Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, August 05, 1843, Image 3

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Answer to Enigma of Ufl week.
"TOnVurti Mew iomrvni,and their kcto
I am composed of forty-one letters.
VI; . 22, 6, 29, 11, 15, 9, ii a lake in (he U. 8.
My 40, 6, 29, 3, 4, Iti country in Europe.
My 26, 29, 1 1, 40, 7,52, ii en isthmus.
My 29, 25, 26, 7, 99. it mountain in 8. Amcr.
My 7, 1 1 , 40, 7, i a lake in the U 8.
My 6, 2. 56, 14, 9, 22, ia a bay in British Ameiica.
Ay 13, 7, 16, II, 4, ia a cape in the U. 8.
Ay 13,29,11,26,40, 1 8, ia a county in Kentucky,
tfy whole ia day, long to be remembered by
the fiienda of literty.
CoKTxniox. A person whose Mood ia pure
lay enter the post-house unharmed ; while one
rhose blood is corrupt would inhale the contagion
1 the street. The virulence of the infection will
eend not on the Male of Mm who impaired it,
'tit upon the state of hia fluida who received it.
'lie aame ia true of influenza, and other supposed
ontaninu disease. Brandrcth'a Vegetable Univer-
I Pilla being a dincl purifier of the blood and
leanser of the stomach and bowels will he found
ingulai'y effective not only in preventing hut cu
ing diseaes ; because ihry remove from the body
i t which produce a foul state of the blood before
haa lime to produce gangrene or any other fatal
iXj-Purchase of If. B. Masser, Sunbury, or of a
ent published in another put of I hia paper.
On Wednesday ta-t, WILLIAM AUGUSTUS,
on of Mr. John Fryling, of this borough, aged a
out 6 montha.
Corrected weekly by Henry Yoxthetmer.
Whut, 100
Rte, ...... 50
Cons, 40
0t, 25
Pork, 5
FtaxsrED, ... . )oo
Bottxh, ..... 10
Bkkswax, .... 25
Tallow, .... 10
DniKii Arras, . 75
Do. Peach Ka, - . 200
FliX, ... -8
Hecklei) Fiax, . . 10
Enoti, ...... g
"Gootl Will rirc Company'
TMIE members of the "Cod Will Fire Cnm-
piny" are requested to meet at the State
louse, on Monday Even inc. August 7, at 7 n'
lock, precisely. Punctual attendance ia required.
July 29. J. H. ZIMMERMAN. See.
General Commission Merchants,
No. 21 Commerce St., below Fifth,
r"EEP constartly on hand Imported Segara,
l- Brandies, Liquors. Ac, at the lowest prices,
or rush.
C.J. Wolufrt jr. Wm. A. Jai5it.
August 5ih, 1843. 6m
South East corner of Market and 4th sts..
RESPECTFULLY infirm the public that they
I a will enn-tant'y keep on hnd a larg t--rent
of Hats. Caps and Furs, to auit the fill trade,
f the be-t quality. By strict attention to nose
less, and hy Belling their stock at the lowest prices,
hey fl ittcr themselves in being able to give entire
atiafection. August 5, 184.1 ly
Wholesale Clock IMabllslimcnt,
No. S-i North Third Street,
ITf HERE ia to be found the largest assortment
' of Clocks in the United Stairs, among which
ire Forrcstville. Hill's Goodrich ic Co, Albion,
oriel & Co.. Ivca'. Bewstcrs, and other Eight
) iy Brass Cnck; C. Jerome's Bristol Manufae
uring Company, Atkins, Porter it Co.. Hill's,
i.iodric.h ic Co., Forrestville, H. WVIion's, and
ther Thirty Hour Br is Clocks; Doardmm it
Welle',.. Hopkins & Alfred's, H. C, Smith's, and
iiher Woml Clock.
Sole Ag'nt for Crane, celebrated Year and
4'n:h Clock, ss well ns several of the above men.
ioned. Al-o : Chu'ch and Hall Clocks.
QCy Watchmakers, M.r. hsnia an J others, will
in.l it to their interest to call.
Looking Glansia manufactured.
