Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, April 01, 1843, Image 3

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Answers to Enigma of la-il week.
I. 8trawbeT'b's nJ cream,
3. Sunbury Temperance Society.
I m composed of fifteen le'ters.
My 5,3. 13, J. It, i a lady's nsme.
My 13. 4. 3, IS, it gentleman's nsme.
My 15, 9, 3, f. ! to I out of humor.
My 13,7, 8, i n aricle of drew.
My I S. S, 1 1 , produce hsat .
My 6. 11,9, 10, in colli.
My 13,1, 14, 11,8, in christian.
My 3, 14, II, will intoxicate.
My 5, 15,9, 9,11, it used at dinner.
My 13, 9, 7, 15, it lo moke clean.
My whole, contains numtier of inhabitant.
I im composed of four'ecn letter.
My 1 3, 9, 7, 5, is men ure.
My 10, 9, 3, 14, is number.
My 13. 6, 10, in ueJ in cooking.
My 1, 6, 8, it an animal.
My 8,6,13, 14, Is w wen.
My 6, 10, 3, 6, it a lady's name.
My 13, 6. 9, 3,8, is lo colour.
My 11, 3. 9, 2. 7, is a vegetable.
My 1, 1 1, 6, 5, it to lxi worn.
My whole, is city in Europe.
My first is a term by surveyors oft used.
As writ ashy those who traverse the ocean ;
My second is a color of sombre hue ;
Of my last, every farmer haa a portion.
My whole is a town, not unknown to fime,
And rendered by Shakpeare, immortal in name.
Mtamboat F.aploslon.
An extra from the. Pittsburg Sun, under date
of the 17ih inst., 2 l M., contains the follow
ing :
Steamboat Explosion and loss or Life!
This afternoon, sbottt 1 o'clock, just as tlie
steamboat Cutter was leaving our wharf, the
rush of passengers to the larboard side caused
her to list to that side till the guard was tinder
water. While in this position, the flue of her
starboard boiler collapsed. The second En
gineer who wag shipping the starboard wheel,
was killed instantly. His name was Andrew
McLcllan. The first engineer, Joseph Hughes
was so severely scalded that he died shortly
after. They were both from Cincinnati.
Five of the firemen were blown overboard,
three of whom were picked up, and the others
were drowned. One was a negro from Cin
cinnati, the others Frenchman, called Jo Iscm.
Seven or eight emigrant passengers on the
lower deck were scalded severely but not dan
gerously. A large number of deck passengers
were blown overboard and drowned, supposed
to be ten or twelve ; the names ate not known
The Cutttr is one of the new line of boats
running between this city and Cincinnati, and
was owned in the latter city. She was com
manded by Cnptain Collins.
This is the first accident of the kind that ever
happened in this city.
AvoTiira Mranm is) tms PrmTKBTiAST.
Two blxck women killed a white woman in prison,
on Friday last, by beating her brains out with the
shovel ami tongt. The reason they give is, ihat
they want to get out of the Penitentiary into the
County jsil. They are likely to be deprived of that
pleasure, however. Columbus (O.) Stat.
.w .f n w t k v ,
On the 23d ult , bv the Rev. G. Beiketresser, Mr
Iica.n Harb to Mis Mauia Conrad, both of
Augusta township.
On the 28th ult.. by the ssme. Mr. Wiiuan V.
SiursworiB to Miss Asm Maria Missus,
both of Augur-ra township.
In Danville, on Monday la-t, by Rudolph Sech
ler. E q . Mr. Ahubkw Cabctikbs, to Miss Eli
babftk Rtniton, both of ibis county.
On the 9th ult., by the Rev. William J. Ever,
Mr Jacob Shi-ma, jr. of Cat'awissa, to Miss Re
becca Mi Lisa, of Mifflin.
On ihe time day, by the sune, Mr. Abbabam
Solsiica, of Monteur township, lo MUs Hassah
Dittkrbekder, of Hemlock.
In Limestone township, Columbia county, on
Monday the 2th ult , Mr. THOMAS FLOOD, a
ged 19 years and 2 months.
On the 33d alt Mr. GEO. SIIICK, an old and
resiectubli- citiien of Catawissa township.
Corrected weekly by Henry Yoxtheinur.
Wheat, 80
Rts, 60
Ci ...... 40
Oati, ...... 85
Paaa, ...... 5
Flaxseed, ... . 100
Butter, . ... 10
Beeswax, .... 15
Tali, .... 13
Urieb ArrLES, - . 75
Do. PsAcats, . . 300
FtAX, ... .8
II tea: led Fvsx, 10
Egos, 8
am -jhs "-""j
VS heseW given, that the contract entered into
g between Iks. John IS. A. N. L. Price, in the
irsetii-e of nmdrcitte, for one year, has ended on the
a 1st ult. n. u. i'kice
April 1. 1813. St.
TTkr. W. I Price, Thankful for past fa.
