Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, September 02, 1843, Image 1

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    11. B. MASS EH,
S Pn
tchms or Tin: " iim-mcix."
'norRi ktors.
. f. .JI.lSSKit, Eilitor.
Office in Centre ' Alltifjnlliercar of II. H Mas
ter's Store.
TllR" AMP.KICAV is published every Satur
liny nt TWO DOI. LAI'S per nunum to lie
paid half yearly in advance. No paper disconlim
ued till all arrearages arc paid.
No subscription received for a loss pprioJ thin
six months. All communications or letters on
business relating to tin) otlice, (o insure attention,
must be POST PA 10.
"Ilntlnwcd 1C Thy Xnmc."'
llM.wwtn, nv, hallowed! nnt alnre in prayer,
But in our daily thnnshls and daily speech ;
At n'tnr and at hearth-stone every where
That temp'e-priests or home-apostles preach.
Oh nnt by words slope, but by our deeds.
And by our faith, mid hope, arid spirit's flame,
And bv Ibe nature of our eriviie cccds,
We hallow best, and glorify 771 Name.
Nature doth hallow it. In everv star,
And every flower, and leaf, and leipinsi wave,
Sbe piais' s 'I'bre, who, finni Thy realm afar,
Such Mmrs of beauty to this fair earth cave.
Hut these alone should not thy love
Our benrts. our souls respond 'All halhiwctl be
Thy Name .''
Shirley Villape, Ms. Ladies' Repository,
Absolute acquiescence in the decisions of the tnajoiity, the vital principle of Republic, from which there is no appe al but to force, the vital principle and Immediate parent of despotism. .1i:rmsoi.
I!y Master & I'lxtly. SiinlMiry, IVurtliiiiiibci lantl to, Pa. Saturday, Scpl. is 13.
Vol. 3 Xo. If) Whole Xo, 153.
where the loading attraction was "Wizzard of
tho North, " whose wonder-working powers of
magic, il we may believe the show-bills, have
procured (or him a commttml to repair to St. Pe
tersburg to exhibit before the Fmperor Nieho
!as. This man is indeed a 'w izzard.' The de
lusions practised cast Monsieur Adrent, Signor
Blitz, nnd u 1 1 oilier magicians into deep shade.
Let me astonish you with a few specimens,
lie came into the boxes and obtained a five
pound note from one gentleman, nnd asked ano
ther (my one who chose) to write a sentence
upon a slip of paper. The note and paper were
folded so that the w izzard could not sec cither
that o'her masses of fellow-being wefe qitictly
walking through a BubtcrrHiiean passage below
us ! The visitor is directed "This way to the
Tunnel 0r" by a board on the comer of a
street. You descend a winding stone stair-way
100 steps, and enter into the Tunnel, which is
well lighted with gas, nnd afforded us a cool,
pleasant walk, after four hours exposure to the
sun. The Tunnel has two avenues, each wide
enough to allow 12 or lfl persons to walk n
breast. Halfway through, a printing press is
stationed "By Royal Authority," which is
throwing off sheets containing nn aocount of
the Tunnel, I told the man I would purchase
Correspondence of the Albany Keening Jour.
I.lOTTKilS OK Mlt,U F,EI),...Xo. X.
London July 1 1, 14:1.
The great Metropolis lias been a strangely
the number of tho former or the sentence upon two of his sheets provided he would allow me
the other, and then laid upon a plate, eel lire to "pull" them myself. This, upon learning
I to by a taper, consumed, nnd the ashes blown j that "I knows the ropes," as they say at sea,
I about the stage. The wiz.ird then announced j bo consented to. I have, therefore, an account
' the number of the Rink Note, repeated the sen- I of the Thames Tunnel, printed by myself, stan-
tente on the slip of paper, and a page returned ding midway between the London and Surry
i these articles to the owners in a box which tho sides of the river, seventy feet below its bed,
w izzard had not touched, lie then handed a ; with steamers and ships passing directly over
my bead !
