after the deah of Col. Burr several documents were founJ in his posse-sion feinting to thin rotate, by which, plaintiff seem likely to rcslise n Immense um of money, Among the papers was one from Mt. Townsrnd, in which he agreed to re-convey the property in Broome street to Mrs. Eden, in the vent of her being successful in the Court of Er rors also proof that Co'. B. received an annuity of f 400 per annum Muring h: life, which, it in con tended, waa in consideration of hit suppressing the documents, and agreeing to the fraudulent transfer. The Church paid J 1 0,000 in essh to Mr. Robinson, and gave bond and mortgage for the remainder, the money on which, we understand , he haa realised. The Society holda warrantee deed from him, which they can recover, if he is a Mo to meet it, ao fur at the land in concerned. The Church itself, of course, it involved aim) in the te tult. The case will be continued this aAernoon. Acquittal of Mercer. We learn from the papers that the Jury in the case of Singleton Mercer,-under trial for the mur der of Heberton, the seducrr of his itrr, return ed a verdict of not guilty. We copy from the In quiter's report of the trial the following notice of the closing scene : Woomiriit, N. J. Apri' 6. 6 P. M. The jury has just egr.ed upon a verdict after being out about twenty minutes. The Court Room is crowded in eve y part. The excitement an I confusion is ao great that the Judge has deemed it necessary to caution those present against any out break of popular feeling, let the verdict be what it may. Gov. Yroom and Mr. Carpenter have also addressed the crowd to the same effect and order ia restored. Clerk Gentlemen of the jury, have you agreed upon a verdict ! Jurors. We have. Clerk. Who shall deliver your verdict ! Jurors. The foreman, ' Clerk How say you, Mr. Foreman, is Single, ton Mercer guilty, in manner and form as laid in indictment, or not guilty. Foreman. NOT GUILTY. Here there waa an outbreak of applause. Mr. Bivwne I am aaham 'd of you, gentleman. Have you no more respect for the Court ! Judge Elmer Constables, bring any one be fore the Court whom you shall find concerned in this outrage. Such a thing has never before hap ened in New Jersey. Mr. Jfffers here moved that Singleton Mercer be discharged from rustody, and he was dischar. ged accordingly, and li ft the Court House for the dwilling of the Sheriff. The crowd followed, and as he entered the apartments of that officer, gave 'ThRKE Cm ESS FOR SlNHlETOSJ MERCER !" The elder Mr. Mercer, Mrs. Mercer, Singleton Mercer, and Miss Sarah Mercer, remained in Woodbury during the night, but were to return to their home in 8oulhrark on Friday morning. Shocking Fire .100 I.Ives Lost. Engti-h p iper bring us the following account of the burning of a Theatre al St. Petersburg, and an aAful destruction of human life : The fire broke out behind the scenes, and the di rector of the theatre ordered the curtain at the back of the atage to be drawn up, that every one might be aware of the eminence of the danger. The smoke and flame poured out toward the body of the house. Laughter suddenly turned in'o pallid fear, and shrieks of horror burst from the Ikiioiiis of thousand, who but now had been convulsed with mirth. Grasping what was dearest to them, all rushed toward- the outlet. These were too few for the magnitude of (he the atre, and it was very slowly that the foremost made way for those behind the . So much the more ra pidly did the flimri communicate to the resinous fir planks, and quickly advancing from scene to scene, they souu penetrated into the body of the theatre, s ill awarnvng with people. As ill luck would have it, one of the. Urge folding doors at (ho entrance, which opened inwaid, had in the confu sion been accidentally pushed to, and resisted all efforts to open it. Thus only half of the main en trance, was available for escape in this critical mo ment, and the retreat of the audience was, of course, proportionally delayed. The police would not at first suffer private indi viduals to tender assistance, that they might keep the conduct of the lus'ness to themselvej. A trsdesmsn nevertheless, contrived, with a spade, to break down a board on one side of the theatre, and to drag sixty half soff cated persons out of this harlequin's bell through the aperture, with immi