i. i"7tT It A X K X o t 1: rnsvi.T.i. The following list show ihe current vn!w of .dl innij Ivni.ia Bank N.itt. Tim mot implicit re- s.rce may be placed upon it. s il i r.rrry i -rrr '"cfully compared with ai d Corrected from LI k ..til' Reporter. Hunks In riillndclsli(. , !'! i Piiutn. psr . far par . jvir par . par par . par par jmr par "NOTES AT TAR. flunk of North America . 3nr,k of the Northern Liboitie . I'ninrr.rrr! Hunk of I'ciinV . , ('aimers' and Mechanic' Butik . vnnsiuglon Bank . i'liilidel hi Bank . . 'iluivlt.ill Bank . Soiuhwaik Dank . . Western Bank . , . Mechanics' Dank Manufacturers' & Mechanics' Bank Country l'miLs. Rank of Chester County W cstchcstcr par par par par iiir Jipr par Hank of Delaware County Hank of Ocrniiiiitown Hank of Mnntcomcry Co. I'oylcslown Bank Eastern Uiink Chester Oerinantown Noiristow n Doyh stown Kastnn Farmers' Hnnk of Burks co. Bristol i ifrre of Bank of Pciiti'n. OfT-ee do do ifTico do do Office do do NOTES AT Harrishurg These Lnneaati r I ofTlccs Rending f do not Easlon J issue ri. I) IS CO INT. Rank of the United States riiiiM.uiphia sr. pur 13.11 . par Rank of Ponn Township t-irard Bank Moyamcnsing Bank Bank of Pennsylvania Minora' Batik of Pottsville Bank of Lewtsiown Hf-tik rf Middled wn H:.nh of Nnrthuniherlnnd Columbia Bank & Bridge co. I'nrlisle Bank Exchange Bank prr Pot'sville l.PW'istoW 11 MiJ.lltli.vvn NorthumU'iland par Columbia Carlisle If Piltsbuig I Holhduvshurg 1 Do do branch of Farmers' Bank of Lnncastci Lancaster County Bunk farmers' Bunk of Reading tlarrisbutg Bank I-mcasicr Bank Lebanon Bank Merchant' & Manuf Batik Bank of Pittsburg West Branrh Bunk Wyoming Bank Northampton Bank ".eik County Bank Oiliee of Bank of V. S. Do do i'o Do do do KenrinBton Sav. Ins. A Pi nn Tuwnship Sav. Ins. fiarik of Ohamhcrr-hnrg uf.k of Gettysburg tbmk of Su.-quchnnns Co. Erie Bunk Farmers' Ar Drovers' Bank Frnnkliti Bank llnriradale Batik MonotiL'uhcli Bank of B. V'ork Bank Lnncastci $ Lancaster S Reading j Hnirisburg 1 Lancaster j Lebanon lj Pittsburg 1 rittsbutg 1 Wiiliamsport :-'ft Wikeslnne 3 Allentown Reading VO Pittsburg fail, d Erie do New Brighton do do do Chanihersburg f!an. Gettysburg Montrose Eiio Wriyripshu'g WaHliinnton KohomIuIk Brownsville Yoik lati u N. U, The note of thnne hanks on which we 'mil quotations, and substitute a dn-h ( ) are not purcliUKcd by the Philadelphia brokers, wiih the rxceptiun of thoso which have a letter of r lirnice. BROKEN BANKS. Philadelphia Sav. Ins. Philadelphia failed I'hiludrlphia Loan Co. do fail d Schuylkill Sav. Ins. ' do f.iiled Munuol Labor Bank (T. V Dyott, prop.) failed Inwand Bank ' Towanda 80a63 .'.ilef'l.any Bank of Pa. Mir !: of Beaver I J ni V. of Sn alara ''iitik of WashingtoH Cetitrc Batik City Bank Parmer cc Mei h'cs' Bank '.'airiicrs' &. Mcch'ca' Bank Kanncra' & Mcch'ca'lUai.k Harmony Inniluto I'uutingdor. Bank luninta Batik jliinlerineTrR Bank Northern Bank of Pa. New Hope Del, Bridge Co. .Yoithtimh'd Union Col. Bit, North Wwti rn Batik of Pa. dtiiic of fitnilKill Bunk i'u. Ae.r. & Manuf. iiank Si'ver I., ike Bunk I'n on Bank of Pcnn'a. estirioiciuiid Bank VVilketharre liiidgc Co. Bedford Beaver Ilnrrisburg Wn-ihingtoit Belb foulc Pittsling PiMsburj Payette co. (ireciicat'e llauiiohv lluntint;iluli lewinioivn Varit n Dunduir New Hope Milieu Meadtille Port Cuibon CurlUle Moiitn.se Uniuiitown no .ilc cliTi d clofivl f.iile.l cle.Kcd lio sale fiil-d f.nl.,1 filled no me no ule n n s ilo faded lio sale ched lio ale ClllMll fuil.d cloned fuiled eluded (reeiial urg W'llkt barre noiale Qp' All tiutcs pui oitiiit! to be on any Pennsyl vania Bank not given in (he above lint, may be set down km fraud. m:v ji:iisi:v. Bar.k of New Biunswiik HiiiiiMviik l'clvidcre Mcdtord Penh Allibny liridt;elin failed 1 par U pvr par 4 failed Helvideic Bunk liuihngton (-'o. Bank ('uinnierciiil Bunk Cuiiil.crl.ind Bank runners' Dank Muiint J lolly l ailiicia and Mevhnnict.' Bk Bat.vvay I'liioicrk' and Mecbunio.' l!k N. Baintvviik t'armera' and M-rchnrit' Bk A'ldJ!tovvn Pt. Prankiiii lii k o! N. J. Jerrey Ci'y failed failed tailed tailed lulled U tutlid i par no tale 1 Il.iboki n BI-iivV tiiaving Co Jersey City Bank Mtchanua' Bank Maijufacturer' Bank Miinid Ccut.'y Eji.k Mii.nicutli Bk 1 1 N.J. VrchsniiV Bui.k Mechanic' and Manuf. Bk Mortis Canal und likg Co Po?t Nolea Newark Bkg & Ins Co New Hope Del Bri.lte Co N. J. -MunufuC. ai.d Bli! Co lUbokeu Jciary t i'y Patteuoii B.llrullc Murrtitow ii rrtvh"M Newaik Treiiton Jcrey City Newark l.amdeitkville 1 failed failed H t :i. i lloliokiu N J Piutecton & Loud Drd I k Jersey City (.Irange Bunk ( trance - ItArl 1'eoples' Bank Princeton Bui.k ialein Batikil.g I'u State Bank State Bank Stute Bank Mate B ink of Morrik !