Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, June 17, 1843, Image 3

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    the meridian taya of burning tun had produced
in densty sulphurous atmosphere.
It wae at this fiiuntflin, eitutted in romantic
"ralley, where our of the most capacious, limpid and
beautiful pring,that ever gushed from a limn atone
tock, U to be found, that the gallant Colonel How
rd of the Maryland line croeed the eteel of his re
giment with that of the British Orenadiera, to de
termine perhapa who should drink first. If, there
fore, Majoribatika wi not killrd in the battle, he
owed hit death to hla great exertions in tho tem
perature I have d ecrih. d."
To thi letter Gen, Hamilton received the follow
ing anawer :
"Ifoaaa fir An, April 7, 1812.
Sir t I have the Duke of Wellington', com
mand to acknowledge the receipt of two letter
from you, the one of the 22d tilt, with an enclo
ure from Mr. Ravcnet, and the other morked pri
vate. The Duke hat read wiih great interest the narra
tive which you have with so much kindliest taken
the trouhle to lay before, him, explanatory of the
event and of the inscription upon the heal board,
which had been placed over the grave of the late
Major Majorihaiiks of the 19lh Regiment, and in
hua thanking you for that communication hia
Grace desire me to assure you th it he fully ap
preciate the good feeling of Mr. Rivencl, and the
generous motives and conduct of that gentleman in
iho construction of a more lasting memorial in ho
nor of the name and character of a British nllicer,
who died in a distant country, when employed in
(he execution of hia military duty.
Having unsuccessfully endeavored to find any
of the relative of the Lite Major Majoribank, whose
name appear to he diflvreiitly speltfrom that of the
family in ihia country, to which it the more nearly
appliin, it only remain f r me to aaaure you that
the head board which accompanied your letter shall
I n duly deposited in a pi ire the moat likely to ful
fil the object of your considerate and benevolent
I have the honor to be, air,
Your most obi-dient humble aervant,
(Jen. Hamilton."
Dirkena says he resolved not to read any
riiticima on hia "American No'es," and ha not
done ao. Paper that are aenl him he aenda back,
if not post paid, and those that aie paid he put un
opened in the fire.
Siiockixo Accmr.vT On Thursday list Mr.
William M' of Samuel M'Carly, of Tur
but township, met with an untimely death ; it ap
peara, aa far aa we can understand, thai he took hia
gun and went nut in the morning for the purpose
rf shooting crows, promising to be back by noon,
but not coming hia father went in aearrh of him, and
found hia Iny laying in the wnoJa dead, having ac
ridentty shot hiimclf, while in the art of loading
hia gun. He waa about 20 years of age.
. Mil Ionian.
Mteambnnt Mlssonri.
It is slated in a New Vork paper that thia unfor
tunate vessel, which his Coat the Government about
f SOO.OOO, h been I ii i J up in ordinary for many
months, a-t useless or too expensive for tht; public
i-rire. in ro'iscipifitre of def-rl and error in cal
culation in the cona'rnctiiin of her engines and
m teliiucrv. The .Serre'ary of the Navy, unwilling
that a ship ao rapiriott ami valuable ihnuld re
main useless, and agreeing with hia enginecr-in-e.hiif
that certain alteration and improve incuts
uliouM be nvule, by which to increase the speed of
the vesn-l and diminish the cost uf fuel, ordered
ur!i improvements, which will be coinpletfd in nil
this m.nth. Among the proposed improvement
was that of ehortcning the smoke pipe, by which the
mainmast of ihe vrwcl may be used, which h ia
heretofore been uele. Also, the addiiion of en
g'ure and M.iwara, and the ventilation of the engi.
neer's VfHtrn, whicli oftentimes has been insuficia
Wy hot. the me'rury ranging at 170 to 1S3, from
which aeveral engineers b ive b en taken from iheir
duty in spasm and in a dying state, one of whom
did actually lose Hia life by the excessive heat.
Some of the prosi-d jcViatinna have lieen made;
but the trial of the vessel since has proved them in
effectual of any mateii d benel'il. While we legret
the public lo in the failure of the Missouri, we
liave not, nevertheless, forgotten the braggart para
grphs which appeared in aomeofthe New Vork
paper about the time i-be w as put afloat at that ci
ty and the Mississippi at this. The comparisons ol
the cost of the two, the lime which they made on
their first trip, Ac, were all untrue in fart and alike
unjust to the latter vessel and to the cit irons of our
city engaged in hi r construction. Truth, though
sometime slow, is ever sure. Phil. Ledger,
Th Pi a it ft Mii. A corrrapondent of the
Boston Transcript aays that on this evening, the
(lib instant, the planet Mara will come into oppo
sition to the Sun, and consequently will be near
the point of its least distance from the Earth. This
planet now riara in the southeast, a little after a un
set, and ahinea with a brilliancy little anticipated
by thoae who have only seen it when most remote
from us ; in which po-ition it waa in June last,
when about 24'l millions of mites or more than five
timet its present distance, which is only 44 millions.
