Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, May 06, 1843, Image 4

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The following lint shows the current vein of nl1
Pennsylvania Dnnk N.itci. The mnt implicit re
' Banco may I ploccd upon it, a it every
carefully Compare J with ai d cotrec'ed from Fi k
bell's Reporter.
Ifarks In riil!ndc!i)tlit.
NMr. Location rmtri
Rank of Ncrth America . . pr
Bank of the Northern Liberties . pnr
Commercial Pnnk of Perm's. . par
Furnsra' and Mechanics' Batik . . par
Kenrington Prink pnr
Philadelphia Bank . . ; par
Sehuilkill Dnnk . . p..r
S.iulhwatk Dank . . pnr
Western Hank . , . pnr
Mechanics' Hank . . pi
Manufacturer' & Mechanics' Bunk pnr
Country llnnltN.
Bank of Chester County Wrstchesler par
Rank of Delaware County Chester par
Bank of Clermantown Cicrmantown pnr
Bank of Montgomery Co. Norristnwn pnr
Doylestown Bank Doyhatown pnr
Eason Dank I" anion per
r srmere rank 01 BUcki CO. Lirl-tol p,r
Vlhce of Bnnkcf Fenn a. Harrishurg Then'
OfTee Jo do Lnncnater I offices
Office ilo do Trailing f do pot
Office do do Enston J issuer.
Bank of the United States Fbiladi Iphin 43
Hank of Perm Townidiip . . pir
Girard Bank , . 82
Moynmensing Bank . . 1
Bank of Pennsylvania . . 2
Minora Bank of Pottsville Put'sville 6
Bank of I.cwistuwn Lewislown C
Bank of MiJdletown Middletown 3 A
Bt'tik of Northumberland Northumberland 3 i4
Columbia Bank St Bridge co. Columbia 1
Cnrlisle Bank Carlisle 3
Exchange Brink Pittsburg 1
Do do branch of Holliduysburg H
Farmers' Bunk of Lancaster Lancnsiei 1
I. nnenster County Bnk Lancaster 2
Farmers' Bank of Heading Rending 1
Hnrrisburg Bank Harrishurg 3d 1
Lancaster Bank Lancaster 1
Lebinon Bank Lebanon G
Merchants' & Mnnuf. Bank Pittsburg 2
Bank of Pittahurg Pitttbutg 3
Wrat Branch B,mk Willinmsporl
Wyoming Bank Wilkesharia 1 1
Northampton Bank Allentown f?0
Eerka County Bank Heading
Office of Bank of U. S. Pittsburg
Do do do Erie
Do do do New Brighton
Kensington Sav. Ins. A do
Penn Township Sav. Ina. do
Bank of Chamhersburg Chambernburg 3
Bark of Gettysburg" Gettysburg 4
Dank of Susquehanna Co. Mnntroie 12
Erie Bank Erie 9
Farmers' cfc Drovers' Bank W'nynesburg R
franklin Bank Washington 3
Honcsdale Bank Ilonecdale Ij
Mounngnhela Bank of B. Brownsville 4
York Bank Yoik ihi4
N. B, The notca of those banks on which we
omit quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) ore not
purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, with the
exception of those which have a letter of riference.
Philadelphia Sav. Ina. Pbiladt Iphia fai'ed
Philudclphia Loan Co. do fuihd
Schuylkill Sav. Ina. do f.iilcd
Manual Labor Bank (T. W Dyott, prop.) fiilcd
Towandn Bank ' Towards, failed
Alleghany Bank of Pa. Bedford no sale
Bank of Beaver Beaver clus. d
Bank of Swatnra Harri-burg closed
l'-mk of Washington Washington f.iil. ,1
Centre Bank Pell. I'm. to i!s..l
City Bank P:ttl u-g no tn'c
Farmers' & Mcch'ca Bunk Pitts' org failed
Farmers' A Merli'cs' Bank Fayette c... fold
FbMncis' A McchYeIiai.k Orcencasl e fn'i.I
Harmony Institute Hautioi y no ..a!.-
I'uiiim?ilor. Bunk Huntingdon i:o sale
Juniata I! ink Lcrvi.iiown no s.d.-
Luiiibrimcii's Br.k Warien fu.lerl
Nrrtbern Bank of Ph. DundulT no !'
New Hope D.I. Bridge Co. New Hope il. e4
Noithuinli'd Uuii-n Col. Uk. Milton r,o jN-
Noilh Westi rn Ba'.k of l'a. Meadvillo clourt
OllV.e of Schuylkill Bank Port Carbon IV. i 1 -. t
I'm. Alt. & Munuf. Bank Carlisle t.ul.d
Silver Lake Bank Mouiioko cIum iI
Union Bunk of Pcnn'a. l.'nioiitown f.nlid
CHtmorelund Bank Orteiisburg clceil
AVilkctbarre Biidye Co. W'ilkesbarre nusale
(Jj" All notes purporting to le on any Peiinejl
vuniu Bank not gtvcu in the above litt, may be tet
down as fruuda.
nv Jti:.r.Y.
