fl fi. ! fJ 11 . 1 H st 1 jyy ARRIT.IL OF TIIR STEAMSHIP HMERMA. ltteeit Day f.nlrr from Kuropt. Tlie steamship Hinr.rm, Capt. Judkina, anivod t Hodon on 'I hnr-ibiy evening, in thirteen day out I.i vrrjii.ol, with London paper la llic morning f 4ih inst., rxpicsscd to Liverpool by Willmer c Smith. The new li of ronsi.lrsMe import Mice. Snijr tins been revolutionized, ami Espartrro is fugitive in Portugal. Nnrvacz Is now I.iuucii it General, and tlio Duke of Biylen Guardian to young (jnccn. This almost bloodless ltcvo. i i..u:..i.: ! i. i unv own primiint u, uuinii iis. "j 111 inn iurs i tl the gold of France. Esparlcro was known to t'linn to Commercial Treaty with England, ' 'licit precipitated his downfall, it In supposed nt tliero ia an understanding between Louis ulippe and the ex Queen Christina, ly virtue of hich the King's youngest eon, the Due d'Au air, will marry the young tjifen, and thin re. enl the alliance of France and Spain. Moan tic the Government is penniless, the people far. ux, and the whole country in a wretched condi n. HiT Bitii in more prosperous and her in 'dry hotter employed than for years past. The ttlltlfnrlil r tint Tlitr!-ls .rn in (bo mniti linew nti.l inquil, except that the Anli Corn Low agitation ; prosed with great vigor. There is an active do- j house, using all their endeavor, to rob the poor ind for Cotton Goods for the China market. No j am' needy. nnge in Money matters. Cotton is firm at our I In order, therefore, to amue the medicine in its evious quotations, although the stock on hand is i pu.-i'y, the public will observe that each hot lias nrmotis no lo?s than One Million hales, or 300,. I three of my fac-ainiilc signatures theieon one up 0 more than it was a year ago. The Merchants i on the top of the box, one upon the side, and one e petitioning for a drawback on exported Cotton. upon tlie bottom of said li..x each of which must The speculation in drain had subsided, but a ! also cotrcsp md with those labels on the rettilicatc o-t untimely niii commenced on the 2d inst. ! of A geney held by evcy duly authorized Agent, by nt was still Tilling when the llibernia left. This I which they will lie fully s. cure. crropts and l lavs the Wheat harvest, and en- j I.e' it lie '-noivn that the Pills sold for Prm-iiS.-rs the crop. The Potato and Turnip crops j ''rr"''. without three f..e simile signatiiirs of my ,jl j,e v,.ry 1Rp I name being upon the hox, may he considered conn- . I teiffit, ami be very careful to observe that the sig- I he oppn ssioii of the Corn Laws i--evidently I nature of lirandietir is 11. not W., or any other lining ground. Mr. JjIiii Bright, a leading mem- ' letter thin U. r of -the League,' has been elected to Parli.imci t ! lj Purcha-e of H. I). Masser, Sunbury, or of a- m the City of Durham, heatii.c Purvis. Conser- itive. by 1SS to HO votes. I.i Ihklsmi, tlie progress of I.'epeil is still on ard. O't'onnell continues to address immense semblies ol'i n'hu-iastic Kepealers, and to incul- te the most implicit obedience to the laws. Thou mis are enroll, d intheKepe.d r iiiks daily, and cc fund is swelled by liberal contributions from e ry quarter. Meantime the Cabinet is divided and rpleied. They have crowded :."),00(1 troops into eland, and fan find nothing for them to do. The timale triumph of Ireland is certain. In Wir.r.s the outrages continue. From KitiM't and Oi;iimit there is very II le. IsilA is trnnqtiil, and British conquest of Scinde complete. A handsome revenue and great com- j ercial advantages are expected therefrom. Dost TftJOTH.'E is hereby given to the heir and leg .1 fall. lined Iris resumed the government of Cabul. j 1 representatives of lieorge Long, sen., ofAu H not with the full concurrence of the Chiefs j RU6'n lowi.ship. Northumberland county, deceased, liere r apprehensions of difficulty at Lahore, ! !h" f " r.' rm' Tj,,Uation' 11 ' ; 'ssued out ot the Orphans Court of said rountv, lien the t rench gem ra!s are required to h ave the to me direcle.l. an inquest will I.e held at the late jsh' Court. There has leen a dreadful storm ' resilience of s -id decea rd. in Augusta township . the Bay of Bengal and on the Coast of Coroman- i "," .Kri,,aV ""' r"h "f rU r "' nl 10 ' , . ',, , , . clock, A. M., tor the purpose o making partition of, . I a the Monsoon, and many vess, Is lost. , nf , V;lue B,j Re K(iU,w of From ('mi , there is little of m ment. Amort. ceased. FELIX MAL'IIEIJ, SitriJf. in ships are busy smuggling Opium, and some fliorilFs Oirice, 5 .itish are trading i J.