Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, April 08, 1843, Image 3

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    if I would witch (he trunk, and not let them go
without Riving the information, h wnuld pay ma
any tmnunt he eild I'm not of age myself; hut
I'll pledge my word to you it shall be complied with;
I told him no pay would he required to go to
B'oodgocd 'e.gcl night rest, and leave the trunke
to me ; after good deal nf persuasion, by the aid
of hia friends, and after exacting a pledge of me re
peatedly, I got him into a cab and down to Blood,
good's ; I taw no more of him till I saw him here
yesterday I waa federal limes near enough to take
his breath J not the alightest appearance of liquor
bout him.
Cross Examined. Davis, the watchman, came
and (old me there was a young man In 6th at. act
Ing in such manner thai he did not know what to
make of it (detailed his conversation with Davis ;)
I was in I ed at my stat on house when Davi came
for me.
ran rut AarcAW.
Thoughts on Lore.
There are many kinds of love, and the passion,
whether it he called love, friendship, gratitude, or
eiileem, seems to be as natural to humankind as
ny of the other propensities of the mind. The
love which children liear towards their parents and
near relatives, arisen, probihly, from gratitude.
Parente are continually bestowing favors upon their
offspring, from their youth up, and supplying their
every want. Hence, the cause of that devoted at
tachment which children manifest towards their
Friendship has frequently proved so strong as to
cause one friend to lay down his life for another.
But there is no kind of love so interesting to con
template, and so strange in the phenomena it ex.
Dibits, as the love which exist between the sexes.
It may he an animal feeling;, at first, in many canes.
But, on acquaintance, these subside, and gie
place to such as are more pure and exalted. Upon
reflection, no one can doubt but that there does
often exit-t pure affection. th".t "regarding the mind
only, and its excellencies." Though it is impossi
ble that there can be Platonic Love "at first sight,"
yet, as soon as one is intimately acquainted with
the object of his affections, may he not become en
tirely enamoured with her mental perfections !
This conclusion is rcajonable. That there can be
a second love aa pure as the first is imporsible.
Let this flame be true and sincere, and time, nor
spice, nor absence, can entirely efface it from the
memory. It may be forgotten lor awhile ; but
there are momenta when the mind will, involun
tarily, recur to what it once held most drat, and
indulge in melancholy reflections which carry the
conviction that one haa been dearer than all othera.
How mysterious the sentiment that fastens mind
to mind so strongly that the lover behold not the
faults of his mistress, or looks upon them w ith pre
judiced eyes, and in the same manner as he views
his own fsilings. They appear to him as pardona.
ble, or even lovdy. Pelf love induces one to es-
le m himself, on the who'e, a liitle better than others.
and he regards many of his faults as real v'ntuea.
I.ove make him view bis beloved in the same
partial light. This haa alway a been the case, and,
no doubt, it is a happy thing for mankind that it
is so. It requires much perseverance, and many
mental struggles, to resist and discredit all the in
sinuations thrown out, by friend, to the prejudice
of the tove.l one. Hence, this peculiarity of the
mind, this pronencss ti overlook faults, keeps the
lover from loosing confidence in his beloved, with,
out just cause. It prevents too much reliance be
ing placed upon the report of meddlers and in
terested friends. This blind confiding love, view.
ed in all the situations r.f life, is one of the most
nob!e traits of human nature. What a strong
feeling it is that induces a young lady to leave a
comfortable home, kind parents, and affectionate
brothers and air-ters, and, frequently, all the con
veniences of life, for the sake of the one she adores !
Though he proves himself unworthy such ardent
attachment, we find her Mil willing to follow his
fortunes, and to attend him in hcal'.h or sickness,
in wealth or poverty, through goi-d report and evil
report. The wife of the inebriate often proves
herself an angel. She possesses love too pure for
earth, and a brute must that mm he regarded, who
can be insensible to sueh devoted at'echment !
The more he abusea and tramples upon the partner
of hi life, the more she seems to overlook his fail,
inirs and his cruellies. She is the last on to a-
bandon him.
Enough has been written on love, Platonic
Love, love at first sight, first, second, and third
love, love after marriage, towards parenta, friends
and relations, to fill volumes. It is a most pro
1 1 fie subject for conversation, and always excites an
interest. When the conversation becomes
mite, broach this subject, and all will instantly
arouse from their lethargy, "prick up their ears,"
and sh w signs of returning animation. A. C,
Sunbury, March 29, 1843.
Little mindr endeavor to support a conse
quence by distance and hauteur. But this is a
mistake. True dignity arisr-s from condescen
sion, and is supported by noble actions. Super,
ciliotisrtesa is almost a certain mark of low birth
and ill-breeding.
