Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, June 24, 1843, Image 3

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V.illtot-lsil, Conilfnaerl mt Beleetsd.
tSood butter has been selling in Lancaster city,
it 6J cent per pound.
In New York young mfiiri lady gave birth
to four children, two of whom were giil, alive and
well, the other two were i till born.
A an evidence nf hard time, eome ! 00 bottle
of Madera wine, sold in New York, on Tuesday,
for thrte tlolUrt a bottle.
There am now thirty-two stsmloats tailing out
of Buffalo, N. Y., with an aggregate tonnage of 13,.
804 Ion.
Passengers are taken from Boston to Portland
1 113) by rnil road for one dollar, the distance be
ing run too in five hour.
Mote llayward, of Boston, received an anony.
nous letter on the 13ih inat., enrloaing twenty-five
44lr,in which the writer acknowledge he took
all dollars from him, by theft, about ten yearn
lince, for which he desires to restoie four-fold, and
asks hit forgiveness.
About 30,000 old Lutheran subject of Prussia,
from the border of the Baltic, are shortly to teltle
in this country.
1'enmyleania. The expense of the govern,
mcnl of Pcnnylvania amount to 89t,980, inde
pendent of the interest on the debt.
Ten convict escaped from the penitentiary in
Milledgcville, Geo. five hundred dollar i olTcred
for their apprehension.
The French Government hive it in ennttfmpta
tion lo rebuild Point Petre with iron houses, a af
fording the beet security against earthquakes
The British and Foreign Dible Society' receipts,
from all sources, $93,476 2 8d ; Bibles and Tes
tament issued, 962,000, and since the commence
ment, in 1809, 15,020,084.
The ateamer Illinois left Detroit foi Chicago on
the 17th inst., with tf.rtn hun Ired passengers.
There is great excitement in Essex Co., N. J.,
and especially in the town of Stillwater, in conse
quence of the appearance of hydrophobia among
(be dog.
JWiVrr. This hesutiful flower is indigeniou
in Mexico. Ii ws di coved by Dahlia, a German,
from whom it derives its name.
The purchases of dry goods for Rochester, far
exceed fMIO.OOO annually, principally made in
Xo (mpcr fdare for it. A law of Virginia al
lows the retailing of spiritou liquors, at proper
place in the different counties, the magistrates
have decided that there is no "proper place" with
in their jurisdiction for that purpose.
Thomas Adams, of Middlefield, New York, at
tempted while intoxiiated, to kill his children with
an axe, as they lay in bed ; and being deterred
from effecting hi purpose by hi wife, cut hi own
throat, and died in a few minutes.
It ha been ascertained, by artusl experiment,
that castor-oil used instead of butter, in the prepa
ration of dishes, will m ke the victuals go much
fairlvrr. A great discoveiy this for econmical hnuso
kecers! Science nitrt. Feathers are not an infalliable
protection against lightning. A hen was killed in
Lyons, N ('., the other night.
J.nthtf String. Some thics broke intt a house
in Haw dc (irsre, M.I., and seized a bag contdn
ing fIW9 in specie! but the siring broke, and the
jingliirg nf the money swoke the lady of the house
who gave tire ulnim and i lie hurglsys fled.
There is a plant, or rather shrub, in Texas, cat
ln wild tea, vrry closely resembling young by son
in smell awd flavor.
Mr. J. P. Cu'liine, of Boston ho expended on
hi relehrtod farm nf 125 acie al Wsteratown.
Fi'vrn hundred ih 'tuand dollars. The house now
Imilding on the premies ises'imsted to coat f 125.
IH)0. It is calculated f"f a princely residence, with
( 'hinesc verandaha, windows of stained glass, Ac.
.4 Hitturicnt Suhjrrl.K historical painter in
New York ha chosen for his next subject, to be
tllu-lratcd by his pencil, the celebrated interview
that Bolts and the President held together, between
cherts, tie intend to do justice to both of the
distinguished parties.
Vufoabh Paper. Among the valuable paprrs
left by I lie, late Mr. Webster, in possession of bis
son, is an autnMographical memoir, embracing the
prominent incidents in his nro.-t eventful life ; and
also a Snyopotisof Words in Twenty Langua
ges," to which he devoted neatly ten of the best
year of hi long life.
Wathingtun Irving. -It is rumoured that our
Minister to Spain intend lo return soon, on ac
count of ill health. He has t.ilely receive hand
some leg.wy from the 1st Mr. Hicks, of Waverley
.4 Juvenile Pair. .K Lond.w paper aays, "A
huband and wife attended Kendal market on Sa-
turdsy Isst, whose untied ages, at the birth of their !
first child, amounted to only 27 years !"
