Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, June 10, 1843, Image 4
LIST. rnXSYL,VAMA. The following list showa the current value of nil Pennnvlvania Bank Note. The mot implicit re liance mar he placed upon it, a It i firry iortfc tatf fully compared with ai d eorrec. ed Bi. k Bell's Reporter. . Kanki in riillnrtclrhln. Dte. t NiMt. L0CS.TI0. I'yitiHi. NOTES AT TAR. ftaTk of North America . Bank of the Northern Liberties , Commercial nifik of Per.n'e. . Farmers' and Mechanice BJik- . Ketieii'iiion Bank Plittnili Iphia Bank Mint Ikill Rook R.uthwaik Hunk . Wes'em Hank Mechanics' Bank Manufacturer' A Mechanic' nnk par tar l" pnr pr pur par pir par pnr Country Ilanlts. flank of Chester County Wistrhestcr Bark of Delaware County Chester Bank of (itrmantovvn Oeimantown Bank of Monteomery Co. NoirWtown Dovlesinwn Bank Doylratown Ession Bank Er.ston per pnr pnr pa pur pur P'.r Fanner' Bank of Buck . Brbtol Olsice of Bank of Ptnn'a llarrisbutg' r Thre I ofTict-p OiTre do do Office, do do OfDc do do NOTES AT Lancaster Reading I Jd nt Easton J issue n DISCOUNT. Bank of the Uni'cd States Bank of Ponn Township Oi-ard Bank , Moyamcnaing Bank Bank of Pennsylvania0 Minora' Bank of Poltsville Bank of Lewistown Bank of Middletnwn Bunk of Northumberland Columbia Batik A Cridge co. Philadelphia 4i47 par 1.20 , . par par Pot'evilla LewiFtown Middled. wn 3 4 Northumberland par Colombia Carlisle Piltsl urg t Carlisle Bank Exchange Bai.k )o do branch of Farmer Bunk of Lancaster Lancaster County Bank Farmers' Bunk ol Reading Harrh-hurg Bank Lmcea'cr Bank Lebanon Bank Mcichants' A Manuf. Bank Batik of Pittsburg Weal Bianch Bank Wyoming Bank Northampton Batik Berks County Bank Ollice of Bank of U. S. Do do do Do do do KenMntton Sav. Ins. A Peon Township Sav In. Bark of Chamhersburg Pnsk ot Gettysburg Bank of Sutquchaona Co. Lno Bui k Fa iii".cr'A Drovera Bank Fiatiklin Bunk )I iinnl.ilp Bmk Moi ongahela Bank of B. York Bank 4 1 1 Holhdavsburg Lancistct Lancaster B. ading H&rrieburg Lancaster Lebanon Pillt-hurg Pjllshuig S ! 8a4 I !J4 I Wiliiamaport 40u4.r i ket one 8 Allentown SO n. inline Pittslurg faihd Erie ! New Brighton da do Chsmberahurg Ciitiys! U'g Montrose Erie Waynesburg Wsshinglou Honesdale Brownsville Yoik d.i 1 4 SO 67 8 u 24 4li N. B. The notes of those banks on which f omil quotation, and Bubalilute a thih ( ) are nut purchased by the Phihidi Ipl ia brokers, wiih ll.e exception of thote which have a letter ol rift mice. BROKEN BANK 8. Philadelphia Sav. Ins. Pbiladi Ij-hia rti!li:Jelphia Loan Co. do Sehuvlkill Sav. Ins. do Manual Labor Bank (T. XV Dyolt, prop.) fnilcd f.iilnl f.ildl f.,ile.l no Stilt cluiii d cliei' fl!l ll cb no Milr faik-il f.iilr.i filled no Milr l'(wanda Bank Towiii da Allfulmnv Bank of Pa. B:ii k ol Beaver ol Suatara Bank ol Wubhingtoa Ci Bank City Bunk Farmer' & Mer h'cs Butik Farnier' ct Mecli'es' Hank Fainicra'o Mech'csVBitiik Hjitiiony Inaiitutu Iluntingiloi. Bunk Juniata Bunk Lumbermen's Bank Ni.rihi rn of Pa. New Hope Del. Briilce Co. N'oiibnmb'd Union Col. Bk. ISoilh WeMirn Bai k of Pa. Olfiep of Sehu Ikill Bunk Ph. Aar. & M.muf. Bank Pilvcr Lake Bank Union Bunk of Penn'a. c-tnioiclanil Bank 'illiefcbarre Biidise Co. Beillord Beaver ILirri.-burg Washington Belli fonts Pltlhblllg Piiivburg Fayette ro. (ireeneast e lliinnoi v lluiilintiiloli no li LeiiovMi nod.ile Warieii Dutubir New Hope Milion Miad'ille Port 'urbou Carli-le Mniilii'KP Uniontown ('reel si urn fa.le.l no si'e eb'fC.I no ml CllIM ll fdil.d rloM it filled rluMd V ilki slvrie nosale fXj" All note puiportini; to be on any Penn-yl-vama Dank not given in the aluve lii-t, may be nt down as frauds. ji:iim:y. Bank ol New Biunswick Brunswick Belvideie Bank Belvidere Burliliglnn t'o. Bank Mel' lord Commercial Bank Penh Amboy Cuniberljtid Bank Bridcton I' ami. i ' Bank Mount Holly Faruu ra' end Mechanic' Bk Rahway Karmeri,' bud Mechanics' Bk N. Biuuswick f.ilid 1 I" u pr par i foiled Farmers' and Merchanu' Bk MiJ.llelonn 1'U Frankliii Bank ofN. J. Jersey City llubukm BkgcL Ciiuzing Cu Hohoken Jeriu-y City Bank Jerwy City Mill ai. its' Dank Patieraon Maiiuficiuri rs' Bank Bdh vilie A!, .iris County Batik Mniriklown Miinmouth Bk of N.J. Ficehold Viclianics' Bank Newaik Mechanics' and Manuf. Bk Trenton Mortis Can and Big Co Jute) City Fot Notes fail. J fail, d failed fol. d IujIi d u fdiUU 4 ai DO sale Newaik Bkg V Ins Co Newaik New Hope Del Bridge Co Laiiibeitsvillu N. J. Maiiufue. and Bkg Co Huboken i 36 tailed faded U fllll ll 1 N J Pioieclnn &. Loliibuid bk Jen-ey City Orange Bank Oratiuo Pa't-riHin Bank 1'a'en.on Peoples' Bunk do 1 nun Ion Udi. I riucelun par riali III BankiiiK