Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, July 08, 1843, Image 2

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    i i mm u .-J .lji ili.ii i. ji
A Raul tvlth Bear
We find in a French ppe' the following narrs
tiro, taken f-oro the K.ntn (Russia) O xctie.
The colon; of We-hroide-Laha, (Siberia.) ha
been the scene of i aid occurrence. Three colon
hts. Sahanicff, Bialohnrski and DinytrcfF, in hunt
ing in the great forest ofLaha captured two little
liearr, which they took homo with them. Three
day hail passed, anJ these savage pot had beasn
to rcc gnize their masters, when, dorng the fol.
lowing night a terrific howling was heard in the
village. The Siberian coloniea, which are devoted
to exiles are always surrounded with a palisade.
The colonists, however, whose curiosity cot the
hotter of their alarm, left their huts j hut what
kiii their teiror at seeing the houses of Bialohnrski
anil DymtrefF surrounded by band of hears,
standing on their hind legs and howling with rage.
The colonist ran to arms ; one of them ii'nled
the alarm bell. The Coasacka of the garison
niounteil and formed in the, place iTitrmei. All
tho colonists, armed with muskets and axe, march
ed against the enemy. The ciimhnt began with
musket shots, the heart in return tore up ihe
hedge, and did not feor to attack the men. The 1
conle I was tmrihle, and was not finished until one
of the rnhins was set on fire. This conflagration
droe the enemy away. Eight hears remained on
the field ; five men lott their lives, and thirty were
wounded, tome of them severely.
Tnn Cardinal Sni)R. A large breed of
r-pidcra abound in the palace of Hampton Court.
They are colled there "cardinals," in homr, I
ftippose, of Cardinal Wolscy. They arc full
on inch in length, and many of them of the
tliicknosfl of a finger. Their legs are about
two inches long, and their body covered with a
thick hnir. They feed chiefly on moths, as ap
pears from the wings of that insect being found
in great abundance under and amongst their
wobs. In running across the carpet in an e
vening, when the light of a lamp or candle has
cast a (shade from their large bodies they have
been mistaken for mice, and hive occasioned
no little alarm to some of the more nervous in
habitants of the palace. A doubt has even been
raised whether the name of cardinal has not
been given to this creature from an ancient be
lief that a ghost of Wolsey haunts the place of
Ms former glory tinder this shape. At all e
vents, the ppider is considered as a curiosity,
and Hampton Court is the only place in which
1 have met with it Foreign Ex. pajter. Beard and iii9 Castle. The ruins of
tin: de la Verricre, on the banks of the Erdre, in
the department of the Loire Inferieure are, ac
cording to the tradition of the neighboring pea
santry, those ol the castle of the celebrated
Blue Beard, the hero of the well known nurse
ry tale. This formidable personage, who is
not altogether a creature of fancy, was Giles de
fletz, who lived in the reign of Charles VII,
was a vassalage of John V. Duke of Bretanage
lie was tried at Nantes, on suspicion of having
destroyed a number of children who had been
seen to enter the castle, and were never heard
The bodies of several were afterwards found,
he having caused them to be put to death to
make use of their blood in writing charms and
forming incantations to raise infernal spirits, by
whose means he believed, according to the hor
rible acts of atrocity, and was sentenced to be
burnt alive ; but the Duke caused him to be
strangled before he was tied to the stake. This
execution took place December 2-", 1-11(1, and
a detailed account of it is still preserved iu
.VS. in the archies of Nantes.
English Ram.-wat Srtun. London and
Hinningham, 27 miles per hour ; Great Western
:I3 ; Northern and Eastern. 36 ; North Midland,
39; Midland Counties. 28; Manchester and Bir.
minham,2." ; New Castle and North Shields, 30;
Chester and Birkenhead, 28; and Birmingham
and Deihy, 29, The average speed on the Me
IropnlitHn lines, exclusive of stoppage, is about 22
unit's an hour.
A I.irhV Man. A correspondent of the
Baltimore Sun, writing from Washington says
"Mr. John Dude, the warden of the pciiitcntia
ry of thixcouiity, has, I learn, received infor
mation from Iord Asliburton, through the hands
of the l'ret-iilent, that he is now the Marquis of
Tuwuscnd, with an income of 00,000 per an
num. Mr. Dade is a genuine old Virginia gen
tleiiimi, and Mill know exactly how to enjoy so
fine an income.