OJficeoftht DiLTinoat Anisici, June 19.
GRAIN We hear of no parcels of MJ. Wheal
t market. The sale of Pennsylvania on Satur
day were 600 bushel while at 119 cU. and TOO la red at 1 17. To Jay price advanced, and
th sales were as follows: 1800 bushel white at
120 123 cents i 2800 bushel red at 119 a 120
cts ; and email parcel of red, not prime at 118
els. The aggregate sale of Saturday and to-day
ate 6500 bushel. Sale of Pennsylvania yellow
Corn on Stuidy at 54 55 c. To-day the
market is dull and that price could not be obtained.
Sales of Md. Corn wete maJe lo-Jay at 54 cent
for yellow and 64 a 55 cent for white. Sales of
Pennsylvania Oats at 29 cent. We quote Md.
Oat at 27 a 28 cent dull. A sale of heavy
Penna) Ivania Kye to-day at 63 cts.
WHISKEY. The demand is very limited and
declining. Small sales of bhds. at 2 1 cents anJ of
III, at 25 cts.
T II I! It I D 1 la U II a
Answer to Enigma of last week.
Strut or Basir.MAViirt..
I am composed of thi'ty-two leltei.
My 2, 9, 1 8, 28, 30, 27, 28, IS, is a country in A.
si a.
My 3, 23, 30, 1, is a mountain in Africa.
My 10, 13,32,9, 28, is one of the West India
My 3, 23, 30, 12,4, is a river in British America.
My 12,23, 1,23, 8, 13, is a town in Mexico.
My H, 2, 19. ia a lake in Wisconsin.
Mj 9, to, 13, 3,2, 12, is a tiverin IT. Canada.
My 3, 28,31, 9,30, I, is town on the Su-qoe-hanna.
My whole is a Divine command, aadly violated by
all cl owe of people.
NrrmTT or tmk Blood Re a, mart Attx.
tiox ! When the blood becomes impure it is a
certain sign that the inlest'nel region of the to
oach do not perform their natural functions.
flrandreth' Universal Vegetable Pills, formed
from the soundest vege'aMe matter extracted by a
scientific process, will remove all complaints of the
stomach, and the blood will soon run though it
pioper channels, pure and heabhy as ever. These
pills in their operation are free from that pain
which accompanies most other. The reaon is
obvious, the extract conslitu -s the very essences of
the remedy, slopped fro.n the grounds, and there
fore act upon the system in the mildest possible
manner. All those troubled with excess of bile,
dyspepsia, headach, Ac, (which can l easily re
moved with little attention.) it will elf dually
relieve, and the body resume a healthy regularity.
(Xj Purchase of H. B. Masser, Sunbury, or of
the Agent published in another part of thia pa
per. .IT Jt IS 1 1 t K D f
On the 8th inst.. by the Rev. D. Gring, Mr. Jo
nas Fox, of Columbia county to Miss CiiarsTi
Ltvrx, of Sinking Spring, Northumberland eo.
On the 13th inst., by the Rev. C. F. Slcrver.Mr.
TliKTHir.R Brans to Mis Catnknisk Swaarrx,
all of Milton.
On the 15th insl , by the same, Mr. Jacoa Bars
led to Miss EiixtnxTH SkTknao, both of Tur
but. DIED,
On Thurs lsy. the 15th instant, and infant son
of Mr. Charles Weave, of this place.
In Milton. on the I3ih inst.. Miss ELIZABETH
JANE, youngest daughter of Mr. William H. San
deson, a mil 21 year'.
At his residence in York, on the 8lh insl , Gen.
JACOB SPANGLER, of that town, aged 75 year
and 7 month.
In Milton, on Tuesday, I .lib. inst., Mrs. MARR,
widow of the late Lawrence Marr, in an advanced
Currrctcd weekly by Henry Yuxthetmtr.
Whuat, .... 90
Rrx, - . - . .50
dm, . - . - . 40
0ts, ...... 25
Poik, Ji
FLaisrr.n, ... . (tfl
Bl'TTXR, . . . 10
Bkkswsi, - . - 25
Tallow, .... lo
Daixn ArrLcs, . . 75
Do. Pkai'HM, . 200
Fiax, ... .8
HrrKirn Fiat, . 10
Eons, ...... 6
lELLOW CITIZENS: I have been induced
lo oiler myself as a candidate for the office of
County TrciiMircr,
at the coming election. Should you think me
withy of your suport, and I should be so suc
cessful as lo he elected, I will endeavor to give gen
eral satisfaction to all who may be concerned.
