Prleee of Klur for 40 Yrars. Annual average prico of Flour in rhilarlnl tibia for 40 year, comtncncmsr in 1703. itw" $ 0,00 im i? 1-2,51 1,) d.". l?i)7 f,!X) 1-U .-"0 1793 e.l.i 12 "."I ;7W 10,1. lSvJT fw'lj i.uo Ml 101 COO 1?J." 170 l-'ltt 03 lr-'O 6,-7 lrOJ 9,21 1-7 fl.fiO l?iH 9,0'.) l-Si C.:v l.O.-) 7,30 lS'.'O dir. iSOtl 6,12 10 V7 1?07 5,55 IK'.i 5.7-1 i l;0d 7,70 1SU-2 5.7,' , lid-J 5,09 ltttf f..L'S . 1?10 10.00 lA'U 5,0 1111 e,54 f 01 i 1112 8,70 1!0 f.Ovi L513 7,80 H-.T7 0.:.:! ' 114 8.57 lSftt 7.7.1 i iei5 9,K l'IO 7,2-2 I 1510 11,72 I 10 5.07; 15-17 9,97 1M1 110; leii 7,90 IS 12 5,''; Comparing tlie price of Flour now with that ! 5.50 j of 138 and with the price of other commodities j at thoio two periods, wc think it will be found that it is relatively higher now than then. I he seize it by the crown. Having now taken it crop is unquestionably much larger in amount, j with the curp bail-writ and your thiunh and fore and tho result inutt bo much pecuniary relief ; fiI1(rrs, litt it hiirh in the air, wave it thrice a- to the country. Important Disjiovi:ry im Spaix. The fol lowing paragraph in relation to a new plan for propelling vessel?, recently discovered in Spnin, in translated from a Mud rid paper, of the 11th of June. Dull. Arntr. We inform the public that we have seen the n;odelofanew invention tor propelling thip-, by Mr. Andrez l7.a, and which has been con structed by menna furnished by our lns'itute j here for promoting mechanical inventions. The j one alluded to is utiqi.estiurmhly highly impor tant, and from fhe immense locomotive power applied by the hund, through the agency of an t ndlcss chain, Bttnched to whcclsof twenty and thirty feet diameter, Recording to the depth of water and height of the vcsfcI, it is demonvta led that the power of one man, thua applied, is equal to that of Fix horses in steamers it is i-hown that four portable wheels can be easily applied to a ship of war of three or four hun dred men, possessing thus & tremendous loco motive power by the principle in question. The same is applicable to merchantmen, without ex traordinary hard work. A most plaring revo lution in navigation has been attained by Mr. Ia, but he requires the support of the whole nution that his invention should not be usur ped by foreigners, as hashappened with steam power. The Blackwkll Kmlway. This road is constructed for the purpose of uniting the. heart of the city with Blackwcll, the lower end of the. shipping on the Thames. It is built upon ar- j cliea over the streets, anil passengers may look down the chimneys of a large pott ion if the houses which they pass. The speed is very fast still you may see no engine, nr,r does your eye catch any cinders. The train is set in mo tion by a stationary engine, to which is attach ed a rope, reaching from one end of the road Io the other. This would seem to render tho stop page of the train impassible until it arrived at its destination. Yet such is not the fact. The conductor has but to give a eort of a jerk, and the motion of the cars is immediately urrcstcd, as I witnessed when wo stopped at one of the de pots, or "stations," as the English call them, j i here are t vo ropes and two tracks one for going and the other for returning. The ropes arc in the form of bands, and revolve tipnn wheels at each end. Several trains at differ ent points on the line may be conveyed by one of the rope, which are in perpetual motion." F.ngliih Paper. A Oi a nt Nkoho. We find in the Louisville Daily Advertiser, the following curiouj account of b giant negro. "Died, estcrdiiy morning, at the Exchange Hotel in this city, a negro boy, the property of ilr, Andrew II. Jordon, of Columbus, Misisip i. We visited him after he was shrouded, in company with bis master, from whom we re ceive tho following remarkable details concern ing him. Ile was fimr years old in April last, and four feet one inch iu height ; was born in Mississippi of parents in nu respect remarkable for any deviation from the ordinary size and temperament of their respective sexes. No thing usual in perron or mind distmgui.