fob th amuiic. Dnnofjry of Ton). At large nil J respectable meeting oftlie Demo cratic citir.' n of Cml township, Northumberland county, assembled on the 4th of Septemlier, puru nt to a previous notice, it the School House in the tow n of Shamukin, S. S. BIRD Esq. wascslU f J to the chnir, ami Jon K. Rontva appointed Secretary. The object of ttic mooting being stated by ihe chairman, and the appointment of a com mittee on resolution moved, the chnir appointed Messrs. VVm. Fagclcy, 8, Bitlcnbcndcr and J. Zimmerman said committee, w ho after retiring a short lime reported the folluw'ng, which were u tianimously adopted : Whereas, we, a citizens of the United State, do considtr it the duty as well aa privilege of every qualified citizen to exercise the elcrtivo franchise iiidependrnt of party, at all elections fur public officers j hut, in performing that duty, we cannot i gic our support to the present nominee for the ' Assembly, because we bclievo there are other equal- ly capable men in our county, that will serve if elected, who arc not tr.immi lied with pirty preju- j dice and it is from such mrn that we can most reasonably expect iinpnrliiil Initiation for the good of the whole communiiy, instead of a party. There fore csidred. That we recommend to the voteis of Northumberland county, our fellow townsman, KIMBER CLEAVER, as n candidate for assem bly at the ensuing election, he being a nun of a bility, good moral character, and industrious bu-i-r.esa habits, and fiee ftom violent parly prejudice. This we speak from experience of several year.' ac quaintance with Mr. Cleaver, as a citizen of our pi a re. litsolred. That we give Kiniher ('leaver our support at the polls, and use evpry honorable mean; in our power to ensure his election. Resolctd, That the proceedings of this meeting be signed by the presiding offiecrs, and published in the newspapers of the county. S. S. BIRD, President. J. K. Robins, Secretary. A Gallery lmlred. It is t itcd that the pictures ) in the Palace of Versailles would, if they were all placed side by side, reach five miles ! U AT.TIMOIt K M tKKKT, .'fflcr nfthe Uki rwonK A m f. n i c a ' , Sept. 4. FLOUR. Small sale of Western Flour at f I 7'i. (J RAIN. The receipts of Wheat were Very light on Saturday and to day. Sales of good to prime Md. and Va. reds sold at 101 ets. Several small parcels of family flour white Wheats were sold at 103 a 110 ets. Tlnee parrels of Pa. red have been r-torcd. The demand for Corn is very limited to dav. Mil. Rye is worth 52 ets. Sales of Oats al 21 a 23 ct. WHISKEY. The demand is very limited. We quote hhds. at 21 els. and bbls. at 05 ets, Rkaoxs why the Tlrandretli Vegetable Vn'i. rersnl Pills are epf cislly adapted to thii climate : No care required in using (hem. No change or diet. The body less liable to take cold when under their influence than at any other time. May l taken morning, noon, or night, with a certainly of good results; that is, provided they o ierate freely upon ibe bowels. Aa cath irtie they are the mo-t mild and invig. orating medicine that can possibly be administered. t.'auiion. No Iliug Store has the ie iiuiue llran. dretb Pills sor sale. I Masser, Sunbury or of Q-j- Pnrch se of II. II agents publishtd in another part of this paper. .w .i n it i k n , On Tuesday. the2!llh nil. by the Rev. John P. Hudson. Mr. I 'in H I. is Cahii. to Miss ElI7. Hi;. i-rt. both of Rush tomiship.Nnrth'd. co. j On Thursday ibe 31 -t tilt, by ihe Rev. John Halt, Mr. Johi D. Piitkii, of Orangeville, to 11 1 v ii Lr n, of l)an ille. i i -Jn.Z S7CLE1T, ! tN tho night of the 30th ull., a prmniss iry note of thirty-live dollars, dated June ?th. 1S13, payable to ihe subscri!er ninety day after ' Hale, ami fig lied l.y Joseph v all. ice. All p rsoin are he chy cautioned g ainst purchasing sa d note. MOSES II IN E. Norihumber'and. Sept. 4, 181331. To the till.t'iisi of SunlMiry. T the last siatcj meeiing of the Wabhingtot) ; Fire Company, il was j Hcmli td, That the cilii-en of Sunbury be noti ' fied to call nt the State House, on Monday evening ! the 2d of Octolr next, and say whether the money ; contributed by them for the purpose of purchasing j a hell, shall I refunded, or judiciously expended by ; the company. A non-attendance of the citizens will be considered a willingness on their part, that the money be appropriate! to the use of the com. party. As a hell is considered a useless article, and the amount of money collected insulllcient t an. wer the purpose, w have come lo .'