Ivore, re.pecifuHy informs the inhabitants ol
feunbury and couu'ry ar.suud, that he has, taken
his residence and olfiee in market street, in the east
nd of the building occupied by John Bogare store
wbrie be will be happy to wait upon all who fa
or him with their C.I I,
hunbury, Ajml 1st, IB1.
" Good Intent Fire Company."
A STATED MEETING of the Company will
le held on Thursday evening; next, at 7 o'clock,
at the School House. Punctual attendance it re-quested.-
April 1, 1843. Secretary.
"Good Will Fire Company,"
rPHE membert of the "Good Will Fire Com
pny" are requested to meet at the Court
House, on Monday Evening, Apiil 3d, at 7 o'
clock, precisely. Punctual attendance is required.
March 3. J. H. ZIMMERMAN, See.
United States Bank, for the use of the Hon. Ellis
Lewii vs. John II. Cnwdcn, See.
NOTICE is hereby eiven, to all the lien credi.
tors of John H. Cow den. and others interest
el, to show csuse by the first Monday of Mty next,
why the above judgment hull not be paid out of
the mweys arising from the sale of the rest estate
of defendant, and the residue be distributed sreord
ing to law. HEPBURN M'CLURE.
Prolhonotsry's Office. Vrolk'y.
Wil iamaport, March 25, 1943. 5 6t
litale"iTrLyllu Wiilson, tlec'd.
NOTICE is hereby given, that letters of anmin
isiraiion on the estate of Lydie Warson,
dee'd, late of the borough of funhury, Northum
berland county, have lieen granted to the subscri
ber. Persons indebted to said esta'e, are requested
to make payment immediately, and those having
arcnunts against the fame, are requested to present
them for examination and settlement.
Sunbury, March 35, 1813. Ct A'lm'r.
A 1. 1, persona indebted to the subset ibcr, for
Blacksmithing or otherwise, are hereby request
ed to call and m:ike aet'lement, on or before the
first day of April next, as his hooka will lie placed
in the hands of a Justice after that lime, for collec
Sunbury, March II, 1443. 3U
FOR trial in the Court of Common Pleas of Nor
lhumlrlnnd County, to be held at 8unbury,
on the first Monday of April next, being the 3d.
Joseph Trego vs Martin A Stock
Yates & Mclntyre va Edward Bright
Genroe Armstrong vt The Shamnkin Coal co
John Sheriff v John Hsns
Mary Weeks vs Byerlv Sc Haas
Houghton for Wharton va John Smith
Henry Huff
vt Chrixtopher Campbell
Pur.el & Pfouts
A W Johnson et ul
Wm A I.loyd
John Cooper et al
Abraham Sharick
John Murray
Jacb Kline
Geo C Wrlker
John S Marts
Thos S H-v ham
J .hn R Ketiler
Theodore Deck
I'aac Koons St Co
George Hill
Daniel Roadarmcl
Montelius Si Fuller etc
Jacob Shitz
Commonwealth of Pa
John M Housel
Thomas Woods St Co
John D Miller
vs Frednirk Diikenhine
vs Jno C Boyd et al
vs Martin A Stork
is Se;ishol t& BergFtreser
vs Jno A II M Davison
vs Jesse H isti .n
vs Jo-eph Vank'nk
vs Jarob G iss
vs S.ilomon Ehbacuh
vs Caroline N our so
va John Murray
vs Thomas As'ibridge &.
T G Aflibridge
vt Reulren Fagely &. Co
vs Maitin Weaver et. al
vs Dmiii'l Zerlie ct al
vt Wm II Mill, r
vs John Stout Si II Fiirk
vs John Stout
vs F W Pollork
va Ifi-nrv Friek
vs F W Pollwk
vs Henry Fiirk
vs Jacob Deetx
vs Andrew Forsythe
v Charles Craig
v Charles Craig
Kaae St Dergstre sser
Flack, aa-ignceof A bold va II M Davison
UiMine, assignre of Ege vs Same
WIThim Mori'z vs OP Duncan
Joseph Metcalfe & Co v Wm A I.loyd
aeob Ms nnd
vs II Yoxtbcinier et al
Fr. deiirk Klett
Daniel Broiiuia
vt S,ime
vs John A Shissler
vs Wdlium Glov. r
vs The hsm kin Coal &
Iron Company
vs John & II M Davison
v Martin Weaver
vs F A Kaehl
va ILnry Fiirk
v James B ard
vs D L Richard
va C H linker
Wm G Willisma
Joseph Mitman
Wm Burman
Joseph Hill
Stephen Wilson
Brown for Brown
Samuel Keffer
Jacob Wheelaml
Dougal & McCleery
Prothonntary's Offire, J rrotli'u.
