The f."nwih '(low tho cum lit vnltir of sli fV It; . I,, T,,.I ,'oti. 'Ihrnn'-t i in 1 it-it rr--.- (. ,p ,.inccd it jiii il, il I- te'rt ' rni'fi.llv i.. Mnrrd Willi ni il cnrrrr ed (n "M l;i I- Di it's I,', . .T'rr. f!:iulis In r!i!aJH; Mi. , Pit i ilMt, l,OCTIO. I'll; k n t e s at r a n. I' ." if North Aiiirtirn V ' el ihe Northern Lilwrt'o 1 ., i-rinl Rllllk I'f Pl'l'll'l . :"., i: i m' nnil Mechanics' E.nk Kn- outon Hank . ! hiP irlphia Dank S'.h- i Skill Rank "lii.eatk Rank . "::irrn Rank . , ' chanics' I'nnk , . .(torus' & Mrt hnnirs' Rank I'll I r par par par I r :ir . ,r -t r I '' 'Ml I nT ; r p'-r p:o r r par 'mj:si P;iKs. 1. r.f Ohrstrr Oouhlv rstrhrslrr , ( Dcl.iwnre Ooiiiily I. , ! ( .rrmanlnv" h u nl .Vinti'mnorv Co. l.-sMv- :i Pmlc : no. !;.t. nn i ' It',; I- if Rift en i. I i I .:!. h ' I Prt.ri'rt. .': ' ' l do .'.i do M ' ' I lit! Chester (irirnrtiitown IS" oi rw'nw ri pn h-tow n FistnfV Pr.-lo llnrri-liii'ft" Thc-c Lanc 'Slt r I oilier. Reading f do (ml Enstnti J issue ii. Ill SCOT. NT. N i ' T E s AT 'V-l.k ' I' l! C 1'liitcd States 'it, ' J 'run Towml.ip '.'nr. I l:,ink oov aminsing; Rank Rank of Pennsylvania Finns' Hank or PoU-villi- Fnnk 'if Lowislnwn "; cf Middlotown Pi'hk rf Northlimhctland Fhihid. Iphhi ?()n?.- 13.11 par I" 4 n .4 r..tiKviiic Lew istown Milllll.'tolMI Nnrthnmhcrlanil pnr Poluir.hin Rank & Uriilsf fo. Onluthhia Carlisle Rank C 'of lislo Exchange Rank Piitsl nrr? Do do hrnnch of Il.illiil.ivshurg Farmers' Rank of l.Hiirnstri Lntiraslet Lnnrn-tcr County Rank Lancaster Farmers' Rank of Eluding Reading Harrishurg Rank 1 larrishurr Lancaster Rank Lancaster Lchahoii Rank Li'linmn Merchants' A: Manuf. Uniik Pittslmrg Rank of Fittshurg rillsliuij; .'cRt Riunch R ink iiHainsnrt 1 1 V i i l Hi ,ir, ('.A 111 ImI do do M yomiiig IJank i ki'-l urio .nrl!iaiiiii)u R ink AMrnlnuii l"ik I'i'liiily Jtank nilini; OMup ni Rank ol I'. S. 1'illsl-urg Pi) ill) d(l Dlil' Ui do do JS'i'W Rriulilun Krnsinclon Sav. Ins. A do I'rnn 'J'oiviislii H iv. Ins. R ink of .'hnmlicriurg Rni.k ol (i ilysl.iir R ink of ISu: ijiichanna Co. Rank Farmrri' iS- Drovers' Rank franklin Rank 1 1 ont sd ilo Rvnk Munontral.f h Rank of R. Vork Rank ('hanibcrhiiT' IlJiiIIJ iillyshlirg SjaM.f. Monlrotie 25 Erin Wnj'neyhiirjr Washinuioii Ilone-ihile Rro nsviile Yoik fia' I N. R. The notes of those I anks on which we oniil Uof aliiiiitf, and Kulvlilute o ilash ( ) nte mil nirchnsi d hy the Rid! uh Ipl.i.i hrnkers, wi'h ihe fxiej.tion ol tlin.'e whiili have a leiler of r. hniue. R R O K E . RAN K .S. Philndcl.!iia Huv. Ins. rhiladrljliia )'hiliidr!'hia Loan Co. do ehujlklll Sav. Ins. do failed failid 1,1 led filled 8tla.' no sale t'lo (I ehoed f...;i.d el.s.,1 no failed f'tilt filled no sale mi .ili1 In: f !. I ,;! ' lio sale elided l.o fale elosid Manual Lnhnr Rank (T. V Dynit, pronA IV .1 II... I- Mt I I'l.wsnda Rank l nrvanou A llt'shany Rank of Pa. V k of Reaver . k of ISunftira i . nf Wn-ihiiipt.iii '': Bai.k ' '''.:.k l'..:.. ' .I Ve.,V-,' !:.,nk ! VerliYs' R-n.k i' : rs Vi cli. f,!.R ! k !'.:. .!. I:iSM:t.t : Rai.k ' . i!i.,k ...iiii'i rn: n'.- R-i'k N. iili.m !!.mk ol I'.i. RcdlorJ Reaver Jf arrishurg aliiii(;l.iii Pell, fonle I'lli.-hui!; I'lllyliiirj; Ray i tic eo. ( in eiir.ii-t'n Jliirinot.y Kin. tin. -.. ill i- ...Mi Wain :i lllill,l..!l IS' i (v 1 !,i e Mihon Meadtil!.; I'.irtl'.ohoii New Ho; e P. I ili'i-o Co, Nurlhimili'd I 'r.ioii L ol i;i, Ni.ith Yrii. rn R.r.k of I'a. OlViee of Sehuylkill Ii ink Ayr. Tv M innf. Rji.k Caili !e f.iil.d fc-'ilver L ike Rji k Mcnii. ye ilo-. i! 1'ninn Ihink of IVnn'a. n f.iil. ! Wi'simoii land Rni.k r ei.s' tirn l..ed iiki'aharre li. ide ( 'o. ilk. !..irre nosuli' All ni ti s ui hi tin; In he ii any lYricvl ia Rank llul yiieu in lhe ulnive li.-t, n,ay ho Vet doWU as fliiUll.-:. .' ink ol .ii vv liiunivii;k I Sriinsv. ii k Rel idi te r.:..'i;,id l'i riti Ainh.,y I'.ri.hei..!! M.. nut Il..!v i;..!.u:,v . . (l i k f til tl I p.. IJ ..r f.i, i r..,i-"i "i Kl.l 'O Rjldt ...I ;n I 'o. liio.k i . r. ial l". o.k I . .!..! d R.M.k Ri.1.1, 'lii.r.i' ui.d Mi i' I'k 1 :ni ii' -l.d V.-. ' ,i... I !; r !...! ;....! ,. i.k I"' Ha 'ill I! n k .'f S. ,1. ..:.!.. t ! .1,11 ( ' 1 1 V la '! ,! I. i.l. .1 l.'lle.l f...l.d Ink,! I '. fuih.l I i! .U.k. II RI .''. 11:. C. ,. arlM'V t l' I. il l, .Ii I -i V Coy "1'eclar.h. li.n.K I Oi.t.. .,.ill Manuf.ii Hir. it' li.o.k Prl!i'i;ie Munis Com 'v U..i.k Mi-hIi -aii Moninoulli Pk .1 :S. .1. 1'r. !:. 1.1 M. ihaniis' Rank ISnSjik Michanic..' and Mai .1. Pk I niil in anJ Pi.).; Cn Ju.ry Cily l'o.-t Noli 1 lio i-iil.' i NtaiklikA li, ('. N,i..k lS'ew lloj e lal Un.!.;l C.. l.ii,.. isv illo -. J. MniiuLc. ai d Pku I'.i ii ,f. I. nl,-, I laded M fail.d IJ .r i.r jt j I roii-i ii'ii a l.i.n.l mo K .l. i.