Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, July 22, 1843, Image 3

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    Tin: n i iu i, 1: it . DEPARTMENT.
Answer to Enigma of last week.
I am composed of forty-five letters.
My 40, 13, 4, 9, i an island in the Atlantic.
My 8, 9, 38, la rape on the coaal of America.
My 40, 3, 15, in, 4, 9, ia a city in Massachusetts.
My 40,8, 9, 18, 2. SI, la town in Maine.
My 1,7,4,21, 18, 7, ia a lake inN.Yoik.
My 1 6, 7, 33, 27, 1 5, a a river in Oregon.
My 3, 27, 4, 18, 8, ia a county in Pennsylvania,
My 23, 12,27, 9, 7, 15, 7, ia an empire in Asia.
My 40, 8, 1, 28, 8, 28, ia a city in Turkey.
My whole ia proverb.
Thi nnir wit to account for the Ilrandreih
Filla being to eminently successful in curing every
variety of disease, ia that they assist nature in ex
pelling from the body alt thoae impure humor,
which not only eaue hot produce di.eao.
To thoae of a costive habit, this medicine ia in
valuable, being the mildest and most effectual ca
thartic that can possibly be administered, and can
never injure, though taken for any length of
De careful to get the genuine. No Druggist haa
ihcm for rale.
GJ-Purchaso of II. B. Master, Sunbury, or of a
jents published in another part of this paper.
roil TflK AMFKiriV.
Member of Assrmbljr.
Mb. Eiiitoh : Pirmit me tt recommend to the
voters of Northumberland county, HUGH H.
TEATS, Eq., of Sham-kin, aa candidal fur Aa
aemhly. Mr. Teals ia an industrious and intelligent
farmer, and would, if elected, give verv general Sitis
.W .f K It 1 K It ,
At Northumberland, on the 6lh ins-t y John D.
Boyd, -Esq., Mr. JoErn Martiw to Mis Elisa
beth WTr.a, both of Northumberland.
'On 'the lh inst., by lite Rev. D. M. Halliday,
Mr. 'JomtvMa O. Mill, to Mis Sarin Ji.vr.
Hat wot. i, .ell of Danville.
u i c n,
On theimtl. inst., MARGARET, daughter of
Cieorge Weisor, Esq., of this place, aged 2 years
irid 4 month;.
On thailSth inst.. HEXKY WATSON, son of
Mr. Jacob liclb't, of this place, aged 1 year, 3
months anj 2 days.
'Corrected meefsly by Henry Yoxtheimer.
War., .100
IRtb, - -- . . . -50
'Cork, ...... 40
Osre, - . - . .25
(Pork, 5
iFux-irrn, - .100
Hitttkr, - 10
Vkkswai, - 25
Taliow, - - - - 10
IDarrnn, - . . 75
Do. Ptacitt, - - 200
IFlvx, - .8
flacKLtn Tliv, 10
i:io, - -s
towxsiiip meetings.
TIfE HemonrafK1 ThieeM of Northumlerland
county are requested 'to meet in their several
nwnships, nn Saturday, 'the 12ih day of August
icxt, lo elect delegates to meet in county eonvety
lion .in ujbuty, on Wonrnry the 14ih of August
'infi.'for the purpose of a suitable candi
late for Congress. AsscnilHvi, Treasurer, Cmmis
ioner and Auditor, arid TMcgatcs to the State
r?oiiciiti-m 'ln lie held in Karria'iurj, to nominate
Kliilat.s tr ll office of4an il Commissioiiera.
Jty enler of the Democratic
Duly rc.l.18r.
i'o tiTk v iters ot xTTrt HUM BER-
P3UXVW OITfEENSr: At the earnest solirt- J
lationa R una rev of mv fzeuds, I am induced to I
iDar myself aa aai2rialefoTlhe olTice of
Should 1 be elected, 1 wilt endeavor to discharge
he duties of tbcoffoe fhetieA of my eliilitv.
Soriitury. iuly 22d. 184?.
Notice of Ilule -of Court
Vrt R Tli U M B E R L A N D OflUNTV, SCT.
In flit Courl ofCvmmrm Pleas of said County.
The MaiufiirerVv
,nd Mechanics Hank
if the Northern Liher
iee, in the county of
John II. Cow Jen
Aran. I5ih, 113, on
motion of Mr., rule
to show -case viy the first
Vdy of next Vim. why a-
Wwt mousanil dollars ol
the proceeds of sale should
J not Ve pid over to plain-
rttac'rd from the Rccoid, and certified July tith,
1813. 8. D. JORDAN,
July Sth. !843. 4t JW'y.
Notice r Rule of C'fJurU
In the Court of Common 'fcrf annf County.
