Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, May 20, 1843, Image 2

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    Mnrdr eft tie tit f Traders.
The St. Louis New Era of Saturday week,
fives the particular of thn trrestat Indepen
dence of t man named William Mason, who
confessed himself to be one of the onndits who
recently rnurJereil Charvis, a Mexican trapper,
and other Santa Fe traders. -
"Antonio Jose Davi Charvis, a citiaon of New
Mexico, started about four week ago, from
Santa Fe for this 9tate, accompHiiiptl by twenty
men.-He had with him a large sum of money,
on.l took two wagons with a number of rmi!es.
During his journey fifteen of his men deserted
bim, rind returned to Santa Fe, owing to the so
terity of the weather. According to the con
fession of Mason, Charvis reached the Little
Arkansas, about 240 miles from Independence,
having with him five servants. His party whs
then assailed and plundered, Charvis being shot
b) McDanicl and Mason, to whom that task was
assigned by lot. Mason says the servants were
driven back, to Mexico, and that $32,0110 were
obtained in gold and silver. The accomplices
whose names he gave up were, McDanicl, of
Clay county, two men named Searcy, and one
called Harris, and Dr. Trefuntaine, of West
port, Ma These men were part of a compa
ny of 15 or 20 which left Independence under
the command ot McDanicl on the 1st ult., fur
the Arkansas, to join Col. Warfield. Col. W.
was, when Mason left, at the Little Arkansas
with forty-five men, waiting to intercept a com
pany of traders who were expected to leave
Santa Fe about the 1st inst."
The New Era adds :
"It cannolongor be a matter of doubt that
Warfield hasorganized a corps of banditti for
the purpose of plunder. His commission by the
Texan government cannot save him, if he ond
fiis accomplices are taken, from the punishment
due his crimes. He was in this city several
months ago, and prevailed on a few persons
to accompany him on what he termed an expe
dition for the capture of New Mexico. Hi
plans, however, seem to have extended no far
ther than rsbbery and murder, or to have failed
for the want of means to accomplish the object
entrusted to him by the Texan government.
At any rate, it is important that he should be
arrested, and that President Houston should dis
avow having commissioned him Tor the business
in which he has been engaged,"
The St. Louis Reporter announces the arrest
of Brown, one of the murderers of Charvis, the
Santa Fe trader. He had just sold his hort-e,
and hnd with him $500 in silver. The two
McDanicls have also been arrested at Liber
ty, Missouri. They had with them about So,
000. Moat Troidie. We learn that a gentle
man from Washington county, in this State,
over the Lake arrived in this city last night,
with a demand upon Governor Mouton, for a de
tachment of troops to aid in quelling a most a
larming insurrection, attended with serious loss
of life. The facts, as we understand them, are
as follows :
Several hundred men from Hancock Coun
ty, Mississippi, joined by many of Washington
County, in this State, find formed themselves
intoa band of freebooters, for the pillage of pro
perty and the destruction of life. It is stated
that they are well organized and armed, and
are regularly encamped. Many lives have al
ready been taken, and extensive robberies have
been committed.
We tike it for granted that a detachment ot
troops will be ordered to the scene of difficul
ties, in accordance with the demand made up
on the Governor. V. O. Tropic of the 3d.
Tragedy in Missiksipm. We copy the fol
lowing from the Jackson (Miss.) Southron, of
the 2Gth ult.:
'We learn from a gentleman direct from Ben
ton, Yazoo county, some of the particulars, of a
most melancholy occurrence. It seems a Mr.
Trice had been hunting, and on his return he
heard a noise in his gin-house. lie called out
and asked the cause no answer was returned
He got oft his horse and opened the door a
runaway negro and bis wife, the property of
a Mr. Vauzhn, were inside of the door. The
negro mat) raised a rifle loaded with slugs and
fired st M r. Trice, and the slugs entered his
body and head. Ha atked the negro why he
had shot hi in no answer was returned, where
upon he raised his gun and shot the man down,
at the same time severely wounding the wo
man. Mr. T. walked a tew steps and tat down
and in a few momciits died."
