From a lAverpool paper. The Cninctt Lumcrocs Effects of the ArrtABAScs of a Comst in 1712. In the year 1712, Mr. VVhis ton having calculated tlio return of a comet, which was to make ita appearance on Wednes day, the 14th of October, at five minutes after five in the morninjr, gave notice to the public accordingly, with this terrifying addition, that a total dissolution of the World by fire was to tattn place on the Friday following. The reputa tion Mr. WhiHton had long maintained in Eng land, both as a divine and a philosopher, left little or no doubt with the populace of the truth of his prediction. Several ludicrous events now took place. A number of persons in and about London seized all the barjes and boats they ceuld lay their hands on in tho Thames, very ra tionally concluding, that whon the conflagra tion took place, there would be the most safety on the water. A gentleman who had neg're ted family prayer for better than five years, in formed his wife that it was his determination to resume that laudable practice the same even ing ; but his wife having engaged a ball at her house, persuaded her husband to put it oft till they saw whether the comet appeared or not. The South Sea Stock immediately fell to 5 per cent, and the India to 11 ; and the Captain of a Dutch ship threw all his powder into the river, that the ship might not be endangered. The next morning, however, the comet ap peared, according to the prediction, and before noon the belief was universal that the Day of Judgment was at hand. About, this time 223 clergymen were ferried over to Lambeth, it was said, to petition that a short prayer might be penned and ordered, there being none in the Church Service on that occasion. Three maid9 of honor burned their collections of novels and plays, and sent to the bookseller's to buy each of them a Bible, and Bishop Taylor's 'Holy Living and Dying.' The run upon the Bank was so prodigious, that all hands were employed from morningtill night in discounting notes and han ding out specie. On Thursday, considerable more than 7,000 kept mistresses were legally married, in tho face of several congregations. All to crown the whole force, Sir Gilbert Ileathcole, at that time Head Director of tho Bunk, issued orders to all the Fire Officers in London, requiring them to keep a good look out, and have a particular eye on the Bank of England.' The Atcvracy with wmcn the Mcletra y erses the Alps. Among the Alps, the path often occupies only a space of a few feet in width, having on one side an eminence of per pendicular ascent, and on the other a vast abyss, and, it generally follows the direction of the mountains, presents frequently declivities of se veral hundred yards. On arriving at ono of these, the mule halts for a moment, and no ef fort of the rider can for a time urge it forward. It appears alarmed at the contemplation of the danger. In a few moments, however, it places its fore feet as it might be supposed to do in the act of stopping itself, and almost immediately closes it6 hinder feet, somewhat ndvanciug them, so as to give the idea of its intention to lie down. In this attitude it glides down the descent with astonishing rapidity : ct amidst all its speed, retains that self government which enables it to follow, with tho most perfect precision, all the windings of the road, and to avoid every impe diment to its progress and security. Tin LmI Moments of a Snlclde. Cot. Sitxtro. -In noticing tho death of Col. Shelton by suicide, the Vicksbur Sentinel my he waa a kind and affectionate father, anJ was hu mane in nil tho relations of life. He left inmi memoranda behind him, in which the horrors of his mind, during; the period which immediately pre re. (led hi death, are forcibly depiciled. No one cm rea l these hasty notes with other feeling than sympathy for the file of the wre'ehed man. 20th. 1 fear tny fate is fixed. Gravnwilldo nothing to-day, and Crane is uneasy so ate others who have entrusted me whh their funda. If I am deceived, T cannot anrvive it. My foitune it gone my credit also. If I im deceived I cannot meet my friend- who have relied on me. How am I to meet my God ! Must my destroyer live and t die ? Oh Co I. how awful ! Yet it is better to die by my own hands, than to lire in asnnv ; or meet mv Ood with my own, than the Wood of another on my hand It mut he, if am deceived Monday. Tuesday, 10 o'clock. No better. What ii to be done? Night, It o'clock. I have received no thing but premise, depending on Government The truth is, my Cam illa have been used Infill up ex amina'ion. A a fur as gone, the specie is in amount full. If the investigation was