Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, July 15, 1843, Image 3

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    t-i..1.-1 xni
Answer to Enigma of last work.
Euaora, Am, Ahiica i Naw HiiLiAsn.
geographical enigma.
I dm compoed of forty-four letters.
My SI, 8, 13, 24. (1, 8, 5S, 3!, is an oroiin.
My 12, 29, 44 eie in tire artie region.
My 27, 7, 5, B, ia a cspo on the const of 8. A.
My I, 24, 5, 12, 4, 6, ia en isthmus.
My 29, 27, 12, 13, 12, is a division in 8. America.
My 29,27, 12, 6, 24, if a sea south of Asia.
My 21, 13, I, 24, 6, it a river in Siberia.
My I, 7, 6, i river in Europe,
My 6, 12, 13, 2, is a river in Africa.
My whole i a proverb, freqU' nily quoted, hut sel
dom practiced.
CoaarrTiojr. Pain cannot exist but from cor
rupt particlea bring seated on the identical part
yhcre the pain is eipericnccd. These corrupt par.
tides, when in great quantity, are the positive cause
of death.
It ia a solemn truth that corruption terminal the
existence of all created beings and the importance
of its speedy removal from the body is of incalcul i.
Me value. The most sure and speedy way to re.
move corruption or any other infirmities to which
the frame is liable, no medicine hat been
f mild so effectual as Urandrcth's Universal Vege
table rills.
They will, if used during the prevalence of any
cause, for, cnthcly ptevent fatal results be
cause they remove from the stomach and bowels
any morbific matters generated from any causes
whaisoever, whether those eau-ej be from impure
air, or food which disagrees with the body.
tXj"lurchat of H. B. Mnsser, Sunbury, or of a
genU published in another part of this paper.
ron mi Aur.aicAX,
Ma. Msr.n The Democracy of Northumber
land county will soon be called upon to make
choice of a candidate for the next Legislature, and
as there have been several worthy men presented
for their consideration, permit us through the me
dium of your valuable paper, to oiler EnwAim Y.
DitimtT, ot the borough of Sunbury, as a candi
date for that important situation, in ptcscnting
Mr. Bright to the Democracy of Northumberland
county, we have no limitation in ssying, that a.
mong the bout of candidates thtit will be brought
into the field, one to whom ihe interests of the peo
pie could more safely be confided, cannot tie found.
Mr. Hright has refilled for a longtime among us,
and is well ariiiniiit-d w ith the wants and wishes
of the people, lie is a man of exrelh-nt business
hahi's, industrious and capable pnsessing a sound
knowledge i if the Internal Improvement Systi m,
and If elected w ill fearlessly and faithfully perform
hi duty. MANY,
Ma. EiMToii. Seeing that candidates for the
different others are being brought forward, we
would nlTer Mr. PETEH I'L'RSEL, of Sunbury,
for the Legislature. Mr. I'urscl is favorably known
to the citizens of lb is county. He has long battled
in the ranks of Democracy, never failing to ren
der evrry assistance to furiher the interests and
welfare of our party. Should our fellow citizens
think proper to elect him to ho their representa
tative, we are certain be will not give them cause
to regret their chime.
DatMOCnATS or Affil'STA.
Jirmlirr of Assembly.
Mn. EiHTim : Prrrnit me f recommend lo th"
voters of No.'thnmberland eunty, HL'f.H H.
TEATS, K.i.. of Shainokin, as a candidate for As Mr. T.ats is an industrious and intelligent
taruier, and would, if elected, give very general sslis
Corrected weekly by Henry Yuxlhtimer.
Var.T, 100
Kis, ...... 50
Ouav, ...... 4(1
Oats 25
PuaK, ...... ft
Fnxsrm, ... . loo
IIi-ttkh, . . 10
Dkkswai, . . . 25
Taliow, .... 10
Dair.n Arrtrs, 75
Do. Pa ach its, . 200
Flax, ... .8
Hfcklkii Flax, 10
Eiiot., ...... 8
Vol lc of Itulo of f'oiirf.
In the Cnurl of Common Picas of laid Count y.
The Mauuf it'tun rs'
Aran. I5ih, 1813, on
and Mechanics' Hank
of the Northern LiU-r-ties.
in the county of
John II. Cowden.
motion of Mr. Delias, rule
In show cause by the first
day of next tc:m. why e-
leven thousand ilnll.irs of
the proceeds of side, should
not be pid over to plain-
Extracted from the Record, and certified July fith,
1813. S. D. JORDAN,
July 8th. '.843. 4t Prnth'y.
.oll c of" Utile ol' Court.
In the Court of Common Picas of iid County.
Catherine Ross, surO
Aran. 15th. 1843, on
vivmg executrix of John
JJ. Rosa, dtceaaeJ,
motion of Mr. Bellas, rule
to show cauae by the first
day of next term, why
the money raised from
sale of defendant's erso-
Henry Fornwalt J
rial property by Sheriff Maurer should not he paid
to plainiff.