Ls-nah I.MTf ninntly Oittl-ngn
We heard yesterday, some of the particulars
of an outrage, resulting in the death of two
persons, perpetrated by & party of some twen
ty or more individuals, upon a plonter by the
name of Ailams, nnd his brother, residing about
eight miles from Covington, which we fain
Would hopp, for the sake of humani'.y may prove
The circumstances of the tragedy, as detail
ed to us, oru briefly these. Adams was engag
ed in a law suit with some of his neighbors,
which terminated in his favor. Shortly after
wards about twenty men rode up to Adams'
place at noon day, and found him quietly seat
ed upon one of the fences of his premises
The ringleader of the party asked him if he
knew what they hnd come for ! To which he
replied that he did not unless thoy meant to kill
him. He was told that such was their object,
nnd they then commenced firing upon and kill
ed him immediately. They likewise killed a
brother of his. Adams' wife escaped with her
son, a lad of twelve or fifteen years ofagp, and
reached Covington in safety, after having been
H red at by several of the party.
We learn that another brother of Adams a r-1 Bickncll's floppier of (he. 16ih int. says,
rived in the city yesterduy, with a letter to the j thai the Money Mnrkct nf Philadelphia was, pcr-
District Attorney, requesting the Governor to I haps never, easier than during the week which has
Saturday, .Way SO, '.843,
(jj We have on hand sixty reams of print
ing paper, similar In size and quality to the sheet
upon which this is printsJ. Also 36 reams of su
per Roys! 21 liy 28 inches, which will be sol J st
cost l.nJ carriage, for cah.
(Jj Mr. Wih-ter hut st Inst resigned the office
orsveretcry of Stite. Mr. L'g ire. the Altorniy
General, wi I lake ch Tjc of 'he ilcpailm tit, until
Mr. Wibstcr'a successor is appointed.
(JjT" Mr. Curbing has Wen appointed MinUter In
Chins, in the mom of Mr. Evuctt, who declined
the appointment.
furnish the necessary force to'capture the as
sailant!", as they were all armed and too pow
erful for the civil authorities of the parish.
Adams' wife and son were yet in Covington,
and were afraid to return home. Great ex
citement was produced by tho outrage, which
we yet hope may not be as bad as represented.
.Veto Orleans Dee.
jut gone by. The aupershund nice of idle capi
tal is indeed surprising. We braid ofatrapsac
tion a few days since, in which some firil rate
paper win m gotiated s low a 1 p r ccn'. per an.
num. The revolution in rates is indeed wonderful.
magistracy of the state testifying iheir confidence
in the man, and ihsir approval of his administra
tion by a thousand majority at each election. Their
confidence in his capacity and faithfulness has re
mained unshaken amidst the bitter pcrsccuiion and
Blunders of out whig opponents, snd they eannol
Dow tie ssJuerd from his sjpporl by the selfish snd
ungrateful conduct of former pretended friend, or
the silly vagiries of designing political truckstcr.
"To the Friknos or'Oi.n TrrtMHKH.' The
undersigned having received letters from seve
ral gentlemen, members ol the Democratic State
Central Committee, on the subject of a Commu
nication signed 'Smi Salisbury, Chairman,
S-rruMiR N. Palmer, John C. M vers, nnd J.
W. Griffiths, &ererori,' which appeared
in the 'Keystone' of the 22d tilt., feels it his du
ty thus publicly to state that the language used
in said communication is highly acceptable, and
was published without his knowledge or sanc
tion. The plan nnd obvious duty ot the State Con-
tril Committee is to advsnrn the claims of
idency, and, in the language of the Resolution
conferring the appointment, 'to tide all honora
ble moans to promote the interests of the Dem
ocratic party of the state, to correspond with
our Demoeratic fellow citizens in other states,
to call public meetings, &c, vtc.' Is it not
then the height of injustice to the illustrious
man whoso cano we have espoused, to mingle
with the Presidential question, matters entire
ly local and distinct in their nature calcula
ted only to distrnet the parly, and defeat the
object we have so much nt heart 1
Pottsvile. May, 13, 1843."
(jT The Pi nrsylv mis Reporter notices the cir
culation nf the following r iinlerfits?
SlOtf Printer. j rtclicfissucs oflha-Harrsburg Bank" altered
Ovid F. Johnson, Esq , Attorney General, his from one's anJ two's to five's. They may be easily
Rdltorlal, Contledsed ant Selected.