Catherine Roa, sur-" Aratt. 15th 1S43, on
iving executrix of John j molianef Mr. Oellaa, rule
. Ross, di ceaetL tn show cause by the first
rs. j day of next term, why
Henry FornwaK J the money raised from
aula of defendant'a perso
lal property liy Sheriff Maurer should not l paid
o plainilT.
iitraried from the Record, anJ certified July Sih,
1843. S. D. JORDAN,
July 8th, 1843. 4t Proth'y.
Notice in llaiikriiptcy.
NOTICE ia liereliy givi a to the rredilnra of
Henry Yoxlbeimer, lately uVereed a )ank
upt, that the Commia-ioner in Bankruptcy lor
iorthumher'and county will uttend at hia office in
junburv, daily, to receive proof of debta against
Hunbury, July 8. 1843. 3t ComV.
Stray Cow.
STRAYED away from the auKcriber in Sun-
tMiry, about the I8ih of June last, a
viib I ttle white under her belly and a little while
in one or both of her hind feet. Any peraon bring
ng aaid cow back again, or giving infmmaiion
vbcre ahe may be found will l bU rlly rewarded.
Bur.bury. July Bth. 1843 3t.
hTkH Clir.HRIF.8 for aala by
July 15, 1813. II. 11. MASSER.
Sheriff's Sales.
BY virtue of aundiy wrlta of Venditioni Eipnn
aa and a writ nf Levari Faciaa isaued out of the
Court of Common Plcaa of Northumberland county,
to me directed, will be ei posed to public sale at the
Court House in the Dorough of Sunbury, on Mon
day the 7th day of Aujuat next, at I o'clock, P.
M, the following described property, to wit t
fgy All that certain tract or piece of
Zll bind situate In the c'ty. of Northumberland a.
foresaid, beginning at a white pine comer, adjoining
tande of Diddle Ac Co., thence north 75 degrees eat,
134 perchea to a pile of alot.e; thence north twelve
degrees west, 1 9G perchea to a post t thence north
eighty-eight degrees weat, 23 perchea to a post t
thence north seventy-five degreea wcat, 89 perchea
to a pile of ftotie ; thence aouth five degreea west,
48 peieheato a post j thence south eighty degrees
west, 30 perches to a pine ; thence south thirteen
degreea east, 195 perches to the place of beginning,
contsintng 105 acrea and 64 perchea and allowance
of six per cent, for made, &c.
Also: One otlicr tract of land sit-
JCfuate in the county of Northumberland afore,
aaid, being Inilted, bounded and deaeril-ed aa fob
Iowa: beginning at a white pine, adjoining land
of the Asylum Company, thrnce north twelve ite
grees west, 171 perches to a corner ; thence south
eiuhtv-one decrees west, 4 0 perchea to a corner;
thence aou'h seventy-four degrees west, 68 perches
to a iile ofrtoties thence north aixleen degreea
west. 8 nerehes to a pile of stone t thence aouth
seventy four degrees west, 100 perches to a pile of
stone; thence nortli sixteen degrees wesr, mid
nerches to a nile of stone ; thence north seventy-
five degrees east, 21S perches to a pile of stone :
thence north twelve degree west, 80 perches to a
cum t thence south seven'y-four degrees west, 275
perches to a pine ; thence soiun imy-nve oegrees
west, 1 1 2 perches to a chesnut. fjllcn ; thence south
seventy eight degrees west, 1 9fi perches to a chesnut
onk ; thence north, fifty-four degrees to a chesnut 5
thrnce west, 124 perv'hes to a ihesuuts thence
utith seven y degrees west, 65 perchea to a pile of
gtone a corner ol saran Iteee nnu ; inence
south twe!e degrees ea-t, 159 perches to a post ;
thence nor h eighty-five degrees east, 255 perches
to a pile of stone ; thence north aevcnty-five de
gree east. 1 '8 perches to a pile of atone; thenre
aouth twelve degrcfl east, 388 perchea to a pine ;
thenre north seventy-five degrees esst, 129 perches
to a white pine ; thence north twelve and a half
degreea weat, 204 erchea to a pile of atone ; thence
aouth eighty-f ur and a half degreea east, 218
perchea to a pile of stone, formerly a maple ; ihepce
south sixty-one degrees eaat, 64 perchea to a white
pine, the place of beginning, containing 1012 acres
43 perchea and allowance.
Seixed, taken in execution, and to be sold as the
property of Burd Patterson.
MAIso: A certain tract or piece
of 1 ind situate in Rush township. Northum
berland county, adjoining landa nf Wiltism Hear,
Jr. Peier Ro.idarmel, John Penny 1 and others, con
taining twenty acres more or less, about 12 acres of
which are cleared, whereon are erected a two story
frame dwelling house and kitchen, a frame smoke
house and a small log bsm.