- v Ciy t liange ll,.nk t'ranj. PattTou Rank I'meiMiii Peo.ihV Rank .hi I'rine.lon Rank Pnnnn.u Walt in Ranking Co folate Rank fcitste R ink Slate Rank Kiate Rank of Moriis Statu Rank h.i'.em r.nd Rl.ilad M:.nt:f Co Kussi'X Runk" Trenti n Rai king l.'o l iiii ii Rank Vahiiigli'li Rankin.; Co. New ink i'luah. ih'uvii n ( 'mil, I. ii MoriiMou ii Tr. ntoii !:ii in IS I lull Tlei.tmi I lner 1 1 a keiiriaik i j j-ar I failed tail. .1 M .ar I A fail, d ii:i.itVAi:i:. Rknf Wiling Prandy wint Wi'minglon Rank of DelavMire Wilnihij...ii Rank of tSmy nu Smyrna l'v hriuieh Mili.tfJ par pur par par par par p.r pi p..r I arnier' Lk of Hute i f ln l p.n. i Io hranih Do hri.iuh Do hraiu h I'nion R .ok Wilniincton it H t i i.e. n IS', .ir ,f'.'f W il.iiiii).'l,.n fT - t .,,',. - Cj- On nil l iud.M H a knl l!m ( ) ihii thrr count, rl. it oi ni i n d ;. i el H.' .a nuiuiuaUvi.F, lu ii.i..Uii a:.' .1- iuu- dt 'I'l.r ' vir ,', fr Ihr ,,i!ilii n rf lincimr is In i ( mi. r atiil purify Ihr Vmiy. WltlUIET'S niu viccTiiii.i: riM.s lK TP It ,'n th .ImrrUnn fulrgr rf tt tilth, re n a a. know lf.!. .1 to h,' the lt Medieinf in ihe World fir (he enre of r.YF'iY V.MiiFI V OF IHSEASF.. "iff "ftil'C I SR ihi v rompletely rh ni.i.e lhe fUt 'it i? 'oi' h and hovel, from th fo hillioii" to d eor foi t lam.rir.: ! ii l are the eaitT nut only of II. a '... he. Cid'in. c. Ra!.ltlion or the He rl, I'h'iif in th'1 R rei. Rh. nni it sio nod li..ii'.hiii "rn- n, ..'v O.i.'. it to mm. IAIP INDIAN Pl.E'l'ARI C FIM.rt nrcneir::iin rnre f..r in l.'.nepeiit, .erniiti d. nervous, infiaiuhto'V nnd pli'rid Fevers hre.iove tin v e!ennse the p idv fiem tlm-e moih'd hi niors. w hii h. f hen r.niliiied to the eiieu- I ti. n. me the rnn-.e of 'iM k'luls of FEV I'. !'S. .So, a's.i. when the sume ioijiui ilv is deposit, d nil I' r n eiii' i at e and n.tiselc, ems nn piins. ii.lhitna- (. .is nnd m..i:,iii!-. r.ited i;iii:i:ma i ii, tii T. iSe, W rifli'V Indian Vi tela1 le Tills nviv I I relied ii n nhvavs i eilain lo imvo ri lit f, unit il pi-isrv. ir.l u iih, nerotdloe to dinrtions w,ll mo-l iixnie.llv, nnd wiihiuo, male n perfert en e of i! e ah.-ve puinfi l n i.l .dier. From three I.. six of . nl. I Indian Vi p'tuh'e Pills taken ria ry niuht po ii c to h.d, v il! i n sh.iil I'une o rotnplet. !y rid the hodv I'iimii i vriv th.ilii thai i oppusnl lu h ahh, t! at 1'hei m-.ti-in, flout, ro d p-ii-i . I evi tv i'e.erip. "ion, will he lii. ralU DRIVEN FROM THE PO DY, For the s me reason, when, Irmn siiih'i n ch.n to s of nt n o- .Iii ., or any other can: e, the per f(ii nii.oi ieheekul, nnd ihr hilinois wh eh kIio.iI I pes i ll' hv th" shin tirr thn-wn inw nr.llv, rnnsmc HEADACHE. OIDMNI'.HS, n us.m and t-i. k ins, pain ill lhe h. in s, u n'riy ai d ii ll inied ey."-, mrr throat, hoarsene s, roughs, consumption, rheumatic pains in varion iris of the hotly, find i.iany oth. r svnip'oins of ' A TCI I INO Ctll.D, Wright's lniHini ViuinUr l'i'l.i will imariahlv L'ive iininedi te r. lit f. From thiee to fix of said Pills taken every I, iuht on p due to h.d, will i;i a short time, not only remove all lhe nhove nnptens ml syni loins, hul lhe hotly will, in a short time, he rctored to even sounder heal h than hefire. ANTHMA.oit D1FF1CI ETV OF RUE ATII INO. Wrixhl's Indian Ymtinlilv '(' will loos en and rany oil! hy the stoinaili mid hoiveis, tlmre touch phh (tn.y humor', which sl.p up all tint air cells ol the Imiffs, nnd nre the cause, not only of lhe o'.ove disiress;nt; complaint, hut when neclretnl, often It rminntrs in that mo.r dit a.Hul mn'adv called CONSI MI' I ION. It h.m'd hen!soiciiT.i.he,d that Wright's Imliun Yigttnhlr Villa are n r. rlain ruie for PAIN IN THE SIDE, Oppres.-i.m, nau sea, nnd', lo-s of nipt tilr, eosliventsn, a yt How tifpe of lhe tkin ni.d ryes, end .very other symptom of n I. rpi.l or diseased slate of lhe liver; I realise they pure.- from the hotly those impurities vv hi. Ii if tl. posited upon this important ori; in, nre th- can e of eu ry variety of I, IV EI! COM PLAINT. When a tuition is convulsed lv liot-. ouil re.iks nnd rehrllion, the only means ofpr.vent. ins Ihe dreadful coiise.meiices of n CIVIL WAI!. is to rxpel all traitors, nnd evil .1 spos. d otns from the rouniry. In like manner, when pain or sick ness of niiy kind, indicate that the hodv is strii--ulini! wiili int. n nl has, the true reuifdv is to EX PEL ALL MORRiD HIMOlis, (Tiaiiors t,. leal h nnd life.) I It tilth will he the certain result. That the piiin i:e of ruriiiK tli-ease.hy i leaoinR and purilyii g lhe hodv, is sti'u tly in ncronl inie with the lavis which pov.rn the animal economy; nnd if preprrlv rani.-d out hv the u-e of lhe nhove named WIUdilTVS INDIAN YEOETAELE PILLS, will criiaiuly result In ihe complete Al o I tion of Dhcasr ; we offer the followiui; testimoni als, fnim prrs 'lis of the hiRhcst re.