. Washington Irving is aliout to writs a life of
Flour at Cincinnati on the Gth $ 3 00 a $3 10, st
canal. Wheal 50 cts.
The remains of Commodore Porter are to lie
conveyrd home in a national vessel they are now
in a leaden colli n.
The system of solitary Confinement bat been
abolished in Rhode Inland, it having been found In
operate in sn unfavorable manner upon the health
of the prisoners.
A bed of snthrieits coal, said to be equal to the
Lehigh, has been found in the Parish of Clai
borne, La.
The President of the United Stales has recog
nized (lEosos M. Thjtchis as Consul of Den
mark for the port of BoB'on,
The .frmy. Gen. Gaines his Wen assigned to
the command of the third mili'ary department.
His head-quarters will be st St. Louis Missouri.
Tn Hidden New Yolk city is taxed to the
amount of about one million per annum.
Not so bad ttff. Mxtan Siieglitz, w ho lately died
at St Petersburg. Russia, left property to the a
mount of thirty mi lions of dollar !
Tht Boundary. -The llibernia brought ou'
commissioners appointed by i he Brilbh Goern
mi nt to act with tho American Engine, rf in
running the North Eastern Boundary line.
An Accomplice tf Edwards. The N. O. Bee
says that a man named Willi, who was recently
from the Mercer (Penn) It'cstrrn Vrttt.
Tli Slut Printers
Tha llarriiburg Argus alleges that the Keystone
is not only connected with the Reporter and Ga-
tie, but also with the Aulimasonie Telegraph
snd the Whig Intelligencer, in its ariangement to
perform the public printing. Wa have this fict
also from snother source on which we esn rsly,
snd which In our mind pl.ices its truih beyond
How beautifully this stats of affairs tallies with
the declaration of the Keystone, a few days previous
to the election of State Printer. 8o decided wss
it then in its declarations of attachment to pure de
mocracy, ihal it would not accept the post of Slate
Printer, if it could not be elected without the aid
of Whig voles! The result was a pretty corn
mentaiy on this declaration. The Keystone could
not get Democratic voles enough to elect it and
in order to secure the e'ection, it agreed to divide
the spoil with the federal psiers si llarriaburg.
The addition of ihirty federal volea to the Keystone,
and its election to the office of State Printer, wss
the result of this bargaining with the enemies of
How all these papers are to be consolidated into
one grent state paper, which is to rule and dbect
ihe Demo.-rscy of Pennsylvania, has not yet trans.
piled. But only think of TheopSilua Fenn snd
M'CurJy being of the co-publishers nf the Denvv
cratic o'g;in nf tbe Kevtine Stite ! What an
smn'prm .tinn w ill I e there, of the Mai k, 'lis blue,
ami green, without as'reuk of white to recomrn-nd
it. And the e ate the men, loo, who charge D i
vid R. Porter with beinj tre icherous to the Demo-
Horribi.e Muhder. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
residing at Versailles, Illinois, about twenty
miles from Peoria, were murdered on the night
of the 17th nit., by their own son. The son
wss a maniac, and had been confined in small
house near the main dwelling. During the
night, he broke loose, and the father whilst
endeavoring to secure him, was beaten to
death. Afterwards he seized an axe and chop
ped his mother to pieces. A younger son es
caped. The manic was captured next morning
and put in close confinement. Louisville Jvur.
Remarkarle Bankritt Estate. In the
case of Messrs. James Read dt Co. of Massa
chusetts, who applied for the benefit of the Bank
rupt Act, George Morey, Kwj. was appointed
assignee. The Boston Daily A Jvertiserstates
that at that time the nominal amount of the
debts was about $800,000. Of this amount a
bout the sum of $150,000 consisted of Ciietom
House Bonds, debts subject to offset accounts,
ond notes fur the payment of which, bank, in
euronce and manufacturing stocks, &c, were
held in pledge. The last named sum has been
liquidated and paid in full, and in addition there
to, there hss been paid in Court for distribution
amongst the general creditors, more than
$200,000, a sum nearly equal to what has been
paid by Assignees of all the other bonkrupt es
tates in the District of Massachusetts, 'making
the whole amount more than fi."iO,00O which
has been liquidated ond paid out of assets of
this estate, (Jits. Read A; Co.,) within the short
period of one year.
given an opinion against the validity of the election
of leanc G. M'Kinhy lo Ihe nthce of Slate Printer.
