Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, May 27, 1843, Image 3

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    T II I) 11 1 1 D L i: IC .
atrvENitn d ep ahtment.
Answer 10 Enigma of last week.
Sn.vrn ErorD Gkkamvm.
I am composed of sixteen li tiers.
My 3. 10, II. 15, is one of l lie IT, Statce.
My 0, 3. 12, IS, 4, 8. in town in Mexico,
My S, 12, 16, ii cape on the coot of America.
My 2, 4, 1 1, 6, Ii lake in ihe V. States,
My 3, 14, 9, 6, 15. it county in New York.
My 3, 4, 8. 12, 5, 2, it a county in Virginia.
My 1, 4, H, 12, 14. Is a county in Indium.
My 12,2, 13, 4, 15, it a river in South Ameiica.
My 10, 3,4, 12, in cape on the const of 3. Amcr.
My whole, was President of the U. Statu.
The Warren County Boar J of Freeholder have
offered an additional reward of $500, making now
aum of $ 1,800, for the detection of the murder
era of the Caatner family. The recent rumora of
fieah arres'a are premature,
.n .1 it it i e u ,
On Tuesday but, by the Rev. Win. R. Smith,
Mr. Jam IaEiaan, of Chilisqunque, to Mies
Lnrraa Wiimxr, uf this place.
On Tuesday the Iflih in-i., hy Jnmes F. Mur
ray, Esq, Mr. Enwaan Disriinowx to Miaa
Ha a An Kr.rrta, lo h of Turhul township.
On the 17;h in!., by the Rev. Mr Kav. Tnovtaa
Ltok, M. D-, f Wibiamspoit, to Mis Eliia
Phikstlt, of Northumberland.
On the 14 h inst.. by the Rev. O. Guyer. Mr.
Jiis Park a to Miaa Aas Parke, all of Chilis
piaque township.
On the 18th ins'., hy the Re. George Hildt,
Mr. Jhnx Pkhtkk, Editor f the Milton Ledger,
to Mies Ktiz tnitTii PiLLivn. both of Milton.
in the 10 h inst., by the Rev. J. W. Phillips.
Mr. aii-ei ToaarTT to Mis Mart, daughter of
Jacob tyralius, E-q., a'l of Willi m-porl.
At Muncy, on ihe Ifilh int.!., by the Rev. Mr.
Shjden, Auolphus V mov, Esq., nephew of
Uhv. Porter, to Mias Elisabeth Asa Petbiiis,
if that place.
On the 21th ult., at Oettyshutg. Pa , by the Rev.
8. Setitmun, the Rev. Elms Schwartz, of Dan
ville, tii Mm Rebecca Bi rriKOTox.of Carrol CO..
Corrected weekly by Henry Yoxlhamer.
Whkat, .... 80
R t a, SO
Coax, ...... 40
Oats, ...... 25
Pom, ...... 5
Fnnrrn, ... . 100
Butter, ..... o
Unr.swav, .... 25
Taitow, .... 12J
Dm m, . . . 75
Do. Pbichks, 200
Flai, ... .8
Heck LCD Flai, 10
Eoa, ...... 6
" Rood Intent Fire Company."
A STATED MEETING oflhe Company will
lie held on Thurs.1 iy evening next, at 7 o'clock,
nt the School House. Punctual attendance ia re
quested. CIIAS. M. BRUNEI?,
Mav 27. 1913. Srcrtary.
"CiootTwill Fire Company."
'T'HE members of the "G .od Will Fire Com
- pn" arc requested to meet at the Court
House, on Monday F. vrnine, June 5lh, at 7 o'
clock, precisely. Punctual attendance i required.
May 27. J. H. ZIMMERMAN. See.
It O W K li T M o O It E ,
"I ESI'ECTFl'LLY inform ihe citizen ol Sun.
bury and vicinity, thai he has Commenced the
lllnill('S4 of
11 r t c unni x i ?
and lint l.e i tend. ' e e if er, to supply thnn with
the best quali y of Beef, th en times a wek, at the
Market House, lie will stl his meal mi re as'iiable
terms, and riepccl fully solicits the patronage of li e
f mltiir.
(I" Fn-ah Beef ibis morning, (Saturday. at the
Matket HoiiH". htei n the hours of 5 and 7 o'clock.
Sunhuiy, May 27ll, ItUL tf.
(,ch Eslallislinieiit.)
1 ESI'ECTFri.I.Y inf.rms th i-iiir-ns of
1 Hunltiiry and vicinity, that he baa recently
ronmv niTiI the
in nil i'a branches, in Market atret, Runbiny, im
m d'ately Ih low the port iilfire, where he will tie
ready to r-ceive and riecute nil orders fn the line
erf his busineas with prompt nra and despatch, and
hi the brat style and manner. His pricea will be
Vow, in acroulance with the time.