-peclnhility in New Voik, who hnve lerentiy htfii clmd of the roost ohslinnte comj-laints, solely ly the use of Wiiii. iit'h I.mhai Ynii-.rAiiLK Pili.s, of the Kurt It American College uf Htti'th : Jam uca, L. I., Jui c'lih. 1811. Doctor William Wright Dear Sir Il is with pre, t sati fat-lion I inform j on of ;ny having; hr. n intiielv cured of Dyspepsia, of live years stnntln f, I y the ue ol youi Im'Iis V i .; i. r iii.k Pu i s. Pi. ions to lint' will oi.r ctlehiatid no di cine, 1 had h. i n under I he hands of several Physi ci. rs, in .1 had iiied vaii.Hi- nadieinis; I nt all I iiueiie.t. After UifR one S.'i cent hm of mhii Pills, how. v. r, I experiei red so imich he. . fit, that I ii m.Iw d In p. r i viae ill lhe Use of ih. in at ( oidiiiL' tn dir. cti.U'S w I ii h I am happy to s'ale, h .s re.-nit-td in a pi iieel cure. Iiiprntitude to you f-r the liriai hem lit I have rcei'iid, antl nl-o in the h. e that trtht -is s'niiil tily nlUt. I-d in: y he induced to 10 d e trial of your t xtra medi. ine, I send you this sla' widi full hherty to ptihlish die same, if von think pr -per. Yours, .Sc. New Yoik, Jum. lit, ISO. O.C. LLAOK. Mr. Ri. hard Dc ids, n, i:t for Wrihl' Indian e-ela! If 1'ilN. DtarSir I have hi cn aflVe'ed for sr-eral ve il w i h ioHai.l w. iikness ai d i.i i.t r il dehility , ae om- r.i it d at times w nil p ons in (he side and other dis! r. ii i! c iiiplaiiits. Aft i having Ir'e.l vaiioiis ni.-di. ii.t wi'hoi.t i If, ei. I iu .t r.-u ,d. d hy a hit n 1 to uieke tiialif Dr. light's Indian V. c. lahle Pill-, which I am happy lo state hive relieve, I rut in a in, .st w. ii. I. i!ul ui.inii. r. I have u-. d the on ilieinr, as yd hut n I n e, en I have nodniihl, l a pi is, vet .nee in 'he me. I the i.i.d ti:,e a. en. .'ii - i.i .hi. r'i., es, :h i I . !,3l! in a ih..rt tin.e he p. ft. e i ie t.i-e.t, I in..: I w i1,'.. 'v rer on, mend s P.l's to all p. r -.,ii - inn, I .i 'v nil. 'id in tl in li e li.h heli. 1 1 e i.i.' h,( i I'.'i.ti t. sii Isvt ill v I he. r it-,, I re. i, ..i.i vou.s -n e. i. ly. HPNii. A. I'OOTE. W'a wai-iii!, I'l-ifi co. N. Y. Ni w Yn'ii:, Sept. v:;i. 111. Th's is to C( tt'.fy that I have n-i d Winnii.'s IvMiv Vni i r iii.k Pill h with the ciea'est hene. I'll : hav ii i . ii' ii. Iv cured tuyself of the Ir. .jui nl nt lacks ol Si.k lit a he, to hii h 1 had previously le.ii tuhjecl. ANN MARIA 'I'll I IM l'Si IN, " '.)Ui t.'ret n ich nni. N. Y. r 'I',. Mr. Pi. hind D. nni-., A-inl for Wright's L dull Vl'g.'l.di'c l.'ids, ti r r t .v. Aa iht re are at this lime inanv w i. ke.l pcrfons hnsiU .nirnm-d in l'm- a r. untt il. ii in. .heine un der ihe name ol the Indian Y yei ihle l'ill.i and as thc-e ilt spii ile mi ll ur" mi ii'tcily r.ikl. -- nf c n . .(I'., i.e. s, that many v.dn il.le l.vt s ninv he I .si in i;. nee of i:miii tl eir dreadful t ompi.iii tP, la1 puh! r nre ri.uii.ined nuainsl pun ha-inu niiv Pl'l, siinhss on tin tides of the hox.s the hllowii p ,v en line i f. iiiid : ui;u;in's imhw yeoftari.e pills. (Lillian I'urgntiie.) Ol Till: Ml HI 11 AMIIII. t l lli.K. OF llttlTII, And u'se to If cspcti'illv raiiful against pur. ha. s'uip said medicine nf any person nr. pi the regu lar a.lveri'sed apell's. a(.j:.ts i-on sonrm whmlasd co, J'i nitsijhitniit. H. R. Massir, Sunhiiry Win. Forsyth, Nor lliiinih. il .ml .laeiili Haas, Shaniokiu Sumin I lleih, M.dn.p.iy Rvrrlv A D. Haas, Auuu-ta Thoiii ts Fullmer. Mill. oi In ' .nd M.lx.ll, MeEwe!.,vi le E S, P p.-i, Tml.nt v. he .lames It. t tl P. li-i r, ve II. Ph.s.-, S V ,. r!ov n II. II. Kiuh.!. P. M.. Rhs'iir P. O. Win. Lei I I ril M, I' M I I,,H (',, t idi.e ui d (in i i . 1 1, j.i.i f.,r li e sale of Wligt.'k l-n'iiul '..:,,',,',, 7 ',,, -,le i.l.d l.'.-i ol. j. 1 ti. l; At t: r- I I; f l1 v l l i : ! . I f ! . 1 i lilA. May '.!, If. id. I) R.OSE3 OINTMHNT l-'Oll TMT'I'IIII. im wi won ms, MMi'txs iin i tin r u t:, ami hi I t I AM.l'I N l ilt I'l ItiNsi. Of" The filh ifing rertifirn'e ihr it:' our ufthe must t.ririiiiriliiitiit vurtu ivr tjfclnl hi ttni rpi'liriitiini. Pin i. a in t I'M i a, Pel. maty 10, lHf!3 IOR Ineuty yniH I w n seveiely nfllii t' d w ith Ti rinienlhe Face nnd Head: the.lsia-e cniiuni net tl vvht n I was seventeen year old, an I continued until the Fall of I :, v in in in vio lence, hilt wi'houl ever disappearinc. Duiiiip most of the lime, ereat pari of my f.c was covered with the rtupti'Mi, frcipiently attended with vin'enl ileli inir; my head FU-el'eil nl time s until it f. It as if il Would hurst the . Ihn i was so " e it that I rould M-iifeily pet my hat on. Durinp the hun! pi tio.l ill it I wns nlllii'le.l widi the di-ease, I tis t a ureal many " plication-, (am. 'lip ihcm verid celehialed prep.nati.m-) us w II as tukinit inw ml renfihes, inchidinp a t.ii'iih.T of I., 'til. s of Sir tint's Vnnucra. V.