A SwiiLr i on Hoi'sKkKKi'Kita. it is a fact
worth remembering, says a friend of ours who
h tried it, that a fiM rate article of Batterbread
may be made without the use of egrs, by titn
ply making up the batter with fresh buttermilk.
It eIiouM be made thin and well beaten toge
ther. Try it. llirhmoinl Compiler,
A village sculptor having occasion to orna
ment a tuii)btone with the effigy of an angel,
put a wig on the heavenly representative.
His employer, on seeing his handiwork, exclai
med, "Tut! man, did ye ever sec an angel with
a wig on?" To which the other replied, fcDid vk
ever see an angel without one !" Album.
The addition of one letter to the noblest of
sciences makes it the meanest. au.i if. to
Ublronomy and it is gastronomy.
To uk Let. A young lady who had been in
sulted by an old maid, placarded the following
lines on her door and window :
To be let, or to lie sold, for the term of her life,
Elizalitlh JUII, by the way of a wife,
She's old and -he's ugly, itl-natuied and thin ;
For further particular, inquir within.
The g- ntlemsn who dines the latc-l.
Is in our sr I cs'ceinM the g'eaUt ;
Bi.l surtly greatest he of all
Mu.i be, vtlw J ii. not dine at alt.
Sat until u, J-t u 8, 1813.
fXj We huve on hand a quantity of print
ing paper, simitar in sir.e and quality to the sheet
upon which this is printed. Also 38 reams of su
per Royal 21 by 28 inches, which will be sold at
cost and carriage, for rash.
rry V. B. PAlMfn, Earl, at his Real Estate and
Coal office. No. ISO Tine S'rret below Third, two
square south of the Exchange, Philadelphia, is au
thorised to act as Agent, and to receive and receipt
for nil monies due this office, for subscription or ad
vertising. fXj A Shin pi ister meeting will be held at the
Sta'e House this evening, (Saturday, the 8ih.)
Let ill attend, as all are in'ere-t-d.
fjj Trtr wmTiiia, at ihc close of Inst week,
was ex-ivcly wm and oppressive. On Monday
th re wa quite a change. Summer coals and pants
wi re dirtied, and wouli ns put into rcqu'aitiou.
Wasiiijiotoshxs Mr. Fennimore, a
Washinglnnian from Philadelphia, di liverod a re
lics of li-cturra on Monday, Tuesday ai d We 'nee.
d iyeviniigs Issl, interspersed with a number of
Temperance sonee. The pledge was banded a.
round at the close of the meetings. On Monday
evening about 120 individuals subscribed to the
pl'dge. On Tuesday and Wednesday nights the
society received an accession of about 60 addition
al members,
OCT" The thief who s'ole Mr. N. Mitchell's horse
at I.rwislurp, on Saturday night Inst, was arrested
near Gratc'own, Dauphin county, by Mi. Biegcl,
and brought th-ongh this plare on Thursday la-l.
His name is Billnian.and is, we believe, from I y
coming county.
Qfj Tin Caoes.- The farmers have had the
best kind of wenther for hay. Their crops are
generally good, and well cured. The grain, though
in some places not so promising, may be consider
ed a good average crop. The prospecle of the
country h.ive mot certainty improved within the
I .at three months, although the extreme scarcity of
money ia yet severely felt, on account of the want
of a cutteney. Demand notes aie seldom seen, and
relief getting more scarce.
QjAmkbica! Finales. The English have
been ttkenby suiprixe by a lot of domestic goods
from this country, offend for tate in their mirkets
This result has lieeu brought about by protecting
our cotton manufactures in their infancy.
frTim Eclectic Mtsecji er Foamo Lit- July, 1843 E. Litkli, 168 Chi-f
nut ft., 7i7. The Museum fir the present month
is well stored with some of the choicest at tides of
British riodicat literature. Among the contents
we find an excelli nt article from Ihe Edinburg Re
view, entitled "Memoirs of the Courts of England.1
Another, entitled "Remininiterices of Men and
Things," from' Magazine. "Oxford Trac
turinn Con'roversy is an able and interesting pa
per from a late number of the Edinburg Review,
"The Proas ami the Age" is an instructive and in
teresting article, tr.uibl itcd from ihe German.