-'tate Bunk Salem and l'hilad Manuf Cu Sussex Bank Trenton Banking i'o t'nhn Hunk Washington Lt.iking Co. do Princetmi lutein Newark I'lizalielhtown Caiiiden Morrivtown Trtntou S'uleni Newton 'Pieiiion Dover Hackenaaik i pur pur 4 4 par 4 fuiled failed Jar. par 4 faihd par par par par par par pir par par im:i.4vaiu; Bk rf7ilm& Hratulywinc Wi'mington Bank of I-!iw art Bank of Smyrna Do liar.th Wilmington Hmyrna M.IU.id parmera' Ek of rotate f D 1 Dover Wi'.ir.irton f o'viitio'.vn fv ..VC tolio V i:u,.i.bti.n Do U.iiK'ii Do I rani h Do lriitU Union Bar.k fTT Under .'a rry On ill lank. tra'Ud lhu () ihire are i tl.tr tounteift.it or l i.i note u iLt. v.iua dc i.jrz.anona, ia ciivuUuon. The hi si rrn thiol for fhc Aluliliov of Diarour it to c i Tfi.-e anil jitirifij the Hotly. wnuurr-s IMU.U vr.CKTAIIT.n PlM.fi or tup ."With jlmrrlcan Cfllrff vf lliallh, Arc now m knorv l.'.tge.l lobe i be best Medicine in i,( World f.r tlie cnr- of r. rnv vakiety or r.isrASR jSfer. CAUSE ihry cetiip'ctely cleat. c the Pto-i !i '(t ma h and bowels from tin sobillioOsnt.il cor- j rnpt humors which are the cause not only rf j Headache. Cid.'iiuss. Patpilntion of the Heirt, Ta;ns in the Ih rcs. Pbuimnt srn and Ootit. but I every tnr.ln.'v ir ei.ler.t to man. SAID INDIAN. VECETABI V. Pil.I.S are a cir nin cure f,.r in- j te-in'l'ci t, lemi'tcd, nervous, inflamslory and pii'rid ! I'f vers, lecice l! it cleanse i lie p.uly from thoe tnoihid humors, vv hi h, v hen Confined tothpciicu-h'tic-n. re ilie eae of till kinds of FEVERS. So, n'so. when the snmc impurity is deposited on the ; n rml'irvre and muscle, eius:n! puirts, iiiP.irnn- ', tions and swelling edict RHEUMATISM, CKl T, A c. Wriphi' Indian VccetnMe Pills may be relied m n a'wavs .ertain to fjive v lief, and if . persevered with, according to directions will mot ; assuredly, and without fail, make a perfect ctt e of j the above paiufi I n nl.idics. From three to six i f said Indian Vi peinh'e Pills taken every nicbl po. it g to bed, will io a short time so completely rid j the body from every thing that is opposed to health, j ll'dt Rliccmati'tr, Cinut. and p-iin of every iWrrp- 1 lion, will be P.ti rally DRIVEN PROM THE BO. j DY. For the mo reason, when, from sudden chapces of atn o-phcre, or aiiy other cause, the pei- sphntion is cbecki d, and the humors which should ! pa s oil' bv the sl.in nrc thn vvn inwardly, cansinc ! JlI.ADAt H r.. (ill)DI.M.SS, nausea and sick nes, fain In the b. ncs, wn'ery and ii flamed eves, sore throat, hoarscne s, coughs, consumptions, rheumatic pn!n in various parts of ihe body, and mniyoth-r svmptom of CATCHlNtS COLD, Wripil's Indian 'r?rtulc Pi'ls will itifnrial.lv give imnic.li te n lief. From three to six of uid Pills tnktn every tiiuht on going tn bid, will in a idiOil time, not ordy remove all il,e above iinpl. as int 2 syni turns, t ut the body wdl, in a abort lone, be ; rcr-tored to even sounder beahhiban hi'loro. ASTHMA, on DIFFICULTY OF BREATH- INfi. Wright's lurfinu Yturtutilt Vilis will loos- j en and carry i fT, by the stomach and boiveis, thorc j tough phlign.y humors, which stop up all the air j cells of the lungs, and are the cause, not only of the I above dislross.iig complaint, but w lit n neglected, j often terminates in that mo ediradlul malady called CONSl MPTION. It hou'd be also ieii.cmbei-d that Wright's Indian Veritable Pills are a ccttain cute for PAIN I N THE SIDE. Op,, r.s-ion, nau sea, and siekni s. In s of npprtire, costivenrsa. a yellow tinpe of ihe ikin ai.d eir. rnd tvery other symptom of a t. rpid or disesfed iate of the liver; became they purge from tlie body those impurilie which if di poitcd upon this important orRnn, are the cnrt'C of every vnricly tf LIVER COM PLAINT. Ul.n a nation is convulsed l y riot--, ou;bre;.ks and nbrllii.n. the only means of prevent ins '1-e dreadful Consequences of a CIVIL WAR, is to expel all trniiors, and evil disposed ones from the country. In like manner, vv hen pain or sick-lies- of any kind, indicate that the body is strug gling with inten ul foes, the true remedy ia to EX PEL ALL MORBID HUMORS. (Tiaiiots to I.eaMi end life.) Ihiilth will be the certain result. 