The Attorney General lakes strong ground, and
his opinion is ably written. We will Ity it before
our readers next week.
The Governor will of course be guided by the
opinion of his constitutional adviser, and refuse to
approvs tho bond of Mr. MiKinley. The Prinlen
si llarriaburg, who expecteJ t diviile ihe spoils,
and who a few months since were loud in praise
of Governor Poller, are now denouncing bim for
the fearless erformttnce of hia duty, with a teal
eUl to their former sycophancy. The Democra
cy nf the interior are aware of tbe tnotie, anil
know bow lo appreciate such dinintercit'd and
con. intent condui t.
delected by ho'ding them to the light.
Tk mmm m.. I. .;.l nf lVA l,rl.," f !
. p-m,liv ,11 tj .rilU Ul VIIV UHV VIIU Ol III,
' York" Banks.
Two'i counterfeit of the "Berks County Banks"
are very plenty.
Iwu'i counterfeit of the "Eiebange Bank" of
Pittsburg, are atso very plenty, anJ are difficult of
sent to the Louisiana penitentiary for forgery, lurns rlarv uf Pennsylvania ! At the vp.y tims they
out lu be one of the accomplices of the grejt finan- worp jn), t,eir false charges of corruption a
cier, Monroe Edwaids. j gl)j,,, ,1P (;l)Vernor, they were actually in treaty
The Millcriles have applied to havs their Tern ' with the enemy, and opening the way for bim into
pie, in B.iiiton, injured for seven years. bo the ! the very heart of the Democraticcamp, Was ever
end of the woi Id is posponed. ' j greater treachery perpi Irated towards a confiding
A serious accident, resulting in the death of one ' Democracy ! The r.ekl ss and unblushing pe-fidy
and the gieat injury of mmy. passenger, h ,ppen-i "f ,he "ansaetion-the b.e charge against
A Good Lxkxrix. The following resolu
tion was adopted by the Board of Tropes of
the village of Jamestown, N. V at a meeting
held oq the 10th of May, 1642:
Resolvod, That every person who shall with
in one year from the firat day of June next, set
out or cause to bo set out and protected, one or
mora good and thrifty trees, shade or ornamen
tal, upon the outer edge or verge of the side
walka opposite their village lots in this village,
aid tree to be locust, sugar maple, horse che.
nu', mulbery, elm, sycamore, w iltnw, barswood,
butternut, hickory orchesnut, which shall be in
a good healthy condition on the 1st day of June,
1S1L shall be entitled to a rebate of one half
day upon his, or her highway lax for the year
1944 for eaeh tree so set out and protected, pro.
vided that in no instance shall any person be
allowed for any number of trees a sum greater
thai) hia or her U for tha year 1641.
Bitmsii ArrnorRiATioxs for
Service. AWit 12,000 dollars have
voted by the Hi use of Commons to defray the
expenses incurred by the British Government
in defending M'Lcod on his celebrated trial in
the United States. Upwards of 2000 dollars
have been appropriated for the conveyance ot
l.ord Asliburton to aud from New ork on the
lute special mission. The same estimates
shew an item of 5000 dollars for the passage
of Sir Charles Cagot to Canada, on his assuming
the office of Governor General, and a further
sum 0l pounds for the conveyance of his Ex
cellency's luggage from New York to Canada.
German Reformid Chircii. The Rev.
Dr. Iloffeditznnd the Rev. Benjamin S. Schneck
of Pennsylvania, sailed for F.urope in the pack
et ship Albany, for Havre. These gentlemen
are the commissioners of the German Reformed
Church to present a call to a professort-liip in
the Literary and Theological Institution lo-
csted at Mercersburg, Pa., to the Rev. Dr.
Krummacher, of Elberfeld, in Prussia, the well
known author of "Ebjah tho Tishbite," and o
ther works. Dr. Krummacher is considered as
one of the ablest writers and pulpit orators of
Germany ; and his services in this country, if
obtained, would bo considered by the religious
public as a national blessing. .V. y. Com.
A ge"d reason ia gin by a rolesiporary, f r
tha present "hard lims' He says t "II is be
cause ens third of ihi nation have lived in idle.