The embellishments of the pr -sent number is a
beautiful mer.z tint engraving of Cotumhu, from
a painting by Turner. A pi -ended to the Eclectic
i an interesting summary of recent Scientific dis
coveries, obilu ny notices, and a v.iriety of miscella
ny which must add greatly to the value of the
work. The Eclectic is much the cheaM-at Month
ly published as it furnishes all the best con
tents vf all Foreign Reviews and Mag mine.
rjj MoatT MATTitas. The quotations of de.
maud notes have experienced but linle change. Re
lief notes are still quoted at 3 to 4 percent, dis
count. M ney is Mill abundant in ihe cities, and
aa soon as the crops are sent to market, must find
its way into the interior.
The Government loan of seven millions wss
l iken with avidity by American capitalists, on ihe
mot-t favoruble terms. Bickoell's Reporter, in re
la'ion to ihe loan, says :
"The great money movement of the wook
was the Inan for )fi7,(KKl,()tKt, nt'eociatcd by
the Secretary of the Treasury. The prooals
were opened on Monday, the number o! com
petitors was great, and a much In roe r amount
was offered than that required. The highest
offer 102 3" J for iJlOO of five per cent. 6tock.
Another was made at kUU .. I lie residue
was taken 101,01 by several institutions and
individual, but chiefly by John Ward &. Co., of
New York, with an option. to convert a portion
of tlte amount into four per cent stock at an equi
valent rate.
Sales have since been made in New York at
a considerable advance. What a wonderful
change is here presented in our monetary
world. The preceding loan, it will be remem
bered, could not, when first oflered, be negoci
ated at par, either in this country or in F.ur
and the rale of interest for that loan was 0 per
cent, per annum. IVw wo have a. percent
loon (or several millions of dollars, eagerly tji
ken by American capitalists, and at a prcmi
Jirw roiintcrftilii.
Bieknell's Reporter of Tm s.lay last gives a de
srripiion nf a new batch el o uuteife-u in the shape
of altered Relief a. Persons should be care
ful in receiving thee notes. The rogues hsve
li w but a poor t-hiinre in their businera of cun-leif.-iiing,
since the demand notes are neatly all
called in. Thiy are, therefore, mvi ssaiily confined
a Relief note in their operation.
Tswust Baas, TowAStiA Pa 1' and 2',
altered from spurious Relief issues. The signature
of J. Ci. Doyd .ti l T. Dyrr, clerk, are altered to II
W.,nl slid W. oy,l, rleik.
I! it I'ok F.iiii:. 14 -fi's, Rcli, riue, alter
ed from o ' , In ) Jiuil.Jly boi.l'm; up
to tl.t htUl.
fj The political camp- ign has now faiily com-!
irer ced. Our readers, ibia week, will find a num.
her of rommaniratinns in rctstion It the different
candidates. Our columns are alw.iya rien for the
diseusoii n of the merits oi deo eriia of those seeking
office, wh-n rouched in respectable language, ao-c-nip
1 1 led with a responsible name.
We leceivi d the following communication
fiom the Rev. Mr. Hall, but wek, but Mbving,
that he had misapprehended the meaning of the
writer, (the Rev. Vm. R. mith,") we did not then
give it publicity. We did not understand M r.
Smith to challenge Mr. Hall to a discussion, other
than through the medium of a newspnper. And
this is the me.ming thut Mr. Smith intended, as he
aflirwards informed ti, and for which he declared
himself in readiness, of wh:ch we subsequently in
formed Mr. Hall. But as Mr. Hall desires the
publication of his article, we give it to our readers
ibis week, with the above comment. It is proper
to say that Mr. Smi:h h id requested that Ilia in.
I in's be stt.-ched to his article-', which in the first
two vere omlt'ed :
riitiilrnfrrtl nml Arrrptnl.
Ma. KriiToa : I hive read in your paper a
"Kiv'ew" of my strictures upon the communication
of jour correspondent, L. D, T and among other
thine. I find the f -Mowing chllenae :
Now, in the New Testament it is obvious, th it
whatever is the oriuin il signirlca'ion ol h pt ao, it
is either left indeterminate, or it would le letter
tr.n-lald poor or sprinkle. Amm investigation
of the connections in which it is there used, and of
the ihlTerinl ea- of chri-tim hatrtism there re
corded, will rhow nil the probabilities are artainst
immersion, and in f ivor of our mde ; and reAen
.Vr. Hall it traily In rnlrr upon the dinruxt'im if
hnptizn in ntnnrrlum with the raxrn nf hnptttm.