Philadelphia. Auguat 5, 1343. 3m
nOK tiinl in tho Court of Common Pleas of Nor--
thum'erUnd County, to be held at Sunbury,
in the first Monday of August neit, it being the
v veil 1 h :
losrph Trego vs Martin A Slock
'ohn Sheriff vs John Haaa
ioughtnn for Wharton vs John Smith
-ienry Huir vs Christopher Campbell
i'uisel At Pfouta vs Frederick Birkenbine
Wm A Lloyd vs Martin A Slock
Thomas S Bonham vs Caroline Nourse
lohn R Ketiler vs John Murray
lacoh Shitx va Stout & Flick
8ame va S ime
lohn n Miller vs Charles Craig
.'lack, assigne e of Ahold vs H M Divisoo
3oone, assignee of Ege va 8ame
Daniel Brosiua va John A Shissler
tV'illiam Burman va J it It M Davison
Stephen WiLon vs F A Kracht
.Irown for Brown va Henry Flick
Samuel Keffir vs Jsmes Beard
Dougal ic McCleary va Christopher H Baker
Oom'ih of Pa for Vanvalzih va John Frick
2noch Mower's ti't vt John Knorr
lohn A Lloyd va Rebecca Welts
lohn GrilVon vs S .rou lT Burrows
'Jack of Northumberland vs Paul Geild.s At J R
acob Leisar, snr vs J 5t H M Davison
vV illiam K Brown va Peter Beileu
'ohn Hummel vs E P Shannon
'ohn Painter va Joseph Johnson, Stc
ohn Hufinin vs Robeit McKe
'ohn II Planigan,&e va Wm L H ousel
ProthonoUry's OfTice, Proth'u.
Sunbury. July 29. 1843. 5
A Thresjhlngr Machine for Sale.
THE subscriber offers f r sals THRESHING
MACHINE, naand in good order. The
Jaehina has been tried, and provas to ha an aieal
ant on It will ba aald at reduced price, and
rarrented. Apply to H. B. MASSE R.
July It, 1843.
THE Democratic citizens of Northumtterisnd
county are req noted lo m'et in lhair several
townships, on Saturday, the 12th day of Auguat
neit, l.i elect delegates to meet in county conven
tion in Sunbury, on Monday iha 14th of Auguat
next, for the purpose of selecting suitable eandi
data for Congress, Assemblv, Treasurer, Commis
sioner and Auditor, and Delegates to the 8tate
Convention to lie held in HarriaSurg, to nominate
candidates for the office of Canal Commissioners.
By order of the Democratic
July 221, 1843.
IELLOW CITIZENS : At the earnest eol ci
tationa of many of my friends, I am induced to
offer myself aa a candidate for the office of
Should I be elected, 1 will endeavor to discharge
the duties of the office to the bet of mv ahiliiy.
Runburv, July 22d, 184 3.
Sheriff's Sales.
BY virtue of sundry writs of Venditioni Expon
as and a writ of Levari Facias issued nut of the
Court of Common Plesa of Northumberland county,
to ine directed, will be exposed to puhlic sale at the
Court House in the Borough of Sunbury, on Mon
day the 7ih day of Aucost net, at 1 o'clock, P.
M., the following described property, to wit :
All that certain tract or piece of
I .ml situate In the c'tv. of Northumberland a
foresaid, heu'inning at a while pine corner, adjoining
lands of Biddle ic Co., thence nonh 75 degree eat,
134 perches to a pile of store; thence north twelve
degrees west. 196 perches to a pout ; thence north
eighty-eight degreea weat, 23 iierchee to a post ;
thence north seventy-five degrees west, 89 perches
lo a pile of flone ; thence eonlh five degrees wet,
48 pciches to a post; thence south eighty degrees
west, 30 perches to a pine ; thence aouth thirteen
degreea east. 195 perches to the place of beginning,
containing 165 acrea and 61 perches and allowance
of si 1 p.r cent, for road, Ac.
Also : Otic other tract of land sit
uate in the e ojnty of Northumberland afore.
aaid, being buite.l, bounded and described a f.
lows : 'eginning at a white pine, adjoining land
of the Asylum Company, thence north twelve de
ereee west, 171 peiches to a corner ; thence south
eighty-one degreea west, 46 perches lo a c rnrr;
thence aouth seventy-four degrees weat, 59 perches
to pile of rtone ; thence north sixteen degreea
west, 8 perches to pile of stone ; thence aou'h
seventy four degrees west, 100 perches to a pile of
tone; thence north sixteen degrees west, 106
perches to a pile of stone ; thence north seventy
live degrees east, 218 perches to a pile of atone 1
thence north twelve degreea west, 80 perches lo a
gum ; thence south seven y four degrees west, 275
ierches to a pine ; thence south fifiy-five degreea
west, 112 perches to a chesnut. ftllen ; thence south
seven'y eight d- grees west, 196 perches lo a che-nut
onk ; thence north, fifty-four degrees to a che-nut ;
thence west, 124 perches to a rhrsuut; tliet ce
south seven y degrees west, 55 perchea to a pie of
ainne a corner of Sarah Reea's land ; thence
south twelve di grees ea t, 159 perches to a post ;
thence nor h eighty-five degrees east, 255 peiches
to a pile of stone; thence north seventy-five de
grees east, 1'8 ierchea to a pile of atone ; thence
south twelve degrees east, 388 perchea t pine ;
thence north sexentv-five decrees east, 129 perches
to a white pine; thence north twelve and a half
degrees west, 294 perchea to a pile of atone ; thence
south eighty.f ut and a half degreea ; east, 218
perches to a pile of stone, formerly a maple ; thence
south sixty-one degrees east, 64 perches to a white
pine, the place of beginning, containinj 1012 acres
43 perchea and allowance.
