Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, August 19, 1843, Image 3

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names of the delegates were called over, and
they vstASiMoruLT nominated the following per
sons I
For Canal Commissioner William Tweed.
For Congress Ihnry Frick:
For State Delegate John L. Watson.
For Congressional Conferees, Samuel T. liar
mil', Henry Giliwii.
On motion of Dav d I.. Ireland ami E. I. Piper,
lie.ndved. That thin delegation concur with the
county of Dauphin in Ihn nomination of Benjamin
Jordan, of naitl county, as the delegate
to the Harrisburg Convention in September next.
On motion of John Miller and Joseph Van
kirk. Jlesnlred, That the following persons compose
ihe Democratic Whig Standing Uommitte for the
ensuing year :
James Tnpgcrt, of Northumhciland.
Jam is Pee.', of Chilisqnmjue.
J. P. Hackeiiborg. of l)i laware.
Jacob Painter, of Sunbuiy.
Elisha Kline, of Sliamokin.
Kimber Cleaver, of Coat.
Jacob Hilbish, of Jackson.
On Motion of Samuel T. Duirows.
JiV.Wrrr.Thal Committer of Yigilanre he np
minted fur ihe several townships ami that the
President and Secretary of this convention, make
jul saiil list ami cause the same lo be published.
lietalvtd. That the proceeding of this conven
tion, signed by tVe officers, he published in the .lft7
'unian, and that the Editors of the Stinbtiry Amcr.
can be also requested to publish tho same also
hat 500 copies ofsiid proceedings be printed fr
listribution. THOMAS II. WATTS, Prtsl.
Jim is Ti o in HT, Se ry.
Ktlltorlal, Contlr used anil Scleelril.
A telescope is about being constructed by Mr.
Paine, of Worcester, 43 feel long and 1 feel in di
imoter. Dowden, charged with stealing Treasury notes,
lis been Brrpii'led.
The Hun. Mr. Wirklijfr is recovering from the
wound inflicted by young Gardner.
Ex-Chancellor Kent, of New York, altered the
age of eigh'v years on Monday last.
Cnunleifrit grindstone are for sale in Cleave
hind, Ohio.
If ihc territory of the Cntlcd States wis as dense
ly populated as England, it would contain four
hundred and fifty millions of souls.
The farmer in Ohio are already selling their
hogs, deliverable, next wintrr. The asking price
is ?:1.
The editor of the Charleston, S. C Courier, was
shown, on ti e l-t'h nit., a peach, raised in that ci
ty, which weighrd 11 ounces and three quarters.
There has bpen a new kind of lancet invented in
Norfolk. This is a great age for bleeding the pei.
The niehniond Compiler says the potatoc crop
will ! almost a total failure in ttiat legion, in con
st ipionce of the drought.
The English government eonfempl ita construc
ting a radtoa 1 from Calcutta to Delhi, 80 miles
4009 hhds. of tobacco have been already inspec
ted, this season, in Philadelphia. Inspections -during
the whole of l ist year, only flilO.
A Discovert. II is now said to be well aseertai.
lied that the acid of wine and cider is the sole cause
of the you!, ui.less it he inherited from patents.
Tho fortifications of Paris, which ore estimated
lo have cost 200,000,000 francs, are lennej "the
straight waistcoat for the Parisians."
Oliver Cromwell was born on the thirJ ol Septcm
l r, en thai day fought ihe three great battle of
V arstnn Moor, Worcester and Dunbar, and on that
i lay died !
A rascal, on Ir'ul in Lexington, Ky., actually
picked his lawyer's pocket of a silver snuff-box
while he was making a Fpecch to the jury in his
The W hile Crape. The. ancient pupulatinn of
New Orleans, hang nt the door of a house in w hich
there is a corpse a piece of crape. For the young,
the co'or is white ; if old, it is
At Binlhroke was buried, in May, 15-11, Martha
Hlenit, who was, successively, the wife of nine
husbands. The text to her funeral fcrmon was
"l.nst of ull the woman dhd also,"
During the lwenty-s yen yean of steamboat na
vigation, on the Western waters, from IS I G to 1 8 1 1 ,
two hundieJ and twentyeight accidents have oc
curred, causing the loss of 1700 lives.
I'enchen. The Mesr8. Reynolds, of Delaware,
f is said, expect to send lo New Yoik, alone, do
ling Ihc ensuing season, between 30,000 anJ 40,.
000 ba.-kets of peaches.
L'tui I'hilhppe will ho0 years in October
next. Seven'y of his royal predecessors have not
averaged above 30.
Lightning. Prof. Olms'ed has kept an account
of the number of deaths, by steam and lightning rc-
ix-ciively, which has been reporiad in the newspa
pers during the last year. The result shows that
more live are destroyed by lightning than by acci
dents1 arising from the use of steam.
Chinese Love Snug.
O, daughter of the great Ching-Chum
Whose ryes like Kasiui iUiii linU glow
And wilt lliou love thy F-n-Fe-Fum,
My sweet, my lovely Hoaug Ho!
The swans their downy plumage lave
Where I. alio' wandriing Water flow ;
11 nt can Ihe swan of Lauo's wave
Compare wi h thee, my Ilo- tng Ho !
Six nmuns have Ira v ell' J Ihro' the tkirs,
And snfily gleam'd on Kifing.O,
Kuicc first thy beauty met my eves.
Light of my soul, my Ho-ung Ho.
Oh. when I clasp the to my breast,
Chang-fee, to whom ihe nutior.s bow,
Shall not be half so I nil v lle. I.