I am rainy In tutufnnlmte tht ptmitinn.
I hereby assure the misnamed -Scriplutal Rap
tiff," that if he ia a gentleman, a man of frond
mural thararler, and a clergyman nf stunding in
:-ny one of the leading d nominations ofSunbury,
tint I receive and accept the above as a challenge,
and by Divine permission will be in Sunbury on
the evening of July ftih, ready and willing to di
cuss with him the au'jct of chri-tian Impiism, He
will open his own met ting house for the dUcu cion
He will ph a e meet me at 5 o'clock in the af er-
noon, at Mr. Iludd- in Suuhurv, where we will
arrange the preliminaries. If he should refuse
this, I will commence a AVrrw of his commuuic.
lions, in the Baptist lecture room, and continue for
several evenings. W, S. II M.I.
Berwick, Columbia Co., July 27lh, 1843.
lull THE Air.NICi.
It is time thnt the Democratic Republicans of this
Cm grcsi-innsl District should be lin king nut for a
suitable person to be supported at the coming elec
lion for ConcaKas, and as it requires a man of
the higher talent. I would respectfully rcconv
mend ALEXANDER JOKDAN, Esd , of Sunbu
ly. He is well qualified in eveiy respect is intel.
lipen' a sound Democrat. A mendier of Congress
ought to possess gi od ta'i nts, a clear head and
sound underatanding. He ought to have some
knowledge of the l.-iws and constitution of the Uni
ted States, r nd of Ihe several Slates, Mr. Jordan
embracea all the above qualifications. Let us once
mote have it to ay that ire are well reprtienied
in Ciitigmt.
A Democrat or TmarT Towjisiue.
roa tmk am r.air asj.
1 Lnokrr on at Extraordinary Calralations.
A wii rr in the Milton Ledger, under date of
the 24ih of June. 1843, headed Coi ti Cm
Missioaaa makea the following qu-ry r "Mr. Ei
Utr The question has been often a-ked who is to
be the next Democnlic t'ainlidute for County ("om
miasionrr ;" and ssys we must in some measure It the location of the individual, and that the
Commissioner injustice belongs to the Mahonoys
or Turbut Township. Thi is merely trying to
have hi en Is accomplished, and by ihe communi
cation in the ledger above memioin d, thinks that
he will influence the voter in the Mahonoys in his
favor. I will tell you lhat the citizens and voters
of tho Mahonoys have a much good sense aa the
author of the commniiicstion which appears in the
Milton ledger of the 24th June last, recommend
ing a citizen n( Jacknin townthip for County Coin- The author of that Communication,
who is a candidate for the I.egislatuie, and who re-
tide not 100 miles from the town of McEwinsville,
is aware that the f.aka will not relinquish their
rlnim, sad wi-hc to make the Mahonoys believe
that he lias it in his power to do as he pb' tses in
the Turks, and thai he is 'Lodof all he surveys,"
is no other p rson than a telf nuule num. who did
mir-repre ent Northuitilrerland county in 1842, at
HarrMmrg, nd on the 4ih day of July, whin the
citizens of said thorough were celebrating the glori
ous day which gave birth to our indercndence a a
free nation, represented old Democratic Northum
beiland county by laying on a bench before hia
iK.arilii'g house, in a very strange position, attract
ing the attention of inary returning from the celt
1 hi candidate, who wishes to palm himself off
on the IVmorriitie party of old Democratic Nor
ihumhciland rounly. ia Ihe aame gentleman who in
March, lt:t4. attended a public meeting, of which
the follow ing is a copy of the notice :
"The undersigned citizens nf Northumberland
county, mvue such of their fellow en izens asrjt
afiprnrc of ihe lemoval of the Public Deposits from
Ihe Hank of the tinned States, to a ien.l a county
mectine, at Ihe bouse of lame In in the town ol
Northumberland, on Thirlav.lhe I3;h day of
March, at I o'clock, P. M., to flake into consider.
tion such measures as shall be deemed eiliediei t
touching the same. Signed, Daviu B. Momtoo
Mtiat and oilier ,
Is this a Democrat, who headed a meeting to op
pose our Democratic Pieaideul d'sarati Aanaiw
J ic. sun in U measuira, to prevent Ihe remma!
of ihe Public or Government Depositee from the
Hunk if the Vniled Mates, of which N. Diddle
was President 1 I will ri fer you, Dcmociatic lire
thien, to ihe Mdtoniau puMithcd at Milton, No, 10,
Vol. 18, datej Mauli Alb, ItsSt.