Co Sul- iu pur Male Bank Newark 1 State Bank Eliiabelhtown 1 Slate Bank Camdi n par Slate Bank of Morris j Slate Bunk Tuition failed Sidem nd Philad Munnf Co Sal. m tailed ai.nei Bank N.wiun 11 IU.VK XOT13 i M-titon liai.king u- I lenion par Cm o Usiik ler 1 V. ahiin;Wu Banking Co. Hackersack faihj ir.i.iv.iiir Pk of Wilzri k Brandy wuit W i inington par T: . k of Delaware ilmii glor) pal liti k i f Smyrua Sniyrna par Do bianrh Milioid par I'm' I k of Slate of Del Dover j ar Do branch Wilminoton ar Do biamh (ieo getowu par Do Iraiiih Newrasilo par Ci i"ii Bal k W iluiu.gtuii .r qtJ- Uni'er fi'a I a I . J dj On til I suks rris ked thus f' there sre i (tier tuunterwil or al eied uuU-s of tiie VaUuus do tieoanaTjon, ia sitctlatioa. . -,' Llmi. ...J'- L-MiU JL-J. ' L rJ.l.J J.1I H Th9 brut mrthrnl fur the AHirm rf Tieae I M 10 tiffin nnrl purify fftc uovy. IXDIA7S TERIlTAllIii: PILL8 or Tttr: ."Wi th .Intrt lcan ColUgt fif IltaVh, Are now srkmmb-.'pi'il t be ibe best Medicine In 'be VmtM fur tbo pii'i- of EVERY VARIETY OF DISEASE. TTpiECAUSE iluv eon'p'elP'y rl.nnse the sto KB mm h and bowels from ih sp blli- U m d cor- runt humors wil ich are the eau-a tint only ft Hesdaihe. Ci.b iniss. Pnlpitntion of tbe Ho rt, Pa'os In the Bi nes Rhrumnt sm and Hi but evprv malai'tr irridei I in man. SAID INDIAN Vf tJETABI E PILLS are aeir sin cure fir in tp'm t'put, lemlUrd, nervous, Itiflamiitoiy nnd puiriJ Fevers becite tlicy cV'rse 'he p.wly f om tliof moibd hi mors,'1 ."ben Confined to the eircli I tinn. are heratix of M kuds of FE VEl!. Jo. a'so. when the sntne impurity isdrros id on tbe n.rnibim e and muciK-. r tn'ne n.lns. ii fl i'm- tiers and swellincs e.illpil KI1EUM ATISM, fJtll T, Sir. Wrichi'slridien VreelaMe Pills mnv be rpliid en as a,was ertain 'o (ilvp r 1iT. and if perKCVdpJ with, aceoidli B to dinctlons taill tnot ossundly, and without fill, make a perfect cu e of tbe above pninf l n alndies. Fiom three to six of sold Iiulin Vrpetiib e Pills l .km ev.ry niehl po left to tied. i'.l io a hit tiuiP so compleiilv rid tbe boi'y from i veiy thing thai i ipp. sp.' to beabh, that Rl'enm ti-m. G iit. at d p i" of evi rv iWrn tion.wiil bo lit. tally DRIVEN FPOM THE BO DY. For the a me reason, v hen, Irom smhUn chances of atn o-phire, or any other Ciiiife, thepei spbation isebrckid, and the humors nh'eh ahouhl pis fl'bv tlv- sUin are tbn wn inwar.llv. cans'nc HEADACHE. GIDDINESS, n-usen "and suk ni'H, pain in the bolus, wa ery and ii flamed eje, sore throat, hoar-nr a, ronghs, consutn Hon-, rheumntic pains in Various parts of llie body, and mar.vothr svmp'oms of CATCHING COLD. Wrighft Indian Vrnttnlh Pi'fa will Rive iir meili te r lief. Fri m llnee to six of said Pills lalun every liiuht on going to but, will in n j abort lime, not only remove all tbe a hue unph .is int smitoms, but the borly wdl. In a short tunc, be rctored to even sounder heal htl an bpfe-r. ASTHMA. on DIFFICULTY OP BliEATIt Wright's Indian Yfgrlubte I'iUt will loos en nnd car y nfT. by the stomach and boweia, thoe tneeh phb gmy hoinor-, wl ich stop up all the air cell ol the lungs, enil are the cause, not m-ly of the above distressing complaint, but when nceeieil, often trrrnlnaies in that mo pdieadlnl malady calei! CONSUMPTION. It fhou d b- a'no urn imI that Wriglit'x Indian Vtettahlr Pill are a ct rtaui cure for PAIN IN THE SIDE, Opprea-bm, nnu sea, and piekneas, Ina of apprtiie, coslivenrsa. a vi llnw lingo of the kin nr d eyes, and every other symptom f a Mpid or diseased state of the Itvtr; lecausf they pnru.' from the body those impurities which if di pos'ted upon this important, are tho cnil-e of eery var'n-ty f LIVER COM PLAINT. When a tiati. n i eonuitsrd by riot-, i uibrnks and ri hellion, tbe only rmin of prevent, inn 'be dreadful coiifequenees of a CIVIL WAR, is to expel all trai'nrs. nnd evil d spos.d ones from the coun'ry. In like manner, n ben pain or sick ness of any kind, indii n'e that the body is strut: cling with inter l foes, the true ren fdv is to EX PEL ALL MORR D HUMOR.. (Trai-ora !.. beabh and bfe.) llcullh will be the certain reiult, Tl at the piincipb-i f curing di c b'.in-oi'C and purifying the todv, I stiietly in accord Mice with the laws which govern the anunnl troi.nmy; iini' it iiroi Prlv'ied -tit bv the u-' of ibe a1 ove nmred WRIGHT'S INI1N VEGETABLE PILL, will leitaitilv r Mill In he coii pble Alo- I linn 0' Dl-r: s ; we offer tbe let oving li-.liinniii- nls, fr-m p-r -n i-f l' p l gb.t ip pec'ahilby i. New Y"ik, v. bo I avp recet li br. n ennd of tin rr.itst obtii ate on p.aints, n.!e v bv ll.e is- oi W might's Iiihi Viofiahik Puts, uf t'i SurtU Amtrhvn Ci Wge rf