nent peril of his own life. The Emperor Nicholas rewarded the worthy mm with an order, and, at he was poor, with a pension of 2,000 rubles. Meanwhile, the people in the street, at may be supposed, became aware that the matter was no joke. The featful tidings soon spread through the city that Lehman's Theatre was on fire, and that thousands of persons in it were likely to peri h, I' il impossible o conceive the consternation and despair that seized all Petersburg. There was not f unity one of more of whose members might not be among the wretched sufferers. When the Em peror, on the first news of the fire, hastened Torn Winter Palace to the spot, women ron up to him and erleJ, "Save, Me, save ! My son is am -ng theml and my husband is there ! My brother is wot out yet!" Children replied the Empeior 1 will save all I can." A gent'eman who witnessed the operation of clearing away the bodies, told ma that he could uot touch food for three day, so frightful were the ima ges that had inceasarilly haunteJ him afterwards, nJ a lady, ho had looked in from a distance, was so shocked that she became delirious, and raved Tor several days both sleeping and waking. The number of the victims waa subsequently tated officially to be 300 but person told ma that be counted with his own eyes 60 carts, each of which contained from 10 lo 15 bodies. People who protend lo know from good authority, repre sented the number as so Urge that I dare not re peat it, lest other might think tho amount too itn-p'ub'able. tin: II I DDIs K It. JUVENIXaH DEPARTMENT. Anawcr to Enigma of last week. Thi Fatts or Nmoara. GEOGRAPHICAL ENIGMAS. I. I am composed of sixteen letters. My 9, 6, 14, 9, 10, is a river in the 17. States. My 3. 9, 15, 9, 12, 2, is a town in Mexico. My 1, 2. 12, 3,2, 1,1s a city in Russia. My 13, 2, 12, 15, 2. is a town in Turkey. My 3, 4, 2. 10, 6, 9. 15, ia a river in Ireland. My 13, 11, 12, 7, 5, 15, II, 2, is one of the United States. My 9, 4, ft, 9, is a river in the United Slates. My whole, is a celebrated author, II. I am composed of twenty letters. My 12, 5, 7, 16, 13, 15, is a town on the Sus quehanna. My I, 13, fi, 8, is a county in Missouri. My 10, 4, 17, 12. 20, is a county in Illinois. My 14, 19, 5, 2, 15, is a county in Pennsylvania. My 1 1, 17, 6, IS, 15, 8, is a river in 1 linoi. My 12, 2. 15, P. 13, 8. i a county in Indiana. My 1 1, 17, 6, 8, 12, is a town in Kentucky. My 7,5. 1 ft, I, 2. 6, 15, is a county in Kentucky. My 12, 10, 11,13, 19, ia a county in Virginia. My 11, 10, 6, 14.4, 10, is a river in S. Carolina. My 11, 17, 16, 18, 6, 7, 10 is a rivet in Georgia. My 1,8,4, 10 9, ia an inland in the Gjlf of Met co. My 4, 8, 10,4, 12, 17, 19, 11, is a bay in the Uni'rd States. My whole will he found on the Western Hemis phere. FOR TNI AURICA. To all whom it may ronrrm. The public is hereby informed, thst a certain set of men, in and about Selinsgrove, took the power into their hands lo lock the meeting-house, belong ing to the Lutheran and Reformed congregations of said place, and on Sunday, the 9lh i f April, de. privet! the Lutheran congregation of occupying said hou-e. And not being willing to open it by force or without the key, and being advised by the Pastor not to open il any other way, the meeting of the congregaiion was held before the door of Ihe Church, on which occasion our aged Pastor preach ed from the words, Luke, 10th chap., lOili, 1 1th, 12th, 13ih and 14th verses. George Rishel, John Orbogast, Peter Bergstre-scr, Jacob Albert, Peter Itichter, John App, Leonard App, William Gsugler, John Fisher, Frederick Bichter, jr. Jonas Miller, Abraham Zingbeck. Look oct ron altered Notes. A few days since a one dollar note of the Bank of Northum berland, altered lo a Jive, waa passed upon the Bridge Collector of M lion. This note was pre sented at the Bank on Moi day last for redemption, only for its proper value. They are easily detec ted by holding them to the light ; but the plate it self is altogether different from the five dollar plates of said Bank. Miltunian. Cutting tub New World in two. This process it seems is begun. The canal coinpn ny chartered by the government of New (Jrc neda ; have commenced excavating their bi ditch through the Isthmus of Panama, and in a lew years our whale ships, instead of rounding Cape Horn, will pti6s from ocean