-ln d him, until he completed his first year, w hen he began developing in a manner that excited the astonishment of u!l who saw bun. His hair grew with surprising rapidity over bis entire body and lace, giving him w hit-kern ami beard us luxuriant as an adult. His body at-sumrd the muscular developments of athletic man hood, hie strength enabling him at four years of ag to litt ViK pounds deud weight, with ease. His mind was clear and strikingly vigorous, and bis character distinguished tor integrity and generosity. We e xamined bis corpse, and were astonished ut the symmetry and enormous strength ofbis projections. A grenadier might have envied the lulnrt. of his whiskers on cheek and chin, and a demagogue consented to be ho nest with the ingenuous expression of his coun tenance. His hands and feet were more taper snd symmetrical than any f hi race we ever saw. He fell a victim to pUur.ty, and the eminent medical ml e.ilied in to ui rclir f, were fully persuaded of th at ejracy of Mr. Jordon's lUbin&at of Ui ae." HI111 mK 11 1 'I "f""l"S. iAmii( Dikix-noNst to C v.Nimrt9. The Rich inond Whig, at the closeofa long article upon the presidency, iives the following Capital ad vice to the asp'rents for thnt high office : "The tmst wiiy for him who hum either for l:in hat or the Chief Magistracy, is just to keep close upon it for potno titne. Don't break your ppck nlti-r i', n r lot it be quite blown out ot jnnrrpht. F-iill less po snatchinrr nt it, at ewty step, ducking and diving after it, when jiii are nut withina mile of it. Be steady, and yet be swift. Try, ton, to look particularly dis ent'agpd nil the time, as if you were only about your biif iie!. IV' quick, but cautious; and watch, your opportunity tir all depends on that. Hun on if possible, till you get some dis tance abend uf i'; then if no cross wind comes to snatch it from your frap rtand still, turn round, and folks will see it coming to you, in Mrad of yon atlt r it. Still, when the decisive lnouirnt. couie-5, don't be tonsure; don't fling yourself fiat upon it, as if certain of it ; no, nor set down ripht on end, as if yon bad only to h't it run into your nuns, but rather squat upon your hams, so that you Khali he able to shift your M-ition in some innocent degree ; and then, w ith nrm spread ns skilfully as the whips of a partridge net, wait for it to come. Now, when vo(l ,invp it as ?nnA ns u (anJ 10t . Iimkc n r,pid jrive and BS yml dllck , bout your victorious head ; salute with exten ded arm the admiring beholders ; stick it on your noddle as if it grew there ; smile pleasant ly, as if you and your hat understood each other perfectly, and hud equally enjoyed the t-pnrt ; and walk "fT about your business, as if nothing at all had happened." A Xti'iitw orOsc i:oi.a in I.oMiox. Osceo la, a ycung Seminole Chief, a son of the sister f ,he prea, ctli,.f0f ,),.,, nnlll0 Iioxv thirteen venri5 of-DnP) was found by Dr. Andrew Welch, 'ii Florida, nix years ago, und after living in his family a er or two, wis then taken to In don and placi d under the core of Uev. J. Sher man, siicccM-or of Rowland Hill, to be educa ted. Ile is saiil to be a youth of much promise, nil only a rigid teetotaler, but a vegetable ea- n.t l:n. .;tl,t.-1 11;i,.li.,..J . v . , .,,. v-. . u 1 1 I"-- P...I..M, i d' his scliKilniates, and others to drink intoxi eating fluid Or. Welch has prepared a work I respecting the extraordinatiy circumstance of liis preservation. K.MRAoitniNvi.v a p. On Friday afternoon, a most extraordinary leap was made by a horse; attached to a stanhope. The animal had been left by the owner at Mr. Pobson's door, near fluy's hospital, without any one to mind him. The horse was frightened by something pas sing, and started oil' at full gallop. At the end of St. Thoinna street is a high gate, with iron spikes three or four iiipbcs long on the top. This he cleared without touching it, but was thrown down by the concussion if the gig a- gainst the bar. It is wonderful that no lives were lost, as many children were playing abou. The horce was only injured in his hind legs. London paper, RrMtov Foil Si Mvit n Coirt.i.'is, I1vsi:n TERV, 4 c. A friend who has tried it, requests us to publish the following receipt, which will make a sovereign remedy lor the above mala dies : Take half an ounce of cinnamon, half an ounce of cloves, one quarter of an ounce of alspice, one quarter of an ounce ot nutmeg, nulvcrizc them and mix in one nnart of black