S. ir.ed, Liken in execution, and to be told as the
pn'peity of John Be-ir.
pf Also : A certain tract of land
W'W situate in Coal townchip, Northumberland
county, adjoining lands of Soloman Bolig, Philip
Dunkleln-rser. and M.thonoy creek, containing 64
acres more or less, about 40 arret of which are
cleared, and whereon are erected a small log hou-e
and a new tog barn.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the
property of George Gotshall.
MAIso: A certain half lot ofground
situate in the borough of Sunbury, fronting
on Market atreet, it being one half of lot No. 29,
adjoining lot No. 28 on the weat, and on the east
by part of same lot No. 29, on which ia erected a
two atoiy frame house, a small frame office and
frame stable.
Seixed, taken in execution, and to be sold aa the
iironertv of George Weiser.
asj. Also: The equal undivided moic-
ZlZ It or half of two certain Islands, snunte in
the river Susquehanna, in Augusta township, Nor
thumberland county, opposite the dwelling house
of William R. Long one thereor called "Mroily a
Island." containing 37 acres more or less, about 25
acres of which are rle irej. anil in a hich state of
cultivation, cVc. The other thereof called '-Round
Island." ronlainine about 3 acies. nevly all of
which are cleared and in a high state of cultivation.
Seixed, taken in execution, and to be a aid aa the
proerty of William R. Jones.
rx Also: A certain tract of unim
i nrovrd land situne upon the waters of Shamo-
kin creek, in Conl township, Northumlierland coun-
iv. liour.deJ bv lands la'e of David F. Gordon on
the steal. Thnmns Cadwallader on the east, and
William Bovd, Burd Pa'teraon & Co. on the north,
containing I7C8 acea more or less.
ssn Also: A certain other tract of
ZZZ unimproved land aituate in Conl township,
Xoithumherljnd county, bounded by lands of Tho-
mas Cadwalbideron the west, David F. Gordon nn
the east, and on the north bv land surveyed on
warrant in the name of William Tomlinson,
George Colerain and others, containing 17C8 acrea
more or less.
,3 Also: A certain tract of unim-
X proved bind situate in Coal townanip. Nor
thumberland county, bounded by land of Thoma
Cadwalladtron the east, John Brady on the north,
and 1 homaa Cadwallader oil the west, containing
400 acrea more or less.
Also: A certain tract of unimproved
tsnd aituste in Coal township, Northumlerl,ind
county, bounded on the west by land suiveyed in
the name of Esther Cramer, land of David F. Gor
don on the east, and laud surveyed in the name of
William Green on the noith, containing 400 acres
more or test.
Seixed, taken in execution, and to be sold as the
property of William Silvis.
ShentTs Omce,
Sunbury, July 15, 1843.$
ted at
CViiie filrrrt, opposite the Town Hall,
roii's v 1 1,1.13, r.i.
J . C. Is RSSKI.
RESPECTCULLY announces lo
the travelling community that he
has Isken the large and splendid estab
lishment, the Exciunx lloTfL. aitua.
the corner of Centre and Callowhill streets.
nearly opposite the Town Hall, in the borough of
rottsvilte, which has tecn thoroughly repaired arm
materially improved for the accommodation of visit
ore. The Hotel is forty ft. front on Centre st., and
one hundred and thirty eight ft. on Callowhill, three
stories high ; it ia admirably provided with Parlors,
Silting Rooms. Reading Room, and large airy
Chamhcre the most spacious, pleas int and conve
nient D'ning Room in the country a new and su
perior Bathing Establishment ; and every conve
nience and comfort to render it in all respects a
most deirahtfl Hotel.
No pai'ia or expense will be spared to furnish
the Table and Br with the best that this and the
Philadelphia Markets afford ; and with a delermi
nation lo devote hie entire personal attention to the
comfort and arcommoda'ion of those who may fa
vor him with a cull t aided by active, careful and
obliging eervauts, be hopes to give general satis
faction. PRIVATE FAMILIES, wishing to visit this
highly intereeting and healthy Coal Region, will be
provided with Parlors and Chambers, which he
feels confident will please the most fastidious.
(Jj The Stabling attached, is large and well
construct, d, i nd superintended by experienced and
attentive Osiers. Horses and Carriages may be had
at any lime to convey persona to any part of the
fXjAn Omnibus runs fiotn thia Hotel daily to
and from the Depot, to meet the Cars, for the sc.
commodstion of persons travelling en the RjiI
Road. No charge for omnibus fsre to thia Hotel.
