Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, April 29, 1843, Image 4

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The f .Mowing list show the curn-nt vnlun of nil j
Pennsylvania Bnnk Note'. Tlie mot implicit re-
k i - I .. V r.
uniice miy iw. pincea upon it, as It l-every nir
rsrefully compared with ai J corrected from Biek
ttA't Reporter.
Hunks In riilladrlrklii.
, DlSC. 1
NaMS. L0C4TICr. I'BlllII.
Bank of North America0 P""
think of the Northern Liberties . . par
Commercial Bank of PennV . . pur
Farmers' anil Mechanic! Hank . par
Kensington par
Philadelphia Bank . . . pn
f?rhi Ikill Dank . . . par
Snuthwark Hank . . . p
Western Bonk . par
Mechanics' Punk . . p't
Mtinufacturors' & Mechanics' Bank pnr
Country lSniiUR.
Bank r.f C hester County
Boi k of Delaware County
Biiiik of Geirmnntown
Bunk of Montgomery Co.
Deiyletetown Bank
Fusion Bank
Fnrmere' Bank ofBucka co
Office of Bnnk of Pci.n'a.
Office elo do
Office do do
Oflice do do
Wcatch cater
llarrishurf! These
Iiancnatcr I oH'ice
ITpiitliriK I do not
Limton J iMfuen
11 .1 K K o t i:
Bank of the United Statcj Philndilphia 4'.
Bank of Venn Townohip . . I '"'
Ciiard Bank U2
Moyamenning Bsnk . 1 J
Bank of PcnnsyrVenia "
Miners' Bunk of Vottavillc Potiaville fl
Bunk of J.owintow n I.ewiotow n f
ft.itik of Middletown Middlelown 3-i4
B:ink of Northumheiland orthumlier!and 3n1
Columhia Bar.k & Dridge co. Columbia 1
Carlisle Bank Curliale 3
Exchange Bank rittd urjr 1
Do do hrnnrli of Ilolluhivhurg 3
Farmers' Bank of I.ancaater l.anenstci 1
I.ancaMer County Bank I.nncnstrr 2
Farmers' Bank of Reading Reading 1
Ilatiilinre Bank Hurrixburg
Lsncaater Bank Lancaster 1
Lebanon Batik Lclnrien C
MerrhantB'& Manuf. Bank Viit.-l urg 2
Batik of Pittsburg TiMf-hing 3
V(-Ht Branch Bank V'illiamspnrt
Wyoming Bunk Wi kesbario II
Northampton Dank Allcntown P
Beiks County Bank Heading
Oliii e of Bank of IT. 3. Pittsburg
Do do do Erie
Do do do New Brighton
Ke'ihii cion iav. Ina. A do
Pn.nTowniihipSav.ini. do
Bat k of Chambersburg Chnmbcrfburg 3
Bai.k of (Jettyabtirg Gettysburg 4
Batik of Sui-quchanna Co. Montrose 12
trie Bunk Erie 9
Farmers' A: Drovera' Bank Wnyncfhurg P
Franklin Bank - Waahinctoa 3
Honf Pilule Bjnk lfonesdale 1
Monnngahela Bank of B. BrowiiBVille 4
York Bank Yoik 3l
N. B. The notea of those banks on which we
omit quotations, and substitute a da-h ( ) are not
purchased by the Philadelphia, hroker. wi'h the
exception of those which have a letter of r fen nee.
Philadelphia Sav. Ina. 1'hiladelphia failed
Philadelphia Loan Co. do failed
Schuylkill Sav. Ina. do filled
Manual Labor Bank (T. V Dyott, prop.) failed
Towanda Bank Tuwanda failed
Alleghany Ba.ik of Pa. Bedford no tale
Bank of Beaver Beaver cloud
Bank of 8watara Harrisburg clui-ed
Bank ol WitKhiiigton Washington failed
Centre Bank Belli f.mtc cl x d
City Bank Pitt.-buig no i-aie
Farmers' it Mech'ca' Bank Vitt.hurg failed
Faniiem' & A'ech'cV Bank Fnyctte co. failed
Fanners' Ac MeibVafcUuiik li'rcencate fuVil
Ilarmnny Iniituto Hartoui.v no -a!i
II uiilingdoii Bank II uutiiiijilon on sale
Jiioiaia Bar.k Leni-io.Mi iioa.ile
Luilibermei.' Bank Warn n ta.le.l
Norihern l'.ii.k of Pa. Diiiid ill' no mIc
New Ilopo D I. Bri.Itre Co. New Hope cIomi!
Niirihumb'd I'nion Col. Bk. Milton iio nle
Noith Weti rn Bai.k of Va. Mendtille iUul
Oflice of tSi liuj Ikill Bank Port Carbon failed
I'm. Apr, & Man if. Bank Carlisle failed
bilver Lake Bank Montroae closed
Cnion Bank of I'cnn'a. I:niontown failed
S tsirnoreianil Bank irep,sburg closed
Wilkesharre Bridge Co. Wilkesbarre no bale
Cj All notes purporting to be on any Veonsj I
nnia Bank not given in the above lict, may be tet
down aa frauds.
XC1V JKKSI.Y. of New Biunsvviek
Pirth Amhoy
Mount Holly
N. Biunswuk
Bdvideie Bunk
Builinijton Co. Bank
Commercial Bank
Cumberland Bank
Farmers' Bunk
Farmers' and Mtchanlcs' Bk
Faimcrs' and Mrchauies' Uk
F'uriiierj' and Mi'rebanl' Itk
Franklin Batik o! N. J.
Middlitown Pi.
