II A IV It IV O T IS LIST. The following lint shows the current value of nil Pennsylvania Bunk Not. The mot Implicit re Saner my he placed upon it, a it U every week eor.fully compared with ill d corrected from Iii k nill's Reporter. Itnnks In tl)lta1clIilu. iw . - t . Disc, iv ilAIF. LOCATION. Pmi.. NOTES A T P A R. Rank of North Ameiiea . . Bnnk of the Northern Liberties , Commercial Bank of Penn'rt. .; , Farmers' and Mechanic' Dank' , Kensington Bank , , Philadelphia Bank Schuylkill Bank S.mthwnrk Hank . Western Hank , , . Mrrhanirs' Unnk . Manufacturers' & Mechanics' nnnk" Country Han Us. Bmk of Chester County Westchester par par pnr u.r par pnr par pnr par pni par par par par par par par Bank of Delaware County Bank of Ocrmantown Rank of Montgomery Co. Doylrstown Hank Ertston Bank Farmers' Hank of Thick CO. f KVice of Hank of Petin'a. Oilier do do f'lTce do do Oi'ice do do Cheater Orrmnntown Nnrristown Doylestown Easlori Bristol pir llarrishtiig" Thrsc Lancaster I office Heading f do not Easlon J issue n. NOTES AT DISCOUNT. Hank of the Untied Slates Philadelphia JOoS'J par 13.11 . par Hunk of Penn Township O'nr.l Bank Moyamcnsing Bank Hank of Pennsylvania Miners' Rank of PottRville Hank of Lewis-town Hank of Mid.lletown Bank of Nnrthumhetlnntl par Pot'svillo I.ewistown Middlctown 3x4 Niirthumberland par Columbia Hank Sc Bridge co. Columbia Carlisle Bank Carlisle 3ial I Exchange Bat.k Do do branch of Farmem' Bank of Lancaster Lancaster County Bank Farmers' Bank of Reading Marrishnrir Hank Lancaster Hunk Li'bation 'tank Mf-r .-ban's' ,V Manuf. Bank H ink of Piti.ibure 'Vest I5in:'rb it ,nk .' "tn't'e Bi-Tik .,.rti" iitou-B ink Pittshurp Hollidaysburg LanriMei l.nnrnater Kcadini! J i 3a:'A i l llarrislmrg I.anrastrr Lebanon Piltshurjr Piitsbuis VVillianisport 4ll..4." l!kerbario AllcnlovMi Kcading Pittsburg "J HO 70 failed do Ciiirtv Hank OC.C" of Bank of U. S. Do do do Do do do Kt'iisimrtoii Sav. Ins. A Tenn Township Sav. Ins. Hank of Chamhcrsburg Bank of Oeltysburg Hank of Sunjuehanna Co. Erie Bank Farmers' & Drovers' Bank Franklin Bank Honesdale Bink Monnncahelo Bank of B. Vork Bank Lno New Briuhtmi d do tlhambersburg rtJalU (Settyiburs Montrose Erin Wsynesburg AValiington Honesdale Brownsville Voik C5a3li 0a7 5a.') 34 N. B, The notes of those banks on which we omit quotations, and subvlitute a dash ( ) arc not purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, wilh the rxception of those which have a letter of n fire nee. BROKE N BANK 8. Philadelphia Wav. Ins. Philadelphia Philudt'lphin Loan Co. do Schuylkill Sav. Ins. do failed failed filled failed 8(aS5 no sule elided cloteil failed cloned no sulp ftiilcd li.l., I failed Manual Labor Bank (T. V; Dyott, prop.) fowanda Hank 1 owamla Alleghany Bank of Pa. Bank of Beaver Bank of Sw atara Bank of Washington t Centre Bank City Bank Farmer' & Medi'rs' Bank Farmers' Mcrh'iV Bank Fariiiers' Ac Mech'tsiliank Harmony Institute HuntiiiKdur. Bank iiinitita U ink ijiimbermen's Hunk Northern Bank of Pa. Niw Hope Biidue Co. Northiitnli'd Union Col. Bk, North Wi st, rn lia ikuf Pa. Otlicc of Schuylkill Bank I'a. A nr. A: M.nuf. Hank Silver Lake Bai.k Union Bank of J'enn'a. Bedford Beaver Harrisburg Washington Held fonte 1'ltl s.1 ill I k Pittsburg Fayette co. Creencast'e Harmony no sale Huntingdon no sule l.enislown no sale Warien failed Duinluir no sale New Hope closed Milton no sale Meadtille ilostd Port Carbon Carlisle fail. J Montiose closed Ulliolltnwn filleil (ireenHlurg cluseil W tstmoielarid Hank Wllkrsbarrr Hiidge (.'o. ilkt sbarre no sule (Tj All notes urporling to be on any Pennsyl vania Bank not given in the ubovc list, may be set down os frauds. WAV JLItSr.Y. Bank of New Biunswick Brunswiik Helvideie Bank Helvidere Hurlington Co. Hank Medford Commercial Bunk Perth Amboy ('umberland Bank Hridpton Farmers' Bank Mount Holly Farmi rs and Mechanics' Bk Itahway Farnicr' and Mechanics' Uk N. Biunswick Foriiiers' ami Mi r't hunts' Bk Middltlown Pt, failed I par U pr par 4 failed Iranklin Hunk of N.J. Jersey City Hohoki n Bsc A (uozinii Co I lob,, km failed fail,, I failed failed failed M failed 4 par no sale it er V CilV Uxlik JcrM V Citv 'lull nines' U ink Patterson M isiiif.iitur. rs' Hank Belleville Monis Conniy Bank Morristunn Monmouth Bk nt N.J. Fuehold Mechanics' Bai Nt waik . lei hat ies anil Mai uf. Hk Trtiiton Mmris Canal and Ll.g Co Jeiey City Put Notes jNewark l!ku A. Ins (' Newaik New Hope 1A Bndse Co LamU iUwllo N. J. Manufac. ui.d Bke Co Hoboken 3n failed failed I J rolecton V l.ou.tiard I k Jer,ey City fjil Orange Bunk I rane Paterson Bank Peoples' Bank U i tin i tun Bank Sab in B inking Co1 Hate Hink Slate il .ok r-''u:c I'.