Pottaville. J.ily 8, 1843. m
The puMic will please observe that no Drandreth
Pilla aro genuine, unless the box hat three la
beta upon it, (the top, the aide and the bottom)
earh containing a f.ic-simile signature of my hand
writing, thus 1). IlRtstnaxrit, M. 1). These la.
helaie engraved on steel, beautifully designed,
and done at an expense nf over f 2,000. Therefore
it will be seen that the only thing nrresanry to pro
cure the medicine in its purity, ia to observe these
I libels.
Remember the lop, the aide, and the bottom.
The following respective persons are duly auhori
xed, and hold
For the aale of Urandreih'i Veijetulife Universal
Northumberland county t Milton Mackey ct
Chambcilin. Sunbury H. B. Masscr. M'Ewens-
villo Iiel.ind A Meixell. INnrthumheiland W m
Forsyth. Georgetown J. oV. J. Walls.
Uiiion County? New Berlin Ilogar cV Win.
ter. Selinsgrove George Gundium. Middle
burg Issac Smith, lleavertown David Hubler.
Ad imbur Wm. J. May. Mifllinsbure Menerh
&. Ray. Hartleton Dinicl Long. Freeburg
G. & F. C. Moyer. Lewisburg Walts & Green.
Columbia county i Danville E. II. Reynolds
ft Co. Berwick Sluimun V. R ttenhnuse. Cat
tawiasa V. G. Urnbts. Blooinsburg John R.
Moyer. Jeisey Town Levi Bisel. Washington
Robt. MeCay. Limestone Balliet fc McNmrh.
Observe that each Agent haa an Engraved Cer
tificate or Agenrv, containing a representation ol
Dr BRANDRETH'S Manufactory at Sing Sing,
ind upon which will also be seen exact copies ol
he riro lithe h now used upon the lirandreth fill
Philadelphia, office No. 8, North Sth street.
June 24th. 1M3.
(rent Wcfttern Indian lnnavrn,
Compounded entirely of Vegetable
Free from Cnomrl andull other Minerals.
For the history of this medicine, and ita unrivalled
and truly surprising sucreas and popular
ity, see large bills
IT is recommended as a general cathartic for
family use in dyspepsia and all bilious disea
ses, it ia invaluable for Asthma it ia considered a
specific, no case having yet occurred which it has
faibd to cure for common cidds, imfiammalory
disea-es, rheumatism, aflecliona of the liver, &c,
and for females, it ia a aafe and excellent remedy.
From Dr. Si Ins West, of HtnghamTitnn, K. Y.
Mr. Lonalev -Dear Sir t I have ued your Great
West, rn Indian Panacea in my family, and have
repeatedly prnwrilied it for patients under my care,
and am aatixfied that it is always a safe, and in very
manv cases nn invaluable medicine. It opera'cs as
a laxative without nausea, or pain; and while iter
fcrtii'ilty obviates costivenrs arts upon the stomach
and liver aa an alterative, correcting acidity, and rc
storing the healthy condition of those orgniis.
Very respectfully vours. S. WEST.
Forsalcbv JOHN W. FRIMNG, Sunbnrv.
JACOB BRIGHT, Northumberland.
I May 20ih. 1843. ly
PROPOSAL will U received until tun-down
of Ftidsy the 1st day of Septemlier, 1843, at
the town of Sunbury, for the repair of the Mahan
tango Aqueduct, on the Susquehanna Division.
Plana and specifications will be exhibited three
daya previous to the letting.
Supervisor Susq. Div. Pa. Canal.
July Bth, 1843. 8t
.loliii riscly's I t site.
TsVTOTIt'F. is hereby given, that letters testamen-
tary on the estate of John Eisely, late of
Sunburv, Nrthoniliertand county, dec d , have been
gr.inled by the Register of said county lo the sub
scriber. All those indebted lo the above estate are
requested to call and make payment on Saturday
the 29ih of Julv, 1843, at the late residence of the
deceasrd. and those having claims will present thiir
accounts, well authenticated, for aelilement.
July 1st. 1813. Executrix,
(Jir Wocfc Xumbcn still StipplieJ. fj
i:ii.m it; macsAziiye.
A New Reprint.
two noma A xxaa aisnit rorirt 18J cts.
HE Publisher of the New World aanouncet
that be has com .Tier. cd the Re-publication
of thia most celebrated of the nngaxinea, at a price
hich will insure it a very large circulation.
Blackwood" haa long stood at the head of the pe
riodiral literature of the world, and it continues to
maintsin that diailnction. without a rival. Profea.
sor Wilson, its editor fold "Christopher North, )
is unrivalled as a prose-writer und a poet, and hia
contributors are among the first living authora of
Great Britain.
It will be issued in a double number of the New
World, within 24 hourt after the arrival of the
Englii-h Steamer, and sent by the first mails to sub.
srribrrs in all parts of the Lulled States and lin
tish Americs.