Sunbury, Marrh 18, 1843. J
A fw Dlitcovrry In Ihc
A MOST important imJ invaluable cbacovery has
been made by a gentleman of this city, by
which newspaiiers may lie printed in their present
form, and, at the lime time, capable of being con
verted at pleasure into a Muguzine form, for preser
vation This grand improvement, which is destined to
form a new era in the bu-inn, effecting an entire
revolution in the art of printing mammoth news
pipers, will be introduced, by permission of the pa
tentee, ii.lo the Philadelphia Saturday Museum,
commencing in May next.
"The Museum" is now so fairly and firmly es
tablithed, that we feel warranted in making tome
very extenaive and important improvement. By
the first ef Msy, we shall have completed all our
arrangements. We shill have, in the first pi see, a
beautiful, char and bold type in the second, a
superb smooih and white paper in the third place,
we shall niske an ingenious and novil cnange in
the arrangement of the matter in the fourth place,
we shall inere.nw our corps of cotit Unitnre in all me
various departments of a Family Kempaper in
the fifth place, we have secured, at e high salary,
the services of Eusta A. Poc. bsq, a gentleman
whose high and veiaatite abilities have always
spoken romptly tr themselv, and who, after th
fir-t of May, will aid ut in the conducts of
the journal.
The Narrative of Tuunetf$ J.wney over the
Rocky MtiutUaini, "one of the moat interesting and
valuable ever published, is sent In all new subscri
lra. At its conclusion, our icadera will find them
etlvrs in piseioii of a work which ulurie will 1e
worth double the tulecription to the par. We
shall continue, also, of court, the "Biocrophical
Sketches "d Pnrtait," which are now eiciting so
unexampled an interest. With thete and other fes
turee rixitinued, sod wt'h fie improvements in con.
tempi remains lobe seen whether we do
not amply fulfil our determination of making the
rcriy bett uewtpaper in America.
i'efaon winiiing to secure sit thous.nd large oc.
tao psgesof uaeful. inleie.ting, and uneicepnocia
ble reading fur the select family ciicle, for the small
sum of Two Doll irs per year being at the anion
shingly low rate of ihiity pages for one cent, or
equivalent to one hun.lred and twenty pigea for
fout cents shnulj hand their names in row.
TERMS Two Dollars per annum, litre rn
iiite fir Five Dollars, or Sixteen coiiies for Twenty
Dollsts, is Ihe extra inducement offered st pietent
for clul titng. llttJMAHU. CLARK & Co..
Oflice of the Saturdsy Museum, Pubhshcia' Hall,
No, 101 I lie snut Istieet, I bttjdslpbia,
BY virtue of sundry writs of Venditioni Epo
nat and Levari Facias issued nut of the Court
of Common Plena nf Northumberland county, lo
tne directed, will be exposed to public sale at the
Court House in the Borough of Sunbury, on Mon
day the 3d day nf April next, at 13 o'clock, (noon,)
the following ilecriled property, lo wit t
A certain tract ot piece nf land situate in Point
township, Northumberlsnd county,.adj.iining lands
of Eboneexer (treenoug h, Esq., Mark J. Biddle and
others, and the North East branch of the r.ver Sus
quehanna, containing 163 acres and 08 perches,
more or lest, a large portion of wbich it cleared,
and whereon are erected a dwelling house and barn,
and a stesm sawmill. There ia also an orchard on
said premises.
Also: The undivided one-ltvr.l pirt of s certain
trsct of worn) land, adjoining the above described
tract, lands of Matks J. Biddle and others, contain
ing 75 acres, mnio or less.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold at the
property of Thomis G. Ashbridge.
A'so. A certain trie! nr piece of land, situate in
Ruh township. Notthumheibind county, adjoining
lands of .lacob Reed, John C. Bnyd, Na'han Pegg
and others, containing 115 acres more or less, a
bout 90 acres nf which are cleared, whereon are e
reeled a t vo story log hoUe, a two story frame
house and kitchen, two large frame barns, and fiame
woggon house, and other nut buildings.
Also: A eeitain tract or piece of land situate in
Ruh township aforesaid, adjoining lands nf Henry
Johnson, Georce Boone, and the shove described
tract, containing eight acies n.ore or lest, all of
which is denied.
Also : A certain lot of ground situate in the town
of Shamokin, Coal township, Noithnmhcrlnnil
county, in that part of said town laid out by John
C. Boyd, and marked in the general p'an of said
town No. 3, hounded on the eat bv Shsmokin
street, on the west hy Rock e'reet, by lot No. 3 on
the south and lot No. 4 on the north, containing
in breadth 39 feet and in length 190 feet, whereon
are erected a two slory frame dwelling house and
kitchen, (painted whi'e.) and a frame stable.
Also: Two other lots, ailuate in the town of
Sham, kin aforesaid, in that part thereof laid nut by
John C. Boyd, ami marked in the general plan
thereof Noa. 15 ai d 16, being contiguous to esch
other, bounded on the north by Sunbury street, on
the south by the Danville and Pottevitle Radroad
or Commerce alreet, on the east by Wa-hington
street, snd on the we-t by lot No. 17. whereon sre
erected a 1 J story fiame house and kitchen, and a
frame r-t ihle.
