrich iV t'o., Forrestville, 11. Welton's, and oilier Thirty Hour Hrass I'l a ks ; lioardman Welle', Ilopkin &. Alfred's, H. C, Smith's, and other Wood Clock. Sole Agent for Crane's celebrated Year and Month Chcks, as well aa several of the above men tioned. Al-o : Church and Hall Clocks. fjj1 Watchmakers, Men bants and others, will find it to their interest to call. Looking Classes manufactured. Philadelphia, Ausu.t 5. 1313. 3m rillll) subsciiber will sell oil' bis stink of lieavcr, l Russia and Uiush Hat, of the best quality, at very red uced prices. Sunbury,Aug. 6. 113. IL 11. MASSER. TO'iTlE WUOFNm I.AM) COUNTY. lELLOW CITIZENS: At the earnest sobci-- tatiou of many of my friends, I am induced to oiler myself as a candidate for the ollice of COUNTY THKASUKKIt. Should I be elected, I will endeavor to discharge the duties of the ollicc 10 the bet of mv ability. CHRISTIAN' HO WER. Sunbury, July CI.l, It 1 3. Cent 1 v Stieet, opjH'titc the Tows Hai.i., I'ottm r.i. .1. C. 1 K SSI Ci . 9 ESPECrCLI.LY annnunees to E V 'he travelling commiinilv (bat he b. taken the large anil splendid c.-lalr-hhmeiitr the Ijn iuvr. r. Ilor 1 1.. situa te.! at the corner oPCcntie and Callowhdl sheets, nearly opposite the Town 1 1 .til. in the borough ol PoltsMlle, which has been thoroughly repaired ami materially improved for the accommodation of visit 01s. The Hotel ii forty It. fi out on Centre st., and one hundred uinl thirty eicht ft. on Cailowbill, tin co stories hii;h ; it is admirably provided with Parlors, hting Rooms. Reading Roim, mid large niiy (Chambers the mo.-t spaciou-, plcasmt and conve nient D'ming Room in the country a new and su perior ll.i'h nj Establishment ; and every conve nience and comfort to render it in all respects a most desirable Hotel. No pai is or expense will be spareJ to furuUh the Table and liar with the best that this and the Philadelphia Markets afford ; and with a determi. nation to devote his entire personal attention to the comfort and accommodation of tho-e who may fa vor him with ( call : aided by active, careful and obliging beivants, he hopes to give general satis faction. PRIVATE FAMILIES, wishine to visit thia highly interesting and healthy Coal Region, will be provided with Parlor and Chambers, which he feel confident will please the most fatidiou-. (TJj- Tho Stabling attached, is large and well construed d, and superintended by experienced and attentive O.lers. Hoitcs and Carriages may be ha. I at any time to convey persona lo any pait of the coun' ry. Cfj- An Omnibus runs fiorn this Hotel daily to and from the Depot, lo meet the Car, for the nc coinmodation of persona travelling en the Road. No charg.- for omnibus fare to this Hotel. Pottsiille. J ily 8, 18 EL Cn corxTY tim: sum: 11. to tiii: r.f.FcTaiis or yonrm .v ni:iii. n cory rY. IELT.nW CITIZENS: I have been induced to oiler myself as a candidate for tho otlke of County Treasurer, at the coming election. Should you think me worthy of your support, and I should be so sue. cesrful as lo be tbcted, I will endeavor lo gie gen eral satisfaction to all who may be concerned. JOHN FARXSWOR I'll. Sunbury, June 21th, lrild. CITY I-' i ''kn it nt k A I C I 1 ( is, AND rillVATE SALES ROOMS, N'os. s0 and :u North Thiol Street, Near the City Hotel, PHILADELPHIA. C. MACKEY, Auctioneer, repcctful'v in- vilm the attention of persons desirous of pur chasing Finuituie, to hia extemtiva Sale