over, or excitement at an end. I would receive all in gold, or aa much as I need at present to satisfy all who have entrust ed m. 22d. The question now is, will those persons continue to delay longer lam sure myself that all U safe ; if they do not, I die to-day by my own hands. Oh God, forgive me ! Oh God, tike care of my wife and littto ones t The following ia a copy of a note left upon the bank of the river, and supposed to have been writ ten jut before his death t Before I take this dreadful leap, I swear before the living God, that Graves has all the funds I could get. It was iriTcsied in Slate warrants, left him under the promise that gold should be paid at par as soon as the investigation was over, All is gone. The only warrants which I can describe 1 have no doubt are in the Treasury : An old warrant, J 1,226. Tracy warrant, $736, belonging to T. P. Ware; $975 wrapped in Tracy's account loft as Col'atend security belonging to W, K. Crane. I further swear I have not a dollar my family has. Mr. Graves has $7,2S4. and about 4,000 be sides. Not one cent have I received, unless it be $300, borrowed of Mr. Thomas, and $201 of E. Graves ; so help me God ! March 3d, 1S43. W. H. SHELTON. I- J---J-- L-BJ THE AMERICAN. Saturday, April 29, 1843. fXj" We have on band sixty teams of print ing paper, similar in sire and quality to the sheet upon which this is printed. Also 36 reams of su per Royal 21 by 29 inches, which will be sold at cost ind carriage, for cash. rXj On our first page will be found a well writ ten and interesting tale u rr We are indebted to k friend for Mr. Barrett's Report on capital punishment. Qr3Tbe Susquehanna is gradually falling. A vast quantity of lumber is now afloat on Its way to market. The injury to the canals is probably not as great as waaexprcted from the high state of the water. The navigation, we think, will be fully resumed in a few days. fXj The Tide Water Con d sustained but very little injury from the lute freshet, which was re paired in a few days. Distrming Calamity. We regret to state that the stone flouring M ill of Mr. Frederick Haas, about two miles from this place, was entirely consumed by fire on Wednesday n'ght list, with all its contents. There were up wards of four hundied bushel of grain in the mill, belonging to different individuals, at the time, which was all consumed. The loss will be seri ously felt, not only by Mr. Haas, but by many o thers. The fire was first discovered shout one o'. clock nt night, when the roof had already fallen in. It is not known how the fire originated. fjT Mason w ho was arrested for the lato murder at Harrisburg, has hern discharged for want of evi dence. The confession mad at Rending, proved on examination to be incorrect. Sale of the Public Work!. The bill for the sale of the main line for $18,. 000,000, and the Delawure division for $1,000,000, hasps ed both Houses. State stock to be taken at par in payment! 1.1,000,000 to be paid before the company purchasing it can go into operation. If these improvements should be sold, the public dol t would be reduced to about $ 18,0:10,000 ; but then we should be without the improvements, which at some future day might enable us to pay off the whole debt. Cj During a heavy shower at Baltimore, on Sunday last, a quantity of sulpher fell with the rain. The Milleritc rejoiced exceedingly, as it was the last day, but unfortunately another ahowcr soon followed and washed away all their hopes. X? The flying machine, recently invented in England, is attracting great attention among the scientific men there. A large surface of 4 or 6000 square feet is exposed to the air, made of light silk, which is prn elled l y rotary wheels, similar to those of a wind mill, driven by a lightly con structed steam engine. The English pipers say that they may probably pay us a flying visit some of these days. upon this subject. It serves to show, however, bow difficult it is to eradicate prejudice and error, ! whi n sanctioned by long usige. Here ia no con sanguinity no iflinity by blood. We should think it less harmful and prejudicial to society to marry a doxen of sisters-in-law, than one couin, or even a second cousin. (QT The following act to prevent preferences in assignments was passed at the list session, and was signed by tho Governor on the 1 7th inst. It is an important act i "Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same. That all assignments of property in trust, which shall hereafter be made by debt ors to trustees, on account of inability, at the time of the assignments, to pay their debts, to preter creditors, (except for the payment of wages of labor,) shall bo held and construed to inure to the benefit of all tho creditors, in proportion to their respective demands, and all such assignments shall bo subject, in all res pects, to the laws now in force relative to vol untary assignments. Provided, That claims of the laborers thus preferred, shall not sever ally exceed the sum of fifty dollars." 