Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, September 09, 1843, Image 2

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f'rvm Iht Odd Frllinx'ti Weekly Mttsexgrr.
0,,1 Fellowship miy jus'ly In c itiparcd to a j
teautiiul Temple, the plan of wUh m dev'ael in
consummate Wisdom, the fonnjution nraMiNr.l j
en rertaii: immulalile prinrple, s'd the super-',
structure tcared in perfect aymrnoty, and th bud - ,
"'g perfect in nil it pat's. Tt ffohi'e I views (
ilh dt light the splendid edifn tl'M ii t aiscd b
Hie magic influence of hi st:b:ime cir.o. ptions ; and j
a it towers in majesty ti the, I.e. -an the j
work from base to pinnacle, uriil pawn on i s (a t
proportion, as some doting father on the child he
love. No the OiU Fellow who ha been imbued
willi the fpirit of the Onh r. Ilo cm luk upon the !
farrnl Temple which Odd Fellowship fas ericte,',
tiih unmingled delight. It f ir.dalit.n is bid in i
tlii unfailing piinciplc nf char.ty n'.J lenevol. me '
in walls are friend-hip nml tmh. the crment hith '
unite the parts is the union of if f so-ii I ufli dims. ,
and the crowning excellence of Ue whole, the c:ip- ,
tunc of the edifice, is Love ! t:poij thi', then, j
the holy temple of our order, the get u'ne Odd IVI-
low can look with on sdmiiing eve. There are no i
discrepancies in the building there in nothing ,
wantingnothing supeif;v.o'ji nothing out of j
I lace. The whole is pe'fcct white all the matcri
i.Ik used in tho Ftructurc are suited to its character,
ro the implements employed in its erection are dc.
signed for a peculiar end. In Odd Fellowship,
every sign and emblem common to tho Older mny
be considered a tool u-ed in the erection of our
sacred Temple. They have their use for they con.
vey a meaning which should he l ived and cherished.
To some, it may seem, that these thii gs arc funciful
Suturitnyt Sijit. 9, 18-13.
Ifcmoc i silk: 'l lt ki'f for IVort limn
ImiI.wmI County.
Fun Ciinuiiuss,
Fort Assr.MnLT,
For Commissions,
Fob TiiE.srBtn,
Fori ArniTOB,
Xiimiiinlinn of CbiiiiI ruminiiniicrs.
We learn from a slip from the Democratic I'nion,
that Jamm I'liik of Indiana, Jmsk Mil.tin of
Perry, and Wx. B. FoTn l Bradford, have
hren nominated Cunnl Commissioners. Charles
Brown, of Philadcl bin cnnnt.Vi waachoten Presi
dent of the contention. There were no letg than
35 candidate! Mire the convention fur nomination.
The convention voted viva rnrr, and the renult
is aa follow :
For .!ame Clauk,
A, Wntf.rd,
Jespo Miller,
W. K. Huir.iaBle,
W. D. Fos'er,
J. A. Onmlile,
IS. II. Ilntnmoiiil,
John M'Ri'yn.ldr,
II I.. Putternri,
.l imes W'orrall,
.lohn Nil I,
E. F. Gay,
And. rti'iiiimnnt,
Jt'hn Iaporte,
William ('lark,
.luhn Pciftusun,
(,'iinlner Fuiiiess,
For Kverett 4
Jiicob Hummel, 3
T. T, Wiermm. G
Beni Cii-iiin, Ifi
(Cj" The,'1ihi l I irdger cicesihe fnrowitiR
sketch of the rise and tru!re of the New York
Sun, the first penny piper istnhl shed in lhi.4 coun
try. '1'he Snn, like all prnny paner-i, ia conducted
on the cah piinri'l', and was star'cd in 1H:W, Ih
immense ciicnlation what a n v.dulion has
been aflee'ed in the press, diirinn that period :
"Tho New York St!n, the (irst penny paper in
Killtoilnt, fiinilriiseil anil Si lrelr.1.
Tobacco imputed Into England last year from
the t'nit.d S,ile, 39,lil H,0 1 2 lb.
rnB tiis iMrnic,
Moral, nml rolitirs.
Mil Hiiitob : There ia scarcely anything more
tidiiiiluiM than the hvpierilicil cant of certain e'i,
' ' ", " ' H"""',n' iV w rn- i-r.. ..i-,niinr upon mor.N in order to ,ubrr
se l ll. w.n, of the,, nperntiviM ten per cent. ,pir n M, .., ,nwntih, T(iJ
The Stie d. ht uf Kentucky ha been reduced to ! e.ii-or ..f the Milton I.. Jjrer havinir been indueed .,
America, when fiist commenced was hu little hra i Sl.ntlO.OOO. . tllrn .,,,., mmPM ai1m,noso ihe demernt;.
erthnna sheet of common letter paper leas by f ir I A Mr.,, is preaching in Wheeling, Va, It i- I tirUet. wai nblieed to invent some new excuse. And
than one quarter of its pre enl size and the first j presumed that he ilt "take UU lime." wha rjrnile reader, do you suppose it i ! Why,
day's edition was five hundred. The whole f.nce A mad do was killed in rtallimoie on Siilurday. ''ial E. Y. Drip;' t is not a man ; that he
employed under it, editorial, reporting, composing, I .Several have been killed in the city latelv. i Bumbles, e. What shnllow artifices will these
Henry Myers, 9 ; entire stiength of tin- esiiiblishment, intellect)!