-.i I - . of Mor Pan ison do failed 1 Priiiteloii Sab m Newark Llizubelhtown -Mllden Moriislow n 'I'm uiiiii Sal. mi New loll 'I . , t., par par 4 i par 4 failed failed i p.r I ...! V.ui f(' ' w 1 I J. iv'l.tl sa, k fiib-d I' . t u i!U 4 Urumi) up, i U i mingion pal psi par par par par pr p.r par 1.1 ale i i. L.ii k nt Leoiwaif W iliiiiigi.'ii Hunk i f Sinvnia l'o liauch Sm ii, a Milioid ranni is' Pk of Suip nf M D.ltl I l'o brum h Do biumh Do brain b Inioli Hank fXj- Under 6's ilin in k ton t'I'l. 11 tOW Nnwcaslle N iliniugton j On all t'ttuks maiked thus () the,,, r counterfeit or abend note of the van van, m iit . Xlir bfst mvthod for the' Aholilinn of Disrate u to cl.ame and purify the Body. AV UK-II I S iMH ix vi:c4i:taiii,i: iim.s OF THR WrA American Collcre of Health, Are now acknowledged to be the best Medicine in 'lie World for the cure of F.VKltY VARIETY (IF DIRF.ASR "njEe.USE they rnmj.trtrly rlcanse thfi sto- UJW n mai h and bowels frum tin se hillimis nnd cor nipt humor which are the cause not only Hcadachc. fii.l.linrss, Pnlpitntion of the Hcirl, Pn:n in the Honrs, Rheumatism and Ooiii, but evrrv malady incident to man. SAID INDIAN YEOETARIE PILLS are a nrtain cure for in teimitleut, lemiitrib, hervous, inflamalory arid putrid' Fevers. brc.iue they rlrsnsr tliP pody firm those nioihid humors, which, wRrn Confined tothe rirru- I ition, arc threads' of all kinds of FEVERS. So, also, when thr same minority is deposited on tbr iiembinne nnd muscle, eansinp p-.iins, infl.ima- tions anil snePinc's railed KIIEUMATIM. .'( l! T, A c. Wrieht's Indian Vegetable Pills mav berelii d nil as always .rrftfin to jivr r. lief, and if persevetrd with, aeroidlni; to directions will most assuicdlv, and without fail, make a perfect rU'e of the above painful n alndies. From three to six of said Indian Vegeiah'r Pills taken every nitslit go in! to bed, will in a chott time so completely rid the body from every thingrthal is opposed t i health, that lihcumatism, (iont, and p iin of every descrip tion, will bp lin rally DKIVE.N FKO.M THE BO DV. For the s.snir reason, when, from sudden chances of atmo-pheir, or any other cause, the per spiialion isrl eckul, and thr humors which should pi-s nil' bv lb.' skin are thrown inwardly, rausinc HEADACHE, (i I DDI N ESS, nausra and sii k mm, pain in the bones, watery and inflamed eyes, sore throat, honrsene-s, roughs, consumptions, rheumatic pains in various parts of the body, mid many oth. r svmpioins of CATClMNt.! COLO, U,'r's Indian Yinrfnhlc I'i'lx will invariably (live i mined i .te relief. From thiee to six r.f saj, P. lis takin every nti;ht on goiiiR to bid, will in a short time, not on'y remove all the above unpleasant symptoms, but the body wdl, in a id.orl tune, be restored to even sounder heabhtbnn before. ASTHMA, on DIFFICULTY OF HHEATII IN(. Wn'isW.t Jntiii'i Yci;rulir I'ilis will loos en and cany nil) by thr sloma. li and bow i is. thorp tough phbgn.y humor-', which stop up all the air cells of the limes, nnd are the cause, not only of thr aboir distressing complaint, but when neclecte.l, often terminates in that mo.odieadlul malady called CONSUMPTION. It shou'd be also ten embetrd that UV'tf;'. Indian Y(jrctali!r J'illr are a cirtain cure for PAIN IXT1IE SIDE, Oppres-ion, nau 1 j sea, nnu siiKnrss, to-s nt app. ti!r, rostivrnrsa. a M How tinge of the tkin and eves, and t very other ymptoin .fat. rpi.l or dscased siale of the liver; I ,- , , , , I eeaiise tln v pore Irom the boi y those imiiunties ... J ' wlncli tl it. posi'i upon this important ore in, are ., 1 . ' die cau-c of excrv variety of Ll El! COM- III 4 I VI' 1,1 , ., 1 l.AI I. When a toiti.iii ic .,.,, i,l...l it, ......... . oun-reaKs n.i retciiiun, me only means ol pr vent. ing the drea.lf.il consequences of a CIVIL W.Mf, is to expel all traitors, and evil disposid ones from the coun'ry. In like manner, w hen pain or sick ness of any kind, indicate that the lanly is strue gling with intermit foes, the true reme.lv is to EX PEL ALL MORBID HUMOUS, (Traitors to hcabh and life.) I halt h will he the certain retail. That the piiueiple nf curing di-ease, by cleansing and purifying the tody, is sttictly in accordance wilh the laws which govern the animal economy; and if properly ranied out by the use of thr above nanipd WIMOHT'S INDIAN VEOETABLE PILLS, will ceilainly result In ihe complite Abo btion of Disease ; we oiler the follnning testimoni als, from person of the highest respectability in New York, who hove lerentiv been ruied of the most obstinate complaints, solely by the use of Whiuiit's Imhas VrcETiKLr Pills, of the Nurth American College nf Health t Jai aica, L. I., Juno Oil.. Ifll '. Doctor William Wright Dear Sir It is with great sali-fartion I