. conclusion not to purchase one. Uy nrd-f f ,il(, company. JAt.Oli YOUNGMAN. Sept. Oih, lSi3 3i. Secretary. a .a ? a; rii .n s - rp AKE NOTICE that the kubsCrihcr, on the 5:li i. day ol September Inst., purchased of Solomon tlckert the following ersnn property, i : One bay iae, saddle and bridle; and that he has left (tie raid properly in tha possession of the said Solo, mon Eekerl on 1on until his pleasure lo rrmove the same, (t is he'd by him, and in no other way, c.f which the public may take notic . Sept. Uih. 1843 3t. GEO. ECKERT. notice: to tku public. TTOTICB i-i hereby given, that the Uo .ks of the NORTH BRANCH CANAL COM. PAN Y will he opened nn Wednesday the 20th day of S. pit mber inst , al 2 o'clock. P. M., at (be Plia'. nix Hotel in Wilketbarrp, Pa., when the under- aigned, Comrn;isioners under the taw for lhat pur. pose enacted, will attend to leceive cubtcriptions for Stock of sid Cumphuy. iEO. M. HOLLENRACK, CHESTER BUTLER, WILLIAM HANCOCK. JOHN x. CONY NO II AM, SAMUEL HOLLAND. GEORGE P. STEELE. GARRICK MALLERY. ' Fti Kinbcr 9 h, 113. It Til U It I ! I; Hit. JtrVENII.IJ DEPARTMENT. Answer to enigma of last week. FAtnirrt. irk thk worst' or a, im-t Til G KISSFSOF A tJUXr AttF. DKCKtTrt't, GEOGRAPHIC L KNIGMA8. I. I am composed oft wcniy-five letters. My 2, 13, 11, 10, is a mountain in North America. My 13. 2. 4, 13 is a river in lh United Slates. My 20, 15.7, 12,sarivcr in Mexico. My fi, 9, 12, 1 1, is a ripe on tho coast of Ibe U. S. My (5,7,4,5, I, is a rivei in Georgia. My 21. 13, 1,1,9 14, is a county in Penu'a. My 13, 10, 1, 2, 11. 15, 13, is a lake in the U. 8. My whole is a prevailing epidemic. II. I am composed of twenty seven letters. My 17,9, 7, 17, 20, is a county in Georgia. My 20, C, 9. 20, 8, 5, is an island east of Malacca. My 9, 3, 21, is a sea west of Arabia. My 5, 6, 20,27, is an island south of Connecticut. My 3. 9, 17, 1 3, is a hike in the II. S. My 20, 3, 27, . 6, is a liver in S. America. My 21, 0, 11, 15, 9, is a sirait between England and Franc. My whole is a beautiful i l.inl. " lMUCl. ITUIIKXT. Corrected weekly In I tenry Yoxlhrimer. j Wheat, . ... (,.- j KtK, . . . . . 50 i Cnnv, to j Oits, . 25 ' Pohr, 5 I FtAxsFr.n, ... . loo, - . . . 10 ' lines wax, .... 25 I Tallow, .... 10 1 Dhikii Aepi.r.s, . . - 75 Do. Puciu.s, . . Ctin ! Flat, ... s j Hkcklkii ful, . . 10 El. OS, ------ ft LOST. " SOME time last week, by the subscriber, on the Centra Turnpike, between his residence and the Tulpchocken R. a l, in Augusta township, Nor li uinlcilaiiJ county, 1 lAHi CllilV, almut 0 or 10 feet lone. The finder of the same will confer a favor by returning it to the owner, A11I1AIIAM RI CH, Augusta. -Sept. 2d. 18(3. 3t "I S hereby civpn, to all persons interested in the A estate of (ieiirge llill.dee'd., that the under-icned was late'y appointed by the Orphans' Court of Xonhumbeilanil county, an and tor to distribire the of the account in the hands oftlie exe cutors of said dec'tl., to and among the persons en tilled to receive il. Said auditor will attend nt his office in Sunbury, on Tuesday Ihc26lh day of Sep tetnU'T, for said purp se. CHARLES PLEASANTS, Sunbnrv. Sept. 2, 1813. lr Amlitur. TS herebv civen to all riersons intere.-tcd in the estate of tieorge Sliiley. dee'd , thit the under ( sinned vtw lately apKintcd by the Orphans' Court of Northumbeibind county, an auditor to audit the account of the or nf said estate. Said j auditor will attend at his olfiee, in Sunbury, on I Thursdny the 28th day ot September, for said pur I pose. CHARLES PLEAS N TS, ! Sunbury, 2, 1813 4t Amlitur , Ksttif c l CSroi c Lnir.', stir., lc M. I "TO TICE is hereby civen to the heiis and letj il representatives of (icntge Long, sen., of Au gusta towi ship, Northumlx rland countv, deceased, I thai by virtue of a writ nf partition and v dilation, j issued out ot the Orphans Court of aid county, I to me directed, an