Extracted from the Record, anJ certified July 5th,
l43. S.D. JORDAN.
July 8th, 1S4T 4t Prvth'y.
JVolice in Itaiii4iuilcy.
"TfVTOTICE is hereby givi n to the creditors of
j Henry Yoxtheimer, lately decreed a Bank
rupt. that tho Cominis-ioner in R.inkrupiry fur
Norlhumber'and county will kttend at his ollire in
Sunbury, daily, to receive proof of clelits against
Sunbury, July 8. 1813. 3t Coin'r.
Stray Cow.
OTRAYED away from the subscriber in Sun-
bury, about the IHih of June l ist, a
wi h a Title white under her belly and a little white
on one or both of her bind feet. Any eiaon bring
ing said cow back again, or giving information
where she may be found will be lilM-rally rewarded.
Bunbury, July 8th, 1813. 3t.
Sheriff's Sales.
Y virtue of sundry writs of Venditioni Expon
as and a writ of Levari Facias issued out of the
Court of Common Pleas of Northumberland county,
to tne directed, will be exposed to public rale at the
Court House in the Borough of Sunbury, on Mon
day the 7ih day of An just next, at I o'clock, P.
M., the following described property, to wit t
,C3 All tliat certain tract or piece of
X. I ind situate In the c'ty. of Northtimhirland n.
fore-aid, beginning at a while pine corner, adj. lining
binds of Diddle At Co., thence north 75 degree cat,
134 perches to a pile of store; thence north twelve
degrees west, 1 98 perches to a post J thence north
eighty-eight degrees west, 23 perches In a post t
Ihence north seventy-five degrees west, 89 perches
lo a pile of .tone 5 ihence south five defers west,
48 peiches tit a post j thenee south eighty degrees
west, 30 perches to a pine ; thenee south thirteen
degrees east, 195 perches to the place of beginning,
containing ICS acres and G4 pcrchrs and allowance
of sit per cent, for roads, eVc.
Also : Unc other tract of land sit-
. uate in the county of Northumberland afore-
a.iid, liug butted, bounded and described as fob
lows : leginiiing at a white pine, adjoining bind
of the Asy'um Company, thence north twelve de
grees west, 1 71 peiches lo a corner ; thence south
riehtv-ntie degree west, 46 perches lo a crner;
thence south seventy-four degrees west, 68 perches
to a pile of rione ; thenee north sixteen degrees
west, 8 vches lo a pile of stone ; thence souih
seventy four degrees west. UK) perches to a pile nf
stone; thenee noith sixteen degrees west, 10(5
perches to a pili) of "tone ; thenee north seventy,
five degrees ct, 21S peiches to a pile of stone :
thence north twelve degrees west, 80 perches to n
gum ; thence south seven'y-four degrees west, 275
perches to a pine ; ihence south fifty-five degrees
west, 112 porches to a cheannt. fallen ; thence south
seventy eight degrees west, 190 perches to a chesnut
osk ; thence north, fifty-four degrees to a chesnu' ;
thence west, 124 perches to a ihescul; thence
south seven y degrees west, 55 perches to a pile of
stone a corner of Sarah Recs's land; thence
south twelve degrees ea-t, 159 perches to a post ;
ihence nor h eighty-five degrees cast, 255 peiches
to a pile of stone: thence norfh seventy-five de
grees east, 118 erches to a pile of stone ; thence
south twelve degrees east, 388 perches to a pine ;
thenee north seventy-five degrees east, 129 perches
to a white pine; thence north twelve and a half
degrees wrsi, 294 perches to a pile of stone ; thenee
snuth eighty f ur ami a half degrees east, 218
perches to a pile of stone, formerly a maple ; thence
south sixty-one degrees eas', 64 perches to a white
pine, the place of lieginning, containing 1012 acres
43 pcrchrs and allowance. I
Seized. taken in execution, and to le sold -js the
property of Burd Patterson.
Also: A certain tract or piece
iiw.of lind situate in Rush township. Northum
berland county, adjoining binds of William Hear,
Jr. Peter Rnidirmel, John Penfyl and others, con
taining twenty acres more or less, about 12 acres of
v.hich are cleared, whereon are erected a two story
frame dwelling house and kitchen, a frame smoke
house and a small log barn.
Si ir."d, tiken in execution, and to be sold as the
pr..nrity of John
Also: A certain tract of land
"-situite in Coal township, Noithumbertand
county, adj. ining lands of Soloman Bolig, Philip
Dunklcberger, and Mahonoy ereik, containing CI
acres more or less, about 40 acres of which aro
cleared, and whereon are erected a small log hou-e
and a new log barn.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the
property of George Goishall.