inform you of siy having lecn entirely cured of Dyspepsia, of live years slundii.g, by the use of your I iii an Vkueta iu.k Pili.s. Previous to meeting wilh your celebrated midi cine, I had b. en under the hands of several physi ciuns. and had tried vaiious medicines; but all to no ellecl. After using one 2" rent box uf jour Pills, however, I experienced so much brnrtit, that I iPsolvid to perseveie in the use of them accoidini; to directions, w hich I am happy to slate, has result ed in a peifei t cure. Ingratitude to you for the ereat benefit I have received, and also' in the h. pe that others similaily afflict, d may be induced to make tiial of your extraordinary medicine, I send you this statement wilh full libeity to publish the same, if you think pr. per. Yours, Ac. New Voik, June 11), 1st!. (i.C. BLACK. Mr. Richard Dennis, agent for Wright's Indian Vegelable Pills. Dear Sir I havebrcn afflicted for scleral years with inward weakness and general debility, accom panied at times wiih pains in the side ami oilier distressing complaints. Aft. i liaviuu Ir-ed various medicines w i'h.it.tclTi ct, I was irsuided by a fiieiid to make trial nf Dr. Weight's Indian Vegetable Pills, which I am happy to state, have relieve, rue in a most wonderful manner. I have used ihe me dicine, as yet but a slunt time, and have no doubt, by a perseverance in ihu use of the niidicine occor iling In directions, lh;t I shall in a short time be perltclly re-tore l. I most willh plv rt-conimend said Pit's to all per sons fimilaity afflicted, nnd in ihe full belief that the same beneficial results will follow their use, I re nisin yoiiis sincciely, HENRY A. 1'OOTE. Waiwaising, UlMer co. N, Y. Ni.w Yi.iik, Sept. :!), tan. This is to cntify that 1 have used W in. .in', Ini.ian 'ii riui r. Pili.s with ihe greatest hene. fit; having rn'irrlv cuied myself of the frupient at lacks ol Suk Headache, t which I had previoiialv been subject. ANN MARIA 'J IH iMl'SON, ' Una (ireenwich stnei. N. Y. To Mr. Richi.id Dninii, Agent lor Wright's In dian Vegelable I'i.ls. V1 I' '' .V. As there arc at this lime many wicked persons busily ueai'ed in selUuii a eoiinlerleii medicine un der the nuiiiii of the Indian Vrgetubl PilU and as these despiralr mill ur so mieily reiki, ss r.f run Biiineiiccs, that many valuable lives may Ihi lost in coi!se.iiene.e of Uhing ll.eir dreadful compounds, ihu public are rautioned against purchasing any Pill, sunless on the i ides of the boxes the following wording is fain. I : URIOHT's INDIAN VEOETABLE PILI.S. (Indian Purgative.) uf the mi n tii ininsiN riiiin.i: or iii iltii. And i.'se to I r es,,.t.!y rau-ful uguinst pun liu sine said me.lieine of uny person except the rc"U I r inheri ed .lien's ai.i.sis ron soiniiiMnniLAxi)tot J'i nnxytiauia, . H. B. Massir, Sunliii Wm. Forsyth, Nor ihuiiibell.iud J.icol.. Haas, Slisinyklll Sumuel Herb, Mi.hi.miy Bveriy & D. Haas, Augusts Thomas Fullmer, Milloii Ireland A Mcixill, MeKwensiille E H. P r, Tuihiitsville James I. 'etd. Piiitriir. e H. Klase, Snvd.rstown II. II. Kmi I.. I, M.. Ehsl nri P. O. Wm. Li i 1 1 .rini', I M I Moil Cm, f. Dili, i' ..lit l.n,r.. l. ,,..( I ,r tie ,le of ', lnd.cn I. L" lvl!e '..'. M I.- . .1 '"'. No. Di'J KAtt f.n;Ki: v, rmi.Ai i:i.-J PlllA. Mav SI, 1H3. ly i T fl C TJ ' QTMT TVT Tl TJ T Ai U & Hm TCTTlti ' I nt no won Ms, pimple on tiik fact, and OTiir.it Cl'TANKOl'fl rill'lTtONH. I The following rrrtijien'e timet thes one of the I must extraordinary cum ever effected hy any apjdiratian. Pim.Anr.iiMi! 4, February 10, 1813. j lOR twenty year I was severely nflliclcd with j - Tt.TTr.it on the Face and Head: the disease - j commenced when I was seventeen years old, ami of , continued until the Fall of I8'ifi, varying in vio- lence, but without ever disappearing. During most of the limr, great part of my fire was rovrrrd with thr eruption, frninrntly nttrnded with violent itch inn; my head swrl'rd at limrs until it ti lt ns if it would burst the swelling was o great, that I could scarcely Ret my hat On. During the long period that I was afflicted with the disease, I iisoil a great many ai pbention-", famrtiff them several celebrated preparation) as w. II na taking inw.ird rrmedies, inrliidiiin a number of bottles of Sicnini't I'tinnevtt, l'.xlract of Siirxuvnrilu. iVr. In fart, il would lie impossible to enumerate all the medicines I used. I was also under thr caro of two of the most dis tinguished physicians of ihi city, but without re ceiving much benefit, and I despaired of ever being , cured. In the fall of ls:tfi, the disrate nt the time being very violent, I commenced usinn the lute : Oinmriil, (prepared hv Vaoahan Ar Davis.) In a few applications the violent itching