Kill! m-lal, Conitenseit ml Selected.
All the large manufsnturing e-t iblishmen's in
Norristown, Ia., are in full operation.
The Hunker Hill Pttrnde In the gran I pro.
tesion there were about twn thousand Irishmen,
Monging to aocieiiea. Among them was
a large "Orange" or Anti.Reiieal Sotieiy.
Settlers are crowding into Florida in great num
Fare from Philadelphia to New York, three dob.
lara; New York to Albany, fifty centa ; Albany
to Rochester, two dollars j Rochester to Niagara,
two dollars. Cheap enough.
The year 1843 began and will end on Sunday
miking fiftv-'hree dava of rest for all except
printers, mail carriers and the wicked.
Mi llrritm. The hue and cry alien! the de
struction of the world the pres-ent year is fast dying
fining llnme. Five long Iriins of cars arrived
in Portland from Boston on Monday, conveying
two thousand passengers.
Mr. Barnnm, proprietor of the Muse.
urn in New York, has offered Get. Tom Thumb
his weight in silver per week to cive up his en
gagements in Canada and return to New Yoik,
Since the creation of the world, fourteen thousand
millions of beings have fallen in, the battb s which
man has waged against his fellow rreatures.
Vnraeity. fellow in Lancaster, Pa., recently
ate six large squirrels on a wager, and then finish
ed his repast with a half dozen apple.
Jjifty Klmpienre. John Wentwonh, the editor
of the Chicago Democrat, who has been nomi
nated for Congress, is s-iid to be seven feet two
inches high.
A Milleriteat Piltaburg, imparts a lively effect
to hi annunciations respecting the second advent,
by blowing a tin horn between the pauses in his
sermons, to r present the sound of the last trumpet !
Ire in the Slutde They advert i-e frozen
oysters in Baltimore.
HhmiUhfil. Be'ween twelve ami twenty libor
er have Ik?cii shot and thiity wounded, in the Ca
nal riot near Moutreil.
There were coined at the mint in New Orleana.
during the month of May last, feven hundird slid
twenty-four tl.ou-and dollars in gob).
A BiitineKt. A firm in !.oui-villc, have ma
nu Picture, I 8000 gallon of lard oil since J inuary,
and have shipfied 4000 gallons to the East within
the last thirty days.
Only a CofijjA. "The sound of couuh ought
to strike upon the ear as a fearful foreboding c.f the
funeral toll." The majority of consumption are
the consequence of the neglect of a common cough
or cold.
The peach crop every where promise to lie very
Spurit-ns dnllara, well executed, have been put in
circulation. They are copiicr washed with silver.
Of the Presidents of ihe United States, Massa
chusetts haa had two. Tennessee one. New Yoik
one, and Virginia roc. The salaries of the Vir
ginia President amounts in all to nine hundred
Ihuutnnd dnllurt !
II inkle, who has left monism, hasataiteda
new religion "oil hia own hook."
The authoteas of the "Neighbors," descrihing a
lady, says s "She looked to me like preaervetl gin
gcr, when onetskes a little, one finds it refreshing
and delicate, but all day long is quite too much."
The Brussels papers mention the case of a re
ligious lunatic, who, having eciped from the asy
lum, rlimlied to ihe lop of a tree, intending, aa he
said. In go straight to heaven. He jumped down.
was but little hurt, and recovered the use of hi
aenae :
The decorations alone of about eight rooms of the
Town Hall of Paris, cost the city f 1,0011,600. The
window ruitaina fol the hall room, thiitirn in
numlier, woven cxprcsidy at Lyons, cost five hun-
Ired dollars each.
A Cashmere factory has been established at
Wheeling, Va.
The editor of the Wheeling (Va.) Timea saw a
white blackbird on the 23d ult.. which had been
shut near that town.
The new monument to Brotk at tjueenslon
heights, is to be an obelisk, and will cost 5000
It is to le 10 feet 6 inches square at the base, and
120 feet in heiiihl. and tie an exact cony in Its
proportiona of Cleopalra'a Needle.
The Boston Democrat say that Governor Dorr
ia about to return to Providence, to resume the
practice of the law.
