Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, April 15, 1843, Image 4

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    MA UK
The fallowing list showa trie current value of nil
Pennsylvania Bank Notes. The most implicit re
liance may I placed Ukiii U, as It Is f very week
csi fully compared with ai d corrected from B'nk
Hell's Reporter.
Bnnka In Philadelphia.
. Disc, i
NaMS. LoCAT.O. rHltAp
Par. nf North America ,
tank of the Northern Liberties
Commercial Bunk of PennV .
Farmers' and Mechanic' Bank
Krnsintrton Bank
Philadelphia Bank .
Prhuytkill Bunk . .
Sraithwark Bank .
Western Bank
Mechanics' Bank .
Manufacturers' & Mechanic' Bank
Count rr Itanlift,
Unnk nf Chester County
Hank nf Delaware County
Bank of Gcrmantowii
Bank of Monitromery Co.
Do) lestnw n Bank
Easlon Bank
Farmera' Bank of Burka co.
Office ofBankof Pcnn'a.
Office Jo do
Office do do
Office do do
Bank of the United States
Bank of Pcnn Township
Girard Bank i
Moyamensing Bank
Bank nf Pennsylvania
Miner' Bank of Poltsville
Bank nf Lewistown
Bank of Middlctown
Bank of Northumberland
Westchester par
Chester par pur
Notristown par
Doylrstown p;ir
Easton par
Brbtol pnr
Harrishurg"! Those
Lancaster 1 offices
Beading f do not
Easton J issue n.
1 Philadelphia 40
. . pnr
Northumberland 3a4
Columbia Bank & Bridge co. Columbia
Carlisle Bank Carlisle
Exchange Bank Pittsburg
l)o do branch of HnllidayHburg
Farmers' Bank of Lancastei Lancastei
Lancaster County Bunk Lancaster 2
Farmers Batik of Beading Bl ading 1
Hairishurg Bank Hnrrisburg 3u4
Lancaster Bank Lancaster 1
Lebanon Bank Lebanon f
Merchants' & Manuf. Bank Pittsburg 2
Bank of Pittsburg Pittshuig 3
Writ Branch Williamspnrt
Wyoming Bank Wiikesharre 1 1
Northampton Bank Allentown 0
Botka County Bank Heading
Office of Bank of U. S. Pittsburg
Do do do Erie
Do do do New Brighton
Kensington Sav. Ina. A do
Penn Township Sav. Ina. do
Bank of Chambcrshurg Chamhersburg 3
Bank of Gettysburg Gettysburg 4
Bank of Susquehanna Co. Montrose 12
Erie Bank Erio 9
Farmers' A Drovers' Bank Wayncsburg 8
Franklin Bank Washinalon 3
Honesdale Bank Honesdnlo 1 A
Monongahcla Bank of B. Brownsville 4
York Bank York 3a4
N. B, The notea of those banks on which we
omit quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) arc not
purchased by the Philadelphia broker, with the
exception of those which have a letter of rcfen ticc.
Philadelphia Sav. Ins. Philadelphia
Philadelphia Loan Co. do
Schuylkill Sav. Ins. do
Manual Labor Bank (T. V Dyolt, prop.)
Towanda Bank
Alleghany Bank of Pa.
Bank ol Beaver
Bank of Swalara
Bank nf Washington
Centre I'ai.k
City k
Farmers' & Mcch'ca' Bank
Farmers' & Meeh'cs' Bank
Fanners' & Mcch'catljank
Harmony Institute
Huntingdon Bank
Juniata Bank
LuniU'rmeu'f Bank
Northern Bank of Pa.
Nuw Hope Del. Bridge Co.
Noilhuinb'd l'nion Col. Bk.
North Western Bank of Pa.
Office, of Schuylkill Bank
Pa. A&T.&, Manuf. Bank
Silvci Lake Batik
l'nion Bank of I'enn'a.
Westmoreland Bank
no sale
no sale
fob, I
no sale
Fayette co.
Huntingdon no rule
Lewistown no sale
Warien failed
DundaiT no sale
New Hope closed
Milton no sale
Meadville closed
Purl Carbon fi.ih d
Carlisle faibd
Montroae closed
I'nioutown faded
(ireei.sburg closed
Wilkcabarre Hostile
Wilkeabarre Bridge Co.
(jj All notes puiporting to be on any Pennsyl
vania Bank not given in the above list, may be set
down as frauds.
snr jciisiiv.
Bank of New II runs wick
Belvideie Bank ,
Burlington Co. Bank
Commercial Bank
Cumberland Bank
Farmers' Batik
Farmers' and Mechanirs' Bk
Farmers' and Mechanics' Ilk
Farmers' and Merchants' Bk
Franklin Bank of N. J.
Jersey City Bank
Mechanics' Bank
Manufactures' Bank
Morris Company Bank
Monmouth Bk of N. J.
Mechanics' Bank
Mechanics' and Manuf. Bk
Monis Canal and BVg Co
Post Notea
Newark Bkg Ac Ina Co
New Hope Del Bridge Co
N. J. Manufac. and Bkg Co
N J Proteclon & Lombaid bk Jer-ey Ci'y
Brunswick fai'td
Belvidere 1
Medford pur
Perth Auiboy 2
Bridgelnn par
Mount Holly par
Railway 1
N. Biunswick failed
Middlctown Pt. 3
Jersey City faib d
Hoboken faibd
Ji rsey City failed
Patterson fulled
Belleville faded
Moinstown 2
Freehold failed
Newark 1
Trenton par
Jcisey City
ro sale
Hobok II
Orange Bank
Peterson Bank
I'eoplea' Bank
Princeton Bank
Salem Banking Co
Hnte Bank
btate Batik
State Bank
State Bank of Monia
State Bank
Salem and Philad Manuf CV
Sussex Bank
Trenton Banking Co
Union Bank
Washington Banking Co.