Dahlias are like the most beautiful women
without intellectuality; they strike you with as
tonishment at their splendid exterior, but are
miserably destitute of these properties which
distinguish and reader agreeable less uupoeing
When religion ia made a science; there is
nothing more intricate when it is aiade a duty,
there is nothing easier.
I)UULIC NOTICE i hereby given, that on
Monday the twelfth of June nrit. by direction
of the HoRORABia Thomas Buaasmr, Pie.idcnl
Judge Ac. A Special Court will be held at the
Court House in Sunbury, for the trial of causes
before him and the Aoeil Judge.
punbu'y, AprHt, I Mo1.
THE It 1 1 DM. It.
Answer to Enigmas of I a 4 week.
I. August township.
S. Constantinople.
Answer to Charade of last week.
Answer to Enigma III, of week before last.
Os-i-ow. Onion.)
I am composed nf seventeen letters.
My 12, 6, 7, 12, II, 9, 8, is a river in the United
My 1, 9, 16. 11, 1. 9, is a town in U. Canada.
My 2, 9, 7, 6, 12, 8, is a town in Maine.
My 9, 11,3. 14,6, ia a lake in Russia.
My 1 6, 2, 9, 1 1 , 3, is a river in Germany.
My I, 3, 12,8, 8, is a river in Austria.
My 17, 7, 14, 12, 3, 16, 8, is a city in Africa.
My 9, 16,3, 9, 5, 11, is a territory.
My 1, 12, 9, 14, 13, is a county in Pennsylvaniy.
My 0,16,6, II, 14,3, is a county In North
My whole is a place of fashinable resort.
People begin to think that if "money is the
root of all evil," they ought to be moral now-a-
days, since there is so little of the "root."
.n j n it t e n ,
On the 30th ult., by the Rev. J. II . Worrell.
Mr. I.kvi Barrett, to Miss Sarah Moonr, both
of Augusta.
On the 27lh ult.. by the Rev. D. M. Halliday,
Mr. E. W. Coku. to Miss Maroarat E.
HiRLCR.both of Danville.
I) 1 13 I ,
Tn Tn, toil lnwnsh:n. on Wednesday the 29th
ult.. Mr. ALEM MARR.agcd a'wut 67 years.
Corrected weekly by Henry Yoxthtimer.
Whrat, .... 80
Rtr, 60
Cork, - - - - 40
Oats, 25
Pork, 6
Flaxsckii, ... -100
BcTTKR, ..... 10
Bkf.swat, - 25
Tallow, .... 12 J
Dhieii Applks, - - - 75
Do. Piaches, - - 200
Flax, ... .8
H sen lid Flax, 10
Eoo, ...... 8
Dissolution of PartiierMtilp.
rUH E partnership between Dr.. J. U. rnce ami
i. N. I.andia Price, was dissolved on the 3 let
day of March. 1843. The books of the concern
are left with Dr. N. Landia Price for collection and
settlement, nf which the people will lake notice.
April 8. 1843, JOHN B. PRIt'E.
Boot & Shoe
If I a r t i n Irwin,
M ESI'ECTFULLY informs his fri.nds and
J, old customers, that he ha removed hia
to the frame building adjoining his ilwelling bouse,
between that and Dr. D. T. Tiitcs' office, a few doors
went of his old e.tnt:ihmrni, in Matkot street,
where he intends lo carry on the above business
extensively, in alt ill various branches.
Being thankful for past favors, he hopes by strict
attention to business and liberal charges, to give
general satisfaction ; and thsl he will continue to re
ceive a liberal share of public patronage.
April 8th, 1843.
S hereby Riven, that I purchased the following
articles at Constables sale, sol. I as the pioperty
of Benjamin T. Roney, of Coal township, on the
1st f April, 1843, vii :
1 Lantern 1?), 33 Halters 1 30. 1 Glass Ian
tern 2. 1 do. 35, 1 Watering p 65. 1 Tin basin
37J, 1 Dnnerenn 31,1 Spil box 23,9 pbcea
Mouse spout 3 25,2 lots Stove patterns 3f0, 1 lot
Wire 62. 3 Dust pant 42, I pair Tinner's sheirs
100, I Spit box 22. 2 Machines for working tin
12 00. I lot Tools 2 00, I lot Bucket ears I 00,
10U aheela Tin 2 00, 1 lot Scraps 2 25, 1 lot Bench
tools 45. I Furn.ce 25, 1 lot tin patterns 2S, 1
Desk 31.1 lot Stoe ornament 26, 1 Iliekfist
table 3 65, 1 Bureau 10 25, 3 Wall pictures 25
All of which I hive loaned to the and Beojt
min T. Roney during my pleasure, of which the
public will lake notice.