The retrograde motion of the planet, or its appa
rent reversed motion f'uineast to west, it now also
very perceptible, even to the naked eye.
OJfietofthe Baltimubi Aanicii, June 12.
GRAIN. A cargo of 1800 bushels good quali
ty Pennsylvania red Wheat waa told on Saturday
t (I 16. There baa been none in market since.
We quote Md.redaat95 a 112 cU. for ordinary to
prime lots. Bales of M J. white Corn to-day at 65
tt. A tale of Penna. yellow to-day at 58 cents for
lornmon and 54 ctt. for prime. We hear of no
aalet of Data they are worth 38 29 ctt. for Ma
ryland, WHISKEY The demand it Utt and price
bare declined a ahada. Kulet to-day of bbdt. at 25
ctt. and of bbl. at 26 cts. j
Tin: iiidi) iii:u.
Answer to Enigma of last week,
Tiir IsLixn or Ntw Zi.AtAvn.
I am composed of eighteen letters.
My 4. 12, 14, 9,4, 1.1, 4, is one of the U. Slates.
My 1.1, 14, 12, 14, tl,4, 3, ia a cape iu the U.S.
My 1, 7, 15, 7, 3, 4, ia a town in Mexico.
My 9, 7, 3, 1.1, 17, 7, i an Island south of Asi i.
My 7, 9, S, is sea that empties into the Artie O-
My 9, 17, 3, 12, 5, 13, ia a city in Russia.
My 13, 14, 16, 3,5, 10, ia a city in Spain.
My IG, 7, 15, ia n river in Russia.
My whole is in the south western part of Asia.
Punn'si Museum. The Paris cor
respondent of the Charleston Courier trays lie
hear, from good authority, that Iiouis Philippe
is in treaty with Dunn for tho purchase of the
Chinese Museum. Price, three hundred thou
sand dtdlnm.
Tf .1 IS It I K It ,
On the 10th inst by the Rev. J. P. Shindle, Mr.
PrtTKii Fi'tiiB, of Augusta, to Miss Mur A
McOAirrr, of this pi a e.
At William-port, on the 7h inst by the Rev.
Edwin N. Lightner, Jmi.s H. Camphkli., Esq.,
of Pottaville, to Miss Ji likt H., daughter of the
Hon. Elba Lewis.
On the 6th inst., by the Rev. John P. Hudson,
Mr. Jon Nicttt to Mis Camolikk Visckjt,
all of Turbut.
On the Hih inst., by the Rev. Mr. Gring, Mr.
Pktkii Masuis to Mis Kost, all of Tur
but township.
Corrected weekly by Henry Ynxtheimer.
Whkat, 90
Rrt, -fiO
Cunx, ...... 40
Oit, ...... 25
Pokk,. 5
Ftixsrun, ... . loo
Ill'TTF.H, ..... 8
llti.awAt, .... 25
Tallow, .... 10
Diiikii Arrtr.a, - 75
Do. Puciiks, - . , 2t0
Flax, ... -8
IIkcklch Flax, 10
En, ...... 6
i J
Corner Stone.
The Corner stone of the newly contempl ited
fiiithern Church at Silinsgrnve. will, by Divine
permission, be laid on the 2ml of July next. Preach
iug in EnR'ish and (rma- , by ililfer nt clergy
mea. All Christiana, favorable to the c mse of re
ligion, are invi cd to attend.
Ruildini Committer.
Sheriff's Sales.
BV virtue of sundry writs of Venditioni Expo
nas and a writ nf Fieri Facias issued nut of the
Court of Common Pleaa of Northumberland county,
to ine directed, will be exposed to public sale at the
t'ourt House in the Borough ol Sunbnry, on Mon
day the 10 h day of July next, at I o'clock, P. M.,
the following de-crilied property, to wit t
A certain bit of ground situate in the borough
of M. Hon. N'iriliutnlieiland counlv, in that part of
said loun ral'ed '-Upper Mdio'i," and supposed to
lie in rk-.l in (tie clan tli reof No. 8. front
ing on the main or Front street, and bounded on
the n rth by a lot of Henry Ki kbcrt, on the south
by a lot of S.iinui l Hepburn, Eq , Mid on the east
by H ick sired, containing in width 40 or 47 feel, ,
and in length about 200 feet, whereon are i recto J a
two story frame dwelling house, store room, ware 1
house, stiihiini:. &c
Al-o: A certain oih'T lot nf ground situ ite in
l'ie boioiijb i-f Milton aforesaid, in that prt of seid
t iwu calli d -I.owrr Milton," fronting on Mahoning
site t. and bounded on the west by a lot of Jihn
F, Wnlfiuiier, Esi) , on (hi! east by an alley ami on
the south by nn alley, r.oit lining in width 30 feit.
and iu leiiK'h about 200 fe. t, whereon are erected a
two a'oiy frame house and a frai e stnblo.