Jerctv I'lly
no Mile
Ilobeken BkgA: (.iiamg Co Hobuken
Jersey City Bank Jersey Cily
Mechanics Bank I'mIuisoi
M.niuf:itturi rs' Bank Belleville
Muni Company Bank MomMown
Monmouth Bk of N.J. PrccholJ
Mirhanicb' Bai.k Newark
Mechanics' and Manuf. Bk Trenton
Monis Caiul and Dig Co Jiisiy City
Pobt Notea
Newark Bkg A Ins Co Newaik
New Hope Del Bridpe Co l.ainl.eiuwllo
N. J. Manufjc. and Bkg Co Hobokeu
fee ile
N J Protccton & Lombard I k Jerey City
Orange Bunk Orange
I'atcrron Lai.k Paterson
People' Bank do
Piniceton IlHnk Princeton
Sslem Banking Co Salem
Hate Bank Newaik
State Bank Elizahethlown
State Bank Camden
State Batik of Morris Me.rristown
Sljte Bunk Tieriion
Sale m and Philad Manuf Co Sidem
Sutsex Bank Newton
Tre nton Banking Co Tienteni
Union Bunk Dvrr
Wkbhiiigloi. Banking Co.
Bk cef Wlhn Sl Bramlj wine i mington
Bank of De luwaie. Wilmington
Bank efCiuijrna Siryrna
Do brunch MdiurJ
Farmers' Bk of Stste r f Dvl Dov. r
Do lunch Wilmington
Do hrunch CeVogetown
Do briiiih Neiscsstle
Union Bank Wilmington
m- UneJn 6'a
(TV On all tanks ma'ked thus () there nre ei
tkar countrrfeit cr al er-d notes of the vaiioua elc
Bomu(f.?ci, in circulation.
Thi: bent method for the Abolition of Disease
is to elenn .v. nvl purify the Doily.
i.ii ax vi:(jr,T.inLC rii-i-s
mWtrlh .Imrrtcan (ollfff of Health,
Are now nckiiowtcelgieil In be the best Medicine in
'he World for the CIKn of
every variety of disease.
fEOAUSE they romp'etety rlrnnae ilir ato
ff tnn h and bowels from tin se hillieits nml cor
rn 1 1 humor vl it:K are the can. not only of
ll' ni'mhe, fiieblini s. Palpilslion nf tlie Dent,
Vnms in the R.'ncs. Bin umntism nnd Oont, but
eve-rv mubie'v it eidet tin num. SAID INDIAN
V1N.ETABI E PILLS are a cirtnin cure f..r in-li-im
t ei-.t, letniiti d.ncrvni-s. nnd pu'rid
Fevers because they cleanse the pody firm those
inoihiii hi. mors, which, when confined tothe circu
it, ,ti. nre the caus-c of all kinds of FEVERS, So,
nl.-tn, when the ruin impurity ia depoaitrd on the
17 einlpi-M.e nnd muscle, causing p don. irflamiv
turns nnd Bwrtlingg Culled RHEUM ATISM,
H '1 T.Ac. Writhi'slndiun le Villa may
I f rein d rn n alw.n s .ertain to uive r. lief, and if i
peryrv. ie.1 with, nceoidlne to direction will mot
hmuii'JIv, and without f'nl, ninhe a perfect cu e of I
the above painful n nl.vlies. Fiom three to ix of
foid Indian Vegetnh'e Pills taken every iiicht go.
ing to bed, will in a choit timo ao completely rid
the body f.-nm every thing that is opposed to health,
that Rbetmiati'in, Oout. and pain of everv descrip
tion, will he liti rally DRIVEN FROM THE BO
DY. Fortlieaime teason, when, from sud.leii
ehanees of atmosphere, or any other ciiie. the pr
apiiotioti is eheeki d, and the humors wh ch ghoul. I
pu'S i IT bv the sl;in nre thrown inwnrdly, cnusing
HEADACHE. OtDDINESS. nmise.i and si,k
toss, pain ill the holies, waiciy and ii. flamed eyes
Fore throat, honrsene-s, coogl.s, consumplion.
rheumatic pains in various pnrts of the body, and
mnnyotlor avmptnmt of CATCIIINtl ftll.l),
Yrif;lit' Indian YrtsctuMe I'Hh will invarinblv
give immediate ri lief. From thiee to six nf said
Pills taken every ninht on going to bid, will in n
short lime, not only remove all li e above unph as int
symptoms, but ihe body w II, in a short time, he
restored to e ven sounder heahhtl an Wfoic.
INtS. Wright' Indian Yip table ' w ill loos
en mid cnr.y oil", by the stomach and boweia, thoie
tough plib gmy humor--, which stop up all the nir
cells of the lungs, and arc Ihe cause, not only of the
above distressing complaint, but when negiceied,
often terminates in that mo pdifadtnl maWy ea'h-il
CONSUMPTION. D ,hou'd bf a'soicn tmbri.-d
that Wright's Imliiin Ynzrlab'r Vith are a ei rtain
cure for PAIN IN THE SIDE. Oppn s-hm, nan. I
sra, and s;cl;nrs, lo-s of apprti'e. costivem'sa. a
yellow lu ge of the ikiu nrd eyes, nnd every nil er j
symptom if at. rpid or ibsensed -late of the hvi-r: j
leenuse tbv puree fi-.-ni the bodv lboe i m urine
which if d posited upon Ibis important i rc m, ' I
th- emi-c of eiery varieiy of LIVER Ott-)
PLAINT. When a nation is convulsed l y tiot-, ;
ouihre..ks and n hellion ibe only means ofpnveni. j
inc ibe el rend fill Coiiseipirnees of n CIVIL WAR.
Is to expel all traitors, nml eil el sposul ones troin
the countrv. In like manner, w ken pain or sick
ness of any kind, imhenie li nt the bodv is sirtii
cling with interi id foes, the trup ren edv is to FX
PEL ALL MORIJiD HUMOh'S. (Tiaimra to
bralih and life.) lliullh will be the errtnin run'.
That the piiiw iple i f curing di-ease. by e o n;Mi g
nnd purifying the ' ody, i stnctlv in m-cird nice
with the laws which govern the animal economy ;
"lid it pioperlv cariied out bv the ll-e of ibe a' ove
PILLS, will ceitainly result in 'he complete Abo
I tion ol Di-ease ; we offer the I'ol.owing testimoni
als, fr m pi rs n of tlie highest re-peciability in
New York, who have recentiy bei n l ined of ihe
most ob-tinnte eoiiiplainls, solely by the usa ol
Wnidiri's IsnieN Vrnvreai.r Piil, of tie
Xvrth Anuricim Cvllt ge f lhu'th :
Jev eir. L. I.. June Oih. 141.