CO" Iunilr and Country PiikIiicc taken in El
rhanftm. May 27h 1843 6m
fOR trial at a Kfieeinl couit, to be held in Sun
bury, on the atcond Monday of June next,
being the 12ih:
Win. Donalilam &. wife vs. The Philadelphia Bunk,
and The Manufacturera' anil Mechanic' Bank of
the Northern I.iUilto.n, in the county of Pbila.
Mary Bradffd va S.ime
Elizalx th Wallia va bam
Cow den 5t Wallia va Ssm
i'aiah A. BiadfoiJ va Same
David (r. Bamiiz A wife va 8 ime
1'be Philad. Ijihia Bank va The Manufacturers1 6c
Mechanics' Bank, Slp., and The Went Branch
I'rotrMHintaTy's OITicc, 3 Proth'u.
Hunhury, Msy 27. IS13. S
Ilovcrs Ink.
Manuracturcr of Writing and Indclli
lie Ink, No. HTG North Third Street, aix
Joora below Race, (cart side,)
T EsPECTFliLLY informs country merchants
-a- v and others, that he con-tantiy keeps on nana
large stork i f his superior Black, Blue and Red
Ink. and also a aupennt quality of InUiliinie ink
His ink i put up in bottles varying in aiie, from
I to 33 ounces, and will be sold on reasonable
term. Toe ex. el 'cut qualitiea oflbiaink haa an
thoroughly eitalilt-tied ua character, 11 is now
extensively need througriout ttie country.
Fersalf it tbt alore of H. B. Masacr, Pun
Itfy'l'i. May S7lh, Jfl3.-ly
Sale of Stocks
Owned by the Commonwealth of
IN pursuance of the provisions of the 4th, 6th
and Gth sections of an Act of Assembly, paaaeJ
the Sthday of April, 1843. entitled "An Act to pro
vide for the payment of the Domeetic Creditors of
this Commonwealth, sale of State Blocks, and for
other purposes," there will be exposed to sale,
At f lie Iloroiigh oT IVorllitiiu
heriand, On Ihe 2I'A oJUNE, at 10 o'clock, A. M.
No. or Shanks. t'oxe aviks. PamVALt't.
400 Northumberland Bridge Company 25
400 Lenlahurg do 50
COO Dnnville do 25
StlO Nescnpeck do 100
03 Milton do 2S
1600 Centre Turnpike Company, (from
Reading to Hunhury 50
400 Lycoming and Pott r Turnpike Comp. 60
204 l)rr-town and Youngmmatown do 50
OS Leiiburg and Youngmanafown do 50
12S Lewisbtirg and lrrey bhore do 25
500 Towarda Bridge Comi any 20
32)9 Susquehanna and Tioga Turnpike Co. 100
Purchasers will fe required to pay for Ihe Stocks
at the time, or immediately after aale, in certificates
issued hy the Auditor (Jene-al in pursuance of the
resolution of 7th April. 1813, noies issued by ihe
II inks of ihia Commonwealth, under the act of 4th
May, 1841, specie or the notes of specie paying
banks. The transfer of Stink will be made in a
reasonable time after aale,
CoroVa fur aale of State Stocks
Harrisbutg, M.iy 27th, 1813. ta.
So. 70 South 3 tha t, oppotite the Exchange,
(Formerly of So. 76 South Stconit itreet.)
Munu facturrr of Improved and Patent Fir and
Thief-proof Chesta and Doora, Water and Pro.
virion Cuohrs, and Fdti rers, Rifiixera
lor, Hoiking Machines, &c, &c,
Still continues to mike
'r'i.,a"isceierr..ieu v A 1 crcoo;-S'!T-wb...
i p:i,.,n.. n..r,;.,..
Jltjri.ifCtira, both of the rout d and
Sr-rr il"1"1"1 f ,r maleiiaU
liv!-and woikmnnship.
OT" The Chests are manufactured without
pi ink of any description, of the lu st muter al which
ta ca'cu'ated to reti.-t burtla's and heat as lorg as
any tnanuracturi d in the I'nitid Suits atrial ol
w hich he is wi ling to make with any other, pro
vided the bo made of cheats already Bold to
customers, and not tnanuf iC'ured for the express
purpose of a trial. Pun hnsi rs arc invited to Call
lief.'e purchasing elsewhere.
CAUTION. All I ersona are cautioned ngiinst
mnkinir, tn-itip, selling ( r cuu-ing to ! sold, any
Krthole coera fn Fire Proof Chess or doora of
any kind, simi'ar in c.instruciion to my patent of
July 10th, 1811, as they will be dealt with accord
ing to the Patent Law.
M.y 27 h. 1843. 6m.
IT. s."lawreitce,
Agtnt for the sole of Southworth Manufac
turing Company's
WnrchotiFC No. 3 Minor Street,
THE following kind cnnatnntly on band, and
for sale to the Trado at the lowest market
ptic-s : Fine thirk Flat Caps, 12, 14, and 16 U s..
