A View nr London. Rom wa called the Mistress ol the World, yet in iU palmiest dsy vu not equal to Britain ia power or oominion ; nor can any of the benst-I 3 cities of ntiqtiity Carthage, Tyre, or Ax nndria, or in later timer, Venice or Genoa when their maratimc greatness w j in lis glory and their trade the wonder ftPd admiration of their respective ages not tine Can bear a mo ment's comariaon wit London. Britain's trade claims the whole habitable globe for it operation. Her colonic are placed in every direction were man can exist. Upon her do minion the sun never acts; her flag wave Upon every ea ; and a volume would be requir ed to detail the result of her mnratime enter prise and internal trade upon the aspect of the city which forme the centre of these mighty operations. In population, London is a nation in hercclf, the number of inhabitants has doubled in forty years, and now amounts to one million nine hundred thousand.' In 1613 it will contain two millions ! In length, from east to west, the houses extend in one line between five and six miles, and in breadth, from north to south, near ly lour. But if wc include Chelsea at one ex treme, and Black wall at the other, and take the breadth from Walworth to Holloway and these are now certain portions of the Croat City we shall have London covering abovo thirty square miles of ground ! And then her river, bearing upon its surface the ships of every na tion: and her docks the East and West India Docks, tho l-ondon Docks, the Commercial Docks, and the St. Kalherine'a Docks, together covering more than five hundred acres, teeming with valuable commodities; and one of them, the West India pocks, capable of accomodating five hundred large ships. To the port of London alone, in 1640, there belonged 2950 ships of 500,000 tons burden, and manned by 82,000 seamen; in the same year there entered the port from British cron ies 1639 ships! from her own coasts, Kcludinr colliers, 20,205 ships ; from Ireland , 907 ships ; from foreign countries, 23,55 which, with 3160 British Vessels, formed one year' trade. What can compare witb this! London con tains one hundred thcrusand. inhabited homes, one half ofthem hating i'nopa attached. The yearly consumption reporter and ale is 2.000, 000 of barreb,a!i brewed in the place ; ofshoep, vne million four hundred and three thousand four riundred sixty-six have been sold in Smith- Tnr OnaTios or On. Cash, at thecelchration of the completion nf the Whrh ai J rt Canelon the fourth instant. i ptihlishcd in th Globs of Thnrnliy. It i a rambling discourse in wheh patriotic common plac. are mingled with reference to the speaker' personal adventures In tha North West forty year ago and to his ttsvls in foreign countries the whole displaying more rhetoric than simplicity. The following pissage, however, is worthy to be notrj in consideration of the political position occupied by Gen. Cass t "Perhsie. while I address you, measures are in progress to wrest from our country the territory west nf tha Rocky Mountains. Island after island, coun try after country, are falling before the ambition nf England. She ia planting her standard wherever there is a people to be tubdurd, or the fruits of their indu-try to tie aerorcd. With profession of philanthropy, she pursues the designs of ambition. And the is encircling the globe with her rtstions wherever she cm best accomplish her scheme of aggrsndisement. It is my deliberate opinion, that no nation, Fines the fill of the Roman power, has di-pltyed greater disregard for the right of orrs, or more baldly aimed at universal domination. Our claim to the country west of the Ro-.'gy Mountains i ss undeniable ss our right to liunker Hill or New Orleans ; and who will r.i ;n question our titles to these blood-Mned ftvldt ! And I trust it will be m mtainid wVth a vigor and promptitude equal to iU justice War is a treat evil, but not so groat a iiaiionnl diihonor. Little is gained by yielJ'ng to insolent anj unjust pretenions. It is Ktter o deb nd the firat inch of territory than .o lat. Far bitter, in dealing with Engl.md, to ree'.tt aggres sion, whether of territory, of