Jienb Dillincer, !) ! "I, phvsicnl and mechanical, consivted of one man
(Xj" Fob Sai.k. A fresh supply of printing pa
per, viz: 100 reims similar in size and quality to
the sheet on which this is printed. Also CO reams
of super royal, 21 by 2S inches, all of which will
be iol, at the mi'l prire.
(Ty V. Tl. Palmm, Fail, at bis Hel Estate and J
and idle to others a mockery of that reas..n wi h foal oHico, No. B'J Pine Street. Philadelphia, is an
which we ore gifted. Hut it is nut so ! The silvery ihorUcd to act as Agent, and to receive and receipt
stream mny mirror forth tha flower! that skirl its for all monies due thii office, for subscription or ad
banks, or reflect back from its aurfacc the itari tlmt j "ertising.
shino in glory ttlove, but must descend beneath
the wave, in search of the costly cord or the glitter. dj" Tim t-'iuMoKi Mirnxa. We publish.
ing pparl. So, in every sign, in every grip, oi tken, J another column, the proceedings of a meeting in
that belong to our order, there ia a, a le--son j hnmukin, biinping out Kiinber Cleaver a? a can-
of good, which must It t-Uigl.t kenrath the Mgn 1 d date for assembly. The mieting, by their icso-
itself. 1 lutions, profits to support Mr. ('leaver on the
A ho shall thrn say that our Order is i-.scles. j grounds of their I ring in favor of a man.
that iti signs are idle and unmeaning inoi kerii s ! ! .Mr. ('h uver ii. however, a wl ig in politics, and wdl
Nay. it is not o. It involves high and noble du- ! be suppurted principally by whig influence. We
tirs it secka to move us by holy motives, and j regret to see a few, who call themsel es democrat-,
generous impulses. It would govern us by ptinci- j lending their intluence to this scheme. This cry
plea that odd dignity to our nature, end the "f ''no-party man" has always been resorted to by
crown of glory on the human bnw. n then. 'I"" opponents of the democratic party, and will, in
become proficient in our work. us work to j instance, as hcietofure, only unite the real demo-
gether in the cause of moral elevation. I, i t us ; ":,,s more firmly upon the ticket.
carry nut the spirit of Odd Fellowship in our in. i
tercoursc with each other, and with the world-j CrOUllll Bllll Lofly Tllllllllilip.
and then our name will ho honored end thrice ! ti. i , . -., , ,. r i . ,
,, , , , ..... ".. J tie editor of the Milton Ledger, it will 1 re
blessed and when the inttudit. e ei.,1 noiseleiJ .oi ., .- . . .. . . , .
,. . i collided, a short time previous to the last election
tort of tune is Healing upon n and our woik is . t 1 1 r . ...
.... u uur IS made aauddenoritvirisummciset, when hedcairl-
iibout to close in the earthly Lodge we can look i r , ,, ....
.... I ed for a va'uible consideration that consistent dem
t-arfc on the course wc have run with satisfaction . i v .. i .
.... , , , . , lainon ol.fat n Forsyth, whoae demoeiacy consists n
nn.l nrtfh mv an. I H.:.k .... l - .i t '
r" .J "l 'r - er'"B"r 7 Noetic ticket, which i,
pre-swo k. f.lding. crrvin3 and sellig-in ah-rt ; The grrV(.,t .,1v(U1,ag(, ,1)a, . ,nn ran 'li-nrgnisera and olTice hungers not resort to!
' his children, is to have them well educated. I ",n" mJ nne w"r ' pnlittral prophet and
n . . j wea'her cm-k, in sincere in hia bat horror of Mm.
J. . Sterigere. 4 an, on, I,,.,,. The paper was printed on a li.-le j . V P'wi M "T'nnn silver, are . , KnninB. .. be does. tha. E. Y. Wright
.t..shua H.rtshi.rn.G ! old fishioned hand pres.. the wlude force be n en- j" ""''n. The fr.ud is hard to de- w f liry .ndhononbly nominated, he mustneeda I. .Miller,7 g)ged, the boy "rolling" and the man pulling."' C ' find some excuse to desert him, which ii, that Mr.