Cs, on lbs Ubi of the othsr two-thirds, by means
cf eVixLt, f the last wcn yes's "
A Monr.aa Jack $Nt.rrni. A young man
nsmed Henry Johnson, was recently convicted in
New Yoik uf burgLiy, and sen'enced to imprison
ment for seven years. The Eiprrssssys t
" At tbe time nf bis biii.g sentenced, his oi ly re
ply was, in a t.x.e rather aa of speaking to himself,
pret'y will done khort and sweet, that is I" He
confined in one of the third story cells of the
inner ptlon at the Tombs, preaialory lo being
sent to Sing eing. Huiulay night be succeeded in
effecting bis escape, lemosing tbe iron pla'e from
the aperture in the wdl of bis cell, and foicing him.
elf through ihe space of about i'eii inches; ftotn
which be let hininelf down to tha jard by means
of a rope made by cutting up his bUnketa aud the
tacking of his bunk ; thence he climbed to the lop
of ths walrh house cells (a hiight of 30 or 40 le.-i)
f istentd his rnj to a projecting pit ee nf iron, and
dtscsnded, within ten feci of ihe watch-house door,
to Pranklin siiret, when ha aucceeded in getting
off The manner in whkh the whole bu-ineea was
eflec e l shows rco'ur strength as well ss great
aptness fur ths Uk in hand. Altog'thif, psohaMy
i is on of lb m. st during and a -tonihi g escapes
J from a stro ig ptieou on recoil.''
Cj The last Keystone has honored us with the
following notice:
"The Editors of the Sunhury American,
(doubtless at the instance of a certain tool of the
Administration.) says that Messrs. 'Fenn and
M'Curdy. proprietors of thewhii.' nnd antlmaso
nic presses st the seat of" rovernmerit, are each
to receive $2.(KH) from Mr. M'Kinley, in consi
deration of tho wliitr and an' nintninc vo'cs
which elected him.' Now, we pronounce this
charge, wo care not by whom made, a most ui
mitigated futtfhood."
In the above f arngroph we are not quoted quite
correctly. We at.ited that if is undcrttood that
Messrs. Fenn ct Mct'urdy sre each to receive
f 2,000! And we sgain ssert that it was fo gen
eiallv under-tood ami believe I, at the l itis and af
ter the election. The piinlers who espected lo
haie the plunder to lie derived fioin thp office of
St ite Piinler, gave a grand fcftival ot Nsgle'a Ho
tel a few evenings after the election, and al that
festival were loiingly sealed side by side, locofico
and antiinason democrat an 1 whig There was
uch a minting of ihe various 'stripes' snd
"flresks of parlies, lhat anyone who bad heen
ignorant of the plotting bargaining and sale of the
few das previous, would have been at a loss to
have accounted for the stram-e melee. During the
f. ativiiies, Mr. Spackmnn, the whig Senator from
Philadelphia, mude a humorous fpeech, in wh eh
he eihorted his I cofoeo friends ' to stick to the
bargain !" lo adhere lo tbe terms of the contract I !"
"lo art in good fabli towarda iheir whig al et, and
permit ihem to reap MsiV share of the fruits of the
Mctory ! ! !' Now we ak the editors of tbe Key
stone, what the orator meant by these alluions 1
what contract 1 what bargain ' The langusgo is
plain and intelligible, and there waa mil single
one of the large company present, who did not un-
deis ai d it perfectly. Why did not the editors of
die Ki ykloi e r-e upen the spot, and indignantly
pronounce the foil charge made by Mr. Spnckman
o nioft unmitigated fakrhtxtd !" Simply be.
caitfeevery I ody belli ved it to be true no body
pre-enl had any doubt about it and the ed'rota
would have rendered thtmaelvia ridiculous by such
a di niul.
Although we ii.ide on.e fifty ru les from the
se it if Gnviri nient, we learn a little of the say
iocs nnd doii gs there. We occasionally get a
prep lu bind Ihei-eenis, snd when we choose to
give our leaders Ihe benefit of out knowledge,
we wish the editor nf the Keyslnnn to undera'snd
ilii-tineily, thai we hold ourselves responsible lo
thtm, or sny one else who niay fil injured thsl
we write st our aioh imlanee, snd that as ws would
scorn lo foit ihe responsibility on to another, we
desire thry will not d i so for us.
More Rascality.
