Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, July 01, 1843, Image 3

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    Nvvnn. The Pilit.tT of the Cnyahog Fall
True American aays he conversed with gentle
man day or two since, who had lately visited the
Mormon Prophet, who slate that there are now it
Nauvoo, congregated from til puts of the world,
soma 17 or 18,0(10 souls in mineral!. wrtch
rj condition, subject to the order of Smith. While
hundred become dissatisfied with the represented
"Promised Land," ami leave fir a betler heritage,"
their places are filling dp by fresh converts to a
wicked system of delusion. The ere ' templo e.
limited to cost half a million of dollars, hai advan
ced about 14 fret in it walk
The rituhurg American says -Something new
comet to ns every day. At Cincinnati, they have
commenced the manufacture of a very neat and
useful article of floor and hearth cloth, from hog'
bristles, or hair. They are first softened by im
mersion for given time in lard oil, and then apun
and wove into cloih, with the diirerrnt arrange,
nunta of natural color that fancy dictates.
Offieeoflhe Baitimohi Amkdicax, June 2(1.
FLOUR. On Saturday a sale of 200 hbla.Su
quehnnnn was mnde at f IS 62 J, and to-day another
parcel of 200 Mil?, waa fold at f 5 73. A lot of
fieah ground Susquehanna, of a favorite brand, i
held at 6.
GRAIN. Wheat haa further advanced. On
Saturday a lot of 500 bmluds Penna. red waa Bold
at 1 1 8 eta. To-d iy several parcels of good to prime
Pennsylvania red were sold at 1 19 a 122 rts. So
vernl small parcels of Md. reds were sold to-day at
JI)a1 10 ets. according to quality. Sales to-day of
Md. Corn at M eta. for yellow ; and fi5 ct. fr
while. Several thousand bushels Penna. yelliiw
Corn were sold on Saturday and to-day at 51. Wc
juoto AM. Outs at 2fia27 cts. as in quali'y.
Tut Bh akhkktii I'ili.s. Action at law pen
alties, imprisonments and disgrace have not hither
to succeeded in preventing the endeavors of disrepu
table persona to deceive the public with miserable
counterfeit of that popular and universally appro
Ted medicine, the Drandreth Pills.'
Such baa become the impudence of these coun
terfeits, that they carry their poisons from house to
house, using all their endeavors to rob the poor and
In order, therefore, to secure the medicine in its
purity, tho public will observe that each box haa
three of my facsimile signature thereon one up
on the top of the box, one upon the side, one upon
tho bottom of said hot each of which must also
correspond with those label on the certificate of
Agency held by every duly authorized Agent, by
which they will be fully scjue.
Let it be horn in mind that all Pill Bold for Bran
dreth's without three facsimile rignsture of my
name being upon the hoi, may lie considered coon-tern-it,
and be very careful to observe that the sig
nature Brnndreih' ia B., not W., or any other let
tcr than U.
rXj-Puicha of II. B. Masser, Sunbury, or of a
gents published in soother putt of this paper.
T II 13 K I n I L E ItT
Answer to Enigma of last week.
IK F. Rll the 8nntTH Dit, to Kiir IT
C. E O O R A P H I C A L V. N I G M A .
lam dimpled of thirty-two letters.
My 4, 21, 24, 15, 8, 25, 9, 0, 15, is an Uland in the
My 2, 3, 5. 12, 11, 2 1, is a country in Asia.
My 1,7, 1 1, i a sea in Asia.
My 7, 1,5. 4, fi, 1, is an island east of Mal.icc.i.
My 3, 22, 19, 1, 5, 1 1, I, i a like in the U, S.
My 2, 1 1, ft, 10, is a county in Pennsylvania.
My 3, 3,5 8, it a division in S. A.
My 7,2'J. 21.4, 25, 1, is a cpc on the coast of S. A.
My whole, ia a Provrrh.
roN -rnr iMMiiri.
Jlniilitr of Assembly.
Ma. Eiiitoh ; Permit me to recommend to the
votpi of Northumberland county, HUGH H.
TE ATS, Km., of Shanvkin, aa a candidate for As
sembly. Mr. Teals ia an industrious and intelligent
tanner, and would, if clecti-d. give very general satis
i i 12 i,
At Havre de Grace, Maryland, on the 1 2th till..
Dr. JOHN J. BOYD, ton of the late Wm. Boyd,
fc.sq., lormerty ol this county.