Also: A cert tin tract or piece of land situate in
Tuibut township, Noi ilnnd county, a.lj itn
ina lam! of Itohcrt McKie, Abraham Hterner, Ja
cob II. iT.oan, and others, containing 50 acre m .re
or b ss, a'Hitil 4:i ucre of which are cleared, where
on are erected a two atory dwelling house, a log
bun. ii lurae orchard, Ac.
Srixeil, I iik en in t-xecu'ion, a".d to be told as the
propeiiy of William II. Milter.
A'so: A certain lot of cr und situate in the
I borough ot Su'ihuiy, Northumberland county, and
j in iked in (he general plan uf taid town No. 'lt,
I hounded on tU easl and west by lot No. 125
I and 127, and ii the north by an alley, containing
J or an aero mure or leas.
A I o: 5 contiguous lot nf ground situate in the
borough of Sunlmry alona.iJ, fronting on Fawn
trei t, the most aouthcMi of which ia bounded by
a hnusa und lot of Jacob Iterk, and contains in
front 57 J fuel by 230 feet in depth, eont lining i
of an acre more or less. The next two northward,
containing each Ihe same quantity a the last ah ve
described. The fourth one (being the i.ext north
ern) contains in front 42 fe.t. by 230 in depth or
eastward. And the 5th one north, is bounded
northwaij by a lot nf Chri tian llower, Esq, and
containing in front 57 fet by 230 in depth.
AUo: The one equal uudivi vl fourth pirt of a
certain tract of land situate in the Shamokin Coal
iegiin, in Coal township, Northumberland coun
ty, surveyed on a warrant iu tho name of Merrick
Starr, and containing in the whole 200 acret ima-r
oi less. This land is well timlered, and Upon
whirh there it an exe.eldnt taw-mill seat.
Seixed, taken in execution, and to be told a the
property of Peter Lazarus.
Also: A certain lot or piece of ground situate
in Piant township. Northumberland county, adjoin
ing I. ml of Mi dense y &i Wolf, Joarph Walts.
J. C. B. Nouri-e, and the main road lei.dina from
Northumberland to Danville, containing 17 acre
inure or less, about 10 acre of which are cleared,
whereon are ereetrd a two story log dwelling house,
a atone spring house, log stable, Ae. There are
also a number ofeiceltuitt fruit tieea on arid pre
mises. Keiied. taken in execution, and to be told aa the
property of Saaiuel Payne.
Alao: 3 certain contiguous lota of ground aitu.
ale in Chiliaquaque townahip, Noithumbeiland
county, adj, lining land of John II. Vincent, and
rnaiked Noa. I, 2 & 3, and;nibraciug all iba land
between lot No 3 and the canal, containing each
i of an acre more or less, being the same lot of
giound which John T. Mathiaa purchased from
John H. Vincent
Soiled, taken in execution, and tu be told at the
properly of John T. Mathia.
FELIX M ACKER, Slier! ff1.
nneiiu t imica,
Sunbury, June 17, 1843
nil. Manser has removed hia atore, into
' the new building adjoining the old store,
where he has opened a new assortment of Dry
Gonth. Groeeriei, Quecntware, Hardware, fe.
All persona having una ttled accotin's in hla
books, will save costs by attending to them aoon.
Sunbury, June 1 0th'. 1843.
VLL persona are hereby caulloped against pur
chasing a certain Cow and Calf, in the posses
sion of Mr. Abraham Ruch. of Auausla township,
which he purchased from me on the fith of March,
1842, on condition that they should remain niv
property until paid for. As the amount for which
they were sold hat not yet been paid, I claim them
as mine, according to a written agreement to that
Augusta June 10th. 1813. 3l.
Il jjio 1 1 uf I on of la r I lie r s Ii I p.
TBkTOTICE is hereby given, that the Coal I usN
1 nesa. heretof.ire conducted under ihe firm of
Fagcly, Cleaver & Co , waa disaolved 6n Ihe firsi i
of April last, and It hereafter to be ennducted under
the firm of FAGELY, KASE cw. Co.
June 3, 1813. 3.
1:iniC! .Tloraii's INtale.
OTIOE ia hereby given, that bttera testa
tamentnry have been granted to Ihe suliseri-
I era, executor nf the eatate nf James M'g n, Into of
township, Noithumlwrland county, dee'd.
All pel sons sndi bled to said estate, or having claims
against it, ae hereby notified to call on the aubscri
berg for settlement.