Doetor Wil'ia Wright Dear Sir Tt is with
erri't smi faction I ioform von of ;,iv havitin I i n
iiitiiilv cored eil Dspr ia. of live years si.n do g.
by the ll-c o' your Ivpmx Vi:';tiiii f. Vims.
Pievious to init ri; we'll oi r cele'biat,.! in i' -cini'.
I b ail b e n nn.te r t ! e haioU of seve-i a1 Vhvsj
cii-i s. and had irn el vniiou n e ' t -tin s ; 1 lit all t
Pel el'evl. Alter 1 1 i g one cee t box i f vonr
Tills, bow i in, I i p. rie i i i d so toueh be; etit, ih o
I ic-ei!ve d lo pi r-e ii ie' it. ihe use of the in ureoii'ii.L'
1 lo ibre-e t'oi s, vi t i b I nm bai pv1 to state, has result-
e'd in a pi if, el run'. Ingral itnde to you fel the
crea' bene fit I l-avi- re ceieeil. anel nbo in li e lo pe
ih etitlies siioil eilv nflla tiil may be ini'urcel lo
on. he- tiial i f your e'M nbirry meieioe, I -enel
you this statcllo lit Willi lull llbe ty t-l (ulli'ish the'
same, if von think pr. per. Your. A e.
New YorkeJune 'J, 1H1I. ti.C. BLACK.
Mr. Rii h.nd Dcr.nis, age t.t for Wriglil's Indian
Ve g table PilW.
Dear Sir I have be en afflicted for several ye ns
Willi inward Weakness nod gene ral elebililv. nci oni
panicd at times v nh pains in the side nnd other
elis're Ssii g ceiepplahiis. Aft. I havim; tr e'd yininiis
mrdie lies wi'honl ' th e'. I was persii nh-il by a fi ieiid
to tnke trial e f Dr. Wiighl's Indian 'e uetabh
Pills, whiih I am happy lo siale-. Irive relii'vpil me
in a most w. ii. b rlul in inm r. I have u-ed ihe me
dicine, as- yet but a eloot time, and have no dnebt,
by a perseverance in ihe u-p i f the- me-dici ie nee-or-elilig
lo diree lions, th. t I bli!V 1 1 in a short time be
perte cilv le-toie.l.
I rneist wilhi'glv recommend said P II to all person-
s i 1 1 1 1 1 ii I y nllheteel. ai d in die foil brlie I that line hem fiei al resu'tsvvill follow ihe ir lis. . I re
msiii youis sinceielv, III'.NIiV A. FOOTE.
Waivvaising, l is er co. N. Y.
Niw Yoiik, Se pi. '.'0, 111.
Th'R is to certify that I haveus-e l Wiiiimi i's
Imhax Villi rtttii: ViLia with the' greatest liene
lit; havir.g entire Iv cured myself of lie freqin-iit Bl
lacks of Sick He'adai l.e, to hieh I bad p'pvioiisly
been subject. ANN M ARIA THOMPSON.
Il'j; (.' re-en null sinpi. N. Y.
To Mr. Richard De-nuis, Agent fur Wright's In
dian Vegetable lYls.
C.J I' TI .V.
As there are ul thia lime many nickel persons
busily engage d in se biieg a counti-rfi i' iin ihcine un
der the imine of the Indian Vegetable Pills and ns
these ili i rate me n are an utterly re ckle ss of i i,n
sequi'iices, ihat many valuable- I ves muy b.i I, st in
couseqiie-nce of using ll eir elre-aelfiel compounds,
ihe ul be bi v cautioned against piocha-iteg soy
sunless on the lidesof the boxes the following
winding is f nn. I :
Indian Vxirgatice )
or rnr. komtii ammui-an collii.e op iikaith.
And alse to le espeeiily ciirel'ul against purcha
sing medicine ul any peison except the regu
lar udverliKP.I iigeu'8.
i iihi;;aiiiii.
II. B. Masse r, Suiil uij M m. Fnrsylh, Nor
tbutiilMrUnd Jaeoh llsss, Shaniokin Samiii 1
Heib, Mi.hon, y Bv erly cV D. II n Aucusla
Tlionma Fiddlier. N 1 1 1 l j Let. .nil Mem II,
iMcLwensvi Is K K. I per. Tuihot-vd e James
Vied. V.'llsgreeve H.
H. II. Kia-tsl. V. M..
Klase, S- vehr-'owu
Hlvsburg P. O, Wiu.
I.ei-ei ring, r m, i nn n l. inner.
Oflice and ( D. pot fir the sale of
Wrigln't Indian Yeaitutie 1'iUs. Wholesale and
Iteisd. No. 13 BACF. f'TREET, I'HILABEI-
IFHIA. May 2J,DMS. ly
roil Tinrrr.n.
(TjJ The following eertifea'e dcseiibesone if the
mntt extraordinary cure ever effected by any
PiiiiAOttpnti, Fchrnaty 1ft. 1939.