herry juice. Then add one wind ofloaf sugar. boil it for a short time, anil after it has got cold, mix in a pint of fourth-proof brandy, and take half gill of it for an adult : children in propor tion. The remedy will be found excellent Try it. Foon or the Ciinrst:. Monyen'a Voyage round the Woild furniliea the following para graph : 'The Chinese eat almort every thing ih it comes to band. I 'pun the streets of the pity, but particularly on the largp squaie before the factories, a number of birds are daily eipoed for sale, which, amonest us, have not gained much repute for . . . flavor; among others, hawks, owls, eagles and t-torks. To a Curopean, nothing can have a mote laughable effect, than to ee the Chinete at rive with a partying pole, supporting two biid cages, which Contain dogs and cats, instead of birds. A am ill, thin sort of a spaniel, appeared to us to be most in request ; they sit quite downcat in t' e'tr temporary dwelling, when they are brought to rnaiket, while Ihe cats a squalling, na if con ii -us of their fate. The flesh of lhe:e la-t, when lin y are well led, is much climated lu Chun, and liny are olliu irru nn the la' Io of I lie neh. Other Chinese bring upon theii carrying pole many diueu of rale, which are drawn quite clean, and like pigs iu our country, when they have been opened, aie hung up by means uf a cross piece of wood thiou ,h the hind legs. The rows of tats look very nice, but they are only eaten by the poor." A Uhitii.ii IUseutkh Cai on r. The Toronto Herald ttates that on Sa'otd.iy la-l a boi was put On bouid the bound for the Aiueiicn side, by a Yankee, who k l a keen watch over it. Suspicion heir g eiciteJ, it was by the direction of the Mayor opened, and there lay a toldicr of the Knyals, named Henry Hui;es, who, il i added, bad recently wiitttn a book about hp'bul'hubia. The soldiel was imini diately Coiidiiilidlo the barracks, and his Yi kce abdueti.t to j ii!. Law llnuu-.orsTiili slitr At'Miai.i am i,.-The "Faculty" in Cayuga county cuiuin.ucrda aui aguiutt a hoimropaiic d.Htor fir illegal practice. The eastt was sent to the jury, and a vrrdic of three fuellings Itudricj aguikt the diftlijai.t ! THE AMERICAN. Saturday, .fiijfn! CC, l-t;. Pl.UI . . '-I. 1 .. I -V " " " ""Ef"-" "S" l(mut i-iitlc Tlf krt for u Ilium brilaiKl Cotiiif). Fun UuNuar., JOHN SXYDKlt. Ton AtsKMntr, KDWAltl) V. linUUIT. To a Cum mission! a. JAMliS lUJOV. Fon TiiKrntH. joiin iWKXswoirnr. Fon ArniTiin, A1JHAIIA.M SIIIPMAX. fj" Fun Si i.e. A ftrfh supply of printitii; pa per. vizi 100 reimt oi mi In r in fire tirid qunlity to '- t,nn th., is pte.i. .Man r,o reams - " -y " - - ' he sol I tt the mill price. dj- V. It. PAi.M:n, Fsl. nt his Heal Estate nnd Coil olliec, No. fi9 Pine S:reet, Philadelphia, is nu ... . , . , . iborised to set ss Agent, and to receive and rereipi t,r no ni.iioprf omm ii en ,,.. nr n.i. veitisuig. Qj PorrfVti.lK r,HiiMi;vr. The gather. ieg atthisencaminun.. we underhand, was not ns i targe ns hud been evp'Tted, only thir'ren roiu.anies l.ciiig pierent. (o n. Hammond, CI. MiFadden and several others pas-ed through hire on their re turn home, 01 Wedne-d.iy hst. Jj- The Potlsville eorre p imhi.t of the Philu- . lll lpion Ll'iil'l ll'll''ltn, 10 II Ul tun iniirii, mei.t the Ueiding compun'es were the haii,.imest, the Pottsville Ye.igeii lliu I est drilled, C.ipl. Wyn I 1. I I I - .1. . .1..., ... .1... !.., coop the 111,1-1 industrious olheer, ('.d. M'l'"adden ihe most Kkilifid and icn. II .miu.iud the uiovt popular. ( The 1 hi ,li in rounty 1 leuiiM-ratic ('oiivei). li.. titnl M.i.l ,v ,J ui..l n.kiiiin I.,1 S..I. ,1111,11 i o. ....... . I r. , II.. 1.1 ' - nmiiiiti hi.ii ui-i', i. nu in, in io, .iix-iiimj rf- i seph W. Cake and lieu, N igle were appoint, 'il ' S. natori.d tout, rees to meet (he couler. . . of this . county, adopted I he I. wing T.,riir resolution was n!o , 'AVso'td, That the democracy of Dauphin county are the decided advocates of a tar ill for protection and revenue. I hey believe that .i . . .i ii - .... i- .1 ....... ' the interest of the lulioring man, ol the inanu- i facturer.of the mechanic, and of the farmer, ! arc one nnd the same ; and that they can only be prosperous when their industry is placed be- j yond the competmon ol the pauper labor ol