The Louisville Journal boasts of a stalk of as
paragus, the growth nf Jefferson county, which
measured 51 inches in circumference.
I knew by the dress, that ao gracefully twirl'J
Aronnd her small waist, that a buttle waa there
Ami I said in my heart, -if there'i jmin In lie fill,'
The body thua hracid up, must have it full share.
'Twaa eve I and on benches and porches around,
Squatls of young dundii$ reposed in the shade;
Every leaf waa at rest, and I heard not a sound,
Save the noise that ihe loys round ihe court
bouse had made.
And here, by this 'wallet nf bran" I exslsimed !
Must I journey through life 1 no never ! not 1,
For she'd pout if I rosxed her, and kick if I blamed ;
How henpecked I'd live, and how wretchedly die.
By the nVe of yon bustle, ofcotton or bran,
I would not for thousands of dollars recline ;
Can you blame me fiiend II y1 I'm a heart.
broken man,
Fur none of lhe butllet can ever be mine.
A Uacuklum er Stxatai.
ton Tilt ANI'MIC tv,
Celebration of the 4th dny of Jiili. IS II,
at una. ancLToa's norr.l iv arvaiar.
The compmy sat down to a Very fine dinner,
prepared by Mr. Bonbon. After the clo.h wis re
moved, CHRISTIAN BOWER. Esq. was called
to the chair, Thomas G. llamas, acted a Vice
President, and Maj. W. I,. Ih wurt as Sceretsry,
The Declaration of Independence was then read by
Charles J. Bruner, Eq.. after which Maj. Dewart
addressed the company in a most eloquent manner.
The following were among the volunteer toasts s
By the President.
Success to the States, likewise Gen. Gates,:
Who courageously fought on thu line;
By the protection of Heaven, in the
Conquered tl.t bsugbty Burgoyne.
3 cheers.
By the Vice President. Orn. Simon Cameron
The poor boy of Sunbury, the talented, in lu t'ious i
and perst vering youth, Ihe ubln enlightened and
benevolent man hia history a practical commenta
ry in favor of Republican Institutions h a reward,
hardly and richly merited, may rouse the envy of
sordid and baser spirits, hut have Fccured him the
esteem and respect of his old fellow townsmen.
9 cheers.
By the Secretary May ihe tree of lila-rty flour
ish t on ml the globe, and every human being par
take of its fruits. 3 rhrers.
By Maj. William Kase. Lewi Dewart May
the time soon come when the Board of Canal
Commissioners may be honored with hi presi-noe
a a memlier. 3 cheer.
By Charles J. Bruner. Gecge Waahington
May the people of the United State never forget
hia principles.
Dy Jacoh Rnhrbach. To the mm that taised
Ihe corn to feed the goose that lore the quill lhat
wrote ihe IWIaration of r,d- pendence. 3 cheer.
By Dr. Jacob B. Masser. A free Presa The
palladium oT our liheitic. 3 cheer.
By T. A. Billiogton. Our national flag Long
may it wave, o'er the lai.d of ihe free tnd the home
f the biave. 3 che. rs.
By Jacoh P. Chris'. The Ladiis Most quiet
when making a l u-lle. 3 i beers.
By Ira T. Clement. Native Husbamb) Sue-
cefs to the growth of Sam Fetter's flax.
3 cheers.
By Maj. Kase. Francis Marion The warrior j
f the South, who kept up the spark of liberty a-
mid.-t his fierce lory foe during the Revolution.
3 cheers.
By Jte.ih P. Christ. To the la.'.i, s nf ihe com
monwealth, foi the deep interest they have t ken in
the cause of temranee. and the efficient aid they
have given thia noble enterprise M-y America's
sot' alway prove brave, and hir daughter lir'o
ous. 3 cheets.
By T. A. Billington. The two Colonels, Col
Pluik and Col. Wright The latter has become as
justly rt lcbrat.d for his political m.imenvreing, a
the former is for his military the marching and
counter-marching of both are perfo'inej upon r-
euliiir scientific p ineiples. 3 cheers.
By the company. Mra. Boulton, our hostess.
9 cheeis.
roa TH K AMiail ,
M. Ms-sea The Dem,craey of Nortbumli-r-
land county will soon be called upon to mnk'
choice nf a candidate for the next Legisliture, and
a ihete have fie,-n several worthy men pre, nted
for their consideration, permit us through the me.
ditim of your valu ibto paticr. to olfer Ehwamii Y.