Si ized. taken in execution, and to be sold as the
pro erty of David Faux.
Also: A certain lot of ground sttnste in Coal
township, Norlhuml eiland county, in the town of
Shamokin, aa hid nut by A. J.vdan, Esq. and o-ther-i,
adjoining Grove street. Mine alley, and a lot
of William Crauford, containing 30 feet in breadth
and 180 feet in length, whereon are erected two
birge two story frame dwelling husea snd one kit
chen, a lurce frame stable, a well of water, Ac.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the
propeity of George Armstrong.
Al-o: A certain lot or piece of ground situate in
Snyderstown, Shnmokin town-hip, Northumbr
ian.) county, contai' ing one acie more or le-s, ad
jii'iiing a lot of Willi im Farrow on the cant, a lot
of William Letch on the west, land of William
Farrow on the north, and fronting on the Main
street or road leading from SnydeMnwn to Sunbu
ry, whereon are erected a large two slory dwelling
house snd kitchen, a store house, grauery and small
stable, well nf water, See.
Seized, t-iken in eyecution, and to be aolJ as the
property of Henry Klaie.
Also : A certain lot or piece of ground i-ituate in
the borough of Northumbi rlsnd. and county of
Northumberland, containing 5 acres more or les,
bounded north by Wetwav. south by the Wm
Blanch . f tbe River Susquehanna, west by a lot of
James Kay. and on the east by a road h ading to
the river, wheieon ate ererted a birge two aiory
brick n ill and dwelling hou-e, known by the name
of "The Unllege"
Seized, I iken in eieeution, and to be aold as tbe
propeity of Josish Chapman.
A'so: A certain lot of ground situs's in the bo
rough of Sunlury, Northumlerland county, hnun
de.l on ihe west by Fawn street, on tbe south by
an i.ll y, on the east by an out lot of Jacob Leisen
ring, or a twenty feet alley, and on the north by a
lot uf Willi. m Snvder. containing in breadth f0
feet and in lenetli 240 feet, whereon are erect, d a
two story log house, (weatherboarded.) an nut kit
cben. a good well of water and a frame atahle.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold aa the
property of Daniel Snyder, with notice to William
Snyder, garnishee.
Also: A certain tract or piece of Und situate in
Sham, kin township, Northumberland co., houd
ed by the rosd leading from Snyderstown to the
Centre turnpike, lands i f ni. ateis, dec d and
the Shamokin creek on Ihe south, and the Danville
and Potisville Riilroad on tbe nortb, containing
17 a. re. more or less, nesrly all of which is cleared
wheieon are erecied a large two story dwelling
house, (plastered,) a ki chen, and a largo fiame
barn, a well of water, Ac
Si ized, t ken in execution, snd to be told at the
proiwrty of George Kreager.
A'so : A cer'sin steam sawmill, building and the
machinery ibeieof, together with two acr. s of
ground appertaining th. relo. situate in Point town
ship, Northumbrian.! county, hounded by the ca
nsl on tbe west, the ISorih Last llranch ol th
rier Su-quchanna on the east, and nesrly opposite
the lenience ol I horn at Ashhrnlge.
Se sed, taken in etecutinn, and to be sold as the
protrty of Ashbridge.
Also i A certain trsct or piece of land, situtte in
Sham, km or Coul township, Northumbrian.! enun
ly, bound. d and described aa follows ; lginning
al a white pine corner, a 'joining lands of Biddle
St Company ; thence north 75 d. gre a easi, 134
lurches to a pile of atone ; thence north 13 it
greet wi at, 196 perches lo a tost ; thence north
68 oVgr. es west, 33 perches to a post ; thence
north 75 degrees west, 89 iierchea to a pile of atone
thence south 5 degrees west. 48 perches to a post;
thence south 80 degrees west. 30 ercb a lo a pin
them e a.iulh 13 degrees east, 195 perchea to the
place of beginning, containing 165 acies and 64
rclies, and allowance, mors or less.
Also i A ctrlsin tract or piece of land aituite
in eh iin.'kiii oi Coal township, Noiihumherlsnd
county, bounded and described aa fdlowat beam
ning at a white pine, adjoining lands of the Asv
lum Company ; thence north 13 decrees es', 171
perches to a corner ; thence aouih 81 degree we-
40 perches lo a corner; thence eou'h 13 d.grees
west, 58 perchea to a pits of stone; thence ncn
16 devreea we-t, 8 pen hi t to a pile of stone
thence south 74 degreta west, 100 perchit to
pile nf stone ; thence north 16 degree west, 106
perche to a pile of stone ; thence north 75 degrees
ea-t. 318 perches lo a pile nf stone ; thence n .ilh
12 degree west, 80 lurches to a gum; thence
aouth 75 degrees west, 275 perches to a p lie ;
Ihenre snuih 03 degrees w-l, 112 per. ties to
rh.snut, (fallen ;) thence south Y8 dcgiees west
169 iierche to a cbesuut o ik I thence north 54
degreea, lo a cbesnut I thence west, 131 pT h. a lo
a chesnut ihenr south 7(1 degreea west, 55 perch.