-ttriht if SiirtupiiiiHil, c. In fa.t it W" ii 1.1 he impn sil le to ct'Uii'o; n'c nil Iho mod i im s I ustd. 1 was aPo iinili'r the rare of two of lhe in v t tlis-tiiieni-lied nlivriei ins of ihP ci'v. hut without re- -i.' i c. .....I I .t. .1 ..f . . . K. i., I cuittl. In (lie f ,11 of 19:11, the iKca-c : t the time heinir v. iv violent, I rouiiuoucetl us'uu! the lluie Ointment, (i"nr:tl hv V.nmh in S' D ivi'.) In a f v ni'plii al'oiis the violent ilehini! ria-'.l, ihe swt llii p iiha'e.l. the i rot'tioii hepin In di-a; far, alitl I had u-nl a jar lhe ill-ease va rlit'tely run tl. ll has now hecii tniii'y a ymr and J hail' since, and there is not a ve-ti,;e of the thsea-e re inaii inf. rxrrpt ihr scars fm:n th- tleep pits funne l hy Ihe di-ca-e. ll is hup s'-ihle for me I ih seril e ina . 1 1 1 ifical the M'verily of the disease nnd my st. ll" linn hut I will he pie -ed to -ive a fniler nr connt lo nny person wanti'ip further satisfaction, who will call on tne. At the lime I coieiii' i.ced u-iii;! the R o I would have cien huu ihcds of du'lais lo he rid of lhe dieao. Since u-i-inp i', I have recommend. .1 it to sevt r d persons, .iiiiiilii; them ti i y mother, w hn had the tli-ca-e had ly on her in in.) w ho w. re a I cured hv it. JAMES DIMSNELL. No. PMi, Rare St. ij'j' The Pose Ointnieiil is i.'pu. hv E. It. Vaiudian, S,,u h E il corner of Thiid and Pai r slie. t-, Philadelphia, and sold on a-encv in S.mliu ry. hv II. R. MASSEii, M.y 1 Ith. 1 -a I re. EI(i' Oinfim-Ht, Cor 'I't((r. a I'lioor or its f.ti h acy. Pun ni M ill . May '?l!i, ls.'t'.t. rPIIIS i-- to rt rlifv t! nt I was si vcrelv all! ded vv it li Tetter ill the hands ami f. it fir upwards ol forty years ; the disease was attended p. i.rrally nilli vio'ei.t it. ti lii! and swelling. I nppl td to iiiilnh. rof ph sieians, ami a preat many ipj.-li ca'ions witlnut .llieiinp a rer-. Ahout a y. ar sitiee, I npphri! lhe Rose Ointment, which entirely slopped ihe i'ch in', nnd n f. vv applications iiiimedi cured Ihe th-ea-e, w hich there has hi en iin ri turn of. nl;hni;ph I had never heen fid nf it nt nny linn for loity y.ais. R1CIIAUD SAVAOE. Ehvriilh, helovv Sptuee Street. Cj- The Rose O.ntinetit is pr. piredhv E. R. Viuiiihan, S auih En: t rorner of Third nnd Rare Streets, I'kilad. l Liu, and sold on n jenrv in S.inhu tv.hv II. R. MASSER, May 1 llh. l?in. Agrl. mEDicAi. .irrncxJATiciT Of the RtlSi: OITMi:.T, for 'Vitltr. ALTHOl'f.'H the superiority of the pn paiaii, n over nil others is fully rs'ahli-hed, the pr.iprie tors take pleasure in lnyini hefore the puhlie the followinp rertifirate fmni a rr-pectahle physician, a graduate of lhe I'nivcrsity of Pennsylvania. Dr. Ihiuph, havinp found in this that telief f.r a tedious nnd di.-aprt calif' nfl'ei lion which the means within the r.inpe of his profession failed to afford, has not heshat.'d to pive it his apptohatinn. iihh.'Uph the prejudices nt.d inti rrsts of that profession aie opposed to seen t K. 'in. dies. PintAi.u.i'iiiA. s, pt. in, isar.. I was reci nt!y tiouhhtl w it'.i a t. dious herpetic eriijiti. n. which one cd in arty one si to of my f.ce, and t xf. i d, d over the ear. Mr. Vaoi;l'.an, propri. -toi of the Rose tin tment, ohseninp my (acr, :n-i te.l on liiv tiyiiip his piep. nation, ol wh i. l. he han ded me a i.r. A Ith.. nth in common with die nieni- l ers ol my r. fe.--i, i,, I ths. ni.nt. Ii nice ;.lnl dimp. I'mve ol lhe nurner 'tis Iiosliuuis palmtil upon the j I i.l lie l-y ivi.oi aiil pr, I. nd. i -, I f. rl in jus ice l. und to evci pi the Rose t ii,tini nt fiom thai .-la s of mr tht inis, and tn uive it my app..hation, as il cnli'C Iv .urt.l the eruption, nhh..i'pli it had rcsi-lcd the u'-uil n phcatiotis. DA.NL RAIdll.M. D. r j 'i t,e R ,-e Oint-uri.t is prepared hy E R. V.lll-lian. South Fast con er el Thiid ni tl R ice Slic.-t', I'fidadi (hia, and sold on up. nev in Si,n hu.y, ! v II. U. .MA" : i'.i!, M .y 1 Ph. ls'Ph Agnil. ' U J.iA J. it. SZtr.S? Aim S A.Lt Oi. KjKJ, Siitiii' -nd T.iIi.'htii .M;im.l;irliircrs-, .n. '.':) .i ; . i t metier if llttrv ttntl 'Third Struts.' Pllil.A 1 LLPill . ry I! E ui.di r i.jin .1 I. ivr I rnied a Co parti. i r-.hip 1 nnd. r th. - lino ol .1. MAVLAND Je.vS Co.. i:s sneer ins tn lhe late linn ol" J.u ih ,M;: i:!mid A Co., i nd w ill e 'i lioiie ihe husine s at 'hi' ol,l .tu I lishuii nt, on ll r ow n I'cenoiii. In ml li'ion in ileir own close atieiitimi and .vpiii. nee I i n anv Vi i' s, in the'ielure of then Mm It' , iS -., 'he I nc i xp. rii nee of the seuinr paiti et of tl e late I.i ill, vv:i iilsn he ilt vol. tl In l:e lii'ere-l t t lhe new cm t en: nod im no . xeilimi and can1 will I e span .1 In insure th. ir ponds, a all Cm. s of lhe e rv ht -t .(''ali'v. ih. y solicit a c.'i lii.n mi e i f the coi.Cd. n. c ol the P.ri.ild nnd eu-t 'iner-- of lhe l.tle linn. TIKhM s ADMS, J. M A V LAN D, J it. PhiLidi'j.hia, Mav 1 llh, lSPl. lv 'tain e 7 Th t. mt t Ymr Sit it's, rjMli; snhseiiher r. spei ll'ullv aniioiine. s tithe S piihhe. thai he h . o ened a Holt I in iheciim innh. iis liiik I nil hop s. Iiiate on lhe miner t f I hiul nl Pine streets, where he will he happv I,, will If ti those who may f.tvnr hi.'.i wit', lii-'ii coll'pai.V. The Eaple Hotel is Nt llll.l r.