imprvusmenl, or of sesrch, when first attrnr',eJ, ,',, ,0 ,iej in ,he hops that forUarance ill oe met in a just spirit, snd will lead to on suitcabls eompromiae. Let ua have no red Vines upon the map of Oregon. Let M-f L - THE AMERICAN. Saturday, J 9, 1843. rjj Foa 8ta. A fresh supply of printing pa per, via i too reima aimilar in sits snd quality to the sheet on which this is printed. Also 60 reams of toper royal, St by 28 inches, all of which will be sold st the mill price. ' B- Pamxn, Eso.. at his Real Estate and Coal office, No. 159 Pine 8treet below Third, two squares south of the Exchange, Philadelphia, is au thorised to act as Agent, snd to receive and receipt for all Tnonica tlus this office, for subscription or advertising. tXj We have paid but little attention to the col omna of the American this week. Tho prevail!,,; epidemic, the "Tyler Grip," has PM nrgted ut in its visitations, snd left vt almost as prostrate, physically, as itt grc; namesake is in s political point of view, Gj T.e crops in this section turn out pretty Some fields, however, have been visited with smut. We have necived another communis .lion from the Rev. W. S. Hill, on the subject of Bap tim, or rather, ws should say, upon subjects that grrw out ol the dicu-ion of the aubjert of Baptism, between himself and the Rev. W. R. Smith, of thit place. When we gave place to Mr. Hall's last communication, we intended that it should be the last of a persons! character, between the Reverend eentlemen. The have both diercad from the as nom tn to the integrity of our just claim. And main question, which wa understood o be the mode if W',r co;nes, be it so. I do not myself believe it of Baptism, or, according to the following chat will oe long avoided, unless prevented by intestine tcnge or proposition already published t ilifliculliea in the British empire. And wo ba to ua "Now, in the New Testament it ia obvious, that if we flatter ourselves it can be arrested by any ys- whatever is the original signification of biptiio. il tern ofconceasion ; of all delusions, this would be the moat fatal ; and wa should awake from il a dis honored, if not s ruined people." is either b ft indeterminste, or it would be better translated pour or tprinkle. A calm investigation of the connections in which it is there used, snd of the din. rent cees of christian baptiam there recor ded, will ahow all the probabilities aie against im mersion, and in r.ivor of our mode ; ami when Mr, Halt it ready to enter upon the discussion of hap- tizoin connection with theeatei of Uaptinn, I urn ready to tulilantiatt Ait petition" Unlets the Reverend gentlemen are restricted in Tut OaatT Fo bo ia. The New York Eiptets of Siiturday ttys The person who hit been arrested in London for the rol beiy of Jscob Little, Er-q , is well known here. His i.ame ia Jack Reed, and he haa served some way, the discussion must a is o me an inter about 8 years in States Prison. From the lime the minable ahfie, and as the elect on t are now coming fraud was perpetrated to the present lime, thit in- on, we could scarcely find room for their eommuni teld in or.0 year, together with on hundred and dividual hue been misting, and, at was supposed, cations. We are willing, however, to make place eighty three thousand head of cattle. Many he bat been during the whole tims in Europe. Pri- for a few articles strictly confiusJ to the aubjert, miles of ground in the vicinity are occupied as or to his departure at Philadelphia, hs purchased I and would prefer them not to esceed one column market gardens, and have apead over them ma- tw. lv one thousand dollar Treasury Notes, eight in length. ny hundred acres of glass. 