A Fa-Fc Turn anJ Ho-ang Ho
Office nf 'the llAtTiMont America, August li,
GRAIN The supplies of Wheat have been
f ir, and Ihe prices obtained tliM morning were con
sidered a trille better than thoe of l ist week, hut at
the lime of writing this, tho market appears a litt'e
more inictive. We quote good to ptiino MJ. and
Virginia reds at t)."i n OS cts. and ordinary lo goo 1
at DO a 05 cents. -Thiee or four parcels of very
prime Va. reds were sold at 100 cents. A salo ot
two of good Ml. white Wheat at 03 cts. We note
a tale of North Carolina red at 90 cts. and a small
cargo of new Pmnn.rcd not strictly prime, though
entirely free of garlic, at 9!i cts. Sales of Mil. white
Corn at S2 a 5:1 rts. Yellow is quoted at 53 els.
dull. Sales ol Md. Oats at 22 a 23 els. which is
an improvement.
WHISKEY Continues quite dull at 25 cent"
for hhds. and 2(5 cents for bids. Small sales nt
these rates.
Life is Motion, anii Dkatii is SrAif atioi.
The Ocean remain pure so long as Ihc winds
continue to agitate and promote) a circulation
throimhout its component pails : but in protruded
calms, the mighty deep has been known to putrify
from stagnation, emitlieg ifiluvia sufficiently nox
ious to destroy animal life. Such is the state of
the humors of the human bo ly that is deprived of
exercise, and nothing can resioio to a state of pu
rity its stagnant nn 1 corrupt fluids save powciful
evacuation with a medicine that shall net as an
utsistant nf yalttrr, and consequently in accord
ance, wi h the human const'tifion. And such a
medicine is nrinuiritli'x Ycurtnhle Universal 'il.t:
experience ptoves it : because their pills are known
by Ihe experience of thousands, to petfeelly cleanse
the blood from all its foulness, remove every mor
bid afl' clion, and renovate weak and enfeebled con
stitution to perfect health and vigor.
tjj" Puichase of II. 11. Masser, Smihury, or nf a
gents published in another p ait of this popi r.
Corrected wcikly by Ihnry Vox! miner.
Wheat, .... pr,
Rvk, 50
Corn, ...... 40
0rs, 25
Poiik, ...... 5
FtAXSFEn, ... . 1(10
ItllTIKII, - . 10
ISkkswax, .... 25
Tallow, .... 10
Diiikii Ari'LEs, - . . 75
Do. Pkaciif.s, . . 200
Flat, ... S
Hkcklf.ii Fiax, 10
Eli liS, . . . . s
IHKsubserber oilers for sale, all that lot or
of the Susquehanna, in the boroueh of Noilhum.
berlaod, ci'iitiiining ah ve live acres, when on is
erected, a spaciou-t hric! buil line, known by the
name of 'The Col ege," and lately filled up for a
(list Mill, with two pair i f burrs. The West
Tlranch C.iua' pusses lliroimh the same close to
the l uil 'iog. The liurrs. E'evntors, liolling Cloth,
Smut Machine, or any pari of the fixtures or ma.
chinciv, w ill he sold separate, or together w iih the
l iiililii.g or lot. It would l e a desiiahle situation
for, and pn-sisses many advantages to a person
1 ile-i'ous of estahljfhing a foundry. ("or fuilhcr
pait.cular e. quire . f D. IS K M'TKi A M.
Prulee for I fi ih Chapman.
Norlhnmbi rland, AuguM 10, HI:!. tf.
'TfT'lLL be sold at public vendue, on Satuidnv
V V 'he 9ih day of S, ptemhrr next, on the pre
mises, two certain trtfts nf land, belonging to the
estate of lb iijaniin Taylor, iloc'd., situate in Sha
m. kin township, Northumberland county, one
thcieof coi, 1. lining tiven'y nrr s more or less, and
the other containing nine acres mare or lerg both
in a hih stale of cultivation.
Snle lo commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., of said
day, wlun the conditions will be made known hy
S A 1 1 : K I . FCIt M A N , A dm V.'
Shaniokm, Augu-I l'Jih, 1813 .It.
on illy 'fi'rcastniTi.
Tt tlir I'.U tvrs of Surthum'it rland Coiinti:
1 BELLOW CITIZEN.S: Through the soli.'ita
lion of my fiiemls, I have been induced to of
fer myM'lf us a cmdid atn for the oiliic of
tim: AsrijKii.
Should 1 be s f.rtiin ite as to be elected. I pledge
mvself to dischaige the duties of the oHic to ihc
best of mv ability.
K, ninny, August 12th, IS 13.
WCL2EP.T & J.1T1T3T,
(. !iri al t'oiMtiilssioii loi
.Yo. '21 Coiiimetre St., lihtw Fifth,
T"EEP constat tly on hand Imported Secars,
- - Mrandies, Liquors, Ac., at the lawest pi ices,
for cash.
C. J. WoiBi:irr. jr. Wm. A. Jaunty.
August fnh, IS I I. (im
as7iTiv v itocAr,
hat A: cv MAMFA(.Tnir:ns,
South I'.ast corn) r of and th a..
prsPECTFI'LI.Y inform the public that they
will con-tanl'v keep on hoida lngsusot-
ineut of Hals, Caps and Furs, to suit the fall trade,
nf the be-l quality. My strict attention In busi
neks, and by selling their stock at the lowest prices,
llioy flitter themselves in being nb!a to give entire
satisfaction. August 5, 1K1.J ly
WlioW-KuU' Cioi U tNfaltlisIiiiu-iit,
No. HJ Xurtli Third Street,
T II ERE is to be louiiJ the largest Assortment
nf Clocks in Ihe Cnited Stati s, among which
are Foirestville. Hill's (iooduch t '0 , Aikins.