Rooms, (both public and Piivale.) for every deiiplion of llousehold Fuinituie, win te can be obtained at all time, a Urce assortment of fashionable and well manufactured Cabinet Furniture, Ueda,, Ac, at very reduced pricea, for cash. 03" SuicB bv Auction, twice a week. May 27th. Isi3. ly lK;r i t iieHHir.s 'or gl ty Tsas itr 5 ('ounfrrri'llci-N DEATH BLOW. rPhe public will please observe that no llrandieth Pills are genuine, utiles the box has threo la bels upon it. (the top, the aire and the bottom) e h rontaintns a fic-simile signature of my hand writing, thus 1). UitiiiiKrii, M. D.These la. bel-aio engraved on steel, beautifully designed, and done at an expense of over f 2, 000. Then fore it will he seen that the only thing nrco-sary lo pro cure tho tnedti-ine in its purity, is to ohsoive these I ib. U. Kemembrr tho top, tho side, and the bottom. The following icspeclivc ponious am duly auhori zed, and hold CmTICATES Or AGENCY, For the sale of firandrrth'x Vegetable Universal I'M. Nortliiiuiheilaiiil countv : Millon Maekey ,V Clianil .-iliu. Siiiilniry H. 11. M.issrr. M'Ewena ville Ti i t uid S, Meivell. Norihuiii'.eil.iud Wm. Forsvlh. (Seorgctow 11 .1. V J. Wlla. Union County: New llerbn Hogar V Win. ler. (ieorge (iundiuiil. Mid.lle bittg Isaac Smith. Heaven own David lluldi-r. Adams-burg Win. .1. May. Mililinsbiiic Mcnseh ok Ray. Haitleton Diniel Lonit. Freebnrg F. O. Moyer. Lewinhtirg WhIIs fc (ireen. ('olumbia county : Danville E. H. Reynolds & Co. Herwiek Miumnn Ac R-ltenhouse. Cat tnwissa C. (5. llrobts. Hloornxburc John R. Moyer. Jetaey Town Levi Hisel. Wasbinclon Robt. MeCuv. Lime-tone lialliet iSt McNinrh. OIhcivc that each Acent haa an Engravid Cer tificate of Arciicv, containing a ieprr"ntalion of Dr lilt A NDRE TII'S Matnifu lory at Sing Sing, and upon whieh will a's.i be seen exact copies of the if." luticis lUiic used ujhhi (lit Drundnth J'ill Philidelphia, o.Tu-e No. S. North Slhslreet. II. DRANDRETII, M. D. June 2lt'i. 113. .1 Tliri'Nliius .11 ju HI lie lor Sale. T ;1HE subscriber offers f r sale a THRESHIXC! MAI'III.NE, new and in good ouhr. The Machine has been tried, and proves lo be an excel lent 0110 It will Im sold at a reduced price, and warranted. Apply to II. H. MASSER. July 1st. IS 13. Il.'ii'f, Andrews ,V .ll'Krvcr, Korwanlinu ami (itMicrnl I'rodnec COMMISSION .M VAW. 1 1 A NTS, Si cnutl M 'harf fdmre Niter St . mi the Delaware, V II I LADELPHIA. REFEREXCES: Henry Farnum .V Co. i.laivis, Trabue A: Curd, IJray. I! ireroft, A: (. l.miix-tl'c. Williamson, Huriuughs tieo. Luckey, cV ('0. eVCluk, I Cineinunli. j Eeki I. Spanc'er A -R agin I St. John Smith, Esq, Reed, uro. Ac I hotna', J 1 turtland. Rogers, Hrothers ,V t'o. Joseph Souther, Esq., W. R. Thompson eV ('o. Roleit Sieen fc Co. J. & J. R akert, Mulford & Alter, J. R. Wtbh. E q. Hon. Wm. Hitler, i Clearfield, Pa. I). Hendricks, SnnliiiTi, Pa. Phitadi lidiia R. Hum's, Esq. David R. Porter. Esq. Robert, Esq., Messia. J. iS: P. Martin, ! dersry Shore, Pa. llarriflmrg Wm. M'Krl'vy ot Co., Wm. K. Hollnnijle, Esq. I llUmisburg, Pa. Lewi Huilord, Es.p Walls &. Creen. Lancaster j Lcwhburg, Pa. Jones, Murphy iS: t'o. ' ... ... , u E. A. Brown fc lirother . P' W J.K. Moonhead. Esq. I Uek- Jlartn, Pa. ,7fi')nr.lSlctrett fc Potter, Morgan & Anderson, i Uwiituwn, Pa. lco. Piefbuiy, F.sq. Joseph Paxbin, Esq., St. l.onis. Columbia Co , Pa. June 3d, ISM. ly .Xo. ?) South idhtiri t, oppntilethe