Idue and white; Extra super, and auerfii e Folio
Porta, blue and white ; Extra super Packet and
Commercial poi-ts, blue and white ; Extra super
Linen N'nte paiere, long ; do. broad; so pet tine snd
fine Counting house Caps, blue and while; Extra
super Congress Caps and Letters, plain and ru'ed.
blue and white ; Superfine French Posts, plain and
ruled ; Su etline Seimon Care anil Pos s ; Suernne
and fine ('.ia and Posts, ruled and plain, bluu and
wl.ile, 'ari 'Ut qu .lilies and prices.
A!soU ntiet B iaid, Tisue, Envelope, Wrap
pi:C ami pipers, Ac, &C
Mav 27. 1813. 6m.
Nos. V2!) and 31 North Tlml Street,
Near the City Hotel,
CC. MA (.'KEY, Auctioneer, iepeclful'y in-
tins ihe attention of per so', s desirous of pur
cha-iuj Fmni'uie. to his extensive Sjlea Rooms,
(loili pu lie and Piivnle.J for every description of
lions-h.dil Furniture, whi re can be iihtainetl at all
times, a InTiie assortment of fashiotiable and Wi II
mannfaeturvd Cihimt Furniture, Beds, Mattrusses,
e at vtv ntluced prices, for ciah.
(tj- S:ea bv Auction, twice a week.
May 27th. IS43. Iy
Atloiiii.ili rariisworlli'i I'.Klatr.
NO I'll E in hriehy giten, that letters of admin
ibtratinn on the eata e of A Ion jah Farns
worth, late of Shnnn kin township, Norihumbetl nd
county, dee'd , have bemgrantid by the Register
of said county to the subscriber. All those milch
ad to the aive eatate wilt make payment, and thnae
having rlaima will present tl eir accouma on the
29th of June, 1843. at the late residence nf ihe de.
ce.,srd. ROBERT FARNS WORTH, jr.
May 27th 1843. 6t Artm'r.
cuwauni, a
AS taken the office formeily occupied by the
lion, ( hat lea O. Doom I, opposite the Court
House. He will a tend to biiaiueiMi in the Courts
of Northumberland, Union and Columbia countiea.
May 20th, 1843.
'V'VT'ILL be expired to sale by public vendue,
H W at shamokin Furnace, in ihe town nf Sha
mokin, on Tuesday, the Gth day of June next, the
following pro ty, vitt
Two hundred thousand ft Oak, while and yellow
Pine Lumlicr, consisting principally of pi ink, boards
and ecanlling ; thirty Rail Road Cata, almost new
and in excellent order, cak'ubited to carry three Ions
of lump coal etch ; ten seiUnfCar Wheels, Axles
snd Boxes, with all the wrought and rl iron and
bran work rtecessaty fr r"il rond cars ; aeventeen
U'ge Drift Cau; ten small do.; sixteen Car Wheels;
a sett of Furnace Tools; a aett ol Smith's Tool t
a lot nf Boiler Iron; a 1I uf new and old Wrought
Iron; 7 Wheelbarrows; Shovel--, Piike, and a variety
of Tools u'ually used about a furnace and in the
mining of coal. Al.o, one Horae, and one cart.
The trrtni will be made known on the dav of
aale, by John N it holla, the srent of the subscriber,
Assignee of the Kham kin Coal & Iron Co,
Shamokin, May 20th, 1843. 3t
try The M inera' Journal, Pottaville. will in
sen tbe sbjve twice, and forward their bill to Ibis
Sheriff's Sales.
UJY virtue of certain writ of venditioni expiv
MW Issut d out of the Court of Common Plesa
of Norlhumberlanil county, to me directed, will be
exposed to puMiC sale, at the Court house In the
Borough of Sunbnry.on Monday the 12th dsy of
June nett, at 1 o'clock, P. M., the following de
scribed property, viti
A certain lot nf ground situate in the borough of
Milton, in that psrt of anid town called "Upper
Mitt'in," and marked in the- general pi in thereof
No. 19, being a corner Int. and fronting on Market
and Second streets, containing one fourth of an arre
more or leas, whereon are erected two story frame
dwelling house, plastered, a frame etaUe, and
well of water.
Sailed, t iken in execution, and to be sold as Ihe
property nf Robert M.Sjd'e.
Atiio: A certain tract nf land situate In Augusta
township, Northumberland e ttnty, adjoining land
of Adam Sh'saler. Jacob Rnyder, Jacn'.i Barlsher
and others, land of Henry Yoxihcimer, containing
124 arrea. more or less. About 60 acres of said
land are ch ared.