Also: A certain half lot of ground
situate in the borough of Sunbury, fronting
on Market street, it being one half of lot No, 29,
adjoining lot No. 28 on the west, and on the east
by part of same b t No. 29, on which is erected a
two stoty frame home, a small frame office and
fieme stuMo.
Seized, luken in execution, and to be s.dd as the
property ef (leoigo Weiscr.
rtj Also: The equal undivided moie-
Z- ty or half of two certain Islands, fi liate in
Ihe river Susipiehsnna, in AngUfta town-hip, Nor
thumhrrland county, opposite the dwelling bouse
of William R. Long one thereof called '-Mroily's
Island," containing 37 acres more or less, about S5
acres nf which lire cleared, and in a high Mate of
cultivation, ,Vr. The otln r thereof cnllrd 'Rouiid
Island," cnntiining about 3 acies, nculy all of
w hich arerlea ed and in a high state of cultivation.
Seized, taken in execution, and lo be s .Id as the
property of William K. Jone.
Sheriffs Office, )
Sunbury, July 15. 1B3. $
ROPOSAI.S will 1 received until sun-down
of Piiday the 1st day of September, 1813, at
the town ol Sunbury, for the repair of the Mahan
tango Aqueduct, on the Susquehanna Division.
Plans and specifications will be exhibited three
days previous to the letting.
Supeivisor Susq. Div. Pa. Canal.
Jolv 8th. lS J3.8t
ezchaitg-e eotelT
Ccntic Strict, ojijxniip the Tows Uali,
pottsviixi:, I4.
3. S c i I z i ii
c r,
ESPECTCI'LLY announces to
the travelling community that he
has taken the birge and splen !iJ estiib-
33 lishment, ihe Dinuvio: HoTfL, siuia.
ted at the corner of Centre and ("ullowhill streets,
nearly epioaite Ihe Tow n H.ill, in the borough of
Pottuvitle, which has been thoroughly repaired and
materially imptoved for the accommodation of visit
ors. The Hotel is forty ft. fiont on Centre stn and
one hundred and thirty right ft. on Callowhill, three
stories high ; it is admirably provided with Pailors,
Sitting Rooms. Reading Room, and large airy
Chanilieia the most spacious, pleas mt and conve
nient Doling Room in the country a new and su
perior Bathing establishment ; and evrry conve
nience and comfort to render it in all respects a
most de-irablo Hotel.
No paios or expense will be spared to furnish
the Table and Bar with tho best lint ihis and the
Philadelphia Markets afford ; and with a detemii
nat ion to devote his entire m rsonal attention to the
comf'rt and aecominodaiioii of those who may fa
vor him with a call : aided by active, careful and
obliging servants, he hopes to give gi satis
faction. PRIYATE FAMILIES, wishing to viit this
highly interesting and healthy Coal Region, will be
provided with Parlors and Chambers, which he
firls confident will please the most fastidious.
I he Stabling attached, is large and well
construct! d, and superintended by experienced and
attentive Osiers. Horses and Cairiagrs may be had
at any lime to convey persons to any part of the
fjAn Omnibus runs fiom Ihis Hotel daily to
and from the Depot, lo meet the Cars, for the ac
commodation of persons travelling on the Rail
Road. No charge for omnibus far. to this Hotel.
Potlsulle, Jjly 8, 1813. 6m
J a rob IMullcli. IXtitr.
ALL persons indi bled to said estnte, either by
bond, note or book account, aro now c illed
upon, for Ihe time, to settle the same on or be
fore the first d;iy of August next. After that lim
all unset led claims will be put into the hands of
a justice for collection. PETER M AL1C1I,
Angus's. July 8th. 1813. 41 A'tinr,.
Trea Hirer's iVolicc,"
riIf E Merchants and Tavern-keepera nf North
A umberland county are hereby n itifled that their
licenses are re.idy for distii''iition. and should be
attended In nn or In-fore the first of AugtM next, as
it is the duty of the Treasurer to return all delin
quent lavrrn kerpers to the court, before the Grand
Jury is dismissed. Thi-y csn lie obtained at any
time at the Treasurer's nffie:
Sunbury, July 8, 1843. Trrrmurer.
riHE following Resolution, passed by the Town
1 Council, June 16th, 1831, will bo strictly en
forced :
Ktfntvtd. That any person exposing himself na
ked for ihe purpose ofswimminc, ltwern ihe hou-s
of 5 A. M. and 8 P. M.. shall lie subject to a fine
of 50 cents, the one half thereof to the borough, and
the other to the informer.
lly order of the Chief Burgess,
July 1st. 1813. 3t Crf.
.1 Tiirrltiii .llufiiliie for Sale.
rilllE subscriber offers f.r sale a THRESHING
I MACHINE, new and in good onhr. The
Machine has been Iried. and proves to be nn excel
t- im. ineti, noo iruve 10 lc nn excel- !