Ext hancc, IMIII.ADKI.I'IIIA, (Formerly if Ao. 70 Smith Sicond street.) Manufacturer of Improved ami Patent I'iie and Thief-proof Chet and Doors, Water and Pro Uion Ciiolers, and Fillerers, Rifiigera tor, Hoi-ting M ichines, cVc, &.C., K--f Stii.l continues lo 111 ike rt-'fHill'' v !;4,'-rl' ,'r-,l,'l WATER tool-fciiWuiS,- 'ip--.,i rs, ami 1'iherers, liefiiueta- the round and with improve best malenals jjS r'z i -" nii-iil, nl the ami woikmaii-,hip. (y.y Tho (.'lu-rts are iir.intil'actttred wiihnut pi ink of any description, of the best male al which is caku'ated to rcsi -t burcl i-a and heat as loi n as any inauufactiired ill the Cniicd States a trial ol which be is willing to mike with any other, pro vided the tri il be made of ibe..i already .1.1 to customers, and not manufactured for the express purpose of a trial. l'ureliasers ate iiivitcd lo call before purchiMiig elsewhere. CA UTIOX. All pcisoiia are cautioned :a lin-t making,', KelliuK 01 cjumii-; lo be -.old, any Keyhole cnvio fn Fire Proof Chesta or doors of any kind, hiinilar in roitsliiietioii to my p. -tent of July I Ptli, IN II, us they will bo dealt with at fold ing to the Patent L iw, M iy 27th, I R M. fun. Hover' s Ink. JOSEPH 13. HOVER, MaiHil'aeturer of Writinir ami Iitilulli h!e Ink, No. DKi North Third Strn-t, hix doors tii-lovv Rnce, (cai-t nidi-,) riULADEtrillA, 1 F.Spl'tl I'FI LLY iuloima country imnhants v und niheis, ilut he eoutanllv keeps on hand n large sli k of ii anperier lllack, Hliie i-ml Red Ink. nil. I 11 Uo a tu.eii r qildilyol liidilli'lo Ink. H a ink is nit up in b. ttl.-s varying in fir, from I toIIS ounces, mid Will be sold on rea-oiiaflii tuins. The ex tl'n t qualities f this Ink basso thoroughly cs!;.b!i-h-d its ch inu-i r, th it il is now extensively ued throughout ths- couuirv. For sale at tho store of H. H., Sun bury, Pa. May S7ih. IkM. ly IT. S. L-W?.S1TCJE, Agent for the Siil'' of Nmtthworth Manufac turing Ciiiiijiuny'ii SITMMIIOH W Ki riNd T VIM'.NS; 'iirchiiisc Nt. .'I Aliuur Sti'cci, PHILADELPHIA. rjlHE following kinds c. iist.oillv on hand, und for sU- to llie Trade at thu lowest maiket pnee : Fine tliiik Flat Caps, 12, II, und li I1 , blue anil while ; Estia super, ai.d slipeitu e rolio I'o.-ts, blue und white ; Extra super Pa, Let and Commercial posts, blue and white ; Extia super Linen Xote papeis, long ; do. broad; siiierliiie and fine Counting house Caps blue end white; Extra super Congress Cups anJ Letters, plain and m led, blue and white ; Supeiiiue French Posts, plain and ruled ; Su eifuie St imuli Cap and Post ; Supcifine and fine Cape and Posts, luted and plain, bluo and white, various qualilic and price. AUo lioi.url Hoard, Tusue, Envelope, Wrap pitisT, und II tr.laie papers, .c., Ac. May 27, 1813. Cm. BLANKS FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE, Cabin c t-31 ak i n g (..A'cu- I'sf.ihlifiliiiiciil.) WILLIAM EOOTEP. "f ESPECTFCLLY informs the eiti.ena of Siinbmy and vicinity, that he haa recently commenced the CA MX KT-JIA K IN C a HIJS1N KSS, in nil ir branches in Maiket street, Sunbury, im mediately below the post oilier, where he will be tea ly lo receive ami execute nil orders in the line of hta bmines ', with promptness and despatch, and in the best style and manner. Hi price will be low, in aecoidaiii-e with the times, 0 Lumber and Country Produce taken in Ex change. May 27th 1813. Cm L 0 IT GLlS Y' 3 4.1 r;U estt-ni