Portci & t.'o., Ives', Itiewsters, anJ other Eight
Day Miass CliH'ks; ('. Jciomr's IJristol Manufic
luring Company, Atkins, Porter fi Co., Hill's,
(5 lodrich Co., Forrcslville, H. Weltoii's, and
oilier Thirty Hour MrissCl sks; Ibnirdonoi cV
Well,'.., Hopkins - Alfred's, II. C, Smith',, uijd
othr'r Wood Clocks.
Sole Ag. lit for Craned celrbraled Yeir and
Month Clocks, as well as several of the above men
liotirJ. Al-o : Church and Hall C.ks.
(J j Wiitehmikers, Merchants an I others, w ill
find it t.i their interest to call.
Looking Class, s in jtnil iclured.
Philadelphia, Au-ul 5, IJ1J. 3ni
JEI.I.OW CITIZENS : At the earnest sol i-
tations f many of my frirnils, I nm induced lo
offer myself as a candidate for the nllico of
(Ot TY TlilvVSl IM..I.
Should I he elected, I will endeavor lo discharge
Ihe duties of the ollice to the he-t of mv ability.
Sunburv, July 22d, 1HI3.
Venttc Sttrtt, opposite tlip Town 11am.,
l'OTTSVIM.i:, 1V4.
J. c.
ii 1: s s 1 ; .
ESPECTCI.LLY announces to
the travelling c .immunity that he
has taken Ihe larce and splcn 'id estab
lishment, 'he Exciunof. llo ri r.. siun-
ted ut the corner of Centie nnd ( -allow hdl stccK
neatly opposite the Town Hall, in the borough of
Pottswro, which lias heen thoroughly repaired an.l
nVilerially improved for the nccominodatioii of visit,
ors. The Hotel is firlv ft. fionl on ("inlre st nd
one hundred nnd thirty right ft. on Calloivhill, linen
stor'u s high ; it is admirably proi Jed w'.th Pin !nrs.
Sitting Room?. Reading Room, nnd large niry
Chambers the most spneious, plensmt and conve
nient D'uing Rooui in the c nintiy a new and su
perior Hath. tirt Establishment ; nnd rverv conve
nience and comfort hi render it in all respects a
most de-iinble Hotel.
No pai is or expense will he spared In furnish
the Table and with the best that this and the
Philadelphia Markets afford ; mid with a deleimi
nation todevo'e his entire personal attention to the
comfort and a rommoil ri.01 of thoso w ho may fa
vor him with a call : aided by active, r.ireful and
obliging servants, he hopes to give g'in ral satis
PRIVATE FAMILIES, wishing In visit this
highly inten stinir nnd healthy Coal Region, will be
provided with Pailors and Chambers, which he
feels confident will please ihe most fastidiou".
rrT 1 ho Slabiuig tilt ached, is large ami well
construct d. Mid superintended by experienced nnd
attentive O.lert. Horses ami Carriages may be bad
at any time lo c. nvry pir o:is to uiiy pari of the
Q';-.n Omnibus runs ficm this ILitel daily to
and from the Depot, lo meet the (Jars, for the nr
eommo.lilion of Iniw Hing on the Rail
Road. No charge for omnibus fare to this Hotel.
Pottsiille, J.ily S. IS13. fim
PROPOSALS will be received until sun-down
ot I' 1 May ttie 1st i!,iy ot rsepte.i.lier, I Mil, nt
the town i f Suohuiy, for ihe repair of the Mnhnn
lanco Aqtnduel. on the Sii'qnehnnn 1 Divi-'mn.
Plans mid specifications will he exhibited three
days previous to the letting.
('.. LEIsENRINfi,
Supervisor Susq. Div. Pa. Cai.iil.
Jnlv Rib, IS 11. St
(fa- Hark Sumbir. still Supplied.
r.IH7EEI IW H Aii A Z B. B'.
A t sv It r pr i 11 1 .
two in.Li.Ans a rr.Ati sim.i r rorirs 1S.J cts.
IHE Publi-h. r of the New World n;iooiit, res
thai I e has commenced the Re-pub i. ation
nftbis most celebrated of the rnig niiics, at a pi ice
which will insure it a very large circuhrion.
"Mlackwood" has long stood al the bead of the pe
riodicnl liter ature of the world, nnd il continues to
maintain that distiuc'inn. wiihout a rival. Profes.
sor Wilson, its editor (old "Christopher North.")
is unrivalled as a prose-wiiter onl a p 'el, nnd hi
C"itihunrs ;ne among ti e lir.-t living authois of
I Creat Uritain.
It w ill I e i-sued ill a double number nf the New
Wotld, vv thin Ct hours nf'.er the nrtivd of the
Ei gli-h Simmer, and suit hv the lost mails to sob
sr libers in ull parts of the I'uited Elates and Mii
tish America.
Ti.kms. TWO DOLLARS per annum, for
one copv Five Doll us for Three copies Eight
Dollars for five copies and l.'i for Ten c pies
payable in advance. Sing'c Copies IsJ cents.
Any Postmaster, 01 other person, who will ob
tain 10 subscribers, and remit 15 iheiefor, shall
have nn cxtia copv g'a'is. Sntii. ct t.i iicvvsiiaiirr
postage onlv. A.ldre.s j. WINCHES PER,
July 1st.' I 13. Publisher.