70,000,000 of fo- ot which were recorded, and tha numbers, Jatea, I rj Alt tats Not st. We taw a few days since teign eggs are Imported, to say nothing of the ie-t Mnl ,0 Washington, where the psyrnrnt was a on dollar Relief note, on th Miners' Bank of -i- J- 'I lUU Si.S I su imsrcunT. Cdttatrlsil, Condensed emit leetsil. Two men and five children were killed by light ning, near Montreal, while gathering strawberries. In North Carolina th wheat ia harvested. The crop is said to be larger, and of finer quality than usual. Dr. Crossman, of Philadelphia, his been in New Orleans the past winter, and has aurceselully op- erated en nine hundred persons fot the cur of strabismus, r squinting. William Johnson, a fugitive eonvirt from the Missouri Penitentiary, has been retaken a'id sent back : he is under sentence for ninety funr years ! This was hit third escape, Ther it a horse diiven into Wall street, New York, every day, which, though forty years old, is ss surefooted, sprbily, ,nu playful ss a colt While Vhe fire was racing in Fall river, a cinder wa', picked up in Middleborough -fifteen mile from tha fire. Immense n umber e of people sr now travelling up the North River. Th steamboat South America, a day or Iwo since, took up 700 pasaengers. Ths editor of the Newark Advertiser speak a of Ox Heart cheriiea three inches and a half in cir cumference. Il appear by a recent report, that there are 30,- 000 families in Pennsylvania without a Bible. Th price of cabin passage from New York to Liverpool, by th parkits, has been reduced to eighty dollars. Mr. Irs Fenlon, nf Belchertown, Mass.. has rais ed a Durham cow, which is now eight years old, and weight 1740 pounds. A Devil fith, metsuring seventeen fiet across the back, wsa taken a few daya ago near Uca ufoil, S. C. Thinning out. Five hundred aitd ninety-three doga have been made lo bite the dut this season, in New Yoik. The eetimated taxation of New York city for the present year, amounts to f 2,1 77,000. Committals to th New York city Prison during the last wctk,2G3. A ennerpondent of th New Tork American, sayt that Iher ai 500 gambling housea in that . JL.JtJSSJ. son MS ivjtatCt. County Commissioner. Mb. Ebitob: Permit us, through lbs columns of four paper, to recommend lo the Democrscy of his county, Mr. JAMES BUOY, of Milton bor ough, ss a gentleman well qualified lo fill th of fice of Coobts CoMnitsiata. The forks, no doubt, are entitled to th man, and wa know not sny gentleman more eminrntly qualified to fulfil th duties of ssid office than Mr. Buoy. II has aver been a consistsnt snd activ democrat, and hat don much to promote th interest of the party. Milton, w think, i now entitled to th man, snd ws hap th county convention will award to Mr. Buoy th nomination. DEMOCRATS OF THE FORKS. millions produced at home; 12,000 cows afford an insufficient supply of milk, the Irish and Dutch send immense quantities of butter, Ire land also supplies bacon and pork. The water companies send into the houses 237,000,000 of hogsheade of water in a year; tho gaa companies produce 10,000,000 cubic fret of gas daily, which feeds 100,000 lights the paving for a year coet above 200,000, tho sewer rates 400,000. Thero are six thousand hotels, taverns and oflee houses, and twenty theatres, besides concert rooms and exhibitions of varioua kinds. London issues nearly 30,000, stnppso. J ftey wsr deposited by, probably, Ion p0tUvil, .tiered to ftoo. Th word "Two." in tame parson in th Union Bank in England for lh, My o(xhe noXt i rher clumsily put on. and may be readily discovered by tha ground work, which is of curved lines instead of slrsighl onea. collection, bsve been sent out here to Pickersgill & Co., snd bav been paid by th Bank of America. No doubt the Bank hsrs will require th payment back, and it ia possible the amount msy yet be se cured. Ex-Sheriff Lounde will leave bci in the Steamer of th 1st for London, to identify th in- as in th original. gj Counterfeit ten dollar notes, purporting to have been issued by ths Kensington Bsnk of Phil dividual, snd if possible to establish hit guilt. Reed sdelp! ia, are in circulation in that city. has no doubt been in England for more than a year. Joe Smith. The Illinois State Register as serts that the agent of Missouri haa applied to 000 of newspapers; has steamboat accninmoda- Governor Ford for an armed force to aid him tions for 10,000 passengers daily ; from I-ondon in arresting Joe apain, but that the Governor extends 1000 mile of railway, laid down at an had not decided whether to grant the request expense or Xlv.rsjo.ouo; with fifiy-nine ca- or not. (J3 Ai a