II A IV' lv NO Ti; LIST. PrXXSVLVAMi. The following list ho the current value of nil Pennsylvania Batik Notes. The most implicit re Runce my I placed upon it, a? it i e very irnk t;vfu1lv compared vvilh ai d coirccted fiom Bi.k cill'a Reporter. ltnnks In riitlndclpltln. Pine, tf ISar. Locatio. H1L,. NOTES AT PAR. Batik of North America . . ilstik of the Northern Liberties Commercial Hank of IVnn'a. . , Paimcis' and Mechanics' Dank Kensington Bank . . ,'liiliuli Ipliia Bank . Si huylkill Bunk . . . Ni.nihwark Bank . Wc-itern Bank , , . Mtvlmnir' Bank , . Mill. ill at tun-re' & Mechanics' Bank Country trmiKs. Tlnnk nf Chester Cnnntv Westchester p.-.r , i or pnr pur fPT p p-T pnr pnr par par par par par pur pnr 'nnk of Delaware County V 'iik of Nprirumtnan" t ..nk of Mr-ntpompry Co. ' ylcstnw (i Benk von H-irk mers' Pnnk of Burks co. -.bee of Bsr.k of Tr rin'a. e-iTice do do Ch enter Oermantown Norrislown Doylcptown Eston Brhtol pur Harrishurg'j These Lancaster I Rending f . oll'.crti 1 'iTi'-e do do )tr.ce do do NOTES AT do not Fusion J issue ii DISC O I IS T. Bank of (he 1'niled Stutes Pl.il.ult Ijdi'a !' ink of IVnn Township tlirard Bank . Moyamenaiiig Bank Bji.k of S'piinaylvaiiia Miners' Bank l Poltsville Bank of I.ew istown B:mk of Middletown II. ink of Nnrtliuinheiliind pur 1 3 1 1 1 par pai Pottrville Lcwistown Middletoun Ni.ilhniiini iliind Ciihimliia Carlisle Pittshutg lar I'olunihia Bank A Bridge co. Curliale Bank Exchange Bank Do do hraneh of Farmers' Bank of l.anrnslei l.nntaster Comity Bank Foiiners' Bank of Reading HunishuiK Bank Lancaster Bunk Lchnnon Bank Merchnnta' & Mar.uf. Kaiik Bank of Pittsburg Went Branch B.iiik Wyoming Bank ISiirtliiiniptoii Bunk lirika Ciiiinty Bunk Ulf.ee of Bank of IT. S. Do do do Do do do Kensinetoii Suv. Ina, A i i l i 4 i U i l :. :; 7(1 failed do Hnllidliyshuig Lancasici Lancaster Bending Harrishurg Lancaster Lebanon Pittsburg Pitt.-hnrg Willian'sp-irt Viikeli'ii) Allt'iito'An Reading Pittsburg Erie Mew Brighton do do Penn Township Suv. Ina. Bank of Chamherid'iirg Bnnk of (!eltyihurg Bunk of Susquehanna Co. Erie Bank Farmers' & Drovcra' Bank Franklin Bank .Innrfdah? Bunk Miiiioncahela Bank of B. Vork Bank do Clnmbersliing (itttysliurg Montiosc Eri Wpyrieahurg 'aahiriKloii Konesdale Brownsville York )Ja3.4 6iiC fmr.A lui M M ii N. B. The notea of those hunka on which we omit quotations, and suhi!itiite a dush ( ) are not purchased by the Philadelphia hrokerd, wiih the rxception of those which have a letter of nlcnnce. BROKEN B A N K s. Philadelphia Sav. Ina. IMulaJrl, hia I'hiladelphia Loan Co. do Schuylkill Sav. Ina, do Manual Labor Bank (T. V Dyntl, prop,) tailed tailed failed failed tiOliHS no a.de l ll'Fl d closed fulled th'M d lli Mile fuiYd filled failed no ale no nale no Bale lulled no m!e i luted l.o illlc l d i owanua Uunu Touanda Alleghany Bunk of Pa. Bank of Beaver Bnnk ul !Swalara Bank of Wushington Centre Bank 'Mty Bank Kirmern' & Mech'ca' Bank F.'.rmera' ok Merh'iv' Bank i iiimrra' cV .Mi ch'cbtl)ai;k Ma'l,!OliV IllMltlltC In: linpdor. Bank hiiiiala Bank .i:inl'ermeu'i Bul k Northern Bank of Pa. New Hope bid. Btivlge 'f. Northuuih'd I'niun Col. Dk. IS ith ttt-tn Biuk of 1'a. tlJhce of Schuylkill E.k IV Ar & Manuf. Bank Silvt-e Luke Bank I 'ninn Bank of IVnn'a. WfHimon land Bank Wilkenharre Bridge Co. Bnlloid Beaver HiirrifbuiR Valiiugiii Belli fiiulu I'itlr-l'tllK l'itthl'iiri Fayette o. In encu-t'e Harmony Huntingdon 1 .en Mow ii S dl lt-11 Dc.nd.rt New Hop1 Miliot. Mr ad v ilt Port Caihun ( Bill Ic fail.d Mcnliote rinsed Fniunlown faded firtfti eLum llot-ed Vilk tirre no Kale fXj- All notes puipi.rtii to he on any lYnnyi vauia Bank not given iu ihu above bet, may be et down a frauds. max ji:usi:t. Bank of New Btunswick Briinsivick failed I ar U pur par A Belviduie Hank Builnigton Co. Bank ( 'omuiertinl Bank ( 'uuil i rUu.j I! jiit.' Fiii mt r.s' Bi-i.k Fanut r' and Mtehanies' Bk Fa.Uiirs' and Mechanic' I k Farmera' and Merchant' Bk Franklin II ink of N. J. Balvidi-re Mcdlurd Penh Amboy Bridtlon Mount Holly Kahway V liimiswi. k failed Mid.lletowu Pt. Ij Jersey City fuil.d lad. d tailed failed fail.d U failed par Hoboken Bkgck Oiazuig Co Hohoken Jeraey City Bai.k Mrchanita' Bank Manulaetur. r' liui.k Morris County Bunk Monmouth Bk of N.J. .M.thunits' Bank Mechanic' und Manuf. Bk Morris Canal and Bkg Co Post Nolea Newark Bkg & Ina Co New Hope Del Bridge Co N. J. Manufac. and like Co .Kr.icy ('iiy I'ultcraoii Belleville Moiri.