es lo a pile uf stone, a corner ot Sarah Uses' land
thence south 19 degreea east, tsa perches to
pott ; Ihencf iioilh ttb di'fc-ic' cast, 815 t to
wrWsw j i .t . a Magej l isu s
pile of stone t ibence north 75 degrees esst 118,
perches to a pilo of atone; ihence south 13 de
greea eaal, 388 perches lo a pine ; thene north 75
legreesrast, 129 perches to a white pine Ihence
nmth 13) tlegrees west, 394 perch, s Ins pile of
stone; thence a iuth 8M degrees east, 318 perch
es to a p le of stone ; (formerly a maple ;) thence
outh 61 decteesrsst, 64 perches to the plsce of
beginning, containing 1013 scree and 43 perclieo,
and allowance to the same, more or less.
Also; All the one fu I equal individual fourth
patt of all thoes"ven tracts of I .nd. -ituate in Coal
or Shamnkin townsh'p. Northumbi rland county,
thai is to say t one nfthem contaititrg one hun
Ired and siX'T five acres and 64 p rchea. Sou sl-
lowanee. mote or le : one other of them compos
ed of three several tracts, containing one thousand
and twelve acres, 43 iercha, end allowance, more
or les ; one other of them on the road leading
from Sunbury to Reading, in Shamokin or Coal
townhip af reaid, containing two hundred acres,
and allowance, more nr e it being part of a
larger tract called ' Spring Field, surveyed on a
warrant granted to Daniel Reeae, dub d ihe 17th
day of December. 1793 ; one other of them on a
branch of Shamokin creek, in Boar Valley, now
Coal township, containing 440 acres, and nllnw
snce, more or less j one other nf them in Shamo.
in town-hip, containing 1 "27 acres, 58 perches.
nd ullowance, more nr less; one other of them
nl.'o in Shamnkin township, containing 71 acres,
130 perches, and allowinc, more or less ; and the
other of said tracts called "Stone Hcnge," on the
waters of Shamnkin ere. k, containing ".50 acres,
perches, snd allowance, a ire or I a.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the
propeity of Burd Patterson.
Also : A certain tract nr piece of land situate in
Auguala townahip, Norihiimhcr'and county, bound
ed by lands of Adam Shia.ter, Jacob Fiy, Samuel
Savidge snd ihe heirs of Henry Bart-hor, deed.,
containing 135 acres, more or le-s. about 80 acres
f w hich are cleare I, whereon are erected a large
twot'ory d veiling house and kitchen, or largetwo
story frame dwelling house and kitrhen, (painted
white,) a large bank bun, waggon shed and gran
rry, a lime kiln, two wells of wa'cr, a spring house,
nd a la-ge orchard.
A'so ! A cert no lot nf ground situate nn Sha
mokin or Market alreet, in the borough of Sun
bury, and maiked in the general plan nf ss d town
No 9, bounded eastward by a lot of Henry Mas.
ser, westward by a lot of William M. t'arty. and
southward by sn nil y, whereon a'e erect d a large
two sto.y brick h 'Ue, occupied as a atore and
dwelling house, a brick and frame kitchen, a Urge
frame store house, a log stsble, pump of water, Sec.
Al-o: I wo e rtaio contiguous lots of ground
situate in tbe borongh of Sunhurv a'oresaid, front
ing on blaiklx rry street, and milked in the general
plan of said town Nos. 2:1 1 and 335. known ss the
McAdarnt property, bounded ra-tward by a lot of
A. Jordan, r.sq. snd westward by a lo of tt e hens
of I din L. Finney, containing about ofanacie
each, w heron are erected a large brick and log
due ling bouse and kitchen.
Also : Two certain other contiguous lots f f
ground in the borough nf Sunbury aforesai I, and
numbered in the peneral plan ot s .id t own, No.
146 and 147, bounded southward ly Dew'erry
street, northward by an alb y. eastward by lot No
145, and we-twitd bv a lot of Rohrb .chs or lot No.
148, containing about of an acre each, whe'eon
are erected a two story brick hou-e frame potter
shop, frame stable, a well of w ater, iYC.
Abo: I hrce contiguous lo's of ground situate
in the town of Shamokin nr in Coal t .wtiship.