'Hint the principle of curing ditcasc, by cle.iii-.ing and purifying the body, is Miictly in accordance with the laws which govern the animal ecouomv ; and if properly carried out by the use of the nbuve named WRKiHT'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS, will ceilainly result in the complete Al-o I'tion of DLeiisc ; we offer the following testimoni als, fiom person of the highest rc-pcclahiliiy in New Yoik, who have recently been cun d of the most ohr-hnnte con. plaints, solely by the use of Wmrnrr's hum VrsKTttiLit Pills, of the Xurti American Colli gr af Ilcu'th: Jam aica, L. I., June 9:h. 1811. Doctor Wil'iam Wright Dear Sir It is with great satisfaction I inform oii of ;.iy having l eu. entirely cured of Dyspepsia., of live years blaiidii g, by the U--C of your Imi Yimetahi.k I'ili.s. Previous to meeting with your celebruttd tn.di cine, I had bicu undi-r the bands of several PlrVfi ciulis, and had tried vmioti-. mi dit iocs ; but all to no etli-ct. After using one 2.'i cent box of jour Pills, however, I i jpi rieneed mi much I cr.elit, that I resolved to perseveie in ihe life of thi m aceoiilitii; todireetioi , which I run happy to Htetc, h-.s result ed in a p. itcct cure. Incratmidc to you for the (ireat hi in lit I have received, and ul o in ll.e hope that otlu ra similarly iilr.ict.il mpy I'Piinlu.eJ to i make trial of your t xiraotdimry miiliiiiie, I send you this ctutemtnt wiih full liberty to publish ih. same, if you think proper. Yours, Ac. New York, June 10, 1911. G.C. BLACK. Mr. Richard Dennis, agent for Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills. Dear Sir I have been afflicted for scleral years with inward wtnkness and general debility, nccom pnuird at times w iih pains in the tide and oltivr distressii g compIaiiKs. Aft. I having tred various medicines vv i'bout i ffi cl. I was persuaded by a friend to make trial cf Dr. Wiipht'a Indian Vecetable Pills, which I am happy to state, have relieved me in a mohl wi riderful iii.imn r. 1 have UM'd die me dicine, us yet but a thoit tune, and have no doubt, by a perseverance in the use of the uii.bci if aecor ding to diredioiis, th. t I khall in a hort time l e petfcclly te toie.l. I mot. willingly recommend said P.! to nllp-r-soii:- unoliiily i.liiii ted, and in ihe full bclieflh.it the ejinc 1 en f.ei ul remits v ill f.db.w tl cir us.-, I re main vou's -inct-rc-ly. HENRY A. FOOTE. Waiwarsing, Uls'er co. N. Y. Nw Yoiirx, Sept. y.i, 1 si -1 1 . I ht irtoiirt-fy thl I have ukt-d W'hioh i'b ltl ViMuuit Pin. with ihe greatest iKtne f.t ; havifc n'trely cured myself of the frcijiunt at laika ol Sick Htadaebe, to which I hud previously let ii subject. ANN MARIA THOMPSON, 3!i2 Greenwich trct. N. Y. To Mr. Richard D.nni., Agent for Wrijihl'i In diun Ycgetublc Pills. ('i i' ti o.y. A there are at ihia lime initny wicked persons busily rnpagetl in stl.n jj couutcifeii medicine un der the iihine of the Indian Vegetable Pills and as there dcfpcrule mi u are so utterly rerkles of con sequences, that many valuable lives may 1 b si in consequence of using their dreadful compounds, iha pubi c are cautioned against purcha-ing any Pill, suiil.ts on the tides of the boxis the following wording is found : RIGHT'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS. (Indian Purptitirf.) oi Tilt, south imi:hica!I ciiii.K.r or iiiinn. And a'se to be especially caieful against urcl.a sii'R said medicine of any person except Ihe regu lar advertised agent. AVEXTS roii XOHTltVMBtRLAXD C0, Pennsylvania. II. B. Mteser, Sunbiiry Wm. Forsyth, Nor thumbcrUtid Jacob Haas, Sliamokin Snmui I Herb, Mabonoy Byerly i D. Ha as, Auiusta I lioinai ri'ilmer, Milton Ireland V Meixill, MiEwciiivi'.le E K. P jer, Turbulsville James Rted, Pottsgrnvp M. Kluse, Snv di rslow ii II. II. Knreial, I'. M Elv.burg P. O. m. Li i-enrinf, P M, Union Corner. Office and OrnerHl Depart for the sale tf Wright'i Indian Yt:ct.!t Pi.'.'s. WhoUsulu and Pei .il. No. ICJ liAi'E Sf 6,E I', PHILADEL PHIA. Miv ;i, U3. ly 111) ROSE OINTMEN.T, l'oit ti-:tti:k. kinovoiims, riMptr on TtiK rrr., and omrn CI TANrtU'Sl J:Ht I'lHtNS. fjj" The fnlhin'ing crrfijico'r d'tn ilcs nnr nf the tnnst t.Ttranrdinary cures rvcr effected by any application. Piitt.uirtcH! , Pebruaty 10, lS'H. lOR twenty yea-s I was se-ereiv afflict. d with TlTTm on thn Fnee and Head: the disease commenrnl when I wis seventeen yearn old, and continued Until the Full of ISrtfi, varving in vio lence, hut without ever disappearing. During most of the time, ureal part of my f ice was covered with ihe eruption, frequently tvtctided with vio'ent itch ins ; my head swel'ed at times until il ft II a if it Would burst ibe swellin.: was so g e.it, that I cou'd scarcely get my hat on. During the lonRptrio.l that I was afflicted wi h the disease, I use.t a great many B plieaticn-. (ann ng them several celebrnled preparations) as w. II a takimt inward remedies, including a number of bottle of Straini' Ponarcn. Extract nf Sitrsiipurillii, tVe, In fact, ii w. uld be impossible to entimeia'e all the medicines I used. I was also under the care of two of ihe most dis tinguished physicians of lhi city, but without re ceiving much benefit, and I despaired of ever being cured. In the fall of ISM, the dica--e i.t the time being very violent, I commenced using the fo.r Ointment, (prepared by niphnn iV Davt.) In j a f. w ipplie-jtiona the violent itching censed, the j swelling nha'cd, the 1 ritption began to disappear, I and before I had used a jur the di-ease was rnlirelr I cntcd. It has now been tnat'v a vrar and a half I since, and there is not a ve-tige of tlie disease re maining, except the scars from the deep pits formed by the disease. Il is impossible for nip to drsi-rile in a oriifieate the severity of ihe disea.