Seixed, taken in execution, and to be solJ aa the
properly of Burd Patterson,
Also: A certain tract or piece
of I Hid situate in Ruh township, Northum
berland county, adjoining lands of William Bear,
Jr. Peer Roidarmel, John Penny I and others, con
taining twenty acres more or lets, about 12 acreanf
which are cleared, whereon are eiecled a two story
frame dwelling house and kitchen, frame smoke
house and a email log barn.
Seized, t .ken in execution, and to be sold as the
prnpeity of John
Also: A certain tract of land
situ its in Cial town-bin, Northuml-erlsnd
county, adj ining land of Sojoman Boig, Philip
Dunklelerger, and Mahonoy creek, containing 64
seres more or less, ab -ul 40 acres of which are
cleared, and whereon are erected small log hou-e
aad a new log barn.
Seixed. taken in execution, and to be sold as the
properly of George Gouhall.
Also: A certain hall lot ofground
itusle in the lor -ui;h of Sunhury, fronting
on Market street, it being one half of lot No. 29,
adjoining I it No. 28 on the west, and on the es-t
by part of same I 't No. 29, on which is erected a
two stoiy frame hou-e, a small frame office and
flame ttaMe.
Seixed, taken in execution, and to be sold aa the
property of George Weiser.
Also : 1 he equal undivided moie.
ty or half of two certain Islands, siiuate in
the river Susquehanns, in Augu-t town-hip, Nor
thumberland county, opposite the dwelling house
of William R. Longone thereof called "Miody's
l.laml," containing 37 acres more or lets, about 25
aciea of which are cle.ired, and in a high state of
cultivation. Ac. The other theieof called "Round
Island," containing about 3 aciea, nenrlf all of
which are cleared and in a high state of cultivation.
Seixed, taken in execution, and to be aold aa the
property of William R. Joney,
Also: A certain tract of unim-
proved land situate upon the waters of Shamo
kin creek, in Coal townahtp, Northumberland coun
ty , bounded hy lands lae of Dxvid F. Gordon on
the weat, Thomaa CsdwalUder on the east, and
William Boyd, Burd 1'aHerson it Co. on the north,
containing 1768 acres more or leas.
sjbj Also: A certain other tract of
it unimproved land aituale in Coal township,
Nuithumherland county, bounded by Isnds of Tho
mas Cadwalladeron the west, David F. Gordon on
the east, and on the no-th by land survey d on
warrant in the name of William Tomlinson,
George Colerain and others, containing 1768 acres
more or lens.
g5 Also: A certain tract of unim-
yLTproved land aituate in Coal townanip. Nor
thumuerland County, bounded by land of Thomaa
Cadwalladeron the east, John Brady on the north,
and 'I homas Cadwallader on the weat, containing
400 acres mora or lesa.
Also: A certain tract of unimproved
land aituate in Coal township, Northumberland
County, bounded on the west by land auiveyed in
the name of E ther Cramer, land of David F. Gor
don on the east, and land surveyed in the name of
Willism Green on the nonh, containing 400 acres
mora or leaa.
Seixed, taken in execution, and to ba sold as the
property of William tiilvis.
Sheriffe Office.
Sunbury, July 15, 1843. $
HIF.O CHERRIES for sale by
July 15, 1813. H. V. MASKER.
Cenfre Street, opposite (At Town Hall,
RESPECTCULLY announces lo
the travelling community that he
has taken the large ami splendid estab
lishment, the ExcsjaRox HoTrt. attua.
ted at
the corner of Centre and Callnwhill a'reets.
nearly opposite the Town Hall, in the borough of
Pottsvilln, which haa been thoroughly repaired and
materially improved for the accommodation of visit
ors. The Hotel ia forty ft. fiont on Centre St., and
one hundred and thirty eight ft. on Callnwhill, three
stnriea high ; il ia admirably provided with Parlora,
Silting Rooms. Reading Room, and large airy
Chambers the most spacious pleaaint and conve
nient Dining Room in the country a new and su
perior Bathing Establishment ; and every conve
nience and comfort to render it in all respects a
most dedrabli Hotel.