Tss. TWO DOLLARS per annum, for
one copy Five DolUra for Three copies Eight
Dollars for five copies and f 15 for I en copies
iav able in advance. Single copies 18 cents.
Anv Postmaster, 01 other person, who will ob
tain 10 subscribeis, and remit (15 therefor, shall
have an extra copy gran. Suliject to newapapc
postate onlv. Address J. WLUIIES I tH,
Julv 1st. 1843. I'ulillslier
J a rob MalUli's Ustato.
Sorthnmlierland County, ss.
A MONG.ST the Records of the Orphans' Court
of ssid countv, at April term 1843, it is Ihu
contained t
'April 10th. 1813. on motion of Alexander Jor
dan, Eq , rule on the heirs and legal represents-
lives nf Jacob Malich, dereased, to appear on th
first day of next term, (August 7th. 1843,) and sr
cepl or refuse the real estate ot said deceased at the
Extiarted from the Record, and certified April I Tin,
Sunl-urv. June 24, 1813. Ct CTk O. 1
T7ELLOW CITIZENS: I have len induced
A- ia nrfar mvself ss a esndi.lsttf for ibe office o
County TrraMircr,
at the coming election, e-hould you think me
worthy of your support, and I should be so suc
cessful as to be fleeted, I will endeavor to gie gen
eral satlofacUon to all who msv be concerned.
Sunbury, June 24lh,1843.
Jacob Mallc-la'a IXatr.
A LL persons indebtel to aaid estate, either by
bond, note or book account, are now called
upon, for the last time, lo aellla the same on or be
fore the first dsy of August next. Alter that lime
all unset led claims will I put into the hands of
a justice for collection. PETER MAI.ICH,
Aueua'a. Julv 6th. 1813. 4t Admr's.
Treasurer's Xolice,
TIHE Merchants and Taveru-keep. ra nf North
L umberland county are hereby notified that their
licenses are ready for distiil-utiun, and should lie
attended to on or before lbs first of Augu.l next, as
it is the duty nf the Treasurer to return all delin
quent lavrrn keepers to the court, before the Grand
Jury is dismissed. They rsn be obtained at any
nine at the treasurer a ohVe:
Sunlmry, July 8, 1843. 7'rrosircr
A'TIiwnIiIisk Mai-lsliw lor Kui'.
rpHE siihcrilr olfe-rs f..r sale a THRESHING
M. MACHINE, new and in good order. The
Machine has been tried, and proves to lie an excel
lent one II will be sold at a reduced price, anj
warranted. Apply lo H. D. MASSER,
July 1st, 1813.
lart, Andrews & ilI'Kcvcr,
r orwardms and t.encral 1 roduce
Second Wharf ahore Knee SI . nn the Delaware,
Henry Farnum & Co. iJaivis, Trabue &. ('urd.
Bray, Barcroft.ct Co. Itnuisvile.
Williamson, Burroughs Geo. Luckey, ct Co.
ckClaik, I Cincinnati.
Eckel. Spanstcr cVRaguel .St. John Smith, Esq
Joseph Souther, Esq.,
Hon. Wm. Disler,
I Clearfield, Pa,
1) Hendricks,
Sunbury, Pa
Reed, Bro. A. Thoms,
Rogers, Brothers V t-o,
W. (.Thompson A Co,
Rol ert Sieen A Co.
i J. Reakeit,
Mulford cV Alter,
it. Webh. E q.
Philadt Iphia jR. Hum- s, Eq.
David R. Porter, Ei-q. j Robert Crane, Esq.,
Messia.J. & P. Martin,
Wm. K. Hoffuagle, Esq.
Lewis Hurford, L-q.
Jones, Murphy & Co.
A. Brown tV. Ilrother.
J. K. Moorehcad.Esq.
Morgan tt Anderson,
Geo. Piesbury, Esq.
.M. Lows,
June 3d, 1813. Iy
Jersey Shore, Pa
Wm. M'Kelvy A Co.,
Itloomsburg, l a.
Walls Ac ttteen,
Lewisburg, Pa,
T. W. Kin'xing Ac Son
Loch Haven, Pa,
SteirettAt Potter,
Levnstmvn, Pa,
Joseph Paxlon, Esq.,
Columbia Co , l a.
jVo. 70 South Wdttrert, opposite the Exchange,
f Formerlu of So. 76 Smith Second street,)
Manufacturer of Improved and Patent Fire and
I hief-proof Chests and Dmira, Water and f ro
vision Coolers, and Filterere. R.fiigers
tors, Hoisting Machines, Ac, Ac.,
Stiu conlinnea lo make
C t ) U NT Y T II K A S I II Kit.