J. n H.Dler, I I , When the ediiion, after a couple ofhours f had ' ,7,S0 rmil!'n,,l' ' 'v'd at Quebec, Cana- H.iaht is not a mor.l man. And who. do jou
Win P itterson, 5 i labor in this way, was worked ofT, the roller boy ''n ,,'on. suppose he recommends in bis stead ! A saint, of
A. P. M wletw. II, 1 tonk the whole and mid them from the door for a A company ia being formed in New York, for conise a paragon of pei feci ion in moriN, as well
J.imes Gray, 1 penny a hheil, makinr; five dollars in all, nd that ' emiBrating to the Oregon Territory. j in politic a no less personage than that siint-
.1 is. .Montgomery,! j pa'd tbe expenses of the day and left sufficient A Congress of European Nations is t ss.emble I 1 kP (on'"-",n, di Wm. Forsvth of Nor
Ceorge Potts, 1 j profit to buy a supper for the man and boy nt night. ' fr the purpose of regulating the atr.ira of Sp iin.
Jos. Y. Duncan, 3 i s'ucli the first dav of Ihe Sun's existence. ! ri ..ii r i .
I l.oloreil tallies and gentlemen are frelv admitted
j Now the same paper has ,n edition of over M.V- .... ,.. .... ...
. . '...-.. i i -. . .. i iiii
JA.MliK t IiAl.K, of Indiana, having rereivrd i .'".-""""" papers tinny, aim rne 1 1 uses oi
m i,r!iu . f .11 il... ....II.,. I ... I....l... l .1.. 1 the esla' li-hment. the nol.lishi-r envs orered five 1
j - -j mi. ., i.iik, ', nn- ,i i inn ii iiu i j . ii , . , . . a . .
ly noniinnt-d as one of the Democratic candidates ; hundred dollars per day. In place of the little old ''' ' ! nations ivhocould never bear the sight of a pack
for Ihe ollice of ('anal C.'onimissioier. j I'"". ' has now five double cylinder preses , 'l'"te "ow twvhe we.kly pipeis and one , of cards, urdes be had his itifr.s on. Now, Mr.
The names of lohn Duller. John Nill. T. T. ,,riv,'n 'he power of steam, and the two which . ''wr"U.v ' Wisconsin. Population r,.1.not). ' editor. I am not one of that class of persona who
Wierman, H. L. l'utteison, Joseph W. Duncan, j " principally used for the newspaper arp capable ' Petry P.uidick nf Jeller-nn cn N. Y , now nine-! W"u 1 0I,I,0' Forsyth or any other
thnmbcrland, who presided wiih sj much spirit
and dignity nt the lite delegal.. convention in
Kiinliurv, wbi. h nominated E. Y. Ilright, and who
hales a small cla-a of old rve nr rrvnin,- l.
The of the iron s'camship (Jreat Eiit lin 1 m,,ci BJ ,,,..l, . , .i.. ... . i -
i b n-i;ui,ii ut-iiiiit-raiir nomi
W.D Hobs, (icoige Putts, (inrdticr Fu'ness, J.i- ofthrowinc of ni ihousninl sheets per boor. Il has ty years of age has voted at every presidenti.. 1 dec-
cob Hummel, ctt O.r. Henry Mers John M'- j eight editors and reporters, besides numerous con- tion since the days of Washington.
Peynohls, wire litre vr.thdianii by their respective ( tr'dulois and correspnidents in t.ll p.rts of the I The 2 1 of July last, (the memorable "hot S,m.
f' ';"' j wo:''' ",r'"v fonipositor., sixteen hunds employed day" in Philadelphia.) was so cold in London that
The Convention proceed, d to a a. cond vote, in 'he pr. ss room. Iwi e no re t niploved in foldioc fires wire found very e.iiilort.ible.
hich ri suited us follow s, viz ;
and coiintins. one liumbeil regular carriers for (hi
For Ji.sst: Mii,
A. D. Warfor.l,
W. II Foster,
J. A . f .amble,
A. D. ..11111111111,
E. F. (iav,
John I.a one,
K. II. Hammond,
John Ferguson,
For Henj. Crispin, 7 j cili. s of New York and Ilrooklwi, as many more
W. K., 7 i "'her cities and count. y places, some two hun
J. Hartshorn, .1 ,,m! M" h".vs in the streets, to say nothing of tbe
2.1 Wm. Putt, rs an 3 j workmen in the type found. ies and in the paper
17 J. It. Sterigere, 4 ' m'"s "hich it receives its regular supplies ; so
1T J unes Worall, 7 at tbe smallivt calculation the Sun es'al licli-
13 Jacob Dillinger, fi ' r"'1, n,,w l!'v!, e"iifi,ii,t eiiiplo) nient to some six
10 E. Oles, 1 ' nr seven hundred person!.
' S'uch is a brief history of the success of the first
v--.i -r .i ri . i i i judicious nlempt to establish a pennv paiier in ibis
..t-iiii- ,,i tin- i-.ii.iiniait-s n.ivinit receiver a ma- , . . .... i-.,,:,,,. i, , rt
country. It nas l.een t..loeil l.y others who had
A medul has been struck in London in enmme.
inorntioii of the completion of that national undcr
takii g, ihe Thames Tunnel.