He graduated with honor in hi profession, in
Philadelphia, and after practicing there for a short
time, rinding hi health impaired bv the confine.
mcHt of cloi-e siudy and a large city, he joined hi
family at Havre de Grace four years ago. Itelirinn
in hi manners, and singularly modest, hi profes
sional skill had already gained him an extensive
practice. The poor and aHlicU-d aoon found in him
a kind friend, ready at all se.isons, and at all hours,
to heal and console. Beneath many a lowly roof,
and around many an hunble hearth, will his loss
he felt. ike Vresbytirian.
Corrected weekly by Henry Yuxthetmer,
Wmxat, .... 90
lira, ...... so
Coasj, ...... 40
04T 25
P. 5
Flaxseed, . : . . .100
Hkkbwat, .... 25
Tallow, .... io
Diumi Arrir., . 75
Do. Pcacukb, t 21)0
Fiat, ... .8
Hxcklid Flax, 10
Eous, ...... 6
"IVTOTICE in herebv aiven that I Purchased from
v Daniel Brierton, on the 8th of May, 1813, the
following articles, which I have loaned to him un
til I - proN to ramova thera :
4 Hois, ahara in a bay colt, 4 cow. 3 ileer
3 heifer. 1 calf, S Wagon, 4 aelt harne, 3
ploughs, 2 harrowa, 1 cultivator, ahara in wheal.
iy and corn, and nau in the ground, hay, grat
in ma meadow, If pigs, beds, nd bedding, 4
tabUa, 2 ktove, 1 doi. chair, beurcau, 2 eight
uaj clock, l cupboard ami kitchen uteimU,
J.owei Mahony, July 1, 1113. 3t.
"f.ool Intent fire Coninuny-"
A STATED MEETING of the Company will
lie held on Thursday evening next, at 7 o'clock,
at the School House. Punctual attendance i re
quested. CHAS. J. BRUNER,
July 1. 1843. Secretary.
"hood M ill l'lrc C'oinpaiiT'
rriIE memlrer of the G ood Will Fire Com---
piny" aro requested to meet at the Court
House, on Mond.iv Evcninc, Jidy 3d, at T o'
clock, precisely. Punctual attendance is required.
July 1. J. II. ZIMMERMAN. See.
rilllE following Resolution, passed by the Town
L Council, June lGth, 1831, will be strictly en
forced :
Kesolvcd. That any person exposing himself na
ked for the purose of swimming, between the hour
of 5 A. M. and 8 P. M shn'l be subject to a fine
i f 50 cents, the one half thereof to t!ic borough, and
the other to the informer.
By order of the Chief Bti'iress,
July 1st, 1813. 31 Clerk.
A TlirrNliIng Machine for Sale.
fpllE offer f,.r sale a THRESHING
JL MACHINE, new and in good order. The
Machine has tiecn tried, and prove to be an excel
lent one It will be sold at a reduced price, and
warranted. Apply to H. B. MASSER.
July 1st, 1813.
.loliii FIscly'K r.Ntatr.
OTH'E is hereby given, that letters testamen
tary on the eitaie of John Eisily, Into of
Sunbury, N rthumberland county, dee'd , have been
gr mtrd by the llegiter of said county to the sub
scrilier. All those indebted to the above estate are
requested to call and make payment on Saturday
the 2'Jih of July, 1M3, at the late re-idence of the
deceased, and those having cl lims will present tin ir
accounts, well authenticated, for setil-meut.
July 1st, 1813. Executrix.
fJC5"" Hark yumbrrs Mill .Supplied.
i.dimu ic; iiaazim:.
A Sew It c p r 1 ii t .
riHE Publi-h r of the New World announces
that be ha eommepced the Re-pub'ication
of this most celebrated of the mis nines, at a price
which will insure it a very largo circulation.
"Blackwood" has long stood at the head of the pe
riodical literature of the world, and it continues to
maintain that dimlnclion, without a rival. Profes
sor Wilson, its editor (old "Ch'istopher North,")
is unrivalled aa a prose-writer nnd a poet, and his
c.'ntriliu'ors nie among the first living author of
Great Britain.
It will be issued in a double number of the New
World, within 24 hour after the arrival of the
I.oRlt-h Steamer, and srnt by the first mail to sub
scriber in all part of the United States and Bri
tish America.
Tirtxia. TWO DOLLARS per annum, for
one copy Five Dollar for Three copies Eight
Dollars for five copies and $15 for Ten copies
payable in advance. Single copies 1 8 J cent.
