It.tMC SOTI! LIST. PITVXSVI A!VI . The following list shnwR the current value of nil iYnnsylvnnia Dank Notes. The must implicit re asnce may be placed upon it, as il i e rrrty trie1, sarpfiilly compared wiih Bl d corrected from It i k -ncll's Reporter. Hanks In I'lilta1 Iplilii. 1 1. ... . IV t LnCATIOI. Phi i nn. N O T E S AT PAR. Finnk of North Amciica . Bank of the Northern Liberties Commerce! Bank of PonnV . Firmer!-' and Mechanics Bunk Kensitietnn Hank . Philadelphia Bank Schnvlkill nnrk Pnntliwnrk Bank Western Bank . . Mechanics' Bank . Manufacturers' &. Mechanics' Bank pur pnr pur pnr par pnr par pnr put pnr Country It;nks. Bank of Chester County Hank of Delaware County Bank of Ocrmantown Bank of Montgomery Co. Doyleslown Bank Easton Unnk farmers' Hank of Durkn eo OiI'icp of Pnrik of Pcnn'a. C'.Tice ilo ila offer do do OfTee do do Westchester pnr par Chester ( ieimnwnwn par i Norris'nwn par Doyhstown pur i Easton par Bristol par Harrisbuig" These Lancaster offices Reading ( do nut Easton J issue n. 1)1 SCO I N T. Philadelphia 30no2 par 13ill par . par Potisville 4 Lewistown 2 Midilletown 3i4 NOTES AT itnnk of lite United Slates' Bank of Penn Township 'iirnnl Hank . Moyamrnsing Hunk Bank of Pennsylvania Miners' Bank of Pottsvillc Bank of Lewistown Bank of Midilletown Bank of Northumberland Nnrlhiindicrland par Columbia Bank & Bridge co. t oltimliia i Carlisle 3'al ( "anisic Bank Exchange. Bank l)o do branch of Farmers' Bank of I.nneastei Lancaster County Bunk Furmers' Bunk of Reading Harrisburg Bank Lancaster Bank Lebanon Bank Mi rrbants' & Mnnuf. Bank link of Piitsburu V.Y! V, .,: -1, it nk X . ; .: ... ):.,,.!. nk I ;. i'.i i Cniik I ' ' ''mi!, of I'. S. Piltshutp Hullidayshuig Laneastei Lancaster Rending 1 1 i j au;iA 3'A 1 1 Harrisburg Lancaster Lebanon Pittsburg Pittsbuig Williamspnrt 40.1."i t i'kesl ano (il Allcnlown Hil Rending 70 Pittsburg failed Erie d. New Brighton ibi do do Chamber.burg HJaiV Gettysburg ajail Montrose 25 Erie f,a7 Wsyneshurg fis.r. Washington lui Ilouesdiile 1 Brownsville I $ Yoik ai Do 1- do do do do i nsinnton Sav. Ins. A I enn Township Sav. Ins. Bank of Chambcrsburg Bank of Gettysburg Bank of Susquehanna Co., Eric Bank Farmers' & Droveru' Bank Franklin Bank Honesdnle Bank tlonnngahcla Bank of B. If oik Bank N. B. The notes of those banks on which we mil (notations, and substitute a dash ( ) are not urchascd by the Philadelphia brokers, wiih the xccptiun of those which have a letter ol rifcrcncc. BROKEN B A N K S. Philadelphia Sav. Ins. Philadelphia Loan Co. Schuylkill Sav. Ins. Manual Lobor Bank (T, Philadelphia do do Dyott, prop.) Towanda Bedford Beaver Harrisburg Washington Belli funte Pitlsbutg Pittsburg Fuyellc co. (ireeneastle Harmony Huntingdon Lew i-t.mii Warren DundalV New Hope Milton Meadville Port Curbon Carlisle Montiosc 1'nioiilown failed failed failed failed no sale closed closed failed I Lined 110 sale failed failed failed no sale no sale no sale faded no sale closed no sale closed I owanila Hank Alleghany Bank of Pa. Bank of Beaver Bank of Swatara lank ot Washington Centre Bank Cily Bank Farmers' & Mprh'cs' Bank Farmers' & Mcch'cs' Bank Farmers' Mech'csX-llaiik llatniony Institute Bank luninla Dank Lumbermen's Bank Northern Bank of Pa. New Hope Del. Bridge Co. Northumb'd 1'iiinn Cot. Bk. North W e.-tirii Bank of Pa. .Mice of Schuylkill Bank I'u. Alt. .V Mil tin f. Dank Silver Lake Bank I ni"ti Bank of I'enn'a. cMmoreliuid Hank Wilkcshaire Biidge Co. failed closed failed dosed I reel si urn ilki sb.trrp no sale All notes purporting to be on tiny Pennsyl vania Bank not given in the above lid, inny be bet down as frauds. iw:w JLiisi:v. Bank of New Biuuswick Brunwii k Belvidere Med ford Perth Amboy Bridueton failed I ar U par par Belvideie Bank Durlinpton Co. Bank Commercial Bank "umberland Bank Farmers BiiTik Mount Holly Faimers' and Mechanics Bk Ruhway : srnier und .!i Connies' Itk N. Biuiiswiik failed Mnblletown Pt. l r ' .i it r bant-' Bk kilfl I'.ai.fc i ' S, J. Ira ff ' .1. ... V. : . M, . Jersey (-'ity faihd Hobuken faihd .1. isiy (.'ily failed rattcnum failed i'l (b-viile failed Memsti.wn l F'eeho't! failed j - ' .uk J I I .Moll p j .1- isi y City no sale t Newa'k I Lain! citsiiilo .To Hoboken failed Jer.-ey City failed Orunge Ij Pateisoii failed do 1J Pnncciiin par s '! in ji ir .evM-rk 1 i'.i '.:'ii I t 'n. pur M .ni-.,-.'.,, i 'i r. i . i . 