-f, ,,,ce of Ihe au.hj.i.ies j ..h..ry. Ajut 2. -fit r Henry Puttiuer is sick, or has on. ' Pinrisii Pahih ti st. A fight, one of the 1 inst spirited of the season, took place in tlie House f Commons on the 27 th. The prin.ipal comba .nls wore Lord John Ru-i l, Sir Itohert Peel, Lords '.iltnerston, and Si.niby. Tho attack was coin eneed by L..r l John, in a bi'ter and sircastic in, who rov'ew t il the ililTicubii of Ministers and fu ir position, net red at the mes.iuos they had i ten obliged to abundon, in consequence of tb... . tis.ili.y out of doors. ,d in de-pi.e of the power- ' ' ! il ini.j..riiy at their back; spoke of their financial j Miliarias? moots, as contrasted with the supeiiur '. act for which they gave themselves credit in such i . . , , . ,, . litter, when 1.1 oppostn,.., ; dwelt pointedly upon : 'loir difficulties in Ireland, and counselled them lo 1 ..otter and wiser proceedings. Sir Roltert Peel's j 1 11 ., . t 0 r ,, t ply, like every thing 1h.1t fills from him, w ah e. 1 ' ut it wanted the freshness and vigor of hi more 1 lec s-fol elTo'ts; he did not parry the th'ust of a assailants wiih the pointed dexterity with which , 1. . . . , , . , , . 1 r.cy were ma le, and he seemed opposed with hi , '"nsition. In all the requisites of a meic party ! leecli, the happiest ellorts of the evening was , .or.l Patuierston's. He spoke contemptuously, of linisiers and their p dicy . in it domestic, foreign, 1 nd commorcial phases, and predicted their early 1 r w 1 ...i e. :.. - ...... ....1.. ... l.iwuito. l.uiu 1:101111 y, 111 ,iji iiiiu "iny, ivr im tied the tntticst of the discussion The dolutte, vMifincd as it was to tlie four ablest men in the louse, as well s the mott accomplished and pow ', , , , , 1 . , . . i rful speakers, lias nccc.-;arily excited rr.jc, ,,,.,. ; -st, and the parlii ins of bo h rarfic are loud in - r . nr .o .1. . . ........ r ! hi 111 lun 111.11;, vi hum respective lavonxs, I'l:e deb-oc jn r, t.ts the ense of the ins and outs "I two years. Its prrus.d will remind many of the "Votch mrr.ibiT dechiration "I have heard many pooches," said he, "Wb.jri, changed my opinion, tut never one which changed my vu!e." Mo hk PrrmrtiTio ok the FiiosTtKn. The St. Louis paper of the IO1I1 have li tters from ! ,,w huildinc. The Burrs, Elevators, Boiling Cloth, u w -t.-i . .i. 1, .. .1 . i- Smut Machine, or any pari of the fixtures or ins- l he Missouri bor.li r showing that tlie Indians, 1. ro-! ,. -,,,1, . . 1 ! chinery, w ill be sold separ ite, er togellier wuh the Ming by the example of the Texas marauding par- j ,u,Miiisi or lot. Il would ho a desirable hituati.u, t;.os, have commenced robbing the whi'es, having for, and possesses many advantages 10 a person stolon the horses of a trading canvan. The Tex- 1 desirous of establUhini; a foundry. for flintier 1 . , 1. 1 1 paiticular enquire of D. BItAUTIGAM, ons, immodia.ety after tho.r release by Cap.. Lo ,ke, , 1 Trustee for lo.iah Chapman. allieJ agxin and united with their faends, and at ; NonhumhcrUnd. August Hi, lS13.tf. . -esent numlr 180 strong. They aie well armed j T T T T T Tf C A T T' ,nd prepare J fur almost any f mergoncy. I V , , . , , ' ' . I 7".L he sold at public vendue, 011 Satutday A Font DeeJ.-K Spanish fisherman, name un- j M ,he 9,l.Jy "f;Sl l;-d.er next, on the ,.. ... 1 . ! raises, tw o certain trarts of land, belonging to the t.nown, was found in the wamp near New Orleans. ttWe nf Urnjsmill Taylor, dee'd., situate in Sha in a dying state, on the fith inst. By the side ol mokin township, Northumberland county, one ,e unfortunate vlctj.n taJhi piutdeier-an tmj. , y rur.l io.'.V. Jinif.rocih. The Committee" cf Nf w York, save Charle D.ckei a bail. He ha no'.dy s'l'fn t,era 1 . '. . in rit jrn. n . t.T i mo nr. piuikkt, Offieeoflht UiiTiMnn Aur.atr, August 21, FLOUR. Sale lo-J.ty of about 2.r)00 bids. Ci ly Mill Flour it f t 87J. That piico it now ge nerally refused. Sa'es of small parcels of Ohio Flour at f I 73 GKAIX Tho supplies of Wheat have been ve ry small lo-day.and in consequence of the trarri y the few sale making am two or three cents hither Ihnq 1 lie same qualities would have brought last week. We quote fair good to prime red nt 95 a 100 els., and tudiliarv to cood at 80 a OS cts. 't'l, .... I, . .... I I . . r . - ..I.. - . 