meeting of th Wathingtnnian Tern peranc society of Sunbury, held on Monday even. ing laat, the following persona were appointed aa delegatea to attend a Temperance Convention, to beheld at Liverpool, on the 3d of August next. nalu, at a cost of $14,000,000. Through the post office pass 70,000,000 of letters in a year, whilst the amount of cash paid by the Iondon bankers through Vhe clearing house in IS 11. averaged ,7o,000,0U0 monthly. Will not these few facts assrst in giving some idea of the immense scale upon which all that relates to London must bo considered, before a correct knowledge of its state can be arrived at! Il lustrated JVcus. Henry M. Boeterr, Jeremiah Wyngert, Martin Irwin, Jacob Painter, John B. Pecker, J. II. Zimmerman, Newton 8hindel, N. L. Price, John Smick, Wm. M.Gray, John Budd, Samuel J. Fry, The Alton Telegraph, of the 15th inatant says "Vc regret the location of this unprincipled j3 BLtcawoon'a Eiiibbc-b Mixik, New scoundrel in Illinois aa one of the greatest ca- World et.ltion, hasju t been received. It contains lamitiea that ever befel the State. lie, and the usual vaii.tv found in the column of that able those over whom he exercises the most unlinii- Periodical. Price, $2 per annum n.l -..1 l. . I 1 I I r. i t. . I ...., uw ..urn ,nU na.ancc o, im. cisie j,,,, Vlm190T0, ,j fount D'Oaaaf v., j Fu.mc. principles wnaiever, n, ,.,:,, :. :, , v. Yolk- The they, at every election, throw thcmsclvea in firil i. noJ , united authore. of great beau market like cattle lor sale." f'orrespondenre of the Sational litcllieenrrr. New York, July 21 1843. Sal Sonx, a cheap article, should beuncdin The quoenof conversation and the idol of washing paint ; it renders water soft, and ia gifted men is certainly on this side of the wa- good for clothes turned yellow, ter, 1 believe, and sho is accompanied by a man ' ly and accomplishments. Th Count, ia only fa moue for being th handsomeal and mot magnify rent dandy in London, or probably, in the world. fjj Cmacoai. Ther haa been of late years an enormous increase in the wheat crops of Prance. who is certainly the modern king of elegance and accomplishment. It would be worth an idler's while to run up and meet them at Ni acata, whither they have gone. The friend Coi.tc IU Horses is relieved by giving them Pulverized charcoal, it appears, has been very ex a drenching with a qusrt of salt wster. lenmvrly ued with the most happy reaulu. Home tif tha most ateiile farms hav been made highly productive. Therharcoal.it ia e.iid, should be well pulverix'd, and sown like lime, after a rain or in a still damp day. The expense is but a Iri An Arricn.No Soene. Yesterday afternoon, a boat-load ol iiermans had lamlml Irom theca who assurea me that he has seen and recog- nHf evidently direct from tne "Faderlnnd." A ouu AMtxtw WKai hiiu vyvuiifc V nn, . i mrifr inpnl WClK an Ul(l HQ,. BnO ill IS Hires nr I A '.1 . . , A - muni, mem mic u "iu i.u;,aiiuiuiuciiiiic vi Bj. n eomnsrison Willi Us etesl ailvantnirea. An - ,U T. ...II. .,!.. , k.u ,....) i , i . . ' mk ,,,c " " lour ci.uuren quite grown up ; seveiai wvern EngIj,h f.,mert whotriel il, atya it also preventa aas.imeanamea.n.i.enumuBiyavou.ooservauon Keeper were as lisust among ll.em solic.ting ,ha mtt : Thi. i. . m.iier of.re.t im i ne uoum couiu scarce preserve an incopni- custom, and ono of these approached the old la to, being, aa ho is, the most remarkable looking dy, immediately upon seeing him, threw roan ot nia ume, ami we snail aouotiess near ,iered, upon hi( neck Bnd wcpt . ,he chijren Ol mem as they travel, uy contrast wiin the ,ls0 cnibraced him, and leara and amiles alter utmost excess ojai tibial retinement, JNingara, nB,iv lwre lnelr iw,v. q,. -xulanation of 0 sf i the scene given us wss, that the old lady was on her way to Detroit in sesrch of her husband, who bad emigrated some years previous, and he had thus unexpectedly (alien upon hirn at this place. Buffalo Compiler. and Nature generally iri our country, will im presa them with great ifreshnei snd force ; and I would rather bear TJ'Osaxv'e description of cor scenery thnn any man's whom I ai present can call to mind. Lady BttaaiNuToit has done so much at authorship that hor iiupceisiona, a he wrote, woeld assume a more comftton place cast; and, ttueugh few persons won Id aoe Ni agara more trutKtlly or comprehend 4u gran deur more adequately than she, her descriptions, should ahe publish them hereafter, will bat faintly represent her emotions. 