April 8. 184231
Dr. !V. L Price, Thankful for past fa.
vom, respectfully informs the inhabitants nf
Suuhury and coun'ry around, that he has, taken
his residence and ollice in market street, in the east
end of the building occupied by John Bogar'a store,
where he will be happy to wail upon all who fa
vor him with their c-II.
Sunbury, April 1st, 1843.
United States Bank, for ihe use of the Hon. Ellis
Lewi. vs. John H. Cowilen, Ar.
NOTICE i hereby given, to all the lien
tors of John 11. Cowilen. and others interest
ed, to show csuse by the first M tnly of May next,
why the above judgment shall not be paid out of
ihe muieys arising from the ssle if the real estaie
i f di fendanl, and the residue I e distributed sccord
ing to law. HEPBURN M CI.UUB.
Proihonotary's Office, ? I'rolh'y.
Wil iamsirt. Match 25. 1943. S 6t
folate of Lydiu Vuttoii, Uet'U.
"WTOTICE it hereby given, that letters of anmin
J3I is'ra'iou on the estate of Lydia Wa'son,
u.c'd, late of the borough of Sunbury, Northum
berland county, have been granted to the subscri
ber. Persons indebted to tanl esta'e, are requested
to make payment immediately, and thos having
aceounta against the tame, are requested lo present
them for examination and settlement.
8unbury, March 25, 1843 Ct Adm'r.
ltute of 91 It had Reed, der'd.
NOTICE I hereby given, that letters nf admin.
islrilion on ih est ale nf Mirhnel Heed, dee'd.,
late of Augu-U township, have been gr mted to the
subscriber. Persona indebted lo sat. I estaie, are re
quested lo make payment immediately, and ihote
having accounts eg dust the same, are n qurstid to
prtstnt Ibsm fur examination and seti lenient.
August, March 18, 1843. St Adm'r.
TOR trial tn the Court of Common Plea of Nor
thumherland County, to he held at 8unbury,
on the first Monday of April next, being the 3d.
Joseph Trego vs Martin A Stock
Yatea Mclntyre vs r.dwartl HriRTit
George Armstrong vs The Shamokin Coal co
John Sheriff vi John liana
Mary Weeks va Byerlv A. Haa
Houghton for Wharton vs John Smith
Henry Huff v Christopher Campbell
rur.el A Pfoult vs Frederick llirgci.hin
A W Johnson et al va Jnn C Bovd et al
Wm A Lloyd vt Martin A Stock
John Cooper et al Sensholia. Berastrescr
Abraham Sharick v Jno A H M Davison
John Murray va Jesse
Jacob Kline va Joseph Vsnkok
Geo C Welker va Jarol. G rs
John 8 Msrtx v Solomon Eshbacuh
Thos 8 Bonham v Caroline Noursn
John R Kettler vs John Murray
Theodore Beck Thomas Ashbridge A
T G Axhbridce
Isaac Konna A Co va Rcuh.-n Ftgety A Co
George Hill vs Maitin Weaver et al
Daniel Rondarmel v Daniel Zerhe et al
Montelius & Fuller Ac vs Wm II Miller
lacoh Shltz va John Stout A H Flick
Same vt John Stout
Commonwealih of Ta vs F W Pollock
Same vs HVnrv Frick
Ssme vs F W Pollock
Same vs Henry Frli k
John M Housel vs Jacob Dectt
Thomas Woods A Co vs Andrew Forsyths
John B Miller va Charles Craig
Kiise A Bergstresser vs Charles Craig
Flack, assignee of Ahold vs II M Daviaon
Boone, assignee of Ege vs Ssme
William Morn vs O V Duncan
Joseph Metcalfe & Co v Wm A Lloyd
Jacob Mavland vs 11 Ynxlheimer et al
Frederick Klett v Smn
Daniel Brnaious v John A Shissler
Wm G Williams va William Glover
Joseph Mitman vs The Sham, kin Coal A
Iron l.ompany
Wm Burman va John A. H M Davison
Joseph Hill vs Martin Weaver
Stephen Wilson vs F A Kiacht
Brown for Brown va Henry ruck
Samuel Keffer v James B-ard
Jacob Wheeland vs D L Richard
Dougal & McCKery va C H linker
Prolhonntnry'a OfTirn, rroth'u,
Sunbury, March 18, 1843. S
IS hereby given, that letters testamentary hive
this day, (March 1st, 1843,) been granted to the
sulmcriber, in the last will and testament of Chris
tian Shipman, dee'd late of Augusta township
AH persons, therefore, indebted to said estate, tre
heiehy required to ctll ami make piyment, and all
persons having chums sgsinst the same, tre likewise
required lo present them for settlement.