ceased, ihc ! swelling abated, the iru.tioii heean to disappear, and before I had used a jar the di-rase wm entirely . ruled. It has now been nearly a y. ar and .1 half ,' since, and there is not a vestiire of the disease re maininc, except the scars from the deep pits formed by the dirae. It is impossible Tor mo to describe in a certificate the severity of the disease sn.l my ; sull. ling, but I will be pleased to pive a fuller ar I ronnl to any pereon wanting further satisfaction, i who will call on me. At the lime I commenced i using the Hose Ointment I would have given bun I dieds of dolhiis to be rid of the disease. Since m sing it, I have recommended it t.) several persons, (among them my molher, who had the ilisenso bad ly on her n'ln.) who w. re a l cured bv it. JAMES DUIJNEI.I., No. 13(1, Hace St. ffij' The Hose Ointment is prepared bv E. B. Vaurfhin, South East corner of Th.rd and Kaee ' slni ti, Philadelphia, Jin.1 sold on nuenry in Sunlnj- rv. bv H. B. MASSEK, j May Nth, ISIjL Aamt. I ICoe Oiiiliiictil, lor Teller. I a riuioF or its i:rri(cy. j Pnii.ni i t-it i , May "7t!i, ISIHO. i fpill is to certify that I was severely atll.cted j -- wilh Tetter in the hands and f. et fir upwards ! of forty years ; the disease was attended generally with violent itchini; and swellinc. I applied to a ,i.... ..t . i.. i i .. III. I I t'l II.M. I 'llP, Ull.l USUI H Kll.ll IIIIIIV II l ' i ,; , . ,v . . . rations without rlleelmg a cure. About a v ar l t . , ,, , . . i , i since, I applied ti e Hose Ointment, which entirely . , , f .. ,- s.oiori, .lie lit II. IIU, nun a II V I.I.I all .11 1 l o llllllie.l :' ... . ' an ly cured ine oiscnse, w men tnere i.as in en no relurn of, iilthonsh I had never been rid of it at any lime lor foity years. RICH .Mil) S.W'At.E, Ebventh, below Spruce Street. Cj- The Rose OiTitment is prepared by E. H. Vauhan. Sjuth East corner of Third and Race Streets, Philadelphia, and sold on agency in Sunbu rv. by II. B. MASS Elt, May l-lili. 1843. Age!. MEDICAL APPROBATION Of th liOSi: UI.'l'Mi:.XT,for Tetter. LTHOUfill the superiority of the preparation over all others is fully established, the pr 'pr e lors take pleasure in Inying before the public the following certificate from a respectable physician, a grnduate of the University nf Pennsylvania. Dr. Bauub, having found in this irmedy that relief f, r a tedious and disagreeable affection which the means within thr range of his profession failed to afford, has not hesitated lo give il his approbation, although the prejudices nnd interests of that profession uie opposed to secret Remedies. Piiini.i.i i iiii, Si pi. 10, 1S3. I was recently troubled with a ti dioiis herpetic eruption, which coined niaily one side of my face, and extended oier the ear. Mr. Yuughnii, proprie loi of the Rose Ointment, obseiving my face, insis ted on my Lying bis preparation, of which he han ded nie a jar. Alihoiih in common with ihe mem beis ol mv profession, I discountenance and disai prove ol the numerous nostiums palmed upon the public by inount pr. lenders, 1 feel in justice bound loexcipt the Rose Ointment fiorn lhal class of me dicines, and to (live il mv approbation, ns il entire ly tured the eruption, alihnuah it had resisted the u.-ual applications. DANE. BAKiH, M. D. Cj" The Ro.-e Ointment is prepared hy E. B. Vaniihan, South East corner of Third and Race Streets, Philadelphia, and sold on agi ncv in Sun burv.bv 11. B. MA'SEK. May 14th, 1S43. Agent. J. rrlAVIND, JR. & CO. Nmiir and Tnlmcco JManutucUiicrs, .Yo. W .arth West roruer of liurc uud Third tilrrt !.).' PHILADELPHIA. rPHE undersigned have formed a Co-pnrlnership 1 under ihe liriii of J. MA V LAN D. J a. A: Co.. ns suci essors ,i ihe lute firm of Jnrali .Vntlnnd Co., uud will continue (lie business at ihe old esta blishment, on iheir own account. In addition to their own close alleulioii ami expirieiiee foi many years, in the manufacture of their celebrated siiul)-. Arc, the h.nu experience ol the senior partner of the late firm, will alo be df voted to ihe interest nf ihe new concern and as no exertion and care will Ir spared lo insure their goods, al all times of the ve ry I est quality, they solicit a continuance nf the confidence of the f. lends and cu-t"iiier- of the late firm. Till M As AD MS, J. MAVLAND, Jh. Philadelphia, May 1 1 tit, 181:1. ly EAGLE Corner of Third and I ine Sin i Is, wiLLiAMsroirr, pa. fllHK subsrriU-r n spei ifully announces tothe 1 public, that he h ,s opened a Hotel in the com modious brick building situate on Ihe coiner of I hiid and Pine streets, where he will he hnppv to wait upon those who may favor him with their company. The Facie Hotel is large nnd conveni ent, nnd furnished in