liiuHlt : Jam.ic. I.. I Jti'sD h 1P4I. Dortor Wil "m Wneht De-r Sir It i w l! ere. , t sati far lion I inf. rm v nil of ,.iy hating be. n Uitirrly cti'ed of Dyspepi-ia. of five iur siai dn g. by the u.p ol our I v i-i VlGITAHLF Puts. Priviouf in u ee nj wi h yoi.r relebiatid n- b cii e. I I ad b en nni!i r t' e hamV of seveiat Phl cim s. nnd bail rinl va:ioti" nuliiii is; but all t no elVerl. Alter u-i g one C! eei.l box i f jour Pills, howiver, I i x j- rii need so nn.i h le efit, di it I ic-olvi d lo pi r-i eie in the use of ibi m neeni-'-ni" in dm tiniis. l ii Ii I am haj py lo sine, h s remll tdin a pi ifi el t lire. Inuratiloi'o to yi u f'l lie treat lienifil I t-ave ipceited. and nl o in l' e h- p' 'lnilothtr villiilailv ("fflni'd liu.y be'in'ueid In in. ke I inl ' f jour ra ubni y medicine. I feed lb s .la'enii III Willi full I be IV to pub ih ill. same, ifvou thit.k pr-per. Yours, Ac. New V oik, June 10. 1911. U. C. BLACK. Mr. Richard TVr, agmt for Wright's Indian Vegoiahlf Pill . Dear Sii 1 have hi en r-fllic'eij for setpral yeais w i h ir ar.l wi fkm s at d general di '-ility , iceom pai ied at liire w oil pons in tie do and other iltH'iissi g eoiiiplain s. Aft I having tried various lliri'ieiries v i'bo. 1 1 ff. C. I waw i-ersu di d l a fueli ' in tria1 rf Dr. Wiighi'a L ilian V. relabl Pills winch I am happy to s'ate h ive relieve I me in a most w. nd. rful nnnm r. I haf u-e.l 'be me- lii-iue. a yet but a .h" I t'ue. and have no doubt. by a persi er..nce in 'he n o i f the no d el .e accor ding t din tiui-a ih I I kb.tll in a chorl tune be peil- cdv le-loie '. I uiiisl wilin gtv recnnirornil Sn.l r.l's to ntiper- son siiiulHr'v i.l Itcteii. anil in 'te nut neiiei in." Ibe same U'l el'ei al res u'ls w ill foil, w- their ii.-. I re. mrin vour sinrnelv. HFNUV A. FOOTE. Wa wairtiig, Ulster c. N. Y Ni w VoiiK. SM t. vn, lull. Tb;s is to certify that I hae used Wine. ii r'a Im.ijn Yfotih.: Pu is with 'he grea'ei-t Ivene. fit; havins en'irelv cored myself of ll.e freipii nt at lacks of Su k Ileadnel.e, to w hich I h id p'eviiuirly leai subject. ANN MARIA THOMPSON. 398 Orcetiwich s.ree'. N. Y. To Mr. Piebard Diiinu, Agent lor Wright's In dian Vcgctublu Pills. C.I VTI O ,V. As ihrre arP nl this lime many wimed persons buhi'y nt'i. d in si l ina a counterfoil no dicine tin. ih r lie nuine of ihe Indian V. gei-dde I'ilb and as il e-e i'i s t rate tin n are uitrity naklesa of con anpuenc.s, that many valuable ti nmy be I hi in coiiseqiicnce of using ll nr dreadful compound-', .he pol l c are rautioueil against puicha-inc any I'l l, ninli ss on the liilrauf the bmes ihe follow ii g wording is f un I ; WRUiHI'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS. Indian Purgative') or Tfll koiitii sMsmeia ruiLie.a nr niuth. And a'se to le especisily currful aguinsl purcba aii . c sa'd medicine of any person eicepi the regu I ir a.lveri'.seil apen'S AOEXTX FOR ISOliTllVMIlERLATiD CO, Ptvnsylvauta. H. B. Masser. tsuiil'iiry Wm. Forsyth, Nor, tbumberlsnd Jaeit'. Haas. Sl aiiiokin Sanilli I Heib, Muhon.iy Bteilv cV D. Haas. Augusta Tliiinas Foilnier. Mtllou Ire'aiul t Meiull, Mi Enei.kvi'le K K, P per. Tuihuinl e James Pen!. Poll.grotr , Klase, S t ih r'0 n II. II. Kial-I. P. M Elt.lurg P. O. Wm. Lei-enring, P M Union Con or. Oll'ne and (J ner. ). iml f.r the sale of Wr-gh.'s Indian Vtueiut.te PiIt. WI oh s-- si tl, No. ICV RACE HIKKEI'. I JIILADEl yUlA. May II, IS ly - li... J ROSE OINTMENT, rm TCTTEn, tUNoxroum. t tMri.K on tub f acr, and orum Ct7TAF.Ol'f ;ftl ltlAH rfjT Tlit fnlli.tciiigeertijico't denn ibe one hJ the tnunt rxtraurtlinary curt) tver tffcctid ly any apkcatiijn. Pmnnrt rnu. February 10, 189 Ij'OR twenty yea a I was severely aCIicti d with Tr.TTf.M op the Face and Head l the disease pommenpi d when I wr is sevpnleen years old, and continued until tbe Full of I83fl, v irving In io lence, but without ever disappearing. During most of ll e time, grpal pari of my f 'e was covered with the eruption, fnquenily a'lended w ith vio'ent Itcli ine; my bend awel'ed at tinus until it felt bS If it would luirt the swellin was so g.ptt. Ihnt I cou'd rarcrly pot my hut on. During the long period th it I was afflicted with the di0iise, I use.l a great many B plication, (atn' ng them a.