-llVclii-( in, iit'd fiin.ihi il in the I r t m ih iii sh le, l:i pr,,v ui.d w nil a Lu ne of will nil. I nod c. ii, f tl ..hie hie. pin.; up nliiienl-, r inms, private pnilors, c. Pt is. ms isiii.; ilhan.spoil on I n siness oi plea ure, n.ay re-l as-ur d that rv.rv rx erti .n w.ll le tiscl to rei der llnir s.j nini r.t the "Facie Hot. I" pi. r.s'int nnd art, eal.le. HisTalh will he supplied with the v. ry h. st the mink, t af fords, and his l ar widi 'he r! nicest wines nnd other Illinois ((milieu re s.mahle. Th. Easle Hold pi'ssi'ss. s pr.aier ntlvan'apes in point if h' than nny other similar cstuhhshiiieut in the hoiouph, In inp suiiale in the hiisiness part of the low n, and wilhin a convenient di.-lani'e of th (.'oiirt ll iuse and Williamsport and Elmira Rail Road D. pot. Siillieieut Sinhlinp provided, und good and trusty ii'tleis nlvvavs in utit u dance. Attentive, act nu.niodalipp and hone t Servants have 1 1 en . mi.or., ,i.d iioti.iop I. fi undone thll will a. 1.1 to li e con. hut utid ace. iniil ah.'i. u of his PlO'-ls. Th. re vv'rl he a r ori.,p ilwavs in nin i .'iiieo nl the Runt p In cm vev p.n-ei m'r In I id from lhe lion t', In e of . I . .. r ,, ... CHARLE.'i ROEROWal. M.v iLh, pi:. - ii ATTOI! N V, Y AT i.AW, ituiTuunv, r A. Rnnliiets ullenil.'d to in the ( mention of Ne ilium! ci land, I'nioi. Lvcomiiip ntul Coluii.hin. i.-..r.. Tll.lM IS II MIT Co., .V Pin nni. 1 1 a n T , C I ' i vi i x rm A- H.aiit, Kviii'ml. Iliitviiitu, Mc Fa it t. i n iS: Co Mi'KH I Mi, ' inn ii tS' Co., To Count ry 1112 IT- CH A ITT 13. rl,IIE Suhseriher, Apent of 1 yon A Hani-, Hat 1 Maiiiifi. luri rs, for New York. Phil 'delphia, ll.iltimore nnd other larpe cilies, : 1 os- Hutu me hipldy cnioiiif nd. d I ir gtmd ci! n and tliirti'.ilih, has oi I. ami a lir-l rate as -crimen! ol HA I'M nnd CAPS. Miitthle f.r S,,r np s do-, wh.h will Ir n.,1.1 very Inw, f.u rash or nppiove l rndit, nl the titled chiirp t.ire, No. 4(1, N'.irtli '1 h id ri'rc I, opi'e lhe Clly Unti l, Pliiln.lelphia. KOREUT I). WILKINSON. April. N. R. Onte' I, if Hals in the mirs'i. promptly nttende l In, 'I'hn highest lice in t.vl or Iro !i' piven far I'nr ikin. Phil.iilelphia, June 11, jwsb rra . zi ii : LL persons ind. hied to the linn of Lynn V H oris, under the ?r, ney ..f O. ,, Th it her, Ihtl tin 'I Cup Mimnficltirii. No. '1(1 North Third, street. Phil nl. Iphia, are t. ipii'-led lo make imtm di-nl- settlement rf th. ir nee.u.nls vrilh ill- slihsciiher, their lep il'y nu'hoiie.l ap. nl, who is fully cmpmv. cud In Fettle till. I collert tie nrroiints ol said firm. POI'.liKT D. WILKIN'stiN. June Ith. IP. PJ. tf Agent. gold Vn'WsTA :r -n ci r- c 7 tit: 13 Ad. (ill Aer.'.'i Third, tthrve Anli iSlntt, FIIII.ADEI.IMIIA. Al ( IMMIll: t KINS riiK si vi:m v ITIISCNF). r CHARLES WEISS, lav of the " hi'e Swan," and "Mount Vennm House," respectfully in forms his friend' and ciis'otners. that I e l a- h. lome the proprietor of the nhovt Well known Hotel. I.otiiiiiv Meiclianls w ill I ml the nhove lintel a central I .ration, nnd the la st of fate. Persons tra velling with private cm, vev a:. re will find n hope yard and pood stal linp lot horse, and the hist of nutlet. Iloaidiiip 1 pcrdav. May I llh, mp,. tf. ( nir.ii'.isM.iii - ' urw .inline ,Ii rcli:uits, I'm I if lilotr Slti tl lltiil Rttd, ox tiik 1 tt. 1 w 1 tit:, T I AVlNl! ns-oc wih ih. 111 ,to-c h Ramel, lj'e of F.ast, in. Pa., fitfully inform tin ir friend-- nnd the piddle penerallv, that thry hav ta. km ih it Lucre and we I known store and wh i.f ni fool of Will, 1 iv Street Ihnlroa l, lately otrupie I l y Jiienh Martin, where tin y pu poce .Vine a (ieinral Commission ami Forwarding llu-i:ie-', nnd (he local adviin'n-es nf the place hcin? coiiin cles1 with nil ll e piihhe improvenier'.ts thiit have iht ir outlet in the city, they llnller theniselves liny will he uhle to do hiisiness to as pie it, if not p ealer ad vautnpe, and upon as reas-mihle terms a' any oilier h .use, mM ,,v n;SUrP their friends that nny ron s:,!!. nit nls made to Iht tn shall hnve their s'rirt at tention, and no C nations spinel lo give t nine satis faction. 'Pin y nre also prepared lo receive forward poods in any point on tlie D. law arc and Li loth iiver, hetvveen Mauch Chunk, Easton nnd Phda .1. 1, Ilia, via Delaware Division nnd Lehigh Can .p; also, to nnv point on the Juniata river, or Nor h nnd Wist Rranches of the SusipiehaniiH via S.