to ocean, through mountains which I'izarro and his fol lowers found such difficulty in climbing over. The value of the whole landed property in Scotland is estimated at JC170,(X)0.000. HAf.TIMOIlK MAUKKT. Office of the Baltimore Aikiucax, April 10. FLOUR. Holders of Howard street Flour are uniformly asking f 4,25 for good mixed standard brands from store, but we are not advised of any transactions to-day. The slok for sale is small and the demand light. There is no fixed receipt price. Wc note a sale of COO bid. City Mills Flour al M.25 full. A small parcel of SuqU' hinns Flour ia held at f 4 25 per bid. GRAIN. Wheat ia scarce and much wanted, and prices hive advanced. We note a aate to-day of 900 bushels red Wheat from Harford County, at 95 cts, Wequ .tefair good to the lest reds at 85 a 95 eta Two loads of Pennsylvania yellow Com, the fir it received this season, comprising 4000 bu shels, were sold to-day at 53 eta. We note sales of Md. white Corn at fit cts. and of yelluw ul 52 a 63 cts. Sales of Oats al 25 cents. WHISKEY Iain fair demand. Sale of hhds. at 19 a 1 91 cts. and of bids, at 20 ct. 1MUCI3 CURK13XT. Corrected weekly by Henry Ynxlhetmer. Wheat, .... bo Rte, ...... 6o Cork, ...... 40 Oats, ...... 25 Pork, ...... 5 FLAXSEED, ... . )oo Butter, ..... o BiKswtx, .... 25 Tallow, .... 13) Dhieu ArrLts, 75 Do. Peaches, . . , 200 Flae, ... .8 II tec lsd Flax, . 10 Eosjs, ...... 8 Orphan' Court Male. IN pursuance of sn ord.-r of the Oiphins Court of Northumlier'sud county, will be exposed lo public sale on Sa'U'd.y Ihe 6 h day of May next, at the Court House in the borough of Sunbury , to wit 1 A certain lot of ground situate in said bor. ough on Whorllebury street, and marked in the gen eral plan of said low n No. 318, adjoining a 1.4 of Jacob Young on ih east, and a lot of Peter Good, ban's estate on the weal, lata the estate of John Epley, dee'd. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock of said day, when the conditions wilt be marl known by GODFREY WATERS, Sunbury, April 16, 1843. 4t. Admr. Daniel Yarick, BLACKSMITH, BEGS leave to inform the citizens of Sunbury and its vicinity, that he has commenced the MiACKSMITIIINU 1,USIM-:;SS, In Ma.ket street, Sunbury, east of J hn B. .gar's store, and directly opposite Ihe post office, where be intends to carry on the business in all its various branches, including. Making Mill Irons and Flip tie Sjirings, Ironing Carriages, with Extension or Standing tops. Shoeing Horses, Vc Orders will be promptly and punctually attended to, and wotk done cheap, for cash or country pro duce. fj Horse Shoeing done at f I per sett. Sunbury, April 15th, 1843. fim A M K It I C A N K C 1 V. C T I V Ann MTSEI'M OF FOREIGN LITERATURE. CONTENTS OP THE APRIL NUMBER. ARTIN'S Fall of Jerusalem, an Engraving Pll of Jerusalem, The Late Dr. Arnold. History of Ihe Hat, Madame IVAihtay, China and Ch'isiianity, A Scene at the Areopagus, Sir James Clark on Climate, Secret Communication in An e:ent Armies, The Lawyer his Character and Rule of H .ly Life, The American Trea-y. Remin iscences nf Men and Things, The P.dire of Paris. Ports r. Sonnet. On seeins a Child fall asleep amid its sport. Something to think nf, History of the Hat, Minstrel's Cur-e. MrscKLtuT Professor of Mincrolosy nt Chris liania, Sonth-y, Avalanche, Copyright, M.'iint .El na, Antarctic Circle, Philanthropy and Fidelity. Science Awn Art. Solar Eclipse, Splendid Meteor, Thermography, Curiosities, Composition nf the Blood, Tartar on the Teeth. OaiTCART. Lady, Mr. Prummond, Thomas Hamilton, Esq., M. Clement lloul ng. r, M. Jovet. SPECIAL COURT. PROCLAMATION1". PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given, that on Monday the twelfth of June next, in pursu ance nf ihe direction of the I!oorarik Thomas Bi'Rjrsinr, Pies'dent Judge, &c. A Special Court of Common Pleas, for the eou' tv nf Northumber land, will be held at the Cout Hons.', in the ho r ugh of Sunbury, for the trial of muses by jury, before the s .iil Pres'ilent Judge and the Aiaoc'a'e Judges of sa'd county. lo continue, if necessary, ONE WEEK, of which Cou-t, all parties, offi cers, and older persons are notified, and requested lo govern themselves accordingly. FELIX MAURER, Sheriff. (ml save Ihe Commonwcalih ! Sunbury, April 8, 1843. 