-veral celebrated prep itntion) as w. II as tnkino inw.nd remedies, including number of bottles of Swaim'i ranaeea. Extract of Sunupitrilh, &c. In fact, it would be imn ifsil le io pnumeia'e all the medicines I used. I was nlfO under the c ire of two uf ibe most dia tingnUhed physicians of ibis city, but without re ceiving moch benefit, and I despaired uf ever being Cured. In the fill Ol 1 Slid, the. disca-e i.t the titno being very violent, I cninmpnced usiim the Putt Ointment, (prep-ired bv Vatighan Sc. Divis.) In a f. w applications the violent itching ceased, the swelling aba'ed, the t ruction beenn tn t'iiiiipeiir, and bef, re I h.ul used 3 br the di-p;ise was rwltreiy ruied. It hn now leeu nmr't a v-ar and a hn'f sinrp, and there is not a vcstig of Hie di'a8 re innir inc. except the scars from the drrp pits formed by the di-ea'o. It is impossible fo' me to desrri' e in a crrlificaio the soi rity nl ibe iliseuve and my si. If riti( but I will be pie aid to cive a fuller ac count t any person wantii g furiher satisficti'iii. who will cull on me. Ai Ibe time I commenced using llie R se Ointment I would hsve given bun ibeda of do In i a to be rid of lh disense. Since U- ine it. I have recummeiub d it to -evi r il neisona, (among ihem my mother, who had tht disvae bad ly on her a'ln.) who w- re a I cured hv it. JAMES UL'li.M-l.l.. io. 1.B, Ki.ce si rCf The Rose Ointnieiil is prepared by E. B. Venetian, Son h East coiner of Th.rd and lince ltel t-, Phiid lohia, and wld on acencv In Sunua rv. bv H. B. MANSER, T.lV Illfi. nrrni. ISosc OiittiiK-iif, for Tcdti. A PROOF OF ITS EIT1CACY. l'i:it.t)it.riiii, Mat 27lii, 1H9. 'IMII ia to certify ll. a' I was ti verely afll c ed -- wish Teller in llie hands nnd f. ct for upwards of forty years; the disc io was attended generally with violent it. hing and swelling. I applied to a number of physicians, and uaid a great mm y nppli ca.iona without flTecting a cure. About a y ar since. I rippl ed ll.e Uufc Ointment, which entirely Mopped ibe a ft w applicnti n iminrdi atilv cured the di.ease, w hieh thote has been no return of, although I had never been lid of il at any time forforty years. BICIIARD SAVAt.E. 'Eleventh. Ulow 8puce Street. j- Thr Eosc Oinlmenl is prepared by E. B. Vauthari, S juth EaM comer of Tbird ai d Pace Streets, Philadelphia, and sold on anenrv in Sunbii ry. by H. B. MASEEH, Mav 14th. IS 12. Age!. rr.LIilCAIi ArmCBATICN Oftht ROSE Ol.XTML.XT.for T'tUr. ALTHOUGH ihe snperioriif of ihe prcpaia'i. n over all o tin r is fully es abli-hed. the pr pr t 'ors pb asure in lay ng bef. re ihe public the f.-llowieg rer;.fica e from a re-peolahle physician, a Briiilinito of 'h- Ui.ier-.y of I'ennn lvaiiia. Dr. Uni. el . f avino l-.nnd ibi ein'dv ibai relu- f r a 'rib. us and ili-ngrrca' I afB? lion which iln- mei.ns wiibio Ihe range of I is pr..fes-i..ii failed to alford ba rot l "i at. d lo cive it bis appiobati-'n. alth usb 'he prejudii es ai d in'i r. ai-of thai prolc.-sion aie ppo.ed to secret I? i mi dies. i'niivi.neiti, S.p 19. 1:1C. I w as recently troubb d w iHi a ledioit herpetic crupii' n, w bit h coe oil o. arlv one si e i f mv f ce. i.nd etiordi-il i cr the ear. Mr. Vaiuihnn. pioprie l -l of ll e l!oe t li -1 n pi, I, (ibaei vilig inv face, msla te.l on mv t Vine his pn paraliou i f w h ct he lian de.l me a jar. A iIi. iilI) in counnon wiih iho mem I ers nl mv r fi -non, I disi oiinn e ..nd ili.sp pr. ve ol tin iiumer, U- noHiuin- palmed upon the ci.hlic ly itni'ianl pr-u nder-, 1 feel in jus iceheiind In esc, pi ibe R--se Oiulni. nt I'mm iha' c'a-s of me d i-un . ami ! aive il mv appt. ballon, as it i ntbe Iv iiirial ihe eruption, abbnoBli il hid resisted the u-U d .ippbcalions. DAN L. BAI OII.M. D. (Jj The l e Oinlinei.t is prepared by U. B. Vanillin. oiilh East coner el Tbiid a' d Race St. ee's, Pliilude'phia, ami old on ng. nrv in Sun- bu-V, I'V II. II. M.SEK. Miv I4th. IS1?. A sent. J. BSAVL ANSI, JR. & CO. SSiutfl' ii ixt '1'ubncco .Manufacturers, Vo. 1)1) North W'tst carntr uf Race and Third Strtrtx PHILA1 EI.PIIIA. HP HE nrder-iene.1 have formed a Co-partnership A under Ihe firm of J. MAY LAND Jm. & Co. as ucees4iirs tt the 'ate funi of Jaeah Alnytund 5 Co., and w ill c mlii tie llie I unni'.s at 'be old ce'a hlirhment, un ibrtr ow n arcm t. In sildjium in 'heir own close a'temiou nnd evpirii neo f.i inany vea-s. in tbp inai uf.ettireof il en eerebrat, il snuff, Ar., ilu long ' vpeni nee of l e set pai. er of ll e bile firm, will be dcvotnl ni ibe in'cre-l f 'he new cni-ceiii ;ii,l us no txoiiion ami caip wi.l if spared lo insun- ihei- poods, a' nil lim ol ibe ve. rv I et quality, lbysbr.t a rm. linuanre nf llie confidence of the f. ends an. I riM-mer- o( the bile fun. 