No paiis or expense will be spared to furnish
the Table and Bar with the best that this and the
Philadelphia Marketa afford and with determi
nation to devote hia entire personal attention to the
comfort and arcommoda'ion of those who may fa
vor him with call : aided by active, careful and
obliging aervanta, be hopes to give general satis
faction. PRIVATE FAMILIES, wishing to visit thia
highly intereating and healthy Coal Region, will be
provided with Parlora and Chambers, which he
feels confident will please the most fastidious.
QCJ The Stabling attached, is large and well
constructed, and superintended by experienced and
attentive Osiers. Horses and Carriagea may he had
at any time to convey persona to any part of the
An Omnibus runs from thia Hotel daily to
and from the Depot, to meet the Cars, for the ac
commodation of persona travelling nn the Rail
Road. No charge for omnibus fare to thia Hotel.
Potls.ille. Jjly R, 1813. 6m
PROPOSALS will lie received until sun-down
of Friday the 1st day of September, 1843, at
the town of Sunbury, for the repair of the Mahan
tango Aqueduct, nn the Suquehanna Division.
Plana and speeificationa will be exhibited three
dnys previous to the letting.
Supervisor Susq. Div. Pa. CanaL
July 8th. 1843. 8t
Cfcr Back Number it ill Supplied.
A Sew Reprint.
THE Publisher of the New World announces
that be haa commenced the Re-pub'ication
of this most celebrated of Ihe migaxines, at a price
which will insure it a very large circulation.
"Blackwood" has long atood at the head of the pe
riodical literature of the world, and it continues to
maintain that distinction, without a rival. Profes
sor Wilson, its editor (old "Christopher North,")
is unrivalled aa a prose-writer and a poet, and his
contributors are among the first living aulhora of
Great Britain.
It will be issued in a double number of the New
World, within 24 hours after the arrival of the
English Steamer, and sent by the first mails lo sub.
seribers in all parts of the United States and Bri
tish America.
Tebms. TWO DOLLARS per annum, for
one copy Five Dollars for Three copies Eight
Dollars for five copies and J 15 for Ten copies
payable in advsnce. Single copies 1 8J cents.
Any Pi almaster, or other person, who will oh.
tain 10 subscribers, and remit f 15 therefor, ahall
have an extia copy grs'is. Snhject to newspaper
postage only. Address J. WINCHES TER.
July 1st, 1843. Publisher.
John KIselj'K llstatc.
NOTICE is hereby given, that letlera testamen
tary on the elate of John EiM-ly, late of
Sunbury, N' rthumberland county, dee'd , have been
gr inted by the ltegitcr of said county to the sub
scribe'. All those indebted to ihe shove estate are
r. quested to call and make payment on Saturday
Ihe 29. h of July, 1813, at ihe late residence of the
deceaaed, and those having e! tints will present their
accounts, well authenticated, for aetib nient.
July tat. 1643. Executrix.
Jaroli Mallclt's Eat ate.
Ktirthumherland County, t.
AMONGST the Records of the Orphans' Court
of said county, at April term 1843, it ia thua
contained i
'April Kith, 1913. on motion of Alexander Jor.
dan. Esq , rule on Ihe heirs and legal representa
tives of Jacoh Malirh, deceased, to appear nn the
first day of next term, (August 7th. 1843.) and ac
cept or refuse the real estate of aaid deceased al the
E i traded from the Record. end certified April 17th,
Sunl ury. June 24. 1813. 6t Clk O. C.
PELLOW CITIZENS : I have been induced
-a- to offer myself ss a candidate for the office of
County Treasurer,
at the coming election. Should you think me
worthy of your support, and I should be so sue.
ce.rful aa lobe elected. I will endeavor to give gen
eral aatifaelion to all who may be concerned.
Sunbury, June 24th, 1843.
HI!. Masse r has removed hia store, into
the new building adjoining ihe olJ store,
where he has opened a new assortment of Dry.
Gootlt, Grocerie$, Queemware, Hardware, Ac.
All persona having una-tiled aceounta in hia
hooka, will save costs by attending lo them soon.
Sunbury, June 10th, 1843.
Agent for the $ale of Southworlh Manufac
turing Companu'g
Warehouse No. 3 Minor Street,
THE following kinds constantly on hand, and
for sale to the Trade at the lowest market
pr ces i Fine thick Flat Cape. 12. 14, and 16 Ua ,
blue and white; Extra auper, and superfine Folio
Posts, blue and white ; Extra auper Packet and
Commercial posts, blue and white j Extra super
Linen Note pspeis, long do. broad ( auperfine anJ
fine Counting house Caps, blue and white Extra
super Congreaa Caps and letters, plain and ruled,
blue and while t Superfine French Posts, plain and
ruled ;8u er fine Sermon Caps and Postal Supeifine
and Ana Cap and Poata, ruled and plain, blue and
while, various qualities and prices,
A lau Bonnet Boards, Tissue, Envelope, Wrap,
ping, and Hardware pipers, Ac, Ate.