The Tunnel
is two mile below Imtlon
l'nthn' Ma tli i iv.
Mr. Lewis Taitan gave a lecture in Brook,
lyn on Tuesday evening descriptive of what he
had seen and beard during bis recent vis.t
to lAiiidon as n Delegate to "The World's
Anti-Slavery Convention." We extract from
the report of the Express the following account
of one of the glories und blessings of tho age.
I met a man who knew Father Mathcw in
Cork, and who was a temperate man nnd an
nbolitionii-t. He told me that Father Malhew
imiic r iivijiiTisi.
1 square 1 insertion, . ft) Ml
1 do 2 do . - . 0 7.1
t do 3 do . . . 1 00
Rverv sutiseiiuetit inserlicn, 0 2
Yearly Advertisements: mii column, $25 ) half
column, $ IS. three squares, f 13 ; two squares, ft) 1
one square, "i. Half-yearly i one column, f I N j
half column, 12 ; three squares, 8 ; two rquurcs,
$ ' ; one square, $3 fill.
Advertisements left without directions as to tf is
lenijth of time they rc to be published, will b
continued until ordered out, and charged accord
ingly. CTj'ixtceri lines make I square.
Valley op the Coli'mma. "1 do not dilald
upon the value und extent of this country. A
word suffices to display both. In extent, it irt
larger than the Atlantic portion of the old thir
teen U. States) in climate, bofter ; infertility!
Corn .spotiitf tire of the JVciti York Tribune..
A fhili In t;rmt llrltalii.
London, August 55, 1B1.
No casual observer, passing through the
strectsof this great city, and seeing its millions greater ; in salubrity, superior! in position
entirely immersed, apparently in business or
pleasure in making money, or in spending it
better, because fronting Asia, and washed by a
tranquil sea. In these particulars, the Western
was a pastor of a Catholic church in Cork. He , rm)dl Kevolution wi)j be here repeated. The
would ever dream of the terrible elements of I slnpc oft.ur Continent is far more happy than
destruction fermenting beneath this gay sur
fuce. And yet many of the best informed pre
dict that in a few years all the horrors of tho
box to a gentleman nearest the stage, and re
quested him to deposit any article he chose in it,
and to pass it round for similar deposits by ladies j Bridge, where another bridge, which was much
j nnd gentlemen promiscuously, he standing upon j wanted, would have proved seriously injurious
inalioni d, in regard to its climate, or we have . ,IC bt,ige. When the deposits had been made, ; to the immense commerce of the metropolis,
been s'rangely fortunate in our visit ; for in- j 1C rp(ni.sted that the box should be placed j In lrJJI, after the failure and abandonment of of the smoke, vapors, fogs nnd rains, ho could sec it. with the lid down, and i several plans for tunneling the Thames, one was
which we had been taught to dread, wc have j tari(iin? 8t c1(!t tijv,y rP(.t froin it, he named submitted by Mr. (now Sir J. M.) Ruinm,
1 . I I t .!.
enjoyed n g-nu.t aimospnere, ongui sun, v, or. ; ff j, w,ljcl u ,.,.,;,,,,
ii r , - i . r a: ' J
occasional nut reiresning sriowcrs, lor mo sue
cessive days.
London, like the cataract of Niagara is con
stantly growing upon the wonder and admira
tion of strangers. I am just beginning to he
conscious of the impossibility of comprehending
its wealth, its magnitude and its magnificence.
Hide for hours, in whatever direction ymi
please, and the same evidence of golden con
quests are presented. All the nulions of the
earth must have been paying tribute, for centu
ries, to London, or untold and incorruptible mil
lions could not have been concentrated here.