June 3d, 1813 Ct. E.r'r.
II a irij-A nil reiii "fc " ill ' lie r vv,
Forwarding and General Produce
Second Wharf abort h'ace St., on the Drlatrare,
Henry Fiirnum V t'o. IJaivis, Trabue tc (Jurd,
Hray, B arcrofl , V Co. I LohUviIc.
Williamson, Uurrougbs Geo. Luckcy, V Co.
& Cl uk, j Cincinnati.
Eckel, Spingler & RngurlSt. John Smith, Esq,
Reed, Bru. &. Thorn a, Portland.
Rogers, Urothera fc lo. 'Joseph Souther, Esq.,
W. R. Thompson & Co,
Ho Ion,
Hon. Wm. Ttinler,
Clearfield, Pa.
B. Hci.drick.
Sttnburu, Pa.
Rol ert Stein cV Co.
J. & J. R akrrt,
Mulford & Alter,
J. R. Webh. E q.
I'hilutiiipnia H. Mum s, K q.
Porter, Esq- 1 Robert Crane, Esq.,
& P. Martin, I Jersey Shore, Pa.
David R.
Meters. J
HiirriirgVmt M'Kelvy ct Co..
Win. K. Holfoagle, Esq.
Hoomsburg, Pa.
Lewis Hurford, r.-q.
Jones, Murphy rfc Co.
E. A. Broun cV Brother
J. K. Moorehca.t, Esq.
Morgan i Anderson,
Walls & Giei n,
Lrwishurg, Pa.
T. W. Kin z ng & Son,
Locit Jluven, Pa.
SteirettAt Potter,
Lewistown, Pa.
lieu, i ieiury, esq. ki
St. Imws j
June 3d, 1813. ly
Joseph f axton, r.sq.,
Columbia Co, l a.
O 11 K II T M o o 11 1-: ,
T ESI'ECTFCLLY informs the citizens ol Sun-
burv and vicinity
that be has commenced the
business of
it r T (J II E R I IV ii ;
and that be intends, lercafter, o supply tbem with
the liestquali'y of Beef, thiei- tlimet a week, at the
Market House. He will tell hia meat on reasonable
terms, and nspertfully solicits the patronage of the
Sunbury, May 27lh, 1813. tf.
(.cw HMahlishiiu'iit.)
ESPECTFl'LI.Y inform the citizens of
Q, Sunbury nod vicinity, that he has recently
coiuiiieiired the
('All IN Kr- M A K I X ( i 11 liSl X F.SS,
iu xll i' branches, in Maikel street, Sunbury, im
mediately below the post office, where he will be
rea-ty lo recrie ai.d execute all orders iu the line
.if hia businea , with prnmptnesa and despatch, and
in the liest style and manner. Hit price will tie !
low, in accord nice with the time.
(Xjf Lumber and tiunlry Produce taken in Ex
change. May 27ih 1843 Cm i
(TlTV". iM llXITL7ur.l!CTr(KV
Nos. ay and III North Third Street,
X c a r the City Hotel,
C. MACK E Y, Auctioneer, re-pectful'y in
iles iho attention uf perso a deairou of pur
chasing Furniture, to hia extensive Salee Rooms,
(both pu' liit and Piivnte,) foi rvciy dewiiptioii nf
Housihold Flirnilure, whi re can be obtained at all
times, a birce as.irtnieit of fathionnble and well
manufactured ('ibinel Furniture, Beds, Matiruases,
Ac, at very reduced price, for ciah.
$3" S.ttcj? bv Auction, twice a week.
M ay 27lh. I S I 3. 1 y
ill a B sf la! Si Li
by flic C'oitiiiioitTraltli
1iium) Ivatila.
IN pursuance nf the provisions of the 4th, 5th
Bnd 6tli section of an Act of Assembly, pasaed
the 8th day uf April, 1 843, entitled "An Act lo pro.
vide for the payment of the Domestic Creditors uf
this Commonwealth, sale of 8tnte blocks, and for
other purpose,' there will be exposed to a de,
At the Iforo-ngli of IVoi'lliuui
hrrlaiitl, On the 2 Vh nJUNE, ut 10 o'clock, A. M.
No. or KuiBF.s. ('uMrtvir. Pan Vall-k.