SfuMliiiifr . ynuug and handsmie cirl, ae,l
simply because he occasionally takes a flass,or bc-cau-e
he is fond of a name of luiere or ',rr, trnt
I ciinnoi In Ipexpiessing rnv ci .t 'inpt of this chirl.i
Ian monlist, who. under ihe clo.k of religion and
mo;.ib, is enilea'u.iiig to break up the democratic
party. I have nothing to say personally against
Mr. For)th, who is deemed a clever man, as i-t
nls.i Mr. ltiiKhl ; but I presume no one who is ac
quainted with the two men will siy that Mr. For.
' -ylhe is a l-ter man in a moral point ol view ihan
last, the most glorious degree, Immortality, from
the Eternal and Divine Grand M.uiet of tho uni
Eonf.8 of Black Hawk. Sinovi.ak
Crave. The remains of iilack Hcwk -.vpro
.stolen, and (Jcv. l.ucne 'nmlo a irr'tinitinn for
t;.e:n in behalf of the widow mid children id the
i Id bravep, and fount! tliein in tho hand-of an
anatomist at Qtiincy, well cleaned ready to he
.vircJ. Tliry are still at Bur linyftin, ihoi.jjh it
wan the desire and expectation ol the fuuulv
that they should be deposited in the Ibirlington
buriul ground. A writer in the Ila.vkeye, in
describing the "new pvirchase" on the east side
of Dc.smoinos river, glveB the follow in j ac
count ofthc ,'ravc of U.ack Hawk :
"At the upper end oi':;.c praine, a few hun
dred yarJs from where the t.n.l :-r ee:. in, ib
the grave of the once renowned t of the Sue
and I'oxes the inighty and iirxtnquerable
Black Hawk. Jt might nnt lo out of place
here to give a description of bin grave. It in
cenbtructtd after the Indian mode of burial, by
building a pen of round poles ten feet long
and three wide; then ia built aa high as the
hoiilucrs ofa man would be when sitting upon
ti e ground. In the wct end of this pen, the
niity D'a. k Hnvk was p'accd in a sitting
pciture, with his face towards the rising sun;
his gun, tomahawk and blanket were placed
by the side of him ; ami then the pen was co
vered over, leaving the headend back of the
Chief exposed to the weather; his face war
painted red, and striped off with Muck, just as a
living young Indian dandy painte, when he
goes a courting, thus conveying the idea to the
living Indian?, that their great chirfhad gone
n courting tho favor of the "Cireat Spirit," he
would be united to eonie spiaw, w ho had pas
ted the bounds of mortality, and that there they
would live forever, in the green hunting
grounds where deer and elk abound, and no
white man would be there to molest them."
made for the special benefit of himself and friends.
This same consistent editor ha just made a icr
summer'ct, replacing himself in the position in
whit h he stood before he was made Prosecuting
Attornry for I'nion county. What the reward for
this last feat is to be, we have nol yet heard. We
presume, however, that the charge for this flip-flap
performance will be reasonable, as we have been
informed by those well skilled in tumbling, that a summerset is ihe least difficult of the two
We do not wish to l understood as fouling fault
I wi'h the editor on arc .lint of his vaulting ambition,
j Every man thould pursue the calling fomh'rh
na'ure has best fired him. Hside, the Ledger
Office has become somewhat ceVbiati d on account
of the promptness and despatch with which jobs
of this kind are executed. Hut we trust that all
genuine democrats will know how to appieciate
any thing ccining from such a source.
joriiy of all the voles given, the Convention pro.
ceeded lo a third vo'e, ihe namss nf Limes Wor.
all. John Ferguson, J. H. $foiigrre. W. Patterson,
Joshua Hartshorn, R. H. Ilammoi d, Jacob Dilltn
per and W. K. Ilutfiiugle, having lirrt beenniih
dmwn from the 1st of nominee.