inqiicM will le hi Id at the late residence of siid dee, n ed. in Augusta tnviisbii on Fridav the Oih day of Orlob. r next, at 10 I ..I... I, 1 M 1 .. ll.rt ., ......... .Li, .r. ,.f or to value and appraise thn Real Estate of said do. ceased. FELIX MAURER, Sheriff. Shcritl a Ollice, Sunburv, Au-u-t 20, HI 3. $ fit PI islm: sin:. IN pursuance of a certain writ i-sned out of the Court of Common Pleas of the county of Nor I lui ml in I jn.l . and lo me d recti d, there will be sold nt public sale, on Ihe premises, al 11 o'clock, A. M., Tuesday the l!hhof September next, the I fe es. tire of John C. lloyd, in the two follow ing descrilK ed tracts of land, situate in Rush township, in Ihe said county of Norihii'i be hind one of which is bounded on the north bv the nonh east branch of J the River Susquehanna, on the south by land of : Jacob Rent, and on the east and west by other , hnd of said John C. Boyd, containing two hundred and fifiv crcj more or less, of which about two hu ndred and twenty five acres are cleared, and i whereon are erected a Urge dwelling house, several I small tenant and oul-houses, two barns, and a j stone prist mill ; anJ the other tract (being bill land) is bounded on the north by the Danville A I Bear Gap Turnpike Road, on the south by land ; of Nathan Pcgg. on the cat by other land of Mr. iioyj, aim on tne west, ny unil o Mr. Mall ar,u others, containing one hundred and forty acres 1 more or lcs, of which about ci',y acres are clear, j ed and w hereon arc er;ctej tm3 tenant house i and b'rn. ' TiJ re sold as the property of said John C. i Boyd, by PETER LAZARUS, I Sunbury, Aug. Ufi, IS 13. 41 S qucstratu: i (iRF.AT IIAUC AINS FOIl CAII. . fltllE auhseriber his nn hand, (left with him for L sale,) a handsome assottment of elegant lliass C'lockK, warranted good, which he is authorised lo si II at eight and nine dollars. Thn same kind c.f clocks have been lately telling by Pedlars, from 20 lo "J: dollar. Those who want barga in should c!l soon. H. B. MASSER. Sunbury, August CO, 1813. fllHE subscriber otters for sate, all that lot or 1. piece uf ground, situate on the West Brai ch nf the Susquehanna, in the borough of Norlhum. tierland, containing ab ive five acres, when on is erecteJ, a spacious brick building, known by ihe name of "The College," and lately filled up for a Grist Mill, with two pair cf burrs. The West Branch Canal passe through Ihc same close lo the building. The Burrs, Elevator, Bolting Cloth, Smut Machine, or any part of the fixture or ma. chinery, will lie sold separate, or together with the building or tot. It would 1 a desirable situation for, and possisses many advantage to a person desirou of establishing a foundry. For further particular enquire of D. BRAUTIGAM, Trustee for loaiah Chapman. Northumberland, Augutt I'J, 1813. tf. rUBLIC SALE. be sold at public vendue, on Saturday y Y 'he 0th dav of September next, on Ibe pre mises, Iwo certain trials o f hind, belonging to ibe estate of Benjamin Taj-lor, dee'd., situaln in Sha ntokin township, Norlhumlrcrlaiiil county, one theteof containing twenty acrea more or less, anil tho other containing nine acre more or less both in a high stale of cultivation. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., of said dav, when the conditions will be made known by SAMUEL FURMAN, Adin'r.' Miainokin, Augut 19th, 1813 3t. Comity Treasurer. To thn Electors of Xorlhiimln rlnnd County: ;i'll,()V CITIZENS .Through the solieila ' tion of my friends, I have been Induced to of fer myself as a candidate for the office of Should 1 be an fortunate ns to le elected, 1 pledge mvself to discharge ihc duties of Ihe nltice In the best of my ability. JOHN SHIPE. Sunbury, August )2th, 1813. JXITITET, (.ritcrnl oinmissioii 1Hi limits, AVi. 21 Commerce St., Inline I'ith, rillliADELriHA, T"EEP constantly on hand Imported Srcars, Dranuiu, i .tquors, vc, at Hie lowest prices. for cash, C.J. Woi.nF.riT. jr. Wm. A. Jassf.t. Aucusl 5ih, 1813. fim AiixivTv it tiv i 1 1 at vV cap MAM!i(;Tn;i:i:s. Smith I'.nst corner of Marl ct ami th sts., lMill:ilrli1ila, 1 RESPECTFULLY inform the public that Ihev ' will con-lant'y keep on hsnd a largs assint ment of Hals. (tnps and Furs, to