1 1 failed - il :.i tailed I A i'.i. I. Il par 1 "wr 1J iia ki'Hit.'k failed It-ii. i: I. . .. . ! - I ., ' Meiliuiiics' urn! '' : Ll." Morris ("anal and L..j- Co Post Notes Newark likv A Ins Co New Hope Le brulce N. J. Mauufae. ni d Bki; Co N J Proteclon & Lou. land I k Oiangc Bank Paterson Bank Peoples Bank Princeton Bank Siilrm B.ii.kini; '. M.. H .i ! v r ''..I. ,..!. ( IJI l.itt it:i: , t i! :. ,.l 1' W Islington VV iliiingioii Hon r par par par par par par pur par par lal ii V II. I I I'lllllttl I i.iii.i f' I k o( lttle 1 1 I)i i I'u brain W W nitiinifton f ii'.i' tii town Ni we ist'e S 'tliiiiiigtiin I'o brunch Ho I ram h I'liioli Hank n"y I'ni'er h't QQ On all l.ii:k- n.a ked thus () there re ri thtr louriterli it or id id ul. of ihtt vaiiuu lit- The Li ft tm !hn,l for the ytWi'ion of Disease i to fi.p ami purify I lie Boilij, AVI5IIIT'S ixin i x r. u i:ta ii u v 1 1. tl s OF Till? ,hrtlt .Inirrlcan ftillfgr or llrallli, Are now acknowledged lo be ihe best Medicine in 'he World for the cure of I'VKIIV VARIETY OK DISEASE. "IS TEC.l'E they completely cleanse the sto -, "$? mai h and bowels fiorn lh. se billions and cor rupt humors vl ich arp the eattsc not only nf HeadadiP, C!id.!iiirs., Palpitition of the Heirt, I'nins in the Pones. Rheumatism and CJoUl. but every in.ihu'v it eidi i t lo man. SAID INDIAN YLdETABl E PILLS nre pi r'ain cure fir in ti"iu:t'eiil, ipmitti d, nervous, inflamMory and pu'rid Fevers, becnisp tbev e'eanse the p.idy firm thop moibid heniors, wbicb.when rnlifined tothe eircti- I ilion. are the caii-p of all kinds of FEV EKS. So, a'r:o. vhentl.e same impurity is deposited on I be n embini p and mvtsclr, eiusing pjins, inflama. ions and swellinns palled RHEUMATISM, (iCl T.Ae. Writhl's Indian Yeeetalle Pills may be relied rm as always Trlain to ni ve ri lief, and il persevered v iih, aceoidlnu lo directions will nuM tissu'tdly, and without fail, niahc a perfect cu e ol the above painful It id.idies. Fiom three to six of tald Indian ViccIhIi'c Pills taken every niuht go il g In bed, will i" a shoit time so completely rid the body from everv thing that is opposed to hi alih, II al Rlietimaii'm, (iout. and pain nf everv di serip ii.rn.wiil be lit. rally DRIVEN FROM THE DO DV. FortheR.niP reason, when, from slid. ten chanfTi s of atnio-.hrte, or any other cause, the per spiiatinn iscbeeked, and the humots which shoitl l pes!!!'!.- th- skin are thrown inwardly, eausit'o HEADACHE. CIDDINESS, m.usea and si. k r.rss, pain in the boms, wa'cry and inflamed eyes, sore throat, hoarseiie s, coughs, consumplion-', rbennialir pains in vaiiotia .arls of the body, and tminyothir svmptom of CATCHIMi COLD, B)'''', Lillian 'tt'fulir I'i'fs will invariably Hive iinmedi le ri lief. From thice to six of said; Pills tnkrn every night on going lo bid, will in a ; shoit lime, not only remove all the above unpl. as ml ' symptoms, bill the body will, in a short tune, be j restored lo even sounder heal h than before. i ASTHMA, on DIFFICULTY OF BREATH- ' IN(!. UVV.V Indian Ytgiltihlt ViUt loos et, and Puny oil", by the stomach and boweis, thoce tough phlrgmy humor-', which stop up all the air cells of the lungs, and are the cause, not only of the n! op distressing complaint, but when liriiicc'cd, often terminate- in that nm ediradliil niahn'v called CONSUMPTION. It shouM be alsoien.c'tnbet-d that WrinliVr Imlian Vt grtuhle Vilh are a certain cure for PAIN l THE SIDE. Oppression, nau sea, and sicknrs, os of nipi tile, rnstivpnrsa. a yellow tinge of ihe fkin and eyes, ami I very other symptom if a torpid or diseased stale of the liver; because they porte from the body those impurities which if deposited upon this important organ, are ihe cnu-e of eery variety of LIVER COM PLAINT. When a nation is convulsed ly riot, outbreaks and rebellion, the only means of prevent, inp ll.e dreadful consequences of a CIVIL WAR. is to expel all traitors, and evil dispos. d ones from the country. In like manner, w hen pain or sick ness of any kind, indicate that the body is striii; gling with internal foes, the true remedv is to EX PEL ALL MORBID HUMORS, (T.aiiors m heabh and life,) Health trill be tie rrrt-tin result. That the prim ipte of curing disease, by cleansing and purifying the body, is strictly in accordance with tho laws which govern the animal economy; and if properly carried out by the use of Ihe above named WRIOHT'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS, will cetlainly result in the complete Abo lition of Disease ; we offer Ihe following testimoni als, from prrsonf of the highest respectability in New York, who have recently been cured of the most obstinate complaints, solely by the use of Wnioirr's Ixman Vkof.tamlk Pills, of the A"orj Aiiuricun Colli gt of Health : Jamaica, L. L, June Oth, 1841. Doctor William Wright Dear Sir Il is with great sali faction I inform you of ,-.iy having been entirely cured of Dyspepsia, of five years