I was wondering this morning Iiow rntich
He requested j 'a Inch received the confidence of capitalists,
ladies and gentlemen to loan him their hand- and in 1SC." he commenced his operation. But
kerchiefs, which were thrown to him from nil I he encountered difficulties, and obstacles, for
parts of tho theatre. When collected and conn- . years, at every step of bis progress, that would
ted, to the number of 17, they were placed in j have disheartened nnd appalled any man but
o large ewer, into which a servant poured a ! one whom the emergency had produced to oc
large bucket of water. Having been thorough- j conipliMi this mighty enterprise. Quicksand
Iv saturated, the handkerchief were rinsed ond ! heds were among the most troublesome and pe
rilous obstacles met with. The top of the Tun
ncl's arch, about tho middle of the river, ap
proaches within ten feet of the bottom of the ri-
wrung, nnd then by one, into another
vessel, upon each one of which some blazing ma
gical elixir was poured ; and within five min
utes tho handkerchiefs were placed upon a sal- ver. Four times, during its progress the Tun
ver and returned to the owners washed, dried, I nel and shafts were filled with water, and the
ironed, folded nnd perfumed ! And nil this was irruption of 1S27 threatened to destroy the en
done openlv, without turning a way from the an- tcrprise, but by the most incredible efforts, all
Provant" was required to furnish this army of ' dience, nnd without any of the lumbering ac- was overcome by its indomitable architect, and
people with rations. An inquiry shows that conipanimonts of ordinary jugglery. j in l.'i, seven years afterwards, Sir J. M. Bru-
1,.")(K),(I()0 quarters (eight busliels") of wheat are j 'c devoted the morning to the pursuit of ' nel was enabled to resume the work.
required annually to supply London with bread, ; what is classic ground to Americans, ond what
that 1-2(,(W) tons offish are caught here (of j hnd for me the additional interest of profession
which 4-" (MI0 tons nr.; fresh salmon,) onnually ; j associations. We found, at No. 31 Lincoln's
the annual consumption of butter js estimated j jnn fields, the huildins occupied cigbt years
nt 10,(HHI,(H'0 lbs., and the price varies from Is. j nj,0i believe, by Mr. Watts (I have no hooks
fn Is. fid., or from two to three shillings our i to refer tiO and with whom Bkvumin FiiANh-
Thc progress of this great work was neces
sarily very slow. Sometimes, with favorable
excavations, two feet would be accomplished in
twenty-four hours, working as they did, will,
changes of hands, day and night ; where the
excavation was difficult, only two feet would be
currency. Ot meats I can get no estimate, but ; UN worked as a journeyman Fruiter. It is now j done in n week : and for the last three months,
there is broii2ht annually to S.nithtleld-Market occupied for offices of various descriptions, by ' so great was the laUir nnd so formidable the
alone, 1 -0,(XM) oxen, 120,0110 bugs or pigs, 1,- , persons too busy to know or care who was their ' obstruct ions, that only three feet and four iiieh-
:r0,(Hl0 shonp or lambs, .ind "2."),Hi0 calves : of predecessors. Wc then started for Duke-strect, es progress was undo ! In Augii.-l, I1 11, 11 1
milk, it is --aid that 11,00(1 cows suppy the me- 1 where the Journeyman Printer from America , teen years after the ground was broken on the
tropulis v it It b.C'oO. 00(1 gallons annually, at an ' boarded and remembering that it was near a ' l,ondon side of the Thames, Sir J. M. Brunei
average price of Is. It Id. per right quints. Eggs , Chapel, I stepped into a small Book and Sta- ITiescended a shaft from the Wapping side ami
nre sent here in great quantities, in crates, by ; tumor's shop directly opposite a Chapel, to in- ' passed through a small "drift-way through tin
i 11 trii .ifit I t ' ... .... m . .... ... .