1 . , ' . A sale of a lot of prime w hite w heat at Sales of white Com at 48 a 60 rta., and 105 eta. yellow at Ml a 51 cK Mil. Itye ia worth 02 eta. Sale of Oils at 23 a 21 ct. WHISKEY. The demand is limited and sirs very light. We quote hlida. at 11 cts. and bids, nt 25 a 25 cent. Tiik Unguium Pi 1 Actions at law, pen alties, imprisonment and disgrace hove not hither to succeeded in preventing ihe endeavors of disrepu table persons to deceive the public with miserable couuterrcits of that popular and universal approved medicine, Ihe Rrandreh Pills. Such has become tlie impudence of these conn- '"'''iters, list tiny carry th Ir p n'son from house to ec"u l,,J1,l,-', J ' P" of ht paper. riiicn cmiKKXT. Ciirrtrlcd trtckly by llcitry Yoxfirirner. Wheat, .... pr I! t k, so t'oni, ii) Ovrs, - . . . . 25 Polr, . . . . . . f, Fnxsftit, ... . too Hermit, 1( Bkkswix, .... 2." TtlMIW, .... JO Dinr.n Aeri.rs, - . 75 Do. I'lACItllS, . . 200 Flax, ... . 8 Huki.kii Flax, !0 Eurs, ...... s VMnt C f CJOOI'SC I.OI12T. Klir., flecM. pt'iiLit' nam:. I N pursti trice of a eoit.iin wri i-sued out of the f'ourt nf t'omm in Pon of tbe county nf.Nor- i I hu mlier I.inl . an 1 tome d reeled, there will be s.., nt pnb!ie s de, on the promi-es.ai 11 o'clock, A. M., I Tuesday the I !l h of September rexi, the I fe es. I ta-e of Jolin C. Boyd, in the two f.d'owing doscrib- ' od trae's of bind, situ ite in Rush township, in the stid dimly of Norlhu nbo.larid one of which is hounded on the north by the north east branch of the River Susquehanna, on the south by land of Jacob Herd, and on the ea-t and west by other 1 '"J1 f. ,",,n '"' l"v;, nl.inin8 two hundred ami liliv irrei more or less, 0f which about two husi.lro.l and twenty five acres are cleared, nml whore. ui aie cieclcd a I rge dwelling house, several "n"" l""nt ""''liouses, two barns, and a stone gii-t mill ; and tbe otlter tract (biing hill hltt) j, ,.,,,,,, nm)h by Bear Gap Turnpike Koad, on the south by land "I" Nathan Pegg. on the east by other land of Mr. B yd, and on the west by land nf Mr. Hull and ,if . , , ' others, cum lining one hundred and forty acres mre or less, of which about eighty acres sre clear. ed and whereon are erected small tenant house "'" J'',rn" la If sold as th j,,Vl i,y Sunbury, Aug. 20. the property of said John C, IT.TEK LAZA Ill's, IS 13. 4t Sequent rat nr. CHE.F CLCCZS. CIIIF.AT HAItfJAIXS FOR CASH. riHE subscriber h is on hand, (left with him for 1 sale,) a handsome assortment of elegant llrtl,u M .- - warranted cooij, which he is authorised to sell nt r'-li' '..o Tiino dollars. The same kind of el ks ,,rrn Uu'ly """'"H ''.v ,,J ". r"im 20 " 2:' dollars. 'J hose who want bargains should r ,11 0) MASSEU. Sunbury, August 2(1, 1 S 13. " ' rt t t sT'-" v p. rilllE su'iscr bcr ofTers for sale, all that lot or L piece of ground, situate on Ihe West Branch of the Susquehanna, in the borough of Norlhnm. borl.md, containing above five acres, win reon is erected, a spacious l.iick building, known by ihe name of " The Col'egc," and lately filled up for a ftrisl Mill, with two pair of burrs. Tho West Branch Canal passu through the same close lo "'' conuinu.g twenty am. more or less, and ! the other contsmmg nine ajres more or lesa both in a high ttale of cultivation. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., of said day, when the conditions will be maJe known by SAMUEL FUR. MAN, Alm'r, fc-lsattukin, August 19tb, 1813 St, 4'ounfy Trramirrr. V'o tlit V.lrvtor of Sorlhvmbcrlnntl County: lELLOW CiriZENSr'J-hrough the solicits lion nf my friends, I have been induced to of fer myself as a candidate for the ofliie of Should I be so fortunate aa to he elected, I p'edae mvself to discharge Ihe duties of the office o the best of my ability. JOHN SlIIPE. S inbury, AiibusI 12th. 1fU3. C.curial CoinntlMsloii IrrrlismfM, -Vo. 21 Commerce St., Wow Fifth, riIZX.ABEZ.PHXA, TT'EEP constantly on hand Imputed Socars, ' - Brandies, Liquors, &c, at the lowcat prices, for cash. ('. J. Woi.KriT. jr. W. A. jAISKf. August 5th, 1811. fim ASliHYifc HOCAP, II. T & CAP MAiNUFACTURKRR. South r.oxt corner of Market nml 4fi IMilliKU-lphla, TIF.SPECTFLLLY inform the public, that thev will constancy keep on hnd a largs assort ment of Hats. Caps and Furs, to suit the fall trade. of the be-t quality. Hy strict attention to biisi- j nesa. and by soiling their stock at Ihe lowest prices, J they flatter themselves in ling ab'e to