BkcfWihndc Brandy wine Wi mington
Bank of Delaware
Bunk of Smyrna
Do blanch
Fanners' Bk of Slste of Dil
Do blanch
Do branch
Do branch
L'nion Bank
( I'ndei 6's
t Orange
The hrxt mrthml far the Ahnlitinn of Disctine
t r clcan.e and purify the Iiojy.
imian vi:ji:taiii.i:
th Jmrvifim iollrrr of ItrnVh,
Are now ai know ledger! to be ihe best Medicine in
rbe World for the Hl'e of
KC.M'SR thr y ron p'etely cleanse ilie sto
mar h anrl bow els from ill. sr billimis ai d cor-
nu t humors widen are the canso not only ol
niNovvonMin, on rnr. rrR, ani otiiku
M'TAsmot's fcnrrrrioNs.
(y Tlie ftilliiieitigcrrtifim'edtfetthi'toneiiflhf
most txtriuirtliuary cures trrr tjficlnl by unij
PiittAiiri.PUiA, Fcbrnaty 10. 13:13.
IOR twenty years I wai severely afllirt. d with
Tl.TTKil on the Face and Dead: the disease
rommeneid when I was seventeen years old, ami
continued until the Full of 18:10, virving in vto-
Hem'iiehp, t lid, lines., Piilpilntinn of the Ileirt. ,,(.ei ,t wji,nul ever d isapiiearimi. During m-st
nnil Holll, Mil 1 nf i,p r,mp. nrrnl i..tri nf niv fire was covered with
ra-ns In the Bones. Minimalism
every nialn.'v ii.ridei I In man. SAID INDIAN the eruption, freqnenlly attended with vio'ent iieh
VLMiETABI E PILLS are a eer'ain cure for in- j ing. niv llPlll ,w,pe,i Ullli it f, t ns if it
lemi tient, irmitteil. nervous, inilamMory ami pirmi
would burst ihe swelling was so RTat. that I contd
scarcely pet my hat on. During ihe long period
that I was afflicted w i h Ihe disease, I nsivl a creal
many a pbcatioh'e (among tnem several retenraieri
Fevers, beeans-e tbey cleanse ihe n.idy frein those
morbid humors, which, when confined to ihe circu
lation, are the cause of all kinds of FEVERS. So,
also, when the same impurity is deposited nn the
nominate and muscle, causing pains, niii.ima- iu 1;.
trnns and swellings Called RHEUMATISM, I jsxlraft f $nrL nVVe, In fact, it would be
JOl T.eVc. Wnghl's Indian Vegetable Pills may i i,np.sillo to cnni'ill the niediciin s I usid.
I w as also under Itrt- lln 01 me m m ns-
prep nation") ipV II as taking inw.iril reiivnies
ua - r of Ifcitlb ol ftwaim tttnarrn
be relied on a alwavs erlain 10 give relief, and if
persevered with, nrcoidlne to directions will mosl
assuredly, and without fail, make a perfect cu e ol
the above painful n aladies. From three to six of
raid Indian Vr gelab'e Pills taken every nighl go.
irg lo Iwd, w ill in a shoit time so completely rid
Ihe body from every thing thai is opposed to health,
that Rbeumati'm, Omit, and pain of every descrip
tion, will he literally DRIVEN FROM THE BO
DY. For the anno reason, when, from sudden
changes of atmosphere, or any other caus-e. the per
spiration is checked, and the humors which should
piss i ff by the skin are thrown inwardly, causing
HEADACHE, GIDDINESS, nausea 'and sick
ness, pain in the hones, watery and inflamed eyes
liiiguished physicinn( r J city, but with 'Ut re
ceiving in' 'ch benefilSwnrtf ef-xpaircd ..fever bring
cored. Ill the fall of XSCu tho disea e i t the lime
being very vio'ent, I cotnnieiieed using the lime
Oitiltiirit!, (prepared by Vaughi.n cV Davis.) In
a few a plicalioua Ihe violent itching n ased, ihe
swelling abated, the 1 riiflioti began In disippear,
anil before 1 had used a jar tho di-ease was rntuelv
cured. It has fincv been nearly a yar ami a half
since, ami there is not a veti)e of Ilie drseae re
maining. except the seats from the deep pits formed
by the disease. It is impossible for me to describe
ina cert ificnte the severity of the disease md my
still', ring but I will be pie sed to give a fuller ae-
sore throat, hoarsene-s, coughs, consumptions, j cIMt j nr)y prrsnn wanting further satisfaction.
riieumatic pains in vaiions pans 01 me nouy, mm
iiianyotlnr symptoms of CATCHING COLD,
Wright't Indian YeuttuMe l'i'U will invariably
give immediate relief. From thiee to six of said
Pills taken every night on going 10 bed, w-ill in a
abort lime, not only remove all the above unpleasant
symptoms, but the body w.ll, in a short time, be
restored to even sounder health than Ifforo.
