ry ft apposed Mnrrierer Arrested. Yesterday aflerneon man waa committed by Alderman Redman, In await the requisition of the Governor or Maryland, under circumstances that leave no doubt of hii being Adam Horn, the mur derer of hi wife, in Baltimore county, Md., the detail of which horrid tragedy were given in the papera of this city yeiterday morning. He waa r rested by officers Wolfe and Philips, at the ho tel of Mr. Zimmerman, In Letitia court, where he tame on Monday, and remained ever since, under tin assumed name. From the evid nee before the Alderman, it appears that on Wednesday he went a a scrivener wi'h the deed of tract of land, Ac, Vitus t on the Hanover road, Baltimore county, Md., which was conveyance by Andrew Gra. bier to Adam Horn, dated June II, 1842, and de Sired a deed of conveyance of said tract, made to John Storch, of Baljimoro county, Md. His re quest was complied with, when the scriviner took him to the office of Charles Gilpin, Eaqr, Com. missioner for the State of Maryland, for the pur pose of having the paper duty authenticated. From Horn's manner and unsatisfactory an swers to Mr. G's enquiries, he declined sttesting the document, unless Horn would produce a citi zen to vouch fur the correctness of his story, Ac. Horn, it appears, afterwards called upon the Rev. Otho II. Borgess of the Holy Trinity Church, corner of 8ith snd Spruce streets, who, with Horn, subsequently waited upon Mr. Gilpin, when the deed was attested, and witnessed by Mr. B. Yesterday morning, Mr. B. upon reading the account of the murder, was struck with the cir cumstances above recited, and from the corrcs. ponding appearance of Horn with the description of him in the papers, immediately suspected him to be the perpetrator of the awful deed. He forth with gave information to Alderman, Redman, who at once sets his officer after Horn. When arretted, he asserted that he was a shoe maker. On the way to the office, he threw away tailor's t himble, and afterwards a pair of scissors were found on his person. The clothes he hd on end coat found at the Hotel, are the same as de scribed. In his hat there was found a German newspaper published at Hanover, in York county, upon the margin of which was written the name of "An drew Helmes," or "Helmet," which fact sevms to implicate him in another murder some years since in Ohio, where the murderer was published by the name of Afidrew Hellman. The prisoner scemrd greatly agitated throughout, but more particularly in relation to being sent back to Baltimore. From all the circumstances of the case there can be no doubt that he is the perpetrator of the hoirible act of butchery. A'orfA American. Another Supposed Mnrderrr Arrested. Yesterdy afternoon, upon information given to the police officer by the mate of the ship Monongj hela, officers William Young and Bulkley procec ccd to said ship and arrested a man calling him self William Mason, on suspicion of being concern ed in the murder of Mr. and Mrs. Parthemore, near ntirrisburg, on the morning of the 11th inst. Ma son, it scemt, during the afternoon made applica tion to the mate to lake him to Liverpool, being willing to be stowed away anywhere ; at the same time giving him a sovereign and some silver, a- ' mounting to $7,50. Previous to all this, the Recorder had received an afTid..vit made liefure Justice Betn of Reading, and a warrant for the arrest of Mason, and officer Murphy from the knowledge he possessed of the facts, gave information In the officers of the vessel to lo.'k nut for such an individual. This morning Mason was taken before the Re corder and had a hearing, and committed for a fur ther bearini;. From the testimony given, it appe irs that Mason is the individual who was arrested on Saturday nesr Hants' tup, and after a hearing be fore Justice Weiss, was dischargad which certifi cate was found on him. A Robert MeWlvvrter who is employed at the Pe iding Railroad depot at Reading, testified, that on Monday evening he first raw Mason at his boarding house, the White Horse Hotel, in that place, that there Mason got into conversation with him in relation to the murder, and aid that he was the wood-chopper lint had been arrested and dis charged. Mason appeared lo labor under considerable ex citement, and desired to