pive entire 1 satisfaction. August 5. tPitl ly jTvmTs s. sMfffrs I W holesale Clock r.stuMMiiumt, , No. S-2 Norlli Third Street, ! PHILADELPHIA, "XTfHEnE is to be found the largest assortment I ' of Clocks in the United States, among wliich ' are FmresKille. Hill's Goodrich & Co, Atkins. Portei it Co., Ives', Biewsters, and other Eight Day Urass Clocks; C. Jerome's Iiris'ol Manufic luring Company, Alkins, Porter eV Co., Hill's, Ooodrich A Co., Forrostville. H. Welton's, ati.l oilier Thirty Hour Brass Clicks; lloardimn .V Wclle's, Hopkins iV Alfred's, H, C, Smith's, and other Wood Clocks. Sole A g' lit for Crane's celebrated Year and Month Clocks, as well as several of the above men tioned. Al-o : Church and Halt Clock. fjj" Wntehni ikers. Merchants and others, will find it to their interest to call. Looking Glasses manufictnrcd. Philadelphia, August 5, 131:1. .tin S3 2 TlllE subscriber will sell till' his stock of Beaver, L Russia and Bnish Hats, of the best quality, at very rrduoed lices. Sunbury, Aug. 5. 1M3. H. B. MASSEIt. TO Till: VO TERS OK NOUTllUMBEli- I.ANI) COUNTY. PELI.OW CITIZENS: At the earnest sol ci tntions of many of my friends, I am induced to offer myseif as a candidate for the office of COl'XTY TKHASl l!KIt. Should I bo elected, I will endeavor to discharge the duties of ihe office lo the best of my ability. CHRISTIAN BOWEIt. Sunbury. July 22d, 1813. ' HOTEL. Centic Street, opposite (he Town Ham., i'ottsviIsM:, im. J. ('. I. E S S I fi . RESPECTCULLY announces to the travelling community that he has taken the large and splendid estab- 3 lishmont. the Eichaxof. HoTrL. situi. the corner of Centre and Callow hill streets, nearly opposite the Town Hall, in the borough of Pottsville, which has been thoroughly repaired and materially improved for the accommodation of visit ors. The Hotel is forty ft. ftont on Centres!., and one hundred and thirty eight ft. on Callowhill, tluee stories hiuh ; it is admirably provided With I'ailnrs, Sitting Ilooms. Reading Room, and large airy Chambers tbe most spacimi-, picas ml and conve nient Dining Room in the country a new and su perior Badrng Es'abbsliuient ; and evi ry conve nience and comf.irt to render it in all respects a most ilesirabb' Hotel. No pai is or expense, will bo spared to furnish the Table and Bar with the best that this and the Philadelphia Markets sffiird ; and with a determi nation to devote his entire personal attention to the comfoit and accoinmoda'ion of tbo-e who may fa vor him with a call : aided by active, careful and obliging servants, he hoes to give general satis f.iction. PRIVATE FAMILIES, wishing to visit this highly interesting and healthy Coal Region, w ill be provided with Parlors and Chambers, which he feels confident will please the most fastidious. Tho Stabling attached, is large and well constructed, ioid superintended by experienced and attentive Osiers. Horses and Carriage may he had at any time to convey pir-ons to any part of the country. (jj An Omnibns runs fioni this Hotel daily to and from the Depot, to meet the Cars, for the ac commodation of persons travelling on the Kail Road. No charge f,.r omnibus fare to this Hotel. Potlsrille. J.ilv . 1HI3. 6m 1 Notice TO C O XT Ii ACTORS. I PROPOSALS will I- received until sundown of Friday the lit day of Scp'ou her, S:, at the town vf unhury, for ibe repair of the M.th.tn tanijo Aqtndiiet, on the Susqtirhanu 1 Division. Plans and -pei ili. ations wilt be t xbibitrd lluee days previous to the letting. G. I.I'ISENKING. Siipeivior Sutij. Div. Pa. Canul. J.ilv Kth. IKt t.Ht Co r xty t i: si iTpTFj. TO Till'. I.LI'CTolis or nilTlU M- Pi'.un.wi) t u . i r. 7El.l.OV CITIZENS; I have l-en induced 1,1 oiler my self us a caiuluUla f,. ibe oilier ol County TicsiMiirr, at the coming ibetion. Should von think me ! woltny ol your nipMitt, and I slioul.l oo so sue- cessful as to bo b eted, I will einlcoor to gie !;ru I oral sati-factioii 1.1 all who insv be concerned. JOHN FAK.VSWOKPH. Sunbury, June 21ih. IStn. I city i r i.x ri i inf ai ri ox. AND ritlVATE SALE3 UOOIUS, Xos. 