7' the Votrrn of iXorthumbrrland County
E1.LOW CITIZENS: Through the soli
citations of miny friends in various parts of
Hie county, I have been induced to oiler myself as
a candidate for t'ie office of
Should I be so fortunate a lo receive a majority
f vour anlTVagra, I pledge myself to discharge the
duties of said office with fidelitv.
Sunbury. May 20th, 1843.
Ao. 237, Xorth Third, nhox r Vultowhill St.,
JOHN DUNCAN, late from the Pennsvlva
nia Farmer, and Samuel Pike, jr., late of A-
mencan Hotel, Uolumhus, tlhio, take pleasure in ac
quainting their Mends and the public generally thnt
they have taken the large and cotnmodtoua Hotel,
recently built by the Messrs. Hart, on the same situ
onee oreupied by the old established Hotel known
as the Bull's Head, in Third street above Callow
hill St.
This Hotel is finished in the very ! est possibio
manner, and nf the brwt materials. Its lor-nt on is
very desirable, particularly for country merchants;
the airniigements for heatir-g and vcniilating earb
room ia such as to secure arv lempe mr-.
bedronmaarc all light and oin . '! fo nisli--neal
sty'e, so as to insure ( - f..n
The receiving parlors are 1! .j i- -' o i ii
perb style, the windows are V,
forming an entrance lo a h.ii- nv f, . ;,
makes pleasant recess. V; .--. I'-i
been given to tho beds a.' I i ji-- i. ' .-"Ii
the furniture, are en'ir-' . ; .
from yea')!' ii " ; : "
Iruat. by strict ' '' '' 1
bouiw a deira'i - '
always 1 suppb.--! "
can Bll-irit, and oi'i t-1
wines nl tin- ni"Bt -pi u
P. S. Tlieie ire fir,- ,
hou-e attached lo tv In
and satt-er ho!ei :i!.d
nrconliinre evi'li tfn- pr -el
Philadelphia. f).-t
I iri a
1 r -'
ti t-?
. null
:, V.O
- will
rs e d
t cainaqij
e. I . lit
A t:
EUnSUBl 1 Am
HAS tsken the office formerly occupii-d by the
Hon. Chailes G. Donml, opposite the Court
House. He will attend lo business in the turts
of Northumlierland, Union and Columbia counties.
May 20th, 1843.
J. D. Waters,
RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of the
borough of Northumberland, and ita vicinity,
thai he has commenced the
Tailoring Buiiicss
a'l its varioua branches, in the shop formerly
occupied by Henry S. Thomas, directly opposite
Forsvth s store. As he receives the Iew jorK
and Philadelphia Fashions quarterly, he is enabled
to do all jobsentrusled to him, after the neatest and
latest style, and upon the shnitest notice.
Northumberland, Apiil 23d, 1813. ly
?. E 1C O 7 i. L .
ITT II. MUliSCr has removed hia atore, into
X-X-s the new liuildina adi.miinff the old store
where he haa opened a new aasoitment of Dry
ti roils, twroceritt, ljucensware, Haiti wore, e
All persons having una-tiled accounts in his
books, will ssve costs by attending to ihein soon.
Sunbury, June 10th, 1813.
Agent for the tain uf Soutliirorth Manufac
turing Vomyanu $
arclioiise No. II Minor Street,
THE following kinds constantly on hand, and
for aale to the Trade at the lowest market
pr cat t Fine thick Flat Cai, 1 J, 14, and lfl II.,
niue ana wnne ; tura super, and suM-rllno Folio
Ports, blue and wbu, , iu,r putl ,nj
I'ommercisl poets, blue and while Extra super
Linen Note papers, long 1 do. broad tuwrfine anJ
line Counting house Uaps, lilue and while; Extra
super Congress Cape and loiters, plain and luleJ,
lilus and while ; uernne r rench 1'osts, plain and
ruled ; Su rrrlne Sei mnn Capa and Posts ; Superfine
and itne Capt and Posts, ruled and plain, blue and
while, various quslilies and prirea. Boards, Tissue, Envelope, Wrap,
ping, and Hardware papers, Ac, Ac,
Mi; 97, I8l3.-m.
PWT. , 'Jfc CTILI, connnom ia man
WcSlhis celebrated WATER Cool
I'",Vv'rs, and Fillerers, Refrigers
xwsl Eia'tattoie, both of the round an-
.quare shape, wilh improve
merits, of the liest mateiiafs
Svand woikmanshii.
OCT" The Cliosts ore manufactured without
plank of any description, of the bet.1 material which
is calculated to resi.-t Imrula-B and heat as long a
any manufactured in the United Stales atrialwd
which he ia wi ling to make wilh any oilier, pro
vi.led the trial be ma.lo nf chests already told to
customers, and not Manufactured for the expresi
purpose of a Irial. Purchasers are invited to call
In-fore purchasing elsewhere.