suit the fall trade, of the be-t quality. Ily strict attention to busi ness, and by selling their slock at the lowest priees, they (latter themselves in heinii ab'e to give entire satisfaction. Alisust 5, IN13 lv Wholesale Clock INtaUtlsliiiirnt. No. H-i orlh Tliir.l Street, rillLADELPHIA, "t A THERE is to be found the largest assortment ' of (,'lorks in Ibe United States, Binong which are Forrestville. Hill's Coodrich ,V (-o, Atkins, Porter iV Co., Ives', Hiewslers, and other Eight Day Urass Clock' ; C. Jerome's Ilristnl Minufic turing Company, Atkins, Porter V Co., Hill's, Goodrich cV f'o., Forrestville, H. Wilton's, ami oilier Thirty Hour rtras Clock; lloardniitl oV Welle's, Hopkins - Alfred's, H. C, Smiih's, and other Wood Clock". Solo Ag'nt for Crane's celebrated Year and Month Clock, as well as several nf the above men tioned. Abo : Church and Hall Clock. rXj" Watchmakers, Merchants nnJ others, will find it lo their interest to csll. Looking Glassea manufactured. Philadelphia. August 5, 1313. 3m L1J jJ, 3 1252 .i. 53 2 f I1HE subscriber w ill sell oil' his stork of Heaver, I Russia arid Itiii-h Hats, of the bent quality, al very reduced prices. Sunbury, Aug. 5, 113. If. It. M ASSE R. to thk voters ok "noitihii;i:r- l.A.NI) COUNTY. lELLOW CITIZENS: Al the earnest sob.i- tations of many of my friends, I am induced lo offer mvself as a candidate for the ollice of ('OrXTY TliKASrjSKII. Should I be elected, I will endeavor lo discharge the duties of the ollice to the best of my abiliiv. CHRISTIAN iiOWKI!. Sunbury, July 22d, IM3. Ceiitic Slwct, oim.itc the Town IIvi.I., 1'oitsvii.m:, iv. .1. c I. k s s i r. lPECTCUI.LV announces to ihe travelling coinmuiiilv that be ' i: jL has taken Ihe large and sphn lid clah- I fS luhnn nl, the l.xciiivr. k 1 Ioti i.. sttua. j led at ihe corner nf Centre and Callowlull streets, nearly opMisile the Town Hall, in tho borough nf j P.ittsville, which has been thoroughly repaired and ! in. iter i dly improved for ilie accommodation nf visit ! ors. The Hotel is fortv ft. front on Centre st., and one hundred and lliiily eight ft. on Callow-hill, three stories high ; il is admirably provided with Parlors, Silting Rooms. Reading Room, and lrgc airy Chambers ihe most spacious, pleasint and conve nient Dining Room iir the country a new and su perior (lathing Establishment ; mid every conve nience and comfort lo render it in all respects a most de-irabb' Hotel. No paiis or expense will he spared lo fiirni-h ! '' Tahle and Har with the best that this and the Philadelphia Markets afford ; auJ w ith a determis nation to devote his entire pi rsonal .attention to ibe comfort and accommoda'iou of those who mav fa vor him with a cail : aided by active, careful and obliging Kcivunts, lie hopes to give general satis faction. PRIVATE FAMILIES, wishing to visit this j highly interesting and healthy Coal Region, will be I provided with Pallor and Chambers, which he ; fee I confident will please the most fastidious. OCj" i he Stabling attached, is targe and well Construct! d, mid so per intended by experienced and attentive Osiers. Horse and Cairiagcs may be ha. I j at any time to convey pirsons to any part nf the ! country. j flfj' An Omnibus runs from this Hotel daily to and from the Depot, lo meet the Cars, for tho ac- , commodaiion ol persons travelling on the Rail Road. No charge for omnibus fare to this Hotel. Puttsiille, J ily rt, lR I3.6in ; corxTY riiF.AsritF.u. j To fur. Fj.r.c'roiis or snutuiM-1 nr.iiLAXD corxTY. ' jEI.LOW CITIZENS : have U-en induced I - to offer myself a a candidate for the ollice uf' County TrcaMirrr, at the coming election. Should you think me ' worthy of your mpKirt, and I should be sue- , ces.ful as lo be ilected, I will endeavor to give gen- I eral saliifaction to all who may be concerned. ' JOHN FARNSWOR I'll. SunUiry, June 21th, 1813. AXIS PHIVATE SALES ROOMS, Xt.s. Vi! and a I North Third liect. Near the f ' i t v Hotel, PHILADELPHIA. C. MACKEY, Auctioneer, respectfully in s viles the attention of person desirous of pur chasing Furniture, to hi extensive Sate Rooms, (both public and Piivale,) for every description of Household Furniture, win re can be obtained at nil lime, a