A Tlirrsljlti:; I;n lilnc for S;l'.
riplIE subscriber oilers f r snle a THRESIIINO
l MACHINE, new and in good onld. The
Machine h is heen tried, nil I proves to he nn excel
lenl one 1 1 w ill be sold nt a reduced price, and
warranted. App'y Id H. I). MASSER.
Julv 1st, 1-11.
VorTY 'I'llKASI'ltKU.
to Tin: nr.r.cTniis or outiii m ( oi wty.
1;ELI.0V CITIZENS : 1 have hi en in.l.i e l
J- 1
to oiler iny-ell as n eandidite for the ollice o I
Cotisity Trrai-iii'rr,
at the coming ilictiori. Should jou think me
worthy of your support, and I should be s i suc
cessful as lobe elected, I will endeavor to givr yen-
er.d ia'.isfaclion to all who mav be eo rru d.
Snnbury, June 2 lih. lspl.
Hit. .HUSSCr has removed bis store, into j
the new bui'diug adjoining tho old store, ;
where be has opened a new nssoilno'iit of Ih i.
Cmttts. (irvceries, Q uensirare, Hardware,
All prisons h.iv ii:' mis til -. I accounts in Hs
books, will save costs hy attending lo them soon,
Snnbury. June lOlh'. 1M.
IT. S.
A If 1 lit far thr sale of Soiitliimllt Man a foe
taring 1'oinjiaan's
SUM-.!.. nil MIMTlNi; PAPF.nS
Warclimiso No. .'1 Minor Street,
fTlIIE follonim; kinds roiis'ntitlv on hand, and
j for snle to the Trade at the lowest nimket
J for snle to the Trade at the lowest nimket,
pr ees: Fine thick Flat Cap, li. 1 i, mid Hi Us, '
blue and wlnte ; Extra super, at d superl'u e Folio
Po ts, blue und white ; Elra super Packet nnd
Commercial posts, blue and white ; Extra sujer;
Linen N ote papers, long ; do. broad ; supei fine und
line CoUnlili.t lulllsH (!ali. I1I111. nn, I ttlii n I l'tlrn
line Counlitio bouse ('aps, blue and vvhi e ; Extra
super l l .ps ami Letters, plain and lu'e.l.
blue and while ; SUh rline French Posts, i,l,ii,i nd
ruled ,S,erlineSei.noii Cups and Posts ; Super fine Posts, ruled and plain, blue and
while, various .piolities ami prices
Also Hoards, I issue, Envelope, Wrap,
ping, nnd Har.Uare papers, Ac, &c.
May 27, lt-13. tun.
IIE tllbsriihrr will sell nil his stock of Heaver,
Russia and lluish Hals, of the best ijunlity, al
very red uced piices.
Sunburv, Aug. 5. iX H. II. M ASSER. Clli:ilHli:S for sale I v
JuW IS, isia. II. li. M VssEIL
Count frrrUrrs)
Phe pu! lic will please observe, that 110 Urandrelh
' Pills are genoine, unless ihe hex has three la
bels upon it, (the top, the eMe and the bolt. 1111)
each containing a f ic-siniile signnture of my h ind
writing, thus H. IJtt aniihftii, M. D. These In.
bel.Qin engraved on steel, beautifully designed,
nnd done nt an expense of over $2.11(10. Then fore
it will be seen that ihe only thing ti'eessary lo pro
cure the medicine in its purity, is to observe these
I ihels.
Remember the top, the side, and the bottom.
The following respective persons are duly anhnri
7.1'd, nnd hold
For the sale of llrnndrcli'i Vris'lnlde I'n i rerau I
I 'ills.
Nort'imnbciliind coinilv : Milton Mickey V
Ch imbeilin. Sunburv H. H. M isscr. M'Ewens
ville Itel mil .Sr Metxi II. .orihuiii''..and Win.
Forfvth. (iiMinetown J. V J. Walls.
I'nioii C iiintv : New Merlin Mog n iV Win-
It, Sclinsjrove (leorge ( iuiol; U'li. Middle- i
burg Isaac Smith. Hcavcr'own David Hubler. !
Ail itn bnr;: 'm. .1. May. M illlinshiiri; Mens, I,
& Riv. 1 1 idlelon 1) niiel Lotii. Freeburg
ti. F. C. Leitisburg Walls cV fiieen, 1
Cidiiinhi 1 county : Danville E. H. liewiolds
V Co. Menviek Shiiin in kV R Henhouse. (V
lawissa t'. (!. liiobls. Mloomsburg John R. j
Mover. Jetsev Town Levi l'i.n I. Washington 1
Robt M.t'ay. Lime-tone Malliet iV Mc.Nitch.
I Observe tjiat each Agent has nil Engravnl t'er-
jlificnteof Agency, contniiiiug a ri p'es-nl.i lion of I
I Dr 15RANDIIETIF-S M anuraci iy nt Sing SMlg, I
' anil upon which will a'so be seen eact copies o j
1 the urn.' 'iif.iis 111 I- use. I upon the Uinndritli J'ill ,
Philiih lphi 1, ollice No. S. Nmlh Kill street.
H. lllIANDlii: I II, M. D.
June ;ll IS 11.
ES:u-l, .IndrCiaVM .V eriicvt'rs
I'nrvvanlini; nnd (iotiffal I'roilttci;
Strand li lmrf u'-irr l';-r St . iki Ihe J i mciire,
Henry Farnnm ( 'o.
lirav. I! irctoft, ( 'o.