'TVs Hiaasw Li s.Som of lb 1st Looion journals snnouncem M ths point of pub licauoa, sys th Advttir, work which will make kaevn i important eWeverf, for fscilita ing tha study snd correct reading of lh Hebrew Lan guage. Thi work purport to ha a key lo lh yssorsiie Punctuation of lb Hebrew Hcripltire. nd it is lo be accompanied by a (iiammsr of lh f3Ctsd Tongua. or ill yau-m dieUsvl by th aaitiaga of Hi. Jerome. Tb author of these work ia WVif tNWM, f I-sjuw1o Inn. pnrtance to our country, snd we hope our farmera ill give il a trial Jncreuted Heetlpt of TUt. The receipt of lolla on the Peiinaylvauia Canal at Pitt-burg during the first fifteen days of the present month, eiceeded lb smount received there during lh whole month of July, 1843. .ty. SOB THS 1NXRIC4. 8vbbvbv, July S3, 18(3, Ms. Epitob I found the following ttanaat a few daya ago. but aa they bad no direction on th envelope, and war addressed to "Mr. Editor" with in. I look it for granted Ihey war iutendad for you. V ou will doubtless confer a great favor on lh Th ori- CoPFRNicas System aud Tiiroioorrat E ror. 'It waa a great overaight in the theolngi an of th;; Papal chorch to resint the admission of the Copernican aystetn, that the earth moved wiiier by giving hi lines an in rtion around its axis, and to cling to the Ttolemaie glnal paper ia loo much toiled to b forwarded to theory, of the sun actually circling round us, lyeu. lleietbeysr aa ft appears to do. 1 bis old theory is incom patible with the Mosaic account of a day begin. ning bfore the run, because upon that the aun is essentially necessary to mark the period of time w hich constitutes a day. But on the Co pernican system, the earth does this without the aun, aa its revolving motion round its own centre, which forma our day, does not require j the solsr luniinsry.' Sktrtn Turner, p. 27. "Llatas WrlUeti being Cat hy My A SaraaU.' Ther waa a time, once, drsreet Kat, When held by lh in bonds of love. Around my hert, in bondsg firm, Thy charms ihrmsclve in silence wove. But now 'tis past, forever goo j Utatolvid1 by torn malignant power, That ativiou si d upon thy heart, In a 'me aecure, ungusrJed hour. V. C." A Lon.lon paper mentions ss sn on dit, that Sir It. Peel has intimated to the Bishop of London th settled determination of Government to put ilown th Pusey movement, and that w shall short ly hear of the su'fnrrfcus-ing of bishops at wi II at magistrates. The Kinder hook Sentinel baa the fullowing an nunciation : MW regret to learn that our falew citixen, ex- President Yan Buren, is afflicted with the prevail ing mslady tb 'Tyler grippe.' " Th American and British Commissioners f r th survey of the new boundary line on our N. E. frontier, with s party of 35 soldiers, engineers, and laborer, commenced oeration near th 8k John's late in June- There are fifteen bundled visitor at the present lime at Saratoga Springe. The New Haven Courier says there are doga e- nough thst way to supply tb whole State of Con necticut with eauaagee for a century lo come. A. Valuable Buttle.'- When Treasurer Craves sloped, in female attire, in order to be faahionable. he hsd a hurtle made of United States Treasury notes and State Scri4, amounting to 1 145,000, the amount which ha atole out of lh Treasury, A Consistent Philanthrtpitt ! Buxton the great London brewer and abolitionist, manufactures 340,000 barrells of be r, ale and porter every year thus including and promoting more poverty, de basement end real slsvery, (th slavery of bad habits,) than all hit mock benevolent abolition ef forla can prevent. .1 Valuable Dnig. Money is "a drug" in the New York market now, say a the Journal of Com meice. The only kind of a drug thai lh gene rality of people can take without making wry faces. Onr Nrxt Member. Mr. EoiTOB-Evenla thai hav Iranapired w.lbin lh