Msy 37, !80.-ai.
'T'he puMic will please observe that no Brandreth
Pills are genuine, unless the box haa three li
bels upon it, (the top, the aide "and the bottom)
each containing fic-aimite signature of my hand
writing, thus B. NannnaitTH, M. D. These la.
he.ha.te engraved on steel, beautifully designed,
and done at an expense of over f 2.000. Therefore
it wilt be seen that the only thing necessary lo pro
cure the medicine in ita purity, ia to observe these
Remember the lop, the side, and the bottom.
The following respective persons are duly auhori
xed, and hold
For the aale of Brandreih'i Vegetable Universal
Northumberland county t Milton Msckey ic
Chsmbeilin. Sunbury H. B. Masaer. M'Ewena
ville Ireland A Meixell. Nnrthumteiland Wm.
Forsyth. Georgetown J. At J. Walls.
Union County: New Berlin Bogsr & Win
ter. SelinsKrnve George Gundium. Miiblle
burg Issac 8mith. Besvenown David Hubler.
Adimsburg Wm. J. May. Mifflinaborg Menach
ic Ray. llartleton Daniel Long. Freehurg
G. ic F. C. Moyer. Lewiaburg Walla ic Green.
Columbia county t Danville E. B. Reynolda
dr. Co. Berwick Shuman St Rittenhouse. Car
tawissa C, G. Brobta. Blonrnsburg John R.
Moyer. Jet soy Town Levi Bisel. Washington
Robt. McCay, Limestone Balliet ic McNinch.
Observe that each A rent haa an Kngraved Cer
tificate of Agency, containing representation nf
Dr BRANDREf H'S Manufactory at Sing Sing,
and upon which will also be seen exact copies of
the new labelt now used upon the Brandreth Pill
Philadelphia, office No. 8. NoMh 8th street.
June 24th, 1843.
Hart, Andrew fc ?I'Kevcr,
Forward ins and General Produce
Second ftlinrf a hat Rare St , on the Delaware,
Henry Farnum At Co. IJmvis, Trabue cV Curd,
Brav. B ircrnft.cV Co. xMi'ivi7e.
Willis msnn, Burrougbs.Geo. Luckey, Ac Co.
Ac CI nk, Cincinnati
Eckel. Spanaler ARaguel.St. John 6milh, Esq ,
Reed, Bro. Ac Thom,
Rogers, Brothers Ac Co,
W. R. Thompson Ac Co.
Rol eit Sieen Ax Co.
J. Ac J.Reakert,
Mulford Ac Alter,
J. R. Welsh. E q.
Philailt Ijihin
David R. Porter, Esq.
Messrs. J.Ac P. Martin,
Wm. K. HofluRle. Esq
Lewis Hurford, Esq.
Jones, Murphy At Co.
E. A. Brown At Brother.
J. K. Moorchead.Eeq.
Morgan At Anderson,
Geo. Pieabuiy, Eaq.
Joseph Souther, Eq.,
Bo ton.
Hon. Wm. Biub-r,
Clearfield, Pa.
B Hendrirks.
Sunbury, Pa
i(. Mum s, r,-q.
Rolrert Crane. Eaq.,
Jcrtey Shore, Pu,
Wm. M'Kelvy At Co..
Btoomburg, Pa.
Wslla 6c (treen.
Ltwisburg, Pa.
T. W. Kin zing Ac Son,
Loch Haven, Pa,
sleireuAt Poller,
Ltwittuwn, Pa.
Joseph Paxton. Esq.,
St. Low's.
Columbia Co , Pa.
June 3d, 1843. ly
C abi ii c t-3I ak i n g
(cw Establishment.)
ESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of
Sunbury and vicinity, that he haa recently
commenced the
in all ia branches, in Market s'teet, Sunbury, im
mediately below the pot office, where he will be
res ly to receive ai d execute nil orders in the line
of his business, with prompters and despatch, and
in ihe best style and manner. Hia prices will lie
low, in accordance with the times.
03" Lumlier and Country Produce taken in Ex
change May S7ih 1843. 6m
Hover's Ink.
JOSEPH e! hover.
Manufacturer of Writing and Indelli
blc Ink, No. 100 North Third Street, six
doors below Kuce, (eact side,)
T ESPECTFLLLY informs country merchants
A and others, that be enn-tantly keepa on hand
a large stock of his auperier Bluck, Blue snd Red
Ink, and Uo a superior quality of IndelliMe Ink.