Will! ainsoti, Murmugl.
& CI ok.
Eckel Spme'ei el R igm
Reed, Pro. iSi Tl.orn 1-,
linger-. Unit! ers '.
W. li. Thomp no ri Co.
Hot c-it S cell eV. Co.
J. A .1. lii iikctt,
Mull'ord Alter,
J. R. Wcl h. E 11.
Irabue oV Curd,
! leo. Luckey, eV t 'o.
John Smith, Esq ,
I'm! In ml,
Joseph Souther, Esq.,
lion. Wm. Migl. r,
Charjiild, l'u.
IJ He.iilriiks,
Siinliury, 'a
I'h.lhlphia R. Hum s, E-i.
David R. Porter, Em. iiolirt Crane. Esij.,
Mecsis. J. oV P. Maitm, J, rr.f i Slmre, l'c.
Ilarri li'ir? Wm. M'Kelw : Co..
Wm. K. Holluaule, E.s;) ItlmnnHiiur", I'd.
Lewis Hurford, Esip , 'alli Cinn,
.,r-j.v,',r ! .;,.!?;,, ',..
Jones, Murphy Co. p w k;,,.,,: & ..,
L. A llrov, ,, & I rothcr ; j , f
J. K. M001cl1c.i l. l.s,. !
l'itls ' !ctrctt' Potter,
Morgan & And.-rson, j l.nri.stown, I'a.
(ieo. Pir-buiy, E-ip ' losi ph Paxtun, E-ip,
SI. Lou '.v ' Ctihi'iihiu Co , l'u.
June .11, 1811. ly
J! 5 r.SI'EIM I I I I. Y informs the citizens ot
j Snnboiv and vicinity, lhat he has recently
commenced the
c mum: t-m akinc.,
ill all its branches, ill Mukct s'n'et,, im
ni diatelv In ..w the p.-l 1 ll'.ce, where he will be
naly to receive ai d 1 veciite nil nrders in ihe line
..f his bii.-im s-, wiih pinnip'ui.s and despatih. and
in the best style mi l manner. II is prices will be
low, in aecoobiiiec with llie times,
k'j- Luin' er nnd Coun'iv Pr abu e taken in Ex
cbause. May iih lt-11. 'on
En I:.
MaiiuracttiiiT nf Willing mhI I nl I ! i
blo Ink, No. ld'i Ninth Thud .Str.-i t, nx
ihiors lud ivv ILire, (rust m.V,)
I EPEC 1 FI I.LY iiilorms country niercbiints
ai d niheis, that he run t n.tiy keeps i n hand
large stock nl bi snpiricr lll u k, lilne mid l!"d
Ink. ntul r so n sitieii. r ipi.l.tyol Ind.llt'le Ink.
, II 8 ink is put i:p 111 hi tiles vatyliig 111 .', In in
I I to H i ouni'is, nnd Will be sold en ri :i-. liable
ti nils. The cv.iTe t ipi.iln es id lb s ink ha- so
thoroughly ilah:i l ed Us ch ir-.eter, that it is now
1 xli n.-ively Used throughout tin coun'iv.
j . For sale al the i f II. II. M i-ir, Si;n
I bury. Pa. M iy 'i',U. I - It. 1 v
J ( ' J'l' V I-'l'IiMTlTiK ArCTION,
I Ant) fUZVATi! SaLr3 K00II3, '
; .Wis. -".) ii:iil :;i Wnl!i Tliii.l Street,!
i Near t 1 1 u I ' i t v 1 1 0 t 0 1 ,
I C. MAl.'KKV, Aiiitiotici r, re-peclful'y in-
j viies the uHi nt. on nf pcis e s di iinus of pur
I cha-ing Fuiiii'ine. to his cxIenMve Sales R mm-',
1 fl-olh lUl'die and Ihivnte.) for every dc.-criniion ol' I
tlousi In, PI t urnitiire, w In re ran l e
ibl lined it all
limes, a hirer n-soi tmeiit el l is'iioual le ami V. a li
manufactured C-.hin. t Fi.rnliure, Reds, Mattrasses,
&C, nt m rv reduced priies, for e n'h.
btr i bv Aiii timi, t. ice a wt rk.
May 27ih. 1 -.:!. ly
An- ?ti Snutli I!. i i i l, oiijiositi the lxehami ,
(I'oriaerli nf,a. ',ti South SK-ond sfr-et.)
M ii.ulac tun r ot linptoved mid Palet t Fire nnd
Tliiel-prool Chi sth nnd D mrs, Wati r and Pro-vi.-ioii
Coobrs, and Filtirirs. Ktfiigera
tux, Hoisiing Machines, oVc, vVc,
rf - - 1 r-. .-j i "T1 Srit.r. eoilinues to 111 ik
iSv'S (hi-cel. br .ted WATER Cm.
r;.ttjMi4wv -j '?, r, an. I Filterers, , friger:
'';' iM" , '.lois, both nf the round mi
' tvj1 1 fj-ii'e shai', with improvi
irT" ' '. t" "" ''oei ls, of ll.e best mateii i
- : jr&' ;. ' j. ,1 : ihhii-Ii i n.
Srit.r. eoi linues to in ike
f. ( .ted WATER Cmi'.
-,' ? rs, and Filterers, It, friteta.
. '. P. i .1. r .1... ..... i .... i
. fo--, -j-(0 i"llt u liri. i:iiiu!'ncttire.l witlmul :
J (, , ,.f ,y .h sciiption, of ihe b. si mut-r al wbicli i
I , ealcualed to re-i I bureli s und brat ss Lug as !