400 Norihumlierland Uridge Company 25
4IR) LeUburg do f.O
600 Danvillo do 23
2(10 Nescojieck do lot)
91 Milton do 'ii
IGOO Ceniie TurnjiiWe ('ompany, (fiotn
Reading lo Sunbury f0
400 Lycoming nnd Poll' r Turnpike Comp. AO
204 Dcrrslown and Younnmanttown do At)
I 9ti Lewi.burg and Youngmiustown do f0
' 128 Lewisburg mid Jersey bhore do 23
000 i owanu Urulge t'ornpany 20
32S Kusipiehsuna and Tioga Turnpike Co. lot)
Purchasers will be required lo pay for the S ock
at ihe time, or immediately after tale, in cenillca'r
issuid by the Auditor Geneial, in pursuance of the
resolution of 7th April, 1842, notes i.sued by the
Hank of thit Commonwealth, under ihe tcl of 4th
May, 1 84 1, specie or Ibe nolea of specie paying'
banks. The transfer of Pluck will be made in a
reasonable time after tale,
Com'rs for side of State SlucLi.
Hatiiabutg, May 27th, I Bid. I.
Ao. 70 A'ottiA ndttteet, rtjpoile,ihr. Exchange,
(Formerly of No. 70 South Second afreet.)
Manufacturer nf Improved ahd Patent File and
Thief-proof Chests and D.iora, Water and Pro
vision Coolers, and Filterera. Rcfiigera
tor, Hoisting Machines, etc., iVc,
Still continues to mike
hi-celebrated WATER Cool-
rs, and Filterera, Refrigera.
tore, lioih ut the round anil
quare ahap', with improve
ments, nf ihe best materials
Viand workmanship.
07" The CliOftn tire ninnufacturcd without
plank of any description, of the heat material which
it calctt'ated to resi-t hurcltva end heat aa long as
any manurarturid in the I'nitid Statu a trial oi
w hich he ia w illing to make with any other, pro
vided the trial be made nf rbeats nlreaily sol, I to
customers, and not n anuf Cured for the express
purpose of n trial. Purchasers are invited lo call
before purchasing elsewhere.
CAUTION. All persons are cautioned ngtint
making, using, selling or outing to be sold, any
Keyhole roxera fn Fire Proof tubes' or doors ol
any kind, simi r in construction to my patent of
July 10th. 1811, rsthey will be dealt with accord
ing lo the Patent Law.
M .y 27 h, 1813. flm.
Mitnufactiirpr of Wrilitur Indelli
ble Ink, No. UHi North Third Street, six
doors below Race, (east side,)
1"ESPECTF1;LLY informs country merchants
and nlheia, that he con -tantly keeps on band
a large Mock nf bis stiperier Illaek, Ulna nnd Rut
Ink, and also a supeiiei quality of IndrlliMe Ink
II s ink is put up in b' tiles varying in eize, from
1 lo 32 ounces, and wdl be sold nn reasonable
terms. The exerl'e t qualities of lira ink has so
tboronubly estabhbed its ch iracler, that it ta now
rxtitisively used throughout the country.
Porsalcat the store nf H. It. Massir, Sun
bury. Pa. Mav 27'hjJS--Jy
Agent for the sola of Southtcvrlh Manufac
turing t'ompnnu't
Warehouse No. :i Minor Street,
THE following kinds constantly on hand, and
for sale to the Trade at the lowest matket
pr era: Fine thick Flat Caps. 12. 14, and 1 lbs.
blue and white ( Extra super, ami superfine Folio
Port, blue nnil white ; Extra super Parket and
t'nmmereial posts, blue and white ; Extra super
Linen Note papers, long ; do. broad; superfine nnd
tine Counting house Caps, blue and white ; Extra
super ('ongrras Caps and Letters, plain and ruled,
blue and white ; Superfine French Post, plain and
ruled ; Su erfine Semion t'aps and Posts ; Superfine
and fine Caps and Posts, ruled and plain, blue and
white, Various qualities and prices.
Also Boi;net Uoards, Tissue, Envelope, Wrap
pine, and Hardware p-ip rs, etc., &C
May 27. 1 8 13 6m.
Adonijali Fa riiawor IUs Instate.
NOTICE is hcieby given, that lettcra of admin
istration on the rsla'e of Adonjah Farns
worth, la'.e of Shann kin township, Northumberland
county, dee'd., have la-en granted by the Register
of eaid county to Ihe subscnlasr. All those indeb
ad to the above rstale will make payment, and those
having claim will present their accounts on the
2'Jih of June, 1813, at ihe late residence of the de.
May 27th 1813. fit Admr.
" ci Ta kT7ks . iTkc.ixsT
AS taken Ihe nlliee fonueily occupied by the
Hon. ( baile (!. Doinnl, opposite the t'ourt
House. He will a tend to busines in the C -urls
of Northumberland, I'uioii and Columbia countic.
May 20th, IM43.
C ( n XT VI I i K A SI ' H K 11.
To tie Yuler tf Sortltumbt rland County
tEl LOW CITIZENS . Through the soli-
citations of many friends in various pari of
the county, I have been induced to offer myself is
a candidate for t' e nlficu of
Should I be so f. rtunate a lo receive a majority
f nur sulTragi s, I pb ihe myself to discharge the
duties of said olbce with fidclHV-
Sunbury. May 20th, 1843.