the lest nioilein st le. It a provided with a huge number nf well aired and comfortable sleeping apartments rooms, private pallors, A r. Persons visiting illiamsport on bu liness oi plea-ure, may re.t as-ur. d that eiery ex crtioti will le used to render their sojourn at tin' "Ennle Hot. I" pleasant and agreeable. II is Tal l. will he supplied with the very best the market af fords, and his liar wilh ihe choicest wines and other li.jii.irs lhaiges re.sonable. The Eagle Hotel possesses greater adiai.inires in point of location than any oihei similar estilihshuient in ihe borough. In ing situate in thr business p ut of the town, and within roiivsnieut distance of the (imit House and W illiamsport and Elmira Rail Road Depot. Sullii ient Stabling provided, snJ good and trusty ostlers always in utiendsnce. Attentive, accommodating and honest Servants have been in fdoied, and nothing left undone that will add to the commit and accommodation of his guests. There will he a carriage always in attendance at lb.- lb a( I an. I'm p to convey passengers to and from ihe lloii-e, tne ol charge, CHARLES BORROWS. May Mlh, if ATTOKNH Y AT I, AW, 6UIIBUHY, rA. Buslnrfs itlendcd to in the Counties of Nor thtuplerlaiid, Union. Lycoming nnd Columbin. Tnns IUbt At Co., Lowr.n Ar. BAnnnr, Haht, Cimmiisos A: HiriT. yr.'iilad. lKtoLiis, Mr Fa n t. mi Ar Co. SpKtll No, Oonn Ar. Co., To Countrr MERCHANTS. rPHE Subsrfihrr, Agrnt of Lyon Ai Harris, Hat x Manufacturers, fur New York, Philadelphia, Baltimorn, am other 'large, cities, whos... lltif arc hi;hly rom'inended fir ;;iir tnl,t and diir'd.ilii, has on hand a fir-t rate 'issoitni"iit of HATS and CAPS, suitable for Spring s de, wh'rh will Vr sold very ,w, foi ca'.h or npptovpd rredit, at the nrfed ehrnp norr, No. 40, North Third stro-l, oi pjsi'e the City Hotel. Philadelphia. KOBEJIT It. WILKINSON. Aml. N. II. Orders far Hats in the runt.h. prmiiptlv attended to, The highest j rieo in tush or trade givrn far Vr iMnit. Philadelphia, June II, lfin.--ly A LI. persons indebted to the lirm of Lyon Ar Harris, under thr acniry of O.N. Thachrr, It'll and Cup Miiiiiifarurim, No. 40 North Third, street, Phil lib Iphia, are re.pieted to make immrdi. nte settlement of ih. ir aecouuts uhli the subscriber, their legally auihoiied r.Rent, who is fully unpow end to si tile nnd collect the accounts of said firm IJOBEUT D. WILKINSON, June 4ih, 1S42. tf Amt. G(TL ) I N SWAN -. ti'J jSvrlli Thud, uhnvf Anh Strut, rilU.ADKI.IMIIA. Afr ilM VriPM IONS ytH PKVIIM'V ITKSO.NS. rHAHI.ES WEISS, la-eof the "White Swan," v- and "Mount Vernon House," respectfully in forms his friends and customers, that I r I a become the proprietor of the obov well known Hotel. Country Mt-trhants will f ml the above Hotel a central I. ration, and the best of fare. Person tra velling wilh private conveyance will find a large yard and Rood stabling foi horses, and the hest of oslleis. Hoarding 1 perdav, Mav 1 lih, IS12. If. vic7:-:s iLifC ait &Tc c7, (.'otninissinn - l'orwnr(litir Mi rclianls, Foot of Mow Sirrrt Hail Road, UN Tlir. Ml IW1HF, 1TAVINO ns-ociat.d wi ll ih.m Joseph Harnet, tale of F.aston. Pa., n snci tl'ully inform their friends and the public generally, that thry have ta. k.n that lare nnd we l known store and w ha;f at foot of Willow Street Railroad, lately occupie I by Jricoh Martin, where they pu pose doing a (.'eniral t.'oiniuissioii nnd Forwarding Business, and fiorn the local advantages of ihe place bring ronmctesl with all the public Improvements that have their outlet in the city, they flatter themselves they will be able to do business to ns jrcat, if not gienter ad vantage, and upon as icasonable tcims as any other house, and they nssuie their friends that any con S'ji:mciits made lo llieni shall huve tin ir strict at tention, and no ciwliuus spared to give entire satis faction. Tiny urc also prepared to receive and forward goods lo nny point on the Delaware and Lehith rivers, between Mauch Chunk, Easlon nnd Phth delhia, via Delaware Divisii n and Lehigh I'anaU; also, to any point on ihe Juuijla river, or North and Wisl Blanches ol the Su-.im hsnna vis Schuyl. kill ond Union, or tho Chesapeake uud I ide Watei Canals. For ihe accommodation of Bunts coming or go ing via Schuylkill nnd Union Canals, a SiejtiiUiat will he kept expressly for towing boats from the Schuvlkill around lo the Delawaie and back, which will enable merchants to have their pioduee ileli veied on the Delaware, and their goods sl.ippid at a saving of 50 to 75 per cent, on the puces f r hsulii'K acm-s, wilh lli.se advaulages they re spectlully solicit a shine of pnirornn-e. W. HEIL.MAN A CO. William ID ilroin, Wdliam W. Kiyser, ' Joseph Barnet. Philad , May 11, 1 fa 1:1. ly BOLTON 8c CO. ((-iii'i al Coiititiisfcioii Mvii l;ir.