HANK JVOTi: LIST. rKXXSlXTAM.i. The following list shows the rurrrtit value of nil Pennsylvania Unrik Note. The most implicit re liance may lie placed upon it, as it 1 r rrry week can-fully compared with ai J corrected ftom Hi' k-m-H' Reporter. ltnnUa In l'lilliuUlpIila. . 11!C. 1 W NK. LolATIOS. .tJMI. NOTES AT PAR. Rank of North America Hank of the Northern Liberties Commercial Hank of Penn'a. Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank' Kensington Hank . pnr par par pnr par mr par pnr par pnr pnr Philadelphia Honk Schuylkill Hunk Soiithvv.nk Hnnk . Western Hank . Mechanics' Dank Manufacturer!)' ti Mechanics' Hunk Country IlniiUN. Hnnk of Cheater County Westchester Hank of Delaware County Hank of Germantown Hank of Montgomery Co. Doylcstown Hank Easton Bank Chester Gcrmautown Norristown Dnylestown Enston Fanner' Hank of Rucks co. Office of Hank of Penn'a. Olllco do do Ollice do do Office do do 15ri tot llarrishuig' Lancaster Heading Enston NOTES AT DISCOUNT. Bank of the United States Hank of Penn Township . ftirard Bank . Moyamciising Bank Hnnk of Pennsylvania Miners' Hank of Potlsville Hank of Lcwistown Hank of Middlctown Hnnk of Nnrlhumherland Coltimhia Bank & I! ridge co. Carlisle. Bank Exchange Hank Do do branch of Fanners Hank of Lancaslct Lancaster County Hank Farmers' Hank of Heading Hnrrishurg Hnnk Lancaster Bank Lebanon Bank Merchants' & Manuf. Bank Hank of Pittsburg West Branch Bank Wyoming Bank Northampton Bank Berks County Bank Ollice or Bank of U. S. Do do do Do do do Kensington Sav. Ins. A Penn Township Sav. Ins. Hank of Chamhershurg Hank of Gettysburg Hank of Susquehanna Co. Erie Bank Farmers' A Drovers' Bank Fianklin Bank pnr par pnr par pnr par p-.r 1 Jhc-e 1 offices fdo nit J issue n. Philadeljdiia 45a 17 pnr 1C2I) . . par . . pnr Pottsville 5 Lewistnwn 2 Middlctown 3n4 Northumberland pnr ('olumhii i Carlisle 4 l'illslurp I Ilollidnysburg 1 Lnncastel j Lnncnster 2 Heading Harrishurg 3n) Lancaster j Lebanon ?Jaf Pittsburg I Pitti-buig 4.J Williamsport 4lla4.r) Wilkesbarie 8 Allcntown HO Heading 7(1 Pittsburg faibd Erio do New Brighton do do do Chsmbersburg 1 Gettysburg 4 Montrose SO Eria 67 Wayneshurg 8 Washington I a 1 j Honesdale Bank Honesdnln I Monnngahcla Bank of B. Brownsville 2$ York Bank York 4a 1 N. B. The notes of those banks on which we omit quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) are not purchased hy the Philiidelphia brokers, with the exception of those, which have a letter of reference. BROKEN BANKS. Philadelphia Sav. Ins. Philadelphia Loan Co. Schuylkill Sav. Ins. Manual Labor Bank (T. W JVwanda Bank Alleghany Bank of Pa. Hnnk of Beaver Bank of Swatara Hank of Washington Centre Bank City Bank Farmers' fc Mech'cV Hunk Fanners' & Merh'cs' Hank Farmeis' A Mech'cs'tUank Harmony Institute Huntingdon Bunk Juniata Bank Lumbermen's Bank Northern Bank of Pa. New Hope Del. Bridge Co. Northumb'd Union Col. Bk North Western Bank of Pa. Ollice of Schuylkill Hank Pa. Apr. & Mauuf. Bank Silver Lake Bank Union Bank of Penn'a. esttnoreland Bank Philadelphia failed do failed do f.iiled Dyotl, prop.) f.iiled Towanda 80u85 Bedford no sale Heaver closed lLirri.-hurg ilnsed Wa-litnglon failed Bclhfoiilo closcil Pitlsbuig no sale Pittsburg failed Fayette co. filled Greencasl'e failed Harmony no sale Huntingdon no sale Lewistown no s.ile Warren failed DundnfT no sale New Hope closed M iltnn no sal Meadville closed Port Carbon Carlisle fail Montrose closed Uniiintown failed Greensburg closed Wilkrsbarre no sale Wilkesharre Bridge Co, ITj" All notes purporting to he on any Pennsyl vino Bank not given in the above list, may bo set down as frauds. Mm jutsi:Y. Bank of New llibuswick Belvideie Bank Burlington Co. Bank Commercial Bank I 'timlx rland Bank FannerN' Bunk Brunswick failed Belvidere I Meillurd par Penh Amboy Bridgelon pnr Mount Holly par Hahway j N. Biunswick failed Midd'.etowii 't. I Jer-ey City failed Hoboken faibd Jersey City failri'. Patn-ison falleij Belleville fjiinl Mornstowii 1 FriH'hold failed Newaik J '1'renton par Jersey City no sale Newark I LainheiUillo 3.'i Franklin Bank of N. J. Hoboken Btg& Gruzing Co Jersey City Bunk Mechanics' Bunk Manufacturers' Hank Morri County Hank Monmouth Bk of N. J. Mechanics' Bank Mechanics' and Manuf. Bk Morris Canal and BVg Co Post Notes Newark Bkg & In Co New Hope Del Briilpe Co N. J. Manufne. and like Co HolHiken failed f-iled N J Protecton & Lombard bk Jersey City Orange Bank trange Paterson Bank Peoples' Bank Princeton Bank Sulvm Banking Co State Bank Stale Bank Stale Bank State Bank of Morris State Bunk Sideiii and Pbilad Manuf Co Sussex. Bank