Also 1 A certain pirlof Lot. No. 136. situate in
the hormich of Snnbury, in the county of Northum
berland, bounded tiorth by Dewberry street, south
by an alley, ea.t by lot of Le wis D wart, E-q , and
west by lot of F. limer-,
Alan: A ccrtnin Lot nf ground aitua'e in Coil
townfhip, IMorthnmberbinil county, in the town of
Shamokin, in that part laid out by A.Jordan, Esq.
and other-, to wit: No. 402, bounded anuih by the
Rail Road, noilh by atreet, wist by lot of
, and east by lot of.
Alan ; Part of a certain Lot, No. 440, situate in
Coal lownah p, Norihumlieiland county, in the
town of Shamokin, bounded on the west hy the
Branch R.iil Road, nonh hy the Danville and Polls,
ville Rail Road, and on the eaat by a lot of James
Si ited, taken in exeruti n, and to be sold as the
property of Henrv Yoxthi-imer.
8heriiTs Office.
Sunbury, Msy 20, 1843. $
To the Voters of yorthumhcrland County
FELLOW CITIZENS : Through the soli
cit itinns nf many friends in vsrious parts of
the county, I have been induced to oiler myself as
a candidate for I' e office of
Should I be so f.Ttunste a to receive a majority
f vour sofTrsgfs, I pledge invself to discharge the
duties of said office with fidelity.
Runbury Mav 20th, 1843.
CJrrnt Vt rntvrn Indian Panacea,
Compounded entirely of Vegetable
Substances ;
Free from Calomel and ull other Minerals.
For the history of this medicine, and its unrivalled
and truly aurprising suc-ea and popular
ity, see large billa
fT ia recommended as a general cathartic for
fami'y use in dyspepsia and all bilious ili-es-ses,
it is inv.dusble for Asthma it is considered a
secific, no case having yet occurred which it has
failed to cure for common ddils. imflammatory
diseases, rheumatism, affections of the liver, fee.,
and for females, it ia a aare and excellent remedy.
From Dr. Silas West, of Bmghampton, JS Y.
Mr. Loncley -Dear8ir; I have nd your Gretit
Weti rr. Indian Panacea in my family, and have
repeatedly preritieil it for patients under my care,
and am eatiafied that it ia alwavs a tafe, and in very
many cases an invaluable medicine, It oeratea aa
a laxative without nanaea, or pain ; and while it ef
fettually obviates rostivenesa acts upon the stomach
and liver aa an alterative, correcting acidity, and re
storing the hralthy condition of those orpins.
Very respectfully voura. 8. WEST.
For sale by JOHN W. FRIL1NO. S.tnburv,
JACOB BRIGHT, Northumberland.
M.iy 20ih. 1843tv
J. D. Waters,
JTg ESPECTFUI.LY informs ihe cilixen oflhe
tl, borough of Northuiiibrrland, and its vicinity,
that he has commenced tbe
Tailoring Riiniiicss,
in a'l ita various branches, in the shop formerly
neeupied by Henry H. Thoma, dirertlv opo-ite
Forsvth's stoie. As he reci Ives the New Yoik
and Philailrlphia Faaliions qu irter'y, be is enabled
to do all jobs en'ius cj to him, alter the neatest arid
latest ale, and upon thesboitesl in.tsce.
Nnrthuml'ert.iiid. A il 22l. 1813. Iy
11 USI'LC rt'l'l.!. Y infiirma the citizens of Mini-
bury and its i inity, thnt he haa lukeu ihe
office formerly rccu ied by Dr. John, where
he will be loppy to receive culls in the line of bis
pr fission. Ap'il 22.1. 1843.
Daniel Yarick,
BECiiS have to inform ihe cniams nf Sunbuiy
and ita vicinity, that he haa commenced the
iiIjAcksmitiiikg nusixcss,
in Msiket tre I, Sunbury, east of J hn B- gar",
store, and directly cppnsiie the (Hist office, where he
intends to carry on Ihe business in all Ms various
branches, including. Turning, Making M-It Irons
and EUptie Springs, Ironing Carriages, with Ex
tension or Standing tops, Shneitig lluries, 4 c.
Orders will he promptly and punctually attended
to, and woik done cheap, for cash or country pro
fXj" Hoiae Shoeing done at (I per aett.
Hunhury. April I5lh, 1813. fun
PUBLIC NOTICE U heteby given, that on
Monday the tivelfh rf June next, in porsu
anre if the di reel ion nf the HovoaaaLa Tromss
Bi-avsior, Ptedeiii Judee, &c A Special Court
of Common Pleas, for the cnuntv of Not tliiiiiiln r
UnJ, will beheld st the CoU't Hoita-, in ihe bo
rough of Sunbuiy. for ihe trial of enuses by jure,
before the siid Pies dent Juile and IbeA.aocate
Jndaes of sa'd county, to continue, if necetsiiy,
ONK WEEK, of which Cou t. all partiea, uffi
res snd other persons ate notified, an J letpueited
to govern themselves arcordirgly,
Ood save the Commonweahh !