ING. Wright' Indian YigftaUr Vill will loos
en and carry off", by the stomach and bnweis, those
tough phb gmy humor-', which stop up all the air
cells of the lunga, and are the cause, not only of the
above distressing complaint, but when neglected,
often terminates in that mo. e dreadful malady called
CONSUMPTION. It shou'd be also icinembetrd
that Wright' Indian Yegttalilr '' arc a certain
cute for PAIN IN THE SIDE, Oppression, nau
sea, and sick nrs, In-s of appi I've, costivenrsa. a
yellow tinge of ihe kin and eyes, ami iverv other
symptom if a torpid or diseased state of Ihe liver;
because they purge from Ihe body ibosp impurities
which if dr posited upon this iniortant org in, are
ihe caue of every variety of LIVER COM
PLAINT. W hen a nation is convulsed by riot-,
outbreaks and rebellion, the only means nf prevent,
ing the dreadful consequences of a CIVIL WAR.
is to expel all traitors, and evil disposed ones from
the country. In like manner, when pain or sick
ness of any kind, indicate that the body is strug
gling with intcrr id foes, the true remcdv is to EX
l eabh ami life.) Health will he the certain remit.
I bat the principle of curing di-eae, by cleansing
and purifying the body, is strictly in accordance
with the laws which govern Ihe animal iconomy;
Hid if properly carried out by the n-e of the al-nve
PILLS, will ceitaiuly result In the complete Abo-
I'lion of Disease ; we oiler the following testimoni
als, from pi rs.nif of the highest re-pectiibdiry in
New Yotk, who have recently been ruicd of the
roost obstinate complaints, solely by t lit' us.- of
WmniiTB Iiha kft iir.i! Pills, of tbe
North Aintricun Culligetf Health:
Javivica. L. I., Juno il'h. 1P41.
Doctor William Wright Dear Sir It is wtlh
great sati faction I inform von of .-nv having l-ecn
rntiiely cured of Dyspepsia, of five years standn g.
by tbe use of your I v etc x mhtari.k tills.
Previous to mre''ng won vonr r lel iati.l nn 01-
cine, I had been under the hands of several Physi
cians, and hail tried varioci-. medicines; but all to
no effect. After using 0110 25 cent box of vour
Pills, however, I experienced so much her elit, lhat
I resolved to perseveie in the use of thi m iiceoubng
In directions, which I am happy lo slate, has result
ed in a perfect cure. Ingratitude to you for tbe
great bent fit I have received, and also 111 the lioe
lhat others similarly afflicted may be induced 10 tiial of your extraordinary medicine, I send
you this statement with full hbeily to publish the
same, if you think pr. per. Yours, Ac.
New Yoik, June 19, IS 1 1. G.C. Ul.ACh.
who will c.dl on me. Al ti e time I commenced
using the R .se Oin'ment I would have given hun
dreds of do lars to lie rid of the disease. Since u
sing it. I have recummeiidi d it to several persons,
(among them my mother, w ho ha I the disease bad
ly on her arm.) w ho w re a I cured bv it.
JAMES DU 15 NELL, No. lSfi, Race St.
rXj The Rose Ointment is prepared bv E. B.
Venetian, h East corner of Third anil Race
strcits, Philadelphia, onJ sold oil agency in Sonbii
ry. bv 11. B. MASSEI5.
May Hlih, 1812. .4tffii.
I ) Ciniiix iil, lor Teller.
Pllll .I.Il.rilM, May !7lb. 18W.
'Pill's! is to certify ll a' I wh s.-vere'y atil ere.l
-I- with Teller in Ihe bands and f, el f..r upwards
of lorlv years ; tbe disease was altei. tied g. ner II v
with vio'ent itching and swelling. I i.pphcd to .1
nunibiTof phvsier.ns, and us. d a grist m.n v i.pnli
ca ions with, ut effecting a cure. A'aml 0 y r
since, I applied ti e Rose Ointment, which cur. Iv
stopped the 11 1I1 11 4. and a ( w applic.iti lis
an Iv cured the disease, w bicli there has been no
reluin of, although I had never In-en rid of il al
any lime for f ity years. RICHARD SAVAt-E.
ri.velilh, below Sp.ucc Street
(Jj- The Rose Ointment is pre pared bv E. B.
Vauuhnn. S iiith East corner of Third and Race
Streets, Philadelphia, and s.ddon agency in Suid-ii-ry
Mav 14th. IS 2. Agent.
fad. d
try On al) lank, marked thus () there are i-
her coubUiloil or sbertd notes of til vaiwua de
Muuniliona, in eirculatt
Mr. Richard Dennis, agent fur Wriglil's Indian
Vegetable Pills.
Dear Sir I have been afflicted for seteral years
with inward weakness ar.d general debility, accom
panied at times wiih pains in I he side and other
distressing complaints. Aft. 1 having tried various
medicines w Phoul riled. I was persuaded by a fiii lnl
lo make trial cf Dr. Wiighl'a Indian Vegetable
Pills, which I am happy lo state, have relieved me
in a most wonderful manner. I have used ihe me
dicine, as yet but a short tunc, and have no doubt,
by a (rerseveriiiice in ihe use of the medicine accor
ding to directions, that I shall in a short time be
(icrtccily restored,
I most w illingly recommend said Pills to all per
sons similarly afflicted, and in 'be full helicl thai
tbe same U'lielieial results w ill follow their use. I re
main youia sinceiely. HENRY A. I'OOl'E.
Wa war-ing, I'ls'ei co. N. Y.
NsW YoiiK, Sept. 20, 1811.
This is to ceilify lhat I have lis'. I Whikht's
Iviiiax 'm;tjiiilk Pills with the greatest bene
fit; having cntirelv cured myself of the firUcnt ut
lacks of Suk Headache, to which I had previously
been subject. ANN M ARI A TIH i.M PSON,
3!li Greenwich street. N. Y.