-e and my tiff ting, hill I wiil be pie .sol to give a fuller ac count to any person wauling further satisfaction, who will call on me. At the time I co r.mr i.ce.l using the R se Ointment I would have given hun dreds of do'lais lo be rid of the diicase. Since u s'ng it, I have recnmmemh d it to -event persons, (among tl.em my mother, who had the di-casn bad ly 011 her a.m.) who vv. re a I cured bv it. J AMES DURNELL, No. l.'iO, Race St. The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. 1). VaiuhtiP, Sowh Easi corner of Third and Race itre. l, Philadelphia, and sold on agency in Snnhu rv. bv H. B. MASS Ell, ' May 1-lih. lsn. fJ!l. EConc Ointment, for Tetter. A WOOF OF ITS F.l l'HWCV. Pun nn t.riti A, May 57lb, H:10. 'PHIS i-i to ciriily that 1 was severely a ill ctc.l wiih Tetter in Ihe hands and f. el for upwards of forty years ; the disease was attended generally with violent itch'ng and swelling. I applied to .1 iiumhi-rof 1 hvsici. ni. nnJ used a great many f.ppli ci'ioii wuh. i.t tlfecting a cure. About a y. nr since, I applied tie Rose Ointment, which entirely slopped ihe itch in. and a ft w applications immedi ately cured the divcase, which there has hi en no relu.-n of, although I had never been rid of it at any lime for futy years. RICH AI.D SAVAGE, Eleventh, below Spruce Street. rj' The Rose Ointment U prepared by E. B. Vatij.han. S mill East corner of Tbiid and Race Strci Is, Philadelphia, and sold on agency in Sunbii rv.by II.B. MASSEIl, ' May Mlh, yljfeW. MEDICAL AI-rnOEATlON OftbcliOSi: OI.TMi:.T,for Ttltir. LTHOUCI! the superiority of the prrpaiu'i. n over all others is fully ean'hlished, the pr 'prie tors lake pli nfure in laying before ihe public the following ccr'.ifica'e from a respectable physician, a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Batigb, having found in this remedy thai relief for a tedious and disagri cul.lo affection which the menus within the range of bis profession failed to afford, has not hesituti d to give il his approbation, although Ihe prejudices and ir.'erests of lhat profe-sion aie 1 ppoi-c.l to secret Remedies. PlIILALKLrillA, S. pt. 10, ISofi. I was recently troubled with a tedious herpetic eriipiit n. w! it h c e ed nearly one si V of my f .ce, all.! t xtel .!. d over ibe ear. Mr. Vuiiuhan. proprit tot of the Rom- ( ii.trr.enl, ohscivtng m l.ir . il:l--te.l on my tying bis preparation, of which he han ded n.c a jar. Alih.-iigh in cominoii with ihe inem beis it 1 1 1 v pr. fe-. ioii, I diseounti nanre Mid di-a-prove ot ibe numi r. us ni'sliums palmed upon the public by i. n..i ant r. t. u.l. r-, I f. el in jus ice bound loexrtpt the R. sc Oii.tmin; from iha' c'a-s of me dicines, und to ivc it my approbation, as il entire ly turrd ihe eruption, although il had resisted Ihe u-u.l u plication. DANE B.M GH.M. D. 03" The Rose Oii.tmeit is p'e;.r d l y E 1!. Vatighiin, Scuih En-t corner of Third ad Race Streets, Pfiilude'phia, and sold on ngi ncv in Sun btny.hy 11. B. M A-sEll, May Hth, IS 1:1. A;ent. fSiiiill aiul '1'ubacco Maiuilactuifrs, Yo. il'.l .vrtli Wist rormr of Race and Third Sim Is.' PHll.AliELPIIIA. r,HI undcr-igiie.l have formed a Co parlni rshi - under the firm of J. M A V LAN D J 11. cV Co.. a suci essors lo ihe late linn oC Jural) .Miiihmd Co.. nml will c. .nlii.ee the I un.ess ot ihe old ct:i 1 lislitnenl, on ll.e r ow n accoi.nt. In iidilirii-n to their own close attcnli.rtl and expf rience foi many yeais, in the manufacture of their cclVhruti d nii.ll' , &c, the long experience of the senior pailncr of the bile firm, w ill alo be devoted to the interest i f the new concent and ns no exertion and care w id be i pan . I lo insure their goods, at all limisof the ve ry best quality, Ihey solicit a conlii.uance of the confidence cf the fi.cnds and customers of ihp lule firm. THOMAS ADAMS, J. MA VI. AND, Jh. Philj.hlphia, May 11th, IS 13. ly HAGLS "j :au esi ra? ;sj I Vomeral Third and Viae Strt els, WiXLIAMSrOJlT, TA. tvvrrL. ...I .r.u - ,t I r 111111 nut uriiH-r r. Fjuciiiinv sniiouriei s 1.1 trie 1 public, lhat he In opened a Hotel in th com modious brick building nituate on the corner of Thin) and Pine streets, where he will be hHppv to wait rji.