21,500 00 250,000 00 5,000 00 8,000 00 300 00 2.000 00 Extraordinary Swiftness) of Horses. The Marquis of Rockingham possessed a horse, called B;iy Mdlton, that ran four miles on the York course, in seven minutes and forty-four se conds. The celebrated Childers is supposed to have been the fleetest horse ever known in the world. He was opposed by all the most distin guished horses of his day, and what is perhaps unprecedented in such a variety of contests, in every instance bore off the prize. He is stated to have ran nearly a mile in a minute, and his general progress on a four mile course was at the rate of M feet and a half in a second. E clipsc was almost equally swift with Childers, and w&s considerably stronger. His form by no means considered handsome, as indeed his dimensions deviuted very considerably from those which were supposed to constitute the standard of perfect beauty in the horse ; but the most minute examination, his structure was found to be contrived with the most exquisite mechanism fur speed. A Ntreot Fight. A disgraceful street fight occurred between Governor Thomas of Maryland, and Governor McDowell of Virginia, at Staunton, in tho lat ter State, last week. The disgrace of the thing was heightened by the fact, that the parties are cloFely connected by matrimonial alliance the one being the son-in-law of the other. The Richmond Star gives the following account of it: "We have the particulars from a correspon dent o a fight that occurred at Staunton on Tuesday last, between Gov. McDowell and Gov. Thomas of Maryland. Gov. Thomas reach ed thct place in the Valley stage, about 11 o' clock, and Gov. McDowell in the Charlottsville stage, about an hour afterwards. They put up at the same hotel, and met there, but did not spi'&k both desiring to take the Lexington staire. When the stage came up, Gov. Mc Dowell handed his lady into the fctagp, and he was also in the act of entering, when he obser ved Thomas at his side, and demanded where he was going, to which he replied, "In the stage." This he was assured he should not do, and frc.m words they proceeded to blows, Gov. McDowell employing his umbrellu with marked effect upon his adversary. The bystanders then interfered, ami the battle was stopped Gov. T. declaring that he had not received fair play. By the persuasion of friends, Gov. McD. with his lady took a privateconveyance to Lexington. Gov.T. continuing in the stage. It was anti cipated that another "scene" would occur at Lexington, from which place news was anx iously expected. The afliiir has caused great talk and excitement at Staunton." rjj Thii is the season for setting out fruit ami shade trees. There is nothing that isrolculitcd to beaut fy a town s much, as by the planting of lree. And its this can be done also little expense and trouble, it is to be regretted that more attention is not given to tho subject. (xj" Tho lat legislature, in postponing the bill which compelled the Tide Water Company to redeem only one fourth of its notes in tolls, have eiven a direct sanction to the most shameless kind of repudiation. Thia law, and the repeal of the rx post fnclo features of the non-imprisonment law, must, and will yet be carried into effect. Small Notrs. The bill allowing the banks to issue small notes fr a period of 3 or 4 years, has not become a hw. If the banks can resume without the aid of small bills, which we hive reason to believe they now will do pretty generally, we should certainly pie. fer a resumption wi.h nit them. The irredeemable borough and individual shinplasters, we hope, will at once be d'scardtd. Sprric; for tlir Laborers. It will be recollected that some time since, Penn sylvania received f 00,31 3 27 in specie, from the General Government, as her share of the proceeds of the sale of the public Uriels. When the appro priation loll was before the Senate, Mr. Eyer of I'nion, offered an amendment that the above sum in specie I paid out to the laborers on the public works, which was incorporated in the bill as it passed both Houses. Among the most important acts was the General Appropriation bill, which passed a little bcfoie 12 on Tuesday night, of which the following is a synopsis : For the expenses of Government, $250,000 00 For Militia Expenses, 20,000 00 For Pensions nod Gratuities, 