large assortment of fusbioiuble and well manufactured Cabinet Furniture, Beds, Maltrusv, A.C at very reduced price, for cash, fj- Suleu by Auction, twice a week, My S7ih. 113. ly !: CHKHHIH lor sale by July l. IS 13. (I. B. MASSER. C'oiiiilcrri'llrra' DEATH BLOW. rlbe pul'lic wilt pleaie observe lhat no Hiandrelb ' Pills are genuine, unless the box has three la bels upon it, (the top, the aide and the bottom) em h containing n f ic-stmile signature of my hand writing, ihns II., M. 1. These la. bel are engraved on sleel, lieaiilil'ully designed, and done at an expense of over f 2,000. Therefore il will bo seen thai ibe only thing nrcessaiy to pro cure the medicine in its purity, is lo ob,eio these I dil ls. Remember the lop, the side, and the boitom. The following respective persons are duly auhoti zed, and hold CEIITIC ATES Or AGENCY, For the sale of Hrnmlrrili'n Vrgrhthlc Vnivcrsal I'ilh. Northumbciland countv : Milton M.iekey ,V Chambeiliir. Hiinbury 11.11. Masser. M'Ewens ville Iiel ind Sr. Meixell. NniihumViland Win. Forsvtb. (ieorgetown J. A J. Wills. Union C ninty ; New llerhn Uogar V Win. , ler. Selirisgrove Ceorge tiundiinn. MidMe 1 burj Isaac Smith, lleaver'owu Uavid Holder. I Ad amsburg Win. .1. Mav. M illlinsbtiig Meuseh I iNi. Rav. llailleton Dmiel Lung. I'reelniig j ii. St F. C. Mover. I.ewi.-burg Walla St. Green. Columbia county : llanvillc E. 11. Reynolds ! V Co. lterwiek Sliuman V R.ltenbouse. Cai- lawissa t , (,. Rrobts. r,loninsburg John R. Moyer. Jeisey Town Levi l'isil. Wasbiiigtou Rolit. Mel!av. Liinelorie I'altiel eV McNincb. Observe ihal each Agent has an Engraved Cer tificate, of Agency, containing a representation nf Ur IIRANDIIE I ll's M unilu lory nt Sing Sing, anil upon which will n'so lie seen exact copies of j ibe line iiilirx lsr,l niol the llramlritli I'iII fo.rvjt, Phil idelphia, otliee No. 8. North Nib street. It. HRANDUETH.M.It. June 2ttb. 1813. i 'I'lti fslilna yiiu liluo for Sale. 'I IIE subscriber oll'ers f .r sale a ritliFSMING MACHINE, new and in good onbr. The Machine has been tried, an I proves lo be nn excel lent one It will lie sold at a reduced price, and warranted. Apply to H. U. MASSER. Jul 1st, IS 13. Hart, Amlrcw A: li'livvvi; I' orwiirilmi; anil (iciict ol rroiiuru j (OMMISSKIX MKIU HAX I S, Strmitl ll 'iiirf ulitire Hnrr St . n:i the Ihluicure, ! PHILADELPHIA. I REFERENCES: Henry Farnnin cV Co. .I.uvis, Trabue A Curd, Hrav. ltarcroft, Co. ! Imriifvilli : Williainson, Burroughs I ico. Luckey, ,V. Co. V Claik, i Cincinnati. Eckel. Spanglei A Rigin I Si. John Smith, Esq , Reed, llro. At Thorn is ! Portland. Rogers, Hrulhem A: t'o. .Joseph Souther, Esq., W. R. Thompson & Co. , Ra ton. Rolcit S een & Co. I Ion. Wm. lligler, J. cV .1. R.akert, ! Charfnhl, Va. Mulford Si Alter, II Hendricks. J. R. Wcl h. E q. Snnhuxif, l'n. l'liilaih Ipliia ,11. Hum s, Erq. David R. Porter, Esq. . Robert Crane, Esq., Messrs. J.vV P. Martin, I Jersey Share, l'n. Ilnrritloirg vm. M'Kelvy Si Co., Wm. K. Holl'nagle, Esq 11iHansbur-;, l'n. Lewis Hutford. Esq. Walls & Green. Lanca-strr J.rwhbur, fa. Jones, Murphv Sc t'o. ,,. ,.. ' u ., , ., . i, .i 1 " Km'7.'ng v Son, E. A. Itrown V llrotber. . , ,. . .. ,, . ... ! IJiCK- llnren, l'n. .1. K. Moon bead, I. mi. ritlstiur '. icireu ix i om-r, Morgan oV Anderson, Geo. PlCrbury, Esq.'islmcn, Vu. Joseph Pax ton, Esq., ; Culit ii hiit Cu , Pit. HI. Ismti, June 3d, 1813. ly DAVID EVANS, j .V- i-li Smith Jlifjrff r el, opposit' the Kxchungc, i nill.ADEI.PIIIA. j (I'arinrilij nf So. ' 0 Sauth St find ttrrrl,) M nuil.irloier ul luiproMil and Patent Cue mid Thlef piool I 'he ts and lloois, Wati r and Pro. j vi ion Coohr-, and 1'iltercrs, Refiicera. j tor,, II Machines, Ac, Ac, ' J"."""! Siiii. continues to m ike I .''J'-i'lhi-ccb br ..ted WA FER Co.,1- IE. ;-f , , ... ,. ,, , I ifajsf j r-w tins, both o the roni il and '. i iSH-quare .shape, with improve 1 , pj-r uients, of Ihe best maU'ii.ils and woikinau.