Sunbury, March 11, 1843. 6t Executor,
George Z 1 ni in e r in a ii & S o n.
rffHE su' serpen hereby inform the public, that
tney nave rnrereu inio parinerarnp, in me
wh:ch wil bere.fttr he carried on at the nil
stand in Sunbury, under the firm of ''George
Zimmerman A Son," where thev will conduct ihe
I u-ines in all its various branches, including Ttirn
intr. Making M.U Irons, Ironing Carnages, Shoe
ing Hurses.ifC. Order will be promptly ard nunc-
tualtv aitendrd In, and work done cheap, for cash
or country produce.
frt" Shoeing done nt ore dollnr per sett.
Sunbury, March llih. 1813.
11 A It lsi: AXTS,
AS removed his office to the front room of
the brick houe, formerly known as Smith's
Teern, on the soulh west corner of the square on
Maiket street. Bu.-inet-t entrusted lo his care, in
this county, and in ihf counties of Union, Colum
Ina and Lycoming, will receive prompt attention.
Sunbury, Feb. 4, 184341.
A lYcvr DlM-overy In the
A MOST impoilint and invalual le ibscovery has
a been made by a gentleman of this city, ty
which newspaeis may be printed in their present
form, and, at the eime time, capable of Ix-ing con
verted at pleasure into a Magazine form, for p riser
This grand improvement, which it destined lo
form t new ert in the bu-in- ss, effecting an entire
revolution in the art of printing mammoth newa
papers, will be introduced, by permission of the pa
temee, into the Philadelphia Sa'urday Museum
commencing in May next.
" The Museum" is now so fairly tnd firmly ri
isblished, that we fori warranted in making some
very extensive tnd important improvement. By
the first of May, we shall have completed all our
arrangements. We shall have, in the first pbice, a
beautiful, clear and ImjU type in the second, a
auperh smooth and white psper in the third place,
we shall make an ingenious andnov. I change in
the arrangement of ihe matter in Ihe f.-urth place,
we akall increase our corps nf contributors in all Ihe
various departments of a Family Kewspaper in
the fifth place, we have secured, st a high si'sry,
be services of Edoar A. I'oa. fcsq , a genileman
wlio'e high and versatile abilities hste always
spoken promptly for themselves, and who, a'li r ih-fir-t
nf May, will aid us in the idiluii , conducts of
the journ al.
'I he Narrative nf Townseiia J.rtir ney over the
Ilorky Mtiutituint,' one of the most interesting and
valuable ever published, is sent to all new utcri
tiers. At its conclusion, our readers will find them
si Ives in possession of a work which ooncwill be
worth douMe Ihe subscription to Ihe par. We
shall continue, also, of course, the "Ui
Sketches and Portrait," which are now exciting so
unexampled an interest. With llione and oilier fea
tures continued, tnd with t'n) improvements in con
li remains to 1 teen whether we do
not amply fulfil our dclt rininution of making the
very best newspaper in America.
1'irsons wishing to secure six ihouund It'ge oc.
lao pages nf useful. iutereling, and uneicepnona.
ble reading for Ihe telect family circle, for the tmall
sum of Two DolUn per year being al ihe a sum
ishingly low rate of thirty pages for one cent, i r
rquivjlenl lo one hundred and twenty pigve for
four cents should hand their name in now,
TERMS Two Dollars per annum. Three co
pica fir Ki Dollars, or Kiiteen copies for Twenty
Dollar, is Ihe extra inducement oiler, il at pre.-ent
lordu'l.ii g. TIIiMSC.(.'.a.K AC...
I Ifl'tce of the St urday Mns. urn, Pubhsheia' Hall,
No. 101 Chesnut S reel, Philadelphia.
TMIE subtciibet. hiving enter d into a pirtner-
ship in the practice of the law, will be happy
aiienu to til nusiriess entrusieu to tneir care.
Collections will he promptly attended lo.
1'heV mav Kn r.imil at .liaip r(Ttn In
-"J J - 1 " ,
Market street, Sunbury, formerly occupiej by
Wm. Dcwart. dec'J.. a store.rni.m.
Sunburv, Feb. 4ih, IR43. n.