Northumberland county, in that part of said town,
laid out by A. Jordan mid others, fronting the
Danville & Potisville Rati Road, and marked in
the general plan i f said town, Nos. 400, 401 and
403, w hereon sre erect, d a large fiame dwelling and
s oie house, late in the occupancy ufliemy Duw
Seized, taken in execution, and lo le cold os the
lroiiertv of Henry i osthtetner, with police, lo
Chatlcs Pleasant, K-q , his assignee in Ujukrupt
Also : A certain I d or piece of ground situate in
August ,1 townsh'p, Nortbuniberl md c un'y. bound.
id Ly a lt of Henry M is-er, a lot of Jacob Painter
snd the Shamok n crek, containing 5 acne more
or less, whereon are eree'ed u one and a half story
brewery and dwelling hou-e, wi h a spring of ws
li r in the e. liar, a frame stalde. Ac.
Seized, taken in execution and lo te sold as the
propertv uf Philip & Gottlieb Bivniire.
Sheriff's OlTioe. ?
Sunbury. M Teh II, IM3. S
lXulc ol Mil liiu-l Hrcd, tlec'U
OTICE is hereby given, that letters of admin
I istralioii on ihe estate ol Michael Reed, dee d
late of Augu-la township, have been granted to th
subscriber. Persons indebted to said estate, are re
quested o make payment immediately, and
having accounts ag .inst the same, are n quitted to
present them i t examination mid set lenient.
Augusta. March IS. 1843. 01 Admr,
George Z I m iii e r in a &. S u n
rPHE su' scri'er hereby informs the public, that
-a he intends, oi the 1st dav of April next, tot
his son Jeremiah II. Zimmerman, into pailnei.-hij
with bun. in ihe
vvh cli wi l, sfter that period, be carried on, at the
old stand in Sunhurv, under the fwm of "George
Zimmerman & Son," where ihev will conduct the
bu-ine-s in all its various I ranches, including Turn
im. Making Iron. Irtinmg Corr upts, SliuC'
ing flows. 4c Order, wil le piomptly ji d punc
luallv attend, d lo, and wmk done cheap, lor ca
or country produce (jf done at oi
dollar r aett. GKuRCE ZIMMERMAN.
Sunbury, Maich 11 h. IN43.
IS bereliy giv. n, that the subscribers purt h is al
Ihe f.dl.iwing arneles at coi a able'a sale, sold as
the proiieny uf Jonathan Peifer. of I it lie Mabono
township, on the 4th of Match, 1843, vie
I llty Siu I Hoise, f 64 00
I Bav Har.e, 15 00
1 bull, 9 35
1 Pg, 1 91
I do, 1 67
I Clock and Case. 31 00
3 Kelts of Horse lien, 5 75
3 Collars snd a Blind Halter, 3 75
1 Cutting Box, 80
Swlngb lues and Chain, 1 35
1 Waggon and Body, 50 OA
1 Sbigh, 13 -.5
1 Cow. 10 75
I Heiff r, 6 50
All of which we have loaned to the said Jona
than Peifer Curing our pleasure, of Inch the pub
he will tuk notice. her
March 11. 31 ELIA8 PEIFER.
IS lie eby given, that letters loUinenla. v have
th t day, (Man h Ut. 1843.) lie. n granted 1 1 the
KitUcitlH-r, in the Us' will and leal anient of 'bri
ll in ll plllnn. dee'd., late of Augiihla township.
A I pera ii a therefoie. indebted to said Caiate, aie required to call and make p yuwnt.and all
peikont having claims agaiiikl the tame, are likewise
rtajuiisd lo preselil ihtm for settlement.
Punburj, Mtrch 11, 1843. 6l . Exeutar.
11 Mill sjjgg-gHBBW .
PHE tuhsciihe.a, having entered into a partner-
shin in the practire of the law. will be happy
lo attend to all but'iiesa entrusted to their rtre.
Collertion will be promptly attended to.
They may always be found at their office. In
Market street, Sunbury, formerly occupied by
va' n . .i. i . '
. - ill. jl , n ni v, u.. n - n nvuin.
Sunbury, Feb. 4th, 1843. 6m.
ciiaiii.i: ri.i;AsATs,
HAS removed bis office to the front room nf
the bnck hnue, formerly known as Smith's
Tavern, nn Ihe south west corner of the enuare on
Matkel alreet. Business entrusted to his care, in
this county, and in the ciuntiee of Union, Cntum
bia and Lvcnming, will receive prompt attention.
Huuhury, Feb. 4, 1843 41.
lathe fVsiirt ef Common I'trat of .Virfiiim.
bcrland County, W. 13,.i;r Tirm,
Su-rm Woodley, by her next )
friend, Charles eaver, 3 Plurtus Subpoena
m. for Divorce,
Jacob Wo dley S
'PHI, said defendant is hereby reqiiind, to be
and a; tie it bt fine the Judaea of the Court of
Cutiimon Pleas nf Norihumbcrl md county, at a
Court of Common Pleas to Ic held at Sunhurv. on
the lirsi Monday in April next, lo answer the com
plaint of the said Susan.
Sheriff'.-. Office, ?