Trenton Banking Co Union Bank Washington Banking Co. Pateison fail. do Princeton Salem Newark F.liznbethtown Cumden Moriistown Trenton pnr failed laded M par 'J failed par par par par Salem Newton Trenton Dover Hackeusick m:i,.4W.iti:. BkofWilmA Brandy wine Wi'mington Bank of Delawaie Wilmington Bank of Smyrna Smyrna Do bianrh Miltord Farmers' Ek of State nf Del Dover Do branch Wilmington Do branch Georgetown Do braiuh Newcssile Fnion Bank W ilmington fjrt Under 6'a Qj On all banks maked thus () there sre ei Over count- rfcil or ul end notes of the vaiiuus Je oominations, in circulation. The. best method for the Abolition of Disease is to cb nn.se and purify the Body. wit i chit's imiia vi:iji;t.iiili: rn-i.s OK THE Wtrlh .Itnn tcmi Collcur tit Itrallh, Are now acknowledged In he ihe best Mcdicina in ihp World for the cure of r.VKHV VAK1F.TY OF DISEASE. EGA USE ihcy completely cleanse the sto mach ami bowels from tin se bdliou anil cor rupt humors which are (ho cause not only i'i Heailaihr, Giddiness, Pnlpiliition or the Hent, j IVns in the Bones, tthi nni'itsm ami Omit, hut , every nintm'y incident to mnn. SAID INDIAN the eruption, frequently aitended with vioent Hell VEGETABLE PILLS are a certain cure for in-ing;my head w led nt tinn until it felt s if it te-nvrcnt, temiitcd, nervous, infl amatory and pu'rid I would buret the swelling was so great, thr.t I could Fever, Irccaose Ihry cleanse the p.xly from those j scarcely get my hat on. During the long criod mo.bid humors, w hich, when confined to the cireu- j Unit I was afflicted wiih the disease, I lise.l a great hitinn. are the cause of all kinds or FEVERS. So, ! many a plication', (among them several celebrated nVo. when the same impurity is deposited on the j prep nation-) as w II as tiikina inw.nd remedies, memhime and muscle, causing pain, inflam. including a number of bottle of Swaim's I'unacm. lion and swellinu railed l.'l I Ell M ATISM, j Extract of Sarsnpnt ilia, Ac, In fact it w-uld be ('()! T. A f, Wriphl' Indian Vepetable Pills may I impossible to enuineinte all the medicines I used, be relied rn as always irrttiin to ce relii-r, and ib I was also under the cure or two tf the mot dis. neriLKvi mil n lib nrmiitliicr in ilirertin ii will most . tinauished nhvsicinns or this city, but without re- ussuicdly, and without fail, mnke a Jierfect cu e of the above pninTnl n nladir. From three to six pf said Indian Vegelnhle Pills taken every niuht go ing to bed, will hi a shoit time so completely rid the body rrom every thing that is opposed to health, that i;iicntn:itini. Gout, and piin of every ilescp tion.w ill he liti rally DK1VEN FIJOM THE BO DY. Forthes imo reason, when, Irom sudden changes or atino-phete, or any other cause, the per spiiation is el ccki d, and the humors wh'ch should pins ell tv Itn- skin are ttinuvn inwaritiy. cauinc HEADACHE. GIDDINESS, ni-usea nn.l slrk lies, pain in the bonis, wa'ety and inflamed eyes, sore throat, hoarseness, rouglis, ronsnnipiion. rheumatic pains in various part of the body, and many other symptom of CATCHING COLD, IVrrV;' Indian YtQflnhlc 7V& will in'nrml'lv pive iirmedi te n lief. From thiee to six of nld Pills taken every iiipht on going to 1" d, w ill in a short time, not only remove all the ab"vr mil lea mt symptom, but the body wdl, in a short time, he restored to even sounder henl h than W-fore. ASTHMA, on DIFFICULTY OF HHEA TH ING. Wright' hid,an VreiMde ' will loos en a ml carry (.ff, by the stomach and how. is. those men ph" cmy humor--, wliicli stop up all Ine nir cells of the lunps, mid are ihp ennse, not only or the al'Oie distressing complaint, but when negteeied. ften terndnates in thai mo eiheadful mnlai v called CONSUMPTIK.N. It shou'd be a'so leti ernbr ml that Wright' Indian Vci'ffahli' Pilh are a certain I cuie for PAIN IN THE SIDE. Oppressi mm- sea, and sickness, Iocs or appeti'r, rnstivenrsa. a j yellow tinge or the tkin ami eyes, and i vpry other symptom of a torpid or diseased stale ol the hvrr; because they purge from the body those impurities which ir deposited upon this important organ, are thn cau.e of every variety of I. libit i.k.m- PLAINT. When a nation isconulsed by riot-, outbreaks and rebellion, the only means of prevent ing the dreadful consequences of a CI If W AH. is to expel all traitors, and evil disposed ones from the country. In like manner, when pain or sick ness or any kind, indicate that the body is siruc qling with internal roes, the true remedy is lo EX PEL ALL MORBID HUMORS, (Traitor t." henlih and lire,) Health will he the certain mit'l. That the principle or curing di-ease. by cleansing and purifying the body, is strictly in accord ince with the laws which govern the animul coiiomy ; and ir properly earned nut by the li-e of ihe a'-ove named WRIGHT S IN DUN VEGETABLE PILLS, will reilainly result In the comphte Abo lition of Di-ense ; we offer the follow iuc testimoni als, from pcrs .ns of the highest re pcciahiliiy in New York, who have leceuliy been cuied of the most obstinate complaints, solely by the us of Wric.ut Immah n;i.rBi.K 1 ills, of the A'orA Anitricun Cultigctf lleulth: Jamaica,!,. I., .luncOih. 