It will be sold at a reduced priee, and I
ed. Apply to H. U. MASS Elf.
lent one
warranted. Apply
July !. 1813.
John i:iMt-ly'K I2statr.
OTICE is hereby given, that letters testamen
tary on Ihe estate of John Eisely, lute of
nun miry, IX orthumltrrlanil county, dec d , have been
granted by Ihe Regi.-ter of said county lo the sub
scriber. All those indebted In the above estate are
requested to call and make payment on Saturday
the 29ih of July, 1813, al the late residence of the
deceased, and those having clsims will present lh ir
accounts, well authenticated, for selib-ment.
July 1st. 1813. Executrix.
tt i jd nr1 q a: n -
NOTICE is hi reby given thnt T purchased from
Daniel Brierion. nn the 8th of May, 1813, the
following articles, which I have loaned to him un
til I see proper to remove them :
4 Hotses, sbsre in a bay colt, 4 cows, 3 steers,
3 heifers, 1 C;ilf, 3 Wsgons. 4 setts harness, 3
ploughs, 2 harrows. 1 cultivator, share in wheat,
rye and corn, and oata in the ground, hay, grass
in the meadow, 11 pigs, 8 bed, and bedding, 4
tables, 2 stoves, 1 do, chairs, I beurcau, 2 eight
day clocks, 1 cupboard and kitchen utensils,
Lowei Mshony, July I. 1843. 3t.
CG5"" Hack Xumbrr si ill Supplied.
ijiBti in; 7i aazii:.
A c w It c p r I n I .
two nomas a tf.a sisole corns I8j cts.
flIIE Publi-hi r of the New World announces
M- that be has commenced the Republication
of this most celebratfd of the migazines, at a price
which will insure it a very targe eircula'ioo.
''Blackwood" has long stood at the head of the pe
riodical literature of tho world, and it continues to
maintain that distinction, without a rival, Profes.
sor Wilson, its editor (old "Ch'istopher North,")
i unrivalled as a prose. writer :nd a poet, and his
contributors are among the firi-t living authors of
Great Britain.
It will lie i-sued in a double number nf the New
World, within 24 hours afier ihe arriv d of the
Eneli'h Steamer, and srnt bv the first mails to Mil
srribers in ull parta of the United States and Bri
tish America.
Tubus. TWO DOLLARS per annum, for
one copy Five Dollnrs fur Three copies Eight
Dollars for five copies and f 15 for Ten copies
payable in advance. Single copies 1 8 J cents.
Any Postmaster, oi other person, who will ob
tain 10 subscribeis, and remit $15 therefor, shall
hive i.n extra copy graiis. Snhjert to newspaper
postage onlv. Address J. WINCHESTER,
July 1st, 1813. Publisher.
Jncoli Mailt li'M ltutc.
fCnrtlmmberlund County, ss.
AMONGST the Recnrds of the Orphans' Court
of said county, al Aptil term 1813, it is thus
contained ;
"April Kith. 1943. on motion of Alexander Jor
dan, Esq , rule on the heirs snd legal representa
tives of Jacob Malich, deceased, to appear on the
first d.iy of next term, ( Aujust 7th. 1813.) and ac
cept or refuse the re d estate of taid deceased at the
Extraeted from the Record, and e rlilnd April 17th,
Son' ury. June 24. 1813. fit Cl k O. C.
corxTY tki: vsritKii.
nERI.Wf) COl'.XTY.
17ELLOW C1TIENS : I have lvn induced
to oiler myself as a candidate for the olnVe of
County Trcaftiirrr,
at the coming rbctinn. t-boold you think me
Wi rlli v of your snpirt. and I should be so suc
cessful as to be elected, I w ill endeavor to give gen
eral satisfaction to all who may he concerned.
Sunbury, June 21th. 1843.
T T II. .llaNHCI has rem.tved bia store, into
ihe new building adjoining the old store,
where he baa opened a new assoitinent of Dry.
('uuilt, (iroeeric; ljucentware. Hardware, e
All persons having uns- tiled accounts in bis
books, will save costs by attending to them soon.
Sunbury, June 10th, 1813.
Agiitt for the tain if Southworlh Mainfur
t urine! Company' i
Warehouse No. a Minor Slrcet,
fRHE following kinds constantly on hand, and
lor sale to the Trade at the lowest mmket
prces -. Fine thick Flat Caps. 12. 11, mid Ifi Us.
I'lue and white ; Extra super, and superfine Folio
I'ohls, blue and white ; Extra super Packet and
Commercial poti, blue and white ; Extia super
Linen Note papers, long ; do. broad; superfine un.l
fine Counting house Caps, blue and white ; Extra
suier Congress Cups and letters, plain and ruled,
bbie and while ; Superfine French Posts, pluiu und
ruled ; Su cifine Seimon Caps and Posts; Superfine
and fine Caps and Posts, ruled and plain, blue and
white, vurious qu ililies and prices. B mrds, Tissue, Envelope, Wrap,
pins, and Hardware papers, Ac, &.C.