Sunbu'y, April 8. 1843. lOt
Dr. X. I-. Irlc, Thankful for past fa.
tors, rcpectlully in forma the inhabilanla nf
Sunbury and country around, thai he haa, lakrn
hia residence and offioe in maiki t atreet, in the east
end uf lb building oocupieJ by John Bogar'a store,
where he will be happy to wail upon all wbo
vor him with their ells.
Sunbury, April 1st, 143. fiu
Boot & S h o e
ITI a r t i n Irwin,
RESPECTFULLY informs his frimda and
old customer, that he has removed hia
to the frame hnitding adjoining hia dwelling house,
between that and Dr. D. T. Tiilea nfTn e. a few doors
west of his old estallishment, In Matket street,
where he intends to earrv on the above business
extensively, in all its tariovs branrhcS.
Being thankful for past fivo-s, he hope', by strict
attention In business snd liberal charges, to give
general satisfaction and that he will continue to re
ceive a fhere of public patronage.
Aprd 8th. 1843.
fS c o r r c X 1 111 m c r 111 n n & Hn 11,
riHK sit'scii'ers betebv it f rm the public, that
JL they have entered int.i partnera'dp, in the
cisAccsiriiTHiNa ETjsmrss,
wlreh wi I here, f'er he rarred on at the ni l
stand in Sunbury, under the frm nf O-orje
Zimmerman A. Sun," where bev will conduct the
hu-inota in all its va inus l rin he, including Turn
intr. Making M 11 Irons, lmnng Carr'Oes. Shoe
ing Horses, fa. Orders wjrl be itomptly and (rune
luallv attembd to, and work done cheap, for cash
or eounirv produce.
(rt Shoeing done at one dollar per att.
Hunhury, March 1 1th. 1S43.
'tHE aubariiheia. having entered into a pinner--
ahip in the practice of the law, will be happy
to attend to all luis'ness entrusted to their care.
ColleMinns will he promptly al tended In.
They may always be found at their office, in
Market street, Pnnbiiry, formerly occupied by
Win. Dewart, dee'd.. aa a store-room.
Sunbury, Feb. 4 ih. I 13. On.
HXW Is I) IK I Clt I L LUIt,
T7ERY RESPECTFULLY begs leave to in.
Y form hia customers, anj the public generally,
that he still con'iuues tha
in all ita various branches, in ihe shop nearly oppo
site the Buck Tavern, formerly occupied bv Hen
ry llais and himself, under the finn nf H.tna cV
Diurkenuller, which firm h ia been muluallv
ved. He hoe. by hi long evperienco in the above
business, and strict attention therein, to render gen
eral a itii-faciiou, and receive a libeial share of pub
lic patronnge.
Sunbury, Oct. 15th, 1842. Iy.
A'o. 237, Xorth Third, above Ci.tlowkitt St.,
OHN DUNCAN, late from the Pennsylva
nia Farmer, and Samuel Tike, jr., Ive of A-
rm rican Hotel, Columbus, Ohio, take pleasure in ac
quainting their fiends and the public generally that
Ihey have taken Ihe lirgn and coinmodioua Hottl,
recently built hy tbe Mesata. H nt, on the saue site
once occupied by the old established Hotel known
as tbe Bull's Head, in Thild atieet above Citlluw
bill at.
This Hotel ia tinishej in the very liCst possible
manner, and of the bei-t materia'a. Its livntion is
very desirable, particularly for country merchants;
the arrangements for heatir.g and ventilating each
room is ruch as to secure any temperature. The
Udroomaaie all light and airy, all furnished ina
neat sty'e, so aa to in-ine Lomfoit.
The receiving p irlors are ol-o fuminhed in a su
perb style, Ihe wiudowa ate on the French s'yle,
formii g an enttaiire to'a Imleony in front, nhi.b
miikea a pleat-ant rices. Purlieular attention has
been given to the beds and brddii g, which, with
ihe furniture, are en:in Iy new.
From yea's' experience in h.ilcl business, we
l-ust, by strict as dutty tc. bualoesa, to make thi-.
house a ilcirnli'e sli pputit pi ice. Our table w ill
alwaya lesupnlied wi'h ihe very hist our uiatket
ran affurd, and cur Imr wih the best liquors and
wines of the nmai npi'ioved bian.U,
P. 8. There are firt rate stabling i.r.d Carti9ne
houses attat hed In the hotel, i.ltrnded by ra ef il
ami solsfr ho-ilera. and 0111 chart: ea will be Ij, in
accordance with the present haul
Philadelphia. Oct 7ih, 1-42.
Dr. J. YF. l'OUl begs leave to tender bis grate
ful ai kii. w edgnit nta to ihe pe le of 8unlury
and aiiiroiiinling country, f,u their pot encourage
ment in ihe line ol bis profession ; and wou'd at
the same time announce to them, th it he tlill in.
lends to continue the practice of medicine in sll its
various d putm.iits. He would, therefore, solicit
a coiiiiuii ince ofiheir confidence and ntronace.