Sunbury, June 24th, 1843.
rPhe pu' lie will please observe lhat no Brandrelb
- Pills are genuine, uulcwa the box has three la
bel upon it, (the top, the aide and the bottom)
enrh containing a fac-simile signature of my hand
writing, thus U. DatJiiNKTH, M. D. These la.
hel aie engraved on steel, beautifully designed,
and dime at an expense of over f 2,000. Therefore
it will be seen that (he only thing necessary to pro.
cure ihe medicine in ita purity, is to observe these
Remember the top, the side, and the bottom.
The following respective persons are duly auhori
zed, and hold
For the sale of Hrandreih't Vtatlulifc Vmeertal
Norlhumheitand county I Milton Maekey cV
Chsmheilin. Sunbury H. B. Masser. M'Ewena
ville Iteland Al Meixell. Northumt-eilanJ Wm.
Forsyth. Georgetown . . ..
Union County: New Berlin Bogar At Win
ter. Selinsgrove George Gundium. MioMle
burg Isaac etmith. Beaveriown David Hubler.
Adamsburg Wm. J. May. Mitllinsbuig Mensch
At. Ray. Hartleton Daniel Long. Freeburg
G. iVF. C. Moyer. Irwisburg Wall Ar Green.
Columbia county : Danville E. B. Reynolds
V IO. Uerwiik Miuman Ac lutteuhouse. l;a'
tawissa C. G. BroM. litooinsburg John It.
Moyer. Jeiaey Town Ievi Bisel. Washington
Robu McCsy. Limestone Balliet At McNinch.
Observe that each Agent haa an Engraved Cer
tificate of Agency, containing a representation of
Dr BRAND KETH'S Manufactory at Sing Sing,
and upon which will also be seen exact copies of
Ihe new label nuw used upon Hit Hrandrtlh i'ill
Philadelphia, office No. 8, North 8th street.
June 24th, 1843.
RSliE 07AL
nil. jtlusttrr has removed his store, into
the new building adjoining the old store,
where he has opened a new assoitmrut of Jry,
Guilt, firoetriet, Queemwaie, Hardware, Vc.
All persons having unsMthd account in liia
books, will ave co-Is by attandiug lo them soon.
Sunbury, June lOlb, 1813.
SherilF's Sales.
BY virtue of sundry writs of Venditioni Epn.
nss and a writ of Fieri Fse'ns Issued out of the
Court of Common Pleas of Northumberland county,
lo me directed, will be exposed lo public sale al the
Court House In lh Borough of Sunbury, on Mon
day the 10th day of July next, at I o'clock, P. M.,
the following described property, to wit t
A certain lot of ground situate in the borough
of Milton, Northumberland county, in that part of
aid town called '-Upper Milton," and supposed lo
be marked in the general plan tlt reof No. 8. front
ing on the mnin or Front street, and bounded on
the north by a lot of Henry Erklert, on ihe aotith
by a lot of Samuel Hepburn, Esq , and on the east
by Buck street, containing in width 40 or 47 feet,
and in length about 200 feet, Whereon are erected a
two story frame dwelling house, store room, ware
house, stabling, fee.
Also: A certain o'her lot of ground situate In
tko borough of Milton aforesaid, in that p rl of said
town called "Lower Milton," fronting on Mahoning
stieet. and bounded on the west by lot of John
F. Wolfinger, Esq , on the east by an alley and on
the south by an alley, containing in width 30 feet,
and in length about 200 feet, whereon are creeled a
two atory frame house and a frame stable.
Also; A certain tract or piece of land situate in
Turbut township, Northumberland county, adjoin
ing lands of Robert McKee, Abraham Sterner, Ja
cob Hoffman, and others, containing 50 acres m.Te
or less, about 45 acres of which are cleared, where
on are erected a two atory dwelling house, log
barn, a targe orchard, Ac.
Seized, taken in cxecuiion, and to be sold a the
property of William H. Miller.
Also : A certain lot of ground situate in the
borough ol Sunbury, Northumberland county, and
marked in the general plan of said town No. 120,
bounded on thfl east and west by lots No. 125
and 127, and on the north by an alley, containing
of an acre more or le.