-town FircludJ iSrwaik 'I'rcnton Jcrny City m nil.1 Newaiji Laml.eitsvillo Hoboken failed failed Ii fulled i pur par N J Proteelon A; Lombard bk Orange Bank l'alerson Bank People' Bank Princeton Bunk Salem Banking Cu Stale Bunk State Bank State Bank State Bank of Muni Stute Bank Salem and Philud Munuf Co Suskt-x Bank Trenton Banking Co I'ui.m Bank Wubhingloii Banking Co. Jersey Ciiy Orange Pult'lKOl) do Princelmi jIihi ISewurk Flizultlhtou n Cannlcu M.rriitowii 'I'renniil alcm New ton Ticnl.iu Daer H jckcuiiatk i par failed latl.d I par I A fail, j im:mw aki:. BkofWilmeSc Brandywine Wilmington Bank of Delaware Bank of Smyrna Do hunch Wilmington Smym Millord Farmer' Bk of Slate of Del Dover Wilininijlon (eo'ietown JScwcittle W lliiunt'on Do branch Do branch Do branch 1'nion Bunk (Tj- Under "' (XJ" Oil all bank nia ked thus () there are ei ther counterfeit or ul en d notta of (lie vaiiou Je nomimrioua, in uhuUUud. ''if best n-eh:d for ti e AMitu.v rf Disease is to crV?i..p and purify the Body. TI'KIGIIT'S imi i rr.Gi:TAni.n riM.s OP Till? . .Imrrlcni College of Health, Are no acknowledged In he the best Medicine in ihe World fur (he euro of EVERY VARIETY OF DISEASE. fECAFSE ihev romplelely cleanse the ato jj ma. h and bowel from iht se billions and cor nipt humors w ich are the cause not only of Ili-edaihe. Oi.l, lines. Pa'niMion of the Ileirt, IVns in the Bones. Rheumsfsm and O. ti'. hut evciv roi lni'v incident to man. SAID I.NDIAIS VI'CETABI E PILLS arc a ceriain cure for in- icMii'ttenl, icmi:trd, nervous, influmatory and putrid Fevers, hrcinse tbev clearise ihe p.idy frnn those rnml.iid hcniora. w l.irli, wlien coiirincd to trie eiicn I .lion, are the cnue of all kinds of FE VERS. So, ninn, when the same impurity ia deposited on the n'emhiane and muscle, causing pains, infl.im.i. lions and awellinps called lillECM A 1 I.M, ; tJt'l T.iVc. Wright' Indian Vegetable Pills may . lie relied r.n as n'vvuvs ertuin to give relief, and if peiscveied vi ith. according to directions will most nssimdly, and vvithonl fail, make n perfect cu e of Ihe above painful n ntadies. From three to six of said Indian Vigetab'c Pills taken every night go- iriR 10 licit, vi:i in snort lime so completely no the body fiom cvety thing that is opposed to health, tbat Rhenmnli-.m, (Sunt, and pain of every descrip- ! tion.will be literally DRIVEN FROM THE BO. I DY. For the a imp reason, w hen, from sudden : changes of atniO'pherp, or any other chifp, the pei- s'uation is checked, and Ihe humors which should 1 pis oil' hv the skin are thrown inwardly, causing ! HEADACHE. (ill)Dl.NESS, nausea 'and sick- nesa, pain in the In. ties, wa'ciy and inflamed eves, j sore throat, hoarsciie-s, coughs, consumptions, i iln lunatic pains in various (.arts of the body, and many olh-T avnii'oni of CATCHIMJ COLD, IVriVA's Imiitn Vegetable Vi'h will invariably I give iiumedi .te relief. 1- rum thiee to six of said Pills taken every liii'ht on going .. bed, w ill in a abort time, not only remove all the above tuiph'as mt sy mptoms, but the body will, Hi a short time, he restored to even sounder beabhthan before. ASTHMA, mi DIFFICL'LTY OF BREAT1I- Wright' Indian Ytgftalilr I'M will loos en nil. I cany off, by the stomach and hoiveis, those tough phlegmy humors, which stop up all the air cells of the lungs, mid are the cause, not only of the aboip distressing complaint, but when neglected, ..It. ii terminates in llint mo.edieailful malady called CONSI'MPTION. Il sh.ui'd be bIro leinemhi ird that Wright's Indian Yrgtlahle Villi are a certain cute for PAIN IN THE SIDE, Oppression, nau sea, and sicknrss, loss of appetite, coslivcnrsa. a yellow tinge of the rkin and eyes, and every other I symptom of a torpid or diseased stale of the liver; ' because they purge from the body (hose impurities w hich if di posited upon this important organ, are : the cau-e of every variety of LIVER CtM. j PLAINT. When a nation is convulsed by riot-, ; onibreuks and rebellion, the onlv means of prevent, j ing the dreadful consequences of a CIVIL WAR, is to expel all traitors, and evil disposed ones from the cniiniry. In like manner, when pain or sick ness of any kind, indicate that the body ia Kirug eline with internal foes, the true remedy is to EX PEL ALL MORBID HFMORS, (Tiaitora to health and life,) Health trill lie the certain reaul. That the piineiple of curing disease, by cleansing and purifying the body, is stiictly iu accordance with the laws which govern the animul economy; and if properly carried out by the named WKIOHT'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS, will ceitainly result in the complete Abo lition of Di-euse ; we oiler ihe following testimoni als, from pcrsoiif of the highest respectability iu New Yoik, who have recently been cuied of ihe most uh-tina!e complaints, solely by the us.- of Wiiiuiir'a NniA Vioktabi r. Pin s, of the Xurth American Vulhgrvf lldi'th : Jamaica, L. I., June Oil., 19-11. Doctor Wil'iain Wright Dear Sir It is with 1 greiit sali-facticii I inform you of ;.iy bavins liecn entitelv cured of Dyspepfia. of five years stundu g. hv the ne of your Imuu V i.e. kta iii.f. Pii.ls. Pievious to iiieeiiug wi'h your eclelualed in. ib cine, I hud been under the ham's of several Physi cians, and hail tried vmious medicines; but .