-n those who may favor him with their company. The Fugle Hotel is la'ge and Conveni ent, and furnished in the let lie dein st;c. J; i providc.l wiiti a huge n tmber of vmII niicd and Comfortable sleeping uparlmerM, rovtUD, private parlors, Ac. Pt .'iou visiting Wilhamsport on I u tincsf or p'ea-ure, may ic.t s-ur.d that every ex ertion will I e used to render iheir sojourn at the "Eagle Hot. I" pleasant and agreeable. His Table will be auppli. d with the very b. s the market af fords, and bis I ar wi ll the el. nicest wines and other liquois charges re -sol. al io. The Eagle Holt! potsesaca greater advantages in point of location than any other similar establishment in the borough, lieing situate in the business part of the town, and within convenient distance of the Court House and Williamsport and Etmira Rail Road Depot. Sufficient Stabling provided, and gooj and trusty ostler always in attendance. Attentive, accommodating and honest Servants have been insloved, tiiidnotl iiigl. fi undone that will add to the comfort and arcvmmodaiion of hi gurtis. There will be 0 carriage always in attendance at ihe Boat Landing to convey pasei (pr to and from the House, frm of rharga. CHARLES ECFROAYfe. .Miy U'.h, !5i!.-tf I.L .11.' 0 .wi m L ....j ,m ;y " t5 If A ex 1 S3 Tls JZ Xf.sCtsOaJ.'.k ATTOKNIl Y AT I. AW, GUITBURY. PA. Buslne? itlendcd to in the Counties of Nor ihnii'l erlund, Union. Lycoming and Columbia, tie fee tot Tiinvtv Haiit A. Co., Lowr.n fc BAtittoi. Hint, (li'MMtvni & HAflT. yP.'ilfuil. Rrtyot.n. Mc Fa 11 1. 5 11 A- Co SpF.iitxn, -"Soon cV Co., T Country " MERCHANTS. rPHE Subscriber, Agent of Lyon & Harris, Hut Manufictiirers, for New York, Philadelphia, Bultimnrn and rdher large cities, -xbos'! Huts are highly ciimmrnded lor iond culii and durability. has 00 hand a fir-t rale aswirlmnt of HA I'S and CA Ph. snit il le for Sprinp s de -, w!i eh will I p sold vi ry low, foi cash or appmve.l credit, at the m ted cheap f,tnrr, Ni. 40, Norili Th.rdatrc- t, oppisi'e the City Hotel, Philadelphia. ROBERT D. W ll.KINSON. Are;!. N. B. Outers for Hats in iherorip'i. promplly aitende I to. Tin highest rice in fi or trade given far I'nr v.-n. Philadelphia, June 11, 1SI3.--W A LI. persons indi bled fo the linn of Lyon A IIair:s, under the agency off). ,. Thaeher. ; and Cap Munxifacliirrm. No. 41) North Third, street, Philadelphia, are requested to make immedi ate settlement of lie ir n. counts wiih the subscriber, their legally n 11 1 1 n ) 1 i 7 e . 1 agent, who is fully rmpovv end to set lie and collect the account of said firm. ROBERT D. WILKINSON, June 4th, 1 S 12. If Agent. G O L DEN SWAN is :-.irsjr:R7:'MS w 'w, A. Oil Aorlh Third, ulmrc Arch Sheet, nilLADELPHIA. Arr OMMODAlIO.VS rou smt.ntv rrttsos. plIARLES WEISS, l.iteol ibe ' White Swnn,, and "Mount Vernon House," respectfully in forms his friends' and cnslcmers, lhat I c I as become the proprietor of the nhov well known Hotel. Cottn'ry Mcichants will fnd the above Hotel a centtal location, and the best cf fare. Persons Ira veiling with 1 rivnle conveyance will find a laigp yard and good tiuhlirig ftf horses, and the best of ostlers. Boarding fl pcrdav. May 1 lib. Ift ti..f. "7jr. HEILIAIT & SC., trMw r.TTT7 Coiiiiriissinn vc Forwnniint; .Mr rrliari's, Foot if U iHrtr Strut Rail Rtu.d, on Tnr. 1 r t. a w a n r , TTAVING ns'ocii.iid v i h the m Jo- eph Barnet. lileof P.isinn, P .., r. s; ettfolly inform their friends and the public pet erallv, ill it they have ti krntht large and wed known st.in- und wharf at foot of Willow Street Railroad, I .t. Iv ucenpiel by .Iricuh Martin, where lln v pu po-e d.ui.; a Gen. r-il Commission and Forivutding Bu-ities ', and f nni ihe local advantages of the pl..cc hi ing eimni cle.t with all ihe public improvements that have t!,.ir outlet in the city, they flutter lh niselvt;; 1 lit-v will be able to do business to as great, if not gicalei ad vantage, and upon as reasonable term as any other hoiia mid thev nssiire their friends that any con signments uiaile lu theni shall have their strict at tention, hint no exi ttioiis spate d to give ci.tiic salis fuction. 'Ph. y are also prepared lo receive and forward goods to any point on the 1). law. arc and Lehigh rivers l.etvvi 1 11 M Jiu-h f 'Lin k, Easton and I'l.ila ilel, bia, via Delaware Divisii n and Lehigh Can Is; also, to anv point 011 ibe Juniata river, or Nonh and Wisl I! nnrhes ol ibe Susquehanna via Schuyl kill and Union, or tho Chesapeake and Tide W.itei Canals. For ihe nceommod.ilion of Bonis coming or go ing via (Schuylkill and Union Canal, a Sie.uiboat will be to pt c-pre-sv fur towing boils from the Schuvjkili -around to the Del. nvare and back, which will en d ie meit hai.ls to have their produce deli vered on ibe De'aware, and their good l.ippid al .1 saving of fit) to 7" per cut. 00 the puces fr liaulii g tieross, with these advantage they re spectfully Solicit a shnie of palr.