0i y m mulai lun d in ilieli.ilid SI sirs a trial ol!
tll, ; w , ,ak,. wih nv other, pro-
vidrd the Iit.. he made ol el.eMs iiln ady s Id lo '
j , and not u anuf ciurrd for the . press
I purpose ol a inal. P.irchasi rs are
lufore puieh ising rUewheio. i
I'AL TION, All persons are cautioned ig.inst
inakinj, uting, nelling er cm inn to he s. .Id, any
kivho'i' covins to Pire I'm if I'hes'a.n door of
any kind, simi ar in C listiuetiiui to my palent of ,
July I Old, 1 1 1 , . s tin y w 1 I e deali with a.ioub,
lug lo the Pule nl L ivv.
' M.v, Isj.t.-Hm.
(.'i-rnt 1Vt(rin Iik'.Liu t'niinp:i,
Ci!iiiouiitlc(l entirely of Vegetable
Stiltslinccs t
Free f nun ('ii'miief and all ntti r Minim!,
For the history nf this medicine, nnd its unrivalled
and truly surpri.-dng sticr-e-s nnd popular
ity, see lar:;e bills
BT is recoinineniled as ,a ;eiier,il eathiirtic for
fnmi'y use in dyspepsia nnd all bilious disea
ses, it is invaluable for Asthma it is eonside cd a
specific, no case having yet occurred which it has
f.'ibd lo cure for common e l Is, imllainituiiory
di-ca-i'. rh nmstisoi, ntli ciions of the liver, eve.,
and for females, .1 is a si'e nnd excellent remedy.
I I'mm Pr. Sihi k .nf limt;hiimptiin. .V. Y.
j Mr. Longley Dciir So : I h ive u i d your ( ite .t
! West re. In bin Panacea in mv f.uni'v, apd hive
I repi'aie.llv pre-eri'ied it for patients no 'cr 111 v rue,
j nod am siti-lied ibal it is abvavs a -nl-. nnd in t tv
111 11 iv casts :iii invabialde rn dt.'itie, fi i.pria'es as
a I ax ilive v . itbotil nausea, or pain; nnd while ii if
f 1 1 1 1 1 !t v obv l.itiM potieniv-s a"ls upon the stomach
and liver as an nl'eta! i e, coi reel ing ncit'ilv. aiul te
sloring the h nlthv ci.i'ditioii of those org ins.
cry le-pei'tfol'y Vol;l, S. I'.ST.
For sale bv JOHN W". I'PI !.! Nt !, S .td.urv,
JAf'OM l;i:U;il i', Nortloi'iilarlaml.
May 2(l:h. H II lv
" (il A IJIi'p'.S V." H i VtVi NS
WT7 AS taken the oilier foiineilv oce'.ipi d bv t'
U U Hon. t i.atlesti, Donn I, . po-ile the C. u.t
11 use. He will n'tct.d to bosir.e-s in ihe ('. urt
of Nordiuiii! ( rland, I ;nion nil I Columhi 1 1 uuitiirs.
M av 20th. 1 1 1.
( (HM V THKASl lil'JI.
1 To tic Yi-lirs e,f Sorlhumhi rland Cavnlij
,r,l LOW CII'IZENS: Throtuh ihe s .li-
editions of many fiicnd-i in various nirts 1 I
the County, I have been induced lo oiler myself as '
a candidiic fir t e oli'tce if 1
'if r v a 11 r c 1 . j
Should I b mi f irtunate a to receive a mijorily I
of v our stillrag s, I pb dje mv-ell to h irge the
duties of said ollice wah fidelity.
Sunburv. Mav 20th, IS 1:1.
I F.SPECTFPLLY informs ihe citizens of ihe j
norouuh nf Norih.utiibi-ilaiid, and its vicinity,
that he bus commenced the
'B'ailoriiii; Iui:at'ss,
in a l i's various branches, in the shop formerly ,
urcu.'ied hy Henry M. Tboina', I'irecl'v o po-ite j
I'oisvth's stme. As he receives the New York
nnd Piiilndi Iphi 1 Fashions qmrtcrly, he is rnahled
to do all jobs i nlrus eil to him, after the ne.itc.-l nt:d
latest style, end upon the sh olr-t notice.
Northumberland. S2d. l-ld.-ly
tJ J. Jm i.f J.uiJlj..j
1.1 ESl'EC IT'l.L!iY iufornis the cili.t us ol Sun
t ury iiii.l its it inity. that he has I , ken the
1. tV.ce formerly occuj ied by Dr. John Peal, where
he will he huppy to receive calls in the line of bis
profession. April S-d, Ik L
IanicL Yarick,
tftEfis leave to inform the citizens of Sunhmy j
23 nnd its vicinity, thai he has commenced the J
Pl, ('KSMITIIIN(1 1irsi.NF.SS. j
inMirliit street, Snnbury, cast of J .Jin M g ir's
store, and iliicelly eppofde ti e po-t ollice, where he j
intend In cany on the business in nil its various j
I. rn dies, including, Turnim;. M,:!;in M.ll Irons j
and r.'iptic Sirings, Irani a :;- Curriiris, irilh l'.j:
t: mina nr Stnndim; tops. Shoeing Horns, t' 1
Order' will be promptly nnd piinetu dlv attended
10, nnd work done cheap, for c ash or country pro I
.1 Iloise Shoeing dour nt f 1 per sett.
So bury. April loth, 1 Ion j
IS ooi & & Si o c
.12 a v t i 11 It av i n ,
p J) ESPEC I'PI'I.LY informs hi. Hi nd- at..