To Mr. Riehaid Di nnis, Agent for Wright's In
dian Vegetable ''l is.
c.i r ti o.v.
As there are at this time many wi. ked persons
busily mgaged in st l'ing a Counterfeit 10. d cine un
der the nan, e of the Indian Vegetable Pills and as
these desperate int d are so utterly na k less of ,on
sequences, that many valuable lives may be b si in
consequence of using Iheir dreadful roinp. und-,
ihu pubi c are cautioned against purchasing any
Pill, sunless on Ihe tides of the boxes the f. Mowing
wording is f und :
(Indian Purgative.)
Of Tilt NOmH AMI.IIIC4X l 1.1 1.1 1. L Of IICALTII.
And a!se In be rsiM-civlly careful ugaiu-t 1 urel.a-
siog s lit! medicine of any per. 011 except the regu
lar advertised sgenra.
ACFNTS FOll A'Ot 77 CM n I'll LA XI) C O ,
II. B. Masser, Suiibury Payne A. Rose, Nor
thumberland Jacob Haas, Sliamokin Saimn
Herb, Mahonoy Byerly tV D. lla.s, Aucusta
llein.'r V Follmer. Milton Ireland V Meixtll,
McEwensvi'le I fci ti Dearmond, Tuibuisvil'e
J imes Peed, Polt.grove II. Kluse, Si.v th rsiow 11
II. II. Kn.rbel, P.'M., Ellsburg P. O. Will.
I t i-enring, P M, Union Comer.
Oirice and Grner.d Depot for the sale of
Wright' Ind'an Ytgrlafde Pit's, Wholesale si d
PHIA. May 81, 143. ly
Of the ROSE t)l.TMEiT,fr T-thr.
ALTHOI'tJII the superiority of ihe preparation
over all others is fully cs ablishe.l. the proprie
tors take pi. asuro iu laying before the public the
following certificate from a respectable physician,
a graduate of the University of Peunsv Ivania. Dr.
Ilaugb, having found in lhi teniedy lhat relict f r
a tedious and tli-agrceabb- affectinn which the means
within tbe range of bis profession failed to afford,
has not hesitated to give it bis approbation, although
the prejudices and rests of lhat profession ttie
opposed to secret Remedies.
P11iLAiiLi.ini , s. pt. 10, ia:tf,.
I was recently tiouhhd wit'i a tedious ln ra-tic
crui'ti' n. which e.oe ed i nrlv one si e of my f.ce,
and exlei tied over the ear. Mr. Yiiiiuhari. proprtt
lol ol the Ruse Ointment, oliseivrng niv face, . lists
ted on inv tiying his jri patatton. of whith he han
ded nte a jar. A'lhough in common with the mem
bers ol mv profession, I ilisi ounn nance mid .lisiqi
prove ol ihe liumeioiis nosliums palmed upon the
public by ijnoiinl r. teudi r-, I fi 1 1 in jus icebound
toetctpl the Rose Oiutmcnl from lha' c'a-s of nre
tlicines. and o (jive it my appr billion, as il entire
ly Hired the eruption, although i' h nl resisted the
usu. I applications. DAN L II A I (.11. M. 1).
Q-y The Rose Ointment is prepared by 1". B.
Vaughun, South East comrr of Third ar.d It ice
Sneels, Philadelphia, and sold on ag rev in Sun
biirv. by II. B. MANSER.
May 14th. 1812. Agml.
To f'oiiiid v
rJ',lli: Subscriber, Agent ol I on tS; Harris, Hat
A Maniificliirers, for New York, Philadelphia,
Baltimore and re her large cities, -.v! os.- I fat are
highly cumin' tided far gwid ml-n and dw'd.ilii.
has 01 band a lirl rale asseitin -nt of HA TS and
( - A I'S. suit V le for Sj.rmp s .les w h ch will I e sold
very low, I'm cat'i or appiove l ciethl, at lire nrtiii
cheap nfure. No. 40, N'oitli Th rd s'ro vl, t) p iti'e
the City Hotel. 1'hihi.lrlphia.
N. B. Onleis lor Huts in 1 lit rniinh, ptnmpllv
a'tende.l lo. I be holiest lice ill tush or trad
given far I'nr ivaa.
Philadelphia, June II, IM2.--ly
ICDiikU I'tiok 31:1(1111 ;i lot y,
(IjipHsite Frinrt's Unit I,
!IEY are pr p .r. d lo maiiufaeturc I 'ank work
of every descrll.tioii, ruled to 1 liv l at tlll. such bee rils. DV B.-ok. I.ri'gt r, Aae
sers' mid Collectors' Dupheilis of ihe linest tj-jo li
ly of pa; ri, iu a stjle eiU.d to any ln .de in the ci
ties of Phil .de'pbia or New Yoilc.
All tl. s"i ipiions of binding nearly rxecutr.l.
Scrap Bo. ks, Albums anil Porrtolios made to older.
I a.v Book-, Music and Period r d. la.ui d In im Oltl Books it bound, &e. Also filesB
papeis lioui tl. v.
(Xj' Woik left at tbe office of the Sunbury Ame
licao, will be 1 roniptlv allelidi .1 lo.
May 2 1 si. I H I S. Iv.
Busiuefs attended to in the Counties of Not
lliumt 1 rland, t'ni.ri. Lvcnming mid Columbia. .
Itrfr r tot
Tun i as Haiti t& Co.,
l.owiB cV Ucnttfi.t.
Hart, t'fMvttans cV IlAflT, PSllad.