IOR twenty yrnra ! was severely afflirtid with
TuTTtii on the Face and Head: the disease
commenced when I w is seventeen years old, nnd
continued until the Full of 18H0, varying in in
lenre, but wiihnnt ever diKnppcarin. During mil
of the time, prent purl of my fice was coven d with
the eruption, frequently aUciided wiih vin'ent itch
ing; my hem) arvi l'ed at tiinra until it fell a if it
would 1'iirM ihc wi llin j Win so (t-eit, thnl I could
erei ly art my hnt on. Ituring the long period
th'it I wan afflicted wt'll the disenre, I tife.l a Rrenl
many a pliralions (:imotii them a: verrd cclchratrd
prepatiition-) nn v, II nil t.ikinu iow.od remedies,
iiu'liidiov a numhiT of hollh a of Swuiint Vannecn,
Extract nf Siirsnvniillft, eVe, In fuet. it would ho
impivaihle to e nunieiaio all the medu-inra I uai-d.
t ,i, ,i. nf ()f ,,e most dis
.j.,,,.,;,,..! nhvneians of thi ciiv. hut witlvut re-
ceivutg ni' ch liem tit, ami I ele spnireil eil ever oeing
cored. Ill Ibe fill of lS'.lfi, the ehspae i.t the time
being vi'ry violent, I coinmene-ed using the Rose
Oiillrmnt, (prepared bv Viiughun eV Davis.) In
a f w applications the violent itching Ce asi'd, 'ho
swelling a' a'ed, the ruptinn began to disappear,
and before I hud used a jar the di-easft w ns entirely
cnied. It lias now been niai'v a year and a half
since, and Ihi're is not a elige of Hie eb-easc re
mnii inc. except the scars from the deep pits forme 1
by the di-ease. It is imp. ssible for me to ili scril e
in n ce rt ifienie the severity eif ihc dtseare and my
siefT. ring, bill I will be pie .sod to give a fuller ac
count t" nnv person wantiog further s
who will call on me. At the lime I commence.!
iiing the R 'sej Ointment I would have given bun
I ebeds eif elolluts to bo rid of ill.- dnensc. Sinco U-
sing it. I have reenmiiii'liib d it lo seve r d persons,
j (among them my mother, wh i hid ihc di.-cuso had
I ly on her am.) who w re a I cured bv it.
I cr Tl e Reise- Ointment is prepired by E. II.
Veiiihan. Soirh East coerie r of Th rd and Race
slice t', Philade lphia. nuJ sold on ncencv in Seei.bu
rv. bv II. B. M ASSER,
' May 14th, 1812. Agent.
Io.c Ointment, lor TclUr.
a moor or its r.rncAcr.
1'ninnHPHi , Mnv 27l'i. IS30.
'v ins is t
J with Tet
to e-ertifv that 1 was severely nlll cied
tier in the' bands Bint bet lor upw-ants ,
of forty years ; was atti'iitte d ge nerally
evitle vin e i t it. long nnd swe lling. I applied t') a
i oinb. r of plivsici 'tis, and Used n great mmiy uppli
en ioi s wiilnut ilTnliig a cure. About o y ar
since, I nppl cd li e Ro.-e Ointment, which er.lirelv
-topped the itch nj. and a fi vv applications iniinclt
n'e Iv ruri'd the eli-easp, w hich there hn be en no
return of, iilthooah I had never been lid of it nt
any lime f..r foity yeais. RICHARD SAVAOE,
U.h venlh. be low Sp'Uee Stree t.
(y The Rose Ointment is pre pared by E. B.
Vnuihan. S nph East conn r of Thiul and Race
Strevis, Philadelphia, and a .del ein a ene-v in Sunhu
ry by II. B. MASS.R,
' Muv 1 1th. 1S42. Agist.
iviedicaia ArrnoBATiow
Of the liOSi: Ot.TMi:T, for T'tter.
ALTHtlUCH ihe superiority- of ihe prcpairi, n
over nil e,h. rs is fully es'ablished. the pr pr:--lors
take pi, n-ure in laying before the public the
following certillea'e from a rpspeetable physician,
n graduate of the University of Pennsv Ivan'u. Dr.
Baugb, having found in ibis tenifelv that re-lie! f r
n ledti us ai.el di-agre eabb' nfii', tion which the means
within the- ranee of I is profe-ssion f tile-1 to ntlord.
has not he-shale el to give it his approbation, although
the prejitdieV ami ir.te re sts of that profession ate
i pposed lo secre t Kemi ehes.
Pnii AM l etii , S, pi. 10, lSHf..
I wa ri'cenllv troubbel w it'i a le elioits herpetic
eruption, which coccd m arlv ore si 'e ofmv f,ce'.
all I f xt. l ele el e ver the e ar. Mr. Yniighreii. proprie-
I, I e.f the lio-i' On tn.ei t, obseivng mv flee, -nsl
-.! oi, rov t'Vinc his preparation e f w Irch he han-
1-1 me j er. A !ihe-uh ill connoou w ilh ihe nietn
l eis eil mv pr fi sion, I elise oitiite nun e i nd di-as
pii ve ol the- nuineri us nosiiuni pi'med upon the
p., I lie- bv i'jnoimt pr. tender-, I feel in jus ice bound
to exci pi the Rose Choline nt fiom ihu' c a-s of me
d cines. nnd to give it mv approbation, ns ii entirely-
etired the eruption, nbh iigii it h ul ieist, d the
li-ud application. DANE BAl'dll, M. D.
(Jj- The Reese- Oinlrnei t is p' by E. B.
Vau'h in, South Last comer of Third and R ice
Streets, Pliilude 'phij, and sold ein ng, ncv ill Sun-
l,v. bv II. B. MA-smi,
May' 1 1th. IS 12. Ag-nt.
To founti')"
TH ll Subs: r il e-r. Agent eel I yon & Hanis, Hat
- M annf iclur-rs, fur N'i-w York. I'hil leli-lphi e,
Ball, more nnd -eiher;'P cities, tew Ihtt are
highly coniuie ruled I ir i(md Ce.'.r and dumbibti,
has o i Lund a lir-t r ite -es-oiliii'-ut of HA To ai d
CA PS, suit i' le fe r h de--, wh i h w ill ' e sold
very hv, foi eas'i er npptnveil eie'eht, al ibe mtrd
cheap itnrr. Sit. 40, Nortll 'I Inid 'r','-1, o p esi'e
Ihc City H oti'l. I'hil.i lelphla.
RoittHiT 1. W 1I.K1.NSON. Aj.e-il.