101 IHssoIutlon or Iurtnorslilr. T IHE psrtnershifi between I)r. J. 11. Price and . I and is Price, was dissolved on the 3Ut day nf March, 1S43. The books of the concern sre left with Dr. N. Landis Price for collection and settlement, of which the people will lake notice. April 6, 1843, JOHN B. PRICE. K o o t & Shoe It!:.1TTJPACTCP.T. 31 a r I i 11 Irwin, RESPECTFULLY informs his fri.nds and old customers, that he has removed his floor .$ snor. estahusiimkst to the frame buiMing adjoining his dwelling house, tetween thsl snd Dr. D. T.Tiites ollice, a few i'oors west of his old establishment, in Msikct street, where he intends to carry en Ihe above buMiiess extensively, in all its various branches. Being thankful for past f ,vors, be ho e, by strict attention lo business snd liberal charges, to give general satisfaction ; and that he will cont.uue lo re ceive a lihersl share of public palroimge. April 8 lb, 1843. IS hereby given, that I purchved the following articles at c. nslal'les sale, sold as the p0ieriy of Benj.nnin T. Roney, of Coal township, on ihe Isl of April, 1843, vix ; 1 Lantern 1 33 Halters I 30. 1 Gloss lan tern 2. 1 do. 32, I Watering pot C5, 1 Till basin 37J, 1 Dnnereiin 31,1 Spit box 23,9 pieces House spout 3 25, 2 lots Ktove pstterns 3fi0, 1 Inl Wire 62J. 3 Dusf pans 42. I pair Tinner's shears 100. 1 Spit box 22, 2 Machines for working tin 12 00, 1 lot Tools 2 00, I lot Bucket eats 1 00. 100 sheets Tin 2 00, I lot Scraps 2 25, I lot Bench tools 45, I Furn .ce 25, 1 lot Tin patterns 2-r), 1 Desk 31.1 lot Stove ornaments 26. 1 Kre kfast table 3 55, 1 Bureau III 25, 3 Wall pictures 25 All of which I hive loaned to the said (tenia rnin T. Roney during my pleasure, of which the public will lake notice. FRANKLIN A. CLARK. April 8, 1842 Cl A CARD. Dr. X. Ia. PriC?, Thankful for past fa vors, respectfully informs the inhabitants of iSunbury and coun ry around, that he has, taken hia residence and office in market street, in the east end of Ihe building occup ed by John Uocar's store, where he will be happy to wait upon all who fa vor him with their cilia. r-unhury, April 1st, 1841. fun Notice. United Slates Bank, for the use of the Hon. El'is Lewi, rs. John II. Cowden, fir. NOTICE is hereby siven, to all the lien credi tors of John H. Cowden, and others interest, ed, to show cause by Ihe first M 'lid .y of May ucx'. why the above judgment hill not he paid out of the mmeys anting (rom the sale -f the real o-tata nf defendant, and the residoe l e di-Mrihu'cd nceord ingtolaw. HEPBURN M'Cl.t'RK. Prothonolary's Office, i l'rulh'y, Wil iainrl, March 25, 1843. S t littate of Lydla WutMin, lt'l. NO TICE is hereby given, that letter of Hiiiniu is rs ion on ihe estate of I.ydta Wa'son, il.c'd, late of ihe borough ol r-unl'ury, Noithoiii berlaud county, have been granted lo the uhcrt ber. Persona indebted lo said esta'e, are reueled to make payment immediately, and iho.e having accounts saain-l the ttuie, are requested lo piesent them for examination snd settlement. KAMI. 'EL THOMPSON. Sunbury, March 25, 1843. Gt A.lm'r. Instate or Mlcliucl Ite l, doe'd. TsJaJOTICE is hereby given, that letters of admin iteration on the estste of Michael Reed, dee'd., late of Augu-la township, have been granted to the kubsenher. Persona indebted to said etale, are re quelled lo make payment immediately, and th.we having account ag onal the am.', are r (pirated to present them for examination and settlement. JOHN REED. Augusta, March 18, 1813. 6t Adoir. BXiACKSIVlITHING. Weorgc Z 1 111 111 e r 111 n 11 & M o n. rilUE au' sellers hereby Infirm the public, that JL they have entered into partnership, in the DLACKSMITHINO BUSINESS, wired wi'l here.fier be carried on al Ihe old stand in Sunbury, under the firm nf ' Geoine Zimmerman & Son," where thev will conduct the bu-ine-s in all its various branches, including 7ir;i. ing, Mukinjr M II Irons, Ironing Carriages. Shoe ing ilorsrs. V. Orders will le promptly and punc tually attended to, and work done cheap, for rash or country produce. fjj Shoeing done nt one dollar per setl. GEORGE ZIMMERMAN, J. II. ZIMMERMAN. Suiilni'V. March 11th. 1813. 13 hereby given, that letters ""Nainentary hive th a .lay, (MarMi lt. IS 13,). M granted to the subscriber, 111 the last wilV)Hiil Ltsincnt of Chris tian Shipmrin, dee'd., " A ugusta lownship All pers 111a. therefore' .