1841. Doctor Wil'iam Wright Dear Sir It is with great suti-faction I inform yon ofsvy haiu8 been entirely cured of Dysprpsia. of live years staudu g, by 'He use of your I mi us Vkurtahli; I'm.is. l it vious to meenng with your celeoratnl mull- cine, I had l en under the bands of several Physi cisiis, and had iricd vaiious medicines; but all to no elVcct. After usii g ono 25 cent box of our Pills, however, I epi rienced so much bei tit, ihit I resolved lo jx rseveie in the use or them accoidinp lo directions, which I am hnpi y to slnte, bus irull- cd in a perfect cure. Inpratitude to you for the great lieni fil I have received, and n!-o in the hi that others similarly nfTIicti d mny be induced lo make trial of your extraonliniry medicine, I send you this statement with full libe.lv to putiluli the same, nyou think proper. l ours. c. New York, June 19, 1841; G.C. BLACK. Mr. Hichard Dennis, agent Tor Wright' Indian Vegetable Pills. Dear Sir I have been afflicted for seteral yeais wiih inward weakness arid general debility, nccom pauicd at limes with pains in the side ami other distressit g cnriiplaints, A Tli i having tried various medicines itbont etb c. I was s-rsu ulej 1 v tin n l lo make trial of Dr. Wiight's Indian Vegetnble Pills, which I am happy to slate, have relieved me in a moat wonderful manner. I have u.-ed the me dicine, as yet but a short tune, and have no doubt, by a persecmnce in ihe ne of Ihe meibci m- accor ding lo directions, tht I shall in a short lime be erfi cily re-lored. I most willingly recommend said I'd! to all per sons similuily i.tllo led, and in 'he full belief that the same Ix-nel'ieiBl result will follow their li-e, I re. nitin youis sincerely. HL.NUY A. Fill I E. Waiwaismg, I'ls'er co. N, Y. Niw YolIK, Sept. itl, Hll. This i to certify ihat I have used W iik. Hi's !ni V Mi rn hlk Pil.t with the greatest bene fit : havioc entirely cured myself uf 1 1 e frequent at lack ol Sick Headache, to w hi h I had previously Uhii subject. ANN MARIA THOMPSON. ' U'J3 tirei nw icli I'm1, N. Y. To Mr. Richtnd Diunl', Agent lor Wiight' li dian Vegetable I'llls. C.I i Ti .V. As there are ul Ibis lime many wicked persona busily engaged in m Hum a counterfeit medicine un der the name of the Indian Yegrlnble Pills and as these desperate nun are so utterly reckless of con sequences, that many valuablu lives may he lost in consequence or using their dreadful coinM.unU, 1 par par 1 1 ibii public are cautioned against purchasing any Pill, sunless on the i ides of the boxrs the follow ii p w ording is found i WRIGHT'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS. ( Indian Purgative ) Of THE KOI1TII AMERICA (ollini op HEALTH. And alse to be especially careful against iiurrba- sing said medicine or any person except the regu lar advertised sgen'a. AG EM'S FUR XORTHVMHKRLAKDCO, Pennsylvania. H. B. Masser, Suiibury W'ni. Forsyth, Nor thumhi Hand Jacob Haas, Shamokin Samuel Herb, Muhoiioy Bverly 6c D. Haas, Aupuala Thomas Fullmer, Milton Ireland oV Meixell, MrEwensville E. S, P'per. Turhulsville James Reed, Potlsprove II. Klasc, Sn dertow n II. II. Ki.uthcl. P. M Elisburg P. O. Win. Lei-enrinp, P M. Union Comer. (Ulice and Grneial Di pol for the sale of Wright's Indian. Yigrlal.le Pilh. Wholesale anil Rei.il, No. 18'J RACE STREET. PHILADEL PHIA. May 31, 1842. ly par par pr par par Ml ROSE OINTMENT, ron THTTi:n. RI.NOVVOIIM!, rtMrt.F. ON THE FACE, AND OTIIF.K ri'TANKors wuptions. fl j" The following rcrlificu'e describes nnt of Ihe tnuxl extraordinary cures ever rffectml hy any application. Philaiif.i mux, February 10. 18.18. 