sleep with the witness which was assented to. They prrceeded to bed in the dark, snd Mason then said he was In trouble and wanted to tell him a secret, which he enjoined him not to disclose. McWhorter agreed to see him safe out of Reading ; having no idea as he says, that the fellow was about to confess the commission of a murder. He then gave McW. a paper which was the certificate of discharge from Justice Weiss, Mc W started down stairs lo the light for the pur pose of reading it, and in a moment found that Ma son was at his heels, manifestly afiaid to stay a lone. Subsequently he confessed that he murdered Mr. snd Mrs. P. with a bludgeon of wood, killing the man In one room and the wire in another, and robbed the house of only f 20. He said he wanted to gat to Ireland, where he would never commit auch an offVnre again On Tuesday morning, Mason Was put by Mc Whorter upon theeara for Philadelphia, and soon after disclosed the facts to several gentleman con. nected with the Railioad, when the affidavit waa made and warrant issued by Justice Ben. Mason is distressed looking creature, evidently ignorant and debased, and about lhirtyight yeais ofsge. His manner waa eonfuaed and his stories contradictory. Blotches are upon his pantaloons and .hid which have the appearance of blood. Ms. on states that he eurne from Ireland in July lat From all the facta disclosed there is but little doubt that he is the murderer. The amount of money found on him here and at other places make about the amount stolen from the house of Mre. P. HrDsoraoaiA Seral mid dogs have lauly l sen y t Had cn the cuttkirtsof Philadelphia. . Till KIDDLVK. JT7VENH.E DEPARTMENT. Answers to Enigmas of last week. 1. Buck Wahhioh Ixdiaim. 2. PtvXstLVAKtA. 3. A Tnons IS) XT FOOT. ENIGMA. I am composed of thirteen letters. My 5,2, 8, 1, is an instrument of mjiie, My 7, 12, 2, 5, 6, 10, is fowl. My 1,9, 10, 6, is a tree My 7,2, 10, 4, 5, 12, , is a wild animal. My 1 1,2, 7, i 2, A, ia to burn. My 7, 9, 6, is something lo est My 6, 2, 1 1 , 1 2, is not to love. My 6, 2, 12, is an organ of sound. My 5, 2, 4, ia an article of dress. My whole, is what every good citizen will not fail to do. From the National Forum. Parody upon Parody Oh ! no we never talk in French, For German's all the rage ; Our lipa are now forbid to read Of French one single page, I cannot say -'-Mon cher ami," But "J, mein lieber Freund j" Alas I that ever such a tongue, Was made to vei mankind. I dare not sitjh ''Pcnsci moi," But nswl"Ach denk an mir;" Or lisp I, "Soyca vous fidcle," I tremble lest they hear. And if "N'e m'ouhlii 7. pas" slips out, They say "Verges mich nieht ;" Such awful words mv jaws will break, As-Spreicht," and "Slichl" and "Lieht." And "M'aimet vous" I never hear; The lime has passed away, When those sweet accents met my ear ; Arm' must I "Dcutsch ver steh," And if my hand he gently lakes, My breath I scarce can draw ; Lest he should say"Sa(r. liebst du mich V And I should answer "Yaw !" Katy Old. Some years ago beneath a vine. Whose lendrills soft bright roses hid. I sighed, "dear girl, will you be mine 1" She said, "yes love !" so Katy did. I clasped her to my panting hreat, Nor was the lovet's ardor chid. She seemed to love to be raressed. And so returned it 'Katy did ! A blu-h sufficed her pale bloom cheek, A tear was stsrted to her lid, Her heart seemed all too full to speak, She looked a Vssi s Katy did ! Two years were passed in foreign land, In search of wealth as I was bid. When I returned lo claim her hand She proved a jilt so Katy did ! .n a n n i k n , On the 2.r inst., by the Rev. J. P. Shindel, Mr. Ann aha m Oistfr lo Miss Catharine Zimmkr- mas, both of Augusta township. rillCE CURRENT. Corrected weekly by Henry Yoxtheimer. Whf.at, . ... 80 Rtk, . . . . . f0 Cohx, ...... 40 Oats, 2! Pouk, ...... 5 Futsncn, ... . loo BrTTI.K, ..... to Bm.swax, .... 25 Taiiow, .... J2J Dhimi Aertrs, . . 75 Do. Piachks, 200 Flax, ... R Hackled Flax, 10 Eons, ...... 