Eu- , r"l- I (Jj' There is a rumor atlout tbtt Amos Kendall will be appointed Pofl Master Ccner.l, in place I of Mr. WiiKlitl'e. Mr. Kendall wss an uble and etliccnt ollicer, when iu that department under Mr. Van Uuren. Q'V Ki.m tiiiss. In Alabama the democrats haverarriid hit out of Ihe wven members of Con- j gre-s. In Kentucky, the next delegation to '.'on- 1 gr. fs wiiUlaml five dcmoer its nml live whigs. Qj" I . lli M i haa teen nominated for Con gress in Ciiiciuna'i, bis old district. QfJ" Cnors in Kr inii'i:. The unfavorable Male of the He .ihei in F.nghiiid left some apprehensions (hat there wvulJhen failure in the props. This! iipwa had some edict in advancing the prices nf grain here. I C:J-The New Yorkeis are about erecting a! Price of Wlienl mi.l Flour. monument to the memory of Wa-hingtou. that will We find in the RulTd i I'ommeici al, a paper of completely pit the Hunker Hill monument iu the j sound judgment and accurate information, these shade, iu point .,f mngnificeaee and exne. The "risible views about the probable price, of I r. ad Hunker 11,11 monument is Sill f. et h gh. and ro-t j stuff' nnd the mischief caused by inconsiderate spec. fltlOCOO. Thia will le 425 Tcel high, nnd will j ulatinn therein : roi-t 40U.0('0. Mis.n II. Criniiell heads the sub- I The Wheat Harvest is now pretty miirh roin-M-iiplion list with f lO.tKU). Mr. M ison furnishes ! ph ted thnrtighnut the country, nnd all eonpede that the stone, valued at f ''0.000. In each bu'tress j it is unu-ually great, yet comparatively lilile wheat th. ic will be a room "2it!)feet, well lighted by j has been brought to market. Healers complain thiee pointed Gothic Windows ofSxlf feet, and fitted up for a fiec Library, which will contain 100,000 volumes. Ite.idea it will contain the lti.latrv nl.,1 f ,.tri ltd t( tto. t?.'Vnll,l m-ilb tt j , . . t.allcrv communicating with each room, for Ilusts and Historical Puinling. (Jj- J. KisivjoK Cnueni h s jual pompl.-ted a second lib, I suit against Col. Stone, and recover ed from him f '-J00 damages. The Cob IU I made no defence, thinking it use, ss under the ptetent decisions of the law of libel in the Slate of New York. crj- The Philadelphia Ledger gives the following account of a di tre.-ing accident en the Summrrville (N. '.) K lilrnad. Wooden roads never w ill an- swci for locomotives, and hi n they nre iJsed, toe pa-senper car should be planked underneath, a plan j Wlihlsll t 1 til 1 If 't w ,i. i e,s ong opte. ,y I ie arm. urg l.sibo d : Diit:iiri'L Ai e i nr. vr. A dreadful accident oc curred on the Si.iiiuieiMlle (N. .!.) Kailroa J, on fatnr,l .y mniniiig, An iron bar ran up llwou jh Il e botioin ,f the ear and killed a pas enger. I', piia-e.l tlirough his throat. 'I'lie conductor, who w is .itiii g Inside the unfortunate young man at the lime, sprung out of the way uninjured. The unfortunate man was a young mechanic, residiug at Uoundbrook, named Staats." fXj" Qcick 'I'ate -ro KsoLtsn. The ateamer Hiberiiia iu her last trip, aritvtd al Liverpool from Habfat in 8 d.i) and SO hours. Thit is the qui, ki ft tiip that was ever made. The speed of ihe vessel must have been about 300 miles per day, Cj (.BUT l.o.i ins. The .-li.iou l.'reys," of Kochcstci, laiely ptesenn j to the "Oswego Guards" a loaf of bread four feet I tig, V0 inches wide, 13 j i iu lie a:id weighing I'ii pounds. (jj Moist Mtrrins. Money continues a. biind int in the cities. Large run niuts arc- lyine idle for want of employment. The New Yoik banks have twelve tiidli.iiu of prt ic in theii vault. Demand notes of good country hank are gradually improving. Pelief nolo nre quo'ed nt 2J to 5j per rent discount. New Hope Delaware Bridge Co. notes are now quoted nt J prr cent. dirount. nt I lubilcliiliia. We li-ive 'i-pn nrvrrnl rouu'rr- f. it or altered rmlrs (l' an I .V,) on the ba.,k of Auburn, New Yolk, a batfh of which, no Juuhl, have In en put in riirul.ition. (JjT Hetvttre of 20 I'otinti'tfc'ls on the Haris t ing 1) ink. (Jj" Tur KvirKniani Ki n is the name of a i ftplt'iidid new steamer now tunninir, hetwprn New York and A than v. Her mine fs siiJ to be the tiirget in the wmld, huvinR a Ci inch cy lender and a 10 fool stroko. The rxn nt of the nreommoda. lion mav be unnamed fiom ibe fnrt tl.nt Mr. Tav lor. ni. nnbotsirr. fund.d her iih 0.