1JOR twenty yeais I was severely afflicted with Tkttkh on thn Fnre and Head: tho disease commenced when I w is seventeen year old, and continued until the Fall of 1830, iving in vio- lonce, but without ever disappearing. Muring most of the lime, preat part or my fice was rnve.n d with ceiving much benefit, and I despaired of evei being cured. In the fill or 1830, ihe disea-e t the time being very violent, I commenced usinii the Roue Ointment, (prepared hy Vnughiin & Davis.) In a few applications the violent itching ceased, the swelling nha'fil. the i niption began to disappear, and before I had used ajar the disease wa entiieiy cured. It ha now been nearly a yiar and a hair since, and there is not a vestige or Ihe disease re main inc. except the scar from the deep pits formed by the di-ease. It is impossible for me to decril in a certificate ihp si-verity of the disease and my siill' iing. but I will be pie scd to pive a fuller ac count to any person wanting further satisfaction. who will rail on me. At the time 1 commt-nce.i u-ong the R, se Ointment 1 would have given bun beds nf do'lars to be rid of the disease. Since in sing it, I have recommended it to sevenl persons, (among Ihcm my mother, who had ihe di.-easc bad ly on her ami.) who wi re a I cured hv it. J AMES DURN ELL, No. 1M. Rare St. Cj- The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. B. Vatiaihan, S,mh East corner or Third and Race streil', Phihidelfibia. and sold on nuenev in Sunhu rv. by 11. B. MASSEH, ' May 14th, 1812. Agent. ICom IMiiIiihiiI, lor 'li'flir. A PROOF OF ITS F.FFH .U'Y. Pun Ain.i.eiiiA, May 27th, I :!. rPIIIS is to ceriify tlial I was severely alllic'ed -1 with 'letter ill the blinds and bet tor iipwnrils of forty vears ; thediseisp wnsnttinded genenllv with vio ent iti hiua and swellinc I npphed to a number of physicians, and usid great mm y .ppli cm ions without elVeciing cure. About ay-ar since, I applied Ibe Rose Ointment, which entirely stopped ihe itchinu, and a lew application' inime.li an ly cured the disease, which there has bt en no return of. nlihonali I had never la-en riil or it i any time for fmly year. RICHARD SAVAGE, r.levenin, nelow piuce turpi i TIip Rose Ouilment is pn pared by E. 11. Yauuhan, S juth East corner of Third and Race Streets, Philadelphia, and sold on ajency in Sunhu ry. by II. B. M' ASS Ell, " May Hlh. 1842. Act. MEDICAL APPROBATION Of the IlOSi: OI.TMi:.T,fr T'ttcr. LTHOUGH the superiority of the prcpaia'n n over all otlu rs is fully es-abh-hed, the pr.ipfe tors lake pbnre in laying lief. -re ill" public the following rertifica'c fr.im a respectable physician, a graduate or ihe University of Pennsv Ivania. Dr. Hanph, havinp found in this lemedy that lelief f..r a tedious and disagreeable atli-ctiuti which the means within the r.iupe of hi profession failed lo alToid, has nnt hesiialed to pive it his approbation, although the prejudices and interest of that profession are opposed to aerret Remedies. I'm r.i in i em a. Pi pt. 19, 1 AMfi. I was recently Iroubled with a tedious berHlic eruption, whith covered nearly one si 'e of my f.ce, and extendi d over the ear. Mr. Vaui-haii. proprie- tnl of the Rose Ointment, oUcmiig my fare, insis ted on mv living his preparation, of whirh he han ded me a jar. Although in common with iIip mem ber of my profession, I disenunti nance and disap piove of ihe numerous nostrums palmed upon the public by ipnoiant pr. tenders, I feel in jus ice hound loexeipl the Rose Ointment fiom that r'a- of me ibeincs. and to pive it my approbation, as it entire ly tured the eruption, although it h id resisted Ihe usual applications. DANE HAUGH.M. 1). The Rose Ointment i prepared by E. I. Vauphan, South East ron.cr of Third nod Rare Streets, Philadelphia, and sold on apt ncv in Sun bury, by H. B. MASER. May I4lh, 1812. Agent. J. IVIAVLAND JR. 6c CO. Sntill' .mil Tolmcco Manttfacltirfis, .Y. !!) yrlh W't st corner if Race and Third Struts. PHILAUELPII1A. rPHE nndersigiied have formed a Co-partnership F under the firm ol J. M A Y L .ND .1 it. A- Co. ss succesr4irs to the Isle firm of Jaeah .Mnylund d, Co., and will c inliuuc the business al 'henl. I esta blishment, on ibeir own accoi.ni. In addiiinn to ibeir own close attention and experience foi nihiiy year, in the mainifirlnre or ibeir cefehrnled s null'-. Ac ihe long i xpriieiice of ibe senior pailner of the late firm, will also be devoted to the interest of ihe m-w concern and as no rxrilion and rare will I e spared lo insure their goods, al ail Inn. sot the ve ry best quality, tin y solicit a conlinuance of ihe confidence of ihe li .t rnl and cu-tomer- nf rhc late firm. THOMAS ADMS, J. MAYLANH, Ja. Philadelphia, May Hlh, 1842. ly EAGLE i n as ;as, ( 'of in r it Th'nt and I me Slricls, WILLIAMSrORT, PA, subscriber r. siie. tfully aiitiouurea tithe public, that he h opened a Hotel in the com modious brb k building s iu.ite on Ihe coiner or I bird and Pine streets, where he will be happy lo wail r pon those who may lavor linn with their conipany. I lie r. igle Motel is large and conveni ent, and furnished in the I e I in I'ciir