(firnrral Stage Office,)
IT ItJ TttsT TST 9
Penn) Ivnuia.
flHE Hub-criber respectfully inform hia friends
A and the public in general, that h baa taken
the above
tnd that he is now well prepared to accommodate
all who may favor him with their custom.
Hia SLtFristo Atartm krts are well aired, and
HisTaRLRAvn Bar will a'waya be supplied
ith the bent the m nket can alTord.
His Stabliko, nhich is cood. will be under
the charge of good and careful hostlers.
He f els confident, by strict attention to business
and an earnest desire to render c mfortnhle those
who may patronize him.ihnt he will not fail (ogive
general aaiisfaction. H. B. W EAVER.
Muncy, Oct. lat, 1812. if.
Tr. J. W. IPal begs leave lo tender bis grate
J ful acknowledgments lo ihe people of Sunbury
and surrounding country, foi Iheit pit encouraee
ment in the line of his profession ; and would at
Ihe same time announce tn them, that be t-till in
tends to continue the practice of medicine in all its
various d partmcnts. He would, therefore, solicit
a cotniuuxnce of their confidence and patrnnace
He may be found at all times at his office, in mar
ket street, unless professionally engrged.
Sunbury, Oct. 1st, 1842. tf.
Tr. I. T. TrilCSJ, Respectfully inform th
-J eoii.-ns of Sunbury tnl vi,-i try. be his re
moved his office to ihe biitb'ing Intelv occupid l y
(ieorse Bright, in market street. Sir burv, where
he may be found at all hours, unless prufessionully
entiBg- d
DK. TR1TES return h s sincere thanka for h
encouragemeul he haa iec,ied. in the line of h a
profession, in this place, and lru-t-, by prompt tr.
tent on lo the duties of hi prolea-tion. tnd rea-on
able charges, thai he will continue to receive a
liberal .-hare of the public patronage.
Sunbury, Oct. 1st, 1H42. tf.
RESPECTFULLY informs the public that he
hss made Northumberland his permanent
place of residence, and is ready to attend to tny
calls in Ihe line of his profession.
July S, 1812. ly. '
on his own noon.
T ESI'ECTFULLY informs l,i friends and the
-1' public generally, lhat he ha commenced the
Tailoring II 11 s i 11 ? s ,
in all its branches, in the hoti-e formerly occupied
by Wm. Durst aa a 'I ailor Shop, m lllackhcrrv
street, nearly opposite the I'r-shytenan Church
He respccllully solicits a share of the public patron
age, tnd trusts by strict attention lo business md
reasontble cl a-ges, he will be enwlilcd to give gen
eral satislacion.
Sunbury, June I8lb, 1812 ly
A S W VII m si: or
roi!i:kt tiniuivs irsr.ii,
Edited by S. G. fioonnii H. author nf Peter I'ar
Irij s lutes, l.ummenciiig Jamtury.ioM.
OINt'E Ihe com i encenier t of this work now
the mot popular juvende periodical exlani it
has ever been Ihe aim ot ihe puMi-hers lo make n
deserving of ihe liberal ncoiiragenient w ich h is
been extended lowain. it; and its subrcnption list
evinces thit their ellorls have been appreciated by
the put lie.
On the (irxt day of January a new volume will
commence. The character of the work will not be
changed. Its dt-sitin will remain the tame, tnd Ihc
pubbsbers would ar-sure Ihcir p itrona and the pub
lic that their ifl'ots w ill 1m- uncssing In remb r it
worthy nf being a companion for the young. To
plant the tee I of morslity and truth in the youth,
ful heart, lo in til virtuous principles and in it ve
into ihe mind, to aid in the formation of ih racli r,
to cultivate a taie foi knowlolge ond i-nprovenirrit,
and wiih instruction to blend pleasure and hiiius.
ment, ibese have been, and will continue to I r,
the end and aim of the woik Every article ill be
thoroughly d gested bi fore it is admiiled into this
work, tnd great care will he taken lhat it shall not
contain any thine incoii.-isienl with the oljecr in
view. It ia Uis gncd to Ih-, nut intrr, stinu I' r tin'
mom nt only, but of perioanerii value, and fit to
fonn nrt of'eve.y FAMILY LIUAKY.
Some of the lealing feat ores of the Museum are
iri, BUispruphif. OoA.r, Natural History,
Geoiuphy. Ac. Tbt, will I accompanied wuli
linlilcr tualier in U.e form nf l a c-, H..e chcs, Ad
v, nr. a by Sea tnd Land, Narra'ins. I Keinr.a
h!e Occurrences, Arncdote-, Fables, Al'egones. Ac.