47,000 00 For Universities, Colleges, Acade mies and Female Seminaries (re duced one one half,) For the support of the Common School System, To the House of Refuge, To the Institution for the Blind, do. do. Deaf and Dumb, To repairs, 5cc ,of Public Ground, at The Cnpitol, To the Stale Lihraay, for debts now duo, For expenses of the late Nicholson Court, To the Eastern Penitentiary, do. Western do. For intercut of the Relief Issues, For interest on cerlifica'es to l)o mestic Creditors, Temporary loan under Act of 14th April, 1839, To the Giolog'cal Survey, (to be paid w hen the w hole work is completed and not before,) For continuing the Mttcorulog'cal Survey. To Miscellaneous Expenses, To the ayment of Canal and Rail road oliiiers. To expenses in the Canal Board, in cluding the salaries of the Commis sioners, Clerk hire, etc., To ri pail damages to the Canal, by the great floods, if necessary, To be paid pro ruin for claims for la bor and materials furnished on the public works, (being the sum re ceived in specie from the general government, for Pa's share of pro ceeds of sales of public lands.) For ordinary repairs, This last item was incorporated in the bill for the relief of Domestic Creditors, for tho sale of State Stocks, Ac, which has become a law. (Ej The following resolution or sentence of out lawry was patstd at a meeting of iqunttrrs. in Millwaukie, Michigan, in relation, to purchasers who may attempt to purchase public lands, upon wh'uh they have previously settled. The unfortu nate off ndcr is promised nothing but a decent bur rial, if he shoulJ be so fortunate as to die arnong-t them : "Resolved, That we will extend to such per son none of the hospitalities of friendship, nor the civilities of 'ocial life that we will coun tenance no alliance with him in business or friendship that we will neither lend nor sell to him that we will not give him fire when that in his house goes out, nor assist him in his corn husking, log roll in?, nor raisings nor in an v nf rmr inlnrr-nnrier reenrrni7P him AH nnr 11,000 00 . fnllnu. Rnvn innresprvinrr hia nr.nprtv frnrtl lip. . r- ....-J r--i j struction by fire, or himself from death, when in our power to do so, and by giving him bread when he is hungry, and awarding to him the rites of Christum burial when he dies. And that if any person shall extend to him other treatment, he shall he viewed in the same light as the aggressor himself." 4,000 00 8,000 00 5.000 00 30.000 00 72,000 00 15,000 00 2,200 00 300 00 5,000 00 50,000 00 C.3S0 00 50,000 00 MISCELLANY. Editorial, CoiitlriiscU anil Selected. Green Peas were in blossom at Geriuantown on Saturday last. Catfish have been caught in the Mississippi, weighing one hundied and fifty pounds. the flour stirred in until the lard becomes of the consistency of paste. Pleasant. Th editor of a Florida paper says t 'We have now in sight of our sanctum, magnolias in full bloom, in most luxuriant eccentricity and at the foot of the queer tree in Flora's dominion, coil the deadly poisonous moccasin and rattlesnake the one with short but timely warning, while the other deals the silent blow of death. An actor at New Orleans was lately called out at the end of a performance, and presented with a splendid tin cup. Killing two Bird with one Stone. -It is said that fur a political salute of one hundred guns, fi red at Albany on Thursday, the Whigs furnished the guns in honor of their success in Albany, and the Democrats the powder, in honor of their view ty in New York. This was both good naturcd and economical. snvtreigii Hemtiues . foreign paper gives the following as sovereign remedies for afflicting diseases : For the gout, toast and water; hoop ing-cough, ipecacuanha ; bile, 'exercise ; corns, easy shoes ; blue devils, employment: rheuma tism, new flannel and patience ; tooth-ache, pluck it out ; debt, retrenchment ; love, matrimony. Ilii) II Further Particulars. A letter in the King t in, Jamiaca, Journal, gives an interesting account of the abdica'ion of B.iyer. He sent out a large army on the approach of the insurgents, when the insurgent general made a pa cific A.ldreas which waa answered try a dis. harge of cannons from the ranks of President Boyer's Lifa Guards, which had the effect of killing and wound. ing fifiean or sixteen of their opponents. Upon ob serving this the cannons af the Provisional Army were utimu77.1ed, ends he,.vy di ch irge followed, wlvclt k l ed and wounded tome fifty or sixty of the Prei-idcm's men. The regiments of the line, unwilling to continue the combat, marched over the Tanks of the Provi sional army, which opened to receive them. The President's Life