-ill to no effect. After using one S:" cent box of jour Pills, however, I experienced so much benefit, lint I teolvtd fo perscveie in Ihe use of them oceoiding to directioiis, which 1 am happy to state, h is lesult i il iu a peiteet cure. Ingraiilude to ynu for ihe great benefit I have received, and ulo in the hope that ottiiia similarly a 111 tend may I e induced to m..ke li l il of your extraordinary medicine. I send eu Ibis i-luk in. Ill Willi full hbe.ty to pubiih the same, if von think proper. Yours. Ac. Niw Yoik, June 10, I8tl. O.C. ULACK. Mr. Ritb.inl Dei nis, ag ut for Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills. Dear Sir I have been afflicted for several years wiih inward weakness and general debility, accom- auied at times with pains in the side and oilier dislressii g complaints. A ft. I having tried various mrdicinea w i'hont elT.ct. I w as persuaded bv a fi icn.l In make trial tf Dr. Wiighl'a Indian Viiretuble Pills, which I Bin happy to state, h ive itlieved me in a most wonderful manner. I have used the me dicine, as yet but a ml tune, and have no doubt, by a perseverance in ihe use of the medicine iiccor ding lo diiections, iht I shall in a short time be perfectly re toie.l. I most willingly rerr.mniend s-iid P !!s to nllprr- sntrs similutly iiflliclcd, and in the lull belief that ) ihe same bi r.i l'.i-i.il results w ill follow iheir use, I re main youis sinctielv, HENRY A. FOOTE, ' W'arwaring, l lsicr co. N. Y. J Nv Yoiik, Sept. I 1 1 . This is to certify lliul I hate used Wiiii.ht's Imiias Vii.i tihi r Pii.i.h with I lie grialest lai.e tit ; bat inn i n'iu Iv cured myself of the ircjueut at j tacks ol Siek Hi bdaehe, to which I had previously j been subject. ANN MARIA THOMPSON, 'M'i (ircc nwit It street, N. V. To Mr. Riebiird Dmni., Agent for V light' Ju- dian Vegttuhle ''ills. r.i i' n o.v. A ihere are ut this lime many wicked persona busily enguged in selling a counterfeit medicine un der the name of the Indian Vegetable Pills and as these desperate men are n utterly reckless of con sequences, inui muiiy vaiuatue i.vea may lie lost in consequence ol using tl.etr dreadful compounds, 'be publ.c are cautioned ogiuust purchasing any Pill, sunless on the li.lcsof the buns the following wording is found : WRIOHI'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS, (Indian FurgnUvf.) oi Tiir. tteiani AMiiiicis cot i u. r. or ui altii'. And alsc to be cspekiilly careful against purcha sing said medicine ef any person t xcepl ibc regu lar a.lverliked agen'a. Ah i:TS FOR SOR Til UMF) F A' I, A .YD CO, Pennsylvania. H. B. Masser, Suuhury Wm. Forsyth, Nor thurnbi rlunil Jacob Hiai, Shamokin Samuel Herb, Mahonny Byerlv A D. Haaa, Augusta Tlniiuss F.illmer, Milton Ireland A Mciull, MeEvteiist illr E S. P er. Turbutsville Jame s Km!. Polisgroip . Klase, Sot di rstot n II. H. Kno-bd. I'. M.. iJivkbuig P. O. Wm. par par par par par par p.r par pr Ul j I. i-enring, P M, Union C.iiner. Ojhce and timer;-! Depot for lha fale HV,'.... r,.r,'An l r.. ii. le. -i .t .... .. 4u.v', wrriuiir i in. i uoiesHii Weii.ii, n. K.y R( i: f-run F.r. pihlapei FHIA. May VI, lMU. !y ROSE OINTMENT, von TirrTi.ii. RINOXVOrtMS, riJtrl.f.rs ON 1 UK f-ACK, AND OTHKIt CTTANFUl' FKIT1 IONS. (Jj- 'Flit following eerttfea'e desn iles tint of Iht mast i .ririnirdinary cures ever effected by any application. I'm i. a ns i pin a, Frhruaty in, 183rl. IOR twenty years I wa severely afflicti d with TtTTrn on the. Fare ami Mend: the disease commenced when I nun aeventeen years old, and continued until the Full of I8'!G, varying in vio lenre, hut without ever disappearing. During most of il e time, great pari of my face was covered with j (hr1 eruption, freuuentlv nitended with vio'ent itch ; my head anel'ed at timis until it fell as if it i would hurst (he pwellin; was bo gie.it, that 1 could . fcareelv get mv hat on. Durinc the long period that I was afflicted w i:h the disease, I use.l a great many a plication . f anions them several eelebraled preparation-) as w. II as lakinti inw.itd remedies, imliidiiict n number of hot Ilea of Nirnhn't I'tinnrra, Krlrari of Sttrsupurilht, fcc. In fact, it would be impo-sible to enumerate all the medicines I used. 1 was also undei the care of two of the most dis tinguished physician of this cbv, but without re ceiving much benefit, and I despaired of ever being cured. In the fall of lSHti. the diseii-e i.t the time j Mug very vio'ent, I commenced usinc the Hunt Ointment, (jirepared ty aitntuin V Dims.) In a few applications the violent itcliina ca-ed, the swilling abated, the eruption began to disnppear, and In'fi.re I hail Usui a jar the di.