-hip. Tin; t'liivsts ri iimuuf.ietiireil ithmit pi ink of any description, nf the bel in.iter al whiih is calculaied lo rcsM burgl i'S and heat as long as any manufactured in the United Stair's a ol which lie is willing to make with any oiln'i, pro vided, the trial lie made nf chests already s ,1,1 lo customers, and not manitfaclurcJ lor the express purpose of a trial. Purchasers arc invited to call before purchasing elsewhere. CAUTION. Ail persons are ciulioricd ng'iriM making, lining, selling nr i iu. ingto be s 'Id, anv Keyhole covcih fit l ire Proof I'hes's or doors ot any Wind, siiiu'ar in coiis'itu lion to my paten' of July I Oih, HI I, us they will be dealt with accord- j ing to patent l, ,w. Mv 27 h, lsi:l.f,m. JOSEPH E. HOVER, j M;timfarnirrr or Wlitini n ml Iinli-lli- hlc Ink, No. Dki Nnrlh Third Sir. , t, nix doors In-low llacc, (i-ast sidi',) i PHILADEI'THIA, ' I I'Sl'l'.C TFI LLY informs rouniiv merchants and rubers, that be con-l mllv keeps nn baud n large stoik of his supi rier lilack. Blue mid Red ' Ink, and also a superior quality of Iiidel'ille Ink. His ink is put up ill b, Itles vaiymg in sire, from 1 to 3'J niincis, and will be sold m reasonable i ti rills, Thcexcle t qualities of this ink basso; Ibnroughly i klahlished Its character, that il IS now cub nsivt ly used il.r.iurhiiul ih country. i For sale al llin itiiie of H. II. Massrr, Suns J bury, Pa. May SVlh. 1H1.1. ly IT. S. Li-VEITCJE, i Agtnt for the sde of Snuthirorth Muwijuc- ' turing ( 'miiMim's ' si wKirixt; l'.viM.its; Warcluuisc jo. :i Aliimr Street, j PHILADELPHIA. I rSHE follow ing kinds ciisinntly on hand, and ! for sale to the Trade at the lowest market ; pre Fine thick Ftal Caps. 12, 1 I, and l lis , blue and white; Es'ra super, and nuperfuw Folio Ilii 1 lists, blue und white ; Litra super Packet ami ConimerciHl posts, blue and white Eitia Uer Linen Note pipris, long ; do, broad; iiieifinn un.l fine Counting house Cap", blue and white; Eitra super Cnngrt 4 Cap and Letters, plain and ruled, blue and white ; Superfine French Posts, plain and ruled ; Suj erfina Senium Caps and Post ; Suiorfuie and fine Cap and Posts, ruled and plain, blue and w hite, various qualities and price. Also Boards, Tissue, Envelope, Wrap, ping, and Hardware papers, etc., rVc. May 27. IHI3. lim. """BLANKS- FOR. SALE AT THIS OFFlt'K. Cabiiiet-3Iakiiig eiv i:.al1i)iliieiit.) WILLIAlfl HOOTEP, UESPEC'IFI'I.LY (nforma the Hli.ens of . Sunbury run! vicinity, lhat he has recently commenced the a hi rr-.M ki x(i, in all its branches, in Market street, Sunburv, im mediately below thn post office, where he will b rea'y lo receive and execute all orders in Ibe line of his hiisjnes, with promptness md despatch, and irr the best style and manner. His price will be low, in accordance willi the limes, S'j' Lumber and Counliy Pioduce taken in Ex change. May 2 Mi 1813. lim Lioifc-i7EYd ( ll slei ii liuliaii laiiaea. ('iiiiipiriiiitlitil entirely of Veget.tlil-J SiilislntiiTs ; Vc'-r Cnlnmi I mill nil other Minn nlt. For Ibe history of this medicine, and lis unrivalled and truly surprising suca-ca and popular ily, see lari;e bills T is recoiriinendcd ad a general cathartic for family ue- . in dyspepsia and all I It hi di-ea- ses, it is inv.dii.ible for Asthma it is ciuisido'cd a specific, no can' having jet occurred which il ha faibd to cure for coin non c Ids. itnllaniiiia'ory disea-e. rbi iiinaiisni, all'ectiiins of the liver, cVc, and foi females, it is a safe and excellent remedy. CEriTiriCATE, I'mni Pr. Silas West, of linihamitiin. .V. Y. Mr. Lnli'jley Dear Sir: I have u-ed your Great Wesli rn Indian Panacea in mv family, and have repeatedly prescribed it for patients under my care, j and am satisfied that it is alwav a md; and in vi ry j many c ists nn invaluable medicine. It npera'es as j a laxative without nausea, or pain ; and w hile it i f fertimllv obviates costiveiiefs acts upon the stomach ''vi r "" "beralive, collecting aciJily, and re- storing me m auny conuuion ot inoso organ. Very respectfully vours, S. WEST. For sale by JnHN W. FRILING, Sunburv, JAt:t)U LI RIGHT, Northumberland. May 20lh, 1813. ly CI1AIJI.K8 W. IIKCINS, ATTORNIjIT at law, SUNBU11Y, PA. OAS tnken the ollice formerly occupied hv the Hon. ( 'harles (S. llonru I, opposite the Cnuit I House. He will aitend to business in the Courts of Northumberland, Union and Columbia counties, i Mav 20th. IS 13. J. D. n.H atcrs, "1 1 F.SPECTFULLY informs the citizen, of the I'oroiigh of