si-le. Ii I- provnled with a Imge number of veil aiied ami coinf..riable sleeping apartment, rooms, private pallors, Ac. Persons visiting idiamsport on bu siness oi p'ea-ure, may rel as-urnl that rverv ex ertion will le used lo lender their sojourn at the "Eagle llot" pleasant and asrcrahle. Hisl'able will lie supplied with the v, ry In si the matket af fords, ami his bar with die rl nicest wines and other liquors chaige reasonable. The Facie 1 1 ol' I possesses greater advantage in point r location than any nihi l similar establishment in ihe borough, heiup situate in the business pari of the tow n, and within a convenient distance of the Court House and Williamsport and Eliuira Rail Road D pt. SuiTicient Stabling provided, and good and trusty ostlers always in attendance. Attentive, accommodating and hone-l Servants have turn i midoved, and nothing b ft undone tint will add lo tho comfort and accommodation uf his guests. There will le a rarriage nlvvavs in alleudanee al the Boat Landing to convey )iasseiigers lo and from the House, Ire ul charge. CHARLES BORROWS. May 14th, 164. LI.1 K.'B.jWCASOER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 6U2TBVRY. TA. BusinPF iillpiirlej to in the Counties or Nor ihuii'Urluiid, Union, Lvcoming and Columbia, liefer to I TllOM 11 A 11 T At IO., Low in rV Barrox. Hart, Cckimiwo k. Hart, yVhilad. Rktwoliis, McFarhjiti iv Co Spkmijio, Goon Jt Co., To Con nl ry MERCHANTS. rPHE Subscriber, Age.ut of Lyon ft Harris, Hnt Manufacturer, for New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and other large eilie, w! o; Hats are highly commended f.ir pjmd tnlii and durability, has on bond a first rate atsmtmnt of HATS and CAPS, suitable for Spruip des, wh ch will be sold very low, fot eaih or appioveil credit, at the mtrd cheap stare, No. 40, North Third strc-'t, oppjsi'e Ihe City lloti-l. riiila.lelphm. ROHEIIT D. WILKINSON, A'ett. N. D. Orders I of Hals in he roiil h. promptly attended to. The highest rice in tush or tra-le given far Fur ikin. Philadelphia, June II, 1842 --ly G 0 L I)E N SWAN iYo. W A'of 'i Third, above Arch Strut, PHILADELPHIA. accom Mnn ti kins roit sr.vuM V rrnisdNS. pHARLES WEISS, late of the "White Swan," and "Mount Vernon House." respectfully in forms his friend- and cus'omers. that be has become Ihe proprietor or the ahovq well known Hotel. Cnun'ry Meichnnts w ill f ml the above Hotel a central location, and the best of fare. Persons tra velling with rivate conveyance will find a Inrge yard and pood stabling for horses, and the best of ostlers. Ilnanlinpfl per Jay. Mav 1 1th, 1842. if. ' BOLTON &. CO. Cnirriil loiiiinltsloii Mvrt hauls, Fur the Suit of Flour, drain, Seed, 4 c, c. WW. I ESPECTFULLY inform their friends and he Merchants generally, iluit they hae ta ken iliosc l irce mid commodious Wharvra. w iih two D.Mks, north of Chesnut street, on Ihe D. luwire, lOL-ether with the store No. Ill South Wharves where thev would be pleased to reci ive consign ment of Grain, Flour. Seed. Whiskey, Imn, cVe. Ac. Being also well prepared lo forward all kinds of Merchandise by ihe Schuylkill nd Union, or by ihe Chesapeake mid Thle Water Canals, as tow boats are kept expressly foi the purpose of towing boats by ei l.ei rou'e. Merchant will please lie particular to send their goods destined hy either canals, t No. l'J South Wharves, between Market and Chesnut street, on Ihe Delaware, with direction arromp mying them which route they wish them to lie shipped. dj- Plaster and Salt for sale, nt tin- lowest mar ket price. BOLTON & C . March 19, 1812. No. 19 South Whaive IMtHKllT C'AKTI'H & SOX, PAPER MANUFACTUHEIIS, isombartl Streit, litilUmttre, HAVE constantly for sale, Priming Paper of al si os and qualities. Cap Writing Paper, ruhd and plain. Letter Paper, while and blue, ruled and plain. Hanging Paier, fine and common, Envelope Paper, do. do. medium, douh'e crown, crown and extra sized Wrapping Papers, Colmed Medium and Royal Papers, Bonnet, Hinder' and Snaw Box Board, Tissue Paper, and all articles in their line, which they will sell on accommodating terms. Highest price given for old rags. ROBERT CARTER A- SON, March 19. 1842. Elkton. Md l'J TIlIt Hi: WEI'S, LAST MAKER, No. 71 (-iiilowliil! SStrcel, ritilarJcljiliia ("J'hree do).rs riWf Second. J SHOE Findings alwnys kept on hand, which h offer for sale on the iWe-t terms. Cminir; Merch mis are particularly to c ill and judge foi- themselves. Philadelphia, November 13, 1842. tv. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. NEW ENGLAND Oil COMPANY. No. 2! North Water Street, l'hila. TA VANUFAC I'URERS and dealer in Oils of If every description taiih for hunting and matiul'aoturing purposes, which will be sold much lower than ihey can I procured c'sewhere, and warranted in quality to equal any ill the city. Any oil sold by Ihe company not proving as lepfesenled, may lie relumed Without any expense lo the pur chaser, and the money will U- refunded. Their stock now i:i atore consists of the following oils, v u : 30,1)0(1 gallons Winter Bleached SprinPt 3 Oil, cnoo do do do do do do do Cnloiles Oil, Fail and S.riiig Sperm Oil, Winter Sea Eb bant, do Prosed Whale Oil, Summer do do do Common Whale Oil, l.i.tmo 10,1)00 20,(1011 noon 15,1100 200 Barrel supeiioi Sua. 'a Oil, yno do Cod Hnnk Oil, fill do Neat Foot Oil, 75 Casks Olive Oil, Tanner' til. fjj-This Company ha number of Vessels -n-g aped in the Cod Fishery, and Tanner- may rely upon petiing at all times Oil as pure as imported. Philadelphia, Nov. 13, 1842. ty. G. V. & L. B. TiV7LC?fc. fFFER FOR SALE, at Ihr Sooth East Cor- l J ner or Fifth and Market Slteets, Philadtl. hia Mens' Calf-skin Hoots, stitched warranted. do do do pegged do do do do water proof, double sole and double uppers, do Call-skin do do and !ipier. do Heavy Water Leather Hoots, do do Neat do do. do High quartet Shoes, Culf-skin. do do (lo dockers do do Fine Monroes warranted do nailed do Kip do do Calf do do Coarse do do do Shoe do Fine do do Kip do do do do do do do do Calf and Seal Skin Pump, do List Socks with and without sole, do Carpet do do do do Patent Warranted Water-proof Moccasin. Ladies' do do do do Ladle' tanned India liuhher slim s. Gentlcinens' do Over shoes. With every other desc iplion of hoot and shoe. Fur C nf every description. Travelling Trunk of every description. Venetian Travelling Bags Patent bum Elastic i-ihoe Blacking. Bonnet of all kind, Palm Leaf Hat. Philadelphia, Novrniber 13, 1M2. ly. 'JlaJ .JJ,!J A LJ J.-JK! lil. 111 . . CHP.TGOLITE POLIflH. A article unequalled for cleaning and giving a highly durable and most brilliant polish to sil ver, Gcrninn Silver, Brass, Copper, Hnltania ware, Tin, St. p, Cutlery, and for restoring the lustre on varnished carriages, tVc. TRY PP. Prepared and gold at wholesale and retail, by the Susquehanna Chrysolite Polish Company, Owego, Tioga county, N. Y. WM. FORSYTH, Agent for Northum'd, 11. B. MASSER, Agent for Sunhury. November 20lh. 1842. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOKSEI. LEIts AND STATIONERS, No. 122 Cliesnut Street, below 4th, Philadelphia. If 7"EEP constantly on hand a general assort- merit of Dooks and Stationary ; comprising Theological, Law, Medical, Classical. Miscellane ous and School Books, Day Hook, all sizes. Led gers, do., Family Bibles, Pocket Bibles, YYtitihf Pnpers, Wrapping Papers, Ac. Ac., which they of ler at the Ir.west piires to Country Merchant's Pro fessional Gentlemen, Teachers, and all others that may favor them with their custom. Philadelphia, Noimber 13. 1842. ly. iTIicli.icl Weaver V Son, ROrK MAKERS & SHIP CHANDLERS. A'o. 13 A"orA Water Street. Philadelphia. II A h constantly on hand, a general assort ment of Cordage, Seine I w me, ivc, vir. : I in d Ropes, Fishing Ropes, White Ropes, Manil la Hopes, Tow Lines for Canal Boats. Also, a complete assortment nf Seine Twine, A c, such as Hemp Soad and Herring Twine, Best Patent Gill Net Tw ine, Cotton Shad and Herring Twire, Shoe Threads, Ac. A-c. Also, Bed Cords, Plough Lines, 1 1 alters. Trace, Cotton and Linen Curirt Chains, Ac. nil of which they will dispose of on fi asonable teims. Philade'phia, November 1 3, 1 42. ly. Jacob 1'iiMtiutIt & Son. ESPECTFULLY inform their friends and acquaintnnces ge. lerully that they still con tinue to keep at the old stand. No. 216 North 3d street. Philadelphia, all mils or TvliACCO SM: F AM' SECARS. Which they will sell i the mji '. accommodating and reisomi le terms. N. B. All roods sold w '.II be gum inteed mid nil orders promptly 111. tided to. rhil.uh Iplua, Ni vemticr 13, 1812. ly. PETE?. CCITCVE?., Wholesale and Kef nil Shoe, Uotmet, ; ami 1 aim I .eat Ilat arcltoiise. So. CO Korlh "d ntrrrt, a few itvors ubm c .It ch, Philadelphia. A I.SO Trunks, Carpet Bap and Valices. of ev- erv description, all of which he olTeis for sale on the most reasonable term. Philadelphia, Novemlier 13, 1812. ly. J7v. svvaTT rinbrella and Parasol Manufacturer. Ai(. 