Rstmoliis, McI'ahlakh 61 Co
. SrKm so, G.omi iV Co..
iVo. liJ A01A Third, uimre Arch Strut,
Af'o vt mod vi ionsj tint ar.vrvrv rmsnss.
plIARLES WEISS, lateol ihe bite Swan."
-' and "Mnuiit Vernon House," respectfully in
forms his friends ami customers, dial he fas become
tho proprietor of the abov well know n Hotel.
Cntin'ry Mcichatit will find the above Hotel a
cential I cation, and the best of fare. Ptrsons tra
velling with private convevaitee will find a large
yard and good stabling for horses, and Ihe best of
ostleis. Hoarding 1 prrt'av.
May 14ih. 1842. if. '
rilis subscribers are prepar. d to furnish farmers
1. and others with any quantity of Lime of a very
superior ipialilv for land, or p'ui-lering, at the fol
lowing verv reduceil prices, vj. : 8 els. per bushel
for I and Lime J 10 cts. for Ihe best quality of plai
li ring Lime, at the kilos, lielow tho borough of Sun
bury. They will also deliver, at any place w ithin the
I nroug'i of Sin, bury, Lime for laud, al 10 cents per
bushel, ami Lime for plaistcring at 12 J cents per
bil-lul. The suhsciihrrs h.venhvas oil hand, H
large quantity of Lime. Its q'lality is good, and
their limestone is not equalled by any in the neigh
Augusta. April 2.1, 1812.
(.rn'i :il omiitlssloii M-r Sinnls,
Fnr Ihe Snc tf Fhnir, drain, ISerd. Vc-. iV-
"HJ F.PECTFULLY inform their fiimiN and
Ej ?, the Merchnnts generally, that they have la
ken those large and commodious Wharf a, wiih two
Dink, ninth of Clu soul street, on the D.laware,
together w itli the store No. 10 South Wharves,
where ihey would he plea-id lo receive consign
na nls of Grain, Flom. Sctd, Whi-key. In. 11, c.
iVe. Being also well prepared to forward nil kinds
ol Mi rchaudrse by the Schuvlkill and I'niun,or by
the Cbe-np ake and Ti.te Water Canals, .is tow
bouts are sept expressly foi the purpose of towing
hosts by ( i hn nmre.
Meiebaiits will pie se be particular lo send their
IVm-iIs destined bv either canal-, t No. IU South
Wharves, between Market and Chcsnut stree's. on
ihe Delaware. W illi direction accompany ing them
which route ihey wish I hem lo be shipped.
(J j' Plaster and Salt for sale, al th- lowest mar
ket price. BOLTON iV C1
March 10,1812. No. 19 South Wharves
itoiu:u r c & so,
PAPsn MAiiurACTunnns,
l.miitturd Slrctt, llaltiinarr.
HAVE c.iti-lanilv for sale, l'mniiu Paper of al
sizes and qualities, Can Writing Paprr. rub d
and plain. Letter P. .per, white and blue, ruled ai d
plain. Hanging Paper, fine and common, Envelope
l'iier, do. tin. medium, doub'e crow 11, crow n and
elra sized Wrapping Papers, Colored Medium and
Royal Papers, Bonnet, Hinders' and Stiaw Box
Hoards, Tissue Paper, ami all nrtxles in their linn,
which they will sell on accommodating terms.
U gliest price given f.,r old rugs.
March 19. 1812. E:Um. Md
l'hTKU TK Ki:s.
Ni. 7-1 I'.i.lMwIiii! NiicL't, riiilailcliliia.
C Three ror.rj ahore Sicnnd.J
II "!' Findings alv.ays kept on hand, which hr
t5 olli rs for sale on lb,e loae-t terms. Counir;
Men hints are particui nly to c ill and judge foi
tin niscUes.
Pl.iladclphia. Novemier 13, 1812. ly.
No. VJ! Nirtli Water St tret, l'liila.
ANUFACTl.'RKRS and dealers in lil of
evrry description both for burli ng and
iiisuul'ac' purposes, whit h will bo sold much
lower than Ihey can be procured elsewhere, and
warranted in quality to equal any 111 the city. Any
oil sold by the com puny not proving as it-prcscntc d.
may he relumed without any expense to ihe pur
chaser, and the inouey will be 11 fundi d.
Their stock uow ii stole consists of the following
oils, viz :
otl.tMKI gallons Winter Bleached Spcnti'
do do Colo less Oil,
do Fail and Spring Sperm Oil,
do Winter N'a Lb pbanl,
do do Pre. sed U Oil,
do Summer do do do
do CoiniuoM Whale Oil,
200 Barrels super 1..1 Stra 'a Oil,
:)()() do Cod Bank Oil,
fill do Neats Foot Oil,
75 Casks Olive Oil,
'Fanner's his.
CjTlns Company has a number of Vessels ill-
d 111 the t od I ish.-rv, and I anncr- may iclv
IS, not)
Stuill' nml Tolmcco Manufacturers,
A'o. Ill) A(l'( H'licoriiirri" Hart and Third
Sin 1 Is
rilll.AI EI.PIIIA.
rj,HL undi r-igned have formed a Cn-pnrtmrship
under the firm of . I. MAY LAN I) Ja. cV Co..
h successors In ihe late firm u( Jncuh .Mntluiid i
Co.. 1.I1. 1 w ill c uilinue the l usine-s at 'he old esta
blishment, on ihnr own aceot in. In addition 10
iheir own close attention and experience foi many
years, iu the manufif lore of their crft bratetl snuff'-,
Ac., ihe long eipeiience of the senior parti ei of Ihe
l ite firm, will ii he devoted lo the interest of ihe
new cancel n and aa no eettinii and care will he
spared 10 insure their gnods, at all liin. sof ihe ve
ry best quality, tht vs.. licit a continuance of tin
ronlideiice ol the It . ends and customers of the late
Philadelphia, May Mth, IS .ii. ly
upon getting at all t.mrsOil as pure as imported
Philadelphia, Nov. lit, 1S12 ly.