v iter, i mm irei.iuu, neigium, i uuiuiiu aim pine it the occupant could direct me to Hr. shield in die 1 iinnel. Less than two years
. franklin's Iwiirding house, when 1 bad the sa- J thereafter, in March, 1S1I1, the maomimcknt
tist'.iction of learning that I had crossed the ; wohk was coMei.v.TF.n. The whole expense of
! threshold and stood under the roof of that il- j construction is estimated at til 1,000 pounds ster
lustrious American Statesman, Patriot, Philo- ' ling. The toll is only a penny for passing
kind is rnlli il "corn," that product is not grown ' pojihor and Philanthropist. He boarded with on , through the Tunnel, and but for "the getting up
here. Hums sell nt 7.V1, shoulders at fid , find 0i4i vvj(w Vi f much intcll igence.nnd oecu- sta irs" it would pay well. Until passengers
smoked side pork at ."id., in the retail stalls and (,.j an ,,p,.r room in the back part of the buil- are let down ni,d taken tip by an engine, it will
shop--. I Ins is just .toutiio me price witn us. ; in .r)l0 ilI1(naiy nf )r Easkli and a la- . not take fool passengers from the bridges.
Every body drinks Iii:t:H in England. 1 have (y l ti! i(;ori w10 i; n rnom j ,1C Min(! ms0t ; The son of Sir J. M. Brunei, whoso life was
Franco, and sold sometime as low as W, per
dozen, but generally fr.ini Is. to Is. (id. Hogs
arc flitted here in the yards of breweries and
distilleries, for whi'e every thing of the grain
appears to be a good man. There was a man
named William Martin residing in his neigh
borhood, who got him foread semo of tho tem
perance papers, and subsequently to take the
temperance pledge. He then commenced
preaching temperance nnd getting the members
of his flock to take the pledge which increas
ed to other individuals, and in a short time it
required all his time to adminifter the pledge
He went to Limerick, a short distance from
Cork, for the put pose of administering the
pledge, expecting to find about of K) people there,
instead of which 'JO.O(M) bad collected, nil
anxious to have the pledge administered to
them. Father Matho v was overpowered with
the excess of his happy emotions. Ho said it
was the Lord's doing, and there was no greater
proof of it tliM! his having selected such nn
humble individual as Inmselt tor the task. I lis
Bishop went to him soon nfterwards and re
monstrated at his departing from the legitimate
course of his religious duties. lie said, don't
you know that the publicans in the country do
more to sustain our religion than any other
"Yes," was the reply of Father Matl.ew, "I do;
nnd I know ao that your brother is one of the
largest distillers in the country." Father
Malhew, nware that he would be the object of
clerical censure, and perhaps removal, wrote to
the Pope ot Rome, anil got a commission sent
back to him as Vicar Apostolic, which took him
out of the hands of the Bishops in flreat Britain
and Ireland. The Pone said to him. "vou look
to me and I will look to you," so that we have
tocointnend the Pope for one good thing at nnv
rale. Father Mnthew now travels free wber
ever he chooses logo, as no one thinks of charg
ing bin) anything. He has been charged with
parsimony in taking a shilling each for medals,
but he is not amenable to the censure, as the
amount is not more than the cost. He is in
dependent as to pecuniary circumstances, as ho
enjoys X'WO a year which be inherited from
bis father, arid which H r a single man, as from
bis situation he necessarily is, furnithes an a-
buuilance for his support
I saw father Malhew nt Liverpool, nnd n
little party was made tin for him to dine with
us. Dinner wus waiting, but he would not
come, because he said if he did, twelve bun
dred persons would goaway without taking the
Astonished waiters
two or three instances.
were very devout Cutholies. This happens to ' in such eminent danger from swallowing a
many-bended monster, the people, is fierce with
iiig-bornc oppression and suffering, nnd when
they once rise in their might, overpowering,
but irrational, humanity must shudder at the
Everything in nature tends to an average :
the mountains and valleys arc approaching tho
same level. This progress in civil affairs has
not yet arrived, but come it will. The contrast
between the poor and the rich is too violent to
he permanent. One nobleman lias estates upon
which you may drive in a straight line for thir
ty miles; and nt the Fnie of the property
f the lite Duke of Sussex, his plate
old f.r AlOfUKiO; his trinkets Hr $10,000;
nnd his snuff-boxes and watches, each for ns
much more. Now look nt the other side. A
clergyman, seventy years old, was last week
cut to prison for a month's rent of 50 shiliings,
and in bis pleading for more time he said, "I
have been living for months past, with my wife
ami two donghtor--, upon potatoes and bread.
fhey have no bed to lie on, no chair to sit on,
and God help me, only some old matting to co
ver them at night. I am poor, miserably poor!"