Guirds, perceiving what had taken place, commenced a retreit, intelligence of which led the President to the conclusion that all was lost, and that it was necessaiy to s. ek s ife'y in flight. Such of his thing as rou'.d be g t together were hastily removid on board the Scylla, British tessel of war lying in the harbor of Port-.iu-Piince, nn I these were followed by the President's house- j hold and immediate fiends. Afer being some time on lioard, the President lei nested Capt in j Sharp to go to his Palace for several artie'e and money which had been left behind, but, on the i Cipt j'iii's reaching the Palace, it was surrounded High mass wis performed at New Orleans, on i by the Millilary, who refused him admittance, oln the tilth ult., for the repose of the souls of the serving that the Pre-ident was welcome to what victims by tho late earthquake at Gaudaloupe. he had already biken, but that what remained wis Can it bo possible that some people a-e more the property of tho Kepuhlic, and they would not rn..l.'mi .Ke ,,vmrnt of ih Slate debi ! allow it to be taken away." The Retort Coirteois. Edward Everett, our present Minister to England, delivered an oration before the Phi Beta Kappa Society at Cambridge, at their annual celebration, a few years ago, and after the public exercises were over, the Society had a dinner, as is usual on such occasions. Judge Stokv, who presided at the tables, is said to have proposed the follow ing sentiment, after the cloth was removed, in compliment to the orator t "The Orator of the day Applause follow the footsteps of fame when tvir it (Everett) noes." This directed the attention of the whole com pany to Mr. Evcucit, who immediately arose and made the following very happy le'.ort : "Tlie Mtmb'rs tf the Legal Profusion Mov ever lolly their aspirations may 1. they never can rise higher thau one Silvryr Burlington tret I'rtu. Ciititcu Ptws, In the practice of pohtely bowing btrutjgers out of a pew where there is still room to spare, is there not a lack ot even worldly courtesy 1 'Have you not mistaken the pew, sir ?' blandly said one of these Sunday CI. 'u .f . Ms S with emphatic gracefulness, he opened the door. '1 bejrj pardon,' replied the BtruiiL'er. raisin to go out ; 'I fear 1 hsve. 1 took it for a Christian's.' Amtriean, Miller's PRoriircv Confirmed. Some mn tlrematical chap who has been looking into Mil ler's system, confirms it in the following man ner. He has discoved that Luther woro peg ged boots. Now, he says, if you multiply the number of years that I'itis was Pope, (which Pius is not recollected, as there were seven of that title) by tho number of pegs in Luther's boots, and the sum by the nails in the heels, and then add a hoot belonging to Mr. Miller and another belonging to Mr. Ilimes, the total willbelain. Of course, thia calculation set tles the question. SILK. Notwilstanding the little that is now said in re gird to the silk culture, the business has acquired sueh a lermanency, that it must ere lone, lecome an important staple in the commerce of the country. We have had some little expeiience, ouisetves, in the raiding of silk, but were not as successful as we had reason to expect, owing to ihe poor quali ty of the ai'kworm eggs. Our neighbors of the Gazette, however, during Ihe last season were quite successful, havinsr raised and reeled six and a h df pounds of very -uieri r silk, which was pronmneed in PUiladelphii as among the best tha' had come to that mrke. For this s.'k Ihey rer, ived four dol lars and fifiy cents per pound, which is of itself a sufTu ienl evidence of its superior mi ditv. Msnv of our farmers by planting an rre of g'OHnd, and de. vniing a little spare time rf their families might readily raise f50 or f 100 worth of si'k annually, w ithout interfering w ith their other avueationa. Mrs. Hfavymdfs. TheCresent City thus speaks of this "distinguished" lady: We met Mrs. Dr. Iardner in the streets yesterday, in company with her husband. She is a magnifi cent woman tall and beautifully formed, and commanding both in mien and action. She has rather a Spanish complexion full luxuriant black hair is about thirty years old, and evi dently ono of the children of the sun ! Next to the stars, she is an object for celestial contem plation. We had rather hear one of the Doctor's lecture than one of her's fur all that ! A Lr.sso.s for tub Wm. Cob bet has said : "Go kick that ant's net about, you will see the little laborious, courageous creatures intlantly set to work to get it toge ther again; and if you do this ten times they will do the Mine. Here is the sort of stuff that men must be made of to oppose, with