-nace. W. HE1LMAN A. CO, William Il.llmni, Wi Ilium W. K yse-, J. Is.pl. Barnet. Philad . May 1 1, I S13 ly EOLTON & CO. ;rit( i ;il Uiitltiissh:i Mei hiiiils, Ii.r the Sale if I luur, driiiu, bud, cr., .c. RESPECTFULLY inform their fri.nd and he Merchants generally, that they hae ta ken ihon' large and comnnalious W harvr s, irh two Dotk, lioittl of CI1.MH1I streel, on the D. hi ware, together w ith the sloie No. 10 South Wharves, where ihey would he pleased to receive consign ment of Grain, Flour, Seed, Whiskey, Iron. Ac. Ac Being also well prepared to forward all kinds of Merchandise by the Schuylkill mid Union, or by the Cl.c.-api ake an.l Ti le Water Canals, us tow boats are kept expressly foi ll.e purpose of towing boa's by t i bei route. Mcicbai.ts will ple.se be particular lo send their go. lis dcsiir.cd by either canals, t No. 10 South Wharves, between Mmket and Chesnut streets, on the Delaware, with diiceliori accompanying them which route ihey wish 1 he 111 to be shipped. Qj- Plaster and Suit for sale, at the lowest mar ket price. BOLTON A C. March 10, 18 PI. No. 1'J South Whuves. IlOHUllT IUT1.11 X SON, VATXlIi hanutacturehs, Lombard Strrtt, Itultimorr, HAVE constantly for sale, Printing Paper of al, sues and qualities, Cap Writing Paper, ruhd and plain. Letter Paper, white and Hue, ruled and plain, Hanging Pacr, fine and common, Envelope Paper, do. do. mcitit oi, doub'e crown, crown and cm sized Wrapping rupers. Colored Medium nml hoyal l apei, Bonmt, Bnulcr and Suavv Jsox Boards, Tissue Paper, and all articles in ihcir line, whith ihey will sell on accommodating terms. Highcet price given f .r old rags. ROBERT CARTER A- SON. March 10, IRPI. Elkton. M.I SHPZSCLITE PCLir,HT VN article unequalled for cleaning and giving highly durable and most brilliant polish lo sil ver, German Silver, Brass, Copper, Driltuiiia wure, 'Pin, Kb el. Cutlery, and for restoring the lustre oil vurnisheJ carriages, &.C. TRY IT. Prepared and t ihl at w holesale and retail, by the Susquehanna Chrysolite Polish Company, Owego, Tioj county, N. Y. WM. FORSYTH, Agent lor Northum'd, If. B. MASSE R, Agtnt for Sunbuty. November 20lh. 1642. LAST MAKER, No. 74 Callow!..!, Street, l'hilatlclphia (" Three dm.n ebovt Second. J CHOE Findings lvays kept on hnd, which hf offers for salt) on ll.e olct term. Country Merchant tre f r'.iculvrly to e ill mid judge for themselves . rhiltdeifhii, Novem."r 13, 1 64C. 1 v. C5-. V. &, L. 2. TATLCFk. OFFER FOR SALE, it the South East Cor tier of Fifth und Market Sheets, Philadel phia Mens' Calf-skin Bont,titched warranted, do do do pegged do do do do water proof, dull! In soles and double ttoocrt. do Culf-skin do do and upper, do Henvy Water Leather Bonis, do do Ncata do do. do High quarter Shoes, Calf-skin, do do do Croekers do do Fine Monroes warranted do nailed do Kip do do Calf do do Coarse do do do Shoes do Fine do do Kin 1)0 do do do do do do do Calf and Seal Skin Pumps, do List Socks with and without soles, do Carpet do do do do Patent Warranted Water-proof Moccasins. Ladies do do do do I, mil. 3' tanned India Rubber slims. Gentlemen' do Over shoes. With rvery other desctiption of hools and shoes. Fur Caps of every description. Travelling Trunks of every description. Venetian Travelling Bags. Patent Gum Elastic Shoe B'ackinir, Bonnets of all kinds, Pulm Leaf ll.it. Philadelphia. November EI. Is'-ll. le. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOKSEI. l.ERS AND STATIONERS, No. ClicMuit Street, licluw -ltli, Pliilmlulpiiia. EEP constantly on hntul a general assort ment of Books and Stationary ; comprising lbci.logic.il. Law, Medical, Classical. Miscellane ous and School Books, Day Books, all sizes. I.ecU ei r, do.. Family Bibles, Pocket Bibles, Writing Papers, Wrapping Papers, Ac, Ac, which ihey of fcr at the h. Acst prices to Country Merchant's Pro fessional Gv iitlemcn, Teachers, and all others that may favor them with their custom. Philadelphia. Nntember 1:1. 1812. ly. TlitlGUl Weaver A. Sou, norE makers & smr CHAryDtEnS. No. 13 Xarth Wuter Street. Philadetr.hiu. r. constantly on bainl, a generul nssort nu tit of Cordage, Seine 'I'vv ines, Ac, viz : 1 ar'd Roups, Fishing Rones. White Rot es. M.inil- ; la Ropes, 'i'ow Lines for Canal Bonis. Also, a complete assortment of S. inc Twines, Ac. such as Hemp Shad and Hi rring Twine, Best Patent (iill Net Twine, Cotlon Sliad and Ilening Twii p. Shoe Threads, vVe, Ac Also, Bed Coids, IM. ugh Line, Halters, Tra"ccs, Cotlnu and Linen Carpel Chains, At. all of whith they wiil dispose of 011 11 a.-mnul.le ti-tms. Philadelphia, November 1 3, 1 K42. ly. .Rldlh I't iMUIEtll Son. J 1 E.