8 1 - J "fJooel Intent Fire Com pan j." A STATED MEETING of the Company will -Im- hebl on Thursday evening next, at 7 o'clock, at the School House. Punctual attendance ia re queued. CHAS. M. BRUNER. April 2U. 1813. Secretary. ".ool Will Tire Company' THR members of the "Good Will Fire Corn's- piny" are requested to meet at the Court House, on Monday Evening, May 8lh, at 7 o' clock, precise!?. Punctual attendance is required. Apr I 29. J. H. ZIMMERMAN. .See. IS hereby riven, that I purchased the following articles, sold a the p'nperty of Henry Klsse, of Augusta township, on the 25th day of April, 1813. viz: 1 liureau, (8 00 2 l.o..ki.'B. Glasses, 6 00 1 I. it H .mess, 10 00 10 yards Carpeting, 3 12 2 Waiters, 1 37 J 1 Talde, 3 00 I Clock and Case, 15 00 All of which I have loaned to the said Henry Klase, during my pleasure, of which the uhlic will lake notice. VALENTINE KLASE. April 29th, 1843. 3t IS hereby given, that on the 23d day of April I sold to Peter Pursel and Philip Kenn, for which I have received payment in full, the following per sonal prowrly, to wit: one Cray Mate, two (lows, one Plough, one Harrow, six Sheep, and two sett of Horse Gears, all of which ie now (he proity of the aiid Peter and Philip, and that ihey have loan ed the same lo me, and that I hold the aliove do fcnbed proer'y aa theirs, and in no other way, of which the public will take notice. JOHN ARRISON. Augusts, April 29th, 1813. 3t J. D. Waters, RESPECTFULLY informs Ihecititens of the borough of Northumberland, snd its vicinity, that he has commenced the Tailoring Business, in a'l its various branches, in the shop formerly occupied by Henry S. Thorns', directly opposite Forsyth's alore. As he receives the New Vork and Philadelphia Fashions quarterly, he is enabled to do all Jobs entrusted to him, after the neatest and latest style, and upon the shoileat notice. Northumberland, Apiil 22d, 1813. ly A LL persona indebted to the suhscriler, pre m vioua lo the commencement of the late parl neisliip between him and Dr. N. L. Price, are hereby cautioned lo pay their accounta t. no other person but himself, as be has no roritiiiuted seem to collect them. JOHN B. PRICE. J Sunbury, April 23d, 1843. 3t i-- ijr ' T" iVorthliiiiberlaml County, mj. To Wim.iam JonNsopi, Administrator of Jamrt John-ton, late, of Point township, in aid county, dec' J, URI2F.T1SG : YOU are hereby commanded lo Hp and appear, at nt Orphans' Court tc be held at Sunbnry, in and for said county, on the first Monday of Au gust next, and shew cause why the Letters of Ad ministration granted to VoU by the Register of said county, upon the Estate of said James Johnson, should not be vacated, and new Letters awarded lo another person, in order thst the real estate of said decedent may he sold, or so much thereof as may be necessary for the payment of their debts, due fiom said Estate to Wilham Donaldson. Witness, the Honroable Ciiasiss G. Dovxtt, Esuvinii, President of said Court at Sunbury, the 4th day of April, A. D. 1843. EDWARD OYSTER, Clh. O. C. Sunbury, April 22. 1843. 4t. IS hereby given, that on the 15th inst. I have aold to Mr, Wm. O. Scott, for which I have re ceived payment, the following personal properly, vix : 1 Bureau, 1 Mantle Clock, 1 Corner Cup board, 20 yards Carpeting, I Cutting Box, 3 Swirms of Bees, 1 Meat Tub, 1 Ash 'Tub, 1 Ma hosany Table, and one Looking Glass; all of which is now the property of said William G. Scott, of which the public will take nntic. HENRY DINDINGER. April 22d, 1843. 3t Doctor Jacob R. iflasscr, RESPECTFULLY informs thecittiens of Sun bury and its vicinity, that he has tjken the office formerly occupied by Dr. John Peal, where he will be happy to receive calls in the line of his profession. April 22d, 1813. CAME to the premises of the subscriber, inn keeter, in Sunbury, on the 7th inst , a DUN HORSE, with black legs, mane and tail. The owner ia requested lo come forward, prove proper ty, pay charges, snd take him away, othcrwiso he will be aold according lo law. CHARLES D. WHARTON. Sunbnry. April 22d, 1843.1t Orphans' Court Sale. IN pursuance of an order of the Oipharte' Court of Northumberland county, will be exposed to publics ile on Satu'd.ty the 6h day of May next, at the Court House in the borough of Sunbury , to wit : A certain lot of ground situate in said bor ough on Whortlehury street, and marked in the gen eral plan of said lown No. 318, adjoining a lot of Jacob Young on tht east, and a lot of Peter Good hart's estate on the west, late the estate of John Epley, dee'd. Sale lo commence at 10 o'clock of said diy, when the conditions will be made known by GODFREY WATERS, Sunbury, April 15. 