-9 vnrd.of i rnrpetinc;, nd lupp'ieJ her with 2..r)00 ahcrN, t.. I MOO pillo-.e-eo, f!0() towels, 840 ciilliiins, C'O best hair mattresses, 00 pillow, A;c. fXj The New Yoik Tiiluine, spnikinR of Mr. WcliFter, in irlalion lu having himself feini-lnted in the rnnks of the big pntty. says . "It will kill no fatted calf to welcome the rc- turn of any prodirj il. e.eep such ad would . gladly coin in, calf or no culf." j rrV We m ike room f.,r ile f.,t!nwIo nrlinle r .i I, ... , .. . - , Irom the llam-l'tirg I m m. in relation to a foul i , . 1 . I , .Ll.f charge alleinpteil to le rue.I upon the cliaraet. r ot rue i.ev. .1. 1 . n 1 1 r . 01 1014 . .p. .nr. viiin oei 1 as revi.1,,,1 a iili 114 111, war, 1.4 of tlortv veirs. flnrtna 1 all of which time he has nwntainr.l an unsullied ; ' . . . . . . . . 1 "P""" ami . without Main or reproaeli: A C in,,, til i-iii- v ( rimlniE. The Ihiuphin county ponrt i at present in ses sion in our borough. Among tho business des patched mi Monday, was a ca.iuf exceedingly de- It.'ftlf nn'orn ini'iiliinff ft,. st ,niliiif nf fin.iniiin,it Li,erin pa-tor The Ki v. tkh .Shimile of Sunbury. Tliis most estim ,ble man Ins had charge, ,i.-o,i a congr. gaii.m an. raiwown. minis couniy. lor a period ol ll.i.ty years, during all which j time he has maiut .ined a reputa ion as fair and un- I lileini.lied ns has fallen to the lot of any Minn ' ,-,,,,,t Ml MIlU Pill. I, O , . .".Ilv H, ll I'l Ml.,- mi ercaiils in the iicighhivhood biTame .ill, ll. ,-.., V. I i. , I t-.t I, u f r Slkl,.. .. ...,-... , .... . .. ... . T. ' ie kiio ine i .ra'iown congreauoii, iim, io gra'iiy i iltt'ir vindicliveness commenced a scries nf perse- ,-ulions again-t him of the most tiemllike malignity. .mong other maens resorted to by the wretehe--. was n attempt to fix upon Mr. Shindle thp coni mUaiou of a criminal off, nee, which was dated .,,,.,,., r ,,,. ... tint which thev r . , ... e , ., ... iirofe.seil to have kept in profouml silence until 11 now We are gratified lo state, however, for the information of Mr. Sliin.lle's extensive circle of f,i. iuU, that the (irand Juiy on Monday Le-t, by a ,.,, j , ,he ,,M cot,i(til)lc lhl. i : : , .... ie .ilo.ia mi-., inn,, aim nin-i i,-.i inr .eojrriij 'ira ! to pity the fusts .' We are gratified ntlhis result, as the whole nlfair was pl.iiulv a couspir.iry nf the moM atrocious kind, to blast the reputation of a man universally b loved. Peihnps no man in the same M-elion of coiinlrv has such a host oftiue and devo ted admirers ns Mr. Shindle, and eeitainly none d serves iheui better. Asa Christian and I'liilin- thropist, Mr. Shindle may serve ns an etainplar to the world, and we nre rej .iced that ibis attempt to assail him in that which is dearer than life his good name has met such a si-nal rebuke at the hand of ihe cm.tituie.l authorities Sj i-mce ine nt,ve w.s wriiren. we learn mat fr l.-t, i f, ,im, there were evidently, 'forrupt t: f dollars. Ties is a sum equal in half the an the p,o.e. ulors have ma le a public rrrnntnlim of ! ,,,,. . Now j, fQ , ,,, j , jiitrMf fwyU nil their changes ?:iinsl Mr. Shin lie, which renders his triumph still more conclusive. j somi limes of what they are pleased to denominnte j "rditotial management nf the.fioiir and wheal ! trade, e tine no .!.!. e lo interfere wun any j man's priva'c hnitimnte business, but tie whole ! pul.lic is deeply intercicu in ino snj.i4 o wheat and fl nir, and at the lUk of ul j.-cltti- ! ourselves to lantier antma.tvers.ons, we w ill oner some rein. nk upon It. A f, w w nks since we deprecated the wild sp'ru- latious in br.-a.Uluirs, then r,fc, and pr, dieted the J with, come tj his aid, eslahl, shed ihe I'nion iiews evil consequences which have since been rcali ad. ' paper, mid took the lead, as the pioneer iu his b Dtit we have not yet seen the foil ill'. ct of the dis- , half. lurbing force then brought to bear upon the mar- j ' 1 do sol, mnly believe there was not in this city k. I ; Il is the misfortune, and t ne of the most ,e- ' a sincere Tyler mm at thai time. Lvery tiling lioui bnr.ards of the produce trade, that a few lash or reckless m n. wild but small means tven. m.iv I . ., ni.cialion ili-lmh tl.e inaiket for a whole J 1 ..... veat. and well niith ruin nrudent c.,utiju men who ' f , ,,;.aertl in ,he buMiuss. The nu at and unusual rife in the price of wheat, i a few weeks since, was caused mainly by a few o. peiutors in Troy and Kuihe.ier who diovo up wheat here to l.l. All well informed dealers knew that price could not be maintained, and held still, until after trembling a while on the highest figure, wheat has ag uii sunk to $5 cents. Now conies the pinch and the illustration of the ilf cts of the speculative movement. Those who were engaged in it have beco pietty much cleaned out a mailer of no sort of consequence, to far as the public is concerned but what is of importance is, that the fair regular dealer finds bul little lo do. Piemen! prices will not draw fonh the crop. The id. as of the firm, rs have been raised by f 15 paid Ul Ju'y, and such as are able to hold on will do sn until tint tpiinj.vahrn an avalanche will ovi rnhi hn the market, or until seme sanguine dealers .offer prices which the gcneial maikel vwl! tut tuctain. MIoCELLnr. tcailnrlnt, Condriiiril mill S -lut-lnl. A'cnrJing to l!ie llos!on Coiir'n-r, forlv-vpn dpidn lis vf nlrrnily orrurrcd ihp accid. nlul expliwiun of cainphino oil. M.ix Rohrn's violioc II. rot ibtre ll.nioind do I.iik, and i.- one hundu d and thirty-five ycirol,l. We h arn from the Drdhim AnKi'rin, ih it the Silk Manuf.i. turin (iompiny are m .kin? ralcutn tioiii to set ill. ir f.ctory in lint village in 0 rr.i'ion nt; tin. The Narrajmsett tribe of Indians intend remo ving from riiude I-laud loCirten Iljy, in Wi-eon-in Trrritiity. Out In Sra. Two men. entirely naked, wore piiked U in a bont about fifiren miles from the Balize, en the 2Stb id'., and taken to New Dr. leans. Thry said they had been out swimming-. The New Orleans papers are dis uiirig whether ,", ",e yc,!ow f,"vcr " 1,1 Prriamv.lhi is the name of a town in Louisiana, j Wonder if li.jvernnr Vt II was horn there! A nci;ro woman died in New Oilean, a few , ,t ,.... ilays g i, ngcii ono minor, d ami uuny-iwo years. The fathom, fix feet, in derived from the height of a full grown man. A baud i.i horse measure, is j four Inches. j Oaks twnty-ii fe. t in c:reu uf, renre nt the 1 nrunj, nd nineteen at three fee- uj., .ixiy feet to j I a limb, are growing in Columbia coun'y. Ohio. i When a person is struck down with lightning, ' " i .. . .: :.. . i . - i i .. i IO!,t' F1U MOOT 111 III.IIIIK ,:"l'l !,.,- Ulitfll llll,,, 1'.,',, . . . ' J lfi.lful rjrrt of Orv .Vv,..v,.. .,,ly was 1 1. :.. ..1.. 1 ... - v .1. . o .... 1 , J " -."r...,y oy .lent, II, if no M ttf.tlo ill flm , v,.itipt,l uliii-l. !.l ' I I ' ty "- ........ ...... I bu ll rarrlcs-ly li ft ui.fasteneil. One of the arteries in her teg a bioken and it is thought she will not . survive. j 'Ihe Richmond Enquirer publishes the death of fien. William Mad sou, of Madi-on co., Virginia, iu the S.d year of his 'ige. Hj was the youngest ,,,,,.r f the l.te PipsiJent Madison. He was a ,,,., ,:f ,p evolution, and enjoyed the confi- ,,, ,.e ,, , ,,, 0, .1 C. n. VVa.shi..Kt n. , ... . A gei.tleman in ttngl'ind his in his pn-sesion a rose ir if a peculiar species, which heirs neirly .ur llttrisaml Jhm-iry, besides iiiuum.-iabk- buds. . ... .. . ... arc lO 1,'I'OW 1,11 The spec'o in the New Yoik Hanks needs f I J (1011,000. Cixil. vfri The vi-ilers at the Cat-kill Moun tain House, nre wearing fur raps and qiiibed sur touts, and sleep un ler blankets and f ather beds. The Sriiera Chiefs assembled nl the Council Hou-e near Hiiil'alo on Wednesday, to iceeivp the $10,000 annuity di e fr. ui ihe f I.ivcrmne-it, and a quantity f goods. Tin Mitfh Cii1i,imI. verdict of f 1,000 has la-en rendered again-t 1)'. Hnmphr, y. of (Juernsey rounty, Ohio, for lull-practice. He give ahoy tH) much calomel. Mnjor Xonti nuil Mr. Ti ler. The Mailisouiaii, the mouth piece of the Ad- iniiii-tra i,.n, tried to Iw severe upon Major Noah, an l charges him with corrupt motives in his protVer of his valuable services to Mr. Tyler ; how much , i,gnined by this attack upon the gallant M ij ,r. j m.iy inferred from the following port on ot h s j reply to the rhar.e : j ..j, ,.,,,,,, fron, ,,e altac'; upon me.lh it Presi i dent Ty ler was aware that in 'my professions of such profession at all. President Tyler sought me cunt f r the rise of Sute stocks. lsdtr. out; I did nt se.k him ; the 'professions of friend- j ship' came front him to rue j the assurances of c m- j Ivrrrrxm vci i Wiioirx Msit rPTrai:s. -fidenpc and regard, of piomises to 'fi.l grateful anl j A frend was remarkini; tons a .1 y or two sineei to be grateful, were made by him, not by ine. He found me Occupying an honorable am) lucrative position on the l ni h. and sii.l to m-' through his friends, 'collie to my aid I am beset w it'.i enemies; j pctings has now entirely ceased, and he w is recent rstablirh a pi.r to defend my ino'ives and su- ' ly informed by a carpet manufacturer and dealer in la;n my administration; I wi I give to the paper ,.w Yo'k. th it they are now bringing out at several all the patronage of the government. You, of all ' estat li-hmeuts iu this country, superior articles ot others can aid me. Resign your office, throw your J llruss, Is carpet. It is but lately that this higher self into the breach, you will always find ine ' branch of the art has been attempted in this roun- j grat.ifiil. I did so. My friends sail, 'are you mad? what service ran you render Mr. Tyler f w ith both parties against him ? you sicrifice your- j Hell wi'houl being able lo aid him, you separate f joni your own friends to espouse bis cause, can ! ou fvlfr, mo.e liberal, inure generous treatment ,t his bands than the n en who el. rtel hi.n have J P, hh !' Neveilheb-ss. I did. grner m-lv. and under the persuasion th .t be had la?n hardly dealt j seemed changed ; people read the paper and Con i sidered him an in hired man : 1 was si w!v but se I rnnl, boll. tin.. Kim no a resnrrt;,',!.. t,,,tv hr. - ' - & " - ---- - -" I ami el.euhere. He was entirely safe in mv hands. I when an intrigue was set all .at to break down ,..- ,..., . . I i-mon, ami sui'Miiuie ine .-lanuaro, a rouc-rn wen anown to nave Wen always up lor 'Lowes ami market, and in this intrigue, set on fool I y Ihe , 1V f sunlry, 1V,. Sk;;,ner' note, wcie lit conservatives. Mr. Kobert Tyler himself look a con- .,;CJtf j ,y Wym in, Mr. V. had occasion lo nu n spicunus inn, and raised f I ,rtl0 in money nn I pilror age for that piper, for w hich the editor made a most grateful return, by running up the Cats flag, and then the Van Uu'eufli;, and finally giving up the ship altogether. "Finding this act of bad faith distinctly avowed, I retired fiom the l.'nion, but still kept up the or. gnnizaiion, until I discovered, that a clique of the lowest order of politicians in thit city, after many secret meetings, agreed to present themselves at Washington, at the representatives of the great Democratic party ; to denounce the Pre idem. original friends, i offer him a nimiruiion in th name of the party, and t,i demand certain office J and iuflucucts, :.d to put us aside aliogciiitr. The plot surra, ile,! ! the President was caught in th net carefully spread for him ; we wire ct ssidp, and the Pewter Mug dvna-tr enntrolleJ the ad ministrn The moment this fact was, the reperta1'!e pari of the dem leraey, though en Ipitaining kind feeling fot the President, dec'ined moving a step in It's bi hilf. I knew vthnt would lie ihe rff'-et of this political fraud, t.ut I was n mong n;a'.y origin I friends of Mr. Tyler, uncere moniously set sa'de, after all the profesiions of coiifidenre an. I good will, without the rernnony of s ijing 'Sir. I thank you,' and a set of men bank rupts in fortune snd reputation, took the reins in their band. To aid Ihe President 1 sacrificed an office worth between two and three thousand dol lars a year, nnd asked nothing in leturn, lost caste with my fiietids. spent a large sum of mo ney in virioiis ways to sirengihen his friends and adherent j, and now because I will not 'pander' to an ernliition fatal to his character and fu'ure repu l.ition,ly keeping him in the field a a candidate to meet pertain defea', the wiiler in tho Madisonian, deel.,res that I have been governed liy 'corrupt mo. lives' in my f.iendsbip for Mr. Tyler. Tlie Pnlillc Woi-ks. The reuli of ti e -y -tern of letreuc'unPBt upon the puldie woiks, introduced by the Doird ef ( ' t'omniissioners, ar.d of their effort" to reduce the r'"'"" of '"' p m-p.piently to increase tho amount of tonog", we h-nrn frm ihe HirrMmrg rBt".la- t ren most s Uislactorv. Instead of being n bmllu'u upon Hie I renury, it