N. II. Oleics lot Hats in ihe reiiii-'i . promptly
nitei de' I 'o. I he l,lL.ln st ( nc.i in uif.1 ir I'uvle
given I r r nr nni,
Pi liadi'lphis., June 11, IS12 --ly
IC1;iiiK ItooK .llanuf a leu y,
Oj'jitifitr Triiiiv's Hotel,
1IIEY are j re par. d lo manufacture b'ai k wi"k
eif everv ele -ceiptiein, rub-el to . nv pat'i in, siu li
a lloikels l.pc uls. Diy B'.eiks. Le.'ue'is, As-es-sens'
nnd Colli'e- er' Do pile-ilea of the tine-si epuli
ty ol papei, in style- eijual to nny iiiadc in thee ci
ties e l I'hdaele- p! i j ol New Voi k.
All el, si-r iplioiii eel bending I eatly execuli-el.
Scrap Books, A llniins nial I'oillo o,s ueaele to onli r.
Law Book-, Music and lYrioihcits b,nii d to any
pattern. Old Books rebound, Ac. Also files of
papcis b.'Ui'd.
(J j Work lefl at the office of the Sunbury Ame
rican, will he promptly attended to.
M.iy 2 Ut, 1812. ly.
3. RIAIIIiAKO, jn. & CO.
Siititl' nnd Tobacco Maiiuracturers,
.Vo. Ul) North West corner of Race and Third
nHE undcr-igiied have formed a Co partnership
-- under the firm nf J, M A YL AN I). Jb. & Co..
as tuccesfens to the late firm of Jatab AloIund A
I ( ii., (.nil will c uitmue the l usinesa st ilieold es'.a-
blishun ut, on their own uceount. In addiiion to
ihi'ir own close attention and etperieneo foi many
years, in the inseieif n luie of iheir cefe brute'd snulV-,
Ae the long experience of ihe senior parti er of the
late t'.rin, well eeUei taj d. voted In the intere st e.f ihe
e new concein and as no neiliein and care will be
j apareel lo insure- their g.ieals, at all lim-seif the ve-
ry t est qiiulny, thiysolic.t a continuance of the
confidence of the fiieiids and customers nf the late
riuUdt'r liia, May Mth, IS43. ly
Ha E. lASGEPs,
Buslnesa fillended to in the Counties of Noi
thumlerland, Union. Lycoming and Columbia.
Heritor lot
Tun mas 11 a a T St Co.,
I.nwtei Ar lliniinsr.
Haht, Ccmmikos A. IIa nT, yr.'tiiad.
RatxoLtia, McFAaiAJen &. Co.
SrKnMn, 'Jonii eV Co.,
No. li'J North Third, above Arch Street,
ACcoMtnn.iioss for ar.vnvrY
CHARLES WEISS, late of the "White Swan,"
and "Mount Vernon House," respectfully in
forms his frie nds and customers, that he I. as become
the proprietor of Ihe oho"j well known Hotel.
Country Mctclinnts will f'lid the above Hotel a
central location, and the best of fare. Persons tra
velling with private conveyance will find a large
y ard and good stabling fol horses, and the best of
ostleia. Boarding $1 per dav.
May Uih, lStS.if.
FlIHS sulwerihrrs are prepared to furnish farmers
!L and others with any quantity of Lime of a very
superior quahtv fr land, ol p'ui-tering, nt the fol
low ing ve ry reduced price, viz : 8 els. per bushel
for 1 nnd Lime; 1 0 els. for the best quality nf pi d
t ring Lime, nt the kilns, below the borough of Sun
burv. They w II also deliver, at nny place within ihe
I oroiig'i of Sin, bury. Lime for land, at 10 ce nts per
bushel, nnd Lime for postering at 12 cents per
hll-hel. The sobsenbers hivenUvays on hand, a
large quantity of Lime. Its quality i-" good, nnd
their limestone is not equalled by any in the m igh
Augusta, April 2d, ln-12.
f.riirr;il oiuisilssioji .Hor IianfM,
Fi.r the Sale af Tbur, Urain, Stcd. Vr., tc.
SESPECTFULLV inform iheir fiiends nnd
the Merchants generally, that they have la-
Ken iliore large nnd commodious Wharv s, with two
Doeks, 11,11th of Che-sniK stre-it, on Vc D. la wire,
tocether with the 'tore No. 10 South Wharves,
where thi'V won't! he ph'a-e'd to receive con-dan-
n,pneB ,,f i;
rain. Floor. See d. Whi-ltcv, Iron, eVc.
Ac. Be ing also well pre-pari'd to forward nil kinels
of yt rehnndise bv the Srhnvlkill atnl I'nion, or by
the Cliesnpetike and Tide Wsier Canals, as tow
boats are kept i xiie ssly foi the purpose of towing
boats by either route.
Meiebnnts will ple.-se he pnrticular to send their
go, ds iles'ine.l by cither canals, ti No. l'J South
Wharves, bt Iwcen Market and Chesnut stree's, on
ihe Delaware, willi iliri eti.iiis nccomp Hiving them
which route they wish them to be shipped.
j- Plaster and Salt for side, nt tin- bv.ves ninr
ket price. BOLTON A C'.
March 10. 1 12. No. 10 South Wharves
noiti:iM' tr.ri ii sc sov,
Lombard Stmt, Itattiniore,
HAVE constantly for sale. Printing V.eper nf nl
si 7 os aieel ijualitie s, Cap Writing Vape r. rub el
nml plain, Letter Vaper, white and blue, rule-, I and
plain, Hanging Vaper, fine and common. Envelope
Vaper, do. do. medium, deeub'e ceow n. crow n und
evrra sized W nipping Paper-, Colored Modiiliu and
Royal Papers, Bonne t, Hinders' and S:imv Box
11 , arils, Tissue Vuper, and all ail e lis ill iheir line,
winch they will sell en nc, tninoda.iog terms.
ILghest price given f r old regs.
March 10. 112. M.I
No. 7 t Cnl!il.ii Sirect, I'll il:i!c l;.liiiv
( 'three ror.r.1 alwre Siemid.J
AIIOE Finiliiigs always kept on hand, which hr
Js) otfers for sale on ll.e loe-t te-rms. Conntrj
Meich enls are purtieUMily to c ill and judge lot
Vbila.lelphia. Novem ier 1.1, 18-12. 1 v.