Cirent VcnIci ii Inllan Iana a,
Cuni)uuriJeil entirely of
Stihstances ;
b '
Free from Calomel und all uther Minerals.
For the history of this medicine, and it uniivalled
and truly surprising sucr and popul ir
iiy, see lare bills
T ia recommended as a general c thartic for
family use in dyspepsia and all bili iik di-i-a-ses,
it i inv.du.ible for Asthma it is enusiileied a
specifin, no rase having it occiinrd which it has
faibd to cure (or coin i on c Ids, iioll ituina'ory
di-ea-es. rheuioatisin, aflectioua of the liver, Ac i
and foi female, it ia a sate and excellent remedy.
From Dr. Silos Went of H. ngtiampton, -V. Y. j
Mr. Loimley Dear Su : I have u-ed your Great
We -a rt: Indian P.mare.i in niv family, and have !
rcieated!y prescribed it for patient under my care, t
and am sati.fied thai it is alnav a ufe, and in vi ry
iiiiny cur mi iinalual'le medicine. It operate aa ;
a l.ixative nithnut nausea, or pain ; and while it ef
leituallv ubviule costiveners arts upon the stomach
i and liver a an ulteiative. rnirerting acidity, and re
' storing Ibe h' allhy condition of thone oraans.
I Very respectfully tniira, 8. WEST.
1 For tale by JOHN W. FRILING. S.mburv.
; JAfOll UKIUHT.Nortbumbciland.
May 20th. 1343. ly
a t c i" s
TJ EfPEC I'FCLLY informs the rititen oliha
biir.iugh of Noribuiubeiland, nd il vicinity,
that lie has commenced .
Tailoring Il'iisine', j
in a I i'a various branches, in Ibe shop formcily
occupied by Henry 8. Thome-1, ilirectlv oppo-ile
Poilh' time. A hereeiives the New York
and Philadelphia Fashions quarterly, he is enti led
lo do all job entiua'ed to dim, alter the neatest and j
latest at yle, and upon the thoitrst notice.
Norihumlierland, Apiil 22d, 1813. ly 1
"' BLANKS'" '
roil SALE AT TllltS OlFiCIi
ill ii
1 ESPECTFIJI.LY inform the cttir.cnt of Sun--L-
bury and its vicinity, that he has taken the
nftice formerly occupied by Dr. John Peal, where
he will be happy to rccoive call in Ihe line of his
profession. Apiil 22d, 18-13.
Daniel Yariek,
BEGS leave to inform ihe citir.cna of Sunbury
and its vicinity, thai he hat commenced ihe
in Market street, Sunbury, east of John Bogar's
store, and directly o pposite the post office, w here be
intends to carry on Ihe . business in all its various
branches, including, Turning, Making Mill Irons
and Jtliptie Springs, Ironing Currinifs, with Ex
tension or Standing tops, Shoeing Horses, Jc.
Orders will be promptly and punclu illy at'ended
to, and work done cheap, for cash or country pro
duce, (t j" Hoise, Shoeing done at f I per tell,
Huidmry. April 15th, 1843. Oin
oot & S U o
.U a v.i in Iv Y i 11 ,
E s P EOT F U L L Y informs hi fii-nd and
old customers, that he has lemnved bis
to the frame building adjoining hia dwelling house,
lielwecii that and Dr. I). T.Tiitca' nflice, a few ilooia
west of bis old c.-tal bailment, in Matket stei-t,
where he intends to carry on the above business
extensively, i'r all its various branches.
Ueiug thankful lor past fivo-a, lie hoe, by strict
attention lo business and liberal charges, to give
general satisfaction ; nnd that he will coutinuoto re
ceive a t-hare of public patronage.
April 8th, 1813.
V. X. Ij. 11' lr?. Thankful for past fa
vors, rr pect fully informs the inhabitants nf
Sunbury and eoini'ry around, lint bo bns, taken
his residence und olbce in market street, in the east
end of the building occupied by John lloi-ar's store,
while he will be happy to wuit upon all who fa
vor him with their calls.
Sunburv, April Ut, 1S43. m
(J cots c 7,1 in in c r in a n & S o n.
fllHE su'scri'era hereby inform the public, that
.1. Ibey have rnterej into partnership, in Ihe
whrh will hereafter be carried on el the old
stand iu Sunbury, under the firm of Geome
Zimmerman V Mon," where thev will conduct ihe
bu-ine in all its various branrhes, inclinline T urn
inff, Making M II Irons, Ironing Carriages. Shoe
ing Horses, Ve. Orders will be promptly and punc
tually attendid to, and work done cheap, for cash
or country produce.
(Tj Shoeing done at one dollar per sell.