May 27, 1813. 6m.
rPho public will please observe thnt no Brandreth
Pills aro genuine, unless the box has three li
bels upon it. (the lop, the s'n'e and the bottom)
earh cnntaininiz a fie-simile signature of my hand
writing, thus 11. l)miirr.Tii, M. D. These la
bel' aie engraved on steel, beautifully designed,
mid done tit an expense of over f 2,000. Therefore
it will lie seen that the only thing necessary lo pro
cure the medicine in its purity, is to observe these
Remember Ihe top, the side, and the bottom.
The following respective ersons tire duly aulu.ri
ted, and hold
For the sale of lirandreth't Ytucluble Vnivtrtul
Northumbeiland county : Milton M n key &
Chamlieilin. Sunbury 1 1. B. M.isser. M'Ewens
villc Ireland cV Meixell. Northumberland Win.
Forsyth. Georgetown J. ft J. Walls.
Union County I New Berlin Bogar tt Win
ter. Selinsarovc George Gtinihum. Middle
burg Isaac Smith. Beaver'own David Hubler.
Ailimsburg Wm. J. May. MiilliiiHhum Menseh
& Rsy. Hartleton Daniel Long. Freeburg
G. e. F. C. Mover. Lewi-burg Walls A Green.
Columbia county t Danville E. B. Reynolds
V Co. Berwick Shuman V R Henhouse. Cat
tawixsa O. CS. Brobts. Bloornstiurs John R.
Mover. Jeisey Town Levi Bisel. Washington
Robt. McCay. Lime-lone Bnlliel ct McNlnch.
Observe that each A cent has an Engravtd Cer
tificate of Aiiencv. roiiliiiniiix a represenlalion nf
Dr BISANDRETH'S Manufielory at Sing Sing,
and upon whii-h will also be seen exact copies of
ihe new lahcit now nttd upon the Brandreth I'M
Phil idelphia, oliee No. 8. North Sih street.
.lone 21th. 18(3.
Hart, AtirircwM A ll'Itcvcr,
l'orwardinj; and (lencral Produce
Second H'tinrf above Hare SI , on the Delaware,
Henry Farnurn eV Co. j.laivis, Trabuc iV Curd,
Bray, B.ircroft, iV Co. IsmUvillc.
Williamson, Burroughs Geo. Lurkey, At Co.
eV ('Ink, ! Cincinnati.
Eckel. Spinsler eVRaguel St. John Smith, Esq ,
Reed, Bro. & Thom, Portland.
Rogers, Brothers vV. Co. iJoscpli Souther, Esq..
W. R. Tlionip-on V Co. ! Huston. ort Ssren A: Co. Hon. Wm. Binler,
J. V J. Rrakert, j t'barft, 1,1, Pa.
Mulford oV Alter, II Hendri.ks,
J. R. Wel-h. E q. ' Sunbury, Pa.
Philadilphia R. Hum s, E-q.
David R. Porter, E-p Kolert Crane, Esq.,
Messrs. J. V P. Martin, ! Jersey Shore, Pa,
Harrithuri; Vm. M'K'elvy oV Co.,
Wm. K. H..flna8le. Emj lhomburz. Pa.
t ir...f i t. . . .
i.iwis iiuiHai,i.-i. WIUA: liiocn.
Ijcwisburg, Pa.
T. W. Kn'z:nc & Sim,
1acK- Hurcn, Va.
Jone, Murphy iV Co.
E. A. Brown Sc Brother
J. K. Moorehead, Esq
Pittsair!?. Stciretlct Potter,
Morgin ft Anderson, ' j Uwitlown, Pa.
Geo. Piesbury, Esq. ' Joseph Paxton, Eq.,
St. Loin's i Columbia Co, Pa.
Junejld, 1813. ly
Xo. 7(5 South '.d air ret, opposite the Exchange,
PI 1 1 LA DEI. I'll I A,
Formerly of Xo. 76 Kmth Second if reel.)
Manufacturer of Improved and Patent Fire and
Thief-proof Chests and Doors, Water and Pro
vision Coolers, and Filterers. Refrigera
tors, Hoisting Machines, Ac, Ac,
EWMSri Tt St I ii continues to nrike
B?8 -fmhi-celebrated WATER ('....!
l li' and Filterers. 15,-friucra.
Adi.-': -z v;;-j-ti. . ' r .u- i l I
"iffT S"M. r-l.lois, I'OlIl il lilt- unjiMi aim .
incuts, of the U-st mutensls
and woikmnnship.
0i The ChfMts arc mantifucturi'd without
pi ink of nny desciiption, of the best material whirl)
is calculated to ro-it burcbus and heat as long as
any inanufjclun d in the 1 'idled States a trial ol
which he is w i ling to muko with any other, pro
vided the be mode of chests olready sold lo
customers, and not ri ainif ictured for the express
purpose of a trial. Purchaser are invited to call
U'fore purchasing elsewhere.