G. V. & L. 3. TA7'LC?
FFER FOR SAl.K, al the South Last di
ner of Fifth and Mcrut Slrtita, 1'hiladtl-
pi, in
Mens t. all-skin limits, studied warranted,
do do do pi'mjed d
do do do water proof, doulle soles
ami ttouiiie Upa rs.
do Culf-skiu do do
and upper,
do Heavy Water Leather Boots,
do tin Neats do tin.
do High quarter Short, Calf-skin
do do do Crockcrs do
do Fine Monroes warranted
AN artie'e unequalled for cleaning and giving a
highly durable and most brilliant polish to sil
ver. Oermsn Silver, Bras, Copper, Ruthinis ware,
Tin, Stu-I, ('littery, and for restoring the lustre on
vaiuifbed raniapa-, Vc. THY IT.
Prepared and Sold al wholesa'e and retail, by the
Susquehanna Chrysolite Polish Company, Owego,
Tioga roimty, N. V,
WM'. FORSYTH, Agent tor NorthumM,
H. B. MASSKR, Agent lor Suiibury.
November 30th, in 12.
No. YZ'i Chcsnut Street, below 4t!i,
"fTT"EEP constantly on hand a general assort
tiVL ment ol Books anil Stationary ; comprising
Theological, Law, Medical, Classical. Miscellime
nus ami School Books, Day Books, all sizes, Led
gers, tin.. Family Bibles, Pocket Bib'es, Wiinni
PaieiB, Wra ping Papers. Ac. Ac., which they of
fer al the lowest ptices to Country Merchant's Pre.
fessioual Gentlemen, Teachers, and all others thai
may favor them with their custom.
Philadelphia, Nov vnlier 13. 1 H tl. ly.
iTOicls.'U'l Weaver 4V Sou,
norc MAKERS & smr chandlehs.
Xii. 13 Xnrth Water Street. Philadelphia.
fH AVE constantly nn hand, a general assort
fj mi nt of ('ordage, Seine Tw ines. eve., viz :
1 oi'il Ropes, Fishing Rope-AVhilti Ropes, Manil
la Ropes, Tow Lilies for Canal Boats, Also, a
complete assortment of Si inc'l'w ines, Ac. such as
Hemp Shad and Herring TvvArte, Best Patent Gill
Net Twine, Cotton Shad and llcning Twii e, fdtoe
Threads, &c. Ac Also, lied Cords, Plough Lines,
Halters, Traces, ('niton ami Linen C.rpct Chains,
cVc. all of which they wilt dispose of on reasonable
PhihnVphis, November 1 3, I q 12. ly.
J:i oli I'l Is-iititlli & Son.
1 1 KsPKC I FI LLY intorms th. ir frit nils and
acqtiaiulniires ge lerally lhat they Mill con
tinue lo keep al lite old stand, No. 2 Hi North 3d
strei t. Philadelphia, all mils of
Tun ac co nx . am- L(;ai:x h they will Fell n the mat . accoiiimodatinr.
ami tcas..iu le teims.
N. B. All eoi ds Fold will he puai lr.tccd and all
orders promptly ill.ndtdlo.
Phtlath Iplna. Ni:vemtiei 13, 1n I2. ly.
" ?ETE?rcClTCYE?.s i
Wholesale and Retail Shoe, I'minct,
ami Palm l.eal" Hat Warelionsc. I
A'o. titi Xnrth 2d ttrret. a few rientr uhm c .Irch, '
Philmltlphia. I
A I.SO Ticnks, Cai ei Bags and V slices, of rv-
cry de-ctiption, all of which he ulVcis for '
sale on the most reasonable terms.
Philadelphia, November 13. 1812. ly.
j . s w a"i n,
Unilirella and l'arnsul Iaiiiifacttner. '
,V. 37 XiHith Tim ' tfrrrf, iu-n dunes below the
Cilu Until, Fhitadilphia.
COINTR Men hauls and others are solicited
) to examine his ussorli.icnt In foi e purchasing
I'hitadel) hia, NovemU r 11, :42. ly.
17 it aT r () V O IT I) T 7 N
('liina,(.ns and Liverpool Warehouse,
A'o 164 Xnrth Third strrrt. third dour he lino Yine
alrett, Philadelphia.
AirilERK they constantly keep on hand a large
' assortment nf China, Glass and Liverpool
Ware, w hich they will dispose nf on the moat rei-
son able terms.
Philadelphia, Novrmler 13, 18-12. ly.
Manufacturer and Importer of Sad
dlery, Hardware, vtr.
Aii. 5 Smith Third ttrret. fmir doors belnw Market
Phiiudi Iphiu.
T" EEP constantly on hand a large and general
assortment Coach Lamp, Carriage Bands,
A Or Arms, V.liptic Springs, Patent Leather. A c.
Country Merchants and satldleis will be supplied Hi
all tune on the most reasonable tt a ma. They w ill
find it to their advantage to call and examine his
assortment hi fore purchasing elsewhere.
Philadelphia. November 13, 1 1 12. ly.
iiT: v noT.i )s, m c r. w la n i)7T(T)
Whulesale Dealers in IVroiirn Rritish
and Arneriean lry (loods.