The ihird vote resulted as follows ;
For Jkrsr Mm.r.n, 87 For J I. oporto
WT) Foster, 4C It Cii-pin,
A B Warfoul, 35 E F V. iy,
A ncaumout, 31 Everett Oles,
J A Gamble, 27
17. was brought to the Mayor's nllice, at fim-iii. M-. Hright. With a full knowledge nfui,eas
l.a'i. a few days since, on a .lr .y. Jr link. She'll ne- hove facts, can any one believe that the immacu'ate
er get a I usbaml. , ,,ill)r f thll, M,.8J j,,, Ue Mio) j,
'Just Puiii.iiiiii)t. A colored m m wu sen'en- homst in his prufes-ions Tl at he kept himself
ced, on Monday las), in ('luster county. Ph., lo in the market fever.,! weeks, vibra ing to and fro,
one year', imprisomnent in the county cru- ""I knowing what tourse 1 1 pursue is well known
lo nil who have ierusej his pip r f r the last three
made tlx m-elves sr,ii,,ii,i, ,1 with the bu-im ss, nml . ''1"' volatile oil of biiler almonds is four times ne,'w''- 1 " ,s '-eeu pirclias , by the enemy
ihe 'I e 'per" of Ph l.,dcl hia. the "Sun" of I! .Iti. more potent than the prusMc eid RenerHlly kept in ! is ""' irl' :"K- Whelln r lor the purpose
inoie, and ihe "Times" i f lloton are succ s-ful the chemist's shops, and vet is extensively used by ' r'"'v a,,,,"K ,,,e "his, or Hot, time will show.
coin clitors with tkc'n New Vo k cntenipo'ary. j cooks and confectioners ! A DEMOCRAT,
i.. ......... . ! - - - - - - -
I ney come next to it in circulation, ami are second A h,i,..i n.m..l ai.i. .i i ... i...u
i- f-sis - r-ijiii , nr n (iriii (Mil I I'll ail ill II
to none in the consideration and ftvor whi.h they I t Home, on the 3lh ull , for the murder of his ne.
g have with the public. They have not only cnVl- j n!,ew. lie has len deg-aded by the Pope, and
ed a revolution in the newspaper publishing, but ! will be executed
l .1.-.. i i .. . ., . .... i
i uii-v iia.r i-triini mi iineiiecroai ano moral luilil-
A IIiiIsk Tiuiik is pi isecu'ed on the Reeling
b'ai'r. ad. Twenty f i air s of coal cars p.sson ihe
roul daily Id up and don conveying RllOti
tons wi ekly. The freight is f I 30 per ton. of which
The f jenrgelow n 1). "., Advocate, states th it the ; 'he cmp iny expect t clear $1 OH. This income
house or barn swallow has entirely disappeared the . if of course exclusive of th il from passengers and
present fca-on, and asks for information us to the ,; fteieht. The company have now 30 locomotives
(being with a w exceptions of the first class
VitiH Quarters. The New Oilcans Picayune! cu cars "Oil freight and 20 passenger
adveilis, a sex r r nl dwelling houses to let "in St.
S John the
cms. I n'es urn xprcti J otiKiacles occur, n double
track ibroughutit the line will be fini-hed ni XI season.
Honiiiiiir. Oi riitm-.. Fath. i.t. We
The fountain at Union Park, being in full
play and illuminated with gas lights, attracts
crowds of visitors and is really n splendid affair.
A new feature has been introduced, by the hi
ring of chairs nficr the Trench fashion. One
of our Broadway c .vjuibitts, on Wodnesday
evening, was bboitt to accommodate himself
with a seat: "Thne chairs arc to hire, Sir,"
aid the woman in attendance. "How much!"
"Two cents each." "Give me five," said the
dandy. The woman collected, and brushed
the chairs, and he seated himself on one hung
an arm over the other two and a leg for each ;
Cooly took out a Principe Srgar, lit it with a
loco-loco match, and in this position gazd most
luxuriously on the foaming cascade, to the in
finite amazement ofthc bystanders. "May I
trouble you for one of those chairs for a lady !"
k-aid one of the prdcstri.n. "Cant 'part with
tJ7-hired 'tin sirMrs. Thingamy there
W'lllaccowciuiliite you." .V"?'.' M:srigrr.
Tellow citizens ; the time has come when
it is needful that we send men M leoislate
for us whore mural character is above suspi
cion ; irhotr u hoh lin liarr hrrn nnr coiilin.
vrd scfnr of corrert vwraldi'jinrluii nt ; u Iium'
only object would be our country V- rood ; n per
petuation nf the blood bought privilroew and li
bertics secured to us by our ancestors who nobly
bled and died for our freedom's cause."
fXj" Tho above sublime extract is from the Mil
ton Ledger of Saturday wei k. John's candidate
must I a man "ii7.dv u-hult life lum lu tn one
cantinurtl tetne uf corrert moral Jiportment."
A Iti r this, we should not be at all surpri-e l that
John should be yet compelled to offer himself as a
candidate. How fortunate for the wurlj that la
ancestors were not "bled and died" twelve months
before bis birth.
CTj Miii ft Mattiiis Money continues a
biindont in llieciiies; firt rate paper is readi'y re.
gotiated at 0 lo 4 per cent. The ipntaiions of
country paper are nol quite as favorable as last
week. Relief paper is now quoted at 2 j to 3.