Bhioiit, of the Borough of Sunbury, as a candi
date for that important spu ition. In p esentin j
Mr. Bright to the Democracy of Northumberland
county, we have no hesitation in spying, that a.
mong the host nf candidates that w ill be brought
into the field, one to whom the interc of the pe
pie could more safely be confided, cannot he foun t.
Mr. Bright has resided for a long time among us.
and is well acquainted with the want and wihes
of the peo le. He ia a man of excellent bu-iness
habi' indurtrious and capable pec-essing a sound
knowledge of the Internal Improvement System,
and If elected will fearlew-ly and faithfully perform
his duty. MANY.
roa Tilt AMIRICA.
To the rulilir.
Having been well acquainted with Mr. JOHN
McKINNEY. of Tnrhut township, for many year.
ml knowing him to be a correct business man and
a good old Farmer, p.wse scd of a sound discrimi
nating mind, I would recommend him to the fa
veral le consideration of the tax payeri and votert
of Noithiimhrrlacd rout ty, as a person well quali
fied to fill the office of Commimitner f,i said coun
ty. Should he be elected, I am confident he will
perform hi duty a guardian over the interests of
the county with fidelity. Thi is one of the
tnoat important office that the voter nf said coun
ty hve to elect. I assure you lhat Mr. McKlnney
will perform his duty with honor to himself, and
with afrty to the public, SHAMOK1N.
fj-The following Dill has tuen handed to us by
a gentleman of the Bar of this place, for public,
lion :
a n i is is
Tn pruritic fur hulilinif Circuit Cntirft at William
tpiirt in the Wemrm PUtnct of 1'rnntyfrania.
He it enacted. At-. That o much of any eel or
act of Congress as v, sis in the District Court of the, d State for the Western District of Pcnnsyl.
vania, holding it session at Williamsport, ihe
power and jurisdiction of a Circuit Court, lie, and
the same is hereby repealed; and there ha! here
after lie Circuit Court held at Williamsport on the
third Mondsys of June and the third Monday of
Septemlar in each year, by the associate Jualic of
the Supreme Court, who now is, or shall heieafler
l allotted to Ihe Circuit in which said District is
situated, and the DUliict Judge of th V stern
District of Pennsylvania, either of whom ahi.ll con
at tuts a quorum ( which Circuit Courts and the
Judges thereof shall have like powers and i-xcrc ie
hko juris. tliou aa other Crcuit Court and the
Judge iherrof, and li e said District Court and the
Judge thereof shall have like powers and exercise
like jurisdiction a the District Court and the
Judges thereof, in Ihe other Cireui'.
See 2. .1 nd lie it further enartrd, e.. That all
actions, suits, prnreculi ns, causes, pleas, process,
and other proceedings, relative In any cause, civil
or criminal, (which might have lieen brought, and
could have lcn nrg'nally cognisable in a Circuit
Couit.) now pending in or Murnable to the said
Di-trici Court of the United S atesfor the Wextrrn
Diatrict of Pennsylvania held at Wilbamsport,
acting as a Circuit Court on I bo fi-st day of April
next, shall be, and ate hereby declared to tie re.
respectfully transferred, returnable, and continue,!
to the said Ciieuit Couit eonstituled by this Act,
to I holden at WiUiamsport within the said
DiMiict ; and shall be heard, I lied and determined
thereon, in the same manner as if origin d'y brought
entered, pros, cut, d or had, in surh Circuit Court.
And the said Circuit Court s'mll lie governed by tie
same I isrs and regulations as apply to the other
Circuit Courts of the United S a'es; and the clerk
nf the said Court shall ret form the same duties and
shall le entitled to reive the same fees and emolu
ments, which are by law establish' d for the cleiks
of the other Circuit Courts of the United States.
I.AttD On. Mamfactiuk The Pittsburg
Gazette of Wednesday says
This new brnncli of business bids fair to be
come one of vast importance to the west, and
it is thought by some, will soon be second only
to the manufacture of flour. Ijird Oil facto
ries arc springing up in most western towns,
and the oil of "prairie whales" rapidly fuper
sedinjr the production of the fatty monster of
the doep. Mr. M. C. Ehet, on 3d street, who
first commenced the business in this city, now
produces a beautiful oil, almost as clear as wa
ter, which burns with great brilliancy, and is de
void of noxious smell and smoke. Instead of
manufac'uring stoarinc for candles, Mr. F.het
only extracts a portion of oil from the lurd, and
converts the remainder into Refined Iard liir
family use. This article is of the consistency
of well made butter, beautifully w hite, and free
from all impurities. It must be a fine article tor
p-tftry in the summer senton. It is sold at the
price of common lard.