Sunbury, March 1 III). 1843.
'pilE subscribers, having entered into a partner-
ship in the practice of the law, will be happy
to attend to all business entrusted lo their care.
Collections will be promptly attended lo.
They may alwaya be found at Iheir office, in
Market street, Sunbury, formerly occupied by
Wm. Dewart, dee'd.. as a slore-roum.
Sunbury, Feb. 4th, 1843. Cm.
s A.Ti'iTiTiircKi: ti i i7i7ijk7
7ERY KEXPECTF1LLY lejr leave to in.
loini bis customers, and the public generally,
Hut be still cnnnuues tile
in all its various branches, in the l.op nearly oppo
site the Ruck Tuvern, formerly occupied bv Ilen
rv Hans and himself, under the film of Haas Ac
Druckemiller, which firm h-ia been mutually dissol
ved. He ho, by his long experience iu the above
business, and strict attention thereto, lo render gen
eral satisfaction, and receive a liberal share of pub
lic patronage.
iSunbnry. Oct. 15th, 1842. ly.
-Yo. 27, Xorth Third, vbovc Cutlowhill St.,
JOHN DUNCAN, lute from the Pennsylva
nia Farmer, on I Samuel Pike, jr., late of A
mi ricau Hotel, t'olumbu. Ohio, take pleaaure in ac-
' 'I'"""1'"1? 'heir fiieml and the public generally that
i lliey have taken the large and rommndioua Holt I,
recently l uillbv the Mesara. Hart, on the site
once nrrupied by the ol I establi.hed Hotel known
aa the Dull'a Head, in Third ttieet above Callow
hill at.
This Hotel is fiiiiKlied in the very le.t possible
manner, and of the be,t mulerials. Its location is
very desirable, particularly for country merchants;
ibe arrangement for heatiiig and vemiliiting each
i riMiin it such a to secure any temperature.
in a
bedroom aie all light and airy, all f'urui.hed
ueul sly'e, so as to insuie tomf'oit.
The receiving p triors are al-o fulllihe I in a su
ierb st le, the window are on the French style,
foimit g an entrance lo a baleoiiy in front, tvhi.h a pleasant recess. Pinl'rubir alii iiii.-n l as
been given to ihe bed and hi tiding, which, wall
the fur ii il ii re, are entirely new.
r rom ta'.' ipcriri'Ce in I. itel business, e
I l-u.l, by strict ass, dolly t bus oess, to make tin
' house a deniable steppun place, Itur l.dde will
1 ulwsy I e supplied wuh ibe vi ry bit) our tnaiket
i ran alford, and out bar w i'h the best lupjois und
wines til ihe most appiovcd bniii.U,
I P. S. There are fir.l rate stabbny urol earriace
! houses attached lo Iho hotel, Mil n.led by i a I f d
and sol-er ho-ilers. and our charges will be liw, in
: accordance with the present haid tin ts.
Philadelphia, Oct. 1th, 1843.
Dr. I. T. Tli I CM, ResM-el fully informs the
citixens of Sunbury and vicii by, that he baa re
moved hi office to Ibe building Intelv occupied by
George llrinht, in murket stieet, Suebnry, where
he in a y be found at all hour, unless prole. ionally
DR. TKITES return hiaainccre thanks for 'he
encouftgement he hut icc-ie.l, in Ihe line of li s
profession, in this place, and lru-l', by prompi a'
lent on to ihe duties of his prolenion, aid rea-uit-alilo
charges, thai hu will continue to receive a
lilier-il 'barn id the public patronage.
Sui.liury.tiet. 1st, 8Vi If.
Freah suppy cf HOSE OLN
V and foi sale by U
N,v. Ilh, 1812.
((t'cnrral Stage OjRce,)
'& W "HLT -TH&J" C2
riHE .Subfcrihrr respectfully informs his friend
I. and the public in general, that ho has taken
tho above
la nan An commodious
and that he is now well prepared to accnmmodutd
all w ho may favor him with their custom.
His Si.ri tMNo ArinTsUtiTt are well aired, ami
HhTablf AJrti Ran will alwaya be etlppliul
with the beat the market can aflord.
His SrAai.isn, which is good, will lie under
the charge nf pood and careful hostlers.
He feels confident, by strict attention to business,
and an earnest desire to render comfortable those
who may patronir.e him, that he will not togivo
general satisfaction. II. B. WEAVER.
Money, Oct. let, 1812. tf.
Dr. .1. W.I'Cnl begs leave to tender his grate,
ful acknowledgments 10 the people of Sunbuiy
and surrounding country, foi theit past encourage
ment in the line of hia profession ; and would at
the same time announce lo them, that he still in
tends to continue the practice of medicine iu all its
v irions ib partmenK He would, therefore, aolicit
a continuance of their confidence and palronnje.