(Ej'Tii Pa lino uk tbb McCli.-vi aiiavs
Tho Ciermantown Telegraph, a ahort timo since,
announced that Gov. Porter had pardoned the Me
Mcnnahans, The Governor was accordingly de
nounced in every quar'er by hia enemies. The edi
tor now says thai the announcement w&t prf ma
ture, or in other words untrue, and to add insult to
'rjuiy, now cays :
"The Governor, it was understood, had a per
sonal grudge against Mr. Aaron for a scathinn
whic h he adminibtered to him in a Tempeiance
i onvenuon at iiammurg, some lime ago, and
hence would rejoice at the opportunity of re
taliating in ihis way."
Now this is not only mean and contemptible,
but villainous. Gov. Poller is firbt charged with
hiving committed an improper act, and when the
charge is fonnd to be untrue hs ia insulted for not
having done sn, by impeaching his motives. Let
Governor Porter rtjiid or fall by hit own acts, but
not t y ihe inventions uf his enemies.
ence that is favorably felt in all classes ofsociitv,
and while endeavoring lo enliuhten the people as
to iheir lithts and duties, have carefnllv eu.ird. ,1
Hon. JESSE MILLER, of Perry, having recei- j the true interests of the public."
ved a majority of all Ihe voles given, was declared j "
duly nomii ated as another of ihe Democratic nmn. ; A Rci e rion Ma, Drvnett O'Cnv-
incss for the office of Cam.1 C mo issioners. , 5,11 A' " I '! meeting at Dublin on the 7lh. ' f" r, between Kcl gious mid
The names of A IJ Wurford, II an John I.apo te, j per-on who hid for some time been silling beside j "'"I"' Uriels.
J A Gamble, Everett Oles and E F Gay, were j O'Connel, a.lilre-e I a Mr. Steele, nml handing In Ualtiinore, a par'y ofcolored Women are in the
thereupon withdrawn from the list ofmminees. ; bun his card, rcquesti .1 an inlroductioii to Mr. O'. 1 libit nf hiring nut at hou-es. for the pu.po-e ..f ' ClMld, t,.r of the Phil id-ln'ii i
ii . i . t . - ' i V 1 1 iw !i..,l.. ...... ...,i....,i.,l il.n 1 r .ll....:. ..I '. r . I ' '
ne convention piocee.iej to a lotirlh vote,- I" . .......a... ir ..rr .......s oi vomuuf ror-t-rics.- , V,,iB,B J Kailroid. that W.,.
which result.d as follows; ! card, and intimated that Mr. Gordon Dennett of , S, rl of lb. in hate b, en a,reM..l. j Ml.fl:iV m,ri,ntrn ,llk ,,,,,.,., VAUim Ml hI.
For William 11 Foster, Jr., M j Xt'w V"rk' wa " Mr- r -"'"' "'I''"''- : !,.,or Shelby. f Kentucky, has a hundred tween a Mr. F...w:..l, a lawyer of Cecil County
Hon A Deaumont. 3t ' "" " " Wl,h ' ',v' " acre lield which will v ge too bushels of corn ... in ihu Sv,,,, (and. if we remember rig'.tlv late .
WILLIAM 11 FOSTER. Jr. nf llradford ,.,. j 1'-,e " h f'" 'k IK""!''- the ace. I, is pl.m.ej four fe.t ea, h way. wi h mln-r of .he M irv'an.l L. Bi-la..,re.) and the edi-
net ,v,o a majoruy , me voles polUM, , ' ' -' , I..UI Hulks to the hill. lor of one ol , he Elkton newsoaoers. The nan...
The quantity ol sug:ir n-ed in the I'nitetl States, "' 'he etlitor, ami ihe inciting cause of ihe collisou,
isistima'ed at thiee bund. e. I millions of polio's we did not learn. The editor, by some means.
The nveiat;e crop of Louisiana is one hunibed learned that Mr. Forward intended to visil Elkton
ball hae nothing to fay to him. ' This," says ihe
ri porter. was a lecej iion thai Mr. Hi nm It did not
count upon, and he foilhwith proceeded lo lake his ;
departure. The room be'ng v, ry fell, his move- ;
n cnl was much reiauled ; bin by the ui.l of the !
chairman he rtrugglcd out, amid the groans of the
mill oi s.
The Duke ol Dorset died in London on the 2sih
! of July. As he I. It no heirs, tho title of Duke of
: Dorset, Eail of Middle-ex, and Duron Uuckluirst,
was declared duly nominated i.s the t!i rd candidate
for the office of Canal Commissioner.
Mr AxmiKw Millhi of Philadelphia city, mo
vej that
JAMES CLARKE oflndiina.