Al-o: 5 contiguous lots of ground situate in the
borough of Sunbury aforesaid, fronting on Fawn
street, the most southern of which i lounded by
house and lot of Jacob Beck,' and contains in
front 57 J feet by 230 feet in depth, containing j
of an acre more or less. The next two northward,
containing each the same quantity as the last ah ve
described. The fourth one (In ing the next north
ern) contains in front 42 fctt, by 230 in depth or
esstward. And the 5th one north, is l-oundcd
northwsrd by a lot of Christian Bower, Esq , and
containing in front 57) feet by 230 in depth.
Also : The one equal undivi 'ed fourth part of a
certain tract of land situule in the Shamokin Coal
region, in Col township, Northumberland coun
ty, surveyed on a warrant in the name of Merrick
Starr, and containing in the whole 200 acres more
or less. This land is well timbered, and upon
which there is an excellent aaw-mill seat.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the
property of Peter Lazarus.
Also : A certstn lot or piece of ground situate
in Point township. Northumberland county, adjoin
ing lands of MiGleiisey Si Wolf, Joseph Wallis,
J. C. B. Nouc, and the main road lending from
Northumberland to Danville, containing 17 acre
more or less, about 10 acres of which are cleared,
whereon are erected a two story log dwelling house,
a stone spring house, log stable, Ac. There are
also a number ofcxcellent fruit trees on (aid pre
mises. Seized, taken in execution, and to be aold aa the
property of Samuel Payne.
Also : 3 certain contiguous lots of ground situ,
ale in Chilisqusque township, Northumberland
county, adjoining land of John H. Vincent, and
maiked No. 1, 2 A 3, and embracing all the land
between lot No 3 and the canal, containing each
J of an acre more or bus, being the same lots of
ground which John T. Mathiaa purchased from
John H. Vincent.
Soized, taken in execution, and to lie sold a the
property of John T. Malhias.
FELIX MA IT RE R, Shrrtjf.
Sheriff's Office. ?
Sunbury, June 17, 1843. S
tt -in
ALL .ersons sre hereby cautioned against pur
chasing a certain Cow and Calf, in the posses
sion of Mr. Abraham Ruch, of August township,
which be purchased from me on the 5th of March,
1812, on condition that they should remain my
properly umil paid for. A the amount for which
they were sold has not yet been paid, I claim them
as mine, according to a written agreement lo that
Augusta. June 10th. 1813. 3t.
Hart, Aiidretvs ATill'ltcvcr,
Forwarding and dcneral Produce
Second M'harf nlmre llace St.. on the Delaware,
Henry Farnum V Co. iJarvis, Trabue A. Curd,
Bray, Barcroft.cV Co. Itmitville.
Williamson, Burroughs Geo. Luckey, At Co.
& Claik, Cincinnati.
Eckel. Sp.insler A Rnguel St. John Smith, Esq ,
Reed, Bro. iV Thomas, I Portland.
Rogers, Brothers oV Co. Joseph Souther, Esq.,
W. It. Thompson A Co. lin.-ton.
Rolert Steen A Co. Hon. Wm. Biuler,
J. A J.Reakert, j VlrarfieU, Pa.
Mulford A Alter, U Hen.lri.ks,
J. It. Wtbh. E q. ! Sunbury, Pa.
Philadelphia R. Hum s, E q.
David R. Porter, Esq. .Robert Crane, Esq.,
Messrs. J. A P. Martin, ! Jersey Shore, Pa.
llarril,urg Kmt M'KcIvy A Co..
m. K. Hollnsgie, r.sq llloomibun:. Pa.
Lewis Hurford, Esq. j Walls A Green.
tsrwitburg. Pa.
Jones, Murphy A Co. i ..,
E. A. Brown A Brother j' "
J. K. M.Kmhcad.Eso.
. Killing A Son,
Isek Huen, Pa.
Pitltliurg.,le"cl "tier,
Morgan A Anderson, ' Uwittown, Pa.
Geo. Pieluiy, Esq. I Joseph Pax ton, Esq.,
v. I amis Columbia Co , Pa.
June 3d, 1813. ly
' t n .
.lames iTIurfraiiN llalt. i
NO I'ICE is hereby given, thst b tiers testa- !