'J'. ;uui til North Thiol Street, Near t Ii c C i t v Hotel, rillLVDEl.PIIlA. fl C. MACKF.Y, Auctioneer, re-pfelful'v in- -J vites (he attention of persons desirous of pur chasing Fuinituie, to hi extensive Sales II nuns (both public and Piivato,) for every description of Household Furniture, whi te can be obtained at nil limes, a Urge assortment nf fashionable and well manufactured Cabinet Furniture, Beds, Mattrasses, Ac., at vrry reduced prices, for cash. frr Sale by Auction, twice a week. May V7'.h. IM3 ly tcil at D Hint It f. Hill I'S for sale by July l.i, t.StJ. II. U. MASSE n. CoiiiilrrlVIIrrs' DEATH BLOW. rPhe pu' lic will please ohnerve that no Brandrelh - Pills aro genuine, unless the box has three li bels, upon it, (the top, the s'n'e and tho bottom) eaih containing a f ic-itnilo signature of my hand writing, thus H. DitAiitto.ru, M. D. These la. hel- nte enuravud on steel, beautifully designed, and done at an expense of over f 'J.OilO. Therefore it will he seen that the only thing nrce-sary to pro cure the medicine in its purity, is to observe these I ,1-els. I'einemHer ihe top, the side, nml the bottom. Tho following respoclive persons are duly auhori zed, and hold CEHTICATES Or AGENCY, For the sale of Rranrlrnh'x Vegetable Universal VI II. " Northnmheilamt countv : Milton M.u key cV Ch.iuihi'itiu. Sunbury II. II. Massor. M'Ewens ville Ii el ind A. Meixell. Norihutn1 eilnnd Win. Forsyth, (reorgetown J. ft J. Walls. Union County: New Berlin llog.tr V Win ter. Sotinsnrovc George Gund. 11m. Middle hnrg Isaac Smith. Doaver'two David Hubler. Ad im.-buri Win J. May. Milllinsliurg Mensch cV IJav. Hartleton Daniel Long. Frechiitg (5. V F. (. Moyer. Lewishurg Walls cV. (iieen. Columbia county : Danville V.. B. Kevnobls 1 A Co. Berwick sbuman Ac It ttetihou-e. Cn'- 1 j lawissa ('. (J. Brobts. Ulooinsburg John It. ! I Moycr. Jeisey 'I'own Levi Bisel. Washington j Kolit. MiCav. Limivtone Ballicl A McNiueh. Obseive ijiat each Ap.eut his an Engraved Cer- t I litiesle of Agonev, containing a representation of j Dr Bit ANDItETII'S Manufuctory at Sing Sing, j and upon which will a'so he scon rxact copies of i !., ,1' . I .1 ..'III ; Kie new utoci.i new ur.i upon me urtinaran 1111 ; Philidclphia, oTiee No. S, Notth Pih street. b. bi;adi;eth.m. d. .Itine 21l'i. It1. .i 'Tlircstilus .llivt tiiiu- loi- Salo.- T HIE snb-oriber offirs f r sale a THIJEvSIHNG MAt'HI.NE, new and in good 01 dir. The Machine has been tried, an I proves to be an eci I lent one It w ill bo hold at a tiduced price, and warranted. pplv lo II. B. MASSEIJ. Julv 1st. IS I t." Ilarf, AikIi'chi X IVlivwv, l orv;u iliiii' nml l ii'it''!'; .1 P Oi'llfC CO M M I SS 1 1 X M K H C 1 1 A XTS. Siemiil ll ttnrf ntiiivr J!n,-r SI . tin the Ih ltin-ure, PHILADELPHIA. ItF.FEIlENOES: ! Henry Fnrniirn A Co. Mai vis, Tr.tbue A- Curd, Brav. B.uciofi, A Co. ' I.nni.svtl,'t . Williamson, Burroughs Geo. Lui key, A Co. ! A ("Ink, ' f'inrinnnti Eckel. Spanc'ci A Kagucl, Si, J,.in Smith, Esq, J Reed, Brn. A Thomas I'urlniiil. I Rogers, Brotlieisi A Co. Joseph Souther, Esq., W. It. Thompson A Co. , Huston R, ileit Sioen A Co. Hon. Win. Bigler, J. A J. R.akett. Vlrnrfuhl, V,i. j Mttlford A Alter, B Hendriiks. J. R. Wei h. E q. Sunbury, I'u , Vbibhh Ijiliin It. Hum s, E-q. j David It. Porter, Esq. Robert ( 'rane, Esq., Messis. J. A P. Martin, Jrrsri Share, I'u. j llurri,urf! V,. M'KcKy A Co.. Win. K. Holloaale. Esq ll.mmtburg, '. j Lewis Hurford, Esq. Walls A Gieen. ' j Lnnlter lewnbur", Va. Jones, Murphy A t'o. ' ,, ... ... ... ,. , ,, 1 , ., I . W . Kin f.'ng A S..n, ! L. A. Brown A Br..hei ; . . ,. . 1 J. K. Moon he.iil. l.sq. Ws'iiirp ieirclt A Potter, Morgan A Anderson, J Uwittuwn, Tir. Geo. Picshuiy, Esq. Joseph Paxton, Esq., .V. I. mn's 1 Columbia Co, Pa. June 3d, LS 13. ly D A VID EVANS, .Yd. ?ti South '.hi stt r I. opposite the Exchange, I'll 1 1. A DELPHI A, I'orinrrh if So. (! Smit'i Siemiil ftrrcl.) Manufacturer of luiiioved and Patent Fiio and I ... . 1 Tbief.priHif Chests and D ors. Water and Pro- i-ion toob rs, ami r ilterers. Hid mora tor, Hoisting Machines, Ac, Ac, r 1 1 1. continues to in ike j(rfWJ?f. Willis celebrated WATER C01 i.'UktS, "y: v-T rs, and Flllorors, Refrigei ??iij' ' '' "'jSl"is, both of the round ai ol- igera- and ! ft... .1 I SV 47 - '. - . 1 t 1 1 I - 1 . , , li,r-q Hire suape, wtiit inenls, of the lest -uud woikmanshin. inmrovo. 1 GSfr inenls, of tbe lest niateriils (K7 The Cltests arc iimiiiitacttirod without pi ink of any doscriptioit, of the best material which is calculated to resist bnrula's and heat as long as any manufactured in ihe United Slates a trial ot which he is willing to make with any oilier, ro- viil.'