Hia ink is put up in betties varying in aixe, from
I lo 32 ounces, and will be sold on reasonable
term-. The excellent qualities of this ink has so
thoroughly eslablii.hed ita character, that it ia now
extensively used throughout the country.
For sale at the store nf H. B. Mssaer, Sun
bury.JV May 27th. 1843. ly
Nos. '29 and 31 North Third Street,
Near the Citv Hotel,
C MACKEY, Auctioneer, respectfully in-
vilea the attention of persons deairous of pur
chaing Furniture, lo hia extensive Salts Rooms,
(bolh puhlic and Piivste.) for every description of
Household Furniture, whi re can t nhtrijned nt all
times, a large assortment of fashionable and well
msnufaclured Cahinet Furniture, Beds, Multiasses,
Ac, at very reduced prices, for cash,
(t- Sales bv Auction, twice a week.
Msy 27ib, 1843. I y
Au- 70 South 3i street, opposite the Exchange,
(Formerly of So. 76 Smith Second street.)
Manufacturer nf Improved and Patent File and
Tlnef.proof and 1 roots, Water and Pro.
vision Cooler, and Filterera. Rifiigera
tors, Hoisting Machines, Ace, Ac,
i'saaaj PT T,, J3fc dti ll continues in maae
Iff.'5 v'Vi. celebrated WATER Cool-
f .. .
'.:Tro'-?ers, anil r ll'erera, Kerngera
' L an. ....
3 '"' '""'h of Ihe round and
iLibL;jLje-'i,,,r' nr". "nprov
UmSr. -if -"ineiita. of the leat materials
!aI?"IiS; .-s- anJ workmanship.
(7 The L'Iii'bLs are manufactured without
plank of any description, of the best mater al which
ia calcu'ated to rei- burula s and heal as long ss
any manufactured in ihe United Stan a a trial ol
which be ia wi ling to make with ny oilier, pro
vided the trial be niado of rheeie ulreaily a old lo
eualomera, and not rranuf rciured fur Ihe express
purpose of a trial. P'irchaa. ra are invilt d to call
before purchasing eltswhcra.
CAU TION. All persona are cautioned sgiintt
making, using, selling or causing to be sold, any
Keyhole cmerg f ( y9 Proof Cbea e or doora of
any kind, sirni ar in construction lo my patent of
July 10th. 184 I, ss they wiU be dealt with accord
ing lo the Patent law.
M.y 27 h, 1843. 6m.
f.reat Western Indian Panacea,
Compounded entirely of Vegetable
Free from Calomrl and all other Minerals.
For the history of '.bis medicine, and its unrivalled
and truly surprising success and popular
ity, see large bills
IT is recommended as a general cathartic for
family ue in dyspepsia and all bilious disea
ses, it is invaluable for Asthma it is considered a
specific, no cae having yet occurred which it haa
failed to cure for common Cold, imflammaiory
dirr-axe. rheumaiism, affections of Ihe liver, Ace,
and foi females, it ia a safe and excellent remedy.
From Dr. Si lit West, of Bmqhampton. A'. Y.
Mr. Lnngley Dear Sir i I have ued your
Wesli rn Indian Panacea in my family, and hive
repeatedly p'eacrihed il for patients linger my care,
and am satisfied that it is always a safe, and in very
many caaea an invaluable medicine. It operates ns
a laxative without nausea, or paint and while it ef
fectually obviates cnslivenera acts upon the stomach
and liver aa an alterative, correcting acidity, and re
storing the h althy condition of those organs.
Very respectfully yours, 8. WEST.
For aide by JOHN V. FRILINO. Sunbury.
JACOB BRIGHT, Northumberland.
May 20th. 1843. ly
HAS taken the office formerly occupied by the
Hon. Charles O. Dnnnel, opposite the Court
House. He will attend to business in the Courts
of Nnrthumterland, Union and Columbia counties.
May 20th, 1843.
To tie Voters of Northumberland County
I 7 EI. LOW CITIZENS : Through the aoli-
cit.itiona of many friends in various parts nf
the county, I hav been induced lo offer mvself aa
a candidate for the office of
Should I he so fortunate aa to receive a majority
of your suffrsgrs, I pledge myself to discharge the
duties or said office with fidelity.
Sunbury. May 20lh. 1843.
J. D. Waters,
T ESPECTFULLY inform, the citixen of the
A k- r'.orough nf Northumberland, ind its vicinity ,
that tie haa commenced the
Tailoring Ilimnc;,
in a l i'a various hraiichea, in the slurp formerly
occupied by Henry S. Thoma direcllv oppo-ite
Forsvth's store. As he reci ives the New York
and Philadelphia- Fsshions qiiarter'y, he ia enshled
to do all joba entrusted lo him, niter the ncntit and
latest s'yle, snd upon the shieii notice.