standu g, by the use of your Iniiux Vkc, fta bi.k Pii.i.s. Pnvious to meeting with your celebrated muli cine, I had bu n under the hands of several Physi cihns, and had tried vaiiotis medicines; but all t no elli'ct. After usir g one 25 cent box of jour Pills, how. ver, I experienced so muc h Lei.elit, tint I resolved to perseveie in Ihe use of them accotilinii lo directions, which I am happy lo slnte, has result ed in a peit'ect cure. Ingratitude lo you for Ibe great lu nefit I have received, and abo in the h. pe that others similarly iilllicti d may be induced to make tiial of your extraimlinaiy medicine, I send you this statement with full libeity to publish the same, ifv.ui think pr. per. Yours, Ac. New Yuik, June 19, 111. (J.C. BLACK. Mr. Richard Dennis, ogent for Wright's Indian Vegetable PilN. Dear Sir I have been afflicted for several yeats inward weakness und general debility, accom panied at times w iih pains in the side and other distrrssii g cuiiipluiuis. Afni having tried various llirdieines wi'h.iul . lli el, I was persu uled bv a fiien l to make trial ef Dr. Wiigbl's Indian V'eaetuhle Pills, which I am happy lo state, lmo relieved roe in a most wi.iiib rlul maiiuir. 1 have Used ihe me dicine, as yet but a tunc, and have no d.iubl. by a crscNi'r mil' in the use i I the inedicine accor ding In directions, lli. t 1 shall in a short time be peil. c'ly le-loted, I most w illn glv recomim lid said lM's In all per sons mn.larly i.tllicte.l, and in die lull belie! ilut the same beneficial results will follow tin ir ue, I re inein joins siuceuly. IIENRV A. FOOTE. Waiwaising, Ulsicr co. N. Y. Ni w Yoiik, Sept. lull. This is to ceitify tbi,t I have used Win cur's I v i i a ' V HiM'A hi.k Pui s w ith the greatest bene fit: limine in'inlv cured myself of (be frnjuent at 'mIs ef Sick Hiadaehe, lo w hirh I had p'evioiisly le.n subject. A.N.N MARIA THOMPSON. 393 O reel) w ich sinei. N. Y. To Mr. Richard Dennis, Agent for Wright' In dian Vegetable ''i'ls. i'.i i' r i a .v. At there are ut this lime many wicked t i busily engaaed in sel'me a eoiinterteit inn' . in. n. . d. r Ibe nhine of the Indian Vegetable PiiU and a these des)irate nun arc; so utterly reckless of coo suiuences, that many valuable lives may be lost in eiiuseipii lire of using t eir ilre.idf'ul compounds, 'he pul l e are cautioned aiiautst pincha-ing any Pill, sunliss on the tides of the boxes the following wni.liiii! is fotiii.l : WRIOHT'S INDIAN YEf.T.TABLE PILLS. hulian l'uratiir.) Of THK SO II I II AMIHll'AX IIHlll.F OF HIALTII. And ulse l.i be esp-cially careful against purcba sing said medicine nf any person except Ihe regu lar iigeina. AUE.VJS FUR SUH THUMB KRLA SD CO, I'l-nnsylvunia. ' H. B. Masser, Sunbiiry Wm. Forsyth, Nor Ihumberland Jteoh llsat, Bbtmokin Samuel Jleib, Mahonoy Uverly cV D. Ha .t. Aucusla 'J'homas Fullmer. Milton Ireland A Meixill, McEwensville E S. P per, Turbiitsville Janus Reed. PotUfrove H. Klase, Snvderalnw n II. H. Ki abel, P. M Elytburg P. O. Win. I.ei-enring, P M, Union Corner. Oilice kiul (irueral Depot for the sale of WrVn' 7;iV,n Wgrtubfe J'lls. Wbolesnle am! Retail. No. 169 RACE STREET, PHILADEL PHIA. May 21, 143. ly HOSE OINTMENT, rnu ti:ttk. r i no won ms, rtupi.ts on tiir r n, and oiiinu rt'TANrorn KRiTiitiNs. The fullmcing terlifira'e ifirn iln:i one of the must ixtraonlinary cures ever effect rd hi any application. Piiii.uiri rniA, Frbrtiaty 10, ISIS. "70R twenty years I w severely afflicli d with Tt.TTKit on the Face and Head: the disease commenced when I was seventeen years old, and continued until the Fall of 1C1G, virving in vio lenrp, hut w iihoul ever disappparing. During most of llip timp, great purl of my was covered with the eruption, frequently attended with vin'ent itch ing; my head stv. l ed at tiims until it felt as if it would buret the swelling was so, that I could scarcely get my hat on. During the long period thai I was afflicted widi the disease, I useil a great many ni plication', farn ng ihem fveral celebrated prep. nation-) as w. II a taking inw aid remedies. incluiling a nitnilier ot I'ollli s ot nivnim t I iinar.