-PECT1ULLY informs lln ir fn. rids and - ncquaiutunces gc lerully lhat Ihey still con liuiie to keep at the old stand,. No. Sltj North 3d sired. Philadelphia, all i'li.ls of ToHACCO SM .' A.P SliCAHS. Which they will e.-ll n the rnji : uccoinmodutiin an.l ie-cs,.na le term. N. B. All goods sold wdl he gua. uiteed 1.111I all orders promptly stt. tided lo. Philadelphia, NeveinLci 13, 1 V. ?2T'S?a. SC1TCYS?.,"" Wholesale ami Retail Shoe, IJoimct, ami Palm Leaf Nat Warehouse. jVo. fiC Xurth "d treet, 11 fiw duals ubuve .licit, Philaiteldiia. A I.SO Ti links, ('ai pet Bags and Vulices, of ev try de.-ciiption, all of which he offers for sale 011 the most reasonable terms. Philadelphia, November 13, 18-12. 1 V. J. W. SWAIN, j Tnil-reHa ami Para si 1 Maiiiifartiirer. I An. U7 A001 "';? it tlerit. ttni dimrs Inlaw Ihe ('ill llult I, Piittdi liria. ClOl'NTRi Men hull! and others are soliciti d ; J to examine his assorli.u-rit hi fine purchasing Isevvhere ! Philadelphia. November 13, IS 12. ly. p . sc a . 11 o v o r I ) 'r s " , Cli!nn,( 'lass ami Liverpool Warehouse,! .Vo ltli Xurth Third utrrrt. third dunr In luiv Vine i itrat, Philtiiklphia. A A Til ERE they constii"J.y keep on hand a large j ' assorlment of ('hina, l.ifs and Liverpool ' Ware, w hich they will dispose of on the most iex- ' sonable terms. ! Philadelphia, November 13, 1812 ly. j -ni i:opi lus (tlp. ' I Maiiufaeturcr ami Importer of Sail-' tilery, llanlw arc, j .Yo. 5 Smith Third if reel, futir duorg below Murket ! Pliiliidi'lihia. I "fTT" EEP constantly on hand a lnrg and general ' 2t assorlment Coach Lamps, Carriai-e Bunds, i Axle Arms, elliptic Springs, Patent I .rather. Ac. : Country Merchants and saddler will be supplied at . nil time on the most reasonable) terms. Tiny will j find it to their advantage to c .ll and examine his assorlment before purchasing chckvLcre. j Philadelphia, November 13, 1812. ly. 1 iTi'i'NoiT)s McfVPvi.AN &To j Wholesale Dealers in Foreign Paitith ! ami American IVy CIooils. j .Vo. lOo Market ttrett, PhUnJilphia. CO ENTRY Merchants, and others can be sup plied at all times with an ext. nsivo s.v.it meut of thu oest and most fa.-hioii.iUc Goods upon the 1110M reasonable term. Phibnlelphit, Novemlcr 13. 1SIJ. ly. LOW till c l'AUPvON, -Importers ami Dealers in Foreign ami Domestic Hardware, No. 171 North Tmiri Strikt, riiinm-innA. ""1 fHEKE their friends and tustoraers will always ' find Urge and general a-soriment of Foreign and Domestic HuidAare, which they will si ll at the lowett price. Philedelphia, November 13, 1612. -ly. i ;sn i-: ulcK'rii a n s"h (;6ts7 WHOLESALE DRY GOODS STORE. No. 100 l-'-J Market Street, Phila. Below Fifth South tide ) k IAVAYS keep on hand full and genrral is ecrtment of Hosiery, Lace, and Fancy Goods, Country Merchant are respectfully request ij lo give them c.ll tnd examine for ihem elves. Philudtlphia. November 13, 18 IS ly. SPKUING, GOOD & CO. No. 13S Market Street, Philadelphia. INVITE the mention nf Country Mrrvhants ti their extensive orlment of Brilirh French tod American Dry Goods, which they erlirr for s.le on the mm I reusousbl term. rhiladelphu, Novcmt! 13, 1512. ly. WXCTSLOW'S BALSAM OT II O R E H Q?U N D . A N imparelleled remedy imparelleled remedy T.r common Colds, nlighs, A-thma,IiifliierifB, Whooping Cough, la Bronchitis, and all diers of the Breast and Loops. leiulintf to consumption; corrifmscd of Ibe concen trated viitues of llorehoiuul, Biirmit, liloi.d Root, Liverwort iind seveml other vegelable substances. Prepared lily by J. M. Winslow, Rochester, Neve Yoik. The innocence mid nniversallv admitted pectoral viilues of the Heibs fmm which the TiiiL-nm tJ llorthnvnd is marie, are too Rrnernlly known to re quire recommendation ; it is iheiefore only necessa. ry In observe that this Medicine contain the whole of their Medicinal properties, highly concentrated, and so happily con. Lined with several other vfRe. table substances, as to render it the most speedy, mild and certain remedy, itow in Use, f. r the com plaints above mentioned. The Balsam removes all imflutnmation nd sore Mess of ihe Lungs, loosen tough visid phlegm, eni aiding the patient lo expectorate with ease and free dom, nsstiici cough, relieves athmntic and diffi cult respiration, heuls the injured parts, opens the porps, mid composes the disturbed nerves, and gives sirenuth to the teiidet lung., and thu produces speedy and lasting cure. J.XHIt ATlTtllK ISTIIK BAStST CIMME IS M!. We are nol amoi g 1h.1l class of Editors who for a few dolla rs will. (it ihp expense of truth ami ho nesty) "crack tip" an article and brine it into rapid sale ; neither ate wp willing to remain silent, after having tested the utility of an itn rovement or dis covery in science or ait. Our readers will recollect we told them we were unwi II wiih