success, those who, by whatevtr means, get poeoosKion f grcst sni rwschv;ojs power. . JJjr. Peft. flonry Matters. The notes of good country Banks are improve ing. and will, we hope, ere long, be at par. The fallowing is the rate of Belief notes, as quoted by Bicknell's Reporter of Tuesd iy : Itelief Notes of Penn Township, Moyamensing Manufactureia and Mechanics, Lewintnwn, Berks county, Erie, Northampton, Towanda, Wilkesbarre and West Branch banks. CJa7 Pittsburgh banks, Columbia Bridge Co., I ar mem bank of Lancaster, 6Jat5 Mechanics bank of Philadelphia, Northern Liler ties, Delaware county, Chester county, Geiman town, and farmerebank of Bucks county, par Other Relief Notrs fcy Diitb or Com. PosTtB. Accounts have been received of the death of Commodore Davro Portxh, tbe U.S. Minister to Turkey, who died at Constantinople on the 3d of Msich. The New Yoik American juatly remarks that his name is identified with the blight annals of our Navy, almost from its origin, and will be freshly remembered whenever deeds of daring couruge end fervent pjtiiu'isru tguile ihe ruiJ-icbie ofibonitibla mong Am'icia ssilor. r.0,313 27 lRfi.OOO 00 iXj There was a great sale of stocks at Phila delpbia on the 20ih u!t., by order of the Trustees of the II. S. Bank. 578 shires of the Miner." Bank of Pottsville, par value $50, sold for $20 per share ; urchasod by II. M. Lewis, Agent. 810 shares Pennsylvania and Ohio Canal Com pany, par value $100, sold for f 30 per share pur chased by W. Gill, Agent The 5 per cent. Loan of the Danville and Potta- vide Railroad Co. for $116,333.83, the inlere.t guaranteed by the Stale of Pennsylvania, paysble semi-annually, sold for $10 per $ 100 purchased by W. Gill, Agent. The six per cent. Loan of the Beaver Meadow Railroad and Co il Co., for fM.HG 71. Ihe interest payable semi-annually, for $33 per $100 pur chased by It. I). Wood, Agent. 150 Ixinds of ihe Wiillamspoit and Eimira Rail road Company, of $1000 each, hearing interest at C per cent., payable semi.aunua ly, redeemable in 1850. sold for $10 per $100 all purchased by R. V. Wood, Agent, than they arc of iheir own. A young man of 14, lately married a tirl of 13, at Quebec. The boy imposed upon ihe clergymun by wearing fulse whi-kers, and the girl by a small quantity of the article so sucr-sfully emjloyed by General Jackson, 3 lirtast woiks at New Oihans "on ihe glorious Eighth." The banks of Philadelphia have bilances in their favor in the banks of New Voik, to the extent of $700,000. Chapped Hands. After washing, drop a few Marrvino a Wife's Sinter. Tho ques tion, 'Docs the word of God forbid a man to marry his disceased wife's sister V was discus sed last week at the regular meeting of the Classie of New Brunswick, it Imving been re ferred by the General Synod of the Dutch Church to the several Classis lor their opinion. The result w as, that in the opinion of Ihe Clas sis of New Brunsw ick, tho word of God does not prohibit tho marriage of a deceased Wife's sister, and the canon of the Dutch Church, as suming the contrary, ought to be repealed. This is a decision of great imjKirtance as the subject has given rise to much contention, and repea ted conflicts of sentiment and practice. Many have long seriously doubted, and even denied, tho soundness of this canon ; and it hai been, in tho main, a dead letter on the statute book oi the Church." Lycoming Gazette, rjj Tbe canon above alluded to, we lo. k upon aa a relic of an age when superstition and bigotry reigned predominant throughout the world. That Ihe wold of God does not prohibit a man marrying his deceaaed wife's sister, will baldly be disputed by tho unprejudiced at Ihis day. This canon is on s par with that of the Romish ehurch, which entirely prohibits matrimony among her clergy, and has even less authority lo susiaiu il, ihe Ro mania's have at least the example of one of ihe apostles for their guide. It is astonishing thai in this enlightened rt thare should be any doubt. drops of honey, and rub the baud together lill Ihe stickiness is entirely removed. Wordsworth haa written a new poem, of which Grace Darling is the heroine. Washington Irving has prepared for the press an extensive view of the expulsion of the Moors from Spain. A Vteful Hint. Instead of sufTeiing the wash erwoman to throw out the snap suds about the kitchen floor, make her pour them, as made, into a barrel in your garden, and water your plants of all kinds with them. Slugs may be prevented from getting into fruit trees, by lightly tying a bit of hair-cloth round the stem of the tree. They can never get over it. The Mount Vernon estate is now in the pos session and