-a. I'.xtraet of Sarsnpmilla, tit. In fact it would be j impossible to eiiume aip all the medicines I used, i I was also under the care of two of ihe most dis- ; tingnished physicians of this cily, but wilhollt re- eeiving much benefit, and I despaired of ever being cured. In the fall of 1 Sdfi, the disea-e i.t the lime being veiv violent, I coinrneiiced usinu the llnse Ointuiriit, (prepared by Vailghan iV Davis.) Ill a f. w applications ihe violent itching cia ad, ihe swelling abated. Ihe 1 rii. lion becnn In dis-ippear, and before I hml used ajar the disease was entirely eiiud. It has now been nearly a ami a half since, and there is not a ve-tige of the disease re muiiiinc. except Ibe scars from the deep pits formed by the d'i-eae. It is impossible for me In d' scril r ina cirtifieate the severity of the disP in1 ind ir.y si ill', ring, bill I will be pie iscd to ao u Toiler ae. conn! to any person wanting further s ati-f .. '.ion, who will Cillonme. Al the lime I co r.ineiced using llie R. se Ointment I would have given hun dreds of do lars lo be rid of (he disease. Since u sing it. I have recommend, d it lo n'ver il persons, (among them my mother, who hud the di-ca-0 had Iv on her amO w ho w. re a I cured bv it. J AMES HURNELL, No. Race St. The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. 11. Vauhati, S.iii'h E-ist corner of Tlni.l and Race slre.ts, Philadelphia, und sold on aucnev in Suuhu rv. bv H. B. MASSER, ' M'.v 1 1th. IS n. Agent. loc Ointment, for Tetter. ' A PROOF OF ITS FFFH'Ai'Y. i Pun ATot.riitA. May 27th, H:V.l. 'PHIS is In certify that I was severely atlbcted -- with Tetter in the hands and feet for upwards ' of forty years ; the disease was alien. led generally 1 will) violent itching and swelling. I applied to .1 j number of physicians, and used a great many appli- j cations without chVcling a cure. About a yi ar since, I applied ll.e Rose Ointment, which entirely ; slopped the itch 'na, and a ft w applications 1 an ly cured the disease, which there has hi en no return of, allhoueh 1 hud never been rid of it at j any lime for forty years. RICHARD SAVAOE, 1 Eleventh, below Spruce Street. ry The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. B. , Vauthari. S uith East comer of Third and Race i Streets, Philadelphia, and sold on agency in Sunbii ry. by II. B. MASSER, May 11th. 1843. Agext MEDICAL APPROBATION Of the ROSF. OI.TMF..T, for Tntrr. A r 1 .THOt fill the superiority of the prepaimioii ,, ., . , !, , , .', ' over nil others is fully established, the propre. tors lake pb asuro in laying before the public the following certifica'e from n re-pectable physician, a graduate of the University of Pennsv lvania. Dr. Bunch, having found in this tenirdy that relief f ir a tedious and disagreeable affection w hich the means within the ranee of I. is profession failed to afford, has not hes'natid I. give it his approbation, although the prejudices and interests of thai prolosiou aie oppiiM'd to secret Remedies. Pitn.4HM.rniA, S. pt. 19, lsnd. I was recently linuhb d with a tedious herpetic ertrptii n. which pcailv one si.'e of my face, and extended over the ear. Mr. Vnimhnn, proprie tot of the Rose Ointment, obseiving my fa r, insis ted on my I vini: his preparation, of w hick he han ded n.e a j ir. AlthoUiih in common w ith the mem I'Cis ol inv r. li.-i..ii, I diseounti nance and disap prove of the numerous nostrums palmed upon Ihe public by kimi ant pr. tenders, I feel in jus'ice bound 10 exci pi the Rose Oiutim lit from that c'a-s of me- 11 lines, and In give it mv approbation, as it intire Iv lUred the eruption, nhhough it had resisted the appl cations. DAN L. B.M'Oll, M. D. dj' The Rose Ointincnt is pieiared by E. B. Vaunhan, South Ea-l coiner el 'Fluid and R ice Sireels. Piilude'phia, and -old on as. nev in Sun burv, by II. B. MA-SER, May 1 1 ili, l(sl:t. Aguit. J. rAlTL AND, JR. &c CO. Smill' tiiid Tdhacco Manuliicturui's, .Yn. .,7i 'i st rorvir of Rare ami Third . Struts. i PHILADELPHIA. ! rPIIE undersigned h ive formed a Co-partnership under the linn of J. MAYI.ANI) J it. A Co.. as FUeeessois to the lute dim afjarali .Mililnnd : Co.. un.l will c uitiiiue ihe business at iheold esta- . I.lishment, on ibe.r own account. In mlililion In I their own close attention and cxpi tience. fm ninny years, in llm inanufaclure of their (ef. braled snull'-, Ac., the b.iur experience of the senior partner of ti e late linn, will ul.o be devoted to the interest of the : new concern and as no exertion and caie will Ic ' spared lo insure their goods, at all limes ol the ve- ! ry best ipialily, they solicit n continuance of llie confidence of the I. .ends and ciisl.nners of the late firm. TIIOM S ADAMS, ! J. MAY LAND, Ju. ; Philadelphia, May 11th. I 1:1. I y 1 EAGLE ! I'ornrr of Th ril and Yinr Slrn Is, I WlXLIAMSrOIlT, PA. IHE snlscriler r. sop! tftillv ami. unci s tothe, public, that be his i. cried a Hotel in the com- '''"'' brii k I nililii g situate on the corner of I-i d rin! 1 ' Hit- lreets, where he will be bappv to ' iv lit i p.. n ih ise who may favor him wit', theii j companv. The E .jib' Holel is luige and Conveni- 1 cut, mid furnished in ll.e l e-t in "I'ein ste. Ii