The Times of the same day announces the
Queen's intention of giving a magnificent se
ries of balls. Her Majesty has also lutcly made
a royal v sit to the Italian Opera, where no dis
tress could bo seen in the glare of the chande
liers, nor groans heard in the shouts of loyalty
from the 'full-dressed' thousand filling the five
tiers of gold crimson boxes and the brilliant
pRrterro. She has also visited the Thames Tun
nel, (narrowly escaping being run down by a
steamer,) the Royal Academy of Arts, the New
Houses of Parliament, &c. &.C No wonder
that a poor woman, who yesterday was passing
tho palace near me, indignantly exclaimed,
"There she goes in 'all her finery, and many
and many's the day I've worked for a penny and
two pence the hour, ami glad to do it and I
have to give her the half of it !"
Similar feelings are very general. In the
Ul,? of Wright. I was told by a hotel-keeper,
that for every piirof horses let out, the Queen
took an excise duty of five shillings. A house
holder in the same lonely place, said that his
rent was XX'O, but tuxes JL'(J more. I low would
Americans bear a tax of nearly 50 per cent! A
the eastern. In its configuration it is inex
pressibly fine nnd grand a vast oblong square,
with natural boundatics and a single gateway
into the sea. The Btiow capped Rocky Mour.
tains enclose it on the cost, an iron bound coast
on the west, a frozen desert on the north and
sandy plains on the south. All its rivers, rising
from the segment ot a vast circumference, run
to meet each other in the centre, and then flow
together into the ocean, through a gap in the
mountain where the heats of summer and the
colds of winter are never felt, and where north
ern and southern diseases arc equally unknown.
This is the valley of the Columbia a country
whose every advantage is crowned by the ad
vantage of configuration by the union of all
ils parts, the inaccessibility of its borders, and
its single iutrogrcssiou to the sea. Such a
country informed for union, wealth and strength.
1 1 cm have but one capital, and that will ha
a Thebes but one commercial emporium, and
that will be a Tyre, queen of cities." Benton's
Speech on the Treaty of Wushing loiu
pledge. Wc went up to the Catholic Chapel violent radical, whom 1 have lately found, in
by nskiug for water. When you seat yourself i,e tl0 t.,aril,..tcr f)) tie present occupants ufthis , half crown piece, was with three woikincn
at table in i '('ofTee-Room" or "Steak-House" ,mi!ie- i observed a young man 'reading proof,' j caught by one of the inbreaks of water nnd cur
for dinner, and have ordered your "joint"' or nllj rem ko.l that I was glnd to find a brother rieil by the rushing column through the Tun
"steak, or "chop, the waiters inquires, "..le, -pv.KI ,lnJt,r t)u ant.;ont rooft t10 j,rc:lt master nel to the shaft and up to the surface where he
porter, or stout, sir !" Ifin place of either ot j 0ftHirntt. The Bookseller replied, As you are , was rescued. The three men who were with
these national beverages, you reply tenter, he . un American, sir, I may say to you that we nre i him perished. On the lir.-t passage ofthe stea
either laughs in your face or turns away won- j trying to carry out Dr. f hanklix's principles mer Croat Western fro:n Iuulon to Bristil, be
ilering where such a wild chap could have been! in another respect. We nre now re-printing ! also met with un accident which it was suppo
ciuight. Now that I have seen something of j ftn American work entitled "Ihklasp Vimu- sed would result fatally, but from which he re
English habit., I nm astonished that Miss Mar. ! CAT1:1, ami WP nr0 staunch "Kenealers." 1 ', covered.