Northumberland, April 22d, 1S43. ly
RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Sun
buiy and its vicinity, :hit he has t iken the
oflaee f ttmerly occu ied by Dr. John Peal, where
he will be happy to receive culls in the line of his
profession. April 22d, 1843.
Daniel Yariek,
BEOS have to inform ihe citizens of Sun' ury
and its vicinity, thai he has commenced ihe
in Market Mreet, Sunbury, east of
store, and directly opposite the poet utlice, where be
intends to carry on the biiMnes in all it various
branches, inelinling. Turning, Making Milt Irons
and Eliptie Springs, Ironing Carriages, villi Ex
tension or Standing tops. Shoeing Horse, de.
Order will he promptly and ponctu ally attended
to, snd work done chesp, for cah or country pro
flj" II ot so Shoeing done at f I per aett.
Sunbury. April I5th, 1813. Cm
Boot & Shoe
iff a r t i ii Irwin,
RESPECTFULLY informs his frb nd and
old customers, that he ha removed his
to the frsme hui'dng sdjoining his ilwelling house,
between that and Dr. D. T.Tiites' office, a few doors
west of hia old establishment, in Maikct Hreet,
where he intends to carry on the above businesa
extensively, in all tts various branches.
Being thankful for past favors, he hopes by strict
attention to business and liberal charge, to give
general aatisfaclion ; and that be will continue to re
ceive a liberal hare of public patronage.
April 8th, 1843.
Tkr. IV. I. 11 Ice, Thankful for past fa
Pvors, respectfully informs ihe inhabitants of
nunltury and country around, that he has, taken
hia residence and olhce in market atreet, in the east
end of the building occupied by John Bocar'a store,
wb re he will he happy to wail upon all w ho fa
vor him with their call.
Punhury, April 1st, 1841. fim
i e o r g e X I in in e r in an & Son.
rnllE su' seri'ers hereby Inf .rm the public, that
A they have entered into partnership, in the
'wh eh wiJ hererier be csrr ed on at the old
stand in Sunbury, under the firm of ' Oeoree
Zimmerman & Son," where ibev will conduct ihe
l u ine-a in all ila various branches, including Turn
intr. Making M II Irons, Ironing Carriages. Shoe
ing ilorsts, Ac. Orders will be promptly snd punc
tually aitendid to, and work done cheap, for cah
or country produce.
Shoeing done at One dollar per sett.
Sunbury, March lllh. 1843.
'Pllt! suhsi'iihers, bavin enter l into a pinner-
ship in ihe practice of the law, will be happy
to attend to all huaiiifsa entrusted lo lh -ir rsre.
Collection will be promptly attended to.
They may always be found at Iheir office, in
Milket Uriel, Sunbury, formerly occupied by
Wm. Dewart, dee'd.. a a in.
Sunbury, Feb. 4th, 1SIJ. ly.
VI r. a i sTippv ofKOTU OIN 1'ME.N'P, irte'ivrd
and for .ale by II. B. klASy'KK.
Nov 19th. 1842.
VERY r ESPECTFULLY beS. leave lo In.
fuim bis customers, and the i ul 'ic gen-rallv,
that he still cori'lnue. the.
in all its various branches, in the shop neatly oppo
site ihe Buck Tavern, formerly occupied bv Hen.
rv Haas and himsi If. under the firm nf Haas &
Druckemiller, which firm hs lieen mutuary (Unsol
ved. He hope', by hi long experience in Ihe ahuvo
business, arid strict attention thereto, to render g n
eral eniinfaction, and receive a liheml hi. are of pub
lic patron me.
Sunhury, Oe 15th, 1812. ly.
An. 2U7, North Third, above Ci.ltowhiU St .,
JOHN DUNCAN, laie from the Per tov'vii
nia Farmer, an I Sinnuel Pike jr.. la e ot A
merican Hotel, Colunihua. 'b'o. lake pleaaure in c
quainiing their friends ond Ihe ptibli-eein-r illv ih at
they have taken the large and commodious Hon I,
recently huilt by the Messrs. II art, on the silo
once occupied by the old estuhliidied Hotel known
as the Hull's Head, in Third ntiret above Callow
hill at.
This Hotel is finished in the very best posniblo
manner, and of the bct materials. Its location is
very desirable, particularly for country merchant ;
the arrangements for heatir g and veniiluting each
room ia such aa to secure any temperature. The
bedroomaare all light and airy, all furnished in a
neat style, so aa to im-ure to'nfort.