'I limUs AD WIS, J WAY LAND, J. rinlailelpliia, viay rim. Ift.. ly j EAGX-X3 CVri r of Ih rd and line S'rtus, WJXX.ZACffSrCXlT, PA 1 V,HK subscriber r spe, ifuHy amioiiur. s to the pul lie, ibnl he h is r ened a Hotel in lh com- mo liiiiia brick building s tuate on ihe comer of I hi.d and Pirn- streets, where he w It be bnppv lo wait upon thoee w ho may I .vnr turn w ip, Iheir compiny. I he L. .gl.' lintel la la'go an. I C nn 1,1- ni, hihI furnmhi d in Ibe be t lie I'eili t le, : I- pr..vided with a huge number of writ aired and romt. rt il.le flei ping apartment', rooms, private pallors, A r, 1'eisons visiting Widiamsport on I'll- tmcsaoi p'ea ure, insv re.l aa-urd lliul everv ex ertion w dl be used to render their sojourn al ihe Ea,iUi Hot. I" pleasant and aiir,oal''c. UiaTaLIc will be supplied with the very Ins' the maiket sf fon's, and In bar wi'h die e' uicesl wines and other liquors charges re .amiable, 'I h- I'acle Hoi pusseskes greater advantage in point uf b ration Iban any othei similar eslabln-him ul in ih- borough, being situate in the hoainesa p .rt of ha town, and wiibio a convenient distaiiea nf Ihe Coin! House and Willianisporl and Elmira Pa I Roail I. pot. Sufficient Stal'ling provided, nd g,,od and titisty oi-tleis alwsv in atleiulaiu-e. Altemivp, srcon.iniHlating and hone-l Servants have la-en nip-lm ed. and noli ii.g b ft niub nethii will add lo lbs couifoil and arc. minadation of bis ttue.ta. Tin re will Ih a carriage iilwavs in altendanre at ihe Boat Lauding to coi,vv paenger to slid from the House, five of charge. CHARLES BORROWS. My Hh, faJ. ATTORNEY AT LAW, BCITBTJnV. PA. Buslnem alipnded to irt the (bounties of Nor- thumltrland, Union. Lvcoming and Columbia. Refer 1ft I Tnns II a NT & Co., l.nwtn ti Bisnnx. HaT, CcMMin A IIaut, Phlad. KttxoLM, McFtnti Ai Co Sritntvo, Gonti Ac ('., - To Country MERCHANTS. THE Subscriber, Agent of Lyon 6t Harris, Hat Manufacturers, for New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and other large cities, wl oan llatl tire highly commended foif ! and duralility, has oi hand a fir-t rule nsiitnviit of HA TS and CAPS, ruitalde for SprMie sile. wh rh will be sold very low, fot rash or appiovpil rredil, al the nrted cheap ilort, No. 40, North Third atrq-.t, o p ti'e the City Hotel, rinbi.trlphis. ROBKIIT D. WILKINSON, Affnt. N. D. Ordeis lot Huts in the roue, V promptly attended In, The highest rice in tuA or trade given fjr Fur tkinj. Pliiljdelphia, June II, IPH.--ly GOLDEN SWAN U-Iff I I 'VEL'' "di! UT-s ! No. U! .Xorth Third, above Arch Street, PHILADELPHIA. ACCOMMODATIONS FOR HtVtTY rFttSONSI. OHAKLES WHISS, la-eel lbpM,itpSwan," v- nnd "Mount ornon Housp." respectfully in forms his friends and customers, that be ba- become tbe proprietor of the above, well known Until. Coun'ry Mcicbants will fnd the above Hotel a central location, and the best of fare Persons tra velling with private conveyance will find a largp yard and good stabling fol horses, an J the heal of ostlpis lloiriliiiL' f 1 pet day. Mav Uth, 1 S JC if. BOLTON & CO. Gcnrrnl ('tiittmisttioii Mert Iian(s, Fi-r the Sate ofllvur, Oruin, Hied. 4C, Ac. EPECTFULLY irform iheir Irii-mD and he Merchants generallv. ihnt they have ta ken 'hose larce and eomn.odinus Wbaiva. it la two Doiks, north of Chesnui street,' on the Delaware, together will, ti e store No. I'J South Wh irves where thev would brt pleaded to receive consign nirnts of Gram, Flour, eieed. Whiskey, I run. & r. Cv'C. Being aim well prepared lo forward all kind of Merchandise by the Si huvlbill i.nd Union, nr by 'he Chesnpi ake and Tide Water Canals, as tow boats are kepi elprejuly fol the purpose of towing bonis by ei'l er rnuio. Metcbants will ple .se lie panieular lo send their B 'i da drsiined ly eiiber canals, l No. 19 South Wlmrves, between Market and Chesimt sin e's, on the Delaware, with directions acroinp iliying them which mute they wiidi Ibetn to be i.bipre.1. Qj-- Plaster and Salt for sale, at tin- lowe! mar ket pricp. BOLTON ocC-. March 19,1812. No. 19 South Wharves . ROIIEKT CAIM Tit & SOX, PAPEIl MANUPACTUnnHS, l.mnbartl htrft, Kullimorf, HAVE coiisiantlv for hale, Priminc Paper of al sires and qiuilitn s. Cap Writtns Papir. rub d and plain, Letter Paper, wl.itp nnd Hue, ruled ai d plain. Hanging Paper, fine am) common, Envelope Paper, do. do. medium, duiib'e eiown, crown and extra sized Wrapping Papers, t'oloied Medium and Boyal Papera, Bonnet. Binders' and Straw Boi B ards. Tissue Paper, ami all art clcs in iheir line, wbteh ihev will sell on sccoiuiiiDd-jiing tirms. H ghe-t price given f. r old raes. KOUEKI' CAUTER ft SON. March 19. 1842. Elklon. Md LAST MilKSU, No. 74 I'iiilowl.ii' Sueut, l'liihulcl'ihia. f Three u' tiLrxe Strtmd.) 