a sore throat an.l violent Cold some few weeks nco. Well, we pur chased two bottles of WINSLOW'S BALSAM I'F HOREIIOI'ND, and so sudden was the cure, that we forgut wp ever had cold. Those who nre afflicted, may try it upon our recommendation. Lcujiitun T'li-graph. For sale by HENRY VOA'TIIEIMER, Sunhurt, JACOB BRIGHT, Xnrlh u 111 berland. Abo, by Drugcisl cener.illy Ihrotichout tlie country. (jj- Price, otl cmls per bollle. August Mill, lsl-j. ly. uk. BC aCL C?s J3.L-S. fOR sale a small Furm, conl iining about one hundred and ten acres, more or le s, situate in Point township. Nordiuml erlatnl cntintv, about two mil. s above Noill.umberl ind, on ihe main ron.l leading from ihut place to Danville, adjoining land, of John l.eghou, Jesse C. Ilor'on and 'others, now in the ocr tip'.ncy of Suinni I Pay ne. About lolly ncrrs of said liael nreelrand, and in good slat.- of ctl'tivaliori, 011 which Ibere is a small barn erect, d. The properly vv ili be sold on ri asonuble teims. For further paiticului, pel. -oris art- request ed tu a ply to the sul sciib. r. II. B. MASSSU, Agent, Nov. CTth. lf-la. tf Sunloiry. Pa. OP E ERV DESCRIPTION. ni:w i:.(;l.ni) oil co.mpanv. No. yt) Norll. Water Street, Phila. ANIFACI I "RERS and dealers in Oils of lrji every description both for burning and mainil'.ic'uriug purposes, which will be sold much lower thnn they can be procured elsewhere, and wurianled in quality to equal any in the city. Any oil sold by the company not proving as leprcsented, may be relumed without any expense to the pur ih iser, and ihe money w ill Ik refunded. Their slock now in store consists of the following oils, viz : yo.DKI gidlons Winter Bleached Spcinr 1 HI, CbUtl do do Clo, less Oil, 15,0110 1 0.000 SO.IlOO bono 1 ...IK.O do do do do do Fall and Sprini; sj,prni Oil, W inter !N a Idi nbant, do Pre .sc.! Whale Oil, Summer do do do ( '01010.111 Whale Oil, s sopeiinr Slra t )il, Cod Bunk Oil, N'r a's Foot Oil, )iivt Oil, r 2 'JO I) B .rrcl aon do f.o do j Cn-.k.s Tu 1 tier's ' 'iU j This Company ha a tiuiiii.cr of V c-c!s n- saaed ill the Cod Fishery, and Tanners may rely Upon getiini; al all tones Oil as pure as imported. Philadelphia, Nov. 13, S-1 ly. IcCAIiIjA & herse, Au .!, Noilli SkoihI slietf, (l oll 1. II or COOM b' 1 LLKT.) Wht re they constantly krep on hand a general assor'tnent of CLOTHS, CASSIMEKES, VESTINCS And a gret.t eoriiti ifarticn if a tuptrinr quality, which they flier to dispose of upon ll.e most lea.onalilc terms. COCYFRY MERCHANTS and other will f.i.d il to :loii a,!van'..gc In call and t-Aaiuine lluir stock before purchasing 1 l.-evvho;e. Philadelphia. Nov. f., lSli ly LIST OF BOOKS" ou silk 11 r VN'l'IION'S Classical Dictionary, I.empritr' do.; Ainsworth's do ; Col.b'a do.; English and Oeiinaii do.; Antl.oi.'s ChMir; Anlhon's (irainmer; Amheii's Ciccio; Mail's I. a i 1 1 Reddei; Ogill y's do.; Andiew' J .a 1 it t Less-ns; I. nnegau's Lexicon; Fisk's Gre. k Emcises; Davies't Leecuder; Grace Mujoru; Ail, nut's Roman Antiquitier; Pinnock' Goldsmith's lli pl .nil; do. Gnece; 1. veil's Ehmcnt i t Geology; M.s. Lincoln's Botany; Elements of Botany; Bridge' Algebra; Porter's Rhetoiical Rea ders; Emirsoii'a Geography and History; Obey' do ; Purity's do.; Smith's tirammei; Kiikham's do.; Ka' Reader-'; ("obi's do.; Cobb' Arithmetics; Pike'e do.; Eimrson's do.; Cobb's Spi lling Books; Town's do.; Cuhb't Tuhle Books; Evangelical Fa mily Libiary; Collage Bible-; Family do; Collater al do.; Small Bible and Testaments; Purket's Ex-eici-es on Composition; Fruit of ihe Spirit; Baxter' S .iui'. Rcsi; American Revolution; Marry att's No v. If; Mr. Phelps en Cbcmisttv ; Iliad; Cutcchii-m of American Law.; 1 erterson Natural Magic; Che mistry for Begiunei-; English Evcicists adapted 10 Murray's Grammer; Seqiu I to Coiulcy'a Spelling Book; Am. man Class Book; Daholl's Scholirt.ss ici's A.-ist.inl; A 2 real variety of Blank Books, Ar. August 58, HP.'. ATTENTION .1 . SI 11 1: V J o us, 1 Evjl.ESi'S the altei.tion of hi country fin mis - who nre in want, to his very l ugs wotk of Carpeting, Oil Cloths, Mailings, Rugs, Bindings, Stuit Rods, Ac, cVc, that he has just opened, st his warehouses. No. 18 North 2d street, and No. 3 Church Alley, next door to Christ Church, Phila dcVhia. July 31. ISPs'. ly. spaniYh hides. TANNEUS' OIL AND LEATHER, I. K 1 H K P A T 11 1 C K iSc SO N, No. 51. Xorth Third ttrttt, (iiTwrrj Mr.r itrn cutiKt'T iinriT,) PHILADELPHIA. T T AVE for sale Urge and excellent assortment of Spauikh ll.dcs, Paina Kip, Tcnnrri' Oil, Jte., l the lowest miket prices, eiil.f r for cash, ia exchange for Leaiher, or upon credit. Consignment of Leather received for t!, 01 purchased st the highest rcaikei price. ZJ Lvther noted free of tin g, Ap: IV, Hlo.- ly