i- pr.iv.ded Willi a larce number of well aired and comfortable tn ina uparlmeiit-', r mills, piivalr I srlors, Ar. Pe.fons visiting Williamsport oil bo- i sinessoi j. lea-tire, ni iv re.t ns-ur. il thalcrcrv ex- ertion will le used lo render ihi-ir soj.iinn at the i "l.tiRle Mot. I pl. and asreeuble. HisTal b will besuppli. d with the vary b. si ihe maikct al lords, and his l ar w oh ihe cl .nicest ine and nlber h.juors charge re tollable. The Euglo llolrl poss.s:u.i (rreuier sdvantnt.'e. in point of locution than any oilier similar establishment in ihe borough, being situate in the business part of ihe town, and within a convenient distance of the Court House and Williamsport and Elniira Rail Road Depot. Sufficient Stabling provided, und good and trusty ostlers always in attendance. Attentive, sccoii.uio.lnting and hone-l Servants have been employ ed, nud nothing hit undone thai will add lo the and accommodation of hi guesis. There will be a carriage always in attendance at the Boat I. muling In convey pa.stn yer to ind from ihe House, free of charge. CHARLES BORROWS. May Uth, if . ATTOKNKY AT LAW, SV27BURY. TA. Businens iittpnded to in the ('niiulie of Nor ihuml erlatid, Unio n Lveoming and Columbia, liefer 1 1 Thomas Haiit t Co., Lowfcn cV llinnnx, HAnr, Oi'MMiitns V Haiit. -Vliilinl. Rst groins, McpAtit on A- Co. Seriti 'loon & Co., To Country '"" MERCHANTS. rPHE Subscriber, Acenl of Lyon & Hartis, Hal Matiiifaclurers. for N w York, Philadelphia, Ballimore and other large cities, wl iw Hats are highly rtirntmnded I ir I'mirf cilit anil iur'ihiliti. has on hand a fir-t rate nswrlnvnt n( HATH and CAPS, fiiitil le for Spnnp mle-', nh ih will be sold vi rv low, foi cash nr ai.ftoved rredil. at Ibe mtiil cheap store, ,Nn. 4(1, INorlh I lnrd a'r'ri, oppisi'e the City Hotel. Philn lclphia. ROBERT I). WILKINSON, Ape'it. N. II. Orders lot Hats in the roue1!, promptly attende l lo. The highest rice in swh or trade given f ir Fur i-rt . Philadelphia, June 11, lSI3..-ly A LI, persons imh bled to the firm of Lyon A I lairs, under the agency nf O. N, Timelier, Hal anil Cap Manufucturiri, No. 40 North Third, street, Philadelphia, are lo make immedi ate settlement of ill. ir account w iih the subscriber, their legally nuihniied i.genl.who is fully cmpow en d to sellli' und collect t e nccouliti of s ii.l firm, KO HURT D. WILKINSON, .lime -lib, 1 S I 2. tf Aurnt. G OLDEN SWA N Yo. (i!t tXorllt Thiril, aimer Areh Strut, IMHLADKLIMIIA. AccoMMnnxi ios run i'.vrNTV rKi:-oN.. pllARLES WEISS, lateoi the "While Swan," and "Mount Vernon House," respectfully in forms his friends and customers, thai l.p has become Ibe proprietor oHhe abov well known Hotel. Cun'ry Meiehants will pnd the uhove- Hotel a central location, and lite best of fare. Persons tra velling with private conveyance will find a large yard nud good stabling foi horses, ni.d the best of ostlers. Hoarding $1 prrduv. May 1 1 ill. 1 SIC. If. W1C. HZILICi-lT & CO., 1 'omiitissioii A; Forwnniin .Merchants, Foot nf Willnir Shu t Rail Roail, OM Til K I rMWtHC, TTAVINO associal.d V i h ill. 111 Joseph Bar net. 1 late of Easton. Pa ri si er I fully inform their friends nud the public gei erallv, that they havt t.. ken th .t litcennd we'l known store and wha.-f at foot nf Willow Sin el Railroad, lately occupie I by Jncoh Martin, where ihev pu-posp doing a (ipinral Conimi.-siiiii and Forw ardiug Bu-iness, and faun the local a.han'acesof the plaen U iug connected j with all ibe public improvements that have their ! outlet in the cilv, they flatter themselves ihey will : be able to do business to as great, if not g.eatei ad- I vantage, and upon os reasonable terms as any other ' house, and they ossuie their friends that any con 1 :. 1' . . .1 i.n 1 .1..:. ,.' . ' S'llllll Ills 111;. lit? ill incut so 11 nnvf lll.'ll bllil l HI- . .. . .. ,. . .... tention, and no cxeitions snaied to give entire tatis- faction. j Th. y are also prepared to receive and forw ard j goods to any point on the I. law are and Lehigh livers, between Maucli Chunk, Easton and Phila i del) hii, via Delaware Division and Lehigh Can .s; ! also, to anv point on ihe Juniata river, or Nonh 1 and Wist Branches ol the Susipiehanna via Schuyl i kill and Union, or tho Chesapeake and Tide Walui i Canals. I For ihe accommodation of Boats coming or go. i ing via Schuylkill ami Union Canals, a Steunboat will hi k. pl eipresslv for towing boats from ihe j Schuylkill around to the Delaware and back, which j will cm.ble meichnnts to have their produce deli- vered on the Delaware, and their goods st.ippnl at i n saving ol fit) to 7 5 per cent, oo the plices fir i haulii'ir acio-s, wiih