Any I I'Stmaster, or other person, who will oh
tain 10 subscriber, and remit f!5 therefor, (hall
have an extra copy gratis. Subject to newspaper
postage only. AdUres J. WINCHES I KK,
July 1st, 1843. Publisher.
Jacob Mallei' listate.
Kurt hit mberlaiid County, m.
A MOXGST the Records of the Orphan' Court
of said countv. at April term 1843, it ia thus
contained :
"April loth, 1943. on motion of Alexander Jor
dan, Esq., rule on the heira and legal representa
tives of Jacob Malich, deceased, to appear on the
lirst day ol next term, (August 7th. 1843,) and ac
cept or refuse the real estate of taid deceased at the
Extracted from the Record, and certified April 17ih,
Sunbury, June 24, 18 13. 6t Cl k O. C.
'! 'en o r I p-.fiij i it ii oi ri i ir i f
it Jill. I. Ill .K I i I .-i f .lillvl ill .11-
n i: it h a .n c u. r y.
T7ELLOW CITIZENS: I have len induced
-i- to otl'er mvaelf as a eandidaie for ihe olTice uf
County Treasurer,
at the coming election. Should you think me
worthy of your supiiort, and I should be so suc
cessful as to be elected, I will endeavor to gie gen
cral ssti -faction to all who mav he concerned.
Sunbury, June 24th, 1843.
rPhe puHic will please observe that no Brandreth
Pills are genuine, unless the box haa three U
tiela upon it. (the top, the aide and the bottom)
ebcrt containing a Tac-simile signature of my hand
writing, thus li. ISatNiiar.Tii, M. D. I hese la.
hel- ate engraved on steel, beautifully designed,
and done at an expense of over f 2,000. I htrefore
it will he seen that the only thing necessary to pro
cure, the medicine in ita purity, is to observe these
Kememlier the top, the side, and the bottom.
The following respective person are duly auhori
zed, and hold
For the sale of Rrundreth't Vegetable Universal
Norlhumbeiland county : Milton Mat key &
Chamttciliii. Sunbury ll.B. Masser. M'Ewena-
ville Ireland & Meixell. Xorihumlciland Wm
Forsyth. Georgetown ,.
Union County: New Berlin Bogar & Win
ter, helmsgrovc George Gundium. Middle.
burg Isaac Smith. Bcavcrlown David Hubler.
Adamtburg Wm. J. May. Mitllinsburg Menseh
&. Ray. Hartluton Daniel Long. Freeburg
U. & r.G. Muyer. Lewibburg Walla & Green
Columbia county : Danville E. B. Reynold
& to. Uerwick Miuman A Kitteuhouse. Cat
tawiasa C. G. Brobts. Bloomshutg John 1!
Miiyer. Jeiaey Town Levi Uisel. Washington
Kobt. McCay. l.ime.tone Balliel & McNinch.
Observe that each Agent ha an Engraved Cer
tificate of Agency, containing a representation of
lr lil(A.l)lit;i ll s Mauuluctory at Sing ing
and upon which will also be seen exact copies of
the new lubtU now used upon the Itrandrttk J'ill
Philadelphia, office No. R, North 8th street.
June 24th, 1813.
.Inine Jtl or sail's INtntc.
WTOTICE i herebv aiven. that letleia test
lf tamenlarv lisv lun (vmnir.l Ia thst cit..i
I era, executor of the estate of James Morgan, late of
town.tnp, Ioitliumtierland county, dec d
All ieisons sndtbted to (aid estate, or having claims
against it, ate hereby notified to call on the uhcii
ben for kcttUinent
June 3d, 1843 Ct, IWri.
jjJNF.w YoitK ixsrrn ri:,
For the Tear isi:j,
Undor tlic Direction of Mr. II. Hop
kins fi. Co.
Will be exhibited, at Newport on Friday the 7th,
Thompsoniown on Saturday the 8th, Milllin'own
on Monday the 10th. Richfield on Tuesday the
1 Ith.SelinsgruTn on Wednesday the 12th, New
Berlin on Thursday the 1.1th, Northumt ciland on
I' inlay the l lih, ami at Danville on aturilsy the
15th day of July, 1813. Door open from 1 to 4
o'clock, P. M.
(TV Admittance 25 cents, children under ten
years of age hall price.
New and splendid Scenery, done in oil painting
by one of the best artist in Philadelphia, decorates
the sides of 20 wagons, all containing animals of
Mlerent descriptions, affording one of tho most nch
and animating displays ever brought forth, all the
designs being nfthe latest finish nnd most admira
ble fashion. I o enliven this scene, on entering the
town a high-toned band will pour foilhome of the
most fashionable atrs.