CAUTION. All persons sre cautioned eg tin.
making, using, selling or causing to be sold, an
Keyhole covert fit Fire Proof Chests or doora of
any kind, simi'ar in construction to my patent of
July I Oth, 181 1, ns they wilt be dealt with accord
ing to the Patent Law.
M iy 27ih, 1843. 6m.
(.cw Ksfnhlitliuieisf.)
RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of
Sunbury and vicinity, that he haa recently
commenced the
ill all itt branches, in Market street, Sunbury, im
mediately bilow the pott office, where he will be
rea-ly lo receive ai d execute all orders in the line
of hia businea-, with promptness and despatch, and
ill the best style and manner. Hia price! will be
low, in aecoidanee wilh the times.
07 Luml-cr and Country Produce taken in Ex
cbsnge. May 27ih 1843. f.m
Nos. y.l and 31 North Third Street,
Near the V. i t v Hotel,
1 ' i. maiili, Auctioneer, re.-pectlury in-
viles the attention of persons desirous of ,f.
rhssing Furnilure, to hia extensive Sales Hnoms,
(both puhlic and Piivate.) for every den-iii-ii-in of
llouseno.j r uruiiure, wncre can l-e obtained at all
limea, a Urge assortmenl of fashionable and wlt
manufactured Cibi:iel Furnilure, Beds, Mattrassea,
A.C, at very reduced price, for eaah.
(t7- Sulca bv Auction, twice a vvtck.
May U7ih, 1843. ly
EP. JACOB 3. ItliLSSE?.,
RESPECTFULLY informs the citirens or bun
bury and ita vicinity, that he has taken the
office formerly occupied by Dr. John Peal, where
he will be happy to receive calls in the line of his
pr. -fession. April 22d. 1843.
Daniel Yariek,
TTfcEGS leave to inform the citizens of Sunbury
m and itt vicinity, that he hat commenced the
in Maiket street, Sunbury, east of John Bogar's
store, and directly opposite the post office, where be
intends to carry on the business in all its vsrious
branches, including, Turning, Making Mill Irons
and F.liptie Springs, Ironing Carriages, with Ex
tension or Standing tups. Shoeing Horses, c
Orders will be promptly and punctually attended
to, and work done cheap, for casu or country pro
(tj Horso Shoeing done at ft r sett.
Sunbury, April 1 5th, ln43. Gm
A:was imrc'Et:?': hells: is,
H A T T S3 1 ,
-1TTERY RESPECTFULLY re.;- v.xeio i .
yf form his customers, an I i'.e : i.' bo r-!h,
that he still coniiuues lint
in all its various branches, in the shop iir-s'K- 'in "
eite the Buck Tavern, formerly occupied bv Hen
ry liana and himself, under the firm of Hasa fc
Druckrmiller, which firm h .s been mutually dissoW
veil. He hopes, by his long experience in the ahove
business, and strict attention thereto, to render gen
eral satisfaction, and receive a liberal t-hare of put),
lie patronage.
Sunbury, Oct. 15th, 1842. ly.
(Ginrral Stage Oftce,)
ma: tkj ir ciz: ts 9
fTHE Subscriber resecifully informs his friends
A. and the puhlic in general, that be has taken
the above
and that he ia now well prepared to accommodate
all who may favor him wilh their custom.
Hia S1.Er.r1ge AraaTaiuiTa are well aired, and
His Taatc in Ban will always be supplied
with the best the market can afford.
His Sta hLisin, which is good, will be under
the charge of good and careful hostlers.
He feels confident, by strict attention to business,
and an earnest desire to render comfortable those
who may patronize him, thai he wilt not fail to give
general satisfaction. H. 15, WEAYER.
Munry, Oct. lat, 1812. tf.
tw t r
Manufacturer of Writing ami Intlelli
tie Ink, No, 111 North Third Street, six
doors below Kacc, (eat-t side,)
rESPi:CTFl'LLY inlorms country nierehants
- and nlhera, that he con-tantly keeps nn hand
a large stock of bis siiierter Black, Blue and Red
Ink, and also a auieiior quality of ludclliMe Ink.
His ink is put up in bellies varying in site, from
I lo S'-i ounces, and will I sold on reasonable
lerms. The excellent qualities of thia ink haa ao
thoroughly rttahli-hed ita character, that it it now
extensively used throughout lbs country,
, For sale al the store of H. B. Masscr, Sun
bury, Pa. May 3Vib, lb3. ly
Boot & Shoe
.11 a r t i 11 1 1 iv i 11 ,
ESPECTFULLY informs his friends and
JL, old customers, that he has removed hia
floor v shoe establishment
to the frame building adjoining his dwelling house,
between that and Dr. D, T.Tiites' office, a few doora
west of his old establishment, in Maiket street
where he intends lo carry on the above business
exteiiMveby, 111 all its various brunches.