.l ihri tri.,1 t,A ii.b.Im .if rl.4f nlrn.lv k.,1.1 tn customers, and not tnanuf ictured for the express nuriiose of a trial. Purchasers are invited to Call ; before purchasing elsewhere. I CAUTION. All persons aro cautioned ngiinsl making, using, selling or causing to be sold, any j Keyhole eotets fu Fire Proof Chests or doors ot ' any kind, siini'ar in c .instruction to inv patent of; ... . , 1. - 1 t July I Oth, IS1 1, us they will le dealt with accord ,g (0 ,(,,. Pjt. ,1W' M .y 27. h, !l;i. (in Howrys Ink. j JOSEPH E. HOVER, ; : Manufacturer of Writing ninl linlelli- j hie. Ink, No. HMiN.irth Third Street, r-ix j ihiora Ik; lii iv Kacc, (east stdo.) PHXLADnr. riiiA, 1KsPE"!TFI'I.LY informs country men hauls ui.d oiliets, that ho coti-iaittly keeps on band a largo slot k ' I hi- snga rier Black, Blue slid l. d ' i Ink. and nl.-o a sopoii. r qu dtty of Inil. lliMe Ink. I II is ink is put up in bt'lcs vaiving in si.e, from I I lo:!J otioees, mid Will be sold on reasonable ; I teinis. Tlie in. old' t qualities of this ink basso ! thoroughly cst.i'.ill-lic.l Us cll ir.ieler, lhal it is How I l ilili-iu lv tisci' l!ir nil! hunt t'nr couu'iy. j . For rale at Ihe store nf II. B. Master, Situ- , ' bury. Pa. May '-' . th, I k I I. I v ! ' IT. S. LAV-?Z1T3S, i Ai;iHt Joe tin Mr.- 1 if S'lutbuoilh Muuufar- . taring ( '0111 I'iuiii' ! MTKIMOIt I!I I IN; IVM'l.liS; j W'areliiitist; .u. : Miunr Stieet, i PHILADELPHIA. : fBII E folio' nig kinds t. luMiitlv on bun. 1, uinl 1 ft '"' 1,1 l iadc at the low, st ui nk. t j pr.ces Fine tlii. k t int C.. s, 1 1 1, 1.11 I IK Us. blue and white; I'v'i l soici, ai.d H 11 ) rli e Folio ' I I'o-ts, liluo and while ; l'xtia super Packet and ( j Cotiiuioieial ports, blue an. I white ; Eitut mper j Linen Nule 1 a cis, long ; .1 . bioa.l ; ,iiimiiio tin I fine Cnuntiii i house Cap-, bloo ami white ; Eitia j super C, ingress i'.iyt and I .otli ,, plain anil iu!ed. 1 bloi) and while ; U(h 1 ii 110 Ficiu h l'ot, plain ,nd ; ruled ; S,i eil'ine nuiiiii Caps and Pus's ; Supciline I mid line Caps and Posts, ruled and plain, blue and I wiiite, various qualities all. I piices. j Also I) n.net IJ. 'aids, t issue. Envelope, Wrap ' pi.iL'. und ll.iidare papirs, c, i.f. .May 27, IS 13. tun. 151. FUKSAl.K AT THIS OIT1CK. Ca!inet-3Iaking (..Yew INtaliltuhnicnlO VAILLIAlfl KCOVEP. KF.SPEIJTFIILL Y informs the citizens of , Sunbury urid vicinity, that he lias recently cornim nerd the ('All IX I .T-M A K I X ( I Ul'Sl X I'.SH, in nil its branches, in Market street, Sunhtiiv, im mediately In low the pnst uflice, whore he will be rea ly to receive m d execute nil orders in the line of his busines--, with promptneta and despatch, and in the In st sty V and manner. His price wilt bo low, in aeeo ilnuee with the times, 01 1 Lumber and Country Produce taken in Ex change. May 27th 1P43. fim 1r.1l Wcwlri'ii Indian I'atia-a, ('oinjioumlod entirely of Vegetable SttlistntH'os : Frrt fmm Culmnrl and ul! nllirr Miami'. For the history of this medicine, and its unrivalled and truly surprising sucofs and popular ity, see larso bills I is recommended as a general cathartic for family ue in dyspepsia and all bilious di ca- is tnv.du.ible for Asthma it is eot.sideied a pecifte, no case having yrt occurred which it has fad' d to cure for common colds, imtlammatory diseases, rheumatism, affections of the liver, Ac, and lot femalos.it is a safe and excellent remedy. CEIlTiriCATE, From Dr. Si lax Wett.nf Buigtamiton, X V. Mr. Longley -Deal Sir : I have Used your (iieat . J ' - est. rr. Itnli in Fanaeea 111 mv farnilv, and h ive I n pea'e.llv pie-cribed il for patients tin lor my care, and am satisfied that it is alivavs a safe, and in v. ry many eases an invaluable medicine. It operates as a laxative w ithout nausea, or pain ; and while it t ( fortnally obviates cnslivenefs acts upon tho stomach and liver as an nl'eialivo. correcting acidity, and rc storing (be hi allhy condition of those orcans. Very respectfully vours. S. WEST. For stle hy JOHN W. FRIl.ING. Snnburv, JACOB BRIGHT, NorthutnliBtland. M..y 20th. 1813. ly ( iii?Li:s v. iiF.r.ixs, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SUNBURY, TA. Bfl ' ,a'irn the office lor met ly occupied by the (I S( Hon. ( IibiIvs (i. Doiim I, opposite the Court If oiso. Ho will aiteml to business in the Ci tiils of Noriliiimbeiland, Union and Columbia counties. Mav 'tnh, 184:1. J. I). Wat ci ! rH.,m. D aTSRS;.A3 I' ESlM'.C I'FULLY informs the citizens nt' the (lorougli of Nortlititnboilatid, and its vicinity, j that