advantage they re- speclfully solicit a share of nir..niu;e. W. HEILMAN & CO. William Hcllmm, ") W.lhain W. K loseph Barnet. ye- c '5Philad .May 14, 18-1:1. ly EOLTON 6c CO. dioiieral onitiilssloii .llei liaiils. For the Stile if Flour, drain, Sad, Ar., r. sm.m. ESPEOTFULLY inform their (riends and .Km M..r,-littiO nrimr .lie .toil Ii.IVA la. EC M ' s- ... i ken ihose birce and commodious W'harvrs. w ilh two Doiks, ninth of Cliesniii strut, on the Delaware, j lofelher w ilh the stole No. Ill South Wharves, I where ihev would he pleased lo receive consign ! incuts nf Grain, Floui. Seed, Whiskey, Iron, Ac. Ac. Being also well prepared to forward all kinds ' of Merchandise by ihe Schuylkill and Union, or by ; the Chesapeake und Ti.le Water Caiiu's, at low , boats are kept expressly for ll.e purpose of towing I boats by either loute. Meichnnts w ill ple .se he piirticuhir lo send their coeds desiined by either canal, to No. l'J South . Wharves, bclueeii Mmkel and Chesnut streets, on i the Delaware, with directions accompanying them i which route ihev w ish them to be shipped. ! Q'J' Plaster and Suit for sale, al the lowest mar ket piiee. BOLTON A CO. i Miui'li 19,lsO. No. Ill South Wharves. iioiii:tiT ( tiin u FAFEB HANUrACTUREIlS, Lombard Strut, Italtimorr, HAVE coiisluiillv fir sale, Pruning Paper nful. sies and quulili. s, Cap Writint; Paper, nihil and plain, Letter Pupir, while mid blue, ruled and plain, Hanging Paper, line and common, Euvilope Paper, do. do. medium, doub'e crow n, erowt- nnd cum si.cil Wiapping Papers, Coloied N'.-iiiuui and Royal Papeis, Bonnet, Binders' and Siniw Box Boards, Tissue Paper, and all aitlcles in their line, which ihey will m-II on accommodating term.. II ghesl price gien f. r old rnus. ROBERT CARTER A SON. March IP, ISl:). Elk ton, Md AN anicle utieiuuled for clrauing and giving a highly durable and most brilliant polish vi r, (ieriuiiii Silver, Brass Cooper, Biitlania Ware. Tin, St. el. Cutlery, and for restoring ihe lustre on varnished carriages, ilr. TRV Ii'. Prepared and 'LI al wholesalo and retail, by ihe Susipiehanna Chrysolite Polish Company, Owcgo, Tioga county, N. Y. WM. FORSYTH, Agent for Norihum'd, H. B. MASSER, Agent for Sui.bury. Noveinlr 20th, 1 8 l'J. firirit'T)Trvi'Vi"s. LAST MAKER, No. 7-1 Callow hiH Sired, Philadelphia. ("Three doers ubee Second. J SHOE Findings always kepi on hand, which he olu r. for sale, on the lowe-t terms. Country Merch nils are parliculiily to c ill and jude lot' themselves. Philadelphia, Novcmnr 13, 1842 ly. G. V". L. B. TATLCPtt f VFFER FOR SALE, at the South Easi (Jor sl p net of Fifth and Market Streets, Fhihuhl piia. Mens' Culf-skin Boots, stitched warranted, do do do pegged do l' do do water proof, double toles and double tinners. do Calf-skin do do and uppers, do Heavy Water Leather Boots, do do Neats do do. do High quarter Shoes, Calf-skin, do do do ('rockers do do nailed do Fine Monroes warranted Jo Kip do do do do do do do do Calf do do Coarse do do do do Shoes Fine do do Kin ilo do Calf and Seol Skin Pumns. do List Socks with nnd without soles. do Carpet do do do do Patent Warranted Water-proof Moccasins. Ladies' do do do do Ladies' tanned India Rubber shoi s. Cetillemeris' do Overshoes. With every other desp:iplion ol boots and shoes. Fur Caps nf every description. Travelling Trunks of every description. Venetian Travelling Bags. Patent Cum Elastic Shu.; Blacking. Bonnets of all kinds, Pulm Leaf Hats. Philadelphia. November LI. Yi. ly. &, S-.C THE?., WHOLESALE. AND RETAIL BOOKSEL LERs AND STATIONERS, io. Iv-'vi Chcsiiiit Street, below -lth, ritilntlelphi.,. T"EEP cnnstanlly on hand a general assort ment ot Hooks and Stationary ; comurisiiiu Ideological, Law, Medical, Classical. Miscellnne ous and School Books, Day Bocks, all sizes, Led cers, do.. Family Bibles, Pocket 11, hies, Wiitint Papers, Wraping Papers. Ac. Ac, which Ihey ol ler at the h. .vest piices to Country Merchant' Pro fessional Ovtitleinen, Teachers, and all others that may favor thein wiih their custom. Philadelphia, Novmber 13, 1 H 12. ly. A'lit-li.'U'l WVtavt'a tV Son, ROrE IVIAKEKS & SHir CHANDLERS. So. IH A'orA Water Street. I'hiudf It, hitt. .A r. consiatttly on ham!, a gener d nssort nient of Cordage, Seine Tw ines, A c . viz : I ur d Roper, Fishing Ropes, White Ropes, Manil la Ropes, To Lines for Canal Bonis. Also, a complete assortment of Siirie Twines, Ac. such as Hemp nnd Herring Twine, Best Patent (iill Net Tw ine, Cotton Shad and Henini! Tw ire, fhoe Thread. Ae. Ae. Also, Bed Ooids, I'louch Lines, Halters, Traces, Cotton and Linen Carpet Chains, Ac. all of which ihey will dispose of on nasotiuble