He may be lound al all tunes at h e office, at Ihe
north eaat comer nf Ilia klierry and D. er streets,
unlesa professions lv eneojed.
8unbury. Oct. lat. 1842. if.
Dr. I. T. Tl ltC), Respectfully informs Ihe
omens nf Sunbuiy and viridiy, thai he baa ie
moved hia office lo be buil-ini; boelv m cUb'd by
(ifore Briithl, in nurkel slieil, 8u bury, where
he may be f.iui.d al all buura, unless professionally
DR. TlilTr.S returns h's sincere thanks for the
encoiiiageineut he iec ied, in the line nf h a
profcsaioii, in tliis place, and lul-t-, by pmmpt a',
lent 011 lo the duties of bis profession, and re a -on.
abln char pes, that he will continue to receive a
liberal share nf the public patronage.
8unbury,Oit. l.i, lH4'i. tf.
r I SI'UC I Fl I I.Y infoims the public that be
k- bus made Norlhoinberland bis permaneiil
pla-e of it-si li nee. and hi to alieinl lo any
C ill. in tbe due of Lis rufeation.
Ju'y 2, 184 J. Iy.
l.l. petsons indibteil In the linn nf I. von tV
Hairs, urider lie agency of O.N. Thachrr,
Jilt and Cop Manufacturers, No. 40 North Third,
street, Philadelphia, are requested to make im merit,
ate settlement of ih ir aiCOLtils with the suliscriler,
their legally au'bniiied agenl, who ia fully empnw
eted to aetlle and collect li e accounts nf said firm.
June 4th, 1842. If .ieul.
(General Stage Office,)
IOJX "ttJ TkT T2 T5T 4
rcnne.ylt nnla.
THE Hnb-rriber respectfully informs his ftier.ds
and the public in goneral, (hat he haa taken
the above
and that he is nnw well prepared to accommodate
ol ' w ho may favor h'li) with their ritatom.
Hia Si.rrriKo AranTUKSTi ore well aired, and
lli Tsbik aid Ban will a'waya be supplied
wilb the best the market can afford.
H's Srai.iao, which is good, will be under
ti e charge of food and careful hoatlers.
He f, els confirlent, bv strict attention to l u-iness.
and an earnest deairo to render c mforlahle those
who may pjtronizn him, that he will not to give
general a.nlsfaclii.n, H. B. WEAVER.
Money, Oct. lat, 1812. tf.
on xus own noon.
V F.SPECTFL LLY informs bis frienda and the
Ik public generally, that he haa commenced the
Tailoring II u silicas,
in all ita branches, in the house formerly occupied
by Wm. Durst aa a Tailor Shop, in Blacklierry
atreet, nearly opposite the Presbyterian Church.
He respectfully solicits a share of the public patron,
age, and trusts by strict attention to business and
reasonable cbaigea, he will be enabled to give gen
eral satislatdon,
Sunbuiy, June 18th, 1842 ly
niiLADEirnn, reading and pottstille
I Vitt commence running between Philadelphia
and Poltsville on the following days
and hnitt :
Pis awn arrr.a Mont, Mar 9, 1842.
Leaving IVttsVille, on Mondnys, Wednesdays
nml Fridays, at S) A. M.
Leaving: Philadelphia, on Tuesdays. Thursdays
and Salurdavs, at 1J P. M.
Honrs nf passing Rending.
For Philadelphia, at 10 A.M. ? ... . ...
For Pottsvillo, at 6 J P. M. 5 "-t'1".
F.I It E S.
Between Poltsville ft Phihida. f 3,50 A; f 2,50
Helween Reading ft do. 2,25 fc 1,75
Between do fc Potlavillc, 1,40 & 1,00
Exccasio.v Tick its noon ron iibtcrk i mo
wr.TT nr.
Between Poltsville fc Philadelphia, fi 00
Between Reading Si do. 3 00
Ret ween do. & Poltsville, 2 00
The other pasaenger trains will at before, at
the following hura :
Philadelphia and Pntftrille.
From, at 5 J A.M. 3 n .
Fr.m Pottaville. at 2 P. M. 5 y
Hours of patting Reading.
For Pottsviiie, at 9 A. M. 5 n .
For Phila.lclnhia, at 3J P.M. S y'
All the trains will stop for way passengers at
the usual points.
(Tj All p:ipngers ire requested, to procure
their tickets before the trains sta't.
May 21. 1842. t
OHN HENRY LAND AT. hiving rented
the Lime Kilns of Henry Masw-r, in tSunbuty,
have now for sale the l-est Lime in this part nf the
eountty, and will continue to keep constantly en
hand fresh I, ime for Plastering, Building and for
Liming land, on as reasonable terms aa can be had
anywhere in the neighborhood.