residence of Mrs. John A. Washington, widow of a nephew of General George Washing ton. A negro man named Joseph, belonging I o Mr. Wider, of Chowan County, N. C, died a few diy since, aged US yesis. His wife, still living, is 1 1G years old. They have lived together 78 years. Charles Conipte de M isles, who had twelve thousand men under bis command in the army of Napoleon, and at one time cammander-in-chlef of the g trrison of the city of Rome, is now in Na-h-ville, Tenn., teaching tchool. The splendid mansion of tho lite Chancellor S.mford, at Flui-hing, Long It-land, which eni more than a hundred thousand dollars, was sold at auction on Wednesday for $15,400. A gold mine haa lately been discovered in the neighborhood of Fort Gaines, Georgia. An iron one would be moie valuable. High water. Petty's Island in ihe Delaware, about a mile from tbe city, wis overflowed last Monday for the first time in 36 years. Numbers of mU'krat weit dialoged slid kilbd. A new motive power has been invented and patented I y Mr. Buggs, of Cheltenham. It eon aiats in the substitution of carbonic acid gas for seam. The Cheltenham Journal speaks oi it as being of "equal foics and immensely cheaper than steam." A seamstress in London, it appears, is paid 1 Jd. foi making sailors' shirts. By working very hard "and finding ber own needles," she may thus earn 4 Id. a day. The price of the cheapest q uartern loaf she can buy is 5J I. Tbs use of tar in lbs Eastern States, for waggon and coaches, is now, or soon wilt be, entirely su perseded by the introduction of e composition of hog's lard and whssl flour. To prepare ihs mix lure, the lard esjst be rushed over e gentle firs, sod This (says a Jam dra pser) resulted in several of ihe President's suite, and even himself cominj here with scarcely sufficient changes of linen. The Provisional committee in the meai.tims were proceeding to the capitol. Their first mei sure we learn will be to revise the constitution, The President in future is to be elected for three years only, but may be re-elected if his policy and government are approved of. The army is to I e abolished and a strong police substituted. The oi l generals, it is expected, will be pensioned off, ami ' every ffl'.rl made toemj hy the sold ery in sericul ture. AH religions are 1 1 be tolerated, and capital ists encouraged. Seminaries of learning will be estHldished, and the public all iwed (ipr s-ion of their opinions through the in diuio of the press. It i expected that Mi. Fi rry , a gentleman of great ta lents, a civilian, and also a very popular man, will be elected to the Presidential chair. A Bi rolarsiiot Dead. Wednesday night, between two and three o'clock, Mr. Peter Mc Cabe, grocer, near tho County Court House, shot a negro man, who had entered his store to steal, under the following circumstances: Tho negro entered by the back window, passed through the bed room, where Mr. McCabe, wife and family were asleep, into the store room, and commenced his depredations w it bout causing alarm. Mrs. McC. being disturbed by the full ing of some articles from the thief's hands, a wakened her husband, w ho got up and attemp ted to light a candle, his wife handing him his pistol as he ilid so. While endeavoring to make the light, the negro rushed in uimn him, and seizing him threw hiir. down, and placed his knee upon his breast. In '.his extremity Mr. McCabe discharged his pistol into his antago nist's right side ; ho fell and expired in a lew minutes. The burglar was a large and powerful man, and belonged to Mr. John Kndcrs. Mr. Mc Cabo is small in stature, and but that he was armed, would have been perfectly at the mercy of tho negro. The jury of inquest which was held over the body of the deceased, rendered a verdict, completely justifying Mr. McCabe. The event is a terrible warning to burglars. Richmond Compiler. Werrjr Childish. My love you're tverry childwh" "What I You cruel thing lossy so ) And knowing what I suffers loo, It's always every day so. If hostmnda only had logo Thro half what their poor wives have They would'nt thai I'd have 'em know Such comfoitable lives have." "Childish ! 'fore we was msrried, if You only heaid me sighin', Ynu used to fu-s shoot as if You thought I was a dyin J Oh. who would have a family ! Iel me go hark to mother t Jane, theeologne ; there. ! hand ihe chilj . Good gracioua ! where'a the oier,.'" Well but, my love" "I'm not your love j" "But. d n It, only hear mi" '1 won't t but two yea's married, loo ! You biute, you, don't come near me "I only aaid " "doii'l talk," "I Voill, I'm punished for mv hu I I sav you're U'erry ehildh eo You it twirt with tuin$ .'"