No little excitement has been created in New
Orleans bv the discovery of a detalca'lon for ab int
f 130 000 ! The particulars we copy from the Tio
pie of the M insl.
On the 2Gth of July last, more than I months s.
go, a package centaining i-30 000 in V. S. Trea
sury Notes, wss sent by mail from the Custom
house lo the Tieasury Department st Washington.
The package, it appears, never reached its desti
nation, and during ihe past week an agent fiom
the Treasury Department, charged with thohusi
ness of investigation, has at rived in the city. Has
I een busily engaged in probing tbe affiir lo the bot
tom, but as yet ihe result of his I .burs ha not been
made known. Enough has transpired, however, to
render it quite ceiUin lhat the money did not leave
the city. It seems that the Treasury notes when
receivid here are in irked "cancelled" ncro-a the
face, in order to prevent their further circulation, in
case of accident. If the notes in the mi.sing pack.
sge were so marked the marks did not accomplish
ihe purpose intended, for the Custom house i-hnws,
we sre informed, lhat some nf the same identical
notes comprising thsl package, hve been agsin re
ceived here and forwards d lo Washington ! A ll
gether, ihe business is very mysterious and dilficutt
of solution. That a pretty extensive scheme of ras
cality has been consumated, is quite cl ar ; but up
on whom suspicion should fall is another afljir.
ed on Ihe railroad near Charleston n, Mass.
The value of the productions of Illinois for 1939
was estimated st ?3.4 1 1 60C.
The New Orleans Courier slates thai $4(7,000
we-e coined at the Mint at thai place during the
month of April. Of this amount $330,000 were
in gold.
The fl'ght of Graves hss been dramatized at
Jackson, Miss.
The amount of Treasury notes, which the Sec
rclury propo-cs lo redeem, is shout $0,000,0(10.
A lad y recently recovered $2,00 from a gentle
man for hugging and kissing her rather roughly.
She should set s high value upon the mouey, as
she got it by light squeezing.
The free masons of Tennessee, tire erecting sn
assylum for orphans of ihose lelonging to tho or
der. A letter from Tsmpico to Ihe Charleston Tran
script sta'cs positively that 17 of the lfi Teian
.-.. I... ,V. M..'tMn. at Mier- liivn
ir,...,.,...u.,u., ..... -
been shot by order ol Santa Ana.
Horrible. A shocking and unnatural murder
was committed a abort time since in Lawrence
eonnlv, Mississippi, by a mother on her chdd.
Governor P. rter, who stood in the way of the
: meditated betrayal, made for the so'e purpose of
hiding Iheir own criminal intentions stamps Ihe
whole trnns iction as unparalleled in the annals of
j political treachery.
! The di'sertion of Democratic members in favor
I nf the re-charter of the bank, black and dark aa it
I nipeircd, w is boriert when compared with this.
( 'Phis was done openly the traitors went over to
I the enemy's camp in the broad face of the day, and
they did n ! seek lo sacrifice honest Demociats, lo
divert public attention from their own course. In
the present instance, the traitors did not 0enlv go
over to the enemy, but have provided a wiy for
, bim to partieip to in the councils at Denvcratic
J head quarters ! and while in Ihe very set of e..m.
: mining treachery thi niselves, were charging lhat
; crime mi David It. Toiler, the only man who stood
j in their way.
Will not the Di mocracy of the S ale demand
ihe repeal of I ho law, by which this unholy c -mbi.
i nation hopes to plunder the Commonwealth ! Will
, it ever consent to receive from the allied kn ives, as
! its organ, the pie-bald conci rn they propose to fur
nish il t We hope not we trust nut we believe
t not.
tgy We copy the follow ii g from Ihe rottsville
Emporium. We are glad to find thai Judge Palm
er, as one of the Joiisnr Hale Central Commit,
lee, dors not approve of tbe inflated and bomhsatie
niBHifi stnes is-ced by ihe chairman of the commit.
lee, Col. Si th Kabshury, nnd we have heard o. her
members of tbe commit ce n press iheir disappro
bation of the rourae pursued by thethatrman, who
we learn sets ei ttrely on bis own morion, without
oy cui-ullation with ihe test of ths committee.