lie has commenced tbe I T.'iilorinv, Iii-iiics, I in a'l i's various I ranches, in the shop formerly j occlij.ied by Henry S. Thomas, directly oppo-ile j Forsvth's store. As ho reci ives the New York and Philadelphia: Fashions qu uterly, he is enabled I to do all jobs entrusted to him, niter the neatest and ! latest stylo, and upon the slimiest notice. ! Northumberland, Apiil U2d, H13. ly DP.. JAG 03 3. lASDErs, 1F.SPECrFUL!.Y informs tbe citizens of Sun- I'tiry nn.l its vii inity, that he has t ikon the office formerly rccupied by Dr. John Peal, where he will he happy to receive calls in the line of his profession. Apl 2d. I "43. Daniel Yarick, BEGS leave to inform the citizens of Sunbury and its vicinity, thai he has commenced the m.ACKSMlTIIIXC. HI SIXKSS, in Ma. kit slre.t. Sunbury. east of J.hn B. gar's . ,,. .. -. ..... .(, 1. 1. store anil unciliy opposue tnr po-t oinee, vioere tie intends to carry on Ihe. business in all its various j brioches, including. Turning, Milking Mill Iron j anil I'.liptic Springs. Ironing Carriages, with ti nsion or Slimiling ti'ps. Shining Horns, e. j Oiders will be promptly and punctually atiendcd j to, and woik done cheap, for iasli or country pro duco. nfj- Ilotse Shooing done st ft per sett. Sunbury, April loth, 1813. Cm iioot & Shoe lAlT'JPi-C; T OP.Y . .11 n l' I i 11 It v i 11 , EsPEC't'FULLY informs his friends and old customers, that he has removed bis ioo'M- .s7o: r:sT.nusnui:.T to ihe frame building adjoining his dwelling house, betwei 11 that and Dr. I), T. Tiites' office, a few doors we.t of his old estal lishmont, in Maiket street, wllr"-' ' "."lu"".' " '"--"v- ,. i,Mi-iv,.tv. 111 nil its riirtntis brunette. Being thankful for past fivors, he hope, by strict 1 attention 10 business ami liberal charges, to gtvo 1 general satisfaction and that he will continue to rc i ceive a liberal share of public patronage. .April Sill, IS 1:1. A CAK1. r. . Is. Il IfO. Thankful for past fa tors, ir.-pcci fully informs tho inhabit.int.s of onliorv ai;d coun ry ar utnl. th.it he has, taken his residence slid otliee in iiunket street, in the east end of the building occupied by John Boar's stoic, wloro he w ill be happy to wait upon all who fa vor him willi their calls. Sunbury, Apiil 1st, Ht'l. fim BLACKSrtllTHING. (I t O I' C V '. I Ikl III V V III u 11 & S O II. T xlli: it' sen' ris heicby 11 I 0111 the public, flint Ibty have t nteicd into partneisbip, in ibo D1.ACKSI.IITIIINO BUSINESS, wheh wil heie ficr be caned on at Ihe old stand 111 Sunbury, under the linn of '-George '.otiniernun .Son," where thev will conduit ihe I u iiu-s in all its various branches, inclu l.ng Turih in,', Mn.';ii,g M II Irons, Imninf Cteruigt. S.-. ioi' Hon'. A''. Older- will be roinplly at'd punc- luillt tin, m. it 10, unJ voik done 1 1. iap, lor cash or eoiiii'i v prolines!. . -. l 1 . , AA . . a.. It 11 . 1 O'.n 11 k u 1 1 1 1 11 ! t' (iKoUGE ZIMMEIIM.W, J. II. ZIU.MEUMA.N. Mauh I lib. IS'.J. fu-y n . n it 7? n P 1 'imi t: s ! i sl.ii. uIwiiIm is, toning mU'Ml into a piriutr . . , . .. n 1 . 1...... in 111 the i.rjctn s .1 tl.o law, in lo anon,) lo all bm niss t iilru.li d to thmr care. C.iia'.uioiis wdi bo promptly alien led lo. Tiny liny nlwavs be found at llmr olli.-e, M..rk. t strict, Sui.buiy. loiuieily occupied Ill by U 111. Diwart, dcc'.l.. as a ston-iouin. Wil. 1. 1 M L. DEWAKT, CHABLts J. Blil NEi:. Stud my. F.b. tdt, ll;t. ly. Fii i r.'l':iv.I 'liOSll Ui.N I'MEN I', receiv. J and foi sale by 11. U. MASEEH. A Niiv. I Jth, IS l. 1 iiti rtfi:uiLM.it, HATTER, fTyTEKY liEsFECTFtXLY begs leave to In. f foim his cnslomers, and the public (fiiernllv, that he still con inues the XIATTINO DTJSiriKSS, in all its various brntichi s. in tho sl.ep nearly oppn site the Buck Tavern, fnrmirly occupied bv tier. '"Jjjjiria and himsi If. under the firm of Hais fic Drtickjiillt r, which firm h is been multtiil'y tlissoU veil. lleboo., by his long experience in the abuvn business, ai d strict attention thereto, lo tender gen eral aati, faction, and receive a liberal share of pub lic patronage. Sunbury, Oct. loth, IS t2. ly. 1 J. HOUSE, .Yu. .arlh Third, above ('i.tlowhill St., I'lllLADI'.l.riHA. J' OII.N DE.NCAN. late from the Pnnnsvlva- nia Farmer, und Samuel Pike, jr., Irtip of A tin rienn Hotel, ( oiluinbu. Ohio, lake pleasure in sc. piainting their fiiends mid the public generally that tnoy have taken Ihe largo and coinmoiliou Hotel, recently