1843 It. Admr. Daniel Yarick, BLACKSMITH, B5 EOS leave to inform the citizens of Sunbury and its vicinity, that he has commenced the III.ACKSM1TIIIXG BUSINESS, in Market street, Sunbury, east of Juhn Bogsr's store, and directly opposite the post office, where he intends to e.irry on the business in all its various branches, including, Turning. Miking Mill Iron and Eliptie Spring, Irnnintr Carriagm.with Ex tension or innnuing tops, fhiewg Hurtes, yc. Orders will be promptly and punctually attended to, and work done cheap, for cash or country pro duce. fXj Hoiso Shoeing done at f 1 per sett. Sunbury, April 15th, 1813. fim A M K It IUA-N K C Ia E C T I C MUSEUM OF FOREIGN LITERATURE. CONTKXTS OP THE APRIL NUMBER ARTIN'S Fall of Jerusalem, an Engraving. Fall of Jerusalem, The Lato Dr. Arnold 11 istoiy istoiy of the Hal, Madame D'Arblay, China and Christionity, A Scene at the Areopagus, Sir Jamea I lark on Climate, Secret Communication in An ctent Atmies, The Lawyer his Character and Kule of H-'iv Life, 1 he American Tieaty. Renun iscences of Men and Things, The Police of Paris. Pof.tbt. Sonnet. On eeing a Child fall asleep amid ils sport. Something to think of, History of ihe Hat, Minstrel s Uur-e. Misckllas . Professor of Minerolo-y at Chria liania, Sonthey, Avalanche, Copyright, Mount -Et na, Antarctic Circle, Philanthropy and Fidelity. Sctxnci AMD Art. Solar Eclipse, Splendid Miteor, Thermography, Curiosities, Composition of Ihe Ulood, I sitar on Ihe 1 eeth. OaiTCAST. Lady Calcoit, Mr. Drummnnd, Thomas Hamilton, Esq., M. Clement BouUnger, M. Jovet. SPECIAL COURT. PROCLAMATION. TUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given, thst on Monday Ihe twelfth of June next, in pursu snee of Ihe direction t'f Ihe Hooartn Thomas Kraxsinv, Piesidenl Judge, A:c. A Special Cnurt of Common Pleas, for the countv of Northumbr ian)), will be held at the Coutt House, in the bo rough of Sunbury, fur the trial of cuitses by jury, brfore the siid President Judge and the Associate Jndgra of said county, to continue, if necessaiv, ONE WEEK, of which Court, all parties, nth rets, and other persons ate notified, and icquested to govern themselves accordingly. FELIX MAUREH, Sheriff. God save the Commonwealth! Sunbury, April 8. 1843. lOt ISoot & Shoe i.ittjfac;tc?.y. Martin Irwin, RESPECTFULLY informs his frb nds and old customers, that he has removed Ins liOOTf SHOE E8TABUMIUE.T to the frame building adjoining hia dwelling house, between that and Dr. D. T.Tiitrs' office, a few ilooie west of hia old estat lishmenl, in Maikel stteet, where he intends lo csrry on Ihe above business extensively, in all it $ varinui branehet. Being thankful for past fivois, he hope, by strict attention lo business snd liberal charges, to give general satisfsetion and that he will continue to re ceive a liberal -hare uf public patronage. April 8lh, 1813. Notice. United States Bank, for ihe use of ihe Hon. Ellis Lewi, vs. John II. Cowden, Ac. "TTOTICE is hereby tiiven, lo all ihe lien credi. tors of John H. Cowden, and others interest ed, to show cause by the first Mnduy of May next, why the above judgment hull not he paid out of the m liters arising from the sslo of the real ei-tste i f defendant, and the residue le distributed sccoid ingto Uw. HEPBURN M l'LURi:. Prolhonolary's Office, ? JVeZi'y. Wiliiamsport, March 2ft, If 43. $ t A CARD. Dr. X. Irlc3, Thankful for past f vors, respectfully informs the inhabitants of Sunbury and country around, that he has, taken his residence and office in market street. In Ihe east end of the building occupied by John Bocsr'a store, wnere he will he happy to wait upon all who fa vor mm with their oil. funbury, April 1st, 1813. hrn t:tatv of Lytlla Wnisoii, docNI. NOTICE is hereby given, that letters of nnmin Imration on the estate of I.vdi,i Watson. dee'd, late of the borough of Sunhury, Notthnm- rcriaml county, have leen granted to the aubscri- ber. Persons indebted to said esta'e. aro rcaneted lo make payment immediately, and tbo having accounts against the laoir, are requested to present them for examination and settlement. SAMUEL THOMPSON, Sunbury, March 25, 1843. 