laat ten year, in the hiatory of this slsle, muat as tiafy any one that our system of legislation haa been radically wrong. That most of ihia haa been ow ing lo the kind of members usually elected, there can be no doubt. It haa been too long the custom of s certain claas of men, many of whom are whol ly destitute of the moral and menial requisites for the offices to which they aspire, to set themselves up as csndidates for every office, and usually suc ceed st the expense of mora able, worthy and ho norable men, who do not make office bunting the buaines of their live. These rrmaika apply to candidates generally, but more particularly to ran didale for memler of Assembly. A number of candidate are already out, anxious to represent this county in th next legislature. Without intending lo reflect on lh character of any of them, individu. ally, I may be permitted lo ask whether either of them are such men as the people of Old Northum- beiland county should select to represent their in lereata in Ibe enuncile of si at 1 And why, let me ark, in maitera of such importance, should w con fin eurtelv in (electing candidate from among tho only who obtrude their name before th pub lic a eandidatea, inatead of seeking out from mongst us those whom w know to hav lh re quisite quahficatlona, and in whom w can repo th moat perfect confidence In view of lh abo, permit m lo recommend ALEXANDER JORDAN, Esq , of Sunbury, aa proper pioa to iepreant ua in lb Mil legisla tor. The times at such, that sry good eitixan should coins lo th rescue, and yild up all selfish consideration for tb general good of the country 1 trust Mr. Jordau will b willing to max th saeii fie, and in so doing w as eon 4 Jen I h will con fr faw ob Isrg majority rf hi fe'low cat ena of this county TURBUf. A Pact for th People. Th U. S. consumes mors British manufactures than any other nation, (Ireet Britain alone except ed. By a recent report of a commit! to the Bri tish Parliament ll seems that the vslue of British manufactures consumed by various nations is ss follows : Prussia, 7 rents to each person. Russia, 15 Norway, 17 " France, 20 U. Slates. 403 - The abov from th Montpelier Watchman show our dependence upon England, and f.ir those arti cles, Ion, which we ran manufacture aa well and at chetp aa any other people. She yearly drawa over $ 68,000,000 from us, which ought lo remain st home, aupplying a currency for the people and supporting our own nianulsc'ures. Yet the advo cates of Free Trad would repeal the Tariff, the only protection of our manufactures, and permit England to flood our markets with her goods to th exclusion of our own. The frien Is of domestic Industjy would do well lo look in season to the movements of politicians in reference lo this matter. Mr. Calhoun, we need scarcely tty, is out snd out opposed to the Tariff. Concerning Mr. Van Buren, the other prominent candidate for the auffiage of hit party, we invite Ibe reader' close attention to the ful- l : I . I e . l . , . r owing rrinaias lascn irum ine iniesi eiposinon oi his views in relation to the Taiiffin his letter to the Indiana Committee: "To all preacnt appearance, the aequimeenre in a tariff for revenue, now so general, may, in the ahtence nf tfieeial excitement, endure for a period at long at ia commonly embraced in calculations of business. It cannot, however, have esc sped the attention of th manufacturra, that although no State or district of rountry msy yet have taken ground against ihia mode of raising revenue for the support of Government, there sre not wanting thousand of vigorous intellects, in every sction Bos. It was announced, som . few waaks ago, Ihsl th next number of Martin Chuxxtawit, giving hi sdtcntures in America, would probably eon tain om fun to rpy lh reader for wading through th amount ofstepid d nines which i lo b found in lh preeeeding number. Th number hat come, but lbs expectations formed of it ar not re alised. Boa it evidently so vexed at the failure of hit miesion to procure a copyright law, by which, ba imagine he would put som hundred of dot Urs roor in hi pocket, ibst be cannot draw avn a decent caricature nf th