I informed him that I was with Mr. O'Connki i. Tle ' weather affords a prmpect of go .4
when the trades ot Dublin passed his house and , lr(,l,!i' uln"" lnc "P"" as w us " as
on the stage at Donnvbrook-Creen. This led ; " oacKwuriK
to many inquiries about Ireland, and an invi- The Asphaite pavements (pitch) of the
tation to attend a Itepeal Meeting in the street i Squares and B iuvelardsof Paris, became so soil
nt H oclock en Sunday evening. recently, by the heat of tue sun, that a lady,
I intended to have gone from this spot elegantly dressed, on passing two o'clock
'jiNCAi' should have deemed the circumstance
that two or three American women with whom
she met, were "not nil for love, but a little for
the bottle," worthy of remark. The drinking
of Aa'e, porter and stout, is universal here, with
tho females of the poorer clases, when they can
get it, and with those of the better classes of
mechanics, females, people nnd shop-keepers. through the Mammoth Brewery House of ' tlio Cute de Piris, was unable to extract her
l.f . ... 1 ....... t. r. .... ... . ! lIiimij .1 II Wri I A , 1. if f i .. n ..I ......
srs. DAKIl.AV Cv I tlilI, UUI wteru iltt SO ! ..v., vi uuivv i-.iim, a. lit una o-
While nt dinner nt Birmingham, it wasohser-
vod by all of us, that the ladies (a dozen) at ta
lde, drank porter as if they were thirsty, and ns
if it did them good. The ludy opposite me, who
was well dressed and well educated, disposed
f nearly nn entire lMittle. You meet Indies at
i vory mm of the strct ts in Imdon, "the rubric
much dummies and humidity in its capacious i bliged to leave them behind her. A French
vaults, which were not likely to alleviate the
ague in my face, that 1 concluded to content
myself with nn exterior view of an establish
ment which covers thirteen acres in the heart
of the city of Iuulon ! Well might Dr. John-
MIL! l t imiiv in- ' - t j JjXI vUlur I. J IN A I-l-i Hit lUOlluvi v f
whoso fiery faces entitled them to the distinc- i iblislmjont) he played the auctioneer : "W
lion of being classed with Shakespeare's j j0 not 0f(-,.r yoU) pent leinen, those empty bee
cif whose faces shows the shrmesat which they ! iave exclaimed, un he did, when (as the
kneel." I have met ladies at Exhibition Booms, f xrcutor of Mr. Torai.i, the founder of the es-
knights of the burning lamp." And you find butts and bairels merely here ure the potenti
alities for acquiring wealth beyond the dreams
of avarice."
Monday, Ji i y 17.
I have been through tho Thames Ti'.nni-l.
This is to London what the Croton Water
Works are to New-York, tho great achieve
ment of the 19tU century. There is nothing
at either entrance of the Tunnel, which indi.
cates that you arc in the vicinity of this extra
ordinary improvement. Wc passed over it in a
tttamer in the morning, without bcLjij awnri;
every side-walk blocked up with lusty ladies,
who arc indebted for their rubicund faces and
rotund persons, to habitual beer diinking. I
yesterduy sat in an omnibus with an old lady
and gentleman, evidently of the wealthy class,
the latter of whom was a victim to gout, while
the former displayed a fuce and nose, the main-
t si nance of which had cot as much as Falstaff
paid for "sack" to keep Burdolph'g salamander
jn fir.
We went last night fo the Adelphi Theatre,
paper relates the above as a fact, but does not
state wliut became of her stockings.
I. moil Nivisu Machine, Evrry thins in tl.i
agp thnws the onward march of improvement and
the mighty struggles of genius to deefpc i vast
rcii'Uffes AiHone other pro ,fs of this, is one in
the ncighhoih'Kid of iho Poor House, w here an in
Renioun Dutchman, hiving an rye to Ibe value of
lime, hag const luctid a Water Wheel diivuiby the
bltle brook of thut neighboitiund, w hich is just a
beut sullicirnl to rack a iraille, and to ihut duty
hj he put it. When the plump bahy, with a full
kt.unach is disposed lo seek lbs anna of the lovy
(i.k), tho machinery i applied to the cradb',
the baby stowed mu'y avviy, and the willing
w liter lulled at ita novel duly, racks, and
rocki, and rocki the cradle wbilti the babe aliuuder
fwietly, and Muiliecr stiJ bia Vruxt l.dor in
dustiiaubly, patterns of content and genius.