Bank of New Brunswick Bruiisuiik failed
litlvi.leie Bank Helvi.l. re I
Builington Co. Bank Mnllord par
Commercial Bank P.rtb Ainl oy
Cumberland Bank l'nden.n p-i
Farmer' Bunk Mount H .!y
F'arineie' und Mechanic' Pk N.J.w 1
Paruicra' and Mrchkiiick' Ilk N. I'iuuku i k fa. led
Farmer' and Merchant Lk Mul.lli tn I't. 3
KiHiitlin Bank i! N. J. J.iKi vt '.ly fj.l.d
H'.liukcti Bkg&. Grazing Co Hob .ken lad.d
Jersey City U .in k J. r.-iy City Nile.l
MtflijlK' Bank Putltittwo. fa bd
Manuf.uturir' Hillnille ml., I
Murria Cun.pai.y Bank Morrikton a
Monmouth Bk of N. J. 1'reeholJ faiUd
K'ichaiilik' Bank Newark 1
Mechanics' und Maliuf. Bk Trenton j i,r
Morris ("anil and iAg Co Jersey City
Po.t Notes jio sale
Newark Bk(; & Ins Co Newark 1
Nrw Hope Dtl Bridge Co Lambeiihiillti
N. J. Manufac. and Bkg Co Hubvkcn failed
N J Prolecton &i Lombard bk Jcrcry City Lilcd
Orange Bank jOraupe 'i
Paieron Bank Pau-isun failed
Picples' BBnk do J
Piiiictton Bank Princuton par
fta.'rm Banking Co jlun pur
State Bank Newark I
Lu'.e Bank Eluabeihtown 1
6:ate Bank t'umden pnr
(taU Bank of Morris MorriMown I
Stale Bank Trmton failed
fcalem and Philad Manuf Co f;:lcm lailed
Suaaei Bank Newl.n 1
Trenton Banking Co Trenton par
Union Bank Jjvtr 1
Washington Banking Co. Hackenasck failed
Bk of Wilm & Brandy wint W I mington pnr
Bank of DaUware Wilmington par
Bank of fcloyrns (Smyrna par
l) branch Milled nr
Paimers' Bk of fctata . f Del D f. r par
Do branch iluiinston pur
l)o bianih Ceuigelown p r
Do Uaiiiit Newcastlti pnr
Union Bank Wilm.iigtuu j ar
(CJ Under 6a 2
fxj" On H lanks ma'ked thus (J there are i.
thaf cour.tttffe i or ltr4 a-Ati of tt vaiious i-
cominaucns, in circulation-
TAe brst mclhoj for the Aholition of Disease
it to clran.e und purify the Cory.
AV-fA rfnirrtrtm f'oflrg-f of traVh,
Are now fiknr lislgl to he the het Meilicine in
'be Wot III for the cur.' of
"J"Jt ECAL'31' i hey cnrrp'rtr'r rl-ane the sto.
J tiJ tin- h iod bewrln froTi th' re b lliotn ai d cor
rui't hittnora vl ich are the enure nM oidy of
IL-a, 1st he. Ciibliness. I'alpilntion of the He rt.
IVns in the B nra Khuim it:sm nnd 0.m. bin
every n,n,!V Irridrr.t in rnnn. SAID INDIAN
VPl.-ETAEI r. TILLS are e.-fabi cur f r in
teiin feci, lemi'trd, nervous, lnfbimr.nry nnd u rtd
IVvrrn. bccii!-e they e'ennsc the p.ii'y f,ren tho-e
moibid hrtnnrs, which, when confined to the ciicn
h.tien. 8re the cause of all kinds of FKVEUS. fo,
a'io. when the same impurity is deposited on the
ii rmhitt e and intiaele, ciusint? pjinn, ii (l.ttna
lions and nwelMrcs called RHEUMATISM.
il'l T. At. Wricht'hlndi'in Veeta!,e Pills may
be relied on alwava ertain to aivp relief, and if
pcrBCvned r itb. arenrdlnc to directions wdl mot
nssuiriPy, and without fiil, n'al-.e a perfect eu e of
the above i-nirifi I n nlndie. Fiom three to x i f
rnbl Indian Vepeteb'e Pills t iken eviry niaht fev
it R tubed, i!l i a 'ho,t tcie so completely rid
the body from eiy thlr.ft tbn' i opposed t beftl h,
tl nt Kherm"ti-m, Omit, n- d p d" of evi rv 'eer1i
tic-n, ni l i. linralK DRIVEN Fb'OM THE PO
DV. To' the a ti c renson, w! en, from sudden
ehnnprs of to o phi tr. Or n V other CHOe. the e
spi, ai'on i cl i ck - d. nn t the l umoi vh eh hh u I '
P' Si.fl'bv th" skin nre t'.ri wn inwardly cnim tie
IIEADVCI'E GIPDINrSS. n u-ei and si, k
ru -s, nin in the b tu s, wa ety at d n fltn ed
sore t'.roat, ho.)rcnr s, cone' s, eonsnmi tion.
rhetim it c pains in Va'ious .nrt of the b .dv, nod
many ntlnr avnij.'nms f CATCHING COLD.
W'r-g,' lnJn:n 'trlullc T' will invarinbly
cive in medi .te r lief. From tlnco to six of said
I'd! takili eeciy i iul,t On g'iiiR to bid, V.lll In a
a!,oit lime, not on'y remove all the n! ve nri.l as t.t
stn tiims, but die body w II, in a short t ine, be
restored to even sounder heal h rl an befme.
ING. Wright's lull, an Vegetable PiHs wt I lonu
en nnd c;ir y off, ly the stnn ach and ho tels, thc-e
lough phb gmy liumor--, wl ieh stop up all the air
cells of the lunga, and nre the cause, not only of the
nl'0c distressing Complaint, but when negiecied,
often lerniinaten in lhar mo edieadful malady ca'h'd
CONSUMPTION. Il h'u'tl br- a'soien cn.bei.d
that Wright's Indian Vegetable Villi arc a certain
cure for PAIN IN THE SIDE. Op, res-ion, nau
sea, and ficknrss, lo-s of nppi tiie, enativenrsa. a
yellow tinge of the (kin ai d eves, and i very oilier
symptom f a I, rpid or discasvd state of the liver;
because they perer from the body those impurities
which if di posited upon Ibis important orftin, nre
the caue of every variety of LIVER COM.
PLAINT. When a nation is convulsed ly riot-,
outbreaks and rebellion, the only mennn of preven'.
ing the dreadful Coiiperjuenees of a CIVIL WAR,
is to expel all traitors, nnd evil disposed ones from
the country. In like manner, when psin or sick
ness of any kind, indicate that the body is strue
trling with ir.ti n l foes, the true remedy is to EX
health and life.) Health will be the eertnin result.