Fiom the Colonel's lst monfettot on would
tuppese that the J hnson parly array, d in op
p sition to iur worthy Governor, and really credit
he silly and fanciful atory of an atltrmpt on the
part of Governor Porter to transfer the Johnson
parly lo ('apt. Tyler. In ibis county the friends
of Col. Johnson are almost without an eireption
tl.s and firm friends of Divid ft. Po.ier. They
, h'S twice aviated in electing him to the chief 1
Stolen Trrsiary Noirs.
The Washington papera stale that R. P. Dow,
den, a Clerk in the office nf the Register of the
Treasury, was srresled on Thursday lst, charged
with having stolen al-out $1500 in Canceled Treas
ury notea, having pasted over tbe canceling marks
snd endorsed several names Upon their backs snd
face. The circumstances gvm in evidence sre
these t He has been employed in com.tinj cancel,
ed nolea recently returned, and seveisl days after
being Ihua engaged he aent a negro of ihe city na
med Robinson to Baltimore lo a Mrs. Do'sey wilh
a Idler signed llenj. Cambelle, Jr. directing her to
sell five $100 notes which were enclosed. She
tried to do so but was unrueeessfnl st d tbe negro
brought ihem back. He ihen gave the negro two
$100 notes to sell in ihe city, promi-ing him $100
if successful. Robinson tried lo sell ihem lo a Mr.
Spice, but wss unsuccessful. Suspicion w as exci
ted by iho negro's having the notes, and soon after
Dowdrn was men lo write a note which wss ent
lo Mr. Spice signed Benj Cambelle, Jr. and r ques
ting bim not to mention lhal the negro had offered
bim the notes. Dowden was committed to prison.
but aflirw aids bailed by bis father-in-law in tlie
sum of $2600. A Mr. Hsivey, also a Cleik in
tbe Depailmei t hss also been suspected of having
hem concerned in the affair, but nothing has been
proved spaintl him.
The Globs of Saturday evening says lhal three
men had jest been snested st Brown's Hotel, in
hat City, i hsrged with taking or having Treasury
Notes said lo havs been sent from the Custom
House st New Orleans in July last, lo ths 1'ieasu.
ty Department, snd not rere'.vtd by ihe Treasury
It add that they came to Brow it's ou ihe 2d inst.,
and entered their surnaiw s alone on Ihe register,
aa follows ( Bieedlove, Jewell and Austin. When
thiy aent lo lbs Pest Office in thst city for letters,
Ihe mess.1 ger waa told to t'k for letters for J. 8.
Merrit, in place of or for Jewell, snd for J. 8.
Austin, for Austin, Breedlovr, il is said, is ihe son
of J. W. Breedlove, Esq., of New Orleans, one of
the most respectable reciJents of thst city.
Whde the child was asleep, she procured nomt 1XSAX1TY.
lead, which s'ne melted snd poured down hi'throat. ; -pjip j,,p, , T;l,Hinllll w,o shot at our worthy
The cause of this inhuman act is not stated. Mavor on Mondav was of course insane. Every
Among the recent deaths abroad, we notice the . body who chooses to ro-nmit murJer now adsvs is
following : i ins me, because no p. r-on of sound mind would
At Genoa, Lady Fsnny Erskine, d muhler of the i dare to s'tempt Ihe commis-ion of such fiichtful of-
l .le (Jeneral Cadwalder of Pennsylvania, an. I wife fences. Of course, tint argument, is a M-rfectly
of Lord Ertkine, British Minislei at Munich, aged pi .in one. But this plausible argument, if gener-
59, i hlly acceded lo, will lead lo some very desp.irite
Auieno nankruptrj.-The London Sn. in I adventure, unless there should be a plan sdopled
. ... . ,t.,J f s,i m ,.;. . lonn I for taking charge of insane persons. A man, mad
says :
'Spsin cannot pay her debts, she has no In
tention of paving her dehts, she has hw-t all sense
nf honor. The country is bankiupt, and persona
who embirk money in the funds of a bankrupt
Stale, know the result."