-d to said eslnte, are hereby required In cti yliiko p vtnenl, nml all persons having claims -igstnst the sami', arc likewise requi.ed lo present them for settlement. LEW IS DEWAHI Sunbury, March II, lr43. 61 F.xrrulnr. PAP. TITS?. 13 HI P. rPHE subseiibers, having euler.-d into a partner- ship in ihe practice of the law, will be happy lo attend to all bustiiess entrusted lo tin 'if care. Collection will be promptly attended to. They may always ' he found at their office, in Market street, Sunbury, fonneily occupied by Wm. Dewart, dee'd.. as a sture-fourn. WILLIAM L. DEWART, CHARLES J. UK UN ER. Sunbury, Feb. 4ih, 1813. G n. C II A II LI : 1 Is I? A M A A TJSi, ATTOIIISTEY AT LAW. AH removed bis ollir e to the front room nf the brick houe. formerly known as Smith's Tavern, on the south west corner nf Ihe square on Market street. Business entrusted to bis care, in this county, ami in the counties of Union, Colum bia and Lycoming, will receive prompt attention. Sunbury, Feb. 4, 1843 fun S.Ul'L DIH iti: tiilli:.!, HATTER, 7ERY hE.M'ECTFULLY legs 'leave to in. f o m his customers, and the public generally, that he still corri iucs the HATTING BUSINESS, in nil its various brunch, s, in 1 he shop neaily oppo site the Btl'k Tavern, formerly occupied bv lien iv fins and himself, tin b-r the firm of Haas A: Druckemtller, which firm h s been mtitual'y dissol ved. He ho e, by hi long experience in the nliove busings, nnd strict attention thereto, to render n n eral satisfaction, and rece ie a I. bend share of pub lic patronage. Sunbury. Oct. 15 h, 1812 I v. MERCHANTS HOUSE, aVo. 237, Xorth Third, above Cullou hill PHILADELPHIA. OI1N DUNCAN, late from Iho Pennsvlva- nia Farmer, tin I Samuel Pike, jr., late of A- nn rican Hotel, Columbus, ( hio, lake pleasure in ac quainting their f. and Ihe public generally that they have taken tho large and commodious H0I1I, recently built by the Me-srs. II ul.ori the same site once occupied by the old eslahliidied Hotel known as ihe Bull's Head, in Third sticet above Callow hill at. This Hotel is finished in the very last possible manner, and of the best mnteria'e. Its locution is ery desirable, particularly for country nierrlunts; the sirangemeiits for bentir.g and ventilating each room is such as to secure any temperature. The Udrooni are all light nnd uirv, all furnished ins neat sty, sn as lo insuie 100 foil. The r ceiving p irlora are al-o fuini-hed in a su perb style, the windows aie on the French style, formii g an entrance to a b.dcoiiy in front, hi. h im.kes a pleasant recess. I lultciihir attention has Irceri given to the Kds ami btdding, which, with the furniture, are eni'inty new. f rom yea's' experience in h.itel business, we lrus.1, by strict assiduity I.: business, lo rimke this house a tlesir ib'e stepping pi, ire. Our table will alw ays le supplied with Ihe very beat our market can alTord, ami nur bar nli ilie le.-t liquors and wines of the most appioveil bi m ls. P. There are first rate slshline htul carriage houses attached lo the hotel, f.tieuded by ra cf il nnd soter ho-tlets, nnd onr charges will be in accordance wilh tbe present haid Philadelphia, Oct. 7lh, 1H42. A AI51. Dl. J. W. IVal begs leave to tender bis grate ful at kriowledgini nt lo the people of Sunhuiy and surrounding country, foi then pj.i encourage ment in the line of bis profession ; and would at the same time announce to them, ih it he still in tends to continue the practice of medicine in all its various departments. He would, therefore, solicit a continuance of their confidence and pitrnnaue. He may I (00 ml al all times at his office, in mar ket street, unless professionally engaged, Sunbury, Oct. 1st, I K12. if. ' A caImT" "Tr. I. T. Tl llr, Respectfully informs the citizens f Sunbury ami viciol'y. that he basic moved his nlfi.-e lo tin buiMing l.oelv n.cupi' d by George llriuht, in m rk t stie. l, Su bnrv, where he may be f ui.d at all home, unless professionally engaged. DR. TRITF.S returns h i sine, re thanks for h encouragement helms tec. ie I. in ihe line of lis profession, in this place, so I nn-t-, by prompt a'. .teSjt on in the duties of bis pr.