That the ptincipl of curing di-ease.hy cleansing
and purifying ihe hody, is strictly in nccnrd mee
with the laws which govern the anim:,l iconomv;
and if properly cnriied out bv Ihe n-e of the n'-ove
PILLS, will leuaiiilv result In 'he coiopl. te Abo
l.tion ol Disease ; ivf oiler the lop,, wine testimoni
als, fr m p rs n of the highest re-pcctabiliiy in
New York, who have lerenliy been rnied of the
n.ont olistinate enmplainls, solely by the us- of
WiMOIIT's NllA5 VroKTtRLI! Ii li a, of the
Xurth American Colli ge of Health.-
J. KMC. L. I., June9th. 18-tl.
Doctor Wil'inoi Wricht Der Ntr It is wth
iff ,t snti fnrtien I inform oti of ;ny havim; I e, n
nt iely rone ot Dvirpia. of five vears siandii R,
bv the -e or roiii Imhoi V in t tn.r. I'nm,
Tn moii- to nier' nt wi h oi r ci 'ehias d m, di
rine. I h id b, eu under l r har.dn of tcvent i'hvsi
en, i p. ni;d b.nd tried vniiou- n edii ims ; but n'l t
no elVeci. After ui g or e ZT r i t box ef onr
Pills, how'ver. I Dtp.riei i ed o be- efit. ih t
I te-n'vi d t.i per-1 eic in im ee f ibi in sm I 1 rir
to d'ri rlnn , v I i, h I mo bn nv lo s'le. b s ren!l
I d in n pi ifi el rire. Int-rn', tilde to ytl f-i the
crent K-ro fit I bnve reci'ir-l. and a'- in ll e h. pe
'hntothir simil:tilv nfll it'd nv.y l,c mdureil i,,
lin-ke 1 1 i a I if your t vra .'d'iu-y me.'ieii e. I -end
you this fintetrii in wih full ,b tv to pnb in'i ih
sime, ifvou think pr pe'. Yours, At.
New Yoik, June 18, tll. G. C. ULACK.
Mr. Richard Dei nifi, rigeut for Wright's Indian
Vegetable Pill-..
Dear Sir I have been r.ffiirted for several veais
with inward wcukiie,. nod iteneral debility, ncoin
pai if d nl tin e w itb painn in the side and other
diK'ressi. g complain. Aft, I having lr;ed various
mr die rien w i boel etV. el, I a ersii tiled I'V a fi ien I tea' -f Dr. Wiighr'a Indian Vicetuble
l'ill w l i b I O'lt Imppv to stale, h-ive rrlievvl n,e
i. a most v. nd rl'ul m .nio r. I i, r,l me.
dieii e. as i ei I i l a .b,, t o e. n I have !( ,t,n,o,
ty a perfe er -lo-e io he : e i f the nn d ei o- neeor.
nine I i dm eiioi s ih t I tkvlin a short lime l e
l rt- e Iv e lo ',
I mos iliii rcfop-n-f nd .i I p 't in sll prr
"II - t-i in i 'y i-fil : id a, d in 'I e 1", b bi'pi l thai
ties mie Ihi i l'ei-.l reao In ill I" l i ! ir u--, I re
IliSiii jouia s l'i--ii ! . Ill Nb'Y A. Fllllll .
V a waini!),, U: ei co. N. Y
Nl w VollK. i. '.0,
Th's is t i eril fv Ihiit I hmei w-l W ii i:; il l 's
I ns l a VnTM.K I'lLIS w.lh do- gre-,:et bene,
fit : bavi' u i n'ir, K cnied n,j -elf of i! e fri iit lit at
'nek ol Jii k Hi ad n he, to w hirh I b 4 p-e ioirlv
been subjecl. ANN MARIA THOMPSON. '
SOS Greenwich rn e N. V.
To Mr. Piihard D. nidi, Agi'iil for Wriyht's In.
diall Vegetable Pi If.
C.I V T I O .V.
A there are :it thin time many w icKed persons
busily t nat;i d in si l ine a coiinti rfeit mi dicint uu
d r the nuine of ihe Indian Vi get d ie Pills and as
ibepo detjtrato nan are so utterly reikhss often
seijuences, that many valuable l.ves nmy be I. si in
consequence of uning tl er dreadful rompound,
ihd publ c ere cautioned againt purehaing any
Pill, umlt ss on the i ides of the boxes the following
wording U f, ,nn ! :
(Indian Purgative.)
oi thi oiith iUKirii collier, of htaitu.
And alse to te especially caieful sgaiiiit purcha
sing said medicine of any pcrou exceja the n gu
ler adveetiked njen's.
1 cnnsytvti ni.
H. B. Mas-Mr, Sunbisry Win. Forsyth, Nur
thinnbeiliiiid Jacob Hani. Sliamokiu Samuel
Herb, Mahoiioy llverly A D. H i . a, Augusta Foilmer. Milton lii-i.nd V Men.ll,
Mi i:eo'-i Ir II H. P er. Turbut.. il e J ime
I'i'id. I'i I'-pri'M' II, Klasc, Si ili riow n
11. H. Kiojb.1. V, f.. r...t,nrg P. O. Wm.
Li i en ring, I' M l i,;,,n Cim u,
Oibce ui d ( Di pnl for the Site of
Wf'ght'i LiJiuH J.7, Wholesale ard
rHtA. May 3), 184J. !y
t ctiTANKOuri r.m fTluN.
(J5 The. fi'lbtwivg eertifen'e re.fCi ibes one ufttit
must rxtratirdivary curtt ever effected by uny
rHtLAnttiraiA, Febiuaiy 10, 1839.