CAU TION. All persons are cautioned seiinxt
makinn, using, selling or cnu-ing to lie sold, any
Keyhole eovera fit Fire Proof Chests or doors of
any kind, aimi'ar in construction to my patent of
July 1 0th, 1811, hsthey will be dealt with accord
ing to Ihe Patent Ltw.
M iy 27th. 1813. fun.
(i w IN(nlliliuiciil.)
ESPECTFl'LLY intorms Ihe citizens of
Sunbury und vicinity, that he has recently
coiiiuii need the
('Alii N KT-M a K 1 X ( '. lil'SIXr.SS,
ill all i's bnir dies, in .iiret, Suhbnry, im
liMbutelv l low the post ollice, where he will be
re.'i ly torieeivc mi d execute all orders in the line
of Ins bu-ines', willi promptness und desjitrh. and
in lie best si V Hil l in.iiiin r. II . s p:icts mil be
low, in seen ii , nee uijh tbe times.
(Vj' Liiinbt r and Couutiy Province liiken in Ex
ebiinfe. May S7ih IS 1:1. din
city n uNi rrm: vrcnoN,
-os. V-'il and .'U N'tuth Tltiid Street,
Near l hit V. i I v Hotel,
fi C. MACKEY, Auitioiierr. re-peclfully in-
itrs the atli ulioii of ror.s desirous of pur- j
ilii.iiiB Fuiniiine, to his extein-ive S.dt s R huiis,
(Isnh public and Piivnte,) for every deK-iiption of j
ll iusi noi.i r urnituie, w in re can i oni nneo hi uii
limes, a larce assortment of fushioiibble and well
manufactured Cnhinil Furniture, Beds, Maltiusses,
Ac., lit very reduced pr'nes, for ctsh.
(Cj- Sales bv Aiut u,n, twice a wurk.
May 27ih. 1813. ly
Hover's ink.
Mannfaeturcr of Vritiii! nml Indelli
hlo Ink. No. lOtl.Wirllt Third Stroet, tix
dijors below Kucc, (e;it fiiih',)
IEPEC'I FI LLY int. inns country luerihanls
k and i.lhcis, that he ron-tatitly keeps on hand
a large stock of bis supeiter Black, Blue nd Red
Ink, unJ slso a superior qu ihly ol Iudi lli'Je Ink.
II ( ink is put up in b. tiles varying in site, firm
I to 3'. ounces, and wdl be sol, I on reasonable
tenm. The ex.el'eot qualities of this ink basso
tlioroutihly established its character, that it is now
extensively lined throughout Ihu country.
. Fur rale ut the sloie of II. B. Masse r, Sun
bury, Pa. May 27lh, 181 .- ly
f.'rrnt Wrmcrn Indian Panacea,
Compounded entirely of Vegetable
Snhstanres ;
Free from Calomel and ull other Mineral.
For the history of this medicine, and Ms uniivalled
and truly surprising suceess and popular
ity, see large bills
"TTT ia recommended as a general cnthartic for
1 f uni'y use in dyspepsia and all bilious dbea
ses, it is invdunble fir Asthma it is ennside ed a
specific, no case having jet occurred which it bus
f.iibd lo cure for common edds, iniflaminn'ory
tlisrn-ff, rheuma'ism, all'ections of Ihe liver, etc.,
snd for females, it is a safe and excellent remedy.
From Dr. Si bit Wer-t.of flinshampton. X. Y,
Mr. Longley Dear Sir: I have ucd your Great
West, rn Indian Panacea in my family, and have
repeatedly prescribed it for patients under my care,
and am satisfied that it is always a safe, and in very
many cases an invaluable medicine. It niera'es as
a laxative without nausea, or pain ( and while it ef
fcrttMlly obviates enstiveness acts upon the stomach
and liver as an alterative, correcting acidity, and re
storing the healthy condition nf those oreana.
Yery re.perlfiilly yours. S. WEST.
Forsdcby JOHN W. FRILING, Sunbury,
JACOB BRIGHT, Northumberland.
Msy 20ih. 1813. ly
To lie Yotcr of Xorthumbcrland Covnly
IEI LOW CITIZENS : Thronch (he soli
cit itions of miny friends in various parts of
the county, I have been induced lo oiler myself is
a candidate fir t'.e office of
'I' ri'.iMirci'.
Should I be so fortunate as to receive a majority
iif vnur siiUYaerB, I pledge myself to discharge the
duties of said ollire with fidelity.
Sunbury. May 20th, 1813.
ciIlmu.ks w.,
AS taken the office formeilv occupied bv Ihe
Hon. I'harles G. Donnil, opposite the Court
House. He will a tend to business in the ('ou't
of Northumberland, Union and Columbia counties.