Northumberland, and its vicinity, that he has commenced (ho Taitorinu' 15iiiiic. in a'l i's various branches, in tl.c shop formerly ! occupied by Henry S. Thomas directl opwiile 1 Forsvth's store. As he reet ives the New York ' and Philadelphia Fashions quarterly, he is enabled to do all jobs cn'iusled to him, alter the neatest and latest stylo, and upon the shmtest notice. Northumberland, A pi il 22d, 1813. ly DP.. JACOB 3. IVIASSSP., I 1lPECrt Ll.IY informs Ihccitucns ol cun 1 bury un.l it vicinity, that he has taken Ihc ollice formerly oceuied by Dr. John Peal, where he will be happy to receive culls in the line of hi profession. April 22d, 1813. Daniel Yarick, KKliS leave tn inform the citizens of Sunbury and its vicinity, lhat he has commenced the liLACKKMITIlI.M. HI SIXT.SS. in Maikil itreit, Sunbury, cast of John liogar'n store and illici tly opposite the po.-t ollice, where be mteiiiU to carry on thn business in all Us various branches, including, Turniii. Making Mill Irons ; and F.liptic Springs, Ironing Carriimes, with Ex- ; (incol nr Standing tnjix. Sharing Hursts, 4c inters will he promptly ami punctually attended to, and woik done cheap, for cash or country pro duce. (T 'f II use Shoeing done at ft per nil. Sunbury. April loth, IK13. lim o o t & S k o e .11 a i f i ii I r u i ii , ESPECTFI ELY informs Lis fiimd.s anJ . old customer, that he ha. removed bin HOOT a- snoi: i:st.IUsiimi:.t to the fiame building ailjoining bis dwelling house, between that and Dr. O. T. TiitiV i ll'n e, a lev dnois ' west of bis old t'slal li.slnui lit, in Maiktt strict. win re In- inlei ds to rairy en the above busitio r lieu-ively, in oil its iwion.s branches. Ilcng ll.anklul for past fivors, he h i-,by 1 1 i c t all. nli hi In business and hhi r il ch irges, lo Rive general satisfaction ; and that be w ill continue lo re ceive a liberal share of puMic patronage. Aprd Flh. 1X13. "A "CAKD." I". X. tt. 11 i'', I nanktul for past fa uns, respectfully informs the inhabitants nt unburv and couii'ry ar airul. ill it bo has, liken his residence slid otliee in market sircit, in the cast end nf the building occiip ed by John llognr's store, win re he will be happy to wait upon ull who fa vor him with their calls. Sunbury, April 1st, I Si t. dm BIiACkSMITHINa. lirorg V.l in in r in ;i n .v s o u. 'I 11 E su' sen ers heu bv n lorni ihe public, that they have iniered into partn, rsloo, in the DX.ACKSMITHXNO EUSINF33, beh wit here.ficr be carrel on at the old siand in Siinhiirv, uiiibr the fi-rn uf '-G.orge' .iniini rm in Son," where ihev will conduct the t'ii-ine-s in all iu vniuus branches, iiiclnding Turn in?, Mii'ting Mil livns, , ;fii Cizrrngis, Seat ing Horses, r. Orders wi I be promptly ai'd line- U i ii It v aitindid to, and work done cheap, (or cash or country produce. rrj" Shoeing done al one dollar r sell. GEORGE ZIMUER.M N, J. 11. ZIMMERMAN. Sunbury. Maich 11th. lul l. ? t-k X :ii"jyt 'PHE aubaciilioi, lnvitig enierid into a partner- ship in the prietice ul ibe law, will be happy lo aiieiul to all biis iie.s entrusted to thrir care, t'olln.'iioiis will be promptly alien. led to. They may ulway tie found al their uifice, in Market slrcel, Sunbury, formerly occupied by m. Deuarl, dee'd.. a a store-room. WILLIAM L. DEW ART, CHARLES J. BRI.'NER. Sunburv. Feb. 4th. M13. ly. Ki,li supi'V nl HUM-. I'l.N I M l.a I , ieceiv,0 ai. il for s.Vu I'T Nov lyih, iii. H. U. MASTER. HA Wis DICK It 1,71 1 r mi:, HATTER, WTERY RESPECTFULLY beg. h ave to in. f form bis euslomers, and the public generally, lhat he still comiuues Ibu IXATTINO BUSINESS, in all its various branches, in the shop nearly onpo. site the Huck Tavern, formerly occupied hv Hen ry Hans and himself, under the firm of Hs & Uruckemiller, which firm his been muin'il'v dis..,l ved. He ho e. by hi long experi, nee .-. ihe ul'ovo businrss, and strict attention ibcrct.., to n n b r g. n. eral aatisfaction, and receive a 1 1 I share nf pnb. lie patronage. JSunbury, Oct. 1, 1R12. ly. IviEItCIIANTrS i rousE, Ao. 