- lameutary have len grauleil to the subscii- '
I ers, executors of the estate ol jamo Marg in, bite of j
- township, Noithumjierhind county, dee'd. ;
All ieisons stub bred lo said estate, or having claims 1
sguinst it, ae hereby notified to rail on the subscri. i
tiers for si It lenient
HENRY Mt)lttlAN, j
June 3d, 184.1 lit. sVjtVjs. ;
(rw Ilalliiiiiiriit.) '
RESPECTFLLLV informa the cilixeiis of
Sunbury and vicinity, that he baa recently
commenced lha i
in all ii branches, in Market street. Sunbury. im
mediately below th post office, where he will be
ready lo receive and ex ecu to all orders in Ihe line
of his business, with prompims and despatch, and
in ihe best stylo and manner. His price will I
low, in accoidante with the limes.
rjj' Lumber and Cuuntiy Pimbne taken in El
change. May 'ihU 1843. Cm
A. 7fl Soi7r7i !lr trrrt, nppnxltelhr Exchange,
( Fnrmrrly nf ffn. 70 Stiulh Second tlreet,)
Manufacturer of Improved and Pstent Fir and
Tbier.prnof Chest snd U.tnrs. Wslrr an. I Pro
vision Conh-rs, and Filterer. R. friger.
tors, Hoisting Machine, Arc, Ac,
Still continues lo make
hh celebrated WATER Cool-
rs, and Fillrrrrs, Refrigera
tor, both of the round and
qusre shnpr, with improve,
ments, of the U-st materials
i--T.T-anj wommsnsniiK
. .
OP The (TIiphU ore manufucturcd witltonl
plank of any description, of the best mutr'al which
is calculated lo resi-l burcla and heat as long as
any manufactured in the United Slate a trial ol
which he i wi ling to mnk with any other, pfo-
I vnlril the trial bo made of rhests nlremly l. to
I customer, and not iranufictured Hir the express
purpose of a trial. Purehn rs are invited to csll
' Infore purchasing elsewhere.
CAUTION. All persons are cautioned ng iinl
, making, using, selling or causing lo lie aold, any i
j Keyhole enter fit Fire Proof tbes' or door of i
any kind, simi ar in cms'ru lion to my pstent of
July lllih. 181 1, ns they will be dealt with accord
ing to the Patent Law.
Mny 27. h, 1813. fim.
Sale of Stocks
Owned by die Cniiiiiionwenlili ol"
IN pursuance of the provision of the 4lh, &th
and fiih sections of an Act of A ssettibly , passed
the 8th day of April. 1843. entitled "An Act lo t
vide lor the payment of the Domestic Creditor of
Ibis Commonwealth, sale of State Slocks, and for
other purposes," there will lie exposed lo sale,
Al flic lloroiigli ol' lYoi'lliuiii
iM'rlanil, On thcQUh ofJVSV., al lOoYod, A. M.
No. or Snaar.s. CnirattK. Pa Vt.rr.
400 Norlhuinhciland Bridge Company
4(H) !,elhurg do
000 Danville do
200 Nescopeck do
92 Milton d.)
I0t0 Centre Turnpike Company, (from
Reading to Sunbiir 50
4011 Lycoming and Poit r Turnpike Comp. 50
204 Dorrsluwn and Youngmsnstown do 50
90 Lewii-btirg and Yuungmaustown do 50
128 Lewisburg and Jersey Miore do 25
500 Towanla Bridge Company 20
328 Susquehanna and Tioga Turnpike Co. 100
Purchasers tsill l e required to psy for the Stocks
at the time, or immediately ufter sale, in certificates
issued by the Audi 'or General, in pursuance of the
resolution of 7th April. 1842, notes issued by the
Banks of this Commonwealth, under the act of 4th
May, 184 I, specie or the notes of specie paying
banks. The transfer of Stock will lie made in a
reasonable time after sale.
Coin'r for mile of Stale Sloeks.
Harrishutg, M iy 27th, 1843. Is.
Nos. '-! and lil North Third Street,
Near the City Hotel,
CC. MACKEY, Auctioneer, respectfully in-
vile the attention of persona desirous of pur
chasing Furniture, lo his extensive Sales Rooms,
(!olh public and Piivale,) for every description of
Household Furniture, where can I obtained at all
limes, a large assnilment of fashionable and well
manufactured Cabinet Furniture, Beds, Matlrasses,
Aie., al very reduced prices, for cish.
(tr- Sales bv Auction, twice a Week.
May 27th. 1843. ly
IIovcvs Ink.
Manufacturer of Wrilinjj and Indclli
blo Ink, No. HKJ North Third Street, six
doors below Ilnce, (cast side,)
RESPECTFULLY inform country merchants ;
and others, lhat he con-tantlv keep on hand t
I a large stock of bis suprrier Black, Blue snd Red
Ink. and nlso a superior quality of IndelliMe Ink
IDs ink i put up in he tiles varying in size, irom
I to 32 ounce, and will lie aold on reasonable
term. The ex.el'ei't qualities of thi ink ha so
thoroughly established its character, that il ia now
extensively used throughout th country.