teims-. l',phia, November 1.1, HI?. ly. Jacob l'i stunt li N. .son. 1 RESPECTFULLY informs their friends and Bcipiaintances ge lerally that Ihey slill con tinue to keep at ihe old Maud, No. IMG North 3d street. Philadelphia, nil Voids of TOBACCO SM ASP SLdARS. Which Ihey will sell n the in x '. uccominodaliin and reasons do terms. N". B. All eo.'ds told w II he gu.n inteed and all orders promptly ill.nili.l to. Philadelphia, Ncvcinler 13, I SIC. ly. PETE?. CClTCTSri," Wlmlosalo ami Kctail Slme, I'unnct, and Palm heal" lint Warehouse. Su. 60 Sorth "d street, a fur ilanrs ulove .Irch, Philadtlphia. A I.SO Trunks, Carpet Bags and Valices. of ev J, ery desciiption, all of which he oilers for sale on the most reasonable terms. Philadelphia, November 13, ISl'2. ly. j . wVs V A rinhrella and l'arasnl Mannlaclnrrr. Ao. 3V Sooth 'Tim it street, tiro ih oi s In lota tht Citu Hull I. Philr.dilpliiu. C10UNTR Merchiiuls and others are solicited J lo examine his usioiti.icul before purchasing elsew here Phila !el hia, Novend.rr 11. Ifi-lC ly. r. it a. "no v or nfs' China, ( lass and Liverpool Warehouse. A'o 101 Sorth Third street, third door hefoin Yine street, I'hilailt Iphiu. iTTHERE Ihey cnnstanlly keep on hand a large assortment of China, Class nnd Liverpool Ware, which they will dispose of on ihe most iei soiinl le terms. Phil.idelj hia, November 13. 1 SIS. ly. TJIKOl'llA'S CULP. Manufacturer and Importer of Sad dlery, Hardware, &c. A'o. S South Third street, four doors below Market Philadi liiiiu. TT EEP constantly on hand a large anj peneral assortment ( onch Lamps, Carriage Bands, Axle Arms, Lhptic Springs, Talent Leather. Ac Country Merchants and saddlers will be supplied al all times on the most reasonable li nns. They will find it to their advantage to call and examine his assortment before purchusiin; elsewhere. Philadelphia, November 13, 1 1! . ly. IILY.XOLDS," MrFAlJLANli A, CO Wholesale Dealers in lirei-rn British and American Dry t.'ooils. So. 105 Market street, FhiUidtlphia. COUNT II Y Merchant, and others can be sup plied ut all times with nil extensive assort Lent of the ocst and most fashionable ti'uods upon the most reasonable, terms. Philadctphi.i, November 13, IS 12. lv. U)Wtril:'17AlVltON,' Importers and Pealers in Foreign nnd Domestic Hardware, No. 171 Nohtii Tii in n Stkm.t, riiiLiiiii.ein ril ERE their fiiends and customers w ill always liud a Urgu and geneial assorimenl of Foreign and Domestic Hardware, which they will sell al the lowest prices, Philedelphia, November 13, IS 15. ly. L'SllL'UICK, IIANSL'LL & ( OS. WHOLESALE DRY GOODS STORE. io. 1-2 Market Street, l'hila. (Beluio Fifth South side ) tLWAYS keep on hand full and general as si-rlmenl of Hosiery, Lace, and Fancy (foods, Country Merchants are respectfully requested lo give thein a call and examine for themselves. Philadelphia, November 13, 184S ly. SPKUING, GOOD & C(X No. 13S MatTvftt Street, Philadelphia. INVITE tha attention nf Country Merchants to their extensive assortment of llriiiih French nnd American Dry (iooda, which ihey oiler fulfil on the most reasonable terms. Phihdelphu, November 13, 1812. ly. WINSLOW'S BALSAM Or II ORE HOUND. A N nnparelleled remedy for common Cold ('might, Asthma, Influenza, Whooping Cougf Bronchitis, and all diseases of ihe Breast and Lung leading to consumption; composed of the concei traled virtues of Hor. hound, Bonset, Blood Boi Liverwort lilld several other vegetable substance Prepared only by J. M. Wisslow, Rochester, Ne Yoik. The innocence ntul nniversallv admitted perlor viitucs of the Ileitis frotn which the llahnni llorrhnund is made, are too generally known to t quire recommendation ; il is Iheiefore only necrsr ty to observe ihul this Medicine contains ihe win of their Medicinal properties, highly roncentrati and so happily combined with several other vri table substances, as to render il the most speei mild and certain remedy, now in use, for the cot plaints above mentioned. The Balsam removes all imflammation and so ness of the Lungs, loosens tough visid phlegm, f aiding the patient lo expectorate with ease and fr doni, assinges cough, relieves athmatic and dil cult ropirntion, heals the injured parts, opens pores, and composes the disturbed nerves, and giv strength to the lender lungs, and thus produce speedy and la.iting cure. I mi. iiatiti in: is the baskst entvit is Max. Wc are not among class of Editors who for few ('..Urns will, (at the expense of truth and 1 nesty) "crack up" an article and bring il into ra sale; neither aie we willirg to lemuin silent, at having tested Ihe utility of an iin rovement or d coveiy in science or ml. Our readers will reeol,'' we told them we were unwell with a sore throat a violent Cold some few weeks ago. Well, we pi chased two lollies of LNM.OW'S BALSA OF HOI! EIKM'ND, nnd so sudden was Ihe cu that we forgot we ever had a cold. Those w are alllieted, may try it upon our rccommendalb .cnVou T'-lrnroph. For sale by DENIiV YOXTHEIMEI1, Sunbur. JACOB BKHillT, SorthuniLeilund. Also, ly Druggists generally ihrouuhout t country. Q'j Pi ice, f0 etuis per bottle. Auiriist Mm, 1 s 1-?. 