Imlhtii lnnao:i, ( "on i st mtlt'tj eiilirely of Vegetiiblt! SiiKstatioes : Pre Culititl mid nil other Mineral. For the history of this medicine, and its unrivalled and truly surprising success and popular ity, see large bills I is recommended as a ceneral r.tithartic for family 11-c in dyspepsia and nil bilious di-ea- m-i:, it is iuv tillable for Asthma it is considered a specific, no caso having yet occurred which it has faibd to cure for common c.Ms, inflammatory din-a-es. rheumatism, aflcclinn of the liver, vScc, and foi females, it is a safe and excellent lemedy. CEHTIFICATE, From Dr. Silas West, of Rin'tauiiton, y. Y. Mr. I.ormby Dear Sir: 1 have u-ed your Cieat West rn Indian Panacea in my family, and have 1 repeatedly precribcd il for patients under my care, and am satisfied that it is alwav a rale, and in vi ry many cases 1111 invaluable nudicinc. It opera'es as a laxative without nausea, or pain ; and while it ef fectually obviates costivenesa acts upon the stomach and liver aa an alterative, correcting acidity, and re storing the hi allhy condition of those orzans. Very respectfully yours, S. WEST. Forsaleby JOHN W. FRILIXC, Sunbury, JACOB HRIGHT, Northumberland. May 20ih. 1813. ly CIIAHLKS V. 1IKC.INS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SUNBURY, PA. eAS taken the office formeily occupied by the Hon. t 'hailca G. Donm I, opposite the (!ourt House. He will attend to business in the Courts of Northumberland, Union and Columbia counties. May 20th, 1P43. T aters, " ESPECTFCLLY inbirm the citizen of tlie - norough of Norlhumbcilaiid, and ila vicinity, that he ha commenced the Tailoring IJusiins, in a'l i's vaiious branches, in the ahoji formerly occupied hy Henry S. Thomas, directly opposite Forsyth's store. Aa he receive tho New York and Philadelphia Fashion qunterly, he is enabled to do all jobs entrusted to him, after the neatest and latest aiyle, and upon theshoitest notice. Northumberland, Apiil C2d, 1813. ly 1 ESPEOTFULLY informs thecitizena of Sun- bury and its vicinity, that he has taken the ollice formerly occupied by Dr. John Peal, where he will be happy to receive call in the line of his profi-s-.ion. April 22d, 1813. Daniel Yariek, BLASE51XTH, BEOS leave to inform the citizens of Sunbury ar.d ila vicinity, that he ha commenced the nisACKSMiTinxc., ill Market street, Sunbury, east of John Hogar' store, and directly opposite the pot.1 office, where he intends to cany on tlie business in all its various brain bes, including. Turning, Making Mill Irons und F.liptir Springs, Ironing Carriages, with Fx trmiiiil or Standing topr. Shoeing Horses, c. Orders w ill be promptly and punctually attended to, and woik done cheap, for cash or country pro. duee. (ty Hoifc Shoeing done at $ 1 per sett. Sunburv, April Iftth, IKM. Cm oot & S h o c H 3 r I i 11 It v i 11 , EsPECTFL'LLY inforrn.-i his frinds and old customers, that he has removed hi iui('i sum: i:sT.nusiiMi:.XT to the frame building adjoining hi dwelling house, belwet 11 that and Dr. I). T. Tiilc' olfice, a few doors we.-t of his t ld c-tal bhliiio lit, ill Maikit sticel. where he intends to carry on the above business extenivt ly, I 'l nil its various branches. Ileiiig ll.apkful for pl .t favors, he los,by strict rtttt ntioii to hiiMiii ss und liberal charges, to give general saMi-faetion ; mid that be will continue to re ceive a liberal idi irc of public pationaje, April Mb, ISM. I'. . I.. 11 Iff, Thankful for past fa. 1011, n .'