-huyh kill and I 'nion, or tho Chesapeake and l ido Water Canals. For lhe nrrommodaii n of Roats comint? or po inp via Schuylkill nnd I'nion Ci.naP, a Ste .inhont will he kept expressly for t.nvinp from lhe S. huvlklH uroui tl tn the 1 It laW aie nnd hack, which will en l ie merchants to have their pioduce deli veic.l on the Deinvv aie, nnd their good- sl.ipp. d al a siviiipol SO to "i .'i er cent, o" the ptiees fn h ndii C ac.o-s. with tins- adviiiit .pes they IC sp. ctlully Eoiii it a shiiie of pair- nave. W. H EILM.'vN" CO. William Hi ihnrin, ") W'dkam W. K. J se-.C R .ruet. 3 Philad .May 11, lsrt. ly SOZiTOH & CO. firucr;;! Coiiiiiilsiiii M'il':i:'.f , l or th,- Si:!r , fl .'ur, (imin, SL,d. .c, c. L -- F.PiiCTFI'LLY ii.f.m their I'i.nd' nn.l he Minhi'i.ts penerallv, that ihey have tj kt ii those l.npe r ml coniniodioes Wl.nrv s, vv it Si tv o Pniks, li nt'.i of Ch.siiiH slrert, on the D-1 nvire, t'.pether vv ith the sl,.ie No. 1:1 South Wharves, wl.e.ethev woi.'.l In' p'ea-cd lo rect ivr roti-L'n-inrnls of (Pain, Fi. mi. Seed, Whiskey, Ir. n, Ac. i: R. iup also well pu pated to forward nil kinds of Mi ri'hatuhso hy tin Si hnv Ik ill and l"iiiou,oi hy 'he Chr-.ip. al.e nnd Tiiie Water Canals, as low hoats nre I.i pt . xpics.-ly f.n the purpose of to'.vinp hoals 1 v i i Lrr r. lite. Men h..!;ts will pie se he pin i, to send tl . ir Co. 'ds d ii.ed hy ci'l i r cu iip, t No. l'JS inlh 'halves, L, tmt n Mtiikt I and Chesunt str.e's, on lhe Delaware, w ith din . lions aoromp anv in g ihein rout., ihey wish il.etn In he shippe C- Plast. r and I ket piiee, Ma't-h 111, 1 S 1 :l. it Im sal-, at tie lowest ROI.TON vv: C-. No. I 'J Smith Wh ii ve. tiostsiKi' run r.s: t. sj., VJXT2Z A IS. IT UPAC T U II r Tv S, l.i.ii.iinii'. Strut, Hull in. tie, HAVE c.iii.-taiitlv f.r sale, Prni:in.; P. pi r of nl size ui..) ipialii ii s, Can Wriiine P.i er. tiil- tl ami pi tin. Letter Pep. r, white nnd line, ruled and plain, ILii.pii.j Paper, line ami e.onlil n Envelope l'..per, do. do. nie.liitm, d.'i.h e e, own, crow n and cvii.isi. d Wrappiup Pajrrs, C,d, red M.'dimii nnd Ih y d Pape s, Ro.iuit, Iiu ders' nnd Sii.nv 11, ix Ii I'ds, 'Pis. lie Paper, nnd nil ail . li s in tl eir I n-, win. li ihey will sell on in c, iiiiii..,!.i:ih tt rnis. ll.!ir.-( rice n'.vcu f, r old tas. KOUERT CAUTER .V f N, M..rtL PI. I.spl. Eikion. M.l V.N aiticle uuemialle.l lor I leatiinp and p villi? M hiphly diir.ihle and mn.-l hii'.liaut p. hsh to sil ver, dermal! Silver, lira. Copper, Pi,tt.,nia ware, 'Pin, St. t l,, nnd lor rcstming lhe lu. Ire on varnisocd caiiiiL'e-, c. THY IP. Prepaitd an I s "hi at vv huh sale and telai', l y lhe Sunpirhaiina Chrysnhle Polish Company, Owego, 'i'iojja coiiiiiy, N, Y. WM. FORSYTH. Apei.t f. r Northuiu'd, II. R. MASSE I!, Ai nl Lu Sunlury. Noveniher iRHli, IS Pi. i'i".Ti:it ni;T.i" LAST IASCIin, No. "Jl Callov!.ii Sii t't t, riiilndclj-liia. C Three io..rj r Si end. ) "HOE Fiiidinpnlvnys kepi on hand, w hi. h hi lor tule on lhe le t teiimi. Country M.rrh nils are parlicu'iily lo c ill uml judyo I.. themselves, Philidrlihii, i.r PI, IMi.- ly. G. V". & L. E. FFEII FOU SALE, ot the South Cor ner of Tiflh und Mtirhcl Streets, Ttiudih phin Mens Calf-skin Rools.Rlilche.l warranted, do do do pegged do do do do water proof, doul le poles and ihnihle ni jiers. do Calf.fkiii do Jo nnd uppers, do Heavy Water Leather Roots, do do Neiili do do. do lliph ipiarler Shoes, Cnlf-skiu. do do do ('rocker do do Fine Monroes warranted do nnileil do Kip do do do Ctlf do do do Conise do do do .hi Shoes do do Fine do do tin Kip tin tl i do Calf and Seal Skill Pump, do List Sock wi;h nnd without miles, do Carpet tl.i tin tin do Patent W arranted Water-proof Mnccisms. Ladies' do do iln do Ln.his' tanned India Ruhhrr shots. Oiiit'eniens' do Ovt r shoe. With rvery other desciption of hoots and shoe:'. Fur Caps of cv ry de-i ripl'mn. 'Pravclhiip Trunks ofrvery ih scripti.m. Venetian Trnvt llinp Rap. Piileut Ouiil Elastic Shoe Rlu kinc. Emmets of all kinds. Palm Leaf Hats. Phil id.l Lin. Nirvrinher PI, IspJ ly. WJIOLF.sALi: AND RETAIL Rt OKsEL LLPS AND NTA'RiuNF.Rs, No. '2'2 (.'licsiitit Slrcrt, l,c!uw -llii, riiila.lel; liin. MEEP ronstntitly on hand n pcncial ns-ort-nit nt of Rooks ntul Sind.m iry ; enmprisinp Theoh Law, Medieid, Classical. Miscelhine ous nn.l School Rooks. Day Rrnks, nil sir.. Fed ..'irs, tin.. Family Ril lr, Pocket R hle--, Wiitin Pi.pcis, W ni; ping Papers. .Ve. Ac. .which they of lrr al the li.A t st p'ices to Couniiy Men haul's Pre (.'. ritlenu n, Teachers, nnd all ethers ih il may favor thorn with their custom. Philadelphia, Nov Mnhrr PI, Mil had Weaver A: e:iii, rope r.TAKEKs & si:ir cnrcrT.rns. An. Pi Surlli Wnhr Srrtt, J'hiliidt tphiu. IT n A E ceiistanlly on hand, n pener il i ssi.rt- il in nt of'r, Seine Tvv int s, ec, viz : Titr'd Ropes, Fi.-hinp Rope, White Popes, Manil la Ropes, Tow Lines lor Canal Ro.-Us. Alsn, n roinpl.le nss.iitinent of Si ine Twines, r. sm h n llemp Shud ami II. rriup 'I'vviue, Rest Patt nt Oill Net 'Fw ine. Cotton Shad and lleninp Tvv ii e. Sh,.( 'I'hreails. Ae. .te. Also, Pe, Cords, FI. uph Lin.