(I B RLs
No. '2'.) Noilh Wtiter St poet, lMiila.
W "ANUFACTL'RERS nnd dealets ill Oils of
X? Q everv elesx-riptien both for burning ami
nianut.icliiring purpose s, w tin h will le a,. Id much
lower than they can be pmcun-d cl.eewhere, and
warranted in quality toeepial any in the city. Any
oil sold by the company not proving as ie, rese nted,
may be retunu'il without any expense to the pur
chaser, nnd the money will t.e refunded.
Their stock now ir store consists ol the follow ing
nils, v iz :
30,001) gallons Winter BlenchcJ SpcimV S"
do Oolnilcsa flit.
Fall and Spring Sperm O.l,
Winter Sea Elephant,
do Vre.sed U hale Oil,
Summer dn do do
'.minion Whale Oil,
2UII B.n.els supe liol Sua s ( lit,
:tl'U do Cod Hank Oil,
50 iln Neais Feint O.l,
75 Casks Olive Oil,
Tanner's 1 Ills.
j This Company has n number of Vcsse-la en
g iced in the Cod Fislu rv, and Tanners may re ly
upon getting ul all tellies Oil as pure as imported.
Vhil...h lphi.i, Nov. Cl, 112. ly.
OFFER FOR SALE, at the South East Cor
net of Fifth and Murktt Strata, I'hiliubl
j i In a
Mens' Calf-skin Boole, stile-hed w arranted,
tlo do do pi'uge'd do
do do do water proof, duullu soles
and ejouhic uppers,
do Call-skin do do
do nailed
and uppers,
do Heavy Water Leather Boots,
do tlo Nents do elo.
do High quarter Shoes, Calf-skin
elo do eh) Crockets do
do Fine Monroea warranted
do Kip do
do Ceelf do
do Coarse elo
elo do Shoes
do Fine elo
do Kip elo
do Culf and Seal Skin Vumps.
elo List Socks wilh and without soles,
do Carpet do d elo
do Patent Warranted Water-proof Moccasins,
Lie, lies' do do do do
Ladns' tanned leuli.i Rubber theirs,
(ieiillemeus' elo Over shoe s.
Wi'h every other description nf boots and shoes.
r ur I aps of every description.
Travelling Trunk of eve ry description.
Vi ne li en Travelling Bas.
Patent Uum Elastic Shoe Blacking.
Bonnets t full kinds. Vslm leaf Hula.
FhilsJclitia, NnvtmUi 13, flii,- ly.
L"-rL-'iu'i3 : . , j '. . j . i. i j
A N article utiequnlled for cleaning and giving a
highly durable and most brilliant polish to sil
ver, Oermsn Silver, Brnps, Copper, Biittania Ware,
Tin, Steel, Cutlery, and for re'sioring the lustre on
vnrnished carriages, Aic. TR1T IT.
Prepared and sold at wholesale and retail, by the
Susquehanna Chrysolite Polinh Company, Owegn,
Tiogtt county, N. Y.
WM. FORSYTH, Agent f,,r N.irlhun.'d,
If. B. MASSEH, Ag.nt (or Sunbury.
November 20th, 1812.
No. 122 Clicsnut Street, below ltli,
7" EEP constantly on hand a genernl assort-
menl nf Books and stationary ; comprising
theological, J.nw, Meelien), tlassical, Miscellnne
oiu and School Books, Day Books, all sires, I.ed
eers, do., Family Bibles, Pocket B.hles, VViitins
Pnpers, Wrapping Papers. Vc. Ate., which Ihev of
fer nt the Ir.wcsl prices to Country Mi'rchant's Pro
fessional (.iVnilemcn, Teachers, and all e.lhers thai
may favor them wilh their custom.
Philadelphia, Noicmhcr 13. 1812. ly.
.Ilichncl Weaver Ai Won,
nors makers & ship cxiajvcleks.
Ao. 13 iYorA Wulcr t-lrect.l'hilinlelphiit.
A V E consinnlly on hand, a gener d assort
3 nient of Corelage, Seine Twines. Ac. iz :
I ui'd Ropes. Fishing Ropes, While Ropes, Manil
la Ropes, Tow Lines for Boats. Also, a j
complete assortment of Se-inc Twines, Ac, such ns I
Hemp Shad and Herring Twine, Best Patent O'ill j
Net Twine, Cotton Shad and Herring Tw ire. Shoe I
Thre ads, c. etc. Also, Bed Colds, f'l,. ugh Lines, j
Ilnlters, 1 race s. Cotton and Linen Carpet Chains,
Ar. nil of they will dispeiso of on re asonable
tel rns.
VhilaiVphin, November 13, IS 12. ly.
.I:m1 I i iMiintli Son.
1 EsVEOTF I'LLY inlorms the ir Inends nnd
aceuaintances ge lcrullv that they slid con
tinue lo keep at the old stand, No. 246 Norlli 3d
s.rre t. I'liilaele-lphin, all V mds of
Ton ac co .vai rr at mwarx
Which they will sell in the inoi '. acconuuodutin(
and li as ,n,i Ie letms.
N. B. All eo"ds sold w',11 he guaiititced iiinl nil
orders promptly all. leele j lo.
I'lol-i.t. I,,l,, r.,,.l . I 'I HI'' 1 ..
Wlinlosfilo nml Ucl.iil inline, Ilonnct, '
.nml 1'iilni Loaf Hat Warelimiso.
Su. tli .i,r'h -J tfrcrt, a few th orn ubo e .heh.
I hnnui 'j'lua. i
I.SO Tiunks, t.'atp,et Bags and Valices, of e v- j
vry description, all of which he oilers for '
sale on the most reasonable terms.
Phila.lel'ii:i, November 11, 1S12. ly. i
j TwT wT n 7
I'nitirclia anel Parasol Maiiiifacliiror.
An. 37 Snath Thh il ffrrrt, tlen re'or.s btlow the
Citu Until. I'hilaihlphia.