'SM, Aor'i Third, nhoxr Cullou hill PHILADELPHIA. SOIIN I'UNCAN. laie from the P.nnfjlva nia Firmer, nn.l Simint Pike, jr., laie of A nil r;cnu Hotel, Colu tubus, I lb hi, take pleasure in ac quiiii'ling their fiiinds atid Hie publi t. ' rally that they have taken the large and com r n ' .n'g Hotel, Ti-tltiv built hv I' . tane mni once ncmp!''1 n ',. .; i a. the I'ii :'s ",'.. !, i:. I I . bill M. This Hotel i, fir.i.l i ' manner, and ..f the best n, !Uvei own w-- very .1, KiiaMe, nii'iculai ly t. the arrangeini'iiiB loi hi a a.j room is such as to i-ccore nov . bedrooms are all light and nirv, neat sty'e, so a. lo injure (omfoit. The receiving parlors ore also fir i iM.e I perb stvle, Ibe windows aie on the 'f rn n .myle, whii.ll m baa forming an entrance to a balcony in front mnkes a pleasant recess, Fiirticulni attentio been given to the beds and bedding, which, Willi tin furniture, ore entirely new. From years' experience in h.Mcl business, wa trusl, by strict assidoily tc. business, to make this house a desirable stepping place. Our table will always he supplied wuh Ihe very best our maikct can afford, and our bar with the best liquors and wines of Ihe most spnroveil brands. P. S. There are first rate .tabling r,nd carriage hoijies attached lo Ibe hotel r t r del by ' a I' V and soler ho-iler. ' i (. I e . i accordance willi the r r. Philadelphia. Oct 7ih. I (dent rot Stage. OJicc,) .r$23. 'cu- :rr cbz 9 ZiVCOXlinG COUNTY, loitns3lvuula. fill IE Subscriber respecifully informs his friends I and the public in general, thai he has taken the above LARCiF. ASD COMMODIOiS HOTEL, 1 N T II E H O R O U C, II O F M U N C Y, and that he is now well prepared to acenininodnto all who may favor him wilh their custom. His Sn.r.rt n AriBTxtKSTs arc will aiie.l, and comfortable. His Taiu.f. ixn ll vn will always be a ijdii I with the best the maiket can all'ord. His Sum i no, which is good, will le under the charge of good and careful hostlers. He fi els confident, by strict attention t!) bil.-ine n, and an earnest desiie to render c mfortriblo those w ho may patronize hitu.thnt he will not fail to give general satisfaction. H. Li. WEAVER. Minicy, Oct. 1st, 18 ii. If. A CAKD. V. tt. 1.1 l ilt'K. liesp, cltully intK.nstba citizens nf Sunburv r.ri ' ' i ' i'' b, Ik. if- moved his office In the hud in . . cu 1 ' v George Bright, in marki t .it,i, s bi.'v . !. lie may be found at all h, uis, unltjB prut, cngagid. DR. TRl'FES returns hi;- Miirrre thanks for encouiageiiuiil he has ico iicd, in the hue of ' . profession, in this place, and tru-t-, by piomp' - leiitiou tu the duties of his pri'lcbion, and rci able charges, thai l.e will cjtiliuuo to rece.i 1 liberal hhaie. i f the public p.itren lije. Suuhurv, ( li t. 1st, t sfi. if. 1 J)" 1 1". .1. VI . I't'al I'l"' .e ice lo tend, i h,s g'-itr. lul n km wledgiii' iits to li.e i co: le of Sjnbiny and surrounding ennutrv , loi I tiieiil in the line ol his .le i., liiui' bii 'iiiin,'.' io i lends lo e v luuie 'lie prsetiee pa.t cricour igr -ii ; and would at I ill t he in. li' ine in alt ils I , -re fore, solicit und patronage, .s ollice, at the ' f r slree.s, various d. partm-1 ' II w n coi.tinii .nee '. '. m '' Hem iv be t mi ': ' l.nrth eiisi eei-.i i " : Uidei's I t '.': ' !..-ir,-. . ',t Is-, s ; !));. ,). X ;, SURGHOK j Lsi'EC'l -FIT LY inf. has made Noribiudci i place of residence, and is reudv tc ar.n,' c ri, calls in the line of bis profc-sion. July 2, IS 12. I v. rillLAHEirilM. PEADINT, AM) rOTTSAlLLE RAIL ROAD. tt. Sl'.M.M KU AKUAGF.MI'.NT. C 'lionpe of Hours. N rTtH v 1 1 r,oi ptsit I pasbcrger Uai"s w 'I I'h pliilitdtlphin From Phihide Ipt.i s hi From I'ollsi lib,, at '- A. l. , a.m. , Hours vfpn."ing ViiVi r, For P.'tisvi'le, ot it A. M. , n . For Philadelphia, at 7 j A.M. $ Both tiains pa-s al Putlslown. 'I he down tram breakfast at Re uling, sod the up trsin at Norris. own, for which 16 miou'cs ai allowed al eacti alatioli. '.i tt ; . Retweeu Pott.ville .V Plnlada. f3.f0 cV f 2.S0 It.tween Readinj & du. 2,25 & 1,75 Bi tween do & Pottsville, 1,10 Si 1.U0 l'ii Rsios Tick trs noon roa HiTlBaiau skit m. IlctwiN ii Polls ille ,V Philadelphia, f 5 0(1 Bi tveell Reading A do. 3 Oil Between do. V Polls ille, 5 t' All the trains will stop for way passengers at the usual points. fj"jT All passenger are requested to piocura their tickets before the trams sla't. My SI, 1 at IK. it