1 HOE Findings alway kepi on hand, which h Merrh nits are partiiui ttly to c ill undjude fui- llieiuseKes. Philadelphia. Novi mier 13, 1S12- lv. a E5'Zfs a) OF EVERY IUXJKIP'IIUN. nrw n.xni.ANn on. roMr.ANY. No. 59 North Water Siifct, l'hila. a WANUEAOTURERS and dealers in Oils of lJu evrrv descrtpiion both for binning snd maiiul' purposes, which will he Sold much lower than ihey can lie procured e'sewht-re, and warranted in quality to equal any in the city. Any oil sold by the company mil proving as irprtseiileil, may be returned without any expense to the pur chaser, and ihe money will I refunded. Their slock now i slorv consists ol the following oils, vii : 80,000 gallons Winter Bleached Spcini" a c n 3- Oil, coon do do .hi do do do do Coloiless Oil, Fail and Spring Sperm Oil, Winl. r S i Eh bant, do Prc.sed U bule Oil, Summer do - do do Common W hale Oil, 1S.IIU0 10.000 ItM'Otl f.Ollll 15,000 200 Barrels supi ii.n Sua -s Oil, ai.O tlo ( o.l Hank Oil, CO do Nea's Foot O.l, 75 Ca.ks Olive Oil, Tinnier' 1 iU -j 'I h- ('ompa' v ba a niunber of V,i.,l rn gaged in the Cod IVhirv, and Tanner- may lely upon refine al all t,nieOil as pure as itiiporled. rbilailelphl.i, .nv. I a, IMS. ly. G. V. &. L. 3. TATLCPa. ifXFFEK FOR SALE, al the Soiilli I.vl ( or- Sliy tar of i ' ifli una -Ui.if tlittt.i, t htlutfcl- phi a Mens Uail-sKin Jjoots.stitcneil warrantej. do do do pemjej do do do do waicr proof, double aolea and iiouhlc uppers, do ('all-skin do do and uppers, do Heavy Water Leather Boot, do do Neiits do do. do Hiirll quarter Mines, Caif--kin, do do do dockers do do Fine Monroe warrantej do nailed do do do do do do Kip do C.lf do Coarse do do Shoes Fine do Kip tlo do do do do do do do Culf and Seal Skin Pumps, do Lial Socks wiih and without soles, do Carpel do do do do Patent Wairanted Water-proof Morrasins. Ladies' do do do do Ladies' tanned India Rubber shoes, (icntlcmcn' do ( 'vr i-fiocs. Wiih every other dear iplion uf boots and shoes. Fur Caps nf every description, Travclhng Trunk of e ry description. Venetian Travelling Bscs. Patent (ium Elaaiiu Shoe BUckinir, B n is uf all kinds. Paloi Leaf II its. medefaia,NtwaW 18, U3 ly. CHRYSOLITE POLir.H. AN artie'e unequalled for cleaning and giving a highly durabls and most brilliant polish to sil ver, Gormen Silver, Brasa, Copper, Brilbniia WHre, i m, ateel, I utlery, and for restoring the lustre on varnished carriage, Ar. TRif IT. Prepared and Sold al wholesale and retail, by the Susquehanna Chrysolite Polish Company, Owego, 'J 'toys County, N. Y. WM. FORSYTH, Agent fur Nnrlhum'd, II. B. MASSEU, Agent for Sunbury. November 80th, 1842. KAY & WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOKSEL LERS AND STATIONERY, Xo. 122 Cliesnut Street, below 4tli, Philadelphia. EEP constantly oh hand a general assort ment ol Books and Stationary ; comprising Theological, Law, Medical, Classical, Miaeellane ous and School Books, Day Books, oil sizes. Led gers, do., Family Bibles, Pocket Bible., VViitint Paprra, Wrapping Papera, tVc. Vi, which ihey nl ler at the lea est piices to Country Merchant's Pre fesaioual CK ntlcinon, Teachers, arid all others thai may favor ihrm with their custom, Philadelphia, Noitmhrr 13. 1842. ly. Micliacl Wvavcr V .Son, ROPE MAKERS & SHIP CHANDLERS. A. 13 AVrA Wattr Street. Fhiladtlphin. A L cons'anlly on hand, a general assort ment of Cordngp, Seine Tw ines, &c, viz : I sr'd Ropes, Fishing Ropes, While Ropes, Manil la Ropes, Tow Lines fur Canal Boats. Alio, a complete assuitiiiont of Seine Twines, Ac. such as Hemp Sliad and Herring Twine, Ileal Patent (!ill Net ine, Cotton Shad and Herring Twice, .'Shoe Threads, &c. tic. Also, Bed Cotda. I'h ugh Lines, llaller,Tracis, Cutton and Linen Carpet ('bains, Vc. all of which they will dispose of on ri asutuble tcims. Phil.ide'phia. November 13, 1 12. ly. J;if oil l'llsmnUi & Sou 1") ESPECTFULLY informs tin ir friends and acquainlenres gaien.lly that they still con unue In keep at llie old aland. No. 240 Nurih 3d street, Philadi Iphia, all Viuds of TUliACCO SXISF ASP SEC! APS. Which lin y will aril m the tea '. uccoiniuojalilii ami leis.'iia le terms. N. B. All so. ds sold will bp gui mlccd jnd nil orders promptly ill. mleil lo. Philadelphia, N.'.vemlei 13, 1812. ly. m ?ETE?s CC1TCTS?., Wlidlusale and Hotai! Shoe, Hontict, aiuJ l'alm Ix'af Hat Waiclioiisf. Nu. CG Sorlh ( iltret, a fen- iUwm u'ouvt .lick, FfuluiUlhia. A LO Truiik, ('aipei Bugs and V alices, of ev T, ery deiri iplion, all of which ha i.fleis fol Mile on the moat reasonable Icrtna. Philadelphia, November 13, S42. ly. UiiiLrella and I'arasol latitifacliirer. No. 37 AWA Tlntd tlrret. two duori beUw the City Until, Philud, l.hia. c OUNTKl MerihuulHund nthcia are solicited to riauiiuo Lis aaiuili.itnt before i iiielio.iiig i laen here Phila lj hi,. N.ivemUr 11. :42.