May 20th, 1843.
1 ESPEC PFtri.LY inf.irin-i thecilizeiH of the
I iiroiiuh of Northumhi thud, "Hid its vicinity, he has commenced li e
T.'iiloi'Hiur ESuinox,
in a l i s various 1 r 'inclies, in the shop formerly
ureu, ied by Henry S. Thorna', 'ircrl'v nppo-ite
Forsvtb's store. As he rec ives the New Yoik
and Philndelpbi i Fashions qu irterly, he i enabled
to do all jols i ntrua'ed to him, alter the nete.l at,l
latest style, and upon theshoitesl notice.
NorlhiimbrtUnd, A pi il 22.1. 1S13. ly
"I ESPECTFl'LLY informs the citizens ofSun-
bury and its vicinity, that he has t .ken the
office formerly occupied by Dr. John Peal, where
he w ill Ive happy to receive calls in the line nf his
profession. April 22d, 18-13.
BEGS leave to inform ihe citizens of Sunbury
and its vicinity, that he has commenced the
h i , a c k sm rn 1 1 x ( ; m: S I X KS s,
in Maiket street, Sunbury, east of John Bogar's
store, and directly opposite the post office, where he
intends to carry on the business in all il various
branches, inclodint;. Turning, Making Mill Irons
and F.liplic Spring, Ironintr Carriage, with Ex
tenion or Standing topi. Shoeing Horei, Ve.
tinier-, will be promptly and punctually at'ended
lo, and work done cheap, for rash or country pro
(Tj Hoiso Shoeinff done at f I per sett.
Sunbury. April 15lh, IS 13. dm
IJTTo F" & . S h oe
T8 a r t i n 1 1 w i n ,
ESPECTFL'LLY informs his fri.nds and
old customers, thst be has removed his
to the frame building adjoining his dwelling house,
lietween that and Dr. D. T. Tales office, a few doors
we.t of his old estal lishmeni, in Matket street,
where he intends lo carry on the above business
rxiensively, in all its various brandies.
Being thankful for past fivors, he hopes by ctriel
attention lo business snd liberal charges, to give
general satisfaction ; and that he will continue to re
ceive a lilwral rhare of public patronage.
April 8th, 1813.
r. X. Is. 11 U o, Thankful for past fa
ois. re-pectrullv informs the inhabitants nf
Nuubury and roun'ry arouml, mat lie lias, taKeu
his re-i.lenee snd olliee in maiket street, in the east
end of the building occupied by John Bocar's store,
win re he will be buppy lo wail upon ull who fa
vor him with their oils.
Sunbury, April 1st, 18-11. Cm
(irorgt Z I in in c r m an & Su n.
TEHIE su'acii'ers hereby iof rni the public, that
they have entered int.. purlin rsl.ip, in the
wh cli wil loierfier be can e-l on st Ihe old
stand in Sunbury, under the finn nf'tbore
'iiiiiiieri-no A Son." where bev will cuiduet the
I ii iin-'s in all its vaiius braiiehes, incUuliug Turn
ing, Making M II Irons, Iron in If Carr-ngei. Wuf-r'ro-
Hones. ,c. Older wid be tomptly ai d unc
tuallv attend. d In, and work done cheap, for cjIi
or counirv piodure.
CCj Shoeing done at one dollar ier sett.
Sunbury, March I 1th. 1813.
'I'lIK siibseiib- s, h.mri,' enter, d into a p inner
1 ship in ill-- pricti.e of the liw, w.ll be ba, p
to attend to ull bus m n enltii-ted I th- ir care.
Colle-lions will be promptly HMeivl-d l.
Th.y mav always U at their office, in
Maiket strict, Suiibiny, lormeily occupied l
Wm. Dewart, dee'd.. a a
Sunbury, Fe'. 4ih, 1x13. fi n.
-.si7iTiT"ov of ROSE OIN I'M E NT, received
V ami for sale by U. B. MASSER.
N..v 10th. 1812.
Nn. 2-37, North Third, above Cllowkill St.,
fOHN DUNCAN, late from Ihe Pennsylva
nia Firnvr, and Samuel Pike, jr., Ive of A
meriran Hotel, Columbus, I 'hio. take plcssure in sc.
Humming their friends and the publfe tenerallv thst
Ihry have luken the brge and commodious ITol,
recently built by the Missra. Hrl, on the sante situ
once occupied by the oM established Hotel known
as the Bull's Head, in Third stteel sbove Culb w
hill st.
This Hotel is finished in the yery !est possible
manner, and of the best materials. Its location is
very desirable, panicnlarly for country merchants ;
Ihe arrangements for heating and ventilating raeh
room is such as to secure any temperature. Tho
bedrooms are all light and airy, all furnished in a
neat style, so as to insure comfort.