is now satisfacto rily shown thit the Main Line b is ma le a profit i. : bte s airee nf revenu The in-ie.ise of the receipts i of the toll the Main Line, in the month of Ju j ly, 1 !:t, ns rouipnri'd with the same M'ri, I in IS I J, . is !:t,t;G ' 'J.l ; and ihe whole amount of leccipu I for the mmth is f I 5,?r. j The riida.lelpld.i and Colu'iihi.t hu al ; so, by judicious nianneineiit, been mad,1 to yield in j the last five month--, a clear pr.ifit, over all etpen i ilitmes and li ih litie--, of I OS OlS.flo. j Statements are furnish, d by the Collectors at Phil.iilt Ipbi i and Pitt-burg, showing the nm nmt f sliijimen's to and from those cities, which passed o- virihemaiii line of our public w.nks. for so much t f ihe present veir s ,s.-r.l, and the same, ai e .,,, 1 i,h the shipments Tor the entire year I ! .1. ... ., ... i;.. . ,r,. .,.., ' - an -Mr lordmory ince,ire of tr.m-p ir- i ' ''"' In the -tan inelit for H i:J. the ar'ieb-s ship-. ' I'' ca-tAard are. in th- n-.'r.-cate. over the who,! touaje of the -am as in lHti. The articles of ha- j cm, lard an l la'lo.v, wool, cotton, firs and piltry, I oil, r ig-, whi.-k.y, provt-ions not ,-p, cified, and un diies, largely overrun their entire i-hipmeu-s in I Hl'i. Of the eastern freights during the pres. nt year, gfoeeres, diugs, dyr&tulfs, and leather, nre Coiisideiably ovi r theii nmoiuit for tbe whole of last year ; while hard w ue, copper, tin, nnd various other ari.ple-, riot named in the above IM. are about eipial. One month's bii-inc s--, it is alleged, ?uch as that of last May, oill make the fri jhts from the Ii st exceed ili.ise of Ibe v. hole of !a;,t year. These results are attributable to the late jt lici.un levi-iou of the rates of toll, and to the encniir ige ment given to individual rnterpri-e and rompeti tioii in the cirrying trade. The increased net pro lit i the re-ult of the retrenchment in the manage ment of the mo'ie power ns well as the J amount of biii-iness. Fro n present indieati ns , ill, re is no ilonht t'l it the ,'oaiu line now more than ; pay. the in er si of its cos', besides ay:ng cierent ' ' , en-es an l repairs. We l ae be. n ui, d, ; fr on what we deem good a-il'i .try, lhat the mini j line,. four improverm nt. will pay into the Pre ,s- ! mv this year. aft. r m tint linio. iheniselves iu on,- j ration, between fihl ti'iinlrnl tlniiisnnil unit a ml!. ' Jiat the doine.lir minufacture of Csieting is fi.t attaining a firm and prosierons p .siti .n. Itiso(- a rve.l that the importation of the I iwer priced car- , try, and such is the success of the elT.irt, under , Tariff protection, that ihe American Brussels car- p. t , at tn-r,,ti-fve rent a yard cheaper ltan ' Ihe currriptaidiiiz vurittie of the foreign article. The same manufacturer is at this moment nrei ar. ! ing I wins to pommence the weaving of UVA on ' c irpels. a still holier nnd more cosily grade, with e pi ,1 prospects of success. ! This is very "o.J intelligenee. As we hive been able f,,r some lime to supply those ot imxlerate me ins with the ,-, ver pric d carpets, it is fortunate illat we m iv n w keep the money of tho lich ala... at home, and turn their taste for hu u ties to tint advantage ol our own capital and lahir. J'url.a id American. ' - . - - - - - i t r.-. !,. Tl.,;.i -. , ... a ..nb-v.....,, . . , i v-..i..,.. run, ..L .l.t ,..,. I; ,, ll'ek.l, tltt'llf,,, . l.tlluimJ.-lV lllbllKII, VI the , incidents, has no faculty for remembering names, ., .... , i .Icteure ol yman, in di-cusMiij Ihe allega- a , ,. c,f Soverniuinl c.uns.l, that the date- , lion the firm scv ral tiuirs, and on every occa.i .r heuu.foimly n ,m d tlir-m wrong; tomi'iiuies cj.' ling the second member T tke, generally llie fir Stanton, much to the amusement of the crowd ani bit own vriaiion, until, lo rap the cliinu, hecani, out with "Siaiiton, YiAo and Nicholas." Thct, wi a burst of laughter, and Mr. W. turned abrupt ly round, saying, "he Mi. ved he should call their ao till the day of his death." The nrit lime, how j ever, he cam out very triumphaily and dehhciatc ly, with Stanley Heel ck Co, in full. The tarn I peculiarity is alto mentioned of Napoleon date j and rum.t he could not ieintir,S. r, bul incident I and localities, particularly tho latter, he st-Uo; (MA. ru.';t l.ei'.r.