1'ixtiy and Music will Is Called in to assist. Eve
ry avuilable means of r-ndcrmu the wok spriuhtlv,
inairuc ing and enl, r aiintig, will be pu' in nqu si
li n. N umerous tnd splendid einbr Ibshuiriils ai.d
illustrations, suipaiu.g n may be found in tny
other work of the kind, in ibis nspecr, will be in
serted ; tnd the ly porai-hical spaisi.ce ol the
Muxuin will I ,uch -, it it Ih-Ii- ed, wil no et
ihe np rob itioii of p p tu.ns. The puldis'ieia
would add. that Meny's Miwuin is the i heape.i
periodical nf the kind ul I shed in any pari of the
wotld i ihe uni uul volume coniaintiiK marly as
much int'teras Iwu volumes ol Hancoh's liistorv,
which I1 for f ur dollais and fil'iy cents.
'In VT I. WAST l'kM.Vi. Or copy, $
Six copies, (5 ( Thirteen copies, fit).
I he gleal I Ipense incurred in gelling out a work
like ihe Mui-eu:ii, rendirs it neees-sry llitl the pub
liulier- should strictly adhere lo the aAi syatem.
All leoi rs musl be pi si paid, and addie-sed to
the I'ulill'htra nd I'roprnlora
10 School st , Motion, and 12? Nuati it , N Y.
A" FiTtu" VJppyof KOBE OLNTmEN i'.iecriv.d
and fur tale by M. B. MASHER.
No. J3tb, 184S.
rniLADEirim, mm asd roTTSYiUE
Will commence running bettcten Philadelphia
and t'oltsville on the Jullowing dayt
and hours :
On Avn ats MoanAt, Mat 9, 1842.
Leaving Potlsvilln, on Mondnys, Wednesday
and Fridays, at 8f A. M.
Leaving Philadelphia, on Tuesday. Thursdays
snd Saturdavs, at IIP. M.
Hours nf passing Heading.
For Pbilidelpbi., at 10 A.M. .. ...
For I'oltsville, at 5J P.M.
F.I H E 8.
Between Potlsville ft. Pbilada. f 3,50 cV f 2,50
Bi-tween Reading Ac do. 2,25 &, 1,75
Between do ex. PoUsville, 1,40 & 1.00
Excursion Tickets oood to a strcamns
XtT nAT.
Retwen Potlsville A. Philadelphia, f 5 00
B' twern Ren'mg A; iln. 3 00
Between do. A Potlsville, S t)0
The other passenger train will a before, at
the following hours :
Philadelphia and Potlsville,
From Philadelphia, tt 5 A.M. n -,
From Potlsville. at S P. M. $ 1
Hours of pasting Reading.
For Podavilie, at 9 A.M.) n ,
Foi Philadelphia, at 3J P.M. S
All ihe trains will stop fur way passengers at
the usual points.
(TT All passengers rue reqiieatej to procure
their tickets hetore the trams atat.
May 21. 184. tf.
To Country
TUB Subscriber, Agent nf l.yon A Harris, Hat
- Manufacturers, for New York, Philadelphia,
Baltimore snd othrr large cities, whoso Hats are
hiuhly commended jr ;orf eolut and durability.
has oi hand a fir-t rate assortment of HA I a and
CAPS, r-uit il le fur Spring sales, which will V sold
very low, f.j cash or appioved credit, al iba nrted
cheap store, Put. 40, IVorth I hird street, uppisi's
the Uity Hotel, rinlaJelpht.
N. B. Orders for Hats in theronp, promptly
attended to. Tha highest price in tush or trad
given rur tkins.
Philadelphia, June 11, lS12 --ly
A LL persons indi bled to the firm nf Lyon A
A-a- Harris, under t1 e agency of O. (V. 1 hacher,
Hiit and Cap Manufacturers, No. 40 North Third
street, Philadelphia, are requested to make immedi
ate settlement of th- ir s. counts with the subscriber
their legally au'horited ngenl, who is fully empow
eieu to settle snd collect the accounts of said firm
June 4th, 1842. tf e'"'
TfOHN A HENRY LANDAU, having rented
99 the I. line Kilns nf Henry Manser, in Sunbury
have now for snle the best Lime in this part of Ihe
country, and will continue to keep constantly on
band fresh Lime for Plastering, Building snd for
Liming land, on as reasonable terms as can be had
anywhere in the neighborhood.