For sale at the store of II. B. Masser, Sun
bury, Pa. May 27lh. 1843. ly
Agent for the of Southvorth Manufac
taring V v,m;. v'
sni:moit wimti.m. ivir.i.s;
Wnrchoiisc No. :i Minor Street,
nun tiiki putt
HE following kinds constantly on hand, and
f... .,u i ih. Tr..t .i il. L.e.t ms.ket
prces : Mne thick, rial Uap. 17, It, arm m ux.,
Idueand while Extra suer, and surrfiiie Folio
Pivls, blue and white ; Extra super Packet and
Commercial posts, blue slid white ; Extia super
Linen Note iisicrs, lone ; do. broad; superfine an.l
fine Counting bouse Caps, blue and whites Extra
I Congrra ; and Letters, plain and ruled.
,nJ wlj . nu(1,.rlirie Kreiuh I'osts, plain .nd
i ruled : Nui erlinc feimon l.apa and I osts ; furiertine
' . - ... . . ..... 1 .
' an.! rini:aiasiil Tosla. tu ti ami Main. I ue and
while, various qualities snl prices.
Also Bonnet Boards, Tissue, Envebijie, Wrap.
I ping, and Hardware papers, Ac, Ac.
j May 27. 1813. fim.
i . i
Ailouljali FuriiMvor'ii,N i:Mtat?.
NOTICE is hemby given, lhat letter oladonn
istration on the esla'c of Adouijah Farns
worth, late of Shamokin township, NoribuinberUiid
county, det'd., have Wen granted by the KeRister
of said county to the 'ubxcriher. All those imlvh
ad tithe abovo eatnte will make payment, and lllose
having cleims Will present ibeir sitouiiis on the
-'Jih of June, 1643. at Ihe late residence or the de
May 27ih l8l:i. lit .4rr"i.
COCNTV THlVVrn iltf It. "
To tie Yutftt, of T orthnmh nnd Cornty
IKI LOW CITIZENS : Through the soli
' ril illon of many friends in Vsiious p.rts ol
IU county, t have been induced lo oiler myself as
a candidate for ll orlice of
T r a s ii r c r
Should I be so fortunate . 10 recei a majority
of your sullragrs, t pledge myself to discharge the
' duties of said office with fidelity.
""fTrtr i
Sunbury, May SOlh, 1643.
in i i i in in sii mp j Haul nissi ifly
f.rrnt Moslem Indian rnt1a4'ed
CoiiijkuiihIocI entirely of Vegetable
Substances ;
Free fmm Cnnmrl and all othrf Mineral.
For Ihe history of this medicine, and it unrivalled
and truly surprising aucees and popular
ity! see large bills
IT is recommended as general cathartic for
family use in dyspepsia and all bilious di-ea-ses,
it is inViluablo fr Asthma it is cnnsideied a
specific, no ease having yet occurred which it has
fuibd lo cure for com unit d Ids, imflammntory
ilisen e, rhcumaiism, affections nf the liver, Ate.
and for females, it is a snfe and excellent remedy.
Fmm Dr. Si Inn Vct. of llinifhnmplnn. A. V,
Mr. Longley -Dear Sir: I have u-ed your Great
West rn Indian Panacea in mv family, and have
repeatedly prescribed it for patients under my care,
and am satisfied lhat it is always a safe, and In Very
man risra sn invaluable medicine. It niiera'es as
i a laxative without nausea, or pain ; and while il cf
' fettuatly obviate cnslivcnea acts UHin the stomach
1 and liver as an aberative. correcting acidity, and re
storing the tv allby condition of those organs.
Vory respectfully vours. JV WEST.
For sale by JOHN W. FRILING. Sunbury,
JACOB BRIGHT, Northumberland.
May 20th. 1813. ly
HAS loken Ihe office formerly occupied by the
Hon. Cbaile G. Donncl, opposite the Court
Huse. He will a'lend to business in the Courts
of Northumberland, Union ntid Columbia counties.
Msy 20th, 1843.
J. I. Waters,
rirvn. iTnaaOnii
RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of the
borough of Northumberland, and its vicinity,
lhat he has commented tha
Tailoring; Itiisiiics,
in a'l its various branches, in the shop formerly
occupied by Henry S. Thomas, directly opposite
Forsyth's store. A he fcccivM the New York
and Philadelphia Fashions quarterly, he 1 enabled
to do all jobs entrusted to him, after the neatest and
latest style, and upon the shoitest notice.