Being thankful for past favors, he hopes, by strict
attention to business and liberal rhargea, to give
general satisfaction ; and that he will continue to re-
ceive a liberal -hare of public patronage.
April 8lb, 1843.
r. -. I... l'lllf, Thankful for pssl fa.
tors, rc-iiecifully Informs the ii'oshitanta ot
Sunbury and coun'ry around, tha' be has, taken
his residence and office in marki. street, in the east
end of Ibe building occupied by John Dnuar's si. ire,
where he will lie happy lo. wait upon all who la
vor him with their call..
r-'uiibury, April 1st, 1843. fim
c; c o r b c Z & in 111 c r 111 a 11 s n.
TIIIE suhtei'ttert hereby iof rm the public, that
.1 they have entered into partnership, in the
h-e',1 ni l hereafter tie carr.T.I on ai the old
'..and in Sunburv, under ibe dim of '-George
Zimmerman cY Son," where ihev will condiiet. alie
l-u inefs in all its various branches, including Turn
ing, Making M il Irons, Ironing Carriages, Sltoe
ing Horses, e. Orders will lie promptly and punc
tually atlendid lo and work done cheap, (or cash
or country produce.
(Tj Shoeing done at one dollar per aelt.
Sunbury, March 1 tlh. 1843.
rIMIE aubaciiUnt, having entered into a partner-
ship in the practice of the law, will be happy
lo attend lo all business entrusted lo their care.
C.ilhs.-.iions will he pr.miplly attended to,
They may alwaya be found at their office, in
Market slrtel, Sunbury, for met ly occupied by
Wm. Dewart, dee'd.. as a store-room.
Sunbury, Feb. 4ih, 1843. 6m.
Fresli soppy til ROSE O'lN f M ENT, leeeived
and for sale by U. B. MASSER.
Nov. 19th. 1843:
Dr. I. T. Tl llrs, Respectfully informs ti e
citizens of Sunbury and vicinity, that he has re
moved his office to the building lately occupied by
George Brittht, in market street, Sunbury, where
he may lie found at all hours, unlcsa professionally
DR. TR1TES returns his sincere thanks for tho
encouragement he haa received, in the line of hi
profession, in this place, and tiu-ts by prompt at
tention to the duties of his prult-ssion, and reason
able charges, that he will continue to receive u
liberal i-hare of the public patronage.
Sunbury, Oct. I st, 1 S Vi. tf.
Dr.J. W. Peal begs leave to tend.rlr- u
hit acknowledgments lo the people nfs- 1 -i
and surrounding country, foi their pat en nn.;.
merit in the line of his profession; and w.-u'd at
the same time announce lo them, lb it he Mill in
tends to continue the practice of niediei.- in -ill be
10, ..-'L it
. i't n.a-.'p.
V at ibe
r reels,
various department. 11.- would, tti
a continuance ol their cor.liilcnro
He mav le louud at all liinos at !'
north east corner of Rla kU-nv a .
Urdess prot'essioiu'lv erp itfed.
Sunbury, Oct. I; I - 1'2 '
mi. j. n'm,
1 ESI'EC I FI 1 I V ir'"-ms me public that bo
Iti-s 111 ide N. r:!u.i-ib- ,'.n:.l bis permanent
place of ie-1-l.-nrv, an 1 i- r--1 'v to atletid lo any
c.ilisin tlie line of i.i- j r- l 1:.
July 2, Itm. Iv.
rillLADf.irill.. READING AN!) I'TSVIIIL'
Climnge of Ihmrs.
On awn arTxa Ssttbost, Aran I, 1S43,
The psssenger trains will leave al the following
houra :
Philadihihia and Pottaville.
From Philadelpbii, at 6 A.M. )
From PottsvilK). al 5J A.M. 5
fours of pasting Ileuding.
For PotvilVe, at Hj A. M.
For Philsdelnbia. at 72 A. M. S
Both liain pas at Pottstown. The down tia n
breakfasts al Reading, and the up train at . orris
town, for which 15 rninu cs tie sllowed at each
J". It K S.
Between Potlsville .V Philada. ?3,."0 & f S.ftO
Between Reading A do. 2,25 cV 1,75
Between do Al Pottaville, 1,40 & 1,00
Ext'i'Bsiusi Tiikxts ooon roa aiTi'BMiae
Between Pottsville cV Philadelphia, f! 00
Between Reading St do. 3 DO
Between do. cV Pottsville, S l'
All the trains will stop for way passengers at
the usual points.
(ft- Alt passengers are requested to procure
their tickets before the trains uil.
May 21, 1(41. if.