-easc was entiiely ruied. It has now I een nearly a year and a half since, and there is not a vestige of the disease re mainine. except Ihe senrs from the deep pits formed by the disease. It is imp. ssible for me to ileacrilT ilia certificate the seventy of the disease md my sell, ring, but I will be pie ised to cive a fuller ac count to any person wanting further satisfaction, who will cull on me. At the lime I co'i.mrnce.l using the R, kc Oinluvnt I would have given hun ibeds of do ling to he rid of the disease. Since u- i f-ng ji, ,VI reconirncnded it to cver d persons. , f aiumni them mv mother, who hud the diseuse bad ly on her nun.) who were a I cured hv it JAMES Dl'KNIM.L, No. LM.. Race St. tj' The Rose Ointment is piepaied by E. I(. Vauhun, Sum h East comer of Third and Race streits, Philadelphia, and sold on agency iu Sunhu ry. bv H. B. MAssER, May Hlh. 18-1.1. Agent, llosv Oiiiliuciil, Ibi Tcfttr. a vnuor in' its rrricwv. Piiii.Aii.i.piiiA, May 27th, 1.T.. 'PHIS is to certify tbat I was severely afflicted j with Tetter in the hands and feel for upwards ; of forty years ; the diaesse was attended generally wilh violent itching and swelling. I applied to J 1 number of physicians, and used a great many appli- ' cations without (fleeting a cure. About ayiarl since, I appl.ed the Rose Ointment, which entirely stopped the itelrng.and a few applications iuiincd;- 1 ati ly cured the disease, which there ha been no i return of, although 1 had never been rid of it at ' any time f.r forty years. RICHARD SAVAdE, : Ehventh, below Spnne Street, j CTj" The Rose Ointment is prepared bv E. B. ! Vain han, S .nth East corner of Third and Race 1 Streets, Philadelphia, and a .ld on agency in Siiuhu- ' ry.bv H. B. MASTER, Mav 1-llh. 11.1. AgiMt. ' MEDICAL ArrKOBATXON fifths llOSi: HTMi:.r,Jr 'lth-r. A LTHOl'tJH ihe superiority of the prepaid n over all others is fully es'ablished, ihe pr-ipr-e-lors lake ph asure in laying before ihe public the following certificate from a respectable physician, a graduate of ihe Fuiversity of Peiuisv Uuii'm. Dr. Daup.b, having found in Ibis lemcdy that relief f-r a tedious and diugr cuM. ulVeetioli which ihe means within the range of bis profession failed to all.ird. has not hesitated to give it hia approbation, although t lie prejudices and interests of that profession aie eppoied to secret Remedies. Pllll.tlitl.rlll t, S. pi. 10, is:th'. I was recently trouhhd witli a tedious herpetic eruptii n, which cmcicd nrarlv one si.'e of mv f.ee, and extended over the ear. Mr. Vuughaii. proprn lol of Ihe Rom' ( rii tinenl, ulseiviug mv face, insis ted on mv t ying I. is preparation, of which he han ded me a jar. Allhough ill common w ith the nirni l eia of my pr .fi s,inu, I discountenance and disap prove ot the numcr. us nostrums palmed upon the public by inoiiml ri tenders, I feel in jus'ice bound to except ihe Rose tbntiii.nl fiom tha: e'a-s of me dicines, and to give it my approbation, ns it entire ly tured the eruption, nlthoiigh it h id lesisted the Jsu.il iipphcations. DANE. BAl (ill, M. D. j The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. I!. Vuughun, South East corner of Thin! and R ice Stiecls, l'liiladelphia, and sold on aei nev in Sun si'.R. Ag nt. burv. by II. 1J. MA' Mav'Mtl ISi.'l. J. MAYL AND, JR. & CO. Smill' ami 'Fcliacco Alamilai liiri'is, .Y. !'!) Sorth Wist eorntr of lime and Third Stints. PHILADELPHIA. rPHE nnder-igned have formed a Co partm rship A under the firm if .1, MAYI.NI J it. A Co.. u successor to the lute I'm in of Jneali Alai'und , Co., und will c miinue the business at the old eda- , h hment, on their own accocii'. In uddiiioii ' : i their own close attention and experience f.t many years, in tl.e mat.ulacluie of their cerebrated siuitl-, i Ac, tlie long i x perieiK-e of the senior partner of the ; late firm, tv.ll abo be devottd lo the interest uf the ! new concern and aa no exertion and caie will he spared lo insure iheir go.uls, at all time of ihe ve- j ry best quality, lin y solicit a continuance of the conliiUnce of lU' b.eiuU and cu-tomers of the late firm. TIIOM S ADAMS, : J. MAV LAND, -In. 1 Phil idelphia, May IDh, 1 S 13. ly I EAGLE i i'orncr ot' 'I'll 'lit and I ini Slrt WILLIAMSrOnT, PA, flHE an! fcnlier r. speetfully annoutuvs ta the j 1 public, that he h is opened a Hotel in the com- I modioua brick building situate on the comer of I I hnd and l ine streets, where he w ill be hnppy to wait upon those who may f..vor him witli theii company. The Eagle Hotel is large and conveni ent, and furni-hed ir, the be-t in .'em sttle. It i provided with a huge number of well aired and comfortable 'cc ing apartment, rooms, private path. rs, Ac. Peisona