IJ'OR twenty years I was severely afflicted with
TuTTttn on the Face and Head: the disease
commenced when I wis seventeen ycart old, and
continued until the Fall of 18:16. 1 irvlnrr In vio
lence, but wi'hotit ever disappearing. During mt
of il e time, prrnt part of my fie was covered with
the eruption, frequently attended with vio'ent Itch
ing; my bead swrl'ed at times until It Tell sa if it
would l url the swellin j was so g-ent. that I cou'd
eareely get my lint on. During the long pcii.wl
(hut I was afflicted wbh the ilicnse, I usml a great
many n plication , (atn ng them acvernl celebrated
preparation) ns w, II as Inking inwaul remedies,
including a number ofb'tttci of Siraim's Pttrwrra,
Exfrnct of farsapitrilla, fte. In fact, it would Ik
impossible to f uumcta'e all the medicines I used.
I was also under the Care of two of the most dis
tir.guishcd physicinna of thi city, but without re
ceiving much benefit, nnd I despaired of ever being
cured. In the fall of I Sdfi, the disen-o 1 1 the time
being Very violent, I commenced using the Rate
Ointment, (prepared bv Vatlgluin Si Davis.) In
a f w U plications the violent itching ceased, 1 tie
swelling nl-n ed. the iru.-iion began t,i disippear,
nnd bef, re I bd used a j ir the ih-e isn wm rnlire!y
cured. It has now teen nearly a ynr and a ha f
r nce, nnd there is not a vctige of the iliMae re
mail ioe, except the sc r from the deep pits formed
bv the ili-esse. It is imp -soilde for me M des rii e
ina titnficate th" severity uf the disease and my
seT ring but I r ill be ple-std to give a fuder se
eonnl to any peron ai lii g further sntisfution.
who will e ,11 on me. At ti e time I commenced
using Ihe R se Oin'mrnt I would have given hun
d,rd of do la't to I rid of tin- disear-e. Since u
'"g It. I have rccnmmi lid. d it to 'ever d persons,
(among lhcm my luo'.her, wh had the di-e ao bad
Iv on her S'ln. who w, re a I ctireJ bv it.
.1 AMES DURNELL, No. 15C, R..ce St.
Iji" The Rose Oitittnenl I prepired by E. IJ.
Vouihnn, Sou h East corner of Third and llnce
'lie, I, Philadelphia, and sold on nneucv in 8unbu
ry. bv H. B. MASXER.
May Hih. Agent.
ISosc Oinffiicnl, for Tcllci.
PntLAPi irniA. May 27th,
THH i to certify that I was severely alll cted
with Tetter in Ihe hands and f. et f,ir upwards
of forty j ears ; the disease was attended generally
w ith vio'ent it, huig and swelling. I nppbed to 1
number of 1 h sic -ns, and used a gnat nisi y appli
es ions without effecting a core. At'out a ) ar
since, I appl-ed ti e Rom- Ointment, which entirely
flopped the itclnng. and a fi w npplic.iti- 11 iinmrdi
att ly cured Ihe disease, w hich there bn been no
return of, elthortgli I bad never been lid of it nt
any liim for f.ity years. RICHARD SAVAGE,
Ehveiilh. l-low Sinuee i'lreil
fjfj-The R,'e Ointment is pri preil by E. B.
Vsuthan. S u'h East corner of Third and Race
Streets, Philadelphia, and s Id on nv'encv in Sunbti-
rv hT H. It. m'asi:r.
' May 1 1 til. IS -12. "t-
iviEEicAii Arrr.crATiON
Of the ROSE OITMi:.T,for T-tter.
LTHOl'GH ihe superioriiv of ihe prepaia'i'-n
over nil others ia fully es ablt-hed, the pr pr.c
tors lake pba-ure 111 laying before the public the
following ceriilicale fron, a respectable physician,
a graduate of the University of IViinsv lvuni. Dr.
Baugh, having found in tin lemrdy that relief f,,r
a lediouannd disagreeable affection which the mem
within ihe range of his profession failed to all'ord.
ha not hesitated to give it his approbation, although
Ihe prejudices ai d interest of that profession ate
1 pposod to secret Remedies.
PlllLAIirLPIIIA, Sipt. 10, ISM.
I was recently Iroubbd with a tedious herpetic
eruption, which oove'ed in ailv one si 'e of inv f.ce,
end extenib-d over the ear. Mr. Vnughati. pioprie
t I of ti e liotc Oil tin cot, iibsi-r viug my face, msi'
led on inv living bis preparation, of which lie ban
drtd me n jar. Allhoncli in coininon with ihe mem
I era ol mv pr,,fision, I discouiitensiu i-nd ilirap
pr, ve ol ihe nurneroU notinm panned upon the
pol 'ic bv i jnoi nrt pr. tender-, I f. el in jus iee bound
to exc. 1 1 the Rose Ointini 11 1 liom lha' c a t of me
.1 cine, and 1,1 uive it inv Approbation, os il enti c
Iv iure.1 the eruption, nbh.-ugii II h d resisted the
u-u I Hi il.cati o,... DANL BA1 (.11. M. D.
(Jj' 'I he l!ofe Ointmei t is piepan-il by E. Ii.
YuiilIimi, onlli l'a.-t coinrr of Thud and Race
St'e.-t. Pfn!ad.e'phia, and ttold 011 sg. ocv in K1111-
lurv. i v 11. it. mam:k.
M iv I Ifill. Agent. !
To ( otiiilry
n'!! i: So!,, ril er. Anent ol I von A Har'is, 1
1 M inufielup rs. for N. wY. rk, Plnl ..lelpbia, j
Ratlin.. ire nnd 'her la rue eitiis, -vioso ,.'.t aie
highly coniiiK tnb .l fpr fxif pud tlttr'iLibti.
ha o 1 I and a fir-t rale -..!( tni"nt of 11 A I'.S anil
CAPS s.u '. i' le for Vj.r-iig .le, wh ih w II t e sold
v. rv low. da eati 01 ai piovc I cr. d.l, at, the mini
cheap sttii-t. Ni. 40, Noitli I h id r'i j I, o p ii-e
the C.ty Hotel. Phil U lphia.
KOIU'.P.T I. U 1LKINSON. Afc il.