Sunbury, March 4, 1843. $ 4t
A Tuimery lor Kent.
rHE Tannery , fixtures, arid tools, in this place,
bcloneing lo the estate of Naac Ziegb r, d. c'd.,
now in p isaea-ton ot Uucher At r rv, will be rented
for a term of years, on reisonanle terms. Po-te.
sion given on the 1st day of April next. Apply
to H B, MASS EH.
Sunbury, Feb. 4, 18 13.
VERY RESPECTFULLY bea leave to in
form his eti-tomers and the public generally,
that he still continues the
in all ita various brandies, in the shop, neaily op-
ioite ih Buck Tavern, formerly oceupnd by
H.-nry Haas and himself, under the firm of Haas
Sc Driickpmiller, which firm h ie len mutually die-
ve.l. H hopes, by hi long experience in the
above hiisineas, and strict attention thetelo, to ren-
er cceral sitisfaetion, an J receive a liberal share
of pu'.ltc pstronage.
Sun'.urv, Ocioir 15th, 1S12. 6m.
General Stage Office,)
ISM!: CC2 "TSkT 9
rilHE Wub-criher respectfully informs his friends
I arid the public in general, that ho has taken
tlie above
:-: o t e l,
IN THE B O R O 1? C5 II O F M V N C Y,
and that he U now well prepared to accommodate
al1 who may favor h ni with their custom.
His 8lki.pi :u ArsHTkXTt are well aired, and
con Tillable.
Ilii Tinir tvn Bab wilt a'ways be suttplitd
with the IicmI the market can stlord.
His Staslivo, which is good, will be under
I' e charge of good and careful hostlers.
He f el confident, bv strict attention to business
and an earnest desirei to render c mfortable those
who may patroniie him,ihol he will not fiiltogive
general saiiifaetlon. H. B. LA Ell
Muncy, Oct. 1st, 1813 tf.
r. J. W . I'cal begs leave to tender his grate
ful at knowledgments to the people of Suiibuty
and sutrounding country, foi then past encourage
ment in ihe line of his profession ; and would at
the same time announce to them, that he still in
lends to continue the prsetice of medicine in all ita
various d. partments. He would, therefore, solicit
a continuance of their confidence and patronage
He may be tound at all times at bia oliice, in mar
ket street, unless professionally engaged.
Sunbury, Oct. 1st, 1843 tf.
Dr. 1. T. Trllrsl, Respectfully Informs the
citizens of uubuiy and vieiniiy, that he has ta
ken an u Dice in the building Intely occupied by Pete
Lazarus as a drug store, in market alieel, Su bury
where h- may be found at all hours, unless proles
kioniillv encased.
DR. TRITES returns his sincere thanks for rh
encouragement he has tec. iied, in the line of Ins
profei-siun, ill thia place, ami Hu t', by prompt si
lent mi lo the duties nf hi prolesslon. and rea-un-able
chatgea, that he will continue to receive a
liberal .hare of ihe public patronage,
Sunbury, Oct. !t, 1H43. tf.
RESPECTFl'LLY informs the public that he
has made Nortliiiinbertau.l his petnisiieut
pla.-e of lesi.lenee, and t. ready lo attend lo any
c ill in Ihe line of hi- profession.
July 3, 1813. ly.
I r.sPECTFFLLY inf .ims hi frienJs aud the
Jk j.ubbo geneislly, thai he has (uiiiiueuod the
Tailoring II n i n e a s ,
in all its bia ir! e, ill the hou-e foimerly uccupitd
by W in. Durst a a Tailor hnp, in lllatkberry
street, nearly oppomte the Pr. sbyieriaiv Church.
He n specially solicits a ahaie of Ihe public pilron
age, and liu.ta by strut attention to buaine-a and
reasonable cl.a'ges, he will be enablt j to give en
eral .atihtsc ion,
Sunbuty, June I8lh, 1813 ly
" Kres'i suppy of ROSE OINTMENT, leeeived
2V .,,d for sale by U. B. MA8SER.
Nov. 1 0th. I842J
rniLADELrniA, reading and pottsviur
Will commence running bettcrcn Philudi ljhia
and I'olltville on the following day
and houtt :
Orr tn AtTsa Mosnsr, Mst 9, 1813.
Leaving Potisville, on Mondays, Wednesdays
and Fridays, at P A. M.
Leaving Philadelphia, on Tuesdays, Thursday
and Saturdays, at lj P. M.
Hour ef pasting Reading.
ror rtiilailelphia, at 10 A. M.
For PoUaville, at 6J P. M.
.f R Ji..
Between Potisville tc Philada. A f3,5(
Between Reading Sc do. S,25 A 1,75
Between do A Pot'aville, 1,40 A 1,00
Between Pultsville A Philadelphia, f 5 00
Between Reading A do. 3 00
Between do. A Potisville, S 00
The other passenger traina will aa before, tt
the following hours :
Philadelphia and Potlrrille.
From Philadelphia, tt 6$ A.M. 5 n i
From Pott-vthV, at 3 P. M. J U,,ljr
Hour of paming Readirig.
For Pottsvilie, at A. M."? n .