-lT. - -. - - P. tc A. 11 O VOl' DT'S riiina, (Ilass antl Liverpool Wnrrhouse, ' Ais 1C4 Snrth Third trr(t. third dimr below Vine j lrret, Fhihultliihia. YXfHERE ihey eoiistatilly keep on hand a large ' assoiliuriit of China, (iluss and Liverpool Waie, which they will dispose of on the moat in soiiahte terms. Philadelphia, Novend er 1 3, IS45 ly. th BU'iLrs "(Tm" Alanufaclurer :nid l nipin tcr of Sad- j tllerv, Jlardvvnrc, vtr. ; ,Vo. 5 Smith Third sirrrl. fi ttr du-rt be'er Market Philadi l)l,ia. 7" EEP ron'l intlv on hand a large and nenernl assortment Coach Lamps, Carriage Bands, AnleArms, Elipttc Springs, Patent Leather. A c. Country Merchants and saddle w ill be supplied al an nine I'll llie iiii-fi I ,-n-ou it i 'it- iri hi... I urj will find it to their ndvantaije to rail and examine his assortment before purcha-ini! elsewhere. Philadelphia. November IH, I v. i:YiOLlTsT"Mcl;All LAS 1) fTvO Wholesale Dealers in Foreign I'litili ,'ird American Hrv Cloods. Ao. 10.') Mioh. t ttreet, Philadelphia. (COUNTRY Merch nils, and others can be sup J plied at nil lime with an et. nsic a-aorl- monl of the oesl ami most lashion.iulc Imods upon the most reasonable tertn. Philadelphia. Nov. ml rr 13. 1S12. Iv. LOW Hit tc UAKKOX, Importers nnd Dealers in Foreign and T")omestte Ilaidware, No. 174 Nohth Tmiiis SraifT, I'm rin li-m i . w Hr.IJKlb.irf.ii.daa.Hl.ualo.nerKwillalw.ivs fun! a larce and general a-aorlmenl of 1 oreigu ami Domestic Haidwaie, which they will sill ut the lowest pilots, Philedclhia. November ID, 1S12. ly. KSlU'llK K, IIANSLLL tS' COS. WHOLESALE DRV GOODS STORE. No. 1 lit; l-'J .Market Slrei t, l'liila. (lit luu Fifth Smith aide ) A I.WAYs keep on hand a full and general as m rtmcnlof llo-iery, Lace, and Paiicv (!oods intiy .Meicb.snta are respecitully reijue UJ to I j th, ni a rsll utnl eiauiine lor ihem-elvis. Philadelphia. November 13, 1S42. ly. No. 13S IMairM Street. rilndel l.ia. NVITE the sllention of Country ferchants to their ex'cnite ai-sorlment of Biilish French and American Dry Oootla, which they offer fot sale on ih.- m t reasonable t mis. Philadelphia. November 13. IP48. 1T. JTCcCALLA 8c IIERSU, No Al, Noi Hi fiiil Mm(, (coaaiH or coona's sllkt.) When? they conalan'ly keep un hand a teneral aBonmeril uf ClaOTHS, CASSIMEHES, VESTXIICS And a ((rent taritty ofartielti nf a tupmar quality, which they otfer lo dispose of upon the most reasonable ti mis. COUNTRY MERCHANTS and others will find il to iheii advantage io rail and rxaminu Un ir stock before purchasing elsewhere. Philadelphia. Nov. 6. 184?. ly JCK1TS CTJ11X1TG3. WHOLI S AXsB PIIOE, EONNBT, Cap ttnii Pelnx Leaf Hat Sore. No. 10 Ssitk 4ra 8tt. PHILADELPHIA. VlHEREan eiteii.ive sssoitrneil of the a hot ' ariii lea are cn.mmly kept no Land, hi sale at the mnet rea-onabL Urmv, May S, UiWly. WINSLOW'S BALSAM OV II ORE HOUND. N unparelleled remedy for common Colds, Coughs, Atthma, Influenza, Whooping Cough, Bronchilis, and all dtuPBfesof the Breast and Lungs, leading to consumption; composed of Ihe concen Irntrd virtues of Hon hound, Bonset, Blond Root, Liverwort and sevfial other vegi table substances. Prepared only by J. M. Wisslow, Rochester, New Yoik. The innocence and universalis admitted pectoral viiiuesof the Herbs from which the Baham J Harchuund is made, are too generally known to tp cjuire ; it is iheieforp only nccpMev ry to observe thai this Medicine contains Ihe whole of theii Medicinal properties, highly concentrated and sn happily combined with several other vrge liible substances, as to render it the most spppily mild and cert:. in remedy, now in use, for the com plaints above mentioned. The Balaam removes all imflammation and sore ness of Ihe Lungs, loosens tough visid phlegm, en abling the patient lo expectorate with ease and free dom, aasunires rough, relieves athmatic and diffi cult respiration, heals the injured parts, opens the pores, anil composes tbe disturbed nerves, and giei strength to the ti ndei lungs, anJ thus produces a Bpedy and lasting cure. InoRATi rrnii is thk a cn i m k is Ma. We are not among thai class of Editors who for a few dollars will, (al the cipense of truth and ho nesiv e.fia,.K un" an article and bring it into ranid l -l-'.' :.i . - - .. ;n;..- ; Jr.... having tested the utility of an im rnvement or dii covery in science or ail. Our readers will recollect we told them we were unwell with a sore throat and vioK ul cold some f, w weeks ano. Well, we pur chased two bottles of WINSLOW'S BALSAM OF HOHEHOI ND, and so sudden was the cure that we forgot we ever had a cold. Those whe are aflliclcd, may try it upon our recommendation l.eviston T-trgruph. For sale by HENRY YOXTHEIMER, Suuhurtf, JACOB 15 Ii It i HT, Xurthumbrrlund'. Also, by Druccifts gener.lly throuiihout the country. fj" Pi ire, f0 cents per buttle. August Nth, 1812. ly. LIST OP BOOKS, ron sale ur VNTHON'S Classirul Dictionary; Lemprier'a do.; Ain.