Who will not any lliat the world is nut g'Hiip
aluadjwith a iuh ! Hit'i'iiuwt .Vur,
und saw a number of men and Ikivs crying out
nnd selling Father Mathews's Temperance
Sermon of the the lust Sunday. On coming to
where Father Mathew was, wc found him ad
ministering the pledge to sixty nnd n hundred
persons at n time. His mode of doing so was
to make them kneel down and repeat the
pledge us ho pronounced it. I was introduced
tohim us from the Foiled States. He took
hold of' both my hands, and said he was al .v ays
glad to see any one from the United States, and
asked me as to Mr. Delevan and others. In
1S15 I gave the firht pledge in favor of Tem
perance, but thought on this occasion I might as
well renew it, and applied to father M.ithevv
to that ellect. lie said he would administer it
to me alone, and did so, at the same time giving
mo his liled.'ii.
The hair ot' father Mathew is a little grey.
He told me that he was nlmut 11 1y-l'our years ot
age. He w ears a long surtout, which comes
about half way between his knees and ankles,
and old-fashioned boots over bis pantaloons.
He shakes hands with so many that his hands
and face usual'y show the effects of it. He is
no way paiticulir, kissing th.' f.ices of the lit
tle children' which the mothers hold up to him,
whether clean or dirty. He admini-ters the
pledge ton large number nt once. He then
gives them what be calls the sign of the cross
which is a little dab on the forehead, and it is
incredible bow fist he gets through withtheni,
completing probably thirty in a minute. By
request, 1 then addressed the people told them
my milernal ancestors belonged to Ireland.
Hurrah for Ireland, was the loud applause. I
then told them that if Father Mathew came to
New Yu'k, fifty thonsand Irishmen would as
semble with him in the Park to take the pledge.
Hurrah for New York was the reply. And
thus they continued greeting in a good -humored
manner what I advanced.
Women. Il has been shrewdly remarked by
some one, that ihereure four orders of women
'he ;)('(ocA., with whom dress is all the
mngpiis, with whom chatter is all- tho irf
fui'ir, with whom love is all sod the rir
inlisc birth, above them all. Thv parade
birds of couth- wear buttles.
the person of a seller of old books, said that he
prayed daily that America might never get the
curse of primogeniture. He exclaimed "we
Tritons are slaves. We are still vussels under
the Norman Conquest. The Norman nobles rule
us Saxons, and place their feet uputi our necks.
They have only changed the feudal tenure to
the tenure of rent. We are worse off than A
nicricnn slav es, for w hen we get sick, our mas
ters turn us oil' lo starve, or send us to the wuik
house, where we are kept en srvcntt at pence
per week. fMr, there will tie a revolution, but
it will be a Helot war of extermination."
It is painful to record these things, but l fear
they are too true. No begging in the streets is
Steam on the Thame. Sunday last was
the most productive day of the season, and al
though twenly-soven steamers were running
to Cravcsend, they had all good freights. Tvven
ty four steamers were voysgeing to the Tun
nel Pier, Greenwich, nnd they carried the a number of 00,000 persons during thd
day. The watermen's steamers were excessive
ly crowded, and the Waterman No 9 carried
150 on her decks In one trip. The city of Can
terbury, Captain Large, conveyed -150 passcn
gers to Heine bay and Margate. The business
done above bridge with the Myriad of small
stcamets Would almost defy calculation. Thero
were forty-five steamers engaged In carrying
passengers to Vauxhall, Chelsea, Putney, Ham
mersmith, Kevv, end Richmond, and the num
ber ccrried would almost defy calculation.