May 21, 1812. J. H. LANDAU.
4 Xcw nisrovcry In (lie
MDST impoitintund invaluable d seovery has
been made by a gentleman nf thia city, by
which newanaiiere may be printed in Ibeir present
form, and, at the a ime lime, capable of being con.
verted at pleasure into a Magazine form, for preser
vation This grand improvement, which is destined lo
form a new era in the bu-in-ss, effecting an entire
revolution in the art of printing mammoth news
p ipers, will be introduced, by permission nf ihe pa
tentee, ji to the Philadelphia Saturday Museum,
commencing in May neit,
" The Museum" ia now so fairly and firmly ea
labbshed, that we feel warranted in making some
very extensive and important improvements. By
tbe first of May, we shall bave completed all our
arrangements. We shall have, in the first place, a
beautiful, clear and bold lype in the second, a
soih rli siiioo h and while paper in Ihe third place,
we ahall make an ingenious andnovil change in
the arrangement nftbe matter in the fnu'th place,
we slivl mere se our corps of com i'mlors in all the
variooa departments of a Family clt'i(icr in
the filth lace, we have aeenied, at a high sa'ary,
the services of Una a A. I'or hsq , a gin'lemau
whn-e bitfll and vers. tile abillliea bave always
ap. ken rromptlv for ihrma- les ai d w ho, e'li r the
fir-t nf May, will aid us in ihe conducts of
the journ il.
Tbe iVarroi'iH? nf Totrnnend' s Jwnry aver tut
flacky Mountain." nn of the mos" interesting and
valuoUt eer published, is sent l all new siitxcri
lar. At its conclusion, our icsde's will find them
a. Iea in posse'sio:i of a work which i(if will he
worth doiiMe the sul rrripti in to the ps(r. We
shall continue, also, nf course, the "Bi-
ek'tehea and Poririil," which ate now eiciliiia s,i
unetampbd an i' terest. W.lli the-e and other fea
lurea continued, and widi Ibe imprnvemt nts in con.
tempi iiion, It rem diia lo be seen he her we do
not amply fullll cur determination of making the
very hot ncwpnper in Amer'ciu
i'crsons wishing to secure si I thouamd large oc.
tao pases of uasful. interesting, and uneacep'ione.
blc leading for the s. lect family circle, for the small
sum uf Two 1). II us -r year being at ihe aalon
ial.ingly low rate i f ib'ntv p'Res for one cent, or
equivalent lo one hundred and twenty pagea fur
f .ui een'a should hand their names in I nw.
TERMS Two Dollars i er annum. Three ro
pica fn F'e Dollar, or Suteen copies fir Twenty
Dubai', is Ibe extra inducement ntTerid at piesent
for flu' bint- TIloM H C. CL RK Co.,
Office of ibe Saturday Mueeuaa, Publishers' Hall,
No. 101 I'basifiut Blreei, rbiUilalpbra.
IT. S. Mail Coach
ron ro i ts viia m:.
THE Mail Coach fur Pottaville leaves Northum
bertand every morning at 9 oYbxk, and ariiwa
in Pottaville in the evening.
Fa at as low a any other line.
For easts, apply at Mrs. Wellington's Hutot,
Njrthumbcrland, or al Oeorge Weitjel's, Sunt urv,
Nortb'd.,Msy 81, IR42. Proprietors,
CT)' Paaseocers coming from Philadelphia will
plea-e secure their seats at the White Swan Hotel,
Race St., before they leave the city. Psssergors
coming in thia line, have their seats secured in any
Ktigeor Packet boat from Ihia place. Thoee coming
in the other line may l left behind.
jo tet cm m? a xs 9
Corner nf Thrd and Vine Streets,
Fllf E anbscrilier reppectfully announces to thej
J., public, that he haa opened a Hotel in the com
modious brick building aituate on the comer of
Third and Pine atreets, where he will be happy In
wall npon those who may favor him with their
company. The Eagle Hotel ia large and conveni
ent, and furnished in the liest modem etjle. It ia
provided with a large number of well aired and
Comfortable sleeping apartments, rooms, privato
parlors, c Persona visiting Williamsport on bu
siness or pleasure, may ret aasiind that every ex
ertion will be used to render their sojourn at tho
"Eagle Hob I" pleasant and agreeable. His Table)
will be supplied with the very beat the matket af
forda, and his bar with the choicest w ines and olhrr
liquors chargea roiaonable. The Eagle Hold
possesses: greater advanlngesj in point of location
than any other similar establishment in the borough,
being situate in the business pari of the town, and
within a convenient distance of the Court House
and Williamsport and Elmira Rail Road Depot.
Sufficient Stabling provided, and good and trusty
ostlera alwaya in attendance.
Attentive, accommodating and honest Servant
have been employed, and nothing left undone that
will add to the comfort and accommodation of hie
There will be a carriage always in attendance at
the Boat Landing to convey passengers to and from
the House, free of charge.