JESSE MILLER of Perry, and
WM U FOSTER of Dra.lford,
l, .1. ..I...,l il a .... ..I... lu n .... I . i:i.. -r Srlr-inmle Man.
i.v .1, i run,, u.v iiiimii, iiniiiiuuiril lllllllll.ltl Ul l
the Democratic party fo'r the office of Cunnl Com- ' S,,M1 t,,n or lwl U'' ',,nr" ,,rn wo , '"'"m'' " '
niissii.ners. at the ensuing general election ' w,,rt wynS law in J. llerM.n county, N. Y., , The mar, named Wm M. Cann. who was arres.
Mr Cs ,: ,.f Lancaster, moved to amend bv ' H -V"'"'.;r " J"'"' lVltit, rame ' ,"1 "MiJway. -N.'w Vork, a .lay or to nice,
.Minn the following : . Aid tbat U e n b.r. of '' ' to cunmence the Mud v. He f"' ki(!""8 11 .",,,n M in ,h h" ""
this Convi n.i,,,, hereby inulually pledge ihems. lves s apparently -ilKHit .- nr Si years f ago, a,l . ";"' " for months. Dear
to eixe the ticket their iindividid support." j HUtim by trade, lie was a raw, awkward, . k"",,"S f"r oK1 c,"
MrVii.i i: Biceiil.d of tbe inodilie ition. and 1 cross-eyed fellow, with little knowledge of the 1 Manufarh.ri, f .Mir Kigion.. Il is i-tated
the resolution as modified was unanimously adop
ted. Georae M Latitnan and Henry Petiiken we re ap
pointed a committee offinance, when the Conven
tion adjourned to meet at half past S o lock, P M.
world, and with none but a fireside education, 1 ""'r,, ' now "' manufactory m ."New
; obtained between the intervals of mechanical K-e-3,-J ' " " '" f"M "1"'"'"". '"! "". to
bihor. lie was, however, ambition, lie pus-
fulfil ordeis f r exportation, are running both day
with I list view nt' cnirlniling him, and p.eparod him
self with pistol and bill lo receive him. He came,
the attack was made, and the editor discharged the of ihe pistol into his .m's b uly, so se
vcicly wounding him that he died the same even
ing. The practice of ass lulling ejitors has become
so ficipient of late, and has been attend, d with such
fen ful results, that we can scarcely regret a cir
cumstance that will have a tendency to check the
'eceptioii of such outrages. Gardner fell a
viiiim in Norfolk, in a vi ilent outrage ag linst the
laws. Dr. llagan was also sacrificed in the same
way in a recent iiffiay. Mr. Hue.ston, of Raton
Rouge, though he fell in a duel with a member of
Cimercs elect, was urged to that redress by a mis
..i.-t. !....:.. .. I. ... .rl. .. 1 .
w. li. it Hiio inirrii, i inieoj mi: it tii'iiui i set to nanus,
ncsi-escii (.'immI btrono- common sene, ami was ' '
n shrewed observci of what passed nrouiul him. CttimrutlnLlr. German Convention has been taken notion ot injured honor, having first been brit
tle was a member ol our village Ivcetim anil i ,,'''' " P't'sburg, to devise means for ihe better ed- tally beaten by his antagonist. Mr. Forward hs
Mr Rooms, or Ducks, moved t'n at a committee was one of the pisirest speakers in it, because I ucation of their chilJieii. but fallen a victim to his own lawless act, am! the
of three be appointed, to apprise the nspective can- ! he was iinpractisod. We recollect on one O0- ' Three Philadelphia tailors sained Peter ('amp- fate that has met him is nothing more than he mcr
ilidattf of their nomination which was si amend- i casion, when all the members of that society bell. Edward Devdin, and Pascoe Ciocker, have ited by his attempt to invade ihe personal rights of
j ed. thai ill case of Vacancy by death or rofu-al to j were required to read or speak sniiietliintr ! been held to bail in 2U0 each for eiidcav.iring to l another, and to be the avenger of his ow n wrongs,
j serve, the Democratic ft ite Comiitee be empower- ! orioiiuil, be took the floor and surprised us all p'v. nt one Elii Ilngg from working under wa- ' 1'uhlic l.e,l'r,.