The celebrated JOHN' SCH A FFER, the aubducr
of the savage denizens of the forest, will appear in
most magnificent series of scenes entitled
The dreadful doom of the Sultan' slave." A-
inong a variety of thrilling situation, the following
will be exhibited : The outcast slave banished to
the forest of Faihti, expiring from hunger and fa
tigue ; when a fierce Brazilian I iger dart like
lightning upon him from an upper cavern.
1 he Eastern despot most awful sentence!!
Forfeited life rpared on condition of training a wild
lion to harness which U accomplished, and the
slave ride aciosa the road in an ancient car.
Also, a variety of other beautiful and triking sit
uations will be presented during the progress of the
piece, to conclude with the most hold, grand and
daring human display presented among a whole
caravan of wild animals let loose at the same lime,
upon the Indian Slave, who will gradually subdue,
and playfully exhibit his remarkable fkill inelegant
ly grouping the matchless xonlogical exhibition.
I or particular sea large bills at the hotel.
June 24th, 1813. 3 1.
Slicriff's Sales.
BY virtue of aundry writ of endilinni Expo
nas and a writ of Fieri Facia issued out of the
Court of Common Plea of Northumberland county,
to me directed, will be exposed to public sale at the
Court House in th Borough of Sunbury, on Mon
day the 10th day of July next, at I o'clock, P. M.,
the following dercribed property, to wit :
A certain lot of ground situate in the borough
of Milton, Northuniletland countv, in that part of
said town called fcUpper Milton," and supposed to
be marked in the general plan tip-root No. 8, front
ing on the main or Front airect, and bounded on
the north by a lot of Henry Eckliert, on the south
by a lot of Samuel Hepburn, Esq , and on the cast
by Back street, containing in width 40 or 4 7 feet,
and in len-Mh about 200 feel, whereon arc erected a
two story frame dwelling house, store room, ware
house, stabling, ftc.
AIo: A certain oiher lot of ground situate in
tKe borough f Milton aforesaid, in that p rt of raid
town called "Lower Milton," fronting on Mahoning
stteit, and bounded on the west by a lot of John
r . n olfinger, Esq , on the east by an alley and on
the south by an alley, containing in width 36 fe t,
and in length about 200 feet, whereon arc erected a
two stoty frame house and a frame stable.
Also: A certain tract or piece of land situate in
Turbut township, N'oribuinU'rlnnd county, adjoin
ing lam's of Uoliert, Abraham Siernrr, Ja
cob Huffman, and others, containing 50 acres more
or less, about 45 acres of which are cleared, where
on are erected a two story dwelling house, a log
barn, a large orchard, Ac.
Seized, taken in execution, aid to be sold as the
property of William H. Miller.
Also: A certain lot of ground situate in the
borough ol Sunbury, Northumberland county, and
marked in the general plan of said town No. 120,
bounded on th east and west by lots Nos. 125
and 127, and on the noith by an alley, containing
i of an acre mote or les.
Abo: 5 contiguous lot of ground situate in the
borough of Sunbury aforesaid, fronting on Fawn
street, the mo.t soulhe'n of which is bounded by
a house and lot of Jacob Beck, and contains in
front 57 J foct by 230 feet in depth, containing J
of an acre more or less. The next two northward,
containing each the aame quantity a the last ah.ive
described. The fourth one (being the next north
ern) contain in front 42 feet, by 230 in depth or
eastward. And the 5th one north, is bounded
northwaid by a lot of Chri.-lian Bower, Esq , and
containing in front 57 feel by 230 in depth.
Also : The one equal undivi 'ed fourth part of a
certain tract of land situate in the Sbamokin Coal
region, in Coal township, Northumberland coun
ty, surveyed en a warrant in the name of Merrick
Starr, and containing in the whole 200 acres more
or less. Tbi land i well timbered, and upon
which there i an excellent saw-mil! seat.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the
property of Peter Lazarus.
Also: A certain lot or piece of ground situate
in Point township. Noilhumberland county, adjoin
ing land of McGlensey & Wolf, Joseph Wallis,
J. C. B. Noiire, and the main road leading from
Northumberland to Danville, containing 17 acres
more or less, about 10 acres of which are cleared,
whereon sre erected a two story log dwelling house,
a atone spring house, log stable, &e. There are
aUo a number ol excellent Iruit tiecs on said pre
mic. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold aa the
property of Samuel Payne.