men and manner of A- merie. He i loo angry lo b amusing . and makes up his deficiency in wit snd humor by vilification snd abu-e. Hit descriptions ar ludicrously over charged, and hi burlesque so extravagant and far removed from propriety, thai if wa cannot bs a mused st them, we ar compelled lo laugh at th author for as abturd an exhibition of persona? spite, nstional prejudice, vulgarity and ill temper aa evrr diagraeed the page of a Troll ope er a Hall. Hi hero, Martin, whose manners and behavior, we suppose, are the itandsrd of good breeding in the author's estimation, inateaJ of being treated with civility, aa it is represented he invariably it, do. serves to be ki. ked at every step for his incivility and ungrtteful recognition nf the favort he recrivei. Bi x' bufToonery shows its. If in every page, and we ran laugh at him and the motives which prompt, ed Vis pitiful spite, if we ran deiive no satisfaction from the story ittvlf. Vhil, Iifg. The Iri.h Reeal Asociition of Nstchex was formally di solved on th 10th instant, in ctn-e-quence of Mr. O'Connell's speech in refen nee to Slavery in this country. Among the resolutions adopted were the f lliwing : llemlved. That by proceeding further in ear ryintf out the objects of our Association, we recog nise Daniel O'ConneW s princifdet, and cmnot but treat with contempt the invocation he makes to Southern Irishmen as they are personally aware of the advantage they enjoy men, and wi! shed their last drop of blood in defence of the country which hss receied, protects and foster us. fesoved, That this Atsocialion now stands dis solved. Resolved, Th it the Secretary be suthnriid to addiess Dsniel O'Connell a letter, indicative of the feelings of thi Association, snd accompanied by a copy of these 1 1 ce. dings, I t McH'ntain. The J jly number of Silli inan'a Journal of Science contains sn account of an ice mountain in Hampshire county, Virgin ia, which has excited not a little interest in that quarter. It ia composed of rocks, and rises tome seven or ci'ht hundred feet, constituting part of a ridge. The mountain aurface i made up of red sandiitone and upon removing the of our extended countiy, who, penetrated by a deep Monca to the depth of a few inches masses of enseofthe inequality snd consequent injustice of itt operation, sre applying all ths rnergiea of their minds to the overthrow of th system itself. They rtnnot I ignorsnl, either, of th fact, that a pre. judict against mbxcttsxstiois, springing in torn degtr at least, from a supposed abuse of power in timet past, may yield to lime and reflection, or msy b supplsntrd by a new and tlrongei antipa thy." Mark the expressive languige : "ther are not wanting thoitsamts of vigorous intellects" where ! why "in every section of onr extensive country" to do what t to "overthrow lh sy.tern" of all im. port duties, by "applying all the energies of their minds" la the great woik, bein justly incited thereto, Mr. Van Buren assure us, "by a deep tense ot lb inequality and cone qoent injustice of it operation." If this ia not attacking the whole 'system" of a "Tariff for rrveru only" which ia now barely tolerated "acquieaced in" at Mr. V. B. ha it, w should like to l informed what con stitute an attack upon any ".y.tem" whaUverf Sewark Daily Adv. Kngllsh Taxation. Sitisit SiTSi, ihe reverend gentleman whose memorial lo Congress on the subject of Slat Stocks appeared not long ago, waa one of the founders of ihe E.linbuig Review, His early contribution to that celebrated journal were distinguished by the wit and humor which have not ceased to charar. teris his writings let. The following graphic sketch of English taxation in i detail haa been ; quoted before now, but it will bear quotation again: j ice are found at midsummer even during the most oppressive seasons. A thermometer introduced among the cavitiea of the rocks sunk below 40 degrees, and would have gone lower, had it remained. During a recent winter, a ca vity about four feet below the aurface was open ed, and filled up with snow. It was covered loosely with boards, yet it remained during the whole su aimer, dry, friable and