visiting illiainsport on bu fciness or plea-ure, uny ret ss-und that every ex ertion will le used to render their sojourn at the "Eagle Hotel" pleasant and agreeable. His Table will be cupplh J with the very bia the market af fords, and h.ls I ar with die el oite-t wine and other liquors thatgcii re. ioiiubh 'J he Eagle Hon I posses' grcalcr advantages in point of location than any other similar establishment in the borough, being situate in the business part of the lown. and w ithin a convenient distance of the Court House and Williamsport and Eltnira Rail Road Depot. Sufficient Stabling provided, and good and trusty ostlcri always in attendance. Attentive, accommodating and bone-t Servant have been ( uirlo rd. and nothing b ft undone that will add io the comfort and acconnnuda'.ion of hit guesla. J'hire will be a carriage alwaya in attendance at of ihe Boat Lauding lo convey l.as.i cera to and from l 1 .l ti e ' nun me jiousr, iree or cnsrgr, HARLFS BORROWS. i Mav Mill, !Pi2. tf T "D 7 a" rv eN s ATTORM'JY AT LAW, CUITSTJIIV. PA. Bit:.lner? attended to in t tit Counties of Nor thuipl erland, L'niuii. Lycoming and t'oluinbia. Krfer to I Thomas IIaiit cV Co., Lowrii BAtinuM, '. Rr.Tsini.iia, Mc Fam i t si n A Co j SsKiturj, O mi ii eV Co., J " 'ro l'iiuittiy MERCHANTS. rPHE Subscriber, Agent of I. von A Harris, Hat Manuf iclur-rs, for New York, Phil ulelphia, Baltimore and other largp cities, whose fln.i are highly ciimiiu tided ,ir 'trad cnln and duniLilit t. has on hand a fir-t rale aatnlinnt of HA 'I'M and CAPS, suitable for Sprinp a dp", wh'ch will Vp sold very low, foi cash or appiovr.l cred.t, al the tulid rhtrtp store. No, 40, North 'J'lord sln.-l, oppisi'e the City Hotel, Phils lelphia. ROBERT D. WILKINSON. ,if.if. N. II. Orders I. if Hats in therrmV promptly attended to. The highest rice iu tash or tro le given far Fur ikin . Philadelphia, .Tune II, IS13.--ly """iwLrii7:n:ari2:ni:i"' LI. persons indebted to the firm of Lvon A 1 Harris, under the agency off). N. Thaeher. Hat and Cap Manufiirtimrt, No. 40 North Third, street, Philadelphia, are requested to make immedi ate settlement i f tin ir ai counts v. till the subscriber, their legally authorized i.genl, tt ho is fully empow eicd to settle and collect the account of said linn. ROBERT D. WILKINSON, June 4th, l-12.tf Agent. GOL 'i)"K Fsw AS ... . .1 .J.f t . t.,. . ti. iiy 4o"" i ii i ri', aiiure Ann airier, PlIILADKLIMIIA. ACr-OMMODAI IONl tOU SKVI;M Y ITttNllNSI. 0"-; x- nit AHLES WEISS, luted the " hiieSwan," ami "Mount Vernon House," resieclful!y in forms his friends and customers, thai he ha-- Li come j Ihe proprietor of the ahov well know n Hotel. Cnuri'ry Merchant will f ml She above Hotel a central location, and the best of fare. Persons tra j veiling wilh private conveyance will find a large y.inl and good ttahling h.i horses, and the best of j ostlpis. Hoarding f I perdue. Mav Mth, 1942. tf. Vl:. HILlrCAlT & CO., (.'oii)ini:i(Mi iV Forwnrdincr Mcrrliants, i'noi of Willmr Strut Hail lluad, on tiik i rt.AWAiir, 1 T A VINO nssociiiiid vi h ihem J.weph Bari.cl. I 11 hue of Enston, Pi., r.sieetfullv inform their ' friends and tl.e public generally, that they hnvt ta. k- n tli t large and we. I known sloie and wharf at foot of Willow Street Railroad, b.tily occupie I by i Jacob Martin, where il.ey pin pose doing a ticin rul : Commission and I'orw ai.ling Bu-itiess, and fom , the local tidvBn'accs of the place being connected wilh all the public improvements that have their I outlet iu the city, they duller themselves they will i be able to do business to as gieat, if not giea'ti ad I vantage, and upon as reasonable terms as any other house, and (hey nssine their fiiends that any eon ; sigiiinent made to llo in shull have tluir strict at tention, and no exeitioiis spuied lo give enliie satis : faction. I Tiny are also prepared to receive and forward i goods let ony point on the Di laware and l.elngh ; rivers, belw een Mauch Chunk, Easton and Plnla ; i.'el, hia, via Delaware Division and Lehigh Can Is; also, lo any point on the Juniata river, or Nor.h I and Wist Branches of the Susquehanna via Sehuyl. , kill and l iiiou, or tho Chesapeake and Tide Watei t anal. For the accotnmodatioii of Boats Coining or go ing via Sehiiylkill and Fnion t.'unuls, a Ste.mhoal : will hrt kept expressly for towing bonis frorn the Sehiiylkill around to the Delaware and back, which ! will enable merchants to have their prudiice deli vered on the De'nwaie, and their good sl.ippnl ul ! a saving of fit) to 7!) per cetit. oo the pi ices f.r h iiihi g aoo-s, w ith these adkiit..ges they re- speetfully solii it a shine of atroiiaue. W. HEILMAN A CO. ; William Heilmin, ) William W. K.yse , J los. ph B .met. 3 Phila.l .M ay 1 1, 1S11. ly BQLTON Sc CO. : Genual iiiiiiii.iiii Mvrt li;oils, j For the Sah of Flour, tirain, Sted, Ac, A'C. I t-l rVe-v ""'v. ESPECTFI'LLY inform their friend and die Men bants generally, llnil they have la- ken those I irge and commodious Wharv s, ith wo i Doiks, noith ol .'hestiul st reel, on the Delaware, I together w ilh the st.ae No. lit South Wharves, where ihey would be pleased to receive consign I n.ciils of drain, Floui. Seed, Whiskey, Iron, Ac. i Ac Being alto well prepared to forward all kinds I of Mt rchaiidi.