-ret tlullv ititorin, the inliabitanta ot i-miibury und coiin'ry arournl, that tie I as, to . en his residence and otlice in maik- t street, in (be east end of the building ocrup cd by John Hot-ur's stoie. white he will be happy to wait Upon all who fa vor Into with tin ir calls. Sunbury, A phi Kl, I Si t. fim fi v it 1- gi- .I m 111 1-111 :t 11 S. S t 11. FIIIE su'tscii er heieby It f-rin the public, that I they huve euteretl itit-i partner. !iip, in the DIjACKSMITHINO business, wh'cli wil bo carried on at the oil st.itiil in Sunbury, under the linn of '-liiorue Ztmtn. nntn V Son," where they will coiidml the I u ine-s in all its various brain hcs, including 'l'ui-n-in:;. Mu'ung .Mil bona, hji.hj Carriagis, Wur iog iirsfi, ,e. Onh-ts will be promptly and puiic iuallv btti'iidid to, and woik done chtap, lor csah or country produce. jtj" f-hot utg done at one dollar per sell. (i FORCE Zll ME II MAN, J. H. ZIMMERMAN. Sonbu-v, Mirth I 1th, IS-13. ?i.?s71TS?.0-HI?e 'PHE subseiiU r, I aviin; enteicd into a partner l khip in the pracliie ol the law, will be happy lo attend to all business eiitru.ted to tip ir care. Collection w ill be promptly attended lo. They may always le found at their olfice, in Market stuel, Sunbury, formerly occupied by Wui. Dcwait, dev'd.. a a aloie-rouiu. WILLIAM L. DEW ART, CHAKLES J. UKl'NEK. Suubuiy, Feb. 4 ill. IHIU. ly. Fritlt i upi ot RtlSE OlN "f'MEXT. leceivej ar.d foi sale l y 11. II. MAS9EH. Nov. lUlh, 1812. HATTER, -TERY r ESPECTFL'LLY lea leave to in, y fotnt Ins customers, and the public generally, thai he alill continuni the HATTINO BUSINESS, in all its vaiioti branches, in the shop nearly oppo site the Duck Tavern, formerly occupied bv Hen ry Haas and himself, under the fiim of II ma cV. Driickemiller, hMcIi firm h i been mutually vcd. Ho hiqes. by his long experience in the at'ovj business, and strict attention thereto, to lender gen eral satisfaction, and receive 1 liberal share of pub lic pntrennge. 15th, 1S42. ly. MERCHANTS HOUSE, So. ?:$7, Sorth Third, above Cuttowhill St., PHILADELPHIA. "H OIIN IjL'NCAN, late from the Pennrvlva ilia Fjiinrr, nnd Samuel Pike, jr., lalo of A merican Hold, (odumbus, Ohio, ttdte plensure in ac quaintiiig the'r fiends at d the pjt.'- """riliv that thry have taken the br- r i " 11a Hotel, leeenily built by II ! : , on ti - sar.te site once oei opted by tho ol ' c . t . : d Hotel known 1 the BuU'a Head, in 1 1,.: 1 : - . t above Callow hill at. This Hotel is fiiiisl t d io th t .ry best possible manner, hud of the hot materin'. Ita locuason is very dcsiiah', -ar'ieularly f r euornry merchants ; the arrnngemerits for hcatii.g and -ventilating each room is such as to secure any 'enpeinture. The bedrooms are all light nnd airy, -ol 'urnihej in a neat style, so as to in.uie toinfort. The rereiviug parlors arc nl-o fun ishe I in a su perb style, the windows are on the Frei eh style, forming an entrance o a balcony in front, wlinli mtikes 1 pleasant Piottcidai attention Iibs been given to the beds n' ' b .di. g, which, v.'ua the furniture, are entirely i-- f rom years' experience n ' trust, by strii t assiduity to bus oef house a dcairahlo stopp-n.' place. )V -always I supplied with the virv beat our ina k. t can all'ord, and our bar w ith the best liquora and wines of the most approved brands. P. S. There are first rote stabling ranii; houses attached lu the hotel, tttrnded by ca c lil and sol-er honiler. und our charges will be l, in accord inee with the present hatd times. Philadelphia, Oct. 7lh. SM'2. UNION HOTEL, . Central Stage Ojce,) mu "ia.T raj Z2 ar 9 LYCOMING COUNTY, IVnnsj It aula. TIHE Siib.