For Philadelphia, at 3$ P.M. $ 1""jr'
All the trains will stop for way passengers al
the usual points.
rXj" All passengers nre requested to procura
Iheir tickets before tbe trains start.
May 31, 1842.lf.
- . i. i j i jjjas i '
To Country
'"PIIK Subscriber, Agent of Lyon A Harris, Hat
Manufaclurcre, for New York, Philadelphia,
Baltimore and other large cities, whoso Hats are
highly commended for good tnltti and durability.
has on hand a lir-l rate assortment of HA I 8 and
'APS, suitable for Spring sales, which will be sold
very low, fo cash or appioved credit, al the nrted
cheap store. No. 40, North Third atru-t, oppisi'e
the City Hotel, riulaJelphia.
N. B. Orders for Hats in the roup h, promptly
attended to, Ths highest price in tash ot trade
given fjr Fur ikin.
PbiUdelphis, June II, 1812.--ly
VI. I, peisons indi bled to tbe firm of Lynn St
Hair k, under tbe ngency nf O. S. Tharher,
Hat and Cap Manufacturers, No. 40 North Third,
street, Philadelphia, are requested to make immedi
ate nmhmciit of th ir a. counts with the subscriber,
their legally authorised ocent,who ia fully empow.
eicd to siitle and collect tbe accounts of said firm.
June 4th, 1813. If gruf.
et n n" ni3 a superior to ay
OHN A HENRY LANDAU, having rente J
tj? the Lime Kilns uf Henry Masscr, in iSunbuty,
have now for snle the best Lime in this part of ihe
country, and will continue to keep constantly on
hand tresli lame fur Plastering, Uutlding and for
Liming land, on as rea.-onahle terms as cull be had
anywhere in the neighboihood.
May 21. 1843. J. A If. LANDAU.
Corner of Third and Vine Streets,
rilHE subscriber resectfully announcra to the
X public, that he has opened a Hotel in the com
modious brick building situate on the coiner uf
'Child and Pine streets, where he will be happy to
wait npon those who may favor him with Iheir
company. The Eagle Hotel ia large and conveni
ent, and furnished in the le-t modem style. It ia
provided with a large number of well aired and
comfortable sleeping apartments, rooms, private
parlors, Ac. Persons visiting Williamsport on bu
siness or pleasure, may rest ss-ured that every ex.
ertion will be used to render their sojourn at the
"Eagle Hotel" pleasant and agreeable. Hie Tahiti
will lie supplied with the very brat the market af
fords, and his bar with the choicest wines and other
liquors charges re.aotiable. The Eagle Hotel
possesses greater advantages in point of location
than any other similar establishment in the borough,
being situate in the business part of the town, and
within a convenient dislsnce of the Court House
and Williamsport and Elmira Rail Road Depot.
Sufficient Stabling provided, and good and trusty
ostlers always in attendance.
Attentive, accommodating and bone-t Servants
have been riPlo)ed, and nothing lift undone that
will add to the comfort and sccommodstion of his
There will tie a carriage always in attendance at
the Boat Landing to convey passengers to and front
the House, free of charge.
May 14th. 1843.
Wl. HEILlvC.lT & CO.,
Commission & Forwarding Merchants,
Euot of Willow Street Rail Road,
HA VINO associated wi h them Joseph Barnet
Isle of Eaatoti, Pa., respectfully inform thw
friends and the public generally, that they have ta
kt n that large and well known store and wharf a
foot i f Willow Street Railroad, lately occupied b
Jacob Martin, where they purpose doing a Cent-is
t 'oniu.i-ion and Forwarding Business, and fon
the local advantage of the place being connecle
wiih nil the public improvements that have thei
outlet in the city, they flatter theuiscl vet they wi
h- able to do business lo as great, if not greater ad
vantage, and Uon aa reasonable terms aa any olhr
house, and they aasute their friends that any cor
a;gr incuts made to ihrm shall have their atrict at
tentinii, and no exertions spared to give entile satir
They are alao prepared to receive and forwar
goods to any point on the Delaware and Lehig
river-, between Mauch Chunk, Easton and Phih
iU l his, via Delaware Division and Lehigh Canal,
also, to anv oint on the Juniata riyer, or Nort
and Wt el Blanches of the Susquehanna ja 8chuy
kill and Union, or tho Chesapeake and Tide Wub
Ciinls. -
For the accommodation of Boats coming or g
ing via Schuylkill snd Union Canals, a SieamUo.
will ha kept eipreaJy for towing busts from tl
Bchuvlklll around to Ihe Delaware and back, wbic
will en .ble nieicbanta to have their produce del
teied mi the Delaware, and their goods shipped
a saving ol 60 to 7 5 per cent, on the pricea f
hauling scto-s, with these advantages they r
spictfully solicit share of patrnnace.
William Heilman, )
William W. Keyset,
Joseph Barnst. 3 T1 A'T U, 184$,