37 AWA Tint it itrret, lien doors heoui the ('it n Ilottl. Philoililpliia. c OUNTH Merchtnils and other are solicited lo examine hi assortment before purchasing elsewhere Phila :el hia. Novemla-r 13. '.842. ly. P. & A. UOVOUDT'S China, Glass and Liverpool Warehouse, No 164 North Third street, third duor below Vine street, Philaitelphia. VirHEKE they constantly keep on hand a large ' assortment of China, Class and Liverpool Ware, which they will dispose of on the moat rei amiable terms. Philadelphia, Novemlier 13, 1812. ly. iiaOiMixsTuLr. r Manufacturer and Importer of Sad dlery, Hardware, &c. Xtt.b South Third ilrrcl. four doors tit low Market I'hiltuhlphia. TJ T" EEP constantly on hand a large and peneral taV assortment Coach Lumps, Carriage Bauds, Axle Arm. Eliptic Sjiinps, Patent Leather. Ac. Country Merchant and suddlers will be supplied st Hli times on Ihe most rcasoiianle term. J liey w ill find it to their advantage to call and examine hi assortment before purchasinp elsewhere. Philadelphia. November 13, 1842. ly KHYNOLDS, McFAIiLAM) CO Wholesale l)ealcrs in Foreiijn I'ritish and American lry Goods. A. 105 Market street, Philadelphia. COUNTRY Merchant, and others can be slip plied at all limes with an extensive assort ment of the oest and moat fashionable Goods upon the most reasonable term. Philadelphia. November 13. 1842. lv. i.owt'.n & liAitnoN, Importers and Healers in Foreign and Domestic llaidware, No. 174 Noam Tsnn Sti.it, rmi.Ann.i-Hi a. Al 7 HERE their fiieuds and customers will always ' find a larpe and general assortment of Foreign and Domestic Hardwaie, which they will sell al the lowest price. Philedclphia, November 13, 1842. ly. E8I1EKICK, II A N 8 K i L A. C( )'S WHOLESALE DRY GOODS STORE. io. IliU l-'i Market Street, l'hila. ( Hi low Fifth .South tide ) VI.WAYS keep on hand a full ami general as s, rlmetit of Hosiery, Lace, and Fancy Goods, Country Merchani are resjiectfully reqtiCstd lo give thi m a call and examine for themselves. Philadelphia. November 13, 1812. ly. SPKRIN G ,G 6oi ) ITi'O. Nn. 13S Market Street, Philadelphia. NYITE the attention of Country Merchant to iheir extensive assortment of Britith French viol American Dry Goods, w hich they oiler foi sale oil ihe most icasouable term. Philadelphia. Novemlier 13, 1842. ly. IYIcCALLA & IIER.SE, No 51, Aoi Hi Second hli eel, (cohni.r orcoovia'a aliit.) Where they constantly keep on hand general assortment of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTING 8 And a grei.t caritty of urticlis of a tujtertor quality, which ihry nll'cr lo dispose of upon the moat teasonahle term. COUNTRY MERCHANTS and others will find il to the it advantage lo call and examine Iheir stock before purchasing elsewhere. Philadelphia. Nov. 6. 1842. ly sTOHlTS ft, CU"11I1TG3. WHOLISALE PHOE, BONNET, Cap ana' Palm laf Hat Sore. No. 10 Smith 4tn STaxT. PHILADELPHIA. y7HERE an ajtoiisive ansortment of th ahova article are caiulanlly kept on band, for al at tha most reasonable term. May 39, 1842. ly. WINSLOW'S BALSAM OF HOREIIOUND, N nnparelleled remedy for common Col.lf, Coughs, Asthma, Influenza, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, and all diseases olthe Breast and Lungs, lending to consumption ; composed or the concen trated virturs of Horehound, nonset. Blood Root, Liverwort nnd seveial other yegetahle substances. Prercd mdy ly J. M. Wixslow, Rochester, New York. The innorenrn and universally admitted pectoral viitues nf the Herbs rrom which thn liaham vj llorchinmd i made, are too generally known to re quire recommendation ; it i therefore only necessa ry to observe that this Medicine contain the whole of their Medicinal proiietties, highly concentrated, arnl so happily combined with several other vege table subs'ances, as to render it the most speedy, mild and certain remedy, now in use, f. r the com plaints above mentioned. The Balsam remove all tmflammatinn and aore ness of the Lungs, loosens tough visid phlegm, en abling the patient lo expectorate with ease and rrpe dom, nssinges cough, relieves athmatic and diffi cult respirntion, herds the injured parts, opens the ores, and compose Ihe disturbed nerve, and pivr strength to the Ii tulei lungs, and thus produces a ecdy and lasting cure. Imib ati Tine is the a r.sT mi me i Mux. Wc nrc nol among that class of Editors who for a few dollar will, (at the expense of truth and ho nesty) "crack up" an article nnd bring it into rapid sale ; neither aie we willing lo icmain silent, after having tested the utility nf an im rnvement or dis covery in science or ail. Our reader will recollect we told them we were unwell with a sore throat and violvnt Cold some few weeks ago. Well, wc pur chased two bottle of WINSLOW'S BALSAM OF HOREIIOUND, and so sudden was the cure, that we forgot we ever had a cold. Those who are afllirlcd, mny try it upon our recommendation. I.ciciston T- lrgraph. For sale by HENRY YOXTHEIMER. Sunhur,, JACOB BRIGHT, Surthumherlund. Also, by Druppists generally throughout the country. ffj Price, 60 cnit per bottle. August 14th, 1842. ly. "list of books7 Tott MALE MT SLZ. 1X2. S.LS.SS330SLs2. NTHON'S Classical Dictionary; Lemprirr' do.; Ailisworth's do ; Cobb's do.; English and German do ; Ambon's Casnr; Ambon's Grammcr; A 1 1 1 Lrii'a Ciceio; Mail's Latin Reader; Opilby's do.; Andrew's Latin Lessons; lb nn gin's Lexicon; Fok's Gre k Exercises; Davies's Lependei; Grneca it..:...... a .1 .... i!.....n a p; i -o (;,,i.uiniti,' Eeglm.U.lo. Gree.