Nn. 105 Market street, Philadelphia.
COUN TRY Merchants, and others can be sup
plied at all ti'ites with an extensive assort
ment of the iH-st slid na si fashion .hlc Goods upon
the most It mis.
Philadelphia. November 13, 1S12. Iv.
i.owi;r "lJAnnoxV
Importers and Healers in Foreign and
Domestic Haiduare,
No. 171 Noh th Tiiibii STair.T, l'HiLiir.i.rniA.
ATII1".UI' their fib nds and customers will always
' ' find a lare and general tt-sortniciit if Foreign
and Domestic ll.lldwsie, which lliry will sell at the
lowest prices,
Philedelphia, Novell, lar 13, 1UI2. ly.
Nn. Hit; l-'i Market Street, l'liila.
(firlnw Fifth Smith tide )
N unparelleled renu dy for common Col.U,
('oughs, A'thma,Tnf1uenn, Whooping Conch,
Bronchitis, and all ihea-e of the Breast ami Limit's,
lending to consumption; composed of Ihe ennren
trilled viiturs of liori honnd, Bolisi t. Blood Hoot,
Liverwort and several other vejri table substances.
Prepared only by J. M. Wisslow, Rochester, New
The innocence and universally admitted pectoral
viitues of the lleihs from which the laihrim ej
llrirelunmd is made, are too generally known to re
quire reeonimerinaiion t it is therefore only necessa
ry lo oh erve that this Medicine contains the whole
of theit Medic nal propetties, highly concentrated,
and so happily combined with several other vscc
table substances, as to render il Ihe most speedy,
mild and certain remedy, now in Use, f..r the com
plaints above mentioned.
The Balsam removes all imflammnlinn and sore
ness of the Luncs, loosens tooh visit! phb gm, en
abling the patient to expectorate with ease ami free
dom, assumes Ct-uith, relieves alhmatic and dilli
eull it spiraiion, heals the injured parts, opens the
pores, and composes the tli-turbed nerves, nml ui"rs
slr.nuth lo the It ndei lungs, and thus produces a
s,eedv and lasting cure.
!c.MjtTiTrnK is tiik isfst rniMF i Mv
We are not amor g that rl ass of Editors who f. r a
few dollars will, (at the rjnse of truth and ho
nes'y) "crack up" an article ntid brinrj it into rapid
-ale; neither ate we willing to icmain silent, afti r
having tested the utility of an im rovement or di
eovery in science or ait. Our readers will recollect
we told them we were u;iw II w iih a sore thront and
violent c. Id some few woks ac. Well, we pur
chased two bottles of WINSLOW'S BALSAM
OF HOREiTOt.'ND, nml so sudden was the cure,
that wo formal we ever had a cold. Those who
are nll'icied, may tty it tpon our recommendation.
l.euintui T' li o-rtiph. For sale by
JACOB BRIGHT, Nnrlhumherhnul.
Also, by JlrupniM (jeneri.lly tlirouiihoul the
country, Jj Price, SO cents per buttle.
A uiiist 1 tlli, 1812. ly.
run salk nr
DON'S Clarsiciil Diclionarv
do nailed
Kip do
Calf do
Coarse tlo
do Shnea
Fine do
Kin tlo
do Calf anil Seal Pumps,
do List Socks with anil without soles,
do Carpet do do ,!,i
do Patent Warranted Water-proof Moccasins.
Lathes' do do do do
Ladies' tanned India Bubher shms.
Gentlemeiis' do Over shoes.
Wiih every other dee.iptitn of hoots and shoes.
Fur t.'apa of every description.
Travelling Trunks of ev. ry description,
Vrlietiaii J ravi liiii. liajs.
Patent Gum Elastic Shoe P lac's in i.
Bonnets of all kinds. Palm Leaf Hats.
Philidclphia,Nricmlcr Id, 1842. ly.
A I.WAYS keep on hand a full and general as
f s. rlmciil of Ho n ry, Lace, ai d Fancy tiooils,
Cod try Men hunts are respectfully rcpic-l :d to
ive tin m a csll and rinmtne for theui i Ivt s.
Phi'adelphia, Noveuda-r 13, IP 12. I v.
No. Maik"t Street, Philadelphia.
SNVITE tho attention 'f Country terllnls
to their rxteusie a-soranenl ol llninh French
and Ameiican Dry Goods, w hich they otl'tr for sale
on the ino.t rtasouable terms.
Philad. Iphia. Novc-mbeMdlPi:. ly.
No .'il, Aui lli Set oiul tsli ct!,
(cotiMB of coomb's turv.)
Where ihey constantly keep on hand a general
assortment of
cloths, cAssiMrnrs, vestincs
And U grent rnritty nfarticitt if a ttijicrmr
quality, which they ofTcr to dispose of
ii'h.ii tho most lea.onable tt run.
COIMBY MERCHAN TS and others will
find il to I hi if advantage lo cull and examine
I Lit ir stock before purchasing elsew here.
Philadelphia. Nov. 6, 1812. ly
fV; trnu' Pi.lm Leaf Hut Sore.
No. 1(1 KnrTil 4th Hthit, l-HILADELPHIA,
l I'll ERE an ea-ti ii-ive a. loittne. I of the above
articles are c.n.i tanily kept on hand, fir sale
at tbe most reasonable teimu.