Northumberland, Aptil 22d, 1813. ly
Ur.nrrJt;rrui.LY inlorms tlie ciliicns ol Sun
bury and its vicinity, thai he has taken the
office formerly occupied by Dr. John Peal, where
he will be happy to receive calls in the line of his
profession. April 28d, 1843.
Daniel Yurick,
BEGS leave to inform ihe of Sunbury
and it vicinity, thai he haa commenced ihe
in Market street, 8unbury, east of John Bogsr's
store, and directly opposite the post office, w here be
intends to carry on Ihe business in all its various
branches, including. Turning, Making Mill Iron
and Kliplie Spring, Ironing Carriiige, with tix
rViiairm or Sinnrling tnp, Shitrjng Ihirsex, Ac.
Orders will be promptly and punctually attended
to, and work done cheap, for cash or country pro
duce rjj" Horse Shoeing Johe at f I pet belt.
Sunbury, April 15lh, 1843. 6m
K o o t & Sho c
II n r t i ii Irwht,
RESPECTFULLY informs his frimds and
old customers, thst he has removed his
to the frame building adjoining hi dwelling house,
11 ween thai and Dr. D. T. Titles' office, a few doors
west of his old exlal lishmcn, in Matkct street,
where he intends to carry on the above business
extensively, in all it riirimi branches.
Being thankful forpist f.vors, he hojj, by strict
attention to business and liberal charges, to give
Kcncral satisfaction ; and that he will continue to re
ceive a Ii1eral share of public patronage.
April 8lh, 1813.
r. I. li. Ii ire, i nankiui ur past is.
vors. resiMvlfully informs ihe inhabitants of
Sunbury and country around, lhat he has, taken
his residence and office in market atreet, in the east
end of the building occupied by John Bocar'a Store,
wh re he will lie happy to wait upon all who fa
vor him wiib their calls.
Sunbury, April 1st, 1843. fim
Tir a MveTtrTTitttYTitrri
I aviwa,ar
jlJeorge liiimcriiiaii & Son.
I1IIK sui'seritcrs hereliy tutorm lhe public, that
y havo entered into partnership, in the
i uuii.ii.Bi'iixMn ouajiiiss.
.W' J, hereafter ba carried jn , ih old
1 Sunbury, under the im of George
Zimmerman A Son," where I'.iey wilt conduct the
hu-ines in all its various le.,nches, including 7i ru
in;'. Making Milt front, Trunin? Carringm, S)ioe
ing Horses, e. Orders will 1 promptly and punc
tually attend d In, and work donD thrap, for cash
or country produce.
Oj" Sho. ing done at ne dollar per sett
j llr.nHl .h 7JM MhUM A
" " "" '
( il U I .L I C I -i
i ""h't. maun mi. m...
'PIIE subsi'illvtrs, having entered into a partner-a-
ship in the practice of the laW, will tio hAppy
to attend to all hMft'ttcrr. rtiltlsted lo ttli i ca'ie.
Collections Will be promptly atteHded In.
They may always be found ftt tbV'ir ollic.e, in
Market street, Sunbury, Torhleily occupied by
Wrrt. lh?Wart', dV-c'd.. as a stofe-rin.m.
Snnbuiy. Feb. 4th, 181:1. ti n.
- - -
VERY KE8PECTF1LLY beg. havr to In.
foim his customers, and the public generally,
thai he si 1 1 1 continues the
in all Its Various branch, s, in ihe shop neatly oppo
site ihe Buck Tavern, formerly occupied by Hen
iv Hsssand hims. ll. under the Pun of Haas A
Dim kemiller, which linn has been mutually diss,d
ved. 11 bois, by his long experience in the sIhh
business, and strict attention thereto, to render gen
eral satisfaction, and receive a liberul shara of pub
lic patronage.
Sunbury, Oct. loth, 1843. ly.
Fresh soppy of ROSE OINTMENT. leceTvid
and for sals by U. U. MASSER,
No. 1'Jtli, 1842.
Tor the Tear IS 1.1,
Under the Direction of Mr. II. Hop
kins fc Co.