-criber respectfully informs his friend L and tho public in general, that ho haa taken the above, LAUGH AM) COMMODIOUS HOTE L, I N T II E II O R O i; G H O F M V N C Y, and that he i now well prepared to rtccommod ltd all who may favor him with their custom. Hie Slkki-ino Afartm cmti are well a'uc l,.aiij comfortable. Iln Tinir vn Dan will always be supplied with the best theniaiket can all'ord. Hia SiiHLivo, which is good, will la under the charge of good and careful hostler. He f els confident, by strict ntu-ntion to Kleins. -6, and an earnest desire to render coiiifoitable tho.-a who may patronize hint, that he will not fail toiiiVd general .alisfattion. II. U. WEA EIL Munev, Oct. 1st, 1S-P2. If. Dr. D. T. Tl'ill'S, Respectfully infor.nstbe citizen of Sunbury und vicinity, that he das re moved his office to the bud. ling lately occupied bv ieorge liriuht, in market street, Sut.bury, where he may be found at all hours, uulcos profcosioiiuliy engaged. DR. TK1TES returns h's sincere thank for thai encouragement lie has iiCiHed, in the line if h profession, in this place, and tru.-ti, by prompt atj lentiou to the duties of his prou-ssiou, und rejsoti I able charg' s, that ho will coo.iiaio ta uci.v.- e. ! liberal idiuie of the public patron tig?. Sunbury, Hi. I nt, 184 2 tf. Dr. I. XV. IVal bc . Ii-avc to tci: kr hi gtate. , lul ikii,uv!cdgiiit-u: 10 tin-peoj !e of Sualiuty ' and siiiroun.linji cuiinliy, fu I'.'nr p t f titvurigf ) meet in the I. in f ' - ; c- -; - .-i I T.-ulii f.t ihestimo t'.li'e an-ou.tce :'" siill ii. ! tends to ciiitnvje tle practice ,.f u lt. . 11 lis various it- par'.mi nt. lie woiM. ititret.m, so.icii a contiini ilice of tln-.r m ' 'core and patm-aiie. He mav be lotiid ' -tin ofl'.te, at the north enst corner i f .-..d Der suects, unb ss profes-ions.'v -Sunburv, Oct. 1st. DK. J. N. SUAIlnER, SURGSON DENTIST, I.) l'.SPEC TFl'LLY ii.rorni the public that ho ' has nude Northiimbetland hi ptimanviit place of ii-t.i.!ei;fe. and is leady to Bttelid to any ' c.ilis in the line of his profession. I July 2. 1SI2. ly. : . THE rillLAULLrilll, PEl)lG AND POTTSVIU? RAU. BOAD. I (rtfxih 4-e-A? f" 'lli V Jl l I SC.M M Lit AURAf i Ei ENT. Change of J lours. Os i-n AriiH SiTt ainT, Aeait. I, 1S43, The pas.ii.gcr liains will have at the following hours : Philadelphia und Pi ttnille. From Philiidilplii.i, at ' A.M. ) n,;i From Pt.ttsv.lle, . al 6? A.M. S 1 II0U1S of .ailing JUaditig. For Pot-kvi!le, at UJ A. M. n , For Phila.lclphia, ot 1 A.M. S ' Hoth tiaius pa-s at Poltsiown. '1'he down tiain hieakfists at Keading, and the up traiu at Noriis. low 11, for which li uiinu'es ie allowed at each, station. K S. Ilclwecn Pottsville fi Philadt. J3.50 Ai J2.50 llitMceu h'ealiug A do. 2,25 & 1,75 Itetvveen do cV Pottsville, 1,40 & 1,00 Em asm I'm k 1 is 1.000 roa iitcdii Kiir 11I. Iletwea-n Vnttsville I'hiladtlphia, ft Uetwren Keadiiig .V do. 3 Pi) Oelwren do. X Pottsville, X l0 All the train will stop lor way pasengei at the usual point. jjT All paa-cngei are requetej to prottlte thnr lukrt before lli tiain itait. May 1, SU. Il J Noiihumbt'flanJ, August It), lH43.-if, MJ July l ts3. H II MASS Eli.