Also : 3 certain contiguous lots of ground silu
ale in Chilisquaqua township, Northumbcilund
county, adjoining land of John II. Vincent, and
maiked No. 1, 2 ft. 3, and embracing all ihe land
between lot No. 3 and Ihe canal, coulaining each
of an acre more or le, being th aame lot of
ground which John T. Mathiaa purchaaej from
John H. Vincent.
Soized, taken in execution, and to be aold a the
proiicrty of John T. Maihia.
FELIX MAL'liER, Sheriff.
SherilT'a OlfiYe, )
Sunbury, Juuo 17, 1813.)
I T II. Planner has removed hi store, into
the new building adjoining the old store,
where he baa opened a new assortment of Pry
(ianih. C merries, (Juccnxware, Hardivure, dc.
All person having una tiled accounts in his
books, will save coN by attend ng to them aoon.
Sunbury, Juno 10th, 1813.
Vl," A iitl vci'HX7it 'li e vc f,
Forwarding and (icncrnl Produce
Sicond M 'hurf iitmre liare St . on the. Delaware,
Henry Farnum A. Co. IJatvis, Trabuc V Curd,
Brny, Barcroft, A Co. j Isminville.
Williamson, Burroughs. Geo. Luckey, ft. Co.
A Claik, Cincinnati.
Eckel, Spaniiler cV Raguel St. John Smith, Esq ,
Reed, Brn. tV. 1'horuas, Portland.
Rogers, Broihers & ''n. i.loseph Souther, Esq.,
W. R. Thomp'tin Co,
Robert Siecn & Co.
J. fi J. Reakert,
Mulford ft Alter,
lion. i m. inuier.
... ii - i .
Clearfield, Va.
B Ilendrick,
J. K. Wel-h. Y. q
Siinliuty, I'll.
Vhiladi lphia ,R. Horn- s, E-q.
David R. Porter, Emi
Kobvrl t'ranc, Esq.,
Jersey Shore, Pa.
Wm. M'Kelvy ft Co.,
nnomsburg, I'a.
Walls & Oio, n.
Iswishurg, Va.
T. W. Kin'zing &. Son,
Istrlc Haven, 1'u.
SieirettcV. Potter,
Istristown, I'a.
Joseph Paxton, Esq.,
Columbia Co , l'a.
McfSis. J.A P. Martin,
Wm. K. H . IVoscle, Esq.
Lewis Hurford, E-q.
Jones, Murphy ft Co,
E. A. Brown ft Brother.
J. K. Moonhead, Esq.
Morgan ft Anderson,
Geo. Piebury, Esq.
SV. loin's
June 3d, 1813. Iy
Ao. 7i South H utrrrl, opposite the Dxchnnr,
(Formerly of So. 70 South Srrond street.)
Manufacturer of Improved and Patent Fire and
Thief-proof Chests and D.Mirs, Water and Pro
vision Coolers, and Ftllerers, Refrigera
tors, Hoisting Machines, Ac, Ac,
Stili continues to make
his celebrated WATER Cool-
gijJPers, and Filterers, Rcfrigcra
ifet V-JiC t o r . bolh of the round and
ij-j , jtquare shape, with improve-
mrnn, oi me nesi niateiiaia
Iv.anJ woikmanship.
OCT" The Clients nrc manufactured without
plank of any description, of the best material which
is calculated to resist burplvs and heat a long as
any manufactured in the 1'nilcd States a trial of
which he is willing to make with any other, pro
vided the trial be made of chests already sold to
customer, and not manufactured for the express
purpose of a trial. Purchasers are invited to call
before purchasing clsowhere.
CAUTION. All person are cautioned against
making, using, selling or causing to be (old, any
Keyhole covers for Fire Proof Cheats or doors of
any kind, similar in construction to my patent of
July 10th, 1841, as they will be dealt with accord
ing to the Patent Law.
May 27ih, 1813 0m.
CYcw Establishment.)
RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of
Sunbury and vicinity, that be baa recently
commenced the
in all ita branches, in Market airect, Sunbury, im
mediately below the post office, where ho will be
reaily to receive and execute all orders in the line
of In business with promptness and despatch, and
in the best atyle and manner. His prices will be
low, in accordance with the times,
yj' Lumler and Country Produce taken in Ex
change May 27th 1843. fm
city i riiM i ruK vrcTTtTv,
Nos. .". and :$l North Third Street,
N c i r the City Hotel,
CC. MACKEV, Auctioneer, respectfully in-
vitcs the attention of persons desirous of pur
chasing Furniture, to his extensive Sales Rooms,
(bolh public and Private, ) for every description of
Household r urmlure, where can l obtained at all
times, a large assortment of fashionable and well
manufactured Cabinet Furniture, Beds, Matttusses,
Ac, at very reduced price, for cadi.