N. II. Oide. J,,r Hals ill llierui;1!. pio.nptlv
a'n ode I to. 'i hicbesi 1 nee .11 tuji or t'a-'r
U'eii I r I'm thinj.
Pi dadelpbia, June 1!, lS12.-ly
StlitiiU Iloolk .Vnmif itclcrj ,
Opposite Prinrv's tU ul,
riMIEV are pr. p. nd to n.anuf ictuie Idnnk work
X. ol every ilc sciiption, ruled to 1 ny pstu in, sueii
a Ooikel l ee ids. l)v II,, ok. I.edgi rs, .---sol'
nnd Cn!ccior' Diiplicili s of the linesl q-j ili
ty ol 1 a. ei, in a style etpi.d to any lu.di- in thti ci
ties i f l'hil..d.' pl, ii .New Yoik.
All d, Kcupucna of biioling 1. rally xrcu!ed.
Kemp li.-ks, Albums and I'oiilo'io n.nde In order.
I.aiv llook, .Muv.ohi.iI Period cal bound 10 any
pitlem. Old B.oks iel 'Ound, A;c. Alsi file ol
pipt'ia bound.
Qij oik left at ihe ull'ce of ll.e Puubury Ame-lie-in,
will b'- 1 rou-.ptlv altindid to.
May SI st, IS42. it.
iSiiulV and 'i'ubacco Manulucturers,
Ao. UfJ Xurth tt ef Race and Third
rPHE undesigned formed a Co-partnership
- under llio firm of J. MAYLAND Ju. A Co..
as mc.-cssors to the late firm of Jucub .May land i
Co., and w ill c miini.c the I usiners at ihe old eata
blirhmeiit, on ibe:r own aceni.n. In addition 10
their own close attention anil experience for niuny
years, in the mai.uf.eture of Iheir eeft brati d snulf-,
Ae ihe loon expeiieiice of li e senior paili er of the
late firm, will uImi t e devoti d lo thu inlerel . f ihe
new cm-cein and as no 1 xertiou ard care will le
spared lo insure their poods, at all liin. spf lha ve
ry lel ipibh y, ihey sol.c.t a continuance of Ihe
confidence oi" the fi.cuds and eustonier of ihe late
PbiUdilphii, My U1I1, lF-.. iy
suiinTjnv, r a.
Buslnen tiltendcd to in the (onntiea of Nor
thumberland, Union, Lvcoming and Columbia.
Merer to 1
Thomas Hurt eV Co.,
Low in V Uisnoy.
Hinr, CrMMistu & Hast, l'.'iilad.
Rat jroi.ns, MtFantA'sn ct Co
Srrntxo, 'loon Ac Co.,
io. 09 Aorth Third, above Arch Street,
pHARLES WEISS, late of ihe "White Swan,"
nnd "Mount Vornon House," respectfully in
forms his friends nnd customers, that he l as become
the proprietor of the abovi well known Hotel.
Country Merchants will f nd the above Hotel a
central location, and the best of fare. Persons tra
velling with private conveyance will find a large
yard and good stabling for horses, and the brst of
ost'ets. Iloardine $1 per day
May 1-ltli, IS-li. tf.
LirtlE ! LIMB! LIME!
riIHE su'weribers are prepnr. d to furnish fanners
A and others wilh any quantity of Lime of a very
supeiinr qunhlv f ,r land, or p'ni-lcring, nl the fol
lowing v, rv reduced price, viz: H ct. prr bushel
for I and Lime; 10 els. f ,r the best quality of pl ii
t. ring Lime, at the k In, bel.iw the borough of Sun
I U'v. Tiny wdl a'so ib-livc. at any place within the
l orough of Sitoburv. Lime for land, al 10 cents pet
bushel, and Lime for plnitering at 12 cms per
bu-hel. The subscribers hiveuKvg'S on hand, a
large qnsnti'y of Lime. Its q-nility i g od, end
their limes tone is tut equalled by any III the neigh
Auutis'a. A i-ril 2d. 1 S-12.
Conrial )i'itlMHlo!i JSrr Iiaitfs,
Fur the Stile if Flour, Grain, Seed. "ic 4 c.
J lPECTFUI.LY inform their Irieiids and
(j, the Merchr.nts generally, thnt they have ta
ken those large and commodious Wharv.-s, w itb two
D.iik, noith of Chesnul street, on the Delaware,
together ith the store No. 19 South Whnrve,
whcie thev would be pleased ! receive consign-O'l-nt
of (train, Flour. Sf. d. Whiskey, Iron. Ae.
Ae. Being also well p-epared to forwnrd nil kind
of Merchandise bv the Sehnyllill i,n,l Union, i-l bv
the Chesapeake nnd Water Canals, a tow
boats arc kept exprest-ly for the purpose of tawing
boats by ei I er route.
Merehniits w ill pie .se be p .rtieuhir lo send their
g". d by either canals to No. 19 South
Wh .rve, between Market sn.l Chenill stree's. on
ihe Delaware, w ilh direction aceoinp mv ing iheni
which route ihey wish them to be shipped.
(j Plaster and Salt for sa'e, nt th.- lowest mar
ket price. BOLTON A C' .
March 19, IS12. No. 19 Sou'h Wharves
IlOIIdtT Ali i Mi S,
ijinnbartl Stmt, Haltimorc,
HAVE constantly for sale. Printing Paper of al
sixes arid qinilili. s, Can Writinu Paper, rul.d
and plain. Letter l'uper, white and blue, ruled and
plain. Hanging Paper, fine and cotmn n. Envelope
Paper, do. do. medium, double cmwn, orown and
extra sized Wrapping Papers, Colored Medium and
Royal Papers, Room!, Binders' and Sunvv Box
Boards, Tissue Paper, on.) all arPclcs in their line,
which they will sell on scecinmoduiing terms.
Highest price given for old regs.