The receiving p ulors are also furni died in a su
perb style, the windows are on I'm French style,
forming an entrance lo a balcony in front, whiJt
makes pleasant recess. Pioticular attention has
been given to the U-ds and bedding, which, with
the furniture, are entirely new.
From years' experience in hotel business, we
trust, by strict assiduity to business, to make this
house a desirable stepping place. Our table will
always be supplied with Ihe very best our market
ran afford, and our bar with the best liquors and
wines of the most approved brands.
P. S. There are first rate stabling br.d carrinae
houses attached to thu hotel, tttended by caitful
and sober ho-illcrs. and our charges w ill be low, in
accordance with the present haid liir.cj,
Philadelphia, Oct. 7lh, 1842.
S A 11 ' L II Id iTcKOllLlsUItT"
"WJERY KESPECTFCLLY begs lcae to i...
Y bum his customers, end the public geaciii!.,
thnt he still continues the
in nil its various brmichis, in the shop i-'v
silo the Buck Tavern, formerly oci u ! '. ii.
iv linns and himself, under the fr-o.-t ! !
Druekemiller, which firm h is been i
ved. lie hopes by hi long .xper:.
business, and strict ..'t- nt i oi tlo" , . :
eral s i. liiciio , and reen v . 1 i-
lie patri,n:iee.
Sinilo;-v. Oct. 15th, 112 -!-..
IliNlON IHVl'Kj ...
4 'A
I . . I ,
I I l ; ,
:? ; COUNTY",
: i ;'rl;i.
I..!'-- iri'oinv- hit
t n v. v, o o i; o h o f m i; n c
and that be ic now well prepared to accoiutr. '-J .'
all who nn; M.or i; m with their custom.
His SLF.xriMt Ai-Ai'TMKSTS are neil aire.!, r.-i i
His Tablk ami Bah will always be eii:ii,-j
with the best the maiket can i.lfir,l.
His Stahlino, which is cooJ. will be tinker
the charge of goml and careful hostlers.
He feels confident, by strict attention to business,
and an earnest desire lo render comfortable tho.c
who may patronize him, that he will not fsil tonive,
general satisfaction. IL B. WEAVER.
Muney, Oct. 1st, 1812. If.
Dr. I. T. Ti'llos, R"'pectf.irv i f ..
citizens of Siiiituiiy and vici i v.". '.' '.
moved bis office to li.o butt in l:.t !
George Bright, in market street. So i r -, !.-:.-he
may be found at all hours, unh.-s rule-, ..-hilly
DR. TR1TES returns his sinc-re t'uu ks for 'he
encouiBgemenl he tins iec,ie l. in tbe lii.' r f h s
profesion, ill this place, and tru-ts by p'oinp' a',
tenl on lo the duties of his prulession. and rea-on-able
charges, that he will continue to receive a
liliersl share of the public patronige.
Suuburv, Oct. 1st, 1 K fi. tf.
Dr. J. W. !al I'egs leave to tender his grate
ful acknowledgments to ihe people of Sunbuiy
and surrounding country, foi then past encourage
ment in the line of his profession ; and would at t
the same time announce to them, that he .till in
tends to continue the practice of medicine in all ita
various di partments. He would, therefore, solicit
a continuance of their confidence and patronage.
He may le lound at all times at his office, at tho
north rssl corner of Blackberry and Dier streets,
unless professionally engaged.
Sunbury. Oct. 1st. 1813. if.
DR. .1. N. SUMNKH,
It ESPECTFl'LLY informs the public thnt ho
has made Northumberland his permuiient
place of residence, and is leady to attend to any
oils in the line of his prufesaion.
July 3, 1813. ly.
1 HE
Change (" -C
n irtta iri ' i
The pn.Miger iriui-v.i ; r- "
P'liladelpiii I UO'! 1 '
From Phi'udclpl.i., si ti V. i y . .
From I'ottsnlle. at !'. . M. S
Hour of u. it 'g lii-iding
Fo, P .ffcv, le. ' al '! A- M- C ,U.
Fo l'bili-le'(.'.iii. ;.l 7J A. M. S
Both nam- i l'.-'i. wi . I be d-wn tr.i
br. nt-1 -.-is a !!, d the up l'ti:i i.t.Noi.i.
i, i , t.u 1 i cs fcte ulljwid at rail
i .i ti K .sr.
, '. P.. lads.
:t.fio A
2.25 & 1 '
!.IU A: 1 l "
" -t..
r in.
1. ci ! i. u . r ii " i-- ' i -
-- . i . i
II,.-;.,.,-,, ;',;::m::;, A. '. '-!..a. for"
iblwetii r..M..'.n .'v .!.. '
lU'tween vlt. w 1" - v.--. '.c, 3 '-!
All the f i' s v . I top I'.u way pasiii.gir. tt
the usual poi its
(nj All pisstiii-ts rucAUiil to ' o
their tickets before the trains stall.
M4y 31, 1843. if.