1 y. S.LE. 770R sale a small Farm, containing about o hundred and ten acres, more or le-s. situ 111 1 oint township, iSorihuml erland countv, aln two mil a above Noithlliubeil and, on Ihe in;, road leading from that place to Danville, a.) join i lands of John Leghou, Jesse Horlnti and othe now in the occupancy of Samuel Payne. Al-o loily acres of said liael areileatid, and in go slat.' of cu livation. 011 which there is u small ba erect, d. The property w ili be sold onnasonal teims. Fur further pniliculors, peisous ore requc ed lo apply to the tulrciihi r. H. B. MASSER, Ancnt, Nov. 27th, 18 IC if futibiiry. 1' OF EVEKY DIX'KII'l'ioN. M:W L.XOLAM) OIL COaII'AN .No. '.'! Xnrlh Water Street, l'hila n ANl'FAtrn'REIi-S and dealers in Oils A.V M every description both for burning o matiufacturinii purpose, which will be sold mi. lower than they can be procured elsewhere, at Warranted in quality to equal any in the city. A; oil sold by the company not proving as lepreseuli may be returned without any expense to the pi chaser, and llie money will 1 e refunded. Their slock now ir store consists of the follow i. oils, vi. : JO.OtX) gallons v intci Bleached Speitii"! oil, fitino do do Coioiless Oil, 15,0110 do Fall and S.rinc Ssperm Oil, 10. (0ll do Winter N a Elephant, 20.000 do do Pre.sed Whale Oil. fidOO do Summer do do do IS.CIIO do Common Whale Oil, -00 Barrels snpi iior Sua.'s Oil, :it0 do Cod Hank Oil, 50 do Nea's Foot O.I, 7.1 Casks Olive Oil,. Till ller's 1 his. CTj Tins Company has a number of Vessels' 1 g ige.l in the Co.! Fislurv, and Tanners may r. upon eet'iug at ail tiines Oil as pure as importe. Phihidelphi.i, Nov. 13, siZ. ly. rcCAIil-A &. HEUSE Ni 51, 01 tli t' MMl Nlrcct, (10 11 M.11 or coomb's A 1.1.1. t.) Where ihey con.-lanilv keep on hand a general assortment of CLOTHS, CS.SSH.IEHES, VESTING And a great rai ieti ofartichs i f a superior . quality, which they oiler In dispose of upon ll.e most icusouable ti rms. C'lor.VI'KY .MERCHANTS ni.d others J find il to ll.i ii udvuntage lo cull and cxaiiiii Ih. ir stink before purchasing elsew here. Philadelphia. Nov. 0, lHli. ly LIST OP BOOKS, 10H hiLi; 11 ' 5 r -1 v C?s-""s" NTHON'S Classical Dictionary; l.empric, do.; Aiuswonh's do ; t.'obb's do.; English a' (ieiman ibe; Antbon's Cssar; Ambon's (iranitn. Anthen's Cieem; Mail's Latin Reader; Ogilly 'sif Andrew's Latin Lessons; D.''s l.exie p Frsk's Crei k Exercises; Duvir.'a LeBcndei; (ira. V N Major..; Adams's Roman Antiquities; Pinnm (ioldsmiih's Eogb.nd; do. (.'recce; I.jeli's Eb nic. of (Jcoloj;.; Mrs. Lincoln's Botany; Ehmen( Botany; Bridge's Algebra; Porter's Rhetorical IN ders; Enurson's (ieography and Hi-lory; Oh e. do ; Parity's do.; Snutir, (iramniei: Kirkham's d. Kay's Readers; Cold's do.; Cobb's Arilhmeti. Pike's do.; Enu rson's do.; Cobb's Spilling Bool Town's do.; Cobb's 'Fable Books; Evangelical F n.ily Libiary; Collage Bible-; Family do ; Collal 1 al do.; Small Bible and Testaments; Parker's I. ercises en t'nniposition; Fruit of the Spirit; llaxte S ..ini's Rest; American Ri volution; Marryatl's N v. Is; Mrs. Phelps oil Cbemistiy; Iliad; Catcchis of American Laws; Letl.rson Natural Magic; CI mistry for Beginners; Enulit-h Exercises adapted Murray's ('rammer; Sequel to Comley's Sjielli Book; Am. rican Class Book; Daboll's Schoolm-' lei'a Assistant; A creat variety ol Blank Books, iX August 28, 1U 12. ATTENTION. " J . S I l i: V JO MIS, EQl 'ES'l'S tin attention of hia country I'n'eri t who aie in want, lo his very large stock I Carprlings, Oil Cloths, Mailings, Rugs, Binding Stair Rods, .Vc , tVc, that he has just opened, his warehouses, No. IS North 2d street, and No. Church Alley, nut door lo I'htisl Church, Phi. dclphia. July 31, 1842 ly. SNISH HIDES. TANNERS' OIL AND LEATHER. D. KIH K VA THICK & so; A'o. 21. A'orrA Third street, (sirw xtK ms:t axu ciittnrT TrtT,) rtill.AUtLI'lUA. ir AVE for late a large and excellent asoitm ot SiirtnuA Hides, Putna Kit's, Tutmrrs ( eVc, al the lowest maiket prices, riihr.r for cash, exchange for Leather, or upon credit. Consignments of I either received for axle, purchased kt thehigl.ast market prices. tjj Leather atoird frea of charge. April IT, 1813. ly.