(s. 7'i.r the Sale of i' lour, drain, St id, c., c. -f.y,. .'foi. i rV- v fv- '- t f? EsPF.t'TFULLY inform their f.iimN and Q ,he Merchants generally, that they have ta ken thoselaie and commodious Whaivrs, niih mo Dinks, n, nth of Chesiint stru t, on the D, I nure, toKilher with the store No. 1'J South Whine-., where thev would be pleased l receive roiisign menls of drain, Flour, Set d. Whiskey, Iron, A: c. A'C. Being also well piepared to forward nil kinds of Merchandise by the Schuylkill and Union, or by the Chesapeake and Ti.le Water Canals, as tow boat are kepi expics-ly foi the purpose of towing boats by ti her mute. Men hunts will ple .se be particular In send their coeds destined by eitl.ir cdiiuN, t i No. 1'-' South Wharves, helween Market and Chesmil streets, on ihe Di lawnrik, w itli directions aceomp my iug them which route they wish ll.eui to be shipped. efj- Plaster and Salt for sale, at the lowest mar ket price. BOLTON it Ci . March 10. 1811. No. 19 South Whirirs !iotti:itT iiuu:u sov, PAPIIl IIANUrACTUIlEIlS, Lombard Strut, llalllmorr, "I "I AVE c.in.-liiutly for sale, Printing Paper of al. - I sies nod ijualitii s, (a)i Wriiins Paper, rub d and plain, Letter Paper, while nnd Hue, ruled nnd plain. Hanging Paper, fine and common, Envelope Paper, do. do. medium, douh'e cmw ii, erow n and exlidsi.e.l Wrapping Papers, Colored Medium nnd Royal Papers, Boiiml. Hinders' nnd Siiaw Box BoQids, Tissue Paper, and all articles in their line, which they will sell un uccominoduling terms. H.ghe.-t price given f .r old rnns. ROBERT CARTER SON. March 10. I SCI. Elklon. Md CHRYSOLITE PCLICiH. A N arlicle unequalled for cleaning and g viug a liighly durable and most brilliant polish to sil ver, (ierman Silver, Brass, Copper, lliill .nia Wiire, Tin, Steel, Cutlery, and lor restoring the lustre on varnished carriages, A.C TRV IT. Prepared and sold at wholesale and iclail, by the Sus.iuehaim4 Chrysolite Polish Company, Owego, Tioga county, N. Y. WM. FORSYTH, Agent lor Northum'd, . H. B. M ASSKR, Agent tor Sunbury. November 20th, iHlt. ri.Tiiu i)HVKi:s, LAST MAKER, No. 71 CnllowliiU Street, l'liiladeljihia. C Three dm.Tt almve Stcond.J QIIOE Findings alvays kept on band, bieh lit otrers for sale en the losve-t terms. Country Merch. nils pre particulnly to c ill and judge for tin iiim lies. Philadtlitiia, Novenjer 13, 1842. ly. 6 'KFFEIl FOR SALE, at the South East Cor-' Sir ner or Fifth and Market Streets, Philadtt fdna Mens' Calf-skin Boola, stitched wnrranlej. ' do do pegged do 1,0 Jo do water proof, double (oles and double Uppers, do Onlf-skin do do and uppers, do Heavy Wnter Leather Pools, do do Nenls do do. do Ilit'h quarter Shoos, Cnlf-skin do do do (-'rockers do do Fine Monroes warranted do nailed do Kip do do Calf do . do joarse do do do Shoe do Fino do do do do do do do hip o do do Calf nnd Seal Skin Pumps, do List Socks wilh nnd without soles, do Carpet Aa do d i, do Patent Wnrrauted Water-proof Morrasins. Ladies' do do J do Ladies' tanned India Rubber shoig. (ientlemetis' do Over shoes. With every other desrtiption of hoots nnd shoes. Fur Crips of every description. Travelling. Trunks of every description. Venetian Travelling Hags. Pntnil I urn EInsttv Shoe Hlackinrj. Bonnets of all kinds. Palm Leal Hats. I'hil i.lelphia. Niriember Dl. lK P2.ly. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL HOOKSEL LERS AND STATIONERS, So. Clicsnnt Street, lidow llli, ri.ilaileliilna. TJjT"EEP constantly on hand a general nssoit Fj n"'nf of Books and Stalionniy ; comprising 'I heological, Law, Medical, Classical. Miscellane ous and School Hooks. Day Hocks, all sires. Led Krs, do.. Family Bibles, Pocket Bibles, Writing Papers, Wrapping Papers, c. A.r., which thev ol' Icr at the h.siest prices to Country Merchant's Pre lissioiul Cviitlemen, Teachers, and all others that may favor lliein wfch their custom. Philiidcldiin, Noirndier El, 18U. ly. -TSit-Iiacl Weaver V Nn, noru MAKERS & SHIP CIIAr.TDLEn3. A-.. I :t AorA Water Street, Philudi Iplna. IT IT AVE constantly on hand, a genrrul assort B ( niiiit of Cordage, Seine Twines, Ate, viz : J ar tl Rones. Fishimr Rorus. Whitn K.ires lu Ropes, 'J'orv Lines for Canal Boats. Also, a complete assoitment of Seine Tw ines, Ac. such ns I I letup Solid nnd Herring 'J'w ine, Best Patent (iill Net 'I'wine, Cotton Shad and llerritia Twine, Shoe 'I'br. ads. A.r. A.c. Also, Bed t.'ords, I'l. uph I.tnes, Halters, Trjcts, Cotton and Linen Carpet Chains, Acc. all of which they will dispone of on ri asonubir Icims. IMuladelphia, November 13, ly. Jat tili l"i Intuitu K Son. 1 ) EsPEC'J'FULLY informs their friends and 1 - ar.puainlanres ge.irrully lliat they still con tinue lo keep al the old stand, No. 