March 19, IM2. Elkton. Md
" ri.Ti:.! Y)i: i:i',
No. 71 Callow l,iiJ Street, l'liilaJeljiliia
( 'Three aline Second.)
Ct HOI Findings alv.aj l.epi on hand, w hich b
(15 oilers for sale on the loe-t lei ins. Conntr;
Merchant are parlivuiiily to c ill utoljode foe
P.iila.l.-h -hiii, Novemver 13. IS 12. ly.
Nf:w f:.c;L.M)oi. company.
No. '2U North Wnler Street, l'liilit.
"W, 71 A.N L'FAC'J'URERS nnd dealcis in Oil of
.lV U eviry description both for lunning and
uiuiiuliiciuriiig purpose-, which will hu sold much
lower than they can be procured c e where, and
vvarraiite.l in quality toeijiial any in the city. Any
oil sold by the company not proving ns lepnsenled,
may be return.. 1 without any expense to the pur
chaser, nnd the money will l e refunded.
Their stock now fc store consiHts of the following
oils, v iz :
30,1100 gallons Winter Bleached Spetnn
a ail.
6000 do do Oolo.lcfs Oil,
15.CO0 do Fall and Spring Sperm O.I.
10.000 do Winter N a Eb 1 har.f,
20.0011 do do Pre.sed While Oil,
6000 do Summer do do do ?
15, 00 do Common Whale Oil,
SOU Barrel superior Hlia 'e Oil,
8t'0 do Cod Hank Oil.
50 .hi Nea-a Font O l,
75 Ca-ks Olive Oil,
Tanner's hi.
fjj 'Phi Coippntiv hns a number of Ye--.e!" en-g-ige.l
in the Co I Fishery, and Tanner may rely
upon pet ing at all t. me Oil as pure as imported,
Philadelphia, Nov. Id, 1S42. ly.
A lvFFER I'tlR SALE, nt Ihe South Enst Cor-
y tier of Fifth and Market Strut?, Fhiludcl
phin Mens' Calf-skin Boots, stitched warranted.
do do do pegged do
dn Ho do water proof, double soles
and double upper.
do C.dl'-skiii do do
and upper,
do Heavy Water Leather Pool,
do do Nests do do.
do High qusrlei Shoes, Calf-skin
do do do Crockets do
do nailed
do Fine Monroes warranted
do Kip do
do Culf do
do Coarso ilo
do do Shoes
do 1'ina do
do Kip do
do (-'all' and Seal Skin Pumps,
do List S,nks with and without solos,
do Carpel do do do
do Patent Warranted Wster-proof Moceasins.' do do do do ' tanned India Rubber shots,
Ccntlc Ulcus' do Overshoes.
With eveiy other decipiion of boots and shoes.
Fur Csp of every dracription.
Travell lig Trunk of ev.ry description.
Venetin Trsvelling Baa.
Patent Uurn EUmie. Shoe Blacking,
fiorxeta vf all kinds, Palm J auf Hals. .
I'luhi-Urpbia, .r o.l sr .8, lt-ii.-l.
A N article unequalled for cleaning and g.ving a
highly durable and most brilliant polish to sil
ver. (Jermnn Silver, Bras, Copper, Brill mia ware,
Tin, Steel, Cutlery, and for restoring the lustre on
varnished carriage', Ac. TRY IT.
Prepared and Sold at wholrsa'e and retail, by the
Susquehanna Chrysolite PulUU Company, Owcgo,
Tioga county, N. V.
WM. FORSYTH, Agent for Northum'd,
If. B. MASSE If, Agent for Sunbury.
Novemlier 20th, 1812.
No. 122 Cliesnut Street, LeW ltlt,
T'EEP constantly on hand a general assort
ment of Books nnd Stationary : comprising
1 hcologicnl, Law, Medical, Classicnl. Mistellnric
oiu and School Books, Dny Books, all sizes, Led
gers, do.. Family Bibles, Pocket B.bles, Wiitiiif
Papers, Wrapping Papers. Ac. Ac, which Ihey of
fer nt tlio h, est prices to Country Merchant's Pre
ffFsiotinl Ovnilcmefl, Teachers, and all othcru thai
may favor them wjth their custom.
Philadelphia, Noteniher 1.1, 1H42. ly.
.Tlichncl Weaver V Son,
A'o. 1 3 North Water Street, riiliidt 'phia.
FTJ AVE constniitly on luiml. a peuer il nsort
p ment of Cordage, Seine Tw ities, Ac, vi :
I ur d Ropes, Fishing Ropes, Whim Ropes, Manil
la Ropes, Tow Lines for Canal Boats. Al.-o, a
complete assortment of Siine Twines, Ac, such ns
Hemp Shad and Hi rring Twine, Best Patent liill
Net Twine, Cotton Shad nnd llening Twire, Shoe
Thread?, Ae. Ac. Also, lied Coids, Plough Linos,
Hidtnrs, Traces, Cotton nnd Linen Crpet Chains,
Ac. all of which they will dispose cf on nasonable
Philade'phia. November 13, 1112. ty.
Jit ll Fl illtl!lll & Still.
1 EsPECTFl.'LLY iuloinis lluir fro nds and
ncquaintniices geicrally that Ihey still con
tinue to keep nt the old stand, No, 216 North ."hi
sirri I. Philadelphia, nil of
Which they will Belt n the nu '. uccouunodutinj
and teisoiia Ic terms.
N. B. All eo.-ds sold will be glial intend mid all
orders proui llj Jtt. 11. led to.
PJiiludilphia, Noveml.ei 1 it, 1 S 12. ly.
Wlmlesale and Iletail Shoe, Ijonnct.
nnd Palm Leaf Hat WarehotiKC.
A'o. CO North "d itrirt, a frtr ihmrs ubove ,1ih,
A J0 Trunks, Caipet Bacsand Valices. of ev
''r.v desciiption, all of which he oilers for
sale on the most reasonable terms.
Philadelphia, .November 13, IS 12. ly.
I'niliiella and Parasol Manufacturer.