-tessinn. ami r. a-011-abln charges, that he will coniinuo to receive a lilieral -hare of the public patronage, Sunbury, Oct. Ul, IM2. If. DK. j . n7 s iTmn Ten" SURGEON DENTIST, 1F.SrECTKI'I LY informs the public that he k- has made Norihtiinhcilninl bis permnnenl place of icsi lence. and is ready lo attend 10 any c di in the line of bis profession. July 1812. I y. Vl.l. peisons ijub hied to the firm of I. von A Hairts, uinler lite agency of l. N, Tbaeher, till and Cap Manufacturers, No. 40 North Third, street, Philadelphia, are requested lo make immedi ate settlement of tin ir accounts w iill the subscriber, their legally su'lioiixed agent, who is fully rmpow. t ied to settle and collect lite accounts of said funi. ROBERT D. WILKINSON. June 4th, 1842. If Agent. "nBLANKS"'"' Toil SALL AT THIS OFFICE. UiNION HOTEL, (Grnrral fiitage ()flice,) urm: "olj :rar oa Tse X.VC01MIJSTO COUNTY, I'riiiiiylvaiiln. rilHE Snb-criber respectfully informs his friends JL ami the public in general, that he has taken Ihe abovK LA II (i t: A S l) CO MMODIO V!9 HOTE L, IN THE B O R O U G II O F MIJN C Y, and that he U now well prepared to accommodate all whn may favor him with their custom. Hia SLr.r.riNn ArARTur.xTa are well aired, and rn'nforlahle. Hi Tablk An Bar will a'ways be supplbd with the best the market can afford. Hia Stasmvo, which is rood, will under the charae of c otl nnd careful hostlers. He f via confident, by strict attention to business, nnd an earnest desire lo render c mfortatile those who may patronize him, that he will not fail to give general satisfaction. H. B. WEAVER. Muncy, Oct. 1st, 1812. tf. TAILORING7 ON XZIS OWN HOOK. PETE?. GETTEP, T ESPECTFI LLY informs his friends snd the public generally, that he has commenced the Tailoring II n h i n c s s , in all its branches, in the house formerly occupied by Win. Durst us a Tailor Shop, in Ulackberry street, nearly opposite the Pr. stiylcrian Church. He respectfully solicits a share of the public patron age, and trusts by strict attention to business snd reasonable cha-ges, Le will be cnuMcd lo give gen eral satisfaction. Sunhuiy, June 18th, 1812 ly FUlLADELrilM, READING 4XD POTTSYILLE RAIL ROAD. AN EXTRA ACCOMMODATION LINE IVt'iV commence running bt twnen Philadelphia and I'otlsvillc on the following days and limit t : Ct Avn aftrr MoniAr, Mat 9, 1842. Leaving Pottsville, on Mondnys, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 8 A. M. Leaving Philadelphia, on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 1 j P. Al. Hours of passing Reading. For Philadelphia, at 10J A.M. 7 ,. For Pottsville, at 6J P. M. 5 1 "-werkli'- F.I It E S. Between Pottsville cV Philada. f3,50 A- f2,B0 Helween Reading cV do. 2,25 Ac 1,75 Between do cV Pottsville, 1,40 &. 1,00 ExtcnsiOM Ticket ooon ron RiTt iiMino SUIT HAT. Between PotUville A, Philadelphia, f 5 00 Between Reading Ai do, 3110 Between do. iV. Pottsville, 2 t)0 The other passenger trains will as before, at the following hours : Philadelphia and t'ntttville. From Philadelphia, at 5$ A.M. n .. From Pottsville. at 2 P. M. S Y Hours of passing Reudtiig. For Pottsvilie, at 9 A. M. 7 n . For Philadelphia. nt 3 P.M. U"y' All the trains will Mop for way passengers at the usual points. rfj" All passengers nre requested to procure their tickets In-fore I Tie trains start. May 21. IS42. if. WAiiiiwri-n srrr.iuon to asy ornr.ii m:ak siwhiry. TTOHNcV HENRY LAN DAU. having rented 9 I'IC Litue Kilns of Henry Masser, in Sunbuty, have now for sale tho best Lime in this part of Ihe country, and will continue lo keep constantly on hand fresh Lime for Plastering, Building and for Liming land, on as reasonable terms as can be bad anv where in Ihe iieighboihood. May 21. 1842. J. iV H. LANDAU. TRIUMPHANT SUCCESS, AMU 4 New Discovery In the NEWSPAPEn BUSINESS. MOST impoitmt nnd invalual le discovery haa been m!e by a iientleman of this city, by which newspaiers may be printed in Ibeir present form, and, at ihe urns lime, capable of I -ring con verted at pleasure into a Magazine form, for preser vation This grand improvement, which is destined to form s new ers in Ihe bu-in-ss, effecting an entire revolution in the art nf printing mammoth news papers, will be introduced, by permission of ihe pa tentee, ii.. iha Philadelphia Saturday Mu-euin, commencing in May next. I fcP RO V E M E NTS I X -THE MUSEUM." "The Musrum'Ms nnw so f.iirlv and firmly es tablished, that we feel wsrran'.ed in making some very extensive and important improvement). Bv the fust of May, we shall have