07" Sales bv Auction, twice a week
May 27th, 1S-13. Iy
Hover's Ink.
Manufacturer of Writing and Indelli-
blc Ink, No. KMi North Ihtrd Street, six
doors below Ilace, (east side,)
"I ESPECTFI'LLY informs country merchants
-a- and oihets, that he con-tantly keep on hand
a large stork of hi sopcrier Black, Blue and Red
Ink, and also a superior qutlity of IndclliMe Ink.
H'S ink ia put up in buttles varying in size, from
1 to 32 ounces, and will be sold on reasonable
terms. The excel'eot qualities of this ink has so
thoroughly established it character, that it i now
extensively used throughout tha country.
. For sale at the store of H. B. Masser, Sun
bury. Ps. May 27th. 1843. Iy
Attnt for the salr of Souihicorlh MamtfaC'
luring Cnnpanii't
SlTKIMOIl Wltn iNi; I'Al'KUS;
Warehouse No. 'A Minor Street,
rSM"E following kind constantly on hand, and
for sale to ihe Trade at the lowest inatket
prees -. Fine thick Flat Cs, 12, 11, and 18 lbs.,
blue and white; Extra super, and superfine Folio
Poi-la, blue and while ; Extra super Packet and
Commercial pott, blue and white ; Extra tuper
Linen Note papers, long ; do. broad; siterline and
fine Counting house Caps, blue and white; Extra
Miier Congress Caps and Letters, plain and ruled,
blue and while ; Suerline French Posts, plain nJ
ruled ; Suj erfine Senium Cap and Posts ; Superfine
and fine Cap and Posts, ruled ami pl.iiu, blue and
while, various qualities and price.
Also Bonnet Boards, Tissue, Envelope, Wrap
ping, and Hardware p.ijxrs, Ac, Ac.
May 27. 1813. Cm.
irioitijult Furiisivorlli'n r.nlutc.
NOTICE i hrisby given, that letters of admin
irtration oil the et'e of Adnnijah Earns
wurth, late of Sbamokin township, Norihumbeilaiid
county, dte'd., have been granted by tha Register
of suid county to th nibscnber. All those indeb
ad to the above estate will make payment, and those
having claim will present their accounts on the
2Uth of June, 1813, at the late residence of Ibo do
May 27ih IsU. l .rUVr
To the Voter if Northumberland County
I71E11.0W CITIZENS i Through the soli
; citations of many friend in various parts of
the county, I have been induced to oiler myself as
a candidate for the office of
Should I be so fortunate a to receite a majority
i f tour sullragrs, I pledge myself to discharge the
duties of said ollice with fidelity.
Sunbury. Mat 20th, 1843.
f.rrnt Wr-stern Indian Pnnncrn,
Compounded entirely of Vegetable
Suhstanecs ;
Free from Calomel and u II other Minerals.
For the history of thi medicine, and its unrivalled
and truly surprising surre-s and popular
ity, see large bills
B T is recommended as a general Cathirtic for
fami'y ue in dypcpla and all bill. his di-ea-si
s, it is inv iluablo for Asthma it is considced a
specific, no cae h iving yet occurred which il has
failed to cure for common, iioflaminatory
dixca-cs, rheumatism, allection of the liver, Ac,
and foi females, It ia a safo and excellent remedy.
From Dr. Silos West, of liinihnmptnn, N. V.
Mr. Lonc'ey Dear Sir: I have used your Great
West.rn Indian Panacea in my family, and have
rceated!v precribed it for patients under my care,
and am satisfied that it is always a safe, and in very
many cases tin invaluable medicine. It operates as
a laxative w ithout nausea, or pain ; and w hile it ef
fectually obviates coftivenofs acts upon Ihe stomach
and liver as an alterative, correcting neidity, anil re
storing the healthy condition of those oraans.
Veiy respectfully vonrs, S. V EST.
For sale by JOHN W. FRILING, Sunlmrv.
JACOB BRIGHT, Northumberland.
May 20lh, 18l3.Iy
ciiahli:s . IIKC.IXS,
AS taken the ollice formerly occupied by the
Hon. Chaile G. Doom I, opposite the Court
ll'iuse. He will a'tend to business in the Courts
of Northumlierland, Union and Columbia counties.