.Yo. 37 youth Z'hiiil ttrrcl, tun duors Itlow the
Ci14 Until, I'hihnhlrhia.
Ol."NTR Meri hauts and othcis are solicited
J to riaiiiiuo Lis aaioilMCtit bifore purchasing
t Uew here
Phila 'elj liia, November 11. 1S I2. ly.
China, Glass and Liverpool Warehouse,
Nn IH4 North Third strict, third ibior below Vine
street, I'hiliidelphia.
YTHF.RE they constnnlly keep on hand a large
atsorttueiit of China, Class and Liverpool
Ware, which they will dipoao of on the moat iei teiins.
Pbil.idilpbin, November 13. 1P I2 ly.
i7n:()r,rr.iTs c v 1 . p.
Maiudai turer and linporter of Sad
dlery, Hardware, Vc.
.Yo. .1 South Third t-lrrcl. four dat-rs be'.on- Marin I
fT EEP constantly on h lih! a large and ucnera!
nssortmi nt Coach Lamp, Curriage Bands,
A vie Arms, Eliptic Sprints. Pad nt Leather. Ae.
( Vuntry Merchants and saddlers w ill I e sii plied at
all time on the nirl icisoi abte terms. 'I I.. y wi'l
find it to their advantage to call and examine his
assortment before purchasin then here.
Philadelphia, November 13, 1812. ly.
IHIYWI .TTs, 'il (" J. A Nl) Ac ( o
Wholesale Dealers in Forcijru British
and American Drv Goods.
Nil. 10.') Market strtel, Philadelphia.
C10UNTRY Merchant, nnd others can be sup
J plied nt all time with nn extensive a-snrt-ment
of ihu ocst and n.cst fashioiiuhle (iuods upon
the most reinounbli! term-'.
PUiladelphjj. November 13, 1812. ly.
Importers and Dealers in Foreign and
Domestic Haidware,
No. 171 Nohtb 'I'lilf.l. Stiiii;t, riiM.At.rirniA
" A II ERE their friends and ( ustomers will always
tl nd a Inrce and generul a-sorlment of Foreign
and Domestic IIji l.v.ue, which they will sell at the
lowest price.
Philide! hia, November 13, 1812. ly.
iTsi i iiiiu ;k i i a n skll co s.
No. ICCi l-'J .Market Street, l'liila. !
( n, low Fifth South fide ) 1
A LWAYS keipon hur.d a full nnd general as I
J si rtn cut nl llo u ry, Lace, nnd Fancy Ooods,
I 'ountry Mi ichanla are respectfully request 3J to .
give thi m a cill and examine for thenielves.
Philadelphia. Novemlier 13, 18-15. ly.
No. 13S Market Street, Philadelphia, j
13NY1TE the attention of Country Merchants j
Q to their extensive astor.'ment of Biitirh French
and American Dry Ooods, which they oiler for sale j
on the m t reason.. hie terms.
Philadelphia, November 13, Ifi 12. ly.
. . . . . . .
nu 01, auiiu oiruiKi Hiri't'i,
(coax 1 a or coom u's ailct.)
Where they constantly keep on hand a gent r il
assortment of
And a grettt taritty of articles if a superior
quality, which they offer to dispose id"
upon the most reasonable, terms.
C10UNTRY MERCHANTS and others will
yfind it to thi ii advantage 10 rail and examine
tin ir slock before purchasing elsewhere.
Philadelphia. Nov. 6, 1842. -ly
f.'ori ono,' Pulnx Liaf Hut Sore.
No. 10 Sopth 4ii Htbt, PHILADELPHIA,
iir.RL an jtoi.siv aaaortniant of the shovs
articles are cor.Manily kept on hand, fm sal
the most rrs son utle tertr.v.
M; ins.-:,
A unparelleled remedy for common Colds,
- Coughs, Asthma,Inf)uer7a, Whooping Cough,
Bronrhitis, and all dieaes of the Breat and Lungs,
leading to consumption ; composed of the concen
trated virtues of Hon hound, Bonset, Blood Roof,
Liverwort and several other vegetable substances.
Prepared only by J. M. Wissinw, Rochester, New
The innocence nnd universally admitted pectoral
viitiusof the Herbs from which the liuhinn 0
llnrehuund is made, are loo generally known to re
quire recommendation ; it is therefore only necessa
ry lo observe that this Medicine contains Ihe whole
nf their Medicinal properties, highly concentrated,
and so hnppily combined wilh several other vrce
table substances, as to render il the most speedy,
mild and certain remedy, now in u.e, f. r the corn
plaints shove mentioned.
The Balsam removes all imflammntion and sore
ness of the Lungs, loosens tough viid phlegm, en.
nhling the patient lo expectorate with ease and free
dom, assinges cough, relieves athmatic and diffi
cult respiration, heals the injured parts, opens the
pores, nnd composes the disturbed nerves, and gires
strength to the tendei lungs, and thus produces a
speedy and lasting cure.
IxortATiTrni: is tsf, basfst enmr t Man.
We are not among that class of Editors w ho for a
few dollnis will, (.it the expense of truth and ho
ncsiy) "crack up" an orticle and bring it into rapid
'ale; in itler aie we willing to icninin si'ent, after
having tesle.l the utility of an im rovement or dis
covery in science or Bit. Our readers will recollect
we told them we were unwi II with a sore throat and
vi.ih'iit cold some f w weeks ngo. Well, we pur
chased two bottles ef WINSLOW'S BALSAM
OF IIOREHOUND, and so sudden was the cure,
that we forgot we ever had a cold. Those who
are nfilicted, may try il upon our ri commendation.
I.twistim Tli graph. For sale by
JACOB BRlliHT, Northumberland.
Also, by Drupgista generally throughout the
country. fjj- Piice, f0 cents per bottle.
August Ulli, 1S12. ly.
i .isi r or rEbbiis,
roil SALE HI
02. 03. 5-lT.S2vS3QB!S2.