The price of t passage from New York lo New
Orleans, around ihe roast, is $70. Through Pits
burg, Ihe p ice is $30,
Lurri Oil The Cincinnati Gazelle states that
four msimfaclorics in lhat city have made, during
enough to e immil murder, is too ma t lo be st
Lrgr. He should he placed in such s position as
will forever put it out of his power to emhue bis
fund sgain in the hfo warm blood of a fellow be
ing. Life is too precious and too sacn d a b on to
be held st the will of every madman who prowls
I the si reel. Our legislature shou'd be supplicated
to pa s some law for the safe keeping of insane
people ; for no man knows now al what hour he
may le shot down by some assassin, who is forth
with acquitted snd srl st lilierty lo '-kill more men"
On the gtoond of insanity. This is intoh r-dde, it
Ihe past year, 1 10,0 1 ( gallons of Lard Oil the ; , frightful, st d our legislature should luke the mat-
value of which was $72,0S9. The quantity of I ler in hn J. Saturday Mutruni.
ard required as 7,302 l arrels ; the consumption
A mei lean Silk.
We have been shown specimenls of Ihe silk
mauufurhireil at Ihe e t ibli hmenl of Mr. I. W.
( ; ill, of Mount Pleasant. Jefferson county. Oh o,
which are in ihe highest ileeree creditahle lo Amer
ican skill and industry. The snides consists of
two paira of close pantaloons, the one red and lha
other blue, such as sre worn upon the slags, snd
wers made for Mr. Forrest. Ihe tragedian. We are
not judges of this kind of fabric, and cannot, there
fore, aav how thia American ailk will compare with
that of Europe j but we can asy, that ths articles
we have seen are strong in their texture, exceeding
ly peal and beautiful in Sfpesrsncs, pleasant lo tho
touch, and what is quite as important as either,
aold at just one half the price of foreign fabrics ot
ihe same description. The establishment nf Mr.
G II is very prosperous, ss the demand for his'go.nfa
it svsry dy rspidly increasing. A', y. Evening
Ltrtvas tbb Pincers. Tha trial of ibis r-
vertnd gentleman upon sn indirtmsnt containing
Iwo counts, one for sdnllery, and ihs other for for
nication and bastardy look place In Towsnds laat
week. He waa found guilty on ths first count.
Ha U also indicted of sn attempt la produce abor
tion, and will not bs sentenced until next eoorl.
Lycoming Sentinel.
of the oil is said to I rapidly on the increase.
Horn, tbe supposed murderer of bis wife, bad s
further exsminHtiori on Monday afternoon, which
resulted in a final eommiirr.enl to await bis trial at
h November term of Baltimore County Oout
The examinuion was conducted by I. svitt
STSFtr, Esq. prosecuting at orney for Bshimore
county Oou't, and James M. Bi-chasik, counsel
fur the prisoner
Crmwell. letter in the Wilmington Repub-
lican. from the U. S. frigate Columbia, save t "The
boatswain's male hanged (Cromwell) waa diaeharg
ed from th a ship but a few days before we sailed
from New York ; hia old messmates say lhat he
often bragged of mutinies he had been engaged in,
in the merchant servie."
A new kind of Onion hss recently be n Intro.
duced into this country. It J nssrs'f the singular
property of procuring from one onion, six or even
in a clump, under ginund similar to potatoes. It
partakes of the mildness of the onion of Portugal,
grows very large, snd is easily cultivated.
Dirthnfa Royal Princess, Met Mij.wty Queen
Victoria has giaced tha British nation with ano
ther Princess. This event wss mads known
through the columns of tbe metropolitan papers on
the 25th April.
Kidnapping. Ths Cincinnati Gazette states
thsl this crime is incrssaing all along ths borders
of the Free States. Several balances bare oc
curred lately in which wives and children, born
(res, snd known lo be so, hsvs been torn from
iheir homes, snd frcej into slavery.
PsuroeEit Asolitios) or Suvtsr is Tea
Fsixch Colonies Ths Courrier tV Mat U
nit, the French paper in ihiseiiy, upon the author,
ity of s Utter from' Paris, says lhat Ihe Commission,
ere appointed to invesligits the sutject of slavery
in the French Colouiee, ars going to propose ita s
holition. 1 bey havs two plans in virw. The fust
fiies ths cessation of slsveiy in 1853 ; the indemni
ty to the Colonies is lAO.OOO.OOO francs Tha se
cond plan proposes freedom to children born sine
1838. M. M. Da Broghs, Pssaey, ds Tracy, Toeque
vilis, and other philosophic Liberals are on this
commission. .V V. t'rpren,