-, Halters, Traces, Ctt"ii nnd Linen Carpet Chains. Sr. nil of vvl.ii h thry will ihsji s.' of on Kasoiial le trims. Philadelphia, Noveniher IH, Hp:. ly. Jacob Cilsi:t!!th Son. 1 ) PF.'"I FI LLY infotms their Im nds nnd - i.e. liiin teiie. s pe lrrally ihat they still con tinue tu kerp til the old Man.!. No. 2'lti Nolih Hd slrctl. Phila.lelphi.1, all Viml of TOP, AC CO SM .' AM' f-IidAIiS. Which thry will aell n the Itlji '. uccoiiimod.itilil and reas.iii.1 le terms. N. R. All coeds sold will he guai ltitccd nnd all orders prompt Ij all-n. lt d to. Philadelphia, Neveinhet I II, ISIC 1 v. s-J au.' k Vrf W X V Wli('!i:sali; ami Retail Mine, l'oimet, ami I'alm J.caf Hat War i'Iiuusc. At, (ill AirA "tl rrett, a fit" dtmrs ubvrc .Itch, Vhiladtlbhitl. A I"t! Tr J cry de- Trunk, ('in pet Rag and Voliee. of ev- -riiption, nil of which he ol'.crs for air ell the most reas. nahle term. Phiiadt Iphia, Nove nher 13, HP:. ly. J . w riii!n'i!!;i ami S W A 1 N , l'arasol ?.Iam!"iirtiTrcr. An. Ill No,. "'hint ,';s, If ' ' hi t.u- the Cilxi Hull I. Vl,ih,tiili,l.iii. 0 HU"S'iil Mciihauls til ..I othris are ndicitid to rxniiiiue hio as.-oiti.ieut I t fine i tin li.isiui: t Lew I. ere Phihi 'elphi.i. N. .vender 11. '.SM2. !y. J1. ec a. i:o v or i) t rs " Cliina.Cliass ainl I,ivor x Warclionso. A nil A.j J.'iir.l th, nl d,r h,ir Yim tint I, .''Ai.'. T TTHF.I'E thry eoiis'antly keep on hiind a la-ce " ns-iirlment of China, (Piss nnd Liveipnol Ware, which tl.ry will dipose of on ihe most ici soli'jl le terms. Ph. I ideh hi:., N. vrml rr PI, IPP2. ly. TlIKOl'lTA'S 'V. Alamilarlurcr and inijinrter cf Sad dlery, Ilardw :irr, fee. A'.. 5 Sti:!h Third sfrr't. f-,'ir tLwrn l.ilnw Mar'n t Vhi '.'.;..'.'! 'p"" EEP constantly on h .,.l a larire nnd cnrral J1V nssortnn lit Lamps, Can iage Ran.'-, Axle Anns, Eliptte S; rincs, Pali nt Leather. v,e. Country Merchants and saihlleiH will he supplied al nil tunes I'll the most icasonahle t-rms. '1 hey w ill lin.l il to th. ir n.lvaut.ige tn c ii! and examine his tissn. liiieiit hefore puivhiisins Isciv here, Philadelphia. Id, 1PJ. lv. ijkvnolds, -McFai;l.nd & ro Wli.'Iosalu DoaK-is in VYrHtru llritisli and Aniorican Pry ll.vuls. A"o. 1 0.1 M.irhct ttntt. I'hUudtijhia. jOOF.NTIiV Mcr. halts, and others ran he sup. Vjy plied nl nil times with nn ext. nsivr a-s. r! Iin ni of lhe orst anil most la-hinn .hie ( iooils upon the mo.-! re.itonal.ln It nil-. Phil .,'elph'M, Nov. in! t r la. tsli. lv. lA)Vi:ii r.AliKoN, Inij oitiM's and lValcrs in rurcigii and DuiiiCvitiu ll.udwaro, No. 171 Non rii 'I'u i in. Stui i.t, I nn vni i i in i ' II PRE tin Ir fiii nds and i us(. oners will always ' t'nd a hir'je nn.l geiii eil a-sortuii nl of l'orei'jn and Domestic llaidwaie, vv hit h they will si 11 at the lowe.-t, Phih dclphi i, Nnvrinher 1.1, IS p.'. I v. KSIiKliK K, HAN SK I.l. kV. CO'S. WHOLESALE DUY C00B3 STCIwIl. No. K'.ti l-V MaiKi t Stivot, l'hila. ( ;.(( fifth .s.n.'A idc ) ALWAYS keep on h..n.l a full and general a si rlinent of Hosiery, Lnre, ai d Fancy t.', Country Merchants are respectfully rcpiest ?d to (;ive them a cull nn.l examine fur ihem elves. Pliila.'elpliia, Noveuil er P), IS-SC. Iv. Sl'F.UIXC., (IDUII & CO, No. :ts Mailvot Strcft, riiiladtlj'hia. 1JNVITE the attention of Coutitiy Men linn's Q lo their fxiciisive aor, ui. nt ot Rrtii.h Frcich and Am. ii. an Diy Ooods, w loch they otli i for alu oil lhe in. i t ri a.MHii.hlii I. inn. Phllad. Iphij, Novtmhrl I J, 1M J. ly. VJ-117S1.CW-S EAtSAM CF HOHIIHOUMD, A N ntipnrelleletl remedy for eunitnnn Colds, I Cough, A-tlumi, Influenza, Whoopine (,'ough, Rronchilis, ntul nil ihsen-e of lhe Rrensl and Lungs, leniling to rciisunipli .il ; composed of tho roncen trali.l virlur of Hon hound, Ronrt, Rlnntl Runt, Liverwort nnd sevctnl oilier vegttnhle sul st inccs. Prepnrr.l only 1 y .1. M. Wi.xsuiw, Rochester, New S'mk. The innocence nnd universally tidmitli'd perioral vhtiicK of the lleih from which the llitl. nm t,J lltirtlintnid is made, nre too generally known to rc .(tiire recommendation ; it is therefore only necrssi iv to oh-crve that ihis Medicine conlnins lhe whoh of their Mtilieinal proHrtie. highly eoncentrnlt d ni.d so happily coinhineil with severnl oilier vepe lahle sill s'ntii e, n it the most speedy mild nnd certain r. nirdy, now in use, f t the com plaints nhove mentioned. 'l he Ilalsam remove nil imfhirrmntinn and srr r.est of the Luncs, loosens tough visid phlegm, rn i.hling ihe pitliciil lo expretorute with ease nnd free dom, tis-uu'.'s rough, relieves nthuintir nnd dili'i cult it -pii r itinn, lira! the injured part, open tl. pole, nnd compost the disturheil ui rves, nnd piv r strength to the I. rider lungs, and thus prodiues : specilv and la-tii g cine. iMiiiA ri'i riit: is tiik it vst:sr rnivtr. t?i Max. We arc in, I am i: g ihat class of Editor who for f w dollai v VI. fat rxpense nf tn.lh nnd li i nt"j'y) "ria.k up" nn nrthle nnd hiing it intornpi -ah' ; neither ate we wilht g to lemain silent, ah. havii g tested the utility of no im rnvetnent t r di. covery in science or nil. Our reader will reroller v e told t! a m we were tiiivvi II vvi.h a sure throat nn vinh nt e ld sniiif few werks ngn. Well, we put tliasci two I nllle o W IAS,im ' UAI.NAJ OF HOPPHOl ND, nn.l so sudden was Ihe cur. that we forgot we evnr had a cold. Those wh are it fine Ir .1, tuny try it upon our rtcninn.endi.iioi 1.i:iis'iin Trh isnijdi. For sale hv II EN li Y YO.VT11EIMEI!, Simhun, JAOOl) RIUUHT, Knrthumhirhmii. Also, ly Drugrji-ls pener. My throughout th country. ej Price, .r)ll cinl.s per hotllc. Auuusl 1 In,, IS P.'