They Were occasionally crammed in a frightful
manner, particularly those on the four-penny
trips. Thero Were landed and embarked in
the course of the day, -10,000 pcr?ons, and at
Ihe Adelphi PierLlO.OOt). This will giveoonio
idea of tho immense traffic. The stuameii a
hove aad below the bridge are so nunierom tint
they are constantly in each other's way , tug,
"watermen," and (iencral Steam navigation
boats are always on tho move. London pa
per. Plank Ko.vph. This sort of road in a new
country w here forests abound, has been found
both cheaper and more advantageous for draught
than McAdam roads, and j-reatly cheaper thnn
In Canada there are several of these read :,
and the citizens of Buffalo being derirons oi
constructing a good road to the fulls of Xing a.
ra, a distance of some 20 miles, it U suggested
by the Buffalo Commercial that it bo 1 tid with
According to the estimate ot that paper, the
whole could be completed for S'-OOO a mile.
Ci.okgL Saso. The history of Madame Du
devaiit (lleorge Sand) the author of Indiana, is
briefly this: She was the daughter of Maurice
Dupin, who rose lo a high military rani; under
Napoleon. He was thrown from a horse and
ul owed by policemen, but the poor creatures' j killed, and Aurore, bis daughter, was confided
beseeching looks are expressive enough, as to her grandmother, by w hom she was trail.;
they stand by a window where poaches are tor ; ft.rcj 0 t,0 Pnrisiau convent. After the der.t'i
rule at a dollar each, and pine apples for eight j ,,f ,or guardian she was married in the fashion
dollars each one! New hundreds are daily j ub!e style to an old soldier of the empire. Front
added to Ibe starving population by the stoppage .pari? she retired to the Pyrenees, where shrj
of the iron works, iVc. What will be the end no remained a few short years with husband,
one can tell. We may hope for the beet, but ' ...i,en it was discovered one night that she was
! iii!.sing. Site bud eloped and fled lo Paris,
J wi1(!re t,u commenced the indulgence of those
must lour the worst.
The following humorous description of a
Yankee is from a poem read nt u i.ite historical
celebrutinn ut Hartford, ft.:
He wool I kin a Q.ieiri till lie t lis. ,1 a blister, l-.ib arm r luiul ht'r nt; k und bia old felt hat
on ;
Would address the Kiec with Ihe I'.ilo of Mister,'
And mk bun ihe y. ia of the throne that be at
Com m'M'ms. AcrojJing to the laws of re-
passions so Vividly described in Indiana. A
bout this lime she commenced authorship, and
within twelve years bus published more thuil
thirty volumes, some of lliem of worse morals
than Indiana, nod sonic of a great deal better,
and a few, including "The Private Secretary,"
perhaps her most brilliant nnd popular work)
neatly unexceptionable. Late in life she be
came somewhat pious, and published in "Th
World," a Parisian journal, seven letter ?,
pocket ?
Becunse be has pictmes (picked your )
Why has .Mr. Timothy More, since be lost
bis hair, become like ode of our Southern ci
ties Because he is bald Tun More, (Baltimore.)
Why is nn avaricious man like one with t
short memory 1
Because they are always forgetting, (for get
ting.) Why does a backgammon table contain the
garden of Eden I
Became Paradise iJ in i,(paii o' duO
laliutioti, what right have you to pick a painter's ..vhich contain so much religion that snme sup
posed they wi re Intended as a sort of peace
offering, lor the evil that weut beforei Tho
name of George l?and was assumed after her
elopement, nnd has been retained ever since,
She is said, although advanced in years, to b.
quite beautiful, and takes great delight in some
times walking in public male nttire, anJ tirv-'
king cigars in priv ate.
A Printer $tamU when be ct.i, and sett
when he stanJ; when he wishes to set wi;ti
ease, he always standi erect. It is, however,
the nature of Ihe osf which cautes bun to