chrystalline, without melting. IIAUTIMOKK MAHKET. Office of the BiiTntoaa Amkbici. July 34. FLOUR A site of GOO bbls. Susquehanna Flour wss msile on Saturday at f " GRAIN. Numen.ua parcels of new Wheat from Maryland and Virginia appeired in market to-day, but Ihe prices of last we.k could not lie maintained, and the aale of fair to prime lot were at 105 110 cent, which is decline nf sever! cents per buhel. We note a sale of 1000 hush, prime old Pennsylvania at 110 tie. We quote Maryland Corn at 53 a 53 et. for white and 5 a a 55 els. fur yellow. Sales of about 51 00 buahrle Penna. yellow at 55 cents. Oat ire worth about 36 cents. WHISKEY. Prices have advanced a shade. We no'e tiles of hhds, to-day at 31 cent and of 1.1,1s. at C4j eta. roH TBS AMIBICat, Assembly. Ma. Msr.B Th Democracv of Nortbumber- "We can inform Jonathan what arethe inevil. j j ,nd county will soon be called upon lo make able consequences of being too fond ofg'ory Tax- choice of a ctndidale for the next legislature, and , . . . .l asHine nsvr wn several wniuiT men itreseiiiru as upon every article which enter into the mouth, I . ... .... . I" r ' ! fur Iheir consideration, permit ua through the me- or eovers the back, or ia placed under the foot j ,iiu,nofour valu.ble paper, lo oiler Kdwsi V. tsxes upon every thing which is pleasant In see, i Uiiiuht, ol the Uorough of Sunbury, a a candi- hear, feel, smell, or last tie upon warmth, light, and locomotion Itxe on ery thing on earth, and Ihe watera under the earth on every thing that come from abroad, or ia groun at home tsxea on the raw material taxe on every fresh value thai ia added lo il by tha industry of man taxe on the eauae which pamper man'a appetite, and the drug that itstores him to health on the ermine which hang th criminal on the poor man' sail, and lh rich man' pice on Ihe brae naila of the cofTin, and the rihband of th bride at bed or board eouchant nr levant, wa mast pay. The achooWboy whip hi taxed top ; lh beirdlea youth manage hi taxed bore, wiih a taxed bri dle, on ataxedroid; and the dying Englishman poura hi medicine, which ha paid seven percent.; flings himself back upon hi chints bod, which hss psid twenty-two pr rent.; and expire in lh arm of hia apothecary, who h paid a license of death. Hia whole property iathen immediately lxd from two to ten pr cent. Baaid th probata, Isrg foe ar demanded for burying him in th ehsneel. hia virtue ar handed down to posterity en taxed maibU ; and h i than gathered lo his father, to b taxd no more." Dsara or a Cn raaat an Ovxa Doi or Paaaaic On Saturday evening, a child named CharUs Edward D Witt, about ight months old, wst givn by it nura IS drop of paregoric in on do, in consequence of whirh th child died th netting morning. date for that important situation. I ptesentin: Mr. Bright to the Democracy of Norlhumterland county, we have no hesitation in saying, that a. mong lh 'iot of canditlale that will be broughv into the field, one to whom ihe intereal of the peo ple could nvjre safely be confided, cannot be found. Mr. Bright haa resided for a long time among ua, and i well acquainted with the want and wishes of ihe people. He ia msn of excellent business habit, industrious and capable poasesaing a soum? knowledge nf the Internal Improvement System and If elected will fearlessly and faithfully perform hi duty. MANY. XOB TUX aMIBICSR. Assembly. Ma. Epitob. Seeing that candidates for th different office are beini hroutht fraril, mi would offer Mr. PETER PURSEL, of Sunbury for th legislature. Mr. Pursel i favorably kuowr lo th citixens ot this county. Hs has long batllet in lh rank of Democracy, never failing lo ren der every assistance lo further lb inlerost arx welfare of our party. Should our fellow ciiixen think proper to elect him lo b their represent talis, we are certain h will not giv tham caus lo legrcl llnir choii. Dsmocbst er Aracara. Member of Attemblf. Ma. Eaire : Ptrmit m to recommend to th voter of Northumberland county, HUGH K TE ATS, Esq., of Shamokin, aa a candidal for Ai semhly. Mr. Trt i an induatnoua tnd intelliger former, and would, if hcted. giv vary general tatu lacUou. MANY OF SHAMOKIN.