May 2'J, 1SH2. ly.
l.emprii r's
do.; Ainrworth's tb ; Cobb's do.; English and
(eiman do.; Anlboi 's Cn'sar; Alitlioit'a Grarnmer;
A nthen's Ciceto; Mail's Latin Reader; Opill y's tin.;
Andrew's Latin Less ns; Donnrgan's Lexicon;
Fisk's Gic k Exercises; Davies's Lecentlet; (iraeca
Majora; Athmis's Roman Antiquities; Phil. nek's
(ioid-inith's Enfrl .r.d; do. (ireecr; Ly ell's Eb mrnts
of Gei h-pv; M is. Line. In's Boianv; Ebmentst.f
Botanv: Bridge's Alutl ra; Porter's Rbttoiical Reader--;
Eini rson's (;coi;rahy and History; Ohcy'a
do ; Par'ty's tlo.; Smith's Grarnmer: Kir I, ham's do.;
Kay's; Coi l's do ; ("ebb's Arid nreiick;
Pike's d r.; F.inirs 'n's do.; (Mil's Spilling Bocks;
Town's do.; Cobb's Ti.ble Bonks; Evanpeliral Fa
mily Library; Cottage Bible. ; Fami'y tlo ; Cidlstt r
al do.; Small Bibles nml 'Pest anient-; Paikei's Ex
ert i-es on Composition; Fiuit of the Spirit; Baxter's
S hit's Rest; American Rt volution; Manyatl's No
vels; Mrs. Phelps on Cl rmistry; Iliad; Catechism
of American Laws; I einrson Natural Magic; Che
mistry for Beginner-; English Exercises adapted to
Murray's Crammer; Sequel to Coinley's Spelling
Bool.; American ("loss Book; Dtiboll's Srh.udmas
lei's Assistant; A great variety of Blank Books, ivr.
August 28, IS 12.
j . s 1 1 i: y jo.m:s,
O EQIESTS tin attention of bis country frituds
1 who aie in want, lo bis verv large stock of
Carpeting, Oil Cloths, Mattings, Ruga, Bindings,
Stair Bods, vSjc., Ac, that he has just open, d, at
his warehouses, No. IS North 2d street, and No. 2
Church Allev, next dour lo Christ Church, Phila
delphia. ' July 31, l?12. ly.
A'o. 21. Ninth Third ut net,
(BI.IV1.K .MAIIkr.T AMI Clir.SMl'T Sill II. IS,)
HAVE for sale a large and excellent assortment
ofSlrr;A ll-de. Patna Nipt, Tanner' (HI,
dr., at the lowest market prices, i nl.f r fur cash, ir
exchange for Leather, or UWn ciedit.
Consignments of Leather received for sale, oi
purchased at the highest market prices.
rJ Leather stoied free of I barge,
April 17. 1K42. ly.
fTlOU sale a small Farm, containing about one
' hundred and ten aens, more or le-s, situate
in Point township. Norrhuiid rrland Count, ah. tit
two miles abova Norli umberl mil, on the main
road leading from that pbo c to Danville, adjoining
lands of John I.eghoii, Je-se C. Horion and others,
now in the oectip-mey of Sninm I Pay ne. About
forty acres of said 1 1 ai t are clean d, and in good
slat' of cu ligation, on which there ia a small barn
erect, d. The property w ill be sold on P asm. able
teims. For further particulars, petsoi.s art request
ed lujinply to the rul serib. r.
II. B. MASR, Agent,
Nov. 27lh, 18-13. if. Sunbury, Pa.
CoTiiiterlellers' Ilcatli IIIow.
phe pu' lie w ill please observe that no Brand eth
-1 Pills are genuine, unless the lux has three li
bels upon it, (the lop, the si.'e and the bottom)
mill containing a f te-simile signature of my h ud
writing, lluis B. Bk ikhmi.tii, M. D. These la.
11- aie engraved on steel, hcaotifiitlv designial.
: and dune al an expense of over 2.0(10. Tin reform
i it w ill le een lhat the only thing nrcessary lo pro
: cure the medicine iu its purity, is to cU-cuc. these
, l.drt ls.
Brmemltcr ihe lop, the side, and tbe bottom,
j The following ic-piclne -iooiis are duly auhi-ri-,
zed, and hold
! For the sale of lii-andreih't Yegetable Cnivirtal
j Northiimheihmd county : Milton Mickey A
l.'hatiihi iliu. Sunbury II. B. Masser. M'Ewens-
ville Irel mil iV Metx. II. Noiihuni' ciland Win.
. Forsvlh. Georgetown F- Midhnger A Co.
l'nion County: New Berlin John Hoffman.
Srliiisgmve Ever and Schnure. Mid.llelturg -Isaac
Smith. Beaver' own J. cV F. Itingauian.
Adamsburi; H. & A. Smith, M illllllsburg
Swope A: l.i.ird Haiti, ton Daniel Long F"e
burg (S. ..It F. O. Mayer. Ci nlreville Stailey
cV. Lenhart. Lew i--bur Walls A Green.
Columbia county .- Danville E. B. Beynold
J iV I'n, Bi rwn lc Shuinsn A K .Henhouse, t ut
tawissa C. A. eV C. G. Brobts. Bloouishurg
John . Mover. Jt isey Town Levi I list I. a
shiugton -Roht. Mi Cay. Limestone D. L,
(Ibseive lhat each Agent has an Engraved Cer
tificate of Agency, containing a representation of
Dr BRAN DRE'l'H's Manufactory at Ping Sing,
and upon which will also be teen exact copies of
the new labiis mm unci upon the Br an Jr elk J'iU
I'hilvdclphii, office No. ft, North fth street
January 1st, 1813.