6t Ailm'r. George Z i in in c r in u ii & s o n. "HIE su1 scri'ers hereby inform the public, that JL they have entered into partnership, in the BliACKSlMITIUNQ BUSINESS, wh'ch wi'l berc.fier be carried on al Ihn nl.l stand in Sunbury, under the firm of '(leorisn Zimmerman Ac Son," where thev will conduct the bu-ine8 in all its various brnnchos, including T urn intr, Miking M.H Irons, Ironing Carriages, Shoe ing iftrrsrs. iVc Oiders i! lie promptly and punc tually altembd to, and woik done cheap, for each or country produce. fjj Shoeing done nt one dollir per sett. GEORGE 7.1 M M MR MAN, J. 11. ZIMMERMAN. Sunbury. March 11th, IS 13. ?i.?sTlTEaSHI?. 'lHK subsciibers, having entered into a partner-- ship in the practice of the law, will be happy to attend to all business entrusted to their care. Collections will -he promptly atleniled to. They may alwavs be found at Iheir office, in Market street, Sunbury, formerly occupied by Wm. Dcwart, dee'd.. as a store-rotun. WILLIAM L. DEW ART, CHARLES J. BRUNEI,. Sunbury, Feb. 4th, 1813. Sm. S VJri, imi t'KK.TIIMEIt, HATTER, WTERY RESPKCTFULLY l-egs 'leave to in V faun his customers, and the public generally, lllut ho still continues the HATTING BUSINESS, in all its various brancht s, in the shop nearly oppo site the liuek I avern, formerly occupied bv Hen. ry liana snd himself, under the firm of Has & Druckemillcr, which firm h is been mutually dissol ved. He hopes, by his long experience in Ihn alove business, and strict attention thereto, to render ti tt' erat sitifaction, and receive a liberal share of pib lie patronage. Sunbtirv. Oct. 15ih. 1812. ly. MERCHANTS HOUSE, iVo. 2-37, Xorth Third, almvc CutluuMU St., PHILADELPHIA. ""01! N DUNCAN, late from the Pennyva- ma r armer, and tsimucl Pike, jr., late of A merican Hotel, Columbus, Ohio, take pleasure in ac qnsii'ling their fi lends and Ihe public cenerallv that they have tHken the large and commodious Holt I recently built bv Ihe Messrs. H ut, on the sar.ie site once occupied by the old established Hotel known as the Bull s Head, in 1 bird stteet aliove Callow hill st. This Hotel is finished in the- very best possible manner, hnd of the best materials. Its location is ery desirable, particularly for country merchants ihe arrangements for heating and ventilating each room is such aa to secure any temperature. The bedrooms are all light and airy, all furnished in a neit sty'e, so as to iti-uie commit. The receiving parlors are aUo furnished in a su perb style, the windows nie on ihe French style, forming an entrance to a balcony in front, whuh makes pleasant recess. Pnriicular attention has been given to the beds and htdding, which, with the furniture, are entirely new. From year.' experience in hMel business, we trust, by strict assiduity to business, to make this house a desirable stepping place. Our table will always be supplied with the very best our maikct can afford, and our bar with ihe tesl liquors and wines of the most ipproved brands. P. S, There are first rate stabling hnd carriage houses attached to the hotel, ihrnded by ca ffol and solrr ho-ilers and our charges will be !., in sccordanee with tbe present haid limes, Philadelphia. Oct. 7lh, 142. A CARD. Dr. J. W. IVal begs leave lo tender U grate ful acknowledgments lo ihe peo le of Sur,' n v snd surrounding country, foi their pil emvurige ment in the line nl hia profession ; and wouM at the same tune announce lo them, that he t-t i ' I in tends lo continue Ihe practice of medicine in all its various d partments. He would, Ihirelore, solid a continuance of iheir confide.nce and patronaue. He may be lound at all tunes at his office, at the north t nst corner of Blac kberry and D.er streets, unless professionally end aged. Sunbury, Oct. 1st, 1S4 J. if. ACAlO Dr. It. T. TrifPH, ResM-ctfully informsthe citizen of i'unhury and vicinity, that be baa re moved his office to tlie btiililini; Intelv occupied bv George liriuht, in market stieel, Su burv, where he may te found at all hours, Unless prufessiniiHllv encased. DU. TR1TES returns h's sincere thanks for "he eiicooraqcmenl he has rec. ie.l, in the line uf his prof, smn, in this place, and lriit-t by prompt tent on to the duties of his profession, and reason able charges, that he will continue to receive a lllieral hum of the public patronage, Sunbury, Ocl. 1st, IMS. tf. SURGEON DENTIST, IESI'ECI