COUNTRY Meii'liants and oilers nre solicited
lo ciamine his assortment btfore purchasing
Phila.'elpliin. November 11. IS42. Iv.
p TTvT luT T) I; i rr7 s
('lima,(l.i.s and Liverpool Wnrcliousc,
A"i 111 4 A'oi A Third ttreet . third dnnr bilaw Vine
street, I 'h ihu.'t Ijth ia.
"VTHr.RE they constantly ke-cp on hand n large
iissiiiinitit of Cliinn, (ilass and Liverpool
Ware, which they will dispose of on the most rei
soiiah'e terms.
Phihelell'liite, November II. 1812. ly.
Manufacturer ami Importer fif Sail
(llcrv, Hardware, e:c.
.Vie. 5 Smith Third street. four doors Iclow Marhil
I'luhub Ipliiu.
"ST 7" EEP constantly on hand a large nnd general
jSVi nssortiinrit Conch Lamps, Carriage Bands,
Ante Arms; Elipttc Springs, Patent Leather. Ac.
Country Merchants and saddleis will be supplied at
all times on the most reasonable le rms. They will
find it to their advantage to call and examine his
assortment before purchasing elsewhere.
Pliiladilphiii. Novemlcr 1.1, 18-12. ly.
U L Y N "o" LPS , M e FVU i L AN iT ( ' ( )
Wholesale Dealers in Foreign Dritisli
nnd American Pry Goods.
A'.-. 105 Market street, l'hitndtlphia.
CIOUNTRV Merchants, and others can be sup
) plied at all times with nn extensive a-sort-nieml
of the nest and nmst fasliioiublt (Joods upeiti
the most reasonable terms.
Philadelphia. November 13. IS 12. ly.
LOW Lit yi liAItUON,
Importers and Poolers in Foreign
Domestic Dataware,
No. 174 Noirrn Tmnre STartT, rnriAriKirHt t.
A 7 H ERE the ir friends nnd i ustomeis will nlw-sy
' ' find a large and general a-sor line nt of Foreign
and Deimestic llardw ne', which ihcy will sell ul the
lowest prices.
Vlnl. d. ! hu, Nov ember 1.1. in 12. ly.
jTsjiiruK K," ii ansfXl .1yK
No. U'.O l-'J Market Street, Phila.
(?(- . Fifth South side )
4 LWAYS keep on hand a full und general as
sertmentol Ho-iery, Lace, and r ancy IjiiohIs,
I ounliy Me ichants arc respectfully request ?d to
give tin i.i a call and rxuminc for them-elves.
Vhihultlphiu. Noveiuber 13, 1S42. ly.
j j NC;7 a ooi ) & ( o.
No. 13S Market Street, Pliiladelpliia.
SNVITE the attention of Couutiy Merchant
tei their extensive assortment of Biilish French
und American Dry (foods, which they oiler for sale
on the inn.-t reasonable terms.
Philadelphia. November 13. IS42. Iv.
o Al, fiui Hi Second Nlrect,
(to n m. a or coomb's llst.)
Where they consumly keep on hand a gepcril
assortment of
And a great variety of articles if a tupcrur
quality, which tbey elTer to dispose of
upon the Inost reasonable terms.
COUNTRY MERCHANTS and others will
find it to llieii advantage lo call and examine
their stock before purchasing elsewhere.
Philadelphia. Nov. 6, 1812. ly
Cop ana' Vulm Ltaf I bit Store.
No. 10 Soi th 4t SrrT. PHILADELPHIA,
A7HKKE an e.ttnnsive asaoitmont of the above
' ' articles are constantly kept on band, fur sale
at the most reasonable term. '
Mjy I0( ;iev- y.
N linpnrelleleel reme dy for common Colds,
Coughs, Asthma, Influenza, Whooping Cough,
Bronchitis, and all diseases of the Breast and Lungs,
leading to consumption ; composed of the concen
trated virtues of Hore hoiilnl, Bon set. Blood Root,
Liverwort hlnl several other vegetable substances.
Vrcpared only by J. M, Wisslow, Rochester, New
The innocence nnd rniversallt admitted pectoral
viiiucsof the Herbs from which the llnl.uin nj
I fori hunt) J is mnde, are too generally known to re
quire reci.mmene'a'iein ; it is therefore only necessa
ty to ohrerve that thia Me,licine contains Ihe whole
of their Medicinnl properties, highly concentrated,
and so happily combined with srveial oilier vege
table substances, ns to render it the most speedy,
mild and ce rtain remedy, now in use, f, r the com
plaints above met.tionei'l.
The Balsam removes all imflnmnintion and seirc
riess of the Lungs, loosens tough visiel phle gm, en
lebling the patient lo expectorate with ease and free
dom, nssiinges cough, relieves nthmatic and diffi
cult respiration, heals the injured ports, opens the
j pore. and composes the elistuibcd nerves, nnel gi-es
j strrngth lo the le ne'er lungs, and ihus produces a
i Hpee'dy and lasting cure.
iNonn-ri-rrna is thk a esks-r rniMr. isi Mm,
We nre nol ninorg that class of Editors who for a
few dollais will, (at the expense of truth and ho
lies') 'icmck tip" an article and bring it into rapid
nle ; neither aie we willirg to lemnin silent, after
having tested Ihe utility of nn imj rovement or elif-
( covery in scie nce or ait. Our readers will recollect
' we toid them wc were unwell wilh a sore throat nnd
vieelvut e ld some lew we-eles ngei. Well, we iur
ehased two bottles of WINSI.OW'S BALSAM
OF IIOREHOL'ND, nnd so sudeh'n was the cure,
that w e forgot we eve r had a cold. Those who
nre afllicled, may ley it I'pon our ri common, latioii.
Ltuittt 't T' lrisro.h. For sale by
JACOB BRIl.TlT, Xorthumbnh,,,,!'.
Also, ly Druggists generally throughout the
country. Price. 50 cents per boiile.