May 21, 1842. J. A If. LANDAU,
Corner nf Third and Vine Streets,
I'FVIE siibserilier r srectfullv annotincea to th
M- public, that he h is opened a Hotel in the com
modious brick building actuate on the coiner of
I bird snd Pine slreeis, where he will be happy to
wait np n those who msy f.rvor him with their
company. The Eagle Hotel is large and conveni
ent, snd furnished ir, lire he-t modem stv le. Lis
pr.-vided with a large number of well aiied and
comf. rtable sleeping apartments, rooms, private
parlors, Ac. Persons visiting Williamsport on bu
sinesa or p'ej-ure, nny ret Hs-ur d thnt every ex
ertion will I e used to render their sojourn at the
'Esgle Hot' I" pleasant and agreeable. HisTshle
will he supplied wiih Ihe very beat the market af
fords, and his t ar with the ct.oicest wines and other
Inpiors charges reasonable. The Eagle Hotel
possesses greater advantsges in point nf location
than nnv other similar estahlishment in the borough,
being situate in the bustnest part of the town, tnd
within t convenient distance nf the Court House
and Williamsport and Elmira Rail I'oud lb pot.
Sufficient Siabling provided, and good and trusty
oMlcrt always in attendance.
Attentive, accommodating and hnne-l Servants
have been . -m ployed, and nothing left undone that
will odd lo tho comfort and accommodation of his
gUola. will he a carriage tlwaya in attendance al
the Boat Landing to convey passengers to and from
the House, free of charge.
Mav 14th. 18-12.
Wl:. HEXL1A1T & CO.,
('oiniiiisinn vt porwanlinrv Mt'rrlmnls,
'no of Willow Stm t Rail liouil,
11 AVING as-iocuiifd i h iln in Joseph Darnel,
' late of Eustoii, Pa., r. s. ei t ti I'y int- rin their
rieinls and the public gei rraMv, ih l tliry have la
kititti t large and w e I know n Hon tnd w h iif al
to, t of W illow Sir.ct Kadroad, I il.-lv copied l y
Jacob Mariiu, where they pu pose doing a Genital
I 'iiiuini-sion and Fnrw aiding llu-i.-ie., an I f orn
he local udvauttces of ihe place bring coi.m ctcs!
with all ibe pulihc iinprovenienta that have their
out'et in the city,' they flatter themselves they will
la- able to do business lo as gre it, if not greater ad
vantage, and upon as reasonable terms as any other
house, snd Ihev assuie their fio r.ils that any con
s2t ments made lo ihem shall have ih, ir sir cl al
lenlion, and no exertions spaied to giv enlir talis
facinn. Th, y are also prepared In receive and forward
goods 10 tnv point on the D' law are and Lehigh
livers, Wi we, n Maoch I 'hunk. Easion tnd Philt
del hia, via Delaware )ivij. n and 1 ehit;h Can .Is;
a'so i- anv point on the Juinaia river, or Nonh
and Wsl B'sncln sol' ihe Soi.quchanna vit Schuyl
kill and 1'iilon, or tho t'he.speake and Tide Watei
For ihe accommodation of Hosts coming or go
n g via, ishuylkill and Union Canals, a Sieamhoat
will b- k pi eipress4y for towing hosts from the
Schuylkill around lo the Dclawtie tnd hick, which
will en ble mcrchtnls lo htve their produce deli
vered on Ihe Delaware, tnd Iheir goods al.ipwd tt
a taviug ol 6i to 76 per cent, or; th. pi ice fir
h iuIh g ac'o-s, with these tdvanlagct they re
sucifully (illicit shire of patmnace.
William Hellman,
Willism W. Kcysar,
Josepb Bsrstl. Pbilsd.M.y 14, 1842 ly
U.S. Mail Coach
THE Mail Cosch for Potlsville letves Northums
berland every morning tt 9 o'clock, and arrives
in Pottaville In Ihe evening.
Fa a a aa low as any oilur line.
For seats, sptdy at Mrs. Withington'e Hotel.
Northumberland, oral George Weitzel's, Sunbury,
A. E. KAI'P A CO.,
Norlh'd., May 2 1 , 1 842. Proprietors.
fTi" Passengers coming from Philadelphia will
please secure their teats at the White Swan Hotel,
Race St., before ihey leave the city. Passenger
coming in this line, have their seats secured in any
Mage or Packet host from this place, 1 hose coming
In the other line may be left behind.
Illunk Hook Manufactory ,
Opposite Prfncc't Hotel,
rVIEY re pn pared to manufacture blank work
JL of every description, ruled to any pattern, such
as f lockets Record. Dsy Books, Ledgers, Ase.
sura' and Collectors' Duplicate of the finest quali
ty of paper, in a style equal to any made in th ci
ties of Philadelphia or ISew Yoik,
All descriptions of binding neatly executed.