en to tin me same. tie cbair a po n'ed Gen I.o. i with an orioiiml jtrait rt which tlieingis10d j 8' The tailors will probably find this hugiig
i.hs of Ducks. Mr Jamiso, ol Indiana, and Mr. him at once as a sitio'tilar ireniiw. A tier study j mailer rather expensive. I A difficult and remarkable operation in Don-
Am.ihs,.x of IViry. under the resolution. ,.,w , ynf w ,C j,. hp (((lk.(i W(h Thr r,iWnnfJt im, ,,;, of Srw Hampshire. , tal Surgery, successfully porfbrmed in Sew
On Motion of H,n D CiUMevsrs, il was j nn .... . .- , - , . rt I hxve snU.erilM-d for conies of Hie Wl.iie Mountain . Vork by Dr. A. ('. CasTI.i:, is thus noticed in
littoluJ, That the Democratic Miate Central I ....,. ... - ... ., . 1 i. ; f ,k 1 the Herald :
pt fit ina luriuuc in iiiu j;rcju wcm, l Ills was i .'iivm, ,ivium WVJ I "'
the last we heard ol him till lately. I Slate Prison. Tbe Toiri nl is a cold water per. j Tbe case lo which w e alluded was that ot
Some time since we saw tho name of John j This i probably dune as a substitute fot the .bower j Lieutenant Shubrick, of the P. S. Navy. This
Pettit iiikmi the Democratic Committee nf Indi. ! bath. i hi.-hly reputable ollicer when in Florida, bad
C3TbeAvh strest Theatre, in Philadelphia,
hat been pusenled aa a nuisance. The Meicur)''
hopes thai it may Is? eonvertej into a church, or
cvn a livery ktallf ,
Coinniitti e be and they are hereby authorized and
n quested, to i-sue nn add est. loth people of Penn
sylvania, flu the suljict of .he nominations made
On motion of Mr Duawlkt of Oi ford, tbe Con
vention adj turned nine die.
Signid by the nflieeis.
ffj The Whig Convention, for the nomination
of Canal Coinminionei, met at H-iriisbuig. on Ihe
6th in. I., and nominalcd Wm Tweed of Northum
Ibutnbirlaiid county, Simeon Guilford uf Lebanon,
and Benjamin W raver of Allegheny counties. Mr
Guilfoid, was formerly an engineer on the Penn
sylvania Canal, and did not leave the service with
any great rredit. With Mr Wriver, we are not ac
quainted. Mr Tweed of this county, is woll known
aa an hnnett and able man, and is, we plenums,
worth both ihe others.
fXj- Piiii AntiriiiA Nomina rts. The demo
era ic city and county conferees met at Philadelphia
on the Mi Inst., and nominated James H. Hutchi
s..n for 8h. If. ForCoi preM! l.t district, Thoa
McCally J ad disiiKi. Juhu T. Smithi lib district,
I Clia,!t J. Lii rscl!.
ana, appointed to correspond with the Democrat
ic candidates lor the Presidency. Soon after,
wc observed tho Lafayette Faiole assailiny
John t'etlit, as a sort of political dictator in
northern Indiana, and who was aspiring for the
Democratic nomination for Congress in his
district We kept our eje on the political
movements in that quarter, and sure enough,
we found that John 1'ettitdid receive the nomi
nation of the Convention by a decided majority
over all the candidates. During tho whole
time, we felt a great curiosity to know if this
John Pettit was not our old fellowstudcnt. A
day or two since, wo met with a gentleman
from Lafayette, w ho informs us that be is the
same genius the very identical cross-eyed
John Pettit who made that prayer. Ue is
now considered one of the ablest and soundest
lawyers in Indiana, and was, we believe, United
Slates District Attorney under Mr. Van Daren's
administration. Frce Prtsa.
. ,- . .... . t,. 1 the whole side of his face destroyed by a doit-
An arousing question seem to nave arisen te. i j j .
ll . I .rl 1. ..I . ' r 1 1. - i i
, n r . I. l ... I f .... o ? cnar''o oi ouca euoi. inc impcr aim tow
iurpn in. Provinees of ars ltrunswick ami 1 I l
da, to which of them belongs the territory ceded by
the I'nited States, by the late treaty for settling tbe
, er jaws were completely carried away, anJ a
frightful wound produced, which, as may bo
bouudaiy between bei leiritories and ihose of the
two provinces.
Mackerel. The Halifax pspera state that the
coast of Nova Scotia is now visited by Mackeirl
and Herring in larger quan lilies than ever were
known at ihis season. In the straits of Csnso the
proplo'are taking them with teines a circumstance
without parallel for the last thiity years.
Something of a Garden. TUt garden of the
Englifch Marquis of Westminster occupies about
one hundred seres, and in nne of ihe arbors ia an
alur in Ihe ruins at Chester, where it haj been left
by the Romans.
.1 Good Memory. The Boston Post ays there
is a man living in Edgarlown, Mass., who can rs
peit ihe entire Pnble from mvmory, Tbs Phtla.
1 Luigcr ssks, Did the Pott bear him !
readily coticived, left a most awful delormits.
His accurate anatomical knowledge aisl famil
iarity with all the resources of hiesrt fortunate
ly enabled Dr. C. to remedy the effects of hk
terrible accident completely. A piece of Den
tal mechanism, which admirably sei veil as n
substitute for the jaws and teeth was inserted,
the deformity almost altogether remedied, and
the gallant officer is now able to masticate Ins
food without any difficulty, whilst scarcely a
trace ofthc extensive injury remains.
A gill of must ml Beed to a barrel of sour ci
der will restoie it to its sweetness, or prevent
its turning eour if still in good order. A quar
ter of a pound of saltpetre to a barrel of eider
willalro preserve it from change.