FULLY informa the public that he -Ik has made NorthiiinU-rtand his permanent place of resilience, and is ready to attend lo any talis in the linn uf his profession. July 2.J842. ly. ALL persons iinb bird to the firm of latin A Hairis, under the agency f ; S. Thaehcr, Hut and Cup Mmufarturrrt, No. 40 North Third, street, Philadelphia, are requested to make immrdi. ate settlement of ilv ir at counts n ith the subscrik-r, their legally auiborired agent, who is fully empow. eted to settle and collect the accounts of said firm. ROBERT D. WILKINSON, June 4th. 1842. If Aftnt. BLANKS FOR BALE AT THIS OFFICE. UNION HOTEL tt 'if IV Mm (flrncral Stage Ojtre,) i.n: jso" iw cms tst IiVCOMING COUNTY, I'riiimylvnnla. flHE Subscriber respectfully informs his friends JL and the public in general, that he has taken Iho above LARGE ASD UOMMODIVUS . HOTEL, t N THE BOROUGH OF M TJ N C Y, and that he ! noV well prepared to accommodate alt who may favor h m with Iheir custom. His Si.Tr.rtso ArlTtsT nrr well aired, find comfortable. !!i Tasi ANb Bah will a'ways be supplied with the best them nket can afford. His STAniiin. wlveh i rood. wi, be under the charge of good and careful hostlers. He feels confident, by strict attention to business, and an earnest desire to render comfortable those who may patronize him, that he will not fnil tocive general satisfaction. II. B. WEAVElt. Money, Oct. 1st, 1842. tf. TAILORING ON HIS OWN HOOK. FETE?. OESPI.OTPULLY inform? Iim friends nnd the public generally, that he has commenced the Tailoring IK n s i n o s , in all ita branches, in the house formerly occupied by Wm. Durst as a Tailor Shop, in Blackberry street, nearly opposite the Pn shvterinrv Church. He rt spectfully solicits a share of the public patron ace, and trusts by strict attention to business uid reasonable charges, he will be enublcd to give gen eral satisfaction. Sunbuiy, June I8th, 1842 ly TIIK PHILADELPHIA, READING AND TOTTSVILLE RAIL ROAD. AN EXTRA ACCOMMODATION LINE Will commence running between Philadelphia ami I ottsvulc on the. Jollowmg day and hour : On ai ArTrn Mohdat, Mat 9, 1842. Leaving Potuville, on Mondays, Wednesdays and t ridays, at 8j A. M. Leaving Philadelphia, on Tucsdaya, I'huredsys and Niiturdays, at 1 j r. M. Hm&i of passing Rending. For Philadelphia, at 10$ A.M. ? . . ,. For Potuville, at 5? P.M. $ "-weekly. F.I H K S. Between Pottsville ,t Philada. f 3.50 ,V ?2,f)0 Between lieading ft d . 2.25 & 1,75 Between do & Pottsville, 1,10 & 1,00 Exclusion Tickets noon for RKTiriMl!,o HUT HAT. Between Pottsville fc Philadelphia, f 5 00 Between Heading ,V do. 8 00 Between do. & Pottsville, 2 1)0 The other passenger trains will as licTore, at the follow ing hours : rtiihdiljihia and Vvthvilk. From Philadelphia, at 5JA.M. ) n .. From Pottsville, nt 2 P. M. S 1 llnurs of patting Reading. For Pol'Hvilie, nt i) A.M.? , For Philadelphia. at 3 P.M. S ' All the trains will stop for way passengers at the usual poi ts. cc'f All pisaerirers are requested lo procure their tickets U'fore Ihe Iruius stait. May 21, 18-t-i. if. WARRASTED SVPERWR TO A .Y J" OTHER M'.AR StMURY. 50IIN & HENKY LANDAU, having rented the Lime Kilns of Henry Mass,-r, in Sunbuiy, have now for sale the best Lime in this part of the country, and will continue lo keep constantly on hand fresh Lime for Plastering, Building and for Liming hnd, cn as reasonable terms 8s can be had anywhere in the neighhuihood. Mny 21, 1842. J. & IL LANDAU. TRIUMPHANT SUCCESS, An .4 !tw Hlsifovrrj: In Iho NEWSPArSR BUSINESS. AM'tS 1" in p. it ii' lol nvaln-t le ds -"Very has lieen nim'e l y i t rt ,1. m ,f Xt-.-.i r t . bv which news, a' . n i nt be piiv..:.l in cir pri;Viv firm, and, at il e , x.iv. en; i! of !, .1 c, o veiled at p'e .. v .i.j M : ne f rtti, l.-r piavcr va'im Ths g. !..' v.