Scrap Booka, Albums and Portfolios made to order.
Law Books, Music and Periodicals bound lo any
pattern. Old Books rebound, Ac. Also files of
papers bound.
fXj" Work left at the office of the Sunbury Ame
rican, will be promptly attended to.
May 21sl. 1812. ly.
Ab. GU North Third, above Arch Street,
CHARLES WEISS, late of the "While 8wan,"
arid "Mount Vornon House," respectfully in-,
forms his friends and customers, lhat he has becoraa
Ihe proprietor of Ihe abovs; well known Hotel.
Country Meichants will find the above Hotel a
central location, and the best of fare. Persons lra
veiling with private conveyance will find a larga
yard and good stabling for horses, and the best of
ostleis. Boarding $1 per day.
May 14th, 1842 if.
J. m AVL AND, JR. & CO.
Snull and Tobacco Manufacturers,
Ab. 99 North West corner of Race and Third
THE undersigned have formed a Co-partnership
under the firm of J. MAYLAND.Ja. A Co.,
aa successors to the late firm of Jacab .Wayland 4
Co., and will continue the business at ihe old esta
blisbment, on their own account. In addition to
ihcir own close attention and experience for many
years, in the manufacture of their cefebrated snuffr,
Ac, the long experience of the senior partner of the
late firm, will aUo be devoted lo the interest of the
new concern and aa no exertion and care will be
spared to insure their goods, at all times of the ve
ry best quality, they solicit a continuance of the
confidence of the fiiends and customers of the late
Philadelphia, May 14th, 1842. ly
Ab. 237, North Third, above CutlotcMll St.,
JOHN DUNCAN, late from the Pennsylva
nia Farmer, and Samuel Pike, jr., Isle of A
inerican Hotel, Columbus, Ohio, take pleasure in sc.
quainiing their fiiends and the public generally lhat
Ihey have taken the large and commodious Hotel,
recently built by Ihe Messrs. Hart, on the same silo
once occupied by the old established Hotel known
as the Bull' Head, in Third stiect above Callow
hill at.
This Hotel is finished In the very best poasihld
manner, and of the best materials. Its location is
very desiruble, particularly for country merchants ;
the arrangement fur healing and ventilating each
room ia such as to secure any temperature. The
bedrooms are all light and airy, all furnished ina
neat style, so as to insure comfort.
The receiving parlora are also furnished in a su
perb sly le, the windows are on the French style,
forming an entrance to a balcony in front, which
makes a pleasant recess. Particular attention ha
been given to tho beds and bedding, which, with
the furniture, are entirely new.
From years' experience in hotel business, wr
fust, by strict assiduity tc business, to make thit
house a desirable stopping place. Our table wil
tlwaya le supplied w ith the very beat our marker
can afford, and our bar wiih Ihe best liquors ant
wines of the mnal approved brands.
P. S. There are first rate stabling und carriagi
houses attached to the hotel, Attended by caicfu
and sober hostlers, and our chares will be low, ir
accordance with tLe present hard
Philadelphia. Oct. 7lh, 1S42.
JTMHE siibictiher re pectfully informs tho publi
JJ that be bus pun based, and now occupies th
Ll,re yht HrUli.
and lli!i
Commodious HilJTiw cru Stand
Well known as the properly, late of Theodot
Wilis, and formerly kept hy Samuel Ai Btady.
He is now prepurcd to accommodate all travdlci
ami v.siieit who may favor him with a call, an
w, u-e every effort in hia power to render ever
convenience tnd comfort to hit customers, whi'
under his chsrge. His accommodationa are ampl
and bit rooms well furnished. Hia stable extei
sive and in good condition.
His Table and BAa will U supplied with lb
I -est that the market can afford. By puncluatil
and attention, he feels confident that he will met
the patronage of the public.
Catlawissa. April 9th. 1642.
UOlllIHT C'AllTIIlt & SO.
Lombard Street, Ilaltimort,
HAVE constantly for sale, Printing Pjpcr of i
site ud qualltie, Cp Writing Pper, rub
ml plain, Letter Paper, white and Hue, ruled ai
plain. Hanging Paper, fine and common, Envelo
Paper, do. do. medium, double crown, crown ai
extra aited Wrapping Papers, Colored Medium ai
Royal Papeia, Bonnet, Binders' and Straw I).
Boards, Tissue Ptper, tnd ill articles In iheir lit
which they will tell on accommodating tern
Highest price given for old raga.
Match 19, 1.042, Elkroa,