August Mth, 1812. ly.
run salr itr
, 113. il55S20LJLS2,
NTHON 'S Classical Dictionary; l.rmpr'ur's
do.; Ainswoith's del ; Cobb's elo.; English nnd
(Icimaii do.; Anthem's Oii'sar; Anthem's (iiair.n.i r;
Anthem's Ciccinj Mail's Latin Render; Ogilbv s elo.;
Andiew's Latin Less, ns; Donne gan's Lexicon;
Fisk's (e're, k Exercise's; Davies's Legendei; (,'rneca
Majora; Aibitns's Roman Autitjiiitic-; Piunock's
(I, lilsinitl.'s Er gl.imb, ihe. (,'reeci; 1.) ell's Eh merits
of (ieoli gy; Mrs. Lincoln's Bo'nnv; El.nienlsof
Botany; Rrielge's Algtl ri; Porter's Rhetorical Reader-;
Km-Moo's (icogrnjhy and History; Ohey's
ihi ; Vnrle y's do.; Smith's Crammer; lyitkhnm's elo.:
Kay's Reader.-; Cold's do.; Celeb's A ritl.metiek:
Vike's il a; Eiio rs. n's elo.; C, I h's Sp, 11. nB Books;
Toun'sihi.; Cobb's T tilde Books; Evargclicul Fa
mily Library; Ceutai;!' Bible-; Family do ; Ceellslir
ul do.; Smiell Bibles end TosUmcieP; Varkei's Ex
ere i-e-s on Ce mpositieir; Fiuil of ibe Spirit; Bax'ei's
S. im's Best; American lie volution; Ma.iyatt's No-Vets-;
Mrs. Phelps on CI en.istrv; Iliad; Catechism
of American Lawi; Leilerson Natural Magic; Che
mistry for Beginners; English Exeicisis adapted to
Murray's (.rammer; Sequel to Ceimhy's Spelling
B..(el; Auiiricaii ('lass Book; Dabeell's Schoolmas
te'r's Assistant; A great variety of Blank Books, Ac.
August 2S, 1H 12.
j . sim i: y jo i: s ,
1 EUESTS thf attention of his country fiiends
who are in want, to his verv large stock of
('urpetings, Oil Cloths, Mattings, Rugs, Bindings,
Stair Rods, Ac, eVc, that hehasjusi opciVd, at
his wsri-heiuses. No. IS North 2el street, nml Ne. 2
CI. inch A Ih v, next doer lo Christ (,'hurch, Vhila
elelph'n. " July 31, 1 S 12. ly.
P. K 1 II K P A T 11 ICR ,V S U N,
A'o. 21. A'oi,' Third street,
(ni.rwi.iN maiikit vmi cnrsM T sinr.KTs,)
A'E for s de a l ucre nnel excellent a'-soitment
oijmnish Hide. I'utna Kips, Tanner Vil,
eVc. at the lowi'sl maike t prices, e-itl.rr for cash, in
exchange for Leathe r, or upon cre-ilit.
Cniisignmi nts of l eather received for sale, oi
purcha-iei! at the highest maiket priivs.
O'j- Leathe r stored ftee of charge.
April 17. 1842. ly.
j B.lllR sale a sma'l Farm, contLning about e r.e
hundred and ten acres, more or le-a, situate
in Voint l.iw nship, Neinhund erlat.d Ce.unte , ab i t
j two mile's above Noitl umbeihend, on the main
I road leading from that place to Danville, adjoin, ng
t bind- ol John l.rgh.ui, Jey;e C lle.rion and others-.
no.v in the ecup .itcy f Sanuu I Payne. About
foity aires of s.ud tiatt areelraiid, and in good
stat o I co tivntioii, on vvb . h there is a small barn
erect, il. The property will be sold in reasonable
teitiis. For further pa; tit ulars, prisons are request
ed to ply to tl.c ei,! sc. il r.
H. B. MAbS;:R, Agent.
Nov. 27lh, IS12. tf Nunburv. Vs.
t our.U-rrt'Ilc rs' Death Itlow.
nhe pul lie w ill please observe that no Brandieth
a Pills are genuine, unless the box his three li
bels upon it. ;tlu teip, the side and the bottom)
e-.rh containing n fee-simile signature ofmv hand
writing, thus B. I! in i, h km, M. D. These- la.
bebaie engraved On Heel, beaiilifutty designed.
j and done nt an expense nf over 2,)H0. The re-tote
j it w ill be seen lhat the on'y thing necessary to r.i
I cure the medicine in its puritv, is lo obscive these
I labels.
I Remember the top, ihe side, and tho bottom,
i The ('..Shewing respeciive pe rsons are duly null, ri
i zed, and he.ld
For the sale of Brandreih't Vegetable Universal
Norlhumheilaiid county i Milton Mackcy A-.
Ch.iuilieihu. Sunhury H.B. Masser. M'Ewens
ville Iielnnl At Mcixe-ll. Northutn! ciland Wp.i.
Forsylh. Ccnrgetowii F. Midling.'r vV Co.
Union C.iuntyr New Berlin J. hn lloflinan.
Seliusgroveff.ver gj chnur-. Miel.lle-burg
Isaac Smith. Besveriowu J. A F. Biiigaiimn.
Adanisburg H. ei A. Smith. Milllmsbuig
Swope A Lsird Hsnlclon Daniel Long. Free
burg (. 6c F. C. Mover. Ce ntrevil.'e Slailcy
&. Lenhart. Lcwishurg Walls A Green.
Columbia coi.niy : Danville E. B. Reynolds
A Co. Berwick Shuman A- R.ttenh.'iiFe. Cat
l iw essa C. A. A C. (L Brobls. Bloomsburg
John R. Mover. J. isey Town Levi U.s, I. Wj
shington Robu Mct'sy. Lime.tone D. L.'ck.
Oh.eive lhat each Agent has an Engraved Cer
tificate of Agency, containing a representation of
Dr BRA.NDRE I'H'S Manufactory at Sing Sing,
and upon which will also be seen exact copies of
the niui tuUii ricu) used upon tht Brandrtlh fill
Phildelphia, ofi'ice No. ft, North flth street.
)uary 1st, '.P43.