U fcrL "hi cu-t 'incis, that he ha-reoiovi d h:s
i;ik)-i- sum: i:s r.i;i.isiiii:.T
to Ihe ll.iliie l.l.l .lo.g lie 1 11. g n:-i
I e'vvei 11 Ih it Old I lr. 1. T. T it. -' o,
vve-t of his ,., c.-t.i' 1 shin -til, ill
vv her. he int.'i d.. to 1 ,01 v in tie
n I
cr. a h -.. i'oo.s
Mail.i t : n t.
Il 'e 1 ll-llli .-s
ex'ensivi'v, in i:!i ,' r.:iioas lr.t:.:'.if,
lh ,i j iha .ll'ul fo 1 pi t f vols I o I,.,, ci,
i.tlt uli 111 to I Us'uess ..n.l hhi chirjcs,
! y st ict
to give
genera! s tiisla.-bon ; and
ceive 1 h!n -bare nt
A pnl fslli, l-' ld.
t he w .il coiit. rate lo IC
ic patroni se.
7Vr. . 1.. iVli. Thankful f.r pa-t f,.
UjJk.o. le-pec'.lully ii. forms the itdi.ibila'.l s ot
oiibi:rv at d coiiti rv nr -uiid, that be bus. I , i n
Il s re-idrlire and ollice m market s ri i t, in the
end of the budding occup i d hy J. tin Itie-nr's io'e.
vvlnie he wid he happy to wait upon nil who 1 1
vor htoi wi h their calls.
Suuhurv, id 1st, HI 1. foil
; v r !i I in iii ' r iii i ii s o ii.
11 1". in' scii' ers lieiebv i ,f nn the public, lhat
Ihi v h ive i ntered into parli,. is1 io, in the
I wh eh wil lore Iter be can rd on ut ihe i ll
' s' n d in Soldiery, i nd. r ihe of ' ' or jr ,
'.iiniiieriiian .V rson." whtie d.ev will roiuloet the i
1 I u ine s in ull its v annus I r am lies, inchi hi! Turn
in?, Making Ml! I roil i. Iron n Carr I g. v. .V...
, ing Horn v. .. Order- wid be lomptly and une
i lualh a't.'iid. d to, ui.d wink done clieap, lor cn-h
! or coutiirv pio.bice.
I &J' Shoeing Jone at one doll ir 1 1 sett. !
I Snn.hii.y, M iieli 1 llh. Hl'l,
J.m JL 1 .k tJ
'PHIi suhs -lihris, having into a pirtner-
nhip in tie- priciite nf thr la, w.ll be happy
to attend to all hus ius eniiu-ti d to ih. ir care.
Colle.Mt..n- wdl be pioioplly a' ten. led lo.
Tiny mav alwas l. touud a" t'.rir olfiro. in
Miik.i htnvl, Siii.hoiy, lorincily occupied by
Win. lb-wart, die'd.. a- a
Sunhury, Feb. -Mi, Isl.l ly.
Frcs i nilipv ol K'llSU Ol.N I'M E.N r.ircnvcJ
-A aid fa 'air by II. H. MASTER.
Nov. tilth.
1'tlU SAI.F. AT THIS on-'ini
H AxTE.a
IfTF.RV'UBspr.CTFI it y , Vatebl in.
V f.nm hi. enslorm rs, ami orn ,.,;v
that he still roti iiitiet the 1
in all its various branehis, in the sl.oiTi ,ty npipo
site the Hock Tavern, formerly occupied ,v lKn
iv Haas sod him' If. under the firm of II eV.
Diuckrniil'er, which firm h s been niiiliii'l'v diss ..
veil. He hot es, hy hi- long experience in the nhovn
htisilir, and siri'i attention tin ret. 1, to render ': n
ernl s ali t'aeiio nod receive a liberal share of pidi
lie pair, n .ge.
S.l- I. mv. ().-. rub, IS12.-lv.
.No. "JUT. ni-ih,n Cntloil hill St.,
"TOIIX I L.Vt AN. Vi'o from lb,- P.a.lvi
(Jjf t.t i (' oiner, an I Saom.-I Pike, jr., pre ol A
nn r can lintel, I Y!u nihil s. loo. take plr istire in ne-(('inii-titii
their f' ietids and llo-pnhli u'elo-r.d.v lb it
1 1 1 V li ive leki 11 Ihe I 'go nnd eumoioilioiiS II m I,
I H C. l.tlv I llill bv ll.e M- is II '!.
nil t'.e sat. I" sMi;
.' Hotel know 11
t above Callow-
.'lice oe. npied bv Ihe d I C-r '... hi
' Ihe Hull's Id I'll, ill Tin rd -'ici
hill st.
Th: K,,t,. U finis1 rd Mi 'h
M r
-t l.CPs.ll.ll
iri.ll.lier. IO d ot tin In '. '. ' 1 ri:'--
erv ih nrr a' de. parMci:' , - a "r e. e
the an' ii!t-. rn 'ii'K t.r I., om; e leoi is -u. h 11s to -e. ,ie . i'. 1
b.,h .oinsti-e al: hrri.t .nd
tic .1 st 'p. so sis to io-u 1 . '.!
T' i" 1. 1; ivi. g p 1 1 1 1 . 1 - 1 .' 1
petb -t- 1c, the vv in." .w '
I'oimi g an ruiiutice : f '
m..kes I'lea.-u t ri c - i . '
lis oc;,t 011 i-i
i v merchants ;
v. lit:!. on. u eaeli
iiip. 1 am i". Tl'.'