-.-, Lxeil's Ebinrnts ol Geology; M rs. Lincoln's Botany; Eli merits nf Botany; Bridge's Algebra; Portei's Rhetorical Reader-; Eon rson's (ieoprn hy and History; Obey' do.; Pnrli y's do.; Smith's Crammer: Kirkhnrn's do.: Kax's Headers; Cnhl ' do.; Cobb's Arill meiick; Pike's do.; Elm rs.n's do.; Cobb's Spelling Books; Town's do.; Cobb's Table Books; EvanpelicHl Fa mily Library; Collage Bible-; Family do; Collater al do.; Siniill Bibles and Testumeul-; Paikei's Ex-crci-rs on Composition; Fiuil of ihe Spirit; llai'ei's S im's Rest; American Revolution; Many-all's No vets; Mrs. Phelp on Chemistry; Iliad; Catechism of American Law s; Letters on Natural Magic; Che mistry foi Beginners; English Exeirises adapted lo Murray's Graniioer; Seitiel to Comley's Sicliug Book; Amir it-an Class Book; Daboll's Schoolmas ter's Assistant; A preat variety of Blank Books, Ac. August 28, 1812. ATTENTION, j . s 1 1 i: v j i: s , 1) ECJ TESTS the attention of his country fiieuds k who are in want, to hi very large stock of Carpr-tings, Oil Cloihs, Mattings, Rugs, Bindings, Stair Rods, Ac, Ac, that he has just opemd, at his warehouses. No. IS North 2d sired, and Nn. 2 Church Alley, next door to Christ Church, l'lnla delphn. July 31, 1812. ly. SPANISH HIDES. TANNERS' OIL AND LEATHER. I). KJ 1! K P A THICK SON, A'. 21. Ninth Third strict, (bf.twkkjc .hahrkt ah eiitsM T utrkkt,) PHILADELPHIA. HAVE for wale a large nnd excellent assortment otjiiiiiii.h ll'df. Patiia Kips, Taunirt' (HI, ,e., at the lowest market prices, ntlif r for cash, in exchange for Leather, or upon credit. Consignments of I cither received for site, oi purchased ul the highest maikel prices. (JJT Leather stoied free of charge. April 17. 1842. ly. a., iel jX- nir j&u PCS. OU sale a small Farm, Containing about i ne hundred and ten ucn, more or le s, situate in Point township. Nonhuml erland Counlv, about two mile abnvn Noilhiirnlieil mil, on Ihe main road leading from that place lo Danville, adjoining land of John l.eghou, Je-se C. Ilor'. n and others, now in the occupancy nf Samuel Payne. About forty acres of said ttact are clean d, and in good slat-- ol cu'livatiou, on which there is a small barn erect, d. The property will lie sold on r asonible teims. For further particulars, peisons are request ed to apply lo the sul sci ib. r. H. B. MASSSR, Agent. Nov. 2Jth, 1842. if. Sunhury, Pa. C miiiit rft iters' IH alli llhiu, rl",hr mi' lie will please observe that no Brandreth Pill are genuine, unless the box has three bi liela upon it. (the lop, Ihe side and the bottom) esi h containing, a fic-siinile signature nf my hand writing, thus B. DnAiiiHr.ru, M. D. These la. bel- are engraved on steel, beautifully designed, and done at an expense of over f2,0(t0. Therefore it will lie seen lhal the only thing nrcessary lo pro cure the medicine in ii purity, i to observe these labels. Remember the lop, the side, and tha bottom. The following respective jiersons are duly auhnii zed, ami hold CERTICATES Or AGENCY, For the sale of Rrtrndreih's Vegetable Vmrersul Pills. " Northumberland county : Milton M ickey 6i. Chamhfiltn. Sunbury H. B. Masser. M'Ewens ville Ireland A Meixell. NorthiiinbeiUnd Win. Forsylh. Georgetown F. Midhnger A Co. Union CotiNtyi New Berlin J. Jin Hoinnan. Sclinsprove Ever and Schnure. Miit.lleburg Isaac Smith. Beavenown J. A F. Hingaman. Adamsburg H. A A. Smith. Mifllinshuig Swope A Laird lU'lleton Daniel Long. Free, burg G, A. V, C. Mover. Ccnlrevih'e Stailey A Leiihan. Lewisburg Wall A G'reen. Columbia county : Danville E. B. Reynolds, A Co. Berwick Shumao A R. Henhouse. 1'at lawissa (. A. A C, G. Broht. Bloomaburg John R. Mover. Jriney Town Ievi Ilia, I. Wa hingion, Robu Mi Cay. Limestone -D. L. Schmeck. Observe that each Agent hat an Engraved dr tifirate of Agency, containing a repres. illation of Dr BRANDREI'H'S Manufactory at Sing Sing, and upon which will also he seen exact copies of ihe new tub, is new used upon tie lirandreth Pill Boxes. Philadelphia, office No. 8, Noith Bih street, B. BRANDRETH, M. D. January Ul, IMS.