Will be exhibited, at Newport on Friday the Till
Thompsoniown on Saturday the 8th, Milllin'uwn
on Monday the 10th, Richfield on Tuesday the
1 1 (h, Selinsgrove on Wednesday the 12th. New
Berlin on Thursday the 13th, Norlbumbcilnnd on
Fiiday the 14ih, and al Danville on Saturday Ihn
15ih day of July, 1 813, Doors open from 1 to 4
o'clock, P. M.
rjj Admittance S5 cent, children under ten
years of sge half price,
New and splendid Scenery, Jonc in oil painting
by one of the best artists in Philadelphia, decorates
the sides of SO wagon, all containing animals of
different descriptions, affording one of the most rich
and animating display ever brought forth, all tlio
design 1 ring of ihe latest finish and most admits
hie fashion. To enliven this scene, on entering the
town a high-toned band will pour fuilh eome of the
most fashionable airs.
The celebrated JOHN SClIAFFER,fhesuhducr
of the savage denizens of the forest, will appear in
a most magnificent series of scenes entitled
"The dreadful doom of the Sultan's Blave." A
rrtong a variety of thrilling situations, the following
will l? exhibited : The outcast slave banished to
the forest of Faihri, expiring from hunger and fa
tigue ; when a fierce Brazilian Tiger dart like
lightning upon him from an upper cavern.
The Eastern d spot' most awful sentence ! I
Forfeilid life spared on Condition of training a wild
lion to hainCss, which is accomplished, and tin
slave ridea across the road in an ancient car.
Also, a variety of other beautiful and striking sit
uations will be presented during the progress of the
piece, lo conclude wiih the most bold, grand and
daring human display presented among a wholo
caravan of wild animals let loose al the same lime,
upon the Indian Slave, who will gradually subdue,
and playfully exhibit his remarkable skill in elegant
ly grouping the matchless zoological exhibition.
For particulars see large bills at the hotels.
June 24th, 1813. 3t.
(General Stage QRre,)
no ixj :raxj az: "r
Zsvcoxttmc cotjwty,
f IHE Sub-eriKer resjH-clfullv informs his friendr
1. and the public In general, lhat he ha taken
the above
I N T HE B O R O V G H O F M t; N C Y,
and lhat he is now well prepared to accommodate
all who msy favor him with their custom.
His SttU'tsU are well aired, and
Hi Taslr xxn Bn will atwrty le supjilicd
with ihe best the maiket tan nllbrd.
His STietmn, which Is cood, will be under
the charge of good attd careful hostler.
He f els confident, by strict attention to business,
and an rarncet desire to render e- mfortadle those
who may pattonito him.ihut be will not fiil touivo
general satisfaction. M. JJ. WEAVER.
Muney, Oct. 1st, 1842. If.
1")" II. T. Trltra)) Respeelfully Informslba
citizens of Sunbury and vicinity, that he hasn
moved his oil ice to Ihe building Intcly occupied by
tleoVRe Bright, in hiarkrt street, Sunbury, where
he may be found al all hours, unless professionally
DR. TMTF.S returns bis sincere thanks for '.ho
encouiagement he haa rco Ived, in the line of hi
professltih-, in this place, and trusU, by prompt at
tention to the duties or his profession, and rea-titi-able
charges, lhat he will continue to receive a
liberal share of Ihe public patronage,
Sunbury, Oct. 1st, 1642. If.
A CAU1).
Dr. J. W. Itil lgs leave lo Winter bis grate
ful tvVnoWlt-algmerit lb the people of Sunbuiy
and surrounding country, f'i Ihcii past encourage
rneut in the line or hi profession ; and would at
ihe same time ilinOUnce to them, that he stilt In
tends rt continue the practice of niejicine iu all it
various d.pattmeiits. He would, therefore, solicit
conliriMulieo of their confidence and palronape.
He may be found al all limes at his office, at Iho
nottli east corner of Blackberry and Dier stretlf,
Unless professionally engaged.
Sunbury, Oel. 1st, 1812. tf.
I FSrECTFl'LLY inform the public that h
' has made Noribtimberlaiid his permanent
place of residence, and is ready to attend to any
, talis In the line of his profession.
July I.JM'i. ly.
1) ESPECTFLLLY informs bis friends and ihn
k public generally, lhat he haa commenced tha
Tailoring II n i n c s n ,
in all it branches, in the house formerly occupied)
by Wm, Durst aa a Tailor Khnp, in Uleklrry
street, nearly opposite the Presbyterian Church,
lis resit-( fully solicits a share of the public patron
age, and trusla by strict attention lo business and
reasonable charge, bar will b enabled lo give scar
rrsl salislacljoii.
Sunbuiy, June 18th, 1842 ly