May 20th. 1813.
J. D. Waters,
RESPECTFI'LLY informs the citizen of the
borough of Northumberland, and its vicinity,
that be has commenced the
Tailoring Itusiiicss,
in b'1 its various branches, in the shop formerly
occupied by Henry S. Thomas, directly opposite
rorsvth s store. As he receives the New York
and Philadelphia Fashions quarterly, he is enabled
to do all jobs entrusled to him, after the neatest and
latest style, nnd upon the shoitcst notice.
Northumlierland, April 22d, 143. Iy
RESPECTFULLY inform the citizens of Sun
bury and it vicinity, that he has taken the
office formerly occupied by Dr. John Peal, where
be will be happy to receive call in the line of his
profession. April 22d, 1843.
Daniel Yarick,
BEGS leave to inform the citizens of Sunbury
and its vicinity, that he haa commenced the
in Market street, Sunbury, east of John Bogar's
store, and directly opposite the post office, where he
intend to carry on the business in all it various
branches, including, Turning, Making Mill Iron
and F.liplie Springs, Ironing Carriages, with Ex
tension or Standing tofts. Shoeing Horses, te.
Order will be promptly and punctually attended
to, and work done cheap, for cash or country pro
duce. fXj Horso Shoeing done at f I per sett.
Sunbury. April ISth, 1813. Gin
15 o o t Shoe
a r t i 11 I r i n ,
"Mfc ESPECTFI LLY informs hi friend and
old ciMomer. that he has removed hi
to the frame building adjoining his dwelling house,
between that and IV. D. T. Trite' oflice, a few doors
west of his old estal lishmeni, in Matket street,
where he intends to carry on the above business
extensively, 111 all its rurions branches.
Being thankful for past favor, he hopes, by strict
attention to business and liberal charges, to give
general satisfaction ; and that he will continue to re
ceive a lilieral share of public patronage.
April 8lh. 1813.
Ifjl-. . Is. Illc, Thankful for past fa
rvors, respectfully informs the inhabitants of
Sunbury utid coun'ry around, that he has, taken
his residence and ollice in market street, in the east
end of the building occupied by John Bogar's store,
where he will le happy to wait upon ull who fa
vor him with their cills.
Sunbury, April !!, 1813. 610
ti c o r b c Z 1 111 111 c r 111 an So 11.
TllIE u! sailer hereby inform the public, that
L they have entered into partnership,, in the
wh'ch will hereafter be carr-ed on at ihe eld
si and in Sunbury. under the firm of George
Zimmerman A Son," where ihev will conduct the
l ii-ine-a in all il various branches, including 7'irn
inff. Making M.ll Iron, Imnmsr Carnages, Shor
ing Horses. te. Order will I promptly and punc
tually attend, d to, and work done cheap, lor cash
or countrv produce.
(Tj Shoeing done at one dollar per sett.
Sunbury, March 11th. 1813.
'PHE suhscrihpis, having entered into a partner--
ship in the pr iclice of the law, will be happy
to attend to all business entrusted to their care.
Collections will be promptly attended to.
They may always be found at their ollice, in
Market street, Sunbury. tormeily occupied by
Wm. Uewart, dee'd.. as a store-room.
Sunbury, Feb. 4th, 1843. 6 in.
Frliuppyof li OS E O I N I'M E NT, leeeived
and for sale by U. B. MASSER.
Nov. 19th. 1842.
,Yn. 2:17, .Yn7i Th ird, above Clinic hill .Sr", .
JOHN DUNCAN, late from the Prnnvlvri.
nia Farim r, nnd Samuel Pike, jr., laic ol .
mr rican Hotel. Columbus, Ohio, tnke pleasure in no
qiiatnling their friend and the public pencrallv that
they have taken the large and commodious Hotel,
recently built by the Messrs. Hart, on the same silo
once occupied by the old established Hotel known
a the Bull's Head, in Third stieet above Callow
hill St.
This Hotel is finished in the very best possiblo
manner, hnd of the best materials. Ita location m
very desii able, particularly forcountiy merchant;
the arrnngrmen'sfor heatir.g and ventilating eadi
room ia such as to secure any temperature. Tha
hidroumsarc oil light and iitrv, all furnished in a
neat t-ty!e, so a to inture lomlort.
The receiving p irlors arp nl-o fmn'hc l in ' 1
perb style, the windows are nn '.ho French 'm
loimii g Rn entrance to a balcony in front. r 'i.;
m ikes pleasant recess. Pnrl'citlar attention !-..
been given to the beds and bedding, wbicl), v-i 1 1
the furniture, are entirely new.