'JIG North I'd street, Philadelphia, all V in, Is of TOIiACCO SM .'';' ASP S HOARS. Which they will all the mot i utcommodslin and reus,, na ,le teims. N. B. All goods o!d will be guannteed snJ all orders promptly attended to. Philadelphia, Nevemher IH, lf42. ly. 3rETE?r CCifCTS3.j Wliulfsalc ami lletail Shoe, iJonnct, and l'alm I.eal' "Hat Warelionsc. AY.. CO Surlh "d ttreet, a ft if doors ubuve .irch, Phiadi Ifihia. ALSO Tiunks, Carpet Batts and Valices, of ev ery dc.-ciipliou, ull of which be idler for sale on the most rrasouuhle terms. Philadelphia, November 1:1, ly. J . W . S A l N I'tnlirella ami Parasol IMttniirarlnrcr. .Vi. 37 bvulh Thud ttnit, tiro dnnm Ltlnw the Citv Half I, Philadt Iphia. CI )UNTR Men hums uud otheis are solicited to examine Lis aa.oiu.uijl before puiehasing vlsew here Phila 'elphi.v, NovemU r 11. '.si2. ly. v . aT a . n u v o v i ) t ' s Cliina.Cilass and l.iverwol Wart lunisp, So Kil Snrlh Third ftrnt, third thmr In ton- Vint ttret I, Philadelphia. "XfIIERE they coiistaiitly keeji on hand a large Bssoitmeiit nf China, (ilass ami Liverpool Ware, which they will dispose of on the most re s ninl.lc terms. Uliili.li l bin, November 1.1, 1812. ly. TllKOPILrs'ri'I.i'." Manufacturer and Importer of Sad dlery, Hardware, fcc. So. U South Third trett,fur W Ulow Murhtt Philadt hdda. T" EEP constantly on hnn.l a hirne nnd eeneral assortment Coach Lamps, Carriage Bands, Axle Arms, Eliptic Sj.rings, Patent Leather. Ac. Coin, try Merchants and saddlers w ill be supplied nt nil times on the most reasonable terms. They will find it to their udvaut.ige lo call and examine his assortment l.efore purchasing elsewhere. Philadelphia, Novimler El, 1 S 1 ly. IMIVNOI.DS, MelUKJ.ANl) &"('() Wholesale Dealers in Forei-:n P.ritish nnd American Dry (loods. iV... 105 Market street, PhUadt Iphia. fOUNTRY Merchants, nnd others can be sop iiy plied nt all time wilh an extensive assort ment of ihe oest nnd most fa.-hioiiuble (ioods upon the most reasonable term. Philadelphia, November 11, 1812. ly. low i: ii 'ic i;aT:i:o, Importers and Healers in Foreign and Puiiies-tie Ilaulwarc, No. 174 Noiith Tiubo Sthh.t, riuuir. lmii a. A 1 7 II ERE their ft lends and i ustoiners w ill always I ' find a larpe and general a-sortnient of Foreign ' and Domestic Hatdtvaie, which they will sill at the I lowest piiees, j Philedelphia, N.vveniber 11, 184C ly. j i:shi:kick, jia.nsku, &. ( trs. WHOLESALE DRY GOODS STORE. So. im l-'J Market Street, l'hila. (lielow Fifth South fide ) A LW.WS keep on hand a lull and general as snriment of Hosiery, Lace, and Fancy Ooods, Country Merchants are respectfully ' requested lo give them a rail and eiamine for themselves. Philadelphia, November 13, IS 12. ly, slMil7LNG,"c001.) CO. So. 13S Market Street, Philadelphia. N'VITE the attention of Country Merchants to their extensive assortment of Brilith French and American Dty d'oods, which they oiler foi sale on the most reasonable terms. Philadelphia, November IS, Ir542. ly. WINSLOWS BALSAM Or HORB HOUND. N tinparelleled remedy for rommnn Colds, Coughs, Asthma, Influenza, Whooping (Tough, Bronchitis, nnd all diseases of the Breasl and Lungs, leading to consumption ; composed of the roncen IrnliM virlura of Hon hound, Bonset, Blood Root, Liverwort nnd several other vegi tnblr substanrrs. Prepared only by J. M. Winslo w, Rochester. New Voik. The innorenre nnd universally admitted pectoral viitues of the Hnbs from which the Ihihnm id llorehinind is madr, are too generally known to re quire reronimendntion ; it is theirforr only necessa ry to oh-crve that this Medicine contains the whole of-their Medicinal properties, highly ronrrntratri), anil so, happily combined with several other veer, table substances, as to render it the mnrt spre.lr, mild nnd certain remedy, now iu use, f. r the coin' plaints above mentioned. Thr Balsam removes all imflammnlion nnd sores ness of the Liings, loosens tough vixid phlegm, ens aiding the patient lo expectorate with ease and free dom, nssnam-s cough, relieves nthmntic and diffi cult respiration, henls the injured pnrts, opens the pores, ond compose the disturbed nerves, ami gives strength to the tender lungs, and thus produces a speedy nnd lasting cure. Immutih iik is the it i sr.sT en t nr. t Mast. We are not among that class of Editors who for it few dollars will, ( the rrpense or truth nnd ho nesty) "rmck up" an article and bring it into rapid -ale j neither nie we willing to icmain silent, nfn r having tested the utility of nn imr rovement or dir eoVery in science or ait. Our rentiers will recollect we told them we were tin Well with a sore throat and violent cold some few weeks ago. Well, wr pur chased two hotlles of W INFLOW'S BALSAM OF HOKElIor.ND, and so sudden was the cure, that we forgot we ever had a cold. Those who are alllicted, may try it upon our recommendation. .