-e by the Schuylkill ami Fnion, or by ' ihe Chesi.pr-.ike and Ti le Water Conn's, as tow . boats ore kept i-xprly foi the purpokt- of towing ', l.i.ats by t i her iuu!e. MeiehantK will please be particular to send thiir ' poods destined by either canal--, to No. 1!) South ! Whaives, between Market and Chcsnut slreeis, on , the llelaware, with directi. lis accompanying ll.cm ! which route they wish them to be shipped. ' OCT Plaster and Salt b.r sale, at lh. lowest niar I ket price. BOLTON A CO. i March 10, 18-1.1. No. 19 South Wharves. IiOIti:(!T ( tllil ll N. NOV, FATEH IJ AHUrACTUREHS, l.nmbard Strut, Itnttimorr, I I AVE constantly f.r sale, Prin ing Paper of al. sics and qualitii , Cap Writing Papi r, rubd j and plain, Letter Pup. r, white und blue, ruled and j plain, 1 lunging Paper, tine and common. Envelope I Paper, do. do. niein, double ciown, crown and cttu sized Wrapping Papers, Colored Medium and ! Royal P.ipeta, llo.imt, Binders' and Sttaw Box I Boards, 'I'iksue Paper, and all articles in their line, ' which they will sell on accommodating terms. II ghcst piice given I' r old rags. KOUEKT CARTER A SON, March 19. 143. Elkton, Md N anicle uneoualled for cleaning and giving a - V liildv durable and most luilliant polish to sil ver, (!eriiiun Silver, Brass, Copper, Miittuuia ware, 'I'm, Steel, Cullery, and for restoring ihe lustre on varnished carriages, Ac, TRV IT. Prepand an. I .Id al w'ndesalc and rctai', by the Susquehanna Chrysolite Polish Company, Owcgo, Tioga county, N. Y. WM'. FORSYTH. Agent f..r Northum'd, II. B. MASSER, Agtnt lor Suubury. Novcmlier 20th, 1 8 Pi. ri.TEit 1)i:wk1Ts. LAST MAKER, No. 74 Callow hil! .Sfrctt, rhilaclelr.liia ("Three doors alute Second. J SHOE Finding always kepi on hand, which In offers for sale on the lowe.-t teiina. Counlrr Merchant are pailiculirly to (til nJ ju Je foi themselves. Philadelphia, Njvemxr IJ, 1S1!I. ly. V". & L. B. Ti-YLC?. FFEH FOR SALE, at the South East Cor ner of Fifth und Market KtrtetF, fhiladil- ptiia Menu' Calf-skin Boots, stitched warranted, do do th pegged do do do do water proof, double soles and double Upper, do Cull-skin do do do nailed and uppers, do Heavy Wall r Leather Bunts, do do JS'eals do do. do High quarter Shoes, Calf-skin, do do do Crockers do do Jo do do do do do do do do do Fine Monroes warranted Kip do Calf do Coarse do do Shoes Fine do Kin do do do do do ).) do Calf and Seal Skin Pumps. Lisl Socks wilh and without soles. Carpet do do do Patent Warranted Water-nroof Moccasins. Ladies' do do do do Ladns' tanned India Rubber shoes. (lentlemens' do Over shoes. With every other description of" boots and shoes. Fur Caps of every description. Travelling Trunk of every description, Venetian Travelling Bigs. Patent (ium Elastic Shoe Rluckiii!. Bonnets of all kinds, Pulm Leaf Hats. Philadelphia. Nmember 1:1. 11'J lv. sa dm (Z .tWa.lk) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOKSEL LEIis AND STATIONERS, io. 1'J.i (..'Iiesntil Strcrt, lidnw -Hi), rhilaildi.liia. TEEP cniistanlly on hand a general assort ment of nooks und Stationary ; comprising i lieologic.il, Law, Medical, Classical. Miseel'alie ous and School Books, Day Hoi k, nil sixes. Led gers, do.. Family liil les, I'm ket B.bles, Wiitini Papers. Wraj ping Papers. Ac. Ac., which they of fcr at the h west piiees to (.'ounlry Merchant's Pre leseional ( It ntlemen, Teachers, and all otherj tint may favor lliem w ith llicir enstnm. Philadelphia, Noimbcr 1.1. HI'J. ly. .T!i(iat-I Weaver A. Son. ROPE MAKERS & SHir CHANDLERS. .So. 1:1 Xirth Wnli r Street, Fhilnili Iphia. I- constantly on liati.l, a general ussort tnelit of Cordage, Seine Ttt ines, Ac. vi. : lui'd Ropes, Fishing Ropes, White Ropes, Manil la Ropes, Tow Lines for (.'anal Boats. Also, a complete assortment of Si hie Twine, Ac. sin-h as Hemp Shod and Hi rring T ine, Best Patent (iill Net Twine, Cotton Shad and llening Twii e. Shoe ' c. Vc. Also, Led Coids, Plough Lines, 'I alters, I races, I ottoii and Linen Carpet Chains Ac. all uf which they will dispose of on rrasonabli tel ins. Philadelphia, November 11, lv. J;i'ol I'l irsiiiullt Son. 1 EsPEC'I'FFLLY informs tlu ir friends and - ocquiiintances ge it-iullv that il.ey sti: cou lilliie to keep at the old stand, No. '-' Hi Noith :)d street, Phila.lelplii