From years' experience in h. del biuinc, m
trust, by strict aiduily to business, to make tin '
house a desirable stepping place. Our table, wil!
always be supplied with Ihe very best our market
can afford, and our bar wilh the best liquors and
wines of Ihe most aptovcd brand.
P. S. There are fir! rate stabling hnd carriBcn
house iitliched to the hotel, r.ltrn.lcj by ra fi d
and sol er ho-tSers. and ntn charges will be lw, in
accordance wilh t'.e present haul,
Philadelphia. V. Till. 112.
W7ERY RESPECTFI'LLY beg- leave to i -y
fo'tn his customers, mid lije public gneriili ,
that he still continues th"
in all its various branches, in ihe shop nearly oppo
site Ihe Buck Tavern, formerly occupied bv Hen
ry Hans and himself, under the firm of Haas A;
Hruckemiller, which firm has been mutually dissol
ved. Me hopes, by bis long experience in the ahov
business, and strict attention thereto, to render gi i
crnl satisfaction, and rcceivu a liberal share of p'ih.
lie patronage.
Sunbury, Oct. loth, 1812. Iy.
((Srnrrul Stage lJicc,)
-bit m
THE Suhcriber reseclfully informs his friends
and the public in general, that he ha taken
the above
and that he is now well prepared to aceoinmodato
all who may favor him with their custom.
Hia Sr.tF.rtKo Apatitbuts are well aired, and
His Tibl Art Bar will always be FuppliiJ
with the best the maiket can alTord.
Hi Stabiihr, which is good, will be under
the charge of good and careful hostler.
He-feels confident, by strict attention to business,
and an earnest desire to render comfortable those
who may patronize him, that he will not fnil toa'no
general satisfaction. H. B. WEAVER.
Muncy, Oct. 11, 1842. If.
Dr. D. T. TrltCS, nespectfully informs th
citizens of Sunbury and vicinity, that he has re
moved his office to tho building lately occupied by
George lirinht, in market street, Sunbury, whero
he may be found at all hours, unlets professionally
DR. TRITES returns his sincere thanks for 'ho
encouragement he has received, in the line of his
profession, in this place, and trusts, by prompt at
tention to the duties of his profession, and reason
able charges, that he will continue to receive a
liberal share of the public patron igo.
Sunbury, Oct. 1st, 1842. tf.
Dl J. W. If ill begs leave to lender bis 0 i
ful acknowledgment to the people id .Sip '
and surrounding country, I'm then p ,-t enco:
ment in the line of bis profession ; and won i'
thesanie time announce to them, '..e -tend
to continue the practice of medicine 111
various department. He would, therefore, s. v.
a continu ince of their conli-lenco und p .troi ,
He may be (ouud nt all times at his: oflice, at
north east corner of Blackberry a'ld Die' s re.
unless professionally engaged.
Sunbury, Oct. 1 st, 1 H Vi. if.
.1. "N. SUMiNKH,
RESPECTFI'LLY ii.foins tho public that lot
has ni nlo N iiiboiiibei iiind his pi ruiancnt
place of iesi.ii nee, an I is teadv to utlcnd to any
c.dis in the line of I i- ; r desaioii.
July 2, H 12. I v.
I ill.
RAIXj road.
SUM M Ell A liU.M I KM EN T.
Change of Hours.
Oil A!ll AfTKIl S .Tr H P A T , ApBIL 1, 18J3.
The passenger trains will have at the f-.lluw, v
hours :
Vhiladilphia and VnlhriHe.
From Philadelphia, at fi A.M. ? n
From Potisvilhi. at ft,' A.M. S "
Hours of pauitHg Heading.
For PoUsulle, at 9 A. M.
For Philadelphia, at 7 A.M.
Iloth nam pas at I'otlstown. J he down tm r
breakfisl at Ke.uliog, and the up trim ut .Norn
own, for which IA minu'es ate allowed at ia. 1
Between Poltsville A Phibuh. f .l.fiO & ?2..'
Between Reading A do. 2.25 A 1.7r
Between do A Pottville, 1,40 & l i t)
wr.XT hat.
Between PotUville V. Philadelphia, f 5 00
Between Reading A do. 3 (HI
Between do. A Pottsville, 2 IM)
All tha train will stop for way paenger at
the uul point.
(Jj" All paasengnr are reuetd to frccut
their ticket before the train start.
May 31, 1812. If.