completed all our anaoceiiients. W'e shall have, in the fust place, a beautiful, ch ar and bold type in the second, a ii rt smooth und white piper in the third place, we shall mske an ing uious nnd n -v. I ch inge in the vrrungrtiitnt of the matter in the I u til p'aee, we shall in. re ise our corps of com 'i' ot"' in all th" various dep.iitineiit- of a Fao,ili Xricpaprr ill ihe filth place, "ehive seemed, at a l.ili sa'ary, the se.vicis of Eiouk A. Tor:. fs,a g.litleuiaii who-e bind and veis.iile abiiniea bate nlways sp ken promptly for ihemsi lc-, and who, a'ti r ill" fir t of May, will aid us in the edilorid Conducts of the journ d. The Sarrative of Ti-wnrrnd's J if nri over the li ml,i Mounttins' one of the most iiitcic.'.ing and valuable eer published, is sent I all new stib-cri-bets. Al its conclusion, our readers will find them selves in posse-. ioo nf a woik which iiewill Ih.' w orth double the aul scripliit lo the t aper. W'e shall continue, also, of course. Ilia ' Ilr urophical kitehes and Portrait," which are now excitiua so uuexainphd an it teres!. Willi the-e and oiher fea. lures continued, and with I' e improvements in con. tempi oion, it remains tube seen whether we do not amply fulfil cur di t rminntion of luakilig the very bent newspaper in America, i'lrsons wisiniiK to secure ix thous .nd U'geoe. lavo pages ofunful. inte e.nng, and uneiceptiona. tile leadioc for the s. leel family cncle, f.r the small sum of Turn Doll us p r year being at ihe aston ishingly low rate of ihirty psges for one cent, or equivalent lo one hun.lred and twenty piges for f un c uts should hsnd their names in i nw, TERMS. Two Dollars per annum. Three ro ja.sfir Fie Dollars, or Sixteen copies for Twenty Dollais, is ihe extra inducement offered at piesent lorclul'bing. TIIOMXS C. CLARK & Oo., I itiiee the Sa'urday Museum, Pubbsheik' Hall, No. 101 I'htsuut Street, Philadelphia, U.S.3Iail Coach ron roTTsviLLE. STICK TO THE MAIL COACH I fllllK Moil Conch for Pottsville haves Northiim I. brrland every morning at 0 uMock, and arrives In Pottsville in the evening. Fa an as low as nny nthrr line. For seats, apply lit Mrs. Wellington's Hotel, N jrlhumberlsnd, or at Georgn Weitzel's, Sunbury, A. E. KAPP & CO., Norlh'd., May 21,1842. Proprietors. fTj Pussenircrs coming from Philadelphia wtll please secure their seals at the White Swan Hotel, Race St., befoie they leave tho city. Paasergera comma in this line, have their sesls secured in any Stage or Packet lost fmm this plsce, Those comir g in the other line may I e left behind. EAGLE ff JT CLD ra? BLs 9 Corner of Third and Vine Streets, WIIalalAMSrORT, PA, fllME snbscrila?r respectfully announces to the 1 public, that be has opened a Hotel in the com modious brick building situate on the corner of Third and Pine streets, where he will be hnppy to wait rpon those who may favor him with their company. The Eagle Hotel is large and conveni ent, and furnished in the bc-t modem style. It is provided with a large number of well aired and comfnrtuble sleeping apartments, rooms, private parlors, cVc. Persons visiting Williamsport on bu siness or plea-nre, may rest sstircd that every ex ertion will be used to render their sojonrn si the "Eagle Hotel" pleasant and agreeable. HiaTabl will be supplied wilh the very beat the market af fords, and his bar with the choicest wines and other liquors charges re.sonahle. The Eagle Holrl possesses greater advantage in point of location than any other similar establishment In the borough, being situate in the business part of the town, and within a convenient distance nf the Court House and Williamsport and Elmlra Rail Road Depot. Sufficient Stabling provided, and good and trusty ostlers always in attendance. Attentive, accommodating and honest Servants have Wen employed, snd nothing left undone that will add to the comfort and accommodation of hia guests. There will be a carriage always in attendance at the Boat Landing to convey passengers lo and from the House, free of charge, CHARLES BORROWS. May 14th, 1842. 