i, all 'j mils of TollACCO .SAf ' AM' SFCAFS. Which they w ill oll Ii Ihe in a '. at Coininodatiiq und reisoii.i le tetin-i. N. B. All goods sold t II he gu.i. llitced and all oiders promptly alt. n.li .1 In. Philadelphia, Niu-inlei lit, 1H3, 1 y. rSTESi CC1TCTE?, Wlioltrsalc ami 1 lot a il SIkip, l'luimct, ami Palm Leaf Hat Warclionsc. A'o. fili .Xurlh "d street, a fie duurs uluve ,hrh, i'hitaili Iphia. A T.SO Ti link, (,'aipel Bags and Valice. of ev. JyL ''r' de-eiiption, all of which he oll'ets for sale on the most reasonable terms. Philadelphia, November 11, lSU. ly. J . V . S W A 1 N I'nilirclla ami Parasul Iaiiiifarttircr. A'ii. 3V .V001 1'hiiil ttrret. lien iluois htnw t'lt Citu Until. Fhi huh h, tiia Ol'N I'lii Me-1 hauls and oiln-is are solieited to examine hia ussmti.iiiit In lore purchasing elsewhere I Phila .'elj hia. November 11. 1MI2. ly. i P. A; A . it o c r 1 T 7N ('Iiin:.,(!ass ami 1.ivi'f.()nl Y;ui:liotiso, .V. Ibl Anir Tiiiid utrrtt. third door lutoie I inc f tint, I'hihi.t Iphin, Til ERE lin y constantly keep on band a large ' assortnienl of ( hina, (ilass and Liverpool Ware, which they will dispose of on ihe most rci s. .liable terms. Phil oh-lj hia, November 11, 1U42. l v. TlllXiPJJ.r.S ( XA JIanulaetiirer atnl Importer of Sad dlery, Hardware, tScc. No. 5 Sfuth Third tlrrtl, four doirs Lc.'ofe Market I'hihidi'piia. EEP constantly on hand a la'ge and general assortment Coach Lump, Carriage Bands, Axle Arms. Elipttc Sj rings. J'att lit Leather. A c. Country Merchants und sud.lleis w ill be supplied at nil tunes en the most reasonable lerins. 'I hev w id find il to their advantage to call ami examine his Bssuilmeut before purchasing t Isew here. Philadelphia, Notemt cr II, ISIS. ly. iTkYXOUiS, Me FA WI.AM) -V ( () Wliolcsalo Ilealers in Forei'.rn ritish and Ameriean hy Cloods. A';. 10.) Market street, Fhi.udl Iphitl. iOFN'I'RY Merch nit, and others can be sup plied ut all times with itn exteustte assort nienl of the of at and most fashionable Coods upon the most reasonable Icrin. l'liiladelphia, November l:. 1 S tC. lv. Importers atul Dealers in Foreign ami Domestic Ilatdware, No. 171 Nokth Third StaiiT, I'Hti.Ai.ri.rHiA A 1 ' HERE their friends and t ustomers w ill always j find a large and general assortment of Foreign ; and Domestic Hardware, which they wilUtllut the J lowest price a, j Philedelphia, November 13, 1S-I J. l v. I KSIIKKK K. 11ANSF.I.I. & (OS. WHOLESALE DRY GOODS STORE. No. lliiU-'J Market Street, Phila. ( Di low Fifth South tide ) A LWAYS keep on hand a full and general as 2W. t-crtment of Hosiery, Lace, and Fancy doods, j s.uu.i.. ...i.ttjR.i.. ait umi.j ,i,i.oiu IV" give them a call and examine for themselves. Philadelphia, N'ovemlier 13, lHlii.-. ly. SI' Ull ING, GOOD" aTco. No. 138 Market Street, Philadelphia. INVITE the attention of Country Merchants to their extensive assortment of Briihh French and American Dry (iooda, which they oiler fornix on the most ieaouable term. FhiUIt Iphia, Novfinber 13, !M; ly. WIITSLOW'S BAtSAMOr II ORE HOUND. N unparelleled remedy for common (.'old--, Coughs, A-thina,Iiithieii7a, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, and all diseases of the Breast and Lung, leading In consumption; comprised of the concen trated virtues of Hon holilid, I), inset, Blond Root, Liverwort ami several other vegetable substance. Prepared only by J. M. Wtssinw, Rochester, New Yoik. The innocence and universally admitted peetoral viitnrs of the Heibs from which the linhiim rJ llnrehiinml is made, arp too genprally known to re qiiirp recommendation ; it is ihetefore only necessa ry lo observe ihal this Medicine contains the whole of Ibeii Midic;nnl properties, highly concentrated, and so happily combined with several other vege table substances, a to render il Ihe most speedy, mild and certain remedy, now in use, f r ihe com plaints above mentioned. The Balsam removes all imflainmalinn and sore nes of the Lungs, loosens tough visid phlegm, pn aiding the patient to expectorate with ease and fiee dorn, assuages cough, relieves athmatic and diffi cult respiration, heals the injured parts, opens the pore, and compost s the disturbed nerves, and gives strength to (he lender lungs, and thus produces a speedy and lasting erne. IsiillATITt lll: I TIIK HASrST C111MT 1-S Ma!. Wc are nut among tint class of Editors who for a few dollars will, rxpei.se of truth and ho nesty) "cinek up" an iirlh le and bring it inlo rapid sale; neither aie we willirg to remain silent, oti.r . having tested the utility of an im rovement or dis covery in science or int. Our readers will recollect I we told them w e were utiwi 11 with a sore throat and j violent c. Id some few weeks ngo. Well, we pur i chased two bottles of IN'SLOW'S BALSAM j OF llOREHOl'NlJ, and so sudden was the cure, l that we forgot we eter had a cold. Those who are a filleted, may try it upon our recommendation. .c'ffri Telegraph. For sate I. v HENRY YOX'rilEIM HI!, Sun'huri,, JACOB BRIOHT, Xiirltumlnihiml. Also, by Druggists grrier.lly throughout the country. (J Price, lit) cents per bottle. August 1 tin, l.