(-.. iston Trlmrtiph. For sale by II EN R V VO.YTHEI.MER, Sunhury, JACOB liRIUHT, Snrthumherhmd. Also, by Druggists generally throughout the country. fjj- Price, .10 cents' per bottle. August l ltii, 1 M 1 . lv. iisL' im. ocr. s'.n? FCS. SALS. F .,-.i r,..c n s. ua,i rsrrn, couiaining annul one hundred end ten acres. m,,rp nr u,..,..i.. nn i.. o v . in I nint township, iNorlhumt erland ci.untv, nl.oiit two mil.s above NoitliUnibeil.ind, on the main road hading from ihat place to Danville, adjoining land, of John Lejhou, .le-se C. Hortoii and others, now in the occupancy of Samm I Pay lie. About forty acres of said tract are c Iran d, and in good state of cuUivution, on which ll.erg is u small ham erect, d. The property w ill be sold on r nsoi.ablo trims. Fur further particulars, ptisons are reejiicst ed lo apply to the nul-sriibi r. H. B. MASTER, Agmt, JVoirSTlli, 1S12. if Sunbury. Pa. OF EVEKV DESCRIP'JTON. m:w km: 1.. AM) CM I. company. So. ','!! North Water Street. Phila. T3 ft ANUFACTUKERS and dealers in Oils of XvJ3 eiery description both for burning and maiiufacluring purposes, which w ill be sold much lower than thry can t procured elsewhere, nod warranted in iitinlity to r.pml nny in the city. Any oil sold by the company not proving as represented, may he returned without tiny expense to ilia pur chaser, and the Uioney wilt Is refunded. Their slock now Lm store consists of the follow ing oils, vix: atl.OOO gallons Winter Bleached Speim"t s n, f.OOO do do Colo. less Oil, Fall and Spring Sperm Oil, V inter Sea Elephant, do Prr.sed Whnle Oil, Hummer do do do Common Whale Oil. l.i.tmo Ki.noo 20.(100 bOOO do do do do lo.ooo do .00 Barrels supeiioi Stia.'s Oil, Ulitl do Cod Bank Oil, .10 do Ncats Fool Oil, IS Casks Olive Oil. r. This ( oitiMnv b.ns n nundicr nf Vrt,.l. r gaped in the Cod Fishery, and Tannrrs rar rely upon pel'injr, at nil t.mrs Oil ns pure as itupJi lej.' Philadelphia, Nov. H, IMS. ly. "bTcCALSiA it. KERSlT .u .M, Ni tli Si ionil ni 4 t t, (i o II s i a or riiox a lli I.) Wheie they constantly keep on hand a general assortment nf CLCTKE, CAS-riKTEES, VESTITTG S And a gntd raritty nfortie 1.1 of a tupirior ipia'.ity, which they oiler to dispose of upon the niost icn.ona'ile t. rms. ClOU.M RV MERCHANTS nnd others will find it to lli.il ndinmngr. lo rail and uamine llnir stock before purchasing elsewhere. Pbihc.lclphi.1. Nov. li, lSH.ly list or Eook ron mil a ir-)1- t A NTllON'S Classical Dictionary; LrmprirrV 1 do.; Ainswotth's do ; Cobb's do.; Enchsli alic ficimati do.; Authon's Casnr; Ambon's (irariimei Anthen's Cicerp; Mail's Latin Rradei; Ogill y'sdo. Andrew's Latin Lessn; Doniicg.iu's Lenicon Frk's O're, k Exercises; Davies's Leremlei; (irnei r Mnjora; Adunis's Roman Aritiijiiiue", Pinnock'i (inldsmith's England; do. (ireecc; Lj ell's El. mei't of (ieology; M is. Lincoln's Botani; Ebmentsci Botany; Bridge's Algebra; Porter's Rhetorical Rea ders; Emrrson's Ccogra by and History; Olnry': do ; Parity's do.; Smith's (irammer: Kirkham's do. Kay's Readers; Cold's do.; Ccbb's Arithinelick Pike's do.; Emerson's do.; Cobb's Spilling Hooks Tohii'i ila.j Cnbb's Tnble Bonks; Evangelical Fa mily Library; Cottage Bible; Family do; Collater al do.; Small Bibles and Testaments; Paikei's Ev er. i.-e on Composition; Fruit of ihe Spirit; Baxlei': S nit's Rest; American Revolution: Manyatt's No yets; Mrs. Phelps on Chemistry; Ilud; Caterhisii of American Lwr; l.etterson Natural Magic; Che inistry for Beginners; English Exercises adapted t. Murray's (irammer; Seiut to Coinley's Spelhrif Bool,; Amiriean Class Book; Daboll Schoolmas let's Assistant; A ureal variety of Blank Books, &c Aunust Ck, " ATTENTION. " j . m it i: i j o x i: s, J Eii.I F.STS the ullcnlion of hiscounliy friend t who are in ivui.l l., 1,, . I I - .... nnn i, Carpetings, Oil Cloths, Mailings, Rugs, Bindings lait Ro.ls, Ac, A c, that he has just opened, a llis wi. houses, No. IS North 2d street, and No. Church Alley, next door to Chiist Church, Phila dilph'a. Julv 31, lHf.' ly. SPANISH iilDES. TANNERS' OIL AND LEATHER P. K 1 l K P A T It C K & S O 4 So. 21, A'oiM Third street , (ar rwiiN mahkit nn eiitsncT stshts,) rioiiAULl.litlA. WE for sale a large and excellent atsoitmcn ofS;,;,uA Jlidm, Palna Kin. Tumuri On te., at the lowest mailed prices, cithrr tor ca.h, ii exchange for Leather, or upon credit. Consignments of Leather receivej for file, c purchuistd at the highest maiki I prices. fXJ" Leather sloird lice of ihuifie, April 17, IP 13. y.