- . '.:, 1 i- .! -It-fmm i new i i :l .i "i . : .. t K-vo'n'i ii iii '. ' 1 ' T i :ui-.: 1 i p.pers, w ill I e m'r t 1 : -. .i . . I... - tentee, l i the Phil idi-lpltii " .'tinl y Vu-eum, eoinnieiicinu in Mt n K IMPKOVEMEM'-IN "Tiii: M ' fi."M." "The Museum" i i. n,v so (M: avd li in'y tsbhi-hed, that we feel warranted in lliakii g some very exteiisive and imp , taut improvements. By the lira! of May, ne shall have completed all our arrant'cmc nt. We sli ill hive, in the first place, a beautiful, cb-at and bold type in ihe second, a snpi-rli smooth and w hite p iper in the third place, e shall nu,ke an ingenious nnd nnvi I chanae in ihe arrangement of the mailer in the f.'tiilh place, we .ball mere ise our corps of emit i'liilors in nil the various departments of a Family .V. ii vi.jiiT in the filth place. ve h ue seemed, nt a high sVary, the services of K no , u A. I'oi: I'.sij , a geii'lrmsn vtlm-e hii;h nnd veisilile abilities have always sp- ken promplly for tbeuisi lies, and who, a'ter til" fir-t of May, will aid us in the cdiloiial conducts of the jonrn d. The Xiirriitivt if Townse-nd1 Jw net over thf Uneky Maintains, , one nf the most interesting and Valuable ever published, is sent I r nil new .titi-cri-bers. Al ils conclusion, our readers will find them st ives In psekioo of a woik which uunewlll be worth double ihe subscription to the paper. We shall continue, also, of course, the "Dioirophical fkitches and Portrait," which are now netting so unexampled an ii.teresl. With these nd oiher fea turea continued, and with tlie improvements in con. tempi iiion, it remains to be aeen wheiher we do not amply fultil our determination of making lliJ tfry best newspaper in America. Pirsons wi-hinc to secure sis IhonSind large ocv tavo pages of useful, inieie-nng, snd uneicepiiona hie res.ltng fir ihe aeleot family circle, for the small sum nf Two Dull us per year being at ihe aston ishingly low rale of ihlity pages for one cent, vt equivulei I to one hundred and twenty piges fur fiur rents should hand their names in row; TE It MS Two D.'llari per annum. Three co pies for Five Dollars, or Silieeu copies for Twenty Dollsti-, is the rttra imUli einent odernl t pieselit lurclu' bing Till M AS C. I'L AKK & Co., DiriceoflheSa'urdsy Museum, Publisheia Hall, J No. 101 Cbem.yl Suevl, Philadelphia. U. S. Mail Crtilch Villi iTTKVlLLi; STICK TO THE MAIL COACH 1 THE Mail Coach for Pottsville leaves Northum. Iierland every morning at 9 o'clock, and trrlvot in Poitsville in the evening. Fa at as low as any 6thr line. For seals, annlv at Mrs. Withintton's IT,,!!. Northumberland, or at Cieorge Weitzel's, Sunbury, A. ti. AAIT & CO., Norlh'd.,Msyil,i842. Proprietor, rfr PHSseneers coming from Philhilelphia will please secure their teats st the VVhito Swan Hotel, Race St., before they leave the city. Passergen coming in this line, have their seats secured in any Mage or 1'scket boat from Ibis place. 7 hose tominf in ihe nlher line may ls left behind. EAGLE Off 3E:n3 Corner of Third and Vine Street, WlLIilAMSPORT. PA. THE aubscrilie'r respectfully announces to th public, that he haa oned a Hotel in Ihe com. moilmus briek bluUlin situate on the comer of I htrd and Pine streets, where lie will Le happy to wait upon thnire who may favor him with their company. The Eagle Hotel is large and convenii en', nnd furnished ih the best modern h If. It h provided with a larce mirriber of well aired anJ comfortable s'erpinc apartment , tonirls, privata parlora. A e. Pi"n; s V s tirg t ib-s.rpsport on bu' riness er p'ei ;ure. n.av re-l .'-ntMl rhi.t evety tX er'iun w .il used to r- i tier their synrn t the) fvigle. Hot' I pb'asan' and screeshlo. His Table will he supplied with the very best Ihe market af fords, ninl bis bar with the choicest wines snd other liquors charges reasonable, The EaAlo Holrt possesses greater ndvaliiatres in point of location than any other similar establishment in ihn borougb being Situate in the business part of the town, and within a convenient distance of the Conrt Housa and Willismsport and Elmira Rail Road DVpnt. Sufl'icienl Stabling provided, and good and trusty ostlers always in attendance. Attentive, accommodating and honest Servant have been crhploytd, and nothing left undone that will add to the comfort and arcotntnodatioh of hia gUests. There will be A carriage always in attendance at the Boat Landing to convey passengers to and fronl the House, free, or charce. CHARLES BORROWS. May 14th, 1842. ' 7TM. EEXLli.lT fe CO., lJ Lr .14 Commi'sion & FonVafdinc Merchants. Foot of illow Street Rati Road ok Titt nrtitriit, HAVINfS associated with ihem iosppli Uarnaf, late of Ealon, Pa., respectfully inform their friends and the public generally, that they have ta. ken that large and well known store and wharf at