-s J . ly. C? S-LS. OR i-ale a small Farm, containing about one ............. ...... ,. u, ,, , nt.MiT i.i ie'si, miii:iii? Point tow nshin. Norihiind erland roiinlv nl....,t i mm num.- iiiiiiumi'i i I nut, on the main j road hading from thst lace to Danville, adjoining 1 land- of John I.eghoii, Jesse C. Horton and others, now in the occu..t:cy i fSaiiunl P..yiie. About ; forty acres of suid tiacl are clean d, and in good slat- ol cu liva'ioii, on which there ia a small hurn I'iccl. d. 'I'he property will be sold on n asonablu teims. For further partieuluis, peisons arc request ed to a ply to the tul sciih. r. H. B. MASSER. .-ti'ern', I Nov. 2Vlh, 1.1-tO. tf Suiibiirv. Pa. i 0 M VA fS$) OF E ERV DI'.sCKH'J'HiN. t.NKW KM.l.AMHJll, CO.MPANV. Ao. yl Xi.pth Water Street, Pliila. j "j ANl FAC I TREES and dealers in Oils of 1 V W every dcsciipiion both for burning and manufacturing purpo-cs, which will be sold much i lower than tin y can be procured elsewhere, and 1 wurianted in quality to equal any in the city. Ar.v ! "il sold by the company not proving as represented, j may be returned without any expense to the pur i eh .sir, and the money will be ri funded. ..i -v- . . i . 'I lo ir slock now in store consists ol the follow ing oils, viz : .iii.uoti gallons wmier l! leached Spenn Oil, Ctlllll do do Cobnless Oil, l..,nuo In, nno Sll.t'Oti r.oiMi l.r),tKt( do do do do do Fuil and Spring Sperm O.I, Winter Sea Elephant, do Pre-sed Whale Oil, Summer do do do y- i I orumon w hale Oil, "I'll Barrels snpeiioi Stra "s Oil, anil do Cod Bank Oil, SO do Nca's Foot O.I, 7' Casks Olive Oil, Tai ner's i!s (Jj This Compmv has a number of 'e.-sels" n g aged ill the t.'o.l Fis.li.rv, und Tanners may rely upon celling at nil Line- lil us pure as imported, Philadelphia, Nov. EI, 1 s, t . ly. MxCALItA &. IIERSE, No .M, Not Hi S( (iul slrecf, (l.llt.Nl.ll OKI oOMh's AI.I.KT.) Where they eoiistanilv keep on liaud a genertl assornnent of CLOTHS, CASSI1MEH.-ES, VESTINCS And agrint rar.ily iftuUc't if a snpi rmr quality, which liny oiler to dispose of upon the m..st rcatiinahlc terms. '10l NIT.Y MERCHANTS and other. will lil id il to llnii advantage to cull and ixaiiiiuo tin ir stock before purchasing el-ewherc. Phihidel) hia. Nov. (',, is I J. I y LIST OF BOOKS, X 1 1 at u i L at w Illll iAI.t II T N I'HO ' do.; A i N'l'HON'S Classical Dictionary; Ltmprier's Ainsivoith's .!.. ; Cohh's do.; English and lleiinan do; Anthon's Ca sar; Ainhiui's (iruinnier; Ai.lh.n't. Cicc.o; Mail's I a'in Re.idi r; ( igilhv do.; Aiiibew'a I.i.iin los ns; D iinigjn's Lexicon; Fisk's tiie. k Exer. sis; D,iie's Legein'er; (iiaeia Mnjori; Ad. nils' Roman Antiquities; Piunock'x ( ioldsiiiith'a England; do. lireece; I.jell's Elements! ol lieology; Mis. Lincoln's Botany; Elements of Botany; Bridge's Algebra; Porter's Rhetorical Header-; Enurson's (icngruphy and Ilistort; (ibex's do.; Parity's do.; Smith', (.'riimmei; Kirkhum's do.; Kav'a h'ea.h rs; Cold's do.; Cobb's Arilhmciick; Pike' do.; Emi rs.-n't do.; Colli' Spelling Books; Town' do.; Cobb's 'Fable Books; Evangelic ill f'a rnily Libtary ; Cottage Bible-; Family do ; Collater al do.; Small Bibles and Test imenl-; Purkei's F. x ercises en Composition; Fiuit of the Spirit; Bax'er's S nit's Rest; American Re inlulioii: Marryatt'a No va Is; Mrs. Phelps on Chenustit; Iliad; Catechism of American J.aws; I.e'trson Natural Magic; Chr misiry lor Beginners; English Excicisi a adapted to Murray's Crammer; Sequel to I'oinley'a Spell. ng Book; American Class Book; Daholl'a Si-himhnas-tet's Assistsnl; A great Variety ul Blank Books, Ac. August 2((, 1 si ATTENTION. .1 . sin v i: v j o i: s . j 1 E( IE SI'S tlk attention of hia country friend ! k who aie in want, to his very large stock of I Carpelings, Oil Cloths, Mailings, Rugs, Bindings, ! Stan Rods, Ac, A c, that lie has just opened, at I his warehouse, No. IS North Ud treet, and No. U I Church Alley, next door to Christ Church, Phila- uVlphia. July 31. IS-ISly. SPANISH HIDES. TANNERS' OIL AND LEATHER. D. lv 11 Is P A T U I (' K ev S O N, A'o. SI. A'ocA Third strut, (lltTWIIH MABKrr All I HIsIlT k an is.) PHILADELPHIA. HAVE for aale a large and excellent assortment of Vpanith n.dex, Patua Kips, Tenners' O.t, Jie., at the lowet maiket prices, either for cash, in exchange for Leather, or upon credit. Consignment of I aalher received foi rtle, o purchased at the highest market price. ry Leather toied free ol charge. April 17, 153.-Iy