. ly. ,",(tlv .-ale a small Farm, containing ahout en Q' hundred nnd ten nens, more or le-s, situ it in Point township. N irihuml erland Coiirtv , iihoii two milts nhove No ll umht "I ,nd, on lhe tnai road hading from ihat place to Danville, adjoiuin I'liuP o .lolin l.ei'hou, .hvse t-'. Morion nnd other now in the occupancy t f Samm I Payne. ALai: lorty a. res t:f said liael nre ch an d, nn.l in goo slat" of cil tivation. on which ihere is a small har erci t. d. The property w ill he sold on r. nsot.nh! ti'll'is. For further pnitif ulars, persons: lire request e.l In it plv to lhe ml sciih r. 11. R. MASSE R, Agent, Nov. 27'h, POi tf S.mlnirv.Pa Tv O l-TiZz$ 'r IF EVKI.Y PPst PIPIIilN'. NI'.W K.MM.ANDDII. (O.Ml'ANV Nn. V!! Ni.nli Water Slrott, l'liila. T. T- ANITAOTFRERS nnd tlealers in Oil JVjj evttv description holh f"r hurtling nin iuiiii"l'iciur!ng pin poses, w hicli w ill he sold iiiuci lower than Ihey can he proeund elsewhere, nr.. ivnrrniile.l in ipiality to eipjal any in the city. An o.l sold hv ihe cniiipany not proving ns iepr. sriiled may he returned w.tlmut nny expense to the pur ih .ser, and lhe tin in v will he refunded. '1 h. ir stork now iri stoic consist.- of the follow ini nils, vi. : .ii,li(ll gallons inlet Pleached Spcinr), 'H, hOdll do do O. rimless Oil, l.l.l'l 11 tin FaM ami S; ring Spi nn Oil, ll'.,IM() ,1,! inter S, a i:i, pliant, 2(1.0011 dn do Pre.sed V. hale Oil, f.OIHI do Summer do tlo do y I.i. I I'd iln Onmi. inn Whale Oil, V('(l Parrels snpi aim Stra 's t Ml, :!n0 tin Cd Pnnk O.l, Ml tin N. ii's Foot Oil, 71 Casks Olive I Ml, Tanner's I Mis Z ', Tin- Con: arv hn-- n numhi r of Vt-vif's' t r: '' ife,l in the Co.! Fi-ln-rv, nnd Tanner" ne'v rr,' II; on I'l-tiing at ail Lines Oil ns pore R imj.orted, Iphia. Nov. I.l, 1 S-l I y. s . . No M. i,. i !h Scf-orstl Kti cct. ( I o li N 1. 11 Of t l.llM It S M.l. X.) W hi ii they constantly keep mi hand a general a- mr'nii i:t of ci.:OTirr, c.snrKr.r?, -j-ESTixrc.! And ii gn.t. I t 'lritltj nj wtic'ts ifnui ti n r ijiiaiitr, v. htch thi-y . Iter In il.sp. se i f 1 1 p. ill t1 e 111-. si ie:i,on.i'.. I. rills. TflM .ihV MERCHANTS nnd others i Vryiiinl it l i tin ii ndv ant: pe in i nil und Wall.:;, til. ir sin. k hef. re purcha-im.' el-evv here. Pi ila.l. Iphia. Nnv. r,, I ly LIST OF 'S3.GG2ZS loll . II T r VN'PlIoN'S OPss'Cal Diiiionarv; l.fmpri.r do.; AitisWorth 's do ; Co! h's tlo.; Eng'.sii an ficiman t'o.; Anthni 's Cnsar; Anthoii's Or.-.n.n.t Ai.ihen's Cn-e o; Mail's Latin Reader; ligill y'sdo An.h.vv's I it i i I im. ns; D. tncg.m's Pixie, i P sl.'s (ire k Exttt ises; Duvie.-'s I.egendei; Cirnr. Maj ira; A.lanis's lioniaii Aliti'liiines; Pinnoik" ( ! I.l-ui:',h's F.i gl md; do. Orecci; I. veil's Elitiu nt .I (ieologv; Mr. Lincoln's Ro'ni.v ; Ehn:ci;ts( Ri tanv; Fridge's Aleel ra; Porici's hhrtoiiral Re: dir.-; Ein.rsoii's Otograhy nnd Ei-torv; Oliev" .hi ; Per', y's do.; Smith's Otainmn: Eiikhain's do Kav's Renders; Cohl 's dn ; C. hh's Aiitln-etit l Pike's do.; Fnnrs 'li's tlo.; Col h's Spi liing Hook Tow u's tlo.; Cohh's '1'iihle R. (k ; Evangelical Fi r. i y Lihinrv; Cottage E.M. .; Family do; : al do,; Sim. II Ril les und Test .ment-; Paikei's E i . n isrs on Conipnsition; Fiuit of lhe Spirit; Raxiei' S -ini'.. R.i-i; Ameii. an Pevolutioli; Marivntt's Ni v. I-; Mrs. PhelpM on Cl . niisiiv; Iliad; ( ailechis! of Am. iii an Laws; I elh rson Naliual Magic; Ch. iiii-lry for Reginnci-; Engl sh Exerrisi a.l.ii tr.l I Mi'.rra'.'i. l.'r'ii!iiiu r; Seijiit tn Coniley's Spelln Ron!; Ann tit nn Class Rook; Dahnll's SehivohiiH tri's Assistant; A great variety of Rlank Rooks, A. August '-',. 111. j . s i t s; v j o , i: s, IJEil Es 1 S tin attt ntion of hii rountiy fii. in' vvhonie in want, to his verv luge stock . Curpe lings, Oil Cloths, Vailing, Rugs, Ruidiiii.' Stui Ii.i.js, iVe., .Si c, that he has just op. md, : hi- wan h uses, No. IS Norih slie. I, ami No. Chuiili All. v, in xt door to Chiist Church, Phi!. i't ! Im. ' Julv HI. loP. ly. SPANISH HIDES. T ANNE US.' OIL AND LEATHER. 1. lv 1 1! K T A T II ICR N tO An. VI, K.nth Third strut, (BtTW-ri: MlllKUT ASH l'IIIl"r ITREKTU,) PHILADELPHIA. HA'E for ale largo and exrellent assoilmc ofSyi.nisA 1 1. Jit. Vol, in Sips, Tiiniii rt O .c, at the lowest maiket price, i iihrr for ra.h, evchnnge fur I.t nihrr, or upon ere.lil. Ciuisignnient of I either recivnl f.n bIc, pnrchasa d i.t the highest maik.t prices. r Leather stored lice of ihu!(je, April 17, 1 S in. ly.