font of Willow Street Railroad, lately occupied by Jacob Martin, where they purpose duing a ueneral Commission nnd Forwarding Business, and front the local advantaaes of the place being connected With nil the public improvements that liavo their outlet in the city, they flatter themselves they Wilt be able to do business to as great, if not greater ad vantage, shd upon as reasnnnble teMvii as Any other house, and they nftnure their friends that any con signments made lo them shall have their strict nt tention, shd no e.tcitiohs spared to give entire satis faction i They are alst prepared lo receive anil forward goo,'. nnv point on llu Delaware and Lrhiuh river,t-itv i-.i pl n.uiik, Easton and Phils, del, his, vii DelaWur- Tivii Vi and Lehigh Can-. la; also, to nny point on the Juniata river, or Nor'h nnd Wt st Branches o' the fusrpiehanna vis Schtiyl. kill nn. I t'liioh, or th ) ( '!;es ip.v kc and Tide WuteV Canals. For the accommodation or li.'s.'f. etming or g.v ii g via. Schuyikill end Union Cauils, a Ste.mbost will be ki pt eipres.-lv for towing boats from the) Schuylkill around to the Delaware and back, Which, will enable merchants to have their produce deli vetcd on the Delaware, and their goods shipped at a saving of E0 to 75 per cent, on the prices for hauling across, with theso advantagea they r spettfjlly aolicit a share of patr 'nace. W. HE1LMAH k LU Villiatn Hellman, Wdbam W. Kevser, Joseph Burnet. 3 Philad .Mru? U. 1841 ly GOOD EVS FOR AMERICAN YOUTH t a juw Toirsti or IIOI1ERT NUlRY's MI'SEt'Sty Ediled.br S. U. fioonaicH, author of Peter Park 'V Titles, Commencing January, 1843. StM'E the cctmiiiencerheut of this work nor tre mo-l popular Juvenile periodical extant it hs eer nt ihe aim of ihe puhhi-hers to make it ib-trv.ii: f '.he liberal i ncouragement which hit : n i !. i t-1 t iwards it; and its subscription list rl; , , iliat x'.vir effoT'a have been appreciated by in, ! Vf.- d..f. ! T.,i:.iary a ne volume wtlf Ti a . '! I --t. i f ' e woik will not ba . t -'."i . , ' ' i n ihe same, and the ' , -,v ; .. . '..,; Irons md the pub- IT W ' t i . i r K; r; .-. iv. ".i l- iu .. astiip to rend, r it if i a i -i . . :,: .". in i. r the ouns;. To ,l,i I Ii- -i ' ". .1,1.. I ,: 'li;.! truth it. ti." VTlhi ni i i-f ' !-' . n;s pr.uciples : t'il hT't'vea ii i 'i. il. .. a .1 in t' " i ination of eh itacter, to i ornate a i-i-te to. n,.otv. . ge and i it; rnvemcntj and with ihstrueiinii to blend pleasure and amused inent, these have been, and will continue to be the en I and aim nf ihe woik. Every article will ha thoroughly digested before it is admitted Into this work, and grt-at care will he taken that it shall not contain anything inconsistent with the object in view. It is deatgncd lo be; not interesting for lha moment only, but of permanent value, arid fit tJ foiin part ofeveij FAMILY LIBARY: Some of the leading features of the MilseUm are1 History, liifgrnphif, Vcnlogi, Natural Hittory ('e'igicphy, Aic. Tlnse will be accompanied with lighter matter in the form of Tales, Sketches, Ad vi ntun a by Sea and Land, jfsrrtttivea of Kcmaila bio Occurrences, Anecdotes, FiblrS, Allegories, Ac Po try ahd Musib will 1 oiled in to assist. Eve ry available means of tendering the vtoik sprightly iiiatructing and cut, rtaining, will be put in requiai lion, rtuinbrotis and splendid cnibellishntenla anc illuslralions, suipsssing what may be found in any other wink of the kind, in thia respecii will be in serted; and the typographical appearance of tin Museum will be such as; it i. believed, will nice; the approbation of i'a patrons. The pttblishen would sdd, lhat. Merry's Museum is the cheaper periodical of the kind published in any part of th woildi the annual volume containing nearly at much miner as two volumes of Bancroft's History which sell for four dollsra and fifty cents Tu Vat IrfiWasT Tbs. On copy; $1 Si copies, $5 t Thirteen copies, f 10. The great eiena incurred in getting out a worl like the Museum, renders it neces-ary that Ihe pub hsher should strictly adhera lo the oash system. AH letters must be post-paid, and addiessed ti the Publi.he.s and Proprietors. URADHURY. EODEH A; 10 School tt., Rattan, and lt7 Hataut . J Fresh suppyVf ROH E Ol N I'M E NT. ! A ...d fo, ..le by U. B. a'ASERr Nov. 191b, 184!.