7m, KEILlvCZ-lT & CO., l'omniisi(irr & l'orwarrJinr; Merchants, l oot of tllow Street Rail Road, ol tr. nctAWAHCi HAVING associated wi h ihem Joseph Barrier, late of Eiiston, Pa., respectfully inform iheir friends and the public generally, that they have ta ken th.t I. tree and well known store and wharf at font nf Willow Street Railroad, lately occupied by Jacob Martin, where they purpose doing a General Commission and Forwarding Business, and fiom the local advantages nf the place being connected with nil the public improvements ihst hsve Iheir outlet in Ihe rity, they flatter themselves they will be able to do business to as great, if not greater ad vantage, and upon as reasonable terms as any other house, and they assure their frienda that anv con Higiimrnls made to them shall have Iheir strict at tention, nnd no exeitions spared to give entire satis, faction. They are also prepared to receive and forward goods lo any point on the Delawnre and'Kh livers, la twecn'ch Churk, Enston and Phils. i)el hia, via Delawore Divtst. n and Lehich Can Is; also, to anv point on the Juniata river, or Nor h and West Blanches of the Susquehanna via Sctiuyl. kill anJ Union, or tho Chesapeake and Tide Water Canals. For ihe accommodation nf Boats c rming or go. ing via Schuylkill and L'uion Canals, a Sieimlat will be kepi expressly for towing boats from lha Schuylkill sround to the Del aware and hack, which will en ible merchants lo have their produce deli vetcd on the Delaware, and their goods shipped at a aavinit ol 50 to 75 per cent, o" tho prices fir hauling scross, wilh these sdvautages they re. spcctfully solicit a bhare of patronave. W.1IEIL.MAN &CO. William Hellman, I illiam W. lYcyeer Joacph Barnet. ) Philml .May 14, 1842 ly GOOD NEWS FOR AMERICAS 101TII ! a nrw toi.i-mk or roiikrt iticitiiY's Misrur, Edited by S. G. Goodrich, author of Peter Par ey's Tales, Commencing January, 1813. OINC'E tho comn encement of tbis'work now - the mol popular juvenile periodical extant it has rter been the aim of the publishers to mske it deserving of the liberal encouragement which haa been extended towards it; snd its subscription list evinces that their efforts have been appreciated by Ihe pul'ltc. () the first Jay of January a new volume will commence. The character of the work will not be chanced. Its design w ill remain the same, and lha publishers would ssure their patrons and the pub lie that their efforts will he unceasing to render it worthy of being companion for Ihe young. To plant the ace 'a of morality and truth in the youth ful heart, to in-lil virtuous principles and motives into the mind, to aid in Ihe formation of chirscler, to cultivate a taste for knowledge and improvement, and with instruction to blend pleasure and amuse ment, these hsve leen, and will continue to be, the end and aim of the woik. Every article will ba thoroughly d gested before it is admitted into litis work, and great care will be taken that it shall not contain anything inconsistent with the object in ictv. It is in signed to he, nut interestinz for the , incur nt only, but of permanent value, and Gt til ! form part ol evety FAMILY LIUARV. I Some of the leading features of the Museum aro j H'story. Hiogrn.hi, Otology, Kulural History, j d'mgiaphy, Ac. These will be accompanied Willi ligltter matter in tne rum of J a es Sketches, Ad v. ntun s by Sea and Land, Narratives of Remarks l.!e Occurrences, Anecdotes, Fables, Allegories, Ac. Poitrv and Music will I Called in to assist. Eve ry available means of r ndering ihe work sprightly, instructing snd entertaining, will he put in lequiai ii. n. Numerous and splendid embellishments and illustrations, sut passing what msy be found in any other work of the kind, in this respect, will be in serted; and the tyimgraphical appearsnce of lha Museum will be uch it ia believed, wi l meet the approbation of its patrons. The puhliahera would add, that Meny's Museum is Ihe cheapest periodical of the kinJ pubbshed in sny part of tho woild : the annual volume containing nearly as much mailer aa two volumea of Bancroft's History, which sell for f ur dollara and fifty cents. Tmx Vest Lowest Tabus. One copy, $1 ; Six copies, f 5 s Thirteen copies, $10. 'I he great expense incurred in gelling out a work like ihe Museum, rend rs it necea-ary that Ihe pub lishers should strictly adhere In the cash system. All leiiyrs must be post-paid, and addiessed to the Pulilishrra snd Proprietors. BK ADDER Y, SODEX 4 CO. 10 School st , li,ton. and 127 Xunau st , A' 1. Fi7sii soppy of ROSE Ol.N I'M EN T. received and for sale by U. B. MASTER. Nut. 19tu, 1942.