VNTHON'S Classical Dictionary; I.eniprier'
do.; Ainsworth's do ; Cobb's do.; EtigliHh and
(ennui do.; Ambon's ("a-sar; Anthoii'a Crammer;
Al.lheii's Ciceio; Mail's Latin Reader; Ogilhy'e do.;
Andn-w's Latin Lessons; D.nnigan's Lexicon;
Fisk's Ore, k Exerc ses; Daviei-'s Legrndei; (irneca
Maj.ira; Adams's Roman Antiipiities; J'iunoek'a
C. Id-tnitl.'a Ei gl.- nd, do. (ireeei ; Ly ell's Eh incuts
i.f Gioh gvj Mis. Lincoln's Bolanv; Eh mints of
Botany; Bridge's Algebra; Porter's Rhetorical Rin
ders Em.rsoii's (.'. ocni by and llbtoiy; t)lt ey's
do.; ; Smith's Cirnmmer: Kiikhum's do.:
K iv's; Cubl ' do.; Ci bb's Arithmetics.;
Pike's do.; Eitii rs. n's do.; C..I h's Spilling B.a ks;
Town's do.; Cobb's Table Books; Evangelic! Fa
mily Libiarv; Cottage Bible-; Family do; Collater
al do.; Small Bibles nnd Testaments; Pnrkei' Ex-erei-es
on I Vmpnsitioi ; Fruit nf the Spiiit; Bxitr's
S ,im' Rest; A1nericr.11 Revolution; Manyatl's No
ve!e; Mrs. Phelps on Cl, mislrv ; Iliad; Cstcchism
of American Laws; Leiterson Natural Magic; Che
mistry for Beginner-; English Exercisis adapted to
Murray's (.'rammer; Seipiel to Comley's Spelling
Bool.; American ('lass Book; Daholl's Schoolmas
ter's Assistant; A variety of Blank Books, Vc.
August 28, 1S42.
.1 . si i 1: j 1: s,
13 Eyl.'ESTS the attention of bis country fiiends
k- who are in want, to his vcrv large stock of
Curpetings, Oil Cloths, Mattings, Rugs, Binding,
Stair Rods, Ac, Ac, that ho has just opened, at
his warehouses, No. IS North 2d street, and No. 2
Church Alley, next door to Christ Church, Phila
delphia. July 31, lt12. ty.
D. K 1 ll K P A T 11 1 C K Ac SON,
No. 21. No.,'.'. Third tlreet,
(lIFTWKFN M A It K FT VMirillSMT STtlllT,)
I T .'I? f,r sale a largo and ex. ilienl a-soi'rner-t
- tifjniiirh Il:dis, I'atnii Kij.s, Tannin' (il,
.c, at the low est mm k. t price--, 1 nl. rr for cash, in
exchange for Leather, or upon credit.
Consignments of Leather received for sile, 01
purchased nl the highest uiaiL.t prices.
(rjm Leather stored fn e of tharge.
April 17. 1812. ly.
5770R isle a small Farm, Coi.ta.i ing uhotit 1 ne
hu'.tbe.l and ten ncrcs, io.,rc nr le s, rilu .te
in Point tow nship. Nordiuml erland c-.untv , nl. nt
two miles nbove Noitl umheil 11. d, 011 the
road loading from that place to Danville, adjoining
land, of John l.eglion, Jesse (.'. Ilo I', n and t-ll.t rs,
now in ll.e occupancy i f Samm I Payne. About
forty acres of said tract are c Iran d, and in go. d
state ot eu tivatiou, on wh-rh there is a small barn
erect-d. The properly w ill be sold on r. asonahle
leiuis. For further articular, peisons are request
ed to iij plv to the tul.ciili r.
IL B. MAS:: EE, Agent.
Nov. 27th, 1S12 tf. Sunbury. Pa.
oiinU'iTt UeiV Dcatli Ittutv.
rPh.' pul lie will please ob erve that no Brand eth
Pil! are pennine, unless the box has three li
be's upon it, (the top, the side and the bottom)
esih containing a f ic-simile signature of my hand
writing, thus B. BHAiiiitTH, M. 1). '1 hee la.
bel-aie engraved oil steel, beautifully designed,
and done nl an enpense of over f 2,u0. Therefore
it will he seen thai the only thing necessary to pro
cure tho m.di.'ine in its purity, ia to observe these
I, .!,.
Rememh.-r the top, tho side, and the bottom.
The following respective persons are duly auhi ri
zed, and hold
For the sale of Urandreih's Vegetable Universal
PJIs. '
Norlhumhcilai.d county : Milton M.tckcy et
Ch inibeibn. Sunbury 11. B. Masser. M'Ewens
yille IiebuidfV Meixelt. Northumt eitand Win.
Forsyth. ti.'Oigetown F. Mldbncer A. Co.
I'nion County: New Berliu J. hn Holunan.
Seluisg rove Ever and Schnure. MiUJlvhuig
Isaac Sinilh. Bravertown J. A F. Biiigaman.
Adinisburg H. A A. Hnnlh. Miniinsbu'g
SwopeALaird. Haitleton Daniel Long. Free
burj CL & F. C. Mover. Centrevile Suiley
A. Lenhart. Lesrisburew-Walls & Oreen.
Columhia county : Irauville E. B. Royaolda
olc Co. Berwick Shuinsn A K, Henhouse. Cat
tawissa C. A. tt C. (. Brobts. Blooinsbur
John R. Mover. Jersey Town -Levi Bisel. Wa
shington -Kobt. MeCy. Limestone -D. L,
Ohseive that each Agent has an Engraved Ctr
tificste of Agency, containing a repres--ntation of
Dr BRANDRET H'S Msnufactory at Sing Sing,
and upnn which w ill also be seen exact copies of
lha new labta new used upon tkt Drandrtth Pill
Philadelphia, office No. fi, North 8th street.
B. BHANDHETH, M. D. ', 'M.