We see it predicted in come of the piper
that our annual crop of nciirly five hundred mil
lion bushels of corn, whichcan easily be increa
sed to one thousoud millions, will soon, in the
shape of oil, refined lard, bird but'er and stea
rine, be second only to cottcn in value, on the
tiet of American export.
To oca R k a n k a s . It is not often we hive any
thing to say upon the su'jeci of medicine but from
lit i-Xerience we have had in witnessing ihe nil
rm reus cure performed by Bran.lreth Vegetable
Universal Pills, we cannot do less than recomntt-nd
them to the special notice of the public.
In moving pubn.mary alfections, asihmi, and
disotders of the lungs, ih"y ar-' ihe mo.t pow
erful remedy ver jet f-iund. and the rebel liny
have afforded, even in the Inst stae of consump
tion, is witLout a parallel. With r. grird to their
etficacy in this baneful, and unf irtun ile'y too pre.
vailing ihairder in thi countrv, (consumption.)
their supe iority ia such as to h ive supplanted eve
ry other medicine.
Those in sib. inn tl life, who feel ihc consequence
of youthful excess, will find tlvms Ives restored to
heahh and s'r -nuth, and all those melancholy symp
toms removed, which are I' e general effects of such
cioes. A.'r.rHmt-r'it Weekly Mmrner.
(Jj"Pii' of If. B. M asset, Sunluiry, or of a
gents published in another p .rt of this p p. r.
roH TIIF. IHtllietM.
A s c m b 1 y.
Ma. Emma. Seeing that endit'ates for the
different ollices are beina ' rouehl f rtHr,l, we
would oir-r Mr. PETER PURSEL, of Snnhnrv,
for the Legislature. Mr. I'urs. l is fivoiaMy known
to the citizens nt thi county. He has long hat'led
in ihe ranks of Oemo: r.icv, never failing to ren
der every assistance to further the interests and
welf.ue of our party. Should our fellow ri'i.-'ns
think priqier to elect him in be their reerc-ciit i
tative, we ar- certain he will not gite litem rau e
to regret their choice.
DsMocnsTs or Acita.
.Urmkr or Assembly.
Ma. EniToa : I'irmit me to recommend to the
volera of Northumberland county, HUGH II.
TE AT S,E-q . of Shamokin, as a candidate for As
sembly. Mr. T- ats is an industrious and intelligent
farmer, and would, if electid. give very general a ilii
.n .t it it i e v ,
On Sunday morning last, by the Rev. A.Britain,
Mr. Willi. m Faaaow to Mi Mabi A
Wnauso, both of Shimokin township.
In this borough, on lb SOth ult.. by C. Bower,
E-q.. Mr. Jscoa aiaiva, of Northumberland,
tn Miss Statu Javi Etaiv. of Uhilisquaqu.
On theSMh ull., by the Rev. W. T. D Clemrn,
Mr. Chhistiai Ri.ich lo Miss Asia Faica.hoth
of Northuinlierland.
On th 18th ult., by David Manx, Esq , Mr.
Wm. Haas to M s Maboasit Smith, both of
Sham kin.
On the 8ih ult, by the same, Mr. Jonv Wit-
tasov to Mia E li z a a ktq Hill, both of Sha
IVoticc in IJ.iiiUriiplcy.
NOTICE is berehy given to the creditor ot
Henry Yoxtheimer, Istely decreed a llaill
tupt. ihat ihe Commis ioner in Bankrupts fu
Nonhum'ier'and county will attend at his odit iu
Sunbury, daily, to receive proof of debts aifaiuat
aid estate. CH ARES PLEASANTS,
Sunbury. Ji ly 818t . 3t Wr.
Stray Cov.
STRAYED away from If a subscriber in Suns
bury, aUiui ih I ih of June last, a
11 I. A (J K. CO W,
wi h a I ttle while under hrr belly and a little while
on one or both of her hind feet. Any son bring
ing said row back agnin, or g'ving iuforma'i.vri
where she may lie found will he liberally lewardin.
Suttbury, July Sth, 113. 3t.