-w orth's ilo ; (.'old. 's do.; English and Oeiuiau do.; Ambon's Ca'sar; Anthon's (irariimer; Anlhen's 1,'iceio; Mail's I. a'in Reader; Ogiily 's do.; Ambon's Latin Less- n;'s I.eiiton; Pick's Ore- k Exercises; Daviei-'s Leirt ndei; (iraern Majniii;'s Roman Antiquii ie; Piunoik's ( bUmith'a Engb.ud: do. (Ireeci ; Ly ell's Eb iiients of (ieulogv; Mis. Lincoln's Bo'nnv; Eh nirnts of Botany; Bridge's Alcibra; Porter's Rhetorical Hea der ; Emi rami's (iei-griiphy and History; (Mi ey's ib ; Para y' do.; SmiibV (iraiiimei; Kirkham's do.: Kav's Read, r.; ("obi's do; Cobb's Arithmetics; Pike's do.; l'mi rs.-n's do.; C, I b'a Spelling 15,u Town's do.; Cobb's Table Books; Kvangelical Fa n i'y Lihiarv; (.ounce Bibb"; Family do; Collater al do.; fe-mull Bibles and Testament.; Paikei's Er-erei-es i n Compesilion; Fruit of ihe Spirit; Ballet's S iui's Rti; American Il volution; Manyatt's No V. N; Mrs Phelps i-n Clemisliv; Ilid; ( 'atechisni of American Law ; l.e'li rson Natural Magic; t 'he-mi.-lry for Beginners Enbrh Exeirists adapted to Murray ' (iraiiuiipr; Siuurl to f'oinley'a Spelling t a ,1 L . I ,. il ' 1 . , ! " ' "h;. ,m' "r"' : , ,,n'"- ici i . -iri iiii, .it m uiinj vi umiir. uwt'saat, . August 58, 1H42. ATTENTION. " j . s 1 1 1: v j o x r. s , 1 EWL'ES'l'S the attention of hiscountiy friends k who ate in want, lo his verv large stork of Carpeting, Oil Cloths, Mailings, Rugs, Biwdings j Stair Rods, Ar., cVC, that hr has just opened, at I hi- warehouses. No. 1st North 2d street, and No. 'i I Church Allev, next door to Christ Church, Plula jiklph a. ' July 31, 1H13. ly. SPANISH HIDES. TAKKEKS' OIL AND LEATHER. I). Iv 1 U K 1' A T l 1 C R v SON, No. 21. th Third ttreet, (mtwiu Mtiifcr-r vn t imsvi r srnr.f.Ts,) PHILADELPHIA. HAYE for sale a large nnd encsllent assortment of Si'itnith ll dr.. Putna Kipx, Tuuncrt Oil, I i(c, ut llie lonot maikel prire-, fur rash, in I excliaege tor I.eatlier, or upon cieou. Con-ienmeiils of I received fot sale, ol purchased at the highest mnikit prices. Q J Irf-athor stoied In e of chaige. April 17. 1812. ly. CSk. SALS. int? . II F..., ..,...:,.i , a I . ,., r , u ..,,, a.,,., vt'iiiix.i.'i, . ... I ' hunibe.l and ten aens, im-re or le-s, situate in Point township. Northund crland rouiitv , ab. nt two miles above Noitbunibeil tnd, on ihe main road h ading from thai place to Danville, adjoining Ion ol John Lrghiiu, Je-su ('. llor'.n and others, now in the occupancy of Samutl Payne. About forty acres of said tract arerlraiid, and ill good ' slat, of ru'tivation, on winch there ia a small bant , erect, il. Tbe property will be ohl on n asoi.ahlu r or luriber pailiculars, pi-isons arc rccjiu st- , c" ,,,B1 I" " c"' r. i . . -. . I.. . . .i . . i . -. II. B. MASSSR, Agent. Sunbury, Pa. Nov. J7lh, 1842. tf. 1 oiiiilt i f Hers' Death illutr, rPho pu' lie will please observe ihat no Braiubelh -I Pills are goimino, unless the bin has three It lie's upon it. (the top, Ihe side and the bottom ! e .ih containing a f.c-aimile signature of my hand. writing, thus B. Bn inn. rn, M. D.- These la. Ibcl-aie engraved on stool, benntlfully desipnd, '. and done at anevpoiueof over J 2,000. 'Phi refine It will be soon that the only Hung n'ceaaary to pr.v. j cure ihe medicine in its puruv, ia to obs-cite tbesa ; labels. I Remember the lop, the aide, and the bottom. The following lespictive persons are duly auhori- ! mi';aT For the sale of IirunJr, ih't Vtirttublc Universal Pills. Northumberland rnuntv . Milton Mackiy A: (.'haiiiheilin. Sunbury II. B. M.issor. M'Eweua ville llelindcV Menell. N'orlhuin' pilsnd W in. Forsyth, (icnrgetown F. Midbnifor oV Co. Union C : New llerbn J, hn lloirman. Selmsisrove Ever ami Schnure. Mid.Hebuie, Isaac Smith. Beavcrn.iw n J. cV. . Binganisn. Adamsburg 11. A A. Smith. MifUtnaMlig Swope A: Laird Haitlcton Daniel Long. Fiee. burg (. & F. (3. Mover. Ccnlrevibe Mailey dv. Leiihsri. Lewiburg Wslls iV Creen. Columbia county : Dam ilbE. B. 4 t'o. Berwick Sliuman A R.Uenhotiie, Cat lawissa C. A. A C, ti. Brobta. Bloonisbur John K. Meyer. Jeisoy Town Ivi Bisa I. Wa shington -Kuhl. Mi Cay. Limealuue IX L. behnxek. Observe that esch Asenl has an Engraved t't r tifirsle of Airenry, rnnlaining a tepies- nlaiion nf Dr BKANDKETH'H Msnufarlory al Sing Sing, and upon which will also be seen eiart ropies nf the neat lab it now uttd upon th lirandrtth Fill Boxet, rhiladeJpMa, oJore No. 8, North th street. B. DltANDKETH.M.D. Jsnuspy 1st, 1843.