II iurtii.-bi d 111 a
ii.ircshe.l in a
. Freiich ftyle,
in Iro'il. win-. Il
ho H'lerilion Im
. - , v. hieh, Willi
been irivi ri to the hi iN e 1
the furniture, are eti inly lit.. .
l r 'in y iti's' in h t
Iru-t, I v strict assiduity (.. hits 10.
h'Oise 1 desjrab'r stepping pi n-e.
to s-:of
vv o
S. In t'liik 'I
I )i:r I iblo wii'
v is !e supplied wi ll the vi rv his! our ninrkit
can nll'.rd. nnd 1 i.r bar wi ll t'.ie hcsl Itipuurs and
wines ol ihe 111. si ;:p tov 1 .1 hian ls.
P. S. There are l'ir-1 rate -tabling nr.d enrrirtge
houses ntt ached to the bi.iel, t.Hr tided by ca ti ll
nod sober bo.-ilers and our c! ir;:rs v. ill Im in
Mccordaiice with t'.e ) rr ci I h 1 d tiu.e.
Philadelphia, Oct ".111,
!() itri
((inn rn! Stiioi- Oilier,)
TZI CL." 'Xr CC 9
It'Hsj Ivanta.
fSHE S1.I1 rriher ri spi eifully infoinis bis friend.
8. nrol tl:e public in general, that ho has taken
the above
I N T II E M O R O ft! H O F M I.' N C V,
nnd thnt lie is now well prepared to accomtnodat.o
all who niny favor him with their custom.
li s Si.i.i riNn Ai'AirrM.r.vrs are well aired, and
coiiiforia' !e.
His Tahlf ivii will a'ways be stlfli.J
with the hes. the maikt't c an afford.
II ;s Star 1.1 :. which is uood. will be under
the charge of good and careful hosllrrs.
He f. 1 Is coiilidei.t, bv strut utteiitioii ta l li-iiifss,
and nn earnest desire to ri 1 ih r c 'mlmtahle those
who may palronire him, that lie will not I'.il tov.vo
geiieral t ati-f.n lion. II. U. WJ..W Eli.
Munev. ct. 1st, lSli. tf.
Dr. 11. T. Tllil'vi, Respect lolly informs lb
citizens of Sunbuiy and vicinity, that hehasri
inoved his olli.'e to Ihe building l.vtily occupied I v
( leorije Hrieht, ill market st em, Sm bury, wIh ih
lie limy be f tll.d ut all 'a. ill is, unless professional' .
elu;a.:ed. DR. TRI I'ES returns Irs sine, re thai.ks for Oi
riiivoinmeiii.'iil he h is lev1, i . e 1. in ti e line i l l1 j
lent ot 1
able iv
lil cr !
nil. III this pl.l,'.'
M ll.e duties nf
1 0, s. thai be V
hoc .1 the pi.!"
Illit . (hi. 1,1, I's
nil i li
!-, 1 y prompt a
s-:on. -'.til r !
iiue t 1 rceiv
1 -JJ-..3. n; .tu ui be.--1.'
' Hi! in I.I, w ' '.'! 1. 'OS to
1: j.! J .
1 1
n-Uig c.
p I t ei coin
; ind W...I1
lh t he -t'
in nl in h" hue
li I ' S l;!!!' I, III.1 U
tend- to c i. Uioi
,s ! i
th, ni
oe in nil i
v ni .us d p 11 '. tin nt
at t' .
1 '.li e'--.
a c : . 1 1 1 1 1 .
lie ni ,v '
I. .-r'i. i is
to - pr
.. . ; !
t ; .l o
l er I
and i itr
t s elliiC.
;.nd D. er
1 I . .1 .
. t 1 1 i -. ,
i r.-i' ri i lv
-I I h.
Il-I I.
ha. made N
Ii.m iiiaot
place el tesi.h ne. . and 'c .
c.di- in thr hue of hi- profr.-fi.'i.
.lulv , Is y.
ri!ii.!irir!!i. i;im. AMi-riiirsviLin
sr.MMEii Aiii..ii;.Mi:.T.
'haogr of Hi iirs.
P ami Airi.ii Sen ni'ir, A rim. L HLI.
'I he pas-et "er train.- v. Il have at the following
I ;,,l
Pri m Philiiilel) Li.,
! From Poll -v die.
... -i j
., ',.' e i.'e.
i A. M. 3
'; g l.ei.i'ing.
"t A. M.
7 j A. '. S
.' wo. I he .1
; Hours
1 '
P... Poltsvnle. al
w n tin tl
ut in 'l
j For Philadelphia, nt
It, . :h Hams pn-s at Pi t:.'
break! i-ls nl Re h'iol'. .a d t
I i. mi, f .l which I '' mi .u c
e up lr tin
a e a I w .
; a alioli.
! '. tt H S.
lieivvren Po'l-vill. .V Philadj. fll.r.O , fC.'il
, ll.Ae.n Itrii.l.iig A d ... 2.20 OV 1.1 :
I Ri'tweeu do iV Potville, 1,10 v 1 ,011
ExcilisloM Ticktrs UOllll IUH IlkllHMMI
Mr im.
Petwreil Pottsville A; Philadelphia, f 5 Oil
do. :i tu
i lielwcen do. A Potlsvi'de, 8
! All the tiuius will stop lor way passengers t
I the Usual points.
I ,j J- All passnige-s sre rriurslej to promts
I lin n liikels before Ihe trains slait.
I Miy 21, IS 12. if.