The receiving parlora are al-o furnished in a su
perb style, the windows are on the French style,
formii g an entrance to a balcony in front, which
mnkea a pleasant recess. Pnrlicular attention baa
been given to the btds an J bidding, which, with
the furniture, are entirely new.
From years' excrieiice in h.itcl business, we
trust, by strict assiduity tr. business, to mnkc this
house a desirable stepping place. Our table will
always be supplied wiih the very best our market
can afford, and our bar with the best liquors and
wines of the moat approved
P. S. There are firt rate stahlinK br.d carriige
hnuaes attached to the hotel, r.ttended hy ca t ful
and soler honlers. and our charges w ill be taw, in
accordance with the present hard tirr.ei
Philadelphia, Oct. 7lh. 184-L
(Gcnrrul Si iim f.'ocr,)
?n: 'ci".j tt cb er
Ioiitilt aula.
riHIE Si.b-criher rep. c fuMv informs h' fr e. (V
1 ami tl.e puMic in that he ha take:;
Ihe ohove
I N THE B O 15 O V (! II O F M U N C Y,
and that be i- now vei p'epin-.! to nccommodato
ab who miy lavnr h m wit'i iheir criom.
Hi Si.:rin ArTi'M? lire well aired, and
Hi-'!' ai.. imi fitri will a''.vys be supplied
with the t vi the m ! i .lo
T.i n i.i vu, w r , r r ) i
will !-c under
tllC . Il It;.- j.. O I : l: I ,-ir. I :! I.
He t 1 1- eoiMi ' o. (v ft mi I J"' - . ..- . t i ! ii .ins. ?,
and aa (nn i t i!. .-i e lo ri '! . t c no-r'. il ir tli ase
who may pn'romx' b'.:i !i-t h- olM t.icivo
general s.iti-t n Ii hi.
Muncy, Oct. 1'. 1 ' i-'
ii. it. vi.. k;u.
"Tvr. 1. T. Tiilom, Respe,nuliy iufo-mi!e
ci'izens of Sutiliury and vici' iy, that he basn
moed hi nirice to the bull. 'inn lei-l v occupied l.y
Ceorue lirluht, in market street, Sur.hury, where
he may be found at all hours, unless proli'miouullv
Dll. TRITES returns his sincere thanks for ifv
encnurageinent he has recet e.l. in the line ot h'
proff-sion, in this place, n.l nu t, by promp' a
lent on to the duiieof hi- prolesnin, anil reuoi
able chaigea, that hp will cmi'iniie to n ce v c.
lilieril r-hnre i.f ihe puMic patnin .ge.
Sunbury, Oct. l,t, I w4M. tf.
Dr. J. W. Pml lga to tender hi- V
I'ul ai kni-wredgmehU to the pen) le .. tin' n:y
snd siuroiiiiding country, foi then p. t t"in--n r m -merit
in the line of hi profession ; an. I w oi'il nl
the same time announce lo them, lb :l be -ti'l in
tends 10 continue the practice of iiiedicine in all its
Various d paruneiita. He would, therefore, solicit
a continuance of their confiJcnce and paironaje.
He may t-e lound at all times at his office, at the
north cast corner of Bla kbeiry and Der streets,
unlesa profesirionallv engaged,
Sunbury, Del. 1st, 1812. tf.
D K . J . N . SUM N Ell,
RESPECTFULLY informs the puhlic thai be
lias made Northumberland his permanent
place of residence, and is reaily to attend lo any
Call in the line of bin profession.
July 2, 1812. ly.
1 . . i a .
Change of Honrs.
On itjtH StiriuiAT, esit 1. I43,
The psmM'rger trains w II I. ave at tl.e f ilowrg
I, a r :
Philad.tplii iir.d T r
From Phila.leli.l.i i. m r, .
v t.f.
M. ,
u. ;
From Pott iIIm,
Hours of :
For Poi'sviile, il .'
For Philadelphia, bt ' .
Both tiaina pa-a a' I' : ;;.
b ea'if.i-l at lie oil. .c. tod tie "
mil, for which 15 - a. a - n c
ii : .
Between Polls illr "k Ih-UI.
Between Reading ic ',
Between do ii Pot si!le,
M. i
'I lie rti:1 t'fj:P
In i ft ."Son's
., w.d st (!''
a,55 ic 1,7.'
1,40 A I.IUI
ExcrasioN Tii xit oiom roa stTrmins
intr ny.
Hi" ween Poitavil. c I"
Between It' at'tng A
Between rl. ,t !',:
AH 'he i-tito-' v i . i..;
the Uual poriW-
$5 on
a oit
2 no
passengers at
Vjj All (lIHiM'IJ
V;r.r'i'J lo procure
Ihrii tickets i i-Une lue liaiua Ivait.
m ii 1
May 31, 184. if.