He may be found at all times at hit office, at the
north east corner of Bla-kberry and D. er slrcc'x,
unless professionally erc mcd,
Suuburv, Oct. 1st, 1842 tf.
1 F.SPECTFI-LLY informs th- public that ha
' has made Northumberland bis permanent
place of lesidctice. and is ready lo attend to any
c.disin the line of his profession.
July 2, IS 12. 1 v.
pF.SPECTFFLLY informs hi- friend and th
' public general'v, that he litis commenced the
Tailoring 15 11 s i it e s ,
in nil its hraoc'ie-, in the bou-e formerly occupied
by Wm. Durst aa a Tailor Miop. in Hlarktierry
street, neaily opposite tlie Pr sbv efiii' Chnri h.
He rrspeelfully sohe-ts a shaie of the public p itron
age, atid tiuita by strict a'te.niion to bosioe-a and
reasonable cltargra, he wiil be enabled to give gen
rral salisf.icion.
Sunbury, June 18th, 1912 ly
ALL person indebted to tbc firm of Lyon it
Harris, under the agency of O.N. Thaebr,
Hit and Cap Manufacturers, No. 40 North Thin',
street. Philadelphia, are requested lo make immedi
ate settlement of th ir account with the subscriber,
iheir legally auihorired agent, who it fully rmpow.
vied to settle and collect the accounts of said firm.
June 4th, 1842. tf Agent.
Change vf Honrs.
Px !n Am: n SiTi-ntiir, ArniL 1, 1813.
The passenger trains will leave at tint fi llowing
hours l
Philadelphia and Pothville.
From Philadelphia, at B A.M. J ..
From Pottaville, at 6JA.M. S 7
Hours of passing lieuding.
For Polvi:lef at Ui A. M. .
For Philadelphia, at 7 A. M. $
Hoth liains pa-s at Pollslown. The down tr.i;n
breakfistsal lie iding, and the up train i.t Nonia
town, for which 13 miiiu'c aio allowed at cacti
J".I It K S.
lletween Pottsville cV Philada. f.1,30 &. f2,S0
Between Reading (V. do. 2,23 cV 1,73
Uctween do & Pottaville, 1,40 &. 1,00
ETci utioN Tick it oouo ron RiTuaN tso
Between Pottaville & Philadelphia,
Detween Reading & do.
Uetween do. & Pottaville,
All the trains will top for way
f5 00
3 00
; oo
passenger at
the usual points.
Qj All passenger are requested to procurd
Iheir ticket before the trains ttait.
May 21, 1842. If.
VlE. HEILlCi.iT & CO.,
C'oiiiiiiissinn cV Iirviirc!inif Mcrclinnls,
'not of Willow Street Hail lload,
hi th t. I ti. w a ii r,
nAYIN aasorialed vi h thini Juepb Pari e',
lite of Easlon, Pa., rtoeitlully itil. rmin. tr
friends and the public generally, that they havi la
ki n th t l.uge and we I known store anil wh iff at
f lot of Willow Street llailroad, lately occupie I ly
.licob Martin, wheie ihry purpose doiug a tieu. ral
tv'ointuission and Kurwarding Ru-bicss, and f em
the local advantages of the place I eiuc comn ru-d
Willi ell ibe pohl.e improvenieni that have tb -tr
outlet in the eilv, tbev rlaller tin niseln a they will
be able to do busines to a gre-l, if mil g rater si
vaiitnge, and Umn as leas 'iiab'n terms as am otbrr
house, and thev assme Ibeir foends Ibnt any cue
sit incuts mado lo tbem sbtill have thi ir r .r t ut
letitiou, and uo ti 1 1 it ii is spaied to give entiiu aatit
fac'ioii. 'I'hiy aie also prepared lo receive and forward
good lo any point on the Dt law are and th
livers, belwei n Mauch t'hui.k, Easiou and Phila
dill hia, via Delaware Diti-i. n and Lehigh Can Is;
als. to anv point on tbe Juniata river, or Nonh
and Wist Blanches of the Hu-quehanna via Srbuvl.
kill and Union, or tho t' and Tide Water
For the accommodation of Hosts coming or go.
ion via Schuylkill and I'm m Canals, a iStemihoat
will hi kept eipresslv for t iuii boat from the
Hchuv'kih around lo the Del. iwaie and back, which
will en .Lie merrhanls to have their produce deli
teed nn the De'awaie, and Ibrlr goods at.iipd at
a saving Of 60 to 73 per cent, oo the prices f
hsulioe aciOi-s, with these advantagea they re
aptctfully solicit a abate of atr ua.e.
W, lltlLiMA at IU,
William Hetlman.
William W. Keytar,
Joseph Burnet. Philad.,May It, 1842.-1