built by the Messrs. Halt, on tho same site once occupied by the old established Hotel known as the Bull' Hcud, in Third sltcct above Callow hill st. This Hotel is finished in the very best possible manner, mid of the host mhtcrints. Its locution if very desirable, particularly for country merchants 5 the arrange men's for hontir.g and ventilating each room ia such as to secure any leinpeiaturc. Tho hidronniB arc all light and airy, all iurnUlud in a neat sty'e, so as to insure comfort. The recoiling parlors are also furnished in a su perb stylo, the windows are on ihe French a'ylc, formirg an rn'iance to n balcony in front, whiili makes a pleasant recess, rnrticnlar attention ha been given to Ihe. beds nnJ bedding, which, with the furniture, are entirely new. From yea's' experience in hotel business, we trust, by strict assiduity to business, to make this house a desirable stepping place. Our table will always be supplied w ith the very host our market can afford, and out bar with the test liquoieaud wines nf the most sppiovcd brands. P. S. There are first rate stabling und carrion houses attached to the hotel, cttended by ca cf'jl and sober hostlers, und our charges will ba tow, ia accordance with the tTc.-eiit haid limes. I Philadeliihia. Oct. 7th, 14.2. UjNion hotel, liui!iM ' (ifin rnl Stuge ffllce,) m.n: "oj rsj teut 9 LYCOMING COUNTY, l'ciuisj Ivania. TIHE Subscriber respectfully informs his friends L and the public irrenerjl, that be has taken the above I. Midi: ASP COMMODIOUS HOTEL, I N I' II E BOKO i; G H O F M U N O Y, and that he is now well prepared to nceotnmudato all who inny favor him with their custom. His Sli kpimi A i'a 11 m i.5ts are well aired, and comfortable. Hi. T 1 iii.k ami Bin will a'ways tic supplied with the best thom nkot can allord. His Staiii.im:. which is food, will he under the charge of good mid carelul hostlers. Ho f. i lscoiiliilei.t, bv stric t attention ta btl iiii-s, and an eart est dosi'o to letiler c mfortable those who mav patronize hiiii.ih.it he will not f.iil tog;vo general satisfaction. II. U. Wl'.AYEU. Muncy, Oct. 1st, 1S I2 tf. ACAlSir Dr. I. T. Triton, Ite?pectfully inform the citizens of Sunbury and vicioi'y , that hu has 11 -moved his otTioe to tbe building lately occupied by George llrmht, in market street, Su'.hury, wheo he may be found ut all lo urs, unless professionally engaged. I HI. TIHTES returns his sincere thanks for it. t eiiroiiiHgeuient he Iris icceiird, in lh line of Ivs profession, in this place, and trusts, by prompt a -trillion to the duties of his prolession, and reaso'. able chaigcs, that ho will continue U receive a liber il share of the public patronage. Suuburv, Oct. 1st, IMpJ.tf. " A CAR!). Dr. .1. W. l'ral begs leave to tend, r Lis a'.o ful atkiiowlt'tlgmcnts to the people of Suiibiny and surrounding country, fot their past encourage ment in the line ol his profession; and would at the same time announce lo them, tint he still in tends to continue the practice of medicine in all ii various tb partinents. He would, therefore, solicit a continuance of their confidence and patronaee. He may be found at all time at his otliee, ut the north east corner of B'.a. kberry and Dier streets, Hides professionally engaged. Suuburv, Oct. 1st, 18-12. tf. )U. .1. N. SlJAliNEK, SURGEON DENTIST, j lECTFt'I.LY iufoims the public thut he. lias niai'o .Noilhuiiibcilatid his ptttoaioi.t place of iesi.1. nee. and is irady lo altind to any c.dis in ihe lino of his profession. July 2, ISl'J.- ly. riiiL.HF.!.riii. re iuixg ad rflTTsvm.E RAIL ROAD. SL'.MMF.Il AUKAtJK.Mr.M. ( iianc of Hours. P sin AiTtii Sin nun, AeuiL I, li13. The passenger trains w:ll have 0 ' ' Mowing hours : Philtnhlplnti and V From Philadelphia, nt ', , From I'-iittsville, nl lumri of 1 For Pot'sviile. at vj'Hf Foi Philadelphia, at ' ' II, nit nains pa-s at Poli.l v -wi tn n breakfasts at Ite .ulini;, and '' Ni.hi-- town, fur which lou.ii.u. 1 t ci. li stalion. t .l It 1: s. Between Pottsville .V I'h l-.da. S-.O A ,r.i 11, lwe.11 Itcadiiig A- ' A 17'' Between do .V P-l ' ' ' V l.l'tt Exclusion Tick 1 is- 10011 . finiwii 11 t.i 1' n 1 . Between Pottsville A' Philadelphia, f 5 Oil II. iw e. 11 l!i ading A tlo. :t l't BoHieon do. A- Pottsville, 2 HO All the trains will stop for way passengers vt tbe 11-mil points. (!';- All p-is-et'co-s sre requesteJ 10 pro, sue i!,i n lickets before t:.e t.-ii.l s'.n.'t. May 21, 1812. If.