May 14th, 1842.
VlfT. HEXL1A1T & CO.,
Bl s aa SkBfeasaa. M
t'oinmisaion Az. Forwarding Merchants,
Foot of Willow Street Rail Road,
OX TH R IrrtlWABt,
HAVINO associated wi:h them Joseph Bnrnef,
late of Enston. Pa., restcctfully inform their
friends and the public generally, thai Ihey have la.
ken th t Urge and we'l known store and wharf nt
foot of Willow Street Railroad, lately occupied by
Jacob Marlin, where they purpose doing a General
Commission and Forwarding Business, and from
the local advantage nf ihe place being connected
with nil the public improvements that havo their
outlet in the citv, they flatter themselves they will
be able lo do business to aa great, if not greater ad
vantage, and upon as reasonable terms aa any other
house, and they assure their frienda that any con
aiijnmerils made to them shall have their atrict at
tention, and no exertions spared to give entire satis
faction. They are alao prepared lo receive and forward
good lo any point on the Delaware and Lehich
livers, between Mauch Chunk, Eastnn and Phila
del hia, via Delaware Division and Lehigh Canals;
also, to any point on the Juniata river, or North
and West B-ancheaof the Susquehanna via Schuyl
kill and Union, or tho Chesapenke and Tide Water
For the accommodation of Boats coming or go
ing via Schuylkill and Union Canals, a Steamboat
will b kepi expressly for towing boala from ihe
Schuv kl'o uroar d In the Delaware and back, which
will en 'lite merchants to have their produce deli
vered on the Delaware, and their goods shipped st
a aav'uiR of 50 to 75 per cent, o1! the piicea fir
h.nilii t; across, with these advantages they re
spectfully eolicit a share of patrnace.
Y. 1I.IL..MAI lU.
William Heilman,
:lbam W . Keyser,
Jowph Unmet. Philad .May 14. 1842. ly
a hi w voirM or
Edited by S. G. (ioonaini, author of Peter Par.
ley's Tula. Commencing January, 1843.
OINCE the commencement of this woik now
the moat popular juvenile periodical extant it
has ever been the aim nf ibe publishers to make it
deserving nf the liberal encouragement which haa
been extended towards il ; and ita subscription list
evinces ihal their efforts have been appreciated by
the public.
On ihe first day of January a new volume will
commence. The character of the woik will not ba
chunked. Ita deaign w ill remain the same, and tha
publishers would assure their patrons and tho pub
lic that their efforts will he unceasing to render it
worthy of being companion for Ihe young. T
plant the area's of molality and truth in the youth
ful heart, to instil virtuous principles and motives
into ihe mind, to eid in the formation of character,
to cultivate a taste for knowledge and improvement,
and with instruction to blend pleasure and amuse
ment, these have been, and will continue to be,
tbe end and aim of ihe woik. Eveiy article w ill bet
thoroughly d gested before it is admitted into Ihia
woik. and great care will ! taken that it ahall not
contain anything inconsistent with the object in
view. It ia designed to be, not interesting for the
mom nt only, but of permanent value, and fit to
fotm part of eveiy FAMILY LIB A UY.
Some of the leading features of Ihe Museum are
ll itory. Biaariiphy, Geology, Kulural Ilittury,
Geigiaphy, ic. Tlnae will lie accompanied wiili
lighter matter in tbe f m of Ta'e, Ske'chos, AJ
Vi ntun a by Sea and Land, Narratives of Remarks
hie Occurrences, Anecdotes, Fablca, Allegories, c.
Poitrv slid Music will l Called ia to assist. Eve.
ry available meana of rndfing the work sprightly,
ins ruc ing and enti r aining, will be put in lequiei
li. n. Numerous and splendid embellishments and
illustrations, sui passing what may be found in any
niber wink uf tbe kind, in ihia resject, will be in
serted; and the typographical apifara!ice nf tbe
Museum will lie such a, it ia believed, wil meet'
the ap robatii n nf i'a patrona. The publishers
would ml. 1. that Meny's Museum is the cheapest
periodical of the kind ( ubl shed in sny part nf the
woild: ihe annual volume containing nearly aa
much matter aa Iwo volumes of lUncruft'a History,
which sill fn f ur dollars and fifty rents.
Tua Vast Li wxst TttiMs. One copy, fl ;
8ix copies, f5 ; Thirteen copies, $10.
The great eijeiiae incurred in getting nut a work ihe Museum, rendirs it necessary that the pub
lishers should strictly adhere lo Ihe cash system.
All letters must be Hai-paid, and addieasej to
the Publishers and Proprietors.
10 Schml , Boston, and 127 Nassau st., S Y.
Fr7sirsiJpr,niTi6E" UlN lv M E"N"r, ieeiv4
and fr aale by U. I). MAS SCR,
Ncv. 19th, 1842.